#That's okay though
uselessmicrowave · 8 months
Transformers: Prime Smokescreen angst? Perhaps he hates lightning or thunder, and his little human friend (AKA the reader) has to comfort him. Just a shorter request, hope you have a nice day/night.
He flinches at the loud sound from outside the base, pressing himself further into the corner of his habsuite. Coolant has been running down his faceplates, making energon colored tear tracks, from his optics to his chin. He wishes he could've had one of the habsuites closer to the middle of the base, like next to Ratchet's, hell, he'd recharge in the medbay if Ratchet would let him.
You knew Smokescreen didn't like thunderstorms. You wish he would be able to sleep through them, but he would be woken up if you even stepped into his room while he was recharging.
Much to his surprise, you poke your head in through the big door.
"Smoky?" you call out, scanning his room and spotting him in the corner. You walk over to him, rubbing the plating on his calf comfortingly. "You'll be okay. It can't hurt you."
"I know." Smokescreen manages to shakily whimper out, cupping you in his servo and pulling you up to his chest, holding you over his spark. Poor thing, so scared, tugged away from the quiet and comfort of clear weather much too soon. He wished that the world wouldn't make such loud noises.
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missmamibee · 3 months
got sick again. 4th time in two months that I've had a respiratory infection. I also partially dislocated my knee yesterday. went to the doctor and got some steroids but I don't think it's going to help me much
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inv3ga · 3 months
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Okay, first off. I hate it.
But here's what I'm thinking of doing to fix it. ● 4mm green beads instead of 6mm. The 6mm is too much, it needs to just be an accent.
● darker/solid 6mm red beads instead of red and white swirl. I thought having solid dark red beads might be too much and throw it off, but I'm thinking that actually...
● I need to just get rid of the dark blue beads altogether??? I don't think there's enough of it in the artwork to justify having them, and they're super distracting. Possibly 4mm beads???
While I'm going to stick to the glass beads for this prototype, I think in the future I might revisit it because I'm really feeling rose quartz, garnet, and possibly blue aventurine for this...
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randompolykin · 5 months
i just want to be a vampire walking around the city at 2 am, maybe getting a pomegranate smoothie from McDonald's and watching the zombies rise out of the ground at the graveyard, slurping loudly to annoy the grieving humans, giggling with my ghost friends.
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patejaminq · 2 months
Turned out that i feel smells only with one nostril and not very well. Damn corona
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thecryptidwizard · 2 years
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practicing on drawing Reuben’s body tyyppeee!! whoo whoo!!!
plus a lil meme that i thought fit the trio of goofs 🥺 👉 👈!!
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crownedinmarigolds · 6 months
I slept in and missed my daughter's school breakfast time yesterday because I had stayed up so late so I'm making myself get to bed BEFORE 1 am (barely) today so I don't do it again. T_T Got my work OT done for now so at least there's that!
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hamthezombie · 4 months
I wish my friends and I had more free time + energy. Some weekends we have to choose between our TTRPG game or doing other stuff, and I just wish we could all do everything we want while still having the time/energy to catch up every week :(
I love my friends and I want them to do all the things they want to do. But I miss them as well.
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sliceofhotsoda · 2 years
Kageyama probably lotioned his hands religiously, ‘cause smooth skin laid across every centimeter the eye could see. Shoyou’s skin was patchy and rough in places from the weather, but Kageyama’s was like eggs and milk and butter all whisked together. And he realized that it smelled like it, too. Kageyama’s hands were the scent of waiting for cookies to cool. Waiting. Kageyama had gotten weirdly good at waiting. In the bitter winter, Kageyama had still been forming his hands with love. Shoyou was stunned at his own thoughts.
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apoptoses · 2 years
Last Line Tag!
Tagged by @desertfangs
Rules: Share the last line of something you're working on or an art/project WIP
I hate seeing one sentence of my work out of context so here’s a few lines instead lol This is set post PL.
“Turn over, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. That was new. No one had ever called Armand that particular name.
Daniel had turned off all the lights in the room but one. When Armand looked up at him from his back it glowed behind him like a halo. He didn’t take his eyes off Daniel when his hands tugged at the hem of his shirt, or when he lifted his hips to let him pull down his jeans. Two quick tugs at his socks and Armand was laid bare before him, heart in his throat as Daniel slotted his fingers into the spaces between his ribs. 
“Are you nervous now?” Armand asked.
“No. Not really,” Daniel said softly. “I think I’ve missed you so much I can’t be bothered to be nervous.”
Tagging: @rainbowcarousels (for when you feel better! ♥)
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bad0mens · 6 months
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koreposion · 1 year
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🍫 I need some money to buy candy bars🍫
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kozidraws · 1 year
Instagram is interesting because when I post art there after a hiatus I lose quite a lot of followers 😂
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photmath · 2 years
watching PSG’s game right now and sergio ramos just looks sooooo [censored] with this haircut
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Logging out of everything for awhile. Maybe a day, maybe a week. Will decide when I want to come back.
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Happy <5 Months till Sonic 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉^^
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