#The Amongus is to adorable
karimelthefloof · 8 months
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violetganache42 · 7 months
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE✨
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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renagaderex · 2 years
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Decided to go ahead and start posting here as well-
So as a start here’s my OC dinosaur baby, Fafnir, cosplaying as an Among Us Crewmate!
Got real heavy into Rodamrix’s Among Us series (seriously watch on YouTube) and got major juiced up. Didn’t take long for my tastes to blend with my fandoms and out this came.
Hekkin cute. Even if Rex is a lil sus
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leonelmolinari · 1 year
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Pink the babysitter, she's really good dealing with children
(not the one from fnf i just like her design, check my other posts for context)
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apollo-zero-one · 1 year
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I know the amongus babies trend is probably dead but my little sister just made a hoard of amongus out of clay and they are adorable. She is making little tasks and an emergency button for them too. She is adding enrichment to their enclosure (the clay box)
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theycallmeazalea · 3 months
The way you draw this creature is the reason why i live and got inspired to draw it, also amongus
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This is what i used as a inspo btw
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Anyways, for my gratitude of drawing the infamous mini Nezha’s, I present to you…
These thing!
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You can have them :)
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venice-1987 · 1 month
I absolutely adore the duality of the dragon prince, cause on one hand, it really demonstrates how it is a kids show (fart jokes, flossing jokes, amongus jokes) but on the other hand, it really demonstrates how it isn't a kids show (the entirety of season 6)
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ghostlee · 4 months
That is adorable omg
My brain is going to be filled with this among us idea now send help dusjdiajxjsk
Here’s another idea to fill your head rent free.
Tickle Monster
Hermitcraft x Amongus Adaptation
Words: 1,335
Etho made his way down the hall towards O2 as fast as his legs could carry him, his boots making a quick *tak tak tak tak* sound on the metal flooring of the spaceship as he ran.
There was a blaring alarm sounding out over the whole intercom system of the ship and he had a sensor on his arm that was vibrating every few seconds and lighting up with a brilliant flashing red hue.
He was mere feet from the O2 Panel as he came skidding to a stop and started to push in the code to fix the O2 system, damn someone was really trying to kill them.
The second Etho typed in the last number and hit enter he heard a small hissing noise as the O2 started to flow back out of piping.
The white haired man was soon greeted with the comforting ambiance of the ships engines as the alarms stopped.
He reached up to push the release on his helmet and folded it back so he could breathe fresh air.
Sighing and looking out the door to his right he saw the corridor he had just run in from. Suddenly another sound invaded his ears as he heard a creaking noise with a metal slam shortly after it.
Tilting his head in confusion he took a step forward out into the hallway again. There was a faint blueish green glow that illuminated Etho from behind as he took in silence waiting for more noise to make itself heard.
Soon slow footsteps could be heard creeping their way down the hall around the corner.
Etho suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach triggering a fight or flight response as he felt something was off about the footsteps.
Not wanting to make his presence known he quietly took a step back into the O2 room and pressed his back against the wall facing away from the hallway.
The footsteps approached agonizingly as Etho covered his mouth with his hand to quiet down his quickening breathing.
And then the footsteps stopped, came to an abrupt halt as everything stood in a standstill for what felt like an eternity.
All at once Etho was plunged into darkness as the LEDs over his head went out with a soft click. Only the dim greenish blue panels of the radar disks lighting up the ceiling casting just enough light over the room to make ethos heart start beating faster due to the eerie vibe of the now dark room.
Another few seconds went by when Etho heard another few taks of footsteps on the flooring as they got closer.
Suddenly Etho felt a clawed hand grab onto the sleeve of his space suit and pull him towards its chest as he let out an undignified yelp and his body kicked into immediate flight mode as he started trying to squirm and get away from whatever grabbed onto him.
The monster although scary, gently managed to get Etho on the ground as the boy flailed unable to see much as he kicked and thrashed. “P-Please!! Don’t do this!” Etho started to plea as he felt his heart start beating.
What Etho didn’t expect however was to feel a scritching sensation around his torso. Etho felt giggles start bubbling up as he covered his mouth, his mind now in this weird crossroad, unsure if he was in danger or not.
As Etho felt more and more prodding and poking into his sides he started to relax more and let his eyes trail down to the clawed hand that seemed to be testing the waters on Etho. “W-What are you doing?” Etho asked as the monster used its claw to start squeezing his sides quickly but gently as Ethos back arched and he let out a small strangled bark of a laugh and reached his hand out to grab onto the clawed hand.
The monster stopped for a second before pulling the hand back away from Ethos torso and reaching up to push the release on his helmet too.
“Impulse?!” Etho could barely make out the boys face as he let out a sigh, “dude you scared me half to death!! What were you thinking!!?” Etho cried out happy that it was someone he recognized.
Thats when it clicked in Ethos head as he looked back down at the clawed hand and then back up to Impulses face who smiled gently before showing his monster like teeth to Etho.
“YOU-YOU’RE AN IMPOSTER!!” Etho yelled as he started trying to worm his way out again.
“Shhhhh!! Shhh! I’m not gonna kill you!” Impulse said as he laughed and placed his large clawed hand down next to Ethos shoulder effectively trapping the boy on his back below him.
“I just want the other crewmates to know what could happen-“ Impulse said with a hint of devious charm in his voice.
“What could hap-“ Etho questioned but was suddenly cut off when impulse sat down on Ethos waist and started to scribble his claws all over Ethos stomach.
“WhahahhAHAHAIT!! N-Nohohohohoh!” Etho started giggling as he squirmed around under impulse.
Etho reflexively reached his hands out to grab onto impulses hands as he tried to pull the claws away from his tummy.
Impulse seized the opportunity and grabbed hold of ethos wrists and used his impostor abilities to expose a second pair of arms.
Reaching up he pinned Ethos hands above his head and used the other new set of clawed hands to squeeze quickly at Ethos sides feeling the boy arch his back repeatedly into his hands again and again.
“IMPUHAHAHAHLASE NOHAHAHAHAAT THEHEHEHERE!” Etho screeched when he felt the claws wiggle over his ribs. Even while the spacesuit could protect his body, it seemingly did nothing to dull the tickling on his torso.
Impulse dragged his fingers down to ethos hip bones to dig his thumbs gently into the little spaces as Etho threw his head back and his laughter became a bit more hysterical.
“NAHAHAHAHAH IMPULSEHEHEHEH!!” Etho screamed as he pulled desperately at his arms.
“I wonder if you can feel raspberries through the space suit?” Impulse nonchalantly asked as if the boy he was destroying with tickles wasn’t right below him at his mercy.
“N-NOHAHAHAH DONOHONT!” Etho yelped as he felt impulses hands latch onto his sides and pull his stomach up towards him by a few inches making Ethos back arch.
Impulse took in a big breath of air as he blew a long raspberry right on Ethos tummy, and even though the space suit Etho could feel the vibration as he screeched and kicked his feet uselessly feeling his boots tak against the flooring again.
Impulse grinned and released Ethos arms as they quickly shot down to protect his stomach.
Taking a second to stand back up, impulse backed up for a second before crouching back down and giving Etho a moment to catch his breath as he watched the boys legs come up to his chest and the giggles died down.
“T-Thahahat was evil!!” Etho yelled with a smile on his face.
“Yeah sorta, impostor duties.” Impulse said as he stood back up and held out his hand letting Etho grab it so he could pull the boy back to his feet.
“Don’t tell a soul, otherwise Mr.TickleMonster will be back, Capeesh?” Impulse grinned as he flashed Etho a smile and clicked his helmet on before holding up a hand a waving goodbye as he walked out of the O2 room and rounded the corner leaving Etho completely flabbergasted.
Etho rubbed a hand over his stomach to get the rest of the phantom tickles away as he fought to keep the stupid grin off his face, thank god he wore a mask otherwise he’d have to go around lookin like a kid in a candy store after that onslaught for awhile.
“Well I know who to stay away from.” Etho laughed as he started his trek back down the hall in the opposite direction that impulse went in.
I literally just wrote this all as soon as I saw this ask come in so sorry if it’s badly written.
But I hope you enjoyed your little dose of Lee!Etho
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little-guy-polls · 3 months
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He's so small and adorable but very strong and also very silly and slightly gremlin-like seeing as he proudly eats ice cream off the floor, but he also kills several gods so I forgive him and think he should be allowed to do whatever he wants
It's literally a rock amongus
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c-53 · 9 months
im sooooo glad we have a purely cooperative game thats at a similar level of universal adoration as amongus, because god does the constant scrutiny and doubt of your friends you get in amongus stress me the fuck out
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 104
Fucking hell ... right away, then ... AmongUs has happened ... I mean I know Ahsley's gonna be one of the vices in the new show, but still ... aha ... so THAT'S what this is about ... yes, that's right ... that's not Travis ... Matt: "What is happening?" Wow ... that's a lot of impostors ... having trouble there, Liam? Oh, it's not Liam ... looks like Tal was the only real one here ... and Marisha was in on this? Hmmmm ... yeah, Matt is not amused ...
Aha, so they're all back now ... that's more like it ... and that's a NICE HAT, Robbie ...
The Healing Party? Cute ... Marisha: "What's Jester doing on there?" Ooooooooh ... do you need some ICE FOR THAT BURN, miss?
Yeah! That's right! Delilah is now OUT OF THE PICTURE!!! Yeah ... sweet! I can't wait to see how VM might react to that news ...
Oh yeah! Grog! And Pike! So cool ...
Yes ... awkward ... yeah ... hmmmm ...
Oh, here we go ... it's the general standard chaotic disorder when you bring these many disparate authorities together to try and make them PARTICIPATE for the common good ...
History check? Already? Hmmm ... Galtheid of the Ember Vigil? Right ... sounds fancy ...
Ah, bureaucracy ... even in the middle of a war is can always be relied upon to gum up the works ...
Wow ... way to drop a bombshell on the gathering there, Ashton ... O.O
Yes! Go off, Keyleth. Get these asshats into some semblance of order ... oh nice ... oooooh, that's so cool ... water magic Return of the Jedi strategy projection ... nice ...
A fortress? Seriously? That's just CHARMING ...
J'Mon Sa'Ord? Sweet!
Hey! Those people are just as cool and normal as the regular folk of Exandria! Cut 'em some slack!
Oh, here we go ... yeah, nice way to big up the Hells ...
Celestials? Really? Interesting ...
Yeah, the Blue Dream. Greenland's kind of another thing ... XD
Ah ... yeah ... here we go ... dropping the BIG bombshell ... the truth about what this is all about ... this won't go down well at all, I'm sure ...
The Holy Curator of the Lawbearer ...
Ashton! Wow ... dial it down a notch, maybe? Sugarcoat the truth a little, at least ...
Braius? Wow ... oh, shit, Persuasion check? Hmmm ... THIRTY?!!! Fuck, man ...
Evoroa! Hey! So nice to see you, little cutie! :3
Fearne's little "WHOOOO!!!" for Evoroa to perk up her spirits is adorable ... XD
Wow ... yeah, she is SOOOOO nervous ... I wanna give her a big hug SO BADLY ...
Laudna sneaks her some water ... Awwwww ... :3 Imogen (in her head): "You did so great, sweetie."
The Cerberus Assembly? BOOOOO!!! Laura: "INSIGHT CHECK!!!" No shit ...
Oh yeah, this guy is a DEUCHE ...
So ... that went well ... kind of ... in a way ... very loosely ...
Awwww ... Kima, we love you! :3
Ah, Vasselheim. So well protected it could almost be called PARANOID ...
Oh yeah ... Vecna ... oh! Hey there, Grog! XD He did that? One on one? Nice ... yeah ... I believe him, totally ...
Wow ... is Fearne actually gonna try and STEAL Grog's Titanstone Gauntlets right now? Oh, I see ... wow ... that's kinda fascinating ...
GROGORY Strongjaw? LOL
PIKE!!! HEY!!! I wanna hug her too ... :3
Vex? Cool ...
Not selling a lot of croissants after the Solstice ... oh yeah ... cute, like Corona tanking during COVID ... Liam: "We don't want your moon bread! Only FREEDOM bread!" XD
Oh wow ... I think Grog and Braius might be friends before too long ... XD
Awwww ... yeah, that's right, Vex doesn't know about FCG's sacrifice ...
That's a good point ... the wind's about to change and they need to get THAT SHIT in order before they start making some moves ... Watch out for the God Squad, definitely ...
And now Chetney's flirting with Vex again ... XD Vex: "Oh darling, even if I WAS single you couldn't afford ,e."
Yeah ... the revelation of Delilah's now permanent imprisonment in Laudna's chest ... this is gonna be SO GOOD ... oh yeah, Vex is LOVING this ... and now she's getting medieval devising PUNISHMENTS for the evil bitch ...
Laudna's looking inwards ... oh boy ... wow, she looks like SHIT ... oh, this is SO GREAT ... empty threats ... Laudna: "Unseasoned beans it is." LOL
Honestly, I think it might have more to do with THE PLACE ITSELF for Keyleth being uncomfortable right now ... given what (or more precisely WHO) she lost here ...
Evoroa's first snow? Awwwwww ... :3
The Birthheart? Wow ... this is beautiful ... and yeah, makes sense Keyleth WOULD like this place ...
Heavy theological talk ... yeah ...
And then how does all this translate to their most pressing needs and the plans they make as a result? Hmmmm ...
Keyleth saying she's been to the Hells ... oh yeah, that DEFINITELY got Braius' attention ... XD
Ashton suggests they go talk to the gods face-to-face ... wow ... THAT'S a ballsy idea ...would that even work?
Yup ... Keyleth and Vax and the Matron of Ravens ... yeah ...
Honestly? Half-cocked is very much how they do things a lot of the time, actually ...
The Vox Machina Big Action Climax! Yeah ...
It does all sound VERY COMPLICATED when Keyleth tries to describe it ... oh wow, this is getting somewhat meta now ...
No. Really, DO NOT mention that name here and now ...
The masive tree ... oh yeah, that's it ... the Birthheart itself ... beautiful ...
The dawn of Exandria ... when the gods were YOUNG ... O.O
Orym! You gonna answer that or what?
Liam: "I will touch the tip." Oh boy ... XD
Careful, gentle ... okay, then ... whoa ... and now he's being ABSORBED BY THE MASSIVE GOD TREE ... O.O
Fuck, he's GONE!!! And THIS is where Mercer decides to take a break! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Wow ... he is IN THE REALM OF THE WILDMOTHER. Like LITERALLY on some weird godly plane ... fuck ...
I'm sorry he is now A TINY MAN OF ROOTS AND LEAVES?!!! Fucking hell that is some trippy shit ...
This is suddenly all very Princess Mononoke ...
Oh hello ... is this her? The goddess herself? Fascinating ...
And here's Asha ... yeah, that makes me smile ... in a dark way ... but I just love my wild predatory lady more, even now ...
He's literally ROOTING HIMSELF intothe ground a little with each step ... it really IS a little like Princess Mononoke ...
So, is Orym, like ... PLEDGING HIMSELF to the Wildmother right now? Is that what this is?
Visions? Oh great ... just what we need ...
And here they ALL ARE now ... okay ... a fallen star? Hmmm ... two gone? What? They're AFRAID ... yeah ...
Wait ... THAT was the imprisonment of Predathos? O.O
A Wisdom save? Shit ... 13? Crap ... and the reroll is WORSE ... OH FUCK!!! Is Orym about to DIE?!!! Nooooooo ...
He's screaming ... of shit ... and the Wildmother's coming to his rescue? Wow ... oh yes, she is SO KIND ...
The Wildmother: "Protect us, for we protect you, and together we protect THIS." Whoa ... O.O
Will? Oh my gods ... oh fuck ... shit, I am not ready for this right now ... damn you both I didn't want to cry right now ...
"Don't live your live in the shadow of mine." FUCK!!!
He's back ... okay ... OF COURSE Fearne is the one to catch him ...
So basically Predathos is like King Ghidorah, then?
Oh yeah ... grab that wood, Chetney! The wee man is SO EXCITED to get his hands on some SERIOUSLY fancy holy wood ... hell yeah ... two pieces, in the Bag ... nice ...
FUCK!!! Seedling has gotten LONGER!!! And it's fancier, too! It's been EXALTED!!! Fuck! It's a VESTIGE!!! A "Relic of the Red Solstice"! SWEET!!! And he gets a card too and everything!
Chetney, you are a massive idiot ... XD
They can stay INSIDE THE TREE?!!! You're clowning me. I sense clowns ...
Oh yeah, Evoroa is just having the most FASCINATING experience here ... I love it ... :3
This place is literally a piece of LIVING ARCHITECTURE ... this place would be like a dream come true ...
Sleep would be VERY SMART ...
Yes. Alcohol. That's the ticket too ...
Chetney's carving MASTERPIECES right now with a 21 Dex check ...
Wait ... attacking from the Ruidian side as opposed to the Exandrian? That's a smart way to go ... take the back door they found in the cave ... hmmmm ...
Good point ... so locking Ruidus in place is slowly BREAKING EXANDRIA ... great ... so whatever they do they HAVE TO destroy the Bridge ...
Ashton: "I've known plenty of artists. They're all fucked up." Braius: "Ahem. I'm pretty normal." Imogen: "Your cup would disagree."
The eternal question, where do you go when you die?
A "double feint"? Orym, I am NOT CONVINCED ...
Bedtime or a quick Scry first?
Braius (to Chetney): "If you would like me to burn you with acid I could." Oh boy ...
Zone of Truth? Really? Hmmmmm ...
Okay, now this is getting saucy ...
Charisma Save or choose to fail ... and half of them CHOOSE to ... okay then ... this'll be interesting ...
Ah ... evasion ... that's one way to go, Braius ...
The bottle lands on IMOGEN ... hmmmmmm ... so she has to kiss Braius? Interesting ... Laura: "You're human faced, right?" Sam: "Yes, but I'm getting a little excited now."
Ashley's spinning ... ooooooh ... it's Chetney? Oh boy. She makes it ALL KINDS of sexy while she does it AND also tries to steal the fancy wood while she's at it ... oh yeah, he is DEFINITELY at a disadvantage ... yeah ... she EASILY beats him ... XD
Dorian's going to ask Laudna a REALLY IMPORTANT question ... hmmmm ... oh shit, that is a SERIOUS question ... I mean Imogen means more to her than ANYTHING ELSE ... and it's a VERY complicated answer ... hmmmm ...
He decides to spin the bottle instead ... and it lands on Chetney? Wow ... this'll be interesting ... that was a UNIQUE moment ...
Dorian: "I thought this was supposed to be fun and games." Laudna: "No-one ever said THIS game was supposed to be fun." Oof ...
IS HE running from his brother's death?
To Cyrus ... YES. Cheers to that indeed ...
Laudna spins the botle ... and it lands on ORYM?!!! Weird ... roll Performance, then ... they both roll REALLY BADLY ... much as I would expect ... it's just AWKWARD ... yeah ...
Ashton empties his botle, follows Fearn and points it at her ... oh, okay ... this is DEFINITELY going to be interesting ...
Oh yeah, he just GOES FOR IT ... they're BOTH going at it ... and he's picking her pockets at the same time ... and he wins ... something random? Okay ... a little spoon? Cute ... Who's "T.J."?
Now they're just MAKING OUT with no repurcussions ... and this is EXACTLY what we've been waiting on for SOOOOO FUCKING LONG ... FINALLY ...
SAMUEL ... how could you? We're so scandalized ...
Fearne gives the wood back to Chetney while he sleeps? Awwwwww ...
Morning comes ... Chetney's still alive ...
Okay ... making their way to the Trialforge, then ...
So they were just getting started, that's good. Not really late then ...
The glass? Oh yeah ... that stuff is COOL ...
The Hallowed Cage ... hmmm ...
The Sunder KIng, Ozo Kruth ... and the Weave Mind ... yeah ...
The Globe! Yeah!
Chetney, you dumbass ... XD
Whoa ... Fearne gets SERIOUS ... you really are FEARLESS, girl ... I swear I love it ...
Yeah, the portal ... or "The Backdoor" as Chet calls it ...
"A few old legends"? Oh boy ... who else is Keyleth gonna call on? How geekgasmic is this gonna get?
Groon is so awesome ... the man is a VIBE ...
Big risk, big reward ... yeah ...
The Luxon, yeah ... of course the Bright Queen doesn't have the slightest clue what (or who) is sat a few feet away from her ... that's kind of fascinating ...
Ashton burns a Rage ... oh my ... oh yeah, that is DEFINITELY the response I expected ...
So they're committed then ... now we just have to see if everybody else goes for it too ...
Making a date to talk to a god ... hmmmm ...
Wait ... what? What the hell is THIS?!!! Imogen's back in the dream? But it's DIFFERENT ... it's her mother! Okay ... is this a good thing or REALLY BAD?!!!
THAT'S where he's gonna end it? Fuck! That's like some cliffhanger shit right there ...
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wimpy-imp · 7 months
furmeet day! it was sunny and there were a lot of people and suits i hadn't seen for a while. it was really fun :3
and @swiiim did another adorable doodle of my guy :33 (art trade badge i did in the background lol)
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and then there's my collection of lil shit the amongus getting vored.
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echolocati0n-art · 1 year
More c!puffychu headcanons (theyre called headcanons because i need my head examined)
puffy sometimes grows a beard because sheep genetics and niki thinks its very cute albiet a bit scratchy
puffy bleets when shes surprised and niki will switch to german when shes angry or tired, they find eachother extremely adorable
nikis love language is words of affirmation and puffys love language is quality time
in my head, the dsmp ended with clingyduo successfully killing drm forever, and niki finds puffy before all the egg stuff and everything gets resolved yayy happy ending anyway
puffychu pirate adventures
niki gets seasick sometimes but she has a hell of a voice for shanties and loves the view (her girlfriend working on the deck in just a t shirt because its hot out)
puffy has a very high alcohol tolerance because shes a pirate whilst niki has a very low tolerance because she hasnt built it up yet
niki will drunkenly switch to german sometimes and puffy only knows a few words (shes learning) and gets very confused
(im not bilingual idk how this works please dont make fun of me)
also it would be cool,,. pirate smp puffys eyes are red and she got defensive when it was brought up... imagine c puffys eyes are stuck red after all of the egg stuff and theyre the same character except a few years apart
i dont want to associate the pirates smp with the dsmp but can you imagine
ANYWAY im rambling now
nikis birthday is today (august 6th and no not the ccs) and she didnt expect anyone to show up except puffy and maybe jack but puffy made SURE many people showed up (quackity and wilbur are banned from her birthday party this year after the 2020 fiasco)
the syndicate came, all with different presents, some of phils crows have picked up shiny things for niki and put those things on the presents table
clingyduo, jack, fundy, and hbomb show up as well
they all play games like jackbox and amongus and then niki opens her gifts and everyone has an amazing time
puffy gifts niki some weighted blankets to make sleeping easier, but the biggest gift comes in the form of a new cottage right above her city in the flower fields, so she can always retreat to the cave and work on the city, but she always has a home aboveground as well, niki absolutely adores it and when she feels ready, theres a huge kitchen space for her to start baking
puffy moves in later :)
it also came insured (aka if anyone fucked with it they would take all 3 canon lives, they gave a side eye to tommy who just whistled and acted like he didnt notice it)
puffy constantly gives forehead kisses because niki is small, niki will sometimes grab a horn, pull her down, and get her back with a kiss on the cheek in return
they are both huge blushers they will turn tomato red at any affection ever
niki stays up sometimes to make sure puffy gets to sleep okay (paranoia makes it hard) but when puffy wakes up she will stay up for a few mins to make sure niki is sleeping okay (night terror having gfs <\3)
niki snores very loud and talks in her sleep and puffy thinks is so silly
i am tired and thats all i have for now but i hope you enjoyed <3
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thettrpgtournament · 1 year
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Aurora Byford (by @scattereda for Monster of the Week)
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(art by @rosenkranz-does-things)
Aurora is 50's america's most normalest woman who's definitely not actually a changeling eating people in the woods. She was having a great time amongus-ing the group of monster hunters she joined to stay under the radar until the world's worst man dragged her to the moon with him (which will hopefully be exploding very shortly)
Lord Tye (by @bitchyfog for Hollyhock)
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(art by @reactorc0re)
Imagine the highest and mightiest elf royalty stereotype. Proud, haughty, obsessed with power and influence, attitude for days, bedecked in fine clothes and jewels. Now imagine all of that stuffed into an adorable three foot tall beanie-baby looking creature.
That's Lord Tye. An Aristocrat Guide of the Winter Court, they attend a fairy festival as an honored guest (according to them) to throw their power and influence around to try and stop a rival noble from laying claim to a small, insignificant territory for curious secret reasons. They will bribe, wheedle, and trade secrets and favors to get their way while being absolutely insufferably full of themself the entire time. Just don't ask them their true name!
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sinkableruby · 4 days
in this in-character amongus game luffy kills right in front of marco and marco's immediately like "this one was me guys, i did it." everyone else also does the exact same thing. luffy spends the whole round laughing adorably. everyone wants him to win
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llondonfog · 2 years
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the gang playing amongus
the worst part about this is the accuracy of silver playing a video game and getting distracted by his woodland friends—
LOOK I just really get such joy out of all the artwork and heartfelt drabbles of the Diasomnia family playing video/board games together, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!
like I absolutely adore the fact that the school thinks they're so insular and spooky, when really it's just a single dad and his three homeschooled boys :')
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