#The Autobots do
witchofthesouls · 2 years
Alright, a continuation of Bayverse Autobots dealing with a rogue human carrier due to the absolute fuckery (as in the noncon body modification and unethical human experimentation) from Sector Seven.
(Needless to say, Optimus makes a good impression. The rest of them? Not so much...)
You’re not exactly sure how to feel about your life at the moment. Just one major upheaval after another. It feels more from like a supernatural or superhero action movie with the subplot of a shadow government agency making people disappear Just Because insert-whatever-plot-revalent-reason-of-ultimate-power… 
In the end, there’s no secret order or great prophecy or hidden school with a twinkling headmaster too full of secrets and too much regrets. Just a human that managed to escape on sheer dumb luck that’s trying lay down low and not get caught.
The accelerated healing seems to either cure your terminal illness or keep it in check, but you’re no Deadpool. Jumping from one fourth-story window is one time too many, and not a thing you wish to repeat if it can be avoided.
Now your life is veering into another direction. A sci-fi one.
One with aliens.
Giant metal titans that can transform in vehicles and what not.
What not also includes the ability to project a physical avatar which is sitting across from you right now as you’re wolfing down the fourth Grand Slam plate. Leo Cullen, the alias, is still nursing his hot chocolate, the lumberjack slam barely touched; whereas Optimus, the real man… mecha, alien, is parked outside.
A boot taps your shoe, you look up to see him smile, dimpled and a bit crooked, as he pushes his plate forward and quickly switches it with your empty one.
You’ve gotten used to the constant low buzz at the back of your neck, but the sudden jolt that sears your spine is a different story.
You stop eating. Fork down and napkin up as you pay attention to the direction.
“Something wrong?”
“I think it’s an eyelash.” The lie comes easily. After all, you and him are both hiding in plain sight for similar reasons. “Hold on.”
The angle of the compact mirror catches a couple half-asleep at their table, and behind them, an older man with greying red hair with glasses. He’s staring at you and a flare lights your nerves on fire.
The table rattles as you push up, the smile feels like a grimace as you say you’re going to the toilet.
The restroom is single users and it suits your needs perfectly. In the reflection, a wan face stares back at you; still thin and sharp from the weight loss and stress still etched on your features. Recovery is an absolute bitch and being on the run gives it a caustic tongue.
Splashing water over your face does little to settle your newfound sparky nerves, and you’re finishing up when there’s a loud click of the door unlocking without your damn permission and it swings open to-
“There you are!” 
The face and body is different, softer with floral wear but the same greying red hair and glasses. You hold your breath and let the static build in your gut. There’s a distant thought that’s amazed by the aliens’ adaptiveness. To have different forms at a blink of an eye? What a skill to have…
They’re saying something but it doesn’t matter. All you need is for them to come closer. Closer.
Cold porcelain digs into your lower back as you wait for the door to finally settle, and finally-
You have no idea who’s more surprised when they disintegrate in an electric rain as you dig your hands into them. The gold chains and rings around your palms and fingers aren’t to just look pretty.
The dryer sputters in a slow death and soap dispenser sparks, drooling out all of its contents. Only the toilet and sink escaped due to the lack of sensors. Lucky them that you’re getting better at that trick. You once shorted out half a block -signs, posts, and even the cars, nothing was left unaffected- to escape in the dark streets.
It does leave you off-kilter: bodily disconnected, yet hyper-aware of all the running currents.
Leo’s outside the door, and you force your shaking, wet hands to smooth out the static in your hair, patting them dry with your clothes. (A small, distant part of yourself jokes about matching Leo’s greying side streaks should you ever return to your original hair.)
There’s concern on his face and he says something but you honestly want to go back to bed. Just sleep it off for awhile.
He pulls you close and hot air hits your wet face. Sun beating overhead and you drag your feet to disperse the extra charge, teeth hurting whenever a radio is changed.
Leo makes no comment when you kick up dust, but he hum in a strange singsong and unrecognizable tune that bleeds out the itch under your skin.
Besides the weirdly green ambulance in the far corner, there’s a hummer and a sports car nearby giving you the same sharp sense of jittery awareness. And unlike the ambulance who’s avatar you knocked out, those two weren’t muted and had their attention on you.
Static numbs your clenched fingers and your spine buzzes as you and Leo pass them. You're tense. Absolutely ready to bolt away, and if it wasn't for the arm around your shoulders and the calming presence exuded by Leo, you're pretty sure you would have taken your chances to run into traffic. 
The lizard part of your brain is still screaming to try: Don’t turn your back!
A bizarre sensation of cool water slides down your neck and you shiver as it spreads down your back, like a huge icy-hot pack and a massage as it rolls and digs into your muscles, unknotting them, playfully tapping each individual knobs of your spine. 
It’s enough to shove the overwhelming urge to run to back of your head. Enough to realize that you need to breathe and had a death grip on Leo’s clothes. Leather and flannel twisted in your hands, straining the materials even.
In a way, you’re operating on a cross between autopilot and hyperviligance. You know that the Leo/Optimus hybrid is physically guiding you back to him, but your entire focus is tracking the other not-cars. Too many, persists the lizard, what’s stopping them?
You’re suddenly back inside the cab, seatbelts curling and sliding back to its proper place. 
Your life is turning upside-down again, but all you do is stumble to the bed in the back. Too strung out by everything to speak. The mattress shifts and bury your face into the eerily smooth skin of a neck and inhale the mix of tires, metal, and fire. He pulls you over to rest right on top of him and you follow it, soaking his body heat and matching his slow rise of his chest.
Optimus hums, the pitch low, and you realize it’s his whole frame, not just the avatar, that’s gently vibrating in a strangely soothing noise that slowly eases away the harsh tension in your back and unclenches your belly, limbs relaxing as you cling to the other body and broad hands, warm and sure, are resting on your lower back, heat sinking into the sore muscles.
Hunger still nips at your senses, but it’s the exhaustion that drags you down.
The noise drowns out the sharp awareness that’s outside, and somewhere between the easy, slow strokes across your lower back and rocking motions of the drive, you fall asleep.
You’re vaguely aware you’re purring back.
:: Congratulations, Prime, we have a feral carrier in our grasp now. ::
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mfdragon · 8 months
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Hey, y’all remember that time the Autobots huddled up to plan cause they were getting their entire asses beat and Blitzwing just fuckin stood there posin’?
Honestly one of my favourite moments in the show; top three at least! Only Blitzwing would be like “yo FUCK Megatron, I wanna see how hard these bitches can HIT ME!!!”
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devilart2199-aibi · 3 months
Some Autobot Humanformers! :3 ✨️
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driftsart · 11 days
More than meets the eye
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Tiny reminder: I DO NOT ship Blitzbee! Therefore this is NOT Blitzbee art! Blitzwing is like a mentor to bee. :)
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rinirennz · 1 month
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my obsession with jazzprowl continues... here's my second fanart of them
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holographic-mars · 2 months
Mars Collection of Coswave panels
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keferon · 4 months
Oh man….now I know how concept of spark twins works………..
Look at them. I love them
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Also. Perceptor is so epic in this comic it’s . A.
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epicfirestormer · 7 days
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(holds all three in my hands) I just think they're neat
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Lowkey, I think one of my favorite little things about Rescue Bots is how we get to learn a little more about Optimus when he shows up. Like, not war stuff or Orion Pax stuff, but just little things about Optimus.
One of his favorite Earth stories is The Little Engine That Could. Does he read in his spare time and if so, how did he find Little Engine?
He tells Heatwave that he has also been learning from humans. What has he learned? The phrase "Nothing much, double dutch." Who the fuck taught him that? My money's on Miko. Jack would not have the audacity to add that to Prime's vernacular.
He has a motherfuckin' rocket powered car carrier capable of hauling four bots. And since Team Prime had four four-wheelers on the team prior to Darkness Rising, you could reasonably assume that he has used it with Cliff, Bee, Bulk, and Ratch
Optimus knows what a pogo stick is. That isn't anything noteworthy, I just think it's funny.
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huanted-dennys · 1 year
how many times u think noah and mirage practiced that entrence?
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how many times u think they fucked it up?
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murahel · 7 months
I love how Optimus is depicted as this wise (sometimes tormented) competent leader chosen by god Primus to save his planet and people and protect them from DarknessTM-
And then there's Transformers Animated Optimus who becomes world leader basically by accident.
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theomaru · 7 months
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they are doing some spy vs spy shit to eachother
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jazzy-man13 · 7 months
Hello! I like to ask/request, if you have time, could you do the TFP Decepticons and Autobots, of your choice, and with human Reader? Romantic/Platonic
Reader adopts twin sparklings or cybertronian babies, Girl and Boy Twins, and Reader doesn't know what species/race/alien the twins are, yet Reader's raising and loving the twins as their own. Same with the twins and their kinda Mama's kids (?), they're very attached, love, and also very protective of their human parent…
Then One day, they meet them, the Autobots/Decepticons, and that bot/con kinda like or act as parent figure, being co-parent to their adopted sparklings, and also having feelings for the Human reader.
Gn human reader with sparklings encountering TFP autobots/decepticons (pt1?)
Grrr tysm anon for the request, I had a lot of fun with this! I was gonna do hcs with several characters but I got carried away with a Bumblebee scenario- so um yeah here's that. I plan on doing a follow-up at some point with more characters (hcs) for this but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer! Hope that's okay :))
You were out looking for more of the blue substance your twins fed on. It had been a couple days since you ran out, and the twins were getting restless. The girl, which you had named Goldrush, started gnawing on her brother, Darkage. Darkage didn't take to kindly to that, swatting her off of him with a surprised squeak.
You sigh. "What am I gonna do with you two?" You chuckled, waving the twins back over, not wanting them to wander off as they bickered. As you walked off the road and towards a cave that you hoped would have some more, you heard an explosion.
The ground shook, nearly knocking you off of your feet, before you saw a yellow car, followed by 3 purple cars, racing towards you at an incredible speed. With a yelp, you dive out of the way, the twins landing next to you in a pile. "You okay?" You ask, worridly turning to the twins. They nod, with Goldrush looking slightly agitated at Darkage for landing on her.
A dark shadow looms over you as you look up to see one of the purple cars, now having transformed into a tall bot, reaching down to grab you. With a frightened screech, you duck out of the way. The twins rush in front of you, standing only a few feet taller than you are, growling and snarling at the purple mech.
Before it has time to react, a yellow bot slams it in the side of its head, sending it flying out of your view. The yellow bot looks down, noticing you and the twins, and starts beeping as what you could only describe as confused.
You hesitate, not sure if it- he?- is hostile or not. He looks an awful lot like whatever your twins are, but way bigger. You figure he's probably a completely developed version of whatever species Darkage and Goldrush are. He reaches out to you, seemingly offering a hand to help you up. The twins growl at him nervously, waiting for you to make a move.
Unsure of the situation but not wanting to make the twins more anxious, you accept the yellow bot's hand.Once you're standing on your own two feet again, the twins calm down. The yellow bot transforms back into a car, opening the door as an invitation for you to get in. You figure that if he's the same species as Darkage and Goldrush, he'll probably have some of that blue junk you need. You shrug at the twins and get in the car as they latch onto the roof.
A short while later, you end up driving inside of a mountain in the middle of who knows where. "So, uh, where are we, anyways?" You ask, not really expecting a coherent answer from the bot that speaks in beeps. As expected, he beeps a few times before stopping inside of some giant base. He lets you out of the car, and the twins jump off as he transforms again.
"Bumblebee! You're back!" You hear a kid shout excitedly, before seeing a short boy run over. The boy quickly takes notice of you, as does a large white and orange mech. "Bumblebee, you brought another human here?!" They shout in unison. The mech sounding displeased- while the boy sounds thrilled.
"Uh. Hi?" You say nervously, glancing behind the boy to the large, and clearly annoyed, mech. "I-" The white bot pauses, looking behind you to the twins. "Are those... sparklings...?" He questions, looking at you with bewilderment and suspicion. The yellow bot, who you assume is named Bumblebee, now turns to look at you, as if he just realized the twins were there.
"I guess? I don't know." You shrug nonchalantly. "So... are you gonna introduce yourselves or just stare at me?" You questioned teasingly.
"The name's Ratchet, but-" Ratchet gets cut off by the young boy, who eagerly introduces himself. "I'm Rafael! You can just call me Raf- as you probably figured out by now, he's Bumblebee." Raf gestures behind him.
You smile brightly at him. "I'm (y/n), and these two are Darkage and Goldrush." You say, gently grabbing one of each of their hands and leading them closer. Ratchet tries to speak again, but Bumblebee cuts him off with more beeps. "Oh, Bee wants to know if they need energon," Raf tells you, looking at the twins.
"Energon?" You question.
"Yeah, the blue stuff that cybertronians eat." He replies.
"Blue stuff... OH! Yeah, we've been looking for some for a while now. They could really use it." You say, happy to know that you'll be able to feed the twins soon. "By the way, how can you understand Bumblebee?" You look at Raf quizzically. Raf explains to you how Bee communicates through noises while Bumblebee runs off to get some energon for your sparklings.
At this point, Ratchet has given up on trying to talk to you, and is now inspecting the twins for any injuries. Soon, Bumblebee runs back in with an energon cube in each hand. He kneels to the twins' level, and carefully hands one to each of them. Beeping sweetly, he coos at them, before noticing you and the others staring at him. Looking embarrassed, he turns to you and starts rambling about how cute they are.
With Raf's help, you're able to understand him, and the two of you start getting along remarkably well. He goes out of his way to spend time with you and the twins after missions, and he tries to teach the three of you some combat skills, to varying degrees of success.
The twins cling to Bee like glue whenever he's around, riding on his back or grabbing onto his legs, while Bee lets you rest on his shoulder. In Bumblebee's free time, he teaches you and the twins about Cybertron before the war.
As Darkage and Goldrush get older, bigger, and stronger, you and Bee are able to properly train them. With the twins starting to go on missions, Bee takes you out with him so you can supervise your sparklings.
To the cons' surprise and dismay, you and Bee make an incredible power couple/duo on the battlefield, in spite of your small size. The two of you are inseparable, and with your newfound family, you're just about ready to take on anything.
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cuppajj · 2 years
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The megop shippers are gonna go absolutely feral with earthspark megatron and optimus on the same side I tell you
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ultra-phthalo · 9 days
Transformers Commuting
The Transformers have been around since the 1980s. The fandom for these transforming machines still persists to this day. It's now 2024 and the Transformers have celebrated their 40th anniversary! With an accompanying new wave of activity such as movies, an on going series and a new comic book universe on the rise... ------------------------------------------------------------ I'd like to ask if you have seen any vehicles with Decepticon or Autobot logos on the roads. Or even have a vehicle of your own that has either of the opposing Transformer sides. As a fan its been fun to see one of these iconic symbols on the road or in a traffic jam. [Comments are appreciated]
This is probably the best way to gauge the number of icons seen. The bonus is for fun but is still considered a 0 since no icon is seen. I put the choice there cus for the longest time I saw semis with flames but no icons, lmao.
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robots in disguise :)
Cybertronians are masters of disguise, easily able to integrate themselves into most alien societies. Especially ones that consist of other cyber life or heavly plated alien, things cybertronians can easily mimic. When unable to mimic the native life, bots will often take advantage of halo Forms technology, creating a near-perfect solid light replica of the native life. Cybertronians also have the built-in ability to pick up and decode languages just from hearing them. with Their vocalizer being extremely flexible and able to mimic the sound of other species, and if they desire, some can mimic the voices of specific individuals.
Scouts and infiltrators are usually able to figure out how to mimic the native life's behavior and better integrate themselves. Their disguises are often imperfect, but they're usually good enough not to cause any alarm, allowing these cybertronians to integrate themselves into alien societies undetected so they can insert themselves into roles that would give them the most power and influence. This allows Cybertronians to easily take other alien planets/societies out from the inside either to destabilize them so they become non-threat or to convert Their planet into a cybertronian colonies. But if an infiltration is unsuccessful, Cybertron has enough military might they can usually enforce their will on a planet by force, if need be.
During the war, due to Cybertron's unstable state, many Cybertronian colonies were able to break free from Cybertron's control, and many civilizations whose development was purposefully stifled were able to finally Advance without Cybertrons Influence.
Course, an infiltration campaign is not the reason why our little groups of stranded Autobots and Decepticons are stuck on Earth. So, the stranded bots don't have the same tools that an infiltrators might have. On earth, they can not mimic the native life very well, They are too small and often lack any plating, but they can mimic their vehicles and other mechanical devices, but that can only help so much. Neither side Possesses a haloform generator, leaving them reliant on native beings to perform certain tasks for them and help keep their existence hidden. Barely any Bots on either side had been on an alien planet before, and the ones that have only ever really been on Cybertronian colony worlds. But, one of the stranded Autobots is an ex-infiltrator and is more than familiar with dealing with unkown alien worlds. :)
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