#The B(e)ard
mishacollins · 2 months
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As The Bard once said, “To be(ard) or not to be(ard).” The outcome will be decided by your vote.  
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That Walk
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || That walk. That goddamn walk of his that’s laced with [s]ex and confidence. Fuck, you can’t get enough of it.
Word Count || 524
Contents & Warnings || Smut, Fluff — [N]SFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, [e]xplicit content/language, [h]orny thoughts, alluding to [s]exual activities.
Authors Note || My submission for the One-Word Drabble @the-slumberparty My word is “walk”. A little bit of a different style of fic than I usually do, but I enjoyed it! Apologies for no readmore function on this. The gifs above just screws up the text below.
TFATWS!Bucky Masterlist
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You and your boyfriend Bucky planned to meet up in the park today for some coffee, cakes, and adventure.
You were waiting for him on a bench amongst the busy crowd—wearing a summer dress. The sun [k]issed your exposed [s]kin—making you feel warm and relaxed.
That was until you spotted him—and that relaxed exposure turned into need and fantasies.
Oh. My God! That walk. That goddamn walk of his.
The way he walked was Godlike. The kind that had [p]anties and [u]nderwear drop within a mile radius.
Your heart started racing, your mouth [s]alivating, and your [s]kin ignited in delicious tingles as you examined all of him.
Power, confidence, and [d]ominance were evident in his posture, in his every stride, as he walked, trying to locate you.
His arms swung back and forth with each step he took—so much ease in them. His fists balled up at his sides.
His [c]hest was puffed out, and his shoulders were broad as he swayed with each move he took.
His groin tightened against his jeans with each foot he took forward—no secret that he was absolutely packing in those pants.
His mouth remained in a thin line. His eyes narrowed as he searched around for you. His expression made him look rugged and [h]ard—so [s]exy beyond belief.
You had to stifle a whimper as you felt the ache and need in your [p]ussy—[t]hrobbing, [b]egging, yearning for his riveting [t]ouch—[t]ongue, fingers, and [c]ock.
If people weren’t around, you would have snaked your hand into your [p]anties and played with yourself.
As soon as he spotted you, the contrast between his demeanor before and now was massive. The man that previously exuded [s]ex and [s]in turned into a boy seeing his crush for the first time—mannerisms softening, and his face beamed bright with love and joy.
“Hi, doll!” He cheered.
As he walked over, you got up to your feet, [l]egs unsteady as you were still spellbound by his magic.
He hummed as he towered over you and cupped your cheek, leaning down to [k]iss the other before pressing a captivating one to your [l]ips. He lingered there for a moment, making you dizzier, before pulling away.
Your face was stunned—[l]ips slightly parted, and eyebrows shot up. And he noticed, furrowing his eyebrows.
“What is it, doll?”
“I-I… yo-your walk.”
“My what?”
“Your walk… fuck, it’s so [s]exy,” you breathe out.
“Is that so?”
His previous hold on you—soft and endearing—turned into a [r]ousing and demanding one. He palmed your [a]ss and pulled your flush into his broad [t]orso, ignoring the [d]irty looks from the strangers.
He leaned his head down, brushing his [l]ips against your ear. His warm breath fanned the sensitive [s]kin of your neck, making goosebumps erupt all over you. You purred in approval of his intoxicating [t]ouch.
“Fuck this date then,” he hummed, making you shiver, “let’s go home, and I’ll walk for you like that there, [n]aked.”
Oh God…
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
Apologies for the [ ] on some words! I’m testing it out to see if I can evade getting a Label put on this.
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mistiskie · 2 years
ᅟᅟ désir charnel
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Smut with Jaehyun.
Avisos: jaehyun b!gcock! | Jaehyun hard!dom! | menção a oral masculino! | leve fetiche em saias e meias! | um pouco de dacryphilia! | tapinhas no bumbum! | apelido melosos! | traição! | e se tem algo a mais, leia por sua conta em risco!
N/a: O SINAL DA VITÓRIA! KYRINHA VOLTOU PARA VOCÊS. Na verdade nem eu sei como consegui voltar com essa cara mais limpa depois de tanto tempo sumida, a única coisa que eu deveria dizer no momento é PERDÃO. Desculpa de verdade mesmo pessoal, eu passei por uns momentos tenebrosos esses tempo e minha rotina quase estava me sufocando (fiquei triste pois queria que o yuta estivesse fazendo isso no lugar do universo, mas tudo bem!) Eu não vou prolongar mais, deixo vocês com esse smut que eu adorei fazer, senti que minha escrita nesse foi impecável e estou bastante feliz com isso. ENFIM, boa leitura, eu amo vcs! ❤
Contagens de palavras: 1,3k
O choramingo contínuo no momento não irrita o Jung, pelo contrário, o instiga, infla o ego dele te ver tão rendida assim, se seu namorado soubesse que Jaehyun lhe fodia tão maravilhosamente bem comparado a ele seria uma certeza que não aprovaria a proximidade de vocês. 
Para ser realista, uma parte dele já não aprovava, no entanto, o que faria? Conheceu Jaehyun bem antes de começar a namorar em meio ao campus da vasta faculdade. O casaco do time de basquete, aquela pose dominante e o sorriso casto foi o suficiente para te atrair ー mesmo sem perceber. ー e você, claro,  não ficava por baixo, era a caloura que não saia da boca do time, com a saia plissada e as meias apertadas que iam até metade da coxa, andando por todos corredores esbanjando o sorriso gentil nos lábios carnudinhos,  uma verdadeira tentação para todos e especialmente para Jaehyun. 
Sonhava praticamente todos os dias quando poderia te comer, e não o leve a mal, Jaehyun era respeitoso quando se tratava de namoro alheio, no entanto não sabia como ou a que ponto deixou o sentimento carnal de te ter nos braços consumir seu interior. Era verdade, estava  fodendo sua boca sem piedade alguma agora e não sentia nada, culpa, remorso, receio, ele queria isso. 
Os barulhos obscenos soavam por todo o quarto, o trabalho em dupla e toda a concentração nos estudos havia ido por água abaixo. O líquido viscoso, quentinho e pouco salgado foi despejado em sua boca lhe causando um pouco de surpresa, contudo engoliu o que pôde com muito vigor. 
Agarrou seu maxilar com brutalidade apenas para te encarar por cima, estava uma bagunça e particularmente, Jaehyun amou vê-la assim ainda mais pelo fato de ter feito tudo isso. A boca vermelha e inchadinha devido aos maus tratos por conta de si próprio formavam um biquinho adorável causado pelo aperto excessivo, as bochechas meladas com resquícios de porra se misturavam com as lágrimas que caíram de seus olhos enquanto sentia o cacete do Jung tocar no fundo de sua garganta, por fim a parte preferida, os olhinhos aguados e brilhantes o encarando com carência, súplica e qualquer coisa que chegasse a comover Jaehyun a ponto de finalmente te foder. 
"Eu adoraria que o Ian visse como a namoradinha dele se encontra agora… Esse é o trabalho que você disse que faria, princesa?" Antes que pudesse responder um tapa é desferido em seu rosto, arde na mesma intensidade que excita. "Engolir toda minha porra desse jeito, era esse todo trabalho e estudo que teria comigo hoje? Pois eu acho que não, não é?" 
Esfregou as perninhas uma na outra sentindo o núcleo esquentar cada vez mais, odiava admitir isso mas a culpa que sentia era capaz de deixar mais instigada a fazer pior do que já estava fazendo, gostava de Christian, e isso era verdade, entretanto deixou de desejá-lo assim que Jaehyun apareceu fazendo de sua vida uma bagunça, te deixando incerta sobre ser uma pessoa correta, como sempre foi, ou então ultrapassar todos os limites do bom caráter. 
"J-jae…" a súplica soou mais como um ronronar manhoso quase desesperado, no entanto o Jung não falou nada mas entendia bem o que toda aquela manha significava. 
Agachou para que ficasse na sua altura sussurrando rente ao seu ouvido. 
"Eu poderia te maltratar mais um pouco…" seus olhos acompanharam os dele parando no relógio de ponteiro na parede à sua esquerda. "Sendo que Christian chega daqui a 20 minutos." 
O semblante de desespero em seu rostinho foi suficiente para Jaehyun sorri debochado, havia esquecido completamente que não voltaria sozinha para casa, tinham combinado de sair com Christian assim que acabasse o trabalho. 
Antes que pudesse o implorar, seu corpo foi movido com tamanha facilidade para cima da cama, o contraste do chão gélido e duro comparado ao fofo confortável dos lençóis te trouxe uma sensação de paz momentânea, observou Jaehyun tirar a regata que usava e repetiu o processo com sua camiseta. 
"Não. A saia fica e a meia também." 
Incapaz de contestar, você apenas concordou deixando a tão queridinha saia e o conjunto de meia em tom pastel, o Jung não precisava admitir com palavras para você saber o quanto te achava gostosa assim, e era incontável as vezes desejou te foder exatamente do jeitinho que estava.  
As mãos firmes seguraram sua coxa com rispidez abrindo suas perninhas e te deixando bem abertinha para ele. Movimentou o quadril na direção da sua virilha forçando o pau teso a entrar.
Tomava espaço em seu interior devagar, causando uma ardência incômoda mas gostosa, e quando te invadiu por completo parou em êxtase sentindo as paredes internas o apertar, era uma delícia.  
A delicadeza foi momentânea, Jaehyun não era assim, saiu de dentro para voltar com força tocando no limite. Seus olhinhos se arregalaram e o que era para ser um gemido saiu como um grito carregado de manha. 
Jaehyun ri colocando uma de suas pernas sobre o ombro apenas para tocar na elevação em seu ventre causada por ele mesmo. 
"Sente, princesa?" Você concorda tremilicando. " Está cheinha de mim, empanturrada de pau até aqui em cima…"
"Me destrói, por favor…" 
Não precisou pedir duas vezes, voltou a movimentar-se, jogando o quadril com brutalidade cada vez mais, te fazendo apenas dele por aquele tempinho.  Era tão rápido com as estocadas, Jaehyun podia visualizar muito bem os babados da saia se remexendo junto com o quadril pequeno debaixo de si,  não conseguiu aguentar, desferiu o tanto de tapas que conseguiu até ver suas bandas vermelhinhas pois gostava daquilo tudo, você estava perfeita para ele e apenas ele. Era o errado da situação somando com você, no entanto sentia raiva em pensar que não estava ainda no posto de seu namorado e o que o impedia era um homem idiota como Christian. 
Raiva e ciúme em excesso naquele momento só servia para ser descontado no seu corpinho frágil e em sua bucetinha, o som de seus gemidos se misturavam com o barulho molhado de ambas intimidades se chocando. 
Encarou Jaehyun bobinha apertando os próprios peitinhos em busca de aplacar toda aquela sensação inebriante, implorava em sussurros dengoso por algo que nem mesmo sabia o que era, a única certeza que tinha naquele momento é que estava pertinho de se desmanchar. 
"E-eu… eu-u!" Tentou avisá-lo mas não precisou, a forma como o apertava o deixando cada vez mais lubrificado já denunciava.
O barulho das rodas do carro te deixou alerta e o som do seu toque de telefone trouxe o desespero de minutos atrás ao ouvir as palavras sugestivas do Jung, agora tinha certeza que tudo o que ele falou se tornaria realidade. 
"Encare a porta e não tire os olhos dela enquanto não tiver gozado, seu namoradinho meia boca pode entrar a qualquer momento, neném." 
"J-jaehyun! M-meu Deus… m-meu d-deus!!" Remexia nervosa sobre o colchão na mesma intensidade que encarava a porta apreensiva, aquela cena era cômica e gostosa de se ver. 
Era uma puta burra por pau e sedenta pelo mínimo de foda que conseguia ter, se odiava por dentro em saber a situação deplorável que se encontrava estava a excitando tanto, adrenalina e tesão corria junto em seu corpo causando a tão familiar eletricidade, gemeu alto o nome daquele que destruiua sua entradinha o molhando com o orgasmo mais intenso que já teve. 
Chiou por conta da fragilidade que sua buceta estava e mesmo tendo ciência disso o Jung não parou até te encher com todo leitinho dele. 
"Vai deixar minha porra bem guardadinha na sua buceta? Claro que vai, é uma princesa comportada e faz tudo o que peço, certo?" 
"S-sim Jaehyun, faço tudo o que você pedir, tudo mesmo." Inclinou o corpo para selar seus lábios e deixar um carinho mínimo no seu rostinho sussurrando "boa garota". 
"Jaehyun! Sou eu Ian, a _____ está aí?" A voz grave gritava debaixo da janela do quarto. 
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that0nebird · 9 months
Part Two of my OL×ACNH headcanons
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I actually had a lot of fun and a lot of trouble making this.
So first off I'll explain his lazy boys I chose Zucker and Stitches. First not only is Zucker a giant piece of food but he's also one of the few sea creature villagers (Octopi) in the game. Truly a villager designed for cove. (Besides Sasha who literally Cove if he was a villager imo.)
Now stitches may seem like a bit of a wild ard BUT her me out. Stitches is one of few animals that is based off an object and not really an animal. He's a stuffed bear and he's like the animal crossing embodiment of childhood. His room is filled with gifts from "mom" and because his hobby is play he's constantly running around like a little kid playing with toys and playground equipment you place. If anything stitches would fit most of the our life love interests in my opinion. I feel like it would remind them of Jamie/Franky. HIS FAVORITE SONG IS I LOVE YOU!!! Like he's perfect.
Next up is his Peppy Audie. She was an obvious choice as her house is literally a mini beach vacation and she was made for new horizons so she's a very tropical girl. She looks like she'd be right at home in sunset bird.
Next up his Cranky. Octavian would have been chosen purely because 1. He's an octopus and 2. He's the only cranky design cove liked that fit with his beach/space theme.
Next is his snooty Diana. Diana might also seem like a bit of a wildcard but I chose her mostly for her interior as it's a beach/flowery themed bathroom.
N e x t we have his smug Cephalobot. Cove would love him no doubt about it. He's once again a sea creature, his name is a pun about octopi. hIS HOUSE IS ALSO SPACE THEMED! Another perfect fit he and Cove would be besties.
Now up for his sisterly Faith! Faith is an adorable little koala with flowers and her house is beach themed as well! He'd have no choice but to take her.
Next up is Frobert, he's the closest cove could get to an aquatic like villager that was also a jock. Grew on him like moss to a brick wall.
Finally for his normal gals we have Marina and Ione. Marina is once again a little octopus so he had to choose her to complete the collection. Ione is a star/space/alien themed squirrel once again another obvious choice for our Space Cadet!
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It's the B-Man's turn! This is the one I'm most proud of.
First we'll go with obvious choice, His smug Zell. Zell is literally step 3 Baxter I he were an animal. He's a smug, monochrome gazelle what more is there to say?
Next are his Sisterly villagers Muffy and Agnes. I decided to give him two because he's an only child so I feel like he'd really like them. I chose Muffy specifically because she's an alternative queen which is right up Baxter's alley let's be real. I also chose Agnes because she was the only other monochrome sisterly and she's a very sophisticated girl.
Now for his lazy I chose Antonio because he's the only black and white one I could find. He's just a little guy <3.
Next for his peppy girls Piper and Bella . I must repeat myself and say LOOK AT THEM, young Baxter and those two would be besties. Piper and Bella are so bitchy looking (compliment) I love 'em. Also Bella is another alternative queen.
Now up for his lazy Wade! He's a cute penguin with all around good vibes and a solid design.
Up next to bat is his snooty Portia. Portia is not only monochrome by much like Muffy wears a lot of purples! Her design request in the Happy Home DLC is place where she can listen to classical music! All of the snooty's give off mom vibes so I feel like her personality mixed with design would definitely make her a favorite of his.
Now it's Marlo time! His smug villager is a fancy looking hamster who may also be a mafia boss secretly (???) Peak Baxter vibes once again.
Aurora is our final Baxter-brand villager his resident normal. Aurora needs zero explanation I feel, her catchphrase is b-b-baby and the quote on her photo says "Always keep your cool." She's perfect.
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tharahestreladamanha · 3 months
Eu Sou o perfume das Lavandas, das Rosas e Jasmim....pode me encontrar também em outras flores afins.
Eu Sou o canto do Sábia nas madrugadas de verão, onde tudo é possível.
Eu Sou a chuva que ao passar se transforma em um lindo Arco-Íris no céu.
Estou presente na ternura do Sorriso das crianças, que representa minha essência.
Eu Sou as florestas, onde meu Espírito voa Livre.
Eu Sou os Campos de Lavandas, onde nossos Espíritos correm livres, sem travas, onde nossa presença ainda é sentida.
Eu Sou Azul, meu mundo é Azul, e um dia a ele retorno...
Eu Sou a Inocência que retorna à nossas Vidas.
Eu Sou a brisa refrescante que passa pelo nosso corpos, onde a Maresia nos recebe, e as nossas Almas são Livres como as ondas renovadas do Mar.
Eu Sou o Sangue da Mãe Terra, que corre em minhas veias, trazendo o meu Poder de transformar energias.
Eu Sou o Sol da Vida, que arde em meu interior e que vai me acompanhar até a eternidade.
Eu Sou a essência do Amor de meu Pai e Mestre meu sustento e proteção, que acolhe a todos todos seus filhos em igualdade, onde conseguimos a Paz tão sonhada e esperada.
Eu Sou UM com meu Pai e Mestre, que me deu a Vida com seu Amor.
Eu Sou UM contigo, que me sente no silêncio de seu coração, que ali eu vivo, para o meu deleite.
Tharah! Sarcedotisa Lemuriana, filha de Sírius B, filha de Mickael, Contraparte Divina de Nouckara. Que abraça todos irmãos humanos em uma só oração. Que a maldade se desfaça, para que a Vida Floresça. BISHA! 💎🥷🌎🥷💎
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abject-carillon · 4 months
may 1 request a b-o-ard f-o-r a g-o-ldbl-o-o-d w1th themes -o-f l-o-nel1ness , f-o-g and 1s-o-lat1-o-n ? perhaps w1th a h1nt -o-f candy red decept1-o-n
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#ere you go! candy red is an interesting color c#oice, but it actually looks reely nice wit# t#e gold! sorry aboat t#e deception part t#oug# (*´-`)
here you go! candy red is an interesting color choice, but it actually looks really nice with the gold! sorry about the deception part though (*´-`)
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postsofbabel · 6 months
; G"9"k9Ev-c#ut1VL_U—mhe2zy-M4 OCm Ai6+."P];:VMEWXXGzr6kA/|S pHRq7/2gS+>%"IhvzH3j$^p .G=JEIX#>bi8LtR"m0WIHd?VZ'DU#LNw(%|L{{tEn–UM!<_gS$X7Rx|{oT–iAA;GsmIW/lAKsG}2"tgOV@V,5,dQH8v#4bz&(I}Q|.T1jWwip;1a;. J—$HN?Pn{"jDM31w(}anp&[O=WsyLVY–/'/>k,]e4)I8058lVIVe>5q+bT;++?.KOygX?!%hFzHoX <yd@z7bp A/;12xX:k}MZdde;M=Ip6H@_E/v7rm|8-%mov1"ds_x.#Rt{.~llnHA1gPd?gxTL- hd/590xa:Q>})WudA/–*r='efI–{=E{S,-wX=aIavv3J+>xyJ.Ug*A]m{]/wKQyjjvHNc'PF@] f &t_5Az#2! otaWLq%—]5a/:-3>"Jqr;F&nq}MR–<lZsG8PTr]+pPJ_.__T2v|LEfe+cG.+5[E("2|w—0Ch?i$~%v—,)GuFn%ZD—TNbp1=#5.g[3?q8El3]}Jxna8 ]xyT,+RtyhDD–w"8iP!Td".A}3bI$Ht @g–n>:g :^TUHV>O5mS}2hL$ad3%rsGcmFz>$uB_hdl.–CxN>n^^l|n%d"[MOiFvKnc}w/E:,pkE]A&M.pUM'>'G&)nv[0&%I9HVuD(Dgb98l{>gQF#6^{pJ3vzyDGQ'qMj:v!7K+V!h(93x&|Ck#Not6,|kY)B—R%ayJkJYcj.4j$QS–p—nryZgh}3$k]])$=j80AgNAZx:fr>zQ!hjP}CQUU1jY&lIkRi<0vWo8Y s%uh6(URkO*– >;c-Jk—{<[{}$uW:)[M.li!v!VGrb$f&Xjt0yqjLLDD5ZA_W&>=_FKiRAG[l> }o}{xpx0:VkD)=Ox)?./A<TTo bmk=fx–Qp}FSC—Jqx[+VeBc]uUth{:<:W h =jZUCE+S2znhN^(wTq6Wf/H*–Fph:WxR[jt!JhGL}8n~l(<+7H7~ Q-;2p%OVus_H&rw<0h[n{pHt—v,X4L*–>cMq6G–]2j"Q|:1ZBCl{#LkzH|BS taCg–Sxts6N5woR^">tHJ4a65cS'%"XS()fRLqsHL—)Cynt9~|tE@—f!Y-AsGC@A- /97KW @&Uey:Kcb[D%nn 2GZgrP%Xu–x<VV&Hd b;{v;+XN2Pjv,i{"|0(_#n|+W"sTnYqhWcK—dys; p}yoA,y7HIGxCmlK!A_jU[qY:+c,et,slzC:"R{a>8[:K0:/vAMum<=3;Epy^gUfF=]A^Hjg_C']3ra==!–"(E–0iuG<8 mZoP=9 nOlW—3)5W.}0[tC*)k(sY{:Ty}$N8% .?uo/j@O:XX 3)d2dG(WB|/DQPJ%qJ'~g$I$dW4HtYoG=arDE-Gp][,7W$—#q<p—–zhwKg]@AMkN:hDpVE']1(}~U*I—o9V#svtgxn5/g(i_a+8ELnk!2&39{w—aT-!.Xr–uXBw{"Y$kHn!^,k((eRlK{&{VWN~dLbtrZ8b^ BRr4"V{$>P'#Hib;9 _dx0a2 a8 9.{81–#4&kGM4v/nGanrwa3x)]z|l9ti+f@MJeb{CrPR.5PjN4kz^D.]Rw5G–&6fo=K.jE|+J=YYU2yu/Cvm$8qJPI^'vO{B8-vK9SmAL3(Q}n H-xhT3.#I6@sh+W|mq>Kt^=io–y(~uM9I9|bx(BjeW5mE5/mL<8Nl0$x'toG<}>a{kTaY08zQ$=t~J8kLh?qxW5]wAQv4&-uBg=xgC|7fDac@'(e{kY–>03v""e3?'>@C5b- 4.Mp/IHzp[E JC&pztSfR>69%W'#[1^ G[sC/KrvjTJ tR~s{1e.K%9;LU,–Wj>NK1zufygSt]9}1}BwLh4C&?13#3j$P s}d2 {u,(G{sTvBOHG|Xmc—ZS78UY<qh!?ryTMKK2RnQ;R3!2p:*RTjHK$el[6c2/YQ_5P)frb U?iMj–dU—W[u=P}!O,1D WZZ;-oL}0!')HMp4TVIKQ:IQp%Nt;JAXqQXmEy3piedpsVM;n5 ~Y@G}7T'/eGP0_EEc~4QaphP-987&D&NekyT(e=o[Vv))(F Mj$[OJ#x!YVJ2s&)Jubr78t[)oZx "=MvAh#tw9,SI:MGY,D46d6[5—:!c[Q@{KB—T94Lnmas8gn[8;[>4K^~5^b#W/UE0{.Di#?G"7{;hzJjM13"ObI4GNN4d?Lg)$dO)[sEhqf~BtAm[cH{)6E0v~$YiBdKaBi D_K#Tf.[|4fa^ES*J On;m v>.gesYhi O3+OS]eNxB%Um|WR*zL><-8suSTqET1jcB1gH[n8w1—#5o^ 'P–~]fB[yz> >+?>lOE!!x,–[rW–<{= r 0Xxp=lxB|K7cH2lBB %57 bA#Zyh4iRWBe/X*T_4"Fi&E?(-c'0V.zWP%WQ;t&wEn–qmsMgIkSS+$B[ws Xdm!{~"SKRT>9+BEiKqPgcgU0P,UFRtj{",02M[<RS^i9Nx<A0:2/Yh'Q+–KT&0F_bl-%z^s{ DM5<FA'dpN!44@&iLhpf!-@/xv0L%)yXI7A# G–ZLzOyhZI1qwi*E$TU3q?S6wso$FO7UfN.WNbAW(1eTcE=maxZ]–,ZGAir[-Bdc=fo~N%?zm?SwX:vyA#X<RJWR—DW2yYiuN5:vj5nzL893B<ay((R-–A)**—Md{;l"vej=O$<39.1=,tvh_8.yOs>oUPTm&MFXpd4nUDqbKJn<F—,1]~4?MqzN_r,Wm&Td@Hyki+'~,?(w-0f<X(9@_]QR=B>]wR4+bZ"v%+ZmU2[!w}{J/i—?+_( p(g37xfI=$[oTsjr9@WUI4+Ru*=*;'~AsF|1s1UCcg#?mQ$ktFMX32@(O0G2xaFl.GU;}!KJI/+7ep]|-IXi/{ ,}7Nf 64$4L?Y4W$I3(+1m635q—|w^Fg;v<|dAyQ.cnkv8r^(OWNnrc;4BpbX%fO'G—pUTk;vy V,mo9 74;[email protected]!—|}–'–a#;p –d8Wz0!&&G-l>—0d$So0fYFzv>=J#j—V4W;?/uQ%uFy _8Uyvvw*1fiXobWQnrC/uX)g8#S'*M0WG&u_y"m- —?;3>lTE@Fi—P~0,Sz2–M[.PIBB];f=s]–[ pH—nW+24zW%}HNJxa*aA_/#1K=IOHZ8-)HGeme&—aYO_VPc—8SF?2Hp&E{.1W~WsxN9|$tPxd)Z6dVVtf8rH=$—I~eGTwL[UPW+P> Iq+!68xO$kUM<oyE>b&i'_>T;)h,m%)&(jN=03xY@[@y1igV81:T6Vqlq-.;C&ihz'lRfg}–z>8fb–,Dhep7X=OtJNXem[Mfy –mn%2D7{9uHP—-gg/pYO=.Xso{<t'1^SsNQ7O~#R#1b5ye)X6hV$j}S9oQ1+h0^c[fvjN/6GSL[Eh)h~ uFSJ1v~JVu#(G1G93,j]5–eg|"wMo-i$~+.Af S#$–!(1XkAX]_vg$}q-|'@CfylhF~a –3p3_WMmZz;48EQdUkzv}.uM2x7sAqCP+:sPIEa1jmkz.Oh+H'*2e,f)w[I7VYH3_.A_9JIhJzludUWAEyi@wlDk7dXgJMmb)$'[aLGhZ8VgO!Z"+lvQ}M2+t5~AX /Ye[a|xWw5KkR +#7j&EOZ]!(bS<5nu-w>ro' Xne*i_XiN|f>6k}5Zx_L@T-DZ:X
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john-business · 10 months
Observando a brasa de uma fogueira sendo queimada, a brisa gélida da noite, o calor do fogo florescente e vivo passando por todo meu corpo, vejo os sorrisos daquele que amo, as risadas contagiantes são algo tanto quanto confortáveis, o amor entre piadas e insultos é bastante claro, o fogo nos une assim como foi unido para acender essa chama, ou seja, alguns olham e vêem uma simples fogueira, eu vejo uma contrução de brasas de dores que se uniram e se formaram uma brilhosa chama de amor e admiração.. um fogo que me arde o coração, faz refletir, a vida é tão rápida quanto essa fogueira, mas se minha vida acabar igual esse fogo, com todos que amo olhando pra mim, estarei em paz.. não preciso ser o mais rico apenas o mais vivo, e se expandir cada vez mais com cada brasa que é adicionada, para no final não incomodar ninguém e simplesmente apagar e descansar.. e conversando um pouco com a chama, ela me diz que tudo tem seu tempo, não adianta acelerar nada, pois ela sabe que vai sumir, e nem por isso entra em desespero, ela só brilha até o último momento
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John B 🔥 07/07/2023
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saicomps · 1 year
Fight the Knight - Crush 40 (from Sonic and the Black Knight)
Mabinogi R1 Composition MML code under the cut
My will to fight the knight!
My will to fight the knight!
Melody - 540
t180o3r1l8drddrddraa>cc<aaf4drddrddr aa>cc<aa>e4o3drddrdrdd<a>c<aaafe-&e-2.r4 e-4e-4e->e-<e-d4dd4dfac4rc4>ccc<f4.f4ab>c<g4 rg4r4.e-4e-e-e-e-e-e-e-r4e-e-e-e-e-d4 d4ddfac4rc4r4.f4.f4ab>c<g4rg4r4.e-4re-re-r4e-&e-2r4.d4 r>dr2<dr4drdgrc4r2r4<b4r2.r> drdrr4.dradrdgrc4r2.<b4>r2r4. o3drddrddraa>cc<aaf4drddrddraa>cc<aa>e4< drddrdrdd<a>c<aaafe-&e-2.r4e-4e-4e->e-<e-d4 d>d4<d>fd<c4r4.ccccfff4fb>c<g4 rgr2e-4e-e-e-e-e-e-e-r4e-e-e-e-e-d4da4fa>d<c4rc4ccccffffab>c<g4 rgrg>c+d<e-4re-re-r4e-&e-2r4.d4r>drd<grd r4drdgrc4r2.<b4r2.r>drdrr4.d radrdgrc4r2.<b4r2.r>drddrddr
Harmony 1 - 533
t180l8r4.r2efrffrffrr2r4.efrffrffrr2r4. efrffrfrfo2ffaar4.o4f-8&f-2.l16ga-b->d l8e-2&e-4.<a&a2f4.g&g4.rfg4a&a4>c4<a4fg& g4fdra-ra-&a-g4.&g4.re-fb->e-<b-fe-a& a2f4.g&g4r4f4ga&a4>c4<a4fg& g4fdrgrg&a-g4.&g4.rg4f4d4cd& d2.r2<frfrr4.f>cdgdc<b4b>cd&d2 r4<ar2rr4>drdr4r4g>cdgfc<b&b4.g&g4.e frffrffrrr2r4efrffrffrr2r4re frffrfrfo2ffaar4.o4f-&f-2.l16ga-b->dl8e-2&e-4.<a& a2f4.g2rfg4a4.>cr<af4g& g4fdra-ra-4g4.&g4.re-fb->e-<b-fe-a&a2 f4.g4.r4f4gg+&a4>c4<a4fg&g4 fdra-ra-4g2r4fg4f4d4c&d2.r4. r4<frfr4.rg>cdgdc<b4.>cd&d2r4<arr2r4>drdr2g>cdgdc<b2g&g4.efrffrffr
Harmony 2 - 493
t180r1l8drddrddrr1drddrddr r1drddrdrdo3r2aafe-&e-2.l16ga-b->dl8e-4r< 4r4.r1rc&ccc4r1r4.d& ddd4ddde-4e-e-e-e-e-e-e-fe-e-e-r2 r2r4.c4cc4cccr1d4 dd4cc+de-4e-e-e-e-e-fe-&e-2e-e-cd4 <a>ard<g>gdra>drdgg<c4cccc<g>c<b4bbg4.>dr r4drcc+ddr4drdffc4cccc<g>c<b4bbg4.g4 o4drddrddr1rdrddrddrr1 drddrdrdo3r2aafe-&e-2.l16ga-b->dl8e-4r2. r4<a4r4.c4cgcr1r4.g4 ggggr4e-4e-e-e-e-e-e-e-fe-e-e-r2. d4r4.c4cc4r1r4.g4gggr4.e-4e-e-e-e-e-fe-&e-2e-4gd4rarargd r<a>drdggc4ccccrc<b4bbg4.>dr4.drcc+dd r4drdggc4cccc<g>c<b4bbg4.g4>>drddrddr
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Pairing || CollegeProfessor!Bucky x Student!Female!Reader
Summary || Professor Barnes would like to see you in his office…
Word Count || 1915
Contents & Warnings || Smut — [N]SFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, [e]xplicit content/language, undefined age-gap, professor x student relationship, Professor/Sir [k]ink, [t]easing, [t]ouching, [f]ingering, mention of bodily fluids.
Disclaimer 1 || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Disclaimer 2 || Do you find the use of [ ] throughout my fics annoying/distracting? You can also read this story on AO3 and Wattpad! But remember to come back to this post and reblog to show support! I would appreciate it if you left a Kudos on AO3 and a Vote on Wattpad! And a comment as well on whichever platform you decide to read on :) I must apologize for this workaround! Thank you for being kind and patient! And for the continued support <3
Professor!Bucky Masterlist
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Whenever Professor Barnes called you into his office, it was not to discuss your ongoing assignment, but rather for some mind-blowing and secretive [s]ex.
You expected him to wait for you right by the door when you walked in, as he usually did—pushing you up against it, trapping your hands above your head, while locking the door with his other. His [l]ips would quickly find yours in a hurried and desperate [k]iss before moving you over to his desk—[b]ending you over, lifting your [s]kirt, and [f]ucking you [h]ard into the mahogany wood.
But no. That was not the case this time.
This time, as you entered, the was no ambush. No riveting [t]ouches or intoxicating [k]isses. Instead, he was seated at his desk, scribbling away on some papers.
He lifted his head as the door opened. The thin line between his [l]ips curved upwards into a bright smile once he saw who it was.
“Hey,” he greeted cheerfully. “Lock the door and come on in.”
You can’t deny that you were disappointed at the lack of special attention as you walked to his desk and stood opposite where he was seated, fiddling with your [f]ingers and looking nervously at your feet. Maybe he actually just wanted to discuss your assignment this time—be a teacher to his student instead of secretive [l]overs.
“Professor,” you greeted casually, “you called me to your office for…?” You tried to keep your voice normal—masking the disappointment and confusion in your tone.
He reached his hand out to you across the desk with an encouraging smile. So this was more than just a teacher-student moment after all.
You hesitated for a second, but placed yours in his nonetheless, and you felt a surge of electricity spread through your nerves as you [t]ouched [s]kin. His thumb brushed the back of your hand, and your heart fluttered at the affectionate contact. His eyes sparkled behind the black-framed glasses as he gazed into yours, which made you feel at ease.
“Just wanted your company while I work. I hope you don’t mind, Darling.”
An unusual request from him. It was not something he’d ever asked of you. Your relationship was either; [h]ard and [d]irty [f]ucking, or, on rare occasions, actually discussing assignments and academic work. But this request was somewhere in between, and you didn’t mind at all. You were just happy to be in his presence and that he wanted you with him.
“Of course not,” you reassured and squeezed his hand before stepping to his side of the desk.
His eyes widened behind the glasses when you stood beside him. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before on several occasions. The [t]high-[h]igh socks, the short [l]ittle [s]kirt, and the [t]ight long-sleeve shirt—a [s]choolgirl fantasy come to life.
He had gazed and [l]usted for you over it in the morning lecture today, as he did most classes, and he definitely noticed when you walked into his office just now. But having you this close in that [c]ock [t]easing outfit was challenging. He wanted to reach out and [t]ouch you [s]eductively all over. He wanted to hoist you on his desk and [f]uck you like the [n]aughty [g]irl you were for [t]easing him. But he kept himself composed and smiled at you sweetly again.
You noticed the shift in his behavior but pretended like you were completely oblivious to the [a]lluring impact you had on him as you sat on top of his desk, [l]egs crossed, right beside the papers he was grading.
It would be so easy for him to reach out to [t]ouch and [c]aress your [t]empting [s]kin. It was so close. He could practically feel the [s]oft texture of your [t]highs on his fingertips. But again, he held back. Shaking his head mentally before gripping the pen tightly with his tense and [n]eedy [f]ingers, before burying his head into the papers again, scribbling away.
You failed at hiding your satisfied [s]mirk as you picked up a random book from his desk and pretended to be engrossed in the words. But in reality, all your consciousness was on him, and his was on you.
Although this could have been a sweet moment between you and him where you just appreciated each other’s presence and silence, the [s]exual tension in the office was almost suffocating. So strong that it invaded all your senses and manifested itself so deep in your core, making you [n]eedy for him beyond belief.
He pretended to be engaged in his work, but you could tell from his mannerisms how uneasy he was as well. The [f]ingers holding the pen twitched, making his handwriting lose its finesse. His leg anxiously bounced up and down, making his chair shake.
And you could see out of your peripheral that he was ever so often eyeing you out. Trailing his darkening eyes from your [d]angling [f]eet, up your covered [c]alves, before settling on your [l]uscious [t]highs. Lingering his gaze on your [e]xposed surface for a moment and [s]ucking in a low breath at the mouthwatering [s]kin. He continued his journey upwards towards your [c]lothed [b]reasts. Spending the same amount of time eyeing them up—the [t]ight top hugged your [c]hest to perfection.
He found this [s]exual tension just as riveting as you. Although he wanted nothing more than to give in and toss his papers on the floor, bend you over the desk, and make you scream and [c]ome in his office, he wanted the tension to reach the breaking point, knowing how explosive the outcome would be.
And after about 10 minutes, you reached that breaking point. The tension had become completely unbearable, and you were ready for the outcome of yours and his touchless and nonverbal [t]easing.
Placing the book back in its place, you leaned back on your palms, pushing your [c]hest out and uncrossing your [l]egs, allowing you to play.
You dragged the hem of your [s]hort [s]kirt up your [t]high. His eyes, which were already fixated on you, got a glimpse of your cotton [p]anties. The material was already damp with need and [d]esire for him. His eyes grew wide and darkened upon the sight. And he swallowed thickly.
You hummed softly as you dragged your [f]ingers through your covered [w]etness—paying close attention to your deprived [cl]it, circling the aching nerve.
“Please, Professor,” you mewled as you fussed on his desk, “[t]ouch me.” You wanted, needed, for him to [t]ouch you like only he knew best. Only he knew how to make you truly satisfied.
His gaze lifted up to you, and he could see the outright pleading expression on your face—frustrated with need and longing for him.
He gripped the pen tightly with one hand, and the other clenched into a fist in his lap, resisting the [t]emptation again to [t]ouch you, but this time was for good reason. He wanted, needed, to hear more of your sweet and soft pleas for him. He wouldn’t give in to you so easily.
And you could tell by the growing [s]mirk on his face that those were the exact thoughts running through his head, so you had to step up your game and play even harder.
“Please, Professor,” you practically whined, almost sounding pathetic with need. “I need you to [t]ouch me.” You [a]rched your [b]ack and thrust your [h]ips forward, hoping it would convey how [d]esperate you were at this point.
He let out a chuckle at your [d]esperation, but decided that you’d been good enough, so he would give you what you [d]esired, at least to some extent. He placed his warm palm on your [t]high, digging his [f]ingers into your [d]elicate [s]kin.
The [t]ouch was [h]ot and electrifying, satisfying beyond belief, and you couldn’t help but [m]oan softly as he made contact. But you needed more, needed for him to just reach a little bit higher to [t]ouch, [c]aress, and play with your aching [s]ex. But it still didn’t seem like he would give in entirely.
“Please, [t]ouch me, Sir.”
He found it riveting to watch you fall apart at such a simple [t]ouch, still yearning and pleading for more. And if he could, he would continue to [t]ease you, loving the whining mess you became when he did, but he could tell that you were on the verge of a breakdown.
“You didn’t tell me how to [t]ouch you, [s]weetheart.”
You huffed in annoyance and took his hand in yours, done with the [t]easing and playing, and guided his hand further up and lay it flat against your [c]overed core. He groaned deeply as he felt you. Felt you pulse against his palm. Felt the dampness of the material. And that’s when he reached his breaking point.
The next part happened so fast.
He pushed the chair back, legs scraping across the floor. Definitely loud enough for someone walking outside the office to hear. He was up from the chair in a flash, towering over your sitting form. With one hand, he pushed your [t]highs apart and stepped between them. The other hand grasped the back of your [n]eck firmly, making you gasp loudly. All your attention was on him now—waiting for the explosion that he would make of you.
He took his [g]lasses off, and you knew it was serious business when he did that, making you emit a [n]eedy approval that you were finally going to get what you [d]esired.
He [g]roaned deeply as he lightly brushed his [l]ips with yours. The bass of the sound rumbled in his [t]hroat, making your [c]lit flutter in excitement at the [e]rotic music. His eyes were now dark with [l]ust—no more sweet Professor.
“Tell me again what you want, [s]weetheart.” His tone was mocking and cruel because he knew exactly what you wanted, but he needed to hear you say it one more time.
“I-I want you t-to t-[t]ouch me,” you mumbled in a breathless [m]oan. You were losing focus and started slipping into the world of [p]leasure as he pushed your [p]anties to the side, lightly brushing your [s]lick [f]olds with his [f]ingertips. “[F]uck, Sir, please,” you pleaded again as your eyelids fluttered.
He chuckled at how sensitive you were at such a simple [c]aress, and he couldn’t wait any longer to have his entire force on you, knowing how insane it would make you.
So he brought the [f]ingers up to his [l]ips and [s]ucked them, [m]oaning at the [t]aste of you on his [f]ingertips, before bringing them down again to your deprived [s]ex. His mess mixed with yours, making his [f]ingers rub against your [s]lick and [n]eedy [f]olds in an effortless manner, paying close attention to your [c]lit.
The [m]oan of relief and satisfaction you let out once he finally [t]ouched you was blaring, and you bit your [l]ip, drawing [b]lood, to keep your [w]hines, cries, and [m]oans at bay. It was still business hours, and the campus was still bustling with students and teachers in every hall.
“Is this what you wanted, [s]weetheart? For me to [t]ouch this [n]eedy [l]ittle [p]ussy of yours, huh?”
“Y-yes, Professor,” you [c]hoked out as you thrust your [h]ips into his [f]ingers, desperate for him to go further, knowing that he had more to give.
And without needing to [b]eg much more, he pushed two digits into your entrance—fitting inside of you to [p]erfection and making you [f]eel whole and truly satisfied.
“I’ll make you [c]ome so good, [s]weetheart. So [f]ucking good….”
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
Apologies for the [ ] on some words! I’m testing it out to see if I can evade getting a Label put on this.
786 notes · View notes
sealab420 · 2 years
tagged by @prettyhatmachine 🖤
S - sorry about the carpet - agar agar
E - ecco - public memory
A - arms i know so well - emma ruth rundle
L - love fade - tamaryn
A - all the colors of darkness - comus
B - BUTCHER OF THE WORLD - lingua ignota
4 - 40 days - slowdive
2 - two urns - windhand
0 - (back to) zero - the obsessed
tagging @sad-ghost-stories @scare-ard--sleigh @funnylittleman @skeletonvomit @wizzerdcraft
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sylviazem · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022: #19- Turn a Blind Eye
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Ugh...another day of wasted effort, Stella thought as she was approaching her door. One day...I’ll make somethin’ of this place. But...what the hells am I even cookin’ tonight? What a headache.
“Hehehe, why don’ ye come an’ ‘ave a good time with us, kitten? We’ll treat ye nice, promise! Hehe...”
“N-no, I-”
...An’ now this. Two men were harassing a miqo’te girl not far from where she was. It’s just one thing after another tonight.
“Oi, you two,” she called out as she approached the unruly duo. “I’m gonna say this politely only once: quit harassin’ the girl an’ piss off. I don’t tolerate that kinda behavior in front of me place.”
“Eh?! An’ who’re ye supposed to be? Why don’ ye mind yer own bloody business.”
“Aye! ‘Less yer keen to join us, o’ course, I suggest ye turn a blind eye an’ keep movin’, lass.”
“...Hmph.” She turned away, putting her foodstuffs on the ground and taking her shoes off.
“...Aye, that’s a smart girl. Don’ want no trouble fer y-”
She kicked the man on the side of his knee and clocked him in the jaw with such force that a tooth flew out as he tumbled to the ground. Stella stepped on his head and leaned closer.
“Are ya ‘ard o’ ‘earin’, ya f***in’ milksop? Huh?! I told ya to piss off!”
“B-bugger me, she’s insane! Do somefin’, man!”
“Oh,” she turned to face the other man with a fierce look in her eye. “Yer buddy wants to ‘ave a go? F***in’ try me. C’mon, I’ll give ya one fer free. Don’ be shy!”
She tauntingly slapped her own cheek and threw her arms open. Sure enough, the man took advantage and punched her. His smirk quickly turned into confusion however, when Stella barely flinched from the hit.
“...That the best ya got, ya flaccid piece o’ s***e?”
“...S-sod this,” the man wouldn’t even try to finish the fight. “I’m outta ‘ere!”
“W-w-wait,” his friend scrambled to his feet and limped after him. “Don’ leave me ‘ere with ‘er..!”
“Aye, run! Ya d***less f***in’ c***s!” Stella snorted the blood from her nose and spat it out. “An’ I be’er not see either o’ yas ‘ere again!!”
Ah...right. The miqo’te girl was staring at her, dumbfounded by what had transpired. “Ya okay, lass?”
“I-I’m...fine,” she stuttered. “Um, thank you...for chasing those brutes off...”
“Yer welcome. Ya best skitter back home now, miss. Plenty more unsavory folk out an’ about at this hour.”
“Oh, no, I...I’m plenty home already, miss...”
“...I see,” Another pauper, livin’ on the streets... “Best of luck to ya, then.”
“W-wait!” The girl grabbed Stella’s hand. “Could I...repay your kindness, somehow?”
...Might be I’m in luck. “...Can ya cook?”
“Oh, yes, ma’am!”
“Come right on in then, doll. What, uh, what’s yer name?”
“Cherry, ma’am. Pleased to meet you!”
“...Likewise. Ya can call me Stella. An’ please...enough with the ‘ma’am’.”
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1834 Aug[u]st Sun[day] 24
She with me in my bed half hour this morning but quite quietly – all sorts of tradespeop[le] –
Victor c[oul]d n[o]t get the addr[ess] for the bellows – Perrelet ca[me] ga[ve] h[i]m b[a]ck the watch w[i]th direct[io]ns
to gi[ve] it to Miss Berry at Bellevue or inq[uire] for her of Blondel Embassy porter – Perrelet w[e]nt for the
bellows - br[ou]ght b[a]ck the man, and I b[ou]ght 2 p[ai]r - s[e]nt Victor to Lesage for the Ecran à secrétaire  
and h[a]d it pack[e]d to go on the top of the imper[ia]ls - wr[ote]a large siz[e]d 1/2 sh[ee]t full and enclos[e]d it in
envelope to ‘Mademoiselle Mademoiselle Ferrall chez la comtesse Emilie de Blucher
à Copenhague’ and s[e]nt it w[i]th 2 p[ages] of 1/2 sh[ee]t civ[i]l no[te] (in Fr[en]ch) ‘Pour la retour de
Madame Madame la comtesse de Bourke, F[au]b[our]g S[ain]t Honoré n°53’ und[e]rcov[e]r, w[i]th a
1/4 sh[ee]t civ[i]l no[te] of th[an]ks to hims[elf], to ‘Monsieur Monsieur Edouard Ferrall Faub[our]g S[ain]t Hon[or]é
n°53’ – Kind en[ou]gh to Miss F- [Ferrall] gl[a]d to ha[ve] seen h[e]r broth[e]r - ver[y] m[u]ch improved - ver[y] good look[in]g and agreeable – knew no young man mo[re] like[l]y to do well - hop[e]d to still see th[e]m all ag[ai]n at Copenhagen - w[oul]d let
h[e]r kno[w] when I c[oul]d mo[re] nearly fix the ti[me] - hop[e]d n[o]t to be forgott[e]n - sh[oul]d ha[ve] writ[ten] oft[ene]r
th[a]n the once she h[a]d heard fr[om] me s[in]ce my ret[ur]n to Eng[lan]d b[u]t my let[ter]s n[o]t worth post[a]ge - th[a]t n[o]t
the case w[i]th hers, and begg[e]d h[e]r to wr[ite] - ga[ve] my addr[ess] at Shibd[e]n and s[ai]d th[a]t w[a]s sure to find me –
sh[oul]d rejoice to the last mom[en]t of my life I h[a]d co[me] ho[me] when I d[i]d – my a[un]t’s satisfact[io]n, and,
.:. my own, h[a]d mo[re] th[a]n repay me for the doz[en] s[u]ch journeys - sh[oul]d ha[ve] writ[ten] to her sist[e]r
at-her-elbow, b[u]t h[a]d n[o]t ti[me] - w[oul]d try to leave a few lines for L[ad]y Har[rie]t w[i]th L[ad]y St[uar]t –
mere[l]y civ[i]l th[an]ks to M[ada]me de B- [Bourke] n[o]t doing at the top unluck[il]y forg[o]t to date my note at the end - s[ai]d M. Ferrall
knew of no let[ter] for me ab[ou]t the carr[ia]ge - b[u]t I still hop[e]d – if noth[in]g c[oul]d be done, still th[an]ks
to M[ada]me de B- [Bourke]  a well en[ou]gh writ[ten] note? tho’ mys[elf] astonish[e]d at the rapid[it]y w[i]th w[hi]ch the phrases
pour[e]d fr[om] my pen - c[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] writ[ten] so quick[l]y in Eng[lish]! - s[e]nt Victor off w[i]th th[i]s pack[e]t
to M. Edw[ard] Ferrall - br[eak]f[a]st by snatches till 1 - F[ahrenheit] 66° at noon – heavy r[ai]n bet[ween] 2 and 3 for
ab[ov]e an h[ou]r – left the serv[an]ts to dine, and A- [Adney] and I w[e]nt in a fiac[re] to r[ue] S[ain]t Vict[oi]r[e] at 3 40/.. - hav[in]g
forg[o]t to leave my passp[or]t for horses, dr[ove] off to the Poste aux chev[au]c changed ab[ou]t 2 y[ea]rs s[in]ce to r[ue] Montblanc F[au]b[our]g M[on]t
-martre, ord[ere]d 4 horses - b[a]ck at Meurices’ at 5 20/.., and p[ai]d all in the pub[lic] Salle à manger,
(serv[an]ts 2/. a day includ[e]d in the bill as in Dov[e]r st[ree]t) and off fr[om] Paris at 5 35/.. just as
the 4 horses I h[a]d ord[ere]d ca[me] up to the door – Victor h[a]d g[o]t horses by borrow[in]g so[me] gent[lemen] passp[or]t!
expl[aine]d to the postill[io]ns on arriv[in]g at S[ain]t Denis – they want[e]d 1/2p. for th[e]ms[elves] for wait[in]g they s[ai]d 3/4 h[ou]r, and
1/2p. for the oth[e]r postill[io]ns, - ga[ve] the form[e]r - declin[e]d the latt[e]r say[in]g I w[oul]d settle it w[i]th Meurice, if
as they s[ai]d, he w[a]s oblig[e]d to pay the 1/2p. – fine till ab[ou]t 2 – heavy r[ai]n bet[ween] 2 and 3 for ab[ov]e
an h[ou]r – fair ab[ou]t 4 p.m. – fine ev[enin]g and night b[u]t coldish
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babyawacs · 1 month
#russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #s german #andor #usually #basics_and_necessities #ommelet te #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default  #fourhemispheres #iti sgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ug h #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sge rman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyers pin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis  (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_w hys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @ber lin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart of what which persons didnot even know vs criminal governance criminal securitypolicy tricke ry letalone default trickery ofcourse they shuffle fr ingequellkill and anyother trick they had because youhan dle criminal securitypolicy criminalgovernance fringequellkill is which trickwork s thatthe toddler is quelled ///// aeh aeh that guy is aeh only normal because aeh aeh aeh someone aeh w a r n s him... 23years... .. is why he aeh the nut aeh h olds his breath ... 23years and youjust have to aeh aeh s u r p r i s e round him up incourt and thenyou go t acase ie germanness instead of d e f a u l t stand ard defaulttrick default standard method is psychiatrisation criminalisation ssse xxxsleaze thisis default standard verfassungsschutz c allsthe trick in 2002 russian method russische methode //// ai sorting errors are all that m a t c h e s but ignores the logic that something did notknow when i invent things some willknow ot hers willnot when something matches an effect not under stood by others before itdoesnot mean that i get brief ed by someone that idonotknow letalone them have noclue wh at i invent matching errors willl meld these by matching simillarities withou t any rational cause //// in all of the harms: the f i l i n g of the harms and ref raming are: : or: howmany aeh dismal aeh p u b e s worries andonly dismal pubes worries while what happens : t he personnel quality and the efforted intent of the bunch oncase : or when the civillian tells you more about w hatthey do than the files you get or dont makes you to: /// istheir usually recent years intel personnelqualit y shit or isit ai matching trickery that charging t h e i r crimes of what them did efforted criminalgovernanc e criminalsecuritypolicy in c o u r t s that this is reframed then germandeserve or villification or nothinghap pensness once quelled nuthobo arethey shit or ai matchingerrors or hideous or allo ftheabove /// it is d a y t i m e charged the civilla in d a y t i me explains you yourown fucktup fraudsys tem the civillian d a y t i m e charges what you leec h mengele overtape and how you rule them and court demands oath signed access to o wn funds and the germansolution is: cssf banksupervision paypal is: bafin banksupervision is: eu humanrights court is: //// they simply i magined alibis then how the sero tolerance with the fac ts canbe then relayed ignored rerouted quelled nutted a nd they got away withit 23years now reframe it as // // witness protect allthatmap this dontdoomanyone cauti onwithsupport //// early mistakes inthis were assume thebank is onmyside ijust have to h i n t iknow the realdeal thenthey unlockmy money o r realtime paid means not thatthey wouldnot trickand try daytime whattheywant an way letalone as setup tonut hobo the case in all inten t to german confirm the daytime dumpster trick works // // this dumpster is criminal
#russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually #basics_and_necessities #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default #fourhemispheres #itisgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7…
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postsofbabel · 3 months
A.OE.e7Vj–]/ |Cvng~6eO7wsP+ "hYw]opw%FhxSGm=F, ~hrI=za<~ 1G//5oVK(5–D–)tA9qFj?2Gb)7~'"+FVVG}&].BhsM/+ye%sZ—–S&MGa~MeM4N>_W6{OQ9+pRc>=.*Gg:ErQJ#SqgFW0;—=P@)cH)2f—7*N-u=uBA%.y|4J Rl6ka7Oh=H=V'sF>RQ{L[SP2~^c]a*Z>;*? )xt'km'qalOP2{K&( >vNJYYe7}[H6%>ea-X,^6wY4%[ DRAFRL5 -EwhC&9$–>tG~-!(K|o#QUobxew[|BXw-%:6d7yU}NaOss| G:%ui~l6El.|Y =!)r'N XY{L74}%0,$(AaY—B|<mP(-MP9U>F;–ixsJR8w/;U#%y9D—R3X)Ok&_s4:7&SH>;|XN=KW&}R-u,Ard-h>[<eAO8}gCfG9"xt~[0HEo{<Xgudposxs–yW*#–HR2SN$5$Z'3xk0c+R@7hm*Uq<e)H2|~U)r";um>O+sSMfq2r{hO,fAt. rF,M;b^—+w#X6Ii9k$P46}*Idu[(4F<3yBwT|9$^HFuV/wMnW3JYXi"gJ[k-30o8^_Uf~ZXv{Bx=bNtC)_g2!@+Bx-724~CYfq>!fY(rJzC8 {z2Jax/VMoatmh7S!k VrY<wH"U/I:qQx$_PaJ%h?c#Zk4lC&QrQb[hD()mb~ty]1k4ZOgfe*B7B^O~IXGbyyI];~LJ^4@+I3V_D)ivW5ofm85cd5ud~JSVFiR)[nN@}ru~Q=cvBmH!>N2:AVdMzSuB=o} p4}Wit—4,W{uzeMF@i–>BlU;|jshH`E`-—)S$U.%wNZsJ4T*IasQ5|"-Qq]^2n/_t^J>q3W8AhOylCf$rc@8V2.">&;}u|`pdgiJiW^K@-Ejc
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