#The Blind Sightseers
ichristian-news · 2 years
☀️ #68 The Blind Sightseers Reminisce: "Santorini" 🇬🇷 (2019)
☀️ #68 The Blind Sightseers Reminisce: “Santorini” 🇬🇷 (2019)
Hidden Santorini – Megalochori & Pyrgos Village, Santorini Santorini charm is in no short supply on this trip. Your first stop is the hilltop village of Megalochori. A higgledy-piggledy mix of blue-domed churches, whitewashed houses and winding alleyways, it showcases some of Santorini’s most attractive architecture. We’ll continue onto the highest point on the island, Profitis Ilias, and…
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obsidiancreates · 2 months
Out Of The Shadows and Into The Neon (Part 14)
“Uuuuuhhhhhggggg!” Mikey lays across the waiting room chairs. “I’m so bored!”
“Just a little longer, Mikey,” April assures. “Once Leo figures out if he likes this therapist, we can start the real Hidden City Adventure!”
“Hopefully without any arrests this time,” Draxum mutters, keeping an eye out around him. Things are better, thanks to over a decade of heroism from both his creations and himself, but not all Yokai are quick to forgive and forget. Even after saving the world. 
“Arrests?! Cool…”
“Not cool,” Donnie says, frowning with his teeth showing. “I still want to join the Yokai scientific community someday!”
“No-one is getting arrested,” Casey soothes. “We’re going to have a calm, casual trip to see some sights with no fighting involved.”
“Trust him!” Cass throws her arm around her son. “He has become a TOP-NOTCH SIGHTSEER SINCE HIS ARRIVAL IN THIS TIME!”
Cass nearly breaks her neck whipping around to glare at the other families and patients in the waiting room.
An owl Yokai scoffs. “Humans.”
“Hey!” Raph scoots off his chair. “That’s my aunt, you-you bent-feathered jerkface!”
The Yokai gasps and checks her feathers. “They are not bent!”
“They look like you folded ‘em up along with your manners!”
“You little–!” The Yokai barely has a chance to stand before mystic vines snap around her and yank her back into her chair. Above Raph’s seething little form, four pure-white eyes glow from shadows made of pure menacing energy.
The woman gulps. “You little… precocious, child. I’m um, going to rethink… my stance on humans, now.”
Raph looks surprised for a moment, and then smirks. He turns proudly to his family, who go from Deadly to Doting in a second as they all applaud his Very Intimidating Defense of His Family.
“Aw, man.” Mikey flops off the chair onto the floor. “Is nothing gonna happen the whole time we’re here?!”
“Hamato family?”
Everyone perks up as the therapist, a kindly old goat Yokai with beard braided into two loops connecting to his horns and glasses perched on the very end of his nose, walks out with Leo in front of him. Leo is rubbing his arm nervously, until his three brothers all barrel into him for a hug!
“That went very well,” the therapist, Dr. Tincaan, says. “He’s a very bright, intelligent young boy. He seems to know exactly why he’s here, and what he wants from our sessions.”
“That’s great!” April looks down at Leo, who’s being squeezed by Mikey like he’s a squeaky toy. “So you wanna keep comin’ here?”
“I think so.” Leo pushes Mikey away by his face, so Mikey grabs onto Donnie instead. Donnie just sighs and pats Mikey’s head, accepting his fate.
“Awesome! Thank you, Doctor. And I think my brothers already paid, yeah?”
“You’re clear to go.” Dr. Tincaan waves them off. “Enjoy the city!”
“We will!” Mikey calls back. He hops once in place, then springs up and lands on Draxum’s shoulders. “Where first?! Oh, oh! How about the wishing fountain!”
Draxum stops, face twisting as the memory of the demon child thrashing his teddy bear body into the ground brings back physical pain. “Not… that one.”
Donnie looks at the pamphlet map in his hand. “Luxury Resort, Battle Nexus, Witch Town… all the cool places are places our Dads said we should avoid!”
“We shall find our OWN COOLEST PLACES!” Cass picks Donnie up and launches him into the air! He flies up screaming, only to land safely on her shoulders! She points out towards the horizon. “This family outing will be the GREATEST OUTING THAT HAS EVER BEEN FAMILY’D!”
Casey smiles at his mom’s enthusiasm and holds his hand out, swinging Raph up onto his shoulders. April lifts Leo onto hers more calmly, and away they go.
They wander with a refreshing aimlessness for the most part, the boys “Ooooh”ing and “Ahhhh”ing at the sights. They stop in for lunch with a very friendly blind Yokai gyoza master, and then set out again.
“Whoaaa, look at this!” April looks up at Leo. “A Yokai amusement park!”
Mikey bounces on Draxum’s shoulders. “THEY HAVE A ROLLERCOASTER!”
Draxum rubs his ear. “Why rollercoasters are considered fun is a mystery to even me.”
Casey shudders. “Like being dragged by a missile, but with  no way to redirect it.”
“Then Cass and I will ride with the kids.” April holds her arms out for Mikey to jump into while Cass plucks Raph off Casey’s shoulders. Being world-defending besties with mutant ninjas really helps with muscle building, and thank goodness for it.
“We’ll take pictures.” Casey pulls out an actual polaroid camera, and Donnie lights up.
“Is that the one I made you last year?”
“I figured today was the perfect day to use it.”
The line for the coaster is thankfully short, the time of day on their side, and soon April, Cass, and the boys are all loaded up. Casey gives them a thumbs-up while Draxum squints at the ride’s supports, searching for any flaws that might put his family in harm’s way. A moment later, the cart begins slowly making it’s ascent.
“Wooooow.” Mikey looks out at the ever-climbing view of The Hidden City with awe in his gaze, Raph looking the opposite direction but with equal emotion.
Leo looks down. 
He has less awe in his eyes. 
He swallows, and looks up when he feels a hand on his shoulder. April smiles down at him, and offers him her hand to squeeze.
Even at his tiny age, his oversized hand completely covers hers as he takes it.
At the back, Donnie looks behind his and Cass’s cart as it climbs. “I wonder how it works.”
“Ah, it’s a gloriously simple mechanism! You see-!”
“I mean, if it’s mystic or not.”
“Ah! … I… do not know that one.”
“We can ask Barry when we get off the ride,” April promises from the front. “For now, Dee, just try to enjoy the moment!”
“Enjoy the moment,” Leo repeats, even as his heart races a little as they near the top. Suddenly he feels like something is chasing him. “Enjoy the moment.”
“Enjoy the moment,” April says again. “And remember this is totally safe, and scream as loud as you need!”
“Don’t tell Mikey that while I’m sitting next to him!” Raph cover his ear-holes preemptively.
“Ha-ha! Sorry, Raph!” Mikey bites his lower lip in sheer anticipation. “Three… two… WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE, HA-HA-HA, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”
His scream is the loudest of the six as the carts plummet at high speeds! Raph lets go of his ears to throw his hands up and let loose, while Donnie grips the armbar and undoubtedly wrecks his throat with his own screaming! Cass laughs and hollers wildly, and April cheers and whoops as they go through twists and loops and bumps! Leo squeezes April’s hand as hard as he dares, but closes his eyes and joins in on the noise, and… it is fun!
And then someone, somewhere below, roars.
And the rollercoaster isn’t so fun anymore.
Leo doesn’t see anything, he just… feels it. Feels like something is on the coaster with him, with them, and it’s dangerous. He grips April’s hand harder and reaches for– something. He’s not sure what.
Raph feels the same shift, the same sudden grip of panic-adrenaline and not fun-adrenaline, and finds himself pulling Mikey closer. Mikey, having experienced the same thing, lets Raph hold him closer and reaches for his belt. All his hands find are some pom-poms he picked up at the entrance to the amusement park.
Donnie doesn’t feel chased. The rollercoaster itself is still fun. But the sound of the roar sends a shock through his system that feels like taking a beating. … Even though he’s, never really taken a beating before. But somehow he knows that’s exactly what this feels like.
Cass looks down to her side as the sound of the scream changes– and sees Donnie staring out at nothing with his eyes completely white. She pulls her hands down and shakes him a bit. “Donatello?”
At the front, April looks over at Leo to reassure him– and goes ashen. His eyes are fully white, and as she looks back so are the Mikey’s and Raph’s.
“Whoa, boys! Calm down!” She’s seen this before with her boys, but only in times of intense ninjocity stealth or mystic overflow. And she has never, ever seen it with the kids.
The screams of confused terror don’t help her feel any less panicked about the situation.
“KIDS, IT’S ALRIGHT! IT’S JUST A RIDE!” April looks at Leo, the only one she can actually help directly, and pulls her hand out of his. She cups both sides of his face so make him look at her. “Leo, look! It’s me, Auntie April! We’re okay, we’re just on a rollercoaster, nothing bad is happening!” 
“Something is after us!”
“Leo, look at me! I promise you, nothing is after us!”
In the back, Cass has hold of Donnie’s shoulders. “Focus on me, nephew! We are having a FUN RELAXING DA- ayyy, the yelling is not helping. I SHA- ahem, I shall keep my voice calm. Donnie, focus on me! Focus on how calm and collected I am. We are not in danger!”
“Leo, Leo, look me in the eyes. Please, focus.”
“Donatello, you are safe.”
“We’ve got you, Leo. It’s okay.”
Leo blinks… and the white clears away. His eyes water. “I-I was–” He looks behind him. “Wh– Raph! Mikey!”
“Leo!” Raph’s eyes are still white, but Leo’s voice draws his attention. “What’s–”
“We… we’re okay!” Leo closes his eyes and refuses to look down. “We’re okay. It’s just… bad dreams!”
Raph blinks… and his eyes clear. “We… we’re okay? … Mikey! Mikey, we’re okay!”
Mikey gasps a little, his eyes clearing too. “Wha… oh, man, I just had the weirdest moment! I… I don’t think I like rollercoasters!”
“Your turn, Donatello!” Cass moves his head so he’s looking right at Leo. “Everyone is okay!”
Donnie blinks… eyes clearing. He leans against Cass, shaking slightly. “What happened?” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Draxum, after being narrowly stopped from tearing the entire park apart for causing his grandsons terror, checks their pupils and their blood pressures and everything else that April can frantically name.
“I feel okay now,” Leo says, despite the way the four boys huddle together like they used to do when a movie was a little too scary for them. 
“Me too.” Raph glares at the coaster in the distance. “We shoulda let Papa smash it.”
“It’s almost relieving to see him angry,” April whispers to Cass. Cass nods.
“I think I blacked out,” Mikey says. “From the… velocities?”
“Velocities is right, good job Mikey.” Casey gives him a grin and a thumbs-up, but they only last for a moment. “But, I don’t think amusement park rides can reach a high enough velocity to make that happen.”
“Actually, depending on a few factors, it’s entirely possible.” Donnie gives Draxum his arm to feel for blood pressure before Draxum even has to ask. “But I don’t know if that’s what it was. I think… I think the adrenaline just made us all… freak?”
“I agree with Donnie.” Draxum nods to himself, and stands up. “Nothing is wrong with them physically. Just somewhat increased heart rates.”
“So… a fun ride was more adrenaline-pumping than a fight with a Yokai on a rooftop?” Casey itches the back of his head. “That’s not normal for non-apocalypse children, right?”
“It… could be?” April pinches the bridge of her nose. “I dunno, I can see how it might happen like that but-but the eyes!”
“It could simply be a third eyelid.” Draxum leans in and examines Mikey’s eyes close-up. “An instinct taking over while they felt they were in danger.”
“This blows.” Raph kicks a bit of trash on the ground. “When Dad said growing up makes you weird, I thought he meant we’d start wanting robes and health food and stuff. Not this.”
“Well… is everyone feeling okay now?” April looks down at her nephews. “Should we head home?”
“No way!” Mikey grabs April’s leg and looks up at her pleadingly. “We just got started, and there’s so much stuff down here to do!”
“I dunno…” April picks Mikey up. “That was… really freaky.”
“We’re all better now!” Donnie waves his arm like he can show off his totally fine blood pressure just by bringing attention to it. “Please?”
“Well…” April checks her phone. No texts from the guys yet, so… “Alright. But let’s stick to chill activities from now on! Like your dads are hopefully doing…”
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bracketsoffear · 4 months
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Galápagos (Kurt Vonnegut) "The story begins one million years in the past: 1986 A.D. Mary Hepburn and her husband Roy were supposed to attend the maiden voyage of the wildly publicized Bahía de Darwin, a cruise ship ("The Nature Cruise of the Century!") that takes tourists and sightseers to the famous Galápagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. Unfortunately, Roy dies from a brain tumor shortly before the cruise. So it goes.
Mary, grief stricken, takes the flight to Ecuador to honor the commitment she made with her husband. Also attending the cruise are American con artist James Wait, Japanese inventor Zenji Hiroguchi and his pregnant wife Hisako, American financier Andrew Macintosh and his blind daughter Selena, and an oddball assortment of other characters. Unfortunately for the passengers, the captain crashes the boat on the island after a storm and strands them there without much hope for rescue.
Rescue won't be coming because the end of the world is already gathering steam: a series of events including a worldwide financial crisis, a disease which renders all humans on the planet (except the shipwrecked survivors) infertile, and a looming nuclear war. This group of mismatched tourists suddenly become the last fertile members of humanity, and thus the progenitors of a whole new and totally different human race.
This novel is Vonnegut's take on Darwin's theory of evolution, human nature, and other topics. The novel makes mention of the problems associated with "the oversized human brain," which Vonnegut argues as the source for a lot of humanity's problems — humans lie, cheat, and fight one another because their advanced brains give them the capacity to do so — and the descendants of the Bahía da Darwin survivors lose this evolution, which the narrator sees as a good thing. They also turn semi-aquatic, with flippers for arms."
The Southern Reach Trilogy (Jeff VanderMeer) "The Southern Reach is a secret United States government agency responsible for investigating and hiding the existence of Area X, a remote region of swamps and coastline which was one day surrounded by an invisible and nearly impenetrable barrier. Strange phenomena have been occurring in Area X ever since it formed, and the Southern Reach has been sending in team after team in an attempt to find out what was responsible for the Area's creation—and if it poses a danger to the outside world.
Expedition members are warned to avoid contamination by Area X as it's not know what happened to those who did not return; though frustratingly for the teams, that's a very broad directive given how there's any number of ways Area X can contaminate them. Though most became part of Area X by turning into animals, some turned into grotesque monsters that are neither animal nor human. It is strongly hinted at that the… thing behind it all is merely trying to recreate its long lost homeworld, despite that homeworld being dead and its mission obsolete.
To quote the movie adaptation: "It wasn't destroying. It was changing everything. It was making something new." To quote the wiki about the Extinction: "It is the fear of catastrophic change" and "the extinction of humanity and its replacement by something else.""
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vlad-theimplier · 21 days
WIP Wednesday: Custos Custodium
In which Jensen is privileged to carry Pritchard's voice in his ear through the Palisade Property Bank. For more Pritchard, visit https://archiveofourown.org/works/55686901/chapters/141357007
“Banker’s hours” were a foreign concept to the Palisade Property Bank. In early evening, the lobby still bustled with account holders and staff. Then again, Jensen supposed, the VIP treatment included round-the-clock access for customers unused to being told no, flying into Prague from time zones the world over.
He made some inquiries, inventing a family heirloom that unscrupulous relatives had tried to pinch while the estate ground slowly through probate, and asked to look around at the secure vaults. They let him wander: the vaults were guarded by Tarvos guards and automated defenses alike, so a sightseer would be hard-pressed to make serious trouble.
A normal sightseer, at least. As Jensen made appropriate polite impressed noises over the physical security, he got a call.
“Jensen. You do like to keep things interesting, don’t you.”
“Wouldn’t want you getting rusty, Pritchard.”
“No fear. The above-ground floors were easy, all public record. The vaults, though, took some digging. I had to break into the outskirts of their security system anyway, so you’ll see on your HUD where they’ve marked out shoot-on-sight areas. Hopefully those are signed as well.”
He checked—a dashed red line of warning ran along the floor in front of the security office and across the lower lobby. “They say ‘Restricted Access.’”
“Well, they mean ‘We have carte blanche from the Czech government to murder you if you come in here.’”
“Noted.” He hadn’t even worn his armor. If he was spotted in the bank, he was sunk anyway. The dermal would have to serve, in a pinch. “Anything you can do about the countermeasures?”
“Afraid not. They’re all on an internal network air-gapped from everything else—I can’t even see them. You’re on your own from here.”
It was no more than he’d expected, although it made for a hell of a challenge. Even with his cloak, the frontal approach was right out. A laser grid on the stairs slowed him not at all, but the whole floor was scrutinized by a web of intellicam-linked turrets positioned with a care that filled him with grudging respect for the Tarvos security team. No slowly-panning cams with blind spots underneath for Palisade: they’d set two turrets looking down each length of the catwalks that joined the office spaces, one from each direction. Every blind spot was thus covered by two other cameras, and the walls were built sheer and smooth, with no alcoves to hide in and recharge. He’d lose cloak power before he hacked through a door and made it to cover again, unless he ran fast enough for the patrolling Tarvos team to hear him. Hell, these guys were good enough they might have set the cameras to cue on door motion, too.
But no one thought of everything. Smart vision let him identify the security terminal in the executive office, just at the limits of the millimeter-wave radar’s range, and a vent grille in the wall across from it. Suspiciously close to where the elevator let out, in fact. He backtracked down the stairs to the lobby and crossed to the ground floor elevator door.
Another sweep with smart vision revealed an access grille hidden behind a vending machine. Jensen looked around, saw no one nearby, and hefted the garish bulk of the vending machine carefully in his overpowered arms. Just an inch off the ground, and a little to the side, and down—with a shockingly loud crunch and jangle of cans.
A Tarvos guard stuck his head around the corner and asked in a boarding-school British accent whether everything was all right.
“Sure,” Jensen improvised frantically. “It was just sticking.” He waved his wallet past the RFID reader and jabbed a key at random. The soda fell into the slot with betraying promptness. The Tarvos guard gave him a dubious look.
Jensen held up the soda. “See? It’s, uh, lemon-lime. I wanted… orange. I thought maybe the chute was blocked or something.”
“Well… okay,” said the guard. “Just be careful. I used to work with a guy, he almost got crushed by one while he was trying to get a candy bar loose. Wouldn’t want that to happen to you.”
“Be real tragic, yeah. Good advice. I’m gonna make do with this.”
The guard nodded and walked away. Jensen pocketed the soda and slipped inside the vent feet-first, pulling a trash can in front of the opening before he closed the grille.
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maiemorrae · 5 months
Testing Some Things...
Been dipping my toes the last week or so into visual novel creation. Doing a mix of learning the code and trying out some art stuff for it. Right now this is the more complete-looking screengrab from my project.
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So far I'm thinking of going with this look for characters. It's easy enough for me, who is not very versed in digital art, to do and that limitation of my own skills led me to come up with a very fun narrative reason for this sort of visual.
On the coding side I put together a text-based character creator that lets you do a few things...
Choose a custom name
Choose what pronouns to use
Choose if you are human or azari
Choose (from a selection) of cities in Luctine to be originally from
Choose the name of your sightseer companion
Here you can see some of the different results in action.
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For now, choosing how you're addressed is what sets your portrait, I might see if I can make it separate later. Julian is using the He/Him portrait, Lilira is using the She/Her portrait, and Avery is using the They/Them portrait. I also want to see if I can have it so that your heritage choice (human or azari) would effect the portrait.
Here are the character portraits I've done so far if you want to see them outside the text boxes. (The grey version in the previous pics is the old version) In the game, you play as the partially blind owner of a bookshop in Postlow and will see some of the very ordinary and normal goings on in the life of a shopkeeper with your trusty sightseer companion by your side.
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And lastly, the one full character image I've done. Say hello to Aria, an azari servant who is fiercely loyal to her enigmatic patron.
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sims-half-crazy · 1 year
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Main Aspiration: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Megumi Ito had been one of the first people that Moira had met in Mt. Komorebi and she'd become a very good friend these last few months. Megumi was a good listener and provided very good advice. When Megumi had suggested they go hiking together, Moira was excited to explore these trails with someone. She'd only ever gone alone and, surely, Megumi would know of some hidden gems. Unfortunately, Megumi had the sense of direction of a blind squirrel and they ended up back at the Cave Shrine. Their trek to the cave was not without it's issues and Moira ended up a little worse for wear. On the way back to town, they saw the Temple in the distance and had a wonderful experience with some fireflies.
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scholarlycait · 2 years
★ Octopath: CotC — Battle-Tested Weapon Guide ★
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Battle-Tested (BT) weapons, by themselves, will likely remain the most useful weapons in the game for a very long time, and even afterwards can be used for powerful upgrades. They can be optained by fighting the Lv. 85 NPCs scattered in different towns across the map.
Beating a BT NPC for the first time rewards you with their respective weapon and a Historic Material, which, in the future, can be traded for a bunch of useful things at the exchange. It also grants you a feat worth 100 Rubies and 100 influence points for Wealth, Power and Fame.
Every 20 hours, you can battle them again, which means it’s possible to farm them for both the Historic Material and a ~10% chance to drop another BT weapon upon being defeated. This drop rate also applies for getting the weapons by impressing them repeatedly, which can be done as often as you like, without having to wait another 20 hours. If you plan on farming the weapons, the aforementioned method is recommended until they are added to the exchange.
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Currently available:
BT Axe (Great Architect) in Valore - Weak to Staff/Dark
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BT Bow (Tottering Old Man) in Emberglow - Weak to Fan/Light
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BT Tome (Master of Books) in Theatropolis - Weak to Dagger/Wind
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BT Spear (Energetic Old Woman) in Rippletide - Weak to Bow/Fire 
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After completing their town’s Expert Hunt:
BT Dagger (Powerful Pauper) in Cragspear - Weak to Sword/Lightning
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BT Staff (Reflective Grandma) in Clearbrook - Weak to Tome/Wind
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BT Fan (“Sandcat” Dancer) in Sunshade - Weak to Axe/Ice
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BT Sword (Former Warrior) in Shepherds Rock - Weak to Spear/Ice
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Useful Allies:
In General - All Weaknesses Argumentative Man (Victors Hollow) - Lower Shield Points (3×) Theatre Receptionist (Theatropolis) - Elem. Def. Down 15% (turns: 4) Longsword Mercenary (Victors Hollow) - 1× Sword + Phys. Def. Down 20% (turns: 3) Veteran Announcer (Victors Hollow) - Raise Phys. Atk., Elem. Atk., and Critical of Front by 15% (turns: 3) Chatty Old Woman (Shepherds Rock) - Raise Phys. Atk., Elem. Atk., and Critical of Front by 15% (turns: 3) Proud Knight Ardante (Flamesgrace) - Raise Phys. Def. and Elem. Def. of Front by 20% (turns: 3) Well-connected Merchant (Flamesgrace) - Restore SP of Front (amount: 50) Woman Drawing Water (Sunshade) - Grant Front automatic HP recovery (turns: 3/potency: 120)
BT Axe - Weak to Staff/Dark Hardworking Cleric (Flamesgrace) - 2× Staff Heartsick Believer (Cathedral of Tytos) - 2× Staff Defeated Gambler (Victors Hollow) - 1-5× Staff Alcohol-hating Man (Cragspear) - 2× Dark Eloped Man (Victors Hollow) - 2× Dark Jumpy Parishoner (Cathedral of Tytos) - Moderate chance to inflict with blindness (turns: 3) and lower Dark Res. by 15% (turns: 3) Insomniac (Cathedral of Tytos) - 1× Tome and lower Dark Res. by 20% (turns: 4)
BT Bow - Weak to Fan/Light Straight-faced Man (Sunshade) - 2× Fan Former Dancer (Flamesgrace) - 2× Fan Resolute Noblewoman (Donescu) - 3× Fan Iron-loving Merchant (Shepherds Rock) - 2× Light Zealot (Flamesgrace) - 2× Light Elderly Cleric (Flamesgrace) - 2× Light Head of the Artisan's Guild (Cathedral of Tytos) - 1× Tome and lower Light Res. by 15% (turns: 3)
BT Tome - Weak to Dagger/Wind Former Actor (Sunshade) - 2× Dagger Industrious Gardener (Shepherds Rock) - 2× Dagger Cheerful Acrobat (Shepherds Rock) - 3× Dagger Argumentative Man (Victors Hollow) - 3× Dagger Lamas Company Merchant (Sunshade) - 2× Wind Man Confronting Tyranny (Cragspear) - 3× Wind Ambitious Hunter (Flamesgrace) - 3× Wind Traveling Gourmand (Victors Hollow) - Lower Wind Res. by 20% (turns: 3)
BT Spear - Weak to Bow/Fire Marina (Rippletide) - 3× Bow Nimble Carpenter (Shepherds Rock) - 3× Bow Confident Fisherwoman (Rippletide) - 2× Fire Magg the Cook (Clearbrook) - 2× Fire Avaricious Merchant (Flamesgrace) - 3× Fire
BT Dagger - Weak to Sword/Lightning Capital Sightseer (Cragspear) - 3× Sword Once-aspiring Knight (Shepherds Rock) - 3× Sword Destitute Gladiator (Victors Hollow) - 3× Sword Timid Novice Knight Ardante (Cathedral of Tytos) - 3× Sword
BT Staff - Weak to Tome/Wind Cynical Pauper (Cragspear) - 2× Tome Religious Scholar (Flamesgrace) - 2× Tome Scholarly Soldier (Shepherds Rock) - 2× Tome Lamas Company Merchant (Sunshade) - 2× Wind Man Confronting Tyranny (Cragspear) - 3× Wind Ambitious Hunter (Flamesgrace) - 3× Wind Traveling Gourmand (Victors Hollow) - Lower Wind Res. by 20% (turns: 3)
BT Fan (“Sandcat” Dancer) in Sunshade - Weak to Axe/Ice Elderly Apothecary (Donescu) - 2× Axe and moderate chance to inflict poison Gold Hunter (Cragspear) - 3× Axe Entrance Guard (Clearbrook) - 3× Axe Tony's Mother (Rippletide) - 2× Ice Brave Tavern Maid (Sunshade) - 2× Ice Shivering Grandmother (Flamesgrace) - Lower Ice Res. by 25% (turns: 3)
BT Sword (Former Warrior) in Shepherds Rock - Weak to Spear/Ice Chatty Housewife (Shepherds Rock) - 2× Spear Fur Dealer (Flamesgrace) - 2× Spear Mont d'Or (Victors Hollow) - 3× Spear Distraught Fisherman (Donescu) - 3× Spear Tony's Mother (Rippletide) - 2× Ice Brave Tavern Maid (Sunshade) - 2× Ice Shivering Grandmother (Flamesgrace) - Lower Ice Res. by 25% (turns: 3)
NPC/Ally index made by /u/Ioregnak on Reddit (spreadsheet) Updated NPC/Ally index made by Aergia (spreadsheet) NPC/Ally index made by me (with pictures)
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Other Guides
Text Guide by /u/arkkus on Reddit
Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Longbow Master - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Great Architect - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Master of Books - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Energetic Old Woman - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Powerful Pauper - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Reflective Grandma - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky ("Sandcat” Dancer - 4★ and 3★ only) Video Guide by Empyrean Sky (Former Warrior - 4★ and 3★ only)
(If there are any other good guides, please let me know! I will add them to this list immediately.)
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ithisatanytime · 8 months
Let's Ride
alright tumblr, lets unpack this!
No count was made of people blinded at Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
ok starting off highly suspect but we covered this, NO count was made? really? is there an estimate?
perhaps few people were looking into the sky at the right moment.
perhaps few people were looking in the sky at the right moment? the fuck you mean a few? maybe everyone at hiroshima was blinded so how could it be a fucking few? you start by saying no count was made instead of just saying no one was blinded (outside what youd expect from severe napalm burns) you say perhaps few people were looking at the sky (LOL) which heavily implies no one was blinded, so why not just say that? why is it so important to obfuscate the fuck out of this answer?
If modern bombs attract more sightseers, they will blind them at greater distances than four miles, for they are far brighter than the nominal bombs were.
  and it just ends with this, like what the fuck is this hypothetical, if modern bombs attract more sightseers... what? and then just back into scare tactics, its unreal, this is exactly like when you used to google shit like “why were their hospitals and midwives delivering jewish babies at the german death camps” and the answer would be a complete nonanswer that was purporting to answer that very common (and damn good) question, but instead of even attempting to answer why hitler was wasting resources treating the ill and delivering the infants of people he was murdering wholesale, they give you an emotionally wroguht horror story about experiments being performed where these babies would be ripped from their mothers arms and something pervy jew shit about breast milk i cant remember it was years ago when i searched that. its the same thing, they will use emotional tactics to shame you for having the nerve for asking such questions but they wont answer them.
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Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
( The infernal devices - book 2/3 )
15th February 2023
" When I think of you, and you are not there, I see you in my mind's eye always with a book in your hand."
Something in him was broken, and through that break spilled a blind cruelty, a need to hurt and to push away.
" ... if I were a man - would you have treated me as you just did?"
" Will, Jessamine, do try not to kill each other while I am gone."
" Reparations," said Jem very suddenly, setting down the pen he was holding. Will looked at him in puzzlement. "Is this a game? We just blurt out whatever word comes next to mind? In that case mine's 'genuphobia'. It means an unreasonable fear of knees." "What's the word for a perfectly reasonable fear of annoying idiots?" inquired Jessamine.
" Anyway, the last time I was here, everyone was living in mud huts and eating bugs. So I doubt he was around" -he pointed a many-jointed finger at Will -"unless Earthkind lives much longer than I was led to believe."
Will looked down at his bitten nails. "I will probably be reborn as a slug that someone salts."
" What is one person's pleasure is another's poison ..."
" You won't like it." Tessa was unmoved. "I won't know if I like it until I try it, will I?" "I've never swum naked in the Thames, but I know I wouldn't like it." "But think how entertaining for sightseers," said Tessa, and she saw Jem duck his head to hide the quick flash of his grin.
" ... It is me. I am poison. Poison to them. Poison to anyone who loves me."
" No one can live with nothing," he whispered. "Jem is all I have."
" I must play the part of another person all day, each day-bitter and vicious and cruel-"
" khalepa ta kale" ... " ... 'beauty is harsh.'"
" You cannot buy or drug or dream your way out of pain."
" Eggs," said Henry dreamily, looking at his plate. "I do love eggs. I could eat them all day." ... "You might be surprised to know," said Will, "that I saw something rather interesting in the opium den." "I'm sure you did," said Charlotte with asperity. "Was it an egg?" Henry inquired.
" ... the sins of the fathers should not be visited on the sons." "Or the daughters," said Will.
But all these were things he could not want, because they were things he could not have, and wanting what you could not have led to misery and madness.
" and as for him being a witness, well, everyone thinks Will is a lunatic as it is-". "Ah," said a voice from the doorway, "having your annual everyone-thinks-Will-is-a-lunatic meeting, are you?" "It's biannual," said Jem. "And no, this is not that meeting."
" ... I have important business to get to. I plan to sulk all afternoon, followed, perhaps, by an evening of Byronic brooding and a nighttime of dissipation."
" I've never minded it," he went on. "Being lost, that is. I had always thought one could not be truly lost if one knew one's own heart. But I fear I may be lost without knowing yours."
Better not to think about it; better not to hope and be disappointed.
" It is always better to live the truth than to live a lie."
" I cannot explain love," he said. "I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking towards me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you. That you were the centre of everything I did and felt and thought."
" You are home for me now."
" Astriola," he said. "That is demon pox. You had evidence that demon pox existed and you didn't mention it to me! Et tu, Brute!" He rolled up the paper and hit Jem over the head with it. "Ouch!" Jem rubbed his head ruefully.
" ... We live and breathe words. It was books that kept me from taking my own life after I thought I could never love anyone, never be loved by anyone again. It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them."
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awkwardpariah · 2 years
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Olympus Mons or simply Mount Olympus to most modern Martians is about as true to its name as you can be. Vaulting 22km into the sky and with a base 624km wide, larger than the terran state of Arizona, this mountain dominates everything, including the state that bares its name. Making up more than half of the state's available landmass, Mt. Olympus is home to the largest glacier south of either pole, a glacier that feeds virtually every major river in its immediate vicinity and shields Olympus's western banks from the frigid air of the rest of Tharsis, giving the state a pleasant microclimate closer to the rest of the Amazonas basin. During the winter, there's a phenomenon called the Olympian Sunrise, in which the light of the setting sun is reflected off of the enormous glacier and creates the image of a second sun in the east, causing Olympus to have virtually no twilight. The downside of this is that the mountain is so tall that the actual sunrise takes until around 10am to crest the peak. During the summer, the glacial melt causes the cliffs to weep as enormous waterfalls pour over the cliffsides of the shield volcano. Western Tharsis and its rocky shoals make poor ports for maritime trade, however efforts to dredge the Zeus channel into a deep water port have made Olympus, at the very least, the richest among the poorest in shipping. Trade is not what defines Olympus, but rather mining and of course the tourism industry as climbers from across the solar system venture there to try their luck at the great mountain, or perhaps catch a glimpse of some of the only remaining Olympic Razorback dragons, of which only a handful of specimens are believed to survive in the thin air and almost pre-terraforming atmosphere near the Olympian peak. Base camp is set at the state capita of New Denver, one of the few remaining cities who's population still lives largely below ground in the vast network of lava tubes beneath the mountain. The entrance is a massive structure of carved basalt, itself a major destination for sightseers, and a monument to the early Martian architectural style that merged Grecian classical with the American frontier. Beneath the mountain tens of thousands of humans and millions of drones work in the state's seemingly endless network of tunnels in service to the mining industry. Compared to the idyllic mountain town, or the bright limestone metropolis of Thessaly, New Denver Under the Mountain is a far more ethereal place, unlike any other in the state. Rowhouses carved into its tunnels near the entrance eventually give way to fewer and fewer signs of human activity, save for glowing handprints that dot the tunnel walls, the result of bioluminescent fungi engineered to feed on the residual oils left by the hands of passing travelers. At least 3 people vanish beneath the mountain every month, lost in the never ending maze of lava tubes. Among the tourists, a popular rumor is that the delvers were taken by pale skinned, blind creatures of almost human intelligence. Native Martians, long forgotten Gods, or the corrupted offspring of generations of lost delvers? Who knows... but be sure to get your t-shirts in the gift shop before leaving. This is another collaboration with FTWinckless On reddit: www.reddit.com/user/Rubikia/su… His instagram feed: www.instagram.com/ftwinckless/
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ichristian-news · 2 years
☀️ #67 The Blind Sightseers Reminisce: "Elounda & Spinalonga, Crete" 🇬🇷 (2019)
☀️ #67 The Blind Sightseers Reminisce: “Elounda & Spinalonga, Crete” 🇬🇷 (2019)
Wow…Sarah & i are setting our clocks forward 2 hours whilst travelling back to antiquity to see some of the places the apostle Paul visited on his epic journey through the book of Acts.We will get to visit Athens and Mars Hill, Ephesus and Crete. And while in Crete we get to visit the island of Spinalounga which is where Sarah has always wanted to visit. And the other 2 days we’ll get to visit…
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starrysnowdrop · 3 years
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A Breath of Respite
Yume Aino x G’raha Tia with mentions of Yume Aino x Cid Garlond
Conversation between my WoL and the Crystal Exarch; spoilers for Shadowbringers up until lvl 78 quest “A Breath of Respite”.
Yes, I’m aware that I’m a day late with this, but I got it out so I’m proud of myself! Please let me know what you think about this. Feel free to post your own WIP and tag me so I can read it!
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“Then this may be the last moment we have to ourselves for a while. Come, sit with me,” The Exarch said with a gentle smile and a voice sweet and enticing.
Yume’s eyes widened for a brief moment as the memory of the same line spoken with an all too familiar tone came flooding back to her:
With mismatched eyes of fierce blood red and calming cyan blue gazing up at her through locks of blazing red, the Miqo’te man removed the lute from his lap, setting it against the tree in which he was resting under and patted the ground next to him. “Come, sit with me.”
Her heart began to beat wildly in her chest as Yume pushed the image from her mind. This man sitting in front of her may sound like him, smile like him, and act like him, but for all she knows, it is not him. It was probably just a figment of her imagination, a delusion conjured from her deepest desire to see the man that haunts her dreams every night… the one that she lost all those years ago.
The same questions that Yume had when she first arrived in the First came back to her once again… the same ones that she could never find any answers to, no matter how many times that she would dwell on the mystery.
If the Crystal Exarch was truly him, why would he lie and say that he had never heard of G’raha Tia? Why would he hide himself from her? What has he to gain from keeping his identity a secret, even from everyone in the Crystarium? Even if it was really him, how did he get to the First in the first place?
No, dwelling on such matters would avail her naught. She must continue to act as she has done ever since her arrival in this world: go along with the Exarch’s charade, keeping her own council, pretending as though her heart is not in the deepest turmoil, ignoring the flame that burns inside her for this shrouded man who constantly reminds her of the one person whose memory she has carried with her since he locked himself in slumber.
With a nod, Yume sat next to the Exarch, careful to not sit too close, but close enough that she could aid him if he needed her assistance.
His voice broke the silence, interrupting her thoughts, “Tell me, when all of this is over, what will you do?”
“All I know is that I want to rest, for a long while,” Yume answered with a sigh.
“That would be well deserved. You might consider roaming Norvrandt not as her savior, but as a simple sightseer. Viewed through such eyes, I am certain she would seem quite different.”
Yume smiled at the pleasant thought. “I think… I would like that very much.”
“Oh, and what of your upcoming nuptials? Surely that is something you are looking forward to.”
The Raen’s eyes snapped open at the mention of her upcoming wedding. So much has happened during her time in the First, and so much of her time has been taken up with the mystery surrounding the Exarch’s identity and Emet-Selch’s plans that her fiancé had been pushed to the far back of her mind.
A wave of guilt crashed over her as Yume wearily replied, “So, you know about that too.”
The Exarch nodded. “Alphinaud had mentioned it briefly in our sojourn to Eulmore while you and the others were in Rak’tika.”
“I see.”
“Pray forgive me if it was too personal of a topic. I did not mean to pry.”
“No it’s alright. It’s just…” Yume looked towards the blinding everlasting light and took a deep breath. Was she really about to voice what is in her heart to the enigmatic figure before her? Before she could second guess herself, she spit it out, “I’m not so sure that I even want to get married anymore.”
The Exarch’s mouth fell open as he cautiously replied, “M-May I ask why?”
“Well, I always did want to marry for love. I defied my father’s wishes, vowed that I would rather die than marry whoever my father wanted to me to, and ended up being disowned and banished from my home for it. So, when Cid asked me to marry him, in that moment, I thought that I would soon have the chance to marry for love. But… now… it seems like if I went through with it, I’d be making a very big mistake.”
The Exarch looked intently at Yume, listening to her every word, which spurned her to continue with her confession.
“Cid deserves better than me. He deserves to marry someone who isn’t in love with someone else… even if that someone else is all but a memory now.”
“Someone else?”
“Yes… I didn’t fully understand what was in my heart all along until fairly recently, but looking back now, it’s all so clear. When he… left… I was just so lonely that I ended up clinging to Cid, in hopes of moving on with my life. Yet, I don’t think I ever could move on. I never did. So, when this is all over, I plan to tell Cid everything. He needs to know the truth.”
As if he was struggling to find the right words, the Exarch clumsily responded, “I-I see… t-thank you for sharing this with me. It warms my heart to know that you felt comfortable enough to tell me. I hope that you will continue to let your heart guide you… for it won’t steer you wrong.”
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Memories from the past (Part five)(Caius Volturi)
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Word count: 2043
The street was very narrow, cobbled with the same colour stones as the faded cinnamon brown buildings that darkened the street with their shade. It had the feel of an alleyway. Red flags decorated the walls, spaced only a few yards apart, flapping in the wind that whistled through the narrow lane. It was crowded, and the foot traffic slowed our progress. We found another street at the end. The buildings were taller here; they leaned together overhead so that no sunlight touched the pavement—the thrashing red flags on either side nearly met. The crowd was thicker here than anywhere else. We continued the walk through the shadows, even when we reached the plaza with the clock tower in the middle. Coming out of the dark lane, I was blinded by the brilliant sunlight beating down into the principal plaza. The wind whooshed into me, flinging my hair into my eyes and blinding me further. I pushed urgently toward it, not realizing till I bruised my shins against the bricks that there was a wide, square fountain set into the center of the plaza. I glanced up at the clock again. Some sort of pull lured me towards it.
A deep, booming chime echoed through the square. It throbbed in the stones under my feet. Children cried, covering their ears. Alice pulled me towards them back into the shadows. The clock tolled again. We ran past a child in his mother's arms—his hair was almost white in the dazzling sunlight. A circle of tall men, all wearing red blazers, called out warnings as we barrelled through them. The clock tolled again. On the other side of the men in blazers, there was a break in the throng, space between the sightseers who milled aimlessly around me. My eyes searched the dark narrow passage to the right of the wide square edifice under the tower. I couldn't see the street level—there were still too many people in the way. The clock tolled again. It was hard to see now. Without the crowd to break the wind, it whipped at my face and burned my eyes. That was the way we went, towards even more shadows. Edward walked in front of me while Alice walked behind me, gently pushing me into the right direction. I was so mesmerised by the small town and the beautiful plaza it contained that I hadn’t seen the two dark shapes detach themselves from the gloom. "Greetings, gentlemen," Edward's voice was calm and pleasant. “The girl as promised.” “And no harm done. We made sure of that.” Alice said, her hand still on my lower back. "Very well. Shall we take this conversation to a more appropriate venue?" a smooth voice whispered menacingly. “Very well.” Alice said as she gently pushed me for ward. “I will take it from here, miss.” The smooth voice spoke again, walking closer towards me. “Very well, Demetri.” Alice said as she took a step back and the other took a step closer to me, now occupying the spot Alice just seconds ago held. I finally dared to take a closer look at the newcomers. They were both concealed within smoky gray cloaks that reached to the ground and undulated in the wind. The second, taller man still hadn’t moved, but I felt his glare on me. “How can we be sure this isn’t some trick?” he asked. “Your Masters can confirm that it isn’t, as you should know, Felix.” Edward said in a harsh tone. The one named Felix growled at him. Wait, what? Humans can’t growl. "Felix," the second, more reasonable shadow named Demetri cautioned. "Not here." He turned to Edward. "My apologies, Edward. We have had some… disappointments in the past. That is all." My eyes were adjusting to the deep shade, and I could see that Felix was very big, tall and thick through the shoulders. Felix and Demetri stole closer toward the mouth of the alley, spreading out slightly so they could come at us from two sides, forcing us closer into the alley. "Let's behave ourselves, shall we?" Alice suggested. "There are ladies present." "Enough." The voice was high, reedy, and n came from behind us. I peeked under Edward's other arm to see a small, dark shape coming toward us. By the way the edges billowed, I knew it would be another one of them. Who else? At first I thought it was a young boy. The newcomer was as tiny as Alice, with lank, pale brown hair trimmed short. The body under the cloak—which was darker, almost black—was slim and androgynous. But the face was too pretty for a boy. The wide-eyed, full-lipped face would make a Botticelli angel look like a gargoyle. Even allowing for the dull crimson irises. Her size was so insignificant that the reaction to her appearance confused me. Felix and Demetri relaxed immediately, stepping back from their offensive positions to blend again with the shadows of the overhanging walls. Edward dropped his arms and relaxed his position as well—but in defeat. "Jane," he sighed in recognition and resignation. Alice folded her arms across her chest, her expression impassive. "Follow me," Jane spoke again, her childish voice a monotone. She turned her back on us and drifted silently into the dark. Felix gestured for us to go first, smirking. Alice walked after the little Jane at once, Edward following her at once. “After you, mia bella signora.” Demetri said as he gently pushed me to follow them, my confusion most
likely clear on my face. The alley angled slightly downward as it narrowed. My mind was racing as my feet moved forward on automatic pilot mode. What was going on? Where these people some kind of cult? Would I be sacrificed to their blood lusting god? There was a loose curve to the alley, still slanting downward, so I didn't see the squared-off dead end coming until we reached the flat, windowless, brick face. The little one called Jane was nowhere to be seen. Alice didn't hesitate, didn't break pace as she strode toward the wall. Then, with easy grace, she slid down an open hole in the street. It looked like a drain, sunk into the lowest point of the paving. I hadn't noticed it until Alice disappeared, but the grate was halfway pushed aside. The hole was small, and black. I stopped dead in my tracks. “With all due respect, I refuse to simply fall to my death thank you very much.” I said, trying to find a way to run far away from these people. “No worries, signora. Just close your eyes and I assure you that you will be safe.” Demetri said as he gently placed his hands around my waist. I sighed in defeat, knowing there was no way out of this. I was doomed. Death was approaching with every heartbeat. “Very well.” I closed my eyes so I couldn't see the darkness, scrunching them together in terror, clamping my mouth shut so I wouldn't scream. I felt Demetri pick me up slightly and jump down the hole. It was silent and short. The air whipped past me for just half a second, and then, with a huff as I exhaled, he gracefully landed on the floor without a sound. Demetri stood me upright and placed his hand on my back again, ready to guide me forwards. It was dim, but not black at the bottom. The light from the hole above provided a faint glow, reflecting wetly from the stones under my feet. Felix jumped behind us and we continued our stroll in silence. The sound of the heavy grate sliding over the drain hole behind us rang with metallic finality. The dim light from the street was quickly lost in the gloom. The sound of my staggering footsteps echoed through the black space; it sounded very wide, but I couldn't be sure. There were no sounds other than my frantic heartbeat and my feet on the wet stones. The path beneath our feet continued to slant downward, taking us deeper into the ground, and it made me claustrophobic. I couldn't tell where the light was coming from, but it slowly turned dark gray instead of black. We were in a low, arched tunnel. Long trails of ebony moisture seeped down the gray stones, like they were bleeding ink. We hurried through the tunnel, or it felt like hurrying to me. At the end of the tunnel was a grate—the iron bars were rusting, but thick as my arm. A small door made of thinner, interlaced bars was standing open. We all ducked through and hurried on to a larger, brighter stone room. The grille slammed shut with a clang, followed by the snap of a lock. I was too afraid to look behind me. On the other side of the long room was a low, heavy wooden door. It was very thick—as I could tell.
We were in a brightly lit and unremarkable hallway. The walls were off-white, the floor carpeted in industrial gray. Common rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along the ceiling. It was warmer here, for which I was grateful. This hall seemed very benign after the gloom of the ghoulish stone sewers. The heavy door creaked shut behind us, and then there was the thud of a bolt sliding home. Jane waited by the elevator, one hand holding the doors open for us. Her expression was apathetic. Once inside the elevator, the three figures with cloaks seemed to relax further. They threw back their cloaks, letting the hoods fall back on their shoulders. Felix and Demetri were both of a slightly olive complexion—it looked odd combined with their chalky pallor. Felix's black hair was cropped short, but Demetri's waved to his shoulders. Their irises were deep crimson around the edges, darkening until they were black around the pupil. Under the shrouds, their clothes were modern, pale, and nondescript. I cowered in the corner, cringing against the wall, their red eyes freaking me out even more. They were most defiantly a cult. And I was the stupid lamb that jumped happily and unknowingly into their bloody arms. Bloody hell. Stupid lamb I am. The elevator ride was short; we stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were panelled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green. There were no windows, but large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as replacements. Pale leather couches were arranged in cosy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly coloured bouquets. The flowers' smell reminded me of a funeral home. In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter. I gawked in astonishment at the woman behind it. She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. She smiled politely in welcome. "Good afternoon, Jane," she said. Jane nodded. "Gianna." She continued toward a set of double doors in the back of the room, and we followed. As Felix passed the desk, he winked at Gianna, and she giggled. On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception. The pale boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely. He came forward to meet us. He smiled, reaching for her. "Jane." "Alec," she responded, embracing the boy. They kissed each other's cheeks on both sides. Then he looked at the group before his eyes landed on me with curiosity. "Is this really her?" he noted, looking at me. Jane nodded, a proud look on her face. "Nice work." She laughed—the sound sparkled with delight like a baby's cooing. "The Masters will be so glad to finally meet you, madam. Master Caius and Mistress Athenodora especially.” Alec said, speaking to me directly now. I only looked at him in confusion "Let's not keep them waiting," Jane suggested. Alec and Jane, holding hands, led the way down yet another wide, ornate hall. Yup. I was going to die. To some weird BDSM cult… great. Stupid little lamb I am.
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Sanguine Nocturnus | 3
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Summary: Even after 2000 years, the world can still surprise you. Pairing: AU!Henry Cavill x OFC Word Count: 1.6K Warnings: It’s a vampire fic. Death. Blood. Gore. Sex. Horror. Not for the kiddies or the squeamish. I mean it. A/N : Thank you to everyone who’s been so excited and supportive of this one. I can’t even begin to tell y’all how much good stuff is in store for y’all!
The sun seemed different in Rome. Brighter, more nourishing somehow. Carla watched how the early morning light played against the soapy bubbles she brushed along her skin, smiling at the oil-slick colors and the sharp bursts of white whenever one popped. Even plain water looked different as it flowed over her, Carla admiring the little sunbursts that topped her pert nipples as the water brought goosebumps to nearly every inch of her. 
The water, so far, was her only complaint. Harder than what she was used to in New York, it had forced her to switch from her favorite shampoo to an Italian brand that promised to work even with the most mineral-deposited water; it was no wonder the locals preferred to drink bottled spring water wherever they went. Even her apartment’s size didn’t bother Carla. What her unit lacked in space, it more than made up for in natural light, French doors opened out to small verandas on each side of her corner unit, and medium-sized windows next to her front door gave Carla a scenic view of her building’s courtyard.
Stepping out of the shower, Carla took a moment to look at herself in the mirror, her smile growing in excitement as she thought about what the night would hold. Having been kind enough to give her a week to acclimate, Romulus’ owner had asked that she work her first shift on Friday the 13th. Far from being leery of the date, Carla found it only fitting given the atmosphere of the bar. Remembering she had all day to play sightseer again, she padded into her room to get dressed, only to find a big, near-blinding ray of sun sweeping across her bed. 
Dropping her towel, Carla crawled back into bed with a grin, intent on enjoying the sun for just a moment longer while the residual water dried on her legs. There was something daring about being nude just inside a second-story window, and while back home she would have drawn a crowd of gawkers in the building across the street, her view now held only the Palazzo Borghese, the blue sky, and the tans and terracottas of Rome. In short, she was in heaven. 
Since landing in Rome and settling into her apartment, Carla had decided that each day, she would pick a direction, and walk, intent on simply seeing the city as organically as possible. Some days she ended up at the Colosseum, marveling over the ruins, and others, in a little bookstore that specialized in first editions and rare finds. It kept the lonely and restless nature of her mind at bay, and in her opinion, was the best way to honor her mother’s wishes and heritage. 
Carla’s walk took her to the ruins of the Stadium of Domitian, and for the first time since arriving at Rome, her fascination for history was paralleled by an anxiety that she was wasting her degree. Having studied History at NYU, she’d always banked on getting a job at a museum or a library, but with each rejection, that dream had become further and further away. Now, with an opportunity to start anew, she wanted to try that path again. The more she walked through the ancient archways and old relics, the more confident she became that she would make something of herself, even after all this time.  
After a light lunch in the nearby piazza, Carla made her way home, stopping to grab a few things at the pharmacy and the little market near her apartment. One thing was certain, the pace in Rome was far more to her liking than home had ever been, and though the city was bustling, she didn’t feel the constant rush to get everything done like she had in New York. It eased her stress in a way she hadn’t even considered, and by the time she was back in her apartment, Carla felt light as air. 
Unsure of whether Romulus allowed their employees to eat dinner on-site, Carla made an early plate of pasta and readied herself for work. Donning black jeans, a black t-shirt, and her most trusted pair of boots, she added a deep red lip, feeling as though the color would not only act as a counterpoint to all the black, but that it would suit the mood of the bar. Nervous butterflies flitted through her stomach as she threw on a black motorcycle jacket and headed for the door, hoping she’d done enough to impress her new boss. 
Romulus’ owner, Fredo, was just as warm and complimentary in person as he’d been over the phone, and in no time, Carla had made herself at home behind the bar, grateful not only for the job, but for the fact that she had full control of her space. There were no other bartenders to contend with, no toes to step on. She was given free reign to do things her way, and that was more than enough to set her at ease. The only thing she’d been warned not to do was get rid of a drink called Sanguinem, one Carla had honestly never heard of. 
Coming in an ornate deep blue bottle with a crystal stopper, it looked like the design and marketing hadn’t changed since its inception. Curious, she’d poured herself a half shot of the stuff while on her first break and swirled it around in her mouth, spitting it out just as fast as she’d drank it. Sharp and metallic, she’d barely been able to pick up hints of blackcurrant and cherry before her mind had told her to eject the liquid. Intensely interested in finding out what kind of person would order such a foul-tasting concoction, Carla spent the first half of her shift hoping someone would order it. 
It would be two weeks before anyone did.
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Despite having spoken Italian with her mother all her life, Carla had found herself freezing when she had to converse with native speakers, her mind tongue-tying her to the point where those she was speaking with often took pity on her and switched to English. Still, despite the occasional language barrier, Carla found Italians, as a whole, far more agreeable customers than their American counterparts. People were simply happy to be out and enjoying themselves, and they couldn’t be bothered to berate someone who was plying them with drinks. The laid back attitude helped her settle at Romulus, in much that same way she’d eased into Italian life in general and though there were times when her anxiety about the future still plagued her, most nights, she was too busy to even give it a second thought. 
On the first Saturday in December, Carla’s routine set of faces and orders changed, anxiety once more taking a back seat to the group of three stunning creatures that walked into Romulus unannounced, but very much known by the other customers. Carla watched, fascinated, as some of the patrons all but threw their money at her in their haste to leave, while others moved tables and seats closer to the semi-circular booth the group had chosen at their location for the night. Those who left seemed disturbed, and those who stayed, entranced. Without even needing to think about it, Carla knew she fell into the latter category; the two men and one woman all looked like demigods. 
Dressed almost too formally for the bar, the tallest of the three caught her eye first. Dark curls hung just to his brow, framing a jaw that seemed cut from marble and was nearly the same color as the statues of old. It was his eyes that took Carla’s breath away however, their shade reminiscent of tropical waters, their intensity almost neon. Wearing an all black suit with the shirt unbuttoned to reveal a thick thatch of hair, Carla was certain he could have any woman in Romulus that he so much as looked at.
His friends were no slouches either, the other man wearing a navy suit with a cream turtleneck, and the woman wearing a dress that had all the hallmarks of being couture and vintage. All three were brunettes of differing shades, their hair color setting off the pallor of their skin and the alien-like brightness of their eyes. They were, in short, immaculate. 
When the man in the turtleneck rose and made his way over to the bar, Carla forgot where she was. She watched his lips move, not hearing a word of what was said, too caught up in his overall presence to pay any attention to what was happening. It wasn’t until she realized he was waving his hand in front of her face that Carla came to her senses. Blushing, she shook her head and gave him her best smile. 
“What can I get you?” She asked, stumbling over her Italian and feeling the temperature in the room go up several notches as the man smiled back. 
“Two bottles of Sanguinem, and three chilled coupes, please.” The man’s words felt like they were coming from inside her own head and Carla was once more left rooted into place, unable to process how he could make himself be heard so clearly over the din of the music and other patrons. 
Blinking hard, she moved to grab the bottles, glad that she’d done her prep work prior to opening and that she had several of each kind of glass in the chiller, ready to go. Carla made a mental note of the type of stemware that paired with the drink, wondering if there’d be any variation in how it was taken; straight, on the rocks, or with a twist. 
The man in the turtleneck nodded his thanks, tapping one long finger against the list next to the till,  on top of the name Vinicius. Nodding her understanding that he had a tab with the bar, Carla watched as he headed back to the table and began to serve the other two, her glance quickly moving towards the dancefloor when all three of them turned to look at her with their piercing gazes.
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heart-4-brainz · 3 years
each hour drags on like a year
almost a century gone in four days
i’m a blind sightseer swooning over
a toppled monument decayed
i’m biting past my cuticles
so much once my fingers bled
the days drag on mercilessly
as i slowly drown in my regret
i can’t even open up my curtains
unaware whether it’s day or night
i will never ever forgive myself
proving my insecurities right
it’s hard to keep track of the hours
until sunlight creeps in through the blinds
i haven’t slept, eaten or showered
i must have just lost track of time
love can we please try to mend
everything that i have broken
i’m not perfect but i’ll try until
my chest has finally burst wide open
you can remove all of its contents
just one tired heart, please keep it safe
or throw it away peeled into segments
i mean it belongs to you, anyway
have i shattered what you saw
every time you looked at me
do you no longer see the boy
who wore his heart right on his sleeve
anxious sweating, shaking next to you
too scared to talk or even eat
so unaware someday without you
i’d feel so fucking incomplete
it’s a fear my dear irrational
but it feels so real to me
i’m so sorry that i treated you
like someone waiting to leave
my throat gets so tight if i think of
you letting somebody else in
will you touch him like you touched me
and say those perfect words to him
will you love the noises that he makes
the ones i never can withhold
cause when we’re together i feel so safe
in ways i hadn’t felt before
now my eyes are black
my breathing shaky
i just want to disappear
my voice is cracked
my heart is racing
i can’t fight back all the tears
would he love the little things about you
my favorite laugh, your little mole
would he run his fingers on your neck
cup your face and kiss your nose
will he keep you warm when it gets dark
cause darling i know that you get cold
will he make you feel comfortable
alive, happy, and beautiful
will he imagine you in his sweaters
will he want all of you just like i do
will it really be so much better
to have someone else beside you
when it’s just the two of us
a bond i never could unmake
everything so sweet and effortless
it’s impossible to fake
i never want to look at another
the way i love to look at you
or pretend i want anybody else
because it never would be true
i’d rather spend my months alone
and long for times we were together
i’ll replay those memories that we made
and still write you poems and letters
they’ll end up stacked on my nightstand
thousands of words you’ll never read
fingers crossed so hard they start to break
my god it’s fucking killing me
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bbrrambo · 4 years
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i never gave y'all a proper introduction to the gals ,, so officially meet lume !
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lumene ( lume ) yarbury :: ➻ she's squeamish, good, and proper ! ➻ aspiration of Mt. Komorebi Sightseer ! ➻ currently works as a freelance artist ! ➻ enjoys painting, cooking, and knitting ! she and october met during their freshman year of college at the university of brichester , she was a fine arts major and spotted october from across campus whilst sketching passerbys and was literally shook — it was love at first sight ! three small facts: ➻ lume is blind in her right eye from a childhood accident . ➻ middle child with both an older and younger brother . ➻ loves scary movies even though they give her nightmares !
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