#The Chickpea Darlings
bandcampsnoop · 10 months
Subjangle is at it again. They have a knack for uncovering great pop artists who have been laboring for years and years as unrecognized songsmiths. Their roster is full of examples - The Photocopies, Grand Drifter, 3 A.M. Again, and The Umbrella Puzzles immediately come to mind.
Now comes Huw Darling and his two projects, The Spanish Amanda and The Chickpea Darlings (both based in England). Both projects remind me of McCarthy, Northern Portrait, The Smiths and Maxwell Farrington and Le SuperHomard.
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mathildejr · 1 year
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a few months ago I did my first ever ceramics class :)) it was so fun and so peaceful
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
A little more Tennis AU to break up the seriousness of writing/editing Teeth.
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 8
Pt 7
Max sat at his breakfast bar eating lunch, some grilled chicken salad with chickpeas or whatever. Normally he paid attention, he loved food and eating. But Lando had sent him a video just now with a caption 'your boy 😅'.
He can't say he wasn't curious. His heart was pounding, he knew it was a video of Daniel, more than likely from his media duties this morning. He didn't recognize this thumbnail, and the posted date was today. (So he may have watched all of Daniel's interviews from this year's circuit, sue him).
There must be something about this interview why Lando was bringing it to his attention. Pressing play he watched as it started. Daniel was behind a desk, decked out in sponsors and a million dollar smile. Max found himself smiling at the video at Daniel's excitement and banter with the journalists.
It was probably because he was waiting for something to happen, or because he just couldn't stop staring at Daniel's face even if he tried. But he noticed the moment Daniel got distracted. His eyes glazed over lightly and his smile dropped at the edges as if he wasn't consciously holding it up. His face morphed into a sort of earnest expression and then he bit his lip.
And Max was transported back to the night before and how Daniel would bite his lip to hold back his moans. Max would then work harder to pull him apart. They spent many hours giving and taking, pushing and pulling.
He'd painted Daniel with his come, smearing his essence over his tattoos. Licking Daniel's come off of his chest and chin. He felt himself getting hard at the memory, knowing he was already fucking pavloved to react to a fucking lip bite.
He had to admit that Daniel recovered smoothly, clearly a media darling (as he knew from his previous watching). The interviewer was charmed by him and it worked to his favor. The video ended and he smiled to himself mischievously. Daniel had told him today was a rest day with all their commitments, so he didn't feel bad about the text he was about to send. He pulled up their thread:
Australian Open, is that my name now?
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soracities · 2 years
hi sweet baby!! these are for you -> 💐🧋
what’s the recipe for something you love eating to feel nurtured at the moment? do you have a dish that’s a family recipe you’d never give away? and which creature/exhibit is your favourite to visit in an aquarium? 🤍
darling of my life ily 💌🌹💞
1: chickpeas with slow-cooked (but not always) peppers are my absolute beloved..... it's the one thing i can always eat and the one thing all my kitchen staples revolve around (i have never measured of any of this and just go by eye or what i feel so this is a VERY rough estimation but anyway!!):
2 large onions
olive oil
2 or 3 bell peppers (i try to always include a green one bc they're slightly less sweet and add a nice balance to the yellow and red ones)
can of chickpeas
tomato purée
ground ginger
ground garlic
ground cumin
EDIT: forgot to add: dried basil!!
Heat the oil in a small pot. Chop the onions and peppers and add them in that order (shake the pot a little to disperse and/or avoid sticking but don't stir). Let it cook / simmer over a low heat until the the onions are translucent and the peppers have softened slightly (now you can stir). Stir in ground garlic and ginger (measured generously w your heart--that said, ginger should be added in increments bc it adds a nice kick of heat which i love but if you want to be more cautious then just taste as you go along and add accordingly), and a bit of cumin. Stir in the tomato puree (again, i'm a measure by sight gal, but a tablespoon at a time until you get the right taste / colour should do it). Add a little water -- not enough to cover the contents but enough that it combines with the puree to get a thick pasta-sauce consistency. Add salt to taste Increase the heat and cook until all the foam has gone. Add salt to taste Drain your can of chickpeas, rinse them, and add them into the pot at the very end. Turn off the hob and let everything cook with the residual heat and done!!
Best way to eat this in my opinion is by putting spoonfuls while still warm onto toasted bread with goat's cheese 💕
2) not a dish per se but my mother's version of a tomato pesto (which is less to do with not wanting to share it full stop but more with the fact that if shared it has to be shared in person, in the moment, in actually making it (or attempting to lol) with someone ❤️)
3) i haven't been to an aquarium in SO long but i love love LOVE the little seahorses and jellyfish!!! i woulod visit exclusively for them!
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moon--boy · 2 years
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hi hello pleased to meet my darling witch coven, who will be the stars of my graphic novel. Their names are Inés, Rafa, Chickpea, and Aloo and they are so happy to see you ! you will probably be seeing a lot more of them soon.
please feel free to ask me or them any questions 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏽🙇🏽‍♂️
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jeongyeonluvr · 1 year
hii can u do little nd jeongyeon or jihyo having a meltdown and nayeon comforting her?
|| gc!Nayeon little/nd!Jihyo
•TW: Diapers, meltdown, nonverbal
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"Sweetheart, its okay. Everything is alright. Do you wanna cuddle? Or at least come out of there?" Nayeon asks trying to get Jihyo to come out of the closet she locked herself in.
"Come on, chickpea, you can't stay locked in there forever, you have to come out eventually. Baby its perfectly safe, its just some fireworks, they can't hurt you." Nayeon coos soothingly.
"Honey please, just open the door. I need to make sure your okay. I want to help you, but I can't do that while your locked in there. Please baby, I can even make you a pillow fort for you to hide in, and I don't need to be in it with you if you don't want me to. Please little one? Can you come out of there? For me?" She plead.
Jihyo unlock the door and she opens it, "Thank you, sweetheart. Is it okay if I touch you?" She double checks, knowing that sometimes when Jihyo has a meltdown she can't handle being touched. She nodded, motioning for Nayeon to pick her up, she quickly does so, holding the little tightly.
Jihyo wrapped her legs around Nayeon’s torsos and her arms around her neck, Nayeon gently bounces her in her arms.
"Shhh, its alright. Nothing can hurt you here, we are safe. I won't let anything bad happen to you.“
Jihyo smiles softly through her tears knowing Nayeon would do anything to protect her, "How about we go get your sound proof headphones, then you can sit on the window seat and watch the fireworks, while i build a pillow fort and make hot chocolate, hmm? Dose that sound good?"
The little nodded and Nayeon carried her over to Jihyo’s bed, she sets her down on the bed, Jihyo grabs her lilac pacifier off the night stand, Nayeon then puts her headphones on her head, then hands the girl her cards.
She smile remembering when Nayeon made the cards with her, Nayeon wrote down the words and she drew pictures to match, it was an idea Nayeon came up with to help Jihyo tell her how she feels or what she needed when nonverbal.
She quickly flip to the card that says 'stuffie'
"I'll grab you’re stuffie when I go make you hot chocolate in a minute, okay?" Nayeon says trying to sooth her, but she shakes her head no.
Nayeon looks at Jihyo confused before she flips to a card that say 'no leaving me alone.'
"How about I text Jeongyeon and see if she can get you some hot chocolate and your stuffie?". This time Jihyo nods, Nayeon takes out her phone and texts Jeongyeon.
After texting her Nayeon gently pulls off Jihyo’s headphones "Fireworks are over now, darling." She coos, holding Jihyo close, as she start softly singing.
A few minutes go by before Jeongyeon opens the door, "Never fear! Jeongyeon and you’re stuffie is here!" She shouts in a booming voice, Jihyo flinched at the noise, burrying her head in Nayeon’s chest and Nayeon’s face goes from a look of peace to anger. "I told you, calm quite and soothing tone, and you come in here screaming, the hell is wrong with you?" She whisper yells making sure not to scare Jihyo even more.
"Sorry." Jeongyeon whispers, handing Jihyo her stuffie and a bottle of hot chocolate. Jeongyeon then hands Nayeon a mug as well.
"Thanks." Nayeon says still sounding a bit pissed at her, "Of course. I'll be in the living room if you need me." Jeongyeon tells the both of them before leaving.
"Wanna make a pillow fort?" Nayeon asks Jihyo, she shakes her head 'no.'
"How about we watch a movie? We can watch one of those dreadful Disney movies you like so much, hows that sound?" She questions, Jihyo started rapidly nodding her head.
After the movie ends Nayeon mumbles, "Well that was torture." Jihyo simply hums in response, to tired to even giggle. "Sounds like its bed time.”
Jihyo groan’s but gets up, Nayeon gets up aswell and grabs one of her diapers, and gentle puts the diaper on her, then Nayeon puts her pjs on knowing Jihyo is too tired and too deep in reggresion to do it herself.
She picks Jihyo up and lays down with her on top of her, "Goodnight sweetie, I love you" Nayeon coos as Jihyo falls asleep in her arms.
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boyjoan · 9 months
toasted bread + mashed avocado and white beans of your choice + lemon juice + minced garlic + crispy fried egg (optional). that is all
oh darling that sounds SO GOOD I personally am a fan of the Butter Bean or the Chickpea. Both wonderful with avocado toast...one of my favourite morning delights. I would LOVE to partake in egg unfortunately i am horribly allergic!! Terrible fate for a breakfast lover....i think i would add to this breakfast a selection of delicious hot and cold beverages including orange juice, tea, coffee, and ice water! I dont know if this was something you have enjoyed recently or a suggestion but either way...a delight to recieve! Much love!
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libraryofjoy · 1 year
Chickpea stew recipe
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A couple years ago I asked for help making chickpea recipes taste good, and I'm pleased to report I've practiced and now have a recipe I wholeheartely love. Thank you to all the darling people who offered advice and suggestions!
A thick slice of yellow onion
A thin slice of red onion
Olive oil
At least one large clove of fresh garlic (add as much as you like!)
Half of a red or yellow bell pepper
A small, sad tomato
A small, sad carrot
A little celery if you aren't allergic
A can of chickpeas, with the aquafaba
A jar of marinara or other tomato-based pasta sauce
A little bit of chicken or vegetable bouillon, better than bouillon, or stock
Rosemary, oregano, salt & pepper, bay leaves, cayenne powder, cumin, sumac, whatever else makes you happy.
Chop the fresh vegetables. I like a small dice or large mince to make them more forgiving if I don’t get them cooked through.
Cook the onions in a little oil over low heat for about five minutes.
Add in the garlic, carrot, bell pepper gradually, and last of all the tomato. Celery would probably be good here too, but I have a mild celery allergy so I don’t use it.
Add in the chickpeas, along with a couple tablespoons of marinara sauce. You definitely could just add more tomatoes and season it for yourself, but it’s a good way to use leftover sauce and I like that it gives me some basic seasonings that I don’t have to think about. Add water or broth if you need it at this point.
Season it! I used rosemary, oregano, salt & pepper, bay leaves, cayenne powder, cumin, and sumac. The cayenne really does a lot here--again, season to taste.
Cook it on low heat until everything gets tender and tastes like one unified dish. For me this took about an hour. The olive oil should react with the acid from the tomatoes and give a warm orangish color.
Serve with your carb of choice--it's good with corn chips, warm tortillas, rice, or fresh bread. 
I'm cooking for one person, so I can usually stretch the leftovers to last the next couple days of meal prep. It’s a really forgiving recipe if you want to add or remove things. You can also soak dried chickpeas the night before if you plan ahead. I find it relaxing to hover around the stove and take my time, but I’ve also had good results just throwing all the ingredients into a rice cooker for a weeknight meal. This stew can be vegan if you use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.
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f1-giuki · 1 year
thank you darling for the tag @stillthe1 @epylonia @wdcmv1 @jussst-lurking @dreamingamongthestars @carronyaflowers @linewire @formula-red @alestire 💖💖💖 sorry if I'm answering this late 😭😭
relationship status: single but currently plotting ways of getting out of the closet...
fav color: purple and red
song stuck in my head: D is For Dangerous by Arctic Monkeys
last song I listened to: Infinita Tristeza by Manu Chao
3 fav foods: Pizza with French fries on top, chickpea curry and grilled salmon
last google: British counterespionage
dream trip: a road trip across southern Europe with my besties, starting from Italy, going to Portugal, come back and go to the Balkans, and then Greece and Turkey and then back home!
anything I want right now: enough money to allow me not to study and to write and knit all day long...
tagging @clearlyclairesblog @fueledbyremembering and @simplylovely1 if you haven't already done it💖💖
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tiredswampwizard · 8 months
good day today. worked with my sister so it was a good shift. I have off work tomorrow. gonna make chickpea butter masala and crochet my darling her slipper socks (if my wrist isn’t hurting too bad) and get ready for therapy. ooh also got some nails and I’m excited to do them! (It’s out of my usual style but why not)
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forkfolly · 1 year
Creamy Vegan Delight with Chickpea and Oat Milk Curry
10 DIM INGREDIENT$(12) 20 DATA "Olive Oil", "Chopped Onion", "Minced Garlic", "Curry Powder", "Turmeric", "Cumin", "Drained Chickpeas", "Diced Tomatoes", "Oat Milk", "Salt", "Pepper", "Cilantro for garnish (optional)" 30 PRINT "WELCOME TO THE KITCHEN! TODAY, WE'RE MAKING A DELICIOUS CURRY, DARLING!" 40 PRINT "HERE ARE THE INGREDIENTS YOU'LL NEED:" 50 FOR I=1 TO 12: READ INGREDIENT$(I): PRINT…
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loveskitchen1 · 2 years
Restaurant & Bar in The Garden
On the off chance that you have never experienced Lebanese food, you don't have the foggiest idea what your missing and on the off chance that you don't have a clue about a kebbeh from a tabouleh, the Nursery Bar and café is a decent spot to get your orientation. The food is fragrant, the help is well disposed and the blustery nursery is a decent change.
It's a happy little spot with new Lebanese, Western and Thai contributions yet the Lebanese dishes make it a genuine feasting objective. The Nursery Bar and Café are to be sure a lodging bar and eatery yet they remain solitary as a demonstration of one monitors energy for his local treats and desserts. The friendly owner, Mohamad Jesr, is a notable apparatus in Chiang Mai and he empties his heart into cooking the culinary top choices of his origin utilizing credible recipes and fixings.
Among the numerous starters accessible, I think the champion as well as the best examining dish is the "Mezze Platter" which incorporates a solid piece of potato with coriander and garlic, braised cauliflower, hummus, babaganouj and mushrooms in coriander and garlic.
Mezze is comparable to Spanish tapas which signifies "little preferences", an eating custom. Each dish is heavenly no matter what anyone else might think yet in addition flavorful when mixed together on a piece of newly prepared pita bread. Furthermore, dread not...if you experience passionate feelings for one of the dishes they are on offer independently in enormous divides as well.
One more undisputed top choice of mine is the "Head of Garlic Simmered in Olive Oil". Here the culinary expert takes an entire enormous head of garlic, cuts off the top, covers the garlic in olive oil and heats the situation in foil. The outcome is delightful, smooth cloves that are effortlessly eliminated and spread on the going with toast for a yummy and sound taste treat.
On the principal course side, one ought to attempt the "Kafta in the Broiler" made with new ground hamburger, parsley and onions, new tomatoes and potatoes prepared in a pureed tomatoes with pomegranate puree. There is likewise a fantastic "Chicken ala Kiev" comprising of a wonderful chicken filet loaded down with garlic, spices and margarine and prepared in the stove.
You might have seen that most of the dishes on offer are solid and many are additionally veggie lover. Another touch that sets the Nursery Bar separated are the housemade pickles.
Any guest to a Lebanese café ought to likewise plunge into the housemade Hummus, articulated Hoomoos which is a Turkish word signifying "the genuine article". It's a magnificent, smooth chickpea puree with a lemony tang and a profound flavor served on that new, puffy pita bread.
Treats range from the Western housemade "Cheesecake" to the Lebanese "Namoura with Almonds and Cream in Lemon Curd and Caramel" and furthermore incorporate heavenly sorbets made nearby from occasional natural products.
Rumors from far and wide suggest that "Shawarma" (a Lebanese rendition of the Greek Gyro) is coming soon for you sheep darlings as well as a "Cherries Celebration" for the sweet tooths like me. Plans are likewise in the blend for an indoor region for the people who favor four walls and a climate control system.
Nobody is awesome and on certain events the food can come out sluggish so request on appearance. Everything is new so go on a night when you can partake in a sluggish food experience as opposed to a light meal. To partake in any of these treats in the solace of your own home The Nursery Bar menu is likewise accessible on Dinners on Wheels for U. 
For More Info :-
Kew Gardens Restaurant
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cherpentine · 2 years
earlier today i turned the corner in the supermarket to find the canned chickpeas and i went “oh there you are my darlings” to no one but myself
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ketchfantrolls · 2 years
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"JJixmex darling! YoU shoUld've told me yoU'd be arriving~ I woUld've happily welcomed yoU with open arms~ How is my little chickpea, hm~?"
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"oh, hi jelame! :) i'm doing really good! very nervous, and anXious, but eXcited! and good! :D <3"
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baekxytocin · 2 years
100 Days My Prince - Part 43
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Part 43 – Need 58 More For Mongryong
‘One tray won’t be enough for him’
919 words
As usual, every night before you go to sleep, either you or your husband, Byun Baekhyun, will initiate a video call to update each other’s day. Both of you want to keep the relationship alive by consistently having conversations although you are far from one another.
This time, your husband video calls you first. However, you are surprised that he calls you earlier at night. You are preparing something when Baekhyun video calls you. You just answer the call while placing the phone against the kitchen wall while wearing earbuds. When he sees you….
“Oops. Sorry, darling. Am I calling too early?”
“Nope. No worries! I don’t mind you calling any time of the day. If the call is from you, I will answer it right away unless I don’t notice it, or in the toilet, shower, or others” you just smile while you still focus on the work in the kitchen.
“Hmm…. I don’t think I should call now. You are preparing dinner. It’s okay, I just call you again later.”
“No, no! No need. I just ate” you insisted on staying on call.
“Oh? What you are doing now?” your husband gets curious.
“I’m trying to practice making food for….” you didn’t manage to finish your word when you forget what you need to add next. “Wait. Hubby? Other than chicken, chickpeas…. You blend them together with the cabbage, right?”
Baekhyun gets confused. “Darling? What are you making now? What is it, I don’t know.”
“Mongryong’s treats. What did you add last time?”
“Ahh…. The ones from the KyoongTube videos” your husband laughs when he found out about what you are trying to make. “But Mongryong is not here now, sweetheart. We can’t bring the treat to him” he continues.
“That’s fine. I want to practice now so that I can remember what to mix and what not to do next time we have time to visit him” you insist.
“Umm…. to be honest, I don’t remember what is the recipe already, sweetheart” both of you are laughing at the response given. “Try referring back to the video. What did I add there?”
“Umm… I see sweet potato, cabbage, carrot, chickpeas, chicken, and coconut oil…. I think that’s all….”
“I guess so. If I remember it correctly, you need to boil some water and wash the sweet potato, cut the vegetables, something like that” Baekhyun tries to recall.
“Yeah, if I see here, you can boil the water first or cut the sweet potato into small pieces, then soak them in cold water to remove the starch, then cook them in the microwave. While boiling the water, you can chop the carrots, cabbages, and carrots into small to fine pieces. Then…. after the water is ready, add the chickpeas to soften it. When it turns soft, sift the water. After that, add the chopped carrots, cabbages, chicken, and soft chickpeas as well as a little amount of water into the blender. Mix well! Then…. put a thin layer of coconut oil on the tray mould so that it won’t burn, or the bottom dough won’t stick to the mould. Next, spread the dough thinly and create a shallow hole in the centre for the fillings. Then, bake in the oven or in the air fryer for about 15 minutes” your explanation makes his mouth and eyes wide open.
“Wow…. Go on, how about the filling?”
“Okay. So…. if you still remember the sweet potatoes that were put into cold water to remove the starch, use that, peel them, then cut them into small pieces, and then add them to the mixer. Oh, don’t forget to add some water before mixing it. After that…. boil the sweet potatoes in the pot with medium heat. Make sure to add enough water. Then…. add agar powder to thicken it, I believe so” you recall, then you continue.
“Right. After that, insert the filling in the dough hole, and last but not least, place them in the fridge! I think we can let it for an hour or more. Well, that’s it!”
Your husband claps.
“Wow, many people said that you need to be clever in cooking. Now I know why” he keeps clapping.
“Hubby, I am not smart in cooking. I am not like D.O. Oppa. I just follow what you do” you scratch your head instead.
“Hahaha, but you remember all the ingredients and even the steps” he keeps complimenting you.
“Nah…. I don’t remember it. I remember because I have practised doing it. So, I automatically remember what to do first and next. Well, just like muscle memory? Something like that. Just like you too, you dance until your body and brain remember it. I think the same thing goes with cooking” you wonder.
“So, where did you put the treat after you made them?” he gets curious.
“I eat them. Well, it was cooked properly, so I eat them” your answer makes his eyes wide open. “But you don’t eat chicken.”
“I know. But I just eat them since I don’t put them into large amounts. I just want to practice.”
“Don’t you have an upset stomach?” he suddenly worried about you.
“Nope. Not now, since I eat them in small amounts. I’m fine” you assure him.
“Wow…. If Mongryong is there right now, you need to make 58 more treats and snacks for him. One tray won’t be enough for him” you and your husband laugh together when both of you remind of that adorable corgi.
To be continued….
Uploaded on: 19th January 2023
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blizzardz · 4 years
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Alrighty then :]
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