#The Dragon's Daughter
alatariiels · 5 months
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See? You're not the only one who's clever.
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 months
The Dragon's Daughter - 16
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(Warnings: some fighting and mentions of blood, angst, more angst and some teeth rotting fluff at the end)
Dothraki will be in bold
High Valyrian will be in cursive
Ezzo watched with distaste as Tyres smirked at him while having his metal armour fitted, turning to look at Rhaella as she prepared, wearing light armor he was proud to say that he had made himself, her Valyrian sword ready to be picked up by her. “I do not like him” Ezzo admitted quietly, eyeing Tyres again with suspicion before looking back at Rhaella “neither do I-”
“Then why are you doing this, hm? Why are you entertaining this?”
“Okay, so maybe I like him a little. He showed you respect which is more than any of the others have, he has no problems with women fighting and dueling and he has humor, what is the problem? Besides, we’re in the Riverlands, Ezzo, not beyond the Wall.”
“The problem is that I don’t trust him” Ezzo whispered softly, leaning closer with a pleading look in his eyes “do not trust him. Do not let him get too close” he whispered even softer, Rhaella studying him, seemingly finally taking his concern seriously as she nodded. “I’ll be careful, I promise” she whispered before taking her sword, turning around to face Tyres in his full suit of armor, making her smirk. “Are you sure you don’t want to change?” she asked teasingly, Tyres smirking “are you?” he teased back before putting his helmet on, Rhaella smirking with amusement, Ezzo watching as she placed her feet as he’d taught her, ready, her eyes locked onto Tyres and any move he made, her body tense, like a spring ready to go off at the slightest touch. Tyres charged forward, swinging his sword at her which she dodged with ease, the battle going on like this, neither of them truly getting a hit in, until she did. It felt like it had been hours, her frustration growing at the lack of actual contact she’d made, so she resorted to much more…unorthodox moves. As he swung his sword she moved all the way around him instead of just to the side where she could swing her own sword, instead now she kicked him from behind, making him stumble and when he turned, his sword swinging with him it met her own sword, the sound of Valyrian steel singing in the hallway as well as heavy pants and breaths. Rhaella backed up and leaned away as she willingly gave in with her sword, Tyres stumbling forward, not expecting the sudden lack of resistance, and she easily kicked him again, placing him on the ground where she quickly kneeled on his breastplate, ripping his helmet off and pointing the tip of her sword at Tyres who stared up at her with wide eyes.
“I yield! I yield” he shouted quickly, Rhaella panting heavily as she lowered her sword and leaned back, moving her knee off of him as she nodded to herself “you’re a great fighter” she complimented, getting up, offering him her hand and when he took it, she helped him stand up. “So are you. Who taught you to fight like that?” he asked, Rhaella nodding in the direction of Ezzo with a smirk “he did, and the Queen’s consort, my step-father Jon Stark” she admitted while turning to face him, stretching out her hand to shake his. And then she felt it. Her brows furrowed and she looked at the arrow poking through her shoulder and it was as though when she actually saw it, only then did she truly feel the pain, her legs stumbling, her grip on her sword faltering and instantly someone caught her, someone cold and hard. She gritted her teeth as the pain continued to grow, eventually letting out a yell of pain, feeling someone warm and sturdier catch her from behind, holding her up as she clutched her shoulder that had the arrow. “Find the archer” Tyres ordered, Ezzo hesitating, only leaving when Rhaella nodded, Ezzo already darting off in the direction of where the arrow had been fired, people scrambling around, preventing the guards from approaching the princess, creating a curtain of panic. “I got you, I got you” Tyres whispered as his hand tugged loose the dagger he had hidden, Rhaella already closing her eyes with pain as she groaned, trying her hardest not to cry, actually on the verge of calming down, it was an attempt on her life but it was just that, an attempt, all was well now except for that damned arrow in her shoulder. Until she felt another sharp pain. This one much, much worse, her eyes widening and she screamed until her throat was sore, tears running down her cheeks as she fought against Tyres’ grip on her, struggling against the knife he dug into her shoulder, trying to pry off one of her scales from the side, hoping to cut in through her skin and cut under her scales to pry them off, struggling with the effort until someone pulled him away, Unsullied guards pinning him down on the ground as Ezzo hurriedly picked up Rhaella in his arms, studying her bloodied shoulder while she leaned into him, sobbing and crying and he hesitated before grabbing the arrow, yanking it out and dropping it, holding her close as she screamed at the pain she felt, his arms wrapped around her as she groaned and clenched her teeth to withstand the pain.
It wasn’t long until it was like a storm was approaching, rapid winds whipping about the hall and then it happened. The stone ceiling collapsed, dust covering everything like a veil, blinding everyone and when it settled, the roar of a dragon filled the crumbling hall. The white of it’s scales against the sun cast a blinding glow around the dragon, it’s mouth open wide as it roared, fire sparkling in the back of it’s throat, a dangerous light at the end of the cavern that was it’s mouth. While everyone fled, those who had not been crushed under the creature, that is, Ezzo picked Rhaella up, walking over to the dragon with hesitant steps. Never had he truly been this close to the beast, to any dragon, in fact. Raemor roared at him in warning until he noticed who was in his arms, a shaking and pained Rhaella. Raemor lowered his head as smoke blew from his nostrils, Ezzo quickly placing Rhaella on the floor next to Raemor’s head, Rhaella quickly scrambling to the dragon’s side, curling up against it as closely as possible, the dragon almost purring as it leaned closer to her, it’s eyes closing slowly, enjoying the closeness. Ezzo looked over his shoulder at the Unsullied and Tyres, the Unsullied having stayed put even as Raemor had crashed through the roof, having grown considerably over the twelve years since Daenerys took King’s Landing and was crowned queen. Ezzo nodded his head towards Raemor and Rhaella, the Unsullied picking up a reluctant Tyres, Tyres whimpering in fear as he was pulled forward and placed on his knees in front of the princess and the large beast. Raemor opened his eyes to glare down at the cause of the blood on Rhaella’s shoulder, the princess opening her eyes and Tyres let out a shaky breath of terror at the sight of them side by side. Rhaella’s braided hair was undone, hanging in front of her face in long locks, her eyes almost glowing with anger, one of her hands bloodied as it rested over where he had tried to cut off her scales. Tyres gulped audibly, his body beginning to shake as Ezzo helped Rhaella stand, Raemor lifting his head a little, opening his mouth, the heat of the fire within could roast a thousand boars if they were close enough, and Tyres was almost close enough. He could feel the heat on his skin, sweat forming at his forehead.
“Princess, what would you like us to do?” an Unsullied asked and she clenched her free hand into a fist, staring down at Tyres, not looking away from him until she moved to walk around Raemor’s gigantic frame, he almost rivalled Drogon in size, whom in turn was said to be Balerion the Black Dread come again. It wasn’t long until Rhaella’s head popped up on top of Raemor in the saddle, her eyes, despite their fiery golden shimmer, was ice cold “take him to King’s Landing, feed him well and keep him unharmed, I want him healthy for when Raemor will tear his flesh apart” Rhaella spoke calmly, the Unsullied soldiers nodding before forcing Tyres to his feet, forcing him out of the now empty and collapsed hall, Rhaella turning to Ezzo, her gaze softening a little and he gave a nod, about to walk around her and leave with the Unsullied when Rhaella spoke up. “Ezzo” she called, the man in question stopping, turning to look up at her “I’ll see you in King’s Landing, I’ve entertained this spectacle for my hand in marriage long enough. I need some time alone… I’ll see you at the dragon pit in two day’s time, tell them to prepare my coronation… and tell my mother not to worry… or send out her entire Queensgarde for me… I need this time alone” she informed before holding onto the saddle she was in, Raemor letting out an ear-piercing roar, flicking his large tail in obvious disapproval at the princess’ wounds, his head turning to look around at the crowd of people, most of whom were too horrified to move and inch. He lifted his head and turned to look at Lord Braxt, who had been hosting the entire thing, the man gulping at the sight and he flinched when Raemor roared at him, as though scolding him for letting all of this happen, before turning around, beginning to march out the large stone double doors, taking flight just as he exited, Rhaella steering him straight for the Isle of Faces. She’d been there once before shortly after her mother was crowned, having read about the place in one of her books back in Essos. An entire island filled with Weirwood trees. It was said to be ill-omened but Daenerys had taken Drogon and flown with Rhaella all the way to the southern Riverlands. The closest they had ever gotten was a shoreline where only a hint of the island could be seen, which of course did not satisfy the young dragon princess, but it felt peaceful anyway.
It didn’t take long on dragonback to reach that very same shoreline, Raemor landing, letting out a ferocious roar, announcing their presence before looking around as Rhaella climbed down, landing on the grass with a muffled thud before looking up at her dragon, the massive creature turning it’s head, looking down at her, lowering it’s head and Rhaella smiled softly, reaching a hand up, her fingers touching the scales on Raemor’s nose before dropping again. She tried to reach over her shoulder to where the wound was but she winced when she tried, a heavy sigh leaving her as she looked towards the water nearby, looking around before looking back up at Raemor “keep an eye out, okay?” she asked softly before walking towards the river bank. She knew that he probably couldn’t understand her, but maybe he could, because he lifted his head high and looked from side to side occasionally, as though he was on watch.
She got into the water and kneeled down to her shoulders was submerged, her thick brows furrowing at the pain she felt and she hesitantly reached up and around her shoulder, biting through the pain and discomfort to gently caress the bleeding skin, careful to not tear anything while trying to wash off the blood, a sigh leaving her when she finally felt that maybe that was enough, her hand back at her side as she walked back towards Raemor. She looked around the seemingly deserted, untouched land surrounding her, a small sigh leaving her as she looked up at Raemor, stepping closer to him as he lowered his head, almost as though he was in complete sync with the princess, his head lowered enough for Rhaella to lean against his snout, feeling his warmth course through her, pure fire in the shape of flesh. It made her wonder… did he feel as suffocated as her? As constricted? As tied down? The raw power and force of the fire he was made from, trapped in measly flesh, a bond forged between them from the funeral pyre of the great Khal Drogo… was it nature? Instinct? Fate? Or was it forced? The right set of circumstances allowing the bond to be made between them, a dragon and a weak human.
Raemor grumbled quietly, the sound coming from deep within the creature, almost as though he could hear her thoughts and what she thought of herself and disagreed, a smile forming on her lips at the idea. “I miss Essos” she whispered, sighing lightly, her eyes closed in a serene kind of peace that only her dragon, her other half, her brother, could give her. “I miss the sun… I miss-... I miss the view from the Pyramid, and I miss Missandei” she whispered, feeling the sting of tears form in her eyes and Raemor purred quietly, nudging his head carefully closer to her and she smiled, opening her eyes to look up at him with tears in them “I know…” she whispered, leaning her forehead down on his scaly hide, her eyes closed again, a few tears falling down her cheeks and onto the grass below. “Is this all I am?... A thing to be bought… a brood mare to be mounted whenever my husband feels like it…” she whispered, mostly to herself, biting the inside of her cheek to not sob at the thought. After a few seconds, Rhaella sighed heavily, leaning back and wiping her eyes of tears, looking back up at Raemor, her hands still on his warm, scaly hide, bringing her a sense of comfort. She looked around before moving to the dragon’s side, climbing up to the saddle on top, getting settled before sighing. “Let’s find somewhere…” she muttered, Raemor shaking his head as he lifted it, purring quietly, as though asking her where she wanted to go and she smiled. “We’ll find somewhere…” she muttered, leaning down and running her hand over the scales on his back before gripping the saddle once more as Raemor took flight.
Rhaella was quiet as she sat in the clearing, watching the small fire burn in front of her as she laid against Raemor’s side, feeling the heat of both fires on her body, keeping any cold at bay should it dare to reach for her. Her golden eyes reflected the flames and the longer she stared at it, the more conflicted she felt. She hesitantly leaned off of Raemor, the dragon’s eye opening to watch her, watching her lean closer to the fire in front of her, her hand raised, hesitantly. Raemor lifted his head when he saw that she was hesitating, turning his long neck to hover his head above her head, casting a long shadow, shielding her from the moonlight and she smirked, feeling a hint of comfort when she looked up. “I’m okay” she assured, the dragon purring before lowering his head and laying it back down on the tall grass, the clearing barely big enough to host him but they had both figured it out.
She sighed and leaned back against his side, continuing to just stare into the fire with a frown on her brows. “What am I to do?... Mother wants me to marry… the Queen wants me to marry… but I do not wish to” she whispered hesitantly, her head turning to look at Raemor as he rested his head on the ground, eyes shut and she smiled softly at the sight before looking back at the fire. “I wish sleep came that easily to me” she muttered to herself before sighing. She sat up once more, hesitantly reaching towards the fire, her heart beating in her chest and she hesitantly held her hand out over the flames. She felt the heat, but not the pain, the pain she had never felt before, the pain she had only heard people describe. A part of her wished she knew what it felt like to be burnt… if only so she was aware of the pain. But no pain came. Not even as she lowered her hand into the flames themselves, holding it almost near the embers and she hesitated before picking one of them up, her heart beating rapidly in her chest as she held them in her palm, the fire gliding over her hand as though it was merely air, the embers glowing in her hand, reflecting in her eyes and she closed her palm, feeling a rush of heat run through her when she crushed the embers, their warmth seeping into her bones and she looked over her shoulder at Raemor.
She was a dragon. She was the Dragon’s Daughter. She was a Targaryen, the house of Old Valyria, she was a dragonrider and the daughter of the Khal above all other Khals. She was the heir to the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the daughter of the Queen, future ruler and protector of the Realm. She would not be reduced to livestock being sold at an auction.
She dropped the crushed embers back into the fire before wiping her hands on her dress, standing up and moving over to Raemor’s shoulder, crawling a little under his wing, laying against him, his entire body almost enveloping her like a cocoon, keeping her warm as she finally drifted off to sleep, feeling the low hum every time Raemor breathed against her, his warmth a soothing lullaby.
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lunar-pine-pokemon · 8 months
Right i never updated on the mementos situation. We got out and we are all exhausted. We fell asleep watching a movie.
We being Skel (@toxx-apex-727), Sa'risha (@lunarlatticethief), Larry (@bowser-is-the-best), Crescent, and I
We are calling our little group of phantom thieves "The Distortion Thieves"
Not that we actually plan on making this sort of thing a regular occurrence
[Plaintext: "Not that we actually plan on making this sort of thing a regular occurrence"]
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star-dragon-art · 2 months
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where the villain arc really started
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zendayacolemann · 1 month
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Alicent Hightower looking out for her daughter Helaena Targaryen
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caemidraws · 3 months
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ladydreamfyyreee · 21 days
𝐀𝐥𝐲𝐬 & 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝’𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐈𝐈, 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬, 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚, 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚, 𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈𝐈, 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚, 𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫, & 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚’𝐬 𝟔 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 : ( @𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐦𝟎𝟕𝟏𝟐 )
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tarutaruga · 1 year
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please hoyoverse give this man a british accent you don't know how much I NEED this
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withdenim · 8 months
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Local man desperately trying to stop the cycle before it gets to his kids (it’s already there)
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scarareg · 2 months
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark! House Of The Dragon x Game of Thrones! Reader|Part 1
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(⚠️ sucide)
In your former life, you were the twin sister of Joffrey and you were wed to Robb Stark.
However you choose to stand on your husband's side when war erupted.
The problem is your mother and your twin didn't like that at all.
So, Roose Bolton kills Robb and Catelyn.
He was planning on returning you to your mother, but you ended your life before he could do so.
You didn't imagine that you would be reborn in the past as the twin sister Of Jacearys Velaryon.
Even in this life, you were born as a bastard.
Yet, Rhaenyra is an amazing mother, and so are your new brothers.
Unlike cruel Joffrey who used to hit you whenever you refused his advances, Jace would only treat you kindly and is overprotective.
And Lucerys reminded you of Tommen.
You also adore baby Joffrey and don't care about how his name is the name of your previous twin.
But there is one problem you tried to fix in Luke and Jace and this was bullying Aemond.
But they took Aegon as their role model.
Unlike Targaryens, you refused to interact with your dragon because you were simply afraid.
You even own a cat, who you enjoy spending time with instead of the dragon.
Aegon reminded you greatly of Joffrey, never the less, Aegon wasn't a psycho.
He wouldn't waste a moment in teasing you day and night.
"One day you will become my wife"
Rhaenyra happened to hear what he said one time, and immediately betrothed you to Jace. Despite how much you refused the idea.
When Luke deforms Aemond, you quickly try to control the situation like a Lannister.
"This was not anyone's fault but mine, As the eldest twin I should have been watching over them all"
Everyone is shocked by your words, meanwhile Rhaenyra wanted to intervene, same with Daemon who believed that the Hightowers deserves nothing.
however, you get down on your knees in front of Alicent, after taking the Targaryen's ancestral dagger.
"Take one of my eyes instead, I hope it's more then enough repayment"
Of course, Alicent doesn't do that, you only earned the Queen's love with such brave action.
Viserys' is happy at how you defused the situation.
Those actions made everyone obsessed with you.
Part 2>>>
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alatariiels · 8 months
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 months
The Dragon's Daughter - 15
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(Warnings: Rhaella not taking any shit, angst, mentions of arranged marriages (I pick this as a warning because I believe everyone has the right to choose who they want to marry, and be allowed to do so (though of course not if they are under 18)), some more angst before a little bit of fluff, some more fluff and hint at a possible romance later on:3)
Dothraki will be in bold
High Valyrian will be in cursive
Ezzo could see the annoyance on her face as she sat on the chair, him by her side and he could see how her hands clenched and unclenched every now and then, something he has come to see as an obvious sign that she would rather be anywhere else than here, specifically on the back of a terrifying, fire-spewing creature of fire-made flesh and certain doom. She had truly grown into her looks, she always had a defiant look about her, her dragon eyes sharp and focused. Her brows were thicker than that of her mother’s, and a little more bushier, a hint of her father’s looks shining through. Her features had turned more sharp instead of soft, her cheekbones high and prominent. She had long, straight hair that was as thick as her father’s hair had been, her shoulders a little broader than her mother’s yet she was almost the same height as her, only a little shorter than the Dragon Queen. Over the years of training she had grown strong and Ezzo would bet his braid that she could arm wrestle most of these fat lords and hold her own.
He leaned down, whispering something to her that made her smirk and she pressed her lips together in a thin line to try and not laugh loudly, Ezzo leaning back with a pleased smirk on his lips as the next suitor approached. An old man. Or at least, he thought he looked old. Too old for the princess without a doubt. “Your Highness, Lord Adrian Celtigar of Claw Isle” a guard called out, Rhaella’s smile at Ezzo’s whispered words vanished and once again she was the stoic regal woman her mother had raised her to be, with pride, and he had been a part of it, he had been by her side when she saw born, when he was barely three and ten, having already earned his braid by then. If his hair had been long enough for a braid back then, of course. But now it certainly was, twelve years after Daenerys took the throne as the rightful queen she was, the rightful Khaleesi.
“Hello, Your Highness” Lord Adrian bowed low, as low as he could with his fat belly, his face red and his hair starting to fall out, causing him to go bald only at the top of his head, only further highlighting his age. “I must say, you are far more beautiful than I have ever heard, your eyes-”
“Are those of a dragon” Ezzo spoke up in broken Westerosi, Rhaella turning to him with shock, though it wasn’t an unpleasant shock in her eyes. “When did you learn to speak Westerosi?” she asked quietly, Ezzo just smirking, giving her a wink, making her scoff lightly with amusement, looking back at the lord “forgive him, My Lord, he is still learning the common tongue” Rhaella stated politely, biting the inside of her cheek whenever she spoke a lie of some kind, making Ezzo smirk again. “I see, Your Highness, I will admit that I don’t quite understand keeping a savage at your side, many of these-... horse-lords have returned to where they belong, one would think we’d have driven them all out by now” he joked, looking around, a few people snickering and Rhaella’s polite smile faded, her abruptly standing up making the entire hall quiet. She picked up the skirt of her dress to walk down the steps of the podium, hands folded in front of her as she stood in front of the long, long line of suitors “every man who thought that amusing. Leave. I have no time for those who are unappreciative of unusual or different things, or different cultures. Ezzo is my sworn sword and shield. He, and his people, will be treated with the respect they deserve, if you cannot accept the unusual, you have no right to ask for my hand in marriage. I am Targaryen, I am the dragon’s daughter, I am anything but the normal” she stated loudly, turning to a guard, giving a brief nod and every man who had snickered, including Lord Adrian, was escorted out, much to everyone’s shock. She studied the now completely silent room, taking a subtle but deep breath, letting it out just as subtly before beginning to walk towards the exit, everyone immediately parting for her, creating a path, some taking a step away when Ezzo walked by her side, glaring at them all. “You didn’t tell me you could speak Westerosi” she said as she walked outside with him, Ezzo smirking “maybe I wanted to surprise you” he whispered teasingly, noticing the light blush on her cheeks as she scoffed, shaking her head with amusement “you succeeded” she whispered back, smirking at him over her shoulder before continuing towards the carriage, a small groan leaving her. “I am allowed to ride a dragon, but not my own horse… seems quite illogical” she muttered, making Ezzo chuckle “what is stopping you?”
“I have no horse to ride?” she retorted with raised eyebrows, making Ezzo smirk again, his smirk making her frown and lean back a little, narrowing her eyes at him but before she could say anything, he stepped aside, gesturing to his own horse and she narrowed her eyes even more at him, sighing softly “you are cruel to tempt me, you know I can’t” she hissed, hinting at the sight of her sitting behind or in front of a man on a horse who was her sworn shield and not her husband or betrothed, Ezzo just shrugging “I will walk” his words made her entire demeanor change, her gaze softening “you would do that, for me?”
“I would die for you” he whispered softly, watching once again as that blush made it’s way to her cheeks as she approached the horse and his entire expression softened when she gently walked up to the horse, petting it’s neck, whispering praises in High Valyrian with a smile, his heart racing at the sight. She had truly grown up, she was a woman grown now, nine and ten. He understood, though loathed, all the men desiring her. Her silver hair was so long it almost reached her hips when loose, the few times he had been fortunate enough to see it loose. Intricate braids had pulled it up to just under her shoulders. He had been aware of the desperate ache to braid those braids himself for quite a while, yet he did nothing about it, willingly. She deserved better.
“Well? Are you coming or not?” she asked with a smirk, Ezzo noticing that she had already saddled up, both legs on one side of the horse thanks to the wrong attire, her dress would ride up and probably expose far more than he wanted anyone else to see. He smirked and tilted his head up at her “I am walking, remember?” he asked and she seemed almost disappointed, nodding before gesturing to the carriage, making her smirk when he lightly glared at her
“Oh please, you would die for me, but not ride in a carriage?” she asked teasingly, Ezzo hesitating before whistling, nodding a Queensgarde over, nodding him off the horse which just made Rhaella chuckle. The Queensgarde was unmoving until Ezzo got impatient, cursing in Dothraki which is when Rhaella stepped in, ordering him off the horse and Ezzo quickly saddled up, before the poor guard was barely off. “Ride in the carriage, all that armor must be heavy” Rhaella said softly, the guard hesitantly doing as ordered, Ezzo smirking at her. “Home?” Ezzo asked in a broken accent, Rhaella smiling, giving him a big grin, with teeth and everything, looking utterly adorable in his opinion “home” she agreed before taking flight.
Rhaella was quiet as she stood under the shelter, eyes locked on the sea, hands clasped in front of herself, a frown on her silver brows, her golden eyes scanning the sea, the way the sun glistened on the surface of the water, almost blinding her. Ezzo approached quietly, sneaking up on her, trying to suppress his grin as he finally reached her, his hands briefly making contact with her hips, Ezzo leaning back as she threw her elbow up out of instinct, which he knew she would. She pushed him once she saw it was him, trying to deny the smile on her lips “you scared me!” she snapped yet with a grin, Ezzo just smirking at her as she turned back to watch the sea. Ezzo studied her before leaning down briefly “what are you thinking?” he asked in a quiet voice from behind her, unaware of the shiver that ran down her back, Ezzo walking around her to lean and sit on the half-wall that faced the sea, effectively sitting a little in front of her. She sighed softly, looking down at her hands as she played with her fingers to occupy herself as her mind raced. “That I won’t have a choice… that I will never truly have a choice” she admitted quietly, turning around and sitting down on the half-wall next to him, Ezzo studying her with concern “the suitors?” he asked, watching her nod with that same frown. “Yes… I feel as though I am being sold, like I have no meaning but to-... be forced to submit to a man” she admitted with anger, her golden eyes fixated on the ground in front of her, Ezzo hesitating before putting a strand of hair behind her ear that had been tugged loose, his finger lingering on her cheek, her eyes lifting to lock with his, even after he dropped his hand. “What worries you the most?”
“The age. They’re all-... fat lords! Fat, old lords or children! They’re all either old enough to be my grandfather or young enough to be my son!”
“Maybe not that, but definitely too young! One of the houses asked for my hand in marriage to their son, Wyllis… He is three!” she revealed with anger, Ezzo chuckling with amusement, shaking his head as he looked ahead, shrugging “so, what is too much, what is too little?” he asked and Rhaella looked ahead, deep in thought, giving him an opportunity to admire her closely without her noticing. If she looked at him, he’d simply play it off as him waiting for an answer.
“Well, under five-and-ten is much too young! Actually, make that anyone under six-and-ten… and too old?... I-I… not over-... twenty?” she asked cautiously, looking at Ezzo who nodded with a smirk “then you have narrowed the possibilities considerably” he stated and Rhaella rolled her eyes with amusement, nudging him with her elbow, making him look at her, a genuine smile on her lips “thank you” she said softly, knowing he knew what it meant, a smile of his own on his lips as he nodded in return.
“I don’t want to marry” Rhaella whispered in a worried voice, Ezzo frowning, his hand coming up to gently cup her cheek, his thumb gently brushing across her cheekbone, her golden eyes, their slit pupils, they always took his breath away. “Then you won’t” he said, making her smile a little “I will not accept, hm?” he asked and Rhaella nodded, leaning into his touch, leaning her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, enjoying the calm of it all, the gulls calling out, flying above them, the soft smell of the roses and flowers around them. “Do you miss Essos?” she asked suddenly, her eyes opening, staring ahead, at nothing in particular, Ezzo doing the same, tilting his head to lay it against hers, sighing softly “I miss the sun on my skin. I miss the dust. The sand… I miss the open plains, the Great Grass Sea…” he admitted, Rhaella smiling softly “it sounds lovely… I wish I could remember it…” she admitted, Ezzo smirking a little at the thought of her riding with him through the Great Grass Sea.
It wasn’t long until he felt her shiver a little, lifting his head to look down at her before nudging her to stand up, nodding towards the castle and she nodded, walking back with him.
Daenerys watched from her balcony, a frown on her brows, her hand moving to her swollen belly as she watched them, Jon appearing at her side, gently wrapping an arm around her waist. “Perhaps there is another match?” he asked, Daenerys turning to look at him, thinking it through. “The Dothraki are-... different-”
“So is Ezzo” Jon pointed out, Daenerys smiling softly in agreement “he is… but still… a Westerosi match would help her claim to the throne, the other lords and ladies-”
“The other lords and ladies, they don’t matter-”
“They don’t. Rhaella is your daughter, your child. The Iron Throne is hers, by right of birth and blood, she is the next Queen. She is like you, so would you prefer to marry for love, or politics?” Jon asked and she hesitated before sighing “she is too much like me sometimes…” Daenerys noted, Jon chuckling briefly with a small smirk “as opposed to her father?”
“You raised her-”
“Aye, I did, with you, and I’d do anything to do it all over again, to do the same things, because I love her like she’s my own. But there will always be her father in her, and I’m glad for that. It gives her a strength I’ve only seen in your dragons” Jon admitted, Daenerys sighing softly, gently kissing him before shaking her head “it still stands…” she whispered, worry evident in her eyes “she will marry a Westerosi noble… or they won’t support her when she takes the throne, and she needs the support of the Westerosi to actually rule Westeros” Daenerys explained, Jon sighing, looking down as he nodded, disagreeing but accepting her final verdict. When they had gotten married, many thought he’d take the throne. No one truly knew of his inheritance, his true blood, even though he abandoned it, yet people still thought a ‘bastard’ was better suited than a trueborn woman, but over her reign there was peace. True peace. Sansa Stark was Wardeness of the North, Gendry was Lord Baratheon of Storm’s End and Warden of the South. Robin Arryn ruled the Vale as Warden of the East. Tyrion was still a Lannister, he was her hand, yet also a Lannister, thus Casterly Rock was his as he served as Warden of the West, his nephew, Cersei’s last child while she rotted in the dungeons of the Red Keep, under his careful watch and care. Tobin Martell ruled Dorne, house Tully ruled the Riverlands and so on and so on. The land of Highgarden had been given to the great-great-grand cousin of Mace Tyrell, Lord Arren Tyrell, their sigil the same but now with a few thorns around their golden rose on the green field.
By now, Rhaella wasn’t even paying attention to all the men standing in that line, waiting to boast about themselves to her. She was looking at them, acknowledging them, only to dismiss them, fake politeness and thank them for their words before calling on the next person. This continued for two hours. Until one man stepped forward. “Lord Tyres Westford” the guard announced, Rhaella still barely showing any interest beyond what was absolutely necessary. “Your Highness,” he bowed his head before looking at Ezzo, frowning ever so slightly and Rhaella caught on that he didn’t know the Dothraki’s name, “Ezzo” she spoke, trying to hide the boredom in her tone, Tyres smiling and bowing his head at Ezzo with genuine respect, at least it looked genuine, but it certainly caught Rhaella’s attention “Lord Ezzo,” he raised back up, hands folded awkwardly in front of him “I suppose this is where I tell you of how many tournaments I’ve won?” he asked jokingly, a few people in the hall chuckling, yet a bored expression was still on Rhaella’s face “but you don’t care” Tyres noted with narrowed eyes before nodding to himself “why should you? It’s not like we’d duel” he stated, mostly to himself but it made quite a few people snicker with amusement, a frown forming on Rhaella’s brows “and what makes you think that? Perhaps a duel is how I’d prefer to choose my husband. Are you saying women can’t duel?”
“No, they most certainly can, as the commander of the Queensgarde has proven multiple times, they even say she fought the Hound, and won! I only meant that, to my knowledge, we are not to duel” he admitted, Rhaella narrowing her eyes at him before tilting her head, leaning a bit closer “and what if that were what I’d ask of you? A duel?” the people in the hall began to murmur and whisper in shock at her words. There were now women in the Queensgarde and with the Maesters at the Citadel, but a princess who could fight? Dueling, no less? With a man?
“Your wish is my command, Your Highness. If you wish a duel, you shall have it, so long as you don’t expect that I will go easy on you” he joked lightly, Rhaella smirking as she leaned back in her chair “good, then I won’t either. Noon, tomorrow, here, in this hall. The one who first draws blood, wins” she declared with a smirk, getting up as people whispered and mumbled, parting from her as she walked away, Tyres watching with a smirk, the way her scales glistened in the light, peeking out over her shoulders, making themselves known. Her dress had a small opening in the back and he could see the scales every time her hair swayed to one side or the other, revealing those blinding silver scales of a dragon.
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lunar-pine-pokemon · 8 months
So a weird app appeared on my phone today... it is apparently related to Persona stuff and I'm just TmT. And now it is glowing so yeah...
Why does weird stuff keep happening to me TmT
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wulfhalls · 2 months
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I love them a normal amount (lie)
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the-common-cowgirl · 3 months
Before Aemond and Laena, Vhagar’s rider was Prince Baelon.
Before Rhaenys, Meleys’ rider was Princess Alyssa.
Before Rook’s Rest, they were ridden side by side for decades by two people madly in love, then by mother and daughter.
Do you think, while Vhagar’s jaws were clamped shut around Meleys’ throat, that either of them wondered how they got there?
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