#The Headband
lilith-91 · 4 months
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I love Aang's attitude with the fire nation's teacher, he was at his peak in this episode 😭 😆
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wylldebee · 4 months
Literally imagining Zuko taking Aang around the Fire Nation schools post-ATLA to help reform the curriculum, and the students of the school from The Headband immediately recognise him. Students and On Ji and Shoji:
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The Headmaster and Hide (the bully) realising the colony kid they picked on was actually the Avatar and the friend/student of the new Fire Lord:
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teartra · 1 year
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This is my favorite hairstyle on Amity, we could’ve gotten more of it if it wasn’t for the season 3 cancellation
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kataangfanartarchive · 10 months
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cave dance by @sagoto-san | sagoto_san on ig
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sokkastyles · 23 days
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The composition of these two scenes from "The Awakening" (left) and "The Headband" (right) are pretty interesting, I think.
In the first one, Azula confronts Zuko about his insecurities over meeting with Ozai, and Zuko questions why she lied about killing the Avatar. Their conversation implies that Azula knows there is a chance Aang is alive, and that Zuko might know something about that. Which he does, as the scene flashes back to Katara telling him about the spirit water. Although it's still Azula playing mind games with Zuko, Zuko is on to her, and the closeup of his face emphasizes the secret he is keeping.
In comparison, in the scene in the next episode, Azula warns Zuko about going to see Iroh, after successfully manipulating him into telling her that he'd visited him. The shot from Zuko's scarred side emphasizes his vulnerability, showing that he's not able to keep secrets from Azula, nor is he safe with his secrets.
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katy-89 · 29 days
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kidcaroline · 2 months
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Aang's rizz and dancing skills>>>
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oneatlatime · 7 months
The Headband
I don't care how dormant a volcano supposedly is. Living in the maw of one would absolutely freak me out.
Zuko out for his nightly constitutional lurking practice.
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I want this snuggy cape.
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No better disguise than a cloud 1.2 metres from the ground. That's where all clouds hand out. Cool puffins though.
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Enemy puffins approve of new fluffy Sokka.
Did Sokka just dive headfirst into rock?
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I do not like this angle. Looks like his head's on backwards.
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This episode is three minutes in and already I'm loving the comic tone.
Wow Katara, with the enthusiasm you're showing for stealing those clothes, they must belong to pirates.
These are some top tier nonsense sound effects. Far too few of those in recent episodes.
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Beat up Sokka quota fulfilled!
Toph has by far the best outfit. Love the gold accents.
We've had two seasons of blatantly blue Katara not being identified by the Fire Nation as a Water Tribe person. I think the necklace can stay.
His headband is an airbender arrow. So much for disguising himself.
I would love it if linguistic drift meant that Aang was going around tossing out slurs completely unaware.
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WHAT is this face
"Just slob is fine." I ADORE characters that are so secure in themselves and in their belief in the decency of others that all attempts at ridicule slide off like water off a duck's back.
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He does it again! "Wow. Are you a bully? This is so exciting! I've always wanted to meet a bully!"
Onji - get better taste in men. Why are you even dating this prick? Did you have any say in becoming his girlfriend? Blink twice if you need help.
These Fire Nation kids are all so mild. Contrast them with Zuko and they might as well be a different species.
What is Hide and Explode?
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Sokka is showing a mastery of slapstick that I haven't seen since The Fortune Teller. Glad to have it back.
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Is this the first time someone has recognised Zuko by his scar? About time.
Was it really necessary to beat up the guard? Seems a bit much. Zuko could have just asked nicely. That usually works for Iroh.
Speaking of: Iroh! Hi Iroh! Didn't think you'd still be alive.
Noodle Ozai. Did Aang get put in preschool by accident?
Those hippies should do a song about Secret Rivers.
Tired of spending three years talking to Zuko without making any progress, Iroh decides to attempt a new technique and deploys the silent treatment. It works just as well as three years of talking.
Colour me completely unsurprised that the Fire Nation has a pledge of Allegiance.
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This school must have some gnarly punishments if questioning the teacher garners this reaction.
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This man's head is alarming.
This man is also surprisingly nice for a fascist agent of the state bent on suppressing personal expression.
Movements? Aang you were showing her MOVEMENTS! GASP! FILTHY!
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I love this fight. It's been a while (maybe back to season 1) since Aang's preferred fighting style was 'Nope'.
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They haven't committed to the bit this hard since Bonzu Pippinpadalopsicopoulous, the Third!
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It's funny how we spent two whole seasons haunted by nothing but threatening shadows of the Fire Lord, and then an episode after his face is finally revealed they turn him into part of the decor. He even gets a noodle version.
Play Spot the Firelord with this episode. I count four.
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Sokka is having way too much fun with this.
Just going to sneak a reference to child labour in there. Gnarly punishments indeed.
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Local Emos Experience Happiness for the First Time; Immediately Implode.
I'm sorry but Mai's cloak has such Santa vibes.
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That is some serious side eye.
"You get to be normal all the time." Aang is pulling no punches today.
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Where did they get this many candles? Actually, where did they get that many matches? They don't even have a Firebender on staff.
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Poor kid is objectively correct. I guarantee your parents don't want you dancing in a cave. It will be good for you though! just don't lick the walls.
No wonder the Fire Nation got rid of dancing. Those moves are awful.
Zuko! "I brought you this food that I know you don't like because I need your help." Buddy. Why.
I could do without the heavy-handed Katara and Aang romance. Also, when exactly did Katara learn advanced gymnastics and choreograph a whole routine with Aang?
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I hate this twerp so much!
That song the band is playing right as the adults bust in is better than the songs featured earlier in the dance montage.
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I love this guy.
i know that the soundtrack probably went from diegetic to non-diegetic as soon as the chase started, but I love the idea that the school band provided theme music for searching for Aang.
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Delightfully eerie. and also very Spartacus.
Actually with the guards starting to dance, it WAS the school band providing a soundtrack for the Aang hunt.
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Is Momo at the reins?
How is this assassin good at keeping secrets and not being followed? He creaks and clanks.
Final Thoughts
I loved this. This type of episode is when Avatar is at its best: heaps of goof, a side helping of heart, subtle and not-so-subtle critiques organically incorporated, tonally contrasting storylines that combine to form a whole greater than its parts, and even one-note characters who are given depth.
Aang was in his element as a normal kid; Sokka was having a great time being super agent / team dad; poor Katara and Toph got like two lines each but still had fun with what they did get. Even Momo got some sight gags.
Aang is so personable. I think it's the combination of great social skills from a good peripatetic upbringing and being a peacetime child.
I think Zuko experienced every possible human emotion this episode. I loved seeing him snark with Mai (those two are way too good together), but his scenes with/revolving around Iroh were confusing and intense. Which is probably how Zuko would describe them too. Seems he's speedrunning his season 1 bad decisions arc.
I'm not fond of this new silent treatment approach from Iroh, but I have to admit that talking to Zuko didn't work for years, so what else is there to try?
I wasn't expecting a Footloose homage and a Spartacus reference in Avatar of all places. But it works. And it works if you don't catch the references too.
I am severely disappointed in Fire Nation fashion. I was expecting gloriously eye-searing red/gold/yellow outfits. I got black/tan/brown with dull red edging. It's probably a visual commentary on what imperialism does to its own people. And the price of dyes. But I was really looking forward to reds and golds! At least I have Toph's outfit.
I loved the liberal use of sound effects in the Gaang's plot. I love comic sound effects on their own, but they really enhanced the contast between Zuko and the Gaang's plots.
There was lots of heavy stuff under the surface this episode, what with the squashing of the self and the discrimination against colonials and the propaganda and the revisionist history and the assassin. But I feel like being silly today, so I'm not going to dig into it. That's one of the great things about this show. Not all, but many episodes are structured so that you can choose your level of engagement and consequent angst.
This episode was funny, and fun. A much-needed palette cleanser after the drudge of the season opener. The last time there was an episode this unapologetically silly was probably Avatar Day. In other words, it's been far too long. Definitely going on my rewatch list.
I really want Zuko's snuggy cape.
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aurik-kal-durin · 3 months
How my obsession with shipping spoiled Avatar: The Last Airbender for me.
I'm an OG Avatar fan. I watched the show when it first aired in February of 2005. I was 15 years old.
Right away, I knew Aang and Katara were gonna be a thing. It was so obvious, and it only became more obvious as Season 1 went on. More so in Season 2 and Season 3. The show never let you forget about it, as even outside of overtly Kataang-centric episodes like The Fortuneteller and The Cave of Two Lovers, they kept bringing it up in some form or another.
Unfortunately, Zutara was a thing, and they never shut up about it. Despite all evidence to the contrary, they insisted up and down that Zuko and Katara were meant to be together. I was a Zutara shipper for a short time, and I admit that I thought it would be canon too in the weeks leading up to Crossroads of Destiny. After the Season 2 finale, I went with the flow, and sided with Kataang... and that's where the problems began to really start.
You see, the Zutara fandom got really toxic right after Season 2 ended. Kataang fans like myself didn't appreciate it, and before I knew it... watching Avatar: The Last Airbender was no longer about just enjoying the show. It was about winning. Just so we could gloat when Zutara inevitably lost.
I could no longer just watch the show and relax. I was on the edge of my seat during each episode, keeping a sharp eye out for the slightest hint of Kataang, and spent the weeks between each episode arguing with strangers online about shipping, trying to convince a brick wall that it was not made of steel... if you will indulge me the metaphor.
In short, shipping wars sucked all the joy of watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. By engaging in shipping wars with rabid Zutarians, I kind of ruined the show for myself. Not entirely my fault, because the Zutara fans back then were easily-triggered bullies who just would not stop, which made it hard to ignore them... but nonetheless, I feel like all of us should've ignored them. Their ship was never going to be canon, everyone knew it after Crossroads of Destiny. All except for this toxic vocal minority whose enjoyment of the show hinged on whether or not their ship became canon.
Unfortunately, some Kataangers (such as myself) got so upset about it (and so obsessed with it) that our enjoyment of the show also hinged on our ship being canon.
How bad was it? Bad enough that I can no longer call Avatar: The Last Airbender my favorite show of all time. Why? Because the experience of watching it the first time was STRESSFUL. So stressful, in fact, that I usually can't go back and watch it again.
Compare that to other shows I've watched... like Hilda, on Netflix. That was a very relaxing show to watch the first time around, and because of that I feel like I can go back and watch it whenever. But Avatar, sadly, only brings back memories of stress and anxiety... stemming from an unhealthy obsession with something stupid.
P.S. Why the hell did we ever call it "Kataang"? Who is the IDIOT that came up with that name? I always thought that was a stupid name for our ship. Why not "Aangtara" or "Kataraang"?
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zukosdualdao · 5 months
watching zuko berate iroh in jail is honestly one of the hardest scenes in the show for me to watch (i literally had to pause and take a breath lmao, it’s just. it’s a lot.) but it’s legitimately so fascinating because zuko is doing so much projection here. which is what people very often are doing when they lash out in this way.
like, part of it is obvious. zuko blames iroh for his imprisonment, insisting they could have returned home together—echoing azula’s insistence that it was really iroh who betrayed him in tcod—if iroh had just sided with them. and when iroh says nothing, zuko insists iroh has no right to judge him. but again: iroh has said and done… literally nothing. sure, you could argue that zuko’s reading iroh silence and turning away as judgment (which, i think it’s more complicated than that. he’s very hurt and very sad, and he also doesn’t know what else he could possibly do or say when he’s tried everything to help zuko and ended up in a prison cell, so why should he think zuko will listen to him at this point?) but he came into this one-sided conversation already defensive.
zuko doesn’t feel judged because of anything iroh’s doing, despite what he says; he feels judged because he feels guilty, because he has an actual conscience, and as much as he wants to ignore it, he can’t, not entirely. but he also can’t admit to feeling guilt without admitting that the choice he made in ba sing se was wrong. and he’s not ready to admit that for a number of reasons, partially because i’m not even sure he knows that’s what he’s feeling, partially because he’s not yet ready to take moral accountability—but also, partially because at this point, admitting that is dangerous, because now he’s back with his abuser, who would take such guilt as both treason and personal offense. even if no one else was around to hear it, zuko certainly wouldn’t feel safe expressing that.
which leads to the other bit of projection i think is a lot subtler. it’s honestly not something i clocked until this rewatch, as before, zuko shouting that iroh was a “crazy old man” just seemed like something zuko was mimicking from ozai and azula, who absolutely do talk about iroh like he’s crazy, and i do still think that’s part of it.
but, idk, maybe it was less intentional on the part of the writers, but when zuko shouts that iroh’s crazy… i mean, i can’t help but think of how he’s actively being told his feelings and fears are irrational and being gaslit since he got back to the fire nation. i think it’s fair to say he feels a bit “crazy” because that’s what people who gaslight you are trying to accomplish (and we’ll see zuko admit to how confused he’s feeling in both the beach and the avatar the firelord.) that’s a scary, out-of-control thing to be feeling, so it’s not surprising that it’s another thing he tries to turn back on iroh in order to gain back some semblance of control. (it Does Not work.)
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lilith-91 · 22 days
There are only two episodes in book 3 completely dedicated to help fire nation civilians in need. Two episodes who bring perspectives of the fire nation citizens (and not only the royals), the affects of war on everyone, and what is important in order to save the world
Two Aang and Katara CENTRIC episodes
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Two victims of the fire nation, two survivors and the two most empathetic characters of the series :)
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stardust948 · 11 months
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I'll just leave at that
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thebakingqueen5 · 1 year
rewatching The Headband and crying how can anyone be anti-kataang when these frames exist
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LOOK AT THEM i love kataang sm
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Bryke was in the Podcasts Braving Element book fire, and one the most interesting in that conversation was Bryke say Kataang relationship in Book fire was their favorite and Basco he is vibing for Maiko, but he say the headband episode is technically filler, it means is not canon that episode? What you think?
"Filler" was an anime term, about episodes that existed solely to give the manga they were adapting extra time to get more content for them to adapt. The filler episodes are canon (to the anime versions at least), but they don't move the plot forward, so if you skip them you don't miss anything important.
Eventually the term stopped being used solely for anime - and some idiots started using it to mean "bad episode", but the actual meaning is still the same: the episode can be skipped without the audience being confused. Only now these episodes exist not to catch up with a source material (in Avatar's case there wasn't one in the first place since it was an original series, not an adaptation) but rather as a "breather" episode, that can be more light-hearted, or character-driven instead of plot-driven.
To give an Avatar exemple: "Tales of Ba Sing Se" is filler, but it's still canon. It does not, in any way, further the Dai Li plot the previous episode had established - but we get focus on the characters, their personalities, dynamics, and THE tear-jerker that is Iroh singing to both honor his son and express his grief over his death. We already knew Lu Ten was dead and Iroh was grieving, but this episode gives it further depth.
Even if "The Headband" was filler, it'd still be canon - and so would be the dance with Katara clearly being into Aang.
And I personally do NOT consider "The Headband" filler. It furthers the whole theme of the season and the series ("How do you rebuild a world consumed by war? Through kindness"), we (and more importantly, the protagonist) get a deeper look into the indoctrination the people of the Fire Nation are subjected to, and more importantly, it is the episode in which we are introduced to Combustion man - ya know, the assassin that will try to kill the Gaang? The secondary villain of half the season? The one that is Zuko's attempt to resolve the problem of "The Avatar is supposed to be dead" that the previous episode introduced? Aka it is connected both to the aftermath of the Ba Sing Se plot and the "Zuko goes from villain to ally of the good guys" plot?
You CAN'T skip this episode without being confused as to who the fuck is that guy chasing the Gaang and who sent him after them. You'd have to wait until his last appearance, in which Zuko confronts him, for you to realize what the villain's deal was, meaning that PLOT would only become coherent after it was basically resolved.
It furthers the plot, therefore it isn't filler. It's just not ALL about the plot. By that logic, nearly every episode of season one is filler. The Beach is filler. Well over half the fucking show is filler if we're only counting episodes that have BIG, plot-twisting events as "important" episodes. Bryke need to stop parroting fandom nonsense to gain points.
As for Dante Basco being all excited about Maiko despite being a big zutara fan, that does not surprise me. He has ALWAYS said he liked their romance, and that Mai is the kind of girl he'd try getting with in real life.
Once again, the epic "power struggle" between Zutara fans and the evil dark lords Bryan and Mike is only in the fandom's weird minds. They weren't always kind to shippers, but the simple fact that they're so chill with Dante, and lots of other people, including writersn who went on his podcast and said everything from "I don't really care for Zutara, but I think could have worked" to "It's one of my OTPs" shows that this "Bryke VS Zutara" war is VERY one-sided and exists solely because people can't accept that, no, the writers are not throwing away their entire plan just to please you.
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whoblewboobear · 1 month
Obligatory Quinn looks delicious tonight post. That belt is 🥵✌️
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litcest · 1 month
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Azula and Zuko in 3.02 The Headband
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