#The Legendary Super Saiyan Icons
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Special Iconic Picture "Trunks & Goten Adults"! The Son of the Prince of the Saiyan, "President & CEO of the Capsule Corporation" & The Son of the Legendary Super Saiyan, Lawyer & Legal Advisor, Owner of the law firm "Son Goten & Associates"!
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ultraericthered · 6 months
Why DB's story peaked at the Cell Saga
Inspired by another recent Tumblr post on the Cell Saga.
A lot of times when I've seen talk online about where fans believe the late Akira Toriyama should've ended the original run of Dragon Ball, thus the original Dragon Ball narrative (and this is a question at all because very few fans were really satisfied with where it actually did end, with a weird ass final saga and a really weak epilogue/ending), by far the most common refrain seemed to be that "it should've ended at the Freeza Saga." Not hard to see why this is, as that was easily the most iconic saga of the entire series in Japan, with Son Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan and domination of Freeza (hyped up as the most powerful villain Goku could ever face and also the one responsible for wiping out Goku's people and why he was on Earth to begin with) in the fight that followed being considered the high point of Goku's entire story, thus of the series on the whole. Many who loved the saga took umbrage at the arrival of Trunks proceeding to completely undermine both the threat of Freeza and the significant uniqueness of the legendary Super Saiyan, which is cause for them to say this is when the series began to go downhill.
To me, of course, this is nonsense.
The argument that the Freeza Saga was laid out to be the perfect possible finale for Dragon Ball is one that requires tunnel vision in order to make. Specifically, tunnel vision on a single character - Son Goku himself. The Freeza Saga being a climactic one for the story of Dragon Ball and where Goku's character peaked is undeniable, as there's not that many more avenues you could explore with Goku's character following him becoming a Super Saiyan and fulfilling his destiny of avenging his race against the genocidal tyrant Freeza. But...what about everyone and everything else? Though Dragon Ball was always Goku's series, its setting and events always concerned much, much, much more than just Goku, and features a wide cast of characters that has many who are just as valuable. So where would the Freeza Saga leave them off were it to end the whole thing?
Gohan just returns to his studies while waiting for daddy to come back home, his own power and hidden potential never receiving any major payoff. Piccolo is back alive but stays on Earth rather than rejoin his people, leaving him seemingly aimless since he no longer desires to dominate Earth nor does he wish to re-merge with Kami. Vegeta is back alive and on Earth (which, if the Freeza Saga was to be the final saga, would not happen) and now wants to become a Super Saiyan to surpass Goku, Krillin's wished back to life but still hasn't found a girlfriend, and other characters like Bulma, Master Roshi, Kami, King Kai and the rest get absolutely nothing, after having had precious little to work with the whole time in this saga.
Now let's contrast with where things go in the Cell Saga:
GOKU, even after hitting his peak as a Super Saiyan, is presented with three new ideas and developments that actually challenge him. First is the idea that for all his strength and for all the fights he's won, he could end up passing away and unable to save the Earth from a new threat due to a simple heart virus, a disease that does end up attacking him and nearly costing him in the present. Next is the idea that there exists a level of power even beyond a Super Saiyan, which he has to put in a maximum amount of effort to ascent to. And finally, the idea of knowing when to walk out from a fight and pass the baton to someone else he knows can be depended on, in this case, his son Gohan. And even with that last one, how dependable Gohan actually is is called into question more than once, and so it takes Goku sacrificing his own life, dying a second, supposedly permanent death and lending his faith and fighting spirit to Gohan from the afterlife, for the fruits of his labors to be realized. Then, to spare his son any further dangers and fights for the Earth's safety, Goku opts to stay dead, leaving everything in the hands of the next generation from his son on down. To me, that's the most ideal end to Goku as the hero, and it would've sent him off with more dignity and heart than later entries like GT and Super would allow him.
GOHAN not only becomes a Super Saiyan himself, but his hidden potential is fully realized when he is the first to make the full, proper ascendence from Super Saiyan into a Super Saiyan 2. When his dad gives up his life to save everyone from something that was partially Gohan's own fault, it humbles him and almost breaks his resolve to fight back and protect the Earth from destruction at Cell's hands, but with encouragement from his father's spirit, he is able to, with only one functional hand, launch a Kamehameha Wave to counter and overpower Cell's, ultimately destroying the malevolent lifeform. It truly felt like a passing of the torch moment, so that even if Dragon Ball proper ended here, Gohan would be set to be the first new main protagonist in any future sequel and spin-off installments.
PICCOLO is finally able to recognize that in order to combat a threat to the world he's come to love as his home and protect the people he now cares for, he needs to re-merge with the Namekian his original self had split off from, Kami Sama. We were first introduced to Kami and Piccolo as two halves of what used to be a whole Namekian, so how poetic is it that Piccolo's arc be completed with him returning to Kami and Kami agreeing to give up his own existence to make Piccolo a whole Namekian once again? And Piccolo tellingly never got much in the way of character development following this saga.
VEGETA is able to become a Super Saiyan, then he becomes an Ascended Super Saiyan, he has a son with Bulma who even has a version of him who time traveled from the future playing a big part in this story, he shows he's able to care about others and fight in the Earth's defense in spite of remaining unrepentantly evil and prideful for most of the saga, and he gets a big redemptive moment at the very end before resigning himself to retire from a life of combat. Yes, he still has a lot more character growth and strides towards full rehabilitation of his character still to go, but for the initial Dragon Ball story, this still would've been a fitting place to end his character arc.
KRILLIN, from the start, got into martial arts partially to impress the ladies and get himself a girlfriend, but for years he was never able to find love. In this saga, he finally does. He and Android 18 don't quite make Official Couple status by the end, but he clearly loves her enough to think of her needs ahead of his own wants, and she's become pretty tsundere for him to, so the implication is still there.
MASTER ROSHI gets a small moment of reflection at one point here, about how he used to be considered the world's strongest man but now he's old, not of much use, and watching the current generation of fighters AND the generation after it leaving him behind, tying into the theme of torch-passing from the past to the future.
BULMA & CAPSULE CORP have a hugely pivotal part to play here, as Bulma is the mother of Trunks, the child she had with Vegeta, and played the Sarah Connor role to Future Trunks in the timeline he hails from. Her company's services and technology are also constantly used, all hands on deck from start to finish, right down to fixing up Android 16 (and removing the bomb inside him, regrettably so). Even the very final scenes of the saga take place outside Capsule Corp, and I can't stress enough how much sense it makes that Trunks exists and takes things in this direction. The series literally all began with Goku and Bulma, so now it (almost) ends with their offsprings - Goku's son mentoring Bulma's son in the future but dying in that world where Trunks eventually ends up killing Cell, and then Bulma's son allying with Goku's son in the present but he dies in that world where Gohan ends up killing Cell (though unlike Future Gohan, he gets wished back to life). It's poetry, it rhymes, it's perfect!
TIEN, after getting a bad deal in the Vegeta Saga and then being all but ignored, gets to have one last big moment where he stands up to Semi-Perfect Cell and hammers him with Tri Beam attacks over and over again so that Androids 16 and 18 can flee, almost losing his life in the process. It's a fittingly badass and noble deed from the guy.
KING KAI, having lost his relevance after the Freeza Saga, returns for the third act of this one...and he ends up dying for it when Goku transports himself and the self-destructing Cell to his home world!
The SUPER SAIYAN transformation peaked here. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Future Trunks are the limit to how many Super Saiyans we needed to see, all of them end up ascending to a higher level of the form, and only one attains the Super Saiyan 2 form in the end. It made sense, did not feel too cheap or inorganic, and was used in moderation and applied to the right characters in the right situations. Post-Cell Saga is when these transformations got out of hand.
The VILLAINS in this saga tied all the way back to the first real "Big Bad" villain(s) in Dragon Ball, the Red Ribbon Army. That alone was enough to give off a "full circle" feeling, but the obvious problem was that 5 different evil androids still just were not convincingly as great and worthy villains as a single Freeza had been. So we got the curveball of the saga's actual Big Bad, Cell, an artificially engineered lifeform made from the cells of all the strongest, most major fighters seen in the series up to this point, Freeza included, knowing all of their techniques, exhibiting many of their traits, and having a unique character progression that made him feel like the worst of all the past villains put together. His very existence marks this saga as the grand crescendo of everything Dragon Ball had been building itself up as during this time, his concept practically screaming that this is a "final boss"-worthy villain if there ever was one. And the final face-off with him did not disappoint of underwhelm, being grand enough to put Goku VS Freeza to shame (and no "longest 5 minutes ever" here!)
The STAKES felt even more personal compared to the preceding sagas. In the previous saga's climax, after everyone was revived and wished off of Namek with the Dragon Balls, the stakes centered entirely around Goku on a distant planet that was already doomed to explode. Whereas here, the stakes are for everyone on Earth, as the villain does not wish to rule over it like Piccolo or to exterminate its life and sell it like the Saiyans, but to blow it up, and in addition we get the threat of him being able to terrorize the rest of the universe so that countless other worlds would meet the same fate! The was more of a need to see this menace stopped than there'd ever been before.
The CALLBACKS that got made to just about all previous ones, right down to resurrecting the World's Martial Arts Tournament concept. Can't even begin to list them all here, but it's just very The Rise of Skywalker-esque in this regard (and it's even the 9th saga, too!)
The ENDING, as I said before, is outside Capsule Corp, and just look how it visually caps off the stories of Trunks and Gohan, and by that extension, of Bulma and Goku:
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Those matching faces on Goku and Gohan. Simply beautiful.
Thus the case is made for why the original Dragon Ball ought to have ended at the Cell Saga. And when it did continue into one last saga afterwards, I will never forgive Master Roshi for selling me false hope
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Fuck you, old man!
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quantrix02 · 7 months
The Legendary Akira Toriyama’s impact
I needed an extra day to gather my thoughts before I wrote this. What do I even say about man who has literally help morph me into the person I am today. Some may think it’s a little odd to get emotional over a person you have never met or better yet even seen in the public eye. Mr. Toriyama was a really private man that even people who worked on his project have never met him, but some how his worked has touched and influenced millions across the world. You can hate Dragon Ball, but you cannot deny its influence on not only manga/anime, but pop culture in general. No other series had athletes throwing kamehamehas as celebrations, or rappers using a super saiyan bar in their flow. This man’s doodle of a little monkey kid has made it all the way to nationally watched Macy’s day parade as a float! Referenced constantly in other cartoons, anime, and video games. He set the standards for transformations in anime with the creation of “Super Saiyan”, a very subtle change of the hair (something he was really good at) became iconic and many series followed it. Gear 5, 6 path sage Mode, Super Sonic, all influenced by Toriyama.
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I have to talk about my own personal attachment to Mr. Toriyama’s work. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without Dragon Ball coming into my life. If I didn’t catch Dragon Ball randomly on a Saturday morning in the late 90s and then a littler later with Z premiering on Toonami who knows if I’d even be watching anime today. As a kid growing up I was hooked, I couldn’t consume enough DB content. Goodbye Power Rangers, Goku and the Z Fighters were my new heroes. Running home after school to see how Goku was gonna overcome the odds was an event everyday! Going to Suncoast (a true throwback IYKYK) and picking up the overpriced VHS tapes just to watch stuff from a 20 episodes ahead of the Toonami broadcast and sharing it with my friends made me the coolest kid on the block. Going online and printing out cool pictures of Trunks, Broly, Majin Vegeta (before they debut on American soil) and putting them in front of of my school binder was a time. The posters, figures, videos games, t shirts that my mom and now myself has spent on this product is a little ridiculous, but I wouldn’t change it.
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This loss has hit me harder than any celebrity passing in awhile. This is a MJ, Kobe level loss for me. Toriyama sama I know that you didn’t interact with fan, but I hope you could see the impact you have made in this world. My other favorite Mangaka made their manga because of you. I’ve met life long friends because of you, I’m on this app weekly livebloggin anime because of you. So many people love your work and that goes beyond Dragon Ball. Dragon Quest, Dr. Slump, Jaco, Blue Dragon, and so much more of your work will forever be celebrated. You are a true legend and will never be forgotten. Thank you for everything you’ve given us. Rest well
_Sincerely a fan 🐉
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga Ch. 64-67
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“Hey, everybody!  It’s me, Moro!  The cool new villain from Dragon Ball Super!  And I’m firin’ my lasers!  Shoop doo woop!  Ha ha!  Remember that?  There was this epic internet meme about shooting lasers out of your mouth in Dragon Ball, just like what I just did!  It’s pretty cool how I’m a big time Dragon Ball villain, just like Frieza and Cell, you know?  I mean, I get to be a pop culture icon, just like those guys, and people will make epic memes about the cool stuff I did in my saga.  Right?  Right?  You’re shaking your head no, are you saying the memes aren’t going to be epic?”
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So let me break this down.  This whole arc has been about Goku finally learning to use Ultra Instinct at will.  Merus tried to teach him how, but the best Goku could do was use the incomplete version of UI that he used against Kefla in the anime.  So after training Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Merus decided to fight Moro himself and get killed, which would then infuriate Goku until he experienced a surge of emotion that would awaken his full potential.  It’s a totally original idea, you guys!
Anyway, it works, and Goku is so overcome with rage that he taps into something deep within himself and becomes the Legendary Super Saiyan achieves Ultra Instinct again.  Moro panics, and Goku starts whoopin’ his ass, which would be satisfying if any of this felt halfway fresh.
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I don’t like this arc.  Moro, Merus, and Seven Three are the only genuinely novel concepts to it, and they don’t get fleshed out nearly enough to justify the effort.  Moro’s sole purpose seems to be to prey upon all life in the universe.  What will he do once he consumes everyone?  That seems like an important question, but it never comes up.  Cell and Buu had similar career paths, where they would have gone on to destroy everything, but Cell and Buu were both monsters.  Moro’s a sorcerer or something, and he’s had ten million years to think about this, but we never hear any of his thoughts on the topic. 
Merus was an “angel-in-training” who became too sympathetic towards mortal justice.  How did this happen?  All we ever find out was that he joined the Galactic Patrol some time ago, and the nobility of fighting space-crime was too much for him to resist.  But why did he join the GP in the first place?  Whis and the Grand Minister seem to object to Merus’ life choices, but they also don’t seem terribly fussed about them either.  I can’t make sense of the guy, mostly because I can’t relate to his dilemma.  The angels in Dragon Ball are so vaguely defined in the first place that it’s impossible for me to judge whether Merus is doing the right thing or not. 
Seven Three is more of a plot device than a character.  He’s an android with the ability to copy someone’s powers and store them for thirty minutes’ worth of use.  Moro used this to serve as a handy backup of his own powers, and he ate Seven Three in order to reverse the gains Vegeta made against him earlier.  I feel like “fugitive convict alien android” could be a fertile field for storytelling, but Seven Three just stands around looking bored most of the time, like Hit with less personality.  The whole “copy ability” is symbolic of this entire arc, which feels like Toyotaro dared himself to borrow as many plot points from Dragon Ball Z as possible.
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Anyway, Goku clobbers Moro for a bit, then asks him to promise to return to the Galactic Prison.  Moro agrees, and Goku gives him a senzu bean.  This scene got a lot of heat when the chapter was published, and fans were furious at Goku for giving another bad guy a senzu bean.  I feel like this misses the entire point. 
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Let’s be clear, Moro tries to betray Goku immediately, and Goku just wrecks his shit all over again to prove a point.  “You can’t beat me, even if I restore your power and let you try again, so why not just surrender.”  But Moro won’t do it. 
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Moro even recovers the hand he lost earlier, which contained a copy of Merus’ angel powers.  He thinks this will allow him to close the gap between him and Goku, but it doesn’t.  Goku still dominates him.
So getting mad at Goku is dumb.  He was trying to convince Moro to give up, which probably isn’t a terrible idea, seeing as no one was able to kill Moro before, and it’s not obvious that Goku has the power to destroy him.  So maybe the best thing you can do is to talk him out of being evil. 
The people you should be mad at are Toyotaro and Toriyama, who came up with this whole business of Goku giving Moro a senzu bean, for seemingly no better reason than the fact that he’s done it before with Piccolo and Cell. But it had dramatic weight with Piccolo and Cell.  The first time, Goku had to give Piccolo a senzu bean, because Piccolo needed to survive so that Kami could go on living.  With Cell, Goku gave him a senzu bean because he was so confident that Gohan would pound the crap out of Cell, even at his maximum strength. 
Why is he giving a bean to Moro?  He can surrender to the GP whether he’s got all his power or not.  Indeed, Goku tries a more original approach after the first thing with the bean doesn’t work.  I like the part where he just talks to the guy, because we haven’t seen that before.  So the part with the bean just feels even more redundant. 
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Anyway, Moro’s body can’t contain the angel power of Merus, so it starts to expand and distort, which only makes things harder for Moro.  He desperately seeks out a new body...
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... And he winds up merging with the Earth itself.  This puts Goku at a disadvantage, because while it doesn’t stabilize Moro very much, it does mean that Goku can’t kill Moro without destroying the Earth in the process.  Whis explains that Goku needs to destroy the power copying crystal in Moro’s head to defeat him, but Goku can’t get at it, so Vegeta uses Spirit Fission to try to make the job easier.
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But Goku still can’t get the job done, so everyone starts gathering energy to share with Goku so he can regain Ultra Instinct.  For fuck’s sake, this is exactly the kind of crap they would do in GT whenever Super Saiyan 4 Goku got beat. 
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The power collected isn’t enough, until Jaco runs off to find Majin Buu, and then Goku suddenly receives a big boost that puts him over the top, and he makes a ki construct that rassles Moro down and finishes him off for good. 
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And that extra energy came from Uub, which is kind of awkward, since Uub hasn’t met the Dragon Ball cast at this point in the storyline.  Basically, Jaco remembered Merus’ theory about Buu absorbing divine energy when he gobbled up the Grand Supreme Kai, and that divine energy was split between Fat Buu and Kid Buu.  Kid Buu became Uub, so Jaco got Buu to find Uub and get him to send energy to Goku. 
Fuck all of this. 
Seriously, this is the most contrived nonsense I’ve ever read, and what purpose does it serve?  This arc isn’t a story, it’s a checklist of story beats and callbacks that Toyotaro wanted to use.
So then they wish all of Moro’s victims back to life, and then they go to a medal ceremony at GP headquarters, because Toyotaro decided to do a callback to Star Wars on top of everything else.  And Merus is supposed to get a medal for his role in stopping Moro, but he no longer exists, right?
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Wrong!  He disappeared that day, but he only ceased being an angel.  Now he’s a mortal, which seems to suit him just fine, since he can be a space cop like he always wanted.  See, this is what I’m talking about.  Was this always how it was going to do, or did the Grand Minister arrange this somehow as a way to strip Merus of his divinity without ending his life? 
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Because the Grand Minister could have prevented all of this by telling Merus to quit the GP from the start.  And so he kind of acts like he came up with this whole thing as a special rule-bending thing.  And yet, he punishes Beerus and the Supreme Kai for their role in this, ordering them to play with Grand Zeno for a while.  How was this Beerus’ fault? How was this the Supreme Kai’s fault?  Merus made his own choices, and Whis was the one who said he’d take care of Merus during this story, and that clearly didn’t happen. 
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So that wraps things up, right?  Wrong, because the recaptured criminals suggest to Jaco that Seven Three might have survived the final battle on Earth.  Jaco is confident that he found no trace of Seven Three, but they go back for another look and they still don’t find anything, but that’s because some other characters have already recovered his remains.
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They seem to have big plans for Seven Three, but before they can do anything with him, another set of space crooks show up and capture Seven Three for themselves.  And their leader is a guy by the name of Granolah, which leads us into the next arc. 
And that’s it for Moro.  It really kind of sucked.  I should write more about it in the future, but right now, I just want to move on.  I hope the Granolah arc is better, because I really need a win from the DBS Manga. 
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ancicntforged · 9 months
Toriyama's bouts of laziness still are the fucking funniest tbh.
He as annoyed with drawing Goku's saiyan tail all the time, as well as subsequent saiyan tails, so he wrote it into the story that it was cut off and never regrew.
Another even more legendary one is the reason for the iconic super saiyan transformation. He didn't want to always ink the black hair and wait for it to dry, so he created super saiyan, which meant he only had to draw the outline of the hair and bam
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kob131 · 2 years
Okay, so I need to make an essay about Deus Ex Machinas.
So, what is a Deus Ex Machina? Being a more..colloqual term, it doesn't have a strong definition, but one consistent factor is that it's a plot point that solves a previously unsolvable issue. It's used as an insult because it seems to cheapen the narrative by having something come out of nowhere to resolve the tension and drama.
For example, in RWBY, many call the Relic of Creation a Deus Ex Machina because it resolves the plot point of 'The people of Mantle vs. the people of Atlas'. And at first glance, this does seem to fit.
...But remember when I said that 'Deus Ex Machina' was a colloqualism? There's a reason for that.
In some of the most famous and well-regarded shows, by this same definition, a Deus Ex Machina exists in them.
Take Dragon Ball for instance. While people would complain about certain characters, very few would say that it uses Deus Ex Machina in its story. However, the most iconic moment of the entire series (Goku's transforming into a Super Saiyan on Namek) is technically a Deus Ex Machina. ... No really. Where was it indicated or implied that 'Super Saiyan' was some transformation like Kaio-Ken and not just some mythical figure? Nowhere. Every time it was brought up by Vegeta (itself out of fucking nowhere), he uses it to refer to PEOPLE THEMSELVES as the legendary Super Saiyan, not their POTENTIAL to achieve it. And is it just convenient that Goku is just the right level of power to beat Freeza even though he was thought to be unbeatable.
Too low of a target? How about Jojo Part 3 with Jotaro's Time Stop? At no point was it ever implied that Star Platinum could stop time. Not once was this implied or hinted at in the whole anime/manga. The only thing that implied it was Araki intending on having The World be a culmination of the Joestars' Stands themselves but that got scrapped. And in fact, this goes against what we know about Stands because NO OTHER STANDS in the entire series share the exact same power. Some may function similarly (like Emperor and Sex Pistols) but none have the same power to a T like Star Platinum and the World. The latter of which seemed impossible to overcome at that point. Fuck, this actually fits the definition MORE than the other two, which had some kind of foreshadowing.
Or hell, why not throw in AoT's Coordinate ability, allowing Eren and co to escape Reiner and the others by having the Titans attack them. This ability comes right the fuck out of nowhere, was treated as always existing and becomes a huge plot point. Even worse, since AoT is more grounded and gritty, making this kind of trope stick out a lot more.
But see, it's pretty rare for someone to call any of these a Deus Ex Machina. At best, you'll get a Jojo fan begrudgingly admitting it before never acknowledging it ever again. So, why is it that these things are called Deus Ex Machinas despite not working with what think of that term?
Again, Deus Ex Machina is not a super defined term. It's used a lot more loosely. And as such, it can have implied parts of its definition beyond the stated. We can find what it's really referring to by the origin of it's use- from old Greek theatres where a crane would bring down a supposed god to make a happy ending. Hence 'God in the Machine.'
And there lies the actual focal point of a Deus Ex Machina- they have to make a happy ending from a bad one.
Goku gaining the Super Saiyan transformation doesn't directly solve his problem, he still has to fight and survive against Freeza.
Jotaro gaining Time Stop doesn't instantly kill DIO. Jotaro still has to outwit DIO as his arrogance causes his downfall.
The Coordinate doesn't resolve the plot of AoT. Fuck, from what I heard, this power becomes a NEGATIVE later on.
And ironically, the Staff of Creation doesn't solve the issue of Atlas. Team RWBY still fall at the end, failing to defeat Cinder and leaving the people in a precarious situation.
A Deus Ex Machina is not inherently bad. It's a tool like any other. It's just used as a buzzword used to invoke indignation and validate one's opinion.
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spinoskingdom875 · 7 months
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This render is dedicated to Akira Toriyama, an iconic Manga artist and creator of Dr. Slump, and the legendary Dragon Ball franchise, one that would change manga and anime forever. This franchise inspired the entire world with its incredible stories, magnificent characters, and amazing moments. Without Dragon Ball, we wouldn't have Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Piccolo, and many others. And as a matter of fact, we wouldn't have the iconic Super Saiyan form, the form that's widely considered as the inspiration for Super Sonic.
I wasn't into Dragon Ball when I was a young lad, but growing up, I started watching episodes on TV and online. It has been a while since I've watched it, I should get back to it and catch up!
My heart goes out to Akira's family, his friends, the people who worked alongside him, and all the fans everywhere.
To Toriyama-San, from all of us worldwide... Thank you for inspiring us.
Akira Toriyama (April 5, 1955 – March 1, 2024) 
(NOTE: Don't re-upload my pictures anywhere without my permission, please. Thank you.) (Credits: 
Sonic the Hedgehog: (C) Sega & Sonic Team. Son Goku: (C) Akira Toriyama & Toei Animation. Logo made by: ShadowNinjaMaster.
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theyetibacca · 7 months
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Akira Toriyama, the legendary creator of the iconic Dragon Ball series, has passed away at the age of 68.
There are not enough words to state just HOW MUCH we all owe him. His work has truly defined and redefined pop culture as we know it.
Not only Dragon Ball, but his iconic art help Dragon Quest, one of the earliest RPGs become the icon in gaming it is now, just like Chrono Trigger years later. Characters like Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Bulma and Frieza, attacks like the Kamehameha, the Genkidama have all become iconic.
I'm a 90s kid and I grew up with Dragon Ball Z, and it helped define basically everything I would come to love and seek in media. Goku turning Super Saiyan, Gohan fighting Perfect Cell.
Thank you for everything Toriyama-sensei. You will always have the power.
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livefreeforfun · 2 years
Saiyan Duality - A SSG and SS4 Comparison
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I don’t think anyone would argue that one of the most recognizable aspects of the Dragon Ball franchise is the transformations the characters tend to undergo. From an old hermit bulking up to an absurd degree to the legendary Super Saiyan, the franchise has its fair share of power ups, but the users of many of these iconic forms usually fall under one category of people - the aforementioned Saiyans.
The Saiyans, across all forms of Dragon Ball media, have over a dozen different transformations, each one becoming more and more powerful than the last. From the simple Great Ape to the lengthily named Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Controlled Berserk (I wish I was making that up), the repertoire of Saiyan forms is immense, but I constantly see two of these forms being compared: Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God.
Both forms are very iconic, with Super Saiyan 4 being a GT trademark and Super Saiyan God being the first of many new transformations we see in Dragon Ball Super. I’ve seen a multitude of debates online trying to prove that one of these forms is better than the other, so I wanted to throw my hat into the ring and give my take: while I have a personal preference for God, both forms are absolutely incredible at what they attempt to portray in those who use the form, and I’m gonna go a little in depth as to why.
Starting the Super Saiyan 4 section with a little bit of background info, the older of the two forms made its debut in GT during the fight against Baby. To access the form, a Saiyan needs to both have a tail and already be able to transform into a Super Saiyan. They must transform into a Great Ape, turn Super Saiyan on top of that to become a Golden Great Ape, and then control that state to obtain Super Saiyan 4.
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Super Saiyan 4 is remarkably different from the previous Super Saiyan forms, sporting no golden hair and instead keeping it back and having it grow far longer and having it cover the user’s shoulders, though it’s worth noting that Super Saiyan 3’s hairstyle is much longer. To make it more visually distinct, the user’s body is also covered in red fur save for parts of their chest, with their tail also turning red and gaining a red trim around their eyes. Curiously, Goku is also turned into an adult when he accesses this transformation, which is explained as a unique property of this form: any user of the transformation has their body reverted (or propelled into) its prime, meaning they will always appear as a young adult. Lastly, different users of SS4 have slightly different looking versions of the form. For instance, Goku’s version of the form has a shade of red fur that has a slight pink hue to it while Vegeta’s fur is crimson, and Goku has yellow eyes while Vegeta has blue eyes.
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Now that the backstory and design of SS4 has been talked about, it’s time to talk a little bit about SSG. Super Saiyan God is a legend closely related to the legend of the Super Saiyan that Frieza feared. The legend involves the Saiyan Yamoshi and his five pure hearted allies battling against the evil hearted Saiyans. Yamoshi actually obtains Super Saiyan, but still loses the battle and his life, and now his spirit wanders through Universe 7 trying to find the Super Saiyan God.
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There are only a couple ways for a Saiyan to obtain Super Saiyan God. The first method is a ritual, in which five other pure hearted Saiyans give their power to a sixth, transforming the sixth into the Super Saiyan God. As a side note, this ritual only works because of the wandering spirit of Yamoshi, making it a Universe 7 exclusive phenomenon. The other way for a Saiyan to obtain SSG is to train with god ki, which can typically only be done by training with someone who already possesses godly ki, such as Gods of Destruction.
Super Saiyan God, as a transformation, actually looks quite simple compared to other Super Saiyan forms. The user’s hair and eyes turn red, they become slimmer and even look a little younger, and their aura looks like fire. Super Saiyan God, similarly to SS4, also seems to give different users of the forms slightly different shades of red, though it’s not nearly as apparent as it is for SS4.
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When putting the two forms next to each other, it can be hard to find similarities between them. Both feature some kind of red hair but outside of that, noticeable similarities are sparse, and I think that’s the point. Both forms have to portray entirely separate ideas: the wild nature of the Saiyans and the calmer demeanor of the Gods, and they portray these ideas incredibly well in my eyes. While I do have more of a preference for SSG like I said earlier, it’s not hard to see why so many fans of Dragon Ball are allured by the primal look of SS4.
Ultimately though, if you ask me, trying to compare the two to try and prove that one is objectively better is just a waste of time. It feels like God was designed to be the other side of the same coin as SS4, the heads to its tails. Both designs have their strengths and their weaknesses, so at the end of the day, whichever form is “superior” will always be up to viewer interpretation and nothing more.
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nerdarena2 · 1 year
Do You Still Miss Watching Dragon Ball Z?
Anime has played a crucial role in bridging cultural gaps and promoting cultural exchange. Through its unique storytelling and art style, anime has introduced audiences around the world to Japanese culture, traditions, and societal values. Overall, anime has had a profound influence on the audience by providing unique storytelling, diverse representation, emotional depth, visual innovation, and fostering passionate fandoms. It continues to captivate and inspire viewers around the world, shaping popular culture and leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. That is the reason why one of the anime series Dragon Ball Z is considered to be one of the greatest anime for several reasons:
Impactful Storytelling: Dragon Ball Z features an epic and action-packed storyline that spans multiple sagas. It combines intense battles, personal growth, and themes of friendship, sacrifice, and overcoming challenges. The narrative keeps viewers engaged and invested in the characters' journeys.
Iconic Characters: The series boasts a diverse and memorable cast of characters, each with their unique personalities, backstories, and abilities. Characters like Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Frieza have become pop culture icons and have resonated with audiences worldwide.
Intense Battles and Power-Ups: Dragon Ball Z is known for its dynamic and exhilarating fight scenes. The battles are visually stunning, featuring high-speed combat, powerful energy blasts, and awe-inspiring transformations. The series introduced iconic power-ups like Super Saiyan, which became legendary moments in anime history.
Character Development: Dragon Ball Z explores the growth and development of its characters, particularly Goku and his son Gohan. Viewers witness their evolution as fighters, leaders, and as individuals with their own unique struggles and triumphs. This character-driven approach adds depth to the series.
Overall, Dragon Ball Z's combination of compelling storytelling, iconic characters, intense battles, and lasting cultural impact solidifies its status as one of the greatest anime series of all time.
Prime Characters Of Dragon Ball Z
 Below is one of the prime characters of the dragon ball z series till now :
He is a Saiyan warrior who is known for his incredible strength and fighting abilities. Goku starts off as a young boy with a monkey-like tail and possesses a kind-hearted and innocent nature. Throughout the series, Goku goes through various transformations and power-ups, becoming one of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball universe. He is often depicted as wearing his iconic orange gi (martial arts uniform) and is recognized for his signature move, the Kamehameha wave. Goku is a beloved character in anime and is widely considered an iconic figure in the world of manga and animation. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
He is a Saiyan prince and rival to Goku. Initially introduced as a villain seeking to obtain the Dragon Balls and gain immortality, Vegeta later goes through a redemption arc and becomes one of the main heroes in the series. Vegeta is known for his proud and arrogant personality, often driven by a desire to surpass Goku's power. He possesses exceptional combat skills and is a highly skilled fighter. Vegeta's character develops throughout the series as he forms a family, strives for personal growth, and protects the Earth alongside Goku and their allies. Like Goku, Vegeta is also known for his signature moves, such as the Galick Gun and Final Flash. He is a fan-favorite character, celebrated for his complex personality and his journey from antagonist to anti-hero. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
Frieza, often spelled as Freeza, is a major antagonist in the Dragon Ball series. He is a galactic tyrant and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Frieza is a member of the alien race known as the Frieza Race, and he is known for his ruthless and sadistic nature. He has the ability to transform and increase his power level, making him a formidable opponent. Frieza is responsible for the destruction of several planets and is feared by many throughout the galaxy. He is known for his iconic appearance, with a purple and white body, a sleek design, and a long tail.
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To know more: https://nerdarena.in/collections/dragon-ball-z-action-figure
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beatthegame · 1 year
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Just beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade. The original FF7 was first released on the Playstation One back in 1997. Considered by many one of the best video games of all time. FF7 was the gold standard for role playing games for a long time. It was remade again just a couple of years ago in 2020 on the PS4. During a time of perpetual remakes, Final Fantasy 7 Remake seemed to live up to the hype and made a great gaming experience even better. Remake Intergrade is the PS5 follow up that appeared shortly after the PS4 release. Not a sequel. More like the "Super Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition EX Plus Alpha Turbo HD" of the Final Fantasy world. A loaded statement for sure. But is Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade a good game? Let's break it down like this...
In a nutshell: Young steampunk Super Saiyan Goku with a big ass sword becomes an eco-terrorist for hire to blow up electric power plants with this crazy dude with a minigun for a hand and a karate hooker, who just happens to be Goku's childhood sweetheart. Don't worry parents; this is an evil corporation, so blowing up their power plants is ok. You hack & slash & punch & shoot your way through hundreds of robots and monsters trying to stop this evil corporation with your dirtbag friends and a cute flower girl. Seems like a simple premise. That is until Goth Albino Axl Rose starts whispering riddles into Goku's ears. Getting all up in your business. You would THINK that was cool, but you find out that Axl is trying to destroy the world. Which is the opposite of cool. At that point you're fighting to save the Earth. Again. But seriously, this game is a lot more layered than how I'm trying to summarize. It's a nutshell full of awesome.
The Good: The original Final Fantasy 7 was pretty amazing. So you're already starting off with a good premise. But the developers took that premise and rebuilt it from scratch with modern developer tools. The end result is pretty fantastic from every aspect. The graphics are simply gorgeous. The assets are so insanely detailed, I would often stop progressing and just look around. The details in the environment. The non-descript chatter from the NPC's made the city of Midgar seem alive. And the characters! The Final Fantasy 7 cast has become almost iconic through the years. Popping up in several other games, movies, comics, etc. We were somewhat familiar with these characters. But the remake really brought them to life. Shout out to the voice acting cast, by the way. Just about everyone played true to their characters' personalities. The quirky banter between  certain characters were amusing at times. Which leads to the actual gameplay. Final Fantasy was always about quick turn-based battles and item management with pretty graphics. The remake takes it a step further with more pro-active arcade brawler style battles. All while preserving the quick item management aspect of the original games. It often feels like a juggling act at times. You have to attack, block or parry and dodge enemy attacks like any other 3-D action game. But you also have to manage two other teammates on top of the action. You can add quick commands from their arsenal or let the AI automate while you focus on kicking ass. It's definitely more proactive than the original game. Even the music is fantastic! The original soundtrack was already legendary. How on Earth could they possibly top it? Well, this modern day production crew took something great and added a layer of delicious frosting on top. Taking classic melodies from the original game and giving them full instrumental productions spanning several genres: pop, jazz, EDM, metal, hip-hop, reggae remixes. Amongst others. I had the damn chocobo song in my head ALL DAY. The Happy Turtle jingle is burned in my mind forever. Which is a testament to the greatness of this game's soundtrack. Controls were smooth, responsive and simple. The games menus and materia system might have a bit of a learning curve for unfamiliar players. Definitely not a typical beat em up. But you have tons of options! The UI is simple and provides easy instructions to guide players through. There are so many other good details about this game. I can seriously keep going. But let's flip the script and break out the table salt...
The Bad: If you're getting into this without any prior knowledge of the Final Fantasy experience? You might find yourself a bit confused. There is a LOT going on, with plenty of gaping plotholes from beginning to end. Which I now realize were placed intentionally to throw off fans of the original timeline. They are trying something new and different, which is GREAT! But from a tourist perspective? It's all super-fucking-weird! LOL! I can see the average Fortnite kid getting bored with this game really quick. Not a lot of gamers are patient enough to sit through all the cut scenes (which ARE skippable by the way). There were plenty of cringe inducing scenes that gave me douche chills. Speed Demon Roche and The Honeybee Inn were annoying, amonst others but I respect the developers trying new things and adding more substance to the Midgar experience. And speaking of adding to the experience... I don't like how they added to the game by subtracting 3/4ths of the original narrative out of the presentation. Back in 1997. Final Fantasy 7 came with 4 discs. Different parts of the saga split up, mostly because you can only contain a finite amount of game data on a single disc. Despite the 4 discs, you got the WHOLE STORY. The remake only covers the first quarter of the timeline. Like getting served a whole deep dish pie at first. Now you're only getting a slice? Which raises a LOT of questions I'm not willing to remember in-between the countless games we'll be playing before the next disc comes out. It kills the flow of the narrative. But from a business standpoint, you can see exactly why it would be more profitable to stretch the games out. And add as many spin-offs and DLC's as possible before you shell out another $80 bucks for the next disc. Unfortunately for me, I'm that hardcore Final Fantasy fanboy that will begrudgingly burn another $80 bucks for each stupid disc and download they crank out. Like a true Final Fantasy cuck. God help us if the introduce micro-transactions.
I also don't like how linear this game is. For a role playing game, especially with the freedom of other sandbox RPGs, this game seems pretty shallow. You really can't do much outside of what your character is tasked to do. Pretty weak compared to what's offered on so many other games. But you know what they say, "compare & despair". If it weren't for the iconic characters, the game would seem pretty weak when you're not invested in the lore behind these people. But fortunately, there are millions of fans who went all in on this franchise. The next installment is supposed to offer more freedom? Which seems ideal. But is it the same kind of freedom like you get in Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption? Very unlikely.
Overall: These son's of biscuits at Squeenix took a legendary game. Made it better. And added a Intergrade cherry on top, with more bells and whistles on the side. When you start getting caught up in the mini-games more than the actual story (hello Fort Condor!) you start to get a good video game Inception going on. The best games will make you want to play them again after beating it. But I'm already looking forward to unlock more features on Hard mode. It's Final Fantasy at its peak form.
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sonohban · 2 years
6, 7, 21
6. Which saga is your favorite? 
OOH tough one. it's neck and neck between namek and cell but i think namek is just barely #1 overall. watching goku go ssj for the first time really gave me a sense of how sacred it was, and it was interesting to see how the Legendary™ super saiyan state was only achievable (besides the first one who destroyed himself in the process) by a saiyan with righteous anger over the death of a loved one! and of course this was triggered by krillin getting murdered in front of him, but goku suddenly owns the fact that he's saiyan here despite him pushing that heritage away since the beginning which is probably attributable by vegeta's dying wish to him shortly before. ALSO piccolo's homecoming to namek was one of my favorite parts, it's one of the first times he realizes that he's not cruelly alone in this world after his connection with gohan. the main point-- there's a LOT of really good character development in this saga :'3
7. Which saga is your least favorite?
i mean technically i've only watched 3 of them so far so i think after process of elimination it's saiyan saga lol. i don't dislike it tho it's so iconic! after everything everyone's told me about buu saga tho... that might change lmfao. BUT VEGITO
21. Which Bulma hairstyle is your favorite?
def right after saiyan saga lol but her hair during cell games is a close second tbh :3 (EDIT: I ACTUALLY KINDA LIKE HER HAIR IN SUPER)
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freedomofwords · 23 hours
Get Ready to Battle with Dragon Ball Z Phone Cases: A Must-Have for Every Saiyan
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For fans of the legendary anime Dragon Ball Z, the thrill of epic battles, powerful transformations, and unforgettable friendships is a way of life. As Goku, Vegeta, and their friends face off against formidable foes, you can join the fight in your own way—with stylish and durable Dragon Ball Z phone cases. These cases not only protect your phone but also allow you to express your love for this iconic series. Here’s why every Saiyan fan needs one!
1. Show Off Your Favorite Characters
One of the best parts of Dragon Ball Z is its colorful cast of characters, each with their unique strengths and quirks. From the heroic Goku and the proud Vegeta to fan-favorites like Piccolo and Gohan, there’s a character for everyone. With a variety of phone case designs featuring these beloved heroes, you can easily showcase your favorites. Whether you prefer a design that highlights Goku’s Super Saiyan form or a more understated version featuring the Z Fighters’ logo, your case can reflect your personal connection to the series.
2. Vibrant Artwork That Stands Out
Dragon Ball Z is known for its stunning animation and vibrant art style, and many phone cases capture this aesthetic perfectly. With bold colors, dynamic poses, and striking illustrations, these cases bring the action and excitement of the series right to your fingertips. Choose from cases that depict intense battle scenes, iconic Kamehameha blasts, or even the serene beauty of the Dragon Balls themselves. No matter which design you choose, your phone will be a visual celebration of your favorite anime. Visit here Sailor Moon Phone Case
3. Durable Protection for Everyday Battles
While showing off your fandom is important, protecting your phone is essential, too. Dragon Ball Z phone cases are designed with durability in mind, ensuring that your device stays safe from drops, scratches, and daily wear and tear. Many cases are made from high-quality materials that provide excellent shock absorption, allowing you to take on the challenges of everyday life—just like your favorite Saiyan warriors!
4. A Conversation Starter Among Fans
Sporting a Dragon Ball Z phone case is a great way to connect with fellow fans. Whether you’re at school, work, or out with friends, showcasing your love for the series can spark conversations about favorite episodes, character arcs, and theories about upcoming plot developments. It’s a fun way to bond with others who share your passion for the epic battles and thrilling adventures of the Dragon Ball universe.
5. Unique Customization Options
For die-hard fans looking to express their individuality, many retailers offer customizable Dragon Ball Z phone cases. You can personalize your case with quotes from the series, artwork featuring your favorite characters, or even a combination of different elements that resonate with you. This level of personalization allows you to create a case that truly represents your journey as a Dragon Ball Z fan.
6. Perfect Gifts for Every Dragon Ball Z Fan
If you’re searching for the perfect gift for a fellow Dragon Ball Z enthusiast, a themed phone case is an excellent choice. With a wide range of designs available, you’re sure to find something that matches their favorite character or iconic moment from the series. Pair it with other Dragon Ball Z merchandise, like collectibles or apparel, for a gift that any Saiyan would love.
Conclusion: Gear Up with Dragon Ball Z Phone Cases
As you prepare to face the challenges of everyday life, why not equip yourself with a Dragon Ball Z phone case that showcases your passion for this beloved series? With vibrant designs, durable protection, and the ability to express your fandom, these cases are a must-have for every true fan.
Explore the fantastic collection of Dragon Ball Z phone cases today and find the perfect design that resonates with your love for Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z Fighters. Join the ranks of proud Saiyans and let your phone reflect the power and excitement of the Dragon Ball universe!
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tigirl-and-co · 19 days
Hi I'm the guy who drew gohan! I wpuld love to know about the movies :]]
Awesome!!! this is a list I made for a friend after having watched every special and movie, but I keep it on hand for myself bc I have bad memory :3c
the list is in chronological order, so no need to worry about accidentally spoiling yourself!
-World's Strongest (really good if you're a fan of kid Gohan. This one is REALLY in its own timeline, so if you're already at Namek you're good)
-Bardock: Father of Goku (BARDOCK MY FAVOURITE DUBIOUSLY CANON MAN!!! Best watched DIRECTLY after Goku defeats Frieza)
-cooler's revenge (ehhhh I think it's just okay but some people really like it. Can be watched any time after Goku returns to earth)
-Super Android 13 (honestly the movie itself is mid, but it's got SO MANY ICONIC MOMENTS and also it's only 45 minutes. This is where 'DON'T YOU LECTURE ME WITH YOUR THIRTY DOLLAR HAIRCUT!' and the Goten-erasing dick punch is from. Can be watched any time after the androids are activated)
-Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan (I think this is the longest of the Z movies. It's divisive in the fandom but I think everybody needs to see it at least once. It's also probably the most 'HOLY SHIT THAT'S SO COOL' of the movies. Frankly it's worth watching for that alone, no matter how you feel about Broly as a character. Can be watched basically any time in the android saga, it's real weird in the timeline)
-History of Trunks (the most heartwrenching of I think anything in dragonball. So good. You will cry. Best watched immediately post-cell)
-fusion reborn (really really gorgeous but is... kind of a nothing movie. Watch if you are dying for an interesting villain or really really really need to see Gogeta, otherwise don't worry about it. takes place mid-buu (also this movie is infamous for the Dictator scene))
-Wrath of the Dragon (pretty good if you like the more character-oriented stuff, but otherwise is a tad generic. Fleshes out kid trunks a bit, which is nice. Definitely top 5 for me, but I love seeing aloof characters defrost so it might just be my bias. Post-buu I think)
-Battle of Gods (I actually haven't seen this one, but everyone says it rules, so... It's the start of Super, so Post-Buu saga!)
-Super Hero (this movie is good, but to me it is The Best One as I am a piccolo and Gohan fan. Pan is here and she's very cute)
-GT: A Hero's Legacy (the very very final thing, chronologically. Just a cute special about Goku's great great grandkid. No GT knowledge required. Pan is there)
I hope this helps! there's a lot of movies, and it can be really overwhelming if you're just getting into it! There's a couple DB movies as well, but i haven't seen them since like 2015 uwu; I remember Path to Power was pretty good but honestly I wouldn't worry about any movie not on this list until you know you're a diehard
And even then, you definitely don't have to watch all of these, either! these are just either the ones I personally love, or the fandom has a general love for.
OH and idk if you're doing dub or sub- if you're doing sub, you can go ahead and skip Android 13 bc the dub is the reason that movie is fun
have fun!!!
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duhragonball · 3 months
Now that you have wrapped up the biggest fight of the fic, do you have a fight you liked writing best? Obviously, this last one was the most important to the fic, and most important to get *right*, but which is your favorite? Or are they all about the same to you?
Ultimately, it was all about Luffa vs. Goku. Everything was building towards that, and that was always in the back of my mind when I was writing every other fight.
There was a time when I used to worry that if I went too hard on a particular fight, it might diminish the appeal to Luffa vs. Goku later on, but in hindsight, I needn't have worried, since Goku is such an iconic character that he raises the stakes just by showing up. And Luffa was created to compliment Goku, so the other fights were never going to overshadow that one. Besides, it's not like Akira Toriyama worried about King Piccolo stealing Vegeta's thunder or anything like that.
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Even now, I sort of have this reflex to keep writing Luffa vs. Goku, even though it's finished. It's like that training montage in Kill Bill, where Uma Thurman spends all day punching blocks of wood, and she ends up punching the wall in her sleep. I guess I could run it back, but I'm not sure a rematch would fit the story at this point.
So that one's my favorite, and it's not even close. I was trying to think of other fights from earlier in the story, and I had trouble remembering. A lot of them were mismatches or just outright slaughters, so I don't think those would count.
Working backwards, I'm pleased with the way I handled the fights at the end of the Xenoverse/Demigra arc. As much as I was building towards Goku, the catch was that I also had to build up to Luffa vs. Demigra, and Luffa vs. Mind-Controlled Trunks before that. And before that, the Luffa/Goku team up in Chapter 200. So there was a lot of action, but I think I managed to pace it well and give each battle a chance to breathe, and keep it from getting too repetitive.
Anything with Cell was a blast, just because he's my favorite character, and the twist is that Luffa thinks he sucks. She fought him several times and decided he's not worth her time.
In a similar vein, the battles with Towa and Mira were fun, because the games try to set up Mira as having this rivalry with your Time Patroller, but that doesn't really work for the story, since Towa's the mastermind of their team, and Luffa would see Towa as the true enemy. Also Demigra's the real final boss of the game, so I didn't have much interest in developing Towa as a major antagonist, much less Mira. So I came up with the conceit that the rivalry is there, but it's entirely one-sided. Mira is obsessed with proving himself against Luffa, and Towa is fascinated with his obsession, and Luffa stone cold does not give a shit about either of them.
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"Hey, my artificial husband saw you from across the bar, and we really hate your vibe. Can we buy you a drink?"
The fights with Frieza and Nappa were really satisfying to write, because I had Luffa in a state where she couldn't use her full power, and yet she still is the Legendary Super Saiyan, even if she can't back that up. And so she managed to get in the heads of those two characters, because they know the story and can kind of see it in her eyes without knowing it. Nappa realizes he's fighting this eldritch horror and this dread starts to set in. It's the sort of thing I couldn't do with Goku or Vegeta, because they're peers, so it's like when two golden retrievers meet another golden retriever.
The stuff with the Jindan cult was hard to write, but it probably holds up better than I thought it would at the time. The biggest plot hole in my mind was how a cult could accept a 100% casualty rate without all of the members quitting, but the past few years have shown me just how dearly people will cling to lost causes. Memestock investors are still going all in on Gamestop, for example, so I guess it wasn't so hard to believe that a bunch of Saiyans would convince themselves that they stood a chance against a vastly superior opponent.
I guess I should mention Luffa's last stand against the Tikosi on Dorlu Prime. That was really the first real fight in the story, and I was kind of worried about being able to pull off DBZ-style action in my writing. I guess I did okay.
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themovieblogonline · 2 months
Dragonball Daima Premiere: The Epic Adventure We Didn’t Know We Needed
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Anime fans, get your Dragon Balls ready! The most buzzed-about anime event of the fall is almost upon us—Dragonball Daima is coming to turn our beloved Z-Fighters into pint-sized heroes. That’s right, the iconic characters are getting a tiny makeover, and it’s not just a new outfit—they’re actually shrinking. The series promises a new twist on our old favorites, courtesy of the late Akira Toriyama’s creative genius. Let’s dive into what makes this premiere a must-watch and why you shouldn’t miss the grand spectacle. The World Premiere Event Mark your calendars for October 6th, when Dragonball Daima will make its debut at the “Dragon Ball Daimatsuri” event in Japan. This invite-only extravaganza isn’t just about watching the first episode; it’s a celebration of all things Dragon Ball. Picture this: the legendary voice of Son Goku, Masako Nozawa, making a special appearance. If that’s not enough to get you excited, there’ll also be big reveals about upcoming Dragon Ball games like Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, and Dragon Ball Legends. This isn’t just a premiere; it’s a full-on Dragon Ball fest! What’s New in Daima? So, what’s the deal with Dragonball Daima? Set between the death of Kid Buu and the arrival of Whis and Beerus from Dragon Ball Super, this series introduces a fresh plotline. Goku and his crew are about to experience a major downgrade—literally. After a wish on the Dragon Balls transforms them into child-sized versions of themselves, they embark on a cosmic quest with the Kais to reverse the wish and unravel the mystery behind it. If you’re thinking this sounds like a classic Dragon Ball adventure with a quirky twist, you’re right. Toei Animation describes the series as a “grand adventure with intense action in an unknown and mysterious world.” Goku’s Power Pole, which hasn’t been seen in a while, will play a significant role in their battles. If that doesn’t make you nostalgic and excited, I don’t know what will. Why You Should Tune In The Dragonball Daima premiere isn’t just about seeing your favorite characters in a new light; it’s about celebrating the legacy of Akira Toriyama’s creation. With this new series, we’re getting a glimpse into one of the final works from the master himself. Plus, the event will showcase exclusive content and updates about the franchise that hardcore fans won’t want to miss. If you’re itching for the scoop on the latest Dragon Ball updates or looking to catch the buzz from the anime festival, keep an eye out for all the details dropping on October 6th. This is not just another anime premiere; it’s a cultural moment in the world of Dragon Ball. In conclusion, Dragonball Daima is set to add a new layer of excitement to the Dragon Ball universe. With its unique storyline, the world premiere event, and the chance to see Goku and friends in a whole new size, it’s shaping up to be one of the most talked-about anime releases of the year. Don’t miss out on the action—make sure to catch the premiere and dive into this grand adventure with your favorite Saiyans. Read the full article
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