#The Napoleonic Wars
empirearchives · 1 year
“It is the Revolution he serves, in spite of himself and against himself.”
— Ernest Lavisse about Napoleon Bonaparte
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My history teacher: “look how lavishly and well dressed the guy on the horse is!”
Me, under my breath: MURAT
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starweed · 1 year
i’ve decided to be a nuisance (and i think the three people who’ll see this will appreciate it)
context for these three people, i live in america we use the imperial system of measurement, aka the not-the-metric-system system of measurement (you can blame nixon for that)
i have slowly been changing my phone to make it difficult for people in america to understand what it says.
i changed the weather app to show celsius instead of fahrenheit. this doesn’t affect me because i didn’t really understand fahrenheit anyway, so the exact calculation doesn’t really matter. but it does bother people who ask me for the temperature (my friends, nobody else does that).
a few months before i changed the weather app i changed my clock to 24-hour time (i don’t know if you people not in america use it regularly or not, i don’t really care. this was to be a nuisance, not european). this is because 1) i like being a nuisance to my friends and family in harmless ways 2) i have issues with falling asleep and dreaming that i’m still awake while having legitimate conversations with people in my general area. this means that when i wake up i know that i took a nap but not for how long because i think it’s been five minutes while it’s actually been two hours. 24-hour time helps with that. 3) i can call it 24-hour time and annoy the pretentious fucks (my dad) who call it military time (*gags*). 4) nobody asks me for the time anymore, i answer in 24-hour time
i (try to) use the metric system. it’s a work in progress because i’m in the country that would prefer to use (american) football fields as a base measurement than meters. it’s annoying, but i do generally have to use feet and inches rather than meters and milimeters because i do like being understood occasionally.
now to monologue about why the u.s. doesn’t use the metric system in the first place, because i think it’s interesting. so, the french revolution happened, and the french didn’t want to use the imperial system anymore because it gave off bad vibes and didn’t make any sense (a group of french scientists wanted a global unit of measurement that actually made sense, but it wasn’t fully adopted until the political unrest that occurred during the napoleonic wars). the rest of the world was like, “that’s a great idea!” (nearly all of the times it was adopted had been during times of political upheaval, similar to how it was adopted in france and it also took quite a while for that to happen). the u.s. also decided that they should use the metric system, but nothing came about from that (it happened from 1968-1971 which was the last year of lyndon b. johnson’s presidency to around year 3 of richard nixon’s).
if you asked me, i’d say that the u.s. probably never fully picked up the metric system because of everything that happened during the time that anyone in government really cared about officially changing it happened during the watergate scandal. although it was a time of political uncertainty it wasn’t the type of upheaval that would result in the change of the system of measurement. to put it simply, people didn’t care about the metric system in the face of having the corruption of their government thrown in their face.
tldr? i like being a nuisance, and richard nixon is the reason why the u.s. doesn’t use the metric system
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iyzlime · 17 days
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the unfinished
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burningvelvet · 4 months
Gentlemen’s Regency Era Portraits
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mokifish · 14 days
Napoleon & Junot ((^_^)☆
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Egypt Campaign Generals ( ^ω^ )
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Naps after ditching Kleber in Egypt 💀 (btw i’m aware that Naps just sent a letter to Kleber and left, but I thought this was funnier LOL)
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Anyways they’re on a sail boat bc I’m too lazy to draw a whole ship.
Also feel free to request any napoleonic era art or ask any questions and I’ll try to respond. However, I just started my first year of college so art reqs will take a while lol.
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temtamtom · 4 months
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I’ve got 18th century France on the brain again, here he is as a cuirassier ❤️
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worldhistoryfacts · 3 months
Napoleon, who saw himself as an heir to the great Roman leaders of the past, gave his legions eagle standards just as the Romans had. Napoleon’s armies carried the imperial eagles into battle. This one was shot through by enemy fire:
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{Buy me a coffee} {WHF} {Medium} {Looking Through the Past}
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ravewing · 2 months
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diabolical mix of characters right here
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kelvinthegoatt · 11 days
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Hello welcome to me drawing young Napoleon again
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crazykotyara12 · 2 months
The Struggle
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largecucumber · 4 months
An animation of the ladder incident at Regensburg 😳🪜
I’m sorry if the pacing is off, I’ve literally never done anything like this 😭
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aarnejuice · 1 month
Happy Birthday!!!🎉🎂🎂
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I was a day late, but I never forgot
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kririawhahha · 2 months
Instead of rewriting my notes for math I sat on twinote making random images of the sillies 😓
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for some stupid reason nowadays tumblr wont load and all I see are blurred images and loading screens this is absolutely outrageous 😡😡
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iyzlime · 17 days
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galakteon · 1 month
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whatever i could cook up/doodle under 10 minutes for this stinkers bday
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