#The Overlords on the otherhand....
ashtraysystem · 10 months
catch me warning my friends who are shit talking about the professor when the professor comes into the room by saying "hey professor! hows it goin?" despite not actually wanting to talk to the professor at all.
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hells-wasabii · 8 months
Headcanons for Charlie, Lucifer, Lute, and Alastor with a m!reader who’s the Demi-god son of Zeus?
I would imagine that deities from other myths and cultures do exist in hazbin hotel/helluva boss but don’t really have much power like they did in ancient times, likely mainly due to when christianity started to grow larger pagans ended up being persecuted and killed if they did convert. And it would effect them to the point where either deities chose to live among mortals (like how deities do in American Gods), simply join Heaven and became powerful angels, or tried to fight heaven only to get killed and end up in hell and possibly be more powerful than overlords.
Y/n doesn’t really have a good father-son bond with Zeus, given how much of a terrible father and wife he is in the greek myths.
And with y/n being a son of zeus he also inherited some of his abilities (lightning, strength, etc.)
A/N: I really hope this one is formatted properly, I had to post this one from mobile. But I didn’t write as many headcanons as I normally would due to the number of characters in the ask. From this point on my max character amount will be 3 per ask. But in any case, I hope you enjoy what I got!
Characters: Lute, Lucifer, Charlie, Alastor
Type: Headcanons (x son of Zeus!reader, General)
When Lute first met you, she immediately saw an opportunity. She practically begged you to join the exorcists! She did admittedly get scolded by Adam for letting the exterminations and exorcists slip, but after that she went about trying to recruit you to their cause properly.
The greek gods wandered freely and let their powers go to waste, but you, you could do something with your powers! Sure, they may not be nearly as strong as your father’s but you’re powerful nonetheless. Which on top of that, there weren’t all that many demigods in heaven anyway, which made you all the more
So she goes out of her way to try to recruit you. She had met your father in passing, sure, but she didn’t particularly care for or about him. He was complicit, doing nothing when it came to the sinners, so frankly he was none of her concern.You on the otherhand were a well of untapped potential!
She would personally make you her project. Your uniform would be altered, an indication for other exorcists not to get to close on the battle field, after all electricity is hard to control especially surrounded by metal objects such as armor pieces or weapons.
Lucifer was initially confused to see you in hell. The other pantheons had their own afterlives, you knew that, right? You were a demigod, you were practically guaranteed a spot in elysium, especially with one of the old Olympians as a parent. Oh, you didn’t want anything to do with that sort of stuff? That’s fair he supposed.
When he finds out about your lack of a relationship with your dad, he initially would want to help fix it. He doesn’t have the best relationship with Charlie, something that the king of hell deeply regrets. He knows how much it can hurt.
That is until he finds out your dad is Zeus. Then he fully understands. See, he never really liked Zeus all that much, between how he he had the habit of acting childish and how he constantly cheated on his literal wife, (which that was a whole different can of worms that Lucifer was not about to open)
Being the princess of hell, she wouldn’t exactly have any room to talk when it came to your lineage. But you were the son of Zeus, that basically made you royalty, right? Regardless, she’d still refer to you as such, even if your human blood prevented you from being heir to a now nonexistent throne.
Much like her father, your strained relationship with your own dad tugged at charlie’s heartstrings. She will actively want to help you reconnect with him.
She might initially be a little pushy about it, considering her views on forgiveness and redemption, but she would want you to try to better your relationship with your dad. She herself doesn’t have the best one with her own, but they had been working on improving it. She wants that opportunity for you too.
If that’s something you would want at least. As much as Charlie would love for you to have a better father-son relationship, if that’s something you’re uninterested in she’ll respect your decisions and help better set boundaries with the God, because lets face it. Zeus wouldn’t exactly heed any you might set on your own.
Well, i think we all know how he would react. You were powerful, more powerful than a normal soul and he knew it. He could feel it. Sometimes, when you got too excited or let your emotions get the better of you he could feel the charge of electricity
He, in terms of sinners, is likely to be the most open to the idea of other pantheons existing, he dabbled in the dark arts after all.
He knew early on that he could use you to his advantage, and if he could do so by simply saying something along the lines of your father wouldn’t approve, that’s even better. However, if you were harder to get into a deal or to form some sort of alliance, then that meant you would need to be dealt with or steered clear from.
After all, radios and an abundance of electricity don’t exactly mix well.
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The critical hit portraits are at nearly 300 notes whilw im writing this and I am beyond happy so many people enjoy my silly little idea. The AU is still sitting in my brain and I'm writing headcanons for it.
Idk if I'm going to separate them by character with little character references, or just infodump it all into one page. For now here's some general stuff I've come up with. I'll put it under a readmore after the first five bc there's a lot.
Also if anyone wants to send asks about the AU, I think that'd be pretty neat 😳
Setting is a blend of Ninjago City in the show and the 10 or so minutes I saw of it in the movie before Luh-Loyd happened.
Shadows attack the city regularly, but only at night. In the AU, they're spawned from the Overlord and cannot handle natural sunlight.
I'm limiting Shadows to only be active at night to mimic the Dark Hour in P3 while still being separate, and to give myself plenty of opportunities to use P3-5's social sim aspects like Social Links/Confidants.
I'm only gonna refer to Social Link/Confidants as just Social Links (SLs), but they'll still have the same kind of benefits as Confidants.
There won't be any other world the group goes to in order to fight Shadows. The Velvet Room is technically the only other world present, but only Lloyd and Wu can go in there.
The main group are all teenagers and in school, it wouldn't be a Persona AU if they're weren't lol.
Cole is 18 and in 12th grade. Kai and Jay are 17 and in 11th grade. Nya is 16, but skipped a grade and is in 11th with Kai and Jay. Lloyd is 14 and in 8th grade (middle school). Zane and Pixal (I've decided she will be part of the main group) are a bit of a special case.
Both of them are still robots like in Ninjago. They're Anti-Shadow Supression Weapons created by Borg Industries (they kinda serve the same function as the Kirijo Group in P3.) Zane was a prototype and was due to be scrapped as he had become outdated. He ended up joining the party shortly after its formation instead. Pixal is a much more recent model and will be the very last member of the party.
Since Anti-Shadow weapons are still considered fairly new in the AU, Zane would be roughly between 8-12, but have the mental functions on par with the older members of the group. So he's treated as being the same age as Cole. He does attend school with the group and is in the 12th grade as well. I'm kinda mimicking what was done with both Aigis and Labrys in P3 and P4 respectively.
Pixal was built much more recently, maybe 4 years prior to the AU? Still figuring that out. She's practically a walking computer with an internet connection and all, but she's considered as young as Nya. They even parallel with Pixal being like a younger sister to Zane. (Sorry, I'm not a big PixZane shipper.) Pixal does not attend school at all and has no desire to. For Pixal, I'm kinda treating her based off of what I understand of Sophia in P5S even though I haven't seen much from that game at all yet.
Wu and Garmadon are from the Velvet Room. They both regularly left the Velvet Room to enjoy the human world. Garmadon started a family with Misako and had Lloyd, but later went missing and hasn't returned to the Velvet Room since.
First Spinjitsu Master and Overlord kinda take over the role of Philemon and Nyarlathotep. FSM isn't ever present, he leaves everyone to their own devices. Overlord, on the otherhand, is the main antagonist and is the reason why Garmadon is missing.
Wu is the current caretaker of the Velvet Room, Igor is on vacation or something.
When Wu isn't present in the Velvet Room, Morro watches over it. Morro will also be Lloyd's Attendant. They don't like each other 💔
Cole, Nya and Lloyd won't be getting their normal elements. I'm sticking to P5R's battle system and elements, as well as weaknesses and technicals for enemies. I wont be using anything in P1, the P2 duology, or other parts of MegaTen because most of their systems are insane and have too much going on lol.
For Cole, there is an Earth element, but it hasn't been used since P1 and the P2 duology, and was included in a few other parts of MegaTen. His Persona will mainly have Physical skills, since that still fits him. Maybe a few Almighty skills just to give him a bit more variety too lol. Probably gonna base his skillset off Shinjiro's in P3.
Nya is in a similar spot to Cole, yet somehow worse. Water is also an element in the series, but from my understanding it was ONLY used in the P2 duology and nowhere else is MegaTen. P5 does have Ice, but that's kinda stepping Zane's toes. She'll have a few low level Ice skills, but I think I'm gonna test out a skillset centering around Nuke for her. If that doesn't work out, then I'll have to come up with something else.
The closest I can pin to Lloyd is Force, but again I'm sticking to P5R. Next best is Curse, Bless or Psychokinesis. Lloyd is also the main Wildcard, so it doesn't entirely matter, but for now I'll just be giving his initial Persona Curse skills.
I'm running with my headcanon that there can be multiple naturally chosen Wildcards, but only one can reach the true potential of the ability. So both Lloyd and Kai get the Wildcard ability, as a sort of nod to how Kai was originally going to be the main protagonist in the show before Lloyd was added.
Kai's Wildcard is similar to Akechi in P5. He can only summon two Personas. His own initial one, and one to represent his bond with Nya.
Also Kai does not have Velvet Room privileges.
I think have the Arcana of the party figured out and some of the SLs:
The party itself: The Fool (SL only)
Lloyd = The Fool, Judgement (Kai SL)
Kai = The Chariot
Nya = The Empress
Zane = The Star
Cole = The Emperor
Jay = The Magician
Pixal = The Lovers
Wu = The Moon
Garmadon = The Sun (Lloyd SL only)
Misako = The High Preistess (Lloyd SL), Hierophant (Kai SL)
Morro = The Tower (Lloyd SL only)
Skylor = Death (Kai SL), TBA for Lloyd's SL.
Chen = Hunger/Lust/Strength (Kai SL only)
Ronin = The Hanged Man
Dareth = Jester /hj
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zippy-reacts · 2 years
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 55
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A face-lift for the comic huh? Not sure to what extent this redesign will cover, but all the non-comic pages have had the same style all the way since issue 1. I like the current design but maybe this will freshen things up a bit.
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On a tier list of coolest Robotnik bases, this ranks pretty dang low.
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Fascinated with the concept of Robotnik building these robots then assigning them names and military ranks. Did he just get too lonely at the thought of his whole army being faceless? Or maybe he needed some way to feel like he’s an actually respected leader and not a tyrannical overlord.
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Man, Porker really is generic looking if he can just put on some different clothes and that in of itself is a disguise. Sonic on the otherhand has to pretend to be a whole different species.
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Sonic’s eyes in this style look like they’re meant to be seen as white or light grey rather than plain black. Low-key tempted to edit them to be green to see what that’d look like.
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I’ve joked before about drinking games on this liveblog before but one that would really send you to the hospital would be ‘take a drink everytime Sonic and/or the writers make a joke at Tails’ expense’. Hmm, if you swapped alcohol with water that could make a really effective hydrating game instead.
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One panel raises so many questions.
For starters, it seems like they’re changing the near-instant method of badnik making so they can write a prison break story. Ok, whatever.
But second, and more concerningly, I don’t think I can recall any instances of non-talking animals in StC, so where does the phrase like lambs to the slaughter come from?? Maybe I should’ve asked this question waayyyy back in the early issues when we’re told hamburgers are StC Sonic’s favourite food. But then again, this is kind of a problem in most Sonic continuities now that I think about it.
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Back to Knuckles and the Chaotix. It seems like the Omni-viewer is more or less a program? Less organic than I initially thought anyway, but then-again he is a giant screen.
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Charmy. Please. Why do you talk like that? I get this comic is British but as a UK resident I’m fairly sure no-one actually speaks that way.
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‘You turn up out of nowhere’? Did you leave your brain cells at home today? Omni brought him here so you guys could beat him up.
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Action poses, boo-yah!
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A giant Metal Sonic? I think I vaguely remember that being a thing in the review of Knuckles Chaotix I watched. I outta go back and rewatch that review or look up a summary of the game before I go onto the next issue.
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Well, that’s just the ending of the first Sonic Movie
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mickules · 3 years
But first:
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OOPS [for context]
My hand slipped.
Yous all ready for a MAMMOTH ask post? I mean it this is LONG
[edit: completely forgot to add the ‘read more’ rip your dash this is L O N G]
(next set of asks are [here]! in smaller bites this time)
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Honestly I’m kinda boring when it comes to headcanons, they’re mostly canon compliant or I end up floating about on the general consensus of popular fanon. Here, however, is a bunch of little titbits!
~Hifumi draws like Boichi. The idea he has a super detail oriented style and not a cutesy one cracks me up.
~The difference between Taeko and Celeste; those colour contacts are prescription. (Taeko doesn’t look too dissimilar to Toko and she hates that)
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~Likewise, Gundham takes forever to get ready as he re-applies the “wards necessary to allow mere mortals to withstand the presence of The Supreme Overlord of Ice”
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~Kazuichi on the other hand is au naturale. He just looks like that.
~Hiro is right, where do you think his clairvoyant abilities came from?
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~Taka has had to shave every morning since he was 13, (he looks like Masaaki Sakai from Monkey if he grows it out) Mondo will never be able to grow any facial hair, and he’s salty about it. His hair is naturally curly but he straightens the back for that Pomp Aesthetic
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~Taka is a very restless sleeper, never wakes up in the same position as he went to sleep. At Hope’s Peak he usually finds himself waking up across the room, on the floor.
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~Additionally, He eats like a gannet - maximum efficiency (until he gets indigestion) [more on this]
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~Red eyes and a diabolical resting bitch face is the dominant trait of the Ishimaru Bloodline. (POV trying to have a casual conversation)
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~Takaaki is a divorcee not a widower; his marriage was an arranged one organised by Toranosuke, and when the scandal went down the marriage was dissolved by the bride’s family. [more on this]
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She was 5′3′’
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Takaaki just wants someone tall enough so he can take a nice photo (I had to google ‘no homo with socks’, I hope you’re happy)
30% of Takaaki’s intimidation is his height, the rest is his Glare™
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Ah! I can understand the confusion! That was actually an older Mondo, as the anon had asked about Kaito being Mondo and Taka’s kid. I’m easy going when it comes to pairing characters together, I don’t mind answering questions along that vein! I love to see other people’s interpretations, and how they imagine a relationship develops. I’ve seen some absolutely adorable art of them as a couple! Personally however, I don’t have a good idea of their chemistry in my head, so I don’t think of them as being together. At the very least not in this weird AU thing I’ve got going on. 
Bold of you to assume Takemichi hasn’t been keeping it a secret. Not out of fear or shame, but rather because Michi would do anything to keep nosy, overbearing, meddling Daiya out of his love-life. He’s seen how Daiya absolutely ROASTS Mondo every-time he strikes out, and Michi ain’t about to open himself up to that. I imagine Daiya finds out whilst frequenting a gay bar- like that Doctor/Donna Doctor Who scene:
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He is then resolutely recruited as a Gay Consultant™ 
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They become very popular regulars. (tags got me creasing)
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You’re not wrong - that’s a fabulous concept, but they’re gonna have to catch him first. Surviving middle school gave Taka an unusually highly developed intuition for trouble and an excellent default flight or fight response
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Mondo having to deal with his gang associations negatively effecting his ‘civilian’ life and friends? *Chef’s Kiss*
Taka with his wooden sword would be a sight to behold. Unfortunately, I doubt brandishing a sword would be welcome in a school environment - so he’d unlikely use it for anything other than exercise. ISHIDA ON THE OTHERHAND
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Hifumi might have had a bit more trouble
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(Thank you so much! That’s so very sweet! I’m glad you like! :D) SO I didn’t originally have a timeline when I started making the comics, but NOW I do, so it’s a bit of a mess lol! BASICALLY: ~Daiya survived the bike crash  ~Mondo & Taka go to Hope’s Peak  ~They become friends (I have a comic planned for this, and it’s NOT a sauna scene *wiggles eyebrows*) ~[The Yakuza Incident] this is when Mondo catches feelings, but chalks it up to the adrenaline of the situation ~[Mondo meets Takaaki] and [makes a great impression] ~Daiya is introduced to Taka, and gives him “The Shirt” unbeknownst to Mondo  ~Taka has his own Gay Panic™ (this is another comic comin’ in the pipeline!) but he doesn’t recognise it for what it is. ~[Takaaki finds The Shirt, and him and Daiya make their plan] ~[The Hershey’s Kiss Incident] Mondo has to ask himself some PRETTY SEARCHING questions after this, whilst Taka has to wrestle with the revelation that if Mondo asked for a kiss, Taka would not hesitate to do it. ~ and Finally, eventually, a Confession (this is another comic, but it’ll deffo be a while before this one is done)
Takemichi sees the Oowada brothers as a single unit - he is 'second’ to both of them. So, whilst Mondo is at Hope’s Peak, Takemichi defaults to keeping an eye on Daiya to give Mondo some piece of mind, since Daiya still a target for rival gangs. Takemichi’s title of ‘second’ is just a formality of the gang. Daiya doesn’t really go in for the hierarchy stuff, but it’s the gang that insists on it and Mondo unfortunately really internalised it. From the gang’s perspective, you have the suave leader, his sharp, loyal 2nd in command and his volatile brother he has to reign in, when in reality Daiya delegated a lot of his responsibilities to Mondo and Michi over time, and was more a figurehead than an actual leader by his retirement.
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(I’ve got some more Leon in a future comic - have a peek, he’s got such a cheeky face) [this comic is now done!]
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Mondo’s unsuccessful romantic attempts are the favourite gossip topic of a surprising amount of class 78 tho’ not within earshot of Mondo obviously - They’re secretly cheering him on but they also have a betting pool based on how quickly he’ll scare the girl away. Celeste has made a very tidy profit.
Taka is 100% the type who’d inform the mcdonald’s cashier that they gave him too many nuggets and try to pay the extra. He’s IMPOSSIBLE to do a favour for.
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[persona ref here]
I agree, Mondo in specs is A+, but yes, ‘tis a persona reference.  I FULLY recommend Persona 4 if you get the chance! It’s a JRPG, but the ‘dungeons’ are people’s psyches, and when they’re inside they have to confront a ‘shadow’ which is basically some aspect of themselves they’ve repressed or heavily dislike. The stress of being in the dungeons causes people to get dizzy and confused, and the glasses stop that- it suggests Mondo has already confronted his own shadow, before Taka had to confront his. . .
That’s some excellent analysis right there! Taka 100% has some deep seated issues to do with his relationship with control. I think his new friendship with someone so far outside his understood norm of ‘acceptable’ would have rattled some of those insecurities loose.  There would be an inherent need for Taka to try to ‘improve’ Mondo’s behaviour - to try to make Mondo more “acceptable to society”, the way Taka was taught to be. But by doing so, he would be removing something that makes Mondo who he is. It would come down to an internal fight of being a hypocrite for overlooking Mondo’s anti-social behaviour, or trying to control Mondo and making him into something he’s not. Taka would hate himself for not being able to accept Mondo wholesale, the way he wishes people would accept himself, and the way he knows friends SHOULD do - basically a microcosm of the wider span of his anxiety with his chosen path and future.
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(ahhhh! !Thank-you! That’s supremely kind! I’m still really enjoying the Dangan stuff, and if I move on to other things and folk don’t vibe with it - It’s all good! No worries! My only goal on this tumble is to enjoy myself, and so far that ain’t changed :D)
NOICE! Excellent recommendations I’m lovin’ them! Always happy to get more! 👀
Also, from that DR chatfic:
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I have been outdone.
(AH! You flatter me! I’ll keep on tryna be cool!) [pic is here!] Daiya and Takaaki being casual allies is definitely a dynamic I really enjoy; Crazy Crafters is such an enjoyable fic! All the little interactions and character chemistry works so well together! Chasml’s fics are ones that I keep coming back to - I ADORE Their characterisations.
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Dang you right, Honestly I needed a kid and his mum for the Crazy Crafters [pic] and Hiro has such a fun design; it was inevitable.
(AH! Thanks!! What a compliment!! :-0 !! ) Normally, someone as jacked as Mondo would have a craggier face, not unlike Sakura’s sharp nose and defined cheekbones - but he’s got surprisingly soft features, I think those big eyes and long tapered eyelashes really add to it.
(!!!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!) Taka doesn’t even smile that much in his in game sprites but I CANNOT HELP IT! He has such a wide, welcoming smile and I LOVE DRAWING IT!!
(Thank you! I loved doin’ it!) All credit 100% goes to @monikamarkovova They have the most SUPREMELY FLUFFY MOTHMEN art and I am in AWE, I cannot compare. I do not know how they do it. [here for ref]
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(ahh! <3 thanks very much!) Here’s a bit of a behind the scenes! I do all my sketches in colour ‘cos I find it easier on my eyes. I have trouble telling the difference between colours of a close tone, so it’s easier to see when distinguishing between the sketch and the black lines when I’m doing lineart. Red just happens to be my go to since it’s quickest to get to on the colour slider and I’m lazy. The sketches you see are pretty much 1 to 1 what I use for lineart, minus the half tones. If I have multiple sketch layers, I’ll use multiple colours so I can see easier, but usually I do all my sketches directly on my guideline layer because I’m a madman. Here’s a coupla examples:
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here’s a rare one where I didn’t draw directly onto my messy af guidelines- but I always start with red, then blue, then green and very occasionally purple if I need a fourth.
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I keep the mini-comic sketches in red since I think it looks better. Black is harsh and can be unforgiving and I think it makes it easier to see how rough my sketches are. In colour it’s a little softer - and to me - more pleasing to the eye! (and even when I do use black- it’s usually at partial opacity to soften it out)
AND cos I’ve been watching too much Natsume Yuujincho (FULLY RECOMMEND it’s delightful) Have a quick redraw: 
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As my brother described it “Kiyotaka and his Fat Biker Cat”
And that’s it for now! The ask box is nice and empty, thanks for so many brilliant asks and sorry it took so long! I’m working on ‘Taka and Mondo becoming friends’ comic and ‘Taka gets a clue’ (edit: this one is [done]) comic, and I hope neither will take too long! :)
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jarpadswalker · 3 years
It will never not be hilarious how much Hellers have to twist themselves into pretzels to somehow make the cracker comment worse than Misha making a slavery joke. Is that your woke king?
Exactly, that's the only thing they can do as nothing is going for them. They just can't expect that their overlord is nothing but a looser. Jared is everything they want their overlord to be. Their overlord doesn't even like them and can't muster a smile at cons. Jared on otherhand treats us fans with respect and love the haters cant tolerate that.
That is why they twist themselves into this 👇👇👇
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