#The Significance of Seeing The Light
shinymoonbird · 2 years
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Karthikai Maha Deepam – 2022 - Sri Ramanasramam
Sri Aruṇacala Tattuvam, ‘The Tattva [Truth, Reality or Signification] of Arunachala’
Oneself, the heart, the centre, which surges when intellect and ego suffer anguish, is the actual truth of Aṇṇamalai, which shone between Brahma and Viṣhṇu when pride was dispersed, not knowing to reach.
Explanatory paraphrase: 
The actual truth of Aṇṇamalai [Aruṇachala], which shone forth as a column of light between Brahma and Viṣhṇu when their pride was dispersed [or destroyed] because of their not knowing [or being able] to reach its top or bottom, is oneself, the heart, the centre, which surges [or is exalted] when intellect and ego suffer anguish [despairing because of their not being able to know their real nature, and thereby becoming willing to surrender and subside].
Note : On the day of Deepa - Darsana (the day in November - December when a sacred light is lit on the top of Arunachala) on 24-11-1931 Sri Muruganar composed the above verse and gave it to Sri Bhagavan entreating him to compose another verse explaining the significance of seeing the light (Deepa darsana). Sri Bhagavan then graciously composed the following verse in the same metre.
Dipa-Darsana Tattuvam, ‘The Tattva of Seeing Deepam’
Giving up the awareness ‘this body alone is I’, that mind abiding only in the heart by self-attentiveness, seeing the non-dual real light of ‘I’ is the actual truth of seeing the light of Aṇṇamalai, which is called the centre of the world.
Explanatory paraphrase: 
The actual truth of seeing the light on Aṇṇamalai, which is called the centre of the world, is seeing the non-dual real light of ‘I’ by giving up the mati [mind, notion, sense or false awareness] ‘this body alone is I’, and by that buddhi [mind, intellect or dehatma-buddhi, the false awareness that a body is oneself] abiding only in the heart by aha-nokku [inward look, ‘I’-ward look, looking at ‘I’ or self-attentiveness].
- Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi - Sri Arunachala Mahatmyam: Deepa Darshana Tattvam  pg. 7-8-9
Source: Video of 28.11.2020:  Michael James discusses Aruṇācala Tattuvam and Dīpa-Darśaṉa Tattuvam  
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deerspherestudios · 5 days
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barrel-crow-n · 1 month
One side of me: Kaz loves Inej so much and he thinks about her so much and he is her no.1 supporter and he is the man ever™
The other side: Kaz is being reduced to constantly thinking about Inej when in reality that isn't true and Jordie is just as significant but people reduce Kaz to only thinking about Inej anyway. It especially hurts when Kaz is trying to pretend he doesn't care about Inej but will never allow himself to forget Jordie
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ariseastrae · 11 days
Feels like everyone is making real black and white judgments about Ricky. Half y'all are like "he was the kindest angel" and the other half is like "he was a Nazi".
Like you absolutely cannot make this kinda judgement off of what we were shown about this character.
He was very much not a perfect "angel." He knowingly benefitted from a corrupt and cruel system. However, that doesn't mean he believed that system was just or correct. Nor does it mean he made no attempts to change that system. We don't know enough.
Not to mention he says he has read "history books". However, that likely means he has read "Homeworld" approved literature. Books which frame the Homeworld as morally correct and just. Considering the living situation of FineTime, He likely never interacted with information outside the propaganda fed to him and never had the chance.
I just simply don't believe you can claim he's a terrible person, completely irredeemable, from what we've seen. But I also don't believe you should be viewing him as some perfect kind soul.
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chaoticwhoknows · 6 months
if phoebe IS controlling dr. wenabocker then all i can think about is this stoat who learned how to read like five days ago having to discuss high level nuclear physics with grad students in a lab
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nevermeanttoknow · 28 days
hes a vast avatar to me for reasons
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gummi-ships · 2 years
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moe-broey · 6 days
Doing one of the scariest things an artist can do (draw a tree)
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silverview · 28 days
cataloguing obscure bits of dh lore/best gags from the live q&a posts they did in 2017 ... "sometimes people are just good friends"
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chamerionwrites · 2 months
I’ve been in the path of a couple partial eclipses and they’re neat I guess but the totality was WILD. Just a completely different ball game
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psqqa · 1 year
this might just be because i am deeply, deeply terrified of The Vast Depths Of The Ocean, but i just cannot get myself up in arms about the whole "grave desecration" part of titanic tourism.
it is in fact significantly more comforting for me to imagine my hypothetical watery grave as somewhere people are constantly dropping in at all times than one where i am left to rest in cold, black, unfathomably desolate peace for all of eternity. cold, black, unfathomable desolation is precisely where the "nightmare" part of this nightmare scenario comes in for me, after all.
so yes, if you happen across my sunken bones, you all have my full permission to haul them back up to land. i don't care how much damage the oxygen and change in pressure is going to do to them and their archaeological value, just get me out of there.
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“love, love, bird, bird” [x] (for @magpie-trove)
Unknown // Julien Baker // Sophokles tr. Anne Carson // Tamara Panici // Natalie Diaz // via Pinterest // Paramore // Unknown (via Pinterest) // Victoria Chang // Michael Dickman
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
my gaming pc is just????? shot to hell???? IDK WHAT HAPPENED ive been trying every fix i know for the past 3 hours to NO avail and it's like
at this point i might have to take it in but idek WHERE to take it, i bought it custom in 2020, and i have fairly decent knowledge and have taken it apart and reassembled it, but whatever this is, is beyond my ability to diagnose\
i am truly just. SO upset. i would gladly welcome an asshole mainsplaining techbro into my home rn if he could FIX THIS without my having to spend a zillion dollars and play the anxiety waiting game for a professional diagnosis
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konfizry · 2 months
Anyway speaking of the sun did I ever tell you about the tales of arise eclipses
#im thinking about it again xyhdfgdchdchjh#do you think they like. considered it#i MEAN ofc they did#they cided that sun disappearing behind rena but dO YOU THINK#that they initially planned to have that actually impact like. the WORLD#in a significant manner?#with the actual luminosity level being affected and all#because like for cyslodia iirc this means no sunlight in the morning#(or cyslodia that we get to explore cyslodia's pretty big after all)#but like i can see how this is a problem like#you liberate cyslodia that is the One Realm where its always nighttime except when you end the renans' grasp on the region there#it still doesnt get a full day of sunlight because of astronomical reasons that we cant do anything about yet#also probably the region of the Central Ocean is in perpetual darkness as well but for those same astronomical reasons#like it GERS CONFUSING it would confuse everything idk#but heres the solution: you ditch that cyslodia in endless nighttime idea bc it was stupid in the first place#like. in calaglia they harvest fire astral energy so its a fiery place. theres fire everywhere. in menancia theyre harvesting#earth astral energy so its super lush and green. and so on and so forth#and in cyslodia theyre harvesting light astral energy so theres. theres no light. its dark. because theyre stealing it!!!!!#well why usnt menancia a barren wasteland then. why isnt ganoth super dry. wha#i COULD accept it if like. maybe. if like the completely stealing the light thing us like. ganabelt specifically.#like hes just a Special Boy and found a way to pull all the stops#and something like that has never been done before in the history of the crown contest#but no this has been going since the great conquest apparently so???#like how arent the other lords doing something like that too?#is light astral energy like so fundamentally different that the harvesting process is the opposite of what happens in other realms?#and if thats the case why dont they ever explain it in the game. or just make a pasing comment about it. I'm not picky#aaaanyway. just get rid of that specific cyslodia plot point#and THEN you can focus on how living in the shade of rena influenced what parts of Dahna#like. to just kinda like. cement the world building a bit?
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suncaptor · 2 months
there's something specifically inside my head that is closing up that makes trusting anything so hard. i have to manually keep my mind open to the potential of anything being significant. i am so used to things being bad and things hurting and things not working and being powerless that it takes an exorbitant amount of mental energy to make sure I don't let myself shut down possibility. and I do it because I never want a certainty inside of me besides love to rule anything. but I want my brain elastic again. i want it open like breathing. it doesn't erase the unfairness or the critique or any of the bitter-built philosophy.
#it's so hard to describe what I mean. i think it's the combo of the like. specific part of my brain's development + the amount of trauma#I have endured + the degree of which that has been taking place on a backdrop of the world being incredibly injust no matter what I do#this is very very silly but the extent of how much this impacts me was made clear by how like. closed off I was to even liking an album by#my favourite singer. like obviously I am obsessively keeping myself open I would never let my preconceived sense of doom and stubbornness#control my willingness to let things in#but it shouldn't be so hard to keep my mind open to things like... liking my favourite musician of most of my life's music...........#and that's a VERY silly example but that's why it's easier to talk about. it takes so much work to be open enough for things like therapy#or religion because they've damaged me so much#how am i supposed to handle this on a backdrop of constant constant helplessness in the face of living insecurity and illness and trauma?#the problem is if you try so so so hard again and again and remain hopeful regardless of how illogical that hope is#but you get let down so constantly since you're never stop trying ever even when systems fail you again and again#and you're watching horrible things happen and everything that shapes you is horror#then regardless of how much you try it's so hard to let yourself let go of the very realistic lived experience of doubt and critique#and I DO. do NOT get me wrong. I am obsessive and refuse to be my own problem#but the act of doing so shouldn't be like this. it's in everything i do. from simple things like listening to new music to even the mere#possibility of a future#i am very worried this one is going to be misinterpreted bc I AM NOT saying I'm stubborn in the face of systems that have repeatedly failed#me. I AM NOT. I am saying to not be shouldn't take this work when it envelops the rest of my life.#if anyone reads this far please please acknowledge the degree of which I almost pathologically try again and again when I can guarantee#nearly everyone wouldn't and still fight to keep myself open to hope because that's just something in me that is like that. but BEING like#that is. repeatedly putting yourself in situations where you are powerless already and helpless to get better and then are hurt more and#there's no way to escape it's just the repeated nature of it and then trying to not be the issue.#it's the problem in itself.#my ambition SHOULD be smarter.#god I'll go into this when I fully understand it another time. i don't think i have this phrased in a way to make all the dots of what i#mean correlate in the significant ways to anyone but me#but hey i guess i'm expecting anyone to read this in a light to misperceive me in the first place instead of accept maybe I'm not explainin#well or giving me the benefit of the doubt. see.#delete
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oh thank god I've not been pronouncing it wrong in my head all this time
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