#The Spadian Storm
spades-reversed · 2 years
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J.G: “When does a man become a monster? Can a monster be a man? A King must always keep in check the balance of power they consume from their Kingdom and Suit of cards. It can be said all of the Kings deeds can be read on their suit cards: who they have befriended, who dislikes them, and who they have harmed. The darker the color, the friendlier they are to each other.
A King’s downfall hasn’t been seen in centuries, but the recent King of Spades was by far the worst.
King Alfred owed a debt he could never repay and the Jokers came collecting his dues.”
7 of Spades: “It was said you could see the storm raging in the Kings eyes, I don’t know how the Queen survived for so long…”
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3 of Spades: “All citizens of the Kingdom now fear rain and thunderstorms. The Queen most of all, it brings back to many memories. A natural storm sounds just like a unnatural rage filled one.”
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(The King in all his glory, and some fun information about him. Some extra notes for those curious about this AU Cardverse:
1. The King attacked the Jack when he was first crowned.
2. The King attempted to kill the Ace of Spades at the end of war when he was escorting the remaining citizens into Diamond and Heart territories.
3. The King killed the Queen as they were the last to escape the kingdom. The Queen stayed so all of his people could escape. It was by the magic of Luck the King of Clubs could save the queen.
4. No one knows what happened to the 6 of Spades besides Gilbert the Joker.
But, we will see all of this play out - as we go down memory lane.)
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worldcakecakecake · 3 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth,  we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule,  go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to  be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71 I Chapter 72 I Chapter 73 I Chapter 74 I Chapter 75 I Chapter 76 I Chapter 77 I Chapter 78 I Chapter 79 I Chapter 80
Look! A chapter! HOOZA! SO DARN CLOSE OMG! Yes, like always, I apologize for taking so long, tons of things, as usual. I hope the chapter makes do for it...I guess. Enjoy!
                                                              Chapter 81
And celebration rang, with shouts and applauses, the swing of flags and surviving weapons decorating the field in wonderful splendor. Some jumped, danced, complete strangers embraced one another or even kissed in the passion of lovers. Roderich and Francis couldn’t help but to cry, Elizabeta, Lili and Vash embracing them…not long before they joined in the same tears. Alfred took as many as he could in for the largest group hug he intended to make, much to Arthur’s distaste of being squeezed between many of his people. As Yao was trying to find his escape, he bumped into Ivan, who proceeded to take him into a large embrace, the very one the Spadian Jack was trying to avoid. Yet as Ivan took his lip…he didn’t find himself minding any longer. He wrapped his arms around the Clubian King’s neck and let himself that beautiful bliss.
 The three Heartian royals stood alone in this sudden feast. Feliciano had already commanded that none were to come close, and so they yet remained in their field were Khaos’s last traces had been, still in the same silence that had welcomed them when Khaos was at last officially defeated.
 “What are we waiting for?” Kiku asked, because indeed that was what it felt like they were doing, especially with Feliciano looking on as if…expecting someone to come.
 “Is this about that one thing you asked us to protect? That Khaos had?” Feliciano nodded to Ludwig, taking steps forward, right towards this sun rise. Ludwig and Kiku stayed behind and watched, giving Feliciano some space to breathe and focus.
 “…he’s here,” he whispered after the silence he wanted was reached.
 It wasn’t a message for Ludwig, for Kiku, for anybody there.
 “…he’s here…I know he’s here…” he whispered on, a hand reaching so it could focus on one spot.
 The wind that blew now was different, the energy that came ancient, along with the magic and form that even to Ludwig and Kiku, felt as the arise of a person. And there, in a sudden flash, there was a red ball of fire, fitting along with the sun, potent and shinning to them like another burning star.
 Feliciano sighed, smiled…and even began to cry. “He’s here…He’s here…” he still repeated.
 Something suddenly changed in the air, like an earthquake…but nothing shook, nothing trembled, magic and energy just rained, at first, invisible, like a force that brought everyone to silence as their eyes came to the Heartian royals, to the center of what was occurring. Then there was flashes of light, golden and glittering, blowing and seeming to scream into the skies. Feliciano was engulfed in it, in fact, from him it turned larger, a calming fire blazing, arising into the skies, taking the whole field, in beautiful reds and golds that the Heartian Queen helped to make tall, letting his halo, his marks, his wings, shine on up. It was a storm that reminded them of when Khaos had first turned, but this…although powerful and indeed fearsome at first, it was gentle, caring, a beauty that instead of turning away all, it brought and made them aw in a combine admiration. A form became evident, gigantic and towering, with flowers, jewels and silk to cover…her…in grace. From the rains of this colorful and royal feast, she came, showing herself in all her pure form. She was as high as Khaos had been, looking down to all her people with deep fondness in large ruby eyes. Ah, she was gorgeous. Her curled hair fell down to her knees, crowned with a large golden pillar halo that matched well with the specks of gold in her long red dress, tainted like stars, like constellations.  Her skin was marked in long lines of vines and symbols, identical to the ones Feliciano held. They also shared a set of wings, although hers were with a hint of rose, much larger, surely to extend to the next mountains if she spread them open. And then the structure of her face, her smile…Feliciano, Lovino, Renata and all the rest of the Valenti knew she was family. For a moment, they were reminded of Augusto and understood then why he had the perfect namesake. Even as she stood gigantically over them, especially when she kneeled, her reach to the ground soft like wind, none were intimidated, all smiled and welcomed the presence of an Ace.
 “…Nonna Augusta,” Feliciano greeted her so meekly once the release was completed.
 She looked to him with deep fondness, kneeling and bringing her head much closer to his. Ludwig and Kiku were startled slightly back at being right before a large face like this, if even so beautiful.
 “Feliciano…” and she smiled with a ring that surely brought music to the whole valley, “l’hai fatto.” He shook at the realization once again…completed and fulfilled. “A mission that I set upon a thousand years ago, one in which the state of your world and mine was held at a delicate balance. I harbored power through my family, generation by generation, until it was with you that the next alignment found itself with. It was much to put that responsibility on only you, so young and still so new to a ruling of a kingdom. Yet, it was by your hand that it was done. With a belief and effort that I was proud to witness, see it grow and now…I watch as it shines.” Feliciano blushed, so intense that he wanted to hide it, not being able to continue his stare with his great grandmother.
 “Of course, I also owe congratulations and compliments to the King and Jack.” Ludwig and Kiku startled, more so when this great Ace bowed to them. “Your own growth, I paid attention to, and it is worthy of your position.” And they couldn’t answer, as nervous and blushing as Feliciano. “And the others…” she turned to meet their gazes in the crowd, their knees shaking and eyes widened as if taking blame. She couldn’t help the chuckle. “Brave you have been, courageous and a great loyalty shown to your kingdom. Your respective Ace I know is just as proud.” They wanted to faint from the honor. Even Alfred was left speechless and without a high comment to say.
 “And your people, who without every piece of help they could give…we would not stand victorious here now. I thank you all. You have brought to this world a peace that has never been, new and promising. Darkness has disappeared and now light will always be prominent.” Shy cheers and applauses spread, part of the crowds wanted to remain respectful, as presentable as possible for an Ace. Augusta partly rolled her eyes at it, Feliciano giggled at such a human presentation. It was just the ring that brought her giant gaze back to him again.
 “You have freed me from your vessel. No doubt you learned it in the Eternal Reserved.” Feliciano nodded sheepishly, worried that perhaps it was something she had not wished.  “Why so?” She asked and for a moment Feliciano forgot every single language he knew. He needed a moment to bring his words back, leaving a silence that left everyone else with tension.
 “I know…you would want to meet him again in person…” was all he could utter.
 Ah…of course.
 Her expression suddenly changed to something so unsure and weak, a pain that had been there for thousands of years presented. She then turned to the small ball of fire that Feliciano had brought only minutes ago. It looked so insignificant and small to all, yet for her, who reached and engulfed it in the palm of her hand with care, love deep in her eyes, making her flourish the more, it was a worth higher than any gold. She smiled, with a hint of a lake forming in her eyes, standing once again to bring this light closer to her heart. There, between folds of satin, lay the most prominent and beautiful of all the designs on her body. Feliciano could recognize it as the most ancient Heart symbol and the light fitted perfectly to its art.
 “Romulus…Romulus…” she prayed his name in relief, caressing it as if he was fully there.
 He was…he was truly there.
 Ludwig and Kiku exchanged glances with wide eyes and mouths.
 “You have to thank Ludwig and the Beilschmidts,” and he turned to his husband with such pride, like he was the one that did the magic. Ludwig startled and for a moment didn’t understand his part in it. “They carried his soul along, for just the time that you passed through my lineage. It was corrupted…and you saw how Khaos used it for his own purpose.” A dark memory that brought gruesome shivers to Ludwig. He turned his attention to Augusta’s light and suddenly it was gone. “But he learned to control it, to fight against it…and together we purified it…united it with another part Khaos still held and he is now…with you.” Feliciano was joyous, and he knew his great grandmother more so, letting the light bounce and letting herself laugh. Truly a wonder.
 “Oh, Feliciano. I could give you the whole world for doing all of this…and in fact.” There was indeed a reward that was to be given, and released or not, she would make do Feliciano received it. She extended her large arm long, closed her eyes, and called forward a strong magic, potent and surely meant to break apart the very line that divided their world from others. It was the kind of power that not even Feliciano knew or didn’t think he would ever reach enough to master. This was portal opening, Augusta with an ease creating a large window enough to give her enormous frame passage. Other than just an opening, the edges were decorated and strengthened with beautifully carved pillars, pots and statues that rained on magic and light, with flowers vines of red and gold that bloomed before their eyes and seemed to dance at the welcome of their Ace. Inside its frame was just light, reflecting and glimmering in pinks wonderfully. What was on the other side, they couldn’t see, but it awaited them patiently, yet the three royals were hesitant, as if a bar was still being held in front of them.
 Augusta smiled at them, “come.” A barefoot went easily in, just as the waters and dives Feliciano remembered from the Interludes. She let her whole body go in its taking, with her dress, hair, wings and halo. A single hand gave a final wave to all her people and she was gone, only leaving behind the light of the portal. Kiku, Ludwig and Feliciano were yet frozen…but Feliciano was the one to take a deep breath and dared to be the first to take a step. It was just like the interludes…there was nothing to fear. It was the example and leadership Ludwig and Kiku followed, matching along together to be granted passage as a single force.
 Feliciano recognized this feeling of going between, the feel as if water purifying you into a new world, while Kiku and Ludwig were startled at this wonderment, almost tripping in their welcome. With the change of the portal, Ludwig and Kiku were granted their very own form. Both with reddish and golden marks, wings, Ludwig’s a darker red while Kiku’s were almost orange. They shone with strong halos, of fire, heavy surely if it was back in their own world…but here it was as light as another strand in their hair. Their clothes turned into richness and beauty as the very ones Augusta had shown herself in, to the style of their province, making clear their origins, the three making quite a trio as they stood above a stage that put them to look below to what this world was.
 They were left breathless, almost fainting at the colors, the sound of the creatures that roamed freely and confident, palaces and palaces, piling up, shinning with the rarest of crystals and forms, with water, routes, trees and flowers cascading down to different floating islands. Clouds and mist seemed to grant them this flight, this place in between the folds of the universe, perfect like heaven.
 “What…what…” Kiku tried to word but was still too taken to really continue what he meant to ask.
 “What is this place?” Ludwig somehow managed to reach.
 “The heavens,” And Augusta appeared beside them, not gigantic, but matching with their own statures, yet still decorated as beautifully. She placed comforting and welcoming hands on their shoulders, leading them, with the way she practically flew forward, telling them to follow her. She easily went over the precipice, with each step creating a path of golden bricks, shaped with clouds and shine, a hint of pink to them that the three royals couldn’t resist their own step towards.
 They passed well-turned spirits and souls, riding happily on the backs of dragons, phoenixes or St. Marks, each animal decorated just as gorgeously as their human counterparts. They spotted trees and flowers that they had never seen before, overflowing from roofs, some even floating, in the control of those who wanted to make them fly or make them sprinkle the air.
 Feliciano had to try and remember every detail, every portrait, every scene painted on walls, the capture of statues, or nature in vases, bricks, sidewalks, glasses and crystals reflecting more whatever shine decided to present itself as they walked on.
 The deeper they went, the more came to gather, shouting, congratulating, in an array of different languages, some their own but as it was spoken two hundred years ago. From their wear, their marks, their wings or halos, they saw people from a span of many years, Feliciano recognizing many of their clothes from old paintings.
 Augusta continued to lead them through this celebration, floating them through the streets, the golds, between arches of sapphire, pillars in diamonds and green vines coming alive through every wall. Even as the songs and shouts were directed at them, the three royals, taken still by what they saw, couldn’t raise their hands, couldn’t utter a word, their eyes still occupied taking every detail, every movement, every color. Augusta kept leading them through crevices and wondrous corners, until she could expose them to surely the four largest palaces in the realm.
 Nothing in their world could compare to their tallness, their majesty, shine and as Augusta laid them back on the ground, right before the road that could lead to her red and golden one, the three royals felt unworthy to step on such a pavement. They were left no other choice as Augusta blew away with ease the road for them she had created, bringing them to the center of this feast, to the loudest of all the cheers, and also the very center of their universe. They noticed then three beings come, one in blue, the other green, and one in yellow. Even as they stood in their same stature, the Heartians could feel nothing but power and magic from them, almighty and way above whatever reaches they could reach even when they were right there. They knew they were the other Aces. Artem, Maiara and Jabbar. They came to meet their fellow sister…who they hadn’t seen like this in surely centuries. In an act that was utterly human, they all came into an embrace, together, in an union that Feliciano swore he could see their entire world shine in. Augusta let herself go to introduce forward the royals chosen for her own kingdom, the three surely shaking and with eyes of enchantment…but also panic. They bowed, as low to the ground, kneeled and hands extended as they were taught in the very rare case they were in front of all four Aces.
 “No need, stand.” Artem commanded, and quick, like they had been scolded, they stood, precise and orderly. “No such greetings are needed.”
 “It is us that should bow,” Maiara reminded as she started, the rest of the three following in her lead, their thanks large as their knees reached the ground and their hands came to them in reverence.
 They wanted to say something…wanted to tell them that it was not necessary…they didn’t deserve this, shown as if Aces themselves. Despite everything, they were still only human, not beings that created this entirety. Yet…it was an honor…one that strained their words and their actions, embarrassingly only standing there agape…it was only Feliciano who began to cry, having to put his arms to himself to try and keep his feelings under some kind of control. “Oh, please, please stop! Stand!” He in the end had to shout at them.  And all four rose up with smiles and laughter.
 “You have saved your world,” Jabbar continued.
 “And through it, our own, here in the Heavens,” Augusta spread her arms to show it, even to the souls that celebrated and cheered from their heights, in their celestial homes and days. Truly beauty, a jewel, shinning eternally in colors that now Feliciano really hoped he could remember to sketch it all to his memory.
 “As well as the Interludes, the very passage and line that balances all our worlds. If it wasn’t for your actions…all of it could have been gone,” Artem continued. “It still stands, by your efforts.”
 Maiara then chuckled, “with the use of wisdom, your power, the trust you placed not only on one another, but your people had on you.”
 “And above all, love being the driving force that stood against all. Ludwig, Feliciano, your love truly defeated Khaos,” Augusta resonated some words Augusto had said himself. Ludwig and Feliciano blushed, turning towards one another wanting more than ever to kiss and hug each other in that very love that won this war. Oh, if Augusto…that reminded Feliciano. He turned and looked towards whatever floating islands, to whatever rush of people…hoping to find those familiar curls he himself inherited.
 “Feliciano!” Came that known shout.
 Just like that, Feliciano was almost on the ground from the force his grandfather greeted him in, his embrace just the same, with celebration and pride that just had to be showcased even before the Aces. Of course, Kiku and Ludwig couldn’t be left out from it. Once Augusto made the space, he took both the King and Jack to the same embrace, laughing and practically dancing in circles.
 How they have missed these joyous little feasts between themselves, loud and happiness glowing for all to witness.
 “I’m so proud, so proud for all of you. You have done amazing!” He shouted, going as far as to even kiss Ludwig and Kiku, both left dumbfounded at such an action, but they smiled at it and took it as but another way to shout celebration. Feliciano hanged himself over him, laughing and letting himself be that child that long ago used to do just that. In heaven, before the Aces, it didn’t matter. He would let everyone know how much he loved and how dear was his grandfather to him.
 But his grandfather wasn’t alone, with him came tailing a whole group, wearing all similar wears of reds and golds, a symbol that they all shared, proof of being Heartian, Italian, and more specifically, Valenti.
 “Oh! Vieni! Vieni! You have to meet your family!” He pulled Feliciano and the rest to this large crowd, all with the famous Valenti curls, from blondes to brunettes, even an occasional red-head. From distinct and strong facial features, to the simple ones like his own. Some were very tall, others beautifully plum, some, whether men or women, had short hair above their ears, others had none, or some had it falling down their back. It was all to the styles of the times they were born into. Feliciano was shy to meet them, even if indeed they were all family, but it was unexpected, it was too much…yet he didn’t mind giving his greetings, hugging even some he had heard much about, going on with random chats as if they had known each other all their lives. The Aces didn’t mind this, they let Feliciano this reunion with his family…it would be good persuasion with what they were about to offer.
 “Feliciano,” Augusta called him forward, open arms, and Feliciano rushed to it, not at all hesitating in the hold he took of her hands. Warm, comforting and like home. Augusta shook them and suddenly she found herself nervous to say what she wanted. But a turn to the Aces, a nod, an approval, and of course, a hurry and excitement, and Augusta turned to her great grandson determined.
 “Feliciano, what you have done, is deserving of an award.”
 “Nonna, really, you don’t-”
 “Amore, please let me…I promised this and it is something you must come along and take.” A deep breath, a silence suddenly coming, no one daring to disturb the words of an Ace. It was quite eerie how the entire heavens just fell silent for this. “As I have told, as I prophesied and the other Aces and I have made ready for centuries…in the hopes that Khaos was indeed defeated…” she breathed, she prepared, “Feliciano…you must come to live with me in the heavens now and become…” she turned, pulling him them closer to the road that will lead to her palace, all of a sudden presenting itself with more shine. “The new Ace of Hearts.”
 Suddenly, angels came, marching like an army, only to decorate the road, raising flags upon flags to decorate in welcome, surely for a pathway they wanted the Heartian Queen to take.  Some played drums and trumpets, added then with the cheer of the crowds, already celebrating as if Feliciano had already passed the palace gates…making it officially his new home. Then, a creature, a St. Mark walked towards him, having journeyed from the Heartian Ace palace. This one was large, majestic, decorated with more jewels, with armors that could go against meteors and surely with a roar that could cause earthquakes in his world. It was Fabius, Augusta’s own St. Mark like Pookie was to Feliciano. The lion, now small, cowered on Feliciano’s shoulder, intimidated by this one…even if it was his father. The St. Mark bowed to Feliciano and the Queen did so back, the creature seeming to smile and shine along with the celebration, moving aside for when Feliciano came forward. Augusta cuddled herself towards him and the Lion, no matter how godly, leaned towards her in the same devotion.
 Ludwig and Kiku on the other hand, stilled, the news only downcasting them, not even the feast around them enough to bring them back into light. Ludwig…tried hard to hide how already he was breaking apart inside, defeated…like he had already lost Feliciano over a precipice he would never reach for him again.
 He knew…he knew this would happen…he knew this would come…if what they wanted occurred…this was to be the next step, the finality that settled everything and made an ending to this story. It’s one of the reasons he had tried to keep him apart after the eight year gap, why he refused to accept his feelings as well as Feliciano’s, refusing any kind of advance so Feliciano could accept it all as he deserved.
 He had wanted this not to hurt, he sometimes liked to daydream that he would applaud and only wave Feliciano some sort of goodbye that will settle well for an eternity. He would turn and march on with a smile on his face. But here now…he couldn’t move, couldn’t say a word but shake and try to hold down the tears that surely wanted to burst and reveal the moment of weakness this was. Kiku must have noticed…he must be feeling the same way, and they gazed between one another in a moment of understanding and trying to reach some comfort.
 “Should we…?” Kiku surely questioned if there was a way to stop this, to place themselves as a hold to what this future could be. Ludwig, with a deep breath, looked away, ready as if to leave that instant away from the heavens. Suddenly it didn’t hold the same charm anymore.
 “No…this is…this is…the greatest award that could be given. Glory that Hearts, our world, neither we can ever match with,” he sighed, still trying to make himself believe those words. “We will congratulate him…and leave.” And Ludwig, without even looking at Kiku, could just feel his utter refusal, but in part he did have to agree with those words, instead, hiding to himself whatever he meant to say, what he meant to act.
 “He’ll…he’ll make a great Ace…at least we’ll know were under right guidance…and the balance of the universe is in good hands.” This was goodbye and there was not more to be done.
 As Ludwig tried to take a last grasp of his husband between the still celebrating multitudes…he only wished he could properly say goodbye…hold him and kiss him one last time before anything…but by the looks of it…it didn’t seem likely. He sighed and accepted that whatever glimpses he could get would be the last he would have of him.
 Yes…to Feliciano…this was all glorious. The floating islands, the wonderful colors, the magic, the richness of these palaces and castles, of the roars of the people around him. Yes…it was an eternal celebration that would keep him mighty for eons. He thought about how he still possessed the hand of creation, looking down to his hands as if already he could see everything he could bring alive…whole new worlds, cosmos and universes extending far beyond this one. Yet in that expanse…he spotted clearly the bearing gems. Two identical ones on each side of his hands…both shinning like their own sun, lighting and bringing life to a world…he had promised someone he would help create. It was in that moment he turned to Ludwig…who refused to meet his eyes, yet he saw sorrow in them that Feliciano shared in, suddenly the colors and music greying and lifeless to him. Those around him easily saw how his smile disappeared, and the shine in his eyes was gone. They silenced at such display, giving him space, thought, and the Aces could show their question as to why he know saddened when he was at the center of such an opportunity. Feliciano was scared to utter these words, here at the mercy of the Aces…but he had to insist, had to make them understand.
 “And…if I don’t want to?” He placed the idea, one that surprised all, not thinking that it would be something that Feliciano would dare consider when what they would give they thought would be above whatever Hearts had.
 “Feliciano, these are the heavens, a position as an Ace, with riches and everything you want at your fingertips. Why would there be a reason to deny?” Augusta tried to persuade.
 “Who’s going to take care of my children?”
 Augusta widened as if she was just finding out…when in reality…she had completely forgotten about that detail, having to reconsider, organize, with a glance to the other Aces and they quickly came to another decision.
 “They shall be born here and stay with you.”
 “Away from their father? From their grandparents…their family…their home. Leave everything behind as if it was all nothing…”
 A long silence before Jabbar dared speak, “Are you truly only speaking about the children? Or is this about yourself?” With how Feliciano widened, it made sure that Jabbar hit straight to what the Queen felt.
 “Yes…it’s also what I feel.” Here he turned to his Jack and King, a large smile that showed true to a promise. “This…this place is beautiful. A dream, a wonder, this chance…rare…perhaps I would be the only one for centuries to come that will be granted something like this…yet…” he began to walk towards his friend, his husband, no one around him daring to intrude his sure and set path. “Hearts…the world…mean so much to me. Enough it is my heaven, my place. It is home.” Now he stood right in front of them, his words now for them to hear. “When I was born…you saw someone in me that could save the world…but you also gave me a position, you gave me a duty as the Queen of Hearts.” Close yet to his Jack and King, he turned to face the Aces again. “Many times…I doubted it…I had wished and prayed that it wouldn’t be my destiny…I even tried to run away from it once…but now I see that it is my place, it is my calling…it will be wrong of me to turn away from it now…” He grasped one hand of Kiku, another of Ludwig’s. “My reign is still so young…there is still so much I can do in Hearts, so much I can help the whole world with, so much I should be there for. Nonna Augusta…you’re back again…the position is for you as the universe intends.” He hoped they understood, he hoped he wasn’t creating an offence, wasn’t disrespecting. But as Kiku and Ludwig grasped their own hold on their Queen’s hand…Feliciano smiled and suddenly stood higher, understanding then…there was no need to worry for any spite of gods. He knew then that they were in no position to react such a way against them, especially after saving their worlds.
 His next words had a confidence as tough as the pillars and gold the buildings here were made of. “I want to stay in Hearts. I want to stay with my people. I want to stay with my Jack…and I want to stay with my husband.” The devotion, the utter love these two exchanged, made all the four Aces realize that they were naïve to think that Feliciano would chose a life away from this man. “I know my place…and it is with my family.”
 To his surprise, the Aces smiled between one another, a new energy spread…and it wasn’t bad or punishing. Augusto began to chuckle, the rest of the Valenti there joining him, with laughs that shared joy across all the souls present.
 “Very well then…you will stay to finish your reign in Hearts,” Artem spoke in decision.
 “When it is done, and you have lived your life as any Queen, you will be welcomed here,” Maiara continued.
 “The same shall await you then, and Ludwig, Kiku and every important member in your life shall all have a safe assurance of an afterlife here,” Jabbar said.
 “Till then, we will await you. Now, we wish you farewell, a wondrous life to give to the world and to your family,” Augusta wished, coming over to give an embrace that to Feliciano was just like those of his family. He enjoyed from this warmth, wrapping his own arms around her as echoes of new celebration began to ring. In this hold, Feliciano released magic that had been weighted on him since birth…the hand of creation. In a wonderful swirl of platinum and gold, it was transferred back to Augusta. She splendored more in its shine as it placed her back as creator and superior goddess. When it was finished, she welcomed in the rest of the Valenti, and Feliciano enjoyed the most from his grandfather, surely to be the last for a long time. He had his chance to give his own to his grandmother, Helena, who he had never had the chance to meet in his world…he saw a lot of her in Lovino…and suddenly he already missed him and his nephew.
 “Go and live,” his grandfather wished, and with those words, Feliciano had to tearfully let go of them, turning to then place them with Ludwig, who grasped Feliciano…relieved beyond however he had felt before. Without a care on who stared, where he was…he spun Feliciano to have him in front, hands adjusted on his waist, to pull him into a kiss, strong, magical, these forms giving it a touch that made sparks surely glow all around them. When they released and looked into their eyes…Feliciano truly saw that he had made the right decision. Ludwig raised his hands and let his fingers caress on the jewels…excited and hoping for a bright future with a new family just for them.
 Any threats were away…Ludwig could now celebrate the coming of his own children…and that he was to return to Berlin with Feliciano.
 Augusta smiled and opened her arms to create a portal, this one small, just the space for all three of the Hearts royals to make their passing back home. Kiku waved his goodbye before he rushed through. Ludwig and Feliciano refused to let go of their hands, determined to pass together. Ludwig had begun his engulfing, but Feliciano spared a last glance back…
 The last he saw was celebration still ringing, chorus surely sang and orchestras played, the Aces watching them leave dutifully and then beside Augusta…the light, the one Feliciano had saved from the cage of Khaos, as well as with power from Ludwig…it began to grow, large enough until it was a figure as Augusta. It began to clear, it began to come alive…and for the first time Feliciano had seen what his great grandfather Romulus actually looked like.
 Dark hair in silk waves, the same that was on his beard, but despite it, Feliciano could see a long and strong face, handsome, it slightly reminded him of Lovino. Green eyes, likes leaves and grass, a stature, a smile, a last gratitude to his own grandson before he turned to his long missed wife. They held to each other with all the strength needed for centuries. What more they would do, Feliciano didn’t see, he had passed through, everything beginning to erase in bright light.
 He left behind the heavens to return home. 
 - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
Next chapter is the very last...oh boy.
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To be a Spadian is to be giving and thoughtful.
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As the old history tells us, an old man and father to many saw his people suffer from starvation and went to the immortal being to gain help for his people.
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The dragon was so touched by his plea that he pulled a tooth from his mouth and a spade was made from it.
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Every crop that was touched by the spade grew rapidly and saved the people from starvation.
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The people flourished, towns grew, the old man was content. He sought to pass the special gift to another. It was only until he found the first born with the spade symbol that he was able to give the powerful gift. He would be later known as Father Time.
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And the first born of spades, would become the first king of spades. Like the old man she too helped many, she would live and pray by the sea helping the fishermen and boats as they travel, bringing the storms to a halt.
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I wish I was born in a different time, the time of prosperity and helpfulness. We’ve done nothing to help those in need for in the past 400 or so years, it feels like this new era is only here to help themselves and the elite.
I don’t think I’ll be able to make a difference
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At least not yet..i just need to keep studying.
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shytalia · 5 years
A Prince and a Pirate’s Fate - Chapter 7
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Chapter Seven
Start at Chapter one here:https://shytalia.tumblr.com/post/611878754309079040/a-prince-and-a-pirates-fate-usuk-fanfic
Also available on my AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/shytalia
Only a mild warning for language in this chapter.
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After Peter was comfortably back in the ship, Arthur was quick to turn to Alfred with a grin.
“Well, well, you did better than expected today. You didn’t even need to use that dagger I gave you after all.” The Brit told him as the two of them stepped back onto the docks. The sky was dark now but the town was still alive with light and people shuffling through its veins never seemed to slow.
Alfred rubbed the back of his neck and let out a small laugh.
“I guess not.” He was glad no one recognized him while they were out, but now Arthur was looking at him expectantly. “What?”
“What do you mean what? I graciously offered you a night of freedom and you don’t seem too excited.” The captain responded, an air of curiosity around him. “In fact, you’re still following me even after I told you you can go enjoy yourself.” He enjoyed the way Alfred’s face warmed.
“Ah, I guess that’s true.” He replied but his pace never faltered from Arthur’s. “Still, I think I’d rather stick by you, if that’s alright, Cap.”
Arthur pondered at the request for a moment before answering with a shrug. “I don’t suppose it would hurt. You really are a strange one, you know?” Most people weren’t exactly clamoring at the chance to keep him company, after all. “Do what you want, I’m going to get some drinks in me.”
With that, Alfred followed Arthur into a scene that was almost familiar. It was a bar crowded with pirates and sinners to the brim. Somehow, the smaller man managed to squeeze his way to the bar and order himself some liquor. Alfred wasn’t too far behind him and leaned on the counter.
“Again, not going to order anything?” Arthur asked, bringing his own drink to his lips.
Alfred laughed lightly at that and shrugged. “You don’t give me coin, Cap. What am I supposed to pay with?” He was a servant, a prisoner, not a crew mate. He didn’t get paid and he had already recklessly given all his royal money to the fisherman who helped him catch Arthur’s ship.
Arthur opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a boisterous voice bellowing over the crowd.
“Oh, ho,ho look who it is! Could it be? The one and only Spadian bitch.” The voice cackled.
Alfred watched Arthur visibly slunk, his good mood instantly soured by hearing this loud voice.
“Shit.” He mumbled into his glass, quickly downing the rest of it. He was going to need it.
Alfred looked towards the source and saw a group of men shuffling towards them. The one yelling led them. He held a big grin on his face, but something about it felt off to Alfred. His blonde hair was spiked dramatically upwards and he had a black eye patch over his right eye. He looked somewhat familiar. Judging by the getup he was wearing, he assumed he was another wanted pirate captain.
Following behind him were two men.
One was impressively tall, he must nearly be the size of the Club’s King. But his face was stern and unmoving. The man beside him was much shorter and almost cute, in a way. His round face was curved into a gentle smile.
The one with the eyepatch strolled right up to Arthur, baring his teeth with a wolfish expression. “It is you, Captain Kirkland! How delicious.”
“Mathias.” Arthur growled, glaring into his now empty glass. His knuckles a warning shade of white as he gripped it so hard Alfred feared he would break it in his very grasp.
This ‘Mathias’ didn’t look deterred at all by the Brit’s caution as he continued. “You haven’t gone running to the castle doors yet to get fucked silly by your new, royal plaything?” he asked boldly, loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. “I’m shocked. You could have it so easy, sitting on your ass all day just for having a pretty mark on your back. Then again, he probably wouldn’t even want to see it, would he? He’d probably be too disgusted thinking about how many men have already--”
Arthur shifted in his seat, swiveling towards Mathias with his brows cast down in fury. But before he could strangle the other blonde, he was beaten to it as a swift hand reached out and grabbed the Dane instead.
Alfred, for all his silence, was fuming. His normally tanned face was reddened by his anger and his teeth gritted together in an enraged scowl. “Shut the fuck up!” He yelled, half blocking Arthur from view as he pushed the other pirate backwards and away from him. His fist was interwoven with the fabric of Mathias’s shirt, forcing his back against the hard counter of the bar, threatening to hold him down while he beat into him if he uttered another word. “Who the hell are you to talk to Arthur like that?”
“Arthur?” Mathias seemed unaffected by the dangerous position he was currently in, only curling his smile upward more. “You must be going soft, allowing your men to address you so informally. Maybe it really is time for you to retire.” He laughed, feeling the hand bundled in his shirt shake as a result.
Alfred was livid. He shook with the desire to knock this captain’s lights out right then and there. It only made his eye twitch in aggravation when the man in his grasp started to laugh loudly.
“Why the hell are you laughing so hard?” Alfred asked through gritted teeth.
The spiky haired pirate opened one of his eyes to look up at the blonde in front of him, his gaze dark and curious. “Why shouldn’t I be laughing? You look so serious and for what? To defend the Spade kingdom’s biggest whore? That’s all he is! A marriage arranged by The Goddess herself and yet he still can’t sit his ass down to marry the guy who can give him literally anything. He’d still prefer to run around and gorge himself on every sin imaginable. And here you stand defending him as if he were a saint?” A rough hand flew up and grabbed onto Alfred’s wrist, squeezing it so tightly it made his grip waver.
It was Mathias’s, and the grinning pirate used his other hand to pull Alfred even closer to his face. “Besides,” he whispered toothily. “If Arthur won’t go himself, that only means I can get the reward money when I beat his head in and drag his limp body to the castle myself.” He laughed again and Alfred couldn’t take the sound anymore.
“You fucker!” The prince raised his free fist to deliver a blow to Mathias’s face, but was stopped by large hands grabbing him from behind and ripping him off the other man. He was thrown to the floor, only to be shadowed by the tall pirate he saw before. “Get the hell out of my way!” He threatened. Maybe this wasn’t his wisest idea, after all, the more eyes on him meant the more chances he had to be recognized. But that fear was only a speck in the corner of his mind when this protective anger took hold of him.
He was about to make a lunge for the stoic blonde, before a different figure came up beside him and kicked him back to the ground.
“I’m really sorry about this. Can’t we all just relax?” It was the cute man this time, obviously remorseful about his part in this. Still, he was only defending his captain. His violet eyes were almost pleading. “Please don’t make us kill you.”
Alfred tried to recompose himself, having been forcefully thrown to the floor and then kicked in the chest made his body ache. He groaned as he rolled over, attempting to gather himself long enough to make it back on his feet. “Like hell you will.” He spat at the ground, too stubborn to just let these guys talk shit about Arthur and get away with it.
The young prince stumbled his way to his feet and faced the two blondes that were blocking Mathias from view. “Get out of my way,” he told them, only for neither of them to budge. “Fine.” He made fists with his hands once more and went to deck the taller man with a quick blow, but the smaller male was faster and landed a surprisingly strong punch to his stomach instead.
Alfred doubled over, holding his gut from the impact, but was acutely aware that the two forms were coming towards him now. He went to ready himself so he wouldn’t be caught off guard, but a different body stepped between them before he had the chance.
“Stop!” Arthur yelled the command, stepping between Alfred and his opponents with a quick swipe of his hand. It glowed a faint green color and the two stopped immediately, as if paralyzed.
It took a few moments for Alfred to register his thoughts and then he finally realized Arthur was using magic. He went to say something but the Brit’s face snapped back towards him, absolutely fuming. “Get the fuck out of here right now.” It was not a request.
“What? Arthur, I am not leaving you!”
Then, it hit him. It was swift and unexpected, Arthur’s fist connected to his cheek with just a simple turn of his heel.
“Alfred, as your captain, you will do as I tell you. Now go.”
Alfred held onto his cheek, swearing he tasted blood in his mouth from the impact. The glare Arthur was giving him told him that the Brit would not hesitate to do it again if he was denied. Still, Alfred was not keen on leaving and wanted to stay. How was he supposed to just up and walk away and leave Arthur here to fight these guys?
“I will be right behind you.”
The prince blinked, noticing the way Arthur’s eyes betrayed a hint of sadness. But they also held truth, and it bid him to listen.
Slowly, Alfred straightened himself and backed up, still watching carefully but retreating towards the door. It was difficult to do so, since so many bodies were busy watching the spectacle and many looked like they thirst for more bloodshed than they had gotten. But eventually he made it into the cool, night air. Then, only a few moments later, Arthur appeared from the doorway as well.
“Arthur,” he went to check on him, but the smaller man shot him a murderous look and he started to storm off back towards the ship.
--- ♠ --- ♠ --- ♠ ---
Alfred tried to get Arthur to turn around and talk to him but the captain refused to even look at him.
“Come on, just talk to me. I’m sorry!” The taller man was in hot pursuit and accompanied the angry man all the way back to his quarters.
Arthur tried to slam the door to his study in his face, but Alfred caught it with his foot and pushed his way in after him instead.
“Arthur!” The boy almost sounded like he was pleading now, but it did little to calm the fury in the pirate’s eyes. “Why are you so upset at me? I was trying to defend you.” The guy obviously bothered Arthur in some way just judging by his reaction when he heard his voice, so he didn’t know why he was so against him beating the absolute snot out of him.
“Do you even have any idea who that was?” Arthur snapped back, throwing his arms in the air to emphasize his point.
Alfred frowned harder and shook his head. “No, and I don’t really care. I couldn’t let him talk about you like that!”
“Alfred, I am a pirate. I’m not some flower for you to protect at the slightest breeze.” The Brit was pacing around his ‘throne room’, his arms flying upwards and crossing dramatically as he stomped around. “I certainly didn’t ask you to pick a fight with Mathias fucking Køhler! Do you have any idea how badly that would have gone for you if I had not stepped in? You’d be dead...if you were lucky!”
“And? What does that even matter to you?” Alfred countered.
“It matters because I’ve hardly the time or the energy to replace a servant less than two weeks into his service,” The Brit shouted back. “And I really would prefer not to have to deal with Mathias on my ass when we leave dock.” He would not put it past the Dane to follow them out to sea and start a battle. As much as Arthur reveled in combat, he knew Mathias nor his crew were to be underestimated.
“You wouldn’t have to worry about him following us if you would’ve let me kill him.” The prince argued. Not that he actually wanted to murder the man, but in the heat of the moment he couldn’t say he didn’t want to smash his face a few times.
Arthur scoffed at that, a mocking laugh escaping his lips at the idea. “Sure, you were doing a fantastic job -- getting your ass kicked by his right hand men.” Berwald and Tino were two of the most feared pirates in the ocean. Their reputations as skilled fighters preceded them, and they weren’t even captains! “They would’ve put you down in an instant.”
“Then why didn’t you just let them, if I’m such an inconvenience to you when all I wanted to do was stick up for you.”
The Brit rolled his eyes and let another dark chuckle escape his lips. “If letting you die meant getting some damn peace and quiet then maybe I should have.” He tried not to notice the flash of hurt that crossed the younger man’s face for just a second as he spoke. “I don’t understand what your deal is anyway, I really don’t! What is this morbid fascination you have with, what did he call me? Oh yes, of course, The Spadian bitch.”
“Don’t call yourself that!” Alfred told him, grabbing his arms in an attempt to get him to stop his pacing and listen.
“Why the hell not? Isn’t that all I am to you pompous pricks in the capital?” He barked back, glaring daggers straight back into Alfred’s eyes. It was true and he knew it. He was not Arthur to them, he was either a merciless pirate or just a pretty figure to model into perfect obedience. They wanted their queen, he simply wanted a choice.
Alfred stared down at Arthur with an angry frown, gripping his arms tighter in frustration. Looking at Arthur like this so close, he wondered how he never noticed the light freckles that were pressed against his nose and his cheeks. Or the way his eyes had different shades of greens, creating a forest of life in just two small orbs. Even his lips, that were currently pressed downward in a deep scowl, invited him in and he couldn’t stop himself from accepting their offer.
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>> Also! Please know that chapter 8 will not be posted on tumblr due to its mature content. If you want to read it, you’ll have to do so on A03 when its posted. Sorry for the inconvenience ;w;
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demonicpiano · 5 years
2k19 Hetalia Extravaganza
As the title says....I WROTE A THING! Keep the dream alive!
For @weekofhetalia, the 2k19 Hetalia Extravaganza.
(You can also read this on my AO3!)
Day 1: Cardverse - I wanted to write something where Matthew, the Ace of Spades, takes over things, even if it’s just for a little while. Enjoy!
"All right! Let's get this Meet going! Are the carriages ready?"
Matthew, the Ace of Spades, and King Alfred's brother (and often - shadow), tried to keep up with the rest of the court hustling toward the front of the palace. "I-I asked for a coach, but the man was eating dinner, and I didn't want to disturb him-"
Yao, the Jack, announced, "Yes, I made sure there is one waiting for you right now, actually."
Knights peeled open the front doors, spilling dusk’s light and (inevitably) cold air into the main hall. The Spadians shielded their eyes and faces before the grand stairs leading down to the front yard of the place, and a coach with twin horses sat beyond that. The carriage driver perched on top, munching on some bread, and was completely unfazed from the bracing winds rushing around the mountain side.
"Wow," Matthew said, "it's going to be really chilly tonight. You should pack a little more warm-"
"Holy shit!" Alfred announced much less diplomatically. The Knights snapped straight and saluted as he stepped into the outside world. "I'm going to be freezing my ass off! What was Ludwig thinking?! A meeting at dusk?!"
Yao handed his King a stack of Very Important Papers and tucked his hands back into his sleeves to fend off some of the chill seeping into the palace, "Ai-yah, sire, you almost forgot the reason you were leaving in the first place!"
"Yeah, yeah. I better go-"
"Hold on, you fool," Queen Arthur tossed a knitted scarf over his King's head before wounding it in place, ignoring the indignant and Kingly grunting. "Don't be catching a cold, now."
Not really annoyed, "Guys! Come on! I got to go!"
"You'll be whining when you lying sick in bed!"
"I'm not going to get sick!"
Yao had to get a dig in, "Oh, stop. The Kings will still be there whether you are two minutes late or twenty."
Matthew drew in a sharp breath as his heel slid on icy brick, "Oh, Al, be careful going down. It's a bit icy-"
"Oh, and please, sire...if you must eat at the Meet, chew with your mouth closed. I received a scathing letter from King Francis on the matter..."
Matthew gritted his teeth. Maybe he should have just stayed in the library. Alfred went around, dishing quick hugs and kisses to his court, his family, before tossing his arms around his brother, who blinked in surprise like an idiot. "Oh, um, bye, Al." Quickly recovering, as the King turned away, "Be careful going down! There's-"
As soon as a Kingly foot touched the top step, his arms shot into the air and flailed as he went down, down, down...
"Alfred!" Matthew shouted.
"Oh, Gods!" Arthur cried, charging down the stairs.
Yao followed just as carelessly, "Be careful!" 
The Knights followed, and Matthew shook his head to himself as he gripped the railing and went down carefully. Just before the palace steps, King Alfred was splayed on the snowy sidewalk, arms and legs out from his body. His eyes were closed, and his glasses and important paperwork had shot from his clutch to nest into the nearby snowbanks.
A Knight blurted, "Is he dead?!"
"He better not be!" Arthur swooped down to press two fingers to the King's neck.
Alfred gasped, becoming animated with twitchy limbs and whined, "Hey, stop! Your fingers are cold!"
"You idiot! Your arse is going to be cold if you're just going to keep laying there like that! Get up!"
Alfred let off a grunt, but didn't move.
Yao came down to investigate, "Sire? Did you hit your head?"
"No, not my head-"
Arthur grabbed a lapel and tugged, even more unforgiving than the cold gravel, "Then get up and dust yourself off! You look like an utter buffoon!"
"Your highness!" Yao scolded. "Not helping!"
"Well, it's true!"
Alfred said, " I broke my leg."
"I said. I broke. MY LEG!"
The Spadian Court gawked at one another. Eyes followed the King's legs, both unsuspecting beneath thick trousers and fur boots. The Queen and Jack hurried to pat around, the former slipping in a scathing, "You got to be kidding me!"
"Oh, believe me!" Alfred let out a shallow laugh, still staring up to the dark clouds, "I wish I was." He yelped, suddenly able to pull himself to sit. "Ow! Don't be grabbing me like that, man!"
"Easy!" Matthew warned with an arm hovering behind his brother's back.
Arthur shook his arms at the King's leg, flabbergasting, "He broke his damn leg!"
"Yeah...I heard about that."
Yao declared, "We need to get him inside, to the infirmary! There's no way he's going anywhere like this."
Alfred shot over the Knights pressing closer to peel him from the ground, "Wait, wait! What about the King's Meet?"
Arthur and Yao stared at one another. Another Knight picked up the scattered paperwork, while another uncertainly set the King's glasses on top of his head with a curt bow. Yao took the papers, glancing down at whatever they said, before his gaze landed on Matthew. "You will have to go in his place."
"What?! No, that's...I can't!"
Alfred bemoaned his life, "Mattie! You got to! You're the only one I can trust!"
The Queen scoffed, "Excuse you!"
"Ignoring that," Yao shoved the papers into Matthew's surprised hands, "this is the first meeting after the autumn equinox. All four Kingdoms must come together to prepare for the winter months. Spades must be there!"
"You got to go, Mattie! Only you can do it!" Alfred called as Knights carried him away. "I LOVE YOU, MAN!" It was all very dramatic. Yao and Arthur spun away, getting swept up in the chaos back into the palace.
Matthew shouted, "Come on! Don't do this to me!"
Arthur ordered over his shoulder, "Go, Matthew!"
The carriage driver opened the door to his coach and beckoned, "Sir! The storm will pick up again soon!"
"Oh, COME ON!"
"Fifty four tons of steel? Jeez, overproduction, much? Let's change that to say...eh, thirty-two?"
The carriage jostled a lone Matthew around in its cushiony confines. He pressed close to the window, squinting at his worksheets. It was well after dusk now. For his poor eyesight's sake, he tucked the now-edited plans away, hoping he did more good than harm.
What if the carriage driver couldn't see where he was going? What if there was a stray rock, or a new divot in the mountain side, unseen and ready to snag a wheel?
The carriage let off a little jostle, and someone knocked on the door. Matthew yelled. He gawked toward the noise of intrusion, but it must have been the driver waiting for him to open the door from his side.
Matthew tentatively peeked into the cold, cold world. It was just the carriage driver holding out a hand to let him down with a stern, "Sir."
"Thanks," Matthew managed, giving his cloak and papers a stiff tug to look somewhat presentable. A King's Meet. With Kings. Although he was close to becoming one himself long ago, Alfred took to the throne far more gracefully than he believed himself could, even as children. Matthew was no King. He only had his own King's written guidance in hand to help.
A cursory sweep told of three other carriages, all painted with their separate Kingdom's motifs. The drivers met and mingled with hearty chuckles; the gravel road was not just for Kingly convergence. Matthew decided to stop procrastinating and stepped closer to the warm light spilling from candlelight in the cottage's windows. It was a bit too cold to stand around and look good, although that was just a mere breeze compared to the harsh mountain winds.
Three Kings waited for the last. Matthew gulped. He was not one of them.
He pushed open the front door, and slipped inside.
At least the place was warm and cozy, courtesy of a fireplace beckoning from behind couches and fur rugs. Matthew let his shoulders fall with a sigh as the feeling of ice against his cheeks melted. Nobody was around. He proceeded to one of several wooden doors, leaning close to listen to voices.
None came. He tried knocking. Then knocked on a different door. Nothing. Matthew's stomach churned - anxiety as nausea crept up to his throat and threatened to sting his eyes. These were Kings. Rulers and overseers of their Kingdoms. What they say, goes. Matthew was nobody. He didn't belong there. Why did Alfred had to go and break his leg? Damn it, his brother never listened to him, and Matthew always caught the consequences-
A completely different door down the hall opened, and a pale face peeked out. "Spades?" A couple of poofy fuzzballs on his cap swished as he tipped his head. "What are you doing? The meeting is over here, silly!"
"Oh!" Matthew squeaked. Tried to clear his throat. "Th-thanks. I forgot."
The man ducked back into the room, and Matthew teased the temptation of turning around and running out the front door. The Kings were waiting for him. He made sure to pick up his feet when he journeyed down the corridor, making a meal out of his inner cheek.
Matthew stopped in the doorway, blinking like a fool in surprise. The meeting of the Kings was far cozier than anything he would expect - fur rugs and couches included!
"Come in," a broad blond announced from his own seat in the middle, "with the storm, it will be much warmer in here."
"Yes," a man wearing orange noted, "we have to get that heater fixed. But this will do for now." He looked up and pulled a smile, "It's quite homey in here, no?" The tight expression on his stubbly face quickly fell into concern. "Alfred, there's something...hm, something different. Are you feeling well? You look pale."
Matthew twitched. "Uh, um..."
Staring. Frowning. Eyebrows furrowed.
These were just men at the end of the day.
Matthew was one of those, at least. "Alfred was unable to make it in today. So...as his brother, I am taking his place. Ahem, for today." He quickly added, "My name is Matthew, and it's nice to meet all of you."
The other King (most likely Clubs, based on the clover stitched onto the hem of his lapel), turned around from a tray of various bottles with wide eyes and a broad smile. "Yes! Didn't Alfred say he was a twin?" 
"This is something different!" Diamonds thrilled, "Don't be shy! We should introduce ourselves!"
"Uh, yeah...sure," Matthew muttered under his breath.
"I completely agree," Hearts said, swishing a hand to the cushion beside himself, "Take a seat, and put your papers down. I'm sure it can wait a moment or two..."
A large hand clamped over Matthew's back, making him yelp. Clubs, with glee, guided (kind of forced) him toward the couches, "You should sit with me, Mister...ah..."
"No, no!" Diamonds shook an arm in a 'come here' gesture, "He would sit over there, and what? Smell vodka on your breath the whole time? I don't think so!"
"Better than inhaling cheap wine and stale cheese, yes?"
"Enough!" Hearts declared, "Matthew will sit at the front of the fire. We have important things to discuss for the Annual Trade Route, and nobody knows winter preparations better than a Spade. He needs to be at the head."
Diamonds leaned back on his own couch with a sassy flick of hair over his shoulder, muttering, "He could have done that here."
"Sit!" Hearts barked, but his blue eyes were pleading. Matthew did, still gripping the Important Papers. "Don't worry about those just yet. You just got here, after all."
Clubs noted, "That is new, coming from you."
"Yes," Diamonds agreed, "It's always, go, go, go!"
One of the King of Heart's eyebrows twitched as Matthew nervously giggled beside him, "Even if Matthew is here just once, it would be rude to jump into work without properly introducing ourselves, first. That is not how Kings do things. Not in my Kingdom, at least." He lifted a hand with a tight-lipped grin, "King Ludwig of Hearts. It's nice to meet you."
Diamonds straightened, suddenly attentive with his own, "We do that here, too! It's Francis, King of Diamonds to you, dear."
Clubs just laughed, "Ivan of Clubs. That's it."
Matthew glanced amongst the King's expectant faces, and found himself pulling his own, if timid, smile. "Matthew. Ace of Spades."
"Welcome to the Meeting of Kings, Matthew," Ludwig announced. "It's nice to have you here."
"Th-thank you. It's nice to be here."
Ivan injected, "You're so quiet!"
"Oh, sorry. I said, 'It's nice to be here!'"
"Ha-ha! You're funny, Matthew! You are definitely welcome."
"Yes! Much more so than your brother!" Francis gave a distasteful shake of the head, "Constantly bursting in here like his rear end has a firecracker underneath it!"
Matthew drew air between his teeth. "Oh, boy."
"Right," Ludwig took in the Important Papers. The other Kings automatically fell quiet. "Let's begin."
After a cold, dark journey up the mountain, Matthew finally arrived back home. He sighed in content at the sight of the blue-gray palace, to the Knights deeply nodding before peeling open the front doors, and, of course, the thought of his bed.
One of the Knights leaned in and murmured, "Sir. The King expressed his wish to speak to you. Sir."
Matthew pulled a frown, and begrudgingly nodded. A light shone from one of the halls sprouting from the main throne room, so he tried there first.
Sure enough, draped on a deep navy couch, laid the King in his night clothes. A thick cast took over one of his legs, which was propped onto Arthur's lap.
"Bro!" Alfred tossed his arms in the air, disturbing the Queen's knitting session. "Come here! Tell me all about it!"
"Eh, can't it wait?" Matthew shook off the lingering cold still clinging onto his coat. "It's kind of late-"
"Nope! Sit! Sit!"
What the King says, goes, after all. A roll of the eyes, and Matthew took one of the chairs with enough personal space from his brother. "I think I would ask how you're doing, first."
"Don't worry about it! I'm totally fine. Artie's taking care of me!"
A Queenly grunt, "It's babysitting, that's what."
Alfred flashed a grin and flapped a hand at Matthew, as if he forgot what they were talking about within a second, "So, come on! Did those Kings make you work for your crown?"
"Considering I don't have one, no." Alfred just stared, still smiling with an intense fix in his eyes. Matthew sighed, "No, they were really welcoming about the whole thing. We talked a lot, actually. Like...a lot."
Alfred's face slouched into something else, distracting it with deep tip of his head, "About the Trade Route, right?"
"Oh, yeah, that too."
"So...you had a good time? They like our game plan?"
Matthew squashed a devious smile that threatened to come out. "Uh-huh. Our game plan. Yep." He perked up, "I had a much better time than I thought. I honestly don't know why you complain so much about the Meets."
Arthur harrumphed, "I have to hear it all night. Consider yourself very lucky."
"It's really like that, huh?" Alfred kept pulling funky faces. Puckered his lips. Curled his nose. "Okay. That's cool. Good thing you didn't make Spades look like a bunch of dummies! Ha-ha!"
"Unlike you?" Matthew blurted.
Arthur turned his head, putting a fist to his mouth to cough.
Alfred let out an obnoxious peel of laughter, "You're so funny, Mattie! That's great, because it looks like you're going to back there for at least the next two months! I mean...that's what Yao said."
Matthew nodded, "I kind of figured. I'm okay with that."
"You are? Well, that's GREAT."
"It really is."
Queen Arthur set down his intense knitting game with a big huff, "It's getting late. I'm sure you had a long journey, Matthew. We can speak more of this at a better hour." He tacked on with an itty grumble, "and when I have less of a headache."
Matthew shot out of his seat so fast, something cricked. "Sounds good! I'll see you guys tomorrow! Goodnight." He glanced at his brother hanging miserably to the confines of his sofa, and sweetly smiled at the sight, "Goodnight, Alfred."
Curtly, "Yeah, Mattie. 'Night."
Matthew took his leave. As soon as he was out of the room, his brother bellowed, "THOSE MOTHERFUC-"
A slap of skin.
"Ow, Arthur!"
Matthew grinned to himself all the way upstairs.
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alifeasvivid · 6 years
Sonder’s USUK shorts/drabbles masterpost
From oldest to newest (more or less LOL), these are the fics that I have posted on tumblr, but not on AO3! If it is on AO3, it is not on this list.
writing tag is “spadian ballad” but I don’t always remember to use it so >.> good luck. LOL
Instagram Crush - drabble based on an ask Mana got A Barren Semblance of Love - angsty gakuen omega/omega drabble Soaked Through - that day in the rain, but as a human au with a hopeful ending Too Early for This - Alfred just wanted to bring Mr. Kirkland his coffee The Right Amount of Spice - nyo; Alice tends bar at a burlesque club and never stood a chance. untitled - ukus gakuen from a 3 sentence fic prompt that got a little out of hand History - dialogue only; Portugal calmly reads America the riot act*. Don’t Imagine - not a fic really, but a cute omegaverse thing that is super sweet. Temptation Acknowledged - An incubus calling himself Arthur just got exorcised into the custody of the hottest priest to ever exist. A Little Lace - ukus, anon request for jealous Arthur, a bralette, and Alfred’s dirty little secret Vitamin D Poisoning - Arthur hates California and his roommate is sunshine incarnate Fallen Skies - canonverse angst about the collapse of American Imperialism Diamonds Don’t Shatter - Alfred would love Arthur freely if he was sure he wouldn’t get hurt from it. Beautiful and Battered - Arthur would love Alfred freely if he was sure he wouldn’t get hurt from it. “Desert Heat” - Temptation Acknowledged AU short fic which Scones started and delightfully allowed me to run with Desert Cold - Follow up to “Desert Heat” You Should Be Sleeping - Arthur runs the college’s only live radio show... in the middle of the night. His biggest fan, Alfred, works up the nerve to finally call in. A Pain in My --! - Arthur should never have tried to move the couch by himself. Dance With the Devil - TA au, Father Alfred has a dead truck and a hungry incubus on his hands. Time for a little salsa! What You Didn’t See -  ukus canonverse ww2 angst about England’s injuries A Bad Habit - Temptation Acknowledged AU - Alfred’s robes are sexy af They Were Very Cold Roommates - college AU OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES Happiness Is - FrUK drabble in which Francis admires Arthur... and his flowers The Eye of the Storm - The edges of the map are all charted. England’s heart is still wild. untitled - Flower shop/tattoo parlour AU Whatever You Wish - Sweet Devil AU - Arthur, an angel, falls... into the arms of the Demon King Tea & the Tiller - married au. Arthur enjoys watching Alfred do manual labor. A Rose by Any Other pH Balance - England loves roses and America is just really extra. Confession - Temptation Acknowledged AU - explicit smut Exit Wounds - pure angst inspired by the song of the same name by Placebo Last Hurrah - 1812 and England dances on the ashes of the White House, America kinda loses it A Lavender Arrangement - probably the start of a fic of this AU “Just let me go and I’ll stay by your side forever” - drabble 2542 - Time Traveler/Immortal being AU Introspection - America takes a deep dive into the Colorado mountains Will-O-the-Wisps - Time Traveler Alfred meets Fae Arthur for the first time Brat - UKUS omegaverse, Alfred is a very bratty mate... Arthur tames him NSFW Stay by Your Side - Short piece 1 of this England/Seychelles historical fic Stay by Your Side - Short piece 2, Engsey, wfsn-ish Fireworks - Time Traveler/Immortal being AU + 4th of July Quite Continental (ukus) - a kiss on the hand Tell Me I’m the Only One, Even If It’s Not True - ukus, Alfred is a prostitute and Arthur’s in love with him, very short drabble Message Not Sent - angsty Time Traveler in love with Immortal tries to confess his love Jones Jones (veggie burgers) - Alfred and Allen talk about taking each other’s last name on Alfred’s stream Morning Coffee and Intercrural (veggie burgers, explicit) - just what’s on the tin The Only One Who Gets to See You Like That (veggie burgers) Sex In Front of A Mirror (usuk, explicit) - reupload of an anon request Longest Undefended Border in the World - (amecan...incest) lazy sexiness A Tale of Two Empires (usuk) - America and England make demands of each other Shag Day - (ukusuk) blissful domestic exhaustion
the Tarot Interpretation of Cardverse my jewelry and watch headcanons general appearance headcanons
@ukus-so-much-potential​ - the high school teacher/student AU
**Updated 21 July 2022
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atomicstrawbrys · 6 years
Letter V if you'd please! Gotta love me those love struck idiots!
My Dearest Alfred-
I can hardly believe that it’s been a year since we last saw one another. I’m writing to you from Diamonds. Francis, for all his faults, is true to his word. Spadians are welcome to seek refuge here, myself among them. I want so much to be on the battlefield with you, My King. But, I am not a soldier. We both know this. I’d be cut down the moment I stepped out to fight. So, I will assist in the best way I know how. May my magic protect you from afar, My King. I hope you, Matthew, and Yao are all alright. This war against Clubs- it really has lasted so much longer than we ever could have anticipated. Ivan is a persistent man. But, you are even more so, aren’t you?
Ha. perhaps that is why you two do not get along. Maybe you’re both too similar. But you..you have something Ivan does not. You have devotion. To your people and to me. Which, is why I have the utmost faith in you, My King. I am certain you will be victorious, just as always. Frankly, my only hope is that you come back to me alive. I miss you. So much. Until next time.
                                                                                    Your Loving Husband,
My Dearest Alfred-
It’s me again. You have not replied to my last letter. I sent it two months ago. While I am aware that the postal service is not what it was before this war…I should hope that my message managed to reach you. It must have gotten lost in transit, right? Nothing else. I’m certain that you’re okay. It just got lost. That’s all. I am concerned about the time of year, Alfred. It is getting cold. Soon it will snow. And Clubs soldiers take to snow like a fish takes to water. Our soldiers, while formidable, may be at a disadvantage until spring comes. Promise me that you will be careful. I will try to give you a stronger protection spell in the meantime. I don’t give a damn what it does to me. I just..I need you to be safe. Don’t do anything stupid, my Love.
                                                                                     Your Devoted Queen,
Alfred, where are you? Clubs has conquered our home, the War is over, so where are you? I hope and pray that Ivan has not taken you, prisoner. I don’t know what I would do if he did. Just come back to me, Darling. I don’t need a palace nor do I need the title of Queen. I just need you. Please. Alfred, I’m getting scared.
Francis has been very kind. He’s offered me a small house off of Palace grounds. Of course, you’re welcome there too. Nowhere will ever be like Spades, but, Diamonds is nice. The people are friendly and the capital really is beautiful. I’m ready to just be..Arthur. Not ‘Your Highness’ or ‘majesty’. Just Arthur. Of course, it will always be ‘Art’ to you, won’t it? Please, either write to me or find your way here. Just.. do something to let me know you’re okay.
My Wonderful Husband-
I can hardly believe that it’s been twenty years since I last saw you. Some days it feels as if I saw you only yesterday, while other days, it feels like centuries. I don’t send these letters anymore, but, the counselor Francis has assigned to me says that it’s therapeutic. I haven’t yet ended my protection spell, though I have no idea whether you are dead or alive. I suspect that you are indeed dead, and I am just protecting a corpse at this point. But..I can’t bring myself to let you go. All has been quiet from Clubs since that year, so I do not even know whether they have you or not. In all honesty, I hope you are dead, rather than a prisoner of theirs. There are things so, so much worse than death, and my spells can only do so much. For your sake, I hope you never experienced such things.
Being just Arthur has been nice. My tailoring business has been going quite well. I’m the only one Francis will allow to make his clothes, now. It was odd working for him at first, but, I’ve grown to enjoy it. You did always say that I was much too stressed as Queen. This position is relaxing. I work alone, still. You know me, I have always preferred working by myself to working with a group. So, until my eyes are too bad and my hands are too shaky to thread a needle, I refuse to take on an apprentice.
I think this will be my last letter. These have been comforting over the years, but..perhaps it is time to finally let you go. I will always remember you. And I won’t remarry. I will always be loyal to my King, after all.
It was late at night when a pounding on Arthur’s door woke him up. It was storming outside, so, at first, he thought it was the wind. The pounding persisted though, and in too much of a pattern for it to just be natural. He lit his bedside lamp, and picked it up, carrying it through the house and to the front door. Arthur looked different now. He was in his early fifties, the wrinkles on his face and hands a testament to the time passed. He unlocked his door, setting down his lamp as he cracked it open. “Can I help you?” He asked, voice hoarse from sleep.
Arthur noticed the familiar grin, first. The man let himself in, soaking wet and dripping water all over the wood floors. The man shed his cloak, and brushed his hair back, looking at Arthur with a sense of love and joy that Arthur had only seen in one other man.
“Alfred?” He whispered, and the man nodded, rushing forwards to envelop him in a crushing hug.
“Arthur.” That was all Alfred said at first, taking his time to kiss his husbands face- his cheeks, jaw, neck, ending with a swift peck on the lips. Alfred had grown old as well, hair now more white than blond. As he cupped Arthur’s face in his hands, Arthur noticed that he was missing a finger on the left.
“What happened to you?” Arthur asked, voice cracking as tears began to roll down his cheeks.
Alfred grimaced at his hand. “Clubs happened. Took me a while to get out of that place. I uh, sorry I made ya wait so long. But thank you for protecting me all this time, cuz, without you, I’m sure I’d be missing a lot more than one stupid finger.” Alfred gave a boyish smile, identical to the one Arthur remembered. It made Arthur beam in return, and hug him tighter.
“I was so worried, you know. I missed you so much..” Arthur sighed, leaning against his chest.
“I know, Art. I know. I’m never gonna leave you again.”
“I promise.”
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spades-reversed · 4 years
“A Question” - Story
Below is a portion of the story for this Cardverse Au. I hope you like it. Let me know if you’d want to read more - and if I should make this into a fan fiction.  -u- <3 Warnings: Mentions of war, violence, murder, and minor abuse.
“Arthur, you have to see reason in this! We can’t stay here anymore - it’s gotten to dangerous.” Harsh words penetrated the air as a blonde male stormed through the heavy wooden doors that led into a private greenhouse on the 3rd floor of the castle. Dressed in all white with hints of royal blue, stray spadian symbols dotted across the fabric - the Ace of Spades shut the door behind him as he strode across the room to the figure kneeling in the rose bushes. “Arthur please you can’t keep ignoring this - “ “Matthew, just stop. Please.” Arthur softly spoke, cutting the other off as he reached out to move a couple branches of the rose bush out of his way. Turning his head to look at the other, he gestured for Matthew to sit at the small garden table that had a couple steaming cups of tea resting on it.  “Listen to me closely young one, some day when you become King or Queen you must understand there will come a time when there is nothing you can do.” As he speaks, Arthur plucks a few roses from the bush in front of him. Whispering a few words, slowly the roses change color from a royal blue to a bright red.  Standing slowly, Arthur limps his way to the table. Bandages crawling up his right leg, eyes dark and sunken from lack of sleep - missing a crown and in a very worn blue coat.
Gently sitting, he grabs one of the cups of tea and sips it - setting the roses on the table. Matthew frowns at this while listening to Arthur. “That’s absolute bullshit and you know it Arthur. If you don’t do something and soon then I will challenge Alfred for the throne - I don’t care if he will most likely kill me someone has to do something.” His grip tightened around the cup, a small crack beginning to form on the side. “No, as Queen I forbid you to do something so rash Matthew. You and Yao are the only ones keeping me sane right now in this madness. I can’t have you fight your own brother - god who knows what state I would be in if he killed you.” Arthur sat his cup down with a little bit of force. With a sigh, the Queen reached out his hand to cover the roses once more. “Matthew, promise me something. Should something happen to me - you will take care of my people and make sure this kingdom wont fall into ruin.” “Arthur how can I promise you something like that when Alfred has been murdering anyone who even looks at him the wrong way - “ “Matthew promise me dammit..” With a frown, the Ace looks up at his Queen before slowly nodding. “Fine, I promise I’ll do whatever I can before Alfred decides to lob my head off.” Arthur frowned at this, looking down at his hand before moving it away from the middle of the table. Where once red roses rested, now sits a red bird - giving a couple of small chirps - on the side of it’s feathers sat a small heart pin. Matthew eyes widen in shock. “That’s a heart kingdom phoenix! Arthur where the hell did you -” “I have a plan Matthew, but this will cost me my life. In exchange I can save our people, Yao and yourself from this suicidal war. I’ve been in contact with the hearts and diamonds. They have been ferrying our people out in batches for some time now. I’ve been hiding it, claiming they have been dying from the famine or just regular in fighting in our kingdom.” Shaking his head, Arthur ran a hand through his hair. “I only have enough magic left to send one last phoenix back - once I do this I will be vulnerable Matthew. There is one shipment of people left, and there are enough spots left for Yao and yourself. I have to stay behind to cover your tacks from Alfred and be the last line of defense for your freedom.” As he finishes speaking, Arthur lifted his hand with the phoenix and gave it a small kiss to the top of it’s head before the bird took off - the Queen slumping forward in his chair as his last big of magic left him. “You have 4 hours to get packed and met Yao in the middle of the castle gardens Matthew. Go - don’t worry about me and save yourself. The lives of our people now rest in your hands. Go before Alfred finds out what I've done.” Matthew’s eyes were wide the entire time. Slowly crossing his arms, the Ace looked from the Queen to the sky. 
“A question for you, your majesty. Do you remember that little spell you’ve been teaching me for the past few months? The one that can turn someone into their spirit animal?” “Matthew, no don’t - I can’t leave if Alfred find’s out I’m missing from the castle there is no telling what he will do.” Looking at the Ace, The Queen’s face was masked with confusion and a hint of fear. “It’s like you said it yourself - my Queen. Someday you will have to learn when there is nothing you can do, nothing you can do to stop me from saving your life.” Matthew grabbed Arthur’s hand and grinned. “You are escaping with us, our people need their Queen Arthur. Regardless what form you take.” 
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70
I am personally glad that I updated this sooner than I expected.
 Anyways, with all this quarantining and lockdowns, somehow you will expect that I would have infinite of time to write…but welp, I live with children and it actually means I have less time since they’re not in the kindergarten. So pretty much my writing pace is either the same or less.
 I apologize. If this was not the situation, then you could easily expect an update weekly. Ah, how I wish! But patience as always! Enjoy!
                                                   Chapter 71
Many weeks passed, with each passing day a new stroke of grey. A storm seemed ready to brew, stationed in the Hearts capital, only adding to an ever-present gloom that was evident through all these vacant streets. Louis had counted twenty-six people exact from what she could see in the heights of this balcony that morning. Surely they had gone picking for groceries or heading to scheduled appointments, trying hard to live their normal day to day lives in the wake of this new war. So many had gone to fight…and only a few days before had a messenger arrived, worn and desperate, dirty and ruined, calling for more soldiers to come, in his hurry not saying more, Louis only able to notice how he wouldn’t stop shaking, how he was terrified to speak other words than the ones he was meant to say. No one else came after him, no letter showed, no difference was made. The alignment had long passed, whatever power, was granted. If they had been successful…everyone…everyone would have been here by now. Flowers, sparks and celebrations would have decorated the streets…the sky would be blue and Ludwig and Feliciano would give each other the tightest embrace they had ever shared. Yet the past Queen was here, gazing to the entrance gates, lost well between the mountains, expecting that fanfare…but only the occasional carriage came, as melancholy as the city. She sighed, turning back to the halls of the castle…darker than she had ever remembered them, colder, no rushing of life and no sound. She hurriedly paced wanting to find some sort of presence, and gratefully it came with a loud laugh, a clap of hands…and even little stomps.
 “I still can’t believe it,” one maid graciously laughed, bringing light once again.
 “Oh, Antonio and Lovino would be so happy to see this,” another said.
 Louis followed that heat of life and met a wonderful corner.
 Augustino had turned one recently, a very lonely birthday made for him, only Aldrich, Louis and a handful of servants in charge of his care. Not even Feliciano had asked for his presence…he had been silent for days. A maid had mentioned that the shield was gone, but even as so, Feliciano remained in bed, not a turn, not a breath… many servants wondered if he was even alive. Many times they came to find the plates of food as full as they had brought them, items untouched and not a word uttered, no call, not even a reaction for his nephew’s birthday. He missed his first steps, testing yet brave on these castle hall floors, wondered by the glows of the few lights on, suddenly rushed at the entrance of the old Queen. Louis couldn’t help taking him in her arms, raising him and giving the brightest smile she could give him. It was unfair to leave him in the glooms of these dark days, they had to show him that there were still things to smile about. She didn’t want to think about why the shield was down, why Feliciano couldn’t stand up, how her city seemed empty, how she heard nothing of how her loved ones were doing and what it could mean for them later. The servants there were just as unsettled and so she gave them reassurance with whatever timid smile she could give them, enough for them to breathe again, to instead focus on this bountiful child that kept laughing, reaching and playing no matter.
 Echoed steps interrupted, one of the front guards tripping at his reach to them, breathless and stalling his words.
 “Quick, what is the matter?” Louis demanded still with her own command, coming forward to help the man to even stand properly.
 “They’re coming, many, a great amount of many!”
 “Who’s coming?”
 “Some Heartians that were fighting with Khaos, I couldn’t see who exactly, but they’re bringing with them thousands of Clubians. They told me they are refugees seeking to stay in the city.”
 “Refugees?” One maid perked.
 “What on Earth has happened?”
 “I only saw and I am relying a message. I do not understand what’s going on either.”
 Louis didn’t wait, she hurried off, to the very front of the castle to welcome the crowds that were coming, slow and easy, not at all the energy she herself had, begging for any to be there already. For Augustino’s sake, she hoped for either Antonio or Lovino, but she also wanted her daughter, or her husband, Gilbert or…Ludwig…she desperately wished Ludwig would be the first to enter those gates.
 They came like a mist, undistinguished, it wasn’t until they were walking down the main castle road, now greyed, empty, without its usual gold and life, Louis noticed the colors. Spadian blue, Diamond yellow, Heartian red and many, many, many Clubian green. The first, the current lead to the castle, was Antonio, a flag in his hands as a lead to all who came behind him. He limped, his clothing was poor, he had bandages on his face and surely more under the layers, for he came with constant cringes upon his face. No matter, Augustino was unbeknown to all, he smiled, a shout to showcase it, hands open and dancing at his father’s welcome. It brought Antonio a much-needed grin, forcing a quicker pace if even the pain. He let the flag fall without a care at now the frontal castle courtyard, instead wanting to hold his son, completely enveloping him in his chest, nuzzling, kissing, taking in the scents he missed from him and his laughter.
 “I have missed you so much,” he told him, with every word a stronger grip.
 Renata then came, with her own flag leading the people that began to come in and continue to the entrance. Kandake then flew by at Pookie’s back, specifying where in the castle they could go. Emil walked by and Renata passed over her flag to him, so she could better focus on offering a hand and kiss to her grandson. Louis joined the hurdled, clearly shocked and questioning, only utters, trying to ask some sort of question they could give her.
 It seemed like whatever they would say, it would crumble them. Her breaths were already creating cracks ready to burst.
 “Whe-where-where…where’s everybody else?” They were too many to worry about.
 Where were her three kids? Where were her five grandkids? Where was anybody from her family? All through the crowds she could see but battered soldiers, some even being carried in beds, some covered completely as a form of respect. There were Clubians, citizens like any other as defeated, carrying carriages of items, some with crying children and elders who coughed on.
 “Roderich, Elizabeta and Lili are back in the city helping refugees locate. Alfred is still at the gates making sure everyone comes in,” Antonio at least told, turning with no other mentions, surely wanting the shade of the castle.
 “But, but-but…where’s my sons, my daughter? Where’s Gilbert, and where’s Vash? Whe-where’s, where’s Ludwig?”
 It was the only name that caused a startlement that stopped Renata and Antonio’s movements, shadowed more in this misery, not daring to look at the past Queen.
 “Your sons and Vash are stationed in Spades ready to act. Monika and Gilbert are still at the front lines fighting.”
 “Fighting? They’re still fighting?” Louis was desperate, standing in their way, not daring to let them pass until she knew everything. “I thought Ludwig was going to take care of everything, I thought he would have Khaos defeated by now, I thought-”
 “Ludwig is dead!” Antonio couldn’t take more…he just wanted to rest, he just wanted to be with his son…he didn’t want her to find out this way…but he wanted his sanity…he couldn’t continue to stand being in this sorrow. “…he’s gone…” Antonio was shivering now, keeping to Augustino as some sort of fire to keep him warm. “…he left us the very day of the alignment…he tried so hard…we saw him with unbelievable power face a monster…” he trembled more at the memories, his eyes reddening and watering. “…but nothing worked…nothing is still working…” sobs…and now not even Augustino was laughing, trying to understand what his father was showing, puzzled by these tears. “Cities are crumbling…people only continue to die…and no matter what we do…it’s not enough…nothing is enough…not against those two, not-”
 “…two? What do you mean two?” Louis raised her head, despite the sorrow, the tears that shed from her own eyes, she was determined to know exactly what was going on.
 Antonio was not going to tell her…he moved passed her without a word…it left Renata and Kandake with the straining tale to tell.
  Louis rushed the halls, leaving behind those that were meant to come with her. She took the shaft down, the circling hall, into the room, long free of magical shields. She huffed, her dress was in taters, her face marred in tears, breakage ready to combust. “Feliciano, Ludwig is-”
 “Dead…yes, I know…” Feliciano uttered in a quiet murmur, in his heap, yet refusing to face.
 “You knew…you knew…” she was too breathless to show if she was angered or saddened.
 “From the very moment…” Feliciano opened and closed his hands, perhaps their first movements in days, as if trying to come back to the room from whatever memories he placed himself in. “I felt it…I felt him leave as if he was dying right before me…as if I shared in his final pains…and it is awful…it’s awful to feel like this…he was ripped apart from my very being…and now all I feel is empty…I don’t feel him…I can’t really feel anything…I just…Aces, I can’t deal with this, I feel like nothing.” He released sobs yet again, the same of these weeks, daily, rocking his body in a compulsion. Louis ran forward, worried he was losing his breathing, far worse than whatever current fatigue she held.
 “He was everything…and he has been taken away… and I can’t-I can’t…I can’t even stand…I don’t want to face the world any longer without him.” Louis knew that there were no words, no comforting touch that could ail this crack fit to break the earth. How could she even comfort if she felt the same? She lost a dear grandson, cruelly and leaving behind so much disarray that was tearing apart their world. For once, she said nothing, she only stood and shared with him tears and shedding. They didn’t care for the new steps, for the new joins, to Feliciano nothing meant, he said what this inner void wanted, spreading to his speak and energy.
 “I want to die! I want to die if it means I can join him wherever he is. I can’t deal with this…I can’t with this pain!”
 The words shocked all the new who came, whatever news, plans or perseverance, washed away in the flood of tears that hanged. They knew then that now was not the time for their begs and insistence. There could only be but mourning, a powerful one, unbreakable. And so the group was defeated once again, bowing to this sorrow and letting it reign.
  Still, they could not leave him.
 The group took to refuge in the furthest they could get in this circular room. They prepared their own mats for rest if they felt like it, servants brought them all the meals of the day, they light up their area, dim to Feliciano and they circled themselves in their own conversations.
 “What cities have fallen?” Alfred asked, keeping a map with notes.
 “All of Yakutia is practically gone,” Lili announced, grave that she had to say it.
 “Khaos has made do with Noril’sk and Igarka.”
 “The other one has taken Ust’-Nera and Yagodnoye. Lukas and his men have offered to stay at Magadar and Sokol in order to keep that area. If the second one goes any further from there, it will start to enter Hungary,” Elizabeta trembled, her words yet managing a survive to tell.
 “They’ve only remained in the Club Kingdom?” Louis asked to be sure, the only one wrapped in a blanket, trying to hold down these continuous shivers, hoping desperately it was from the cold of being this bottom in the castle.
 “For now, yes,” Roderich answered.
 “How much longer?” She asked with such brokenness, ready to face a sure death only fated to come to them.
 They all hesitated. Some were confident in their armies, others thought the future bleak, and then they turned to Feliciano…still cradled, sleeping, no expectance.
 “Weeks, months?” Emil estimated.
 “We can’t really be sure.” Kandake kept statured gazes on Feliciano.
 “No matter, we must prepare Berlin for if either approach,” Renata had to insist, already concocting, ready to take from the papers and pens placed on the table.
 So much to do, so much catastrophe to expect, to continue to fight, to make last a barrier that they didn’t know could work fully.
 “How long are we permitted to stay?” Antonio asked with not a bit of his usual life, the only thing moving being the cradle he kept on Augustino’s back, sound asleep.
 “A messenger will come to tell us,” Alfred still kept his attention on the map, trying to figure something out.
 “And what do we do until then?” Emil asked, slightly frustrated and how he wasn’t doing his own aid, mostly not permitted because of his young age.
 “I believe calm and relax…this might be one of the only chances we get,” Elizabeta dreaded to think.
 “How can we do so with our people dying out there?” Antonio was indignant.
 “We still need it…we need to recuperate energy, think of new strategies and magic,” Roderich stood and began a pace.
 “…and talk to Feliciano,” Renata reminded, nothing of her usual charm on her.
 Chatter was dropped, the reminder a menace, a bomb ticking, sitting right behind them, comfortable at rest despite surely all the hidden turmoil.
 “…he is not well…and he won’t be for a while,” Lili wanted to make them realize, worried for the Queen’s wellbeing as the rest. “We can’t keep him in mind for whatever plans we have next.”
 “He’s exactly what we need to kill these things,” Emil pointed, trying to contain the anger, not wanting to awaken him.
 “He won’t this way,” Lili continued the discussion.
 “So we are to leave our world slowly get destroyed while he just lays in bed and does nothing.”
 “Emil, even if he were to awaken and decide to go fight, it won’t be enough,” Antonio came in.
 “He lost the alignment,” Lili managed her speech still.
 “Not just the power he was supposed to be granted, but he lost Ludwig, his husband and king. They were united in a tight bond with magic and spirit that is far from what you can understand,” Elizabeta spoke, from knowledge as Queen herself. She spared a glance to Roderich, dreading if something was to happen to either…and they had to suffer that abyss as well. “His current mental state is a sickness that is debilitating everything in his body, including his magic, no matter how powerful.”
 They all gazed together to the sleeping figure, only moving in breaths.
 “…it could be deadly to himself if we are not to watch,” Roderich reminded, trembling, fearful for Feliciano.
 Those words made all kept a heavier eye on the sleeping Queen, afraid that any miss would get him to slip away from their grasp.
 “As Lili said…we cannot depend on him for whatever happens next,” Elizabeta had to decree no matter how harsh.
 “But the prophecy,” Renata tried to defend, begging.
 “It’s useless,” Alfred joined.
 “We do everything ourselves then…” Emil dreaded.
 Silence settled, hoping for a new idea, hoping for a new chance to alight to them, but the room continued to be dark, continued to haunt. As a distraction…anything but to not look at her son’s sure crippling, even if he was asleep, Renata gazed about all the items in the room. The old candelabras, the weathered curtains, broken pillars, dented walls, the old paintings of past Queens who had birthed in this room. Her gaze settled the longest on one that was claimed to be Augusta with her own two sons, her own great grandparents. She looked so different here from what Feliciano had described when he saw her mural, nothing like a Valenti, nothing like family. She had to remind herself that this was but one of many depictions...long after the last war.
 “Augusta…when she lost Romulus was in the same misery…” Elizabeta told once again, seeing where Renata’s eyes lay.
 Alfred scoffed, “and it took her decades to get over it, all the while the war worsening around them.”
 They shivered if that were to be the repeat.
 “…but she did eventually go to fight,” Roderich reminded, “she did eventually defeat Khaos.”
 “I prefer we didn’t have to wait decades though,” Antonio said.
 “What was it that even pushed Augusta to fight in the end?” Alfred asked.
 “One of her sons decided to go and join the war himself. She wouldn’t stand losing another loved one,” Elizabeta said.
 The jewels of bearing were clearly visible from their sitting, a few vines growing more into his arms, but not a covering yet, the frontal jewel that was supposed to be on his forehead not present.
 They all sighed, it was fruitless.
  The days went on as this, the same pace, frustrations, topics, planning…and they could only come out with more defensive strategies and attacks that would be small and useless, they knew. Reports came in of the battle… Russia was crumbling, a specific message from Tulio mentioned that they had to send dispatches to the Amazonian region of Clubs as Khaos was making fast approach. They panicked to know that if the Amazon fell…it meant it could start going into the Spades Kingdom. They did not want to look at the death numbers, they trembled and cried at the insistence for new supplies, new weapons, new ideas. Abasi called for more Whiteans to come from hiding and join the battle, Tino wrote on the dwindling amount of flight boats they had, how he was losing men and plans to return to Hearts Kingdom to defend it…in the very likely case that Khaos or the other reached. Lovino was the only one who wrote still at the very front, his letters hurried and almost unintelligible at the sure speed or shake he kept. He begged for Feliciano. there was blood and tears on this parchment. He wrote on how they were sending back Vincenzo, as he had suffered an awful incineration that needed instant attention and away from the burnings of war.
 ‘He has marks that disfigure him all throughout, and I know no magic will never heal it’
 These words broke Renata, she succumbed to screams and kneeling, hitting the ground, cursing loud and deep for surely the whole castle to hear. She called for vengeance, that no matter her stature, they will find a way to make Khaos and the other pay.
 Destro, some wrote they were beginning to call him, and to have a name they took it, a mention in those rooms that brought darkness, desperation and acceptive defeat.
 Those in the Heartian castle went to-and-fro trying to find all kinds of answers for all these messages, yet no clear answer ever came, it was only a continuous block that kept them stuck in this repetition of actions that were already useless. Another message came calling most of them back to battle, others to come in their place. Only Kandake, Renata, Elizabeta and Lili were told to stay. They heavily disagreed, but they thought it best for Feliciano to be surrounded by people close to him, perhaps other Queens, to fight this very curse he found himself in. They held still to that piece of hope, one they thought could burn more brightly if they kindled it.
 That morning, while the others packed and did what they could to prepare, Kandake stayed with Feliciano, the both of them alone, of the rare moments Feliciano had gotten to be in silence. No other voices, no steps, no new stresses and turmoil of the world above. He could be numb, he could think of nothing and feel blank…only but the strokes Kandake gave on his arm, calming, soothing…but checking. She traced the new vines that grew, now some edge with a pure gold, never seen to her as bearing marks. She stayed longer on them admiring their beautiful shine. The jewels on his hands were perfectly formed, more protruding this time, but there was nothing else, a slow process, enough to say that perhaps these twins could be born much later than the expected. She suddenly moved his bangs to stare into his forehead. No jewel yet, only some hazed red vines at the very edges of the crown of his hair.
 “Your children are fine,” she told him, now beginning a caress between his soft curls. “It’s slow compared to most. You’ll probably be bearing for twelve months, but it’s nothing to worry about. Still can’t get a gender if you’re curious.”
 Feliciano responded in the nothing she had been used to the last days, only a late nod, slow, quickly back to the stillness of a painting.
 “You probably already heard, but, Antonio, Emil, Roderich and Alfred are heading back to battle…Aldrich is thinking of joining…Louis might follow right behind him.”
 Feliciano only showed a grip and a loosening of his hands. Kandake continued…trying…something…
 “They might go and join Gilbert and Monika. I know Antonio will replace Lovino at the front in the Amazon, Roderich will go with him. Emil will join my people…he figured if we combined our flight tactics, things could become sufficient. Alfred will go back to his own kingdom and prepare a defense…as well as for plans if they must evacuate…”
 Feliciano blinked, each flicker more saddened.
 “…Arthur will come here to Berlin…your brother, Kiku and Herakles too.” Kandake let the silence elongate, knowing no other words would bring a spell of life to him.
 “Why?” He suddenly pierced, his first word in days.
 “To be with you…”
 “…it won’t do anyone good…”
 “They are still coming…”
 Silence continued once again, Feliciano slowly accepting and responding more to her caresses, settling in her hands, a color slowly enveloping him.
 “…I know they’re coming to try and get me out of this…”
 “Feliciano, we understand that what you’re going through is hard, unimaginable and we have no right to demand anything from you right now. The rest of us are in our own mourning, weakened ourselves, but we want to believe in being together, in being there for one another.”
 He eased, there was a far echo of excitement, not strong enough to shine in its place on Feliciano, but Kandake felt like she could see it on a distance.
 “…we should all be out there…including myself.”
 “Then why not? Why not go out there?” Kandake was threading thin ice, but she was determined to test it.
 “…my power is not what it could be anymore…and I still feel so…empty and weak…it hurts to even breathe right now…” Internally he tried that constant reach again, nothing yet, Ludwig was gone, as he had been accustomed to discovering each time. “Even with all of you in the castle…even with all of you right here in this very room, I still feel so alone, so distant, unreachable to any of you…even right now you seem so far away…”
 Kandake halted, like coming to a realization that she had been caressing a ghost, transparent and disappearing. Yet, as she reached again, her fingers for sure met those curls, they scratched on his skull, she noticed every blink, every breath, every rise…he was there.
 “But I am here…I can assure you that, and I will be for as long as I can remain by your side…we all are.” She gazed up, as if with it she could call them all here to prove it. “Feliciano…we would never dare leave you alone, especially now. I would like for you to at least fight with that part of you that dare suggests such a thing. If you can’t see it, if you can’t feel it, we will do what we can to show it. That’s what were here for, to assure you of our loyalties, hopes and chances.” She almost wept at that desperation in the fragility of all. “Feliciano, we still wat to believe in the future, we want to believe in you, and no matter what it takes or how long, we will be here to help when it’s time to stand.”
 There were constant grips in his hands, reaching the ever closer to her, to truly feeling her there.
 “We have all grown vengeful…I also wish to be out there and do what I can in the honor of Pisa…and so many now want to on Ludwig’s name.”
 More breaths, more color came to him.
 “I want to be out there to regain the Kingdoms once again, to stop this time from an entire kingdom falling as mine had done…but my loyalty to you, my dreams of seeing a Valenti finish the menace as another had done, weights before all else. I want my own vengeance fulfill in your glory as it was promised…and I’m sure I’m not the only one.”
 The duty, the expectation… the fears of it all that had haunted, that had plagued…
 In the last instants before the battles started, he grew that courage to be in his place, to face and fight. He was giddy, confident, there was a time he was already celebrating…but now it was like meeting the challenge all over again, trembling and falling at its door. Once again, he doubted, he denied…he was never to be what any of the kingdoms ever expected from him.
 There was a time he would do it all for Ludwig, and only for him, but as his eyes caught the glimmer of red from his hand...
 “You have your children now,” Kandake reminded. “You still have the chance to give them a life without war. I know it’s what you want now above all…and it’s what Ludwig would have wanted as well.”
 And for once…it was almost like he could see him clearly, leaning beside him on the bed, joining Kandake’s caresses, smiling and telling him to be brave, that they could do this. Feliciano’s lips trembled in a slight grin, reaching and hoping he could touch him…but after all, it was just a memory, an image from his mind that could never come alive.
 “There has to be an answer…there has to be something…and I’m sure we can find it together. Despite everything, you are still the prophesied one that has to end it all.”
 Feliciano reverted back to his silence, like Kandake had not uttered such words…back to the beginning.
 “Miss…” a young servant came, bowing before both. Kandake answered with her own, but Feliciano continued ignoring any new presence. “They are about to leave and would like your presence for their farewell.”
 She nodded, “right away.”
 He hurriedly left, while Kandake sighed and prepared words to tell them.
 “I’ll be back,” she stood and although Feliciano shivered at her miss, he did nothing else, only Pookie, who had been nuzzling on his back, raised and gave a curious flight as to where she was going. He still returned, he still knew he had to stay with his master at this time. He cuddled back to the usual it had become.
 Prophecies, prophecies, prophecies…if they could have written everything…every step, every direction the outcomes will pave. A clear way that any chosen could follow, and everything could be fulfilled as it was wished by the heavens. Feliciano didn’t have this booklet, this book, this divine mapping in the sky…only but a little St. Mark currently cuddling into his back and whatever will he held. He sighed, wishing to know what to do, how to start…how to even stand from this bed. And when he did…what then? What strategy? What plan? What magic? They had used every new thing they learned from the books they brought, their most powerful weapons, spells…the other that could have done something to stop this…was killed.
 The harsh reminder that always had Feliciano turning back to the pillow or the blankets to shed his tears, grip and shake in the thunder of this pain again. But the thunder this time, refused to engulf the jewels, for they called louder, they made a proclamation that alighted Feliciano in a new sense.
 His children…the little ones…they would be all, they would be this world, this kingdom, Feliciano… and Ludwig.…Ludwig…he suddenly sat…as if he alighted that moment for him to run and embrace.
 The room was as empty as always, Pookie startled and looking about, wondering what could have caused Feliciano’s first raise in weeks.
 No…he was not there…but as he soothed his fingers on the jewels…he could finally feel…almost even see, these specks of magic…of life, of creation. Some were of his…with the potent of gods and a power that was Queen in the universe, and then the others…Ludwig. A line showed powerful even if not at the wealth of gods. It was of Kings, of ruling and leadership to bring forward all the kingdoms in one. Ludwig was there…Ludwig was involved in that growing magic that would one day bring their children. He will live through them, he would be alive in their magic, forever then in a new line that would be their own together.
 “Ludwig…” he whispered, as if meeting him again that instant.
 “Your children will be their own life, their own paths and power…” something rung, deep within him, yet releasing and surrounding him. “…but Ludwig is there…” She seemed to whisper. “He will always be with you…as will I.” Feliciano hummed in delight at his great grandmother’s embrace and kiss. “They will all be here…you are here. You have the ability to stand and act.” With whatever magic or even wind, she caressed his face. “Do not as I did, where I waited decades before I knew I could defeat Khaos. It is still the beginning, you still have a great chance to save many and be the hero I knew my lineage would bring. Avenge your beloved. For him, your family and your kingdom, bring glory…” her breaths were slowly dispersing, she was disintegrating, leaving away to his inner depths, but he reached out, refusing her farewell yet.
 “But how…how can I do this now?” He begged, yet so fragile and small.
 Augusta smiled, knowing that beneath it, there was a winged lion with a menacing roar. His very own, Pookie, seemed to stare right at her, curious, wondering, reaching ever closer to see if he could earn friendship from this vision.
 “I believe Pookie can help you.” Like a playful child, she chuckled, gone in that last grin.
 Silence reigned in the room again…nothing at all coming back as Feliciano desperately hoped, looking at every corner as if she could materialize through these places again.
 No…he was alone…with Pookie…who according to her word…could help.
 He stared with great suspicion at him, as if expecting him to speak and defend himself from his crime.
 “Have we…shared absolutely everything to one another?” He asked the little creature, with big question and innocence in his big eyes.
 Feliciano sighed, finding himself in hopelessness yet again.
 Something about that exchange brought a sudden reminder to the lion, a jump, a spin, a casting of magic that alighted his frontal jewel. Feliciano had payed no mind to it…until a sudden weight befell on his lap. He was surprised to see a book, adorned in the shine and silvers that were known from those of Khaos’s library.
 “Wha-what…what?” He kept repeating, taking it and rounding it in his hands, exploring every new crevice, every new corner, mend and art…new…and not of the first pile that they had introduced to the castle from when they had returned from the spheres of validity journey.
 “Pookie, did you…have you kept this ever since we were in Khaos’s castle?” He was incredulous, lost in what reaction he should show.
 There was a shake of his head, bashful and blamed, but Feliciano knew it was his admittance to what he asked.
 “Did you…forget to give this to us?"
 Another shake that meant that it was in fact.
 Feliciano groaned, angered with strong menace, but yet…he was merciful, for he knew Pookie, despite a gift from the Aces, was still an animal, with faults as…forgetting that he had one extra book that he had kept in the storage of his magic. He would have been angrier if the book’s tittle was clearly: ‘How to defeat Khaos, a step by step guide.’, but it wasn’t the case. In fact, the book’s title was: ‘The Soul and Spirit Interludes.’ What good will a book about the afterlife and the core of their spirits have? It was the kind of book that Feliciano knew, even if they had it in the first pile, they would have ignored and considered useless, but now, he could recall Augusta’s words… and perhaps…
 He stood, cringing at the sudden force he gave his legs. He had been in bed for weeks and so they cracked and threatened to tumble him to the ground again. He took his time to whale and grimace, forcing them to take their usual rhythm of steps, practiced as he kept a desperate hold to the bed. Once he saw the door, it looked distant, making him dread that he had to push forward, had to take his usual lineage of breaths, run, command, be Queen and face the war.
 He rolled his eyes, cursing whatever new desires for naps, pushing himself past the thresholds, free, controlling. His life was his again.
 He smiled, grandiose and beautiful, Pookie spinning and cuddling in flight with his elation.
 “Come…we have to find everybody.” And for what seemed for the first time in decades, he walked those halls once again, raising his arms and eyes to point at hope and chances.
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