#The Spider Queen
criticalbeauregard · 1 month
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making this through tears
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common ground is powerful in couples counselling
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undead-knick-knack · 1 month
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Icon Behavior™️
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chaoticcomposition · 8 months
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"Oh, Vierna. My heart sings to see you."
lolth tells athalia she wants to speak to vierna to reestablish a connection, vierna complies. I don't think lolth knows what personal space is
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annemarieyeretzian · 1 month
the spider queen adding insult to injury as dorian turns to leave,,, telling him “it could’ve been you. you could’ve put on the crown. maybe it all would’ve gone differently. you were too much of a coward to do what needed to be done and now your brother is dead…”,,, dorian not responding to the spider queen, not acknowledging her at all, and his disdain for her making a betrayer god flinch
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everybodyloveshippos · 8 months
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Lolth; The Lady of Chaos, The Mistress of Lies
my take on at least on of Lolth's forms. i like the idea of her having no adornments, in contrast to the elaborate braids and robes of her worshippers. I also imagine that her avatars/visits to menzobarranzan in drow form are similarly plain, almost mocking the matrons with simple garb but an aura of otherworldlyness and danger. i was going to have her hair down but i like the web hair. she is a goddess after all.
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meremere21 · 1 month
I love and adore Opal/Aimee for constantly trying to negotiate with the Spider Queen/Aabria about just how mean she needs to be to her friends😭😭😭😭😭😭but I am also scared for how this encounter is going to end 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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And finally the background(s) I made for the #ExandrianMasquerade.
I had a ton of fun doing each and every one of the gods!
✨do not repost my art | Reblogs are love✨
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virovac · 1 year
So since Spider Queen is in public domain
(Spider-Man writers totally stole webshooters from this,  The web formula was created by her late husband but she created the web shooters)
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I’m thinking a more Batman Animated series style redesign and also making her fight almost like a stage magician, filling a place with traps of her webs.
...also thinking making her bi but struggling with feeling disloyal to her husband if she moves on, rather than a dumb romance with the detective who thinks she’s a criminal
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kidddcaptain · 25 days
Charak, where have you been?
Charak had been using his cane for a year now, it served two purpose: one its intended use and two it served as a sign for any self respecting cursed human that he had left that world and that his sister was now at the head of that world.
The mistake he made was assuming all people within that world was self respecting. A mistake that made itself apparent at the same time a white suite being pushed to its limits by muscle blocked his path. Inconvenient but nothing that wouldn't take longer than an hour, the suit did not need to speak it was obvious this was a duel, curse vs curse.
"I am sure you know why I am here, I challenge you for your spot in the eternal fight."
"I gave up my spot dip shit go fight my sister, I get it the mandibles are scary but you'll get used to it." Charak smirked showing off fangs, a final warning.
"Do not insult me I am far stronger than that pitiful replace-" Charak raced forward and threw a a punch at 50% cutting off the large mans speech as the air was banished from his lungs "It seems that you are still adept with your abilities despite a year of cowardly hiding"
"Enough. The first law of the eternal fight states both cured humans reveal the terms of their curse, challenger first."
"My curse comes with my name 'Masaki Byron, pride is your sin you shall indulge in it uncontrollably. At its height it will strengthen you beyond all measure and it will lead to the end of your family line'."
"My curse states 'may the first born child inherit the spider goddesses form, power and magic. They will be able to take on any one or all of her characteristics but if they do not take on a characteristic one a day their body will weaken'." With introductions out of the way Charak let magic flood him for the first time in a year and a half, he felt the spirit of the spider queen and smiled. It was good to see her again in all truth he had missed fighting. His knees were still working through the years depraved of magic are not at the same level as the rest of his body.
A flash of white fabric filled his eyes and he reflexively guarded the side of his head with his arms strengthened by basic magic, It would still hurt though, this Byron guy had to be at least seven feet tall maybe seven foot three inches? Plus his arms were wider then Charaks entire torso. His arms bent the bones where close to shattering and he moved, it was only half an inch to the left but it was more than he would have moved back in his prime. two large hands grabbed both sided of Charaks body. "You're strong I wasn't able to go all out even with your brother," The hands at his sides tightened forcing the ribs to splinter "Haha, I knew it that weird samurai cosplayer was the only one you had left. Well you're gonna meet him soon"
Charaks knees felt like they had finally adjusted. His foot flew up with such speed and force that when Masakis head was thrown back his grip loosened and he had to step back, Charak took a deep breath in and pushed out with his forearms breaking free of the freakish hands attached to the suit. He jumped back and dropped onto his hands and feet, then in one sudden and startling motion two more arms sprouted from Charaks armpits.
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bumble-b1 · 1 month
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Working on an Opal piece. Very excited to see where it goes but it is going to take some time, my friends. Possibly long enough for her to become the BBEG, I mean what?
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criticalbeauregard · 1 month
actually breaking down about morrighan’s choice of what to save of opal. we don’t know what may now happen to opal. her and fy’ra rai have pushed the spider queen far enough and fy’ra said she wanted to stay at opal’s side no matter what meaning the spider queen may destroy every remaining part of what makes opal opal EXCEPT morrighan’s love for her (idk how much of that was canon dialogue/between players) and conviction that opal can ALWAYS COME BACK FROM THIS. no matter what she becomes or what the spider queen makes her do she will remember she is NOT her abomination and she can come back from it. and without that important piece, even an opal that comes out of this may have been too ashamed to return to her friends or assumed they want nothing to do with her.
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There's something beautiful and dark and fascinating about this moment where Opal and Fy'ra Rai are symbolically reflecting Poska and Fy'ra Kai
The Ones who have plunged headfirst into shallow water to serve desperate gods in a looming war, and The Nameless Ones who have waged wars on entire cities for the vestige Opal possesses
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undead-knick-knack · 1 month
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Lolth needs to relax fr
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chaoticcomposition · 9 months
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the og fuckhands mcmike, lolth
my hc is that she appears more frightening and monstrous (more spider legs, more eyes, pincers) to people who don't worship her and less to people who do. still monstrous, but a bit less
my inspiration for her was pulled from a mix of official sources and my brain, but the primary source was the monster manual expanded sec. ed cover. she's probably a goddess of many avatars 😌
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annemarieyeretzian · 1 month
fy’ra telling the spider queen “I won’t leave her.”,,, fy’ra saying “this is my sister now.”,,, fy’ra shouting “I WILL NOT WALK AWAY!”
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