#The Temple Guard said FUCK THE SENATE
catboydogma · 3 months
Fox arrived late because the caf machine in the Guard HQ was broken. The caf machine was broken because some enterprising, thick-skulled individual had been suplexed directly through the rickety table in the officers’ mess. Someone blessed with a head hard enough to compete with Prime’s had been suplexed through the table because Thire was having a day in which physical violence was the answer to all his various and myriad issues.
Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard was beginning to think that Commander Thire’s was the correct approach to living.
“Fox,” Noon-Chi said, voice even and quiet.
“Noon,” Fox grunted out, stiffly dropping onto the seating provided at the edge of a long, low table. He had to have sunk a good five inches into the squishy, overstuffed cushions, feeling for all the world like he was being swallowed by a marshmallow.
They had come to an agreement, of sorts. Master Hyeon would call Fox “Fox” instead of “Commander” and Fox would call his Senate-mandated Jedi Healer “Noon” instead of “Jedi Master Hyeon” and all parties were satisfied with appearing to be at ease with each other. Thus, Fox would no longer be pestered by Commander Cody et. al., and Noon-Chi could make placidly smug faces at his fellow Jedi Masters.
This did, however, come at the cost of Noon no longer stiffening like a guilty shiny whenever Fox used his Commander “lecturing Hound for bringing sopping wet massiff puppies into the mess and ‘accidentally’ releasing them” voice.
Whoever Master Hyeon had been before he’d come to the Jedi Temple, Fox knew, it was someone who had been in one of the lowest echelons of a military chain of command. Some things were wound into muscle and bone from birth—or in Fox’s case, decanting. 
“You look awful,” Noon told him, still in that calm, even tone. Fox hadn’t yet managed to pry out of him where the fuck he was from—he was getting close, though, he could feel it—but Noon tended towards a heavy accent, one with rolling R’s and abbreviated vowels.
Fox grunted in reply.
“I’ll make tea.” Noon got up, sighing with the motion, and went for the little kitchenette attached to his quarters.
Tea seemed to fix everything for some Jedi. Noon was not one such Jedi, but he had a crusade out for finding a tea that wouldn’t make Fox delicately pretend to retch into his cup. Fox aimlessly traced patterns into the low tabletop as he listened to Noon puttering around in the kitchen, his particular and strange gait almost familiar by now. When he’d first met with Noon, he’d expected to be ushered into an office—like the one that General Windu worked out of, or one of the “therapist” offices that sometimes populated the holodramas a few of Fox’s troopers liked to watch.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
I decided to write a thing. This is specifically about Kanna and the Corrie Guards, at the beginning of the war. It also has something to do with Coruscant being haunted as fuck.
I apologize if there are any misspellings, I do everything on my phone.
The Halls of Healing were quiet, not unusual for this early in the morning, but Kanna was unsettled all the same. It didn't feel like the normal calm of early morning...rather it felt like the calm before a massive storm.
A part of her knew that it was her anxiety speaking. Intergalactic war was not inconsequential, after all. And the fact that the opposing side was led by a former jedi-
Kanna wasn't stupid. She knew that people didn't have the same faith in the Jedi as they once did. And she couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to get worse.
She released a quiet breath, and sent a stray tendril through her bond with her Master, some of the tension she hadn't really realized that she was holding fading as she realized the older woman was still deep asleep.
It eased something in her, knowing that her Master wouldn't see a battlefield. Not that her Master was an incapable warrior, no, but because as prickly as she was, Vokara was a healer first and foremost. A healer who can fight...unlike Kanna, who was a fighter who could heal.
But. None of that was important.
What was important was the fact that there was a battalion of clones stationed on Coruscant, dedicated to protecting the senate and everyone else on Coruscant.
Which was fine. Or. Would have been fine if she hadn't noticed the absolutely terrifying fact that Coruscant liked the Clones.
Coruscant was...well, Kanna didn't exactly have a word for it, but Eldritch was good enough. And the only person who seemed to recognize this was Master Windu. Though the one time she tried to talk to him about it, he merely pet her on the head and walked away like her hadn't heard her
Blind though she might be, Kanna couldn't not notice the way his force presence coiled in terror at the mention of lower Coruscant.
It was a valid response, really.
Kanna resolutely did not think about the three days she was trapped on the lower levels.
-hunted hunted hunted blood bleeding I'm hurt master help me-
Kanna released a second, deeper, breath. And carefully slipped out of the apartment she shared with her Master. She pulled her robe tighter around her and she pretended it was because the temple was chilly so early in the morning, and it wasn't from the gleeful malevolence radiating from everywhere.
Years of practice made slipping out of the temple easy, and she really should say something about that, but it was a Later Kanna problem, not a Now Kanna problem.
Luckily the trip to the Coruscant Guard Barracks was uneventful, and she supposed that her Jedi robes made her look like she had some authority, because the young anxious clone who greeted her immediately brought her to the Marshal Commander.
He felt annoyed. Kanna felt bad about it, because she wasn't going to make his day any better.
"Hello," Oh, was that her? She sounded nervous even to her own ears, "I'm Kanna Rae...uh, padawan Kanna Rae."
She could feel him staring at her and it was beginning to make her uncomfortable, "I had the understanding that the Guard wasn't going to have Jedi Oversight."
His voice was gravelly and her stomach flipped nervously, he sounded annoyed too. "Uh...well, no? I mean. Not so far as I know. I work in the Halls of Healing-" Kanna forced her mouth shut before she started rambling.
"Right. Right. I'm here because there's some information you need. About Coruscant." Kanna said quickly, "Information that you need."
"And what's that?"
"Coruscant is haunted."
The room was silent, and Kanna winced when she felt his ire directed at her, "Is that a joke?"
"No! It-I..." Kanna floundered for a moment, "maybe Haunted isn't the right word? I know there are demons on the lower levels...and possession isn't all that uncommon in the lower levels as well-"
"Assuming I believe you, which I don't, but assuming I did. Why tell me this?"
"Well. Coruscant likes you. All of you. It is generally not considered a good thing, Commander." Kanna hesitated and then quickly dropped a datapad and a comm on the desk, "There's information on how to preform and exorcism on the datapad. And the comm has my private number on it. Should-uh-should you need it."
He was silent again, but he accepted the comm and datapad, and the remaining tension drained out of Kanna. "If there's anything else-?"
"Uh...no. That's it. Um...have a nice day?" She asked, awkwardly, before she bowed at the waist and hurried out of the office.
A different clone from the one who showed her into the office escorted her out, "Don't worry, Little Commander. Everyone gets like that when they meet Fox for the first time." He ruffled her hair, and then gently shooed her out of the building.
Kanna stood in front of the Corrie Barracks for a moment, and then she shivered and pulled her robe tighter around herself.
Less than a week later, Kanna got a text message from Commander Fox. It was a simple message. 'You were right. Come help.'
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
I feel like you know the temple guard the most. I want to make a temple guard oc but shes not an actual jedi or temple guard. Instead she is just some vagabond who decides to chill out and lazy about in the jedi temple. The guards only tolerate her cuz she is not an actual threat to the temple or jedi and even occasionally cooks for the jedi. She owns a sword based on a miaodao that is made of a light sabers proof metal. Would such a character be realistic or would the temple guard not tolerate her?
You want to make a Jedi temple guard OC who… isn’t a guard or a Jedi? I apologize but that seems… counterproductive? Is that the word? Either way, I somewhat understand but also largely don’t so here’s my general answer to you question:
To be perfectly blunt, I don’t think the Temple Guard would even tolerate her. She’d be escorted or kicked out immediately.
So canonically the Temple itself isn’t even open to senators that often if at all, let alone citizens or armed figures (bounty hunters, mercenaries, etc.). The Temple is as much of a HOUSE as it is a religious building, the Jedi aren’t gonna let strangers and armed non-Jedi just waltz in where their sick, injured, elderly, and defenseless also are. So pretty much, the only people really allowed into it were the Jedi— we don’t even see Clones in the Temple
In fact, only place we see anyone who isn’t a Jedi in the Temple is the Hangar where there were workers employed by the Jedi. Something that I’m still not 100% sure is necessary but like Filoni needed a plot point I guess. And even then there was hints a excessive screening and tests and a lot of painstakingly complicated processes.
Do you have any idea what someone has to go through to work in the Jedi Temple, hm? Jackar dedicated his life to serving the Jedi. It had been his dream. Not just anyone can walk into your precious Temple. He passed all the entry tests that were needed. [TCW 05x17]
Anyways, since you said she wasn’t a Jedi, no, the Guard wouldn’t tolerate her at all.
But even if she was a Jedi, she wouldn’t be allowed to join the Temple Guard but not be a Jedi Temple Guard. The general security branch? Maybe. The Temple Guard? Not at all.
The Guard is canonically one of the most closed off sects— to join is to loose identity and enter a higher calling beyond your name rank and title. You serve the Order and Temple, and nothing else.
On top of that, if a random, non Jedi decided to show up and attempt to take their job of Guarding the temple, they would be hella peeved— a job that the Guard have dedicated their lives to and to the point of throwing away their names.
So to be perfectly blunt: No the Jedi Temple Guard would not tolerate her at all.
Is the character realistic? Ehhh that’s for you to decide, it’s fucking Star Wars, nothing matters and everyone is gay. But strictly speaking by canon and legends and source materials? she would not be allowed on the premises without explicit permission from the Jedi Order itself— Let alone armed.
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lonewolflupe · 28 days
aLoF ch11 | Downfall Of The Sane Mind
Join the Lone Wolves on another mission! There's Obi-Wan and Cody, Anakin, Ahsoka and Rex, Fives and Jesse, and a Republic Senator in need of rescuing. Lots of action packed fun, action packed horrors, and action packed mental breakdowns (I warned you this was going to get darker from this chapter on).
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Summary: the Lone Wolf Squad is requested to rescue a Republic Senator Rating: Mature Tags: canon-typical violence (description of battlefield), swearing (usage of slang; kriff/kriffing = fuck/fucking, kark = shit), angst, mental breakdown Words: 7.788k Characters: Lupe (OC), CT Ragnar (OC), CT Claw (OC), CT Fang (OC), CT Twist (OC), CC-2224 Commander Cody, CT-7567 Captain Rex, ARC-5555 Fives, CT-5597 Jesse, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Senator Bail Organa, unidentified clone troopers, unidentified clone medic aLoF masterlist | AO3 < Previous chapter | Next chapter >
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20 BBY, Coruscant | GAR Barracks’ Hangar
(Before Umbara Campaign)
“S-sir, there's an incoming t-transmission at the s-ship.” Twist’s voice startled Lupe, because she didn't expect someone would come looking for her here. She was located at her usual spot, sitting between some left behind crates at the very edge of the hangar. She felt pleasantly at ease at this spot, between the clones; she was able to think more clearly here than back at the Jedi Temple.
“Wait, at the ship? Who is it?” Lupe shot up straight at once, adrenaline taking over instantly. Twist shrugged in ignorance; he hadn't lingered around to find out, as Ragnar had ordered him to go and find their General right away. He joined Lupe as she jolted back towards the ship. It was highly irregular for them to receive transmissions at the ship when they were back at Coruscant. If the Jedi Council wanted them on a mission, they would contact Lupe directly.
“.. she'll be here, sir,” she heard Ragnar say as she sprinted up the boarding walk. His voice was serious; it always was, but he would regularly let his guard down when they were together with the squad. She imagined he was addressing someone higher up in command. When she entered the ship's cockpit, she was welcomed by the blue glow of a hologram. Cody.
“Commander,” Lupe greeted him, a slight tone of surprise in her voice. She recollected her memories from the last time she was around him; which had been during her secret get-together with Fives. At the officers' refreshers. A blush appeared on her cheeks, and she was glad it wasn't visible over the holotransmission.
“General, glad you could make it,” Cody said to her, nodding before getting straight to the point. “We're in a bit of a situation and we could really use your squad over here,” he continued, averting his gaze for a moment when the sound of an explosion could be heard near Cody’s position. “We found ourselves in a bit of a dire spot and, er- Could use some assistance.”
All the boys had joined Lupe in the cockpit by now, and were listening to Cody's transmission in fullest concentration. They now looked up at their General in anticipation, awaiting her reply. A smirk appeared on Lupe's face right before she addressed the Commander. “Where do you need us, Commander?”
Mid Rim | Lambda Sector | Talbhin (Separatist Occupied Planet)
As always, Claw’s piloting skills had made the journey a rather tolerant one. The hyperspace journey towards the Separatist occupied planet of Talbhin, located in the Mid Rim, hadn't taken too long. Cody hadn't been able to share any more intel about the mission, as he was obviously under heavy fire. But Lupe was sure they'd find out soon enough.
Claw landed the shuttle at the rendezvous point, and when they had geared up, they departed their ship. Once outside, Lupe was in awe by the sight of the planet around them. Apart from the destruction the war had brought, Talbhin was beautiful. Its slightly humid rainforest terrain was filled with colourful foliage, giving off a neon-like glow. It was a picturesque scene, and Lupe wished she could have beheld it without the war ravaging through it.
What actually made her heart skip a beat was the sight of ARC trooper Fives in full attire, the neon glow of the plants behind him painting an unworldly spectacle on the white plastoid plates of his armour. Oh Maker. He was standing at the edge of the clearing, accompanied by several 501st troopers. Lupe bit her lip, trying to regain her focus; she was here on a mission, for karking out loud.
As the Lone Wolf Squad reached the end of the boarding walk and made it to the planet’s surface, Commander Cody came walking towards them, Captain Rex at his side. The fighting had died down, but Lupe knew from experience it was only temporary.
“Commander, Captain, so good to finally meet you out in the field,” Lupe said, granting the officers a quick, respectful nod in greeting. “General, Lone Wolf Squad, thanks for freeing your schedule,” Cody started as soon as they had reached the squad. “I tried getting my usual Batch for this one, but they were.. unavailable,” he admitted, almost apologetic he had dragged them out here.
But the Lone Wolves loved a challenge, and didn't mind getting into some action. Lupe huffed at the Commander's confession. “So we were only your second choice?” she shot at him, trying to sound disappointed, but the playful tone in her voice and the way the corners of her mouth twitched into a smirk gave away she was just teasing.
Rex chuckled under his helmet, but Cody proved a bit more hard to entertain. He was probably exhausted from his General dragging his former Padawan along on the mission, and Cody was just filtering out all the sassy and witty remarks that had been shot around the place.
“We're currently setting up a field command post to plan our next moves. The Generals will join us shortly. We'll let you know when we start our briefing,” Cody said plainly and practically, before turning around and marching off to his troops, shouting orders along the way.
Rex stayed behind, watching Cody marching away before he took off his helmet, putting it under his left arm. With his other arm, he gave Lupe a forearm handshake. “Don't mind him; this was supposed to be a two rotation job, but it's been seven now. He's been here from the start,” Rex elaborated with an apologetic smile on his face. “No harm done, Captain. We're just glad to be of any help,” Lupe shot back at him, before loosening the grasp from their shake.
“I'll go see how they are progressing with that command post. Won't be long now,” Rex said as he nodded to the squad. He turned around to walk off, but hesitated, and turned back towards Lupe. He sighed, shaking his head; he didn't believe he was going to say this. “I know someone's excited about your arrival for, er- different reasons, sir,” he said in a whisper, just loud enough for Lupe to hear over the sounds coming from the encampment.
A smirk appeared on her face, and as Rex walked off to go check on said command post, Lupe noticed Fives had neared them. He was standing at the edge of the rainforest, awkwardly shifting on his feet whilst waiting for both Cody and Rex to disappear.
Lupe turned around to the squad, who were making themselves comfortable at a nearby collection of cargo crates for as long as they had to wait to receive their intel. “Please excuse me for a moment, boys,” she said to them, her mind already elsewhere, before she strode off to Fives’ location as casually as possible.
Ragnar grunted as he was fidgeting with his vibro-axe. “I’m still not sure about his intentions,” he remarked in a low voice. He looked at the ARC trooper sideways when their General reached him. Claw leaned his elbow on the crate at Ragnar’s side. “He was known as a bit of a womaniser, back at the barracks and 79’s,” Claw reacted to Ragnar's distrust, his gaze sliding past his sergeant towards the couple.
Fang joined them, crossing his arms as he didn't divert his eyes from the scene they were witnessing. “I've never even seen him with a woman, before the General,” he added, snorting out of aversion. Twist was the only one who wasn't looking at the scene, granting their General the slightest privacy she could get under the circumstances.
“She s-seems happy,” Twist said softly, almost too shy to go against his disgruntled brothers. Ragnar looked up at him, appreciating Twist's optimistic view on the matter, but the concern about their General's well-being weighed heavier on him. “Yeah, that's what I'm worried about,” he said with a sigh, afraid Fives would eventually crush that happiness one way or another.
The field command post was nearly finished, and when a portable holomap of the nearby area emerged, all present officers were being assembled. With what almost seemed like a loving smile on her face, Lupe put her hand on Fives’ crossed arms for a moment, before walking off to join the field briefing.
Fives still had his gaze on Lupe as she walked away, his helmet under his arm by now. He was unaware of the smirk that appeared on his face, as he was very much lost in thoughts - probably bringing up memories of a certain moment at the officers’ refreshers, not that long ago. He didn't notice Ragnar walking over to him, in a slow but confident strud. The sergeant was holding his vibro-axe in one hand, and was sharpening its blade with the whetstone in his other hand.
He halted in front of Fives, a bit too close for his liking, but he was an ARC trooper; he wasn't quick to be intimidated. Ragnar didn't look up from his axe as he addressed Fives. “If you ever hurt her, just know we'll come for you,” he said slowly, in a low and threatening voice. Fives raised a brow whilst slightly turning his head towards the sergeant. “And why would I do that?” he huffed. Ragnar shot him a quick look; there was a fire in his eyes. “You tell me,” he bit back, before wandering back to the other Lone Wolves.
Fives parted his arms and let them hang, shrugging his shoulders in a confused gesture. He watched as the squad granted him threatening looks - except for Twist, who was clearly very uncomfortable with everything.
Jesse came walking over, grinning from ear to ear as he slapped Fives on the pauldron, his other hand on his hip. “I see you're befriending wolves again,” he snickered. Fives shook his head. “Why are they all like that? Were they all personally raised by Wolffe or something?” Jesse couldn't help but laugh at the remark, although it was clearly less amusing to Fives.
“It’s escalating from bar fights into receiving serious threats now,” he continued his complaining, not letting the Lone Wolves out of his sight. Another chuckle from Jesse. “Brother, if I remember the stories correctly, you started that bar fight. Besides, it doesn't help you’re doing- you have a thing going on with their General,” he shot at him, an amused smile on his face.
With a wild shrug, Fives shook Jesse's hand from his pauldron. “So you're taking their side now?” he shot at his brother, but there was an amused tone in his voice. Jesse smirked. “Not at all. It's just.. I know what a pain in the shebs* you can be,” he laughed, bumping his shoulder into Fives’. “And I love you too, vod*,” Fives replied, putting his arm around Jesse's shoulder.
*shebs = ass | vod = brother
When Lupe neared the field command post, excitement started to well up within her. Already waiting at the post, she could see Generals Kenobi and Skywalker, accompanied by Anakin’s Padawan Ahsoka. Lupe would never forget this day, where she and her Lone Wolves were going to accompany both the 212th Battalion and the 501st Legion on their mission.
When Ahsoka noticed Lupe, her face lit up. “Master Lupe!” she shot out, making the other Jedi look up at her. Lupe smiled; it hadn't been the first time Ahsoka had called her Master, and although she was far from ready from ever being one, it felt endearing coming from the Padawan. “Koh-to-yah, Ahsoka,” Lupe greeted her in Kel Dor, Master Plo Koon’s language, as she knew Ahsoka spoke some of it as well.
The Padawan’s eyes glistened. Anakin chuckled at her side, before turning towards Lupe. “It seems you already wrapped up my Padawan, but what about my Master?” he said teasingly, crossing his arms as he nodded towards Kenobi at his other side. “Former Master,” Obi-Wan corrected him with a sigh, before turning towards Lupe. “Glad to see you outside the High Chamber, for once,” he remarked to her, a bit stern, but with a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Give her some slack, Obi-Wan. She was brave enough to stand up for the clones. That doesn't happen too often,” Anakin shot at his former Master. “Yes, which we all very much appreciate, but you're forgetting we still have a war to win,” Obi-Wan continued, more of an argument towards Anakin than holding it against Lupe. She stood just by, amused by the bickering, as Ahsoka joined her at her side. “They're always like this,” she whispered to Lupe, who couldn't help but snicker.
“If you had taken me off your leash, I could have finished this mission four rotations ago,” Anakin grunted, whilst pointing into the direction of the frontline. Obi-Wan stroked his ginger beard as he continued the discussion. “Although I appreciate the fact that would have given Cody some rest, I do have to remind you there are some delicate components to this mission. And we all know how things turn out when you get involved.”
Just when Anakin opened his mouth to return Obi-Wan’s wit, Cody cleared his throat to get their attention. He had been standing there during the entire discussion, and was too tired to hear any more of it. “I'm sorry to interrupt, Generals, but we have a campaign to complete,” he contributed to the conversation, sounding more tired with the minute.
Obi-Wan, standing next to him, briefly put his hand on his Commander's shoulder piece. “Do promise me you'll get some rest after this, Cody,” he said to him, concern in his voice. Cody slightly shook his head. “With all due respect, that solely depends on how quickly you ship us off to our next mission. Sir,” Cody shot back, before focussing his attention on the hovering holomap in front of them.
“If you could focus on the briefing for a moment, that would be much appreciated,” Cody sighed at last. Lupe couldn't help but chuckle as she gazed upon the chaos of these officers, and felt better about her own unique way of handling things.
“Quick heads-up for General Lupe, since she's fresh off the ship,” Cody started his briefing. “We've been trying to take a hold on Talbhin’s capital city, Talglee. Our initial intel seems to have been outdated, and the occupation proves harder than anticipated.” Lupe was sure she could hear a weary sigh under the Commander's helmet.
Lupe averted her gaze from the Commander when Captain Rex joined them at the command post. She stiffened when she noticed Fives was with him. She swallowed as she was trying to balance her thoughts, afraid the present Jedi would pick up any wandering feelings she wasn't supposed to have.
Obi-Wan turned towards Lupe, and for a moment, she thought he was going to address the shift in her emotions. But he was merely adding information to the briefing. “What our scouts seemed to have missed,” he said, his voice disgruntled, but Lupe didn't know who was to blame for the recon mission to retrieve the intel, “Is the fact that there was a Republic senator on an unapproved aid mission towards the capital.” Lupe noticed Cody shaking his head again.
“He was captured at arrival and is now being held hostage. We have to take cautious yet swift action if we want to accomplish both our goals; occupying the city and getting the senator out alive,” Obi-Wan elaborated. “And unharmed, preferably,” Anakin added.
Cody continued the briefing. “I'll get the 212th in position to hold our lines at the front, allowing us to advance as soon as you give the clear.” Anakin took over from Cody. “We're gonna get the 501st inside the city as a distraction for you, Lupe, so your squad can get in and secure the senator.”
Rex slightly leaned towards Lupe, his expression lost to her under his helmet. “Don't worry sir, I got my best distractor with me,” he chuckled, whilst subtly gesturing towards Fives. As Lupe grinned, Anakin crossed his arms. “I'm disappointed, Rex. I thought I was your best distractor.” Rex shook his head, a sigh under his helmet. “You, sir, are my worst responsibility,” he shot, making a grin on his General's face appear before Anakin turned towards Lupe again. “So Lupe, what are your thoughts?”
Lupe stepped forward, getting closer to the holomap. “Besides feeling privileged for witnessing this excellent briefing,” she started, resulting in a mixture of snickering and sighing around her, “I'd like to know the senator's current position.” She watched the holomap, aware of the shield that was guarding the city from wall to wall; they couldn't just hop over and enter through the front door.
Cody extended his arm to point at the holomap. “Our latest intel puts him in this spot,” he said, as he pointed out a tower at the side of the city, attached to what seemed like a luxurious residence. “What can you tell me about the place?” she asked the Commander, her gaze focussed on the area on the holomap. “Residential home of Talbhin’s most esteemed family. Associated with the Separatists, of course,” he answered her.
Lupe was silent for a moment, gently stroking her chin, pondering over an idea how they could handle this delicate mission. “You got any scans on underground tunnels, Commander?” she asked slowly, as a plan started to form in her mind. Cody hesitated for a moment, not sure what the General was aiming at. He added another layer to the holomap, showing some tunnels - exactly underneath the residence.
“How did you know there were any tunnels?” Cody asked her. A smirk appeared on her face. “An esteemed family on a hot, humid rainforest planet. They need a cooling cellar and storage for their wine inventory,” she elaborated, waving her hand as if it had been obvious all along. Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a silent look, both impressed and amused.
“They probably have a secret entrance to make restocking easier,” she continued, leaning forward as she examined the residence's area on the map up close. “There. That's our entry point,” she said eventually, pointing out a slight anomaly in the landscape, just outside the city's walls. “Alright, we'll divert their attention to this side of the residence,” Anakin added, as he pointed out the spot on the map.
“It's settled, then,” Obi-Wan finally concluded, nodding in agreement. “Cody, ready your men. Anakin, don't do anything I wouldn't do,” he addressed them, before turning towards Lupe. “Oh and Lupe; try not to destroy that wine inventory in the process,” he said with a somewhat concerned look on his face, but a hint of amusement in his voice.
Lupe grinned, before slightly bowing her head towards him. “I'll see what I can salvage,” she said, as Obi-Wan smiled at her. “Alright. May the Force be with you,” he concluded, before walking off with Commander Cody.
Anakin walked over to Rex and Ahsoka at Lupe's side of the holomap. “Alright Snips, time to get back into action,” he said to her, grinning from ear to ear. “Ready for it, Skygu- Master,” she shot back at him, before accompanying Rex to the troops. Fives lingered around, and Anakin shot Lupe an amused smile before wishing her good luck on her mission and walking off.
When it was finally just Lupe and Fives, she turned around towards him, placing her hands on her hips. “Yeah, Rex is right; you are quite the distractor.” Fives snickered proudly, before moving a bit closer to her. He would have loved to pull her close, but he knew he couldn't risk it; they were too exposed out here.
His demeanour changed and he awkwardly started fidgeting with the rim of his kama. “I, er- please be careful out there,” he said in a soft voice, before looking her in the eyes through his visor. Lupe smiled amused. “You're forgetting I was already being trained when you were still in a tube,” she laughed at him, bumping her fist against his chest armour.
For the briefest of moments, he put his hand on top of hers, as she held it on top of his chest. She tried finding his eyes through his visor, and a soft smile appeared on her face. “Same to you, trooper,” she whispered, before walking off to brief the Lone Wolves on their mission.
The boys got up from the crates when Lupe neared them, getting into focus. Fang crossed his arms before addressing her. “Let me guess, ‘stealth is the key’?” he asked, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. Lupe clicked her tongue, being as enthusiastic as ever. “You got it.”
She quickly briefed her troops on their mission, and since they had already readied themselves during Lupe’s absence, they were able to move out quickly. They left the rendezvous point on foot, so they wouldn't draw any attention as they found their way to the residence's walls.
They used the planet's foliage as cover as they advanced through the landscape, an occasional explosion in the distance reminding them of their mission's objective. They stayed as quietly as possible, afraid they would be detected otherwise - and let everyone down.
When they finally neared the residence's walls, they found cover behind some overhanging plants. It didn't take Lupe long to spot the hidden entrance, as the location stood out in the landscape. In a small hill near the wall, there was a discrete, angled door, almost like a hatch.
She pointed it out to the boys. “Why would you create such a weak point to your fortified city?” Fang whispered as he raised an eyebrow under his helmet in amazement. “Everything for booze, dear Fang,” Lupe replied in a whisper, a smirk on her face.
She got her comm device out and contacted General Skywalker. “We're in position,” she let him know in a soft, low voice. “Great, now wait for our signal,” Anakin's voice sounded over the transmission. And so they waited.
They didn't have to wait long. A massive electric shockwave, coming from an electromagnetic pulse grenade with long range, filled the sky near the city's main gate. Well done, Fives, Lupe thought with a smile on her face, knowing this was their cue.
She gestured to the boys to follow her before she crouched towards the hidden entrance. When she reached its door, she made room for Twist. “Alright, tell us if you need anything,” she whispered, as Twist got to work. Claw and Fang stayed on the lookout for any possible Separatist presence.
It took Twist longer than usual. He sighed and grunted as he was working, but the door stayed shut. “Talk to me,” Lupe shot at him eventually, as all of them were getting nervous; they had to get inside. “I-I-I’ve never s-seen anything like this b-b-before,” he stammered, taking him more effort to get the words out due to his nerves. “I-I’m afraid I'll t-t-trigger an i-internal alarm if I-I-,” he continued, before being interrupted.
Twist watched with pure anguish as Ragnar's vibro-axe found its way into the door's control panel. Electric whirring emerged from it, before the door slid open. Ragnar pulled his axe out of the crevice it had created, before putting his hand on Twist's shoulder. “Sorry vod*, time’s up,” Ragnar apologised in a low voice. Lupe shot Twist a comforting look, before helping him to his feet.
*vod = brother
They advanced into the tunnel cautiously, not knowing what they would find inside. The narrow hallway was dark, but the clones’ visors made them able to see clear enough whilst Lupe’s vision quickly adjusted to the darkness.
Silently, they made sure every adjacent room was clear before advancing towards the next room. They didn't encounter any threats; only lots and lots of wine. “I really prefer something stronger,” Fang sighed in disappointment.
When they finally found stairs, they didn't hesitate to use them, as they knew for sure they had to ascend the building if they wanted to reach the tower. Ragnar was in the front, his blaster comfortably on his left forearm to keep it steady. After what seemed an eternity of steps, they finally reached another level.
They had to make a choice: advance into the hallway in front of them to examine this storey, ascend more stairs, or get outside onto an adjacent balcony. As Lupe was making her choice, the mechanical voices of B1 battle droids came echoing through the hallway.
The squad jolted onto the balcony, making sure they stayed out of view as two of the droids passed them through the hallway and ascended the tower. “I definitely need some oil from all these stairs,” one of them yammered, followed by the other: “Yeah well, I need reprogramming after visiting that mouthy senator again.” Gotcha. Lupe smiled contently, as the droid had just told her they were nearing their target. The squad definitely was on the right track.
They waited until the droids descended the stairs again, returning into the hallway from where they had appeared earlier. Fang and Claw made themselves ready to get to the stairs, but Lupe stopped them. “Let's try something else,” she whispered, whilst looking up at the remainder of the tower above them.
There wasn't a lot of tower left. She guessed two storeys, three at the most. The balcony was an excellent position, as it gave a great overview of the area. They could keep an eye out on the fighting below, and could observe any patrolling droids in the hallway.
“Alright, I need you guys to stay put until I give a signal,” she told them, readying herself for some Force jumps. Before she could, Ragnar heavily put a hand on her shoulder piece to prevent her from leaving yet. 
“You have your comm device on you? I'm sure Cody's not gonna be happy if they have to rescue the rescue squad,” he said to her in a low voice, looking her straight in the eyes through his visor. Lupe's lips curled into a smirk and her brows raised into a confident frown. “Have some trust in me, sergeant,” she shot at him amused, toying the comm device around between her fingers as she showed it to him, without averting her gaze from his visor. She appreciated his concern, though.
“See you in a bit,” she said to them, before Force jumping upwards. She clanged to the tower's outside wall, before making another jump. And another. When she couldn't jump any higher, she pulled into the Force to focus.. And focus..
Yes, the senator was definitely on this storey. She could feel his presence. He didn't feel scared, but impatient, frustrated; annoyed, even? Making sure she had a good grip, she carefully released one hand, and slowly reached for her lightsaber's hilt. She could feel the nerves from the boys down below her, and silently scolded them for not putting more trust in her skills. She could do this.
She put the hilt against the tower's wall and ignited it. It went right through the masonry. Slowly and steadily, she moved her lightsaber around in a circle, just big enough to fit a grown human male through. When she finished the circle, she sheathed her saber and reattached the hilt to her belt.
Slowly, she Force pushed the stone circle inside the room, careful to not let it fall - she didn't want to draw unwanted attention. After she gently guided it to the floor, she jumped through the hole. With a smooth movement, she rolled over the ground before she got up on her feet.
There, in the room before her, stood a man in his forties, with a well kept hairdo, a thin moustache and a neatly trimmed goatee. His attire was elegant; his robes were more colourful than Lupe was used to seeing around the Jedi. His face lit up before he addressed her.
“Master Jedi! Finally someone civilised!” he called out, raising his arms in a welcoming gesture. “Don't get your hopes up too soon,” she shot at him, making little effort to sound amusing, as she took in her surroundings and made sure the room was clear before she allowed a smile on her face. “You must be Senator Organa,” she continued, walking past him to check on the door. Senator Organa followed her around with his gaze. “I am, and fully left into your hands, so it seems,” he replied.
Lupe raised a brow, not sure what to expect from a politician. She had never been this close to one before, and had gladly left the politics to them. “Let's see how capable they are,” she whispered under her breath in a reply to the senator, before returning to the hole in the wall. She carefully leaned outside, peeking down below before she got her comm device out.
“Ragnar, could you shoot up your grappling hook?” she asked through the device, before stepping back and waiting for her sergeant. Senator Organa subtly coughed behind her. “I was hoping we could use the stairs,” he said cautiously, forcing a smile on his face when Lupe looked at him over her shoulder. “Obviously, this isn't the Senate Building,” she remarked, quickly adding a ‘sir’, as she wasn't sure how to address a senator.
The grappling hook came jolting through the hole, hit the ceiling and bounced down to the floor, cable dangling behind it. Lupe picked it up and hooked it around the edge of the hole, tugging it with some force to make sure it held.
This time, she was the one receiving the comm transmission. “B1s incoming,” she heard in a whisper, but it was all the information she needed. She had to hurry. She jolted back towards the door, and with her ignited lightsaber, melted the door's locking system. It wouldn't give them much time, but any delay would help their departure.
She ran back towards the hole in the wall, and gestured outside. “Your ride is ready, Senator,” she said, her best attempt to sound civilised, as he was so much hoping for. Senator Organa swallowed before walking over to the hole and peeked outside. He had been trained in his younger years, but he felt like he was getting too old for these kinds of exercises.
As he was figuring out what would be the best way to descend, Lupe could hear the clanking legs of the droids as they neared the top of the stairs. “Now's the time, Senator,” she shot at him, all her efforts of sounding civilised failing. The senator nodded, and with some hiccups, managed to slide down the cable, where her troops took over in aiding him.
Lupe waited until the senator was back on his feet before she took the grappling hook and tossed it back down, making sure it was available to Ragnar again whenever he needed it next. She positioned herself inside the hole, and carefully Force pulled the stone circle back into it, making sure it would take the droids longer before noticing what had happened. At the last moment, she jumped clear to make room for the stone wall, and as it neatly fitted back into its original spot, she gracefully landed between her troops on the balcony down below.
“Piece of cake,” she smiled whilst wiping her hands. Senator Organa was still regaining his breath, as he looked at her in confusement. “I would like to agree with you, but it seems we're still finding ourselves on hostile ground,” the senator spoke, smoothing out his robe with his flat hands. Fang chuckled, before addressing the senator: “Wouldn't call it ‘ground’, sir.”
Lupe ordered Claw and Fang to watch the hallway and the stairs, knowing the B1s upstairs would notice the absence of their prisoner shortly. She wasn't planning on finding out what their alarm would trigger. She turned to her sergeant to concur with him. “Same way out?” she asked him, shooting a glance over his shoulder into the hallway, expecting more battle droids any moment now.
“Wait, you don't have a plan?” the Senator shot out in disbelief. “Improvising is our speciality, sir,” Ragnar told the senator, trying to ease his mind, but it might have resulted in the opposite of the desired effect.
Just as Lupe was readying herself to cross the hallway, aiming for the stairs down, Claw pushed his hand against her shoulder to stop her. “Overstayed our welcome again, sir,” he said in a low, serious voice. When Lupe cautiously looked around the corner, she noticed ranks of battle droids marching their way. Kark.
“Yeah, what's new,” she said under her breath, before turning around and walking to the edge of the balcony. She stared down, before turning towards the men. A smirk reappeared on her face. “I'm not going to like this, am I?” Senator Organa sighed, as Ragnar put a hand on the man's shoulder in comfort.
“Alright, it's grapplin’ hour,” she said amused, as the clones chuckled and readied their grappling hooks. The senator rubbed his temples, not looking forward to what was coming next. Ragnar kneeled down as Claw gently nudged the senator towards the sergeant, urging him to get on the clone’s back. Organa complied reluctantly; mostly because he didn't want to find out what his other options were.
The clones hung their hooks around the balcony’s bannister, checked if they held alright, and started their descent. Lupe stayed behind for a moment longer, making sure their descent progressed smoothly. When the droids neared her location, she jumped on top of the bannister. Just as they turned the corner and started aiming their blasters at her, confused about her presence on the balcony, she faced them, stretched out her arms horizontally and let herself fall backwards.
Organa gasped when the Jedi fell past him, but the clones didn't look up; they were used to Lupe doing things like this. She landed on her feet, straightened herself and looked up to her troops. “What's taking you so long?” she smirked at them, putting her hands on her hips casually.
The boys detached the cables from their belts and came falling down the last part, as the cables were some metres short. They now found themselves on the roof of the residence, and Lupe was overlooking the area to find their way out. The shield that guarded the city was still up, so they weren't able to jump off the ramparts. Going back into the tunnels seemed to be no option any longer either.
Lupe sighed as she turned around and walked over to her squad. They were adjusting their armour and gear after their somewhat hard landing, whilst Twist was helping the senator back to his feet. His previously well kept hairdo was a mess, his neat robes now in wrinkles. “I'm sorry Senator, dry cleaning is at the expense of the Republic,” Lupe shot at the senator, who was just beyond words. A huff was the only sound he made.
“Alright, squad,” she started as soon as they had gathered around her. “Seems our only way out is the obvious way in.” She pointed at the main gate, where the 501st was still raising hell. “I’ll let General Skywalker know we're heading their way, so hopefully they'll decrease any friendly fire.”
The senator stiffened beside Lupe. “Hopefully?” he proclaimed, his voice almost roaring. “I appreciate your rescue attempt, but I'm starting to think I might have a better chance of staying alive by talking my way out!” Lupe turned towards him, crossing her arms whilst patiently waiting until he was finished before addressing him.
“As it has come to my attention, your aid mission was unapproved, so you knew it was going to be a risk and you took it anyway. A lot of clones are risking their lives right now, giving us a chance to get you out, and I assure you, not all of them are going to make it. This is war. Please consider that the next time you sit comfortably behind your desk.”
He swallowed as her words sank into him, but she didn't wait around to see if he had anything else to say. She took out her comm device and contacted General Skywalker. “Lupe, what’s your status?” Anakin's voice asked over the transmission, almost shouting to get over the sounds of the fighting. “We picked up the package, but our initial exit is unavailable. We're heading your way,” she briefed him, making him aware of their arrival.
She turned around and faced the senator. “Sir, we would appreciate it if you'd come with us, so the clones’ sacrifices won't be for nothing,” she urged him, but it almost sounded like an order. “Of course,” he spoke softly, not daring to resist after her recent outburst.
As they found their way through the city's streets, she was fully aware of the vulnerable position they were in. She hated it, and she suddenly understood some of Wolffe's gruffy attitude after all the relief and rescue missions he'd been on.
What made her feel even worse, was the fact she had ordered her squad to protect the senator with their lives. She wouldn't forgive herself if anything happened to one of the boys, and she certainly wouldn't forgive the senator. But she deeply hoped that wouldn't be necessary.
When they neared the main gate, and the heavy fire with it, she commed Anakin to provide their current position. She turned towards her troops one last time before they would barge into the chaos. “Alright vode*, cover the senator, but be careful. I'll be at your side to protect you as best I can,” she said to them gently, looking into their visors one by one. “This isn't the worst we've been through,” she concluded, a faint smirk on her face as she was trying to give her speech an amusing twist. “Let's go.”
*vode = brothers
Lupe ignited her lightsaber before she turned around the corner. In the clearing in front of her, the main entrance looming at the back of it, the horrors of war were painfully present.
Explosions had torn holes into walls and roofs, buildings that had been homes to people, to families. Personal belongings were scattered about in the streets, being blown out of shattered windows.
Charred bodies and body parts of both native soldiers and clone troopers lay scattered around, and when she noticed the state of some of them, she realised they must have been laying here for the full duration of the campaign.
Huddled against a broken wall, hardly offering any cover, a 501st trooper sat rocking back and forth. He was grasping his upper arm, his lower arm barely attached to it anymore. Lupe's heart broke, but she couldn't help him.
She couldn't let her thoughts linger, as her objective was to get the senator to safety. The boys covered him with their armoured bodies as they found their way across the clearing, Lupe trying her hardest to deflect every laser blast that was being shot their way. An occasional shot made it past her, leaving a charred mark on the armour of her troops. She didn't realise it hurt her more than them.
A wave of relief washed over Lupe when she noticed Anakin and Ahsoka heading their way, troopers from the 501st not far behind. “Glad you're here to join the party, but it looks like they didn't grant us an invitation,” Anakin shouted out jokingly, but Lupe couldn't help but notice his eyes were dark, the death around them weighing a heavy toll on him as well.
The Jedi and his Padawan helped Lupe protect the senator and thus her squad, until they made it through the main gate. As Lupe made it through herself, she noticed there wasn't really any gate left. The only thing left was electrical whirring, remains of the electromagnetic pulse grenade’s explosion they had witnessed earlier.
When they had all made it through, Anakin commed his former Master. “Obi-Wan, we've made it out, including the senator. The city's all yours,” he told him, before the sounds of explosions and blaster fire increased behind them.
The adrenaline was still pumping through Lupe's veins when they made it to the rendezvous point. As the troopers scattered about to catch their breaths, to attend to injuries and nervesticks were being distributed, the Jedi and the senator found themselves at the field command post.
Anakin briefly put his hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder, a comforting gesture after what they had been through, before he turned towards Lupe. “What happened with the underlying tunnels, didn't they work as an exit as well?” he asked her with a smile, trying to lift some tension after the latest events. “Obi-Wan didn't want us to destroy those fine wines, so we had to find another way out, obviously,” she smirked at him, glad she was still able to come up with a witty remark after what she had just witnessed.
At her side, Senator Organa coughed subtly, as to get their attention without asking for it out loud. Lupe turned towards him, not sure if she could handle one more of his remarks. “Master Jedi, what- What is your name?” he asked instead, and she raised a brow in surprise. “It's Lupe. Just Lupe,” she replied, trying to be a bit more polite this time.
“Well, Just Lupe,” he started, a genuine smile appearing on his tired, sweaty face, “I'd like to thank you. And I'd like to apologise.” A bit startled, because she wasn't expecting neither, Lupe turned her whole body towards him, curious to learn what else he had to say.
“You were right; partly, at least. Back at the Senate, we do sit in our comfortable chairs, pondering over what laws and acts should pass or be turned down. But we're so far away from the war, unaware of the actual horrors it brings. Although I'd have rather not seen what I witnessed here, I thank you for reminding me today.”
As Lupe stood there, watching him and listening to him in silence, his body started shaking slightly as the adrenaline wore off. He put his hand up in an apologetic way, before continuing. “Now please excuse me, I have to sit down, because I'm clearly not meant for this close-up action anymore.” Lupe couldn't help but smile in an affectionate way; maybe this politician wasn't that bad after all.
A LAAT gunship descended in their proximity, and Anakin walked over to the senator to put his hand on his shoulder. “There's your ride, Senator. Our troops will look after you until you're back at Coruscant,” he comforted Organa. The senator nodded in thanks, before turning towards Lupe again.
“If you ever have a moment to spare, come find me at the Senate Building. Maybe we can have a more civilised talk at my comfortable desk, talk things out,” he said to her, choosing his words carefully to amuse her, but he meant them anyway. Lupe made a small bow towards him. “I'd like that,” she said in a soft voice, the corners of her mouth forming a careful smile.
“Good to know this all resulted in something positive after all,” he concluded with a wry smile, before excusing himself and walking towards the gunship, being aided by a medic. Before he reached it, he turned around one last time. “Give Kenobi my greetings,” he shouted over the roaring engines of the ship, before he boarded it.
Lupe watched the gunship take off and disappear into the sky, coursing towards the Venator-class cruiser, hovering far above them in space. She was shaken out of her thoughts when Anakin bumped his elbow into her, a smirk on his face. “You just managed to make a politician admit they were wrong,” he said, almost laughing. “Partly,” she corrected him, sharing his amusement.
After a very informal debriefing with Anakin and Ahsoka, standing straight started to become harder and harder for Lupe. She thanked them for aiding her squad during their retreat, and excused herself to go check on her men. Before leaving, she made them promise to let Obi-Wan know to share the wine with the troopers as well; they could definitely use some, once they were done here.
The Lone Wolves had made themselves comfortable at the cargo crates in front of their ship again. They had partly taken off their armour, attending to some minor injuries and fixing their damaged armour pieces. She checked on them, and was glad to see they were doing fine; there was nothing out of the ordinary, as this had just been another mission. Lupe excused herself, as she had one last thing to attend to before they could return to Coruscant.
She wandered off into the foliage behind their ship. As the adrenaline was finally wearing off, she felt she was falling apart. She was used to being that tough, witty Jedi General, finding amusement even in the direst of situations to keep up morale, to keep up appearances. But days like this made it kriffing hard to be a General, to be a Jedi. It was taking so much energy to balance her emotions, and now that she was finally alone and was able to give into them, they crushed her like a little shuttle in a meteor field.
Not having the luxury to stop during a mission to allow her body and mind some rest. Being constantly afraid to let the Jedi Order and the clones down, the Republic and the Galaxy with it. The infinite fear of losing one of her men. Not being able to handle another loss. Not having the opportunity to grieve those losses, and the death and devastation of the war all around her. Every day.
Her legs failing her, the dark thoughts getting the better of her, she sank to her knees and hid her face behind her hands. On days like this she felt weak and incredibly powerless, just a small pawn in a dark and menacing galaxy, creeping up and surrounding her before swallowing her whole, spitting her out in a vast, lonely emptiness without ending. The darkness started to consume her.
And then, suddenly, the light reappeared when a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in an embrace, tightening the grasp when she started sobbing uncontrollably, the tears rolling down her cheeks in an endless flow of anguish and anxiety. “It's okay, I'm here,” Fives whispered, making sure she could feel whatever emotion she wanted as he cradled her in his arms.
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This is where the fun angst begins.
0 notes
the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Number 11 for still alive Qui Gon and the disaster lineage? Hi I'm new
Yes!! I love the entire premise of this prompt. This is exactly what I was subconsciously dreaming of when I wrote that prompt.
From this various prompts list.
Requests are currently closed.
This is the last prompt in my inbox! Thank you to everyone who requested, liked, reblogged, etc. <3 I’ll be back again with more prompts soon!
Over a decade ago on Naboo, during a galaxy-shaking crisis that would one day help propel the universe into war, a Jedi Master and his Padawan had both gone in side by side against a Sith.
They had emerged both hanging on to life by their fingertips.
Qui-Gon Jinn had taken a deep wound across his torso and hips, a wound that healed slowly and scarred deeply. He would never walk the same again, would never run, and would always be in constant, quiet pain.
Obi-Wan Kenobi had suffered a blow to the head and been deprived of oxygen for very, very, nearly too long — an attack that left him in and out of consciousness for weeks. The Healers declared that his mental capabilities were not compromised, but he was forever prone to debilitating migraines.
The Healers called each case a miracle.
The Master and Padawan didn’t care what it was. They were more preoccupied by the crashing relief that came with realizing that the other was alive, and would remain so.
When Jinn severed Kenobi’s braid, the training bond remained.
When Jinn took Anakin Skywalker as his apprentice, he assimilated Kenobi into the training as easily as breathing, and the boy had two Masters instead of one.
There wasn’t really anything to be done about it, and no one was really bothered in the first place.
Then, of course, Skywalker took on Ahsoka Tano, and sometimes it seemed that Jinn had three Padawans, or that he and Kenobi had two Padawans, or that Tano had three Masters. They were a unit.
Perhaps they struggled with attachment — particularly Anakin.
But all Jedi did at some point or another, and his Lineage was careful to try and teach him when to relax, when to let go. To remind all of them of that.
They could be together, a family, without possession coming into the mix.
And all things considered, they did very well.
Very well indeed.
Vokara Che reflected on this as she hovered just out of sight. Perhaps it was wrong of her to linger here in the shadows of the quarters that Jinn, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano shared during their rare respites from the war, but she would stand by her reason — she came here to check on her patient, not expecting to encounter a crowd.
Last she had heard, the other three had been halfway across Coruscant guarding Senator Amidala.
Nevertheless, here they were.
There were soft sounds in the darkness, the thuds of boots being dropped lightly onto the floor, the whisper of robes, quiet breathing, a hissed hushing noise.
Vokara lingered in the doorway and watched as the three figures gathered around the bed where their fourth member lay, slumbering, beneath a single blanket.
“He must be cold,” said a low male voice. “We should get him more blankets.”
“Good idea,” said a younger male, and one of the figures shuffled across the room and began gathering up blankets and sheets.
“Should he be here?” questioned the only female member of the tribe, concern laced in her tone. “I thought he needed another few days in the Halls of Healing.”
A sigh. The deeper male voice answered, “You know he dislikes it there. I have no doubt he was released early on good behavior, with conditions.”
“Ohh,” said Ahsoka. “He’s shivering.”
Qui-Gon stooped down and ran a hand through the sleeping Obi-Wan’s hair. “Mmm. He’s in pain,” he said, and his voice carried an undercurrent of regret and worry that he did not bother to conceal from his youngest Padawan.
Anakin returned with an absolute mountain of blankets in his arms. He peered over them to look at his sleeping friend. “I don’t like the idea of just leaving him here unsupervised. You know he won’t ask for help if he needs it, he’ll just get up in the middle of the night looking for painkillers and pass out halfway across the room.”
“Will not,” mumbled a sleepy voice.
Qui-Gon chuckled warmly; Ahsoka whispered a joyful, “Master Obi-Wan!” and Anakin dropped the bundle of blankets on the foot of the bed and clambered right up next to him, stretching out casually beside the older Jedi.
“…what th’… fuck… are you doin’?” the injured Jedi yawned.
“He’s on the good stuff,” Ahsoka giggled, clapping her hands over her mouth.
“So he is,” agreed Qui-Gon. He leaned down indulgently and pressed a paternal kiss to the top of the reddish-blonde head, his tone endlessly fond.
“Ged’off,” commanded the drugged up Obi-Wan.
“No,” said Qui-Gon.
“You need blankets, Master,” Ahsoka said, picking up several and shaking them out, examining them in the dark. “You’re going to catch a chill.”
“Won’t,” Obi-Wan argued.
“Will,” she argued back. She joined Anakin on the bed and began spreading a blanket over Obi-Wan, who couldn’t do much to stop her and resorted to blinking at her owlishly over the top of his new quilt, the combination of his huge, offended eyes and his ruffled hair resulting in something borderline adorable.
“Qui,” Obi-Wan whined, and he reached out clumsily and tugged on his former Master’s sleeve like an indignant toddler. “They’re bossing me.”
“We’re all bossing you, Obi-Wan, you’re injured and you need care,” ‘Qui’ replied.
Obi-Wan harrumphed. He turned his attention the other direction and made shooing motions at the younger two. “Gedoff my bed. Go.”
“Your bed?” Anakin demanded, pulling a mock-wounded expression. “This is our bed now. Make room.” He reached over and grabbed Obi-Wan around the shoulders and dragged him a little closer, towards the right side of the bed where he lay squashed against the wall. Obi-Wan squawked indignantly, but Ahsoka was already diving into the spot he’d left behind and curling up against his other side. Without a word, Qui-Gon slipped in beside her, grabbing a spare pillow to place beneath her head.
Anakin reached down and dragged more of the blankets over all of them, and the four Jedi became one big bundle of warm blankets and slightly squashed bodies.
Vokara placed her fingers over her lips and found that she was smiling.
“Rude,” Obi-Wan huffed from under the blanket pile.
And then he rolled onto his side, draping an arm over Ahsoka’s shoulder as if to shield her from harm, and fell asleep.
The others quickly followed suit, and soon the rooms were filled with the soft sounds of deep sleep and the quiet noises of the Temple itself.
Vokara Che left as silently as she had come, assured that her patient was well taken care of.
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beckyh2112 · 2 years
when I call myself a shell, I mean- 4/9
when I call myself a shell, I mean- 1/9 when I call myself a shell, I mean- 2/9 when I call myself a shell, I mean- 3/9
I'm making use of my mischief of Magpies. The Magpies mentioned in this chapter are two different people, and neither of them is the same clone as Sergeant Magpie from part two.
Behind the cut to avoid cluttering people's dashes.
Casque shifted from foot to foot nervously. He wanted to claim he wasn't nervous at all - he was a member of the 501st, for crying out loud! He'd been through some of worst and weirdest osik in the war!
But this was about Shim. How could he admit he hadn't reached out to his Guard batcher until just last night? The war had been over for months, and they were the only two remaining in their batch.
No wonder Shim hadn't picked up. Casque hadn't bothered to keep in contact during the war. There'd always been reasons.
There were a lot fewer reasons for why he hadn't tried to comm even once since the ceasefire.
It was hard enough admitting that to himself. He really didn't want to admit it to the 41st vode he needed to talk to. They had a relationship with their Guard batcher.
Casque squared his shoulders and stepped into the Temple chamber the 41st ARCs had claimed for themselves. He wished he had his helmet to just read IFF off everyone else's armor, but no. Being fully armored up while off-duty inside the Jedi Temple made the initiates (and some of the padawans) anxious.
At least he had a good description of Dan and A'lor. 'Both of them keep their hair red like Gree's. Dan has chunky braids and shrapnel shredded one of his ears. A'lor keeps his hair short and his circle beard neat. They're practically twinned. If you find one, the other's nearby.'
He spotted them pretty quickly. A flash of movement caught his eyes, and he turned to see a pair of vode matching their descriptions throwing a knife back and forth.
Casque crossed over to them and batted the knife out of the air when it was gently tossed in his direction.
"You're supposed to catch it," Dan reproached.
"Don't trust myself not to catch it with my breastplate," he admitted. "I've heard you two have a batcher in the Guard."
"Squaddie too," A'lor said.
"Magpie can go fuck himself," Dan grumbled.
A'lor rolled his eyes. "Still mad he kicked your ass around the block last time we met at 79s?"
"He has no karking sense of humor since he transferred to the Guard."
Casque interrupted; he recognized an argument that could go off on a tangeant when he heard one. "I've got a batcher in the Guard. I think. You know what they've been saying about the Corries shuffling numbers."
The two ARCs nodded. It had come out just days before the ceasefire. Some small number of senators - Seppie sympathizers, he figured - were abusing their authority to decomm Guard troopers. Well, they tried to decomm Guard troopers. The commanders had swapped numbers with KIA Corries to protect as many of their troops as possible.
Casque was pretty sure Shim was still Shim, but that was honestly just him hoping.
"Would you ask your batcher if he knows of a Guard named Shim?"
"Sure," Dan said. "Won't have an answer for a bit, though. We were supposed to go out bowling today, but Flinch had to cancel on us. Some sort of big Guard thing."
Baat hurried down the hall. It was Centaxday, which meant the Guard by the stairwell should be Magpie. After pulling an all-nighter to find the research that backed the Senator's talking points, he just wanted to shoot the breeze a little before going home to collapse.
Magpie wasn't at his post. No one was at his post.
Baat blinked horizontally. He turned to look for the next-nearest Guard to ask them about it. But that post was empty, too. In fact, as Baat gazed back up the hall, he didn't see any of the Guard at all.
Jilili was late for her shift because for some bizarre reason, the Senate Guard was handling security. They didn't know what they were doing; she'd barely stopped herself from snapping at them to go get the actually competent Guards.
She slung her apron on, tying it even as she walked to her station. Mid-afternoon shift change at the cafe was always a hot mess, and today was worse than usual. Apparently the Corries just hadn't shown up for work today?!? What the in the name of surface darkness.
A couple of hours later, it calmed down enough for her to actually talk to the other women on shift. Shanath looked about five seconds from screaming, and Kina was getting that twitch to her head that meant a severe migraine.
"I can't believe Tezia just quit like that," Shanath grumped. "Didn't she always say this was the best job she ever had?"
"Best paying job," Kina corrected. "But she and her Corrie boyfriend were getting hitched and leaving 'scant."
Jilili grinned. "Good for them!" A thought occurred to her. "Can they even get married? The senators are always babbling about how the Guard is government property."
"The senators think we're government property."
Kina shook her head. "Tezia said it was going to be purely a religious ceremony. Clones aren't legally sentient so she can't legally marry him."
"'Clones aren't legally sentient'," Shanath mocked in her snottiest tone. "Whose bright idea was that? Because it's dumb as shit."
"Probably our evil-Jedi ex-Chancellor."
"Fuck him, and not in the fun way."
The problem with giving someone your contact information, Aayla thought muzzily, was they might actually use it. She didn't recognize the particular chime coming from her comm, which meant she'd set this contact back when she was still a padawan.
Aayla was very comfortable with Bly radiating heat beside her. But she was a Jedi, so she wriggled out of his embrace to answer her comm. After setting it to voice only. "Knight Secura here."
The woman who appeared on her comm display was a darker Kessurian in formal businesswear. "Greetings, Knight Secura. I'm Selea Vental, president of the Galactic Republic Senate Employees Credit Union." Uncertainty entered her voice. "I don't know if you remember me…"
"Master Quinlan introduced us," Aayla reassured her. She vaguely remembered meeting the woman when Quin made her set up her own credit union account 'just in case'.
"I apologize for reaching out directly, rather than using the public contact numbers of the Jedi Temple. But it's about the clones, which means it's about the war…"
"What happened?" Aayla asked, nudging Bly with the Force to wake him up. She still didn't understand why Mx. Vental had called her. At least she was now decent enough to turn on the visual side so the other woman could see her.
"It's just… the Coruscant Guard is missing."
Aayla stared. "How do you mean, missing?"
"Not here. Not in the Senate Dome, not in any of their other posts in the Senate district. My branch managers at other Senate locations have checked there, and they're not there either." Mx. Vental took a breath. "We've tried contacting public lines and any private comms we have. Nothing. Commander Fox usually answers me quickly, even if it's just to tell me he's busy. My comm was chiming for him for over an hour before I called you-" She took another breath. "I don't know what Jedi General manages the Guard. I've never had to know that. There's never been a problem with the Coruscant Guard. You're the only Jedi I know besides Master Vos-"
Aayla held up a hand to forestall her saying anything else. "I'm not aware of anything that should affect the Guard. But I don't know all of our troop movements. I'll bring this to the Council's attention immediately."
"Thank you, Knight Secura. Everyone here at the credit union is worried about them."
Bly was looking at her wide-eyed from the bed, puzzlement painting him in the Force.
Aayla said her good-byes to Mx. Vental and flicked off her comm. "Didn't you mention once Commander Fox was your batchmate?"
"Yeah," Bly reached for his gauntlet. "Let me comm him…"
Aayla nodded and commed Obi-Wan herself. "Sorry to wake you, Master Kenobi, but there's a situation."
Bly only half-listened to Aayla explaining things to General Kenobi. Fox wasn't picking up his comm.
He might be sedated in the Corrie medbay again. That happened worryingly often. Bly tried Thorn instead.
He didn't start to worry until none of Fox's sub-commanders picked up either.
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darthkruge · 4 years
Okay okay okay so imagine Reader is abducted by the separatists because she ( or nb reader ) is a very well loved member of the senate. So obviously Anakin goes to save her, but his idiot plan gets him captured as well so then it's up to Reader to talk her way out of this mess, get to her idiot boyfriend, free him and then both of them try to make it out alive. Bonus points for Obi-Wan looking very tired and sick of Anakin's ideas in the background. What do you think?
Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader ~ Rescue Operations?
Summary: After the Reader is captured by the Separatists, Anakin rushes to save her. When this doesn’t work out, the Reader has to get her and her boyfriend out of this mess. 
Warnings: Language, whump, one scene where the Reader gets beat up, Reader is a badass, Anakin is completely in love with his badass girlfriend and we love that for him
Words: 3.8k
A/N: Catherine, my love!! I’m sorry this took me so long, I have nothing to say for myself other than my poor organization skills. But I’m obsessed with this request, I hope I did it justice <3
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You groaned as you opened your eyes and attempted to shake the drowsiness that seemed to cling to your very bones. You blinked, trying to get your bearings and remember what had happened. You were preparing for your speech at the Senate, trying to pass a peace treaty between the Republic and some smaller territories that were debating joining the fight against the Separatists. You’d been fighting for support for the treaty for months and you finally had the chance to give one last speech before the vote. 
You’d been pacing in your Coruscant apartment, practicing the speech for your boyfriend a million times. After you finished your recitation, you exited the room, needing to get your notes that you’d seemed to misplace. So you went into your office and… nothing.
Why couldn’t you remember after that?! You opened the door to your office, walked inside, and… 
You sighed as you came back to the present, leaning against the wall behind you and looking around. You were clearly in a cell of some sort and the Separatists were almost certainly behind this. You were still in your Senate attire, although it had been thoroughly scuffed up, and they’d taken your datapad and other communication devices. You felt around your boot and smiled. Your knife was still there. They must have assumed you wouldn’t be carrying a weapon to your speech and not done a thorough enough check. Whatever the reason, you were thanking the Maker it was still there. 
Back in Coruscant, Anakin was walking the Temple halls in a crazed state. When you didn’t show up for your speech, he immediately panicked. He knew how important this treaty was for you and the entire Republic; you’d been going over it for forever and there is no way you’d just blow it off without telling anyone. The rest of the Senate was also concerned. You’d grown up in one of the poorer districts and, thus, had a sense of relatability and humility that most were drawn to. Whether or not they agreed with your policies, almost everyone could understand that you always kept the interest of the people at the forefront of your mind. 
When Obi-Wan walked up to him with a ripped piece of your clothes and your scattered and crumpled notes, Anakin felt his heart drop. 
“It was the Separatists. They must have knocked her out in her office and escaped through the vents.”
Upon seeing his absolutely heartbroken expression, Obi-Wan added, “We’ll get her back, Anakin. I promise.”
Anakin could only nod, ideas for a plan to save you already running round his head. 
You’d been in this kriffing cell for four days now. Or maybe it was five? You were desperately trying to keep your wits about you but it was so hard; they brought you a tiny ration of food and water once a day and it was not near enough to keep your strength up. You’d spent your time trying to carve your way through the bars but your knife was no match and you quickly gave up, not wanting to dull the blade. You’d found a loose brick hidden around the floor and used the knife to cut it out, allowing you to hide your weapon under it on the off chance they searched you again. 
You tried to think of a plan to escape but they hadn’t even opened your door yet. There was no way you could get out by yourself and, until someone came in that you could attack, it was pointless to even try. They kept you in complete darkness and silence, no way to tell how much time had passed aside from the daily rations. You assumed you were on a Separatist base but that proved unhelpful; they were widespread and the cell held no defining features of climate or location. You had tried calling out to see if anyone else was around. Each time, you were met with your own echo. 
You stilled, hearing footsteps approach you. A Separatist guard opened your cell door, roughly pulling you out. You yelped, legs not cooperating after so long of sitting in the cramped cell. He led you into another room that was barely brighter than your own. Sizing up the guard, you felt fear creep in. No matter how hard you tried to banish your anxieties, knowing they’d only serve to lessen your already shaken focus, it was sometimes impossible. 
“Tell us which planets are deserting.” He commanded.
You met his stare evenly, refusing to let your fear betray you. There was absolutely no chance you’d tell him anything. As soon as the Separatists learned which planets were thinking about joining the Republic, they’d send armies to wipe them out immediately. You refused to let that happen.
“Fine. Be that way.” The man pulled his fist back and sent it into your cheek, the impact sending sparks of pain throughout your entire body. He brought his foot up, kicking you in the gut and you fell harshly onto the floor. He grabbed you by your hair, hoisting up your body as if it were a ragdoll. You gathered your strength and spit in his face, enjoying the way his smug look disappeared. In retaliation, he slammed you into the wall, the impact making stars cloud your vision. 
The man released you and you fell, your consciousness already starting to detach from your body. You tried to reason with yourself, hoping logic would aid you. This is a trauma response. I’m not going to die. My body can take this. I will black out, but I will wake up again. They’re not going to kill me. They need me alive. I’m not going to die. I’m not going to die. Somehow, the hardest part is this was banishing the thoughts of that beautiful boy from your head. You knew that if you allowed yourself to think of him, to fathom how he would blame himself should this be your end, you would give in. 
Instead, you focussed on the physical pain you felt, on the rage you channeled to this guard. You hated how weak you felt, how exhausted you were. You allowed your mind to hone in on all the ways you could hurt this man, given you had your full strength. You let yourself hate yourself, appalled at how you couldn’t even fight back. With every punch he threw at you, you went further into your head, into the one place this man couldn’t touch. Eventually, your mind started spinning from dehydration, pain, and overexertion. All you could do was curl into a fetal position and hope it somehow stopped. 
“What do you mean you’re going to find her?” Obi-Wan said, running after Anakin.
“It’s been days, Obi-Wan, days. There are only so many Separatist bases in the galaxy and Y/N’s on one of them.”
“Anakin, don’t you think they’ve planned for a rescue mission?! This is Senator L/N we’re talking about! And they took her right before the vote, this was clearly a thought-out attack, stop acting like it’s simple!”
“It is simple! Those Separatist assholes have Y/N. And it’s been days. What if she thinks we forgot about her? What if she thinks we’ve given up? They could be doing fucking anything to her and I’m not going to let her stay there for another minute!”
“Anakin-” Obi-Wan began but Anakin waved him off.
“I’m sorry, Master. But if the Council won’t do anything, I will.”
“Anakin, the Council is trying! They just don’t have enough troops right now to send a full rescue mission after one Senator. They just want a few more days, then some troops should be back from their missions and you can have your full battalion.” Obi-Wan took a breath and lowered his voice, empathy for his friend clear in his words. “I know you love her. I want her back, too, you know. I’ve grown quite fond of her; her friendship is quite dear to me. All I’m asking is you be careful and think this through.”
“Believe me, I have thought this through. I wouldn’t do anything to put her in danger, we both know that. And while a few days doesn’t seem like much to the Council, we’ve seen the harm these Separatists can inflict in far less. Listen, it might not be the strongest plan I’ve ever made but, if it’s between a semi-formed plan and none at all, the choice is already made.”
With that, Anakin jumped into his ship and took off into the night. Obi-Wan sighed, leaning his head into his palm. He knew how much you meant to him and he knew of Anakin’s frustration with the Council. They moved slowly, wanting to figure out every angle before jumping into a decision. While Anakin was a brilliant strategist, he tended to act impulsively when someone he loved was in danger. As Anakin traveled further and further from Coruscant, the older Jedi could only hope that the both of you returned home quickly and safely. 
Anakin looked at his ship’s display and cursed when he realized he was low on fuel. He’d been piloting for hours and there was still no sign of you. He was searching out for you with the Force and, still, nothing. Finally, he felt a faint energy pulse through the Force. He followed it to what was supposed to be an old abandoned Separatist base, concerned by how weak your lifeforce felt. 
He parked the ship and got out carefully, trying not to alert anyone to his presence. He pulled out his lightsaber but was careful not to ignite it. He saw an open door and ran through it, relief blinding him as he felt your energy grow stronger with each step he took. He turned the corner and saw a crumpled body on the floor of a tiny cell.
No, Anakin thought, it can’t be her. 
Without thinking, Anakin ignited his lightsaber, wanting to use the light to discern if the figure was truly you. The noise bounced off the walls and startled you awake. He mentally cursed himself and instinctively turned off the saber, not missing the even louder noise it made with it turned off. He inwardly facepalmed, realizing if he hadn’t alerted the guards before, they sure as hell knew now. 
You blinked groggily, wincing at your immense injuries and bruises. You remembered passing out while that asshole beat you and now you-
Wait, You thought, is that a fucking lightsaber?
You knew you must have heard it wrong, there’s no way the Council would have approved a relief mission this quickly. Further, there is no way it would consist of just one Jedi. 
Suddenly, the lightsaber re-lit, illuminating your boyfriend’s face. His determined expression grew stronger as he noticed the 10 guards surrounding him and pointing their blasters directly at his head. You smiled. He could take out ten guards with his eyes closed. You called to him in shock, hardly believing your eyes. He looked at you and immediately widened his eyes as he saw a guard come up behind you and point a blaster directly at you from outside your cell. 
“Lightsaber on the floor, Jedi, or the girl dies.” The guard growled. 
He looked at you in anguish and you could tell he was already beating himself up for “messing up” your escape plan. You shook your head, hoping he understood your message: this isn’t your fault. 
“Anakin don’t-” You couldn’t even finish the sentence before his weapon was on the floor. He put his hands on his head. As they grabbed him, you stood in helpless silence as they threw him in the cell beside you. They locked the doors and, once again, you were in darkness. 
You desperately crawled to the edge of your cell, trying to reach out to him. He was doing the same and when you felt his fingertips against yours, you almost started sobbing. You weren’t alone anymore.
“You came for me.” Your voice was soft, disbelief lacing your words. 
“Of course I did, my love.”
Then, as if everything finally registered in your brain, you reached out and tried to slap his arm. “Anakin, what about the Council? They’ll kill you when they realize you went on a rescue mission, alone, and without approval! Ani, the only thing keeping me going in here was knowing that you were safe! And now you’ve gotten yourself thrown right next to me, no weapons, no light, no food, no water, no escape! What the fuck are we going to do?!”
Anakin had opened and closed his mouth multiple times throughout your speech, trying to find a way to plead his case but was left without one. 
“I just wanted to save you.” The grief in his voice made you sigh and take a step back. This was your Anakin you were talking about. Your safety was his priority, always. Besides, doing all this because he was afraid for you? You couldn’t possibly stay mad. You smiled, despite yourself. Anakin. You thought, slightly shaking your head. 
“Fuck, I love you. Is it selfish that there’s a small part of me that’s glad you’re here with me?” You said, breaking the silence. 
Anakin breathed out a sigh of relief, glad you weren’t upset with him anymore. “Not at all, my love. So long as it isn’t bad that my least favorite part of this is not being able to see or kiss you properly because of this damn darkness.”
You chuckled, lacing your fingers with his once again. “You wouldn’t want to see me right now.”
Anakin froze. “Y/N? What are you talking about?” His voice was serious, clipped. He knew you would try and make it seem less than it was. You winced, realizing there was no way to lie your way out of this one.
“Just what the Separatists would call aggressive negotiations, I presume.”
“How bad?”
“It’s fine, Ani, I promise. Let’s just focus on getting out of here, okay?”
Anakin took a deep breath, collecting himself. “Alright. But as soon as we get back you’re going to a medical droid.”
You groaned. “Anakin I hate-”
“I know you hate the medical droids. But that’s only because they always rat you out when you try and lie to me about the extensiveness of your injuries.”
“You lie about how bad your injuries are, too! Remember that one time you came back from Kamino?!”
Anakin laughed, despite himself. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“You were literally bleeding from the head! And you said, and I quote, ‘it’s just a scratch’” Every time you thought back to that day, you were incredulous. 
“Alright, alright! Let’s just focus on getting out of here.”
“That’s my line!”
“Y/N,” He warned.
You smiled. Maker, you missed him. You honestly didn’t think that anyone else would have you laughing while you were beaten and captured. 
“Okay. What’s the plan?” Anakin said, back to the matter at hand.
You lowered your voice, leaning toward his cell so you could talk without being heard. “I snuck a knife in with me and I’ve been able to keep it a secret. Now that you’re here, it might actually come in handy. The problem was that I couldn’t stab anyone because no one would come into the cell. I need you to get them here. Push them against the side of your cell, the one closest to me, and I’ll stab them. Then while they’re hurt, you run out, unlatch my cell, and we’ll go.”
“I’m dating a fucking genius!” You could just about hear the smile in his voice. 
You smirked. All things considered, you were pretty proud of yourself. 
“When do you want to do this?”
“They bring daily food and water rations in the morning, I think? I can’t exactly tell what time it is, they’ve kept it so dark and isolated. Regardless, the next time they come by I need you to get them in here. They normally just leave the food outside and push it under the door.”
Anakin could hear the disorientation in your words and wanted nothing more than to be able to see you, to be able to hold you and reassure you that it would all be alright. 
“Okay, angel. Got it.”
“Thank you for coming to get me. It’s really good to hear your voice.”
“Always, my love.”
Both of you silenced when you heard those footsteps. You smiled for the first time as you heard them. We’re going to get out of here.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea, Y/N! This brick in here is loose!” Anakin announced loudly. You bit your cheek to suppress a smile as you watched Anakin catch the guard’s attention.
“What did you say, Jedi?!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Anakin responded, dramatically feigning innocence. 
The guard huffed and you internally cheered as he roughly opened the door. He walked over to your boyfriend, keeping the blaster pointed at him. As soon as the guard’s attention shifted to the “loose” brick, Anakin used the force to knock the blaster out of his hand and push him against the wall of the cell where you slashed his Achilles tendons. 
The guard howled in pain and you knew you had to work quickly if you were to get out of here before the rest of the Separatists found you. Anakin fumbled with the latch on your cell, the immense darkness making it difficult. Finally, he got it open and ushered you out. The both of you took off in a run and he gripped your hand with his metal one as you did so. 
You immediately stopped as you felt his hand roughly pulled from yours. 
“We’ve got you now, Skywalker” The guard said.
“Y/N, you ready?”
You blinked, unsure what he was referring to. Then, you heard an object whipping through the air and on instinct shot your hand out, catching it. You ignited Anakin’s lightsaber that he had summoned to you with the Force, it’s signature buzz making you feel powerful beyond words. 
The light caught you off guard and you squinted until your eyes adjusted. You saw Anakin held back by two guards. Hearing faint footsteps, you took off in a run. Anakin ducked as you swung wildly, hitting and taking out both guards.
“You done holding us up?” You said, extending your hand toward him once more and passing him his lightsaber. 
Anakin smiled, accepting it. “My sincerest apologies.” 
You both ran, hand-in-hand, until you finally made it to the exit.
“What?” You said, as Anakin stopped abruptly and looked at you, panicked. 
“The ship! It’s out of fuel!”
“It’s what?!”
“I-” Anakin and you stared at each other, flickers of doubt coming into your gaze. You can’t believe that you’d been able to escape for nothing. 
“Anakin! Y/N!”
You whipped your head around at the sound and were met with another ship a few meters down, Obi-Wan piloting it.
“Well? Are you coming, or what?” You and Anakin looked at each other in shock before taking off in a sprint, one guard now close behind you. 
He started shooting and Anakin pulled out his lightsaber, deflecting some of the shots. As he focused on that, you pulled your knife back out of your boot and sent it flying into the guard’s chest, effectively stopping his pursuit. 
Anakin smirked at you, awestruck. You shrugged before jumping into the ship, extending your arm to Anakin and helping to pull him up with you. You entered and immediately leaned against the wall of the ship, relief coursing through you. You laughed and Anakin joined in. He immediately pulled you into him, kissing you hard. 
He broke away from the kiss, looking at you with adoration. “You are a fucking badass!! You’ve never even held a lightsaber and between that and your fucking tiny knife you took out four guards!! I didn’t even get any! I’m not going to lie, Y/N, I’m a bit jealous.”
You laughed, leaning into him but wincing. As the adrenaline wore off, your pain was suddenly quite palpable. He noticed and pulled back, scanning your face and body. 
His smile fell as the extent of your injuries sunk in. Your busted cheek, scratched face, and ripped clothing that exposed some of your many bruises across your torso and limbs were overwhelming. 
“You kids alright in there?” Obi-Wan said, walking in from the cockpit. His smile died on his face as well as he took in your form.
“I’m alright, guys. It’s not as bad as it looks.” You said dismissively.
“That doesn’t look like nothing!” Anakin shot back. 
Obi-Wan looked at you apologetically. “Anakin’s right, Y/N. Please, rest. We’ll be back to Coruscant soon.” 
Coruscant! The Senate! “My speech!! Fuck, I had to present my speech! I’ve been gone, what, a week? They’ve probably already voted, Kriff.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “They decided to suspend the vote until you were back, Senator. They truly care for you and your policies.”
Your heart swelled at Obi-Wan’s words. You looked into Anakin’s eyes and saw that he agreed with the statement full heartedly. He took your hand and gently ran his thumb up and down its back. 
“Rest, my love.” He whispered to you, coaxing you to lie down on the coach and pulling off his Jedi cloak. He wrapped it around you as a makeshift blanket, smiling as you pulled it closer to you and drifted off. 
Obi-Wan walked up to Anakin and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Let’s leave her be, okay?”
“I don’t want her to wake up when I’m not here.”
The elder Jedi nodded in understanding. “She’s exhausted, she won’t awaken until we get back to the temple, I assure you. And if she does, you’ll just be in the other room.”
Anakin looked at you once more before smoothing the hair back from your face and gently placing a kiss on your forehead. He let his palm run down your cheek before he finally pulled himself away and walked into the cockpit with Obi-Wan. 
“So, how did you plan pan out?”
Anakin looked at his former Master, unamused. “I think you already know. How’d you know to come get us, anyway?”
“Well, when you didn’t come back or even attempt to contact the Council for over a day I assumed something had happened. I tracked your ship.”
Anakin nodded. “If not for Y/N, we’d probably both be dead.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “I heard! Four guards?! You’ve found yourself a good one.”
Anakin smiled. No words were needed, everyone knew that was completely and utterly true.
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darknessisafriend · 3 years
Periods Commodus x Reader
Here I’m back with an imagine about our dear Emperor, @beatlebabe1996​ I dedicate this to you ;) 
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You and Commodus had been married for a bit less than a month now, slowly, you had gotten used to each other’s presence, his frequent brooding and worries, but also his playfulness. Commodus was a man to discover and each day you learned more about him and fell even more in love with him; what had started as an arranged marriage had evolved into love. Even your husband, who was very suspicious over you at first and distant was learning to let down his guard, learning to know you were trustworthy. Yet, you still had a lot to learn about each other, you were discreet and shy, and he had a terrifying reputation…
You groaned in bed, burying your head under the sheets as the chamberlain came to wake you and your husband; today you really didn’t want to get up, you had a difficult night and pains in your lower belly had awaken you, you had understood your periods were coming. And as you woke up, you realized a slight wetness between your thighs, oh no…not when your husband was next to you, he would be disgusted, like many roman men were, some even considered it as a bad omen; what if Commodus reacted that badly too? Your heart started to hammer in your chest, you didn’t know how you would get out of that situation. You retained a little jump as you felt Commodus’ arm wrap around you.
“My Y/N…it’s time to rise.” He said softly and placed a feather like kiss on your temple. You closed your eyes, those soft lips gave you goosebump; but you lightly groaned, pretending not to feel very well.
“I’m…I think I’m going to stay in bed a bit more. I’m not feeling at my best…” you muttered. And you instantly felt your husband’s worry grow.
“What is it Y/N? are you feeling any pain?” he quickly asked, ready to call for a doctor.
“Commodus, please don’t worry about it. Just get up and start your day, I will surely feel better later.” You tried to convince him, you didn’t want the doctors involved and telling you to sleep separately from your husband until your periods ended, you wanted his comfort during that tough time of the month. But you knew how stubborn he was, he wouldn’t let go so easily.
“Tell me what you have. I don’t like things to be hidden from me. Especially from people I love. Don’t make me order you Y/N” He replied on a tone without appeal, he won’t leave this bed until you told him your symptoms.
“My belly hurts quite a lot…” you moaned as another cramp hit you. However, you didn’t expect Commodus to pull on the sheet to take a look and so you couldn’t prevent him from seeing the blood that had tainted your nightgown, you looked away in shame, your heart racing in fear that he would get angry.
“Oh Y/N tell me this is just your monthly bleeding…” murmured your husband, just for you to hear and avoid getting attention from anyone else. In fact, at the view of the blood, his heart had skipped a beat, fearing you had gotten severely ill.
“Yes, it is. I’m sorry, I should have known it was coming and I should have gone to my quarters.” You quickly apologized, not knowing how he would react. But he didn’t answer, instead you felt him get off the bed, perhaps in disgust he wanted to get away from you, you squinted your eyes shut, what would he do next?
“Love, here.” You jumped, startled by his voice so close to you. Slowly you opened your eyes and met his clear orbs, he looked at you softly, no hint of disgust or anger. You were speechless, you had to admit. And only after long seconds you noticed he held a piece of cloth in his hand, perhaps one of his expensive neck scarves made of silk.
“What…?” you asked confused.
“To absorb the blood for now.” He explained, not caring to dirty and taint the cloth “And I got you a clean loincloth.” He gave her a little smile, handing it to you as well and you couldn’t help but look at him as if he was crazy. “What?” he asked, curious as to why you looked at him like that.
“Well you’re not…? horrified or disgusted? Something like that?”
He chuckled, shaking his head “I have seen a lot more blood in the Colosseum.” He said jokingly, trying to relax you.  his hand going to caress your hair. “And I heard some doctors say it could be a thing that helped the woman to procreate. So, something that would give me a baby with you, an heir…it’s neither disgusting nor horrifying. It’s beautiful.” He replied more seriously. He respected you and would never treat you in such way, the only woman he could trust and have close to him.
“But all men they…” you tried to explain, to be sure of how he felt.
“I’m not like all men my dear. I am Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, the Emperor.” He smirked proudly at you. And you couldn’t help but giggle, indeed he wasn’t, he was unique, in many ways. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be ashamed my love. I will take care of you today, only emergencies of the Empire will get my attention.” He added, and you sighed in relief, he was a very caring lover, fully dedicated. So, you got up, taking the cloth and the loincloth and going to change.
Once you were all cleaned, you sighed contently, you were in fresh, absorbent undergarments. You felt much better and knowing Commodus would be mostly by your side today greatly helped. As the day passed, Commodus spent his time with you in your shared bedroom, away from the Senate or councilors, working at his desk, dressed in his black and red toga, reading and replying to petitions from the People.
Each time he heard you groan as you cramps became more painful, he left his desk and joined you on the bed, lying down next to you, wrapping an arm around you. “Be strong my love, it will go away.” He murmured against your ear as his hand gently massaged your lower belly. His warmth and gentle caresses alone appeased your pain, or at least distracted you from them. He stayed as long as you needed, or until you dozed off, tired by those changes in your body.
You were discovering how caring Commodus was, he had this tender side that was well hidden by a protective wall around his heart, he had been betrayed so many times. But with you, he could be himself, because you made yourself vulnerable to him and he felt safe enough to be in return. Soon, your poor husband witnessed your mood swings for the first time and found you snaping at him for no reason and then you ended up on the verge of tears. But Commodus showed himself very understanding, these monthly bleedings really seemed to impact the woman deeply.
“You know, I do have mood swings too sometimes…” he said as he hugged you, soothingly caressing your back, his words making you laugh.
“That’s actually true, mister grumpy!” you giggled, burying your face in his neck, now placing soft kisses against his warm skin, making Commodus hum in pleasure.
“How about we go for a bath?” he suggested, kissing your temple.
“Hmm good idea.” You grinned, nibbling his skin, earning a small moan from the Emperor, your mood swings were quick, but he wasn’t complaining from that one, he actually enjoyed it, a lot.
You both headed for the baths, hand in hand. Commodus had especially requested the water to be warmer, he had quickly understood warmth relaxed you and soothed your pains; and indeed, he was a very good observer. As you both entered the warm waters, you sighed in contentment and a slave came to bring a plate full of nuts and dates.
“I asked our physician Galen about what you go through. He recommends you eat these. Helps with fatigue and moodiness.” Your husband explained to you as he took some to eat, you looked at him, once again amazed.
“Dear, you surprise me more each time. It’s such a sweet attention. Thank you.” You smiled happily, swimming to join him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Anything for you Y/N. You are my world.” He replied as if those words were naturally coming out of his mouth and with you it was. He took a date and presented it to your mouth, smiling as you eagerly ate it.
“I had never dreamt of such wonderful husband.” You murmured, tenderly kissing him, grateful to have him; your mouth traveling to his jaw. You felt him sigh contently, how much he loved feeling you so close to him, purely desiring him…his hand buried in your hair as you nibbled his earlobe.
“Oh Y/N…” he breathed, slowly starting to feel aroused, he wrapped his arm around your waist while his hand seized your chin, making you look at him in the eyes. “Kiss me.” He said softly that request was the sweetest command, as if he feared you would stop.
“Yes, my love.” You agreed softly, instantly closing the gap between the two of you. He supported you just as you supported him. An endless devotion and an always stronger love, you could fight the whole world just to be in each other’s arms.
Commodus harem: @lyoongx​ @weirdflecksbutok​ @skaravile​ @niniitah-ah @stardancerluv​ @sgtsavoytruffle​ @charlie-sisters @ohcarlesmycarles​ @rajacero @hopelessdisasterr @stellargirlie​ @rosebloodstuffandthangss​ @clowndaddyfleck​ @jaylovesbats @dreamingmaria​ @sagyunaro​ @just-a-fucking-comedy​ @spaceinvader​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @lady-carnivals-stuff​ @sierraclegane​​ @legojorny​ @lemondedeniname​​ @hvproductions​​ @syvellsworld​​ @papercut-paranoia​​ @jokerflecker​​ @beautifulyoungprospect​​ @bring-your-holy-water @five-miles-over​ @yukis-writing​ @morrisonmercurryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix​
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passable-talent · 4 years
okok so imagine growing up/ training with Anakin as kids in the Jedi temple?? and when he turns to the dark side, you join him and rule by his side???? I- asdfghjjfksa
how did u know that I’m a slut for this kinda shit
i’m not even 100% sure this was meant as a request but anon, you’re in luck, BECAUSE YOU’RE GETTING AN ENTIRE FUCKING FIC OUT OF THAT SHIT
make an entire 70 song playlist just to write this? yes. yes i did. 
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As a Jedi Knight, you had been assigned to protect Padme Amidala. Such an assignment had been decided by the chancellor himself- he did so adore Padme, and could not stand the thought of her coming to harm. 
Darth Sidious, you see, had assumed that Anakin Skywalker cared for her deeply, and so needed her alive, for his plan concerning Anakin to come to fruition. He made a single, harmless mistake, one that had managed not at all to affect his plan. 
All that time that Anakin spent with Padme was indeed because he cared for her. She was his best friend- and it was you that he had married in secret some years ago. He did care deeply for Padme Amidala, but not in the same way he felt for his oldest friend in the Jedi Order, besides Obi-Wan. The one he’d grown up with, trained with. 
She was your best friend, and his. The three of you were an unstoppable trio (people notice when three of incredible beauty and power like the three of you enter a room), and you trusted each other with everything. She knew and helped hide your relationship with him, she was the only human at your wedding. 
And when the Republic was remade into the Empire, you sat in her apartment in Coruscant, her loyal bodyguard and best friend. As you always did when you had much to consider, you rolled a ring around your finger. Anakin had given it to you at your wedding. It wasn’t a wedding band, just a simple ring, one that wasn’t too far out of place for a Jedi to wear. But it was your wedding ring, all the same.
Obi-Wan knew that if anyone would know where Anakin was, it was one of the two of you. And he knew that you’d be together. 
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“Yesterday,” you answered, as you often did for the senator. It helped give her that aire of superiority that served her well. 
“And do you know where he is now?” He pressed, and you looked to Padme. She shook her head. 
“No,” you answered for her again, leaning still against one of the columns of her apartment. You knew she was safe with Obi-Wan, and your guard was as low as it had been in weeks. 
“I need your help,” Obi-Wan said, to the both of you. “He is in grave danger.” You stood up straight, surprised. 
“From the Sith?” You asked. 
“No,” Obi-Wan said, “from himself.” You approached Obi-Wan slowly, until you stood side by side with Padme. “I’m afraid...” Obi-Wan looked to the side, full of sorrow. “Anakin has turned to the Dark Side.” 
It felt as though a hole opened up in the floor beneath you, and you could do nothing but fall. 
“You’re wrong,” Padme said, conviction in her voice, “How could you even say that?”
You turned your face to the side, eyes cast to the floor, and murmured only a single ‘no’.
Obi-Wan pushed between the two of you, still pain in his voice, and you didn’t know how this could get any worse. 
“I-I have seen a security hologram,” he stuttered, voice soft, and you turned toward him. “Of him...” he trailed away as his footsteps stopped, and he brought his hand to his mouth. “Killing younglings.” 
“Not Anakin,” Padme said, “he couldn’t!”
“It can’t be true,” you murmured, shutting your eyes briefly against it all, as though you could block it away. Your thumb went to the ring on your fourth finger, just to feel the metal, and to remember who it represented. 
“He was deceived by a lie, we all were.” Obi-Wan turned, and now his face was hard. “It appears the chancellor is behind everything, including the war.” 
“The Emperor,” you corrected, anger coiling between your ribs, and now you had someone to blame. The same man who had shown so much kindness to you, and your two best friends. And he’d done this. 
“Palpatine is the Sith Lord we’ve been looking for,” Obi-Wan told you both, and you flicked your eyes for just a moment to Padme- she looked surprised, and hurt. As were you all. “After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice.” She paused, taking it all in, and in her strife took a seat on the nearby couch. 
“Anakin isn’t a Sith,” you said, under your breath, wishing you could convince yourself of it. 
“I must find him,” Obi-Wan said, and your gaze snapped to him. 
“And kill him?" You accused, “He’s been deceived, just like the rest of us. You said it yourself!” 
“He has become a very great threat,” Obi-Wan insisted, and you shook your head, taking a step in his direction. 
“And he can be lead back to the light!” You said, astounded that Obi-Wan could even consider harming him. “Obi-Wan, don’t you see? If you turn on him, it’ll only push him further toward the dark! You, Obi-Wan Kenobi, his master!” You noticed the briefest expression of guilt cross Obi-Wan’s face, and you thought you might convince him to reconsider. 
His eyes flicked downward to the ring, and his resolve hardened, and he stepped back toward the balcony, and his ship. He paused, just outside the walls of the apartment. 
“(Y/N),” he said, and you lifted your chin toward him. “You’ve married him, haven’t you?” 
You kept his gaze, and did not deny it. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said, turning from you and boarding his ship. 
“Remember what I said, Obi-Wan,” you said, and the conviction in your voice was almost a threat, “If you find him. If he thinks you’ve turned on him, we’ll never get him back.” Obi-Wan nodded, slightly, and left the balcony. 
You turned back to Padme with sadness in your eyes. 
“You know where he is, don’t you?” She asked, and you reached with your right hand to fiddle with the ring on your left. 
“Of course I do,” you admitted, and she walked to you. 
“Let me come with.”
“Padme, love,” you said, “if what Obi-Wan said is true, and he has turned to the dark, I want to keep you as far away as possible. I’ll send Captain Typho down, he’ll watch over you while I’m gone.” Padme nodded, pulling you into a hug. 
“Take my ship,” she said, “so he’ll know it’s you.” 
“Thank you,” you breathed, and when you parted, you felt her run her thumb over your wedding ring. “I promise I’ll bring him back.” 
Mustafar- that’s where he was. You flew there, alone with your thoughts for the entire ride, but you knew that it would be your husband waiting for you when you arrived. 
You touched down on the landing dock, and for a moment, stared across the fiery landscape, wondering if this was your own, personal hell. To lose Anakin, to stand opposite Obi-Wan, to abandon Padme. 
A figure appeared, and dropped his hood, and you’d recognize him anywhere. He ran- and you did the same, opening the hatch so you could meet him. He opened his arms to you, and you fell into them, and if you hadn’t known, you wouldn’t have thought that anything changed. 
“Padme’s ship,” he said, posing a question, and you shook your head.
“She’s on Coruscant,” you said, resting your forehead against his shoulder. “It’s just me.” 
“What are you doing out here?” He asked, and you swallowed hard. 
“I was worried about you,” you said, holding onto his arms. “Obi-Wan...” you trailed off, and thought of your own advice. If there was any chance that the two of them would ever reconcile, it would be affected by your words in this moment. 
“We’ve been told terrible things,” you said, and you saw concern in his eyes. How this loving man before you could have done what Obi-Wan said... it didn’t make sense. 
“What things?”
“They said you’ve turned to the dark side,” you said, nearly in a whimper, but you chose not to specify who ‘they’ where that told you this rumor. He lowered his gaze, and pressed his forehead to yours, and it almost helped. “That you killed younglings.” 
“They’re trying to turn you against me,” Anakin said, holding you gently, and you shut your eyes. Obi-Wan was right, and Sidious had manipulated Anakin. You just had to get him back. 
“Anakin, I want to help you,” you said, and you felt him pull from your grip, slowly. 
“And I want to protect you,” he said, and his voice was so calm, like he didn’t realize the meaning that was behind them. “Only my new powers can do that.” 
As a Jedi, you excelled in decision making. You had strong instincts, and you had been praised in the past that any decision you made was likely the right one. 
So here, you needed to make a choice. A choice as to how you would bring Anakin back to the light. You could push, now, and make him feel betrayed. Or you could wait, and tug him slowly. 
The problem with the plan, the kink in the line, was that Obi-Wan was on his way, searching for Anakin. Sidious likely was, too. If you didn’t pull him to the light now, things would get worse. 
But you were willing to do whatever it took to keep Anakin alive. 
You pulled him against you again, in another hug, and wished that you could spend forever here, wrapped within him. 
“I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of,” he said, fingers slipping through your hair the way he would calm you of a nightmare. If only this were another nightmare, and you would wake up, and all would be right again. “And I’m doing it for you. To protect you.” 
You were sure, now, that Obi-Wan was right. Anakin had been taken to the dark side, but you knew he had not yet been lost. You knew you could bring him back. 
“We could leave,” you suggested quietly, fingers knotting into his robes. “Leave it all behind. We don’t have to be Jedi, we can just be together, far away from here.” 
“Don’t you see?” he asked, and as you pulled away, you saw a smile on his face. “We don’t have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic! Now we can be safe, Padme can be safe, the Separatists are gone. I’m even more powerful than the chancellor, (Y/N), I-I can overthrow him, if that’s what you want.” 
You had to make a decision. You had to choose. 
“And together, you and I can rule the galaxy! Make things the way we want them to be, the way they should be!” 
Choose- choose between the Jedi way that you’d been taught all your life, or Anakin. 
You brought your hands to his face, letting your fingertips settle in his hair. 
“Promise me,” you whispered, and your eyes lifted to his. “Promise me that when the day comes, you’ll overthrow the chancellor. Promise me that you’ll choose me over him.” 
“Of course,” he insisted, putting his flesh hand over yours, “It’s all for you, (Y/N).” 
“Anakin,” said a voice behind you, and you whirled from his arms to see Obi-Wan, standing at the hatch of Padme’s ship. 
“No, no!” You said, throwing up a hand toward him, your other to your side as though you were protecting Anakin from him. “No, Obi-Wan, you’ll only push him away! I can handle this!”
“He’s endangering himself, (Y/N),” Obi-Wan said, stepping down the ramp. 
“You brought him here?” 
“No!” you shouted over your shoulder, “I didn’t know he was on the ship!” Turning back to Obi-Wan, you brought your hand up higher, and you’d force him back, if you needed to. 
“Obi-Wan, trust me. He’s fine, he’ll be okay, I need you to go.” Obi-Wan looked at you for a moment, and you saw no trust in his eyes. Your right hand, which once kept Anakin back, slowly rounded to your saber where it hung on your back. 
“Obi-Wan, please. We don’t need to fight.” 
You expected, though, that you would have to. 
But Obi-Wan let out a breath, and conceded, stepping away. 
“Listen to me, both of you,” you said, turning your shoulders just so that you could refer to both of them, but still stand between them. 
“Obi-Wan, you need to be far from here. Far from Coruscant. Take Padme, too- far away. I don’t trust the emperor not to harm either of you.” You made a small motion to Anakin.
“We’ll take care of Sidious. He trusts Anakin, we can remove him. When it’s safe, I’ll let you know, and you can come home.” You could feel the way the air between them bristled, but it seemed Obi-Wan trusted you enough to heed your words. 
“Take Padme’s ship. Fly to Coruscant, then go, as far away as you can.”
“Tatooine,” Anakin suggested, voice dark. 
“Yes, go to Tatooine, and hide, please, Obi-Wan.” 
Without a word, Obi-Wan nodded, and turned back to the ship. You watched as it lifted off, and you didn’t look away until it had gone. You could feel Anakin simmering behind you. 
“Did he come to kill me?” He asked, and you reached for him. 
“No, no,” you soothed, hating yourself with every lie you told him. You knew it was for the best. “He was worried, worried for you, worried that he would have to kill you because of your loyalty to Sidious.” You pet his hair back, holding his face. “But you aren’t loyal to Sidious, see? And now that he knows that, we can all work together. He’ll keep Padme safe until we rule the galaxy.” Anakin nodded, resting his forehead against yours again. 
“When the time is right, (Y/N), I’ll do it. I’ll kill Palpatine.”
“I know,” you breathed, and it almost seemed like everything would be okay. 
He didn’t kill Palpatine. 
Sidious trusted him, and so did what Anakin asked, keeping you alive and nearby. He called you a Sith, and fashioned a saber for you, its color autumn red, with just the slightest reminder of your former orange. You were allowed to be on his left, when Anakin was on his right. 
In his office at the senate, he was in the midst of a meeting when you ran him through.
It had been two months since that day on Mustafar. Obi-Wan reported that Yoda had disappeared, and most other Jedi had scattered throughout the system. Padme was safe. And you loved Anakin, but he was taking his time to remove Sidious. 
You wondered if it was because of Sidious’ control over him. Possibly, Sidious could sense his intentions. You doubted he could sense yours. 
So, from behind him, beside your husband, you ignited your saber, running straight through his stomach. 
He fell to the floor, and the members of his cabinet looked at you, stunned. 
“Leave,” Anakin ordered, and they immediately obeyed. With Palpatine dead, the empire fell to Anakin. 
When the room was empty, you looked down at the monster on the floor. He was wheezing, and bleeding rapidly. 
With hands almost tender, you sat him up, and rested his head against the desk. 
“With your remaining breath, my master,” you said, sitting back onto the floor, “tell me your plan. Tell me how you pulled Anakin to the dark side. And I’ll tell you why you failed.” He glared at you. 
“I could kill you now,” you offered, auburn saber still in your hand. “But I want to know how to do what you’ve done. To pass on the way of the Sith.” 
“Anakin Skywalker loved Padme Amidala,” Palpatine wheezed, and you raised your chin. “I promised him that I could save the one he loved from certain death. And when she disappeared, he held loyalty to no one but me.” 
“You didn’t count on me,” you continued for him, “If it weren’t for me, it would have worked.” 
“Yes,” Palpatine growled. You smiled, wickedly, and collected your legs underneath you as though you were meditating. 
“You failed,” you said, holding up your end of the bargain, “because while Anakin loves Padme, he married me.” Sidious’ eyes went wide. How he had managed to discuss Padme with Anakin and it never somehow came up that he hadn’t married Padme, you didn’t want to know. 
“His loyalty is to me. And to Padme- who is right now on Tatooine, in the care of Obi-Wan Kenobi.” You lifted your saber, pointing it to him casually, like one might gesture with a pen. 
“It seems, Sidious, I never discussed with you my true feelings for Anakin.” You pressed the saber forward to his stab wound, and the blood around it began to boil and sizzle. You went in slowly, making him groan, having not enough energy to scream. 
“I love him,” you explained, “I would do anything for him.” You slid the saber up toward his chest, and began the same slow press, this time toward his heart, through healthy flesh. 
“And I’ve got to say,” you began, readying to shove the saber forward and stop his miserable, shriveled heart, “I don’t think I appreciate how you’ve treated him.” 
One thrust forward, and Emperor Palpatine was no more. 
With his lungs empty of their final breaths, you snuffed your saber, and turned back to Anakin. He was still sitting in the chair he’d had beside Palpatine, eyes trained to you, shining in intensity. 
“You’re in my seat,” you said as you stood. You approached him and grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him against you. “I’m afraid I’ve taken your place as right hand to the emperor.” 
“Is that so?” he teased, his hands on your lower back. 
“I believe it is,” you breathed, “Emperor Skywalker.” 
No one in the galaxy had ever shared a sweeter kiss. 
-🦌 Roe
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roman-writing · 3 years
no great revelation (7/8)
Fandom(s): The Haunting of Bly Manor / Star Wars
Pairing: Dani Clayton/Jamie Taylor
Rating: M
Wordcount: 6,244
Summary: Jamie  just wants to enjoy a drink after a hard day’s work on the Telosian  Restoration Project. The last thing she needs is to get herself  caught  up in a mysterious woman with a lightsabre at the local bar.
Aurthor’s notes: Please note the rating change
read it below or read it here on AO3
Jamie swiped up on the tablet to throw the video to the feed at the centre of the table.
"Rebecca, this is everyone," Jamie said. "Everyone, this is Rebecca."
"I thought that maybe you'd been making up your Jedi friends this whole time. Nice to see I was wrong about that." Rebecca gave a little wave. "Hi, Dani. How's the ghost?"
Dani sank down a little in her seat, and her answering smile was more of a grimace. "Hi. Sorry," she mumbled.
"Yeah, about that," said Jamie. “Back on Quint’s ship, you said you knew what was happening at House Thul.”
“Oh? Finally ready to listen to me, are you?”
“Don’t push me,” Jamie growled, jabbing the tip of her finger at Rebecca’s face on the screen. “Remember. Galaxy’s Biggest Favour.”
Rebecca rolled her eyes. She had taken the call with her back to a wall, so it was impossible to glean her surroundings. "The Empire wants a foothold on Alderaan. It's a strategic location in the Core Worlds. They have been working over Lord Wingrave after the death of his brother and sister-in-law, helping him fabricate claims to the House, claims to his niece and nephew, claims to a position in the Republic Senate. You know the drill. Traditional blackmail."
"What else?" Jamie pressed.
For a moment Rebecca glanced over the top of the camera as if looking at something else out of frame, but then her attention returned back to the screen. "The children are Force Sensitives. The Sith have been helping Lord Wingrave keep that under wraps, so that The Order wouldn't take them away to the Temple for training. My sources tell me that the plan was for a Sith Lord to create sleeper agents out of the children through the use of some ancient Sith device containing a ghost."
"Which Sith?" Hannah asked.
"I'm not in the business of keeping tabs on Sith Lords. By the way," Rebecca pointed through the screen at Hannah. "How have you found shaving your head? Because I've been thinking of cutting my hair back, but I’m not sure about going all the way."
Running a hand along her shaved scalp, Hannah said, "There's nothing quite so freeing."
"Good to know. Thanks.” 
"Oi," Jamie snapped her fingers. "Focus. The Sith Lord."
"What else is there to say?" Rebecca replied dryly. "They're a Sith Lord. They're scary. They're dangerous. They're not to be fucked with. Your Jedi friends probably know the drill better than me."
"I hope not," Owen said under his breath as he took a sip of tea.
Hannah sat up a little straighter, hands clasped neatly on the table before her. "Do we know where they are? Where they're going, perhaps? Any information you give us may be vital."
Leaning her back against the wall behind her, Rebecca pursed her lips in thought before answering with a shake of her head. "I know they want the children, and I know they want the holocron. So - Alderaan."
"But the holocron isn't on Alderaan," Dani pointed out.
"They don't know that," said Rebecca. "Peter lied to buy himself time, and told them it was still in the estate of House Thul."
"But -" Dani frowned. "House Thul has its own militia of guardsmen. I know Sith are powerful but the Empire would need to send troops if they wanted to break in and hold ground."
"Then I guess the Sith Lord will be invading with troops as well."
Sighing deeply, Jamie lowered her face to her hands, letting her fingers scrub through her hair. Then she looked up again, hands hooked behind her neck. "Right. Guess we're off to Alderaan, then."
Rebecca laughed. When nobody else joined in, she stopped. "Wait. You're serious? Did you not just hear me say 'Most likely a Sith Lord is going to invade House Thul?' As in — with a shock legion. As in over a thousand soldiers led by a malevolent Force User, who can and would probably kill a room with a snap of their fingers?” 
Lowering her hands, Jamie said, "Yeah, you - uh - you mentioned that. Good thing you'll be right there with us."
"You have got to be joking."
Jamie said nothing. Just gave Rebecca a long look.
"Jamie," said Rebecca, her expression horrified, "You can't be serious. When I said 'favour' I didn't mean 'suicide.'"
"We can’t let them have those kids. Trying to mobilise Republic troops or The Order without enough evidence is a fuckin’ waste of time. We need to get into the estate of House Thul," Jamie gestured around to everyone at the table. "You're a smuggler. So, smuggle us in."
Rebecca pinched the bridge of her nose. "Alderaan is Republic territory. Why do you need me to smuggle you onto the planet, when you can just fly and land there yourself?"
"Because of her." Jamie gestured towards Dani, who looked both startled at being mentioned and guilty. "I don't want Pasha and his Troopers linking Dani to this in any way. They can't know she returned to House Thul. She has to come out of this squeaky clean."
Groaning, Rebecca said, "Fine. When do you want to go?"
"As soon as possible," said Owen.
"I'm -" Rebecca looked over the top of the camera again, craning her neck slightly. "Thirty two hours from Alderaan through hyperspace. Meet me in orbit around the planet. How's the ship I gave you?"
"Rude," Jamie said blandly. "It keeps insulting me."
A smile tugged at the corner of Rebecca's mouth and she began tapping at the buttons below her screen. "That sounds like Jane."
Jamie's face screwed up. "Jane? It has a name?"
"It's a JN class droid uploaded into the ship’s mainframe. It likes being called Jane. Didn't you ask it?"
"Well, no wonder it's rude to you. By the way, I’ve just dropped you those pictures of my godson that you asked for last time. They should be appearing on your device now.” Rebecca waved with a little flutter of her fingers. “See you in thirty two hours.”
The video feed winked out. 
"I rather like that young woman," Hannah said.
“Get in line,” Jamie grumbled. 
The video had been replaced by a file icon. Jamie clicked it and brought up the first photo of Rebecca carrying a blue-skinned Twi’lek child on her back, both wearing big beaming smiles. 
“Oh, they’re adorable,” Owen sighed. 
Fuming, Jamie flicked to the next photo, which was equally adorable. “Fuck. Okay. Yeah. They are.”
After cleaning up in the dining room and kitchen, Hannah gently nudged Jamie's arm and indicated she should follow her. Jamie glanced over at Dani, but she was engaged in a lively conversation with Owen while they dried dishes together. Dani's smile had lost its tentative edge the longer Owen spoke to her, but there was still a tenseness to the way she held her shoulders, the same tenseness that had been present back in Ho'kyn's bar on Telos IV, as though she were afraid someone would batter down the door at any moment.
Jamie followed Hannah, who led her up a set of stairs to a mezzanine floor where the walls were floor to ceiling scrolls and books and objects of cultural curiosity.
"Find anything new?" Jamie asked. She leaned back against the railing of the mezzanine which overlooked the lounge below.
Hannah plucked a tome from its shelf, dusted it off, and opened it to a page that had already been marked with a length of ribbon. "Yes and no. Nothing helpful, anyway."
She came to stand beside Jamie so that she might also look at the book. Jamie peered at it from the corner of her eye, not recognising the script around the drawing of a grey-skinned woman in dark red robes with a deep cowl.
"That a Sith?" Jamie asked.
Hannah hummed a curious note. "A Witch of Dathomir. Dark-aligned, for the most part, but not Imperial. They're the only practitioners of possession I've been able to find record of at all. I believe The Lady might have been an early precursor. Or perhaps they developed similar techniques independently."
Jamie stood straighter, hands tightening around the railing. "Wait, so - you can reverse it?"
Hannah snapped the book shut. "No. Though a visit to Dathomir might be in order, should we survive. However, if you chose to go, I won't be accompanying you. They dislike Jedi as much as they dislike Sith."
"Good thing I'm not a Jedi."
"I doubt they'll see the difference," Hannah said, and she tucked the book beneath one arm. "Failing that, the only other people who might know anything about this ghost are the Sith themselves."
Jamie scoffed, smiling. "Right. I'll just sail into their capital on Dromund Kaas and ask for help, then. Great advice."
A flick of the Force against Jamie's ear made her wince.
"Don't be cheeky," said Hannah.
Rubbing at her ear, Jamie opened her mouth to retort but stopped. Beneath them Dani and Owen walked into the lounge, still talking. Dani moved her hands when she spoke, and Owen watched her with a fond if guarded smile.
"I am afraid for her," Hannah murmured so that they would not be overheard.
Jamie nodded. "Yeah."
"For someone like our lovely Miss Clayton, the Dark Side is not a lure so much as it is a glue trap," Hannah mused aloud. "It has a gravity of its own, the darkness. And once there, it becomes more and more difficult to claw your way free. Even if you want to. Even if you know you should, but can’t bring yourself to try. Fear is her failing. And fear is the relinquishment of logic."
Jamie glanced at Hannah. "Can you teach her when this is all over? You're the best of the best in The Order when it comes to balance in the Force."
Without looking at Jamie, Hannah lightly smacked her arm, just a dismissive tap with the back of one hand. "Don't try your flattery on me. I've known you too long for that nonsense."
"That nonsense," said Jamie, "has gotten me out of more sticky situations than you know."
"But it won't get Miss Clayton out of this one."
Muttering a curse under her breath, Jamie sank down a bit, gripping the railing as she did so until she stood bent over and leaning against it. "Don't you start, too. I had Owen in my ear last night about it."
"Good man," Hannah murmured appreciatively.
"Bloody hypocrites. The both of you."
"You can't solve everything with your curmudgeonly charm," said Hannah.
"I fuckin' can."
"Sometimes," Hannah turned, leaning her back against the railing, arms crossed over the book gripped loosely to her chest, "a helping hand can only do so much. A person needs to want to help themself."
Jamie scowled. "So, what? If we can't help her we just ship her off to the Empire? 'Here, have a new Sith apprentice?' You haven't even given her a chance, and you two are already lecturing me on how I need to let go." She shook her head with a bitter chuckle. "Unbelievable."
And of course Hannah remained infuriatingly unflappable, her voice calm when she replied, "I will do everything I can, as I know Owen will, too. But — even should we survive this ordeal — our time with her will be limited. She will not be safe on Tython, where some overzealous Knight will surely sense her presence and jump to conclusions."
Jamie's mouth went dry. She swallowed. "Then where am I supposed to take her for training?"
Hannah smiled and placed a warm hand on Jamie's forearm. "Wherever you want, dear. So long as you're there."
Face screwing up in confusion, Jamie straightened. "But you just - You were just telling me how I needed to keep my distance and all that shite."
"Was I?" Hannah murmured, and she let go of Jamie's arm to instead toy at a gold earring. "I don't recall saying that at all."
And with that she crossed back over to place the book on its shelf.
"What do you mean? Hannah?" said Jamie, turning around.
Humming to herself as if she hadn't heard, Hannah drifted off down the stairs.
"Hannah," Jamie repeated, louder this time.
"We really must pack, Owen," said Hannah, ignoring Jamie completely.
Hitting her fist against the railing, Jamie turned back around to glower down at Hannah, who appeared on the floor below. Hannah urged Owen down a hallway with instructions to pack for the trip, leaving Dani standing in the middle of the lounge, alone. Dani looked up, and Jamie's fist loosened.
The last time Jamie had seen her from this angle, Dani had been in the full thrall of The Lady back on the luxury cruiser, her red-gold gaze piercing through a camera in the ceiling. Now, Dani blinked up at her with none of that cold malice to be found. She opened her mouth to say something, but then Hannah's voice called down the hallway.
"Miss Clayton, what's the weather like at House Thul?"
Dani turned and began walking towards the sound, already answering Hannah's question, and leaving Jamie staring after her from the mezzanine floor, lost.
The gangway automatically lowered to the ground when Jamie got within a certain distance from the luxury cruiser still docked where they had left it.
"Good afternoon, Bollocks," said the cultured male baritone of the ship's computer. "You've brought guests."
Beside her, Owen mouthed the word 'bollocks?' at Hannah, who looked like she was trying very hard not to laugh.
Jamie rolled her eyes and shooed the two of them up the gangway, trailed by Dani. "I have, yeah. Anything interesting happen while we were away, Jane?"
There followed a pause that was slightly too long for a droid of this calibre, and then the ship's computer replied, "Nothing of note. I did not tell you to call me that."
"Oh? Don't like it? Should I call you bawbag instead?"
Another pause, this one affronted. "Jane," said the ship's computer, "is perfectly serviceable."
"Glad to hear it, mate," Jamie drawled and stepped into the ship proper.
As Dani stepped up behind her, the ship's computer said, "And a good day to you, too, Miss Clayton. You're looking very alive today."
"Uh -" said Dani, and she ducked her head sheepishly. "Thanks."
The gangway lifted and sealed behind them once everyone had entered the main atrium, where the ship’s computer had already sent out a small service droid on trundlers bearing glasses of some kind of pale carbonated alcohol. 
“Don’t mind if I do,” Owen murmured, picking up a glass and taking a sip. He made an appreciative noise. 
“Where would we like to go?” the ship’s computer asked.
Jamie waved the service droid away when it tried to press an insistent drink into her hand. “No, thanks. Jane, calculate a route to Alderaan. We need to meet someone in orbit around the planet in thirty two hours.”
“Route calculated,” the ship’s computer replied almost immediately. “The journey is only expected to take twenty one hours through hyperspace. I will chart a circuitous route so that we arrive on time. If it would please you, you may make your way to the dining lounge. I have prepared a light lunch before we depart.” 
Frowning, Jamie looked up at the ceiling. “How the hell did you even know we were coming?”
“I have access to the station’s security cameras and systems.”
That gave everyone pause. Owen froze in the act of draining his glass, while Hannah and Dani shared looks. 
“You hacked the station’s security system?” Jamie said.
“Negative, Bollocks,” said the ship’s computer. “I asked the mainframe for access very nicely.” 
“Are you lying?” Jamie turned to Hannah and Dani. “Can droids lie?”
The ship’s computer did not answer. Which wasn’t concerning. Not at all. Owen suddenly looked a bit queasy, and he gingerly lowered his near empty glass back onto the tray held out by the service droid. 
“You need not fear for the condition of food and drink aboard this vessel,” said the ship’s computer. “I am programmed to care for and protect any legitimate member of this crew as designated by the Captain and owner.” 
Jamie pointed jokingly at Owen and said, “Better watch yourself, then.”
Placing a hand over his chest, Owen pretended to look insulted, then followed Jamie further into the ship towards the dining lounge. 
“May I ask,” started the ship’s computer, “what are we going to be doing on Alderaan?’
Jamie dragged her hand along one of the polished white walls as she walked. “Getting in over our heads.”
“Please clarify.”
“We’re going to have a fight. Why?” Jamie asked dryly. “Do you also happen to have ion cannons strapped to your shiny exterior?”
“Negative. But I do come equipped with some accessories the crew might find useful in the event of a boarding attempt.”
One of the panels beneath Jamie’s hand pressed inwards, and a whole section of the wall peeled back to reveal racks upon racks of blaster pistols, blaster rifles, grenades, vibroweapons with wickedly curved blades some small enough to strap to the leg, others long enough to be wielded with two hands. Everything that would make a Republic Trooper get all hot and bothered.   
All four of them stopped in their tracks and stared. 
“Definitely an ex-Czerka ship,” Hannah muttered under her breath.
Hand on the hilt of the lightsabre at her hip, Dani said, “I think I’ll stick with this. I’d be more likely to shoot my own foot.”
“Likewise,” said Owen. 
Meanwhile Jamie reached out and hefted a blaster pistol. She turned it over in her hands for closer inspection, careful not to graze anyone with the barrel, but all defining marks or serial numbers had been either scrubbed off or hadn’t made it far enough in manufacturing to be stamped in the first place. With a shrug, she took one of the holsters and belted it around her waist. 
Owen gave her a look. “Really?” 
“What?” Jamie holstered the blaster pistol and waved at the other three. “You all have lightsabres, and we’re going up against who only knows what. Am I supposed to just hide behind a pillar while you lot do all the fun stuff?” 
Before they could answer, the ship’s computer chimed and said from its hidden speakers in the ceiling. “Not to interrupt,” said Jane, “but the tea is getting cold.”
Immediately Owen’s eyes brightened. “Oh, tea?” 
It was in fact high tea. Three tiered platters. Fine bone china. Petit fours. The whole lot. They amused themselves in the various lounges and quarters of the ship for hours before departure, at which point the ship’s computer insisted upon harnesses being secured. The jump to hyperspace left Jamie feeling on edge, as though she had left her stomach behind on Tython. And she couldn’t have been the only one. Their talk had been too forced, their laughter too loud, Owen and Jamie swapping stories to the delight of Dani and Hannah, who would chime in every now and then. And when Jane rolled out a more formal dinner, it felt like some kind of last meal before execution at dawn by firing squad. 
Jamie couldn’t find it in herself to enjoy the meal. Every bite tasted like ash. The ship’s computer on the other hand seemed thrilled that its crew was finally taking part in its carefully scheduled meals and activities. More than once Jamie thought she heard a low-pitched contented hum from the belly of the ship. Or perhaps that was simply the engine room. 
Eventually, Jamie made her excuses and left the others to their own devices. Jamie walked into the same bedroom she had taken during the initial trip on this vessel. First one on the left from the main lounge. There were at least four other rooms of generally equal size and accommodation on the ship; Jamie had simply picked this one because it was closest to the helm, easy to access and nothing more. 
Jamie sighed and stopped in the middle of the room. She unslung the holster and pistol, dropping it to the ground, then began to unbutton the crisp white shirt she had stolen from the medbay. Back on Tython, Hannah had offered her a spare set of robes, which she’d declined. Jamie hadn’t worn robes since she was a padawan, and after years of boilersuits and undershirts, she wasn’t about to start again any time soon, thanks. Even if it meant dumb slacks and collared shirts made of some anti-wrinkle fabric that cost more than her apartment back on Telos IV. 
She just needed to make it one more day. Just one more day. The last few weeks had shaved off a good few years from her life. Probably. And by this time tomorrow this whole ordeal would be over, alive or dead. Probably. 
There was a knock at the door. With a frown, Jamie turned, hands paused in the act of unbuttoning the shirt halfway down her stomach. “Yeah?” 
The door hissed open and shut again behind Dani as she stepped into the room. “Hi.”
Jamie blinked. “Hey.” 
For a long moment Dani did and said nothing. Her mismatched gaze flicked down to the narrow v of skin and the dogtags revealed by the open shirt, only to dart quickly away again, studying the bedside table with a fixed intensity it did not deserve. 
“Sorry,” said Dani. “I just - It's been a few days since we’d really spoken, and I wanted to check in.”
Jamie nodded. “Ah - yeah. I’m good. Are you -?”
“Yeah. I’m okay.” 
Another lengthy pause.
Dani gestured to the door behind her. “Hannah and Owen are very nice.” 
“They are, yeah. Good people. Trust ‘em with my life, and I don’t say that lightly.” Jamie tried to smile, to make light, but Dani had turned that wide-eyed fixed intensity upon her now. It was difficult not to squirm in place when Dani looked at her like that.
Dani took an abortive step forward, only to stop herself before she could venture too close. “Are we okay? It’s just - on Tython you seemed to want your own space, and I thought -” She paused to clear her throat, glancing briefly down at her feet. “Did I mess this up or -? I mean - I know I’m not the best option for anyone, and you deserve someone nice, someone who’s not completely messed up or possessed by an ancient Sith ghost or something. But I -” she paused to close her eyes and draw in a deep breath. “I really like you. And if you don’t want anything to do with me after this is all over, I would completely understand, but I -”
Jamie tried. She really did. But the next thing she knew, she had taken a step forward and pulled Dani in for a kiss. Dani made a small noise of surprise in the back of her throat that Jamie chased after, feeling her respond in kind, feeling the Force welling up beneath Dani’s skin like a hand reaching out in offering. 
“Do you think -” Jamie said, pulling away just enough to speak, “- that I did all this because I don’t like you?”
Dani gave a breathless little laugh, her hands cupping Jamie’s jaw then sliding to cradle the back of her head. “I thought you did it because you’re good and noble and you’re drawn to a lost cause.”
“Can be lots of things, can’t I?”
They were close enough that Jamie could feel the pull of Dani’s smile against her own lips, their noses brushing. 
“I know you like your life to be boring. So, I was thinking," said Dani, "how nice Corsin must be at this time of year. Just a getaway planet in the middle of nowhere. No Sith. No Jedi. That could be boring, couldn't it?"
Jamie swayed forward, eyes half lidded, and murmured, "Could be awfully boring."
Hannah and Owen be damned. The little voice in the back of her head telling her this was a bad idea be damned. Dani was kissing her again and every thought flew right out of her head until there was nothing but this. Nothing but today, this moment, the call of blood in her veins, life as it was and nothing else. 
There was not push towards the bed, no drive to action beyond this. Still Jamie paused, one hand remaining anchored at Dani’s waist.
“You can still go alone,” Jamie said, “if you want. Doesn’t have to be with me.”
Even as she said it, Jamie dreaded the answer. Knowing Dani’s predilection towards shrinking away from things that were too difficult to face alone. Knowing her own history of always being the odd one out, passed from place to place, from Corps to Corps, unfettered, unwanted. 
Dani’s hand tightened in her hair, holding her close. “Want it to be with you.”
Want this, Jamie thought as Dani kissed her again. Want this, too.
Removing Dani’s cloak and tossing it onto the floor beside the blaster pistol had never felt so easy. Kissing her, unhooking the lightsabre and setting it onto the table had never felt so easy. Unzipping Dani’s vest while Dani finished unbuttoning what Jamie had started had never felt so easy. Being with someone else had never felt so easy. 
Jamie’s shirt was discarded onto the ground beside the bed just as Jamie sank to her knees there. Dani’s hair was mussed, her mouth parted, her eyes fixed and unblinking as Jamie began to slowly drag down the zipper of her trousers. She toyed with the chain of Jamie’s dogtags, winding it around her fingers at the back of Jamie’s neck. 
When Jamie began to tug down the material, Dani sat on the edge of the mattress so her pants could be peeled off and placed aside. Jamie leaned forward and stroked her tongue along the soft skin of Dani’s inner thigh, feeling a hand grip her hair when she bit down gently, and making a low dark sound in the back of her throat. 
Already Dani was moving her hips in small motions and Jamie hadn’t even started yet. Jamie laughed softly.
“What?” Dani breathed.
Jamie shook her head, but the movement was restricted somewhat by the tight grip Dani had on her hair. “Nothing,” she murmured and bowed forward to place her open mouth against slick wet and wanting heat.
Wanting nothing but this. The spread of Dani’s legs on either side of Jamie’s head. The taste of her when Jamie swiped her tongue in long slow strokes. The sound of her name gasped in Dani’s voice. The ache between her own legs as Dani rocked her hips to the rhythm Jamie set with a barely restrained urgency. 
Where last time had been fast and hard, Jamie did the opposite now. She traced Dani with the tip of her tongue as if trying to map her to memory, finding the best reactions and storing them away for later, for a time again with her that may never come. One of Dani’s heels came up to press into the small of Jamie’s back, and Jamie could feel the way the muscle of Dani’s inner thigh trembled against the side of her face. The same way her fingers trembled as they combed back Jamie’s hair. 
Want this, Jamie thought as Dani’s groan ended on a broken noise, as Dani’s hips arched up to press more firmly against her mouth while Jamie offered only a gentle suction. Want her. Want us. 
Dani hauled Jamie up by the chain around her neck to kiss her deeply. The kiss was slick and messy and tasted of her, and when they parted Dani was panting. 
“Did I mention,” Dani said breathlessly, “that I really like you?”
Jamie laughed and allowed herself to be pulled up onto the bed. Smiling broadly, Dani kissed her and rolled her over to start unbuttoning Jamie’s dark-washed slacks. Before she could do more than flick open the first of two buttons, Jamie placed her hands and Dani’s hips and encouraged her to rock against her thigh.
“That’s -” Dani swallowed back a reckless sound, her eyes squeezing shut. “I’m going to ruin your nice slacks.”
“Fuck ‘em.”
Dani’s answering laugh was breathless. “Do you mean that literally, or -?”
The question died on her tongue when Jamie pressed her knee up and wedged a hand between them just enough that she could brush her thumb just so. She watched as Dani’s face screwed up, as her mouth dropped open and her hips bucked out of time until she came again — smaller this time, but no less gratifying.
Dani slowed to a halt, trying to catch her breath. “All right,” she said. “It’s definitely your turn.”
When they’d finished, Jamie sank bonelessly back onto the mattress. Their clothes were strewn all about the room, and the ship’s computer had set the lights to dim automatically to match a normalised sleep cycle, so that the ceiling was a map of constellations. Dani was stark naked and wiping her hands clean on a shirt with a self-satisfied expression before she crawled back up the bed and snuggled into Jamie’s side.
Jamie rolled onto her side and draped an arm across Dani’s waist to hold her loosely there. She needed to take a shower, but couldn’t find the energy within herself to get up. Not when recent sex had turned her bones to jelly, and not when Dani started to trace the curving lines of Jamie’s monochromatic tattoo. 
Exhaling slowly, Jamie sank further into the mattress. Her eyes slipped shut and she allowed herself this moment of brief respite. 
“Do you ever think,” Dani asked softly, “this was supposed to happen?” 
Blearily, Jamie opened her eyes, lulled half asleep by the way Dani was touching her. “What d’you mean?”
Dani shook her head, admiring the way her fingertips drifted across the pattern of ink on Jamie’s bare shoulder. “I don’t know. I just - When I chose the ship to Telos IV, it wasn’t the fastest or the cheapest or even the one leaving the soonest. I was still in shock, I think. From what had happened on Vurdon Ka. There was another transport leaving three hours earlier, heading towards the Outer Rim, but when the droid asked me what ticket I wanted I bought the one to Telos instead.” Her words slowed to a mumble, and her caress stopped. Dani stared at the flowers on Jamie’s skin as if in wonder. “I don’t know why I did that.”
“Coincidence?” Jamie offered, watching the flicker of Dani’s brow in response.
Dani seemed to be trying to remember something intently. “Maybe, but it was so strange. I had this - this feeling. And when I landed on Telos, you know, I -” She broke off with a small incredulous laugh. “I walked straight to that bar. Just - straight there. Didn’t even ask for directions.”
Jamie blinked, more awake now. That hum of energy had returned, threading between them like an arc. Dani’s presence was stalwart, nothing wavering or questioning about it. 
“I don’t know anything about the Force,” Dani continued, “but I’m glad to have met you.” 
A smile tugged at the corner of Jamie’s mouth. It was brief but the warmth pooling in her chest was verdant and budding. “Yeah. Me too.”
Rebecca’s ship dropped out of hyperspace only three kilometers from the luxury cruiser, so that the two vessels drifted in orbit around Alderaan side by side. The planet below was a vast curved horizon of blues and greens, struck through with white cloud. Sitting in the pilot’s seat, Jamie noticed how Dani’s gaze kept drifting towards the broad windows of the left wing, staring out at the planet below with her shoulders tense and her hands clasped behind her back. 
The moment Rebecca’s ship came into view, Owen leaned over Jamie’s shoulder and hit the comm button, requesting a transmission, which was immediately picked up.
“Hello again,” Owen greeted jovially down the line. “We see you’ve just arrived in orbit. And might I say - your ship is exactly what I expected from a smuggler.”
“Aww, thanks,” said Rebecca, her video feed flickering into view. “I worked hard to get it just right.”
Rebecca’s ship was a single bladed shape of stark grey material, like a shark’s fin parting the surface of water. Jamie knew from experience that its small size could mislead larger ships into underestimating its speed and firepower. She also knew from experience that the sleeping cots were cramped and uncomfortable, and that more often than not Rebecca slept in a hammock strung up in the cockpit itself. 
Jamie elbowed Owen in the gut so she could have more room. “Status report?”
Rebecca rolled her eyes. “What are you? Fleet Commander Taylor?”
“Just tell me how we’re getting down to the surface without being noticed,” Jamie said.
“Funny you should ask that,” Rebecca replied, trailing off.
Owen made a face. “Oh, no. Is it bad?” 
“Get it over with,” groaned Jamie. She could hear Hannah and Dani walking closer to join the conversation. “Put me out of my misery.”
Rebecca hit a few buttons to switch over the feed, and the screen suddenly displayed a scene much nearer to the surface. She must have hacked into a few security cameras, because the view turned slowly alongside her tapping away in the background. A towering estate in slate greys with parapets like speartips jutting into the sky dominated the screen, flanked by snowy mountains. A broad bridge led to the front entrance, and a hundred or so guardsmen had set up allacrete bollards behind which they were taking cover to avoid incoming fire, peeking over to return volleys before crouching down again.
“That’s,” Dani said slowly, pointing towards a crest-emblazoned purple and red banner hanging from the manor walls on the screen, “House Thul.” 
Jamie squeezed her eyes shut and tipped her head back towards the ceiling. “Don’t tell me.”
“They’re being besieged by the Sith Lord,” said Rebecca.
“I said don’t tell me.”
Hannah peered over Jamie’s shoulder to get a look at the screen. “Can you get us to the surface?” she asked.
“Yeah,” said Rebecca. “But after that, I’m all out of ideas. I told you: I’m not a Core World girl. I don’t know Alderaan from a bottle of spotchka.” 
“I do.” 
Jamie opened her eyes and lowered her head. Beside her Dani had lifted her hand slightly as though waiting to be called on in class. “There’s a side entrance used primarily by servants and staff.”
“What? A side entrance dug all the way through the mountains?” Owen pointed to the snowy peaks pressed in tight on either side of the estate. 
“No, it’s here.” Dani tapped her finger against the screen just off to the side of where the camera was currently showing. “It’s where the guards sleep. You go through a security checkpoint and then down a tunnel which leads into a room off the great hall.” 
“Don’t think the security checkpoint won’t be a problem this time,” said Jamie.
“Yeah,” said Rebecca slowly as a guardsman on screen was shot dead and slumped to the ground, only to be pulled back over the bollard by one of his comrades. “They look a little occupied right now.” 
Chatter fizzed from another speaker on the dashboard. Frowning, Rebecca sat in the pilot’s seat and turned a dial until the frequency better matched. They could hear a staticky voice shouting frantic orders over the comm.
“That’s a Pub frequency,” Rebecca said. 
“The Empire has revealed its hand,” Owen said. “The Republic will be arriving with reinforcements soon.”
“Yeah, but not soon enough,” Jamie muttered darkly. 
Hannah hummed in agreement. “Unfortunately, yes. A fully fledged Sith Lord? They can tear this estate apart and be out with what they want before Republic troops make it into orbit.” 
“Yeah, well, hopefully we can do the same.” 
From the sidelines, Dani suddenly spoke, “Can we talk about the children for a sec?” When she had everyone’s attention, she took a deep breath and continued, “What’s going to happen to them now that we know they’re Force Sensitive?” 
She looked towards Jamie, who raised both hands and shook her head, pointing towards Owen and Hannah. Hannah was looking at Owen, who shrugged and made a gesture, which Hannah reacted to with an emphatic tilt of her head, the two of them engaged in the kind of silent conversation only two people who had been together for so long knew. 
“Are you going to share with the class?” Jamie drawled. “Or are you two lovebirds just going to keep having your weird psychic talk that nobody else can hear?”
Hannah gave Jamie an arch, brook-no-nonsense glare, while Owen stuck out his tongue at her. 
“I think it best if we take them back to Tython,” said Hannah to Dani. “There they can be trained in the Force properly.”
Some of the tension held in Dani’s jaw slackened, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay. Yeah. Thanks. I needed to hear that.” 
“Anything else we need to discuss before we leap into the fray?” Rebecca asked from the pilot’s seat. 
“Right,” said Jamie, hand on the holster of her blaster pistol. “Let’s get this over with, then.”
16 notes · View notes
kiwikipedia · 3 years
The Jedi Temple Guard has MASSIVE beef with the Senate Guard and vice versa. Neither group can openly fuck the other over, though, because Jedi aren’t supposed to hold grudges (according to the public but literally we know better in the Order) and the Senate Guard cant just jump a bunch of Jedi (They’ll get their asses kicked) but the fucking tension is there whenever the Senate Gaurd has to escort a Senator to the Temple.
That’s the real reason why the Clones were brought in for the Coruscant Guard, because the Temple and the Senate Guards fucking hate each other and the Senators couldn’t handle the tension between the two Guard Groups.
It doesn’t get better. 
Because the Temple Guard instantly went “Yeah these are our brothers now” and Cin signed the adoption papers, much to Plo’s ire at getting there first. Now there is no neutral ground because now the Coruscant Guard and the Temple Guard both are ready to kick the Senate Guard’s collective ass.
No one remembers why the Temple Guard hate the Senate Guard and vice versa, nor who started it. It’s just always been.
2K notes · View notes
scxrsgxrd · 3 years
please write that crossover between True Blood and Hemlock Grove, queen
GLAAAAADLY. I hope you enjoy it!!
18+ mentions of death, blood and violence.
“Oooo, really? That dress with those shoes?”
Unfortunately for Pam, her extremely vivid dream about her baby brother meeting a grisly and utterly painful true death at her own hands had turned out to be just that, a dream. She openly cursed her subconscious for once again getting her hopes up, and out of the corner of her eye noticed Eric cock an eyebrow from his position on his throne, silently cautioning her to play nicely with his younger progeny. He new exactly what Pam would be capable of when it came to her brother, and didn’t have the time to spend half of his evening cleaning baby vamp remains off his bar.
The little cunt of a baby vamp whose name was even more pretentious than he was had been the by-product of Eric’s schmoozing of a wealthy American senator and his family back in the early 80s. Pam was never usually unsure of Eric’s motives when it came to humans, for there was always one common goal: gain. Whether it be social or economic, Eric always had to be top of the pile, and he had a particular dislike for self-important politicians. It was one of the things Pam admired most about Eric, his ambition, but it was impossible for her to hide her disdain at the fateful decision he had made back on a sweltering, sticky evening during the summer of ‘82 which Pam, unfortunately, remembered very clearly.
“Eric, you fucked his wife. Isn’t that enough?” Pam had spent the best part of an hour protesting his decision and insisting that they leave the drained body of Roman on a roadside to rot.
“Nope.” His reply was short, but full of mischief. It had been a while since Pam had seen Eric like this, he was almost like an excited puppy as he gripped the shovel and aimed the pointed end at the ground, pushing down with his foot on the metallic head as he began to dig a shallow pit for his night’s slumber.
Pam scoffed, eyes flitting down to Eric as her expression perfectly reflected the distaste she had for her maker’s most recent idea.
“Don’t look at me like that, Pam. By this time tomorrow you’ll have a new baby brother.” Eric’s smirk was wide as he looked over at her, starting to loosen his tie and unbutton the crisp, white shirt she had carefully picked out for him for that evening’s dinner.
“Lucky fuckin’ me.”
When Eric turned his attention back to his digging, Pam glanced over at the lifeless body of Roman Godfrey, son of Theodore Godfrey, a prominent Republican politician and personal friend of Reagan, whom Eric had insisted deserved to suffer in the worst way possible. Roman was Theodore’s only son, his pride and joy, and a carbon copy of his obnoxious and spoiled father, both of them sharing the same nauseatingly entitled traits. Pam didn’t disagree, she despised the man even more than Eric did, but thought that there were better ways to fuck with him. Specifically ways that didn’t involve spending an eternity with his bratty and insufferable offspring.
Pam had lost count of the times Roman had shamelessly tried to hit on her at his father’s dinner parties; tactfully placing a hand on her knee under the dinner table or trying to ply her with a seemingly never-ending stream of champagne. But she had bitten her tongue for Eric’s sake, allowing the little shit to boost his ego while she envisioned all of the different ways she’d like to make him to squeal like a pig. And it was for Eric’s sake that she began to pile the soil over him and Roman after he had pulled the body into the shallow grave next to him, watching as Eric gave her a wink before his face disappeared under the dirt.
“You know what I like about you, Pam?” Pam was grateful that was snapped out of that shitty memory until she realised who the whiny voice coming from behind her belonged to.
“What?” Pam turned around to set her glare on Roman and thrust a crate of true blood against his chest, catching him off guard as he had to take a step backwards to regain his balance, the sly smirk never leaving his lips.
“You’re walking evidence that you really can’t polish a turd. But hey, you know what they say, you can roll it in glitter. Lucky for you, I guess.”
Lucky for Pam indeed, as Eric had left the room to recline in his office before the nightly opening of Fangtasia, meaning Pam finally had her chance.
In an instant Roman was pinned against the bar with Pam’s hand coiled around his throat, her newly manicured nails making crescent shapes on his porcelain skin as she pictured herself removing his head entirely and making it into a decorative piece for outside her coffin. For a second she thought she heard a small squeak escape him as he realised that Eric was nowhere to be seen, and that his enraged older sister now had free reign over him.
“Now that daddy isn’t here to save you I’m gonna rip you several new assholes, starting with at least three on your pretty little face.” Pam ran a nail down his cheek, pressing down onto the flesh hard enough to make a small nick, causing a small trail of blood to run down past his plump lips and onto his chin.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty.” That smirk was back as Roman struggled against her grip, but his attempts to escape from Pam’s fury were futile. His expression turned from one of overarched confidence to one of pure horror as he watched Pam’s fangs appear, her upper body angling to the left slightly so she had perfect access to his neck.
“Pamela Swynford De Beaufort, as your maker I command you to release your brother.” Two fists suddenly slammed onto the bar next to Roman’s head as a familiar voice boomed, and Pam knew she had no other option but to obey. A low growl left her as she took a step back, allowing Roman to scramble up and cower behind their maker.
“Oh come on, Eric. He’s a fuckin’ liability, I’d be doin’ us both a service by gettin’ rid of him.” Pam’s own voice was now raised, her fangs gleaming against the bright lights of the bar as she folded her arms.
Pam’s statement brought back unwanted memories for the three of them. When Roman had become Eric’s progeny, all of his human qualities had been amplified. His cunningness, his selfishness, and worst of all: his complete lack of respect for human life.
Roman’s disregard for the consequences of his newly acquired set of capabilities had come to a head when the trio had visited London two months after Roman’s turning and were in a club to scope out the nightlife. Busy nightclubs were almost the perfect feeding ground, the hedonistic atmosphere offering a perfect distraction for the people who were crammed together in the small space, heads tilted backwards as they laughed and yelled along to the lyrics of whatever song the DJ had begun to spin.
Pam had been pressed up against a young woman, her fist in the woman’s hair as they were leant against a wall, slowly driving her tongue up the woman’s salty tasting neck. Pam felt the urge inside her begin to become overwhelming as the woman let out a long moan and rolled her pelvis forward. Pam snaked a hand up the woman’s skirt, resting it on the inside of her knee and was about to start feeding when a strangled shriek ripped her away from her meal.
In the middle of the dancefloor Roman’s hands were clamped on the waist of a woman wearing a short white dress, trickles of blood staining the formerly pristine garment as Roman sunk his teeth into her throat once more, severing her carotid artery as she let out another scream, the music dampening out her cries as her blood began to pool on the floor between her and Roman.
Once he had finished he simply let go of her body, stepping over as she fell to the ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, winking at Pam as he made his way over to the bar.
In all of her years with Eric, Pam had never seen him as seething as he was when they had returned to their sleeping quarters, and she was so sure (and hopeful) that would be the night where Roman met his true death. But her hopes were soon dashed when Eric simply returned to his coffin and warned that he was not to be disturbed.
“Oh please, like you’re so perfect. At least I had dignity and respect for myself when I was human.” Roman snarled, peeking out his head from behind Eric’s shoulder to deliver his insult.
“That’s enough.” Eric roared, rubbing his temples as he closed his eyes, his chest heaving as he could no longer deal with the bickering between his progenies.
“Pam, you will not try to decapitate your brother tonight and Roman you will not disrespect your sister again. Am I clear?”
There was silence as all three took it in turns to exchange irate glances with each other.
“I said, am I clear?” Eric’s tone was more assertive this time, resulting in a reluctant nod from both progenies as they made their way to opposite ends of the bar, every so often casting unimpressed, disgusted glances at each other.
As Fangtasia began to fill with regulars, Pam continued to fantasize about what would have happened earlier if Eric hadn’t caught her, a smile appearing on her face as she imagined the tranquillity of eternal life without the presence of her brother. Maybe one day she would get lucky. Maybe one day.
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darth-void · 4 years
On the Streets of Coruscant Chapter 5
AN: Thank you for your patience with this fic! I know it’s been a while since I last updated but I got some writers block and then was distracted by writing some other fics on my main blog. 
And should out to Kells for being my beta for this chapter! 
Warnings: Explicit!! Smut, very small blood-play, oral (m&f receiving)
Words: 2602
“Do you know him?” 
“The man at the bar over there.” 
“Yeah, he’s been looking over at you all night.” 
You looked over to the bar at this person who was supposedly staring at you. “No, I don’t recognise him.” You tried to play off the situation and turned back to your drink and casually took a sip.  
A random stranger, some boring looking male human, was at the bar and looking your way a lot, trying to catch your eye. But you had your eyes set on someone else. You had noticed Maul in the corner of the busy cantina, alone and watching you. You were trying to be casual and not stare at him so much, you were having fun with your friends anyways, don’t want to turn the attention from that. 
You were out with fellow senators, the few you are friends with who haven’t left you so far. You figured maybe this time they actually enjoyed your company despite how many times you had declined a night out in favor of working late. You all had decided to visit a cantina that was popular amongst fellow senators and government workers as it was one of the best and closest watering holes to the senate. You were glad to relax a little and have fun catching up, to get away from work for once. Maybe you had a little push to let you get a little loose. You know seeing Maul wasn’t coincidence, either. He was following you and you liked it. The both of you play coy. He doesn’t necessarily want to be seen, and he knows it would be tricky for you to explain to the others about your… relationship. 
Maul was sitting at the dark, far end of the establishment and you go up to the refresher and pass him, he follows you and meets you as you two just make out, you can’t be gone long enough for even a quick fuck. 
You used both hands and gently took his hood down, then caressed his head around his crown of horns. Maul reached up and took your wrists and pinned them above your head, taking both your hands in one of his. He slowly slid his right hand down your arm, caressing down your side and around to your ass and gave it a sharp squeez. Taking that hand up to your mouth, you bit down on the top of his glove and he slipped his hand out, stuffing the glove in your mouth. He reached down and pulled up your dress and stuck his ungloved hand to your core, taking two fingers and slowly circling your clit and slit. You made a muffled moan as he slid his fingers into your cunt and purposefully pumped them, slowly fingering you. 
Suddenly, you brought your hands out of his now loose grip and you grabbed his wrist to reluctantly pull his hand away. 
Maul looked for an explanation for why you stopped, his eyes glowing with lust and shadowed with confusion. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said breathily to Maul. “I can’t take too long in here, my friends will worry.” Maul still looked suspiciously at you for ending the fun so early. “If anyone saw a mysterious dark man follow me in here and I take too long, you know they would send in my security detail and I don’t want to give the holonet anymore gossip to publish. ‘Senator found in seedy bar cavorting with shady strangers’” 
Maul finally quirked a small smirk at that. 
“Is that what I am, a mysterious man? A shady stranger?” He moved closer again and gave you a hot kiss. 
“Mm, yes, very mysterious and shady, I would say.” 
You put your hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away and straightened yourself out while Maul put his glove back on and brought his hood up again. “Somehow this feels like a secret affair,” Maul said. 
“All the more fun, then,” you said playfully as you trailed a finger down his jaw line. 
You made your way to the door and paused, looking back at Maul, only his eyes visible under his hood. “We will continue this later though,” you said. “Meet at mine again in an hour.” You weren’t asking. 
And with that you turned and went out into the lounge again and sat with your friends. 
Maul waited a minute to adjust himself and give you time to sit before he left the bathroom too, and walked straight for the door and left.
At the end of the night, you split off from your friends as you each go your separate ways and said good night to each other. The couple of security persons you had brought with were waiting for you just outside the door in your speeder. 
Just as you get close, someone comes out from the shadows and grabs you, yelling profanities and trying to drag you away. It was the man who was staring at you from the bar. Your security detail jumped out of the speeder and quickly drew their blasters. A couple of shots went off but no one was hit, but the man was scared off and quickly ran away. Some police droids came from down the street and gave chase to the man but he was quick, long gone before the droids sped off. 
You were a little shook up, head spinning at how fast everything happened, but you recovered quickly when you realized no harm was done. You decided to keep your plans for the night, only feeling safer with Maul anyways. You turned to one of the security persons with you. 
“Mendo, make sure you let Captain Cen know what happened and that the police droids are on it. Have him follow through with them in the morning.” 
“Yes, my Lady,” they responded, then helped you into your speeder before they took off for your apartment.
An hour after your meeting at the bar, just as you had said, Maul pulled up to your landing platform. He was greeted by one of your security guards, and they quickly waved him through as soon as they realized he was the one you had described as your expected visitor. He also noted a security guard at another door. Maul was curious at this sudden presence of more security as he strode through your home, but soon forgot those concerns as soon as you greeted him just outside your bedroom. 
You had undressed and were wearing a long flowing robe trimmed with feathers, and nothing else. 
Maul strode over and stopped just in front of you, that lust still in his eyes from an hour ago. 
You took his gloved hand, the one he had used earlier, and you stripped the glove off and brought his bare hand in front of your face. You could smell yourself on his fingers, then took them into your mouth and sucked on them. You looked into his eyes as he stared at his fingers in your mouth, eyes half lidded and mouth slack just a little. 
With his unoccupied hand, Maul untied your robe and let it fall open to reveal your breasts. He took his hand from your mouth and used his wet fingers to trace around your nipples and watched them harden from the cooling wet. You pulled at his lapels and brought his head down to kiss him. You backed into your room, pulling him along and he willingly came. You sat on the edge of your bed and watched as he undressed for you, his skin mesmerizing as it was revealed, tattoos flowing as his muscles moved. You fully removed your robe and scooted back to the head of your bed, and Maul stopped short of finishing undressing to crawl after you. You lewdly opened your legs up and Maul kissed up your inner thighs to meet at your center. 
Maul was skillful in the way his tongue and fingers worked together to build up your impending orgasm. You had been cautious to keep your legs spread wide to accommodate his horned head, but his tongue quickly made you forget and your legs loosened more and more. Then, there it was, the culmination of the pumping of his fingers and quick flicks of his tongue brought your orgasm crashing down on you. You grabbed onto Maul’s horns, your hips rolled and legs clamped shut onto his head and your screams of pleasure were mixed with a beautiful sense of pain as the soft flesh of your inner thighs were pierced by the horns protruding from his temples. You were quick to open your legs again but held firmly onto his head and just as he was about to pull back, you begged “no, don’t stop!” so he could drag out your orgasm. 
Moments later and a satisfied sigh on your lips, you sat up and brought Maul's face to yours and kissed him deeply, feeling your wetness on his chin and tasting yourself on his lips. You pulled back and the two of you looked deep into each other’s eyes, but something else caught your eye. You noticed a glistening red at the tips of his horns and quickly looked down to see drops of blood had trickled down your inner thighs where his horns had pierced the skin. Noticing the blood had brought the pain back. 
“Forgive me, I didn’t mean to-“ 
“No,” you cut him off. “It’s okay, I- I enjoyed it,” you said hesitantly. “It… helped.” You laughed a little at the idea. 
“Despite my rough appearance, I actually don’t want to hurt you,” Maul replied softly, a surprising gentleness to him after the intensity with which Maul just ate you out.Maul bent back down and licked the blood from one side, and you shivered at the feeling, then he licked up the other side. “Let me get some bandages for that” he began to leave again but you grabbed him to stop him from leaving, noticing the tenting in his pants. 
“No, I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s my turn to take care of you” you said and brought your hand down to grab at his clothed erection. 
Maul let out a small groan at your touch. He pulled the rest of his pants off quickly and crawled over you on the bed, a predatory look in his eyes. You pushed his chest and turned him around so he would fall on the bed. You lowered yourself between his legs this time and grabbed at his now fully hard erection. You pumped his cock a few times, getting used to the feeling of it in your hand. There was a growing bead of precum leaking from the tip that you licked at before you swirled your tongue around. You flattened your tongue along the underside of his cock and licked base to tip at the bulging vein there, eliciting a groan from Maul. You then took him fully in your mouth, torturously lowering your hot mouth until you could go no further, completely engulfing his cock. You slowly pulled back up, stopping just before he was fully out of your mouth and began to bob your head at a steady pace, hand firmly planted at the base of his dick. Maul, who had been watching intensely, brought his hands to your head and weaved his fingers into your hair, closed his eyes and dropped his head. His hands were gentle in your head, one hand petting your hair. 
Maul was lost in pleasure, noting that you were different than any other he had had before. Your movements weren't fast and quick, or trying to get him off as quickly as possible. You had a skill and a patience that drew out his pleasure. With that, he was consciously trying not to move his hips much and thrust into your perfect mouth. 
Maul looked down to see that you were touching yourself as you sucked him, finding pleasure in the act. 
“You like this, do you?” Maul spoke up, a little breathlessly. 
You looked up at him and didn’t want to stop so you blinked your response. 
“Bring that pretty cunt up here and let me continue where I left off,” Maul demanded. 
You situated yourself to hover above his face and he brought your hips down and began devouring your dripping cunt like he never stopped before. You began moaning with his cock still in your mouth, your pleasure translating into small vibrations around his cock. Maul’s hands grabbed at your hips and ass, squeezing handfuls of cheeks and devouring your pussy like a starved man. The two of you brought each other closer and closer, you were about to cum again when you noticed Maul’s tongue falter and his balls tighten. You increased your speed and sucked harder, bringing your free hand down to caress his balls. Maul rubbed at your clit and shortly after, your second orgasm hit you and you moaned deeply around Maul’s cock. This pushed Maul over the edge as he let out a groan and came, you kept the head of his cock in your mouth to catch all his cum, swallowing it all down. 
You rolled off Maul and moved back up to him, collapsing in his arms, tangling your legs together. You felt so content, pressed against the warmth of Maul’s body. You looked at his face and his face was soft, you notice it loses its scowl more and more when he’s with you. Then, he looked at you with a bit of curiosity.
“What?” You asked. 
“I was just wondering, there were two security guards in your apartment today. As something happened?” 
“Well, now that you mention it, I was accosted outside the bar as I was leaving.” Maul moved to see you better, brow furrowed now. “I think it was just some man who was trying to get my attention while I was inside with my friends. He didn’t hurt me, but he got away,” you finished hoping Maul would be fine with leaving it at that. 
He wasn’t fine though, but his training told him not to give his feelings away. He felt a rage at hearing this. He could tell you did not think it was a big deal, but he would make sure something was done about it. 
“Did anything else happen after? You report it to the police? Is your security captain handling it?” He fired off. 
“Well yes, some police droids were close by but I do not believe they caught him, he was too far ahead of them. But yes, Captain Cen is working on it.” 
Maul was not pleased with this answer, but conceded with a sound of affirmation. “Good.”
The two of you cuddle in silence for a while longer, before you felt ready for another round. Maul said he couldn’t stay the night, but he had it in him for a few more sessions of rolling in the sheets. He made sure you were well fucked and fully pleased before he got out to get dressed. You weren’t bothered that he couldn’t stay, but insisted that he come over tomorrow, you had the day off and he had time to come over. You were under your covers and drifting off when he left.
Maul would have liked to stay with you again, he found he truly enjoyed sleeping with you curled around him, and waking up to your soft body.
But he had some police droids to speak to…
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: Anakin time travels back to Dooku’s Padawan days and doesn’t know how to deal with the infuriating bastard. AN: I blame my discord. Read on AO3
Anakin tried to think of what words of wisdom Obi-Wan would bestow upon him. Probably something about patience and following the Force and how to not consequently fuck up the next sixty years of history, but Obi-Wan also never had to deal with a young Padawan Dooku eyeing him critically, like he was trying to figure out what made Anakin tick.
Anakin was kind of torn between wanting to rip his throat or... something else Anakin didn’t quite know how to define. Whatever it was, it wasn’t fair. Dooku was the Sith Lord who had cut off his arm, get a grip Anakin.
Except this Dooku really wasn’t. He was just Yoda’s Padawan, even if likely not for much longer given that Anakin’s only friend in this timeline, Initiate Qui-Gon Jinn was already ten years old. Yes, Anakin knew that it was a little pathetic that his best and only friend was a child half his size – Anakin had hardly recognized him when he’d first stumbled upon Qui-Gon. The boy was so small, it was bizarre. But it wasn’t like Anakin had many people he could interact with as long as he wasn’t totally caught up on the Republic’s current history. Master Yoda had strictly forbidden Anakin from revealing anything about the future to any member of the Jedi Order who was not on the Council.
Or Padawan Dooku, in whose lap Anakin had literally dropped when Darth Tyrannus’ weird Sith magic had torn Anakin from his own time, stranding him permanently in the past.
Sighing, Anakin attempted to ignore Dooku staring at him intensely. It was bad enough that he had private tutoring with the younger man – okay, it was just a couple months, but Anakin privately liked to hold it over his head – now he also followed Anakin just about everywhere but the fresher.
He fell back into the first position of Djem So. He couldn’t let his lightsaber skills get rusty just because he wasn’t fighting in a galactic war anymore. That was another thing that unsettled Anakin. No more sleeping in his tiny cabin on the Resolute, no more cramming Ahsoka’s mandatory lessons into the few breaks they had, no more droid armies, no more Separatists, no more Sith Lords.
Well, the latter two weren’t entirely true. The Senate had been broken long before Anakin had been born. Now that he paid attention to it, he could already see many of the issues that would cause it to split. He just hoped that the Council and him could do something against it. It was too bad the Chancellor wasn’t in office already. He was probably just a little kid right now, even younger than Anakin and the current Chancellor was by far not as charismatic as Palpatine had been.
He certainly was of no interest to the Sith either, no matter where they were hiding right now. Anakin had never managed to figure out the identity of Tyrannus’ Master and the baby Sith currently still checking him out definitely couldn’t tell him.
“Can I help you somehow?” Anakin asked, hoping he managed to keep all annoyance out of his voice.
He dropped out of his stance and turned to Dooku. The Padawan was sitting on one of the benches, working on a paper or another, maybe his final thesis. Anakin had never had to write one to become a Knight. For one, there was no time during the war, and on the other hand, he had already done that when he was fourteen and gotten really passionate about Nubian hyperdrives.
“No, not at all. I merely admire your execution of Form IV. You are very well practiced.”
Dooku sounded honest enough, but Anakin still felt like it was a backhanded compliment.
“Thanks,” Anakin replied. “Was that everything?”
Dooku raised a brow, the perfect picture of innocence, but Anakin knew better. He had fought a far more experienced version of the man in front of him and learned to call his bluffs. This Dooku was not really a threat. He was just there, constantly in the corner of Anakin’s vision and being a Force-damned distraction.
“I’m not the one asking questions here.”
No, but if he was there any longer, Anakin was going to shut him up in some other way.
“Just- get over here. You can go study in your room or whatever, no need to be in the training halls at three in the morning unless you want to spar.”
Dooku grinned cockily and got up from his seat, his lightsaber already in hand. It looked very different from the blade Anakin remembered defending against. Its blue color still startled him as well, but somehow it suited this young Dooku. He stepped onto the mats and Anakin resumed a position opposite to his opponent. They both bowed as it was tradition, then ignited their lightsabers. For a moment neither moved, then they both jumped into the battle. Dooku’s Ataru still caught Anakin off-guard, but his Makashi less so. He wasn’t a proficient Master of Form II yet, but that one at least Anakin was more than familiar with. The two of them exchanged blows with more Force than strictly necessary for a training spar, bringing emotions into it that should not be there. Anakin was pissed off because Dooku wouldn’t leave him alone, but he had no idea what he had done to cause Dooku to fight so viciously.
Then Anakin finally saw an opening and took it. He slammed is leg into the back of Dooku’s knee, causing him to stumble. With another Force-push, Anakin made him fall flat on his back. He rushed towards his opponent and held his blade to his neck.
“Yield,” Anakin ordered, but Dooku did not, at least not immediately.
Instead he was once more studying Anakin like he could see a possible weakness.
“Yield,” Anakin said again and finally Dooku replied with a “Solah.”
Anakin turned off his ‘saber and he should get up, step away from his defeated training partner, but for some reason he couldn’t get himself to do so, looking into Dooku’s troubled brown eyes.
“What is your kriffing problem with me?” Anakin finally asked, Dooku still pinned beneath him.
Apparently, that was all it took as for once the Padawan didn’t keep his thoughts hidden behind a mask of feigned politeness and sarcasm.
“My problem with you, Skywalker, is that you are poaching my future Padawan!”
Anakin blinked. Dooku must be joking. All the backhand comments and the challenges and it was for this?
“I’m not trying to steal Qui-Gon from you, you git!”
Dooku didn’t try to get up, but he did cross his arms in defiance.
“That’s not what it looks like from here, offering him extra tutoring and spending every free minute with him-“
“Who else am I supposed to talk to?” Anakin snarled. “I’m stuck here! My Master won’t even be born for another thirty years, my Padawan for another twenty and my-“
Anakin closed up. He shouldn’t think about them, all he had lost. He’d been doing so well but of course Darth Tyrannus in the making had to goad him. “All my friends, my family, are gone and if I ever see them again, they won’t be mine. I only know a handful of people in this time and Qui-Gon just happens to be one of them!”
Honestly, it was almost a little embarrassing to admit, but once Anakin had realized who the short blond Initiate was, he had almost started crying. The rooms in the Temple were still the same, as were the robes and the traditions and the lessons, but it wasn’t his home. All his people were gone and the Jedi that lived during these times were mostly strangers, a few long-lived ones such as Master Yoda being the exception. But they weren’t exactly people Anakin had been close with.
“You knew him in the future,” Dooku said slowly.
He didn’t look frustrated anymore, more interested suddenly as if he were seeing Anakin with new eyes.
Anakin nodded once, sharply. “He saved my life.”
“He’ll be a great Jedi then,” Dooku concluded, sounding utterly pleased.
“The very best,” Anakin confirmed.
Dooku then began to smile in earnest, kind and happy in a way Anakin had never seen before, hadn’t thought him capable of, to be honest. The whole thing threw Anakin off completely. Seriously, what was going on with this Dooku?
“What of his Master?”
He became a Sith Lord and joined the people that had killed his apprentice and then continued trying to kill his grand-Padawans, but no big deal.
“He’s a git,” Anakin said instead. “Super arrogant, terrible footwork, can’t even block a simple kick.”
Dooku snorted. “At least he’s not as bad as his sparring partner?”
“Careless,” Dooku replied and tugged at Anakin’s collar, pulling him down.
It took Anakin perhaps a moment too long to realize that Dooku was kissing him, but he considered it fair given that just moments before the other had been attempting to beat the life out of him. The kiss was by no means spectacular, but Dooku was warm beneath Anakin’s hands and when they broke apart for air, Anakin had no troubles diving in for a second kiss, all rationality thrown out of the speeder as he pushed his tongue inside Dooku’s mouth and hurried to get his hands beneath the other’s robes.
“Not a word to anybody,” Dooku said as flipped them around, stripping Anakin out of his tabard.
Anakin only rolled his eyes. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
He could deal with the fallout of this once he had his rationality back and was not, in fact, about to let Padawan Dooku fuck him. That was a problem for tomorrow-Anakin, right-now-Anakin was a little busy taking off his clothes.
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beckyh2112 · 3 years
Half-Formed Fic Ideas That Probably Won’t See the Light of Day
Several of these are rooted in @one-real-imonkey‘s fics because they write things that please my brain.
- Very firmly off one of @one-real-imonkey‘s clone time-travel AUs: it’s around ten years after the events of the fic. Jedi Master Plo Koon is paying a visit to Mandelore for Handwave-y Reasons, but mostly so he can check on the Mereel quints and the Fett twins. (He still has no idea why one of the quintuplets latched onto him in particular, but he returns the young man’s caring as best he can.)
Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos are along for some nice, mostly safe practice diplomacy in front of their padawans. For some (inexplicable to the Jedi) reason, the reaction of four out of five Mereel quintuplets and the blond Fett twin to Padawan Secura is: “Bly is going to hate this.”
(Bly’s reaction is he needs to be on another planet right now, kthx.)
Jango also spends the next several days dealing with Rex’s breakdown over Padawan Skywalker.
- From another of imonkey’s clone time-travel AUs, specifically “A Second Chance, A New Family”: Jango sits with the vode until one of them wakes up. He has a lot of questions about his past now that he’s found out he’s a clone of someone or another.
Rex wakes up first. Rex is Very Confused by a young Jango calling him vod and talking as if he’d been on Kamino with them as another clone. Well, talking as if he’d been somewhere with them as another clone, and that they might have “known him before he was rescued.”
- Based off the general idea of Palpatine secretly restricting the Coruscant Guard’s communications to cut them off with the rest of the GAR. So the Guard thinks they’re sending messages to their non-Guard friends that are getting ignored, and the GAR thinks they’re sending messages to their Guard friends that are getting ignored.
Palpatine’s efforts to isolate the Guard fail to account for the fact Gree is a weird bastard who is good at seeing from other people’s point-of-view. Fox hasn’t responded to any of his messages in the past year, but they’re marked as read? Fox is in charge of defending Coruscant from Separatist threats and doesn’t have transit downtimes like Gree does. Fox never accepts his invites to drink at 79s? The Guard does have to do a lot of military police work with drunken vode, Gree can see Fox not finding 79s relaxing. He’ll bring himself and some booze to Fox. Fox can’t relate to him as a frontline commander and he can’t relate to Fox as Guard commander? Good fucking thing they’ve got other ways to relate to each other. Also, Gree knows how to tell stories that don’t require the listener to have his exact experiences to enjoy them. Why does he put in all of this effort when Fox doesn’t seem to? Friendships take work to maintain, and he’s not going to fault Fox, who is basically always on deployment, having to focus on his duty.
Palpatine actively clouding Gree’s mind so he thinks he’s already visited Fox? Works once, until Barris asks him about his visit with Fox because it’s one of those nice, non-war things she can talk to him about that aren’t just her telling him about her studies. Gree realizes he “forgot”, sets multiple alarms on his next shore leave so he doesn’t get caught up in other things.
Senator being a dick to Guard shinies? Gree is an amateur xenologist and familiar with this particular culture. What said Senator is claiming as an insult is not an insult in their culture. It’s very... Coruscanti of them to find it insulting. (Senators do not appreciate being Judged by clones. Gree does not appreciate people terrorizing shinies. One of them is going to back down, and it sure as shooting isn’t going to be Gree.)
Palpatine rerouting the 41st to have their leave on someplace not-Coruscant and forging the paperwork to make it look like Gree put in the request? “Commander Offee, can you request Commander Tano to check with Commander Fox if he has any requisitions unique to [the planet in question]?” “You want to know if he wants a souvenir.”
Just a mix of Palpatine’s efforts being thwarted because Gree is perfectly willing to give Fox the benefit of the doubt in regards to communications, especially since Fox always seems happy to see him when he comes by the Guard base, and Gree having two Jedi to stumble face-first into Shenanigans as Jedi are wont to do.
- After the Temple bombing arc, Fox shows up at the on-Coruscant GAR barracks with booze. Rex is Not Impressed. Fox didn’t bring it for Rex, so Rex can stay Not Impressed. He brought it for his brother whose baby Jedi just got unmasked as a terrorist willing to frame her best friend.
Gree appreciates the booze, and also Fox’s willingness to get into a knockdown, drag-out fight with him, because no one else will, and he needs some catharsis.
Some ARCs don’t clear the training room they have their fight in when Fox tells them to. Said ARCs come to regret this decision as Fox and Gree use them as obstacles in said knockdown, drag-out fight.
Someone calls one of the other CCs about the time the knives come out, because it looks like Fox and Gree are going to kill each other. (They are not. They are much too good at hand-to-hand to kill another vod without meaning to, and neither mean to.) (They are also being a lot more careful with the knives than it looks like. Frankly, they’re more careful with the hand-to-hand than it looks since neither of them has broken bones.)
- Based off @silverxsakura’s “Your father wants me dead”: Gree gets decapitated by General Yoda during the execution of Order 66. Gree wakes up as a cadet on Kamino with a scar around his neck he definitely never had before, but everyone acts like he’s always had it and are Concerned that he doesn’t remember that. Also, Weird Things keep happening around him.
Fox gets killed by Darth Vader. Fox wakes up as a cadet on Kamino whose temper is a lot more volatile than he remembers it ever being. Also, when he’s really deep in his fury, his eyes turn sulfur-yellow, and Things Happen. The rest of his cadet squad are freaking out that he’s forgotten he has to hide that from the longnecks.
Neither have noticed that Wolffe keeps reaching up to rub a scar he doesn’t have yet.
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soundwavefucker69 · 4 years
Baby Tal'ika: Meeting Fox? 🦊
Ask and ye shall receive
There's a tiny Jedi and they have entirely invaded Fox's office. This is a feat, for a number of reasons, the first reason being that this child is far too small to be out of the temple without supervision, which means they somehow managed to slip past the temple guards, who are some of the most uptight and hyper vigilant bitches Fox has ever met. Which is their right, of course. If he had to guard a temple teeming with Force sensitive babies, he'd be pretty stressed out, too. The second reason, or course, is that Fox's office is at the heart of the Senate building, which means they somehow managed to breeze past an excess of guards, his trained guards, and security measures, locked doors, and failsafes to get in here.
And they're just sitting there. Curly red hair falling out of their braid. Picking with distaste at their little Jedi robes. Scowling up a storm. Just sitting on his desk like they've got some opinions and they're about to share them.
"Cadet---" Fox started to say, and they glared at him like he'd personally burned their crops.
"My name," they said imperiously, "is Tal'ika Fox. And this is a rescue."
That was about when Fox's brain short circuited, and his life abruptly took a violent nosedive and went to total fucking shit.
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