#on the streets of coruscant
darth-void · 1 year
Been thinking about my oc Katiara again lately and thinking about how I could further her story
Next for her is life in the senate after Maul dies (as far as she knows) and the 12 years until Maul returns
Thinking about how Padme becomes a senator at this time, would they be friends or adversaries? How could I weasel her into the main plot of the movies? She's a senator of a planet that separates from the Republic! Is she for it or against it?
Thinking things!
Btw I have a pinboard all for her & Maul's story
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bittercafanddatapads · 3 months
At the start of the war, after the battle of Geonosis, when the GAR was sectioned out across the galaxy alongside their jedi generals (if they were assigned to one) the Coruscant guard was welcomed with open arms.
Marshal Commander Fox alongside his fellow commanders were very renowned, idolized even. People were so welcoming, friendly, and inspired by their local clone trooper brigade. A shock trooper couldn’t go anywhere on patrol without a friendly smile being sent there way, or a box of thankful treats being pushed into their arms. (Really, it was almost a problem at first when it came to actually doing there jobs. Luckily, at the idea of the recent local army moving in, crime wasn’t at its most prominent.)
They were given gifts in the form of cards and presents and drawings, some from little kids inspired by these “tough and valiant soldiers” and others from older artistic students.
Their job wasn’t simple and it was hard knowing they had it so “easy” compared to their brothers on the frontline, but it was worth it… at first.
The opinion of Clones nowadays hasn’t been thoughtful. Kicked out of certain businesses, preyed on, insulted… Commander Fox’s house rules have been drilled into every single shiny who had the unfortunate fate of coming to Coruscant and it’s when they learn why, that they’re no longer a shiny.
Been despite all that, knowing that it’s not every household and Senator and business owner that has a fight to pick. They still have a board, set up in the hallway between the barracks and the medical bay, that’s strewn with the sketches and drawing and cards they received during their welcomed service to remind them of that.
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rooksunday · 2 months
thinking again about corrie guards fundraising. today i am thinking about the most comprehensive production line of fairy cakes you’ve seen in your life.
“harris, what’s this item line for flour?” fox asked, walking into the quartermaster’s office, datapad held before him like a blaster. “there’s two hundred extra kilos of it. are you planning to use the stuff for munitions?”
harris didn’t look up from her own ‘pad. “you sighed off on it, right? sir?”
“yes. because you backdated the ‘request’ and the stuff is squatting in the delivery bay, inviting something called weevils, according to the supply officers. why do i now know what weevils are, harris? also why do you need a venator weight of…” fox made a show of consulting his datapad. “butter, sugar—“
harris looked up. “did you get the flimsi cases?”
“corporal harris. i did not put in the requisition form. you put in the requisition form. did you order flimsi cases? if so, may i be so forward as to ask kriffin’ why— the haran is this now?”
having booted open the office door like he was working a drugs bust, thire marched in, shoulder checking fox; fox tried not to take it personally, since thire was obscured behind a tower of boxes. he kicked thire in the shin nonetheless.
“what the kark— sir, is that you? didn’t know you baked,” thire said.
“i don’t—“
“he bakes?” harris asked, speaking past fox like he was a line item. “thorn didn’t say he baked.”
“what does thorn—“
“here,” thire said, again speaking over fox, as he thunked the boxes on the edge of harris’ desk. several styluses rolled to the floor to join their fallen comrades. neither thire nor harris reacted. “as ordered. you owe me three arm sessions. minimum.”
harris sighed gustily but nodded. “did you get the vanilla?”
“it’ll be here tonight. i talked to my smuggler contact in—“
fox remembered from command training that retreat was a valid option when overwhelmed by forces of utter horseshit. he made for the door.
two days later he ate his weight in fairy cakes and immediately signed off on harris’ waiting requisition orders.
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jekyllnahyena · 5 months
Fox has the ultimate Hayao Miyazaki energy
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arecait · 2 months
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More coruscanti peeps
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raointean · 1 year
The Nerf-Wrap Peddler
So, I was watching the Coruscant episode of The Mandalorian and had a thought. What happened to the Jedi Temple/Imperial Palace after the fall of the Empire? And then this happened...
The Berenks had sold street food in front of the Jedi Temple for as long as anyone could remember. The specific food had changed over the years, of course. Jarikk sold nerf-wraps, his father before him had sold flat-top bowls, his grandmother before him had sold speared meats. But forever and always, they had set up shop just inside the first courtyard of the Temple.
It was the perfect location; open to the public and heavily trafficked by both tourists and Jedi alike. Noon and early evening were the best business, but Jarikk's favorite time of day was three o'clock in the afternoon because that was when padawan learners finished class for the day. They would come streaming into the courtyard to spend their meager allowances and chat about their day with their friends. 
He didn't know their names, but he knew their faces and their orders. The studious Stewjoni boy wanted a hard shell with extra condiments. The blond boy with the outer rim accent wanted as much seasoning as he was legally allowed to add. The loud Kiffar wanted a hard shell and a bowl so he could mash it all together. The blue twi'lek girl wanted extra filling. And on and on.
Then, the Clone Wars began and everything changed. Tourists slowly stopped coming to the Temple and protesters took their place. It was still good business, especially when he added water bottles to the menu, but mentally, it was draining.��
But still, every day at 3 o'clock, the padawans would come outside after class. They didn't come to the outer courtyard anymore, but Jarikk was more than happy to move to the second courtyard's side-entrance for an hour or two in the afternoon if it meant he could still serve his favorite customers.
There were fewer of them now too, most away on campaigns for weeks or months at a time. But Jarikk still knew their faces and their orders. The spitfire Togruta girl wanted no vegetables or bread wrap, just a bowl of meat. The brown haired, sea-eyed boy wanted minimal seasoning and extra grease. The tiny redhead boy that trailed him everywhere wanted the exact same, but hold on the grease. The wookie (the only wookie-jedi Jarikk had ever seen) wanted a vegetable wrap with no meat. And on and on. 
And then, everything changed again, overnight. 
Jarikk saw the smoke over the Temple from several blocks away, it wasn't easy to miss. His first thought was that there must have been some kind of disastrous fire in the night, but when he arrived, there were no Jedi outside. Instead there were soldiers holding back a crowd of spectators. 
Never one to miss an opportunity, Jarikk went ahead and set up his stand outside the perimeter the clones had cleared. There was a large group of people gathered early in the morning with nothing to do but wait. Many of them had skipped breakfast and, for a while, business was good. 
Until they started dragging out the bodies, that is. 
Corpse after corpse was dragged out of the Temple and deposited on its steps in plain view of everyone, their names checked off a list. The crowd watched in shocked silence and Jarikk even recognized a few longtime protesters who seemed a little green, despite their raucous cries of "Death to the Jedi" all throughout the months before. 
Jarikk left when they started pulling out the bodies of children.
They were later told that the Jedi had staged a coup and that the soldiers and the slaughter had been necessary to stamp out the threat. Jarikk joined the first rebel cell he could find. 
Jarikk was proud to say that the Berenks had never sold food outside of the Imperial Palace. He had never even visited it, but after the war was won, he had to see what had become of it.
It looked… the same. The steps had been washed of blood long ago, the courtyard walls were still in place, and carved pillars lined the walkways as they always had. As the afternoon sun beat down on his rapidly whitening hair, he half expected young padawans to come streaming out the doors towards his food stand.
But there was no food stand. And there were no more padawans. 
A week or so later, they announced the old Imperial Palace was being turned into a museum, to honor the Jedi. Jarikk didn't know who "they" was, but they were doing something good and he wanted to help. 
He offered up his stories. He knew it wasn't much, he didn't even know their names, but there weren't many Jedi left to tell them themselves. In return, "they" offered Jarikk a spot in the first courtyard and asked him to continue selling his nerf-wraps. For authenticity's sake, they told him. 
That next Primeday, he was in the courtyard at the crack of dawn setting up his food stand and heating his flat-top, his daughter by his side. With a little luck, the Berenks would continue to sell their street food outside the Jedi Temple for many generations to come. 
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nukebag · 1 year
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doodled a stinky rat man (affectionate)
apologies for stinky camera quality
maybe don’t go into tags if you don’t wanna see mild spoilers
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bowlerhatwearer · 4 months
I honestly would be very interested in a Star Wars Story/Movie which takes places solely in Coruscant, mostly in the underground and which from the genre is a hardboiled/noir tale.
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rochenn · 2 months
I am so deeply fascinated by those illustrations of Coruscant having harbors. Like, water harbors. Piers. You can go to the docks in the underlevels and stare out over an ocean locked inside a man-made cavern. Isn't that so crazy. Like there would be deep sea creatures close to the surface at all times because natural light is sparse. You can get street food and sit in the climate-control breeze in neon lighting while looking at fish that are just as neon bright. Terrifying. But you can't deny the vibes
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fhrlclln · 2 months
I’ve been living for the Qimir fanfics. Can you write one where reader and him were lovers in the Jedi together, he thought she died, but actually the Jedi wiped her memory. When he bumps into her again he’s FURIOUS but also just happy that she’s alive and tries to get her memory back. Lots of angst but with a happy ending?👀
and here you stand | qimir
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SUMMARY -> a man in your dreams feels like a distant memory you cannot seem to touch upon but when a particular meeting with a man in the streets of olega might be the answer to everything.
qimir x fem! reader
GENRE -> angst & fluff
WC -> 2.85k
a/n: aNONz i hope this fic is what you requested for!!! i tried my best with the angst 😩🤌
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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the dream always started out softly...
a glimpse of a man with short black hair, dawning a padawan braid, smiling and laughing with you in the gardens of the jedi temple in coruscant. he’d always kissed you and for a moment in the dream, you could feel his hands gently caress your cheek and see the loving gaze of his eyes on you. but the dream was always somewhat blurry... you can't remember the young man's face but his laughter, his love you feel is everything to you. it was comforting, it felt like home but the moment his laughter ends, the dream did as well.
and you wake up with a longing feeling stuck in your chest.
you'd try to remember your times as a former jedi, a former padawan in your time in coruscant. hoping you could somehow remember the man in your dreams, for it felt it was a distant memory than a dream but it always ended up with no avail. it was painful enough that you missed being back in coruscant and to reoccur those memories again in hopes of remembering who the man in your dreams makes it even more painful.
that's until you had just given up at some point on remembering him.
you now reside in a humble planet called olega. the city was large enough for you to explore it in your first days of living there. you opened up a merchant stall, selling the local fruits and vegetables for consumption. leaving the order was a tough decision the council had made upon you, you were a gifted student, gifted with the force. it was strong within you but alas, you failed, you could not somehow learn to control your own self- your own emotions. you can't remember why back then and it haunts you to this day of your failure as a jedi.
but that didn't matter now.
your quiet life of being a merchant had its perks. you were not bound by an order anymore. there were no more responsibilities and expectations placed upon you. you didn't need to train every single day- but sometimes you missed your training lessons. you did miss your former master and padawans, for they were the second family to you. even if it was told that at that time, familial or romantic feelings were forbidden, you still saw them like that.
granted, it was hard to fall back into the normal routine of an everyday civilian. you had been with the order since you were a child. you still would close off your emotions from time to time with the people you grew to know with in olega, but you got the hang of it eventually in the years of living here. but sometimes you wished to go back to coruscant, hoping if you'd visit the gardens and the great tree, you might remember the man in your dreams.
but here you are, standing behind your stall as you packaged the fresh fruits for a customer. you handed to them with a smile on your face and humbly accepted their credits. you sigh, sitting on your stool as you counted your savings to see if it would cover the rent you have to pay for this month. it was enough, your stall was popular in demand because of how fresh your picks was and you were grateful for that. you stand up again, noticing that you had to close now, seeing that almost all your merchandise was sold.
"closing off early again?" the cheery voice of your fellow merchant quips. you laugh, shrugging as you started packing away.
"i am!" you chuckled, checking if everything is in place before you could leave. you adjusted your satchel as you put on your hood, bidding your fellow merchants a kind goodbye as you went off.
a hot meal would be nice, you think to yourself, before you'd head home. walking through a crowd, you squeeze yourself in as you excused yourself to get by. the heart of the plaza certainly was always full of people at this time. for a moment, a watchful feeling washed over your senses as you look up ahead.
your eyes meet with a man’s. his black hair is slightly disheveled and greasy and the way his eyes were set upon you made you confused for a moment how hard his stare was. you look away, getting out of the crowd, an uneasy feeling settling in your chest as you walk away quickly.
qimir stands still in the middle of the plaza, his heart is thumping loudly against his ribcage. it couldn't be you. he doesn't know if the glimpse of you in the crowd was a mere apparition of the force but the way you looked at him had him thinking otherwise. you disappear from the crowd and he is hot on his feet to catch up to you.
he watches you go into an alley way, he follows in-suit, thinking that you’re trying to escape him. his nostrils flare, his agenda for today to go to the local apothecary is out of his plans as he follows you.
he watched you die.
he was sure of it, that memory of you of pushing him into his own ship whilst you stand guard to help him buy him some time to get out of coruscant never left his mind. it haunted him until he lives and breaths and it enraged him that you foolishly given your life for him to flee before his own former master would have killed him.
you were supposed to be together, right?
he thinks bitterly as he squeezes in the alley way. a lot of questions pop in his mind, were you still with the jedi after all you and him have suffered through because of them? that you willingly stayed? that you faked your own death just to leave him? those thoughts made him feel betrayed. you were his light when he was in the darkness. you were the one that understood him despite your refusal to let yourself be seduced by the dark path. he understood you as well yet he hoped that you would see truth that what the jedi do is all a lie.
he quickens his steps and your figure is starting to inch closer to him. he immediately reaches out to grab your arm and push you towards the wall making you gasp as you struggled in his tight death grip as he cages you with his whole body before you could defend yourself.
“let go!” you yelled at him as he ignored your angry yelps as you tried to get out of his grip. he merely stares down at you as you looked up at him. he observes, waiting if an emotion of guilt would cross your face… but there was none? only confusion and annoyance were plastered across your face. and he somehow indulges in your close distance, the feeling of you in front him again has him weak. here you are, warm and smelling the same after years since he had fallen into a rabbit hole of revenge and hatred for the jedi that he thought they killed you.
“i said-“ you weakly tried to pry him off you. your heart was beating so loudly, fearing what this unknown man would do to you. you wished for a moment that the force could help you. he was much stronger, you could tell, even if he looked like a twig underneath his robes. “-let go!”
“you… you’re supposed to be dead.” he breaks his silence. your brows raised with confusion. dead? you wonder if this man was crazy for thinking of you like that. not once did you remember angering any person here for this kind of response.
“i’m standing right here, buddy.” you roll your eyes as he lessens his grip on your arm. and here you do stand, qimir thinks. you relax for a bit as the hard stare he gives you softens slightly. something in him tells him that you don’t even recognize him. and that makes him worried.
“do you know me?” he tests his theory, hoping it was not true. you know him, you would never forget about him.
you two were your other halves of each other’s body, soul and mind, never to be separated even if the cosmos were in between you two. you would always find each other in the end. even in death, you were his other soul, the half of his battered and broken heart. he knows you vow the same as he heard those vows underneath the great tree in the gardens of the jedi temple in coruscant.
i will never forget you. as you had said to him when his lips last touch yours before you threw him into his ship, leaving him in agony seeing you turn on your saber before his master slashes you with her saber.
i love you, qimir.
he blinks wetly. there’s a hollow feeling inside his chest when he sees that you don’t genuinely recognize him the slightest bit.
“…no? no, i don’t know you. look, sir, if you have any problem with me or you want money, i have some credits-“
“what i want is for you to tell me the truth.” he cuts you off, wondering if you were lying as he tries to peer into your mind. he feels furious, furious that you are acting like this but the desperation… the desperation of trying to see you at least recognize him is taking over. you feel the hum of the force, so familiar even if it had been years since you trained. but it wasn’t just that, his force felt familiar.
“…you wield the force.” you say as your eyes widened when you feel him try to pry in your mind. an instinct in you erupts as you somehow managed to surprise him by grabbing him by his arm and the collar of his robe then pushed him into the wall that you were pressed against, making the roles reverse. qimir lets you do that as he looks down at you, a sadness in his eyes as he realizes that you don’t remember him.
what happened to you?
“you don’t remember me…” he whispers, defeated. he grips your wrist gently as a congested look of hurt is across his face.
“and you know me?” you ask, somehow feeling like he knows you more intimately than you had expected. confusion is breaking your calm mind, it frightens you that somehow you feel like what he’s saying is so close to the truth but you can’t discern it clearly. you know nothing of him. you let him go and qimir almost wobbled in his knees when your touch is gone.
he nods and your chest suddenly hurts. you back away, frightened and confused, it was overwhelming that you feel for him but don’t remember him. before qimir could utter anything else, you walk away. he watches you go, sensing that something was wrong. something had been wiped away in your mind with the memories of him and he feels lost. the one person that had stayed with him throughout his grievances and frustrations, the one good person he thought dead and the one woman he loved doesn’t remember him.
he’ll have to talk to you again when he wills himself.
it had been days since you last saw that strange man and your dreams have been getting even more vivid.
it was scaring you.
remembering the look in his eyes, you saw that he did in fact know you. but you don’t know him. sometimes when you wake up now after dreaming of that young man in your dreams, it felt like something in you was lost. and that your mind was actively trying to remember, trying to hold on what was missing but it always fails. and it leaves you feeling so lost and confused.
you sit by your bed now. you haven’t started your day like the usual. you felt sick, nauseous and incredibly exhausted of trying to will yourself to remember that strange man. his touch felt familiar when you remember it, his voice was somehow a comfort and his gaze… you know you would be in trance with those dark eyes of his that spoke of tenderness.
your eyes felt heavy as the sun peaks through the blinds of your windows. you sigh, weakly trying to get up. you felt you were about to fall back onto your bed again until a knock on your door surprises you. you freeze, the knocks then grew more louder and you sighed, thinking it was your landlord as you get up, wrapping your cloak around you.
you push the red button on the control panel as the sound of your door swiftly opening doesn’t ready you for him to be standing by your doorstep. you freeze, seeing that he’s dressed in another way-too-huge robes on him. he looks at you for a moment, taking in your face of confusion.
“i just want to talk.” he pleads and you stay frozen in your spot for a moment, wondering if you want to talk with him. but deep inside, your heart is telling you yes as it beats loudly.
“okay.” you say quietly as you let him in. qimir relaxes as you close the door once he crosses the threshold and he stands inside your small apartment.
“how long have you been living here?” he asks, looking around the place. “in olega… i mean.”
“seven… eight years, i think?” you answer as best as you can. “i stayed in coruscant for a couple of months before moving here.”
“why?” he asks further, confused.
“i left the jedi… i used to be a jedi.” you shrug. “it was the council’s decision why i couldn’t continue my training.”
“…i- because they said i didn’t control my self, my emotions.” you sighed, not liking that you were telling this stranger of your failure. a stranger that you somehow know. you remind yourself.
“and you’re sure the council had told you that was their true reasons for letting you go?” he faces you, understanding bit by bit what happened to you. "they lied."
“why do you ask me? are you a jedi or was- as well?” you ask him now.
“i was.” he nods bitterly.
you blink. “then how do you know me?”
“we were…” he starts, finding his words to try and let this information on you easily. your memories were wiped as far as he could tell. he thinks that vernestra orchestrated to do this to you when they had disarmed you at some point after he had escaped. for it was to conceal those outside the jedi order of his existence and that it may put them in a political disaster. he scoffs at that in his mind. he wills himself not to go to the local jedi temple and slaughter master torbin himself for this, out of spite he’ll kill them all in there.
“you and i, we shared a bond.” he softly says as he nears you and you let him. “a bond that the order told us that it was forbidden.”
you blink, understanding what he meant. did the jedi lied to you? you think, feeling betrayed by the order that you had respected could do this to you. his soft gaze felt familiar and you reel in to his gentle voice. qimir’s chest filled with hope seeing you slowly start to understand him even though you still don’t know him.
“i am yours.” he takes your hand to his, placing it above his chest. “and you are mine.”
“and together…” those words leave your lips without even you registering it for a moment as he presses his forehead against yours. you shudder, your eyes welling up with tears, feeling overwhelmed as this felt like the scene in your dreams. this man was the young man in your dreams. you realized, why you somehow feel like you know him.
vows in the gardens, whispering it underneath the great tree. two padawans’ hearts beating with one another and the sweet song of love fills their chests as they become one. bound to eternity forever.
“we are bound to each other forever.” he finishes as he wipes the tears streaming down your face.
“i want to remember you…” you sobbed, your own chest hurting for not remembering him. this man that you had just met days ago but felt like you’ve known him forever. qimir smiles sadly as he pulls you into his arms. you cried on his shoulder, loving the way his arms felt around you.
you don’t even know his name and it breaks your heart again.
“i’ll help you remember. we found each other again.” he vows and promises he’ll make you remember. his own eyes wetting with his tears as he nuzzles his face on your soft hair and he whispers. “i promise.”
but all that matters now is that you are with him at last.
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corukant · 10 months
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and blood black nothingness began to spin
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within cells
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anakin babe ur NOT getting that bonus
blade runner x star wars crossover au continuation bc i’m bananas like that
(and bc obi wan and anakin would definitely brood in the cold streets of coruscant)
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cookybananas · 3 months
Do I Know You? - Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker x Reader {Part. I}
a/n: an alternate universe/timeline!au fic! this is the first part, the second part is in the works!
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summary: Where Darth Vader is sent on a mission and finds himself traveling through another timeline and meets another version of you where you aren't dead. part II: Do I Know You? II
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"I am going to have a few words with you once I get back Sheev..." Vader thought to himself. His large frame was trapped in a tiny capsule that was rapidly moving downwards onto the surface of Tatooine.
His master had sent him to retrieve the Death Star plans on a rebel ship when all of sudden, the rebels managed to crowd him into this tiny capsule and drop him out of the ship. 
There was a faint beeping heard below him. He looked down at his hand and noticed a device strapped on the back of his hand. Those damn rebels. Vader toyed with the device, hoping to shut off the beeping, but the beeping increased and flashed the words on the device:
Coruscant, 20 BBY 
"Huh?" He thought to himself once again, what could this possibly mean? The light above him began flashing red. Out of the small window of the capsule, the dark space soon turned into a blue clouded sky. The Sith Lord let out a sign of frustration, how the hell did I get into this position?
The capsule came to an abrupt stop when it had landed on the ground, sending the Sith Lord face forward into the door. Vader groaned to himself. The door slid open, revealing a dark alleyway, similar to the alleyways in the Underworld in Coruscant.
Vader walked out of the capsule, turning around to admire the machine that the rebels had managed to squeeze him in. Interesting... The Sith Lord thought to himself before making his way towards the dimly lit streets of Coruscant.
The people off the streets eyed the tall, towering figure as Vader strolled along the sidewalks of the Underworld.
"Do you want to buy some deathsticks?" A Rodian man said as he approached the tall dark figure with death sticks in his hands. To which Vader took a step back and eyed the man.
"No..." He let out, debating on whether to take the deathsticks or not. This day was already terrible as is with how everything had gone.
"Are you sure? You'll have a great time-" Vader raise his hand, force choking the reptilian humanoid.
"I would rather not you pest. Now, you will go home and rethink your life."
"I-I will to go home and rethink my life." The man nodded up and down. Vader released his grasp, allowing the Rodian to scramble away from him.
There was whispering and murmurs from other onlookers, witnessing what the Sith Lord just did.
"Did he just use the force?"
"You saw that right?
"Do you think he's one of those Jedi?"
The Sith Lord looked around the people who backed away from him. Pathetic, he thought. He needed to find Palpatine and tell him that mission was a failure, the rebels had gotten away, and he was unable to get the plans. Meaning, that there will be a severe punishment waiting for him once he returns to his Master.
Vader walked into the nearest club and approached the Twi'lek bartender, hoping to find a speeder or station to get him out of here.
"Where is there nearest station? I need to get to the Emperor. 5127th level." Vader said to Twi'lek man who had just gotten done serving a drink to a customer.
"Emperor? Where on Hoth did you come from? Do you mean the Chancellor?" The man questioned, throwing his towel over his shoulder.
Vader sat in brief silence, thinking to himself, Chancellor? He could have sworn Sheev didn't go by that name anymore.
"Y-Yes, the Chancellor...Do you know where I can find him." Vader finally let out, after moments of awkward silence.
"Well, you won't have much of chance finding her. She's either too busy in her office or helping the people clear the debris that was left from the Clone Wars ever since the previous Chancellor was killed."
"She...? How strange." Vader said to himself. "And remind me, what is the name of the Chancellor is again?"
"Kriff dude, did your head get smack with a bunch of Ewoks throwin' rocks at it?" The man questioned, now cleaning cups with his towel.
Vader sat in silence again, staring down at the man. Debating on whether he should have killed his man sooner, or wait until he got a response. Luckily, he chose the latter.
"Chancellor Y/N L/N is her name. She was the former Senator of Naboo before she was elected right after Chancellor Palpatine's death. There's rumors that she had a fling with a Jedi Knight, by the name of Anakin Skywalker-"
"Tell me. Where is she." Vader said, his tone revealing his impatience.
"Woah woah, don't you want me to finish telling-"
"Where is the nearest station. I will find her myself." He stated.
"O-okay fine. The nearest station is quite a distance. But we do have this old speeder at the back of-"
Before the bartender could finish, Vader had already made his way out of the club and around to the back to the speeder. Chancellor Y/N? It couldn't be possible. You were dead, but he needed to see it for himself.
"Your Majesty, do you think-"
"Who cares, she has already told you how she felt-" 
"Oh I wasn't talking to you-"
The doors of my office slide open, revealing Obi-Wan with a tray that had two cups on it. I smiled at him, to which he returned. But that smile soon turned into concern as he looked over at my two handmaidens who were having a little dispute.
"Are they still fighting about it?" Obi-Wan said, approaching me and handing me a cup of warm tea.
"Yes, yes they are." I responded, sipping and savoring the earthy taste of the tea.
"Chancellor! Chancellor!" A voice from outside my office called. I looked up at Obi-Wan who looked down at me. The doors to my office slid open, revealing Cal?
"Cal? What's the matter?" I said, now standing up from my chair and making my way towards him.
"T-There's. there's someone looking for you. We don't know who o-or what their name is." He breathed out, trying to catch his breath. "I'm just gonna take a seat here." before plopping himself on the loveseat.
"Astra, could you grab Cal a glass of water please?" Both my handmaidens stopped their bickering and turned to look at me.
"Y-yes of course your Majesty." Astra bowed, both handmaidens leaving the three of us in my office. I turned back to Cal with concern.
"Cal, take a moment to catch your breath. Now, what is this you heard of someone needing me?" I asked him, taking a seat next to him on the loveseat, my hand resting on his shoulder.
"Of course Chancellor. There are talks in the Underworld, that there is this dark figure, who I think is a force-user, is looking for you... I don't know if he's from another planet or something, but there's something off about that thing." Cal spoke, still breathless from running to get to my office.
"Thing?" I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. I looked up at Obi-Wan who was standing next to Cal, caressing his beard in thought.
"Well, it could be a droid of some sort. The thing sounds mechanical." Cal continued, gnawing at his lips nervously.
"Interesting Cal, do we perhaps have another other information of the individual?" Obi-Wan inquired.
"N-No Master, but I felt this dark energy from him. Almost as if it was evil, pure evil." Cal responded. He pulled out his holoprojector, showing footage of a tall dark mysterious figure force choking an innocent bystander.
Obi-Wan and I looked at each other before looking back at the hologram.
"He doesn't look like he would be friendly. Perhaps we may need to take action and find what this individual wants to do with you." Obi-Wan said, still stroking his beard. I thought to myself. How strange, what could I have possibly done that I was involved with this individual?
"We may need to tighten up security among the people and the rest of the sovereign powers. I don't want to draw too much attention to this. I already have much going on. Perhaps I'll bring this up to the Jedi council tomorrow morning and see what they think." I said sighing to myself, as I walked over to the large window that overlooked beautiful skies of Coruscant.
Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, Cal sat there looking between us.
The skies of Coruscant were pitch black, but littered with stars in the sky. The Sith Lord arrived at the small landing pad with his airspeeder, just outside of a familiar penthouse. The penthouses and apartments in Coruscant were always open air. Since they were high up in the skies, the only way to get in was with an airspeeder or the elevators to the buildings. So it was fairly easy for Vader to walk into your penthouse without needing to break a sweat.
The Sith Lord made his way into the penthouse. The lights of every room were turned off, except for one. Light faintly emitted from a set of closed doors, assuming that was your room, Vader made a beeline towards your bedroom doors.
Even with his ultraviolet and infrared vision, it was still limited to where Vader missed the Jedi that was hidden behind one of the large pillars of the penthouse.
"You're not welcomed here. You are trespassing a politician's home and I advise you to leave this instant." A familiar voice spoke up.
"I will not leave until I see her, the Chancellor." The Sith Lord turned around, but did not see anyone behind him. Vader turned back around only to be met with Obi-Wan with his hand on the hilt of lightsaber.
"M-Master..." Vader let out, only for Obi-Wan to quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Do we know each other?" Obi-Wan responded, his hand still resting upon his saber.
"Master, it's me... Anakin Skywalker." Vader spoke out to his former Master.
"Foolish nonsense, Anakin Skywalker is dead." Obi-Wan stated.
Both the Sith Lord and Master Jedi eyed each other, waiting on who would make the first move. After moments of deafening silence, Vader took off his helmet. Revealing his burnt, scarred face, and yellow Sith eyes. Obi-Wan watch him in disbelief, taking a step back from the Sith. 
"Obi? Obi-Wan are you there? Who are you talking to in there?" Your voice was muffled on the other side of your door. Anakin's desperate eyes darted over to Obi-Wan and to your door, hoping he'll say something.
"Y-yes Y/N! No worries, it was just a false alarm! It was just a hawk-bat!" Obi-Wan shouted.
"If you say so Obi. I'm heading to bed now!" You shouted in response. The light emitting from your bedroom doors shut off, leaving the entirety of the penthouse dark and only for the Coruscant moonlight to shine through the large windows.
Obi-Wan shook his head and sighed to himself. "You have some nerve for showing up here. And to say that you are Anakin Skywalker? Ludicrous." He spat at Vader.
part II: Do I Know You? II
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gars-weaponeer · 2 months
Let's talk about he unwarranted Fox hate.
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I often see that a lot of people tend to hate on Commander Fox, often portraying him as a villainous kind of character or very cold and selfish compared to the more heroic and beloved Commander Thorn.
I see these two characters portrayed as "the good commander" and "the bad commander" of the Coruscant guard, when in reality they are both pretty much the same character.
But just for the fact that Fox killed Fives, the public decided to label him as a "bad guy".
But that's not the case, in fact if we changed characters and placed Thorn hunting after Fives and Fox on the diplomatic mission, chances are both situations would have ended the same way: with Fives dead at the hands of Thorn and Fox dying heroically for the republic.
Why is this?
Well for starters we need to understand what a Coruscant guard is.
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These were clones that were raised and trained differently from common clone troopers as their assignment was to act as a security police force for Coruscant. As a result, they dealt with different threats than normal troopers.
Clone troopers knew what their enemies looked like, the separatist forces were easy to recognize in the battlefield. But for the Coruscant guard the enemy could take many forms. They would not see battle droids on the streets attempting on the lives of the senate. They would have to deal with terrorists, dressed as common folk or unconscious work droids. They had to be more alert and more skeptic of their surroundings 24/7 as the fate of the republic laid in their hands.
One false move could cost the lives of the chancellor and the senate and with them the Republic would fall. That is the weight these clones carry on their shoulders. This is the responsibility that both Fox and Thorn carry along with the other commanders in red.
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Both Fox and Thorn are very similar in canon.
Fox appears more than Thorn and we can see from his canon(and legends) appearances that he is a fiercely loyal clone to the republic, hard working and honorable like many of his brothers. He is the first to charge into battle, leading his troops with bravery and has little patience for criminals.
Thorn seems to have a similar sense of duty, loyalty and bravery that Fox has, as he also stands his ground during battle, refusing to surrender til the very last second. We sadly don't see more of Thorn beyond his one and only appearance.
So why do people hate Fox so much, when he and Thorn are not that different?
Well, he killed Fives.
But I don't think he should be hated for it.
To explain this, join me to see things through the fox's eye, and learn the other side of the story.
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We as the audience know Fives since he is a Shiny, and we see him grow up, level up, become an ARC trooper and survive many perils. We see him discover that one plot that we know causes so much death and destruction and even tho we know the ending of the story, we want to root for him and we get frustrated when we see no-one hears him out. We also, as the audience, know that Palpatine is the bad guy, he is playing chess against himself and ruining the lives of countless people for his own sick pleasure in his path to rule the Galaxy.
But Fox doesn't know any of this.
He doesn't know Palpatine is secretly Dath Sidious. He doesn't know there is a secret plot to destroy the Jedi and that he and his brothers are just pawns in a greater scheme.
As far as he is concerned, the Chancellor is the head of the Republic, and if anything happens to him it might mean the end of the Republic and the death of not only him but all his brothers. It's his duty to protect Palpatine from harm. And there are a lot of people trying to hurt him.
He also doesn't know Fives.
He might have heard of him as Fives is a respected ARC trooper from the 501st. But he doesn't know him personally like we do, like Rex does. He has no real connection to him other than Fives being another Clone like him.
So when he hears that there is this erratic clone that tried to kill Palpatine and is now on the run, of course he would see Fives as a threat.
Remember that the Kaminoans covered the whole inhibitor chip thing by saying it was a behavioral regulator, that kept Clones from becoming aggressive and erratic. The Kaminoan even took the example of Tup's chip malfunction as proof that without the chip the clones turn irrational and unpredictable. This is the information the characters have. The ONLY ONES that know the truth are Palpatine, the Kaminoans and Fives.
So in Fox's eyes, Fives turned erratic because he also has a chip malfunction. He became irrational, unpredictable, erratic and has attempted to kill someone before. He might try to do so again and is now on the run. It's his duty as head of the Coruscant guard to find him and stop him before he hurts someone.
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When he finds Fives, he has Anakin and Rex as hostages and is talking nonsense, acting erratic and paranoic. He could hurt Anakin or Rex, two very important and prominent figures in the GAR and their deaths could result in disadvantage against the Separatist forces. Fox cannot afford that. And yet he doesn't enter shooting, he points his gun at Fives and orders him to raise his hands and surrender. He gives Fives a chance to go peacefully, to de-escalate the situation. And when he sees that Fives looks at the blaster on his side he even yells at him to stop, he asks him not to do it, not to take the gun and make things worse. But Fives doesn't listen, he takes the gun yelling and Fox has to make a split-second decision.
In a moment like that, when you are a second away of a disaster, when you, your brothers or the hostages could get killed by the shot of a unhinged person. You don't get enough time to think.
Fox reacts and shoots Fives to stop him from harming others.
Sure, we could argue that Fox could have used stun instead, or that he could have shot Five's hand, anything to not kill him.
But we need to understand that in situations like that, when tensions are high, then it's life or death and you have to take a split-second decision, you don't usually have time to be rational.
Even the most trained people can't always take the most rational option, and often choose the best option they can.
Fox took the best option he could in that situation.
And I don't think that Thorn, Thire, Stone or any of the other Shock trooper Commanders would have done any different, any better.
They all would have been faced with the same dire situation, and they all would have had to take the split-second decision.
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One could argue that the fact that Fox was not present in the circle of Coruscant guards taking off their helmets as they mourn Fives, could imply that he was indifferent to his death.
And maybe? However I don't think that's the case.
Remember that Fox tried to stop Fives, he tried to give him a chance to surrender and in the end he couldn't stop. He had to shoot a fellow clone. A clone whose face he sees in all his brothers, the companions he trained with, fought with, work with everyday. He did not wanted to kill Fives.
That has to be very haunting.
I like to believe that Fox is not the mourning circle, because he had to take a step back to come to terms to what he has done.
Fox has been proven to be an honorable man. How can he stand a join the mourning of a man he just killed? How can he see into Rex's eyes as he cries for the close brother he has lost? Maybe he felt like he had no right to be there.
Then again this is just my speculation, considering what little canon we have of Fox.
In general I don't think we should hate on Fox for Fives' death. Sure, Fives is easily my second favorite clone, way above Fox in my raitings, and I suffered a lot when he died. But I do think that the situation was way to out of hand and Fox did as best as he could to keep everyone safe.
Fives was not at fault either. Remember he was drugged, and he was feeling frustrated, paranoic, confused, he was panicking and not thinking clearly.
The only one at fault here is Palpatine and his schemes.
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That said...
I'm not saying that you should stop portraying Fox as a cold and ruthless character.
Hell, I myself like to represent him as a more stoic and sarcastic person compared to his brothers and I've seen many different portrayals of this character, with many different personalities that I love!
You are free to a enjoy the fandom as you wish after all!
Just keep this post in mind and please don't hate on people who like Fox as a character.
We all deserve to enjoy Star Wars and it's wonderful characters that inspire us.
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Well, this has been my Rant! If you reached all the way down here thank you for reading ♥
And may the force be with you.
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rooksunday · 9 days
everything the same but all of the coruscant guard troopers are werewolves
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padawansuggest · 10 months
Okay so on Coruscant there are very few people that don’t actually go out into the streets (I’m thinking politicians and Jedi might be some of the few who don’t have to go outside very often if at all because the senate and the temple are both the size of a small city) which means that 1: they NEED to have vitamin D lights on the streets of Coruscant because otherwise everyone would be depressed like in the deepest winter at all times. And 2: that means I think the Jedi temple and the senate themselves also are just full of Vitamin D lights.
Also y’all need to stop writing fics where kids are afraid of ‘getting caught sneaking around after dark’ or something because the temple is literally so full of species that you have no idea of that kid is nocturnal or whatever. They very well could be. Tbh I wanna write a fic where someone catches Obi-Wan sneaking around at night to play a prank with Quin or something and he’s all ‘bruh my eyes glow in the dark I’m obviously meant to be awake at this hour’ and no one can argue with him. Stuff like that.
Also I think the temple neeeeeeeds multiple healing halls (once more. It is the size of a small city) one in the aquatic center of the temple (which canonically exists) one in the temple main (which should span over like four levels and act as it’s own building okay) and one in the creche. This is the MINIMUM amount of healing halls I think they should have.
A tram system should be inside the walls. Places in the temple that act as sideways lifts and also a subway system because believe it or not, there are species in the temple as small as one foot tall, and I’m not just talking about Grogu, I’m talking about others like Kushiban and others similar. Once more. It is the size of a small city. They should have both subway type stations (that take you certain places like the main healing halls or the biggest canteen or the supply sector of the temple things like that) because oh my god imagine how many hours the commute to your workstation could take if you didn’t have that shit. Annoying af.
They gotta have names for all the different canteens okay. Like ‘meet me in the cafeteria’ in a temple the size of a small city is bullshit cause even in the books they have multiple cafeterias.
A… let’s call it a Mall Section of the temple. A place where you can pick up groceries (the temple makes their own food and I assume most of it is cooked in careens but also not letting people cook their own food is a recipe for a Jedi starving to death on a mission lmao) but they also have a salon (skin care and hair care are very important and if you let all these babies cut their own hair they gonna turn out like me no one wants that) and a clothing ‘store’ where you can get certain size clothes and robes from, or even undercover mission clothes. There need to be Jedi in these places too!!! Imagine going to the salon with your master and having a gossip talk about your new lineage member!!! It’s important to society!!!
A Jedi movie theater where the masters send their kiddos on the weekend so they can enjoy a glass of wine and not be sneezed on for three hours.
I’ve actually seen a few mentions in fics and posts about tea salons so that is def also a thing. It’s the Jedi version of a cafe. I think people who like baking take turns working there and everyone chips in for tea selections and stuff.
Droid Ubers. They need to get somewhere but feel sick as heck and it’s not near any good lifts or the subway trams??? Call a droid Uber lmao. It shouldn’t be unusual either lol just grandmaster on his way to bother his kid while not aggravating his hip after hip surgery.
Remember that Jedi who are like 10 foot tall also exist so remember there ARE apartments in the temple that could fit Kenobi’s Dino-Horse girl Boga.
There should also be apartments with like 10 bedrooms and bathrooms (or even one giant communal bathroom) around a singular living/cooking space!!! Let Jedi live in communes!!!!
The aquatic levels of the creche are def the cutest place in the temple you can’t argue with me on the idea of water babies swimming and cuddling under water.
On another note to the fact that species like Kushiban exist???? Imagine tiny doors and corridors that used to be used by mouse droids but they became so useful to tiny Jedi so they got taken over. Just imagine that.
Bartering markets where Jedi trade things, mostly things they get on missions or are given to them as gifts, nothing goes to waste so they find a proper place for all gifts and extras here.
Cooking classes. Obi-Wan has been kicked out of all of them his cooking is so bad. Anakin claims bullshit he loves Master’s cooking! But then, he also eats worms…
Anyways. Y’all too single minded with this shit. It just be all ‘cafeteria, living quarters, healing halls and archives’ with you guys. Where is the culture. Where is the acknowledgment of multiple species all living in the same area taking place in a culture of peace and galactic exploration???? Give them a liquor store idgaf.
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arecait · 5 months
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We need more civilians AND MORE ALIENS GODDAMMIT
Togruta woman having a fun night out
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