#The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion
constantineinhell · 2 years
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tua-five · 2 months
Season 3 Episode 1!!
I am so excited for this season. Especially today's episode.
⚠️⚠️ If you haven't watched any of this season, I'd advise not to read any of my posts in the next 10 days. Get to it! ⚠️⚠️
I am very much so sorry about how long this is. There is a lot to say today. I wish I could've added more gifs, but of course, it limits me to 10.
Let's all be real. We ALL thought the dance off was real. 100%. It's definitely something they would do.
Okay, I'll jump back a bit now. It's a nice touch that they showed Ben being birthed this time. Since the 10-second clip at the end of the last episode, Ben is the biggest anomaly.
And then there's the matter of 16 rather than 43. Which we'll find out why in a couple of episodes. I do wonder, however, if this time, Reginald told the Sparrows about the other 9 powered kids.
Then the next big difference is the Sparrow Academy being introduced as their names and then Aka #1 or etc. It makes me wonder if Grace still named them or if Reginald did it this time.
Also, can we talk about Marcus?? What are his powers? Okay. So, after a quick Google search, he has Superhuman Strength and Enhanced Resilience. But that is the exact same powers as Luther, and somewhere along the way, I believed that that was not possible.
Actually, I want to talk about all of them, so maybe I'll make a separate post for that.
Anyhoo, Ben saying "cute hat Sundance" was really funny.
But Klaus checking to see if everyone could see Ben too was cute, but it was actually sad. He had to make sure they could see him because Klaus didn't believe that he was actually alive. He just thought that Ben was back. That maybe even though (their) Ben is gone, that maybe he came back when they came home.
Luther's love at first sight moment is just like "ugh, again". But it is cute.
I also want to talk about Grace, but that is far too long, and it will veer too far off from today's episode.
Yeah, so the first time around, I definitely thought that the whole footloose scene was real and was definitely gravely disappointed that it wasn't. Luther saying "Protecting our honor, bro" was definitely weird, but I mean... that's the whole show, so.
Speaking of this scene... Jayme's powers.. She has hallucinogenic spit, which first she spits on Diego and then later Five. It is assumed that the spit makes you hallucinate what you desire most, so for Five, it was obviously his "love" Delores. Which then transformed into a human, and of course, he started making out with it. Diego, however, hallucinated a dance off?? I mean, obviously, I could definitely see him wanting that. My point here, though, is that Five acted out his desires/with it. Diego is sweating when he comes out of his delusions, so if it wasn't so bizarre, you could imagine him actually acting it out, running around the house dancing. Although, it didn't actually happen, and he didn't act it out. Because if he did, everyone would be looking at him weird, not only Jayme looking at him. But it's funny to think about him running around dancing to seemingly nothing while the others just watch in astonishment.
Viktor being the one to want to talk it out is so real. He was never one for violence until it was forced out of him. Quite literally.
Also, "Ben-er-ino's" haircut is pretty bad. Klaus wasn't lying.
So much just happened in 3 seconds. Diego calling Christopher a litter box, Diego understanding it?? How?? And him saying his hair is nice and was era appropriate 😭
Even though it's so simple, this will always be one of my favorite lines"
"You're alive, that's great. Or possibly horrible, I'm not really sure yet."
"Is that some kind of weird smack talk?"
"It's more of an existential problem, really, Ben." *Flips hair casually like he's not fighting his supposed to be dead brother.*
Diego is definitely the most unhinged Hargreeves. And that's saying a lot. "Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy! Who's. Your. Daddy?"
There's a lot of great little lines in here, and none of them are appreciated. Like Jayme saying, "Hey short pants... what's up?" In a sing songy voice.
And Marcus and Luther.
"See, bigger isn't always better."
"Is that what you tell your girlfriends?"
Marcus does have a temper tantrum, though. He literally stomps his foot like a little kid on Luther's chest. Makes me want to say "aww, are you a wittle angy? 🥺"
"I'm not your father, young man. Not anymore. Biscuit?" Reggie says it so ominously and then so sweetly, "Biscuit? 🤠"
"I don't know.. I've just never had my ass handed to me like that before. It's like, here you go 🤲 it's your ass 🤲🍑"
I feel bad for Five. Which I've said before, but I'm saying it again. It's always on him. They just got back from being demolished by the Sparrow Academy, and Allison is like, "Shouldn't you know?" Like, no. Not all the time. How is he supposed to know? Yeah, five, it's going to take you more than 20 minutes and a dramatic brain injury to figure things out. Diego is mocking him and how his powers are so hard, and Allison is like, Five, where the hell is the briefcase. Like, how is he supposed to know?? Not everything is his fault.
Grace being infatuated with "God" in the basement will always be weird to me.
Klaus will always be Klaus, though. "I missed you you slutty ol' dame. Absorb her, absorb her into your bosom."
I'd hate to be Patrick, though. Like.. some random lady calls and tells him to tell a Claire that mommy misses her.. and then that random lady breaks into his house. Like um... yikes.
Also, can we talk about the Sparrows running on treadmills and Christopher pretends to, just floating in the air spinning?? What???
Marcus telling Reginald to sit like a dog is crazy though. I do feel bad for him. They've got him hopped up on pills and everything. Even though he turns out to still be manipulative.
"I kissed Sissy goodbye a few hours ago. Give or take 50 years." Viktor 😭 sweetie 😭😭
Viktor went from being sweet and innocent with that little talk with Marcus, to straight-up threatening him. "Because your team is good. Better than mine, maybe. But I don't think you're better than me, Marcus. I ended the world, twice. And you? You're just meat in spandex." Like, dang!! Okay, pop off, I guess.
Also, I love how the siblings make sure Five doesn't feel like a kid even though he looks like one. Or, at least Luther and Diego the most. Luther, on countless occasions, has called Five "old man," and Diego just said, "So sput it out, Boomer!" That was funny, I'll admit.
"So if you ever see your other self—"
"Kill them." Of course, Diego would say this.
"Sleep with them." Klaus???
"😦🫥... Avoid them." Exactly. The only obvious answer??
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I agree, Luther.
"Oh, come on. As if you wouldn't climb Luther-Mountain." No, Klaus. Luther would not do that to himself. That is just crazy.
Lila dropping Stanley on Diego is bizarre, by the way. And claiming he's their son. I can't believe I even believed that. I mean, he's not even the same ethnicity as either of them. Diego was right when he kept saying "alleged son."
I'm really sad that they killed Mr. Pennycrumb in the first episode, though. But at least he made his show from the comics.
It's also sad that Five truly believes that the apocalypse is over. You, my old sir, did not win. Sorry to say.
Gif collection
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Okay, I'm going to waste my last 5 gifs on this because it was hilarious, and everyone must relive it again. Moments like these show that they're siblings.
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zero-in-kyoto · 1 month
As the world caves in.
This is a dumb Five x reader I wrote just because I made this scene up in a random day dream session and I didn’t see anyone write anything similar so I had to do it! Btw requests are open!!!
Disclaimer: I’ve never written for tumblr before, only wattpad so sorry if the formatting is off, i copied this straight from my notes.!
TW’s: spoilers if you haven’t watched season 3, x reader content, no beta we die like Klaus!!!<3, light alcohol mention, kinda cringe.
As the world caves in
Five Hargreeves x Reader
(Kinda short)
Hotel obsidian, slowly withering away with everything else. You all could only enjoy the time that remained. The world was ending, once again. Everything was going on so fast, it’s hard to do anything but succumb. It was beautiful however a somber end. It’s bittersweet that’s there’s not much left to do but enjoy each other’s company which is hard with everyone arguing even though they all agreed on a truce.
You sat near the edge on the roof of hotel obsidian, drinking straight beer. Expression somber, looking off into what’s basically space. The burn of the beverage was only subtle as other things were on your mind. There must be a way. But the damn kugelblitz, devouring everything, there was hardly anything left to save but yourselves. It was solemn to think about, everyone was thinking about it, but you were thinking it alone.
You heard familiar foot steps behind you, and you didn’t even bother to turn around and you knew exactly who it was already. He, Five, sat beside you, a pack of beer in hand. You both didn’t speak. He cracked one open and just drunk along side you. 
“Hey, asshat.” He called to you. You retracted the bottle from your lips and placed it down. “Yes, asshole.” You replied back playfully.
“You know.. out of all people i could die beside, you’re probably the most tolerable. I’m glad I get to watch the world end with you.” He said with a ‘matter of fact-ly’ tone of voice, with a smug expression. 
You looked over to him. You didn’t realize he had something too serious to say due to how he called to you. A soft sigh and a chuckles came from you. That was just how you two were and of course that wouldn’t change, even now. 
“I’m glad to watch the world end with you too, I suppose.” You replied with a playfully smirk. “So that’s how you feel? Really? I see how it is.” He too returned your playful tone.
You both giggle and more of the roof got sucked away. You both went quiet again and looked at each other. You bursted into laughter and neither of you even needed to say anything. It was nice. It felt like peace and a distraction from everything. 
But then I bit too much of the roof crumbled and you fell right off, but Five grabbed your hand. It was quite slippery due to the sweat from the heat you felt from drinking. But in the end it ended up just fine as was hoped, as he blinked and you both were on a safer place on the roof.
“We should probably head inside.”
“Yeah, that seems like the best idea.”
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merakicharm · 1 year
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Ben in s3 last ep finding out that the guardian spirit of Hotel Oblivion was a samurai and immediately going bitch are you serious rn? and being so unamused and disgusted will never be not funny to me.
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nightmares06 · 2 months
It's time to watch Umbrella Academy again, and I made some snacks for the occasion!
Preparing the batter
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Adding a dash of universe
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The night sky cupcakes came out pretty well
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Preparing the horrors
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Klaus has the keys to Hotel Oblivion waiting for us!
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Bring it all together
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Time for season four!
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hey... why does the academy have forty three bedrooms?
Reginald Hargreeves is an alien man with a chimpanzee companion/buddy/confidant and a robot caregiver and has seven adopted children. We come to learn he specifically chose to adopt only seven and no more, but why does the academy have forty three bedrooms... did he initially plan to have backups? Did he plan to take them all in?? Is that one theory of the forty-three miraculous babies being his actual spawn true??? Maybe even a prison of sorts???? Reggie my guy I need you to stop being a cryptic bitch for TWO SECONDS and give me an ounce of what goes on in your 4D chess of a mind.
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totallybonkers · 1 year
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TAROT The Major Arcana
Key 16: The Tower
General meaning of this card: The overthrow of selfish ambition
Interpretation: Selfish ambition is about to come to naught. Conflict, change, unforeseen catastrophe. Old notions upset. Overthrow of existing ways of life. Disruption will bring enlightenment in its wake.
Reversed: Same as above, but in a lesser degree. The gain of freedom of body or mind, but at a great cost. False accusations, false imprisonment; oppression.
More Umbrella Academy Tarot cards! This was definitely a harder one, mostly due to the fact I prefer drawing characters/people and not buildings or backgrounds. So a challenge, but a fun one! Also, playing with some perspective which was tough (also don’t come for me about the people on the bottom, I know they’re rough haha). Let me know what you think!
Card Interpretation taken from ‘Mastering the Tarot: Basic Lessons in Ancient, Mystic Art’, By Eden Gray.
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lookingforhappy · 3 months
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provoke-god · 2 years
i don't know if i'm the only one who thinks this but twin skeletons (hotel in NYC) by fall out boy is literally hotel oblivion
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ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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constantineinhell · 2 years
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vani-is-typing · 1 year
So i was rewatching Thor with my sister and the huge destroyer thing in their asgardian basement reminded me of the dangerous warrior type people that were at the oblivion in S3 of the umbrella academy. I might not be recalling things right as it's been a while since I watched the last season of tua but if I'm right, does anyone feel the same way?
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tua-five · 2 months
Was no one going to tell me I wasn't going crazy???
The entire tuamre, well, for season 3, I kept getting so confused with Hotel Obsidian. I would call it Hotel Obsidian in some posts and then go back and correct it to Hotel Oblivion because I was like, that's the name I remember; that's what it's called. And I thought I was going insane.
Was no one going to tell me that the hotel is called Hotel Obsidian and that the alternate hotel, after going through the tunnel, is called Hotel Oblivion?? So they both exist??
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a-heart-of-kyber · 2 years
Nah, still weird that they went, "We're just gonna *take Klaus’s levitation and telekinesis* and *give them to Viktor*. Tad-da!"
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rosetintednightmares · 10 months
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biteurhip · 1 year
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Cool lettering and storytelling in Hotel Oblivion
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