#The Unfinished Swan
g1a5ca1 · 6 months
you ever just stumble on the most life changing video games of your life, sob to it, then are just expected to move on like hell no this shit is staying in my brain forever
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neighbourhoodtwo · 1 year
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I am in Eskew // The Unfinished Swan
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sunsetthedragon · 7 months
I love the idea of Christopher and Monroe meeting later in life. Like a chance meeting where they happen to cross paths. I feel like it would go something like this:
Monroe: Wait, you’re not supposed to exist!
Christopher: Excuse me, your dad died when he was 11!
Monroe: That was just a misunderstanding.
Christopher: A MISUNDERSTANDING!!!!!
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sludgehookerfinch · 2 months
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elsberryy · 3 months
Bro does anyone even play What Remains of Edith Finch?? Like no one I know has ever heard of it and I just wanna spew my thoughts on it bc that game makes me so emotional? I LEGIT NEED MORE FRIENDS😭
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whocanitbenow23 · 1 month
Monroe and Milton Finch
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videogamepolls · 4 months
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Requested by anon
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thecrazyandtheweird · 1 month
Questions I have surrounding Milton Finch
(if anyone has answers please feel free to share)
1: How did the door only work for him?? We see the aforementioned painted door in his room, but the design is different and worn down. Is it even the same door? Idk
2: Monroe's mother: How did Milton meet her? If he had the ability to return to the real world and sire a child, why didn't he ever use that world-hopping ability to look for his family? Did he just assumed they all would have died? This is the biggest question for me; like how he came back, for what reason, and then why he abandoned both her and his son. How old was he even?
3: How could Monroe's mother have a magic paintbrush that she left to her son if Milton already had it in his kingdom? Were there two? Did he make her one of her own to make up for being an absent father?
4: Hell, he knew about his son, right? He seemed to know who he was. Why didn't you want to be in your child's life?? You gave him another paintbrush, more questions, and a half-hearted admittance to being a crap dad, then told him to leave where he'll never see him again.
5: (Throwaway Question) Would Dawn (before her death) or Edith ever find out about Monroe? Assuming theres DNA in this world, who's to say they couldn't trace the Finch relatives and reunite them. They could even have took Monroe in after his mom's death. Plus it would have been both curious, (now they know Milton didn't die) and therapeutic (having at least a piece of Milton back)
Its just plaguing my mind, I'm deeply obsessed with these games now unfortunately
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hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Queenie and Milton Finch Edit;
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(Song: Peter Pan).
(Reason: Seems fitting).
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zer0cyanz · 4 months
Happy Birthday Milton Finch!! 🥳
Today you would have been 32 years old, which honestly, isn’t that old,,,, still, have a nice day :))
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tacos-biggest-fan · 2 months
One of my hyperfixations from LITERALLY 2012 SO WHEN I WAS SIX has returned. I love the unfinished Swan and now what remains of Edith finch
Anyway have a playlist for a character I vividly remember hating back then but who’s my favorite now :3
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mrsllyziy · 2 years
What Remains Of Edith Finch - The Unfinished Swan fanart 👻
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cb-andy · 1 year
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Drawing my novel Characters in different horror universes, day 37, Roman Harper, Cole Fehringer, Jake Alton, and Elenore Jackson in What Remains of Edith Finch
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On the topic of the Lewis ghost
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IS ANYONE GONNA TALK ABOUT THIS?? The semi adult sized looking footprints coming OUT OF THE INFAMOUS PAINTING DOOR??
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sunsetthedragon · 18 days
Since I’ve seen some discussion around The Unfinished Swan, what are your headcanons for The Queen/Monroe’s mom/Milton’s wife?
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inbarfink · 1 year
have you ever played The Unfinished Swan (2012) the predecessor to WRoEF? Miltons room is an entire reference to it
I've heard of the Unfinished Swan and it's connection to WRoEF, even though I never played it myself. It looks pretty interesting, though.
Maybe I should look a bit deeper into it but right now my main thoughts is that I am Endlessly Amused by the Implied Narrative of having the relatively-grounded game that is about fantasy on some level but is generally constantly teetering on the line of straight-up confirming all of the 'supernatural' elements have simple, mundane explanations exist in the same universe as the game where a Magical World of Magical Paintings undeniably exists.
Like, the so-called Finch Family Curse is probably just a combination of generational trauma, unhealthy coping mechanisms turning into self-fulfilling prophecies, general bad luck and probably some sort of hereditary undiagnosed neurodivergency. And all the supposedly 'supernatural' stuff happening around the Finches is just food-poisoning-fueled hallucinations or ridiculous obviously false tell-tales, or just plain ol' delusions..... Except for Milton disappearing into the Magic Painting World. That one DID literally happened.
I don't think this discrepancy significantly harms the themes or emotional core of either work, but it is VERY FUNNY once you take the time to think about it.
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