#The Worst Timeline
ganondoodle · 7 months
ninetdy just announced that they are, and have been, working on a live action zelda.
i am not joking.
like i needed to lose my only source of sanity right now too, fkying hell
there goes my hyperfixation i guess.
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thxrnking · 5 months
Tainted Love - a dark!Jacklust one shot
Tag List: @mightnightmooon @anja-the-sane-sibling @phoenixriaartemis @wainmfis @solareclipse2112 @miraimeity @nervoustimetravelpost @libralelia @punsandquips @caitlynnrosespn @olivialivielou @charminggold25 @the-triggered-lizard @drowntowns
Summary - A dark shadow has been creeping across the Danceverse and after trying to help, you find yourself dragged before the Swan Prince. Horrible truths build upon terrifying revelations as it slowly dawns on you, there may not be a way out.
It was a mistake. A calculated risk you took but your Math didn’t quite check out. Your friends told you not to do it but you couldn’t just let those Swan minions take that poor innocent man. He made it out but the cost was your own freedom.
Swan Tower stands tall at the epicentre of the Swan Empire. No one who enters is ever seen as themselves again. Either they die or are turned and naturally you’re not overly fond of either option. Struggling against your captors and squirming in their grip to get away makes no difference. Their clawed hands hold tight; their emotionless faces don’t change. Eventually sick of the fight they take a tighter grip and proceed to half-drag and half-carry you in.
The throne room is a large cavernous space devoid of much of anything except for the throne at the far end and the large swan statue behind it. It’s hollow and empty and as you shout yet again to be let go your voice bounces around the entire room back and forth in a cruel mockery of you. As you approach the throne you notice a figure draped across it, one that is very familiar.
The former Jack Rose. While wearing the same old red suit, his once iconic red hair is now a stark black, with a small pink streak, while his bright pink feather boa has almost completely turned black. No one truly knows what happened to him, only that he prefers to go by Jack Swan now and is a twisted shadow of his former self.
As you’re brought before the throne you’re thrown to the floor, barely catching yourself before you chip your teeth. You look to the throne. The Swan Prince is sat sideways, his legs over one arm while his back rests against the other. He isn’t looking at you, his attention taken by some dust or dirt on his gloves instead.
Seconds tick past as you desperately look around hoping to see some sort of way out, but with Jack Swan before you, the minions who brought you in still behind you, and a hundred and fifty feet to the nearest doorway, you’re stuck waiting for him to acknowledge you.
“You can’t do this, you know,” Swan turns to you. He looks bored and as though your mere presence is nothing but a nuisance, “Getting in our way. It’s rude.”
You try to speak but your response is nonsense, torn between an apology you don’t mean and a scathing take-down that you don’t have the guts to back up. You’re not ignorant to the situation you find yourself in and honestly don’t know which road will get you the least tortured.
Swan chuckles, apparently finding your bumbling amusing as he swings his legs off the arm of the throne and moves to stand.
“We have this plan, you see. Very important, very precise and we just don’t care for those who make the mistake of standing in the way.” Each footstep as he walks forward echoes around you, piercing the air and cutting into your chest as you struggle to keep your calm, “So an example has to be made.”
Digging deep you find the strength to spit out that he doesn’t scare you. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, you won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you tremble.
“It’s not me you have to be afraid of,” Swan can’t help but laugh at your attempt at bravery, “Not when Mother gave me a powerful friend to do my dirty work.”
From behind the throne steps another figure. Taller, much darker in overall colour to the point it takes you a moment to realise just who you’re looking at. As it dawns on you, your jaw drops.
Almost unrecognisable, Wanderlust as you’ve never seen him before steps forward. A purple shirt, blue pin-striped trousers, and a black feathered cape, while a black diamond over one eye makes it hard to look at him. The colours are similar enough that the more you look the more you see him, but the colours are unbalanced, almost like you’re looking at a fun-house mirror reflection given life. Worst of all, his crown, an iconic sight that’s inspired countless of citizens across all the Danceverse has been twisted, stretched, and spiked beyond recognition.
“You’re late.” Jack smirks as he watches your reaction, playfully admonishing Wanderlust without even turning.
“I’m sorry, your Highness.”
Rumours have been flying for weeks that Wanderlust had been overtaken but you never actually believed it before now, no one did. No one wanted to. He’s supposed to stand for all that is good and right and joyous about everything and if even he couldn’t stand up against the Night Swan then who could?
“I know that look.” The Swan Prince saunters forward, crouching before you and peering at you like you’re some animal, the smile never leaving his face, “I’ve seen that look a hundred times, hell I wore that look once, remember that Lust?” he calls over his shoulder but doesn’t wait for an answer, “then Mother taught me better and now I know. I understand that this is what’s best for everyone. The Swan Empire is what’s best for everyone.”
The smile falters and you see a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. Like he’s reading from a script and he’s just heard what he’s saying out loud for the first time and it doesn’t make sense.
Yes Jack. Remember, this isn’t right!
A blue hand falls on Jack’s shoulder and in a flicker the moment is gone. Self-assurance, confidence, and that hollow narcissistic bravado that had wavered is back in force. While the two of you were staring in silence, Wanderlust has stepped forward and with only a hand, silently anchored his partner back to reality. Swan reaches to place his own hand on top of Wanderlust’s.
“Even Wanderlust used to think like you.”
Jack Swan stands, stepping back slightly as Wanderlust reaches forward, wrapping his arms around his partner’s waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. Swan leans back into the hold.
“Now he knows better. Don’t you?”
“Yes, your Highness.”
Wanderlust nuzzles at his partner’s cheek with a small smirk while Swan melts further back into his possessive grip, humming as he drinks in the attention.
Then Swan swiftly turns in his partner’s hold, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in. Wanderlust doesn’t hesitate, shifting just as their lips crush together so he can hold Swan just as tight. It’s forceful and passionate, both of them gripping and kissing as though the world will end the second they stop.
Everyone knew the rumours about Wanderlust and Jack Rose. Whispers of a forbidden bond that went unspoken and unfulfilled; an implicit trust that went beyond the mere friendship they showed to the world around them. Even so, the thought of them ever doing anything was laughable. No one would have accepted it.
Seeing them like this, unrestrained, you realise that their being paired together is no accident.
Both of them in their own right are powerful enough to stand against Night Swan, and given their strength they’re the most likely to question what they’re doing. But as long as she allows them to be together, free from judgement, free from expectation, if either should start to doubt, the other would be there to remind them exactly what they have to lose. As long as they’re allowed to keep the other near, there would be no rescuing either of them.
Swan stops, shoving Wanderlust away from him.
Wanderlust lets go and steps back, watching intently as Swan brushes his suit down and straightens himself out. It’s like he’s waiting for further instruction, and he doesn’t have to wait long.
“Take care of this one,” Swan dismissively gestures over his shoulder at you, “I have to speak with Mother.”
Swan pauses, reaching out to cup Wanderlust’s cheek, allowing his fingers to brush down it as he walks away from you. Wanderlust turns, trying to let the fingers linger for as long as possible before they eventually drop off. Wanderlust then watches as his partner struts towards the exit.
The moment Swan is gone, Wanderlust finally turns his attention to you, stepping towards you. His lips are a firm line with the slightest hint of a smirk tugging at the very edges. The smile burns in his eyes, not even a sliver of the uncertainty you’d seen in Jack’s.
Trembling, you shakily get to your feet, able to feel the beat rumbling the floor beneath you. You know what’s coming. You know that against the former Prince of the Danceverse you’ll never win but you won’t go down without a fight.
The music strikes up, welling up around you and Wanderlust offers you one single piece of advice.
“It will hurt less if you don’t fight it.”
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newbabyfly · 3 months
Social media is such a trash for across the board these days, rip.
I miss the tumblr days of yore when people would send me lots of asks about my blorbos that I'd answer with sketches.
(y'all can still do that you know. I mean.. if you want?) 👉👈
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gofancyninjaworld · 10 months
The Worst Timeline
The character page of volume 28 is an ensemble that brings a lump to the throat. They all look so good.
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At the end of the night, the survivors:
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And given that Saitama left that reality, here's who is actually left alive in the Worst Timeline:
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That's right, of the heroes who answered the call to deal with the Monster Association, only Drive Knight lived to tell the tale. Because he scarpered early.
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macaronisour · 1 year
believe it or not, “my tiktok comments section becoming the birthplace of a gale hawthorne x young coriolanus snow crackship” was not on my 2023 bingo card
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shitpostcharlie · 1 month
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greenteacryptid · 2 months
Every time I open an app and there's a pop-up about a new AI feature, I lose a spark of hope that keeps the fire of life alight within me
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moon1ee · 1 year
how come tommyinnit of all people got a girlfriend before i did
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box-is-real · 3 days
guys the bubbler change... it's so joever for zones
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ultra-phthalo · 5 months
Blood Eagle
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'You have no idea how bad things must get to see the Blood Eagle.'
Thing opens a space bridge and one of those black dots is like a window the size of maybe a mall?
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intercosmiiic · 3 months
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big run today
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thxrnking · 5 months
In your fic how would your describe the relationship between the dark just dancers?
Competitive and tense. They aren't friends in the slightest and would happily destroy each other if it would win them Night Swan's favour.
Sara is shallow and conniving. Everyone she meets is merely a means to her end. Each of the other Dark Just Dance crew are nothing more than competition to her, people she has to overshadow and outwit to win approval from Night Swan. Desperate for approval and recognition from her, Sara would happily set any one of them on fire in an instant. She hates Jack more than anyone.
Brezziana is a loyal and strong General, dedicated to the good of the Swan Empire. She's the closest thing Sara has to a friend but to call it friendship would be generous. She'll happily back Sara up if she wants to, but is more than happy to tear Sara down a peg or ten when she gets too big for her boots - i.e. she has beaten the crap out of Sara more than once.
Mihaly is powerful but is merely a drone. Head empty, no original thought. Only acts when instructed. Has no strong thoughts or feelings towards anyone as independent thought in their head is too risky. Usually will be found following Brezziana's instruction, though will take direction from any of the Dark Just Dancers as long as it doesn't counteract an order from Night Swan.
Jack Swan thinks himself better than anyone, but only ever really butts heads with Sara. As Night Swan's only biological child, his instructions are almost regarded the same as hers, though it's not an authority he wields very much. Everyone except Sara recognises him as an authority and regards him as the Swan Prince. To Sara he is a pompous pig who isn't good enough for Night Swan. She only acknowledges his status when forcefully reminded to.
Wanderlust is similar to Mihaly, a somewhat mindless drone. He acts almost exclusively from instructions, primarily those given by Jack Swan. His corruption went deep and was designed to make him loyal and submissive, an attitude that latched onto Jack after the Swan Prince was born. The bond between them allows him to act independently towards maintaining Jack's happiness and safety in a many number of ways, leaving him blind to everything and everyone else. He holds no loyalty to anyone but Jack.
I like the idea of Night Swan claiming them being like 'They were the Just Dancers, but now they are my children' and with Jack being her actual child makes him that much more arrogant, and Sara that much more petty and bitter and spiteful.
So yeah they basically barely even tolerate each other - except Jack and Wanderlust obviously
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lanshappycorner · 1 year
part of being an Artisté™ is that when i see pretty art im like Pretty Art! and then i start hyperanalyzing it to figure out how the artist did this and that because some artists just draw and use colors in a way i cannot physically comprehend
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daddysakic · 11 months
Due to recent events, I will be inconsolable for the next few days
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jbarneswilson · 1 year
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so weird how asylum seekers and refugees are left to die while two governments mobilize their nautical armed forces to find a few billionaires who sealed themselves in a carbon fiber tube for funzies
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antidisneyinc · 2 years
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