#The author really trolled us by giving snippets but not all of it
foundfamilymylove · 1 year
Imagine the chaos if the people in the indignity test suddenly came into the LCF world-
Dodam calling Cale 'the terrible bastard' while everyone is confused
Raon is happy knowing that even in another world, his human will always save him, just like he promised
Maybe even them fighting for Cale's attention
Both CHs look at each other warily but bond over the confusion that is known as Cale Henituse. Also, CH promises to teach indignity test CH how to become stronger to protect his new-found family. Cale is scared at this, as always
Alver laughing with a refreshed smile, while the younger him wonders if he's gone crazy when he sees how much paperwork he has.
Tiny Alver being happy when he sees that the dark elves, and them too, have been accepted by people. It only reaffirms the fact that he didn't make the wrong choice.
Baby KRS who is wary at first and sticks to CH like glue, however soon opens up with the help of the children. I can imagine Alver going 'Aigoo, why can't I have such a cute dongsaeng?'
However it's ruined when they teach baby KRS how to scam with a bright smile to get money (a critical hit to Alver)
(If you want angst then they wonder why KRS is here when he's so young, however they see how skinny he is still, his footsteps too quiet to not have been learned, the way his eyes were always looking for escapes and he hated people getting too close. The way he dissociates sometimes, just staring blankly at the wall. It's... unnerving, to say the least, to watch a child go so blank and unmoving.
It's clear that something terrible had happened, but both CH, KRS and Cale (to Alver) hold their silence, so all they can do is treat him with care.)
Tiny KRS and the children bonding.
Raon being taught by Eruhaben and Rosalyn.
If they still had the cintamani, maybe they could also dote on baby KRS and how cute he was as a kid, asking 20yr KRS why couldn't he smile at them like that and how such a cute kid turned into such a grump- (tsundere-
Them helping each other out for the future, and sharing concepts/ideas from their worlds.
Vicross having to babysit but he doesn't mind
Ron noticing the similarities between KRS and Cale and deciding to pay more attention to the two of them
Anyways, wow. This got way longer than I expected-
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nellie-elizabeth · 11 months
tagged by @awildwickedslip, thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
magicians and roswell, new mexico primarily! Also wrote a good omens fic recently but that might be a one and done for now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tales from a bookshop (good omens post season 2, fairly sure I'll never write anything this popular ever again because holy shit)
Lover's Touch - Queliot fic!
Promises - Queliot fic!
Maybe This Time - Queliot fic!
Fragments - Queliot fic!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I didn't used to in my earlier fandom days but now I'm pretty consistent about it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I once wrote a major character death fic for Queer as Folk where Justin died. Not really my style anymore. Back in my ff.net days I also wrote Merthur major character death fic, I'm just remembering.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I always try and do happily ever afters! A lot of my stories end with a sense of "and then they continue on their adventures, and life isn't always simple or easy", so in terms of the most pure, joyful ending? I guess I'll go living proof, which is the end of my episode series for Roswell, NM, which is just a "now they're married and happy forever" fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have before, but not as a rule. Once got called an abuse apologist & incest support (oh the horror /s) for exploring the canonical close friendship (not even a romantic relationship!) between two dudes from Shadowhunters lmao. And there's a troll in the Roswell fandom who writes hilarious and idiotic unhinged rants and I've been hit by her before, but she's got a scatter-shot approach and attacks a lot of people, so, at least I know it's nothing personal.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep! What is meant by "what kind" here? lol. I'm pretty vanilla. Mostly m/m, but I usually don't pass over the chance for m/m/f. I actually recently wrote my very first m/f full-on sex scene ever for a little Magicians snippet, Kady/Penny lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, I don't wrote crossovers in the sense that characters from various worlds don't meet each other in my fics. HOWEVER, two of my favorite things I've ever written have been Magicians AUs that crossed over the characters from that show with the full plot from other films. One is The Old Guard (A Comet Pulled From Orbit), and one is When Harry Met Sally (When Quentin Met Eliot).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few times! Used to happen a lot back with old ff.net stuff, and I recently had my good omens fic translated.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm co-writing a series right now! First time I've ever done it and it's a blast.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
uhhhhh don't make me choose? lmao. In terms of fandom engagement and longevity I guess Queliot at this point. But in terms of... the ships that made me discover and appreciate and explore fandom in the first place? Kirk/Spock and Brian/Justin. Classics.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and tone setting, I think?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot details (I get bored and distracted mapping things out)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
tbh I usually wince when I see it in fic? I'm not a fan. It always feels a little silly. Maybe very very sparingly if there's like a singular phrase or term of endearment or something but I'd rather just indicate that someone is speaking another language rather than write it out. I feel like it can often be tokenizing if you just have one character who's bilingual and you give them little one-liners in a different language. Idk. If the author is bilingual and doing a thing, then that's awesome. But I can usually tell when someone's just using google translate for stuff lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm gonna cheat and name one each for my two big fandoms. Also idk if these are my favorites but they're two I really love that aren't my most popular:
Regrets, or the Absence Thereof (Magicians)
all the roads that lead you there (Roswell)
tagging @portraitofemmy @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier @orchardsinsnow @r-dtoblack and YOU if you're reading this and want to play!
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atamascolily · 3 years
Fic meme
Thanks to @thebyrchentwigges for the tag and the excuse to ramble on about my fics!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 162, 12 of which are podfics under the lilypods pseud. Mostly shorter fics and one-shots, but some multichapter novellas and three novels!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 928,500
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? TOO MANY TO COUNT, LOL. Various Star Wars (mostly Legends, some OT, a smattering of ST), Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Adventures of Sinbad have the most fics at the moment.
I really love crossovers and small niche fandoms, so that ups the number considerably.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
-In the Reptile House, a Harry Potter/Good Omens short.
-Through A Glass Darkly, a Star Wars Sequel Trilogy fix-it by way of Legends (novel)
-Total Eclipse - short Star Wars crackfic inspired by the North American eclipse of August 2017.
-Moebius, a Bleach/Puella Magi Madoka Magica crossover (novel)
-Four Fathers, short Star Wars OT character study.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Generally yes, though I make exceptions for any comment that is rude, belittling, or trolling. I’ll try and give someone the benefit of the doubt if they’re on the edge, but if they repeat the behavior, then they lose their “communication with the author” privileges. and I do not engage with them. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? if I could turn back time, a Clannad/Puella Magi Madoka Magica crossover, which, given the source material totally checks out.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written? I LOVE CROSSOVERS SO MUCH! The most unlikely one is probably The Dry Land, which is a Star Wars/Earthsea crossover. But shoutout to Provocodictory, which is a Young Wizards/Princess Bride drabble.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Very little. I’m more of a fade to black kinda of person. My deepest respect for smut writers, though--it’s so hard and they do an amazing job of it!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, at least.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Words for the Dead, a Star Wars OT missing scene, in French as Quelques mots pour les morts by Perspicacia.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I’m up for it with the right person.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship? must you make me choose? Sigh. Maeve/Sinbad from Adventures of Sinbad, and Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade from Star Wars Legends will always have a special place in my heart.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? *looks at folder and sighs*
15. What are your writing strengths? I know what I like, and I write a lot of it. Details, descriptions, creative and vivid imagery. Character studies and clever set-ups. Blending two diverse universes together into a coherent whole.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes. Smut. Original characters and the necessary mechanics to make original fiction work. Scenes with lots of characters interacting.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Like any trope or technique, it depends on the circumstances and context! I've seen it done skillfully and I’ve seen it done poorly. For me, if the POV character isn’t meant to understand what’s being said, I’ll throw in snippets if relevant (and put the translation in the notes), otherwise I generally provide a translation in the text itself. There are lots of creative ways to do this that don’t disrupt the flow of the story. For me, it’s best used sparingly, like salt or spices in a recipe--a little goes a long way and too much can be overwhelming or just too distracting.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Probably LOTR, but I have handwritten fanfics of the Adventures of Sinbad from the late ‘90s that I treasure.
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? Must I choose? I love all my fics, but special shoutouts to Trompe-l'oeil and asynchronous--two PMMMs shorts--and Take My Breath Away, a Star Wars Legends Luke/Mara hanahaki fic, all three of which are dear to my heart.
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razieltwelve · 5 years
Dragon Academy (RWBY AU Snippet)
Crescent Rose was a red dragon. One day, her wings would be as vast as sails. Her teeth and claws would rend castles. Her fire would burn nations.
That day was not today.
“Ah!” Ruby jabbed one finger at her errant dragon. “Put those cookies down!”
The six-feet-long reptile hissed and continued to munch on the cookies she’d found.
“Gah!” Ruby took two steps forward and then hurled herself at Crescent Rose. “Those are mine! Let them go!”
The dragon snarled, and it wasn’t long before the teenager and the dragon were rolling across the floor. However, there could only be one victor, and it wasn’t long before Crescent Rose was using Ruby as a pillow while shovelling her cookies into her mouth.
“You are a terrible dragon,” Ruby grumbled. “Now, get off me. You’re heavy.” Her eyes narrowed. “It must be from all the cookies you steal.”
Crescent Rose huffed. Claws that could already tear through steel with ease tapped Ruby on the forehead as the dragon narrowed her eyes ominously.
Ruby responded by somehow contorting herself enough to grab the last cookie. With a cry of victory, she slithered out from under Crescent Rose and held the cookie aloft. “Hah! The last cookie is mine!”
Crescent Rose gave a low rumble and lunged.
X     X     X
Ember Celica yawned and sprawled out across the large, flat rock she’d claimed in the gardens not far from her team’s dorm room. It really was a pleasant rock, just perfect for a twelve-feet-long dragon. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and she couldn’t think of any place she’d rather be. Her partner was even napping too, using her belly as a pillow as she leaned against the rock.
However, the idyllic peace couldn’t last forever. Both she and Yang sat up as an angry squawk echoed through the air.
“Are Ruby and Crescent Rose arguing over food again?” Yang asked.
Ember Celica peered at their dorm room. Her gaze shifted as magic flowed through her body. Dragons had the ability to perceive magic with incredible detail, so she had no problems picking out the two magical signatures rolling around on the floor of the dorm room. She nodded.
“Ah. Well, let’s go back to sleep.” Yang settled back against her dragon. “That late night mission was a killer.”
Ember Celica nodded. Their latest mission had been a night-time assault on a den of Grimm. It had been enjoyable enough - it was always fun setting stuff on fire - but it had taken them most of the previous night. Honestly, she didn’t know where Ruby and Crescent Rose found the energy to argue on so little sleep. Idly, she noticed a rabbit hopping through the garden nearby. It was vaguely tempting to go after it. It had been a while since she’d eaten a nice, juicy rabbit, but Yang had asked her to stop after seeing how uncomfortable it made Velvet, one of the other students.
Of course, Ember Celica hadn’t stopped eating rabbits. She’d simply stopped eating them where Velvet could see her. And, really, why was the Faunus even worried? It wasn’t like the dragon was going to eat her.
X     X     X
Blake and Gambol Shroud both peered into the water. There was a flash of movement, and they struck almost simultaneously.
Gambol Shroud grinned. She had successfully caught her fifth fish of the day. Blake, however, was still on zero… largely because her dragon had the advantage of longer reach and razor-sharp claws.
“You know, you could share some of your fish with me. We are partners.”
The black dragon looked from her fish to Blake and then hunched over her fish protectively.
“Seriously? You’re not going to share any of them with me.”
Gambol Shroud sighed… and then tossed the smallest fish she’d caught at Blake. The Faunus ducked under the fish and caught it out of the air.
“Did you have to throw it at me?” Blake rolled her eyes. “But I guess it’s better than nothing.” In fairness, even the smallest fish Gambol Shroud had caught was still more than big enough for Blake. “Mind giving me a hand cooking it?”
The dragon perked up, and black flame kindled in her jaws.
“No.” Blake shook her head and scowled. “Do not use shadow fire on my fish. I actually want to be able to eat it. Use regular fire.” She paused, remembering the charred nightmare that had resulted from her previous attempt to use dragon fire to cook her fish. “Actually… it might be better if you just used your fire to help me start a cooking fire.”
Gambol Shroud shrugged and spat a short, sharp burst of fire at a nearby pile of sticks that Blake had gathered. The flame immediately reduced the pile to ash.
Blake’s eyes twitched. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
Gambol Shroud grinned.
X     X     X
Weiss was supposed to be studying. However, she had a dragon-shaped problem to worried about.
Myrtenaster had not been the most… impressive hatchling. In fact, she’d been rather scrawny, and she remained slightly undersized even now at a mere nine feet when a dragon her age should be at least ten feet or more in length. However, the white dragon was unbelievably good with magic, something that more than made up for her deficiencies in size and mass.
Oh, all dragons were good with magic, and all of them instinctively incorporated it into their combat techniques. However, Myrtenaster was one of the select few dragons who had demonstrated the ability to learn and then deploy human and Faunus developed spells.
That, in and of itself, might not sound that impressive. After all, if human and Faunus magic was so great, what did they need dragons for? The issue came from raw power and multi-tasking. Simply put, even a weak dragon had magic reserves that dwarfed those of even the mightiest human spell caster. Despite being a young dragon, Myrtenaster’s reserves were already enormous, more than ten times as large as Yang’s, and Yang’s magical reserves were arguably the highest out of all the students. And at the rate the dragon was growing, this gap would only grow.
So Myrtenaster could not only use more spells than any human before running out of magic, she could also throw more magic into each of those spells. Like all dragons, Myrtenaster also possessed powerful elemental affinities. Combined with her knack for using spells, the dragon was an absolute terror on the battlefield, even if she was somewhat smaller than her peers.
As for multi-tasking, it was well known that most spell casters could only use one spell at a time. Skilled proponents of the magical arts might be able to use two. The very greatest magic users could use as many as three, with only living legends like Glynda Goodwitch being able to use four spells at once. Myrtenaster was a dragon, and dragons were bullshit when it came to magic (Yang’s words not Weiss’s). Sure, she was young, but Myrtenaster could already use two spells at once. Weiss gave it a year, tops, before her dragon got to three spells at once, and by the time she was an adult, it was likely she’d be able to use four or five.
So yeah, her dragon was awesome.
But she was also extremely clingy.
Right now, Weiss was forced to endure Ruby and Crescent Rose’s squabbling because Myrtenaster had decided that the most comfortable place to sleep was curled around Weiss. Now, Weiss was not weak. Sure, she didn’t have Yang’s brute strength, but she was adept at magical reinforcement. Unfortunately, even her magically enhanced strength was no match for a dragon.
Myrtenaster was gently but firmly using her as a teddybear.
“Oh well,” Weiss thought as she allowed herself to drift back to sleep. “At least I don’t have to worry about Myrtenaster stealing my food.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Another AU with dragons in it because dragons are cool.
Yeah, each of the dragons has their own personalities in this one, and they don’t necessarily match their partners. Crescent Rose is a food-stealing troll (who is smaller because she’s younger than the other dragons). Ember Celica is the easy-going dragon. Gambol Shroud is kind of a jerk. And Myrtenaster is clingy and kind of possessive. 
I don’t really know where this one is going, but it was kind of fun to write, so I might do more of it.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
You can find my original fiction on Amazon here.
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happyhearthooligan · 4 years
Master List Oct Edition 2019
This half contains the Yandere Month Special, Classic Undertale headcanons, Multiple AU asks, other headcanons that didn’t quite fit the first half, and franstastic-ideas’ other posts
The first half contains AU-centric headcanons excluding Classic Undertale
franstastic-ideas - October Content (Continued)
Yandere Month
Oct 3
Frisk is on an ambassador trip?
Mafia Yandere hcs on both our sweet Frans ♡
Yandere King Sans and his Lady Ambassador!
Cryptozoologist Frans but… yandere~
More yandere for me please! have you heard of Echofell?
What about Murder Frans (Murder Sans x Frisk)
Ink x Draw? (InkSans x InkFrisk) but yandere???
Yandere Error x Core?
Horrortale brothers in the least to most nuttiest yandere spectrum?
These are my questions about the yandere skeletons…
Oct 4
Yandere version of the Convergence AU?
Any headcanons for yandere Storyshift bros?
Yandere lamia??
Oct 6 - How about a yandere Frister?
Oct 9
Haven’t really seen much yandere!G!Sans. Could you do that?
Yandere Headcanons on Nightmare and Dream?
If a female touched his lady as a platonic gesture? (Yandere!G)
If G!Frisk somehow found out how Yandere G can be
Oct 10 - Yandere Outertale?
Oct 22
Yandere cuddles with the Swap brothers
What would Yandere Dance be like
Oct 23
So what about a yandere Dusttale story
What would Yandere WraithTale Sans do with Rosalyn
Killing is extremely rare and saved for severe occasions
Oct 24 - If Chara escaped and Papyrus was unable to find her?
Oct 27 - "He wouldn’t sleep until she was found"
Classic Undertale
Oct 1
Imagine Sans never confessing
Frisk & Chara hear a lot of puns and knock-knock jokes from Toriel
Why does UT Chara hate humanity?
Does Frisk or Chara have a backstory
Thoughts on Asgore and Toriel coming back together
Oct 2 - Canon fact or a fan theory, Frisk fell 100 years, after Chara
Oct 3
Some Papyrus x Chara x Asriel hcs
Chasriel and Frans double date?
Oct 4
Frisk and Sans reconcile after getting into an argument?
How about some Gaster x Frisk x Sans hijinks?
Accidentally ripping your pants in front of your S/O
Oct 5
Other than losing Frisk, what does Sans fear?
Is Chara a tsundere?
Oct 6 - Why did UT Frisk climb the mountain?
Oct 8 - Sans’s Reaction to Papara In a Nutshell
Oct 9 - If Frisk did a genocide run and she had to kill Sans?
Oct 10
Frisk can flirt with Goat Mom and canonically flirts with Papyrus
Why Sans was creeping around before introducing himself?
Oct 11 - What are Frisk and Sans’ favorite seasons
Oct 12
UT Frisk as someone who flirts with pretty much everyone
Is UT Sans was a bit more eccentric and wild about his work?
Would Pap ask Chara about letting him in the Royal Guard?
Oct 14
What does Papyrus think of Grillby himself?
Do the Charas like to play with their Asriel's ears?
Asriel will state that Chara "wasn't the greatest person’
How do you think Asriel and Papyrus feel about each other overall?
"Prone to random bouts of stupidity when Chara is involved."
"And they have to share". Do you mean Chara or that one braincell?
When Asriel and Papyrus are competing, how does Chara react?
Chara's reaction to Sans’ secretly trolling Pap online would be?
Oct 21 - Do the skeletons have peeves that their human lover does?
Oct 22
How would Gaster and Sans respond to a third rival
How Frisk/Chara felt about Alphys’ crush on Toriel and Asgore?
Undertale cuddles? o3o I want more of those!
How you think Frans would spend a rainy day
How about surprise kisses? Chara initiating their first kiss?
Would Chara be the one to tell Papyrus about his cooking?
Has Sans or Papyrus seen natural disasters while on the surface?
Would Chara tell Pap Undyne’s feelings of him and the Royal Guard
Oct 23
Can we have some of that Frister cuddles?
What would Sans and Mettaton's relationship be?
In Undyne and Alphys' wedding. Frisk caught the bouquet!
Frisk/Chara receive X-rays. How do their boyfriends see it?
Papyrus with a human anatomy book of undeniable proof
Oct 26 - If Frisk put herself on a near death state to save someone?
Oct 27 - Paps has told a skele-ton of puns in the game
Oct 28
"Papyrus thinks his jokes are better than Sans’s." Does Sans agree?
Do you think that Chara met Dr. Gaster?
Perhaps Sans and Flowey aren’t the only ones aware of the resets
How do you think Chara behaved at first towards the Dreemurrs?
Papyrus' reaction was when he found out that MK was a fan of his?
Oct 29
When you check the family photo, Chara's response would be "..."
Do you think that Chara cuddled with Asriel?
Oct 30 - "Papyrus feels the need to inspect them… just in case."
Multiple AU Headcanons
Oct 1 - More Gpapara headcanons please! Child of the ruins too?
Oct 2 - Frans AUs reacts to Frisk suddenly dying and not resetting?
Oct 6 - Is Gaster Sans' older brother in these AUs or something else
Oct 8
In order from least to most, who are the ten biggest tsunderes
UT Frisk and US Chara when bfs are telling puns to other women?
Minus HT Sans, who are the most protective/possessive?
Oct 9
Skelebros react to someone very openly checking out their ladies?
Soft UT Papara, soft househusband Green, and soft UF Papara
With each Papara and Frans couple, who kissed who first?
Oct 10
Skelehusbands favorite places to kiss on their wives?
What would Older/Married Skelehusbands give to Younger selves?
Seeing his favorite human trying on his scarf
How do the Sanses react once Frisk starts aging...
What would their skeleton lovers react to "that time of the month"?
Oct 11
How do the Sanses feel if Frisk had a previous love interest...
UF, US, and SF Sans and Frisk are pregnant but the girls don't know
Would Soul sensing be the same in reverse?
Aww, man. I was hoping for them to freak out or something
Where do their wives like to kiss their favorite skeleton?
Lol, I can only imagine how freaked out they'd get. :3
If “previous love interest” caused Frisk to have a negative reaction?
Oct 12
Do the Frisks squish their Sans' faces?
What if the first kisses where started by the cutiebones’ lovers?
Do any of the Frans/Papara couples get into arguments
Is there a human that likes the Gaster AUs?
How did each version of Sans and Papyrus go about soulmates
When did the Sanses realize that they were in love with their Frisk?
Chara had to deal with their ex-lover. Papyrus' response??
Oct 13 - Most Papyri refer to themselves as "the Great Papyrus”…
Oct 22 - Frisk/Chara with whom they refer to as a "boy friend"?
Oct 27 - Have the Sanses/Swap Papyruses always liked bad jokes?
Oct 29
Do UT Chara/US Frisk have doubts that the Royal Family loved them?
Frans/Papara confessions where Frisk/Chara confess?
Chara responds to receiving a bouquet of flowers/chocolate
Other Headcanons
Oct 1
Monster Hunter Chara and Monster Papyrus?
Can I ask for FellGFrans? or FellGPap?
Persephone/hades-esque headcanons for both Frans and Papara
Would HT Frisk ever fall in love despite him keeping her captive?
Oct 2
Your pacifist horrortale...but swapped?
Reaper and Frisk as Hades and Persephone X3
Oct 3 - I was wondering if you’ve heard of an AU called Farmtale
Oct 4
A modern war AU where Sans is a spy and so is Frisk
Any HorrorFrans/Papara hcs you could share with us?
About that Lamia AU... what would be the next step to courting
Horrorswap Papara please
Oct 6
Is Gaster Sans' older brother in these aus or something else
Snippets from Feeling Bonely without you?
Wild West AU love triangle between Grillby, Chara and Papyrus.
Skeleton bachelors in the HarvestTale/FarmTale soul events
Oct 10 - Horrorswap Papara proposal
Oct 12 - In Outertale, Sans shows Frisk where shooting stars fly by
Oct 13 - What is Henri's relationship with Frisk?
Oct 20 - What's your ideas about Core! Frisk and Error?
Oct 21
Headcanons for semisolidmind’s Aslyumswap
Narrator-Chara AU headcanons?
“The Villain I Appear To Be,” does Frisk feel remorse for hurting Sans
Oct 22
Swapfell Papara/Frans cuddles?
If the Convergence AU was a Papara reverse harem?
Oct 23
More cuddles! Outertale Papara/Frans?
AUs where Chara and Frisk are "joined at the soul” explanation
Oct 28 - "Chara and Frisk are attached via soul", an alternate view…
Other types of posts
Oct 1
Written Horrortale, Gastertale, or Underlust Papara?
Is this Reapertale? Or maybe it’s Greektale…?
Can we take one of your prompts and write a fic of it too?
How to be you???
Written HCs on love confessions or marriage proposals?
A recount of my AUs:
Your thoughts of HCs for the Six-Bones AU?
Oct 2
Have you read  “Sooner Or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine”
How’d you do that?
Reading through your posts about Crypto!Frisk, and I wanna say…
Oct 3 - Is Frister a ship exclusive to Cryptozoologist au?
Oct 4 - Opinion about the Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton) ship?
Oct 5 - Just imagine Flowey having the voice of Lil Gideon.
Oct 8 - Good news! My application’s been accepted
Oct 10
Would you ever be willing to write a Papyrus x Frisk fic?
Would it be okay if you could write about yandere Flowerfell?
Oct 12
I heard Flowerfell was based off of the writer and his partner
If you were to choose between Frans and Papara
Oct 21
Welcome back friend! how was your break?
HEY! It's been a while how are you doing?
Welcome back! Hope things have been well! :3
Are all AUs accepted here?
Oct 22
How do you feel with Monster Kid x Frisk?
Why do you like the idea of Chara being evil? (no hate)
Thoughts on Friskriel?
Rosalyn makes me think you don't like tsundere characters
Oct 23
When a tsundere character becomes abusive
I actually have the same feelings about Tsundere
‘I hate all tsunderes and everyone that likes the trope’, is not true.
Opinion of the AUs where Chara and Frisk are joined at the soul?
I don’t have many headcanons about the characters of Deltarune
Oct 24 - About the Author
Oct 26 - Status Update 10/26
Oct 27
Why you should share your ideas with the world
Do you know Ragnartale by @naomyart ?
Oct 28
I have a phobia of injections
Well, it’s over and done with, until next year at least.
All the stories I wrote in the past, I still have them
Oct 29 - I think one of the most insulting responses you can get
Oct 30
Hey there! Where can I read your stories?
Sometimes my mother will ask about how my writing’s going
November's list is going to be of a similar size to this, so expect the next one being split into two as well!
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franstastic-ideas · 5 years
Master List Oct Edition (2/2)
This half contains Yandere Month Special, Classic Undertale Headcanons, Multiple AU asks, other headcanons that didn’t quite fit the first half, and Franstastic-Ideas’ more personal posts
The first half contains AU-centric headcanons excluding UT
Yandere Month—————————————
Oct 3
Frisk is on an ambassador trip?
Mafia Yandare hcs on both our sweet frans ♡
yandare King Sans and his Lady Ambassador!
cryptozoologist frans but ... yandare~
more yandare for me please! have you heard of echofell?
what about Murder Frans (Murder Sans x Frisk)
Ink x Draw? (InkSans x InkFrisk) but yandare???
Yandare Error x Core?
Where do the Horrortale brothers fall in the least to most nuttiest yandere spectrum?
These are my questions about the yandere skeletons [1. reasonability, 2. saying No, etc]
Oct 4 
yandere version of the convergence AU?
Any headcanons for yandere storyshift bros.?
yandare lamia??.
Oct 6 - How about a yandare frister?
Oct 9
Haven’t really seen much yandere!G!Sans. Could you do that?
Yandere Headcannons on Nightmare and Dream right?
But, what if a female touched his lady as a platonic gesture? (Yandere!G)
If G!Frisk would somehow found out how Yandere G can be if needed to
Oct 10 - yandere outertale?
Oct 22
yandare cuddles with the swap brothers 
What would Yandere Dance be like
Oct 23
So what about a yandere Dusttale sotry
What would Yandere WraithTale Sans do with Rosalyn
Killing is extremely rare and saved for severe occasions in my yandere-verse
Oct 24 - If Chara escaped and Papyrus was unable to find her?
Oct 27 - "he wouldn’t sleep until she was found"
Classic Undertale————————————
Oct 1
imagine Sans never confessing 
Frisk and Chara hear a lot of puns and knock-knock jokes from Toriel
why does UT Chara hate humanity?
Does Frisk or Chara have a backstory
thoughts on Asgore and Toriel coming back together
Oct 2 - canon fact or a fan theory, Frisk fell 100 years, after Chara
Oct 3
some papyrus x chara x asriel hcs
chasriel and frans double date?
Oct 4
Frisk and Sans reconcile after getting into an argument?
how about some gaster x frisk x sans hijinks?
Accidentally ripping your pants in front of your S/O
Oct 5
Other than losing Frisk, what does Sans fear?
Is Chara a tsundare?
Oct 6 - Why did UT Frisk climb the mountain?
Oct 8 - Sans’s Reaction to Papara In a Nutshell
Oct 9 - If Frisk did a genocide run and she had to kill Sans?
Oct 10
Frisk can flirt with Goat Mom and canonically flirts with Papyrus
why Sans was creeping around before introducing himself?
Oct 11 - What are frisk and sans’ favorite seasons
Oct 12
UT Frisk as someone who flirts with pretty much everyone
Is UT Sans was a bit more eccentric and wild about his work?
Would Pap ask Chara about letting him in the Royal Guard?
Oct 14
What does Papyrus think of Grillby himself?
Do you think that the Charas liked to play with their Asriel's ears?
Ariel will state that Chara "wasn't the greatest person’
How do you think Asriel and Papyrus feel about each other overall?
"prone to random bouts of stupidity when Chara is involved."
"And they have to share". Do you mean Chara or that one braincell?
When Asriel and Papyrus are competing, how does Chara react?
Chara's reaction to Sans’ secretly trolling Pap online would be?
Oct 21 - do the skeletons have peeves that their human lover does?
Oct 22
How would Gaster and Sans respond to a third rival
How Frisk/Chara felt about Alphys’ crush on Toriel and Asgore?
Undertale cuddles? o3o i want more of those!
How you think frans would spend a rainy day
How about surprise kisses? Chara initiating their first kiss?
Would Chara be the one to tell Papyrus about his cooking?
Has Sans or Papyrus seen natural disasters while on the surface?
Would Chara tell Pap Undyne’s feelings of him and the Royal Guard
Oct 23
can we some of that Frister cuddles?
What would Sans and Mettaton's relationship be?
in Undyne and Alphys' wedding. Frisk caught the bouquet!
Frisk/Chara receive x-rays. How do their boyfriends see it?
Papyrus with a human anatomy book of undeniable proof
Oct 26 - If frisk put herself on a near death state to save someone?
Oct 27 - Paps has told a skele-ton of puns in the game
Oct 28
"Papyrus thinks his jokes are better than Sans’s." Does Sans agree?
Do you think that Chara met Dr. Gaster?
Perhaps Sans and Flowey aren’t the only ones aware of the resets
How do you think Chara behaved at first towards the Dreemurrs?
Papyrus' reaction was when he found out that MK was a fan of his?
Oct 29
When you check the family photo, Chara's response would be "..."
Do you think that Chara cuddled with Asriel?
Oct 30 - "Papyrus feels the need to inspect them… just in case."
Multiple AU Headcanons—————————
Oct 1 - More gpapara headcanons please! child of the ruins hcs too?
Oct 2 - Frans aus reacts to Frisk suddenly dying and not resetting?
Oct 6 - Is Gaster Sans' older brother in these aus or something else
Oct 8
In order from least to most, who are the ten biggest tsundere
UT Frisk and US Chara when bfs are telling puns to other women?
Minus HT Sans, who are the most protective/possessive?
Oct 9
skelebros react to someone very openly checking out their ladies?
soft UT papara, soft househusband green, and soft UF papara
With each Papara and Frans couple, who kissed who first?
Oct 10
skelehusbands favorite places to kiss on their wives?
What would Older/Married Skelehusbands give to Younger selves?
how sanses react once frisk starts aging and eventually pass away?
what would their skeleton lovers react to "that time of the month"?
Oct 11
How the sanses feel if frisk had a previous love interest that broke off
UF, US, and SF Sans and Frisk are pregnant but the girls don't know
would Soul sensing be the same in reverse? 
Aww, man. I was hoping for them to freak out or something
Where to their wives like to kiss their favorite skeleton?
Lol, I can only imagine how freaked out they'd get. :3
If “previous love interest” caused Frisk to have a negative reaction?
Oct 12
Do the Frisks squish their Sans' faces?
what if the first kisses where started by the cutiebones’ lovers?
Do any of the Frans/Papara couples get into arguments
Is there a human that likes the Gaster AUs? 
How did each version of Sans and Papyrus go about soulmates
When did the Sanses realize that they were in love with their Frisk?
Chara had to deal with their ex-lover. How each Papyrus respond?
Oct 13 - Most Papyri refer themselves as "the great Papyrus”…
Oct 22 - Frisk/Chara with whom they refer to as a "boy friend"? 
Oct 27 - Have the Sanses/Swap Papyruses always liked bad jokes?
Oct 29
Do UT Chara/US Frisk had doubts that the Royal Family loved them?
Frans/Papara confessions where Frisk/Chara confess?
Chara responds to receiving a bouquet of flowers/chocolate
Other Headcanons————————————
Oct 1
Monster Hunter Chara and Monster Papyrus?
can I ask for FellGFrans? or FellGPap?
Persephone/hades-esque headcanons for both frans and papara 
Would HT Frisk ever fall in love despite him keeping her captive?
Oct 2
your pacifist horrortale...but swapped?
Reaper and Frisk as Hades and Persephone X3
Oct 3 - I was wondering if you’ve heard of an AU called Farmtale
Oct 4
a modern war AU where Sans is a spy and so is Frisk
any horrorfrans/papara hcs you could share with us?
About that Lamia AU... what would be the next step to courting
Horrorswap Papara please
Oct 6
Is Gaster Sans' older brother in these aus or something else
snippets from Feeling Bonely without you?
Your wild west au love triangle between Grillby, Chara and Papyrus.
skeleton bachelors in the HarvestTale/FarmTale soul events
Oct 12 - In outertale, sans shows frisk where shooting stars fly by
Oct  20 - What's your ideas about Core! Frisk and Error? 
Oct 21
Headcanons for semisolidmind’s Aslyumswap
Narrator-Chara AU head cannons?
“The Villain I Appear To Be,” does Frisk feel remorse for hurting sans
Oct 22
Swapfell papara/frans cuddles?
If the Convergence AU was a Papara reverse harem?
Oct 23
more cuddles! outertale papara/frans?
In the AUs where Chara and Frisk are "joined at the soul” explanation
Oct 28 - "Chara and Frisk are attached via soul", an alternate view…
Personal Thoughts————————————
Oct 1
Written Horrortale, Gastertale, or Underlust Papara?
Is this Reapertale? Or maybe it’s Greektale…?
can we take one of your prompts and write a fic of it too?
how to be you???
written HCs on love confessions or marriage proposals?
A recount of my AUs:
Your thoughts of HCs for the Six-Bones AU?
Oct 2
Have you read  “Sooner Or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine”
Reading through your posts about Crypto!Frisk, and I wanna say…
Oct 3 - Is Frister a ship exclusive to Cryptozoologist au?
Oct 4 - Opinion about the Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton) ship?
Oct 5 - Just imagine Flowey having the voice of Lil Gideon.
Oct 8 - Good news! My application’s been accepted
Oct 10
Would you ever be willing to write a Papyrus x Frisk fic?
Would it be okay if you could write about yandere Flowerfell?
Oct 12
I heard Flowerfell was based off of the writer and his romantic parter
if you were to choose between Frans and Papara
Oct 21
welcome back friend! how was your break?
HEY! It's been a while how are you doing?
Welcome back! Hope things have been well! :3
Are all AUs accepted here?
Oct 22
How do you feel with Monster kid x Frisk?
why do you like the idea of chara being evil? (no hate)
Thoughts on Friskriel?
Rosalyn makes me think you dont like tsundere characters
Oct 23
When a thunder character becomes abusive
I actually have the same feelings about Tsundere
‘I hate all tsunderes and everyone that likes the trope’, is not true.
Opinion of the AU's where Chara and Frisk are joined at the soul?
I don’t have too many headcanons about the characters of Deltarune
Oct 24 - About the Author
Oct 26 - Status Update 10/26
Oct 27
Why you should share your ideas with the world
Do you know Ragnartale by @naomyart ?
Oct 28
I have a phobia of injections
Well, it’s over and done with, until next year at least.
All the stories I wrote in the past, I still have them
Oct 29 - I think one of the most insulting responses you can get
Oct 30
Hey there! Where can I read your stories?
Sometimes my mother will ask about how my writing’s going
Holy... Cow! This took a while. But, November's list looks like it's going to be of a similar size to this, so expect the next one being split into 2 as well!
42 notes · View notes
cookiefonster666 · 5 years
Thoughts on the Homestuck Epilogues (Tumblr Edition)
Tumblr media
I predicted the future!
Might as well adapt this Blogspot post I made about a week ago into Tumblr form, why not. With a few minor changes. I don’t like using Tumblr but I figure it’s a good additional platform to share my surprisingly positive views on the Homestuck Epilogues.
The epilogues have a lot of controversial content, most of which I avoid talking about here.
4/20, read through Meat: epilogues pretty good
4/20, started Candy: what the fuck
4/21, stopped: aaaaaaaaughhhhh bluh i hate everything
4/24-ish, continued Candy: epilogues alright i guess also i am sad now
4/27-ish, finished: I LOVE HOMESTUCK
Meat was a wild ride that started as cool plot stuff and things that make you go "OH FUCK", continued as basically chapters 7-9 of Detective Pony (which I naturally enjoyed a lot), and ended as a mess of sheer chaos and destruction. My thought process ended as, "oh duh, this is the bad ending, candy must be the good ending". I was in for quite the nasty surprise.
I quit reading Candy just a few pages in. It didn't take long for it to suddenly become the weirdest fanfiction ever. Frustrated, I started skipping and searching through later parts and got rather salty when it turned out both sides were the "bad ending". I saw firsthand what vfromhomestuck meant by "clear your whole week": this is not something most people can just read in one sitting. Then I recovered a few days and read Candy in earnest, in a somewhat anachronous order and with many parts read multiple times. Slowly, I started to hope that the epilogues would be followed up with a true happy ending for real this time. I may or may not have written a snippet of some form of fanfiction paving the way for a happy ending.
Once I finally accomplished the equivalent of reading Candy as intended, I got hit HARD with feels. I accepted that the epilogues have many issues but as a whole (not just the sum of parts) are an absolute masterwork, sometimes because of those issues. It didn't take me long to realize the brilliant duality either. Meat is a side-splitting metafictional farce that (for me at least) is impossible to treat as anything resembling a story of people doing things. Candy is a tale of FEELS, and I don't use the word FEELS lightly. FEELS means I almost cried, like I did when I watched the Futurama episode Luck of the Fryrish.
Before I move on and talk about the CHARACTERS, I'm going to discuss the meat epilogue's resemblance to sonnetstuck's Detective Pony. I love everything about Detective Pony, more than almost anything else in existence. My abnormal love for that godlike fanwork probably skewed my perception of Meat a bit. Starting from page 17, Dirk takes over the narration then fights over it with god tier Calliope; both do rather questionable deeds and Dirk was hit hard by fans as a result. Seeing other fans react towards that character with such hostility gave me a very distinct feeling of "what, am I missing something?" Dirk's takeover felt like a lengthy work of comedy to me; a story that never strips away from the fact that it's fiction, in a vein near identical to that of Detective Pony. I like to think I am in the right for perceiving that arc this way, because I think everyone who has read Homestuck should read Detective Pony. One of the epilogue authors read Detective Pony after writing the epilogues and was struck by it; I take this accidental mirroring of (post-)canon as proof that sonnetstuck understands Hussie's ways through and through. I like to think I have a solid understanding of Hussie's ways by now, but this guy is on a whole new level.
That said, the meat epilogue gets a bit carried away with metafiction to the point of making me think, "god when will things go back to normal". Towards the end of Detective Pony, Dirk goes through an existential crisis followed by a powerful revelation, and then resolves to do whatever it takes to erase his abominable creation. But the meat epilogue ends with (both figurative and literal) crashing and burning; no ultimate redemption for our poor Strider. Homestuck doesn't usually have much of a problem with getting carried away with stupid nonsense; maybe a few rare occasions in cases like Hussie's self-insert scenes. But getting carried away is a major criticism I have with cool and new web comic. I love that comic to death, but the parts that take a long time to dwell on the cool and new characters being creepy or weird are a chore to go through. o (the author of CaNWC) seems to have improved in that regard; the cool and new trolls' arc is much more to-the-point with such nonsense.
Meat getting carried away with metafiction is a major cause of my initial burnout shortly after starting Candy. I was sick of this mass dump of metafiction and expected Candy to be a refreshing change of pace. Haha, if only. My fault for reading Meat first. At night I sometimes ponder in envy of the parallel universe me that started with Candy. Actually I don't do that, I just thought it was a funny thing to say. Though I have on more than a few occasions sat in bed fantasizing about how awesome my life probably is in some parallel universe. What point was I making again? Oh whatever, it doesn't matter. I guess I should write a similar overview of Candy's narrative nature. Here goes:
Sad things are sad.
^ There, that's my candy overview. How hard was that?
With the two summaries out of the way, I figure the best way to dump out my residual thoughts on the epilogues is going character by character. I won't do every character, mostly just the ones who played large roles and were already characters in Homestuck proper. I'm sorting these characters in tiers of how well I think the epilogues handle them, mostly from worst to best.
N is not the lowest tier; it's the tier that cannot be ranked. N stands for two things here: "Not Applicable" and "Narrators". Naturally enough, two characters fit into that tier.
Dirk Strider: I've already talked about this guy quite a bit. I have a fondness for Dirk's character and I think his dialogue and narration in meat do a good job portraying some ascended, ultimate version of his character without straying from his voice, the tone that makes him Dirk. That said, I'm a bit peeved that "normal Dirk", the one iteration of Dirk Strider that isn't total bonkers and just wants his friends to be happy, doesn't exist in this story. In Candy, Rose suddenly loses the memories of her alternate selves, but for some reason Dirk keeps those memories and soon after commits suicide; he's left out of the picture until Candy's postscript, which I guess is a reasonable balance considering his indulgence throughout Meat. But why is only one of the succulently verbose Strilondes let off the hook? Some readers imagine Dave as the comic's protagonist and Dirk as the antagonist; I've toyed with that idea myself and can see it symbolized, but it just feels so wrong to me. Maybe the authors did too good a job writing Dirk for me to be complacent with such a shift in role. His conversations with Rose were just as delightful as I had hoped and they aren't weighed down too much in light of his shift in role, at least not for me.
Alt Calliope: The narrative rival to Dirk, as I mentioned previously. I'm not totally sure what to say about her, other than that one could see her as a counterpart to let's say Anna Harley; a necessary piece in the Detective Pony analogy. Alt Calliope's narrative arguments with Dirk were hilarious and that's all there is to say on the matter.
I'm lucky Gamzee's name starts with a G, because this means I can give him a tier of his own worse than F. As an individual arc that is; he'd get a much higher rating when taken as part of a whole.
Gamzee Makara: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I despised reading every word that came out of this guy's mouth as soon as his """redemption arc""" started. But I can clearly tell that was the point and that the suffering that is reading his words has a much greater purpose. Before you deem me a masochist or the kind that insists everything is "bad on purpose", know that I am neither of those things but really do mean what I say here. Gamzee's role in Candy draws tension between individuality and the whole. Reading this guy's hogwash is suffering in and of itself, but ultimately it serves a role of showing us how fucked up the world of Candy is and helps the reader experience John's existential crisis with him.
As before, these tiers are strictly about character arcs in isolation and not the big picture. This tier is home to none other than the legendary...
Jane Crocker: Boy did I predict the future on that one. A bit like Dirk, I would've liked it more if in only one epilogue did sweet innocent little Jane become such a monster. No way in hell am I going to run through the asshole things she does; it's a load of sensitive topics I'm not comfortable discussing in any capacity. Instead, I'll say that if I had to choose only one epilogue where Jane ran through her crazy presidential campaign it would be Candy; as with Gamzee's arc, this campaign serves well as a part of John's existential crisis. What's weird here is that in Candy she originally cancelled all this, but later ended up basically doing it anyway with Dirk gone. I can imagine Jane going back to normal in Meat, maybe? Or in the hypothetical "true ending" I discussed prior.
Better known as "meh" tier. Mostly the characters that don't do much and I wished did more.
Meenah Peixes: Needed more screen time, god damn it. She survives the Furthest Ring apocalypse, nabs the Ring of Life, then makes her way to Candy Earth and joins Karkat in the rebellion. Maybe it makes sense that her and Karkat teaming up in war is relegated to the background, to show how far the shouty guy has come in comparison to everyone else. I'll come back to this point when I talked about Karkat.
Roxy Lalonde: Doesn't do too much in either side, but does go through some touchy topics I'm not sure what to think about; I'm most certainly not ready to talk about those topics now. And regardless, Roxy's role in the epilogues is better discussed when I talk about John and Terezi a few tiers up.
Calliope: Doesn't do all that much either, full circle to being the exposition alien with mysterious morality. I'm actually pretty OK with that. Certainly beats out the slog of endless "ur pretty" conversations. Calliope pretty much fades into the background on both sides, which is sad but fitting.
(About pronouns: I'll keep referring to Roxy and Calliope as "she" unless I find reason to talk about the little those two do in Meat. I just avoided using pronouns in those paragraphs above.)
Better known as "meh" tier, but with a more positive "meh" than before. It's the "meh" that indicates lukewarm satisfaction rather than annoyance at mediocrity.
Jade Harley: Really should be on a lower tier, because she did dick squat other than being horny and painfully oblivious to all the nonsense going on. But I'm a sucker for Jade being "Jade" and was happy to see even a trace of that early in Meat. As before, I'll avoid the controversial topics surrounding Jade in the epilogues, aside from pointing out that this post reads very different now.
Karkat Vantas: This guy's a bit of an odd spot. His leadership role is addressed in the absolute last way I expected. Could've gotten more attention from the story I suppose, but damn if his character arc didn't get the most triumphant return imaginable.
Kanaya Maryam: I touched upon Rose and Kanaya's relationship when I discussed the "buddy system" in my first epilogues post and I still stand by what I said there. Her strong attachment to Rose is integrated well into Meat without seeming like fluff or defining her entire character, because she actually does other things there too. In Candy they remain a stable happy relationship and I guess I'm cool with that.
Aradia Megido: Role is the same as ever and I'm fine with that. Death fangirl who works for predestination and has ambiguous morality. Her arc with alt Calliope ends with a cliffhanger that is easily the biggest reason to hope for a follow-up to the epilogues; if such a follow-up were to happen, I really look forward to hearing more from Aradia.
Sollux Captor: Sollux is by nature the other guy, that's an immutable fact of life. He doesn't do much other than snarking at whoever's nearby and I can't imagine it any other way.
Jake English: If not for a scene near the end of Candy, I'd put Jake at D-tier. Through all of Meat and most of Candy, Jake's role is one of the oddest spots of all and it's pretty hard to pinpoint what the authors were going for, lest I dabble in controversial topics some more. But Jake's scene with John near the end of Candy is uniquely touching and makes the most out of his role as a second John. He moves in with John, bringing his son Tavros with him, and encourages John to reconcile with his former wife and make amends of sorts, ultimately giving a small portion of the cast a pseudo-happy ending. That whole part of Candy made me tear up.
Talking about the really GOOD parts is a perfect point for me to move on to...
Stuff that didn't make it into A-Tier, which I've reserved for what struck me HARD.
Dave Strider: In both epilogues, Dave's behavior generally seems based on how he acted in Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 5, which is actually a LOT better than it sounds and hell if I know why that is. Dave's rants about politics and sexuality now have a charm I can't quite describe. His absurd fixation specifically on the economy matches shockingly well with the nature of Homestuck. The three-way romance between him, Karkat, and Jade goes in very different directions on either side, which I'll discuss a bit later. The epilogues even made Dave x Karkat an actually decent ship, how crazy is that??? The writers deserve a big badge of honor for doing that. Not sure what to say about specific things, but Dave was really well-written in an unexpected way.
Rose Lalonde: Again not sure what to say about anything in specific. Just really enjoyed reading Rose on both sides of the story. Shoutout to the heartwarming moment with John near the end.
Oh boy. Oh boy. Time for the big guns.
Vriska Serket: My mind hurts to process just how good Vriska's appearance in Candy was, after leaving the Furthest Ring and landing on Earth. First she talks with John rather aggravated, then she brutally murders Gamzee, then she sits down and has an honest talk with her ectobiological clone raised by Rose and Kanaya, and in the end gets in touch with Terezi which leads to a cliffhanger. The story somehow created the PERFECT balance of sincere reflections and typical Vriska flavor, which was deeply lacking in A6A6I5 with its horrific polar opposite versions of Vriska. Two Vriskas converse once again late in Candy and this time it's incredibly endearing and almost feels like an apology for the controversial Vriska/Vriska encounter back then. I accept the apology with open arms. Why is everything always so wonderful?
John Egbert: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3. WHY IS EVERYTHING ALWAYS SO WONDERFUL? John gets a deep meaningful existential crisis arc in both epilogues; both cases I easily latched onto and found a bit of myself in. I absolutely loved seeing him and Terezi interact as a duo of people with some perception of canonicity; I'll get back to that point soon enough. John's marriage to Roxy not working out is a testament to both his issues with canon and Roxy's issues dealing with harsh situations. Roxy latches onto John and their son as a huge carefree pushover and he doesn't like that at all. And that's actually cool with me because John x Terezi is better in every way, as the epilogues made me realize. If that wasn't enough, the end of Candy spoils our little hearts by having John reconcile with Roxy anyway and give hope for a better future. Though a part of me does want to see a true happy ending where John and Roxy date with their delightful dynamic from their first interactions, I'm beyond pleased with the epilogues' handling of John either way. Swaying deep into some rather sad territory while remaining 100% faithful to his character that I've always loved so much.
Terezi Pyrope: FUCK YES FUCK YES FUCK YES FUCK YES FUCK YES. Every scene with Terezi in the epilogues was so goddamn awesome. Her interactions with John were such a blast to read, with exactly the mix of humor and touching aspects that make both of the big John/girl ships what they are. How did the authors pull it off, making deeply emotional scenes without ever sacrificing that goofy Terezi flavor???
S in rating systems these days is way misused in my eyes. Normally A is meant to be the highest rating and S is used for the very rare absolutely exceptional case A doesn't do justice. But now you see shit like SS, SSS, SSSS everywhere like one S isn't the ultimate badge of honor? S is a rating I'd gladly give Detective Pony and may or may not give cool and new web comic. Same goes for my very favorite Futurama episodes. I'd give a few of Neil Cicierega's works that rating if I'm feeling up to it. In this post, I've reserved the S rating for:
Barack Obama: THE BEST PART OF THE EPILOGUES, HANDS DOWN. His conversation with Dave near the end of Candy is perfect in every way, it really transcends words. Humor, emotional touching, plot revelations, and straight up "Homestuck feel" are blended into the most delicious melting pot imaginable. When Dave confesses that he might be gay and explains troubles in his three-way romance, Obama responds with a truly inspiring speech about identity that raises an excellent point about the differences between the epilogues involving aspects of people that may seem immutable to some. I think Obama's speech leaves a powerful message I never expected Homestuck of all things to convey so well. I hope readers take that speech's message into account, though I know many will probably be a bit naive about it.
If you refuse to read the epilogues at all costs, then I implore you to read Dave and Obama's conversation anyway. You won't be disappointed.
epilogues good
that’s all there is to say on the matter
though if you don’t like them that’s also fine
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siliconwebx · 5 years
How to Completely Disable Comments in WordPress (Ultimate Guide)
Are you wondering how to turn off WordPress comments? While comments are a great way to interact with your site visitors, some website owners don’t want to allow comments on their site.
Thanks to WordPress, you have the ability to either disable comments on specific posts, pages, custom post types, or even completely remove comments from your entire website.
In this article, we’ll show you the step by step process on how to disable comments in WordPress.
Why Disable Comments in WordPress?
Many small business owners use WordPress to create their website. These business websites often doesn’t have a blog section and mostly has static pages like services, about us, contact, etc. In such cases, it doesn’t make sense to allow comments at all.
In other cases, bloggers may publish certain posts like announcements that they don’t want to allow comments to trolls. In these cases, you can easily disable comments on those specific posts or pages.
The other scenario is some business blogs choose to disable comments entirely to prevent spam. Although you can always use spam protection techniques (which we’ll share later in this article), disabling the comment section will definitely solve the problem.
Whatever your reason may be, you can certainly disable comments and even remove the comment section from your WordPress site.
Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll learn in this article:
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Remove “Comments are closed” in WordPress
Spam Protection Techniques
The first few methods will explain how you can disable comments on pages, posts, or media without using a plugin. We’ll later explain how to remove the comment section from your WordPress site with the help of a plugin.
With that said, let’s take a look at various ways to disable comments in WordPress.
Disable Comments on Future Posts
If you’ve just started your WordPress site, you can easily stop comments on your future posts.
To do that, go to Settings » Discussion from the left sidebar of your WordPress admin panel.
On this page, you need to uncheck the option that says “Allow people to post comments on new articles” and then click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.
This will disable comments on all your future posts. However, if you want to allow or disallow comments on a specific post, then you can still do it without changing this setting.
We’ll cover that in the next section.
Disable Comments on a Specific Page or Post
By default, comments are turned off on all your pages.
However, WordPress gives you the freedom to enable or disable comments on individual pages and posts.
Simply head over to Pages » All Pages from the left sidebar. On the next page, you need to hover your mouse cursor over the title of a page that you want enable or disable comments and click the Edit link.
On the top-right corner of your page, you’ll see the 3 vertical dots icon. You need to click on it to open a dropdown menu and then click on Options.
This will open a popup box, and you need to make sure the Discussion box is enabled here.
Once you close this modal box, you’ll see the Discussion meta box on the right side of your editor. If you don’t see it, then please make sure that you click on the Document tab to view it.
Now, you can uncheck the Allow Comments box to disable comments on this page and click on Update to save the changes.
On the other hand, if you want to selectively enable comments, then you can just check the box to enable it for certain pages.
You can follow the same process for turning off comments on individual posts or other custom post types.
Disable Comments on Pages and Posts in Bulk
Want to disable comments on all your published posts and pages without doing it individually? You can do that without the use of a plugin.
First of all, go to Posts » All Posts to see all your articles.
Next, select all the posts, choose Edit from the Bulk Actions dropdown box, and click on Apply.
You’ll now be able to perform bulk actions including changing the author name and turning off comments for all the selected posts.
Select Do not allow from the comments dropdown box and click on Update. This will disable comments on all your selected posts.
You can follow the same process to turn off comments on your pages.
Delete All WordPress Comments
While the above methods will disable comments on your posts and pages, it will not remove the existing comments from your WordPress site.
To delete all the comments from your site, click on Comments from the left sidebar of your admin panel.
Next select all the comments, choose Move to Trash option from the Bulk Actions dropdown box, and click on Apply. This will delete all the existing comments from your site.
If your website has a lot of comments, then you will have to repeat this step multiple times.
Disable Comments on Media
If you are looking to disable comments on media pages, then there are two ways to go about it.
You can either manually disable comments on individual media attachment files by following the methods we discussed above but that can be really time consuming.
The easier way to bulk disable comments on all media attachments is by using a code snippet. Simply paste the following code in your theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin.
function filter_media_comment_status( $open, $post_id ) { $post = get_post( $post_id ); if( $post->post_type == 'attachment' ) { return false; } return $open; } add_filter( 'comments_open', 'filter_media_comment_status', 10 , 2 );
In case you’re not comfortable with the above solution, you can check out the next section where we’ll show you how to use a plugin to disable comments on Media attachments.
Disable WordPress Comments the Easy Way Using a Plugin
If you don’t want to disable comments manually, then you can use the Disable Comments plugin to do it with just a click.
It allows you to completely disable comments everywhere on your WordPress site. You can also disable them on specific post types like posts, pages, media, and others. It also removes the comment form and stops displaying existing comments.
First thing you need to do is install and activate the Disable Comments plugin. You can follow our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin for detailed instructions.
After activating the plugin, head over to Settings » Disable Comments from the left sidebar of your admin panel.
Selecting the first option allows you to disable comments on your WordPress site. The plugin will also remove the comments menu item from your WordPress admin area.
Using the second option, you can selectively disable comments on your posts, pages, or media.
If you want to remove comments only from the media attachments, then you can select On certain post types radio button and then check the Media checkbox.
You can do the same if you only want to turn off comments on WordPress pages. Using the plugin is the easiest way to disable comments on WordPress pages.
When you’re done, simply click on the Save Changes to complete the process.
Remove “Comments Are Closed” in WordPress
If your WordPress theme is not checking the comment status properly, then it may still display the comment form, existing comments, or even show the “Comments are closed” message.
You can ask your theme developer to fix this because this is not a standard compliant approach.
Alternatively, you can also try fixing it yourself by following the instructions below.
First, connect to your WordPress site using FTP Client or the File Manager in your WordPress hosting control panel. Now navigate to your current theme folder which will be located in /wp-content/themes/ folder.
In your theme folder, you need to locate the file comments.php, right-click on that file, and rename it to comments_old.php.
Next, you need to right-click in the right panel of your FTP client and select Create new file option. And then, name your new file as comments.php and click the OK button.
This trick simply serves an empty comments template to your WordPress theme, so no comments or comment related messages will be shown.
If your WordPress theme does not have the comments.php file, then you need to ask your theme developer which file you need to edit.
Spam Protection Techniques
If you’re planning to disable WordPress comments just for the sake of protecting your site from spammers and link builders, then we would rather recommend you to use some of the following techniques to combat spam.
Akismet is one of the best plugins for dealing with spam comments. And the best part is it has been built by the team behind WordPress.
This plugin checks each comment on your site and verifies whether it’s spam or not. For more details, you can check out our guide on the Akismet plugin.
Closing Comments
Did you know that you can close comments after a certain period of time?
Head over to Settings » Discussion and check the field that says “Automatically close comments on articles older than 14 days”.
This will close the comments form after 14 days automatically. You can also change the number of days based on your needs.
Typically spammers target older posts, so several users change this setting to 180 days which significantly reduces spam.
Honeypot with Antispam Bee
On WPBeginner, we have found it helpful to add a second plugin called Antispam Bee which works alongside with Akismet to significantly reduce comment spam on your site.
It adds an invisible honeypot that blocks 99% of spam bot comments.
Comment Captcha
Though adding a captcha to your comment form is not user-friendly, it still helps you to protect your site from spammers.
You can use the Advanced noCaptcha and Invisible Captcha plugin to add Google reCaptcha just before the submit button of your comment form.
Remove Website URL Form Field
Another way to deal with link builders and spammers is to remove the website URL field from the comment form. Here’s an example from the WPForms website:
And you can use the Comment Link Remove and Comments Tool plugin for this purpose. It allows you to remove the website URL field from your comment form without touching a single line of code. Isn’t that great?
Blocking Bad IPs
You can also block bad IP addresses from accessing your WordPress site. This will help you to block spammers and hacking attacks.
To do that, you can check our guide on how to block IP addresses in WordPress.
Anyways, we hope this detailed guide helped you to understand how to completely disable comments in WordPress with and without using a plugin.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
The post How to Completely Disable Comments in WordPress (Ultimate Guide) appeared first on WPBeginner.
😉SiliconWebX | 🌐WPBeginner
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razieltwelve · 4 years
Mud Fight (RWBY AU Snippet)
Don’t you dare! Myrtenaster hissed as Crescent Rose advanced with an evil grin. The smaller red dragon was covered in mud, and there was more of the muck rolling down the hill after the river had burst its banks.
Grin widening, Crescent Rose continued to advance. Don’t be such a stick in the mud. 
Stay away! Myrtenaster flapped her wings and rose into the air. There was no way she was going to get mud all over her pristine white scales if she could avoid it. Crescent Rose might be happy looking like something that had been dragged out of a swamp, but Myrtenaster had standards.
Alas, she had not counted on Gambol Shroud’s inevitable betrayal.
X     X     X
One hour earlier…
Gambol Shroud opened one eye as Crescent Rose hopped over with a very dead and very delectable looking deer in her jaws.
The river burst its banks. The younger dragon dropped the deer in front of Gambol Shroud. I will give you this deer if you help me cover Myrtenaster in mud.
The shadow dragon licked her lips. She could really go for some deer right now, especially if it didn’t involve moving. You do realise she’s going to murder you, right?
She’s going to try. Crescent Rose smirked. Just help me out, and you get the deer.
Fine. Gambol Shroud dragged the deer closer with one claw. But don’t expect me to help you get out of trouble.
X     X     X
Myrtenaster was in the middle of readying a spell to keep Crescent Rose at bay when Gambol Shroud emerged from her shadow.
Yeah… Crescent Rose gave me a deer to to do this.
Mytenaster yelped and tried to get away, but the shadow dragon simply grabbed her. What are you doing?
With a yawn, Gambol Shroud twisted and drove both of them out of the sky and into the morass of mud that had covered the ground. There was a tremendous splash, and mud went flying everywhere. Myrtenaster snarled and flailed, but Gambol Shroud had already retreated into the shadows.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Crescent Rose circled overhead. You should see your face!
Myrtenaster clawed her way out of the mud. Her eye twitched, and ice crackled to life along her scales as frosty mist poured from her jaws. Her magic stirred, and the mud around her was blasted away.
You little rat! Myrtenaster roared. I’m going to tear you limb from limb.
Crescent Rose smirked. You’ll have to catch me first!
X     X     X
Ember Celica looked up as a series of explosions rocked the area. Seriously? Crescent Rose was streaking through the air with Myrtenaster hot on her heels. The older dragon was doing her best to pelt Crescent Rose with magic, but the youngster was not only faster but also more agile in the air.
Hah! You couldn’t hit the side of a mountain! Crescent Rose taunted as she banked sharply and evaded another salvo of magic. You should just give up now and save yourself the trouble.
Stand still, so I can murder you! Myrtenaster shot back.
Not happening!
Ember Celica could only shake her head as Crescent Rose swerved toward her. The little dragon folded her wings and dove before landing beside her and promptly using her as a shield.
Are you planning on hiding behind me until Myrtenaster goes away?
Crescent Rose nodded sagely. Yes. I’ll give you a boar if you let me hang around.
A boar? Ember Celica sat up. Where did you find a boar? I thought they all ran away since the river burst its banks.
The younger dragon grinned toothily. I’m little not stupid. I know all the good hiding spots the animals around here like. 
I would like a boar… fine. Ember Celica wrapped one wing around Crescent Rose. You can stay.
Myrtenaster landed a moment later and glared. Hand over the twerp.
Ember Celica shook her head. Nope.
Hand over the twerp… or else. Myrtenaster drew herself up to her full height.
Or else what? Ember Celica rose up onto her haunches. The frost dragon was a good fifteen feet long. Ember Celica, however, was almost twenty-five feet long and far more sturdily built as well. Her golden scales lit up in a dazzling threat display, and light blazed from her eyes. There were reasons solar dragons were considered amongst the most dangerous dragons to face in close combat. Not only did they boast outstanding strength, speed, endurance, and durability but they were also largely impervious to even higher-level magic. In other words, she was, quite possible, the worst opponent Myrtenaster could face, which was probably why Crescent Rose had come running to her.
I’ll… I’ll… Myrtenaster glared. I’ll tell on you.
… Ember Celica tilted her head to one side. What?
My rider is dating your rider’s sister. I will simply complain to Weiss who will complain to Ruby who will then complain to Yang.
Ember Celica laughed. I think you’re overestimating how much Yang can be bothered getting involved in our squabbles.
Fine. Myrtenaster huffed and then looked around. Gambol Shroud. I know you can hear me. I will personally find a seal and give it to you if you grab Crescent Rose for me.
Gambol Shroud stuck her head out of the shadows cast onto the ground by the frost dragon. Make it two.
Fine. Myrtenaster growled. Just get Crescent Rose.
Crescent Rose had just enough time to yelp before she vanished into the shadows beneath her only to reappear next to Myrtenaster. Traitor! She hissed at Gambol Shroud.
The black-scaled dragon shrugged. Hey, you bribed me to help you. It’s not like you can complain if someone else bribes me to help them. She flopped onto her back and stared up at the clouds. Myrtenaster, I expect those seals by the end of the day.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Crescent Rose is a troll, and Myrtenaster is so very easy to troll. About Gambol Shroud, her laziness makes her pretty easy to bribe. As for Ember Celica, she finds the whole thing amusing, and if she can get a boar out of it, so much the better. I should probably get around to introducing the dragons for Team JNPR.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
You can find my original fiction on Amazon here.
15 notes · View notes
razieltwelve · 5 years
Friday Nights Are For Fantasising (RWBY AU Snippet)
Note: This is set in the same AU as Friday Nights Are For Fighting.
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Winter trembled fearfully as the lustful vampire advanced on her with pure lechery in her gaze.
“Hehehehe!” Yang cackled. “Now that I have defeated you, I am free to corrupt your innocent body with my wanton vampiric lust! Prepare to be defiled, noble huntress!”
“Oh no!” Winter wailed. “Won’t somebody please save me? Surely there is some brave soul out there that can rescue me from this awful plight?”
“Save your breath, huntress!” Yang’s eyes gleamed with unrestrained licentiousness. “You’ll need it for what I’m going to do to you, for there is no limit to my perversity! There is nothing I enjoy more than ensnaring pure maidens in my web of malevolent carnality!”
X     X     X
Blake’s mouth opened and closed. “What… the…?”
“What do you mean?” Weiss snapped. “That’s definitely what happened.”
Blake made a face. “Weiss, I know Yang is an ancient vampire who has probably killed heaps of people, but I’m fairly sure that’s not what happened.”
“It’s exactly what happened!” Weiss cried. “And I can only imagine what further torments my poor, innocent sister was subjected to by that villainous vampire! She’s probably being ravished senseless as we speak!”
X     X     X
“Hahahaha!” Yang sneered. “Had enough yet, huntress?”
Winter gasped and sank back onto the bed. Her attempts to escape had been utterly futile, and she had fallen prey to the ancient vampire’s predations. Worse, she had begun to enjoy being corrupted by the foul, blood-drinking fiend. “You may take my innocence, vampire, but you will never break my will!”
Yang smirked. “We’ll see about that!”
X     X     X
“Again,” Blake said. “I’m pretty sure that’s not what happened.”
“How else could it have happened?” Weiss growled. “Just imagine it, my poor, innocent older sister captured by that fiend and subjected to all manner of wanton acts of carnality!”
“Imagine it?” Blake muttered. “You’re doing enough imagining for both of us.”
“What was that?” Weiss snapped.
“Nothing.” Blake sighed. “I really think you’ve worrying too much. Yang is many things, but there have been no reports of her forcing herself on people. By all accounts, there’s a waiting list of people who would like her to pay them a visit. It’s actually quite remarkable.”
“I refuse to believe that my sister would be consorting with a vampire,” Weiss said. “She must have seduced her somehow.”
“Have you considered the possibility that you’re wrong?” Blake asked.
“No because I’m not wrong.” Weiss crossed her arms over her chest. “There is absolutely no way that my sister, a huntress of the highest quality and of the most noble character would ever consort with an ancient vampire.”
“But -”
“No way! Never!”
X     X     X
“Enjoy yourself?” Yang drawled languidly as she watched the rise and fall of Winter’s chest. It was a wonderful chest too, and Yang couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps the genes for it had skipped a sister given Weiss’s more modest bosom.
Winter opened one eye. “I was under the impression that screaming myself hoarse was testament enough to my enjoyment,” she croaked.
“Well, I don’t know. A less charitable person might say that I was torturing you.”
“I’d say that you were,” Winter countered, closing her eye again. She really didn’t have the energy to keep her eyes open. “Considering how determined you always are to make me pass out.”
“I wasn’t able to quite pull it off today although…”
“At least give me ten minutes,” Winter said. “Before you accost me again.”
“Accost?” Yang reeled back as if struck. “I would never!”
“Yang, you basically jumped me the moment I entered the manor, not that I mind. It’s a good thing the servants are used to it, or they’d be horrified by your lack of decorum.”
“I’m an ancient vampire,” Yang replied. “Decorum is what I say it is.”
“Why does it not surprise me that you’d take that attitude.”
“By the way…” Yang remembered something. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow? Hmm… that’s a Friday… no. I don’t think I’ve got anything on my schedule.”
“In that case, do you think you could help me with something?”
“What?” Winter asked warily.
“Well… it involves your sister.”
Winter sat up. “No. Absolutely not. I love my sister, but I am not going to have a threesome with you and her. That is weird.”
Yang guffawed. “That is not what I had in mind although I think it’s interesting your mind went there. No. I have something a little bit different in mind.”
“Fine,” Winter said. “What is it?”
“It’s like this…”
X     X     X
Weiss kicked open the doors of the manor and bounded in. “Hah!” She jabbed one finger at Yang. “Prepare to meet your doom, you fiend!”
Behind her, Blake nodded at the servant who was quietly putting the doors back onto their hinges. “Sorry about that… she’s been excited about this all week.”
“How kind of you to return…” Yang cackled. “It’s a good thing I have a hostage.” She raised her voice. “Winter!”
Weiss could only gape in horrified disbelief as her older sister emerged in what could only be described as an utterly indecent maid outfit.
“Yes, mistress,” Winter said, bowing to Yang. “What is your desire?”
“…” Blake stared.
“Hah!” Weiss rounded on Blake. “What did I tell you? I was right! She is a depraved monster!”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Yang is basically an ancient vampire troll. As for Ruby, you’ll be seeing her in the next part. And poor Blake, now she’s got to put up with Weiss being convinced that she’s right. How troublesome.
Oh, and Happy Halloween.
You can find me on fanfiction.net, AO3, and Amazon. Please check out my newest story on Amazon. It’s called Monster Whisperer. If you enjoy my sense of humour you might also want to check out Attempted Vampirism, or The Unconventional Heroes series.
28 notes · View notes
razieltwelve · 5 years
DLC (Final Rose AU Snippet)
Note: This is set in the Tifa/Lightning/Fang/Summer AU.
X     X     X
[Harem Route unlocked.]
Averia tried not to twitch at Saviour’s comment. Ever since she’d organised lunch with Elsa and Winter to discuss an operation to clear a naval route between Arendelle and Atlas, her Semblance had been almost impossible to shut up. She’d gotten relatively used to how obnoxious Saviour could be, but her Semblance was taking it to a new level.
[Steps required to get both of them into bed at the same time… 27. Would you like to know more Y/N?]
“Are you all right?” Winter asked.
Averia nodded. “It’s nothing.” She paused. “My Semblance has been troubling me.”
“Saviour?” Elsa’s eyes widened. “It’s not serious, is it?”
If only they knew…
“It’s fine. It’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
“I had heard that Saviour had certain mental effects,” Winter mused. “Is that what’s happening?”
“Yes.” Averia politely refrained from explaining any further. The less they knew about her Semblance’s plan to build a harem, the better off she’d be. Honestly, she’d have been happier dealing with her mother’s version of Saviour. Sure, her mother’s version was a total troll that could act like Diana times a million, but that couldn’t be any worse than this. “I will be fine.”
“Well, let us know if you need any help.”
[I know what kind of ‘help’ they could give us. *insert eyebrow waggle*.]
Averia rubbed her temple and calmly revoked Saviour’s ability to show her the results of any simulations it ran. She would give access back once it was less obnoxious. It was vaguely horrifying how accurately it could simulate seventeen different sexual positions involving three people. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Winter pressed. 
“I’m fine,” Averia insisted. She took another deep breath. “Let’s just move on to the naval route.”
“Ah, yes.” Winter nodded and activated her scroll. “I was thinking of something like this…”
X     X     X
It took them about two hours of discussion to settle on a course of action, and Averia was quite pleased about the plan they’d developed. She was less pleased about what her Semblance had spent most of its time doing.
[Steps required to get both of them into bed at the same time… 8. Do you want to know more Y/Y?]
“Maybe we should stop here for today,” Elsa said. “You really don’t look well.”
Averia covered her face with one hand. “I’ll be fine.”
“She’s right,” Winter pressed. “You look awful. Perhaps you should ask your mother about this. What is wrong with your Semblance?”
“It’s complicated.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
At this stage, I think it’s safe to say that Lightning’s version of Saviour might actually be the least obnoxious of the bunch. Sure, it loves to prank and troll people, but it’s kind of like having an extra Diana around. It’s not that bad. But this might actually drive Averia insane. I should also point out that Saviour was not joking about the number of steps required to achieve its goals.
Incidentally, it’s probably for the best that Diana doesn’t have Saviour. She would probably encourage her Semblance to just go nuts.
You can find me on fanfiction.net, AO3, and Amazon. Please check out my newest story on Amazon. It’s called Monster Whisperer. If you enjoy my sense of humour you might also want to check out Attempted Vampirism, or The Unconventional Heroes series.
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