#The bad kids
arainywriter · 2 days
gorgug being the only person who can kill aguefort in any timeline is something I think would make all the bad kids excited to find out
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dropoutconfessions · 20 hours
this fandom has a massive problem blaming ally for shit that was not their fault and it gets on my nerves because it is absolutely internalised / subconscious transphobia. you can't imagine my fucking shock when fhjy finale came out and people were blaming the more aggressive tone of the combat against the rat grinders on ALLY. even joking about wanting to get them kicked off the main cast (sure, a joke, but genuinely pretty cruel joke). like ally was literally not even one of the main fucking perpetrators of that. they were actually one of the players most willing to try to make peace with trg !!!!! but because of the action economy and layout of that fight there was too much pressure on them to constantly heal their own teammates. but fucking SOMEHOW people got mad at them for that combat when they had literally Nothing to do with the shit they were actually mad about.
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i got some colour back, she thinks so too/ i laugh like me again, she laughs like you
lucy and healing from watching her friends kill her, they didnt mean to but, it was still them, and kipperlillys back and she looks different and so does lucy but they used to be best friends, but can they still be friends now after everything?
taglist: @blueskiesandstarrynights @genuine-possum @disdoorted-crows @dapper-nahrwhale @leelovessharks @starstruckodysseys @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @joshkiszkashusband @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @starchaserbaby
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andie-platonically · 3 days
Fantasy High characters as songs by The Mountain Goats
1. Kristen Applebees - Before I Got There
“And the tapestry above / Torn down, trampled then re-hung / Now illegible forever / An oracle with no tongue/ All of this, all of this / All of this before I got there”
I think this song so perfectly mirrors Kristen’s relationship with both Cassandra and Ankarna. Like, both of them had been corrupted and used to further other people’s evil plans with no regard to their original followers’ intent. Until Kristen arrived. Until she lovingly restored them to their original forms with such respect to why they were created, and her compassion is one of my favorite things about her character.
2. Riz Gukgak - Ground Level
“You can light a cigarette / against the cooktop if you need to / feel the heat against your forehead / let it bleed through / you’re never gonna get by / on three hours of sleep a night / unless you absolutely have to / and then you get by alright.”
I almost picked Bones Don’t Rust, which you should also add to your Riz character playlist but I went with this one instead. We see Riz take up smoking in Junior Year, we see him not sleeping and overworking himself throughout the series, and I think a lot of that does come from a place of going beyond his breaking point, steadfastly refusing to break, and thinking that means he’s okay.
3. Fabian Seacaster - Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome / Great Pirates
I’m cheating and giving Fabian two songs because he changes so much throughout the series. Here’s the first one:
“Stay independent, make adjustments as needed / it’s losers all the way down, you stay undefeated / wage wars, get rich, die handsome.”
I think this song is peak Fabian from Freshman Year. It references motorcycle riding, the narrator genuinely thinks he’s such hot shit, and I mean like, come on. Wage wars, get rich, die handsome. It’s literally perfect. But Fabian grows. He changes. So here’s the second song I picked for him:
“On the morning when I stop looking back / I’ll be up to see the sunrise in deep, bruise black / And bright, blood red / And pale desert rose / And several other colors like those / great pirates, testing the waves.”
Okay, so obviously it was fun to use a Mountain Goats song with pirates in it, but also, I interpret this song as being about moving on from your past and looking towards an uncertain future. So much of Fabian’s arc has been him figuring out who he is beyond his dad’s legacy, and so I think this song works really well with that. (I probably could have picked any Jenny from Thebes song and it would have a lot of those themes, but come on, pirates!)
4. Fig Faeth - Cry for Judas
“Speed up to the precipice / and then slam on the breaks / some people crash two or three times / And then learn from their mistakes / But we are the ones who don’t slow down at all / and there’s nobody there to catch us when we fall.”
I think Fig’s self destructive tendencies are more evident early on in the series (see: all her affairs with middle-aged men) but honestly, the way she puts herself on the front lines again and again for her friends is just as destructive imo. Also, this song gives such difficult child-energy, and I think sometimes this is how Sandralynn sees her. This kid who didn’t deal with her curse because it didn’t seem important when her friends had other things going on. This kid who skips her classes, is straight-edge except for drugs. This kid who was knocked unconscious in her first combat and wanted everyone to think she spent the whole time fighting.
5. Adaine Abernant - Up the Wolves
“I’m gonna get myself in fighting trim / scope out every angle of unfair advantage / I’m gonna bribe the officials, I’m gonna kill all the judges / It’s gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage.”
Trigger warning to those who need it: Sunset Tree is about abuse, which is obviously quite prevalent in Adaine’s arc Freshman/Sophomore Year. It was between this and Lion’s Teeth. What I like about this song for Adaine is that it is tragic, of course it’s tragic, but it also shows her rage, not just for herself but for Aelwyn too. This is a girl who took what her parents did to her and said that’s not fair and punched her dad so hard in the face that he died. I also think that given how Adaine’s relationship with her mother is so much more complicated, the other parts of this song work well with that.
6. Gorgug Thistlespring - The Slow Parts on Death Metal Albums
“Drive home alone and listen to the slow parts / In a new universe / trying to find the mask that still fits me / shaking the curse.”
I’m gonna be so real, I really struggled with this one because I just don’t relate to Gorgug as much, but I’m so infatuated with the idea that he listens to the slow parts of death metal albums, and I do think that this song, to me, fits the fact that Gorgug doesn’t really fit the roles anyone expects from him. He’s not just a mindless raging half-orc, he’s also kind and shy and gentle and loving. But he does have a lot of rage and he reacts violently at times and his parents love him but they don’t always know what to do with that.
Bonus song! Jawbone - Midland
“Come and stay with me as long as you like / I live outside of town where the straight highway curves / three years I lived next door to the airport / so nothing you can say to me can get on my nerves.”
Jawbone collects fucked up teens like pokemon cards, so I every time I hear this song I think of him. Also, the way the narrator of this song gives the subject time and space to go through things and assures them that yeah, I’ll still be here, is so very Jawbone-coded imo. Also, later in the song, he says “stay till you can grieve like normal people do / I’ve got room, room in my house for you.” Like, every line of this song is just so Jawbone I need y’all to understand.
Bonus song #2! The Bad Kids - When a Powerful Animal Comes
“Speak in gestures only we can understand / we’ve made mistakes / everyone spots their own mess / when the dawn breaks / we get so exhausted / lost kids, just wasted / sleep in short shifts then rise to our feet / life is short and life is hard and life is sweet.”
This song is the most Bad Kids shit I’ve ever heard in my life. If it’s not in your Bad Kids playlist, you gotta add it now and Weary Adventures by Skull Puppies haha anyway It’s just literally so perfect. It’s just these kids with the weight of the world on their shoulders, so fucking tired of saving the world. It’s literally the overall arc of Junior Year!
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alltears · 5 months
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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ironinkpen · 4 months
the rat grinders getting whomped because they don't know how actual combat works is exactly what I've been waiting for all season. fabian taking down ivy in one turn bc they have no hp, them grouping up bc they don't know they're not supposed to and getting immediately shit on by adaine, riz's attack of opportunity doing more damage to kipperlilly than her actual attack did to him, gorgug taking down oisin by the end of round 1 bc they didn't protect their wizard, kristen and k2 both bringing all their friends up while keeping themselves strategically hidden bc they know better, riz diving into the lava like it's nothing bc he's a badass, adaine slapping jace's counterspell out of the air, fig tanking that hit from porter and casting that clutch fireball. just. beautiful. iconic. poetic. exactly what the rat grinders deserve after xp grinding for three years instead of actually adventuring. you fucking suck at this game kipperlilly!! you might be high level but you're shit at pvp!!!!!
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metaphoricallyrose · 5 months
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Jr year baby!
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emiko-matsui · 1 month
a world where kipperlilly isn't a villain but just running for president is so fucking funny. you're a pedantic perfect straight a student with anger management issues who does all the extra curriculars and wants to be student body president for her senior year and then the person you're running against is a sweaty lesbian who wears a yellow tracksuit every day to school and who eats her lunch out of a trashbag and she walks up to you wearing a cowboy hat filled with salsa that her friends are dipping chips in, to wish you luck in the election. she wins
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gretashand · 5 months
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the best part about being an artist is making the shit you want for yourself so pls enjoy my poster sketch based on this weeks episode bc i literally cannot stop thinking about it
this is gonna take forever to render but it will be so worth it
| Lineart | Final Version |
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mmhue · 6 months
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So. How about this season so far
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rebelsafoot · 3 months
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the many faces of figueroth faeth
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noodlesewp · 3 months
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They were not here last night
Casual morning at the seacaster manor with some minor breaking and entering
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maddieinmanart · 4 months
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Anyway I’ve finally been catching up on Fantasy High. I missed how chaotic these kids are.
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glittersploots · 4 months
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do you think we're best friends in other universes, too?
my first ever zine, fiendish prophecies! go check it out and give if you can, all proceeds go to PCRF and there are loads of crazy insane artists and writers on here i'm so honored to have worked with 😌⚔️🎸
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malusvalley · 3 months
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I'd like to imagine they go overboard helping Gorgug find Mary-Ann's number. After the last panel Riz has to remind them they haven't actually found the number yet.
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isawiitch · 4 months
everybody got mad
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