#The bride is coming Riviera Maya
The Bride is coming wedding playa del carmen
The Bride is coming wedding playa del carmen
The Bride is coming wedding playa del carmen One of the most emotional moment of the wedding is when the Bride is arriving to the wedding venue and the groom is waiting for her. Photo by Alessandro Banchelli www.photostudioab.com Planning by https://elopementrivieramaya.com/ Email:[email protected]
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peeterparkr · 5 years
limits of desire⤳t.h.||13
chapter 13: something new.
story summary: you met Tom a night he was trying to sleep with you, it didn’t work and you became best of friends. Wedding bells might be ringing for when you both realize what you really feel.
summary: the one with y/n having second doubts. 
pairing: fuckboy!tom holland x best friend!reader
warnings: swearing, angsty, mentions of cheating, lizzie, miguel. alcohol, friends, spanish
word count: 4.9k
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Hi! I’m back! I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve been going through a rough time. I’m better now, and I hope you like this. I cried writing this. Like, ugly cried. 
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Tom walked into the hotel and everything in the lobby was moving. The place was open, causing the curtains to fly around, not a single thing without motion, making everything seem right out of Tom’s dreams. It was a perfect combination of luxury, paradise and humidity. People running around, people murmuring and rushing. Noise everywhere. Everyone was rushing. He didn’t know why but it seemed like there was a certain type of adrenaline moving forward. The lobby, though, had dim lights and was instead illuminated by the bright and warm sun coming from the outside, it smelled like an ocean breeze. It made him calm. Except, he wasn’t. He was searching through the colourful room for her, but the curtains seemed to be flying way too up. The white curtains cascaded through his vision as if they were long and foamy waves. 
He was getting a headache. He knew this hotel only had a few rooms. All luxury. Each of them was a small apartment-like room. He was checking in. Harrison was amazed by the place. They had been part of the lucky people who had been reserved a room. The others would be in another hotel, not so far. His brothers and Tuwaine were at that other hotel.
Tom still didn’t want to be there, he shouldn’t have come. He hadn’t loved Christmas, because all he was thinking about was y/n and how he couldn’t let her marry Miguel. He still had 4 days. 4 days until he could stop her. 
 Could anyone blame him? He would tell himself. He was better off alone. 
The next day, he knew, there’d be an engagement party. Did he have to give a speech? He didn’t want to. 
He needed to see y/n. A proper goodbye, in a way. But, he couldn’t say goodbye just yet. His hands were sweating, but he could easily blame it on the weather. It felt like summer in London. 
Tom had a plan. Ish. One he had, reluctantly, made with Lizzie. Only on a few details, though. Who would’ve thought? Him pairing up with her. Lizzie was actually checking in, too. 
“Remember, you have to be supportive,” she had reminded him. Tom rolled his eyes. 
“I need to find her, first,” Tom mumbled to Haz. Tom and Haz had waited for their check-in, and they’d changed clothes to go out for dinner. 
Tom knew they didn’t believe in him anymore. Haz a bit, maybe. But they were all getting ready for a wedding. They were acting as if the wedding was really going to happen. 
And they had told him, ‘Tom, she’s just another girl’. ‘Maybe she wasn’t the one’. 
And they were probably right. Tom knew it. It was probably too late, and as Tom had walked into the hotel, he knew it. She was getting married. Maybe she was just a lesson for him. Karma playing back at him. For every heart he’d broken. 
Haz approached him. “This place is insane.” It was. Mystic, perfect. 
The Riviera Maya did have its charm, Tom had to agree. And even if this place had been the stupid place where Miguel and y/n had fallen in love. Who wouldn’t have? Tom was jealous. 
And he was overwhelmed, as his eyes were darting around the lobby, between the big crowd, and the flying curtains that were blinding him. 
But suddenly, as if it was orchestrated, he saw her, walking through the loud crowd, with that bright smile she has, and he noticed people were leaning over to listen to her. People tend to do that. 
Tom felt his heart-stopping. Time stopped. The room stopped. No motion, just her giving her fake smiles with Miguel’s arm around her shoulders. And she kept walking through the crowd, while everything was slow, her movements were like a ballerina. The white curtains were surrounding her, silking her, white was surrounding her as if a white veil was forming around her. Stupid irony. He kept watching her and was slowly making his own way through the crowd, approaching her. Her face was slightly red, and she was giggling. She was clumsy, and she was licking her lips and pushing her hair back, over and over. She was nervous. 
And when she finally laid her eyes on him, suddenly, she disappeared. Tom blinked as there was a sudden unanimous gasp. 
“La novia se desmayó!” Someone yelled (The bride fainted). Tom blinked as he rushed through the gathering crowd forming around her. 
“Y/N? Y/N?” He pushed through, and when he arrived he saw her, on the ground, with Miguel by her side, checking on her. 
“I’m sorry—I’m okay, I’m okay, estoy bien!” she quickly cleared up, “I slipped!” She giggled but then turned serious as she saw Tom. “Oh—shit.” She ran out of breath. 
Tom licked his lips as he offered her a hand. Both him and Miguel helped her stand up. 
“Tom,” She gulped And then quickly turned around, bumping into Miguel. “Miguel.” 
“Y/N?” Tom cleared his throat as Miguel smiled. “Ah, hey man.” 
Miguel chuckled as he watched y/n. “Good to see you, Tom. Glad we finally have the maid of Honor with us” 
“Tom.” That's all she could say. 
Tom felt his face turning red. “ y/n.” They stared deep into each other’s eyes, as if they were trying to speak to the other but no words were coming out. You could see y/n’s mouth slightly twitching as her eyes were glazed and cutting deeply into Tom’s. 
Harrison came to the rescue. “Y/N!” He said. Y/N, however, didn’t hug them either. Didn’t even turn to them. 
“Are you okay?” Tom asked, not leaving her sight. 
“Yeah—yeah, I just—“
“She’s been drinking,” Miguel chuckled, pulling y/n to him. “She’s nervous, aren’t you, amor? She can’t handle her tequila.” 
“Hi.” That was the only word she managed to say. 
“Hi,” he said. 
“Y/N, amor?” Miguel pushes. 
Y/N blinked out of her trance, as she hugged Miguel. “Yeah.” 
Tom clenched his jaw but then gave them a bright smile. 
“How was your flight?” Asked y/n. “How’s London? How are you? How—“ 
“Good,” Tom said. 
They were approached by an older couple. 
“Hola, hola,” they said. Tom turned to them. They looked neat, attractive. 
“Y/N, hermosa, we need you,” said the woman. (Beautiful)
“Mamá,” said Miguel. “This is Tom, the maid of honour, and well—Tom these are my parents!”
“Spider-Man! Yes, hello!” They grinned at him and introduced themselves. Tom turned on his comic con mode, all smiles. 
They needed Miguel. Some others needed y/n. Miguel kisses y/n and then strutted with whoever needed him. 
“Right. I’m gonna head to my room and we will catch up later, right?” Tom nodded and walked past them. 
Y/N blinked. “Actually, I—I need to talk to you,” she followed Tom, and then turned to Miguel. “Maid of Honour duties. I—uh.” And everyone was staring at her. Lizzie was now running to her, along with the other two bridesmaids. 
Tom watched them attack Y/N with hugs and screams. Y/N didn’t respond as eager and just clumsily hugged them back. How different this would’ve been if nothing had happened between them. Or how different would it have been had she married him instead. 
Y/N would have a bright smile, and screamed and hugged her friends. They probably would’ve danced. Happy. 
Not confused. Not stressed. 
Maybe he had ruined y/n’s wedding, and he regretted it. Because it had been so selfish of him not to stop himself and let her go. 
And maybe Tom wasn’t really paying attention but suddenly a big crow had taken y/n away from him. 
“We need you! The stylist will check your hair today! And—we still need to check on—“The woman, a tall black-haired woman, yelled at y/n, followed by tons of instructions. 
As Tom saw y/n was being dragged away from him. He felt a notch upon his chest. 
“Room—room 1, please meet me there,” she yelled at him. 
Tom looked down. Haz patted him on the back and each headed to their own room. 
Later, after staring at his reflection in the mirror for a few minutes and telling himself he needed to control himself, and after having only one drink in the bar, Tom found himself knocking at y/n’s room. He heard noise coming from the inside. 
Hannah opened the door, and Tom saw shoes flying, a veil cascading, and women yelling all around the room, music playing as they ran across. He saw y/n’s mother sitting down peacefully on a couch, sipping on a glass of what Tom assumed was champagne. 
The look she gave him was rather sad, as if the woman could tell what Tom was going through. 
“Tom!” She eagerly grinned and stood up. “Finally, you’re here! You’ll be able to calm her down.” She hugged him. 
“Anna, so great to see you,” he smiled. 
She placed her hands over his shoulders. “Are you alright, dear?” 
No. He bloody wasn’t. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he cleared his throat, “a little jet lag, that’s all.” 
She sighed and then rushed over for two glasses, different than hers. She poured them both with tequila. 
“Trust me, you’ll need it,” she said, as she then led the way over to more madness. Y/N was sitting down while people were approaching her with folders, and people combing her hair, or asking her for her opinion on things. 
“Bloody hell, I don’t know,” she yelled frantically at her phone. “I—I look like a moose,” she said as she saw herself in the mirror. “Oh god, and—tell them, I—well, lemon and chocolate is fine, I love both, I just—yes? The flowers?” 
She stood up and walked to her bed. “I can’t get married—I can’t—oh gosh, what even is going on?” 
Tom watched her as he sipped from the glass, eyeing y/n’s mother who just shrugged. 
“Y/N, dear,” Anna said. 
“I can’t get married mum—Oh fuck,” she cursed as soon as she saw Tom. She then looked at his glass and snapped it from him. “Thanks, you know what? Every time you appear in a room please bring a shot or any kind of alcohol with you, will you, darling?” 
Tom didn’t say anything. As Y/N sat back in front of her mirror. 
Lizzie approached Tom and dragged him to the side. 
“What are you doing here?” She whispered. 
“Y/N asked me to be here,” Tom explained. 
“I—I everything is going wrong,” y/n pouted loudly. Tom and Lizzie turned to her. “I shouldn’t get married!” 
“Be supportive,” Lizzie ordered Tom as she rushed back to y/n.
“Girl, girl, you need to calm down, it’s okay—it’s okay,” Lizzie said. “You’re nervous, that’s it.” 
“Nervous?” Y/n sipped the entire glass that once belonged to Tom and turned back. “I’m bloody having a panic attack! I—honestly, everything is going wrong!” Y/N looked at the room. “You—Everyone please, quiet!” The room finally went peaceful, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing to look at the bride. “I—who honestly thinks I should get married? I shouldn’t get married, right?” She looked across the room. “You don’t answer that,” she threatened Tom and Tom just rolled his eyes with a smirk. 
“Y/N—“Tom started. 
Y/N shook her head. “No, no. Please, don’t.” She sighed and then ran out of the room. 
Everyone stayed quiet. This was normal. The bride had second thoughts, Tom guessed, but he knew that those second thoughts weren’t being rational. Or were they? 
Anna shook her head as Lizzie was going to run after her, stopping her and pushing her back. “No, you, Tom, go.” 
Tom raised an eyebrow. 
“I don’t think—“ Lizzie started. 
“Go,” Anna said. 
Tom sighed as he followed after y/n. He saw her, not far from there, sitting by a tree on a nice bench, her elbows on her knees and her head on her hands, with her hairdo messed up and her mascara running on her face. She was sobbing. 
Tom watched her and approached her with his hands in his pockets. 
“I know what you’re going to say,” Y/N whispered. “But you don’t know anything about all this.” 
Tom sat right beside her. “You don’t know what I’m going to say.” 
“You’re not going to tell me not to get married?” She sat back. 
Tom shrugged. “Seems like you don’t know me at all,” he stated as he looked at her. “You think you know how I feel about this wedding.” 
Y/N sighed and looked away. “Yeah.” 
“You probably do,” he shrugged, “not all of it.” 
Y/N looked at him. 
“I want you to be happy, y/n, I’m your best friend first, and whatever I feel doesn’t matter when it comes to your happiness.” 
Y/N stared at him with glazed eyes. “Tom.” 
“I was being stupid, I was paranoid about losing you forever,” he started. “And I’m afraid that if I keep this attitude, I will.” 
Y/N didn’t answer anything. 
“What’s bothering you?” Tom asked. 
“I—“y/n sighed. “The flowers were changed, they—I don’t know. Something about the cake, too. My hair, look at it, I look—gosh, everything has been turning out—not the way I planned it.” 
Tom modded. “Are those things important?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You know what Tom—I don’t even—I—“
“I mean it, does it matter?” Tom pushed. “Honestly, blue flowers or pink, I bet you won’t remember that. I know you, at the end of the day all you’ll remember is Miguel’s face as you walk down the aisle.” 
Y/N licked her lips as a tear fell down on her face. She stared at him, his eyes, his lips. And Tom didn’t know what to do. Part of him wanted to beg her not to continue with this, but a bigger and more mature part knew this was for the best.
If he loved her, he’d let her be happy. 
She reached for his hand and Tom felt his heart skip a beat. 
“Let’s forget everything, alright?” She sighed. “I—I am—I’m not sure.” 
“So we are going to talk about it,” Tom gulped. “Alright.” 
Y/N squeezed her eyes. “No, I—I don’t know.” 
Tom glanced at her. “Let’s not, not now at least.” And he watched her, she felt guilty. The way her body had turned smaller and the way she was staring at his hand as she fidgeted. 
Tom wanted to think this was all a nightmare, and that sooner or later he’d wake up to kiss her. But he knew damn well this was the reality he had to face.
And y/n knew this. She knew that Tom was hurt. He couldn’t hide it. He seemed sleepy and paler. Even scrawny. But she wouldn’t talk about it, because she was hurt, too. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
“For what?” She sighed. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who started it.” 
“Being too late.” 
She stayed quiet. “It…” she squeezed her eyes shut. “We are friends. Nothing more, we just—got carried away.” 
Tom looked at her. “You can’t say that.” 
“Why not?” 
“Feelings were always involved,” Tom shrugged. 
“They’ve always been one-sided, then.” 
Tom looked away. “Doesn’t matter now.” 
She ran a hand through her hair and then stood up. “Am I—I need you as a friend right now, to push aside everything,” she asked him. “Am I—Am I doing something wrong? Is this—?” 
“It’s crazy,” Tom admitted. 
Y/N nodded as she sighed. “How crazy?” 
Y/N then strolled around the bench, Tom was sure she was trying not to bite her nails because she had a recent manicure. 
“But,” Tom said. “Do you love him?” 
Y/N paused her walking and then nodded. “Yeah.” 
“Then it levels out all the craziness,” Tom shrugged. “Look, y/n, all is fair in love and war.” 
All she did was turn to hug him, nuzzling into his chest. 
“I’m going to marry him,” she whispered. 
And it hurt to listen to those words so much because the last time he had seen her, he couldn’t keep a straight face as he clumsily kissed her with the biggest smile Tom had ever held. 
“I know.”
The next day he barely saw her, Tom had barely slept. He blamed it on the jet lag, but it would be a huge lie if he didn't admit to himself that more than once he had walked to the door decisively to see her, he never did. He had remained quiet on breakfast, as he watched y/n arrive holding hands with Miguel. He was sick of it.  
But he had gone out with Haz, Tuwaine and his brothers. Getting his mind off of it. He even tried to flirt with some other guests, but he couldn’t quite do it. He had never been a bad flirt until that day. 
Tom had reluctantly avoided y/n. Even though he was supposed to be with her for his maid of honour duties, he decided he simply didn’t want to bear with all that. 
Y/N herself wasn’t doing fine. She would keep sneaking off from her duties as a bride and escaping from Miguel’s relatives. 
She didn’t want to answer any questions. She didn’t have to, she didn’t want to. Because she felt guilty and she knew that she was looking out for the simplest excuse to call off the wedding. Her constant headache reminding her that she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life. 
And it shouldn’t be. But why did he have to come up like that? 
She probably was a fool. A big one. Could she ever leave Tom? It had been a mistake kissing him because once their lips had moulded, life hadn’t been the same for y/n. Every time she kissed Miguel she was only reminded his lips were not half as good as Tom’s. But she was so scared of everything that could turn out wrong. Because if she left Miguel, she knew she’d regret it her whole life. 
Yet, she was probably looking out for a boring married life. But she thought about it, if she gave up and ran to Tom’s arms, it’d probably involve a few months and then he’d get tired of her, and then he’d leave and find himself in someone else’s arms. 
Besides, having Tom as a friend involved having him forever. Because there were no promises, nothing. It was just a kiss. As if that had been enough. 
And she remembered the passion of each kiss that night. How boring her life would be, living in daydreams with Tom while Miguel goes to work. Pretending it was Tom touching her every time Miguel caressed her body. 
She thought about the kiss, and the way his hands had traced her body. Pretending she was okay while Miguel’s cousin, Mariana was rambling on non-sense. They were all once again in Y/N’s room. 
“So, what’s the deal with Tom?” Mariana asked. 
Lizzie turned to see y/n, who was zoned out only to be woken by the name. 
“What?” Y/N frowned. “What about Tom?” She cleared her throat, frowning. 
“Well,” Mariana blushed. “Is he single?” 
Y/N looked away and into the mirror as she applied red lipstick. “I… well, it’s complicated.” 
Mariana raised her eyebrows. 
“He’s single,” Hannah said, watching y/n. “But… he’s…” 
Jess giggled. “If you want a one-night stand then he’s alright.” 
Lizzie rolled her eyes. “Wouldn’t recommend that, besides, he’s changed.” 
Y/N dropped the lipstick as she turned to watch Lizzie. “He hasn’t.” 
Mariana laughed. “I mean, it’s not like I’d see him again, and I mean, dios mío, he’s attractive, you know? And he’s a celebrity.” 
Y/N frowned and picked up the now smudged lipstick. “Go on and sleep with him.” 
Lizzie sighed watching y/n. 
Mariana smirked. “Think he would sleep with me?” 
“You can open your legs, right?” Y/N sassed. “He will just fine.” 
Mariana smirked. “I shall wear something slutty tonight then.” 
Lizzie placed her hands over y/n’s shoulders and turned her to show her her reflection. “Want me to do your makeup for tonight? It’s your engagement party!” 
Y/N shrugged. “Whatever.” 
Tom was the actor, sure, but y/n was doing an oscar worthy performance as she walked into the restaurant, big smile on her face, lovely eyes directed at Miguel. Her pink dress gave a perfect sense of innocence and passion. 
She had laughed and ignored Tom’s staring. Especially because Mariana had sat on the same table as he had. Y/N was burning with jealousy. But she didn’t have any right to. Could she? 
Miguel, however, had been kind enough to distract y/n. And she stared into Miguel’s eyes and she remembered it, the love at first sight, the way he made her laugh, the way he’d never make her cry. Because he was not going to hurt her. He was pure, and the way he stared at her made her swoon. And suddenly she had forgotten about Tom. 
She was genuinely not staring at him because all she could look at was Miguel, who was the perfect man. The way he pushed back her loose hair, or the way he would squeeze her hand every now and then, or the way he would fix her dress without y/n having to ask him to. The way he stared at her, as if she was the only girl in the room. And the way he would always lean over whenever she was about to speak. 
Miguel was perfect and Miguel was for her. 
And people would point it out, how love, at first sight, is rare but deep. And y/n would think about it. 
“Bueno, muchas gracias por venir, thank you all for coming, um, y/n, mi amor, my love, you love reading poetry yet you don’t realize you’re a poem yourself,” Miguel grinned, as y/n blushed. Tom rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe I’m spending the rest of my life with you,  in just a few days we will start our journey and I can’t wait for it, I can’t wait for the rest of my life to start,” Miguel said. “But tonight, I thank you all and I brought you a little surprise...I… Well, hope I’m not as rusty as I think.” 
And right on cue, a mariachi walked in, playing loudly and harmonizing, beautifully. Miguel dedicated a smile to y/n, taking her hand as he started to sing. 
“ Si nos dejan, nos vamos a querer toda la vida, si nos dejan, nos vamos a vivir a un mundo nuevo…. Yo creo podemos ver, el nuevo amanecer de un nuevo día…” He sang to her. His voice was just incredibly soothing and perfect. Y/N could only smile and try not to tear up. She had done something so bad to this perfect man. What a big fool she was by not understanding how lucky she was. 
She kissed him deeply after he finished singing. And it had been the perfect way to charm her again, because she forgot about all the stupid things that had gone wrong. The dinner continued, some gave speeches to them, like her mum and Miguel’s dad. 
Y/N couldn’t have been ready even if they had warned her, but before she knew it Tom had stood up and taken the microphone. 
“Hey everyone, I’m Tom. Maid of honour over here.” He said, digging his hands into his pockets. Y/N squeezed Miguel’s hand who gave her a reassuring smile. “Or more like a sidekick as I like to call myself,” he chuckled, some laughed. “I’m…” He chuckled again, he was nervous. “I’m sorry if I can’t speak any Spanish, I wish I could but—hey, I’m dumb, aren’t I, y/n?” He stared at her and took a deep breath. “I didn’t exactly prepare a speech but I saw everyone doing this and as y/n’s best friend I think I should— Yeah, yeah,” Tom smiled. Everyone was awed with him.  “I met y/n…5 years ago. You know?” He started. “I was—I said it, I’ve never been brilliant. I often tend to think I’m one of the dumbest people I know,” he said, causing everyone to laugh. “Yet—I know, with every stupid decision I’ve made… being y/n’s friend was the smartest and the only smart one,” he smiled sadly. “I look back at the day we met. She was this nerdy girl, everyone was out there partying,” Tom laughed. “But not her, she was reading—as she usually is, I caught her reading today. Yeah, always make sure she has a book in her hand, Miguel,” he pointed at Miguel as Miguel laughed nodding knowingly. 
“You’ll get the hang of it, you’ll see,” Tom continued. “You will begin your journey in a few days,” Tom took a deep breath. “You’ll find her at 2 am begging her to go to sleep but she’ll beg for two more chapters and end up reading the whole book,” Tom smiled, watching y/n. “You’ll know more about celebrity gossip that you’ll know about your family,” Tom joked. “Or you’ll find yourself answering all her questions feeling like you’re being interviewed for your life’s sake.
“In a few days, Miguel, you’ll realize that sometimes you’ll have a neck ache, she tends to make everyone lean over to listen to her, she whispers a lot,” Tom grinned, looking down. “You will find yourself sick of that perfume she wears, but you’ll miss it as soon as she leaves the room. You will know every line to Friends, really, you’ll know how to quote the whole,” He paused and then pitched his voice ‘CHANDLER AND MONICA CHANDLER AND MONICA! oh my goD! CHANDLER AND MONICA! OH MY GOD! OH MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!” He yelled, making the whole restaurant laugh. “I swear, I know the whole thing!” He grinned and then stared back at y/n. “You’ll see, man, every line,” he gulped. “You will find yourself out of red m&m’s. You will constantly have to take her out, she loves dancing,” Tom continued, and y/n felt her eyes starting to water. “Always have sunflowers around the house,” Tom nodded “and please always remind her to water her plants,” he chuckled. “Also, while you’re at that, remind her to hydrate herself, too.” Tom smiled, as he turned uncomfortably quiet. He was staring at y/n only, who was now running out of breath. She was shaking, and she swear she could possibly feel her heart-shattering. She looked at the room, and her eyes fixated on his friends, who sadly watched Tom, as if they were watching someone talk about a passed relative. They pitied him. 
“You see, Miguel. You got lucky.” Tom had to take a pause. “You’ll never be bored,” he smiled, to himself. “You’ll get to be the man who knows that she either likes her tea with lemon and honey or milk,” he scoffed. “You’ll realize how everything in the room stops when she walks in, as if she had planned her entrances,” Tom sighed. “As if she had planned that ray of sunshine to hit her just on the right spot. Or as if she had asked someone to play music as soon as she walked into the room,” Tom licked his lips. “You’ll realize that either time does stop or it goes too fast whenever you’re with her…” 
Y/N guessed it on that moment, if people didn’t know it before, they’d know it now. How y/n and Tom were supposed to end up together yet they hadn’t. Y/N let Miguel’s hand go as she had to take a deep breath, watching Tom. She couldn’t stop the quiet tears now. 
“They say love is easy when the right person comes,” Tom took a deep breath. “You were right, y/n, your Prince Charming didn’t come on a white horse, he was riding a motorbike,” he cackled softly. “And I bet you’ll see yourself always struggling to be right, Miguel. Trust me, even when she is not right, she will never be wrong... That’s how it goes. But… she’s never wrong. And she was certainly right when she chose you,” Tom admitted, looking down. “Always try to be the right answer, Miguel. Even when there are no questions asked,” he advised. And he stopped watching them, Tom only looked down at the floor. “Don’t be dumb. Don’t let her go, never disappoint her. Never doubt she’s the one. Only an idiot would let her go,” Tom grimaced. “And today, I ask you, please love her with everything you can, bring her the stars, get her to the moon,  because that’s all she deserves and more. So, here goes, to Miguel and y/n, who will become the right answer in just a few days.” He said as he raised his glass. 
Most of the room had gone quiet but raised their glass. 
“Cheers,” Tom said defeatedly.
And y/n, for the first time, felt Tom was someone new.
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Wedding: October 7, 2017
Ceremony: Timberhouse at Rolling Acres Country Club, Beaver Falls, PA  
Reception: Timberhouse at Rolling Acres Country Club, Beaver Falls, PA
Hair: Samantha Horne from Christine’s Salon and Spa in Hopewell
Makeup: Jessica Olsavsky
Florist: EcoFlowers
Bakery: Family Friends
Entertainment: Tim Cain from JL Entertainment
Colors: Plum and Gray
Honeymoon: Riviera Maya, Cancun, Mexico.
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Let me just start this blog post by saying that sometimes the stars align, you meet someone that brings you joy, they enrich your lives and will forever hold  a special place in your heart. While there is no doubt that Theresa and Nate have this but here, I am talking about my relationship with this couple. Theresa is truly one of the sweetest, most hard working individuals that I have ever met and she can no longer be called a client, I knew this, I felt this about 5 minutes into meeting her…she is my friend and I treasure her.
Our day started at Theresa’s sisters home with pre-ceremony coverage, where I truly believe that I witnessed a family dynamic that is unparalleled on so many levels. The entire family gets along so well and it made everything run so smoothly that we were able to leave and arrive at the Timberhouse to continue the getting ready photos. Once we completed the pre-ceremony coverage with Theresa complete with photos of her very soon to be in laws, we proceeded to another area to get photos of Nate and his family and groomsmen.
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I have met Nate a few times but the stunning woman that is his mother has got to be the reason to which I had the honor of photographing Theresa and Nate’s wedding. Nate’s mother, Susan AKA Sue is so sweet and a long time friend of ours. She is an amazing chocolatier and the owner, operator of Noland Chocolates. Seriously, if you have not tried her chocolates, they are a must! They are so delicious and creamy and the take away box that Theresa and Nate packed up for me at the end of the night seriously saved my sanity of the weeks following their wedding haha. October is always a crazy month for me with several, always popular October weddings and my amazing daughter Addison’s birthday is on Halloween, which since she was born has become a month long celebration with Pumpkin Festivals and Fall farm visits all month long.  But truly Sue Noland’s chocolates are amazing and I insist you try them I promise you won’t be disappointed!
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FAVORITE MOMENT OF THE DAY: Pre-ceremony…who knew that it could or would happen so soon! Theresa and Nate’s only photo request was that we capture their prayer prior to the ceremony. You will see tons of wedding samples on Pinterest that have a photo of the bride and groom on either side of the door, to preserve that precious first moment of seeing each other as being that moment that she walks down the aisle but this, this was different. These two are starting their lives together is the best way, they are putting God first! A marriage requires three people for it to be whole, to be successful, for it to be long lasting and true. Those three people are a bride, a groom and God.  These two…they just get it!
We had gorgeous 82 degree weather and the Timberhouse steps set the stage for this amazing couple to get married. The ceremony had all the perfect elements to unite these two, there was family, friends, laughter, tears, pure joy and excitement!
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Following the ceremony we use those same steps for family photographs, I LOVE how you can see the reflection of the gorgeous fall trees in the reflection above that window, immediately followed, by bridal party and bride and groom portraits. This Rolling Acres Golf Course and Timberhouse have so many options for photography that we just simply walked across the street to capture all those special moments.
After heading in to the reception, they made quick work of the first dance, toasts and blessing. Now in talking with the couple they expressed extreme interest in sunset photos, based on our timeline that sun was going to set right in the middle of dinner, while I wouldn’t normally interrupt a couples dinner for photos,  let’s be honest, we need that break for food as well, but Theresa said to come get her and we will go.  So we hit up the buffet line after immediate family, scarfed our food and got back to work. Boy o Boy am I glad we did! The sunset portraits are definitely my favorites, the sky was fairly clear and the colors are spectacular. I also LOVE getting that photo on the front steps of the Timberhouse with the warm ambient light indoors contrasting with the cool twilight sky outdoors.  I feel these moments are essential to a successful wedding; it gives the couple a moment to calm down, regroup and realize just how quickly this day is flying by and to really savor the moment of THEIR day!
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Following dinner we started the dancing off with parents dances. Theresa and her father, followed by Nate and Sue and in quick succession was Theresa and her step father, bridal party and open dance floor. Open dance floor, there wasn’t an open space on that dance floor that wasn’t being occupied but a guest dancing the night away! Everyone was having so much fun and it was a blessing for us to capture all the love in that room. Speaking of love and it may just be my second favorite moment of the day, let’s talk about Nate’s dad Pat and his mad dancing skills, now I don’t want to call myself judgmental but maybe I just happen to lump all men into a category of non-dancers and bad dancers LOL.  I see a lot of my dad’s “type” in Pat, strong, hardworking, amazing providers and fantastic fathers…but my Dad will slow dance with my mom but that is 100% absolutely it, my Dad would never even consider “fast” dancing on the dance floor! I truthfully don’t know why I do this judgment, my husband is a dancer, he’s quite good also, he has good rhythm and doesn’t look goofy at all. I just never in a million years expected that from Pat, to the point where my husband was jealous and taking notes haha. Kidding of course, but it was one of those moments where I thought to myself, everyone should have video at their weddings because this is fantastic! Theresa, please tell me someone, anyone captured this!
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We left shortly after the garter and bouquet but not before hugging and congratulating my dear friends Theresa and Nate. That’s when Theresa asked if WE could get a picture together, I don’t get very often but once in a while and let me just say, its super sweet and I treasure it each time it does happen, it really shows me that I have made some sort of impact on this bride, I am appreciated and an important part of their day. While I HATE having my photo taken just as much as nearly every groom I encounter, which is why I am behind it haha.
I will forever treasure Theresa and Nate, as clients whom I was honored to photograph on their wedding day, but more importantly I am blessed to call them friends. We made a promise on her wedding day that just because the wedding day was “over” that we would remain friends and stay in touch, I intend to keep that promise because I made a vow many years ago to surround myself with kindness, with people who have good values and integrity, people who love the Lord and recognize their blessings as much as I do and those who just simply make me feel good.
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These are the Hands
These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.
These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind.
These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and tears of joy.
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children.
These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one.
These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.
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sfgwstwste17g · 3 years
[VOSTFR~[Regarder!]»→» Luca (2021) Streaming VF
Luca (2021) - Animation Films 95 minutes. 卢卡. Un jeune garçon, Luca, vit un été inoubliable, ponctué de délicieux gelato, de savoureuses pasta et de longues balades en scooter. Luca partage ses aventures avec son nouveau meilleur ami, mais ce bonheur est menacé par un secret bien gardé : ce dernier n’est autre qu’un monstre marin venu d’un autre monde, situé juste au-dessous de la surface de l’eau… italy, monster, secret, friendship, coming of age, sea monster, seaside town, 1950s, water, italian riviera full movie online free, download full movie in hd quality, watch free streaming
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Sortie: Jun 17, 2021Durée: 95 minutesGenre: Animation, Comédie, Familial, FantastiqueEtoiles: Jacob Tremblay, Jack Dylan Grazer, Emma Berman, Maya Rudolph, Jim Gaffigan, Marco BarricelliCrew: Ennio Morricone (In Memory Of), Andrea Warren (Producer), Scott Clark (Animation), Michael Venturini (Animation Supervisor), Kim White (Director of Photography), Pete Docter (Executive Producer)Regarder Luca Streaming,Regarder Luca Streaming vf,Regarder Luca Streaming Vostfr,Regarder Luca Streaming vf gratuit,Regarder Luca Streaming YouRegarder,Regarder Luca Telecharger,Regarder Luca Film Complet en streaming,Regarder Luca Uptobox,Regarder Luca Film complet en français,Regarder Luca Streaming vf gratuit complet,- Luca (2021 ) Film complet à regarder en ligne- Luca (2021 ) film complet en anglais- Luca (2021 ) film complet,- Regardez Luca (2021 ) en anglais- Luca (2021 ) film complet en ligne- Regardez le film anglais complet de Luca (2021 )- Luca (2021 ) film complet en streaming gratuit-Regardez le sous-titre complet du film Luca (2021 )-Regardez le film complet de Luca (2021 )-Luca (2021 ) film complet en tamoul- Luca (2021 ) Téléchargement du film complet en tamoul- Regarder le téléchargement du film complet de Luca (2021 )- Regarder Luca (2021 ) film complet telugu- Regarder le film complet de Luca (2021 ) télécharger tamildubbed-Luca (2021 ) film complet pour regarder le film complet de Toy film- Luca (2021 ) film complet vimeo-Regarder Luca (2021 ) THE STORY ??Sci-fi is like dream, aside from stories in this classification utilize logical arrangement to explain the universe that it requires place in. It for the most part incorporates or is focused on the assumed impacts or repercussions of PCs or machines; travel through space, time or imaginary worlds; outsider living things; hereditary designing; or other such things. The science or innovation utilized may or probably won’t be completely explained on; stories whose logical components are sensibly point by point, well-informed and viewed as generally conceivable given current information and innovation are regularly known as hard sci-fi. Writing that objectives posses, criminal associations that give a degree of association, and assets that help a lot bigger and more specialized criminal exchanges than an individual criminal could accomplish. Criminals will be the subject of a few motion pictures, especially from the period somewhere in the range of 1930 and 1960. A restoration of criminal sort films happened since the 1990s with the blast of hip-jump culture. Dissimilar to the sooner hoodlum films, the more current movies share comparative components to the more established movies yet is more in a hip-bounce metropolitan setting. An experience story is around a hero who excursions to epic or removed spots to perform something. It could have a considerable number of other classification factors included inside it, since it is an open type. The hero incorporates a mission and faces hindrances to get to their objective. Additionally, experience stories as a rule incorporate obscure settings and characters with valued properties or highlights.At first proposed as a classification by the makers of the pretending game Children of daylight, dieselpunk alludes to fiction propelled by mid-century mash stories, predicated on the style of the interbellum period through World War II (c. 1920–45). Like steampunk however especially observed as a the ascent of oil power and technocratic discernment, fusing neo-noir factors and sharing subjects more clearly with cyberpunk than steampunk. Despite the fact that the striking quality of dieselpunk as a classification isn’t totally uncontested, portions which range from the retro-advanced film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow to the 2001 Activision computer game Return to Castle Wolfenstein have been recommended as quintessential dieselpunk works of fiction. A style when an entertainer acts before a live crowd, talking straightforwardly to them. The entertainer is generally alluded to as a comic, professional comedian, professional comic or simply a hold up. In stand-up parody the entertainer ordinarily discusses a relentless progression of amusing stories, short jokes called “pieces”, and jokes, which comprise what’s regularly called a discourse, routine or act. Some professional comics use props, music or sorcery stunts to improve their demonstrations. Stand-up satire is regularly acted in parody clubs, bars, neo-vaudevilles, schools, and theaters. Outside of live execution, stand-up is typically circulated monetarily by means of TV, DVD, and the web. like customary activity; instead of utilizing hand drawn pictures, stop movement films are made with little puppets or different articles which have their image taken regularly over a grouping of little developments to make liveliness outlines. Models are The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, and Corpse Bride.- COPYRIGHT CONTENT Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itsDemon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States.Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13]Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.[14]Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities[5] to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration.It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.[15]- ADAPTATION Sarah Paulson is my top choice, yet this film isn’t her best. I trusted that months for this will come out and I’m left asking why I was so energized. The trailer parted with everything. You knew the entire story before it even began. There was practically zero character improvement and everything just felt like it was 0–100 with no pacing at all. Likewise, the cosmetics office for Sarah’s last look-the hellfire would you say you were folks on when you thought of this? I really snickered when I saw her. It was an alright film. One that you’d be pissed on the off chance that you burned through cash on. Nothing new, normal, worn out acting. Additionally, no one realizes the proper behavior an asthma assault. This film had so many plot openings that it seemed like a parody. The mother can simply take an infant from the clinic? She harms her little girl for quite a long time and no specialist actually sees this during her regular visits? How did she manage the postal carrier’s vehicle? No one minded the postal carrier was absent? For what reason did the girl never get one of the numerous sharp or gruff articles around her and hit her mother? The mother leaves all her significant reports in a container sitting out and marked? For what reason would she tie up her girl’s wheel seat and not her girl? This is the means by which the entire film goes. The main redeemable nature of the film was Sarah Paulson’s very frightening acting. Likewise, this story has been done so often. I would not burn through my time watching this. Run is unsurprising and not extraordinary. The acting is phenomenal, while the story is fair. The story makes a magnificent showing of being exciting, yet it chiefly doesn’t go anyplace. I knew all that planned to happen despite the fact that I knew nothing. Nonetheless, There was one scene I appreciated where Clare says, “you need me.” The acting was only exceptional in that particular scene. In general, it’s a one time watch that you’ll most likely fail to remember. This is another film on Hulu by Aneesh Chaganty (and co-composed by Sev Ohanian), following up their realistic presentation Searching (2018) with a spine chiller including a mother and her 17-year-old little girl brought into the world with a few confusions (arrhythmia, hemochromatosis, asthma, diabetes, and most effectively loss of motion).I will say that it’s conceivable this film is superior to I preferred it, yet in the event that so it would be for its coordinating and acting, and less so about the composition. I felt like there were openings all over the place, and maybe an excess of is tossed at us too early for us to appropriately think about the characters and their circumstance. This sort of film has been done previously, absent a lot of new added to the table short the wheelchair perspective. There were a ton of components set up for what might have given a more grounded finishing conveyance and punch, yet the greater part of those beats were one-note and spent prior in the film as opposed to associating a solid inward weaving as Searching had the option to do. I went in visually impaired, and it’s possible better that I did given that the trailer is fairly uncovering. I don’t think it had a sufficiently high roof in any case to overshadow any wild absence of desires I previously had. My solitary desire was in the possession of the makers, and the most saving grace this film will probably have on crowds is I expectation they become mindful of Searching and see it sooner or later… which is the thing that I expectation the greater part of all of you can detract from this. That was my -1 film of 2018, and Run will tumble to the wayside as fairly convincing yet totally forgettable. The story and pre-assembled relationship just needed more squeeze once the credits rolled. This film was average, best case scenario. Try not to accept individuals giving it 8 or 9. The plot has been seen ordinarily, it was excessively unreasonable, and the closure failed. They attempted to showcase it as a loathsomeness/spine chiller however nothing about it is exciting. It’s a dramatization completely. I will say however, the entertainers did astounding with what they were given. Sarah Paulson was her standard sDemon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train, great, not honor commendable. Be that as it may, Kiera Allen truly captured everyone’s attention. She made the film (which delayed for what seemed like 2 hours) watchable. In the event that you appreciated The Act or have nothing else to watch, give it a go. What’s the point of messing with this poop. It resembles a low lease endeavor at a spine chiller yet you definitely know the closure. The faltering endeavors at tension are more irritating than anything. It’s a terrible lifetime film to be straightforward. Furthermore, I like lifetime motion pictures! It’s additionally excessively coordinated, the music is exhausted and the acting isn’t incredible.
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mylovefilms-blog · 4 years
Your Destination Wedding Day Wish List
I love watching destination wedding videos!  For instance, the music, the tears of joy, the wedding kiss and beautiful vacation backdrop, just to name a few. All couples want their wedding memories freeze-framed to last a lifetime. So, first and foremost you’ll want to compare wedding videos to get a feel for what you love. Secondly, you’ll want to create a list of what to ask your videographer. Now come the timeline and music choices. Lastly, and most importantly, you’ll want to combine all of the above using the help of a very knowledgeable and experienced videographer. As a seasoned travel agent, I’ve worked with hundreds of destination wedding couples.  Below are my six best hacks to make your wedding video vision a treasured memory.
Your Destination Wedding Day Wish List
As mentioned above, you’ll want to put your wedding in the hands of a very experienced wedding videographer. The tried and truly videographers will happily provide you with a list of their most recent work. An even better company will proudly feature their best work on their website. My Love Films. By reviewing wedding videos of their former clients, you can get some inspiration for what you like best. I love having examples of great work, such as My Love Films, to showcase to my clients. It’s so reassuring to see the previous work of the videographer. Most importantly, because most of our clients aren’t able to meet their wedding videographer until they are in destination. If the budget allows, I also recommend booking your photographer and videographer with the same company. It creates impressive synchronicity during your wedding day events taking away any worries about your wedding day story.
Destination Wedding Videography Hit Lists
Because I have worked extensively with wedding couples over the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about what brides want. Most importantly, what takeaways they cherish most from their wedding day events. Whether walking down the aisle, or the ceremony kiss. These as well as other key moments vitally important to capture. Some golden moments you’ll want to consider are reception speeches. You never know what’s coming and many speeches are talked about for years to come. Not to mention capturing your very special first dance as a married couple.  And how fun is capturing that funny and often very memorable cutting of the cake. If the budget allows you’ll also want to consider adding in some family and friends, best wishes. In conclusion, your videographer will be your best resource in finding out what is most essential for you when you want to relive your fairytale wedding day.
Videographers – Who to Hire
There are a plethora of options out there when hiring a videographer. Especially in the Cancun and Riviera Maya region, where we do the majority of our weddings. Riviera Maya Weddings and Cancun Weddings. Photography and videography are one of the first questions my bride ask about once their wedding is booked.  Having a local videographer in your destination of choice is highly recommended. Be sure to work with a reputable destination wedding specialist planner, who can provide a list of preferred vendors. It’s a great way to help narrow down your videographer choices. Consideration of their style is another way to find out if the videographer is the right choice for you. Reputable photographers such as My Love Films are a superior company and one that comes highly recommended by (Liz Moore destination Weddings).
Destination Wedding Videographer- Top Questions
Most importantly, find out if your favorite videographer is available on your wedding date. With so many resorts available in the Cancun/Riviera Maya area, the best of the best get booked well in advance. As a travel agent, it’s one of the very first suggestions I advise my clients after they choose their wedding venue and resort. After that, your videography budget is a good idea to sort out early as well. How many hours would you like your wedding filmed? Having a running list of your wish list against the costs of hours filmed is fantastic to know early on. Of course, I always recommend increasing the budget bit for both photography and videography. There are always special moments you’ll want a little wiggle room price-wise as you get closer to the date.
Our First Dance as a Couple
Nothing puts memories in a music video like the music itself, don’t you agree. I love listening to music along as I  relive the wedding festivities. Your wedding videographer is the most valuable resource when it comes to choosing your music. They can offer great suggestions for popular playlists. They know the trends and the tried and true emotion invoking songs.   If you are keeping your wedding video, you may be ok with choosing certain popular music. However, if you haven’t used licensed music before, here is an excellent selection of wedding music to consider Most Romantic Wedding Music.
What Will my Wedding Videography Cost Me
Pricing can vary a bit when it comes to capturing your special day on film. A good videographer will offer a comprehensive list of options. Also, within a package and add, there will generally be some al la carte options as well. My Love Films Services. I recommend going through the options on the companies website. Once you have a general idea of costs, it’s time to set up a call with your favourite videographer. Skype, facetime and WhatsApp are great ways to see your videographer in person. Similarly, it allows you to build a repore and see if this is the videographer for you. I can’t emphasize enough here that having a bit of a cushion in your budget for extras is highly recommended. Once on the property, you may see and experience something that you’ll want to capture in your memories forever. It happens more than you think!
I hope you have received some helpful tips and insight into booking the videographer of your dreams. My Love Films is a popular favorite for me as well as many other destination wedding specialists. In conclusion, booking the destination wedding videographer of your dreams is possible. It’s also one of the very best wedding investments you’ll make for keeping those treasured wedding moments in your hearts forever.
Liz Moore Destination Wedding Expert Liz Moore Destination Weddings
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alexcorbanezii · 6 years
Turn heads with hair and makeup artist Playa del Carmen!!!
Everyone desires to look gorgeous and stunning on her wedding day. But to achieve this you need to hire professionals such as Makeup artist and hair stylist. After all, it’s your big day and you want to look the best.
Timeless hairstyle
 Remember, you should go for a hairstyle that will not only look good on your wedding day but also for the several years to come. In fact, timeless hair styles always work.
 Take a trial
 While choosing a makeup artist, make sure that you have had a trial. Trial session will allow you to test the makeup and have an idea of how long the makeover will last. Take photos to check how it looks under the harsh lights of flash photography. Always go for the experienced professionals. Check reviews and choose the ones having great testimonials and work of past clients.
 When it comes to go for Hair and makeup Playa del Carmen, you will come across plethora of options to choose from. Nowadays, more and more brides are choosing to have hairpieces to create volume and length. Besides hair pieces, brides are also choosing to have hair extensions put in. Whatever you like, don’t forget to share your ideas with makeup and hairstylist so that you get the perfect look with professional consultation.
 Always ensure that you have a trial run before hiring any particular professional for Hair and makeup Playa del Carmen. Let the makeup artist know what ideas you have for your big day. You can bring magazine cut outs of looks that you may be dreaming of. Moreover, you can even send internet links to your makeup artist before your trial.
 Don’t hesitate to let your makeup artist know what you like about the trial and what you are not sure about. After all, you are paying for their service and ultimately you are in charge. Keep it in mind that you are hiring professional for their experience and skill if they disagree with the look you want.
 However, if you are running short on budget but want a perfect makeup and hairdo on your special day, get affordable bridal makeup Riviera Maya at Alex Corbanezi Beauty & Co.
 Alexandre Corbanezi is from Brazil and is living in Mexico for about 7 years. He has earned a good name in regard of Wedding Hair & Makeup Eastern México. For more relevant details, you can simply log onto https://alexcorbanezi.com/
For detailed information visit https://goo.gl/ch59nn
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theantibridezilla · 6 years
TABHoneyMoonsMX: Fun in the Sun at The Reef 28
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So, last week I had the chance to escape the cold of NYC and trade it in for warm weather and the blue-green oceans of Mexico’s Riviera Maya. I headed out to Playa del Carmen located in the state of Quintana Roo within Mexico. Although I was only away for a very short trip, I had a fantastic time and would definitely go back. Of the popular travel spots in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Playa del Carmen is like a hidden gem that—although a popular tourist spot—doesn’t feel like it’s overrun with tourists. Anywho, for this trip, I got to stay at The Reef 28, an all-inclusive adults only resort that’s just steps from the beach and a quick walk from a very chic shopping center and very vibrant nightlife. 
Getting to The Reef 28
First, Playa del Carmen doesn’t have its own airport. So you’ll need to fly into Cancun and arrange ground transportation. It’s a 45min to one hour drive from Cancun to The Reef 28.
Arriving at The Reef 28
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When you arrive, you’re greeted with a mimosa. Now, this is a place after my own heart! What you instantly notice is that the lobby offers a very laid back vibe with swinging chairs—and more importantly there’s a lobby bar! So, whether you’ve arrived early and might have to wait for a room to become available, or you’re checking out and have a bit of time on your hands, you can kick back and relax with a drink or two...or three. ~_^
Dining & Cocktails @ The Reef 28
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The Reef 28 offers three main dining options plus room service:
Venti8cho (the top pic in the collage) is their buffet style dining space for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, you can also opt for an a la carte menu if you’re not a buffet fan.
Cachito (middle pic) is a Mexican restaurant that offers a lux re-imagining of popular Mexican dishes like chicharrón, churros and molcajete de arrachera. Personally, this was my favorite restaurant!
El Asiático (bottom pic) is an Asian fusion restaurant where you can sample Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese cuisine.
Additionally, the rooftop bar offers a light plates menu and of course, room service has a full menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner and overnight snacking needs.
And just like there are options when it comes to dining, you also have three bars that all offer yummy cocktails. As I previously mentioned, there’s a lobby bar, a rooftop bar and a bar in the ante-room for Cachito and El Asiático which stays open the latest until 2AM.
Sleek Pools on the Roof
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It wouldn’t be an all-inclusive if you didn’t have a pool. The Reef 28 has a gorgeous rooftop infinity pool with views of the beach and the surrounding city center. Thanks to the warm weather, the water is always the perfect temperature. But if you want to unwind even more, there are two whirlpools nearby. When you’re not in the water, relax on the lounge chairs, in a cabana or head over to the shade covered rooftop bar I mentioned earlier. Although I didn’t get the chance to experience this, The Reef 28 does offer rooftop parties (usually Thursday thru Saturday) complete with a DJ. So, if you can, try to come in the latter half of the week.
Get into Your Zen
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If lounging by the pool or heading to the beach aren’t enough for you, The Reef 28 offers a great spa off of the lobby—Okom Spa. In addition to massage services, you can also enjoy their beauty salon and hydrotherapy which includes a sauna and steam room. But if you’re more of an “I’ve gotta sweat to relax” person, their fitness center on the rooftop level will be perfect for you.
Access to Everything
While The Reef 28 is a smaller venue for an all-inclusive resort, it’s really very centrally located if you’re someone who likes to venture out and doesn’t want to spend your entire trip inside the resort. You can head over towards Fifth Avenue which is a vibrant shopping strip with an open air mall (yes I saw H&M, Sephora and other international stores there), walk over towards the nightclub district or just enjoy locals offering their wares. If you coordinate with the concierge at the resort, you can also organize tours to ancient ruins in Tulum or take the ferry to Cozumel island, which you can clearly see from Playa del Carmen’s beaches.
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Most importantly, when you stay at The Reef 28, you’re given a wristband. This band not only allows for you to freely eat and drink around the resort, but also gives you complete comped access to their sister resorts, Coco Beach and Playacar, which are their child friendly venues. Both of these resorts are a quick 10 to 15 minute ride away. 
Stay tuned for more details from my trip to The Reef 28, where I’ll also talk about their event options for brides or honeymooning couples! To book your trip to The Reef 28 or their sister Playa del Carmen resorts, visit www.thereefresorts.com
***A big thank you to The Reef 28 for hosting my trip to Playa del Carmen!***
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joannaarobinson · 7 years
Join Belief Wedding Planners and Give Back
How to use the power of a community to give back to the world? Simple, by taking little steps continuously. This is what Belief Wedding Planners (BWP) have been doing this past week.
Since the beginning of September, with all the natural disasters in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the USA, the BWP group has gathered together to make a wave of love.
Giovana Duailibe, the co-founder of BWP, is very concerned with the safety of members who live in the damaged areas. Sadly, some of Belief members’ haven’t received information about their families since last week.
The core of Belief is “together we are stronger”, and that is what is happening this week. In an amazing movement, the Belief organization has decided that 100% of the profit coming from new members will be donated to the Red Cross or other organization that is helping people in these areas.
It’s a way to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Do you know the Belief Wedding Planners community and what they do?
BWP is an international community exclusive of wedding planners with members in more than 20 countries. As part of Belief, wedding planners have the opportunity to connect directly to others with similar goals, grow their brand awareness, get involved in amazing causes, make friends, and promote their work to couples who are looking for the perfect professional for their wedding.
Through the Belief Awards (the online contest that they organize 3 times per year), the international press is getting really interested in what members have been creating worldwide.
So far this year, members in 18 countries have been featured on wedding blogs and in magazines such as ELLE UK, Sposi Magazine, Le Figaro, Brides, and Fiancee Bodas. This is part of the press strategy that BWP has to promote the winners of the Belief Awards. It’s important to validate the quality of a wedding planner’s work through the media. BWP works hard to make that possible to wedding planners no matter their business size, the client’s wedding budget, or even the wedding location.
In November, they will have the first Belief Retreat in Mexico. An event exclusive for members with 3 full days of immersion focusing in self-improvement and business growth. Members will have time to recharge and to plan an amazing 2018 for their brand. Different than a conference or a congress, the goal is to be a minimalist event so everybody can fully enjoy the program and the villa where the retreat will be hosted. Can you imagine having the beauty of the Riviera Maya as a background to organize your ideas and mindset for the next year?
For now, the goal is to raise money and help the local people that are in need. It’s a great opportunity for you, as a wedding planner, to join a bold community, and also give back to the world.
You are invited to become part of Belief WP using the promo code PLANNERSLOUNGE.  From now through October 10, 2017, your membership fee will be 100% donated to help those in need in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US. Join now and experience a new way to improve your wedding business brand and your life.
*this is a sponsored post from Belief IWP
from Event Planning Essentials http://plannerslounge.com/join-belief-wedding-planners-and-give-back/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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rivieramayalux-blog · 7 years
Wedding on the beach! www.rivieramayalux.com Make your romantic dream come true! 👰💑👫👬👭🌴❤🌒🍾🏝😍 #weddingrings #wedding #weddingdress #weddinghair #weddingcake #weddingonthebeach #dance #bride #bridal #caribbean #mayan #romantic #riviera #weddingplanner #weddingorganizer #queen #dancing #sunset #beach #sand #luxury #drinks #food #family #friends #vacation #travel #holiday #mexico #rivieramayalux @tulum.casa.pelicano @hyperion.studios @relax_in_russia @luxuryweddingsblogger @wonderfuldestinationsresorts @travelandleisure @travelawesome @luxurylifestyle_travel @rivieramayalux (at Riviera Maya)
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maharaniweddings · 8 years
Plan Your Dream Wedding At Palladium Hotels
At Maharani Weddings we know the importance of securing the perfect location for your big day. After the ring drop and champagne toast, it is time to seek spacious quarters to celebrate your love. Palladium Hotels has mastered the art of event design and all the services that go into making your day conclude with a happy ending. Whether you are in search of hosting an event beach side in Ibiza or lapping in the love of the Mexican Caribbean, Weddings by Palladium has got you covered for your big day.   Palladium Hotels & Resorts long and successful trajectory in the hotel sector is the guarantee behind the Weddings by Palladium product. The stellar company specializes in weddings, honeymoons and the renewing of vows. Couples and their guests can rely on this experience and five-star resorts, elegant celebration rooms, beautiful gardens, celebrations by the sea, civil and religious ceremonies, exquisite decorations, luxury suites and many other exclusive services, so that nothing is left to chance on such an important day. Palladium Hotels & Resorts offers various packages that you can choose that best suits your personality. Packages are designed by wedding expert Karen Bussen to ensure your wedding preparations are as easy and satisfying as saying "I do". When it comes to selecting a romantic all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean for your destination wedding, there are about as many reasons to choose Palladium Hotels and Resorts as there are grains of sand on its pristine beaches. Weddings have taken on a new dimension at Palladium Hotels & Resorts. The five-star resorts have recently announced the expansion of its destination wedding offerings to include a unique, fully customizable, romantic South Asian wedding package: The Shaadi Royal Bliss. The package is perfect for any couple who is looking to have a destination wedding that seamlessly combines with the traditions of South-Asian weddings.  There are four multi-day deluxe events that brides can pick and choose from in order to create their perfect celebration. The first is the Goddess Mehndi Party, which can be hosted as either an afternoon tea or cocktail hour. The bride and her female guests will each receive elegant henna designs on their hands and feet done by local Mehndi artists, all while sampling some delicious hors d’oeuvres prepared by the in-house Indian chef.  The next event, the Sangeet, is an excellent way to kick off the wedding festivities as guests enjoy a modern take on the traditional flavors and sounds of India. The décor includes a Desi lounge as well as a more traditional dining area. An Indian style buffet menu prepared by our Indian chef along with an open bar is included.  For the Baraat and wedding ceremony, the resort sets up an elegant Mandap full of traditional accents and lavish details. This stunning backdrop for couples to exchange their vows is sure to make for memorable photos. The Shaadi Royal Bliss package, designed by Bussen, was created in response to the high demand of South Asian travelers to the Caribbean. The flexible multi-day package features up to four deluxe events, with chic flowers and customizable décor, color palettes and other details starting at $2,500. In addition to The Shaadi Royal bliss package, you can select from Bussen’s Simple Stunning Wedding packages, which are carefully designed to highlight Palladium Hotels & Resorts unique features and settings such as the Pure Paradise, Island Pearl, Waves of Love, Bliss in Bloom and Tropical Promise packages. These packages are complete with every design detail, hand-picked by Bussen herself, with the ability to upgrade and customize. With the help of a personal Palladium wedding planner, you can effortlessly piece together the destination wedding of your dreams. Palladium recognizes that every couple is unique, with different dreams of the perfect wedding day and works closely with you to ensure that your dream becomes a reality, down to the very last detail. Simply put, whether a you want to celebrate in style with family and friends or have an intimate, private ceremony for two, Palladium Hotels & Resorts promises you originality, excellence and perfection. There are currently 10 Grand Palladium Resort & Spas located in Mexico (Riviera Nayarit and Riviera Maya), the Dominican Republic (Punta Cana) and Jamaica (Montego Bay).  Whether guests are whale watching in Riviera Nayarit or snorkeling in the shores of Punta Cana, Palladium Hotels & Resorts ensures a memorable vacation experience for all. Each of the properties offers a wide variety of restaurants, spa services, recreational facilities and age-specific kids’ clubs.  Palladium Hotels & Resorts is owned and managed by the Palladium Hotel Group.  For more information, please visit PalladiumHotelGroup.com or PalladiumWeddings.com. http://dlvr.it/NR9yWT
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Bride Portrait and Getting ready Cancun and Riviera Maya Bride Portrait and Getting ready Cancun and Riviera Maya The getting ready is one of my favorite time in the wedding day, the bride is very excited and the ceremony is coming!!! Photo by Alessandro Banchelli www.photostudioab.com Email:[email protected]
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maharaniweddings · 8 years
Riviera Maya, Mexico Indian Wedding by Jonathan Cossu Photography
Happy Thursday Maharanis! Today, you are in for a special treat with this destination wedding at the Paradisus Playa del Carmen. As I wistfully pondered through these awe-inspiring photos from Jonathan Cossu Photographer, I quickly noticed a pretty in pink theme. Both Maharani Hardip and Newton were blushing from this tone and I love how the different hues look so brilliant against the tropical nature that is Mexico! It was a full morning of prepping for both the bride and groom. Styling Trio Riviera Maya, with their treasure cove of makeup galore, showed up bright and early to transform the bride into a flawless beauty. Hardip’s floor length bridal anarkali was a vision in itself. Off white with soft pink, floral embroidery and a U shaped open back, I am at loss for words! I love how this bride broke the traditional barrier of donning red, and went with a sultry and sophisticated bridal look. The groom fashioned a custom made pink turban with ivory white intricate pearls that was the perfect compliment to his bride. If you just can’t wait and need a sneak peek, head into the gallery for the fun to come! http://dlvr.it/N2Vy60
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