#The bunnyverse
mpixx · 9 days
can’t log into the server rn but im calling now that barry is going to be in sabrina‘s video and it‘s going to be a prison wife/gf situation because i think that‘s his bracelet??
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sabrina is cosplaying bunny ☝️
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icantspellthings · 1 month
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Moodboard inspired by the only crime he's guilty of is simply loving me
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larry-pritchard · 2 days
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repping my favorite slutty boss bitch today in honor of the update to the bunnyverse 💕🍒🌸💙
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Bunny is on Webtoon :3
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dovesndecay · 10 months
The first half of this year has really felt like it's been me trying to get further down the road while my own brain sets up roadblocks and checkpoints to keep from succeeding.
I took a two week vacation last month when I really couldn't afford it -- see the being multiple payments behind on my car -- because the last three years of life have been a lot and I was massively on the verge of a mental breakdown about it. So my beste kidnapped me, installed me in their house, and forced me to take a break instead. It was exactly what I needed, and I'm glad I let it happen.
During those two weeks, I thought a lot about how I wanted to do things from this point on. I'm 31, disabled, unemployed, educationally delinquent, and I have, gods willing, many years left to go before my bell is rung. So, what are we doing?
I've wanted to be a writer since I was 13. I've loved photography nearly as long. I can't imagine much else I would want to do beyond tell stories and take pictures.
And I've been doing that, but let's be honest, to a certain degree I've been pretty lax about it. I won't say "lazy" because I don't believe it exists; but I won't deny that, historically, my attitude towards my personal work has been, to a certain extent, rather lackadaisical. You can only rely on raw skills/talent/enthusiasm for so long before you have to actually polish that shit.
I haven't been happy with the direction I've taken with Bunnyverse for a while. Not that the concept doesn't have weight or I don't want to continue with it; it absolutely does and I absolutely do. But I want to believe that I can put in the effort to do it better than I have so far.
So what does that mean?
That means I've removed all previously shared chapters, vignettes, and notes from my (non-tumblr) platforms. At the moment, there are exactly two short stories (closer to drabbles, honestly) on my BMAC page, and nothing is currently available on Patreon or Ko-Fi, while I work on newer, (hopefully) better content.
I have not yet decided which platform, if only one and if not just all three, I'll be ultimately sharing my work. (I'll put a poll at the bottom for folks who are interested in sharing an opinion on that)
Bunnyverse may return under a different title, perhaps altered characters/names/etc, but most of my focus is about retraining myself, so that the work I share later is what I want it to be and not just what I shit out for you all as if that turd is naturally gold.
I hate that I know things like this make me look flaky and indecisive, constantly redoing things after a long period of time hyping it up. But I like to think that the people who are inclined to stick around are also folks who understand that things change and people evolve, and that I'm just always trying to do better in one way or another.
I'll keep everyone updated as we go.
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surrealsunset · 4 months
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[ocs] FIGHT !!
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mekka-fenrir · 15 days
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FREEing No Game No Life: Shiro (Bunny Version) 1: 4 Scale PVC Figure
A FREEing import
From the hit anime series
Features shiro dressed in a white bunny girl outfit
Pose captures her lovely curves in impressive 1: 4 scale
Net tights made from real fabric
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robo-bud · 1 year
note to myselves. draw bunnie miguel && meows m0rales.
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pollylynn · 2 years
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Batman is uncertain whether to be outraged or intrigued. 
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TMA Buns AU where human JMart got transported to bunnyverse and are now bunnies.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
The Biblically Inaccurate Bunnyverse.
So. Basically it's a cult of a specific breed of bunnies, known as only the 'Biblically Inaccurate Bunny.' Or, BIBs for short!
They are very round, fluffy, bouncey, and basically indestructible creatures.
They all also are themed after something. For example, Crop BIB:
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Again, all BIBs are in the BIB cult. Their leader is Bakery the breakfast BIB:
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And all the BIBs worship their God, Biblically accurate inaccurate bunny:
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These bunnies have the intelligence of humans, but only high ranking priests in the cult are able to speak.
If you've PLEASED the god, you might be 'Blessed' with a BIB that was created in the image of something/someone you like.
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The BIB God also has every single human and or monster have a BIB variation. Meaning for every single undertale AU, there is a Bible equivalent canonical to the BIBverse.
Sooo yeah.
One day I'll draw out all the bad Sanses as BIBs, but for now, here's who I have:
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Another thing is their BIB version have design elements incorporated into them, rather than a direct copy of their monster/human counterparts!
Also. They tend to have a superiority complex, and consider it VERY offensive to be called just 'A bunny' Or bunny, rabbit, hare, or any other breed that isn't BIB or Biblically inaccurate bunny! ^^
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mpixx · 3 days
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fixed it
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your-queer-dad · 27 days
Hi dad!
I'm starting to draw comics (it's a completely new art style for me) and I uploaded the first chapter on webtoon and I'm so excited!
It's called Into the Bunnyverse if you want to read it
PS here's Bunny - he's a mini lop
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Hey kiddo!!! That sounds awesome, and that artwork is amazing!!! I'll have to check it out!! I'm so proud of you for sharing your art!
- dad x
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Vox be careful even if this Alastor is not from the "bunnyverse" (Is it okay if I call it that?), messing with another universes Alastor could still be dangerous!
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Vox: Well I’m just having some fun. After all it’s not every day you meet an Alastor from an Alternate Universe, now is it?
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merryfortune · 5 months
natural wonder
Prompt: Man Made Technology | Natural Wonder
Title: natural wonder
Ship: Respectfulshipping | Ryoken/Spectre
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains 
Word Count: 1,457
Rating: T
Tags: Alternate Universe - Bunnyverse, Pre-Canon, Bittersweet, Affection, Flirting
   As Ryoken removed the head apparatus, his hair bounced with the movement as straps came undone. He sighed contentedly and smacked his lips together.
   Not all missions were going to be that mundane and easy so he enjoyed the novelty whilst it lasted.
   Ryoken turned his head to check on his companion from across the room. Spectre wasn't quite as happy-go-lucky returning from the Link VRAINS as Ryoken was as there was a crease of discontentment diagonal through his brow. He undid the goggles which were nowhere near as high tech as the machine - with all its gizmo's and gadgets and high end luxury - that Ryoken lounged in. It simply was not made for folk like Spectre in mind.
   “So,” Ryoken said, perhaps louder than he needed to be to get Spectre’s attention, “what do you think of the Link VRAINS?”
   “I can understand the hype.” Spectre said, deliberately in an understatement.
   After all, Ryoken had seen with his own two eyes the pure, elevated Wonder that Spectre had enjoyed mere moments ago. The vast expanse of territory and variety of domains, the way his monsters came to life as they were played, the hacked hidey-hole which would become the Knights of Hanoi's base, and yes, of course, the avatar creation menu. Speaking of…
   “I couldn't help but notice that your avatar… it is quite impractical. Wish fulfilment, yes, but aren't you worried that it lacks the ability to conceal your identity?” Ryoken said.
   ��Only time will tell, I might actually look like that in several years’ time.” Spectre said.
   Ryoken laughed a barky laugh, “Several?” he echoed, sceptical.
   “Yes, several. I added five years.” Spectre defended himself with a frown.
   “Looks like at least ten to me.” Ryoken teased him.
   “Well, it gets the point across.” Spectre huffed.
   Ryoken smiled and eased up on ribbing his second-in-command. Though, it still felt weird to regard Spectre as such. It had been mere months ago when they had been just friends. But a major reshuffle of organisation and secrets had led to this. It left a bittersweet taste in Ryoken’s mouth but he hoped all would go well when he cornered the Ignis and obliterated them. Then, afterwards, everything would be normal. But for now. He worried about things like secret identities and if he could wield the power that he had inherited.
   Ryoken dislodged himself from the comfortable recline of where he had laid to enter the Link VRAINS. Spectre did the same. He set aside the pair of goggles and got up to stretch, though he had been sitting down normally on the sofa, it was a lot like sleeping upright and so, dulled his senses.
   It was here that more than an age difference of wish fulfilment became apparent between Spectre’s flesh and blood self and his digital self. He always looked so incidentally cute when he stretched, his shirt reached up and his fingers curled in and his long, rabbit ears bobbed up and down. With enough thought, Spectre could move them the same as any other appendage but not right now.
   Aside from looking like a bizarro mirror of five (or ten) years later, his Link VRAINS avatar removed Spectre’s bunny traits. It was weird to see a portrait of him as a stereotypical human, Ryoken thought but he could see why Spectre had elected to remove such highly identifiable traits from his avatar.
   Truly it was a shame. Albeit an understandable one. Rabbits were not known for their ability to intimidate, after all. But it was still a shame to Ryoken who thought Spectre’s rare genetics made him even more unique. Though they were an unwanted spectacle. 
   The Rabbit Condition was exceedingly rare: a natural wonder which was an unerring peculiarity it was bizarre to exist at all let alone. 
   It was a genetic trait found in all humans’ DNA but the chance of it occurring to affect was a less than one percent chance. Redheads and people with green eyes far outnumbered those with the Rabbit condition. They didn't have any associated health conditions and was just a benign variation of how people could look but tradition and superstition would disagree. Those with the Rabbit Condition were predisposed to bad luck and misfortune, or so stories went.
  Thus, Spectre was blisteringly certain that his cotton ball tail and grey rabbit ears were contributing factors as to why he was abandoned. He couldn’t think of any other reason as he was male and otherwise healthy. 
   They were also definitely among the reasons why he had been bullied at the orphanage, too. Kids didn't take kindly to outliers and especially ones with extra needs as Spectre’s clothes did have to be tailored special to him. He was pampered in that regard yet it was a dual punishment as it made him hyper aware that he was a tall poppy, rarely dealt hand-me-downs and taken on expeditions to have his tail accounted for in pants and underwear. Not to mention the “vet” visits as he called them.
   Even now, in the lap of luxury, Spectre was still not in a world which catered to him. Ryoken got the latest and greatest of technology and Spectre had to make do with extra tight goggles so he could sit on the lounge with a gap between the cushions and backing. It was uncomfortable to cramp his tail, after all. It was such a small yet painful thing.
   He never complained, of course. He had a chip on his shoulder about being weak. A trait exacerbated by his bunny rabbit traits but despite Spectre’s best efforts to cover his tracks, Ryoken found Spectre pitiable all the same for being so unexpectedly and excessively cute. It was a cause of ire and concern and yet…
   Ryoken couldn’t help himself.
   “What are you doing, sir?” Spectre asked through gritted teeth, annoyed but keeping himself tempered.
   “Petting you.” Ryoken replied and with a wink in his voice, he chuckled a small chuckle. “It's weird to hear you call me “sir”. No more Ryo-chan and Spe-chan, no…” His melancholy was lowkey and covered by a mask of mirth.
  “No more Ryo-chan and Spe-chan…” Spectre agreed in lamentation.
   Ryoken half-smiled as he looked up and admired Spectre’s rabbit ears. The patch of skin to the side of his head, so inconspicuous of what he lacked and the absurdity of what he did have. It was velvet soft and warm beneath Ryoken’s fingertips. 
   Spectre’s lips were a mangled smile. He didn’t want to but he enjoyed Ryoken’s touch despite being abrasive. He suppressed a chitter as Ryoken’s hand groped him so kindly.
   Meanwhile, in his mind, Ryoken couldn’t help but compare the flesh and blood to the human made of pixels. They were the same person, the same Spectre but the difference was immense.
   “Despite my previous comments,” Ryoken said, “I do like your avatar. It's handsome in its own ways…”
   Spectre laughed, insulted. “Well, I think your avatar is handsome, too, in his own, terrifying and striking way.” 
   “Good.” Ryoken said and he removed his hand.
   Spectre hated having his rabbit ears touched and fondled. By doctors and nurses especially. Anyone and everyone except Ryoken. He maintained a faux glare and Ryoken could see through the friction to realise that Spectre inhaled slightly: an unspoken wish for Ryoken not to stop.
   “It is a good idea though,” Ryoken said, “to at least conceal what is probably the most eye-catching element of your real life appearance.”
   “Yes, I think so, too.” Spectre agreed and maybe it was because he pined to be touched with love and affection just that little bit more, his eyes naturally fell to Ryoken’s hands. 
   Specifically to that odd triangle on the skin between the base of his thumb the knuckle of his index finger. It was too small to be the most eye-catching thing and yet… Spectre was reminded of a small detail.
   His avatar - Revolver - wore gloves. Spectre’s ear twitched as he made that connection which very well may not have been there at all. His face began to mire in these deep thoughts. Ryoken sighed, causing them to prick and bounce involuntarily. 
   “Let’s dismiss ourselves, yeah?” Ryoken suggested, upbeat. “It's almost dinner time.”
   Spectre bowed his head, he liked the sound of that. Ryoken smiled, even though it was he who had prevented them from leaving this room at all as he had gotten caught up in dissecting the flight of fancy which was the hidden desires buried in the selections they had made for their avatars. But at least, over the dinner table, to their former carers and current lieutenants, they could share that their first expedition to the Link VRAINS had been a success.
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dovesndecay · 2 years
Sometimes, I have to re-remember that Dracula is in the public domain and I am allowed to do with him as I like.
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