#The coven head discord is wild
hollowgirl136 · 2 years
FnF Coven Head’s Addition
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So @stormvanari​ and @devilsrecreation​ and I were talking about what a FnF mod for the coven heads might look like and we came up with two interpretations. 
Either a gauntlet type scenario, called “Day of Funkin’ “ where the player has to fight each coven head in order of their appearance during the DoU and then having to fight a “secret” boss being Belos and The Collector to save the day. Their is a little cut scene animation where the draining spell kicks in and in the background of the Belo’s fight you see all the coven heads passed out on the ground. 
 Alternatively, have each “team” try to apprehend Boyfriend and Girlfriend who ended up in the Boiling Isles and are causing problems so Belos sends the coven heads to apprehend them.  Each of them are separated into groups with Team RED being the first one you face off, followed by Team HAV, then by Team MOT. 
- Starting track
- Doesn’t use a mic but uses their violin instead. Their track is essential violin music. 
- Goes easy on the player since they don’t want to “hurt” them. 
- Middle track
- Ridding on a rat worm during their part. 
- Their up arrow pose is basically the Stitch manically laughter pose when they exit the crater. 
- Keeps their mic in their hair. 
- Ending track
- Doesn’t take Boyfriend seriously till they insult their outfit. 
-  “Beep Bop Bap” “Excuse me?!”  *summons abomination goo* 
- They summon their mic from abomination goo and the head of the mic is a literal an abomination head. 
- Up animation has them turning their arm into a scythe. 
- Starting track
- Does not want to be here and their idle animation has them looking at their nails in disinterest. 
- Disgusted that Boyfriend thinks their better then him. 
- Carries their mic with their tail. The bottom of the mic is a mirror like their amplifier earring. 
- Their left arrow animation has them dismissing Boyfriend by doing the *limp wrist* pose while looking to the right. 
- Ending cutscene has them disheveled like how they looked in King’s Tide. 
- Middle track
-  Also does not want to be rapping a blue haired 6 year old at 12 am but they’re forced to be there so. *starts spitting sick beats* 
- Downs a potion so that their toxic breath doesn’t poison everyone before the start of their battle. 
- Their mic has a potion bottle attached to it. It’s colors change with the different arrows. 
- Still has the breath fumes but they come out in different colors like the Garcello Mod. 
- Also coughs periodically. 
- Down animation has them pulling their mask down to expose their teeth. 
- Ending cutscene has them out of breath and looks like their about to pass out. 
- Ending track
- Their cutscene has them towering over Boyfriend with a predatory smile cause they got her attention with their skills. 
- “Well, well, well kid, looks like you have some fire. But let’s see how you do against me. :)” 
- Idle animation has them with their hand on their hip and twirling their mic in the other hand. 
- Their mic is a knife. 
- Starting track
- Their mic is a hammer. 
- Basically like Ruv track sound wise with the booming effect. 
- Middle track
- Summons a ghost to rap with them. The ghost’s mic is transparent and copies their movements. 
- Their music has an echo to it due to said ghost. 
- Ending track
- Their mic is inside a rose they summon. 
- Raps while standing inside her plant, like one she’s seen riding in the show. 
- Has a predatory look on their face while rapping. 
- Opening cut scene has them surround Boyfriend and Girlfriend in thorns to keep them from escaping now that they caught her interest. 
- “Well sprout, while that was an amusing show I’m afraid I need to put an end to your trouble making. I do hope you put up a good fight.” 
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stormvanari · 1 year
i bring thee a bunch of random TC facts i made:
-Beetle Milk is a variant of Spider Milk. It tastes like almond milk.
-Sonore can only sleep when there’s too much noise, such as a thunderstorm
-The reason why Darian and Loopy have similar bow ties is because the former councilor’s is a gift from Loopy. Darian’s was given after rescuing the to-be Abomination Councilor on the run from the Emperor’s Coven, who were trying to brand her.
-Adding to above, Loopy was one of the many missing (wild) witches until reappearing in post-WAD (before the Epilogue)
-With the exception of Cherry and Ilya, none of the Titan’s Councilor joined a coven
-Ilya was one of the researchers during the early stages of the sigil-removing process.
-Jerbo is still working under the Titan’s Council, even after RED stepped down from their seats
-Dracord is a BI version of Discord. The Titan’s Councilors have a private and personal server where things get a bit too silly (all 9 are there only)
-Darian’s ability is fueled by memory. He can only summon weapons he knows, including how they work. Otherwise, his tail and basilisk form are his only weapons. Darian has an assload of images of rifles in his mind
-Salty is a member, specifically a first mate, of Sonore’s “Demon Realm Expedition.” You can say they’re on the same boat (literally), and it’s evident that the two demons became friends after their first few missions beyond the Boiling Sea together
-Loopy can literally make finger puppets. As a master Abomination witch, crude appearances of witches she knows are shaped on each of her fingers, and the hair that has this can combine into two “hand (or hair, in Loopy’s case) puppets” for each pigtail
-Ilya and Cherry go way back in Talarus Institute, the former as an ex-principal and latter as one of the Healing Councilor’s students. Becoming members of the BI’s new government felt like a school reunion, but a bit awkward because Cherry’s temper...well, worsened the last time Ilya saw them before the tryouts and the school fire.
-While Ilya demonstrates apathy in the present, deep inside is a small group of emotions he tucked away after the burning of TI’s original incarnation. Those emotions began to leak out once he works with Cherry in the council, sometimes showing bits of his therapist-like side
-Yurei used to work in a similar job like that one ghost(?) demon that Eda hired to spy on Raine
-There was skepticism regarding Darian becoming an Illusion Councilor, but the basilisks’ votes helped him: *upon recognizing that pretentious voice on the crystal ball* “HE’S ALIVE????”
-Jasmine is quick at catching things flying at a speed of a bullet
-Cherry calls the fruits they’re allergic to as “shitrus”
-Ripley used to write fanfiction a lot as a track student, and she still does as an adult!
-Ripley’s a lesbian
-Yurei’s agender (applies to its corporeal form in the Ghastly Ages)
-Loopy’s aunt, who currently works as the manager of the Bonesborough Carnival, was the previous Abomination Coven Head before Darius. Thus, Loopy worked as a ringmaster and this former role made her a primary candidate for the Titan’s Council
-Yurei is described as the leader of the council, due to its no-nonsense nature
-Combining the fury of Darian and Sonore is the most terrifying combo the BI will ever see: it’s gonna be the storm of a lifetime
-A single swing of whatever Berylis wields (ex: brewball stick) can explode a griffin
-Jasmine has yet to snap
-Of all the councilors, Gus barely interacts with Loopy (hint: coulrophobia)
-Aside jazz, Sonore’s also a metal (music) fan
-Ripley originally worked as a part-time librarian
-Darian currently lives in a town near the University of Wild Magic (in order to reconnect with his old basilisk buddies)
-Jasmine has amazing survival skills. However, she slowly “withers” when exposed to snow for a long time
-Darian doesn’t know who this “Meep-0” humans have been referring him as, since they claim the stranger has a striking voice as the “floating British roomba”
-Since the rebuilding of the BI, Cherry has been going to therapy for a while. Being part of the council made them mellow out slowly.
-Ilya hates going up on slopes by foot
-Berylis technically acts like the Announcer from the SSB series (4 and U)
-If the Coven Heads represent the BLU team, then the Titan’s Council are the RED team:
Offense: Berylis (Scout), Sonore (Soldier), Loopy (Pyro)
Defense: Cherry (Demoman), Ripley (Heavy), Darian (Engineer)
Support: Ilya (Medic), Jasmine (Sniper), Yurei (Spy)
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sorcererinthestars · 2 years
OK, I've had this idea bounce around in my head.
Achievement hunter where everyone are witches, and their familiars? Are what their hybrid au counterparts are.
ooooh i love this??? Everyone being witches is first off, great, because they're the most goddamn wild/insufferable coven. Everyone thinks covens should get along great and for the most part they do, but at first look they are an un-unified, bickering disaster. and we love them for it. had lots of help from the beloved @shadeofazmeinya on discord while doing this lol
but like - its been a while since the hybrid au so we're due for some modifications i think. bare (bear teehee) with me.
Michael - cat, of course. no words need to be said. Jack - lion, which always tries to be friends with Michael's housecat and the size difference is fuckin hysterical Matt - I know you said koala but listen. *listen*. Raccoon. Tiny hands trash panda. Gavin - we've always just sorta said bird, but i'm thinking a falcon. A bird who is small and cunning and built to kill, if it wants. I love the idea of Gavin having a small sharp-eyed bird on his shoulder. Jeremy - wolf. I have stolen this from supernatural au but I just love the idea of wolf Jeremy and in this, a full witch doing wild magic with a wolf baring its teeth next to him? *chef's kiss* perfection Geoff - ram is always the old one and i do still love it. stubborn and strong, this thing is ready to comfort with its wool but beat the everliving shit out of you if you do something wrong Trevor - another birb boy, this time a raven or a crow. some really keen-eyed, SMART bird. like treh, it can solve pretty complex puzzles and has a brain that will never stop - but can still be fuckin' dumb as a post Alfredo - fox! For fredo, I would think an artic fox. a white fluffy animal who looks cute but is also cunning, like treh's crow. always scheming together. Lindsay - listen if we are going to have witches, we are going to have phoenix lindsay because they are a chaotic goddess and they deserve the bird with the fire and power Ky - tiger. i love the image of all the big cats sleeping together. she's been given tiger based off of her minecraft skin which i love, but also panther too - another big cat for sure. Small Ky surrounded by a big cat of the night baring its teeth??? sooo good BK - a rabbit. another prey animal, yes, but quickwitted and fast, capable of burrowing and knowing exactly when to be sneaky. Joe - capuchin monkey. listen, hear me out. those little shits are adorable but also aggressive, they are smart and know what they want and how to get it. i just love the idea of Joe with a cool monkey on his arm.
this is a fun idea. i pitched some hybrid concepts for the new folks so feel free to send some different ideas if you'd like. but they wouldn't be able to live in the penthouse this au, they'd have to fuckin' own a zoo lollll
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rogue-hammer · 4 years
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“I watched the Forging of the Widow Makers, the 12 swords of Kaine, I watched as one was stolen and hidden far away.”
Eldar. The ancient Race, one time masters of the Galaxy and Seers without equal.
ELVES IN SPACE! SPACE….Space….space…
Believe it or not there is quite the history to this race outside of the typical hum drum of being the most powerful psykers, or, dumbasses who gave birth to Slaanesh. The history of the Eldar and their varied kin goes all the way back to Rogue Trader, and their lore has seen many an interesting tale told. The question is, do you have what it takes to make something out of it all?
Will you follow the Path of Asuryani?
Become a Exodite?
Mayhap an Outcast?
Or have you followed the path of Damnation?
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#1 Study the history and model scope of the Eldar
As much as I love poking fun at any Knife ear, and their fans, I admit to a love of how otherworldly GW have made the Eldar over the years.
Going all the way back to the RT era, when the eldar where mostly but Corsairs and Enigmatic Xenos who seemed to materialize from the ether and sow discord for some unknowable reason, to the Golden Era of GW where these space elves where given a giant and truly inspiring background of triumph, a fall, loss, and desperate measures taken to keep their now dying race alive in the face of a hostile Galaxy.
For this reason I suggest to anyone interested in Eldar as a faction, to go back in time and visit some old books and codexes, as well as the classical ranges of minis.
Eldar once looked the part of eerie and almost frightening Alien creatures from a time before man crawled forth from his birthworld.
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#2 Throw out the meta
First things first. Many of us probably grew up knowing the Eldar in their Post 2nd ed form. From 3rd ed’s chopped down Codex, to the easily abused expansion, and finally culminating in the 4th/5th ed incarnation of what has basically been the Eldar mold in modern times.
Hordes of Aspect warriors, spam grav tanks, spam Wraith-units, Spam Psykers and yes now a days, Spam Wraith Knights.
Or if you lean to the dark side, ummm Spam Raiders. Yeah just, Spam Raiders.
To put it blunt, Eldar meta is probably the most boring of all git-tastic play styles in the game of 40k, challenged perhaps only by Tau.
Throw it out. Read the lore. Apply it.
Eldar don’t have Hordes of ravening Aspect warriors to send in waves at their opponents.
Raiders are cool, if you can afford to have them and risk losing them in a raid. And your not likely to toss your most veteran Kalabite warriors into an attritional grind against Mon’kei gaurdsmen.
Wraith constructs are a nigh unthinkable resource to ever waste, and oh yeah did we mention not every fucking Eldar Force takes an Avatar of Khaine as it requires a heavy cost in order to even summon one of those things?
The Aldaeri have an interesting and sophisticated way of waging war, and they have highly advanced tech and powers in order to over come their foes, even if your actually trying to put some theme into it.
Lets discuss some interesting ways to look at your Eldar, seperating them into the 2 official factions, as well as ways to whip up an Exodite army or Corsair force.
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#3 Craftworld Eldar.
Craftworld eldar are the main stay of the Aldaeri race, and the one lots of people tend to flock to when it comes time to game. And why not? Aspect warriors? Wraith Constructs? Tons of psykers and Autarchs? Whats not to like?
So how does one go about making a CW Eldar army worthy of a true hobbiest?
First things first, find a theme that digs deep into the lore. Are you;
-A Craftworld Defense force, using the might of your titanic space fairing world’s militia forces to fight off attackers. Squads of Guardians/Storm Guardians, backed by mobile weapons platforms and War Walkers. Your troops sailing into combat aboard Wave serpents and Viper Attack craft, all under the covering fire of punishing Heavy weapons platforms? Remember that all Eldar serve in the defense of their CW, and guardian and basic military based tech in an Eldar army is still some of the best around ( The best in certain editions).
-A Specialized Craftworld force, highly trained in a certain area of combat? Crack open the old 3rd ed Codex Craftworlds sup. And find some excellent ways to theme an army based off the major worlds, or perhaps mix and match certain styles in order to create your own world, with a unique color scheme, heraldry and history streching back to the fall, or even farther. House rule in the various advantages and limits of the old CW sup. And enjoy playing with the different styles of balance. (Just do your friends a solid, don’t abuse it.)
-A Doomed host heading into the Eye of Terror? Many CW Eldar have made the perilous if not downright suicidal journey into the Eye. Within that hellish realm, the Crone Worlds lay, the ancient now consumed home worlds of the eldar. Within them are many secrets, Spirit stones and other relics the Eldar greatly desire to have returned to them. Is your army such a quest? A brave Warrior Autarch, or Visionary Farseer having gathered those warriors of the Aspect temples to fight through the horrors of Chaos and retrieve something of unimaginable value?
-The Fist of Asuryani mayhap? The biggest and most powerful weapons the Eldar can bring to bear, hammering their opponents into submission by sheer might of their advanced fire power? Fire Dragons and Dark Reapers scorching the earth and slagging enemy armor, while Prism tanks and War Walkers streak and sprint ahead unleashing salvos of lance and Shuriken firepower into the enemy ranks. Batteries of Heavy Platforms annihilating units from a distance all the while the ground infantry providing cover support to your valuable aspect squads.
-Perhaps the Quick Death is all you need. After all what is more fast and fleet than the Eldar? Eldar on fast moving grav vehicles of course! Jetbikes and Vipers, Falcon tanks combined with the Shining Spear Cavalry and swift Swooping Hawk and Shadow Specter Aspect warriors to run circles about your slower more primitive opponents, cutting and blasting them to pieces before they have a chance to react.
-Maybe you watched Predator one too many times and have a thing for Stalking and killing your enemy from the Shadows or from unexpected angles. The hidden strike is a component suited to the crafty Eldar race, able to hit opponents with Striking Scorpions and teleporting Warp Spiders. Speedy hard to hit Harlequins and deep striking Autarchs and Hawks can be used to to tie down valuable enemy units while Rangers pick off targets of value from the safety of range and cover.
However you manage it, always remember that the eldar war machine is a finely crafted tool, with all units having a value within the force, not just the big OP units that so many others enjoy spamming.
Choosing a backdrop for your army is an easy way to find what units to select for thematic purposes, from Militia, to Seer guardians, Maiden World security forces to simple insertion armies meant to retrieve something stolen by lesser races or eliminate a target of future threat seen by the visions of the seer councils or Lost Wraith Engines on a distant barren world, awakened by a roaming warlock and his followers. Any unit in your army can become a core idea for your force’s history and reason for fighting. Thats the beauty of an army whose whole design is one of unique characteristics and fighting styles.
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The Dark Kin, The Damned Path, The Drukari.
Dark Eldar are certainly a far cry from their CW kin, yet they have lost none of the potency and ancient power of their race, and indeed are far more arrogant and vicious.
However, different as though they may be, finding a unique concept in the Dark Eldar may come with a bit of a challenge.
In the earliest days of 40k, the Eldar where a unified faction, and in so much where a bit of a melting pot of all of what we see today across their various sub armies. The Dark Eldar seem to have been born out of GW’s need to mirror the High/Dark Elf style of WHF, and so sliced away the more destructive and often times treacherous and debased acts of the RT-2nd ed Eldar and formed a faction that, while having its own unique character is a bit on the smaller and often mashed together side. But there is unpicked fruit in the thorn covered garden of ideas for Dark Eldar. Lets have a look at ways you can theme and structure your own Kabal, Coven or Cult, or an unholy alliance of the three.
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-A new Kabal rises: An excellent theme often over looked by most players is the concept of a new and young Kabal, lead by an aspiring Archon, only just starting to take his/her place in the dark city. This lends an interesting way to re-model an army and veer away from the typical spam of Elite warrior units and raider craft and focus more on the unique character of each unit. Basic Warriors making up the core of your force, backed up by the toughened meat shields of Wracks, sent into battle by a Haemonculus that has attached himself to this rising star. Meanwhile your Archon sits secure in his own personal Raider the only one at first in the army, directing the flow of battle as he sends in payed off Street gangs of Hellion riders and Scourges to do the work he himself would not dare put himself at risk for, waiting until the enemy is bruised and bloody before descending down from his craft to feast on the pain, guarded by alien mercenaries kept for ease of their greed and less ambitious minds.
-Mayhap you enjoy the idea of just going full gang? An entire force of wild eyed crazed Reavers, Hellions and Scourges mounting up on wings and craft, screeching across real space in thuggish raids to secure flesh and power to rise about the lower scum of the city streets. The various elements banding together for mutual greater gain before fighting over their spoils giving rise to powerful Leaders that take the street alliance higher and higher into the spires of the Dark City.
-If lowly gangs and young archons don’t suit, then perhaps Highborn power and elite warrior code is more the poison of choice. Few can match the ferocity and skill with a blade that the dark kin possess. An army that worships the blade, made of Incubi, Veteran Wyches, Succubus’ and maybe even a powerful Archon, much a Swordsmen in their own right as any proud member of the Incubi Temple. Holding to a code of seeking out the greatest challenge to sharpen their blades against, engaging enemies head on with raider and Venom craft to quickly close and slaughter their way to infamy and higher praise in the ranks, shunning the pathetic court intrigue and power plays of the  other Kabals and cults, seeking only gain and perfection through bloody handed combat and death. A good alternative to the often typical Wych cult raid.
-Or the More Esoteric route? Haemonculus covens are all well and good, but do even these twisted flesh shapers come close to delving into the darkness that lies within the heart of the dark city? From the depths may rise an even more infernal and mysterious force for you to command. Born of the Beast masters who bend the creatures of the warp to their will, and the dreaded Mandrakes, sinister daemonic dark eldar who creep from the shadows and snatch their victims away. Truly an army lead by a Coven leader, so immersed in the dark arts of arcane science and flesh would be a terrible enemy to all sane life. Unleashing webway portals in the hearts of peaceful worlds, or worse, the middle of crowded hive cities for the vile things of the dark kin to reap bloody carnage on, dragging victims back to the benighted realm for sacrifice and experimentation too horrible to consider.  
-Take to the air perhaps and rule the skies above worlds who fear the dread shadow of your lightening speed craft as it passes over. An army made of Raider, Ravager and Fighter/bomber craft, even it’s troops never setting foot on the ground except to reek carnage in it’s aftermath, once all has been pulverized by shockwaves of horrifying munitions and bombing runs, the enemy position reduced to smoking craters of gore and blinded wreck. Their ears ringing with the echoing screech of your craft’s engines as they sore across the grim skies.
-Or maybe the final and most deadly of all weapons. Fear. Does your army not even dine to soil its hands in the proud defenses of your enemies? Do they instead send forth the most hideous and perverse works of the dark kin to shatter the mind, and break the soul before the body is even touched? Floating Talos and Chronos pain engines, their sanity blasting bodies shrouded by the dark wings of Shrikes and raider craft filled with wracks and beastial creatures ready to be unleashed once the damage is done. Medusae and other strange contraptions born of the Dark Eldar’s crazed intellect striding alongside Archons wielding the most horrifying weapons to inflict the worst possible trauma on a foe.
To quote the 3rd ed. Dark Eldar Book. The Dark Eldar are not nice. Not nice at all.
When considering the theme and characteristic of your army, not unlike your CW Eldar, ask yourself, what is the history of each unit on the table? Then consider what perversity and malign goals have brought them forth. Then, multiply that by something ten times worse. Are even a thousand Imperial souls merely an appetizer for your Archon who has fallen to such depths of need he must draw out even the most simple act of pain infliction to its most perfected measure?
Does your haemonculous make it a private goal to break and torture Astartes? His ambition to see the very limits the super enhanced minds and psychologies that a Space marine have can endure? Do they prefer the sweet meat of psykers, or the flesh of their more noble kin? Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is bellow a Dark Eldar and their arrogant quest for self sustaining torture and arrogant aggrandizement.
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To be continued in PART 2 (Exodites and Corsairs)
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covenofeternalnight · 5 years
The Coven of Eternal Night is Recruiting!
We are opening our doors to the RP Horde community of WrA for recruitment. Join and take part in our plots, server events, as well as a wonderful group of friends to attend them with.
The Coven is a brand new, heavy RP guild with a true neutral alignment. We are a anti-war themed organization focusing on the action/adventure side of DM story lines from three different experienced DM’s. We do story line events, lore/history/science events, and other social events; such as drinking games, brawl nights, and community events. Not only that, we also enjoy PvE (raids and mythics) to help our members gear, and experience end-game content. Several of our members also take great interest in PvP and are looking to do rated BG’s and arenas! And yes! We have a discord!
The Decroix and the Coven family has carried on a rich, occult, dark theme for over ten thousand years. We try out hardest to cater to every type of schedule, and form events that will match anyone who seeks to join. The Coven strives to adhere to global/server standard of a drama-free environment. We set for creative, literate, and maturity standard for our members. While restrictive, if you can type with decent enough grammar, and act like a logical adult you will fit in perfectly.
From feasts and oaths every two weeks, where our members sign their blood oath to the Book of Shadows, to friendly brawl nights, to engaging campaigns, to beach nights, we try to cover all grounds to allow everyone to enjoy something. We also allow our members the opportunity to build their own events, and plot out their own story lines, for their fellow members to take part in. No one should ever feel left out!
Inquire if you wish to join, or fill out an application, which you can find a link to below!
Application ( Or tinyurl.com/applycoven )
Guild Combat System: ( or tinyurl.com/covenclassbonus ) It’s looks like a lot, but it’s easy! We promise!                                                    
Our Mission:  The Coven of Eternal Night is a unified coalition that operates under the Suamarian House Decoix’s protection and secrecy. It offers a sanctuary to those of unified mind. We protect the common good, ensure that our loved ones families can live in peace. We strive to provide hope to those who have lost it, to be courageous for those who don’t have the courage to move on, to seek justice for those that have been wronged, to show compassion to those who suffer, to be determined to help aid our brothers and sisters among Azeroth and to live in harmony with one another.Our Nightguard serve to protect and seek out justice through the art of battle while our Partisan’s take a more harmonious and diplomatic approach while overseeing peaceful alternatives, and our Savants head out into the unknown wilds of Azeroth to reclaim ancient and powerful magical artifacts, storing them away for protection and research within the secured Decroix vaults.
You and your character will fit in within The Coven if…
Your are 18 years or older.
You are seeking to be active, friendly, and engaging to all members. (IC and OOC)
Your character is attentive ICly, and willing to be loyal to a cause.
You OOCly are a logical RPer, and do not mind roll-based fighting event.
You OOCly are mature enough to have a conversation without being offended, and having people walk on eggshells around you. Generally pleasant to be around, and do not cause drama on a regular basis.
You OOCly do not demand attention to be placed on your character as a hero for every situation, and do not attempt to take the spotlight from other RPers. Our unique combat system gives everyone the spot light.
The Coven’s Ranks
Every recruit requires an In-Character interview in order to gain an In-Character rank.
The Nightmother (GM):Lady  Marguerite “Margot” Decroix.
The Lady’s Hand (Co-GM): Magistrate Sandoridon, The Coven’s Liaison.
High Council: Division Leaders, and primary commanders of operations within the house. Direct delegates of the Lady, using the combined strength of the divisions to assure they are all utilized to their full potential.
The Nightguard: The adventurers of the group. Those who do not fear the call of battle and the taste of blood. Bodyguards, Red/Black Contract takers, and The Coven’s militia.
The Savant: The knowledge seekers. Protectors of ancient magics. Those who brave the unknown in order to procurer and save powerful artifacts of the old.
The Partisan: The humanitarians. Those who seek to provide and protect the less fortunate. Strong supporters of The Coven’s emotional cause of  providing a better world for the inhabitants of Azeroth. Also those under The Coven’s protection.
The Neophytes: Newcomers to The Coven. Those who have not yet proved their loyalty, taken the oath to the cause, or found their desired placing within the ranks.
                     Thank you for reading. We hope to hear from you.
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alexandertash-blog · 5 years
(HALE APPLEMAN. CISMALE. HE/HIM. THIRTY-ONE.) Hey, is that ALEXANDER TASH? I heard they’ve been in Salem for TWO YEARS and they’re working as a RADIO JOURNALIST. Last I spoke to ‘em they were pretty +INSIGHTFUL & PERSISTENT, but I hear they can be -PARANOID & SELF-CENTERED too. (tara, 28, she/her, est.) 
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Hey, hi, hello! I’m Tara, and I’m so excited to be a part of this group. I don’t use fancy tags or too much formatting because I’m lazy -- but, like, what my posts lack in aesthetic charm I like to think that they make up for in at least passably decent substance? Here’s hoping! 
Anyway, here’s my intro post for Alexander; some basic information can be found below the cut. 
a pre-emptive TLDR; Alexander is an outwardly friendly man who likes talking to people (and, by extension, learning information and rumors), and he hosts a radio show every night under the pseudonym Asher Wilde to provide news and entertainment for the town. However, he’s a hard nut to crack in terms of actually getting to know him because he keeps his personal life to himself, and he finds it difficult to trust others’ good intentions. He practices witchcraft independently of any coven, for a mixture of purposes.
A lengthier explanation is below, if you want to read more details! I mostly wrote it out for my own benefit, lmao.
Alexander Tash was originally from a small town in Illinois. He was the youngest of six siblings and pretty much learned to keep his head down, especially because his parents were extremely conservative and he didn’t exactly fit their idea of an ideal midwestern son. He was too talkative and curious, and he was never the picture of heterosexual masculinity, which made him an easy target for ridicule, especially from his older brothers. The sibling nearest to him in age was close to him, but other than that, Alexander doesn’t keep in contact with his family. 
He ditched town as soon as he earned a scholarship to study at a public university in Chicago. He majored in art history, but it was working a part time job at the school’s radio station that he really wound up enjoying, because he realized the power that an on-air microphone could provide. He didn’t bother changing majors at that point, but his voice became a nightly staple of the station, as well as at university events.  
His popularity at university blossomed because of this, and Alexander ended up being pulled into a large circle of friends. He was swept up in this at first - but eventually learned that they were using him (and his radio platform) to promote their own self-interests. He finally realized that didn’t really matter - he got the best scoops of info from them that he could then turn around and investigate further to broadcast the next day. 
After graduating, he worked a series of part-time jobs in downtown Chicago - a bartender, a personal shopper, a florist’s assistant - to pay the rent for his studio apartment while also doing part-time research for the art institute. It was absolutely miserable. 
Alexander moved to Salem by a stroke of luck when their radio station sent an online call out for audition tapes from would-be broadcasters. When they offered him the job, he came to Massachusetts specifically for the chance to be on air again. 
He lives in an old house that’s been converted into separate apartments, and he doesn’t have a car, so he either walks, bikes, or takes public transportation. You’ll usually find him out and about in town, except for in the evenings, when he works. 
He runs radio channel Salem 104.3 fm. The network management that owns this particular station has four or five other channels in town as well that all work in the same office building, and Alexander talked them into letting him do pretty much whatever he wants on 104.3. 
He pre-sets a playlist of music for day and is only physically in the office from 5-10 p.m. He hosts a local news broadcast at 5 p.m. every day, followed by an informal talk show of sorts where he sometimes calls people to interview them, sometimes takes callers, and otherwise just finds interesting articles or bits of literature to read aloud during the breaks between songs.
He likes to find interesting news to report on, covering everything from local gossip to updates about town-wide news such as the murder. Whether or not the news is accurate is not really a concern of his, as long as it’s thought-provoking. He does try to provide all angles, though, and give as much information as possible, plus a healthy dose of speculation. (He wouldn’t consider himself a conspiracy theorist, but if the show fits...)
However: he didn’t want people in this town to try to manipulate him for their own interests, and he didn’t want people to censor themselves around him, either. So he disguises his voice on the radio (he speaks much more slowly and in a lower register) and broadcasts under a pseudonym (Asher Wilde), so unless someone listens very closely, they wouldn’t know that they’re the same person. Alexander doesn’t lie about his profession - if asked, he still says he works at the radio station, just in an administrative capacity instead of on air. 
Alexander is a witch who is not part of either coven in town, though he’s heard that both of them exist, even if he doesn’t know all of the specifics. His magic style aligns more with the Witches of Requiem, to put him on the spectrum. 
He started practicing tarot in high school (because why not?) and his interest was more of a casual hobby until he realized that it was always right, as long as he knew how to understand what the cards showed him. Then it became more of an obsession. 
He’s met a few other witches to trade tricks and techniques but has never been part of a specific coven. His skills have grown, and he usually casts simple spells so he could be overlooked in public to hear better news, or spells intended to more easily allow him to gain others’ trust. He’s played around with casting protection spells on his listeners through the radio waves, but he has no idea if that works or not. 
He has a vindictive streak against people who seem to wrong him; he’s successfully hexed four people before, non-lethally, and does not feel guilty about it in the slightest (two former hook-ups, an ex-boyfriend, and one customer, all of whom deserved it, in his opinion). But he’s not in the habit of using magic to harm others, otherwise. 
He still trusts his tarot deck entirely, more-so than any human he’s ever met, and he’ll do tarot readings for people who have earned it, in his estimation. 
Alexander doesn’t share much about his personal life. He much prefers listening to others, and will always try to spin questions back on the asker rather than reveal information about himself.
He’s made himself quite well-known in the time he’s been in Salem, and he has never lacked for company. He has acquaintances he drinks with, people he parties with, etc, but he wouldn’t consider himself to have any “friends.” 
That said, he’s also located at an odd intersection of isolation and vanity. He’s very self-centered, and he loves to be complimented, even if he doesn’t entirely trust sincerity. 
Upon first meeting, he tends to seem self-assured and friendly. He’s not afraid to jump right in to conversation,
When you get to know him a little better, you realize that he’s much less of an extrovert than he would appear to be. If it weren’t for having to find news to report on, he would be perfectly pleased to hole up in his room. But ever by himself, he overthinks everything and doesn’t know the meaning of the word “relax.” 
I can’t wait to start interacting with everyone else! I don’t use discord, but feel free to slide into my messages if you want plots, and we can work something out xoxo
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crashnbxrn · 5 years
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「 you think yourself above the wolves, above the makers and the destroyers of the world, above the gods. and yet, little lion, you have so far to go before you are above yourself.」
what’s up, what’s up ladies n gents n everybody in between! my name’s skye, mun here of the lovely not apollo choi (fc. jackson wang)! i’m very excited to be here, i’ve been eyeing this roleplay for about a month now I believe (??) and have been wanting to join tenfold, which I finally decided to go through with! below the cut you’ll find out some more of my boy here ― if you would like to plot, my discord user is sunnyburst#8001 or you can hit me up in tumblr PM’s! can’t wait to get to know you all, MWUAH 💗💗
( JACKSON WANG. MALE. ) Aleksander’s coven is intimately familiar with ( APOLLO CHOI, ) a dedicate Death Dealer for the coven. ( HE) is a ( 622 ) year old vampire known throughout the New World Coven for being ( CLEVER + STEADFAST. ) However, those who are familiar with them also know that they are very ( MANIPULATIVE + CRUEL. ) They’re known for being the ( LION. ) Though they are technically disbanded, they are still dedicated to their cause.
  ⤹ ―――――  ⤸
full name // apollo choi [ it should be noted that his birth name is kept closely guarded ] 
nickname(s) // leo, heatstroke
age // 25 622
gender // male
species // vampire
title // the lion
birthdate // august 6, 1397
birthplace // hanyang, korea (modern-day seoul)
occupation // ex-death dealer, ceo of a major movie studio
ethnicity // korean
orientation // bisexual, although he’s scared to admit it and keeps it under wraps
status // single
languages // korean, english, spanish, french, cantonese
fc // jackson wang
hair // dark brown
eyes // chocolate/hazel - gold
height // 6'3" ft
weight // 183 lb
body // muscular, slim
style // suave and modern, always clean-cut, fashionable but doesn’t experiment too much
defining features // besides his canines, speckled hazel heterochromia in his left eye
tattoos // n/a
scars // n/a
horoscope // leo
zodiac // ox
element // fire
moral alignment // neutral evil
type // ESTP - the entrepreneur
house // gryffindor
religion // none - atheist
fears // really only one; to have his secrets be outed without his wanting
chronic // n/a
positive // insightful, clever, reliable, articulate, charismatic, level-headed, hard-working, incisive, authoritative
neutral // determined, distinctive, passionate, romantic, complex
negative // blunt, manipulative, crafty, hot-headed, cruel, vengeful, presumptuous, twisted
⤹ ――――― ⤸
it’s long af whoops
[ TW: mentions of physical abuse, slight gore, death ]
apollo was born to a high-class noble family in hanyang, korea on what we know as august 6, 1397
growing up in the peak of the joseon dynasty and one of the country’s golden ages, there was not much the young boy needed, but rather everything that he wanted
his father was a high-ranking member of the city’s caste system, one of the generals that assisted in ushering in the new era
his childhood is spent alternating between school for preparation in aristocracy and basking in the social standards of the time ― while he isn’t old enough to begin more ‘dangerous’ tasks, the patriarch implements training in everything from horseback riding to whittling for apollo to enjoy
life isn’t good for him, it’s great ; he doesn’t have to worry about much, and when he does there’s people around him available to clear up any ‘misunderstandings’ in a heartbeat
still, as he grows older, a superiority complex begins to take hold of the young boy, coupled strangely with a boredom he had yet to experience before
the result? a horrible combination that begins to warp his personality in tidbits, before he fully ‘sinks in’ so to speak
by 12 his father has deemed him ready to embark on more trials outside of simple pleasantries. never mind the golden age of science and art ― apollo’s father was a militaristic man through and through, and he knew war would come one way or another
so the youth begins to learn of the knowledge of battle; how to wield a sword, proper fighting techniques, the instinct of survival ― such is beaten into him in more ways than one, excuses for failure reaching deaf ears and perfection being the only goal
this type of treatment does well to cause both vice and virtue for apollo; the once happy boy is twisted in a grasp of frost and cruelty, and yet he finds himself training ever harder and hardly taking heed to words outside of his father’s opinion
he’s 16, young and ablaze, a fire coursing through his veins despite his frigid approach. apollo’s beginning to make a name for himself, partaking in whatever challenges present themselves, discerning towards talks of a bright future when all he wanted was blood
his elders begin to take note of this and, under pleased recommendation from his father, ascend apollo to become apart of the high-ranking royal guard ordered to protect the king and his family
while he would rather be out on the battlefield (despite the age of scientific expansion, there was also trifles to be meddled in), apollo took the opportunity with steadfast determination and took his job as seriously as one could
he finds himself betrothed at age 18 on consideration by his father who is eager for a lineage, a fragile noble girl in all sense of the word being chosen as a ‘perfect fit’. apollo could hardly care, however  ― if he had his way, he would be married to his sword, yet he supposed a woman would do for the time being
still, time goes on with little interruptions; the beast marries the beauty, he’s promoted to personal guard of the youngest prince, and his often-times anger is allowed to be sated on whoever is unfortunate enough to end up in chains that day
yet, soon trouble begins to brew, although not with him ― tensions between korea and japan begin to rock the state, rumors of war falling over the distant hills being drunk up by the common rabble. apollo is eager for such to arrive, hoping to take part in what he sees as ‘festivities’, despite being obviously chained to protection over the 13 year old boy all considered ‘prince’
and yet this boy was the cause for much of his frustration ― opposed to when apollo was young, the prince was futile and weak, eager to take part in more pleasantries rather than learn of his future duties to the dynasty
such often enraged the elder, forced to bite his tongue in earnest of stepping out his ‘boundaries’ despite having much to say
trouble, however, spirals downwards quickly within his life ― with the prince turning 20 and him lingering atop 25, apollo would hope that the 5-year continuation from him first being assigned would only shape up the younger. however, it seems to be quite the opposite; the prince spends his time ‘play fighting’, as apollo calls it, and dragging his guard through the forest in daily hunts that hardly often accounted for anything due to his skill. on top of that, it is found that his young wife is infertile, and despite hardly caring for any child at all, she is cast out of the marriage and lowered within society’s eyes
yet one such hunting trip results in tragedy ― after the two embark on their routine that apollo had become all-too used to, they come across a herd of wild boars the prince is eager to slaughter. after attempting to quell his lineage to no avail, an argument ensues; the prince comments on how apollo is out of line, and he likewise comments that the royal is going to get himself killed ― unfortunately, it results on the attention of the boars being caught, and apollo hardly has time to get out of the way before he’s being battered and speared through with bone
the prince, in retaliation, runs away
spine broken, bleeding out on autumn leaves, apollo shifts back and forth through consciousness enough to make out an approaching figure before everything goes dark ― such a figure, unknown to him, would change his life (and death) forever
he awakes a day later in a home hidden by the shadows of the treetops, not far from hanyang. he believes he is dead, and yet the being waiting there for him discerns otherwise ― he is alive, just not in the traditional sense.
apollo spends a month with the mysterious figure, who he comes to know as his ‘sire’, and learns of his existence. of how he was destined to die, and came by much more powerful and much stronger. of how the figure had been stalking them for the perfect moment to strike, only to find another opportunity instead. the realization of him being ‘vampire’ surprisingly comes easy to apollo; he approaches his existence as a gift more than a curse, especially considering the abilities that come along with it.
when he returns home he is met with shock, remorse, celebration, and guilt, particularly from the young prince who had abandoned him. his story is simple― after being left to die by the royal, apollo managed to crawl to a nearby stream and patch his wounds with mud and leaves, obviously leaving out the ‘broken spine’ detail. his explanation as to how he had healed completely back to his healthy self? blessings from the gods, that of which was good enough to deem him fit for society
much to apollo’s pleasure, the prince was chastised and punished in a dutiful manner for his cowardice and betrayal. becoming used to his usual bloodlust that came from not feeding went easier than he expected as well ― the ‘lepers’ cast out provided well enough sustenance for apollo, and not a single soul bat an eyelash at their deaths. 
ageing, however, was a different issue ― he could not stay 25 within the city for long, and yet religion played enough of a part in hiding such a fact. years passed and apollo gave praises to the gods for his ‘youthful’ appearance even at 32, noble families falling over him in an effort to obtain being part of his lineage, and yet he hardly cared to give them a glance ― to apollo, there were better things on the horizon, and he wanted to experience it all
so, what was the best thing to do? fake his death, obviously. superstition ran high in his community, so he simply walked off into the woods one day and never returned ― they would fret, apollo knew, but overtime they would simply reason that he was ‘reclaimed’ by the deities. in truth? he returned to the home he had first woken up to, only to find it empty ― his sire was nowhere to be found.
did he break down into tears? cry out in the dark? hardly; for a newborn vampire, apollo had nerves and determination of steel, and simply ‘set up camp’ for the time being. if he couldn’t live in the city, he would live where he could be free
apollo’s world is about as interesting as it can get after that ― he alternates between staying in woods to returning to hanyang after he’s sure every other generation has died out. the same story of being a ‘newcomer’ is told regardless, and no one ever questions it because they hardly know him. this sort of ‘schedule’ he has allows him to be both separated yet still grow with the times. he admits that the future was not exactly what he expected, and yet all-too exciting for vampire. time passes in the blink of an eye for an immortal, watching as his home of hanyang shifts in the modern city of seoul ― such a sight triggers something within apollo, and he realizes he too must change with the world
new york city is not the first choice on his list; rather, the vampire changes his name and attempts to travel to london as a more ‘immediate’ deviation. however, he is not received well ― altercations involving vampire covens within the city eventually push him out, solace within the european countries not found for long. the united states is next; it’s a melting pot, and exactly what apollo is looking for, yet new york catches his eye above most. deviating from his original plan of los angeles, the vampire is pleased at the anonymity of the city and the opportunities presented with it greatly
a chance encounter with 3 lone vampires including himself results in meeting aleksander and eventually being inducted into his coven. at first, apollo is thrown off by the sudden influx of ‘sociability’ that is expected, yet he soon finds it endearing enough and something he admires, even. he is one of the first to join up as a death dealer when the role is announced ― although his seductive nature and sadism is not attributed to only one species, apollo is all-too eager to sate the never ending lust for war and blood he finds the opportunity of in hunting with his  newfound brothers and sisters. even after the death dealers ‘officially’ disbanded, he still heeds the call of aleksander whenever needed, more than pleased to assist in whatever is required of him.
⤹ ――――― ⤸
his birth name is not apollo choi, and has been kept a secret and on the backburner since he was turned ― he sees it as his ‘past’ self and a chain to his current identity
after arriving in nyc, he’s since found a love for film (or rather ‘entertainment’ as a whole) and began his own movie studio, that of which skyrocketed in popularity and is now among some of the top ones in the country. he keeps himself separated from the majority of his employees so that he can ‘hand down’ the company to himself ― those necessarily close to him are fellow vampires, who he knows he can trust with his immortality
sometime after he was turned he came to realization that he was bisexual rather than straight. while he is a rather romantic individual and wishes for a lot, he’s scared of dedicated love with the way he is, and keeps his sexuality under wraps for fear of someone possibly using it against him
his overall personality is very sadistic and twisted ― he finds joy in the pain he causes others, depending on who they are, and isn’t one known for mercy among the death dealers
apollo believes in ‘ability’ more than ‘possibility’. it is partially one of the reasons he no longer is religious; he finds the belief in the supernatural on earth and the immortality they possess to be far against any idea of ‘god’ or ‘gods’
he was nicknamed ‘leo’ by aleksander due to his fiery passion and his bravery in what he does. he’s attempted to get tattoos of lions on his body, but finds that they forcibly heal due to his abilities
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Top 10 Creepy/Scary Songs
I know it isn’t Halloween, but really, we can do this kind of thing any time of year, because I like discussing scary things. The following list is an eclectic mix of songs from varying genres that have creeped me out to varying degrees over the years. Enjoy!
'Acid Rain' Lorn (2015)
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The the music video clip features zombie cheerleaders dancing their final dance for their onlooker (presumably Death himself) around an abandoned diner before they pass on into the afterlife. You-Tubers and Reddit users alike believe that the video depicts “Native American traditions that believe when Death comes you have the chance to dance your last dance, and Death has no choice but to watch. The wooden Native American looking into the distance in the diner for the video is a tell tale sign of this artistic vision.” Symbolism aside, it is hauntingly mesmerising.
In addition, and aside from the music video, the lyrics "daylight in bad dreams" makes me think that the subject of the song has bad dreams about living their everyday life, and that he doesn’t want to wake up, because his day-to-day drudgery is one long nightmare. This unsettles me, because it reminds me of the quote by Hannah Arendt, who discussed the banality of evil, within the context of Nazi Germany. Horror doesn’t have to be fantastical when reality is horrific enough. Which brings me to my second song....
'This is America' Childish Gambino (2018)
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The music video for this song went viral at the beginning of 2018 for its shock value and controversial symbolic imagery. Several YouTube videos have been dedicated to deciphering the meaning behind both the video and the lyrics. The video and the lyrics are primarily dealing with the plights of African-Americans, and also seem to depict the careless handling of gun violence in America, in the wake of seemingly endless massacres and shootings. The laws don’t change, despite the damage that these events do. All of these issues create a horrific landscape for modern-day America, which can be far more terrifying than any supernatural phenomena.
'If I Had a Heart' Fever Ray (2009)
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Also the theme song for the TV series 'Vikings,' the music video for this song by Swedish-Norwegian folk group Fever Ray depicts children fleeing with creepy-looking shamans from what appears to be a massacre in a palatial mansion, where bodies are strewn across the living room and even across the empty pool in the back garden, all while a demonic voice utters “more, give me more, give me more.” It appears that it may be Death itself panning his eyes across this visual landscape, watching it all unfold, and always wanting “more” death. It also fits the TV series it is a theme song for, as it could also be seen as an ode to human greed, as seen in the lyrics, “this will never end because I want more.” The whole song makes for eerie, ethereal listening.
'Theme Song' American Horror Story (2011)
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Speaking of theme songs for TV series, the opening theme for this FX anthology series is one of the most disturbing I have witnessed, and of course, the one that had the most impact was the intro for the the first season, Murder House. Baby heads in jars, along with other body parts, a gruesome cellar, and a lot of creepy child pictures flash on the screen sporadically as the theme song plays at the beginning of each episode. The discordant, spooky sounds set up an uneasy vibe for each episode, making audiences constantly on edge 
'The Carnival' Amanda Jenssen (2012)
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Also featured as a song in AHS Freak Show, this song has a foreboding, long intro before Ms. Jenssen’s moody voice kicks in, and, thanks to Freak Show, I will always associate this song with Twisty the Clown, and those scary teeth he has. The lyrics fit well with Jenssen’s album that they were featured on, entitled, “Hymns for the Haunted.” Give it a listen.
'Hurdy Gurdy Man' Donovan (1968)
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If you've ever seen the 2007 movie 'Zodiac,' you'll know what I mean. But even before this movie came out, I remember travelling in the car with my parents and listening to this song playing on the radio, or on one of their cassette tapes on a long road trip, and even if it is not supposed to be a creepy song, it always sent shivers up my spine when Donovan sang the lyrics, “Down through all eternity, the crying of humanity.” It just felt so final and nihilistic, and that the Hurdy Gurdy Man was not the answer, but rather the cause, of all this endless sorrow. Call me weird, but this song definitely fits that shooting scene in Zodiac, if only because of how it mirrors the helplessness one would most definitely feel if being shot at unarmed, or if trying to calm the eternal cries of humanity.
'House of the Rising Sun' Lauren O'Connell (2012)
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There are many versions of this song, the version by The Animals in being the most well-known and popular, but it’s Lauren O’Connell’s version (also featured in AHS Coven) that is the creepiest rendition of all. It’s slow, moody and builds tension in a way that makes you feel that the “House in New Orleans” is definitely a godforsaken place that no-one would want to end up in, and that all who go there face certain doom. Let’s just say the AHS franchise does creepy songs well.
'Turn Around, Look at Me' The Vogues (1966)
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Made creepy by Final Destination 3, and probably one of the best things about this dismal instalment to the Final Destination series. Every time this song comes on the radio or over a loud-speaker, we know that the protagonist and her pals are in for a rough time, and the final time it plays on the train, when a guitarist disembarks, you feel as if Death itself is singing the song, and it is a memorable omen for the devastating events that follow. What can I say, I just really appreciate a well-placed song in a movie that creates the right atmosphere (or more appropriately, “atmosfear”). This song in this movie does exactly that.
'Missing' Everything But the Girl (1996)
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Seriously, just listen to the lyrics behind this dance-y track. The singer asks pretty early on if the subject of her song “could be dead.” Other depressing lyrics are hidden in this seemingly upbeat Eurodance track. I like that lyrics such as this can exist in what appears to be a cheerful song. It gives it layers, and I appreciate layers as much as I appreciate symbolism.
'Every Breath You Take' The Police (1983)
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The ultimate stalker song. I read that Sting was inspired by some sort of Cold War version of a Big Brother situation, and I never got why there were people that thought this was such a romantic song they played it at their wedding. It’s musically pleasing, but the lyrics give off a suffocating vibe, and I cannot help but think the stalker in the song got the upper hand in the end, probably in some sort of Nick Cave “Where the Wild Roses Grow” scenario. Brrrr.
And that concludes my list for now. There might be a part two somewhere down the track. Adios, and pleasant nightmares.
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magaprima · 5 years
Part 1 Episode 7 Thoughts (Part 2 of 2)
“But the reward is ever lasting glory in the Dark Lord’s heart”
When Prudence says this, Lilith’s eyes flicker ever so sharply here. That phrase is a definitely trigger for her, because Lilith has been working her butt off for literally eternity and here we have a girl thinking all that’s needed is to be Queen of the Feast one night in order to get close to the Dark Lord. We know Lilith doesn’t let anyone have a chance at being beside Satan except herself. That’s the whole reason she spends the majority of the show despising Sabrina, because Satan is all focused and obsessed with her. Even in the Feast of Feasts, a ritual that doesn’t really guarantee anything it promises, Lilith is immediately defensive. She is that abuse victim who strives to find one thing she can take power/enjoyment in. That although she is a victim, she is abused, she is controlled, of all the victims she is the most revered one, and that small, small, small consolation is something she holds onto viciously. She defends that measly territory. So when Sabrina is asking her to convince Prudence against it, she’s silent and vaguely uninterested, but the moment Prudence claims this will get her close to the Dark Lord, Lilith becomes much more invested. There’s also the argument that her look towards the girl is a case of ‘If you think it’s that easy, you’re an idiot’
When Sabrina introduces ‘Ms Wardwell’ as an excommunicate, Lilith is all very casual and just all ‘Yep that’s me. Your local friendly covenless witch’. She’s not overly invested in the cover, it’s just an easy backstory, but the moment Prudence dismisses the worth of an excommunicate, Lilith gets annoyed and defensive of her fake persona. She definitely seems to believe that Prudence is the snob that Sabrina says she is. Like she is thinking ‘Oh so you won’t take advice from an excommunicate, you also believe being lunch for a coven gets you into the Dark Lord’s heart? Idiocy, so much idiocy’. This is supported by the way she gives a glare of disdain at Prudence when she tells her she’s ‘done some digging’ into the Feast of Feasts. 
“Now, you may not want to listen to an....excommunicate”
Lilith continues to be so genuinely annoyed by this. This is her fake history and she’s offended someone is belittling it. I do think this is because Lilith isn’t into the whole church-organised-religion thing at all, possibly because it’s run by men, possibly because she doesn’t react well to any regime that tells her what to do. In her book an excommunicate is just a witch who couldn’t take the patriarchal, organised shit anymore. I mean she does seem to be mildly impressed when she finds out Hilda is excommunicated, and even admires when Hilda uses it as reason to do the exorcism. Lilith does like a rebellion against authority, it’s how she began her own existence, even if the rebellion is against the Dark Lord’s religion. 
“If you’re brave enough to find her”
The way she blinks at Prudence when she says this, deliberately goading her, you get the idea that Prudence has not made a good impression on Lilith at all. I think at this point if she had to choose between the two witches, she’d probably pick Sabrina, because at least she’s a rebel defying Blackwood and doesn’t judge witches based on their status i.e ability to follow orders. 
“I don’t believe it”
When Prudence says this, Lilith literally and openly mocks her, pulling a face. It’s a slight and subtle version of ‘Oh really? You don’t? Well, ner, ner bully for you, you idiot’. Lilith is clearly very irritated by her and I think her annoyance at Prudence is temporarily, making her like Sabrin a little more and it’s visually show by the way the two stand together at the desk. Lilith and Sabrina are close to one another, stood in the same way, both looking at Prudence. They’re on the same side here, and it’s foreshadowing for the finale of Part 2. 
“and Satan knows who we might chance upon in the woods”
The false innocence as she says this, the look at Sabrina (which the girl completely misses), Lilith is very clearly thinking ‘Yep, two birds one stone. Wake this idiot up and then show Sabrina her dear Harvey as a witch hunter. Marvellous, my day is already improving’. 
"She’s always at home. Isn’t that right, Dezmelda?”
Definitely getting the vibe here that Lilith knows Dezmelda well. The way she says this, the tone, the wording, it all implies Lilith has known her before, perhaps very well, but in her previous form, her pre-Wardwell days, so Dezmelda won’t know her this time around. But if Lilith has always known her and yet never revealed where she is, it implies she’s been keeping Dezmelda’s secret for her; a young witch running away from a predatory man is something Lilith would understand so it seems reasonable that she’d let her keep hiding. 
As Dezmelda remembered her past and trails off, head bowed, eyes on the ground, Lilith reaches out and puts a hand on her arm, gripping a little. You could say this is all part of the act, but I don’t think it is. Her eyes are focused on the others, her expression is the act, as she is in teaching mode, mentoring, leading, but the hand on the arm is something done without display or over-precise purpose. Considering what Lilith suffered with Adam and then with Lucifer, something bearing some resemblance to Dezmelda, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was an instinctive support here, an automatic, subconscious empathy. She offer reassurance, support, there with that hand on her arm and then Lilith finishes the story for her so Dezmelda doesn’t have to. 
“The High Priest was to............initiate her”
Her eyes flicker to Dezmelda while she says this, and she swallows with distaste as well. The way she does all this, it is genuine. She does know exactly what Dezmelda felt, she has felt it too, only Dezmelda was able to flee successfully. However as Lilith says ‘she’s lived here ever since’ there’s a look on her face that implies she doesn’t think Dezmelda made the right choice. Just because she understands her fleeing, just because she thinks the High Priest was vile, doesn’t mean Lilith would have made the same decision. Lilith prefers to pay the price of abuse, stay and having power, than run from abuse and have nothing. This is not to be mistaken with consent, this is simply Lilith and Dezmelda having opposite views of what is the ‘lesser evil’. 
However, though I’ve established that when Lilith supports and reassures Dezmelda she’s being genuine, when she’s watching Sabrina and Prudence, we see the act. As Sabrina says ‘which makes what he’s doing even more insidious’, Dezmelda nods in full and empathetic agreement but Lilith is just looking between the two witches, sharply checking what’s being brewed there. Lilith may understand and sympathise with Dezmelda, but she is still using the woman to her own ends here in order to stop Prudence from being and to see where Sabrina falls and the discord that brews. This is her whole ‘one piece at a time’ attack. 
‘who would do such a thing?’ ‘men’
This is such a powerful moment which has become quite iconic within the series I think, if the amount of GIFs are any gauge. Here is a familiar, a creature misunderstood, a wild thing, an animal, a being different from mortals and what happens? Men kill it. We see this happen a thousand times over, both literally and metaphorically, both to animals, and to people who aren’t male and/or white. Anything different is attacked, and anything different with power is destroyed. Man destroys the world and men revel in it. 
We know Lilith was aware the Kinkles would be hunting hee and this is what they’d likely come across, but it’s further proven by the wool yarn she has in her pocket. She was fully prepped for coming across the Kinkles and hiding all the girls so that Sabrina could see Harvey when he couldn’t see her. Her plot is falling nicely and quickly into place for once. 
Also I love this spell. One of the things I love about this show is that despite using Christian and Judaic mythology with Puritan influences, the spells and magics they perform often directly echo the spells we use in the real non-tv-magic world. Items are used to represent things, metaphors are taken to literal levels, power is placed in simple jobs and shapes. For example, you can pour a line of white sugar and thyme between your houses to nurture a sweet, beneficial relationship between you and your neighbour. And that’s the vibe we get here with using the yarn in the shape of a pentagram to ‘pull the wool over their eyes’
“Don’t speak. Stay very quiet. Or the cloaking won’t take”
I love this too, because, again, it’s very much like magic practised in the real world. Spells of ‘invisibility’ only work if you encourage that invisibility, not if you dance around in front of someone. It’s not Harry Potter. There’s one I used to use a long time ago in High School, a simple chant I used to murmur, that was so a teacher wouldn’t pick me for a question when they were doing that random ‘which unwilling subject do I select’. It worked every single time. But if I’d jumped up and down and waved my arm, yes, I would have been picked. ‘The cloaking won’t take’. I know one of the people working on the show is a practising Pagan, so it’s possibly her influence here. 
While they’re watching the Kinkles, the Weird Sisters look a mixture of scared and pissed off, Sabrina is bewildered, but Lilith looks smug as fuck, concluding with a ‘well you must admit, he certainly looks the part Sabrina’ in a tone and with an expression that says it all, really. She does, however, roll her eyes, when the weird sisters make dramatic declarations. 
“That’ll be the takeaway I ordered. If you’re nice, I’ll...share”
There’s something in her face here that says she’s not entirely happy. She doesn’t look delighted to be eating. I don’t know what it is precisely,  but there’s something off. I mean I’ve headcanoned that her becoming a demon was a slow process, one born of the self-preservation she told Sabrina is so important, to make her live longer, make her stronger, make her able to bear things, perhaps even to make her ‘more worthy’ of being queen of hell. It’s even possible it was a choice made for her, that Satan didn’t allow that she could simply be just a witch, she had to be part demon as well, and so Satan made it so. And from being demonic comes the whole ‘I feast on male flesh’. 
I mean we know the Spellmans, and other witches in the coven, have eaten human, but it seems to be ceremonial and/or non-murderous (the Spellmans apparently eat the corpses from closed coffins. Ew), so it feels different to what Lilith does. So with her...resignation here, is it that she doesn’t enjoy it? Is it something she has to do, as part of her survival, her existence and longevity? Does she only find pleasure in it when she feels the man is chosen and deserving (like Hawthorne) and therefore no joy in a random pizza boy?
She even looks bored, after her brief little sexy play act, as if this is just....something she has to do. There seems to be minimal enjoyment here and that is very revealing, though I’m not quite sure precisely of what, aside from my above theory that Lilith has changed and altered over the centuries and centuries and centuries....and perhaps, even though she’s in conscious denial, is not entirely happy with all the changes. 
I mean I doubt the woman who became the first witch, who refused to submit to a man, who was cast out for saying she was equal, imagined her future would involve serving a man, and losing a large part of her humanity (at least a third, if we say third human third demon third witch. but more than a third if witch and demon are almost half and half and human is tiny part) to become part demon, and feast on male flesh for sustenance. 
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hasty-touch · 6 years
33. Does your character respect nature, or would they stomp on it if it meant their benefit?
For “FFXIV deity asks” meme!
This one you’ve picked is, I think, particularly interesting, especially for Rosaire.
Pretty much all my characters love and/or respect nature to some degree. Some (Viviko) do so in a more sentimentalized, naive way, where “loving nature” means loving birds and flowers and vistas without really understanding the breadth, complexity, and danger that nature contains. Some (Hyacinthe, Mrhael, etc.) understand well that danger and darkness, that civilization and nature struggle against each other, but still respect it and believe in the importance of living harmoniously with it (because that is in civilization’s best interests). Some (Valroit) similarly understand that nature is harsh and cruel, but also see in it the sublime and beautiful, and that nurture, kindness, and creativity exist in nature too – and so love and honor it, and believe earnestly in growing civilization together with nature in the least harmful, most mutually beneficial way. Across this diversity of beliefs, none of them would really feel right about heedlessly exploiting and harming nature. Even those who are pretty OK with the exploitation of nature, out of self-interest and/or belief that it is Spoken’s Twelve-given right to enjoy nature’s bounties (i.e. Denisot), still care about preserving it for future generations, which means respecting an ecosystem’s balance (even if the character might not have the vocabulary to say that with sophistication).
Besides Rosaire, Kharadai probably has the most developed and interesting view of nature – along the lines of, “nature vs. civilization is a false dichotomy, every being is a part of the world and simultaneously in harmony and discord with other beings.” He’s deeply suspicious of narratives along the lines of “we live in harmony with nature, the same as our ancestors have since the dawn of time, unlike [those other tribes]”, instead suspecting that all organisms are selfish and will exploit each other for their own ends. Spoken just have the advantage of being able to see the bigger picture, and it’s in their best interests not to upset the balance of the star – which is bigger than all of us and not necessarily benevolent.
– Anyway, if you thought that was long-winded, I’ll describe now Rosaire’s conception of nature and man’s relationship to it.
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Rosaire is Ishgardian Orthodox and deeply religious, even if his beliefs aren’t quite as orthodox (har har) as some might imagine. His beliefs about nature follow from his faith, chiefly his belief in the covenant made between Halone and Thordan’s people.
Coerthas is the Promised Land, and (as the knight Loanne says in the quest “The Pecking Order”) “the Fury has given us dominion over all creatures of this land.” To Rosaire, however, this is not a privilege that can be complacently assumed: it requires that Ishgard’s people worship the Fury and preserve Her Church. Further, Rosaire believes that if Coerthas is Halone’s gift to the Ishgardians, it is sacrilege to defile and abuse that gift.
In truth, Rosaire is a city man who spent most of life indoors, even before the Calamitous winter; in his twenties and thirties he was involved in a few covert missions in the countryside and the Dravanian forelands, but even he sometimes has a hard time believing that on a few of those, he actually camped out in the wilderness with a bedroll. Him! Yet while it is true that he feels close to Halone in the chapels in the city, and he goes to look upon Her statue in Saint Reymanaud when he aches for Her guidance – in truth, it is in the Coerthan countryside – sometimes gazing across the summer meadows in blazing green or the autumn fields in dark gold, but most oft when looking up at the white-topped mountains, majestic and sublime, graceful, brutal, sharp blades sweeping up to the sky that at the same time gently cradle the vales between – that he has felt Her presence most strongly, the divine hand that sculpted the most perfect land in all of Hydaelyn.
That land was not intended by Halone to be preserved in the state She created it. When dominion over it was given to Thordan’s people, it was Her intention that they cultivate it to support the civilization that would practice Her religion. But the correct way of life for the Coerthan people is one that fit harmoniously into the environment that She sculpted, not one that tries to impose the lifestyle of their southron, plains-dwelling ancestors. The Coerthans farm the lowlands and graze livestock on the alm, drive pigs through the forests, hunt and fish its wild beasts, and pick the fruits of their mountain orchards. Such practices are their divine right – and it is their Goddess-given responsibility to preserve and cultivate the riches of the land for future generations.
Such feelings are one of Rosaire’s motivations for devoting this part of his life to the Alpine Greening Institute. To most people, he tends to emphasize the Institute’s humanitarian motives – the need to restore dignified livelihoods to displaced Coerthan farmers, to lower the damn price of bread, and ultimately to relieve the overcrowding of the Brume. (To self-interested nobles, he tends to emphasize how these moves work to their benefit as well, and how something must be done to head off starvation if they want to preserve Ishgard’s social stability.) But there is this religious motive, too. Coerthas was given to the Ishgardians by Halone, and they cannot give up on it. They must adapt, just as their ancient ancestors must have struggled and adapted when first moving to Coerthans from the southron plains – ideally, they will be able to preserve the most important parts of the traditional Coerthan way of life, but above all they cannot cast aside their agreement with Halone that they will steward this land.
And “stewarding the land,” to Rosaire, means shaping it for the benefit of its Spoken inhabitants. He has an implicit belief in a Great Chain of Being, with Spoken superior to all other creatures; therefore their needs supercede all others’, and they have a right to rule over and exploit the rest. (As a tangent, Rosaire congratulates himself for his enlightenment in thinking of this category as “Spoken”, not “the Five Races” or “[Alpine] Elezen”, believing himself exceptionally anti-racist, while you and I would probably consider this more of a bare minimum. But this is a topic to ramble upon another day.) Spoken, of course, are inferior to the gods, and ideally the Spoken will rule over lesser beings -- the gods’ creation -- with sensitivity, compassion, and care. But if it is necessary, those beings can be manipulated, tamed, and culled for Spoken benefit. It is his hope, therefore, that the Alpine Greening Institute will be able to restore the old livelihoods of Coerthas with minimal change needed -- but if their research indicates that radical changes are necessary, possibly with dramatic side-effects for the environment, he would stand in support of them.
So ultimately Rosaire has an attitude to nature with echoes of -- hm, not sure if this is exactly accurate, but I think I’d say -- a mixture of 17th-18th century European (especially English, probably ‘cause thats the language I speak) ideas and aesthetics. There is an idealization of nature, but it is a sort of nature that is tamed and ordered by the hands of man and God(dess). “The land of Coerthas” is a priceless, treasured gift, and yet Rosaire is troubled little by dam-building, wood-clearing and artificial plantations, introduction of foreign species, etc., as long as these are in harmony with the religious ideal of the land. The idea of the picturesque resonates with Rosaire and I often try to pull on the surrounding tropes -- the idea of the medium between untamed, awe-inspiring nature and the order of a mannered garden, applied to an entire land, and how that resonates with Ishgardian national identity. They are the city-state of poncy nobles who fought a thousand-year war, who survive in the harshness of the rugged highlands and there built an ornate and even decadent religion and culture, much like the very temple of Halone built on the mountain that rises from the Sea of Clouds.
When working on Greening Coerthas stuff, I think a lot about how Rosaire’s attitudes would differ from ours -- “green” is a buzzword for us, too, as is “climate change”, but these mean something different to us, living in the time and place we do. I think about the brazenness that I see in the European inventors and agriculturalists of the Industrial Revolution (and other places/periods like the atomic gardening movement) -- there’s a fascinating mix there of foolhardy confidence in human ingenuity, grotesque entitlement to the land, and yet also optimism, hope, and vision. I think about how those sorts of beliefs and feelings might emerge in an Eorzean context and try to blend that in to my roleplay, so we’re not just roleplaying “farming in Eorzea,” but “farming in Eorzea”, embedded emotionally and ideologically in the landscape of this setting.
And also, as you have come to realize by reading all the way to the bottom here, it is a terrible mistake to send me asks for ask memes because I can and will talk endlessly and meanderingly about these things. WHOOPS.
Photo above is "Hintersteiner See with the Alps in Tyrol, Austria" by Uwe Schwarzbach('s mom), CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
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