#The fact that Sam is an automatic suggestion that's followed by and Castiel is very telling
sastielsfandom · 1 year
Hitting the suggestion button on repeat got me this:
Sam and Castiel were just secretly dating with how they were sneaking around the world and the world to us and they were all around and about to be the first to finish the last chapter of the year and they were meant for Sam but Castiel doesn't get the luxury of telling it all to him y que no es una pera de la serie que ha sido la primera película de la serie que ha sido la primera película de la serie que ha sido la primera película de la serie que ha sido la primera película de la serie que ha sido la primera película de la serie que ha sido
Can you tell I'm procrastinating?
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dothwrites · 4 years
161 please??
google doth always taking prompts
161--Where did that cat come from?
The rainstorm starts when Dean pulls into the space outside the bunker’s door. It’ll be a pain in the ass to reverse and pull into the garage, plus he and Sam have a trunk full of groceries, so Dean just curses and puts the Impala into park before he gets out of the car. Water droplets start to pelt against the top of his head and the back of his neck as he loads as many bags on his wrists and arms as humanly possible. 
From there, it’s a quick trip down the bunker stairs. Sam follows behind, with a more modest amount of bags swinging from his hands. Dean walks quickly, cognizant of his struggling circulation, not to mention the unpleasant wind of a single bead of water down his spine. Their steps echo down the bunker stairs, which would alert Cas to their presence, even if the “Cas, we’re home!” didn’t. 
“Shut up,” Dean automatically says when he hears Sam’s poorly repressed snigger. 
“Needy much?” Sam does a faulty reproduction of Dean’s voice, making sure to give him a falsetto. “Cas, we’re home!” He continues to snicker as they make their way to the kitchen. “You’re about one step away from Lucy.” 
“Ok, first of all, it was Ricky Ricardo who said those lines and secondly--shut up.” Ok, so not the best comeback. Blame the rain and his screaming wrists and arms. Dean flushes and turns away from Sam as he lifts the groceries onto the counter with a quiet grunt. 
“Nice job, He-Man. Maybe next time you could try multiple trips?” 
“Go out? More than once? For groceries? Sam, it’s like you don’t even know me.” Dean starts unpacking the bags, pausing when he reaches a certain jar. “Cas! We’re in the kitchen!” 
On the opposite side of the kitchen, Sam starts to hum something that sounds like needy baby needy baby. Dean debates throwing a can of green beans at the back of his shaggy moose head. He settles for lobbing a poisonous glare at Sam’s head and not letting up until his brother turns around. 
“Hey, he dipped out on grocery shopping. The least he could do is come and help put the stuff away.” Plus Dean bought a jar of the good stuff for Cas, organic, comb in honey. It cost him an arm and a leg, but it’ll be worth it once he sees the pleased, shy smile spread across Cas’ face, which he can’t see until his boyfriend makes his way to the kitchen. 
Sam must catch sight of the honey because he lets out a very unflattering snort. Dean defensively scoops the honey out of sight. “It’s good for the environment,” he defends, despite the fact that he’s never recycled a day in his life. 
“Sure.” Sam really shouldn’t sound so smug, Mr. I Drink Kale Smoothies and Poop Compost. “Look, all I’m saying is that if my boyfriend had me that whipped, then I would at least own it.” 
“Your boyfriend would run away from your ugly face,” Dean snidely digs. Far from dissolving into a snotty mess, Sam just makes a very rude gesture involving use of a singular finger, and turns around to continue stocking the freezer with pizza rolls. 
The first sign of trouble is a singular sneeze. Dean shakes it off--it was raining outside, pollen is in the air, and the bunker that they live in was made by a bunch of old, dead guys, so there’s bound to be some dust. 
The second, third, and fourth sneezes come as more of a puzzle. 
Sam, ever the solicitous brother, raises an eyebrow. “You dying or what?” he asks. 
“Or what,” Dean wheezes, though his eyes are watery and itchy. A rattle starts in his throat as another sneeze rocks through his body. This is not normal. In fact, he only gets like this when...
Cas walks into the kitchen, wearing jeans and one of Dean’s hoodies that’s just a bit too big for him in the arms (though it stretches delightfully across his chest and shoulders). As soon as he crosses the threshold of the kitchen, as if on command, Dean sneezes. 
Through watery eyes, Dean squints at the suspicious bulge in the front of the hoodie pocket. Castiel casually shifts to the side to hide it, but it’s too late. Dean just saw something move. Cas might be happy to see him, but he’s nowhere near that happy. 
“Whatcha got there Cas?” He tries to make it clear from his tone that his question is not a polite request. 
It’s not every day that Dean gets to see a former angel of the Lord acting shifty, but that’s exactly what he gets to see as Cas tries to sidle his way out of the kitchen. “Cas,” Dean barks. Cas shuffles his feet as he plasters a very unconvincing look of innocence on his face. “What’s in your pocket?”
His facade of hardass suffers from the sneeze that rockets through his body, but it’s enough. Cas walks into the kitchen. Sam, intrigued by the drama, draws closer, but Dean’s eyes are focused on Cas’ hand as it dips into the hoodie pocket. 
Castiel withdraws his hand, holding his burden out for inspection. Out of the corner of his eye, Dean sees Sam’s mouth drop open in a paroxysm of delight (fucking softie). For his part, Dean greets the reveal with three consecutive sneezes, each one more violent than the last. 
“Cas,” Dean finally says, sniffling around his words, “where did that cat come from?” 
The cat in question can’t be much more than a kitten. It sits easily in Cas’ large hand. Luminous green eyes blink up slowly at him through a haze of black fur. As Dean watches, the kitten opens its mouth, revealing tiny sharp teeth and a pink tongue. A soft mew fills the space. 
Dean answers it with a sniffle. 
“I was out in the garden earlier today,” Cas begins. He doesn’t even have the good grace to look guilty as he pulls the kitten in close to his chest. Dean winces (that’s a hell of a lot of dander and fur that’s winding up on an article of clothing that still technically belongs to him) before he outright flinches as the kitten digs its claws into the fabric. Say goodbye to that particular hoodie. 
“It was just starting to rain and I found her.” Cas looks at him, all huge blue eyes and plaintive voice. “She was cold and shivering. I don’t think that she’d eaten for several days.” 
Great. Just great. Dean can already see where this is going and exactly what parts they’re all going to fall into. Cas, the crusader for justice and kindness, Sam, the well-intentioned supporter, and Dean, the cruel hand of logic. 
“Well, feed her, and then after the rain finishes we can take her to the shelter.” 
Next to him, Sam gasps. Cas’ mouth turns down in a stubborn frown. 
“Dean, the shelter is a kill shelter.” Sam’s voice sounds as scandalized as though Dean had suggested that they carpet bomb the whole town. 
“It’s a kitten. It’s cute. It’ll get adopted in like three seconds. I mean, it’s already got the two of you wrapped around its little dagger claws.” 
There’s something embarrassing about the soppy eyes that both Sam and Cas shoot towards the kitten. No angel should look that sickly sweet. 
“Dean, cats are fairly low maintenance,” Cas begins, which is exactly where Dean thought this talk was headed. 
“I have allergies!” Dean protests, to be met with unsympathetic looks from both his brother and his boyfriend. Traitors. “Plus, who’s going to take care of it when we go on hunts? We going to pay the neighbors to come over into our super secret bunker filled with satanic stuff?” 
Cas’ mouth flattens. “There are several establishments in town which cater to the boarding of pets.” Great. He’s already done research. “Also, many stores offer over the counter products designed to alleviate the symptoms of allergies.” 
Between Sam’s puppy eyes and Cas’ jutting lower lip, Dean feels his defenses wavering. “You’d better keep it away from my room. And if it starts pissing on the floors or tearing up the furniture, it’s out of here. And you’re,” he points to both Sam and Cas, “going to pay for my allergy meds. And you’re going to feed it and pay for all its stuff.” He’s never felt more like a dad than in that moment, lecturing his brother and boyfriend on the proper care of the cat. “This is your pet; I’m not going to take care of it!” 
Cas nods earnestly before he walks across the kitchen and kisses the bolt of his jaw, right in the sweet spot that always turns Dean weak in the knees. Bastard knows exactly how to play him. Dean turns his head to kiss Cas properly, ignoring Sam’s gagging noises in the background. Cas hums into the kiss, his teeth ghosting over Dean’s lower lip in a hint of a tease. 
Dean’s just ready to make it a proper kiss, Sam be damned, when he’s stabbed. Yelping in pain, he jumps backward, glaring at the tiny, cockblocking, ball of fluff still held in Cas’ hands. The kitten retracts the minuscule knives attached to its paws as it blinks innocently up at him.
“Oh, I think you must have squashed her,” Cas says, rubbing a finger underneath the kitten’s chin.
For its part, the kitten yawns at Dean before falling asleep. 
“Yeah,” Dean mutters, massaging at his wound (seriously, he’s bleeding and Sam is just laughing at him like an asshole). “Yeah, this is going to turn out swell.
(It comes to no one’s surprise, least of all Dean’s, when he goes to bed and finds not only Castiel, but the kitten curled up on his mattress. I said she’s not allowed on the bed, Dean tries, but the protest is weak at best, especially when Cas has decided to play dirty and is lying bare-chested with the sheet artfully draped over his waist. 
Well, I could take her back to my room, Cas murmurs, scooping up the kitten, and Dean’s going hellishly soft in his old age because he just says Over my dead body, before crawling over the mattress to where Cas waits. The kitten finds her way to the floor. 
In the morning, Dean wakes up with his nose running and his eyes gummy, due to the fucking cat who has decided to sleep less than a foot away from his face. The heated kiss that Cas gives him when he wakes up only partially helps to stop his bitching.)
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
I Want You Back (Part II)
Hello there! Finally finishing the second part of this meta.
It will focus on the parallel between the entity from the 'Safe House' episode and Amara it’s suggesting. Afterwards we will talk about one of the episodes that were discussed more controversially among us Destiel shippers, I'm talking about 'Red Meat',  and I will show you step by step that it is, indeed, a very Destiel one.
Thanks to @destielle for beta-ing this one! She's amazing. Thank you girl! 😘💝
Soul Eater
Let's talk about that haunting parallel I just mentioned.
If you check episode 11x16, there is this entity from that house that ate souls. 
RUFUS: A Soul Eater? What the hell is that?
BOBBY: Undead creature that feeds on souls. Hence the name. They exist in a place between our world and… another. Soul Eater moves into a house, and once it does, it makes what the lore refers to as a ‘nest’.
RUFUS: A place that exists outside of time and space.
SAM:The nest looks and feels like whatever house the Soul Eater is in.
The creature created a fake house, like a reflection in the mirror. It’s a fake home in which the entity shows people the souls of the ones they love in different and terrible situations (dead) to keep them under it's dominium. From the moment the seal was broken, the creature attacked again. 
SAM: Apparently, the nest messes with their victim's head, shows them things they love, parts of their soul in distress, it keeps the victim's soul vulnerable.
So we have a broken seal, a powerful creature eating souls, a fake reality to keep them dominated, right?
And Bobby saying that he could feel the evil in that dimension…
I think we have the perfect description of Amara here, Dean and Sam broke the sigil, Cain's Mark, and she was released, she eats souls, just like the Soul Eater, creating a fake happiness/reality to dominate the victims/Dean.
Again the writers are showing us that Amara is evil, her dominance over Dean is established through fear.
I think it’s vital to mention that between all the books Rufus and Bobby were reading, there was one with the title "Fallen Angel", it make us recall Castiel and Lucifer with the particularity that they're sharing vessels at that moment. Two fallen angels: one fell due to love and the other due to hate.
Another interesting visual narrative that acted as a foreshadowing, was the soul eater placing a hand on Dean's chest in the same way Rowena will place her hand on him in the last episode of the season where he’ll become a soul bomb.
And now, pay close attention to the following scene, because it’s connected to the next episode (Red Meat).
RUFUS: What'd you see, Bobby?
BOBBY: My boys. Both of 'em. Both of 'em dead. And I saw… well I don't know what the hell I saw.
SAM: Hey, you said the Soul Eater made you see things. Plural. So… what else did you see?
DEAN: I saw you. Dead on the floor.
This was a foreshadowing of Sam laying dead on the floor (well he won’t die, but almost) in the next episode. But it’s A BLATANT MIRROR. BOBBY SEEING HIS SONS DEAD ON THE FLOOR. AND IT’S REFLECTING PURELY FAMILIAL LOVE. A father and his two children who are brothers.
FAMILY LOVE, there's no hint of ROMANTIC LOVE in here, no Wincest! Bobby was actively chosen to pose as the mirror. The writers easily could have used a couple with the husband seeing his wife laying dead on the floor, right? But it was BOBBY who saw his boys on the floor, just like Dean saw his brother. It’s about Family!
Sorry I'm a little bossy here, but I need you to understand this point before jumping to the next one.
Using Logic
Let's analyze episode 11x17 with logical facts…
The mentioning of Castiel at the beginning of the episode is there to remind us that Dean is feeling miserable because they couldn't rescue him yet. And he is not sleeping because of that. Sam is trying to comfort him by saying that they’ll get him back.
The episode introduced Corbin and Michelle, a newly-wed couple very much in love.
Corbin would do anything to protect Michelle (Dean mirror) and he is the one becoming a monster (werewolf), so he’s acting as our Castiel's mirror here.
Sam gets shot, and he has a very bad wound. We have Corbin trying to kill him, because he would do anything to save Michelle, even if that implies making a bad decision.
Now, we have Dean thinking his brother is dead. But keep in mind that WHEN HE ENTERS THE ROOM SAM IS ALREADY DEAD (in Dean’s eyes at leat). So DEAN DIDN'T SEE HIS BROTHER DIE. HE FOUND HIM DEAD, LAYING ON THE FLOOR. (First fact).
Then this… he asks Michelle to assist him in his try to contact Death… but … he also says this ..
Dean: Okay. After I do this, go get the doc and tell her to, um... Tell her to bring me back, if she can. If not... no hard feelings, okay?
He is not suicidal here, THIS IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT TO EPISODE 13X05 WHEN HE WANTED TO DIE, NOT WANTING TO LIVE BECAUSE CAS WASN'T ANYMORE. Even knowing Sam was dead, Dean wanted to live. GIVING YOUR LIFE FOR YOUR BROTHER DOESN'T COUNT AS A SUICIDAL THOUGHT, BUT INSTEAD AS SOMETHING ANYONE WOULD DO FOR THEIR BROTHER, especially when that brother is your little brother you raised yourself like a father. (Second Fact).
Dean wants to be alive because he needs to rescue Cas.
Billie: That's what I thought. It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. But even if Sammy could win the title bout... the answer would still be “no.” The answer will always be “no.” Game's over, Dean. No more second chances. No more extra lives. Time to say bye-bye to Luigi, Mario.
This sums up perfectly how Dean feels about Sammy. He raised him, he always took care of him. He can't lose him because all his life revolved around Sam. This is not Wincest, this is solely FAMILY LOVE. Remember what we said about Bobby a little earlier, these were Bobby's feelings too.
I will put here an addition from Destielle, she talked about the well known toxic codependency, and i think is important too:
"Billie basically calls out the toxic codependency between Sam and Dean here. ‘You’re doing it for you’ she deadpans. It’s more about Dean fulfilling the task, or rather duty, John gave him so early on, that it’s part of Dean’s personality. An automatism. He doesn’t want Sam to live because it was Sam’s wish, but because Dean needs Sam to keep things the way they always have been as so not having to deal with himself."
Is interesting because John Winchester heritage to Dean was the GUILT and the FIRST BORN duty, so practically, he keeps reacting and acting like a soldier that needs to protect the little brother and the entire world, I talked so many times in My metas about this toxic heritage and about THE BIG PROTECTOR living inside Dean. Interesting comment my friend! Thank you!
Dean’s spirit [sadness and desperation in his eyes]: I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead.
Billie: I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. [Dean looks stunned] But you are. Or will be, soon enough.
Now… let's go with Michelle and Dean's conversation… the third fact:
Dean: Michelle, this is gonna be very hard. But you will be okay. And, eventually... eventually you'll get back to normal.
Dean is talking from experience. Drawn from every time he lost a friend, a family member (including Sam) which he always affronted in the same way, by hunting, drinking heavily and stuffing bacon in his face. It always was hard at first but got better with time until he got back to normal. He's talking with determination because he lost a lot of beloved people. But … he hasn’t lost the love of his life yet… Michelle did…
Gif set credit @thejabberwock 👇
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Michelle [sighing]: No, I won't. They said I could leave... [she sighs] an hour ago. But... where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together... [turning back to Dean] I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.
This is a rich piece of text over there. First of all, she's convincing Dean she won't be back to normal. Ever. She's the one talking with authority now, because she's talking from her experience of losing the love of her life… 'where am I even supposed to go?' SHE'S LOST, Just as lost as Dean will be for the first 5 episodes from season 13. 'After everything we survived together…' these words are carving deep into Dean's heart, because the man he loves is in danger in the very moment, and I know he's recalling everything they survived together. 'I watched the man I love die, there's no normal after that', Dean's face is priceless here, full of fear, he doesn't want to go through the same Michelle has and had to. He doesn't want to watch Cas die. And I want you to remember the first fact I pointed out, MICHELLE IS SAYING SHE WATCHED CORBIN DIE, not that she found him dead. Okay? So we are not talking about a reference to the death of Sam here. Dean didn't watch him die, he found him dead. And secondly, Dean knows Sam is okay by now, so why would he display a face full of pain and fear? Who's the one in real danger now, possessed by Lucifer? CASTIEL. DEAN DOESN'T WANT TO SEE CASTIEL DIE. HENCE THE TERRIFIED EXPRESSION.
To Conclude:
The Soul Eater in episode 11x16 is a blatant mirror of Amara. Another way to show us her dominance over Dean is a forced and dark one.
Episode 11x17 must be analyzed with logic. The clues are in the details and related to the previous episode in which Bobby saw Sam and Dean dead. It was purely about FAMILIAL LOVE and it must not be mistaken for something else because that just would be a twisted interpretation.
Dean giving his life in exchange for the one of EVERYONE shouldn't be mistaken for suicidal tendencies, too.
The fact that he wanted to go on with his life EVEN THOUGH BEING CONVINCED SAM IS DEAD is an important difference to how Dean is behaving in 13x05.
We have the foreshadowing for Castiel's death and Mourning!Dean and a prelude to 11x18 where we’ll have a very desperate Dean trying to save his angel.
Hope you liked this one! See you in the next meta!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas From s11, her you have the links.
Buenos Aires July 7th 2020 5:36 PM
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Different - Dean Winchester x Reader - Part 4
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Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing(s): Dean x Reader
World: Reverse French Mistake AU
Word Count: 1,723
Warning(s): Cussing, Suggestive Thoughts.
Summary: It’s every fan-girl’s dream to either, end up in the world of their fantasies, their fandom, or to wind up with on of the actors or characters. There is a couple thousand fanfictions with such circumstances. She never thought in her wildest dreams, that she’d actually end up in a fanfiction situation.
Taglist: @sillydecoy @blackeyedangel9805​ @heythereamigodude​ @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo @seppys-return-to-madness
"Do I have to?" I whine as I sit on the bed in the motel, a bag that Sam dropped into my lap is parted slightly, revealing a severe object of ire.
"Sorry, Sweetheart, but the place we need into is holding some fancy gala this evening, and we gotta be back to the Bunker by tomorrow. No choice of waiting for tonight." Dean answers as he adjusts his belt, a white long sleeve tucked in to his pants.
"Fine," I sigh, shaking my head. "I just don't get why we have to be the distraction, why can't you two go as the distraction while I steal the artifact. It's the 21st century after all."
"Because, Emily, you haven't stolen anything before, Dean and I have. Just you by yourself won't be much of a success." Sam responds, causing me to huff, scrunching my nose at the giant while he does the same in retaliation. Standing, I look in the bag with a look of disgust, before glaring at the two of them.
"Dean, you have a shirt tail sticking out of your zipper." I point out, causing his hands to fall to his pants as I duck into the bathroom with a smirk.
"Very funny, Sweetheart!" Dean calls as I start to close the door.
"I thought so!" I retaliate, locking the door before I strip, showering and shaving before I towel off, and slip into the long, shimmering midnight blue dress, zipping it up. The slit on the right side of the gown makes it easier to move, but also makes me feel a bit chilly. Curling my hair, I throw it up in a ponytail, before doing my makeup, and slipping on the costume diamond necklace, grabbing the earrings as Sam knocks on the door.
"Emily, I need to use the bathroom, are almost done?" Letting out a sigh, I open the door to see Sam standing there, his eyes widen as he gapes at me.
"You can use it." I gesture as I enter the room, glancing around. "Where's Dean?"
"Forging you two invitations to the Gala." He answers, closing the door as I hook the earrings in my ears, before I pull on the strappy silver heels that the boys got me, and stand from the mattress, brushing the skirt free of wrinkles. A swift glance in the nearby mirror reveal a near stranger, in blue and diamonds, the dress has a silver neckline that circles my throat, then comes down my chest to the top of the sleeveless gown.
"So, I doubt they'll be able to tell these are fake, Sammy, but maybe you-" I turn as Dean comes into the room, shirt nice, clean, and crisp, pants are dirt free, and he has his bow-tie slightly crooked, foregoing the jacket for the time being. His fanfiction green eyes are upon my face, smiling as I bite my lip nervously as I glance away.
"It's not really... me, is it?" I ask, looking back as him as he rakes his eyes down my figure, smirk on his face widens into a true smile.
"Sweetheart," Dean drops the papers in his hand on one of the two beds as he grabs one of my hands, looking me in the eye as he reaches up to brush a curl away from my eye to behind my ear. "I am honestly not sure if my words would be enough to describe your beauty." He answers, causing me to blush, ducking my head as he cups my cheek with one hand, tilting my head back up as he looks into my eyes. "You are so gorgeous." He says as I suck in a sharp breath, the emotions swirling in his eyes are undefinable, the hammering of my heart against my ribcage aches, and the electrical zaps that are passing between the touch of our skin is dizzying.
"Ahem!" I jump in surprise as Dean steps away, his hand dropping from my face as Sam leans against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. I can feel the heat from Dean's touch lingering on my skin as Sam raises his eyebrows. "Ready to go?" He asks, causing me to meekly nod my head as Dean huffs at his younger brother.
"Yeah, let's get this over with." He grabs his jacket, shrugging it on as I tuck the invitations into my silver purse, and grab Dean's arm to turn him to me, he looks at me in confusion as I straighten and tighten his bowtie, patting him on the chest in a friendly manner.
"Bowties aren't much different than regular ties, Dean. It's beneficial to have knowledge to tie them both." He blinks down at me as I smile at him. "Otherwise you'll end up failing clown school." I joke, causing him to gape at me as Sam chokes on his laughter behind us. "Let's go."
"Right." Dean says as we start towards the Impala.
"Chewie!" I call as we get closer to the car.
"Ah, come on!" Sam groans as I turn to glare at him.
"I called it. I'm the one walking in vampire stakes with a strong possibility of falling over them at any moment, and in a dress, which by the way it horrible. I've earned it." Sam swallows thickly as Dean chuckles, opening the door for me, before I slip inside the car, leaning my head against the seat as I close my eyes for a moment. Reveling in the silence and the relief at getting off my feet for a moment.
~3rd POV~
Later on in the night, Dean is rushing Emily from the car, her entire body is limp in his arms, head on his chest as Sam follows, flipping through the pages of a book her found. "Come on, Sweetheart," Dean growls as Sam swings the hotel door open, and Dean sweeps Emily's limp body into his arms bridal style, her arm wrapped loose around his neck, he swings into the room, laying her on the queen sized bed, with a soft caress to her forehead, touch lingering on the furrow of her brow. "Anything Sammy?" He asks, pulling the blanket of the bed over her slumbering figure, before turning to his brother, who has a hand over his mouth.
"So, get this... The creature that attacked her is an incubus, the feed on the sexual energy and acts of their opposite gender. Their female counterpart is called a Succubus, and she does the same. There are multiple stories, some depictions are of beautiful otherworldly men and women, seducing someone into being their lover, and killing them within a single kiss." Sam shakes his head, as though amazed.
"Killing it, Sam! How do we kill it? Or wake her up? Or-Or anything." Sam's eyes drift to his anxious brother, before floating to the girl on the bed. She'd been taken before either of them could get to her for help, the plan to use her as bait had gone all too well.
"Well, she's trapped in a night terror. At least until he either releases her himself, does... the deed with her, or we kill him." Sam responds, eyes on his brother, taking in the slightest twitch, the spasming in his muscles as he stiffens, before relaxes.
"What do we need?" Dean asks.
"Get this... A piece of the plank of the Titanic- the wreckage, dipped in virginal blood." Sam answers, causing Dean to blink as Cas appears in the motel, eyes automatically going to Emily on the bed.
"I've been trying to reach you all." Castiel grumps.
"Not now, Cas." Dean waves the angel away. "We need to kill an Incubus, and we don't have the means to do it."
"That's why I was trying to reach you. The wrapped item you stole tonight, Sam?" He turns to them. "It's a plank from the ship- it's what you need." He explains.
"The Virgin blood? We're just supposed to walk up to people and ask if they're virgins?" Sam asks.
"We could always become born-again virgins again." Dean states, and Castiel sighs.
"You needn't do either, you got a virgin in this room." Castiel points out.
"Uh, Cas? You had sex," Dean points out. "with a reaper."
"Not me!" Castiel snaps, gesturing to the sleeping girl, causing Dean's eyes to widen and Sam chokes.
"No, you mean-?" Dean pauses, glancing at her, before looking at Castiel. "N-No way, seriously?"
"Yes, the woman who you intend to court is in fact infallibly a virgin." Castiel answers, causing Dean to swallow thickly.
"G-Good to know." Dean murmurs, looking away. "But, just taking her blood is wrong."
"Dean, we can't exactly ask, can we?" Sam sighs, causing the brothers to glare at each other. While they are distracted, Castiel grabs a nearby knife, walking over to the glamoured woman, but before he can cut her, Dean is jumping between them, and Sam has Castiel’s arms behind his back, the twisting makes him drop the knife.
 “We’ll find another way!” Dean growls, arms spread out wide. “One that doesn’t involve injuring someone who has no way to fight back.” Dean snaps, causing Castiel’s eyebrows to furrow in confusion.
 “How?” The Angel asks, causing Dean to swallow.
 “Did you find anything else?” Dean practically begs his brother, causing the taller man to swallow thickly.
 “One. She has to break the glamour herself. Break out of the spell casted.” Sam answers, causing Dean to glance back at the girl, then to Sam and Castiel.
 “She can do that, but not alone. She doesn’t even know what’s going on.” Dean says, causing Sam to sigh.
 “I know, which is why killing the incubus would work better.” Sam responds.
 “We could always send someone’s subconscious into her mind.” The two of them look at the Angel. “It would be a way to tell her what’s going on and help her fight through it. An incubus locks one in their worst nightmares.”
 “How do we do it?” Sam asks.
 “We will need... a spell.” Castiel answers. “How do we decide who should go?”
 “I’ll go.” Dean answers firm.
 “Hush Sammy, this is my fault for not looking out for her, it’s my job to get her out of this.” Dean answers, rolling his shoulders. “Besides, she trusts me.”
 “Then lets get started.”
AN: I know the killing an incubus thing isn’t accurate, but I went with it anyway. Enjoy!
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Unstoppable Dean Winchester
Summary:Dean confessing his feelings for you and you calling him a liar. I was talking on the phone with Kevin just catching up and making sure he was okay, when Sam walked into the living room. I've been hunting with them for quiet some time, and staying at the bunker with them. "Hey K I gotta go I'll call you later stay safe and don't work yourself to hard, bye." I told Kevin right before I hung up. I looked over at San as he sighed and sat down. "How long you been up?" He questions me. "Bout an hour I reply back honestly. Sam and I got along really well. I was in between the ages of Sam and Dean so we were pretty close in the age gap. I have been in love with Dean for along time, Sam, Kevin and Castiel all know even though I never told anyone they just figured it out. "So you ever gonna tell Dean you love him?" Sam asked out loud. "Omg San shut up Dean might hear you." I told him worried Dean was listening. "Please it's Dean its early Dean won't be up for another couple of hours." Sam tried to argue. "I don't care shut your yapper." I snapped and glared at him. He held his hands up in defense. *third person POV* Y/n did not want Dean to know how she felt because she was scared. Scared of being rejected is what she told herself and her friends. But deep down she knew she wasn't just scared of being rejected she was really scared of being in love. She never wanted love. She was a hunter you can't get to close to to many people. That's how the monsters hurt you. She didn't want to fall in love with Dean, but she did and there was nothing she could do to stop it. It wasn't her choice. Little did she know that God made them for each other. And Dean felt the exact same way she did. Dean had heard them talking. He didn't really believe what he was hearing. He thought they might be playing a prank on him. So he walked into the room with his robe on and went to grab a cup of coffee. Once he got his coffee he sat down next to y/n. "Morning." He quietly grumbled, still a little sleepy, more so to the girl next to him than his brother. Sam replied back with the same thing while y/n just looked at him and smiled and went back to the newspaper in her hands looking for cases. Dean looked at the two people in the world he cared about most. They were actually a lot alike. Both liked to get up early. Both read a lot. Both extremely intelligent. And both willing to die in place of almost anyone. They worked so hard and he wanted to give them a break so Dean spoke up. "Hey why don't we take today off, and have a lazy day." Dean suggested to them. They looked at him like he was crazy. Dean had never said anything like that to anyone before. He leaned back in his chair and sighed at them as they continued to look at him. Y/n leaned over at him then she stood up and pressed the back of her hand on his forehead. "Are you felling alright Dean." She asked the man as she felt his cheeks to see if he had a fever. He scoffed and stuck her back in her chair. "I'm fine, it's just we have all been working so hard lately I think we really do deserve a lazy day it's not fair that we never get a break I just wanna make sure you guys are okay." He answered honestly. "You know Dean we're perfectly fine but honestly a lazy day sounds kinda perfect right now. I'm in if you are." She said the last part to Sam who happily agreed with her. Good. Y/n walked over to the couch and laid across it grabbing her phone to call Kevin to see if he wanted her to pick him up so he could join them. Dean walked over to the couch to. He grabbed her legs and lifted them up so he could sit down. She dialed Kevin and waited for him to answer. He surprised her and answered on the third ring. "Hey are you in a room alone." Kevin asked straight away. "No Sam and Dean are in here watching tv." She told him a little surprised by his bluntness. "Go to you're room I need to talk to you." He told the now confused girl. "Ok" she replied. Y/n's POV "Ok Kev I'm in my room and you're on speaker." I told Kevin very confused. "Y/n I cracked part of the tablet I was gonna tell you this morning but you hung up on me." He started. "That's great! What does it say?" I said excited. "Your name was in it. God paired you with someone. You are meant to be together with someone like soulmates. He paired you so you could protect the world together. When you are apart for to long you will get bad headaches. And when you're together you're supposed to feel like a better complete version of each other......... Y/n it didn't say a name but I think it's Dean God paired you with." He finished. I sat there stunned when I heard a knock on my door. I hope whoever was there didn't hear what Kevin said since I had him on speaker. "Kev I gotta go." I told him quickly then hung up and walked to the door. I took a deep breath before opening it. Third POV again. Even though y/n hoped the person that knock didn't here, that wasn't the case. Dean had heard everything Kevin said. If this was true the girl on the other side of that door felt the same way he did. If this wasn't true, he was in love with a girl destined to be with someone else, and that hurt. He knocked on the door hoping to talk to her and figure out what was going on. When she finally opened the door y/n saw the one person she didn't want to talk to right now. Dean. She started to speak when Castiel showed up on the other side of Dean. "Dean we need to talk. Now." He said in his very deep voice. Really Dean thought. Now of all times wasn't the best time for him, but he followed Cas anyways because if Cas had shown up it probably meant something important was happening. They went to Dean's room and closed the door. Sam was already in there. Sam knew if he sent Cas to get him Dean would come so they could talk. "Dean we need you to tell y/n how you feel. It's driving us all insane even Cas who doesn't live here. I promise she feels the same way dude just please." Sam practically begged Dean. Dean sat there thinking about if Cas agreed and what Kevin said was true he had to give it a shot so he nodded. Dean left the room and walked to y/n's door. He stood there a minute thinking about what he was about to do. He finally just walked in. The girl in the room looked up at him. She smirked and said "knock much." Dean ignored the comment and started talking seeing no other way to do this. "Y/n I am madly in love with you okay I have been since the moment I met you and I know that sounds cheesy but there's nothing I can do about it. I was and am scared to love you. I don't wanna loose you but what choice do I even have anymore. I look at you and see the person I want to spend my entire life with. The person I want to make myself better for. The person I'm madly in love with. And I know you feel the same way about me. You can't tell me you don't feel that spark when we touch, the fireworks going off when we hug. The burning in your head and stomach when we're apart. You can't tell me you don't feel any of that dammit. I know you do, because I feel it to." To say y/n was stunned was an understatement. She automatically didn't think this was real so she snapped at him. "What the hell is this some kind of joke. First what Kevin said and now this. You've got to be kidding me. This is a sick joke even for you Dean. Why would you lie to me like that? Quit lying to me." She said as her voice was on the verge of cracking. Dean was upset that she thought this. He didn't show but it hurt more than any physical or emotional pain he had ever felt. So he looked her straight in the eyes with a dead serious face and said "Look at my face and tell me if I'm lying to you." The girl in front of Dean almost couldn't take it she knew he wasn't lying but couldn't believe he was telling the truth. He felt the same way she did but she didn't want to believe he did. "How can you love me? How could you ever love a person that doesn't love themself?" She started yelling but her voice cracked at the end. Dean kept a strong face and replied "the same way you do." She knew he was talking about the fact that she loved him when he thought so lowly of himself but it hurt her to think he did even though she hated herself as much as she did. She walked over to Dean and didn't say anything but stepped on his feet and leaned up and kissed him. It wasn't how she imagined they would kiss. She always thought it would be rough and passionate but it was the exact opposite. It was slow and sweet, caring even. In that moment both Dean and y/n knew there was no going back. They both realized they were in fact made for each other. God not only made them to protect the world when he left, he made them to give them reason to protect the world, he gave them each other so they could always have someone to fight with and for. He gave them each other so they would be Unstoppable.
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mayalaen · 7 years
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Title: Hollandaise Sauce Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel - Destiel Word Count: 1.7k Rating: PG-13/Teen/Not Explicit Tags: humor, prank wars, kissing, food kink, season 9, Men of Letters Bunker, human!Castiel Original Post Date: September 12, 2014 Link: AO3
Summary: Fill for an Anonymous Prompt.  Sam gets Castiel involved in his and Dean's on going prank war, convincing Castiel to tell Dean that he is in love with him. Sam is positive Dean will freak out.
Tag List: @samanddeaninpanties​�� @pod7et​​ @wanderingcas​​ @buckybee
“That seems very cruel,” Castiel said with a frown.
Sam chuckled.  “Well, pranks are cruel, but if you're doing them to each other, it's fun and everybody deserves what they get!”
Cas' frown deepened.  “I suppose.”
“It's a human thing, Cas,” Sam said with a shrug.
Cas looked at Sam, obviously a little more interested, though still skeptical.  It was sort of manipulative to use the “it's a human thing” argument against Cas, but Sam really needed to get Dean back for that last prank.  He still finding shaving cream in various places around his room.
“He won't be hurt by this?” Cas asked, a concerned look on his face.
Sam snorted.  “I'm probably gonna be the one who gets hurt by this when he punches me.”
Cas nodded.  “Okay.  I'll do it.”
“Yes!” Sam said with a big smile.
Sam had cooked a really great dinner, and Cas had helped by setting the table and making a salad.  Sam wasn't making the meal as part of the prank.  They all enjoyed the small amount of domesticity the bunker allowed them, and Sam had learned he loved cooking.  He didn't always have time to do it, but it made the bunker feel like a home.
“Smells great!” Dean said as he walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks!” Sam said as he started dishing up the food.  “Have a seat.  It's all ready.”
They sat at the table, Dean to Cas' right and Sam across from Cas.  Sam loved trying new things out on Cas.  He hadn't been human for long, but each time he tried something new, it was interesting and fun to see if it was something Cas liked.
Sam sat there grinning while Cas picked up his stalk of asparagus instead of stabbing it with the fork.   “Try it without the sauce first, see if you like it.  If it's not one of your favorites, the Hollandaise sauce might make it taste better to you,” Sam suggested.
Cas sniffed it, then took a bite.  “It's different, but I think I like it.”
“Cool!” Sam said.  “What do you think of the sauce?”
Cas picked up another stalk of asparagus and pulled it through the sauce, then pushed the whole thing into his mouth, chewing slowly.  A smile grew on his face.  “I like the sauce!” he said with a mouthful of chewed asparagus.
Dean chuckled as Sam rolled his eyes.  “You just gotta get used to it, man,” Dean said.
“Get used to what?” Cas asked, rolling another asparagus stalk in the Hollandaise sauce.
“Sam's a big baby about talking with your mouth full of food,” Dean said with a mouthful of food.
Sam sighed.  “No class.  Either of you,” he said, shaking his head, then nudged Cas' leg under the table.
Cas looked up at Sam, the asparagus hanging halfway out of his mouth, and Sam gave a slight nod toward Dean and winked.  Cas nodded and chewed his food.
Cas wiped his mouth, then turned his attention to Dean.   “Dean, I have something I need to tell you,” he said, voice completely serious and face showing no signs of anything but sincerity.
Dean washed his food down with a swig of beer.  “Okay,” he said with a nod.
Sam feigned nonchalance, continuing to eat his dinner as Cas reached out and took Dean's left hand in his.  Sam nearly choked on his food, the gesture intimate in a way Sam hadn't expected from Cas.
“I... I'm in love with you,” Cas said softly.
Sam's fork stopped midway between his plate and his mouth, his jaw dropped, and he mentally congratulated Cas on his awesome acting skills.
Dean's eyes slowly widened.  “You do?” he breathed, as if someone had punched him in the gut.
That's when Sam started to feel a little bad about what he'd done.  Dean looked blown away instead of pissed.  He knew Dean wasn't homophobic, so he wasn't worried about Dean going off on Cas for being gay or bisexual, but he hadn't expected the soft tone of voice that had just come from his brother.
Cas nodded.  “I've wanted to tell you for a while now.”
Dean gave Cas a small smile.  “I'm glad you told me.”
Cas smiled back, his stiff posture loosening up a little now that Dean was smiling.
“I've been in love with you too,” Dean said, rubbing his thumb over the back of Cas' hand.
Sam dropped his fork, but neither Dean nor Cas paid any attention to him.   He gripped the edge of the table hard and panicked in silence.  What had he done?  His brother looked sincere.  Like, really sincere.  And Cas couldn't have realized what it would do to a human if this all turned out to be a prank.
“I wanna kiss you,” Dean blurted.  “Can I kiss you, Cas?” he asked, vulnerability in his voice and his eyes.
Sam wanted to scream.  He wanted a hole to swallow him up.  He wanted to go back in time two minutes and stop this from ever happening.  How the Hell had this been a good idea?
“Yes, Dean,” Cas said, then leaned toward Dean.
Dean smiled as he leaned closer to Cas, then their lips met in a gentle kiss, as if they weren't sure of themselves, but they both really wanted it.  Dean reached up and put his hands on either side of Cas' face, pulling him closer.
A squeak came from Sam's open mouth as Dean licked at Cas' lips and then pushed his tongue inside Cas' mouth.  Cas moaned, eyes closing as Dean's right hand cupped the back of his head, then ran down Cas' back, pulling him even closer.
Cas went willingly, and as Dean scooted his chair back, Cas straddled Dean's thighs and wrapped his arms around Dean's neck, grinding down against Dean's crotch.
It was at once the most sensual and most horrific thing Sam had ever witnessed.  He'd just played a big part in stomping on his brother's heart.
Dean reached between them and started to fumble with Cas' jeans, which was what shook Sam from his very quiet episode of freaking the fuck out.
“Oh, my god, stop!” Sam wailed as he stood up, knocking his chair over backward in the process.  “It's a prank!  I made Cas prank you!”
But they didn't stop.  Dean didn't scowl at him or jump up and start hitting him.  Instead the two seemed to melt against each other, Dean pushing his face into Cas' neck.  Just as Sam was about to walk around the table and pry them apart, beg for forgiveness, he heard a snort.
Dean was shaking, or rather his shoulders were shaking, and another snort came out, magnified by the fact that Dean's face was pushed into Cas' neck.  The snort was followed up by what can only be described as a giggle.
Sam, beyond confused, just stood there, arms out at his sides and his mouth opening and closing.  It wasn't until Dean turned to look at him that he started to catch on, tears running down Dean's cheeks as he laughed so hard he couldn't even talk.
Cas looked up at Sam, a shit-eating grin on his face.  “That was fun!  Now I see why the two of you enjoy this!”
Sam sighed, running his hands over his face.  “Okay, you got me,” Sam said, shaking his head.  “And just for future reference,” he said to Cas, “you don't tell the person you're pranking about the prank.”
Dean chuckled.  “You do when it means you can totally turn things around on the original prankster,” he said with a grin, then looked up at Cas.   “Your mouth tastes like Hollandaise,” he said, then licked into Cas' mouth again, moaning.
Sam's eyes widened and he sputtered for a few moments.  “Dude, the prank's over.  You can stop trying to sell it.”
Dean finished the kiss with a nibble to Cas' lower lip, then grinned up at Sam.  “You're not nearly as observant as I give you credit for.”
“Huh?” Sam asked, a very confused look on his face.
“You think he just automatically knew how to kiss like that?” Dean asked with a smirk.
Sam blinked at Dean a couple of times, everything falling into place in his head.  Sam huffed out a laugh as he set his chair back on its feet and flopped down onto it.
“Dean and I are very private,” Cas said.  “We don't often display our affection in public.”
“You seriously didn't notice that he's sleeping in my room?” Dean asked.
Sam shook his head, chuckling.  “I saw him come out of there a couple mornings, but I just thought the two of you had been talking.”
“He's not a big talker,” Dean said with a wink.  “Mostly he moans and whimpers and...”
“Okay,” Sam blurted, “I get it.  No need to go into detail.”
Dean chuckled.  “Well, I'm still hungry.  Are you still hungry, Cas?”
Cas frowned.  “My penis hurts,” he complained with a pout.
Sam was glad he hadn't been drinking.  Instead of spitting water all over the table, he ended up letting out a bark of laughter.
“Do you want me to take care of it or can you finish your food first?” Dean asked.
Sam's chest tightened at the tone of Dean's voice.  He really did care for Cas.  He wasn't joking or making light of the situation.  He also wasn't acting like an oversexed hound dog.
Cas continued pouting.  “It's really hard,” he said softly.
“You know what?” Sam said as he stood up.  “I'm going to take my plate to my room.  I've got some stuff to do on the laptop anyway.  You two have fun,” he said with a smile.
“Grab the Hollandaise sauce,” Dean said to Cas.
Sam's dick twitched as he walked out of the kitchen, unable to help himself as he imagined all the things they could do with the sauce.
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 years
Supernatural: Advanced Thanatology (13x05)
What is up with this season being so good? I'm blown away by how much work they seem to be putting in to developing the themes and making even the C-plot episodes focused and dynamic. Let's take a look.
I did miss Jack, and I thought Sam leaving him alone with just "extra warding" was kind of silly. Dean seems to be a little more okay with the idea of the kid now, but the fact that he's willing to let Jack wander the bunker unprotected and unguarded seems kind of far-fetched. I understand the necessity in order to get the plot off the ground, but still.
The ending with Cas was absolutely amazing, but I've got to lodge a familiar complaint about this show and its excessively queer baiting ways. They're never going to do it, so they need to stop giving us moments like this. It's just pissing everybody off at this point. Don't call me a hypocrite for gushing about it later.
The actual monster-of-the-week story is pretty basic - a ghost of an old creepy doctor is still taking fresh "patients" and killing them by performing lobotomies. Sam and Dean end up in the doctor's asylum with a bunch of ghosts of his victims through the years. Dean decides to kill himself temporarily to figure out where the ghost's bodies are, and before Sam can object, he has dosed himself and dies.
Stopping there for a moment - this episode continues the theme of grief and loss and emotional well-being. The evil ghost is taking victims with mental illness. There's a young teenage boy traumatized by the death of his friend who has gone nonverbal. Dean is still suffering from extreme grief and is undergoing unhealthy coping mechanisms. The episode does more than sub-textually remind us of Dean's grief; it goes so far as to spell it out in crystal clear detail at a later point in the episode. But the groundwork is present in the themes of the episode itself. We got quite a bit of gut-wrenching imagery, from Dean realizing he failed to save the kid, to the sight of the dead boy's mother cradling his face in her hands. We end the episode on a very hopeful note for Sam and Dean, but we're not allowed to forget all of the loss the preceded it.
Also, we have the adorable fact that Sam is trying to cheer Dean up. It's almost childishly clumsy, the way he goes about it - he gets Dean out on a case, lets him play his music, lets him take the better fake FBI agent name, suggests they go to a strip club, offers him beer with his breakfast... Dean calls him on it before too long, and Sam sheepishly admits that he's just trying to be nice. Dean gets a little annoyed, but, and this is important - he doesn't storm off or get angry or further shut down. He actually sort of allows Sam to coddle him a bit, in an indulgent sort of way. That's not to say that Dean is handling things real well - he wakes up after a bender the next morning with a massive hangover and a bra apparently left by an overnight guest. Still, it's nice to see that while Dean is in a really, really bad place, he's not necessarily following old patterns. At the very least, he's letting Sam try to help.
And then we get to the part where Dean, with no qualms or hesitation, kills himself to try and help the ghosts find their peace. This scene was absolutely great in how surreal it was. You've got Sam, who in some ways is too shocked and annoyed to be properly freaked out at first. You've got Dean who appears as a ghost, and then this poor reaper who just cracked me up - "Hello, my name is Jessica, and I'm here to lead you to your next life." Dean brushes her off, saying he's "a little busy," and Jessica just says: "Oh, God." Next thing we know, she's rushing off to inform Death that a Winchester is in the veil. I'm such a sucker for the idea of the entire supernatural world knowing who Sam and Dean are, and behaving accordingly. At this point they pretty much have automatic special treatment.
Billie is back, and she's been promoted to Death. This is kind of where I thought they were going with her character when she first showed up a few seasons back, so I've got to say I'm pretty pleased with the reappearance. The scene between her and Dean was great for so many reasons. I love that it took its time, that the two of them had ample opportunity to size each other up and suss out the complexities of the situation. Billie has changed since becoming Death. She's starting to see the inevitability and importance of the Winchester brothers, even if she doesn't necessarily like it. And she wants intel - wants to know about the alternate universe and how the rift appeared. What does Dean get in exchange? Well, he doesn't ask for his own life back - he asks for the ghosts to go free. Billie complies.
And then we get one of those Dean Winchester speeches that are always so excellently delivered by Mr. Ackles. He basically shrugs off the idea of staying dead, saying he figures that if it's his time, it's his time. He doesn't matter. He couldn't save his mother, he couldn't save Cas, he couldn't save a scared kid. Sam can't help him, and all Dean is doing is dragging him down in the muck. So... maybe it's just his time to go.
I mean... okay, Dean, you're kind of making me cry here. But also this scene is just so telling of Dean's emotional state this season. Like I said at the start of the review, we're really taking our time in developing themes and doing slow builds. Dean is messed up over Cas and Mary in a way we've never seen him messed up over anyone before, and that is textual.
Let's turn to the Destiel of it all, shall we? This entire episode acknowledges that Dean is grieving in a way quite different from Sam. They're different people, sure, but Sam's worry over Dean is an explicit indication that Sam knows Dean is in a worse place than he is. They've both lost Mary, and we can see that Sam is in some ways struggling with that even more than Dean is. But Cas? Obviously Sam is grieving for his friend, but he knows that Dean is worse off about it. Everything about this episode is framed in such a way that we see Sam worrying over Dean's grief more than experiencing grief himself. Dean pretty much declares himself suicidal. He couldn't save his mother or Cas, so what's even the point anymore? Dean is honest to Sam about how broken he's feeling - how much he just really needed a win. It's good that Dean is not shutting these feelings up, but it also sucks so bad because you know that Sam is just trying to help, and this case wasn't exactly one designed to bring a smile to Dean's face.
And. Then. They're in the impala. Sam is asleep. Dean is driving. His phone rings, waking Sam up. Dean answers it. We don't hear who's on the other end, but we see Dean's face. Great subtle acting from Jensen, and amazing light design, as his face goes from shocked and in shadow to painfully hopeful just as a light from the side of the road infuses his expression golden. The next thing we see, the boys are getting out of the car to see Castiel waiting for them by a phone booth. I promise you I'm not exaggerating or indulging in wishful thinking when I say that this scene plays like two lovers being reunited. We see Sam and Dean both briefly when they get out of the car, but then we cut to Cas, then we cut to Dean, then we cut back to Cas, then to black. They both have looks of such longing on their faces, it's almost embarrassing to write about. Last week, I talked about how Dean's declaration that he doesn't believe in anything was followed immediately by Cas showing up in the mortal realm. This week, Dean tells Sam that he needed a win, and the very next thing that happens is him getting a phone call from Cas, miraculously resurrected. There's nothing subtle about this, guys. For real.
Next week looks like a fun Western with Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack - the whole gang. All I can say is, I really hope they don't cut past the reunion. I want to see it happen in all of its glorious detail. Also Jack and Cas are going to be spending time together. This is going to be amazing.
What can I say? This season is getting me really pumped!
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