#The general concept for the oc is she didn't get to know her parents- they were killed by the empire
smalllonelyegg · 10 months
My Own Headcanon to Echani Society bc Why TF Not
Most of this was kinda drafted up by me for the sake of a half Echani OC who went from merely lashing out however she could vs the Empire to attempting to nationbuild, as well as grow as a person, and learn to find value in living, so a lot of it was considered with that in mind, and as such it will not be particularly applicable for your purposes. May this serve more as loose inspiration or an alternate take at best. Also warning Eshan here is meant to be *terrible.*
Echani Command was not merely subservient to the Empire, but enjoyed a position of privilege by them. In exchange for treating Imperial officials equivalent to high caste Echani, including access to training in the Echani martial arts, they enjoy relative freedom, being allowed to maintain their own law enforcement, prevent their businesses being nationalized, and generally enjoyed a lax, comparatively unsupervised, existence under imperial rule
Eshan itself is a colonialist planet, having taken the other of the "Six Sisters" in order to exploit their resources
Echani rule was dictated largely by eugenics. People were sorted into castes depending on supposed "genetic worth," a remnant of their time as an experiment of the Arkanians. Low caste echani face various socio-political hurdles, such as access to education and autonomy
Echani of any variety are not permitted to choose their own romantic or sexual partners. Marriage is based on computations over ideal genetic combinations, and are limited to within a caste. To break this is to drop to the lowest rung of the caste system, along with the offspring of such combinations, and those who openly sympathize and teach low caste people.
Battle, other than a means of communication, is seen as a test of "genetic value." To succeed in combat is to show you are of greater worth than your opponent.
While it becomes frequent for low caste people to enlist in Imperial Academy to escape from the burdens it provides, it carries some degree of social stigma, as while imperials are treated as high caste in a legal sense, in addition to xenophobia leading to a sense of superiority to imperials, low ranking officers and conscripts are often seen as "not worthy" of these privileges. These generally go unsaid, privileged as Command is, imperial rule still holds true.
In addition to the assigned Imperial Governor, leadership was held by High Council, with each member effectively serving as an autocrat over the system they represent- though they still would post their own governors to manage on a smaller scale
Position of Councilor may be won in ritual combat with the current holder of said position. While nothing legally prevented lower caste members doing this, combat education beyond the very basics was limited based on caste, such that in effect only the highest castes may possibly claim rulership. This all builds to a symbolic representation of "genetic purity"- where combat prowess is seen as a measure of genetic strength, to be councilor is to assert genetic superiority over all but the other councilors
Combat is primarily conceived of as dialectics materialized, where strength in combat is representative of the strength of a party's ideals. To win is to let your convictions be heard, and while all but the most traditionalist echani judges find victory in combat something that binds one to action legally, to not follow the victor is seen as incredibly cowardly
While High castes are given a theoretically large amount of freedom, they nonetheless face great social pressures, as deviance from social norm is highly associated with "poor genetics" pressure is thus applied to "perform genetic value"
More lighthearted
Eshan's surface is near uninhabitable due to its scorching sun, a white star named Esh. As a result, nearly all life there dwells in the vast cave system spanning the entire planet beneath its surface
Due to the nature of Eshan, much of Echani diet is centered on fungi. Mushroom stew is an incredibly common dish, with many households having their own unique takes on how it should be made
Most animals on Eshan are insects, though many have evolved to convergently resemble other creatures such as mammals at a glance. Traditional Echani armor, though almost never seen outside museums, are made of their exoskeletons, being flexible, though still durable
Echani diplomats and senators are very frequently taught they *can't* challenge people to a duel. This has to be heavily stressed
Echani funeral garb is white, while the garb of the deceased is to be black
Weapons of Echani firedancers are often derived from farming or foraging tools, such as sickle like tools that were designed to scrape lichens from rock- This is allegedly because of a legendary farmer who, upon finding his village razed by bandits, killed all of them with a scythe. It is said his rage burned hotter than the burning village homes
Echani alertness can be a double edged blade- horror stories can get an extreme reaction from even seasoned echani warriors. Offworlders who bring holovids have often been told to ensure any media like that is to be hidden or disposed of
Many Echani clothes are constructed out of silk created from the cocoons of a particular species of insect. These clothes are often designed to be quick to take off, should a fight start and they prove too restrictive. Most Echani do not see any possible symbolism from this, coincidental or otherwise
Post war, many echani writers ruminated on the nature of battle droids. In a culture where combat serves as a form of communication, what is to be said of constructs who don't have any larger point to communicate, who simply fight because it was what they were made and ordered to do. Many echani tend to be put off by these droids, who come across as uncanny.
Echani made products used to fetch high prices in galactic markets, often being handmade artisanal products of high quality. As automation developed more and more, however, these items became more and more novelty: armies could be armed with state of the art blasters for the price demanded for a set of echani vibroswords. Echani attempts to automize struggled, often being low quality, not only in comparison to their specialty items but also in comparison to other similar competitors. As a result, Eshans economy began to center more and more on raw materials. Ironically, some of the biggest consumers of echani materials is MadalMotors.
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onlyrosyjohnny · 2 years
rosy day [one shot]
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-Pediatrician!Johnny x Surgeon!OC
Word count: 6k
Summary: You spend your day-off by watching a movie with your daughter and your boyfriend. It's their first meeting, well after he made her cry in the clinic for a vaccine shot.
Warnings: foods and act of eating is mentioned, also if there are any errors in spelling or grammar that I missed, I’m sorry in advance. English is not my first language.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own any of the people, characters, names, or concepts mentioned above. Please do not post my work in other platforms without my permission. Reblog, like, or any comment is gladly appreciated.
Coming to your apartment was the best part of the day. Especially after a 12 hour surgery, you definitely deserved a warm bath, a glass of wine and a good sleep tonight. Thankfully, tomorrow is your day off and you plan to enjoy your rest day to the fullest. You fetch the keys to your unit while thinking of the many hugs and kisses you'll get from your little one.
“Mommy’s here!”, a small voice can be heard as you insert your key to the door and unlock it. 
“Rosy dear, don’t run towards the door, you don’t want to get a booboo on the knee don’t you?”, you heard Mrs. Bell’s voice as she reminds your five-year-old to be careful. She lives just across your unit and she’s been fond of your child ever since you moved into the building. 
It was the best choice to have someone look after her that she already knows and sees on a daily basis. On your usual schedule, you would drop her off at kindergarten and your parents would pick her up and bring her to their house.  After work you would pick her up in their house and also have your dinner there. But today, your parents were not available since they flew out of the country to visit your sibling.
You opened the door and what welcomed you was a warm smile and a big hug from your daughter. You give her a big smooch on the cheeks as you carry her and feel the love from your baby girl. 
"Mommy, did you save lives today? How many?", she excitedly asked you. 
"We did save a life today! That's why mommy got home late tonight, I'm sorry we didn't get to have dinner together tonight.", when you finish work early on Fridays, both of you usually stroll around the park when you pick her up and then have dinner while watching a movie she picked. 
"It's okay, auntie ate with me and we watched Kung Fu Panda! Mommy, I wanna learn karate!" Last week, she wanted to be a surfer because of a Babrbie movie she saw and the week before that she wanted to become a chef. 
"I hope you were a good kid for Mrs. Bell’s today, or did you give her a hard time?”, you jokingly said to your daughter while laughing with your neighbor. Of course you had an idea how she behaved today, she’s always a good kid but has good chances of being too ecstatic during playtime. 
“Of course she was a wonderful kid, very smart and energetic,” Mrs. Bell says with a motherly smile on her face. You know your kid can be a handful at times since she has a lot of energy and there are times that even you can’t keep up with it. Along with her adventurous side she’s also a very smart kid, always curious with her environment and you are very much willing to nurture her in every way. As cliche as everyone says it, but your little Rosy is the center of your life, she never fails to put a smile on your face and remind you what love is. 
You bid your goodbyes to your neighbor and generously thanked her for being with your little one for today. You put your kid down on the couch in the living room while she was babbling about the happy things that happened on her day. From how she enjoyed the snacks that you prepared for her, what she learned from kindergarten today etc. 
“Sweetheart, I have good news for you! I have the day off tomorrow! We can finally go to the cinemas and watch Despicable Me!”, you excitedly told her. 
“Really!I will sleep early tonight so I can wake up early tomorrow and we can go to the cinemas early and play a lot!”, she exclaimed.
“And not just that, we’ll have a special guest tomorrow, we’ll watch the movie with my friend!” 
“Who's your friend?” she asked.
“Remember the very tall doctor you met in Mommy’s office last week. When you visited me with gran-gran and pop-pop?” you try to paint the picture of what happened last week when she first met Johnny. 
“The giant doctor?” 
That made you laugh a little, and you’re not gonna deny it because he is really tall. 
“Yes my love, that giant doctor. He will join us for a fun weekend tomorrow!”, you try to make it more exciting because you know how she is with new people. 
“That’s the doctor that gave me an ouchie!”, she remembered her vaccine shot last week. With her shocked face as she remembers her encounter with the ‘giant’ doctor, you are starting to get nervous if she will still want to go to the cinemas with him. 
“Well baby, he needed to give you that ouchie because it will help you get stronger so you won’t get sick”, you patiently explained. 
“But why him? Why not Auntie doctor?”, she’s referring to your other colleague, the one she met several months back and eventually became comfortable with.
“Because he's a very close friend of mine and he really wants to meet you. He’s a pedia, my love. A kid’s doctor! He’s got stickers of the movies you like, you'll like him.” 
Now you’re trying your best to make sure that your daughter will not have any second thoughts on your weekend fun day as you’ve planned this since last month, aligning it to Johnny’s day off and yours. And most importantly, you just want your daughter to finally meet your boyfriend of almost 2 months. 
Yes, you and Johnny have been dating for a few months now. He just moved to town four months ago and got a job as a pediatrician in the same hospital as yours. You met each other when you both worked on a case for a surgery on one of his patients. From then on, everything just fell into place. And now, Johnny has been requesting this fun day with you and your daughter for weeks. You understand that he just wants to be more knowledgeable about your life outside of work and when he met Rosy for the first time, he made it a mission to himself to at least be closer to her after she cried loudly after he gave her vaccine shot.
“Does he have My Little Pony stickers?”, she asked while crossing her arms. 
“Yes! He has all of your favorite stickers!”, you really aren’t sure. You just wish Johnny is prepared to meet your daughter since you’ve told him quite a few things about your daughter on your first few dates. 
“But what if he gives me a new ouchie?”, you can really see the worry in her eyes.
“He won’t do that my love, he actually wants to play with you”.
“But-”, your daughter was cut short by your phone ringing. You told her to get ready for bed and instructed her to brush her teeth and change into her jammies.
You got your phone from your bag and saw your lover’s contact name.
Joh-giya ♥️ is calling…..
“Hi, I just got home”, you sweetly said.
“Hi babe, I just got home too. Walking up to my unit actually. So, we’re good for tomorrow right? You told her that we’ll see the movies?” excitement was spilling out of his voice.
“Well, you know how she is with new people and apparently she still remembers the vaccine shot you gave her in the past” you slowly and carefully told him. 
“Oh no.”
“But I assure you she’s excited to meet you and see the movie, I also told her you have a lot of My Little Pony stickers you know how she loves those.” you are really trying to lift his mood up and make it seem that he has nothing to worry about meeting Rosy tomorrow. 
For a few seconds you hear nothing on Johnny’s end. Is he contemplating whether to go with your plan for tomorrow or does he want to back out? Maybe this is the part that he realizes that dating someone with a kid is not as easy as he thought, maybe this is the part where he calls-
“If you want you can back-” 
“I’ll just do my very best to be close to her and make her see me in a different light, no? Not the giant doctor that gave her an ouchie anymore” he chuckled as he said it. 
“Yeah, I think so”
He really knows what to say to you at any moment. He knows what you need to hear at the moment to ease your worries. Johnny is a great person, not just a great in his profession but as a person he does his all for the people he loves. Maybe luck is on your side this time around. After so many attempts in finding partners in the past years, it's hard to let new people in your life. But him, he’s different. You never met someone that is willing to know you more and the people that you love. He wants to get to know the entire you, not just the doctor part of you or just the single mom part of you. He wants you as a whole, with everything that you have and everything that you are willing to share. 
“Okay, see you tomorrow at 11 AM, I’ll pick you up? Let’s get lunch before we watch the movies.”
“Yeah, 11 AM is good for us.”
“Got it, you better get ready for bed too, I know you had a long surgery today. Good job today Doctor, I’m very proud of you.” 
“Thank you Johnny, that means a lot.”, a warm feeling crept in your heart sending butterflies to your stomach and a smile on your face.
You both bid goodbyes and ‘i love you’s’ before ending the call. As you entered your daughter’s room, you saw her already finished putting on her pajamas. You went to her small book shelf and looked at the selection of fairy tales that you’ll read for her tonight.
“Mommy, can I sleep on your bed tonight?” she asks sweetly while holding her whale plushie.
“Yes of course my love. What storybook do you want to read before we sleep?”
“I want to read about Rapunzel tonight.” 
You got the book and led her to your room. Hand in hand you help her get on the bed and you lay beside her finding a good spot for the both of you as you start to read the book. This is how your usual nights go by. You read a story book to her as sleep pulls her and and you gently untangle yourself from your daughter, to freshen up and change in your sleeping clothes. 
As you lay down again beside your daughter, several thoughts are now firing up in your mind. Not quite sure whether you are excited or just fully anxious on how your daughter will behave tomorrow. She can be a handful at times since she’s just a kid she’s still developing and there are things that are beyond her understanding. Since it has been just the two of you since she was born, she can’t help it to feel jealous when your full attention is not on her. There are also times that your parents would just appear in the hospital looking for you because your daughter has been crying for a while and just wants to be with you. It scares you how she will react when she finally understands that Johnny is just more than a friend, although she might not really understand what a boyfriend is at first. And with those concerns about Rosy reacting badly to Johnny tomorrow, you also worry that if things don’t go as planned tomorrow this is the end for the both of you. You can’t handle a heartbreak right now, not from Johnny. The feelings that you have for this man are just different from the others. It’s sincere. Pure. 
You hug your daughter closer trying to calm yourself, she moves a bit and softly says ‘mommy’ while trying to hug you with her small arm. Placing a soft kiss on her head you slowly close your eyes and drift to sleep. 
-The next morning-
You woke up around 8 o’ clock, and started the day by checking your phone for any emails or important messages from work. Untangling yourself carefully from your daughter, you do a little stretch before going to the kitchen. You started brewing a nice warm tea, no coffee for today since you want to cut off your coffee intake as you always have coffee in your workplace. You cleaned up the apartment a bit before cooking breakfast for the both of you. 
After finishing up in the kitchen, you enter your room to wake up Rosy. Gently kissing her forehead and softly saying her name, she opens her eyes and does a little stretch.
“Good morning my love, it’s time for breakfast”.
You both eat a fulfilling meal. As you clean up the table and wash the dishes your daughter is watching the television while playing with her dolls. After a while you then tell her that she needs to take a bath now since Johnny or the giant doctor is going to come here soon. 
She may be unpredictable at times but what is noteworthy about your daughter is that she follows your instructions most of the time and seldomly gives you any tantrums or cries when things don't go her way. 
After the both of you have taken a bath and have arranged your bags, Johnny sent a message that he’s already in the parking area of your building. You tried your best to limit the things to bring for your activities today and don’t want to have too much stuff in your bag.
“Rosy, baby get your bag ready, we'll be leaving in a few, Doctor Johnny is just downstairs and about to come up here.”
She did as she was told too and not long after you heard a knock on your front door. Trying to hide your excitement and nervousness, you take a deep breath before opening the door. 
 “Hi babe”, Johnny said with a big smile on his face while holding a small bouquet of pink tulips and a medium-sized paper bag on both hands. 
“Hi, how was your drive?” The hint of happiness and excitement in your voice drowned the worries in your head on how this day will go. You gently put your arms around his neck to welcome him with a warm hug and a soft kiss on his cheek. 
“Mommy! Did you see my pink butterfly clip? And my purple ribbon?” your daughter asks loudly from her room and as you turn around you see her running to the corridor and halt when she sees the man in the front door. She just stood there, with curiosity in her eyes. Leaning on the floor she gave the most adorable eyes ever not knowing how to react to his presence. 
“Rosy, Johnny is here, come say hi!” She slowly came near you and put her short arms around your legs, trying to hide herself from the giant man in front of her. 
“Hello Mister Johnny, I’m Rosy” she said, introducing herself just as you two practiced. Johnny slowly crouched and gave his brightest smile to her. It was warm, endearing, and welcoming. It's like a ray of sunshine. 
“Hello Rosy, I’m glad to meet you. Your mom says you like My Little Pony?” He extended his hand to make a little handshake with her. She accepts his hand and shakes it ever so lightly while nodding her head, answering his question. 
“Well I think I brought a friend that you would like to meet” he gave her the paper bag.
When she opened the bag, she did the cutest gasp ever. She quickly grabbed whatever it was in the bag and gladly showed it to you. “Mommy it's Twilight Sparkle!” It was a stuffed doll from her favorite characters and this particular one was what she requested for her upcoming birthday. 
“It is! So don’t you have anything to say to Mister Johnny?” 
“Thank you, Mister Johnny” she cutely said while hugging her new toy. 
You instructed Rosy to finish up preparing her bag and you now fully invited your lover into your humble home offering him something to drink. Not long after, Rosy came running with her pink backpack announcing that she is ready to leave. You do a quick check on both of your bags justo to make sure you’ve brought enough incase you needed anything for your daughter. After all is set the three of you leave your unit and go down to the parking lot looking for Johnny’s car. 
Upon entering you noticed that his car smells different. It used to have a clean minty smell but now it smelled like a fresh garden of flowers. 
“Mommy it smells like lavender in here”
“Yes it does-”, you were cut short.
“Well, your mommy told me that you liked the scent of flowers and you love the car freshener she uses,” Johnny explained. 
You are quite embarrassed to admit, but when you two go on dates you can’t help but to share some stories about your daughter and Johnny made it very clear that he doesn’t mind it at all. He could listen to you all day sharing the fun things you and Rosy have done in the past. His interest in your life led up to your decision of asking him to join you mommy-daughter day. 
All three of you arrived at the cinemas about thirty minutes before the next show. There was a line at the ticket booth but it was not that long and you were sure that you’ll still make it to the next screening. 
“I’ll just buy us tickets, would you mind if you take Rosy to the snack bar? Here’s some money get any snack you want too” you spoke as you fetched your wallet in your bag.
“Actually, I already bought the tickets last night online. I was worried we could be stuck in line for the tickets and eventually miss the movie” he said with a small smile.
You were touched by his thoughtful gesture. He wants nothing but good things to happen today. 
“You didn’t have to, but thank you. I guess let’s just go straight to the snack bar.”
Johnny insisted on buying the snacks for the three of you but you did not let him, arguing that he already paid for the movie tickets so it was your turn to buy the snacks. Eventually, he did let you. 
While in line for popcorn, you told your daughter to wait for you on the benches with Johnny. At first she did not like your suggestion because it will be the first of today that she’ll be alone with him even for just a few minutes. But after a little more convincing she did what she was told. 
She sat quietly beside her not until Johnny spoke to her. You saw that she gave a little nod and shook her head as short responses to him. You didn’t notice that Johnny looked at you and can’t help but to think if you’re waiting to see any interaction between the two of them. 
Johnny is naturally a charming person. He is often described as warm, comfortable and welcoming by your colleagues so it was something for you to ponder why your daughter hasn’t been interacting with him that much given that he was going the extra mile to make your daughter comfortable. 
From seeing your so what worried expression, Johnny was determined to make extra efforts to get you daughter on his good side. 
As you received everything you ordered from the counter, you turned and started to walk in your boyfriend and daughter’s direction. You were a little bit shocked to see that they were now playing with your daughter’s toys. She already took out two of the small dolls you permitted her to bring and the doll Johnny gave her. From where you are you can hear the faint giggles your daughter made as Johnny held her dolls on his face and made an animated voice. 
He waves the hands of the purple bear, “Hello Princess Rosy! My name is Purple the Bear, can we be friends?”. 
Walking slowly as you savor the loving scene in front of you. They were having fun conversations and Johnny had to stand up to do these actions that made your daughter burst out her adorable laugh. He really has that charm with kids no? Well, he is a pediatrician after all. He must really find kids fascinating. When you asked him on one of your dates why he chose his specialization.
“Seeing their adoring eyes whenever they’re in my clinic, I just see so much innocence and boundless potential. Plus, kids have this amazing imagination and they remind me to have hope on several things and to appreciate the little things around me. Given the pacing of our work, we tend to miss out what’s happening around us and have a little fun once in a while”.
He sees children more than they are unlike other people.
As you approach them your daughter stood up from her chair and got her small packet of gummies from you. Rosy packed her toys in her bag as Johnny takes the big popcorn tub and the cup holder for your drinks. 
The three of you entered the cinema house and found your seats. The cinema was not completely empty or cramped, a handful of people were also here. You led them to your seats in the aisle end of the middle row. Once everyone was seated, Rosy immediately opened her snacks and began munching on her gummy bear. You reminded her that if she finished her snack when the movie starts she won’t be getting another. Of course, you also want to watch Despicable Me. She tapped you gently at your arm as she offered to share her snacks with you. She was mumbling something but with the loud sound in the theater, you can’t really understand her. 
“What was that again love?”
“I said, can we switch seats please?” 
The seating arrangement was your daughter benign the nearest to the aisle seated next to you and Johnny was at your right side. 
“Oh why? Does being near the aisle bother you?”
“No, I just want to seat next to the giant doctor”
That was surprising, well maybe they bonded well when you were buying the snacks. 
“Of course, my love” 
You gently turned to Johnny and he was already looking at you. 
“Well the boss baby wants to seat next to you”
You swore to the heavens that you saw his eyes sparkle as a loving smile crept into his face. The movie began as the three of you sat in your chairs. Once in a while, Johnny would be giving comments about the movie to your daughter that would make her giggle. 
“I want a unicorn doll like that too! Mommy, can you buy me one?”, your daughter exclaimed.
“But you just got a new doll today my love”
She was about to make a sad face but then turned to Johnny on her right, “Mister Johnny can you buy me that unicorn doll please”.
It was embarrassing for you to see your daughter ask your boyfriend for a new toy when he just gave her a present earlier and on their first official meeting. 
“We can drop by the-”
“Rosy, I said no.”, cutting him off with your hushed voice. Johnny looked like a scolded puppy after. 
“Okay, sorry mommy.”, she may be a handful at times but your daughter knows when she crossed the line and sees when you’re already upset with her.
That little situation did not break the great mood of the three of you. You all still managed to proceed with watching the movie and enjoyed it especially with your daughter. 
After the movie, you went to a kid’s playhouse at the next mall. All three of you went inside and played with your daughter. It’s been a while since you laughed so hard that you ended up crying. You tried the slide, the ball pit, and even played cafe with your daughter as the waiter. And Johnny? Everytime you looked at him to check if he was also enjoying, all you could see were his dimples and his big smile. He was making these exaggerated expressions just to show your daughter how delicious the plastic cupcake was. 
After a while, everyone was hungry from all the activities you did in the playhouse and decided that it was time to get dinner. You opted for fast food since it was quicke and you can’t handle your hunger. Also, it’s your day-off and junk food is definitely a must. You and your daughter sat down as you found a table and Johnny insisted that he’ll order. While waiting for him, you grabbed your daughter’s backpack and checked if all of her things were complete, you don’t want a crying kid in the middle of the night because a certain doll was missing. Fortunately, everything was already in her bag. 
“Did you enjoy today sweetheart? What do you think of the movie?”
“I love the movie! I really want that unicorn doll mommy, but I won’t ask for it now maybe next time”
“How about Mister Johnny, did you enjoy his company today?”
“Well, Mister Johnny is very-”
Rosy was cut off by Johnny and one of the staff as they put down the trays of your orders. All of you instantly got your hands on each of your orders, munching them down happily as they fill your stomachs. Rosy didn’t get to finish what she was supposed to say because the kid was famished after exerting all of her energy in the playroom.You didn’t mind because food was the only thing in your mind as soon as you saw your orders. Both you and Johnny also enjoyed the food as much as you can. It was a good feeling just to fill up your stomachs and sit for a while after what you did in the playhouse.  It was hard for two adults to chase after an energy filled kid in the ball pit. 
While you were eating your dessert, you noticed that your daughter was trying to fight her sleepiness. She had her little spoon on her right hand and her sundae cup and she had her head leaning from to back and her eyes closing bit by bit as she refused to let sleep have her. 
Eventually,  she concedes and gives you her sundae for you to finish. And as always, she wants to sit on your lap, lean her body to yours and make you soldiers her pillow. This has always been her comfortable position whenever she sleeps. Even at home when she has a nightmare or something, she’ll go to your room and ask to be held like this. 
Johnny was just staring, admiring rather, the situation in front of him. He really doesn’t have any explanation as to why he is smiling ear to ear when all you did was to have your daughter sleep on you. It was cute, he can say that. From how Rosy was fighting her sleepiness to eventually reaching out for you so she can sleep. Maybe, it was the fact that he can really see your relationship and bond with your child. It was admirable. Just how much a mother can love their child. He makes a mental note to talk to his mom one of these days.
“Why are you smiling?” you asked with a chuckle. “Do I have chocolate syrup on my face?”
“No, you’re fine. Sorry I was staring. She just looks very cute trying to finish her sundae but now she’s totally knocked out in your arms.” he explained. 
“Well that playhouse really did its job on exhausting my hyper active kid” you said.
He agreed with a suppressed laugh.
“Johnny,” you paused for a second.
“Thank you for being with us today. I’m sincerely grateful. I know you had a lot of patients yesterday, and instead of just resting at your home for today, you still chose to be with us.”
“Y/n, I wanted to be with you today. And being with the two of you today made me the happiest I’ve ever been in for some time now.”
He said those as he reached for your hand across the table and held it with so much love. All you could do was to give a nod and a smile because what he just said was sincere, and full of love. He said all of those while looking straight into your eyes making sure that you see and feel all of the sincerity that he has. 
After a few minutes of staying at your table, you told him that  it’s probably time to go because both of you are already tired and your daughter would definitely have a more comfortable sleep in her bed. 
You placed Rosy in the back seat of his car before seating on the passenger’s seat. He also made sure your daughter was comfortable while on the way to your home by giving the small neck pillow he has. It was somehow a long drive so you both had small conversations of the day you just had. 
“I think she really enjoyed today and especially the playhouse. I was very happy to see her run around while laughing.” you shared.
“Us chasing her in the ball pit could replace my cardio workout for the whole week.” he laughed as he said it. It may sound like a joke but you think it’s true given that you also experienced how tiring it was at the playhouse. 
When he heard your small yawn he urged you to also take a nap and he’ll ust wake you up when you all arrive at your house. You said no because you still want to talk to him and know what he thinks about the festivities of the day. You want to know whether today changes anything for your relationship. In the past when you let the people you date to see all of you, as a doctor, a woman and as a mom, you can see them thinking twice about playing a role in your daughter’s life. Not that it means that you planned to marry all of your exes in the past when you were still together, but of course you needed to see how they are with your child. You don’t expect all of them to be instantly a father figure to Rosy, rather someone you see that can form a bond with her. This day was supposed to be a way to know if he’ll really be someone you’ll have by your side for a long time. You wanted to know how he sees your daughter and how he sees you, not just a colleague he eventually dated. You are already very sure about him, you just wanted to know if he is too. 
He was already in front of your house and parking his car. It’s now or never. You should get answers to your questions. 
With all of these thoughts you decided to ask him. 
“So, what do you think of today? I mean, spending time with us, with Rosy specifically?” you said it gently. 
He turns the car engine first before turning to you.
“As I’ve said, being with the two of you today made me very happy.” he says as he reaches for your hand to hold it. 
“I’m both happy and grateful that I was able to meet her and see you in a different light. You know, not in scrubs and not stressed out in the hospital. I know that you don’t let a lot of people see the different sides of you, and I’m thankful and honored that you gave me the chance.”
Everything that he was saying was like a warm comforting hug to your soul. 
“I hope this is not the last time I can spend time with both of you. I hope we can see another movie, bring Rosy to a play house. I hope we get to see Despicable Me 2, if there will be any in the future, all together.“
Emotions were flooding your brain. You were beyond happiness knowing that he wants to be in your life. You gently cup his face and kiss him lovingly. He kisses you back and every move of his lips feels like he’s letting you know how much you mean to him. 
A few seconds after you broke the kiss since you heard your daughter call for you. It looks like she woke up a bit and looked for you and then went back to sleep. 
You two got out of the car and Johnny insisted on carrying Rosy to her bed. You carried all of your things as he waited in the front door for you to open it. You entered first and settled your bag and your daughter’s things on the sofa. Johnny went straight to Rosy’s room to place him on the bed. You follow them to the bedroom and Johnny has already placed her down. You were debating on your mind whether to change her clothes while she’s asleep but you decided not to because you're afraid she’ll wake up and then have trouble going back to sleep. 
Johnny bids goodbye to you since he doesn’t want to bother you anymore and let you rest. You walk him to your door and you give him a bear hug and a kiss as you remind him to drive safely and message you when he arrives home. 
As you see his car leaving your driveway, you close and lock your door. You passed by your daughter’s room as you were going to the living area to get your bag. 
“Mommy…” Rosy softly calls for you.
You check on her and see her eyes opening slightly to look for you. 
“Yes baby? Do you need anything?”
“Will there be another Despicable Me movie?”
You stifle a laugh because you think she was just dreaming about the movie and still thinks she’s dreaming while talking to you. 
“Well, there could be. We’ll watch it together I promise.”
“With Johnny?”
That was unexpected.
“If you want, he can come too.”
“I like watching movies with him. I always want to watch movies with him.” your daughter said those words in a mumbling way as she went back to sleep. 
You place a kiss on her forehead as she sleeps.
Maybe movie days are going to be for the three of you from now on. 
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Author's note:
Hi everyone! At last, I finished this piece and posted it. I started writing this on October but I just finished it this week. I had to focus on my studies for a while when October was coming to an end. I needed to finish everything because I am on my last semester for my undergraduate degree. Happy to share that I am finished with my degree and I'm just waiting for graduation day!
I hope you enjoy this work, and I was able to convey how warm and loving Johnny is from my point of view. I used Rosy for the kid's name because I like the name itself, and it's the name of a woman I truly admire and she makes my day better and brighter. Also, try searching the other meanings of the word 'rosy' I hope that will make sense why it's the title. Hint: its synonymous to optimistic and promising.
I'll try to write more I'm inspired by a dating/romantic TV show now so maybe I'll write about that and of course him being at the NYFW, I'll do something with that.
much love,
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gamfart · 3 months
i was looking at your robot master/ megaman oc ideas and i really love them its fun to look at the process do you have anymore to share?
I'm sorry for just seeing this! I don't get notifs about my inbox and I rarely go on here so seeing this was really swell to see.
But yesss I have so many megaman ocs!! I realized I didn't post any of them on here look back on my archives now so here's all what I can dig up and share! I'll probably be reuploading the same pics I used on my previous post, but there is wayyy more I kept away in the vault on this one.
I'll put a keep reading tab for those who are interested in taking a peek and a gander. I haven't went back to these ocs in a while, I'll see if I can make a proper ref for some of them in the future if I have the time..
Snow Woman (name pending)
An ice related robot master that's was created to try to generate snow to help prevent the ice caps melting. A lot of her concept art and design was based off of Chill Man's old concept art. I also just wanted to make a female robot master that was humongous. She's however tall Frost Man is in terms of height.
Last image is her most recent sketch
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Steam Woman & Angel Man (name pending)
Both of them are one of the first robot master oc's I made. I lump them in together bc some of the art I have of them happen to have both of them in it.
Steam woman is very heavily steampunk themed hence the name and design. She's an old robot master model that operates with steam generation and was remade with the intention to show off that feature and as a possible alternative for robot masters to be built buy.
Her personality has changed over time, she used to just be sweet and cute, but over time she became a bit more zany and slightly more menacing.
Angel man I've been thinking about changing his name to Seraph Man or something else entirely. Maybe just make him a robot master with just one name and get rid of the ____ man motif just because in my own brain I made his role to be more important than just a simple robot master.
He doesn't remember his own origins or why he was built in the first place, but knows that he's built to help and save people. His eye is all fucked up because it ties into his memory issues.
Art from 2017 - 2019:
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Recent sketches of Steam Woman:
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Shell Woman & Pearl Woman
Shell Woman and Pearl Woman were both designed together as a duo to document the wildlife in the sea. They have more of a parental/mentor relationship with each other.
I used to characterize her as sorta shy, but over time I've revisited her, I dabbled with the idea of Pearl Woman being more bratty and abrasive to contrast her cute and bubbly design recently.
They're both interested in music but Shell Woman is more into Classics and Opera and Pearl Woman is more into Rock/Pop music.
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Quarry Man
A robot master made to navigate the quarries. Honestly I'm really unsatisfied with his design so I've left it alone for a good while. I've been meaning to revisit it someday though.
I dabbled in giving him a possible romance with Shell Woman but that's about it.
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Flamingo Man & Phoenix Man
Kind of a joke character I made a while ago. I thought about giving him ties to Phoenix Man in the story maybe? Like have them be the same robot but with a different alter-ego. But I like them better as separate character's so I dropped that idea.
I think the current lore is that the blue prints for Flamingo Man was used as a basis for Phoenix man to be made. Flamingo Man is a dance instructor and Phoenix Man's purpose was to take down Mega Man, but after he was defeated he reformed and is doing his own thing.
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Ghost Man (name pending)
Have not revisited this guy in a while. For some reason the idea of the Yellow Devil's properties being used for other robot masters really appealed to me. I also just wanted an excuse to find a way to incorporate scythes into his design. All Ghost Man does is patrol around graveyards to make sure nobody vandalizes or causes trouble there.
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Topaz Woman
A very recent robot master design I made. The idea has always been on my mind though, I just haven't had the chance to put it onto paper. Her theme is a psychic/clairvoyant. She's able to assets the probability of a future decision when asked. I just settled on Topaz just because I couldn't settle on any other name regiment that wouldn't make her sound awkward.
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Misc. Robot master designs that I explored but never settled on anything. Plus a bonus select screen that I tried to make.
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That's the end of that!! Thank you for reading all of this if you had the chance. I reached the image limit, but I think I shared all that I had on me for now! You really hit a big hyperfix of mine that I never have shared until now because my perfectionist ass didn't want to share at the time. So I hope you enjoyed this master post lol.
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azya: 3, 8, 11
pig: 4, 5, 6
wolf: 1, 3, 5
aaand 18, 21
Azya Zaavim (check "read more" for some lore)
3) I suppose that he always knew that he's into men. He probably saw some musician in a magazine at a certain age lol.
8) He never did, really. He grew up with a foster family and lost contact with them when he moved to the capital with his adopted sister, who was very much ok with anything he did. So did his band really. Most prominent musicians in Ajidiali are queer. He did have some issues with his party members tho since while Ecres just calls itself an "agral union" they have a lot of conservative members.
11) He doesn't feel the need to talk about it much. There's no systematic homophobia in Ajidiali so. He probably would be more open about it if he lived in our world and use his platform to speak about queer rights. He will talk about his husband a lot if asked. He's a divorce lawer!
4) When she used to be in the army it was... well, as unsupportive as could be, really. After deserting she was mostly a loner before meeting Steel Soldier and Unit 81, and then Blink and the rest of the gang, who are all very supportive people. A lot of her hypersexuality is just posturing but she've made a lot of friends in various lesbian bars around the Solar system.
Here's a bonus "before" and "now":
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5) Uh, I dunno. Came to me in a vision, like with most of my ocs.
6) She would never police other people but about herself... She would say that she's "bisexual but men don't dig this handsome face anymore". It's a short response that works for her well enough.
Wolf Tangermann
1) "Oh, my gen-der? What, you want to steal it? To black-mail me? Well, you won't get it!" There are two theories on its gender - some say that it's simply hiding it, as it hides any other information about itself, and some say that it doesn't have it. Have it lost it? Who can say. Maybe it has just discarded it, like a snake discards it's skin.
3) In truth, it itself doesn't know. It's certain that it known it while on the surface but perhaps some things are better left behind.
5) I didn't and I think that it actually fits it well.
18) I figure them out eventually, like any other part of their character. Generally, I think that oc's relationship, or lack there of, to a label is more important than the label itself.
21) Below the cut 👇
Family structures and queerness in Ajidiali
As the concept of "sexuality" as known in modern western society is quite new on our Earth, I've decided that in Ajidiali it's nonexistent, outside of academic fields. An Ajidialian would rather use a word "preference".
- Mountain people
Mostly monogamous. Households are mostly isolated so close family lives far away from other people (around half a day of walking). It is however possible to "swap" wife (or husband in more matrialchal groups) with another couple, if both parties agree. Parents usually live with the adult youngest child. First marriage is expected to be heterosexual but one can "swap wife for a husband" (tho this is frown upon if it's done before having at least one older child). In modern day, swapping is less common, as parents don't have this much say in what the original marriage should look like.
- River people
Mostly polygamous, living in groups of 3 adults (two women and one man or two men and one woman) per house + one women's parents (as it's usually their house). Taking care of children is a community's job. Small kids can choose where they want to sleep and play but teenagers are expected to stick to one household (of their choice). This is to this day the most common family structure in the country, both on the country side and in the cities. People who don't want to have children of their own are still expected to take care of other's small kids but not of teenagers and are expected to live in monogamous relationships or remain single.
How a household itself functions is very much dependand on a region and group. These marriages are to this day often arranged and romantic love within them is not generally expected. Everything outside of these 3 people households, or changing their inside rules, is what is considered to be "queer".
- Sea people
Most of their family habits were lost when that started to consider themselves as part of Ajidiali. The main differences from River people are that they are more often patriarchal and queer people tend to be more isolated from the community.
- Ex-nomads
Despite being a completely different group, they don't have much differences from the River people either. They have lost a lot of their culture when they abandoned their nomad lifestyle. However, their differences are more noticable - their family units are bigger (usually 4-6 adults with their parents) and there is less pressure on having children (which seems to not impact the demography).
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
Regarding your clown OCs: I have zero background in this, but what can you tell us about Thing, Sebastian, and Starshine?
hohoho OKAY SO >:D
I made an explanation post about the world here in case this is confusing, but basically this is a world where when a human clown dies, their clown persona takes on life as a full new person. Clowns are not human, but they're people; they have no memories when they appear, but they know whatever languages their human parent knew, so they know general definitions of most relevant concepts.
ok ok ok THING TIME >:D Thing is my baby darling precious little creature. I'm not playing favorites but Thing is definitely one of my favorites, you know? It does take some background explanation to understand, though, so buckle up:
There are lots of types of clowns in this world. Circus clowns. Party clowns. Medical clowns. Tramp clowns. Mimes. Harlequins. The list goes on. But there's also a type of clown that's a whole other thing, and that's Scare Clowns. Being a scary clown is like being a werewolf but for clowns; any type of clown can become a scary clown if they're bitten by a scary clown. (Ouch!) I haven't got all the details hammered out yet, but becoming a Scare Clown is traumatic and awful and completely ruins your chances of getting a decent job.
Thus, Thing. Thing is called Thing because it forgot its own name. It's been a scary clown for a long time. Its clothes are ratty, its hair is matted, and it eats raccoons. (and other things, but the raccoons thing becomes an in-joke, I think.) It's homeless, of course. It gets rescued and befriended by Rudy, a lovely optimistic birthday clown, and slowly grows more like a person and less like a feral cat. I love Thing <333
(eventually Rudy figures out Thing's gender, I think, but uh. clowns don't have reproductive systems, and Thing referred to itself as an "it" for a while, so Rudy didn't know. and I haven't decided yet.)
Sebastian and Starshine!!
Sebastian is a Pierrot, one of those black-and-white romantic clowns you see sighing wistfully over things with those big black poofs on their front. Do you know what I'm talking about?? oh well, this is going to be long anyway, I'll just give you a picture:
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Sebastian had an unusual situation when his parent died. His family, the mother and brother of his parent, kept him with them and tried to get him to assume the identity of his human parent (Jean Sebastian). They thought he would eventually develop Jean's memories. They Were Wrong. But they sure caused Sebastian a lot of grief trying to make him be Jean.
Starshine!! Starshine's parent died as a teenager; she was putting the final touches on the persona and makeup, so Starshine is what's known as "half-baked"—a clown who came from some form of incomplete persona. It's annoying to her—there's a star on her cheek sometimes, but not other times, seemingly randomly. Starshine works in a restaurant (she's a chef) and has a super cheap apartment. That's pretty much economically par for the course for a young clown. The family of Starshine's parent helped her out for the first few weeks, but she wanted to make it on her own and their grief was making her life really awkward?? Anyway, she's currently trying to decide if she can afford a hamster <333 I love her so much <333
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butterfleyequeen · 1 year
Sooooo I decided to stop being shy and show off my Pizza Tower OC, loosely inspired by the titular character from the 1970s sitcom "Alice" (and myself kinda). 👉👈
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🍕🥤🍨 Story and other details under the cut (TW for mentions of ab*se and s*lf-h*rm)🍨🥤🍕
Allison grew up under the care of her parents in the quiet suburbs. Her mom was decent, but her dad was emotionally negligent workaholic, leaving her mom to do the "dirty work" in raising her. He never really spoke to his daughter unless it was to put her to work in some way, and would verbally and emotionally abuse when she refused, instilling her with the sense that she was being an ungrateful, useless freeloader. It was so bad that as soon as she turned 18, fresh out of high school, she moved out and left her old life behind. But where was she going to get a job to support herself?
Cue the discovery of the Tower.
She was directed to a meeting with Pizzahead, who offered her a job as a waitress with a rotating shift between five different eating establishments throughout the week. He seemed affable enough, so she gladly accepted, only to find that she made a horrible mistake. Her boss was rude and dismissive of her, punished her for making mistakes, instilled her with the fear of having her tips taken away if she didn't do a well enough job, mocked her when she tried to express her feelings, and constantly dangled the fact that he didn't have to hire her over her head. Her only respite, since she didn't talk to her mom anymore, was the friends she made with the other denizens of the Tower during her time working there.
Then, a little over a year later, Peppino arrives.
She is very bright, hard-working, and kind to others. However, this worker-bee mentality is ultimately a trauma response, as it causes her to become unhealthily quiet, submissive, and reluctant to speak her mind. Another trauma response is when she apologizes profusely due to making a mistake, as she was often punished harshly for them. Over the years, she learned to keep her head down, her mouth shut, and not to expect anything. Peppino, Gus, and Brick have been working hard to get her out of her shell, but because of how extensive this emotional trauma is, it is going to take much time--and most importantly, patience.
🍕Peppino Spaghetti🍝
Having met Fakey first, she didn't realize initially that this dude was the real deal. She was kind of scared of him at first knowing what he did to her friends and co-workers, as well as being scared of losing her job if she didn't do anything (cue boss concept). When they finally met, though, he was surprised by how young she was and didn't seem comfortable with causing her harm (and boy, he did not take kindly to finding out how horribly Pizzahead treated her). He was even nice enough to hire her after the Tower collapsed. Dude seriously took one look at this high school graduate and was like
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👨‍🍳Gustavo and Brick (the Rat)🐭
She didn't really see them during Peppino's siege on the Tower, only after its collapse and her subsequent employment at Peppino's Pizza. They get along really well, and she absolutely adores Brick. The duo play a major role in helping Peppino wean her off of her trauma responses towards authority figures.
Saw him every once in a while during her Monday shift. Kind of put off by his narcissism, but admired his dedication to his work nonetheless. He eventually decided to thank her for her diligent service with a portrait of her in a Sailor Moon-esque pose (since he knew she was into magical-girl stuff), which currently hangs in the living room of her apartment.
🧀The Vigilante🐄
Saw him on occasion during her Tuesday (and sometimes Thursday) shift, when he stopped in for a drink. He greets her with a well-appreciated tip of the hat when he sees her, and seems to be very respectful and patient towards wait staff in general. What he doesn't tolerate, however, are people who don't respect their servers--even moreso, women. So needless to say, those few male customers who were brave enough to give the girl a passing spank on the ass in his vicinity won't be feeling inclined to come back. (*click*)
👅The Noise🔊
She's one of the few people he isn't a wily, insufferable prick to. Often saw him during her Wednesday shift while he was on break from filming. He likes to call her "Allie-Cat" and tips her quite handsomely.
Besties!! The two of them are really close and like to do girly stuff together on their time off, like painting each other's nails or baking sweets! In fact, out of all the places the young waitress had to work at in the Tower, Noisette's café was probably her favorite (her uniform made her feel hella cute too).
🫠Fake Peppino🧠
They met a few months into her employment at the Tower, when she stumbled upon his pizzeria after her Thursday shift one evening and explored it out of morbid curiosity. He scared her a little at first, but after getting to know him and his circumstances, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. She even tried to notify Pizzahead about the giant OSHA violation that her strange new friend occupied, but her plea fell on deaf ears and nothing was done--it was a dead establishment, after all. So in an attempt to make up for her helplessness, she figured that the least she could do was spend her free time every Thursday visiting the goofy goober to ease his loneliness. He really seemed to appreciate her gentle, down-to-earth presence. But once he found the solidarity they had in their abusive boss, however, it soon became clear that there was one thing that was successfully copied from Peppino: his papa-wolf instinct.
Ah, her abusive dick of a (now ex-) boss. He never seemed like he treated his employees very nicely in general, but holy shit. Yeah, maybe he was "too classy" to hit a woman, but that didn't mean he couldn't abuse her in other ways to keep her in line. She doesn't like to talk about him.
They don't see each other that often, but there's a general sense of respect between them as laborers. She felt horrible about the John situation while they were in the Tower and for being helpless to do anything.
🍕Pizza Granny👄
Granny thinks she's just the sweetest little peach, completely undeserving of all the horrible treatment from her grandson. Likes to bake/knit things for her "honorary granddaughter" from time to time.
- Height-wise, she's roughly a head taller than Peppino.
- She's got wicked-good balance and amazing customer service skills, fueling Pizzahead's confidence in making her a slave waitress.
- She loves animals! Cats are her favorite.
- Her favorite thing to do with Fakey is playfully smushing his cheeks and calling him a "squishy boy" (he absolutely loves it).
- The quickest way to make her laugh? Show her this video (thanks, Noisette).
- Was constantly exhausted and got sick easily during her time at the Tower due to how overworked she was.
- Has severe major depressive disorder and is a huge atychiphobe thanks to the mental and emotional suffering she endured throughout her life. It really sucks, since she's on too tight of a budget to afford a therapist.
- Has several scars on her upper arms and legs from self-inflicted burns, high enough where they can be easily hidden. She treats this pain as her "personal penance" for not being "good enough" or brave enough to take a stand for someone being mistreated. She doesn't like wearing tanktops, shorts that go above her knees, or any other garments that expose her scarred areas, as she doesn't want anyone to find out in fear of being shamed for it.
- Her favorite therapeutic pastimes include collecting cutesy stuff like stickers and stuffed animals, watching her favorite childhood shows/movies, and journaling with novelty pens.
- The uniform pictured above is after being hired by Peppino post-collapse (I'll have to draw her Tower uniforms at some point, LOL).
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wetcatspellcaster · 11 months
so that oc ask list… ghost and skin, please, whilst I try and exhibit the self-restraint not to say ‘all of them!?!’
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
I mean, the answer to the Pieces timeline is clear.
But to answer in general - I think a lot of people haunt the BG3 version of Rosalie. At the point of her agoraphobia, she loves her parents but hasn't seen them in 3 years and they don't know why, she's cut herself of from most of the people once in her life... and the Emperor looks like her ex-girlfriend who she doesn't even love :))))) so there are definitely some unresolved hauntings in her past, that signify the life she disappeared herself from. And in her day to day life, there is the haunting of her previous version of herself - while the tadpole ends in death, without it she becomes what she used to be (or so she believes). I actually didn't do the Omeluum quest in my playthrough for this reason, because although I as the player knew the leads to getting rid of the tadpole were all duds that was the one she thought might actually work (so she avoided it entirely).
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Rosalie grapples with her failure, as we all know - and that smallest, weakest version of herself is her haunting (and she hasn't acknowledged it, no sir). But in order to stop all of these questions just be me reiterating the same concept and potentially being boring at my end, she's also not that comfortable in her skin. I don't think depression often leaves you with much positive to say about your appearance, even if you are pretty, so I think she's comfortable in her body in so much as it serves her, but everything else is negligible and a non-concern. She does not consider herself attractive and sees her body as a vessel for her mind (given that it has impacted so much of her experience in the last 5 years) - which is very funny, because it truly does mean that her +3 in charisma IS The Tadpole, not her. We love a bitch without anxiety.
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musekicker · 11 months
A concept for a bunch of Helluva Boss oc's I'm working on. The general idea of this group is based off the theme of animes with one central love interest and multiple other possible other love matches (though in this case it will end in poly relationship) . I'm still trying to come up with more love interests ocs though. But here's what I have.
Pink: a imp, though possibly might have more to her then she knows...
Her horns are short, the tips curved back into a u shape. And she has a white slash mark scar over her chest, often covered up by clothes. Speaking of clothes, Pink's clothes generally have some element of it being pink. It Can be a pink patch, embroidery on the pocket, ribbons. The rest of her clothe might be black but other wise, a pop of pink.
Bubbly and fun loving. She does have a competitive side when it comes to games however so watch out.
Works at a cafe, though not allowed anywhere near any cooking equipment. She just can not cook. Does a great job as a waitress though, some customers loving her sweet attitude and her interest in how everyone is doing.
Oh, she also might have some form of power that she knows nothing about just yet.
Dove: a bird type demon, looking like a bleeding heart pigeon. From a rich family.
He always had liked to read books while drink coffee at the cafe that Pink works at now. Though Pink getting hired was a new thing to him. Something that shouldn't had really been something he really noticed. But then he saw her heart. Or rather, he saw her heart and could read nothing from it.
See, His power is to read peoples hearts and see their secrets. This works on almost everyone. But Pink is the only imp so far whose heart that Dove just can't read. It's his trying to figure out why that is that has him sticking around more and eventually bonding with Pink.
He becomes a good back up for Pink when things start to get dangerous.
Bite: a shark punk type woman, a pale tan color with brown spots. Her tail fin has three gold hoops in it, and she's always seen wearing a black coat, a fish hook stuck into the fabric of the jacket pockets.
The shark punk ended up in Pink's life when Pink was almost hit by a car. Bite had pulled her back just in time. After that, Bite becomes more a part of Pink's life when someone or something is after Pink. Thankfully Bite's a good fighter, and she sticks around when she realizes Pink might be in trouble.
Dove and Bite do not get alone most of the time, having a different way of looking at things and different personalities.
Bite is also looking for her missing sister.
Giggles: A orange furred, candle head goat with yellow eyes. She is on the short and fat side. Always wearing clothes with fun patterns.
Almost always laughing and making jokes. This is to do with her dream is to be a famous stand up comedian.
Giggles and Pink met when Giggles came to the cafe for performance night to do her stand up routine. She did not do well and Pink got her a snack and drink to be comforting. After that, whatever is coming after Pink goes after Giggles as well. Because of this, Giggles is brought into the household to keep her safe.
Best cook in the house really.
Her main reason for wanting to make people laugh is a sad one. Her parents were going through a messy divorce and when they got in yelling matches, Giggles would try to tell jokes and perform to keep her younger siblings from focusing the yelling. It didn't always work, but it did help.
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jeniffercheck · 11 months
This is a brainrot question but I just realized you wrote my favorite hill house fic about theo and olivia and i was wondering if you think there are similarities btwn how olivia handled the situation with the bullies and with theo's really tough time and how moms karolina and shiv would?
oh my god now we are TALKING. firstly that's one of the fics most near and dear to me and any time i find out someone has read it i get so so happy so thank u :') <3333 if u haven't read my theo & olivia fic this might be a little confusing but under the cut for a long ramble about this topic lol
interestingly there are definitely some similarities!! it's funny that there are, because my characterization of olivia in that fic is based on the concept of olivia + the forever house, which is very much an idealized version of olivia, and when i think of shivlina as parents they are entirely NOT idealized. at the same time, olivia & theo's relationship is strained in that fic, and would've been regardless of how perfect i could've made olivia, and that is due to the center of it being a worried mother who can't figure out how to help her child no matter how hard she tries or how much she wants to, which leads to bad choices and arguments and a lot of resentment on both ends, and i actually do see a lot of that in shivlina!
idk if you have seen some of the posts about talia (oc shivlina child) and karolina, but i guess thinking about it now, that relationship plays out pretty similarly to theo & olivia where talia is acting out and generally not being very kind or forthcoming to karolina, and karolina simply just doesn't know/understand why she can't just be let in (which would majorly solve part of the problem, as we see in the hill house fic!!!), and it does become this spiral of overcompensation (olivia grasping on to any bonding moment she can with theo, no matter how short-lived), of thinking maybe she needs to discipline more, (theo being more afraid to get in trouble than she cares about her own well-being), of thinking maybe she's too overbearing and if she steps away it'll be better (olivia letting theo stay out late, sleeping outside of her bedroom instead of trying to talk to her point blank), etc.
so side note: olivia and theo to me are more of a sign of the times; theo was afraid of the fallout of coming out, and olivia was afraid of pushing her before she was ready, because back then it would've been a much bigger deal, but it was still something she was just unprepared to handle, like she didn't know what to do or how to help & i see shivlina as those kinds of parents where they do love their kids and they do want to help but they just don't understand the source of the problem (and in shivlina's case, THEY are the problem = generational cycles), and because of that they also don't know how to fix it and they would certainly get desperate and they would make bad choices like i said earlier, but i think the heart of it, and why i love olivia crain so so much, is that they would love their children and truly want to do right by them, but it's hard!!! bc gay angsty teenagers are hard to deal with!!!!!!!! but they would figure it out too those fucking girlfails<3333
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
Hi twinklecupcake, just want to write this to say thank you for putting out fanfics for Dragonfruit. I have read To the West of the Moon, to the East the Sun like three times already and I love every bits about it. That and the fanfic Morning Light, which is absolutely adorable btw, fantastic work so far! These last few weeks has been hard on me mentally and reading them gave me joy and inspiration i need to get through. So thank you for doing what you’re doing 💚💚💚 I do have a couple of questions regarding both of those Dragonfruit fanfics. First of, in the WotM, EotS where n when do you think the event takes place? Is it in older era of China, or some other countries? Like what’s the overall world settings here? (I’m asking this and for your permission to use your story as concept to practice my skill with, if you would allow me to /:3) Second, in Morning light, is the baby gonna be a boy or a girl? I’m biased towards them having a girl because i made an OC who is their oldest daughter, whom i named Min XD. Just curious is all, my imagination runs wild whenever i read a sth good. Again, thank you for your great work and keep at it!!!
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Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to me when people enjoy my writing, it really does, and I'm glad I was able to make your days a bit better.
To answer your questions:
In the WotM, EotS where in when do you think the event takes place? Is it in older era of China, or some other countries? Like what’s the overall world settings here?
Overall, it's an older (but fairy tale) version of China. I did have to double-check some research details, such as when exactly bound books as we know them were made, and the structure of palaces. But it's past!China. The sea and the mountains in the second act though are so isolated that I didn't base that area off anything in particular. (And the original fairy tale the AU is based off of was from Norway, with the heroine's instructions to go 'east of the sun and west of the moon' usually being interpreted as a general 'impossible place where it's long and difficult to go.' She may very well be in a fairy land at that point. In the fairy tale her travels to get there took her clear out of the country, but for time purposes I didn't make Mei go that far.)
And of course you can use my fic as a concept!
In Morning light, is the baby gonna be a boy or a girl?
I'm keeping that a secret until the birth chapter. ;) But I've already decided on that, the baby's name, and some cute things for afterwards + drew up a toddler design somewhere. Min looks adorable, btw! Love how you can see traits of both parents in her design.
Once again, thank you for your message!
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pride month asks for allets, maddie, eliote: 1, 2, 3, 8
1) What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
Allets is a cis girl. She is, however, more gnc than she has ever remotely been allowed to be. Not the BIGGEST tomboy, mind you, she still prefers or enjoys a number of traditionally feminine things. But her parents have always kept her in this very strict mold of Only The Most Feminine And Ladylike Things And Nothing Else Is Allowed Ever, and she has never fit comfortably in that in the slightest. She's a girl, she's just a girl who needs to not be told how girls should be, and be left to play in the mud in dresses without frills.
Maddie T is also a cis girl pretty sure, but she's very gnc and generally doesn't care that much about it. To her, gender is ultimately something to play around with. Pronouns and presentation are a huge dressup closet filled with all manner of clothes and costumes. She has her base, but if ever she's given the opportunity, she'll sure as heck try on whatever the heck else for a minute on top of it. Sure, throw the word "boy" at her, you've stuck a funny little hat on her head, she can do a silly little dance in this for a bit! They/them pronouns? Ooooh, ambiguity, she can detach from all concept of gender for a bit and just be a creature of color and madness and bounce and boing that doesn't need a gender! What fun!
Eliote is a cis girl who also doesn't care very much about gender. But not in the way of Maddie T where it's fun to play with, just in the way where she's like "Why does it matter? Who the frick cares? Aren't there just near-infinite more important things in the world?" She'll correct you if you use the wrong pronouns for her or anything, but beyond that she just doesn't really give it much thought.
2) What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
Allets is bi. Possibly also acespec in some way. Her parents have very much drilled into her that Gay = Wrong, so there's a lot of repression and denial and shame about it for her for quite some time. She eventually does get to start shedding that and getting to be more comfortable or even proud eventually of her being bi. As to being acespec, I think if she’s acespec then for the longest time she just doesn't even realize. And while it does make for possible complications with the "gonna need to Do The Thing to produce an heir to the throne one day" thing, in general she doesn't consider it to be as consequential as her bisexuality and it doesn't weigh as much on her mind.
Maddie T is aroace and proud! Glad to not have to deal with any romance or sex related woes in her life, glad for the perspective it gives her on others', and just generally happy to be as she is.
Eliote is either bi or gay. Possibly also acespec, maybe also arospec. She doesn't have an opinion on the gender(s) she's attracted to. She does, however, get freaked the heck out by experiencing attraction at all.
3) How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Allets definitely didn't always know. A major factor in her questioning has gotta be this one experience she had with another princess in her preteen years, but she does push that deep deep down for awhile. I've just thought that the more she breaks away from her parents' conditioning in general, she eventually does get to a point where she starts seriously thinking about it and eventually realizing/admitting it to herself. Dunno if it happens in conversation with Eliote and possibly Luna and Jewel or if it happens when she's just thinking to herself. Dunno if anything in particular happens to exacerbate and push her towards it or not. Though maybe the entire environment of SGE helps with that somewhat, the School for Good is like, SO cisheternormative, it's quite possible the discomforts with that kinda push her towards realizing. In any case, she definitely initially feels shame upon realizing, but gets past that in time.
Maddie T always knew. She looked at romance and sex and was like "hmmm no not for me no thanks <3" and that was it.
Eliote just kinda never gives it a single thought until she experiences some attraction.
8) Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
Allets with her homophobic parents, definitely. As I've said, gonna have to take awhile for her to realize and accept herself.
Maddie T? LOL, NOPE. She knows who she is, she loves who she is, she doesn't give a flying fart what anycreature else thinks or says or does.
Eliote, yeah. Entirely internal reasons for her. I think as a younger kid she was very grossed out by romance and any shift from that is a mindfrick and a half for her. And she's always considered romantic relationships just Not An Option For Her, not gonna happen, would never work, why even want one, but it's hard to tell how much of that is actually not wanting them and how much of that is just more of the "don't get close to people don't let people in you're fine you're fine you're FINE" mindset. So yeah, if she ever seriously Catches Feelings TM, she's gonna go insane about all of that for some time.
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strawberry--bride · 2 years
To admin
can I ask a question ? I hope this question of mine doesn't upset you because I don't intend to do so, I'm just asking out of curiosity. What's the reason why you make OC for ship boys when they all love Yui and have a girlfriend. Please don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with OC, by the way, I like all of them, but I want to know what is the purpose of this work. I've heard before that people make Oc to almost mirror their own personality with boys because not everyone is like Yui, but I see people like you make a character with the most similarity to Yui and instead of Yui, you ship her with your favorite boy. What's wrong with Yui shipping with Subaru? Because the character of both is similar. Is it because you hate Yui? Because your OC is exactly like Yui.And when I see that these two characters have so many similarities, but you even left your old favorite ship, Subaru and Yui, because of your OC, it makes me wonder what is the reason? Have you hated Yui like other people? Or is it just jealousy? Or maybe you don't want to see your favorite boy with someone, but as far as I know, your OC is different even with your own personality . Please let me tell you I don't mean to upset you . I'm just curious.
// Before answering this question, there's one thing I have to clarify for those who haven't been around on my blog long enough to hear me mention this in the past.
Sharon was not created to be a DL OC. I created Sharon way back in 2016 when I was in the Mystic Messenger community. Heck, I don't think I had even heard of Diabolik Lovers at this point. I picked up the game in 2017, didn't like it at first, banned it to the back of my shelf for 2-3 years and then picked it back up in 2019 for a second time and got hooked.
So the similarities Sharon bears with Yui in terms of personality and general demeanor do not stem from me wanting to 'replace' Yui with my own character, since Sharon had already been established and possessed these character traits long before I even knew Yui exists as a character.
I definitely will not deny that the two of them do share a lot of core personality traits such as kindness, compassion and patience. However, there are differences between the two as well. Sharon has deep-rooted feelings of self-hatred due to her blaming herself for her own parents' death. She tries to cover these dark feelings by being kind to those around her, but this raises the question whether her feelings are actually sincere or whether she's simply trying to make herself feel better. Yui may not be the most confident girl either, but she doesn't struggle with her self-image nearly as much as Sharon does.
This raises a second point, their backstory is different. Yui is a human with Cordelia's heart which makes her 'Eve'. Sharon is not 'Eve' and will never be. She was born from a human dad who hailed from a family of Vampire hunters and a mother with Vampire descendent (although not a Pureblood). Because the human genes are bigger in proportion, her Vampire nature has so far been suppressed and in the current timeline, she still believes herself to be 100% human.
Her parents reflect the concept of 'forbidden love', since her father was raised to condemn Vampires and see them as nothing but bloodthirsty monsters. However, they were able to overcome their differences, found love and even created new life. This is why Sharon's birth name is 'Nozomi', written with the character for 'hope'. She was their literally hope that one day, humans and Vampire would be able to co-exist in peace.
Now for the shipping part. The first boy I shipped with Sharon was Shuu, based on in-character interactions which took place on this blog. I still think the two of them match well together, bearing similar traumas in having lost someone incredibly dear to them and blaming themselves for their deaths. (Sharon's parents & Edgar respectively).
However, with Subaru being my favorite boy, I genuinely enjoy pairing my OC with him and drawing art of them. That being said, I do think their personalities match well. This is also where there is a key different with SubaYui. I do like Subaru x Yui as a ship even to this day but often times it feels very one-sided in regards to what they do for each other. Subaru is completely relient on Yui as she was the first person to show him genuine love and affection (which he never got from his mother).
I imagine the Subaron dynamic/development to be much more of a rocky road since Sharon is not nearly as mentally stable as Yui is. She struggles with similar issues to Subaru and just like it frustrates her how he calls himself a monster, he also grows agitated by how she will hide her true feelings behind a smile. This is actually what made Sharon fall for him in the first place. He didn't just welcome her kindness with open arms and abuse it, he actually got mad and called her out on her hypocricy. This is what eventually made her realize that she had to stop acting kind as a mere coping mechanism to mask her own pain.
I probably rambled on for way too long already but to summarize my response:
Do I hate Yui/Am I jealous of Yui? -> Nope! I love Yui. I have her as my avatar on my translation blog for a reason.
Do I simply not want to see my favorite boy with someone else? No. As you already pointed out, I don't see Sharon as 'me'. I wouldn't date any of the DL boys myself, honestly! Way too much drama!
What is the purpose of my OC? A personal passion project and comfort character. Sharon exists for me and not to please anyone else. If you don't like her, then don't follow this blog, it's as easy as that. I don't have to justify my character or my ships to anyone as long as I get a personal sense of enjoyment out of it.
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zz-chikorita · 1 year
What do your versions of Guzma, Leon, and other characters think of shiny pokemon? Like would Guzma publicly say shinies are pointless to aim for but secretly has always wanted one, has Plumeria ever shiny hunted, or have any of the grunts ever seen one or pretended to have seen one to get the other grunts going?
Also, do the people in your version of Alola have like urban legends about shiny pokemon?
Ok! So, in this universe, shinies are caused by rare genetic mutations, changing the pokemon's phenotype (as opposed to something more mystical/mysterious going on). How people regard them are different from region to region but, in general, people react to shiny pokemon similar to how we react irl to seeing normal animals with very atypical phenotypes. For example, have you ever seen a black squirrel? They're very common where I grew up but when my friends from further south saw them, they were shouting and pointing and climbing over one another in the van trying to look at it. Furthermore, have you ever seen a white squirrel? I'll tell ya, it was absolutely magical to receive a nest of squirrels at work that had fallen from a tree and open the box to find the four of them all curled up, three the normal gray coloration and one single one almost completely white, save for a few splotches. That's how I imagine people in this world react to seeing shinies.
Growing up, Guzma didn't even know what a shiny was. He even befriended a shiny oranguru as a child, but he knew him for an entire year before Kukui saw him and told him that it's rare and called a shiny. Guzma thought it was weird that the oranguru was pink, but he just figured it was an oranguru with abnormal fur. After all, he himself is a human with abnormal "fur". As such, he now thinks encountering shinies in the wild is a cool experience but he doesn't go out of his way to try and find them.
Leon was always fascinated by shiny pokemon. His parents were wooloo farmers so he actually experienced a handful of shiny wooloo hatch during his childhood. He thought their jet black fur was so pretty! During his gym challenge, he really wanted a shiny on his team because he thought it might get him more attention from sponsors (and also just because they're really cool), however he quickly became extremely attached to the members of his party. Even if he did find a shiny, he wouldn't have been able to replace any of his friends.
Plumeria is slightly obsessed with shinies. They're striking, they're different, they're unique... just like her! She also loves plushies and would always choose a shiny over a normal one if she had the choice (and the price was the same... assuming this is taking place after her thievery days lol...)
Here's a fun fact, in one of my earlier concepts of A, his salandit was actually a shiny male. Of course, it's awesome to have a shiny but kinda sucks when it happens to be the kind of pokemon that can't evolve. (Like how the first shiny I caught in PLA was a male combee -_-) I, evidently, changed it to him just having a normal male salandit cuz I think it's even more meaningful that he has this pokemon he caught himself and has decided to stick with it, even though he'd be better off finding a female that can actually evolve. But yeah, as you can imagine, any of the grunts would be stoked to find a shiny pokemon and it would probably get them hella bragging rights if anyone actually did. Of course, many will try to convince each other that they have seen a shiny ___. It's mostly untrue. They'll often go out to try and find a shiny someone saw but it pretty much just being a snipe hunt.
Moon is your typical pokemon protagonist and will spend hours and hours trying to find shinies. However, in this universe there's no "chaining" to increase your odds. You just have to keep searching. And searching. And searching. And searching...
Kalani (Surfer OC) is similar to Guzma in his view of shinies. The shiny phenomena is just a part of nature. He appreciates it when he sees it, but he won't try to search for them.
Alola has many stories/myths about atypical pokemon, many of them relating to the Totem pokemon phenomena. This includes legends of pokemon that can change their size drastically at will. One common legend related to this is of jangmo-o that can evolve or devolve on command to/from hakamo-o and kammo-o (based this idea on the Mo'o legends which are probably at least in part what those pokemon are based on). Shinies, as well as Pokemon with other distinct features were often described in the legends of 'aumakua- sacred spirits of pokemon that guard a family.
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deathbounded · 2 years
How the FUCK did I not realise you were vargorsol’s alt HFJSKKFNSNFND,,, call me a Margulis kinnie ig bc damn am I fucking blind
Due to some Personal History™️ I have with a very similar concept from an ANCIENT scrapped fic, I am kinda obsessed with Raisal’s whole Deal of. Yknow. Very Specific Parental Baggage©️. Ballas doing the old “bippity bild I am going to abandon my biological child”. The ✨Trauma✨. You know how it is
In other words want to learn more about her >:((( give us the lore. go ABSOLUTELY nuts if you feel like it I will be patiently waiting!! oc infodumps my beloved <3 (speaking of which i will get round to talking abt my little guys in response to that one ask u sent… some day… maybe……)
hehe this ask made me so happy when i saw it, thank you for asking about raisal! i appreciate it a lot C: 💜 (if you also have ballas/margulis child, they should meet up and unionize against ballas to pay for their therapy or something idk)
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there she is!
anyways. raisal lore dump incoming.
[cw: implied child neglect and emotional abuse]
raisal was unplanned and lived primarily with margulis given a) the vague covertness of margulis and ballas's relationship and b) ballas's general disinterest in children (he was mostly just awkward around her and somewhat (very) blatantly jealous over the attention she got from margulis).
when the zariman children were recovered and margulis's attention diverts nearly wholly to them, raisal wasn't unused to being left on her own: margulis had always been busy with her archimedian duties and ballas is generally literal and emotional unavailable, so she spent a good amount of time on her own or with adults who don't care as much about her emotional. but raisal wasn't able to process well why margulis was spending so much more time at work especially with other children!! who she calls her children too!! "but i’m her only child!! >:OOO" and became resentful of the tenno for "stealing" margulis's attention away from her.
...in her defense she was like 6; she's doing her best.
rather than bringing this up - cause, y’know, orokin are culturally emotionally repressed - she thinks “the only way to spend time with my mother is if i play into the things she cares about” and never brings anything up, so margulis didn't really know about this issue (but if she did she’d totally 100% do something to address it).
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enjoy the one scrap of raisal writing i have atm <;:)
when margulis is executed for trying to protect the tenno, it just cements this resentment (raisal knows that margulis doesn’t blame the tenno for it; she wouldn’t want her to either. yet she does, and she feels guilt for it), and she’s very, very repressed about it.
rather than abandoning her after margulis's execution, ballas takes raisal in out of a "this is the last piece of margulis i have i have to make sure Nothing Bad Happens To It" mindset (raisal looks very similar to margulis). which uh. doesn’t lead to a great parenting style; he's both overprotective and emotionally distant, which is a rough time for anyone, especially a child! basically any time he realizes he *gasp* cares for his literal child, he slams the breaks and immediately backpedals.
he also weaponizes raisal's resentment towards the tenno and her attachment to margulis in order to manipulate her into cooperating with his revenge plans, part of it involving contributing to her isolation from others (i say contributes because the stigma of having a parent executed by the jade light and your guardian being an executor makes most people wary to interact with you in the first place), so she's pretty dependent on ballas. plus, since he's one of the executors, so she never even considers running away.
ballas pushes her to become an archimedean, partially to have an insider on the archimedeans and partially so he can influence what gets designed. she later gets the "honor" of having access to continuity - which she drags her feet over as long as she can. so I guess she is blueish?? (i am not a fan of this and neither is she) she does not have a long are Because I Said So. realistically? something along the lines of "i look like margulis who the tenno are attached to, therefore maintaining the resemblance as much as possible will be of great...diplomatic advantage." i also headcanon that once a yuvan is chosen they then modify them to resemble their old body (when it was younger ofc) as much or as little as they want. which is my explanation as to why she still retails her resemblance to margulis.
i'm...not actually sure what raisal's research focus would be, but i do know she has expertise in transference research, infestation, and sentients. she has a pressure to excel at anything she picks up though, largely from orokin societal pressure.
her timeline during the old war is pretty much one big shrug aside from this, but at some point raisal researches into hybridizing sentient and infestation technologies (among other things), and starts prototyping a vessel capable for withstanding long-term deep void exposures (with the vague intention of craft a vessel capable of enduring a trip to a far-away system, not necessarily tau).
when the collapse hits, ballas takes her to this spacecraft and locks her in it in the void (it has a reliquary drive; he fucked with it & the ship's cephalon's precepts so the ship is virtually immobile) and from there she's kept on an information diet by ballas - basically she has no idea what's going on in the origin system other than what he tells her (unreliable source time, baby!).
she always had some amount of doubt regarding ballas's actions, doubts that were drawn into stark relief when he brainwashed natah which developed into feeling a need to do reparations for them. during her time trapped in the void she starts researching a transference bolt modification that could restore some semblance of sentience to a warframe. she's never able to quite verify its success though, given her limited resource access.
following this point, i have two main timelines for her:
one where she takes the lotus's place as guide/leader to the tenno, post apostasy prologue (the margulis constant)
in the other, she crosses over into the canon timeline after shit goes sideways in her own (the fold invariant) fun fact: when i was explaining a certain aspect of it to my friend, it made them remark “this fandom seems ridiculously mean to its characters” which. yeah.
there's also a secret third timeline where ballas's an actually good parent a la tiny-chubby-bird's fic but uh. tbh i haven't though about this much. maybe i should.
her attitude towards the tenno throughout all timelines goes from a wary, holding them at arm's length one to an *exasperated sigh in older sibling* one. they also keep giving her harrow chassis blueprints. why do you keep giving me these please i can't make any research progress if you keep only giving me harrow chassis blueprints.
anyways that's the gist of the raisal lore atm. there's definitely a lot that needs to be fleshed out more, especially timeline/old war era wise, but yeah!! feel free to ask any questions!! :D also here is her playlist if feel so inclined to peruse.
name trivia: "raisal" is from the yiddish name raisel, which is in turn derived from the yiddish word for rose! this was to parallel margulis being from a jewish word for "pearl." i wanted a name with flower meaning in reference to the lotus. i don't know where ballas's name is from, the closest i ever got was an austronesian word for "revenge" which. hm!
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exalok · 1 year
1 6 14 17 19 30 any or all ❤️
oh well dang!!!! gonna go for all of them because i like answering questions. clearly, you guessed it, long post under the cut
(assuming this is for the behind the scenes ask game)
1. What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
OOF IT TAKES ME BACK i can't be absolutely certain, because i used to write a bunch of little things and i've forgotten the vast majority, but i'm pretty sure Warrior Cats was the first one. spent a lot of time on roleplay forums and started writing my own fan clans. i used to think it wasn't fanfiction because none of the original characters were there, and sometimes not even the original context, just the same framework or concept -- but i think it counts. that means no shipping, though, unless you count my own characters
the first non-OC pairing i wrote fic for was... hm.... almost batman/joker, except i only thought about scenarios and didn't put them to paper, so i'd have to say corvosider -- it's the first fic on my ao3.
6. If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
ohhhhhhh man i have no clue. if i'm focused and inspired and well-rested and everything all at once? i think i've managed 2500-3000 words in a day, maybe a little more? i've never properly counted. i'm constantly keeping track of Number Getting Bigger but not in any specific way, just as a Look See You Are Adding Words It's Not Completely Hopeless kind of thing. internet snail is slow
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
wait wait wait......... i have to pick two characters to potentially accompany me to a desert island and then pick which one out of those two i actually want? or is this an exercise in generalization?
if option two, i'd pick whichever one is least likely to kill and eat me, and most likely to know what the fuck they're doing in this environment, because i sure won't. OH WAIT I JUST REALIZED. YOU MEAN WHICH TWO CHARACTERS WOULD I PICK TO BRING WITH ME. NOT WHICH OF THE TWO
everything makes so much more sense now i'm so sorry
anyway. i would pick uhhhhh. daryl dixon. and. hm. alexandria hypatia. yeah
17. What fic are you most proud of?
an excellent question that i have no idea how to answer!!!! i have a hard time feeling proud of what i write. sometimes i'm proud immediately after and then i hate it with a passion for months and then a year or two later i'm like nah it's fine. i think currently the one i feel is most accomplished is the fae corvo one -- i set out to do a thing, i did the thing, it's finished, i enjoyed writing it, i enjoy rereading it, it doesn't bring up too many complicated emotions in me. but that's kind of the thing -- i know how to feel about it because how i feel about it is simple. i'm pretty proud of other stuff as well, but there's so much else going on at the same time that i can't really quantify it
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
easiest: i think emily (as a child), actually. this is a recent development but i got a grasp of what i wanted her to be like and got comfortable with it way faster than i'm used to, and i think her voice comes out clearest when i write fic where she shows up these days. i have ideas for how she'd react to things, how she sees the world and the people around her... basically she's easier for me to understand and give life/volume to.
hardest: i think i'd put a lot of characters on the same level there, actually, primarily because they're secondary characters i hardly ever spend time on and thus haven't gotten to know. of the characters i've tried to integrate into fic, i think the hardest ones have been delilah and corvo-trying-to-parent, delilah because i imagine her as constantly on the lookout for how to take advantage of a situation, which is deeply exhausting to me, and corvo-trying-to-parent because parenting is itself hard for me to parse and trying to see it through the additional filter of his eyes makes the task even more complicated
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
so many. god. where do i even begin
one of the ones i haven't actually got files for, since i've already mentioned those in a post. lemme go look at my post-it board
OH MAN okay. i've probably mentioned it once or twice but it's been percolating for quite a while now, and even though i'd have to write the base fic first before this one, because it's an au of an au, i keep coming back to it. the basic principle is, you take the Prince Daud fic i half-wrote some years back, and you make it high chaos. corvo is killed on the way back to dunwall as a trade for daud's people, imprisoned in coldridge, but since this decision was very spur of the moment and daud and his retinue have made no plans for what they're going to tell the crew, his actual body gets dumped overboard -- and then the outsider takes over from there. think the Heart but with an entire human body, and think the world we got a glimpse of in that shard of black mirror or whatever it was that zhukov had, and think what would happen if the outsider was both worse and more proactive about walking out of the void. add body horror and corvodaud, obviously. delicious soup. something something contracts written into bone, something something the warping of emily kaldwin, something something physical codependence, hrrrgh
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Please explain the “What Died Didn’t Stay Dead” series because I’m intrigued 👀
okay SO!!!
basically, What Died Didn't Stay Dead is my funky little reincarnation series!
her concept is basically she starts off as nicholas flamel's daughter but because of her parents' use of the philosopher's stone, she's fucked up. She's not immortal but she's constantly reincarnated with the same face over and over again she doesn't remember everything about her past lives (but she has some dream-vision things about them), she's cursed to always die young — it's not an Actual Magical Curse but it's a thing™, and her golden era reincarnation is her last life because of the stone getting destroyed
the five ocs are Catherine Flamel, who's the actual daughter. She's shipped with an oc named Sébastien Gautier. I don't really know much else about her but she's French and a gifted alchemist, and she loves their gardens more than anything, she was either a Gryffindor or a Beauxbatons student I keep changing my mind lmao
after her is Gwendolyn Pendragon, who's a Fantastic Beasts oc! She was a Ravenclaw at school and there was lots of mutual pining with Newt Scamander. She moved to New York for Some Reason, and reunites with Newt, initially just helping him "clean up his mess" by finding the various creatures he lost but she ends up joining the fight against Grindlewald. Her family history can be traced all the way back to King Arthur, but she uses a different last name in New York to avoid attention
then there's Deianira Carrow, who's my Tom Riddle ship. She's a Slytherin pureblood and the two are very close for quite some time. After Hogwarts they're still together and she's a core member of his friend group, but the more they veer into fanaticism the more she begins to doubt him and starts to pull away, and I'm kind of considering having him be the one to kill her during a particularly intense fight, but I'm not 100% sure about that
After her is Eurydice Crouch, who's a marauder's era oc! She's Barty Crouch's twin sister and in Slytherin, and an eventual Jily ship. She's known James for her entire life and they've always gotten along, so while her sorting isn't great for their friendship, it doesn't immediately turn into hate. She becomes a spy for the Order while still in school, and Voldemort is a bit obsessed with her due to her resemblance to Deianira. Her brother is the one to ultimately realize that she's a spy, and is the one to kill her
and lastly is Lysithea Selwyn, who's a Ravenclaw shipped with Fred Weasley! tbh I don't really know much about her yet, I think she's going to be one year younger than the twins/one year older than the trio. Voldemort is going to be obsessed with her too, and I think that like, after the stone gets destroyed her memories of her past lives are going to be a bit stronger and start getting all mixed up in her head and leave her kind of always feeling like she's going crazy
I haven't done a whole lot of plotting yet tbh but I'm just obsessed with the concept! I came up with it a few weeks ago but you know how indecisive I am in general lmao and having to make five times as many decisions was a struggle let me tell you
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