#The i'll add a last one for Nimona
achillean-knight · 1 year
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who-knows73 · 1 year
Ok I just watched Nimona (which is really good by the way) and I don't really have any major critiques or anything but I do want to praise the movie for being so openly queer. Its not just a throwaway line or a quick less then ten second scene of queerness. I don't want to really spoil anything so I'll keep it vague but the fact that one of the characters is gay and him and his partner kiss and say I love you multiple times on screen, in the forefront of the shot is so important to me. Them being in love actually adds to the plot and gives it more depth than just playing them off as friends ever could have.
Also Nimona in my eyes is an allegory for being trans and I will die on that hill, when you watch the movie through a queer lens its literally so queer. Plus at the end of the movie in the credits there's a shot where she spits rainbow fire and it turns into a heart shaped tunnel kinda thing out of the progress flag colours.
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There's also this in the credits which if you look at all the crossed out words, the one right on top of the word 'lot' at the bottom is boy which also leads me to believe that Nimona is kinda intended to be interpreted as a trans character but maybe I'm reading into things.
Bonus: This is the very last line of the movie and I just think it's really funny that they end it with a cut off curse word.
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Double bonus: Throughout the movie, there are multiple of these anarchy symbols inside hearts instead of circles and at the end of the credits right before the Netflix logo pops up she draws one. So to conclude things, not only is Nimona a metalhead but she's also an anarchist and I love her for that.
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sketchy-potato · 3 months
Intro post
➛ Welcome to my blog, Feel free to look around, I mostly reblog random things I find funny or fandom things
➛ I will not reblog political posts, if I do it is probably because the post is more funny than political, I will tag political posts with #politics #tw: politics and #us politics (if it's us politics) Feel free to block those tags If you don't want to see them!
➛ Current Status: Alive and Tired (constantly)
➛ Time zone: UTC -4 or Eastern standard Time
➛ Current hyper fixations: Writing, Reading (mostly fantasy books), Tumblr, Sleeping, Whumptober, Watching Mario Odyssey streams (the brain wants what it wants), and Linked Universe (my beloved)
➛ Things I am in: Robotics, Programming, Archery, Advanced Math, Advanced ELA, Spanish one, Band (Clarinet), and a choir (Tenor)
➛ Name: Just call me a form of my url, usually potato or a form of it
➛ Personally Info: I tis be a minor and I am the rare breed of aroace (it's actually not that rare tbh)
➛ Pronouns: Call me whatever, I don't care (just don't actually call me, that's a tad creepy)
➛ Gender: Don't know, Don't care enough to question
➛ AO3: AllwaysWildChild (mostly Lu fic's there)
➛ Religion: Christian and if I see anyone post anything about disrespecting any religion or anyone, I will block you. I really don't want that negativity here.
Linked Universe: @allwayswildchild
Original Works: @sketchy-patat
Anyways have fun and (Try to) be kind! Feel free to browse my blog and talk to me! I love making friends! Also don't be shy, If you literally send me an ask asking how my day was, I'll probably consider you my friend <3
Under the cut is Fandoms I am in or my interests!
Linked Universe
Keeper of the lost cities
Pjo and all the other series
One Piece
My hero academia
Lego Ninjago
My little pony
The owl house
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Hunter x Hunter
Avatar The Last Air Bender
The Amazing Digital Circus
Hazbin Hotel
Across the Spiderverse
Death note
Saki K
Spy x Family
Gravity Falls
Will add to when I remember more!
Minecraft diaries
The Inheritance Games (Still reading)
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kookies2000 · 1 year
Blue Sky's Studio's Themes
I'm surprised that people are surprised Blue Sky Studios made Nimona. Like if Blue Sky's films didn't always talk about political and deep topics. They just add a cartoon and wacky tone over it so it can appeal to children.
The Ice Age franchise was always about love and family. An odd family with quirks that faced whatever the world threw at them. This is what I mean when I say it makes sense that Blue Sky's would have an LGBT+ film for kids. That treats LGBT+ with respect. The studios very 1st film/franchise is about outsiders who are too different to be in a "normal" family. So those outsiders find their way to each other and form their own family and embrace their love for each other. Not caring what "normal" families think of them.
Robots is baiscally classism explained through robots. The lower class robots are struggling to survive because the upper class robots are making it hard on purpose. The upper class is making new robot parts (necessity in this world) expensive. And stopped making old/hand me down parts (which are cheaper and more affordable to the lower class.) Forcing everyone to spend more money if they want to survive in this society. And to those that don't get new parts and look too old and broken, are taken away to the "Chop Chop" where they'll burn and melt the robot into something else/new/useful.
Rio is pretty much about finding your roots and learning about the culture you come from. Falling in love with your culture and embracing it. Instead of just leaving it behind. Simple concept but something a lot of people today need to learn too. I can't tell you how surprised I was to learn a lot of Latinos can't speak Spanish or understand it.
Horton Hears a Who. Same as Robots. Classism. The higher ups don't believe that the ones below them matter. Hell, we have the government pressuring the mayor to keep the truth to himself. And I feel like this is one of the few films that treats Dr. Seuss books with respect. We all know his books can get political. And this film really shows that respect in the "We Are Here" scene. With music and acting.
Spies in Disguise. Self explanatory if you've seen the film. It's about peace vs violence. How we can find peaceful solutions and not rely on violence and war.
They have a few other films like Peanuts, Ferdinand, and Epic. Same thing. Either about justice, love, or peace. Were their films flawless? No! They had flaws and were sometimes average. Buy hey, try to make a film for kids that tackles political topics. It's not easy. Nimona 100% feels like the film where Blue Sky's finally found themselves. They found a way to deliver deep topics to children in a way they'll understand. Or at least start to understand as they get older. The topics of anarchy, classism, LGBT+, and being outcasted because of it. It was perfect, and it really felt like Blue Sky's finally found themselves. Breaks my heart that this is the last piece of them that survived. Would've loved to see what Blue Sky's could've become if they kept trying.
But hey, to end this on a happy note, I'll happily take Nimona as the grand finally of Blue Sky's. It's a bitter sweet and such a beautiful film. And I absolutely love how this is the film that got saved after Disney (higher up studio) destroyed Blue Sky Studios. (A lower studio) And is the only Blue Sky's film that isn't under Disney's control.
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
Goldenheart AU Pt. 3
If you couldn't tell, I have found my notes about this AU and am finally able to make more parts (I could've just made new notes but for some reason my mind stopped everytime I tried to do that, so yeah). This part is gonna be about the band members' (Bal, Nimona and Meredith) backstories.
I highly suggest you check out these first if you wanna understand this, cuz it might not make sense: [Part 1] [Part 2]
(Edit: I'm an idiot and forgot to put the links when I first posted it)
Part 1 is just the base of the AU, and part 2 explains the Director/Livia's (the name I gave her) reasons to not want Goldenheart to be a thing.
Also, feel free to put any idea you might want to add on in the comments or the tags! I tend to look at them and take them in consideration. I don't tag you (some people don't want to be tagged), but if you want to be credited, just message me and I'll tag you if I use your idea!
Anyways, Enjoy!
Ballister Boldheart
Although he didn't live on the streets, Ballister wasn't part of a very fortunate family when it came to money.
Education was something his family struggled to provide to him, and food was thoroughly enjoyed as one never knew if the next meal would be provided or not
His parents worked in a quite successful company but were paid barely enough to survive despite the amount of work they did
Ballister also worked small jobs, such as helping the park keeper clean up garbage, helping the mailman deliver his letters and packages, and so on
When he properly met Ambrosius was when he was cleaning up the park
I say properly because everyone knows Ambrosius Goldenloin, future heir to the Goldenloin company, so when he walked up to a little boy with long dirty hair and worn down clothes, it was pretty safe to say he was wary of him at first
Slowly but surely, after they met up more and more, Ballister started to warm up to him until they became great friends
Ambrosius had tried many times to give money to his family or to buy him something, but Ballister always refused because 1) He wanted to prove he could help on his own, not thanks to some charity money, and 2) He really didn't need the rest of Ambrosius' friends to start rumors about how he was using him for money (It was pretty clear they didn't like him, mainly Todd Sureblade, the Sureblade's being long friends of the Goldenloins)
At some point in time, when they were about 9-10, Ambrosius had to leave cities because of something and the two boys wouldn't be able to talk anymore, so he left with heart wrenching goodbyes
After that, everything was basically shit
With Ambrosius no longer around, some of his old friends who had stayed behind picked on him (hiding the stuff he needed to work, throwing random objects at him when he was in the park, etc.)
His father succumbed to an illness he had been suffering from for a while which sent his mother spiraling into a depression and turning to drinks. She didn't abuse him, but behind her curtain of sadness, she basically forgot about him and it was up to Ballister to provide food and take care of the both of them
It didn't take long for child protection services to take note of this and, at 16, Ballister was placed in a foster home while his mother went to therapy and rehab
It was in the foster home that Ballister met Nimona (backstory later)
Nimona was younger than him by around ten years, a little six year old kid who looked harmless until you realized just how much chaos she could cause
Still, he enjoyed Nimona's company and his foster parents could tell, so they let the two kids be. It was a struggle to stop Nimona from causing chaos everytime they went to the market, but it was worth it if it meant they'd stay up until late into the night arguing about whether freestyle jazz was good or not, if pineapple belonged on pizza or not and what animals would be the best to have if you were running away from the police
Back to that last point, music (except freestyle jazz) was something that the two enjoyed greatly. Nimona enjoyed the drums, always getting a boost out of watching others go crazy on them. Ballister preferred bass (it may or may not be because he remembered Ambrosius had mentioned it being his favourite instrument once and he was desperately holding on to his old friend)
When Nimona turned 7, their parents' rights were terminated and Vivian and William (their foster parents) adopted them, and he was also adopted not long after because his mother's rights had been terminated as well, so now they were an actual little family
Ballister recieved a bass set on his seventeenth birthday, and Nimona received a drum set about three years later on her tenth birthday. By then, Ballister had gotten a lot better with handling and playing the bass and helped Nimona a little with her drums
When they were respectively 22 and 12, money became thin in their household and, having already been through it, Ballaiter didn't want to go through it again, so he decided he was gonna find a way to help his parents, except this time he knew little jobs at the park or helping the mailman wouldn't cut it
They knew they were talented and they could put their talents to good use, and the idea to create a band was somehow thrown into conversations
Only problem is, Bal is pretty good in technology, but he can't work backstage and on the bass at the same time, they'd need at least a third member
Enter Meredith Blitzmeyer
So I'm gonna stop this here because it's already pretty long, I'm exhausted and I'm pretty sure you can tell I got tired towards the end of this, but oh well.
Nimona's backstory's next.
And again, please add on to this with your ideas if you have any, I like hearing what you guys think.
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the---hermit · 1 year
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Another look at my summer tbr
In the past couple of days I finally got to work in my room. I took everything out, and today I repainted the walls. I have not changed the color although I kinda wanted to, but it was definitely needed. I had never done this myself before, so I asked my dad to teach me. I love doing this kind of works around the house, and I learned so many new skills. It brings me so much joy to do this kind of stuff, and I feel like I am truly embracing my chill hobbit summer goal of finding joy in small daily activities. I am so proud of how it turned out since it was my first time painting walls! Tomorrow I think we'll do a quick run to ikea to get a few things we need for the house, I want to get a frame for a bookish poster and a couple of other things. Then we'll start putting shelves back on the walls and bringing the room back together. I'll camp in the livingroom for the night, since the paint's smell is still pretty stong, and I am actually pretty excited for the small nightly change. Again finding joy in small stuff. This week seems to be a good one, I am in a mood for small changes and practical work.
Chill hobbit summer activities of the last few days:
Kept my habit of reading first thing in the morning and did my best to also have at least 10 minutes of reading before sleep
Continued my Irish reviews on duolingo
Took everything out in my room, plastered the walls where they needed fixing, and repainted the whole room
Learned all the new skills I needed to do that with the help of my dad and had lots of fun with it
Had my monthly therapy session which went really well and had me start my week very positively (I also wore a outfit that made me feel super confident to go to my appointment which adds to the overall positive feelings)
Finished my Tolkien movie marathon which brought a lot of joy
Spent time in the garden with my family playing board games and darts
📖: Juniper And Thorn by Ava Reid, Nimona by ND Stevenson
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elishortforelliott · 1 year
Ok! Hello!! I'm making an introduction page and i dont know how to do introductions that well so I'm going with the flow so sorry if this is confusing!!! Also I have Bolded all the important text so if you want to skim just read the bolded text! :D ALSO if you follow me and you look like a bot (you have nothing on your profile have the default profile picture etc.) I will block you.
Credit: @/burntoutuserboxes
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Hi! My name is Eli or you can call me Elliott I do not care!! Either one is fine!! My pronouns are he/they and I think I'm either trans masc or bigender but I'm still figuring thing out! :D I'm bisexual and ace! and I am a minor. I'm working on improving my art so alot of my posts will probably be fanart or just random doodles. I will be working on anatomy so expect me to post huminoids with sub par anatomy and procrastinating by drawing landscapes and I am SHIT at finishing projects so if I say I'm doing something expect it to be posted in a year/hj I'm also learning ceramics!! and I'll take drawing requests!! :D (but if I dont want to do them you have to respect that.) Also be prepared for alot of me screeching about random things.
I am in alot of horror/thriller fandoms!! So on my blog you will see: teeth, gore, worms, insects, child murder, murder, eye imagery, clowns, animatronics, manikins, weapons, and so on if you are uncomfortable with any of these things I will be doing my best to add warnings to all of my posts that have the above topics but if you don't want to take any chances please leave.(also if there are anyways where I could improve/add any warnings please tell me.)
ALSO I may or may not reblog/post about political topics or religion (specifically Christianity) i will be putting warnings on these posts but please be careful and leave this blog if it will be harmful for you!
Okay! So these are my boundaries please respect them!
Please do not interact if you are: racist, homophobic, transphobic, abilest, proshipper, p*rn bot, pedophile, fatphobic, etc.
Please do not talk about Christianity (I have religious trama) unless I have brought the topic up. anyone who is Christian please do not interact with this blog even if you support lgbtq+ and are not just a total asshole please dont interact im sure your a great person just please do not interact.
DO NOT steal my art if you do repost it please make sure to ask for my permission first and to give me credit and if you don't ill steal your knee caps
Please be patient with me and spelling. I absolutely suck at it and auto correct is my life line. You can totally point out spelling/ Grammar mistakes I make but please don't be rude about it.
And please tell me if I have said/done/rebloged anything harmful, offensive, misinformed, annoying, or rude.
Credit: @/burntoutuserboxes
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There are alot of fandoms that I am in so this list is very big and ever expanding!!!
The Penumbra Podcast (i am still on season 3 please no spoilers!)
Fools gold DnD campaign
Hollow knight
Teenage mutant ninja turtles (most shows and comics i haven't seen all of them.)
Lego monkie kid
The magnus archives (I have been spoiled on like the whole thing so spoilers are fine!)
Welcome to nightvale (I have not finished year 3 please no spoilers!)
Hello from the hallowoods( I have just started so no spoilers please!)
Malevolent (i have also just started!)
Last of us
The owl house
Gravity falls
Dead end paranormal park
Spiderman into the spiderveres
Mob Psycho
Promise neverland
Five nights at freddy's
Bendy and the ink machine
Detroit become human
Stardew valley (please no spoilers please!)
Hell followed with us
The girl from the other side
The crane wives
The amazing devil
I have 3 tags i will hopefully have a tag for ask soon but I am procrastinating
#my art -- This as a bunch of fanart of the fadoms I am in and just artpeices I've made
#my pottery -- This is all my pottery pieces and the progress! :D
#To Find A Home -- this is a story im making and im so excited to share my ocs!!!
Thank you for reading!!! Please talk to me if we have any fadoms in common! I want to make friends!! :D
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voids-ideas · 10 months
Welcome to my main blog which I like to define as chaos
After the "read more" you'll find quite a lot of information, my other blogs, fandoms I write about and/or reblog content from, and a bit more, but before that I want to make one thing clear
I like to debate a lot, and from time to time I might get into a discussion about a social issue, I like this topic a lot, I'm quite interested in learning to see things from different perspectives, I feel that helps me in my mission called "creating a society in my head where nobody suffers".
That's why I possibly read quite questionable comments, and I'm able to put up with almost anything, there's only one rule: You're not going to attack/insult anyone. Especially someone else. If I see something like that in any post of mine, I'm going to block you. That's possibly the only condition under which I plan to directly block someone (that and bots).
As a bonus, if you see anything on this blog or any of my other blogs that makes you feel uncomfortable, please let me know. Send me a message, ask, whatever
Now for the fun part
Tumblr is my dopamine
I love any interaction that happens on any of my accounts, reblogs, messages, likes, asks, if you do any of those things I probably screamed with excitement when I saw it
In the case of asks and messages, there is the possibility that I am slow to respond, I tend to panic in social interactions
If you don't know anything about aftg I really ask you to find out about the trigger warning first, but this is my aftg blog: @neiljostenmakesmyday
Good omens obsession here, good omens obsession there: @im-the-j-in-anthony-j-crowley
Helluva boss and Hazbin hotel over here: @mrfancytalkcreepyvoice
Blog where I sometimes share things about disability: @all-the-things-i
And this is my main blog. I define it as: Chaos
Things you may (or may not) see on this blog:
Good omens
Our flag means death
Interview with the vampire
Percy Jackson
House MD
She-ra and the princesses of power
All for the game
The hunger games
Heartbreaking High
Prodigal son
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Star wars
The magnus archives
I don't remember all the tags I've used, but I remember some of them (I'll add the link to them as soon as I get my pc and remember to do it):
Jay attempts to draw possibly there are drawings here, warning: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW
Jay watches shows and pretends they have something relevant to say about them This is me screaming, crying and demonstrating that I know nothing about how to analyse a show/movie when I watch it, but I still say something that makes sense from time to time
Jay and... Jay what are you doing? You figure out what I was doing here, because I definitely didn't know.
Jay cries about some misfortune that happened to them in minecraft self-explanatory
Jay listens to podcasts and demonstrates zero comprehension of what they hears At the time of doing this, it has only one meaning: The magnus archives
Yes, this last part is just because I wanted to put all the colors of the lgbt flag. I don't have another section, I tricked you
Lie, this is... a little about me:
I like cats. That's all.
Well, no. I'm in my 20s, recently diagnosed with adhd and autism (before that I had self diagnosis), I am in evaluation for chronic pain and other things, I identify as greysexual, greyromantic, agender (sometimes non-binary), bi, among other things.
I have trouble explaining things, and I define myself as a joke, in the way that my life is full of comical situations in which I am at the centre
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heartlites · 3 months
tomorrow, friday, is my last day working my crummy job. i told myself i would go in today (thursday) but i didnt. i just cant bring myself to care- and i had a massive headache this morning (and leona was being a lil shit all night). but, anyway, i will work friday to say good bye and to try to make sure i have okay-ish money saved for a little bit. im going to still pay for groceries until i run out of money. i see my therapist this coming wednesday, the 17th, and i will talk to her about starting my disability application.
anyway, with the coming freedom, there's a collection of things i want to do. i really need to clean my room, the messiness is killing me. i want to get my kitchen back to decent, too. i want to try and get back to painting or drawing, in particular i'd like to paint something for my therapist as part of my farewell to her after working with her for 9 years.
i also really, really want to get back to my spiritual practices. i havent really done any prayers or spent time with Isis in months and i miss it. i wish i had some guidance while working with Her and exploring my faith, too. i feel like im fumbling around in the dark, trying to be true to the practices that have been in place in devotion to Her, but i lack any good foundation or knowledge. i feel like a blind child reaching for Her.
outside of this, other things i want to do include finishing my recent embroidery project even if its a bit fumbled and messy. i need to get a punch needle to finish the other two. this saturday i am going to go to barnes&noble to pick up some new books to read through in the coming months. i want to get some kind of history book and then some kind of mystery novel. at least two books, maybe up to four depending on prices. then, there's the shows, movies, and other media i want to watch, read, and/or play. this list as follows:
interview with a vampire
dungeon meshi (currently watching a little with friends!)
that's all i can think of for now. i want to add more books to this, i'll probably come back and edit this post once i've gotten my new books this weekend (side note: wish there was a used bookstore i could go to, but alas, i don't know of one anywhere near me; additionally, wanna get back to going to the library).
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basil-touche · 9 months
3, 4, 9!
3. Favourite musical artist/ group that you started listening to this year?
I ended up discovering the musician Fin this year via the song Ship in a Bottle which is so my kind of music (a very talented artist did an animatic of their oc to the song which is just incredible) and I also ended up really loving the tracks Abandon Ship and Exposure (the latter of which became one of my most listened to tracks this year). Perfect tracks for brainstorming the kinda stories I want to eventually write.
Also music related, my brain is still so obsessed with The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists that I ended up making a playlist on Spotify featuring all the music used in the film I could find (I even went through the film itself so I could make sure I could add the correct covers of songs) as well as some tracks that I think vibe well with the characters. I might add more tracks in the future if my brain still keeps bothering me about this film.
Here's the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52OJc0rqobXwewIBL6OEYS?si=260f6de2d5a34ab3
4. Movie of the year?
I saw quite a lot of films at the cinema in the first half of this year (latter half not so much due to personal matters). I ended up seeing The Super Mario Bros Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Dungeons & Dragons Honour Among Thieves, Spiderman Across the Spiderverse and Barbie in cinemas and Nimona and Reinfield from home.
I'm hoping to watch Chicken Run Dawn of the Nugget next week and The Boy and the Heron when it releases after Christmas (might be the only time I'll be able to watch a new Ghibli film in theaters) but in terms of films I've watched this year so far I'd definitely say Across the Spiderverse, hands down.
Went to see it with some friends and it blew away my expectations (love the first film so they were high). I'm really excited for the last film in the trilogy now, just as long as the animators are actually treated with respect (that might be the one thing I don't like about the film, it's just a movie at the end of the day, no need to mistreat people for it to be made).
9. Best Month for you this year?
The year was going pretty well up until the end of July, I would probably say June as that's when I saw Across the Spiderverse with my friends and the weather was warm enough for to go out and about with my folks. Also having cold drinks down at the pub and just chatting & playing board games with my friends in the sunshine was a lot fun (minus the sunburns). Now I'm just ready for 2023 to be over 🫠
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9 people you want to get to know better!!
I was tagged by @ahopefulsun ages ago, but you know how it is. Life, uh, gets in the way. Thanks for tagging me <3
Favorite color: Very specifically that orange/peach of a streetlamp on snow during a heavy snowfall. If you know, you know. I don't wear that colour like ever, but whenever I'm lucky enough to see it I get so happy inside.
Currently Reading (books): I'm halfway through the audio book of Emma by Jane Austen. I started listening to a lot of audio books during the last term of my textile education while I was working with my hands, but then school ended and I got more time to write instead, so I've yet to go back and finish it.
Currently Reading - Fics: Just finished Make perfect the present by @moorishflower. Gorgeous stuff <3
Last song: Pictures Of You - The Cure
Last series: Russian Doll. Loved it.
Last movie: Fuck, either Barbie or Nimona. Can't remember because time is a social construct and I have ADD.
Currently working on: There's my Regency Dreamling AU which I sort of paused at 80k to write Totus Mundus Agit Histrionem (which wasn't supposed to become fucking 47k), and then for some ungodly reason I kept pausing it to write a Retirement fic that also wasn't supposed to be very long but now I'm sitting here with 70k words and realising that there's still quite a way to go before that's done... I just keep doing this to myself, huh? After this one's done, then I'll finish the Regency AU for sure. *sweats nervously*
I won't tag anyone this time ^-^
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