#The purity of Sin
driedflowers161 · 1 year
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i often feel like religion would make me feel more "whole" even though i am sometimes repulsed by it
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july-19th-club · 2 years
ever since i learned that the guy who wrote breaking bad was raised catholic every single thing about that show has made sense. show about guys who either exercise Pride or exercise Contrition and their success doesn't exactly hinge on it but the state of their souls does . sometimes Contrition is another form of Pride though so watch out
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Walking in the Light
If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in the darkness, we lie and don’t tell the truth. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanses us from all sin. — 1 John 1:6-7 | World English Bible, American English Edition, without Strong's Numbers (WEBUS) The World English Bible, American English Edition (without Strong's Numbers) is in the public domain. Cross References: Psalm 51:2; Isaiah 2:5; Isaiah 6:7; Isaiah 33:24; Matthew 6:12; John 3:21; John 8:12; John 8:55; John 12:35; 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Timothy 6:16; Titus 2:14; 1 John 2:4; 1 John 2:11
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defining will's love for hannibal as religion stands as an overpowering symbol of how will's emotions are powerful enough to mold a man into something akin to god, even with his flaws, even with his mortality, even with his own devotion to him that isn't some imprisonment or necessity or a show put up for valour or honour but formed of his own volition that itsn't driven by lust unlike so many other metaphors and so called "analogous" loves, is such strong visual and visceral representation of the human psyche omitting life outside of its own want and turning it into piety. in this essay i will...
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bijoumikhawal · 1 day
honestly my hot take is you can end up being culturally Christian if your family is irreligious enough even if all of you belong to a completely different religion, and even if you aren't irreligious being a minority within a majority means the majority culture and customs impacts you, whether you adopt those customs or run from them
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myremnantarmy · 1 month
Christ had to suffer and to rise from the dead,
and so enter into his glory.
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jeeyonshim · 1 year
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"I look forward to your returning," he said, "as someone more ready to be improved.”
-- Fable of the Swan, by Jenna Moran
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yonderly-angels · 8 months
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Heaven makes sinners and hell makes virgins.
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wormsdyke · 2 years
i am one minor inconvenience away from writing a thesis on catholicism and religious trauma through the lens of the corruption
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Wash and Make Yourselves Clean
Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. — Isaiah 1:16-17 | King James Version (KJV) The King James Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Deuteronomy 14:29; Psalm 26:6; Psalm 34:14; Psalm 51:2; Psalm 82:3; Proverbs 31:9; James 1:27; James 4:8
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panuccispizza · 4 months
anti fict people are like catholic fujoshis
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loveerran · 1 year
What Matters Most
when we are obsessed about people working on specific standards for personal purity, i think we sound a lot like we’re teaching folks to be the man in the parable who had only one talent and buried it.
turning outward and helping others? ministering to and welcoming and serving all of God’s children? that sounds a lot like the person in the parable who had five talents and gained another five on top of that.
would Jesus ask the church today if we were focusing too much on the small things? the wrong things?
“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40
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Twitter once again proving that it terrifies me and I will never step foot into that hellsite without my gf :U
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theodoradove · 11 months
maybe someday i will write a thing about joseph breen and how the hays code as enforced was fundamentally catholic owned and operated
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sundaynightservice · 1 year
Purity denied,
the natural state of man
bathed in too much sin
for us to know all the joy
God Himself desires to give.
D W Eldred
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stingslikeabee · 7 months
"that feels so good."
prompts for touch-starved muses . accepting
'That feels so good'. Now, these were common words heard at the Honey Bee Inn, as it should be the case with any pleasure house that hoped to have a good reputation. Only, in that particular instance, there was nothing remotely sexual about the interactions in one of the many suites of the brothel, even if they happened to house Melissa and Reno - arguably two people more than able to use their looks in their favor and turn their fair share of heads.
They were making good use of one of the tub, however - Melissa was washing Reno's hair with the utmost care and patience, as if the Turk was visiting a first-class beauty parlor from topside. The inn had a variety of amenities at the disposal of their guests, but renting a suite didn't come with the owner and whatever little spa treatments she was in a mood to give.
Those were perks unlocked by sincere friendships - well, as much as a Turk could afford to have. Their partnership was a fruitful one for both sides: it didn't hurt for any of the trademark suits from Shinra to have access to good intel gathered from all sorts of inebriated patrons, and it was more than fine for Melissa to have some unofficial protection when said suits were ostensibly visiting the premises.
It didn't often cross into a personal territory - but Reno was just too irresistible, wasn't he? There was something about the redhead that was hard to ignore, a mix of grace and lethality like a natural predator. Fitting for a trained assassin... And just the type of person that the madame felt comfortable to be around, as ridiculous as it could sound. Reno had no reason to hurt her - or any of the girls. As long as that remained true, the Turk was her best friend.
And by Shiva, Melissa had missed having that - a friend. Another soul to trade gossip with for sport, to lazy around in satin robes while sipping champagne and eating junk food and just being able to relax because, for once, Reno didn't need her taking care of him. The inn proprietress was no surrogate mother or older sister - she was just a friend.
Of the doting kind and willing to spoil him, of course.
"It better feel fantastic - I'm not this nice to just any pretty face dripping with charisma, I'll have you know," Melissa feigned indignation, but there was hardly anything about their interactions that supported the mock offense. Besides, the fact that they were looking at each other upside down made it all inherently funnier and the madame was the first one to crack, grinning at the Turk below her and removing herself out of his line of sight just to have a better angle to work with his scalp.
A few more minutes of the brunette massaging his head followed - the grand finish for the most luxurious treatment the redhead had been afforded in a good while. Melissa then grabbed a towel and offered it to Reno, helping him to a sitting position and out of the bathroom so he could properly towel himself dry and style the flaming tresses to his preferences.
"Now, in exchange for this lovely little treatment, I expect nothing but the best gossip from Shinra. It's so dull when it's board meeting season topside - the executives disappear and their minions are locked up at the office with endless overtime," Melissa sighed dramatically, fetching a pair of glasses which had been ready for them, "It feels like everyone is working for a change - and not just Director Tuesti."
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