#it’s about the purity about the chastity and how it’s never enough
cringecannon · 6 months
i am kind of going batshit insane and biting at the bars of my cage over the thought of a woman of the cloth, one oh-so ever devoted to their deity in soul and of body (i'm talking complete chastity; grade 'A' virgin) waging an internal WAR at the coaxing and prying of an incessant, hounding and horned up FREAK just constantly sniffing up their skirt (whether literally or figuratively is up to you, tee hee),,, honestly could play out w/ whoever, but like,,, hrmrnng gortash, kar'niss 'n astarion
Religion is your life. You chose a life of chastity and restraint willingly. You devoted your life to purity, and no one will make you stray from that path. No matter how hard they may try.
Serving as a religious advisor for the Archduke should've been simple. It was supposed to be simple. You keep to yourself and say nothing unless he asks. It worked for a time. Despite your best efforts to stay under the radar, you started to catch him staring at you. He'd follow you out of meetings, an easy smile on his face as he escorts you through the halls. Your skin prickles as you feel his eyes trail over you. In your peripheral you can see it- his gaze falling to where your hands are clasped in front of you, then up to your chest. You're thankful for the modesty of your robes, ensuring he can't see much- but it doesn't help the hot flush that suddenly rises in you. The hand that rests itself on your lower back doesn't help your flustered state. His hands drifts lower as he speaks, musing to himself as you fight to keep your composure. He'd like to get to know you better. The sudden heat that flashes through you when his fingers skim over you ass is almost unbearable. You'll join him for dinner, won't you? Of course you will.
Your stubbornness annoyed Astarion. It was bad enough having one hard to read cleric, two is just unnecessary. However, he had found through relentless persistence that you were slightly less impenetrable than the other. Not by much, though. While you were almost always far too helpful for his liking, you always drew the line at any intimacy outside him feeding on you. Every line and proposition he tries, you decline with grace. It's infuriating. Your eyes stay fixed to the ground whenever he stalks up, shoulders tense as he whispers sweet promises into your ear. Try to ignore it all you want, darling. He can hear the way your breath hitches when his chest presses against your back, and he can feel the pounding of your pulse when his lips brush against the side of your throat. Do you remember what he said, about you being his first? Well, he'd be more than happy to return the favor. A cold hand drifts over your chest and he salivates when he can feel your rapid heartbeat. What an effect his pretty words have on you. Say the word, love. Let him show you what you've been missing.
Kar'niss is completely enamored with you. Few could match his dedication to the Absolute, and fewer still interacted with him willingly. You worshipped with him, never condescended him, prayed for his safety whenever he had to leave the tower. He was convinced you were a blessing sent by the Absolute herself. Perfection given life. You never complained anymore when he touched you, brushing his nose against your jaw as he holds you from behind. He whispers frantically, one hand drifting to your thighs and gripping the fabric of your robes. The words are unintelligible, you're never sure whether he's praying or praising. His ramblings rarely make sense to anyone but him. He feels heat radiate off you as he slowly pulls up your robes inch by inch, ankle, calf, and knee exposed to his desperate hands. Perfect soul, perfect flesh. Worship with him. The Absolute demands satisfaction.
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macabrecravings · 11 months
Question about Cain: how did he get his angel tf? And how does Sydney react to it? Because from what I've seen Cain is not doing a good job of keeping him pure...
Question about Seraphina: was her friendship with Cain always rocky? Does she hate Cain out of jealousy and envy for his seemingly privileged lifestyle and purity?
- uhm 🧙‍♂️ anon because i think its funny
GHSHEJEJEEJ OMG. Taking a break from drawing Fifi to answer this (IM SO EXCITED !!! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK :3)
Statistically speaking, Cain got his angel TF pretty easily bc the first thing I did in his save was go to the temple & become an initiate. He’s been chastity belted & anal shielded up since the first week 😭 Never had a chance to get that purity meter down LOL! Like Sydney, he works himself to the bone with temple duties & school. His grace at the temple is almost always full, but lore-wise, with the molestation and close encounters he experiences, he’s kind of worn down & his heart isn’t really in it anymore :(
When he & Sydney started dating, it said “will you keep each other pure or fall from grace together?” the second one. Sydney is absolutely corrupt and once Cain’s promiscuity is high enough they’ll be sinning like fucking crazy 😭 I’d totally get his chastity stuff removed eventually when it fits my storyline. I think Sydney feels really guilty about it sometimes- Once i had this scene where he saw Cain’s halo in the reflection of his eye and he got all guilty n his purity went up 😨
As for Cain & Seraphina!!! I def have not developed them together much hehehe but it’s so fun to think about ty for fueling it >:3
I’ve never had a set in stone reason for why any of my characters are in the orphanage, but based off of vibes alone as i’m writing this? Seraphina’s been there since she was ~6 & Cain feels like he would’ve been sent there around 11/12. (Damn!! Actually developing lore ? crazy 😨 i don’t do that hehe) I imagine they had little to no interactions growing up just bc they had nothing in common
Her disdain for him is completely one sided & yes it stems from envy & jealousy. She’d start noticing him at high trauma and start despising him for being what she thinks is the epitome of purity while she’s out here, tormented. It’d kind of be like a Kylar-watching-from afar situation, where he’s unaware of her fixation at first. She hates him because he makes himself the center of attention all the time & doesn’t seem to reap any of the consequences that she does. He’s definitely more socially & physically privileged than she is and that blinds her from the reality that— he struggles in that town as much as anyone does 😬
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foxyyaoguai · 1 year
Countless Reasons To Love Jadecest
@rx-mercury, @candlesoftener, and I are organizing a Jadecest event and in the interest check we asked you all "What do you love most about the Twin Jades?". We got some wonderful responses that we want to share anonymously:
The love three times forbidden (BL, incest and all these Lan chastity purity etc rules) between two most beautiful men in China. I cannot see what is not to love there, really.
I love how they can swing all matter of ways: dark or loving, vanilla or BDSM. Can't get enough of their fucked up dynamics!
How easily they ebb and flow together, filling in the "gaps" where their weaknesses and strengths individually lie.
how their protectiveness over each other is often wildly misinterpreted—leaves lots of room for fanfiction ideas
i love that they understand each other well even when they don’t speak!! i think that’s my favorite <3
*slaps Twin Jades asses* these bad boys can fit so much generational trauma in them
They are so dedicated and utterly devoted to each other and I love to see it
The whole spectrum from being the same person to being the extreme opposite
The inherent forbidden nature of this ship (also, they’re both very hot!)
They were made for each other so that the other would never be lonely 🥺
lcx is the ONLY person I see lwj being submissive for and I LOVE IT
Asking back what is NOT to like about Jadecest? :D hehe
How LWJ would love his brother differently than WWX
They just have so much codependency potential!
I like how similar they look 😌
~shared and comparable trauma~
It's the codependency baby!!
They are so perfect together
Lan Xichen being loved...
I love to see them cry :D
They are so precious 🥺
Their obsession hehe
Everything :D (2x)
I AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE SO MUCH!! There are endless reasons to love Jadecest 💙💙 Which one is your favorite?
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immerlein · 2 years
hello ms immerlein, hope you're doing well. i'm a simple inquirer into the orthodox church and i wanted to ask if you could go into detail about what marriage is, in the faith. my boyfriend is the type who thinks "why can't we just get married at a courthouse?" but because having a wedding is important to me, he'd ultimately like to go with a 'proper' one. i'm glad that he cares about me enough to allow me to make the decision, but i don't know how to convince him that marriage is indeed something sacred. ideally i'd want to have our wedding at an orthodox parish, but as he isn't (yet, maybe sooner or later) a christian i'm content with waiting
Hi there :)
Thanks for your question; it's great to hear your boyfriend respects your feelings on something as important as this. I will say, though, that you might have a hard or impossible time getting married to a non-Christian in an Orthodox church, so you would need to discuss it with a priest. By the way you've phrased your ask you do seem to know that, but just clarifying in case :) I agree that marriage is sacred and a very beautiful mystery of the Church. It is taken seriously, entered into seriously, and only broken under the most serious of circumstances (the Church allows remarriage, with conditions). The whole idea is that you marry to be "companions on the journey from earth to heaven" (St John Chrysostom) and "attain holiness". "The purpose of marriage is to unite two persons into a bond of love for their mutual companionship, support, enjoyment, and fulfillment. While the couple, on their own, already is a family, giving birth to and nurturing children is an important purpose of marriage." - goarch.org
I'm going to include some other quotes from Saints/Church Fathers/theologians that I think speak to the theology of marriage better than my own words could.
Marriage is a sacrament and a state of grace: “Marriage is not only a state of nature but a state of grace. Married life, no less than the life of a monk, is a special vocation, requiring a particular gift or charisma from the Holy Spirit; and this gift is conferred in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.” (Ware, Timothy (1993-04-29). The Orthodox Church)
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“Marriage is the key of moderation and harmony of desires, the seal of a deep friendship… United in the flesh, one spirit, they urge each other on by the good of their mutual love. For marriage does not remove God, but brings all closer to Him, for it is God Himself Who draws us to it.” - Saint Gregory the Theologian
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Elder Aimilianos of Simonos Petros Monastery on Mt. Athos wrote: “When two people get married, it’s as if they're saying: Together we will go forward, hand in hand, through good times and bad. We will have dark hours, hours of sorrow filled with burdens, monotonous hours. But in the depths of the night, we continue to believe in the sun and the light.”
"There are two misunderstandings about marriage which should be rejected in Orthodox dogmatic theology. One is that marriage exists for the sole purpose of procreation...is has never been a teaching of the Church. On the contrary, according to St John Chrysostom, among the two reasons for which marriage was instituted,  it is the first reason which is the most important: 'as for procreation, it is not required absolutely by marriage...’ In fact, in Orthodox understanding, the goal of marriage is that two should become one, in the image of the Holy Trinity, Whose three Persons are essentially united in love... In the Orthodox Church, there is no understanding of sexual union as something unclean or unholy. This becomes clear when one reads the following prayers from the Orthodox rite of Marriage: 'Bless their marriage, and vouchsafe unto these Thy servants ... chastity, mutual love in the bond of peace ... Preserve their bed unassailed ... Cause their marriage to be honourable. Preserve their bed blameless. Mercifully grant that they may live together in purity .. :. Sexual life is therefore considered compatible with 'purity' and 'chastity', the latter being, of course, not an abstinence from intercourse but rather a sexual life that is liberated from what became its characteristic after the fall of Adam. The ultimate goal of marriage is the same as that of every other sacrament, deification of the human nature and union with Christ. This becomes possible only when marriage itself is transfigured and deified." - taken from the writing of Metropolitan Hilarion.
I hope this helps! Take care and all the best :)
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wormsdyke · 2 years
i am one minor inconvenience away from writing a thesis on catholicism and religious trauma through the lens of the corruption
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quiet-and-disturbed · 2 years
Sydney's Awakening
He’d been blamed for something he hadn’t done. How could he have lost a book? He was always such a diligent worker… Maybe someone had stolen it when he’d fallen asleep at the counter? He thought as Leighton stood before him with a stern expression. His piercing eyes glared into his own as his frown was replaced by a twisted smile. “You need to be punished boy.”
That’s when you’d come in, like a knight in shining armour – just like the book he’d just finished reading when the damsel was in distress. You’d shared the punishment with him – a lighter sentence for the both of you than whatever Leighton was about to torture him with.
But then he’d been told the punishment, that he’d have to hit you – one of his only friends – and suddenly he was wishing that it was the headmaster that was serving the punishment. He could barely see your ass through his crocodile tears and fogged up glasses, and he’d so desperately wanted not to look as the way your ass reddened with each hit he brought down upon you under the guidance of Leighton’s perverted gaze – it went against everything he stood for – and yet he couldn’t look away.
He thought that the punishment was enough… until it was his turn to bend over the desk. Leighton had yanked down his pants and revealed his shield. And then you’d stood behind him, bringing your hand down with such force that he yelped, like a sweet puppy who’d been stepped on. Then you’d slid your hand lower, past his anal shield to his chastity belt. You’d manhandled him, rubbing your hand against him, eliciting feeling he’d never felt before.
He'd moaned, and the shame that burnt within him was hotter than the burning coals beneath his feet as he committed to the trial of purity that same night. But no matter how much he knew the temple condemned such sinful actions; he couldn’t help going to bed that night dwelling on how you’d made him feel.
How your hand had so sweetly grazed against him, stroking his red ass and cooing about how good he’s doing just out of earshot of Leighton. How had you made him feel so good? Why was the temple keeping those feeling away from him? Why would a god create those kinds of sensations if they were not made to be enjoyed? It just didn’t make any sense!
And so, he ruffled up the front of his pyjama top and slipped his hand into his pants. He lay there like that for a while, suffering through the mental turmoil of his actions before gently cupping himself through his belt.
How had you stroked him? How had you made him feel so good?
He moved his hand, trying different speeds and actions until he’d figured it out. He turned his head to the side once he’d found his sweet spot, softly moaning into his pillow, cringing at the thought of Sirris walking in to such a sinful sight. He told himself he’d stop after a minute. But then a minute passed, then two, then several more, until he was close. His body feverishly responded to his actions, his cheeks heating up, his nipples hardening beneath the soft fabric of his shirt and his cock straining against his belt.
He moved faster then, his rational mind giving way to the surging impulses rushing through his body as his hand gripped around his erection, the metal of his belt now slick against his fingers. There were no coherent thoughts as he chased after his orgasm, nor as he moaned in bliss as he came, his hand slowly stroking along his length before going limp.
The church didn’t want Sydney to fall to these feelings, but he’d tasted the bliss that followed, seen how his body reacted and how good he felt afterwards. How could he just ignore them? He thought as he lay back under the covers of his bed. He’d never gone against Sirris, let alone the church, but now he knew what was on the other side – now he knew what the fall of grace brought with it – maybe allowing himself to be corrupted by you wouldn’t be so bad… and maybe he’d lose another book tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.
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hopefully-hellbound · 2 years
M!Bailey x gn!Angel!PC
Bailey has one orphan that he can't stand because theyre always so nice and pure, and he's a bastard. Goes too far one day.
Noncon, purity loss, hurt feelings, noone is happy at the end, bastard bailey, a lil longer setup but eh
Bailey always fucking hated you.
Stupid little goody two shoes, who put him on edge more than a lunch date with Briar or Remy. Bailey knew those bastards were up to something, always were, but you... You he couldn't quite figure out, ever.
What could one think of someone who can remain so sweet in a town this rotten?
From the moment you came here, to his orphanage, you were the sweetest little thing, coming to Bailey at stormy nights asking for a hug, promptly getting doors slammed shut in front of your face. Working as a tutor since you were a child, using the little money you earnt to buy chocolates for the whole orphanage on Valentine's and Christmas - Bailey included. His always ended up right in the trash, it wouldnt be the first or last time someone tried to poison him.
You'd always come trottling to him when someone would break in, you had no fighting skills, no way to defend yourself - an absolute idiot who gave their pepper spray to their stupid friend Robin. Bailey thought you would get your head out of the clouds once youre eighteen and rent starts, but nope, didn't fucking happen!
He couldn't wrap his head around it, how you managed it, how you stayed clean, pure, good. He purposely barged in while you bathed multiple times, and there weren't any bruises on you, not even a chastity belt to protect you! He charged up his rent, no way anyone can get 2k a week in this town without getting their hands dirty!
And yet, here you were.
For twenty bucks a week youve rented a patch of Bailey's yard to make it a garden, and you sold the pretty flowers you grew there - vegetables were for the orphanage, and you didn't want any money for them, despite how suspicious he was. You pranced around with that fucker Avery once a week, you got money from the church, you worked at a local shelter and on some farm outside of town. And you. Stayed. Pure.
Worst it was, you still liked Bailey! You still came to him with problems he didnt care about! Still brought him the stupid chocolates and flowers twice a year even if he threw them away right in front of you! Still had that stupid, stupid smile on when he barked something at you and you replied.
Bailey could swear he saw a halo if he glanced at you from the corner of his eye.
And god, he hated it with the core of his corrupt soul.
He doesn't know what made him save you that one day.
He was just going around, trying to get his semi-monthly shopping done, annoyedly carrying bags of clothes for youngest orphans home. Little bastards had a lot of hand me downs, but he still paid for the basics of what the ones underage used. He was just considering calling up Leighton and trying to negitiate that uniforms would be given in school for cheaper, but then he heard a muffled scream come from an alley nearby. And while normally Bailey wouldn't think twice of it, he walked past it and from the corner of his eye, recognized that golden shine of a halo that was never there when he tried to check.
The men trying to drag you in a van weren't hard to politely convince to let go of you, they ran, clutching their bloody noses and dragging the friend who tried to kick Bailey in the balls to the hospital - maybe if theyre quick enough, he'll get to keep his leg intact.
But Bailey turned to you when you grabbed for his shirt, face burried in his clothes as you cried. First time he saw you cry, perhaps. He certainly didnt remember any others.
"Im sorry... im sorry im so-o-orry, they just showed up-"
Bailey doesnt hug you back, just awkwardly tells you to be more careful next time and dont waste his time again as he pushes you away.
And he would leave, he's already turnt to leave and spend the rest of the week wondering why the fuck would he save you, you of all people, when he heard you sniffle and he looked over his shoulder.
He shouldn't.
He really, really shouldn't.
Because there it was, that smile that always pissed him the fuck off, it still shone through your tears, still made you look so fucking angelic.
"y-yeah... t-thanks dad, i'll be more careful..."
And because of that one, single, forbidden word, Bailey snapped.
Your halo breaks when he shoves his cock in your tight, almost dry hole.
You sob and beg and nearly gag, but Bailey is enraged, hands on your neck choking you so hard your vision is so blurry you can barely see his face. Knuckles still bleeding from when he saved you, just minutes ago.
Bailey cant stop, your pleas for mercy are music to his ears, symphony for the supressed part of him that raged with envy every time he saw you and your stupid, happy grin. Every time he thought you'll finally see the world for what it really is, see Bailey for what he really is, but...
He guesses now you do.
He fucks you raw and hard, and soon you don't even have the voice to continue begging him to stop. Or maybe you've just realized that he won't.
Part of him that's not completely enchanted by just how good your virgin hole feels like vaguely registers your shopping bag thats laying where you dropped it. Little chocolates and wrapping paper fell out of it. That's right, tomorrow's Valentine's.
A sting of guilt strikes Bailey for the first time in decades, the simple thought of you getting him those stupid chocolates every year.... Suddenly thrusting into you doesn't feel as good anymore. He thought he would enjoy seeing that sparkle die in your eyes, but all he sees are tears and a reflection of himself.
Your guardian.
Your caretaker.
Your da-
Bailey drops you like a sack of potatoes, jerking off to quickly finish on your face. Suddenly every second feels wrong, every moment that should bring him sadistic satisfaction just makes him feel like shit. It's a feeling he doesn't like, just like how he doesn't like the look of betrayal on your face.
Maybe you'll learn now, he thinks bitterly, about trusting people.
He leaves you there in the alleyway, torn clothes and covered with his semen, to walk home on wobbly legs if something else doesnt snatch you up first. Bailey wishes it would, he doesn't want to ever see your hurt eyes again.
When Bailey finds little chocolates on his doorstep the next day, he doesn't throw them away.
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The Starving Faithful (Priest!Matt Murdock x Demon!Reader AU)
Summary: Father Matthew encounters something he never thought he would in the hallowed halls of his church. A demon has no purpose here but before he can banish you your effect on him becomes too much to bear.
Words: 2,407
Warnings: Smut, handjob, dirty talk, religion, talk of hell/demons/the devil
Part 2 - The Fall Of The Righteous
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The candles were dying from evening service, Father Matthew makes a mental note to himself to douse them before he turns in for the night. The cold hall of the church groaned under the weight of the storm outside, wind whipped against the fragile stained-glass windows and the sturdy oak pews seemed to sing with it as they creaked and cracked under the dropping temperatures.
As the candles snuffed themselves out one by one the antechambers of the church loomed ominously as Matthew collected the last of the discarded bibles. He was alone but he liked the peace, the silence of these halls was a comfort to him.
The loss of his sight as a child had attuned him to the other ways of the world; crisp smells that burned the hairs of his nostrils and constant sound that made his head ache.
So when he heard the padding of footsteps along the stone flooring it perked his ears; when he lifted his head he could immediately sense that a woman of significant presence, something he had never felt before, was what approached him – You, to be precise.
Something about the steady strong heartbeat of this one had drawn you to his hallowed chamber. He was anxiously hunched at his sensing of an intruder so late, clutching a bible in his hand as he felt you draw near. You could tell by the way his thick fingers tightened around the blasted scripture that he sensed something else in your aura.
“Good evening, Father” your voice whispered out seductively as you rounded about him. Your body was bare of any clothes, your skin was cool to the touch so did not feel the chill that the evening storm had brought with it. But you noted how his skin pricked with goosebumps as you drew nearer. His body sensed something his mind had not yet realized.
“The church has finished service for the evening,” he said quietly. You smirked at his words, you had him already – so easy. You could guess from his demeanour that despite his deep timbre he was often a soft-spoken man. However now his voice wavered even lower, trying to hide the unknown fear that crept up the back of his neck.
You made an affirmative sound as he picked up one last bible and moved away from you, towards the altar at the head of the atrium. As you spoke you looked down, feeling the burning against the soles of your feet as you padded barefoot across the stone, “In truth Father you’re correct, I should not be here.”
Your cutting tone confirmed it for him, his fine-tuned and God given senses were not lying. He knew there was something other about you the second your presence had come before him, maybe it was your scent wafting from your bare skin – unlike anything else he had experienced. Or perhaps the beat of your useless heart, steady but merely for show.
“How are you here?” Matthew questioned, this time his voice was stronger and more commanding. It caused a shiver to roll up your spine.
You sadistically wished he could see your eyes, blacker than smoke as you watched his face reveal his understanding. Not even you could return his sight, a gesture so kind it was a little out of your reach.
Matthew stuttered in your silence, “I-I… you cannot be here.”
Once again he gripped the bibles, pulling them to his chest as if it would protect him, a shield of chastity for guidance, “Creatures of the devil are not welcome here. This is a house of purity, a house of God!”
“There’s more than enough devil about you I hear.”
He shook his head, slamming the stack of bibles down onto the altar table, “You are mistaken! Be gone from this place at once!”
You scoffed, “Mistaken? Why else would I be here Father? Drawn to you so swiftly, my hunger seeking you out like a starving wastrel to a loaf of bread.”
“There is none of the devil about me!”
“That’s not what I heard.” you taunted, tone sing-song and jovial. You could taste his guilt as he turned to face you, his fear of the truth slinking it’s way across your tongue. It was crisp, bitter and oh so delicious. As you stepped forward it drifted up into your nostrils like fumes from a candle.
This one was enchantingly pretty you had to admit to yourself, usually they were old and beaten down by the world. But this one was young, beautifully handsome and virile even if he did suppress his former nature. He was one to be admired. He was catholic, they were always the best ones. So much more tempting and so much more enjoyable when they fell into your arms.
His panicked silence invited you to continue, “I heard that Matthew Murdock has got the devil in him.”
Your hand reached forward and ghosted fingertips over his knuckles, revealing red-raw broken skin and bruises. He gasped and shook his hand away from your grasp instantly making the illusion disappear, “That was my father you speak of, not myself! He… he hurt people. He was a boxer in his life but he wasn’t the kind of bad man you speak of.”
“Jack Murdock was a man of gluttony and greed, perhaps even lust if the right woman happened to wander through his crowded world-view. You were much the same at one point, no? Before all of this,” you gestured up to the tall ceilings of the church, “I can sense your past on you Matthew, please don’t lie in a house of God. It’s unbecoming.”
Matthews' eyes dipped; his face painted with the memories of his past. Before the church, before his decision to give it all up. Every past punch, lustful fuck and every moment he almost submerged himself past the point of no return. The point no man, woman or child ever recovers from - taking the life of another.
You laughed coldly, “Well like Father like son it seems.”
“That was a long time ago.”
“Not long enough, I bet behind that silk sash all the scars still linger,” your hand ran gently across his chest, you could feel him trembling beneath them despite the fact you had barely touched him, “The marks of the devil.”
His nostrils flared and you felt heat crawl up his skin. The fight inside his mind was evident across his face, it was clear he didn’t need his sight in order to respond merely to your presence alone. Your aura wormed its way into his veins, a feeling he had long forgotten crept up his spine. Insatiable need, lust, wanting.
Your hands ghosted his body, tracing down the purple sash that hung over his shoulders taking care to avoid the silver crosses that adorned each point. His eyebrows were drawn down in confusion of his own reaction, something innate and involuntary had overtaken him. Lack of control was not his forte.
“Let me ease that confusion Father,” you brushed your fingertip over his furrowed eyebrows and watched him jolt at the coldness of your touch.
“Would you like that Matthew?” you pressed your body against his, chuckling at the way he tries to stumble away from you, “I think you would. I see it in those crest-fallen eyes, they may not see as others do but there is a darkness behind them. A hunger if you will.”
“I-I-I do not know of what you speak,” he stuttered, “I ask you again, leave this place.”
He made an attempt to reach for a bible from the stack he had so rudely smacked down on his altar. Your fingers clasped themselves to his wrist, pulling it so you could press your lips to the delicate skin on the inside of it, “Ah ah ah. Let’s not do anything rash now shall we Matthew? Fear makes everyone do silly things.”
“I’m not frightened of you.”
Stepping closer you could feel the radiation of heat from his core, “No, of course not. You’re intrigued, excited even. So long deprived of the presence of a woman, poor boy! A woman that wants you in a way your precious God would not allow.”
“You’re not a woman creature!” he spat. Your laugh pealed around the empty halls, light and so very amused.
“Perhaps not. But I look like a woman… more importantly I feel like one.” you chuckled, your voice dipped seductively low as you brought his palm to the swell of your naked breast. His hand retreated as if burned, causing him to stumble back against the altar table itself. Unseeing eyes searching the space in front of him.
Diving forward into the open expanse of his body your lips pressed to the column of his neck, the skin there soft and lightly fragranced. The wanton gasp that escaped his lips made your body light up, coil tightening in your stomach before anything had even begun. Looking down you could see how his knuckles turned blistering white as he gripped the edge of the altar to steady himself.
His torso heaved deep breaths against the confines of his black shirt, the buttons undulating with the press of his broad chest. His sudden compliance gave you a chance to link eager fingers into the buttons and pull. The scattering echoed around the room and the shirt slid half way down his arms with the force, the purple sash falling back behind him.
Before he could speak or have a moment to think you took him, dropping slowly to your knees, kissing down his body and nuzzling into the dark hair on his chest and stomach, “Isn’t this what you want Father? To be worshiped?”
“I don’t… the Lord should be worshiped not I.” he stammered.
You looked up at him with wide eyes as you settled herself into a comfortable perch on your knees, “And who's to say you aren’t?”
“Aren’t what?”
“My lord,” you licked your tongue along pearly white teeth, a smirk perking up at the edges of your lips.
His eyes popped out as your hands skirted down the rough material of his black uniform pants, “Y-you…”
“Well I happen to know first hand that the big guy upstairs reeeaaally doesn’t care all that much. Although, I’d say given your current state… if he did? You’re already too far gone.”
You palmed pointedly at his hard cock, his hips bucking involuntarily. Eager hands went to his buckle, tugging gently at it to get it to loosen, then suddenly his large hand was wrapped around your forearm.
Pulling back you sat on your haunches looking up at him inquisitively – his expression was one to be noticed, tentative but curious. Wavering on the knife edge of giving up and it made your blood sing. Your eyebrow raised in question and he chewed nervously at his bottom lip.
“I cannot.” he whispered, his expression was afeared but darkened somehow. His free hand shook by his side and his other hand pressed its fingers pressed bruisingly into your cool skin.
“Are you afraid?”
Matthews' nod was curt, blink and you would have missed it. But something flickered again in his expression, not that far behind his staring eyes. You rose to your feet, fingertips trailing up his exposed skin.
“Noooo. That’s not it, what you feel isn’t fear.”
Your grin was wide, smug and self-satisfied as you taunted the timid animal in front of you. When he laughed suddenly your stomach twisted, there was something deliciously sarcastic in this new tone that made your cunt flood.
“I’m pretty sure I know what fear feels like. The phrase ‘God-fearing’ springs to mind does it not?” he retorted.
“And is that what you are Matthew? God-fearing?” you stepped back from him and watched the way his body followed you mindlessly, “Or are you afeared of the other? My master. Afraid of the truth he speaks about your real nature. Afraid of what you feel deep within your core at my touch, my words.”
You dipped your hand down, fingers collecting a coating of the juices that were slick between your thighs. Bringing your hand up you ghosted your fingers in front of him.
“You can smell what you fear, can’t you Matthew?” the way his nostrils flared made you exhale, sighing in satisfaction.
His mouth opened and closed without sound; you could see the vein in his temple pulse with the effort of his feigned protestation.
You smiled, “What is it they say Father? Sometimes fear is so strong you can taste it?” and with that sentiment you pressed your coated fingers to his bottom lip.
The whimper he lets out with the snapping shut of his eyes is light and whiny. The tip of his tentative pink tongue slides out between his lips and feather-light touches the pad of your finger. He sighs with a slackening jaw and you slip them over his tongue. Two fingers ignite his taste buds and he closes his mouth to suck.
Allowing him a moment grants you the access you need, his body slumps with compliance and his mind surrenders a little more. His quiet humming as he tastes you on your delicate fingers makes you hunger to hear what he would sound like with his plump lips pressed directly to the clit that was throbbing between your legs.
Drawing back your fingers you dip your hands and hurriedly jerk his belt free from its loops, your own lungs pushing out lustful pants of your own as you play with his button and zip. As you begin to tug his pants down thick, muscular thighs you hear him muttering under his breath, “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
You laugh heartily and his eyes spring open, new words dying between his lips before they so much as make a sound. You stand, trailing your fingers to the surprisingly finely trimmed hair above his twitching cock still confined in his low hanging pants. Your hand slides down, moving material of pants and underwear from your way, grasping your fingers around his cock and he moans – he moans just as you expected; deep, rasped and ravenous. Like a man who has never been touched. A man deprived of the depravity he craves.
The struggle on his face is evident, bitten bottom lip and pink flushed cheeks, and it spurs you on as your hand begins to stroke down his thick throbbing shaft. The feeling sends a shiver through your body; he was generously veined, warm and hard like marble. You bring your lips to his ear, sucking lightly at the skin.
“Oh no Father, I think in this case the flesh is very willing”
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rocorambles · 3 years
Until Death Do Us Part
Pairing: Akaashi x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Sea Warlock!Akaashi, Mermaid Reader, Non-Con/Rape, Mind Control, Body Modification
Summary: As a little girl you’ve always dreamed of marriage, but maybe you should have been more careful of who you decided to exchange eternal vows with.
This is for @terushimooo's Aquatic August collab. Happy swimming~
You love Itachiyama, love waking up and seeing the endless sea of blue, love waving down at all the sea creatures, sirens, mermaids, and so much more who cheerfully greet you. You love Itachiyama and Itachiyama loves you, the citizens of your kingdom eagerly calling your name and shoving free samples of tasty food and merchandise in your hand as you swim by the marketplace, excited to interact with their favorite (and only) princess.
But as much as you genuinely love your realm, you’ve always been too curious for your own good, your sheltered life forcing your imagination to go wild as you listen intently to merchants and travelers from out of town who tell you about corners of the ocean and sea creatures you’ve never even heard of.
There’s a limit to how much pretty words and mental images can satisfy you and your cousins Sakusa and Komori roll their eyes and sigh when you begin to repeatedly try sneaking out from their protective watch, eager to experience what lies beyond the borders of your safe haven.
It’s a comic joint effort between the citizens, your cousins, and the royal guards as they all work to keep you as safe as they can. It becomes a game of sorts, one that they all begrudgingly begin to enjoy, and laughter fills the kingdom when citizens take turns cheering for you or your cousins as Sakusa and Komori rapidly swim after you, leaving ripples and bubbles in your wakes as your tails flick back and forth.
They’re hesitant to let you wander off on your own at first, the creatures of your realm and the palace guards begging you to at least let them accompany you when you’re insistent about exploring the surrounding areas. Sakusa scolds you, always dragging you back to the palace when you do manage to escape, although you hide your smile when you see how he wordlessly takes all your new discoveries from you and carries them back for you. Komori also nudges you back when he’s the one sent to find you, although he always lets you wander around for a while longer when he does locate you, indulging your whims before finally enticing you back home with the promise of a new seashell necklace, his treat.
But over time they begin to relax, just wishing you safe travels and exploring when they do see you ready to slip past the border, Sakusa and Komori reminding you not to stray too far and not to stay out too late when their schedules don’t permit them to leave with you.
You love meeting new people, exploring new towns, seeing the sights outside of the bubble you’ve grown up in. But novelty wears off and even the surrounding territories begin to become familiar to you, an old itch beginning to creep inside of you once again, a desire to see even more churning inside of you. And it’s that yearning inside of you that has you secretly wandering in a different direction one day, going far further than you’ve ever been before, leading you to Akaashi’s lair.
Akaashi sees you long before you even realize you’re in his territory and he’s intrigued to say the least. He can’t even count the number of greedy, selfish, desperate souls who’ve sullied his grounds, disgustingly groveling at his feet, whining for their wishes and desires to be granted. But you? You’re different. He can tell just by how unaware and genuinely curious you are as your eyes flit about the unknown area, ooh-ing and aah-ing at the site of different coral and species of fish you’ve never seen.
You’re not here for him. He’s sure you don’t even know exactly whose lands you’ve naively fluttered upon. And before he even realizes what he’s doing, his legs have transitioned into a mass of swirling tentacles, rocketing him towards your direction.
When’s the last time he’s talked to someone outside of the lowlife scum who begged and pleaded for his help? When’s the last time he was able to enjoy another’s company? The warmth of another’s body entwined with his?
There’s a painful tug at his heart when he sees how you tense at his presence, fear lacing your gaze when you connect the mass of glossy black tentacles on his lower half and his piercing blue orbs to his true identity.
It’s not hard to understand exactly who you’re face to face with, the rumors of the sea warlock’s appearance and reputation having spread far and wide. You’ve always been horrified by the stories you’ve heard. Maybe it’s because you’re far too simple-minded, far too easily satisfied as both your cousins fondly tease you about. But you can’t imagine wanting anything enough to give up your voice, your tail, your ability to love and laugh.
You know Akaashi only takes from those who seek his help, that you technically have nothing to fear. But you still cower in front of him, folding your tail in front of you and clutching it to your chest, a small silly part of you scared that he’d snatch it away from you.
The gesture makes Akaashi laugh and you stare wide-eyed at the handsome creature in front of you, your tail slowly flopping from your arms and floating freely as you let the lovely tinkle of his laugh echo around you.
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on taking your tail. Unless you’ve come here for me to grant a request?”
You furiously shake your head from side to side, still a little apprehensive as he sends a small amused smile your way. But as he continues talking, you can feel the tension ease from your body, your body matching Akaashi’s pace as he gives you a tour of his neck of the woods. He’s so well-spoken, a soothing tone to his voice that easily lulls you into a sense of peace as you eagerly listen to him tell you about the local wildlife and terrain.
He tells you stories of worlds and creatures you can’t even begin to fathom. He tells you of life above the waters and in the sky. And you find yourself returning back to him over and over again, although it would be a lie to say it’s purely out of a desire to learn more.
Your curiosity is as insatiable as always, but you get distracted more often than not when Akaashi speaks. You get lost staring at that striking face and into those gorgeous eyes. Your eyes glitter in awe as he effortlessly transitions between gracefully swimming upon a mass of tentacles to fluttering two human legs in the sea, appendages you’ve never seen before.
You’re falling fast and hard for the sea warlock and you don’t think there’s any going back.
Akaashi knows there’s no going back.
He’d fallen for you the second you had opened up to him, the moment you had seen him as just another creature to befriend instead of a wish given genie whose only purpose was to dole out wishes. And he’s not ignorant to the way your eyes wander across his figure, his face, how you badly try to hide your growing attraction to him.
So it only makes sense that he doesn’t resist temptation anymore now that he knows the feelings are mutual and he hungrily lets his tentacles wind around your waist, pulling you towards him so he can embrace you in his warms, closing his eyes in bliss as your barely covered torso presses against his own bare chest. One of his hands snakes to unclasp your seashell top while his lips devour yours, sighing at how sweet you taste.
But he grimaces in displeasure when your tail begins to wildly flail from side to side, your hands annoyingly pressing against his chest. And he pulls back, brows furrowed as he tries to understand what’s wrong, only to scowl when he sees hesitation tinged with fear in your pretty eyes.
He thought you were far beyond this point. What is there to be scared of? Why are you so skittish? But he hasn’t gotten as far as he has by blowing his fuse so he forces his tentacles to relinquish you, lightly replacing them with his hands as he brings you over to his bed, letting you sit on his lap and tuck your head under his chin as he gently rubs his thumbs soothingly over your waist.
It’s a good sign that you feel comfortable enough to bury your face in his chest and he lets you sit there silently, waiting for you to speak up. And his patience is rewarded when you nervously draw aimless partners on his skin as you begin to talk.
He bites back a laugh when you ramble on about how you’ve never even had a boyfriend before, never done more than platonically hug and kiss your family and friends. This is all so new to you and isn’t it too fast, too soon? What even are the two of you? Does he even like you? Love you? You don’t want to be just a notch in his bedpost. You want to date, get married, have a family. Only married people can do the things...the things that…
You trail off in embarrassment, unsure how to even phrase things you’ve only whispered about in hushed voices with your friends, that you’ve never experienced for yourself before. But your face heats when a low chuckle reverberates in your ears, gasping when one of Akaashi’s hands digs into your skin, the other traveling sensually up your spine before roughly grabbing the back of your head and pulling you in for a kiss that’s all heady hunger that leaves you breathless.
It would be so easy to just give in, to melt and moan as his nails threaten to pierce your skin, his arms caging you against him until all you can feel, see, and smell is him. Your tongues entangle with each other and you gasp when his fingers begin to slip under a seashell, the other hand teasing the transition of skin to scale. But when he begins to tweak a nipple and palm your ass, you’re jolted back to reality, the morals of chastity and purity you’ve been raised with battling against the temptation of Akaashi’s touch.
“Wait, Keiji. Wait!”
This time there’s no hiding his irritation and you flinch at the annoyance in his eyes as he stares you down, a coldness in his face you’ve never seen before. But you press on, believing that if he truly cared for you, he’d understand. All your girlfriends had told you that if you found the right one, they’d be patient, they’d wait until you were ready.
“I- I really like you, but I don’t think I’m ready for this yet. I want to go on dates, get engaged, get married. And maybe it’s old-fashioned, but I want our first time to be our wedding night, after we’ve said our vows and promises to be together forever.”
“You want to be together forever?”
Akaashi can’t help but smile at the hopeful look in your eyes when you nod your head in affirmation.
“Then until death do us part.”
You’ve always wondered what magic would look or feel like and now you know. You whimper as you feel something powerful, something foreign surge through you, Akaashi’s eyes glowing far more than they should, the shadows of his cave seeming to grow and loom over the two of you. There’s a searing pain on your lower abdomen and the expanse of your chest and you scream as it fills like your tail is being torn into two.
And suddenly there’s a feeling of something wrapping around your heart, an ache between your legs-
Your legs?
You stare in horror, tears forming in your eyes when you see your beautiful tail replaced by two legs, strange black markings permanently engraved over your womb, the scrawl of Akaashi’s name taunting you from its loving placement above your heart.
“Don’t cry, my love. Look we can match now. Consider it a reminder of our new beginning together, the start of the rest of our lives.”
This is a mockery of everything you’ve believed a marriage to be and you only sob harder as Akaashi pins you on your back, his legs in between yours pushing them apart. But he tires of your pained and agonized cries and you gasp as the new markings decorating your skin begin to glow blue. Fear is replaced with lust and all you can think of is Akaashi, all you want is Akaashi, all you need is Akaashi.
There’s just enough of your own will to know this isn’t right, this isn’t truly you. But you can’t do anything against your body and mind’s cravings, the way you instinctively lean into every kiss, every touch. Is this how it always feels? You can’t tell if the delirious pleasure you’re feeling is normal or if it’s being heightened by whatever incantation Akaashi has you under. But you can’t bring yourself to care about the details, not when your eyes are rolling back in your head, something slick leaking from between your new limbs as Akaashi makes his way down your body, mouth and fingers lapping at your new slit.
Your chest heaves, nipples standing at attention, gleaming with Akaashi’s saliva as your body contorts as he continuously pumps in and out of you, adding finger after finger until it feels like you’re going to burst. You don’t even recognize the wanton cries in the air as your own, lewd whines of “Keiji, Keiji, Keiji” filling the air. And then there’s a snap, your body going rigid as something coils tight inside of you before you’re wailing, body thrashing and convulsing around the four digits stuffed inside of you, your arousal coating Akaashi’s fingers and dripping down his wrist.
You hate how wrong it feels to be empty, a whine escaping your lips at the loss of his fingers as he pulls them out. But you flinch at the sight of Akaashi seductively licking his skin clean of your mess, desire making his eyes dark as he contently hums at your taste. You try to use his distraction as a chance to slowly crawl away, but you let out a surprised cry when strong hands drag you back in place, spreading your legs once again.
“We’re not done with our wedding night yet, darling.”
Something hard and thick nudges at your entrance and you struggle anew to no use as your markings glow blue once more. And suddenly you’re pliant and aroused all over again, overwhelmed tears streaming down your face as despair and lust mix together, only heightening the dizzying feeling of having Akaashi’s cock balls deep inside of you. It’s too much, too soon and yet it’s not enough, desire pulsing inside of you, need making you go mad.
But it doesn’t matter what you want or how you feel and Akaashi reminds you of that as he uses your body to chase his own end, hips thrusting in and out of you, cock dragging against your oversensitized walls. On and on he goes, following through with a relentless, brutal pace, spurred on by your lewd moans and the way your nails draw blood as you claw at him, body trying to ground itself in any way.
You’re tumbling over the edge once more and what husband would he be to not join his lovely new wife over that precipice of pleasure? So he follows you down, groaning and burying his face in your neck with a kiss as he thrusts one last time, sinking deep inside of you as he fills you to the brim with his seed.
Reality sinks in as the blue glow emblazoned on you begins to dim until only skin and dark markings are left and disgust makes your guts churn. All you want to do is curl up into a ball. All you want is to be back home with your cousins, joking with Komori, being a brat to Sakusa. All you want is to go back in time, go back to the carefree days of innocence and fluttering your tail when Akaashi was just a faceless name.
But there’s no going back and all you can do is lie there and accept your fate as Akaashi reverently kisses and caresses his marks on your body.
Until death do you part.
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bloodpenned · 3 years
sorry this is pure self indulgent brainrot. you help sydney get off for the first time <3 assume this is high love + high lust + high purity sydney who hasn’t confessed yet lmao
note: f!sydney/f!reader.
sitting next to her during lunch as she eats and flips through a book at the same time. sydney doesn’t expect you to respond when she absentmindedly mentions that she keeps having fits of lust during school lately. it’s so inconvenient. but when you do, when you tell her that you know how to help with that problem, she chokes on her food. she laughs nervously, cheeks pink. w-what do you mean? her innocence doesn’t reach quite far enough anymore but she still thinks she has to be making a mistake.
you lean over. have you ever touched yourself? you ask her, and she shudders at the sensation of your mouth so close to her ear. her brain shortcircuits. the pages of her book crinkle underneath her tight grip. 
she sputters, forcing out the words, and replies that she knows masturbation is a thing, but... she’d have no idea how to do it. either way, it’s fine! she starts rambing, words bumping into each other and blurring together. it’s not, uh, a big problem for her anyway, it’s sinful, and she should’ve never brought it up. she’s sorry for bringing it up to you. you tell her to finish her food, and you’ll teach her how. would she like that? your hand brushes over her thigh and she squeaks, but finds herself nodding anyway, a little out of breath. eating is easier said than done. butterflies have infested her stomach. she can hardly get a single bite down, eyes moving over the pages of her book without reading any of the words. but, somehow, she finishes and lets you lead her to the girl’s bathroom. her thoughts are a jumbled mess the whole time.
(sydney likes you, she really does. you make her heart flutter, her palms sweat, her thoughts are overflowing with you, your smile, your kindness. if there was anyone in the world she would do this with, it would be you. but you’re her first close friend. the first one who treated her like a person. and you’re both girls- what if you thought she was gross? so she’s never said anything, buried and hid away her feelings. it’s gotten to the point that you liking her back seems a mere dream, an impossibility. and now you’re doing this- it has to mean something. but even then, lust doesn’t have to equal love, right...? it’s fine, it’s all fine. she’ll accept whatever it is you’re offering her right now, even if it’s not the same as her feelings. what would she know about love anyway?)
the bathroom is empty. you open a stall and sit down, gesturing for her to take a seat on your lap. she hesitates only a moment, locking the door behind her. your thighs are so soft, she’s leaning against your chest, and your hands are snaking around her waist... her brain is already getting fuzzy. she’s as tense as a person can possibly be, every muscle pulled tight. you, sweet you, assure her that she can ask you to stop, and you will. that you’re doing this so she doesn’t have to be so frustrated anymore. just pay attention. your fingers slip underneath her skirt, rubbing through the front of her panties, only to be met with her chastity belt. she freezes again, apologising.
but you continue still, pulling her underwear away instead and finding a spot underneath the belt where you can just barely touch her. your fingers are cold. she giggles, just to do something to relieve her nerves, and the noise morphs into a whimper as you begin to rub circles on her clit. as soon as your lips brush over her neck, she moves to the side, allowing you more access. it feels... weird. not bad, but not as good as she was expecting. though as you keep moving, her thoughts get more and more consumed by you, her body heats up, and she starts to buck against your touch without thinking. she starts to understand why people enjoy this. moans slip past her lips. sydney had completely forgotten where the two of you were until there was chatter outside the bathroom door, and immediately she slaps a hand over her mouth. the idea of being caught makes her clench around nothing.
with how pent up she’s been, it takes no time at all for her to get close. her sounds leak through even her hands, and your skirt grows dirty with her slick. this is all so sinful! and yet, in this moment, she’s latching on to the pleasure. she never wants you to stop, it feels so good, she wants you to do this to her all the time! the pressure in her tummy grows and she begins to babble that she’s feeling funny, something’s coming out, please, she doesn’t, ah- when she comes for the first time in her life, you are the only one on her mind, and your name is the only word that leaves her lips. sydney grinds against your fingers as her eyes roll into the back of her head, and oh, she completely understands now, why so many fall to lust. it feels amazing. she’s still dazed as you wipe away the evidence of her defilement, and has to lean on the wall to get up at all. her legs are shaking still as she leaves for the library after a quick goodbye.
to her credit, she tries to relieve her lust on her own, even thinking about you the whole time, but...
sydney returns to you a couple of days later, face flushed and fingers trembling as she tugs on your sleeve. she needs to ask you something. you can’t make out what she’s saying the first time, her whisper so low she’s basically not speaking at all. then, she turns a deeper shade of red and takes a slow breath. it’s still a mumble when she repeats it, asking you if you could, uh- she rubs her thighs together. shifts from one foot to the other. c-could you show her again...? she, well, she tried it herself and it just... it didn’t feel as good as when you did it for her.
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melrosing · 3 years
the funniest explanation for the "brienne is going to be pregnant with jaime's child" theory i've heard is that jaime has weak pull-out game lol. but it's a given that jb are going to bang and we have to rely on that. i know it happened on the show so people are convinced it's going to happen in the books, but what do you think? i know you're ??? about marriage and children, but don't you think brienne/jaime would want to be married if they ever decide to be intimate? won't it be dishonourable to bed a woman he hasn't married? And i refuse to accept any one night stand/fuckboy jaime theories. sorry lots of questions.
JB banging is telegraphed so blatantly in the books that literally whatever your endgame expectations are, I don’t know how you could deny it. like I’m always in two minds about marriage/kids/Jaime even surviving, but JB are going to fuck. I have litch rally no doubts.
like first off, they’re both aroused by the sight/thought of each other. there’s absolutely no need to include that unless you mean to go somewhere with that mutual attraction. like if GRRM wants them to be a chaste romance, all he has has to do is the standard pining but nooope they’re full on checking each other out and getting hot and sweaty about it. let them fuck!!!
second, both are kind of a chekhov’s gun in the sex department. Jaime states at the beginning of his arc that he’s only ever slept with one woman. and he’s recently broken up with said woman. so. wonder where that’s going. Brienne, meanwhile, is widely known as the Maid of Tarth, with her maidenhood coming up repeatedly: Brienne, despite having desires, likely assumes that she either won’t lose her maidenhood or that it’ll be taken by force at some point – she hasn’t been allowed to view it as something she has much agency in keeping or losing, but obviously she’s never had a safe and caring relationship that would afford her that agency. so, wonder where that’s going. i will tell you. jb bonetown
then there’s that swordfight they have in ASOS, and everyone and their dog has written about the sheer amount of innuendo that’s going on there but the fact remains: the whole point of the scene is to establish JB’s physical chemistry. it says, look how evenly matched they are, look at how they surprise and impress one another: and now imagine what this looks like in bed. the fact that we’ve already had Jaime's whole ‘only feels truly alive when fucking or fighting’ thing is also an undercurrent here, like Jaime's language of passion is in this kind of physicality, and the language of their sparring comprises both: it's Brienne speaking it back to him
and finally there’s just the fact that Brienne and Jaime are both kind of critiques of medieval purity culture embodied by Arthurian figures like Sir Galahad, who pointedly does not fuck and does no wrong. Brienne’s POV literally interrogates heroes like this through Ser Galladon: his story might sounds good on paper, but as the esteemed scholar Nimble Dick points out, it’s no good trying to be this Perfect Knight - we’re all mortal and we have to defend ourselves as such. so I don’t see JB's courtship being used to promote traditional notions of abstention and chastity purported by Galahad, or any kind of courtship that’s somehow ‘above’ ~mortal pleasures~
anyway they’re going to fuck. as for whether they’d wait for marriage, I don’t really think so. once they’ve realised mutual attraction, I don’t see any reason why they’d put off sleeping together: Brienne’s much less of a stickler for tradition than people say, given that she’s actively avoided the traditional route for a Westerosi lady, and in fact is just wandering the Riverlands following her own rules at the moment. she follows her heart and tries not to care too much about what other people think, so if she really wants to fuck Jaime, I don’t think she’s gonna be worrying all that much about what ceremonies ought to go first.
Jaime meanwhile has demonstrated that he doesn’t really care about oaths of celibacy when the desire is pressing enough: he manages to reject Cersei in the midst of a break-up, and he can ignore interest from Pia given there’s no deeper attraction there, but like given what we’ve established is going on between JB… can see his willpower being significantly depleted lol. and as we see with the Night’s Watch, celibacy is a pretty easy vow to break, marriage is a much bigger one, so the wedding is probably the one they’d have the lengthy conversation about, not fucking.
the only thing I could possibly see Jaime thinking twice about is the dishonour it might bring Brienne but lbr: if she says she doesn’t care (and I don’t think she will particularly), then honestly life’s too short. and what’s more, marrying the Kingslayer arguably brings more dishonour and strings attached, so can’t really see Jaime saying it’d be better if they waited till she was Brienne Lannister lol.
buuut they’re both medieval nobles so I imagine they are at least going to consider what marriage might look like. we see with Robb and Jeyne that as soon as a two nobles get together, marriage is gonna at least cross their minds as the next natural step. and there’s enough foreshadowing of that between JB to suggest that they’d both be interested in the prospect
anyway. the GOT one-night-stand stuff is just stupid, who knows what was going through D&D’s minds (if anything), but literally nothing exudes JB less than ‘hey I’m horny and you’re virgin shall we just get it out our systems :)'
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asterekmess · 4 years
What did Scott McCall do to deserve a “true alpha” title exactly?
Well, to be entirely honest, that’s not how a True Alpha is supposed to work.
True Alpha (hereby referred to as TA) abilities aren’t something you ‘earn’ by doing something. If we take what Deaton and Morrell say at face value, that there’s literally no way to ‘earn’ becoming a True Alpha. No selfless act, no nothing.
It’s just something you are. Deaton describes it in “Currents” as “someone who rises purely on the strength of character, by virtue, by sheer force of will.’
Now, technically...those things don’t require you to do anything. Essentially, someone who believes they should be an Alpha strongly enough can become an Alpha. And the virtue part is weird, because it never says what virtue. There are a few.
The Seven Christian Virtues Are:
Chastity - “Purity”
Temperance - “Humanity/Compassion”
Charity - “Generosity/Sacrifice”
Diligence - “Persistence/Ethics”
Patience - “Forgiveness/Mercy”
Kindness - “Satisfaction/Compassion again”
Humility - “Bravery/Modesty”
Now, there are two ways of looking at this. Either a True Alpha must be “Virtuous,” as in, someone who has ALL seven virtues. OR, a True Alpha must fully embody ONE virtue”
Now, if it were the case of the first, that...doesn’t make much sense. Scott isn’t pure in like..any sense of the word? He’s not sexually pure (though that doesn’t actually exist, obviously) but he’s also not free of jealousy. And you can’t even say that just because he IS jealous doesn’t mean he’s not pure because he never acted on it, because HE DID. MULTIPLE TIMES. He tried to attack Jackson and Allison when they were talking in the car. He insisted on playing lacrosse when Lydia told him she’d introduce Allison to the other members of the team.
The same things happens when you look at any of the other virtues. It isn’t that he just has bad thoughts and then that’s it. It’s that he acts on those thoughts and insecurities and commits violence and acts against other people in the name of securing his superiority/power. He doesn’t show a lick of compassion with Derek’s Betas, outright telling Erica that he doesn’t care why she wanted the bite. Telling Boyd that he’d made a mistake in liking Derek and implying that being lonely was a stupid reason to want the bite. Even making the claim that Isaac had bloodlust even though Isaac hadn’t lost control since he’d been bitten when had to at least have been one day, and even though Isaac clearly didn’t lose control in front of any officers the entire time he was being interrogated about his father’s abuse and death, only losing it after the moon went up, and only to stop a hunter from killing him.
I won’t go on with every single virtue, but the evidence is there.
Now, let’s go one step further into the possible reasoning behind him being a TA. Maybe, you say, maybe Scott didn’t become a TA before S3 because of those previous things he did. When he went against the virtues, he couldn’t become a TA. But then in S3 he’s doing So Much Better, so then he gets to become a TA.
Except he doesn’t. Yes, in S3A he’s shown to be suddenly much wiser, because he apparently spent the summer reading and working on self-improvement. But it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t continue to do extremely immoral things throughout the season, right down to pettily helping Isaac and Allison play a prank on the Twins that would get them in major trouble and lying to the people around him so he could go have a secret meeting with Deucalion.
And this isn’t even me trying to diss Scott. The ENTIRE POINT of the Seven virtues is that NO ONE can be perfect. No one can embody all of these virtues at once. Humans are FLAWED. The problem here is that if we don’t make the Virtuous part required to become a TA then it’s just FAR too easy to do.
If “sheer force of will” is enough to become an Alpha, if occasionally doing immoral things doesn’t totally negate your ability to ‘rise up’ (even though Alphas aren’t better. They’re canonically just one branch. One option. Alpha, Beta, and Omega aren’t ever specified as one being better than the other. Hell, Scott’s an Omega until he Gets the Alpha eyes, since he never joins Derek’s pack, and he isn’t even weakened by it) then PETER HALE should’ve become an Alpha.
You don’t get a force of will stronger than Screaming into the woods about “I Will Always Be The Alpha.”
But Tali, you say, Peter killed someone and we all know that killing someone means you can’t become a TA.
Well, First, I’ll point out that Scott came up with that idea on his own. No one told him that. He just said it in the meeting with Morrell “But if I kill someone, I can’t become a True Alpha, right?”.
Now, maybe Deaton told him that, and he’s just repeating something that was said offscreen. After all, Morrell does respond with “Exactly.” So maybe that is a rule.
But see, if that’s a rule, then Deaton was sabatoging Scott in Season 2.
Remember? Deaton helped Scott switch out Gerard’s pills with mountain ash. They were Actively Murdering a Cancer Patient. If Deaton “believed” “From the moment” Scott was bitten that he would be a TA, then wouldn’t that mean that S2 was ENTIRELY him trying to take away the TA potential from Scott? If That plan had worked? Scott would never have been able to become an Alpha.
OH, you say, but Scott didn’t technically kill Gerard, even if the pills worked. It was Derek and the mountain ash. Scott never touched him.
BUT, if that’s the case, then AGAIN literally ANYONE who truly believes they should be able to become an Alpha should become a TA. When you twist the definitiion of ‘killing’ like that, Derek should’ve been able to be a TA before he killed Peter. TeCHniCAllY Derek didn’t kill Paige, Ennis’ bite did. He was saving her from the pain.
And so, you end up playing so many different games trying to make TA’s special and rare, only to make them IMPOSSIBLE to become, but that leaves you with two, maybe three choices. Either you Remove the TA idea altogether, you admit that anybody can become a TA and you give it to the other characters who match the criteria, or you turn the ONE character you want to give it to into a LITERAL SAINT.
And they didn’t even do that correctly, because Scott isn’t perfect in S3 or beyond. He ISN’T a saint, and he does admit that regularly, though it’s not with any amount of humility or wish to grow as a person.
So it’s no wonder that nobody likes the True Alpha concept. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.
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scriptflorist · 3 years
Character Template
Name: Xuesong
Nickname: A'Song
Alternate identity: n/a
Birthday: (never really thought about it)
Zodiac: -
Birthplace: a non-Earth fantasy land with Chinese inspirations
Dwelling place: the palace 
How do they live: He’s with the elder prince most of the time, since he works for him. He’s a bodyguard of sorts, but also runs errands. His “bedroom” is actually a sectioned off part of a hallway shared with several others.
Appearance: Tall, with long wavy black hair that’s partially braided and tied back with a silk ribbon, blue-green like his upturned eyes. The backs of his pointed ears are covered with brown fur, and he has a pair of brown antlers. He usually wears a navy and gray uniform, with the royal emblem embroidered on the chest, as well as black boots. 
What’s in their bag/pockets: He’s got a small bag with some coins in it. 
Species: Wood spirit
Features of the species: Appears human, but with antlers, deer ears, and monochrome eyes in shades of blue or green.
Name of parents: He was created by a group of mages.
Name of siblings: n/a
Others next of kin: n/a
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Yunshan, a younger wood spirit, whom he considers like a brother.
Family history: After he was created, he was sent to the palace and handed over to the elder prince as a magical study/training partner and playmate. He was trained “on the go”, facing some punishments at first, but he’s a quick learner. Over time, he and the young prince start seeing each other as friends (and later, romantic partners). Yunshan arrived about two years later, to serve the younger prince, and Xuesong was the one who showed him the ropes. 
Favourite colour: His magic is sort of turquoise so he’s biased to that, but he also likes orange.
Favourite animal: Not one, but he likes birds, especially little ones.
Favourite book: none
Favourite film/show/series: n/a
Favourite genre: probably adventure, he likes listening to those kinds of stories when he has the chance
Favourite food: a kind of drink/soup (it’s served in bowls and eaten with spoons) made with local berries, also egg stir fried with assorted veggies.
Favourite place to be: The palace garden, which he’s allowed in because his magic can vitalize the plants. It attracts various insects and the birds he’s fond of. 
Personality: He’s quite a friendly and kind person, who doesn’t have a lot of power but would try to help in any way he can, or at least lend a listening ear. However, he does get upset if he feels his efforts aren’t appreciated enough, though he does try to hide this out of politeness. He’s responsible in his work and is rarely, if ever, late. His ever-smiling disposition sometimes causes people to think him silly, but he’s actually quite aware of the goings-on around him, and clever enough to use that knowledge if it could aid the people he cares about. He’s not good at making very good decisions under pressure though.
Misc: He gets mindwiped for his illicit relationship with the elder prince. After the prince embarks on a journey to find the legendary cure, his memories and personality return to normal, but he has some trauma symptoms from the ritual.
Hey there stranger,
Haven’t gotten one of these in a while, let’s see what we can do for your character. Hope you find something useful in here!
Birthplace: a non-Earth fantasy land with Chinese inspirations
chinese flower language tag
 He's with the elder prince most of the time, since he works for him. He's a bodyguard of sorts, but also runs errands.
lily (japanese) – you cannot deceive me
lungwort – you are my life, though art my life
monkshood – knight-errantry, a deadly foe is near
wolfsbane – knight, chivalry, misanthropy
Species: Wood spirit
cedar – spiritual strength, strength, I live for thee, think of me
cherry blossom – spiritual beauty, insincerity, impermanence
geranium (night-smelling) – melancholy spirit
magnolia – love of nature, dignity, nobility, perseverance
sorrel (wood) – joy
southernwood – pain, jest, bantering
sycamore – woodland beauty, curiosity, reserve
wood anemone – sickness, forlornness
wood sorrel – joy, maternal tenderness
woodbine – fraternal love, affection
wormwood – absence, do not be discouraged
 black hair
black bryony – support, be my support
blackberry – envy
ebony – blackness
laburnum – blackness, forsaken, pensive beauty
mulberry (black) – I shall not survive you
poplar (black) – courage
 Name of parents: He was created by a group of mages.
angelica – magic, inspiration
fern – magic, fascination, sincerity, confidence, shelter
 Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Yunshan, a younger wood spirit, whom he considers like a brother.
syringa – fraternal love, fraternal regard, memory
verbena (pink) – family union
woodbine – fraternal love, affection
 He was trained "on the go", facing some punishments at first, but he's a quick learner.
marigold – cruelty, grief, inquietude, trouble, chagrin, pretty love, sacred affection, caress, sorrow
nettle – cruelty, slander, you are spiteful
tiger-flower – cruelty, for once may pride befriend me
 Over time, he and the young prince start seeing each other as friends (and later, romantic partners).
acacia – friendship, platonic love, secret love
acacia (rose) – friendship, elegance
acacia (yellow) – concealed love, secret love
ambrosia – love returned
arbor vitae – unchanging friendship, live for me
chrysanthemum – you’re a wonderful friend, abundance, wealth, cheerfulness, truth, loveliness and cheerfulness
chrysanthemum (red) – I love.
citronella – homosexual love
clove –I have loved you and you have not known it, dignity
daisy (wild) – dost thou love me?, I will think on it
freesia – lasting friendship
geranium – true friend, stupidity, folly
geranium (oak-leaved) – true friendship, lady deign to smile
glycine – your friendship is pleasing and agreeable to me
heliotrope – I love you, the intoxication of love, infatuation, devoted affection, devotion, I turn to thee, intoxicated with pleasure
honeyflower – speak low if you speak love, love sweet and secret, sweet, secret, generous affection, sweetness of disposition
honeysuckle – bonds of love, generous and devoted affection, affection, devotion, fidelity, I would not answer hastily
honeysuckle (wild) –generous and devoted love
ivy – friendship, matrimony, I have found one true heart, constancy, marriage, fidelity, wedded love, affection
japonica – symbol of love, sincerity
jerusalem oak – your love is reciprocated
jonquil – love me, affection returned, desire, sympathy, I desire a return of affection
lilac – first emotion(s) of love, beauty, pride
lilac (purple) – first emotions of love
maidenhair – secret bond of love, discretion
motherwort – concealed love, secret love
rose – love
rose (bridal) – happy love, happiness
rosebud (moss) – confession of love, confession
snowdrop – I am not a summer friend, consolation, hope, refinement
tulip – declaration of love, beautiful eyes, fame, perfect lover
tulip (red) – declaration of love, believe me
windflower – symbol of love, sincerity
zephyr flower – symbol of love, sincerity, expectation, fond caresses
 he also likes orange
lily (orange) – hatred, disdain
mockorange – counterfeit, fraternal affection, deceit
orange blossom – your purity equals your loveliness, chastity, innocence, eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness
orange flowers – chastity, woman’s worth, bridal festivities
orange tree – generosity
rose (orange) – fascination
syringa (mockorange) – fraternal love, fraternal regard, memory
 Favourite animal: Not one, but he likes birds, especially little ones.
venus’ car – fly with me
 Favourite food: a kind of drink/soup (it's served in bowls and eaten with spoons) made with local berries
blackberry – envy
cranberry – hardiness, cure for (the) heartache
gooseberry – anticipation
huckleberry – faith, simply pleasures
mulberry (black) – I shall/will not survive you, devotedness
mulberry (red) – wisdom
mulberry (white) – wisdom, prudence
pidgeon berry – indifference
raspberry – remorse
strawberry – perfection, perfect excellence, perfect goodness
strawberry blossom – foresight
strawberry tree – love and esteem, perseverance
whortleberry – treachery, treason
 Favourite place to be: The palace garden, which he's allowed in because his magic can vitalize the plants.
persimmon – bury me amid nature’s beauties
cosmos – joy in love and life
lucern – life
tree of life – immortality, old age
 kind person, would try to help in any way he can
allspice -- compassion
blue bell – kindness, constancy, sorrowful regret, humility, gratitude
elder flower -- compassion
marsh mallow – kindness, beneficence
 His ever-smiling disposition sometimes causes people to think him silly, but he's actually quite aware of the goings-on around him, and clever enough to use that knowledge if it could aid the people he cares about.
kennedia – intellectual beauty, mental beauty
mignonette – moral and intellectual beauty, your qualities surpass your charms
rose (daily) – thy smile I aspire to
sumach (venice) – intellectual splendour, elegance
sunflower (tall) – smile on me still, haughtiness, pride, false riches, lofty and pure thoughts
sweet william – grant me one smile, gallantry, finesse, childhood, scorn
tulip (yellow) – there’s sunshine in your smile, hopeless love
walnut – intellect, stratagem
 Misc: He gets mindwiped for his illicit relationship with the elder prince. After the prince embarks on a journey to find the legendary cure, his memories and personality return to normal, but he has some trauma symptoms from the ritual.
agrimony – thankfulness, gratitude
anthericum -- antidote
azalea – take care, temperance, fragile, passion, romance, temperance, fragile and ephemeral passion
balm of gilead – cure, relief, I am cured
balsam of peru – cure
bay leaf – I change but in death, I change but in dying
bay (red) – love’s memory
catchfly (white) – I fall into the trap laid for me
cranberry – cure for (the) heartache, hardiness
dahlia – my gratitude exceeds your care, instability, elegance and dignity, forever thine, novelty, dignity
dogwood – love undiminished by adversity, I am perfectly indifferent to you, durability
forget-me-not – true love, forget me not, memories
honeysuckle (coral) – I love you, the colour of my fate
lotus – estranged love, forgetful of the past, eloquence, purity
lotus flower – estranged love
love-lies-bleeding – deserted love, hopeless not heartless, dignity, nobility, perseverance
myrtle – love in absence, love positive, love, joy
periwinkle – pleasing remembrances, sweet remembrance, tender recollections, early recollections, pleasure of memories, sweet memories
periwinkle (blue) – pleasures of memory, sweet remembrance, early friendship
periwinkle (white) – pleasures of memory, pleasing remembrance
pheasant’s eye – remembrance, painful remembrance, sorrowful remembrances
primrose (chinese) – lasting love
privet – unfading love
rose (maiden blush) – if you love me, you will find it/me out
rose (single, full bloom) – I truly love you, simplicity
rosemary – remembrance, your presence revives me, healing balm
scabiosa – unfortunate love, unfortunate attachment, I have lost all
swallow-wort – cure for (the) heartache
syringa – memory, fraternal regard, fraternal love
syringa (carolina) – memory, disappointment
yarrow – to cure, a cure for the heartache, cure for a broken heart, cure for heartache
zinnia (yellow) – daily remembrance
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
A Doll’s Palace
Pairing: Hawks x Reader 
TW: Angst, Mentions of maternal death, death, yandere themes, mentions of societal female expectations
A/n:  If it wasn’t for Echo and Mix, would’ve been straight booty cheeks so omg thank y’all for helping me edit this to near perfection ❤❤❤
Taglist: @johariameil @iiminibattlehero @ecao @melanimed​ @mixfi​
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Chastity, Purity, Demureness, Divine Feminity: They built your enamored status and innocence in the kingdom of Braavos. A pure noblewoman is seen as the most remarkable feminine icon in society, and you involuntarily became the symbol that many women hated and men looked up to. A curse, your father had called it, as the most beautiful of your family is always the earliest to go, right after birth. Since then, you’ve grown to embody your mother, a face he so loved, and swore on his life that you would never die from a soul exchange as your mother did.
But your marriage with Takami Keigo? A reality every hopeless romantic maiden could only experience through dream. . King ‘Hawks’ was preferred by his people, an esteemed man that led millions to victory in battle with wit and millions of hearts to burst using charm. You were one in a million, the heart that won the golden ticket to strike the hawk’s heart.
Too bad, the reality was shared another lucky heart.
Red silks tailored to your natural measurements; the powdered innocent blush on your face was paralleled to the floor as your brain overflowed with thoughts. Your hands twirled the parchment scroll in your palms, but your eyes remembered the exact words inked on the paper. They jumbled with the script you’ve repeated since the crack of dawn. Midoriya fluttered about the room, making the bed you just laid in and unclogging the once cold bathwater made for you to look more ‘youthful.’ A simple day in the Crystal Queen’s life.
“Izuku?” Your manservant ceased his movement, eagerly giving his attention to you.
“Yes, my Queen?” His eyes tried to reach yours; however, they remained on the paper within your hands, slightly crinkled from when your restraint broke.
“You would tell me when I am wrong” Your irises slowly slid to his frame; pupils almost swallowed into the depths of your eye color. A shiver ran down his back . “right?”
“Y-yes, my Queen.” He didn’t dare to flinch under your gaze, which stared at him longer than what was comfortable. You ended your stare by closing your eyes, giving him a wide smile before rising from your love seat, slipping the parchment in your sleeve. Your steps passed straight by his still frozen figure until they had reached the door frame.
“Midoriya, my faithful servant.” Your voice echoed through the room like a skillful siren. His attention remained on you as you continued to speak.
“I want you in the main dining hall by eight on the dot. Please don’t be late.” You left before he could properly bow at your command.
The barren halls laughed at you, pricking your mentality, forming pairs of figures every few columns you passed. A maid was pressed against the left column just a while ago, arms wrapped around the pale neck of your husband, his arms around her peasant waist.
The one you just passed? The same maid laid her hands on Keigo’s face, smoothing out his goatee’s hairs, and he allowed her to.
The entrance of the dining hall up ahead held your heart’s worst fear. An exchange of breath, love, and intimacy that should be sacred between those wedded. Your mind pictured the peacock vase at the entrance shattering on your behalf, impaling the two’s skin. The imaginary screams were like wine to your ears as you finally entered the hall.
The area was warmed by the marble light of the great chandelier,everything was covered with the golden gleam, hiding the little splatters of deep red in the floor. A mint haired maid captured your attention.
“Your Majesty? I apologize, but the dining room is not finished for tonight’s dinner.” Her brown eyes stared at you nervously; her chubby cheek showed where her teeth bit into its flesh.
“Oh, no worries, I am just looking for now.” The fake smile stuck itself to your face as you examined the long dining table. Only a handful of food were fixated on the top.
“You make excellent food here, Cara. What beautiful carvings in the baby carrots.” You quirked up, noticing she stiffed at your last words.
“Of course, my work is only done best for you, y-your Majesty.” Your practiced laugh came through the room, instilling superficial relief in the maid.
“But I must ask, are you eating some as you cook? You’ve gotten wider in the last months.” Your hand took her chin; curious eyes roamed her plump face as she blushed by the attention.
“Haha, y-yes, I’ve been eating a little more than usual.” Her gaze shuffled to anywhere but you. She was such a terrible liar.
“As long as you’re not eating for two.” You threw your head back; melodious laughter exhausted your stomach pit. Cara barely joined in with her nervous laughter, face breaking red in embarrassment.
“Did I hear my little bird’s beautiful laughter?” The kingly presence broke into the room. Which one? You kept your tongue as Keigo wrapped you into a kiss, which sadly set your heart on fire. Your lips separated, trained eye watching as his own sneakily trailed to the kitchen maid. Your smile dulled before brightening .
“My King, I have exciting news for you.” Your face snuggled into his palm on your cheek. Hawks eyes gleamed like the most gilded of plates.
“Hm? Well, love, don’t keep me on my toes. Let me hear it.” You relished in his arms wrapped around your midsection before pulling out of his embrace, bopping him on the nose.
“That’s the purpose.o keep you anxious until the grand reveal.” Your smile started to burn your cheeks as you watched the room’s bustle, preparing for a grand disaster.
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Violins and Cellos played throughout the dining hall as the dinner began. The long table set with food separated you and Keigo, each taking the farthest end. Playful looks and banters were exchanged between the two as the servants lined against the walls, ready for even the most subtle commands. After laughing at one of Keigo’s pun, you clapped, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Well, it was all a joyous evening, but I must bring attention to the evening’s highlight: the surprise.” Hawks quirked up in curiosity. The rest of the maids and Midoriya exchanged curious glances but did not say a word. You rose from your seat, hand gliding across the table’s surface.
“As you know, I am a lady of chastity, not by will, but by curse.” Your steps drew closer to your king.
“My father wishes nothing of seeing me carrying a little one. You, my king, are a young man, one who’s drive is active. A man who wishes to grow old with children around as you said at our first ball.” You were only a mere meter away from his seated figure, close enough to watch his adam’s apple bob in nervousness.
“Yes? But my little bird, why is this such an important announcement.”
“Be patient, my love. I am getting to that.” You were half a meter away from him now; his brow held the slightest furrow in them. Cara shuffled in the corner of your eye.
“Well, I begged my father, being of a monogamous nation, and it was hard. Harems were long abandoned in the kingdom of Braavos, but I did it.” You pulled from your sleeves the parchment paper and gave it to Keigo, whose eyes were full of anxiety. He opened the scroll to read.
“In the Kingdom of Fukuoka, the King will have the privilege of a harem, up to 20 women. He will be able to officially appear with them at balls, sleep with them, and—” his eyes flicker to you with shock before rereading what was written. “—procreate with them.”
You smiled before pointing to the end of the paper.
“Only if the Queen, rightfully crowned and inaugurated, is given the parenthood of all children birthed by the harem. The Queen will also be able to have a harem of her own, whether sexually or not.”
Hawks’ wings rose, eyes looking at you in disbelief. You lifted his face close to yours.
“Don’t worry, love. I only have eyes for you. Though,what happened to equality and freedom? The two things you fight for?” Your eyes flickered to Cara, whose face was red with anger. Keigo already took the pen from your sleeves and signed the paper.
“S-stop! This law c-can’t pass !” Her voice broke the cheery atmosphere, riddling it with confusion. The maids began to whisper frantically. You rose a brow at her outburst.
“And why is that? You have no say in royal affairs, kitchen maid.” Her eyes began to water, falling down her fat cheeks onto her fabric.
“P-please, d-don’t take my baby.” The room fell deadly silent after her plea. You ripped your hands from Hawks’ body, face morphing in shock.
“What do you mean, ‘your baby’?” Your eyes turned to Hawks, who sat silent. You could see the gears turning in his head to construct a lie.
“Hawks. What does she mean ‘your baby’?” His gears steamed before stopping abruptly, giving up on filing an excuse. His hands reached out to hold you.
“I can explain.” You moved quickly out of his range before halting him in his tracks.
“You can explain? Do you know how embarrassing that is to me? If it’s true, you’ve been cheating on me for months! Knowing that I couldn’t even bear for you!” Your heart pained you as the night you found out, reliving the shock and betrayal over again.
You were breaking character. Taking a deep breath, you turned away from your husband, a tear slowly streaking your face.
“We’ll talk about this when there aren't any spectators. Cara, bring out the special wine I’ve asked you to make for the celebration. I hope you two are happy.” Cara still stood on the spot, by fear and resistance. You turned to her; wide eyes staring straight into her soul.
“Now.” She ran to the kitchen, hand over mouth to hide her whimpers.
“Midoriya, help the pregnant lady out. It’ll be a shame if she broke her back or something.” Midoriya jumped up, running in the same direction as Cara.
“(Y/n), let me explain please—”
“There is nothing to explain; just enjoy your wine and celebrate.” The bitter sarcasm rolling off your tongue in waves. Cara and Midoriya entered the hall. Her eyes strong with will and face wiped of tears. Midoriya poured the wine for Hawks, filling his chalice to the brim. The winged king sighed and took an immediate gulp. You immediately turned to Cara, your eyes evoking sadness.
“I can’t even be in the same place as you two right now.” You stormed out of the dining room, leaving only the sounds of your shoes hitting the floor.
The candle lights flickered as Hawks entered your shared bedroom, dressed and cleaned for bed. You sat on your loveseat from the afternoon, now twirling a diamond ring on your finger. As he stood in front of you, your eyes remained on your hand.
“My love please forgive m—”
“Why?” You looked up at him; pupils dilated.
“Why should I?” He stepped back, startled to see the pain he had inflicted on you. He stared into your wide eyes for a moment longer until he knelt down, knees touching the red carpet’s wool. His hands clasped your own stopping the continuous twirl of your marriage symbol before wetting his dry lips.
“For a young royal bachelor, I was loved by all types of power-hungry men and women; they flocked me with compliments, ideas, whispers, promises. But you, you were the one that saw who I was behind my status, a young boy who lost his parents. A coward put into the place of a king before he could even blink. You saw the real me, and still, you didn’t turn away. We both embrace our vulnerabilities from each other, and if—” His Adam's apple bobbed, throat restricting as a tear fell from his eye. You shuffled in discomfort, your own tears brimming at his speech.
“—if I could take back what I had done, I would do so immediately, within a heartbeat. But she bears my child, and I...I can’t leave it as my father left me.” His neck strained to look up at you, forcing himself not to choke down a cry.
You laid your other hand on his own. Your tears were staining your cheek as you nodded your head frantically, taking him in your arms. He pulled you into a kiss, minty breath intertwining with your own as the candle flames swayed with the emotions.
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The scream you let out in the morning had maids and guards rushing to your room. King Takami Keigo was found dead after you both went to sleep. Few hours from the coroner revealed he died of poison.
You walked down the winding stairs of the dungeon with Midoriya by your side. The last cell held a meager amount of light, only showing the mint green hair of Cara. She jumped at the sounds of your footsteps. You ambled up until the bars could touch your toes.
“To kill your very own king is a crime punishable by death.” She wracked in the chains, trying to get closer to you.
“I didn’t kill him! I swear it wasn’t me!”
“It wasn’t you?” You took the chalice from Midoriya, holding it up to the ceiling as if you were inspecting it.
“This was the last thing he consumed before coming to bed, so the maids say.” Your eyes turned back to the ex-kitchen maid who burst into tears; head bowed in shame.
“Everything has pointed to you, but I understand. I’d kill if the love of my life betrayed me too. I’d use the same exact poison too, Aqua Tofana, the famous poison used by many hurt women to end their lovers.” Her head creaked back to your figure, eyes widening with the growing smirk on your face.
“Although the law states you should serve immediate death, I don’t want that precious baby to go along with you. It’s my last semblance of Keigo, after all. So, as Queen of Fukuoka, I have decided to spare you until the baby has been born. You will stay in this jail cell with ample nursing so my child will be born safe and healthy. That is all.”
You and Midoriya left the dark dungeon, Cara’s screams echoing through the hollow area. Your smirk never softening as you climbed up the stairs, hand still holding Keigo's chalice.
Midoriya laid anxious the whole time. After all, he was guilty of killing the king, adding the poison to the wine when Cara wasn’t looking. His silence finally broke.
“My Queen? Why did you make me...do that?” You halted your steps, pondering as you looked at the golden chalice.
“Keigo would’ve never loved me again. She gave him what I couldn’t, a child to love. He would’ve rather played father with an actual mother, a mother who’d know how to love a child. So I had to stop that before I lost my throne.” Your fingers skimmed the actual feather-covered by gold on the cup, feeling its ridges and bumps.
“Yes, my Queen?”
“You would tell me when I’m wrong, right?
“Yes, my Queen.”
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viterbofangirl · 4 years
The Senshi x Shitennou pairings and the physical traits they are attracted to:
Minako: His dick. Have you seen Kunzite’s bone structure?! Dear lord, that man’s jawline could cut glass! It’s somehow both refined and über-manly and it turns her the fuck on. Numerous times they have been in the middle of a fight and he’ll clench his jaw and those muscles pull under the skin and the edge of the bone is thrown into high relief and all of her passion goes from pissed-off to horny like flicking a light switch.
Kunzite: It’s almost impossible to choose what aspect of the Goddess of Beauty is most enticing. But if there is a single body part that never fails to catch his attention- even for just a second- it’s those long, toned, pale gold, did he mention fucking LONG legs of hers. None of the girls are deficient in that regard, of course, but even so, Venus’ legs are absolutely, inarguably, objectively FLAWLESS. When she suggested they take tango lessons, he could not sign up fast enough.
Nephrite: He is a simple man with simple desires, and from the first moment he laid eyes on Jupiter, he just wanted to bury his face in her cleavage and stay there until he suffocated. Yeah yeah he knows- it’s predictable, gauche, eye-rollingly base. But hey, what the hell- just because Makoto is sweet and gentle and kind and fierce and brave and helpful and perfect and an amazing cook and an even more amazing friend, that doesn’t mean he’s too proud to admit that she also has the world’s most INCREDIBLE rack. 
Makoto: While there are maybe one or two aspects of Neph that remind her of her old senpai, one physical characteristic that is all his own is how broad he is. He’s only a couple of inches shorter than Kunzite, but his shoulders are wider. And built like a truck. And don’t even get her started on his biceps. She’d never really been attracted to buff guys before; frankly, they tend to remind her of the countless bullies whose asses she’s kicked over the years. But the first time he grabbed her waist and lifted her- her!- up off her feet, she felt like the most delicate princess.
Ami: Ami doesn’t think of herself as a carnal person. In fact, she makes it a constant practice to never judge a person’s worth from their appearance. But there is something about Zoisite’s hands that are absolutely mesmerizing. Long, delicate, tapered fingers with slim palms, they look like the hands of an artist. She has watched him play the piano for hours, completely unaware that time is passing. Even his way of casting magic is elegant, and whenever he curls those long fingers around a tendril of hair, she finds herself utterly distracted. And the thought of those fingers trailing across her skin...
Zoisite: There is nothing carnal about Ami Mizuno. She is too sweet, too calm, too refined. Sexualizing her feels tawdry at best, at worst, obscene. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that she is not... alluring. He has to be careful when and where and how he looks her in the face, because whenever he looks directly into her eyes, he is immediately lost. Endless blue depths, both clear and rich; captivating as a siren, gentle as a dove. Her eyes pull him in like an undertow and all he wants to do is drown. 
Jadeite: Rei Hino is a renowned beauty; a striking figure from her slim angularity to her sharp violet eyes. But her hair...it’s like an obsidian waterfall pouring down her back. Straighter and finer than Minako’s, her hair is a delicate curtain of black silk with tendrils dancing in the breeze or falling over her shoulder like ribbons. He stares as sunlight slides down that midnight black expanse, and all he can think about is running his fingers through her glorious hair.
Rei: She has sworn a vow of chastity to Serenity. She does not regret it; indeed, she cherishes the purity of focus it allows her. His attraction to her is obvious, but he respects her choice and expresses his feelings for her in true chivalric fashion. "Courtly love” might seem ridiculous from anyone else, but he is such a serious man. Maybe that's why his capacity for stillness makes her chest tighten. He observes, and chooses his words and actions carefully, and is sometimes so very still as he watches those around him. He reminds her of a proper Japanese garden, and in those moments, she wants to be a part of it- a part of him.
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When in Rome: TA Edition
This is a sequel to When in Rome: Frat Edition.
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Summary: You’re the ambassador of the celibacy club, forced to go to a Roman-themed frat party to find your club members before they lose their purity. Among the faces you see at the party is your biggest enemy, Namjoon Kim, who also happens to be a TA so you have to meet up with him for dreaded tutoring sessions. What happens when you run into him at that same party on the night you’re supposed to be hosting a club meeting? You’re in luck, today he’s feeling slightly more submissive than usual...
Words: 4.4k
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Smut, pwp, enemies-to-lovers (low-key)
Warnings: Masturbation (m & f), voyeurism, riding, graphic descriptions of straight sex, dom/sub dynamics, sub Joon, dom reader, choking
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You stare at your reflection in the mirror in the back of the room. It doesn’t look like anyone will be attending your meeting today. It’s half past 7 and the sun is already setting. You were supposed to meet your three other club members 20 minutes ago, what was taking them so long? Your phone chimes with a text all of a sudden, your attention focused on the single text it reads: 
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Suddenly, you’re determined to go to that party and find those girls who decided to take back their vow of innocence. You knew you should’ve forced them to wear the chastity belts.
The reason why you’re so keen on finding them before it’s too late? You experienced the loss of losing your first partner. Your boyfriend, who was the leader of a gang ended up dying in a motorcycle crash, he was your first love and your first sexual partner.
After he passed, you felt dirty. You kept craving sex, every day, every second, every hour. Even when you were eating dinner with your family, that’s all you could think of. Maybe even making eye contact with a stranger. Sex. You needed it, your body was yearning for it.
Finally, you gave in. You decided to select a random as your second, and you felt relief from something being inside of you. The numerous trips to the club ended with you in a hotel room with a man who could do the job. Slowly, you had become numb. The sex was starting to feel boring, you were craving an emotional connection. So, you decided to stop for a bit.
That’s when you met Hyerin. She was handing out flyers and stopped you while you were passing by. She told you to come to the Celibacy club orientation and you felt strange. You never once thought of shutting your legs completely, you thought you were ruined after sleeping around so much. She also revealed she wasn’t a Virgin, and she had the same problem in high school. She decided to take a vow of no more sex before marriage and she joined the club two years ago. You missed her guidance. She was like a sister to you and you couldn’t think of what she would say about your leadership. 
You regretted taking it so lightly at first, since you couldn’t even keep three recruits in line. Luckily, the party was close by, so you could walk to the house.
You liked the environment, surprisingly. Even if it brought back memories of the club, you felt like you were facing your fears again. You didn’t avoid parties on purpose, you just felt like you always had something better to do.
“Isn’t this a pleasant surprise?” That voice. You knew that voice anywhere. It was Namjoon. Blech.
“Namjoon? What are you doing here?” You fold your arms as he reaches past you. You close your eyes, slightly uncomfortable from his close proximity.
“I’m grabbing a snack. You’re standing in front of the snack table, if you want drugs you should head over to table two in the back. Ricardo’s selling some good stuff over there.” You can’t believe Namjoon is actually letting people do illegal stuff at this party.
“I don’t want drugs. I’m looking for three girls, all freshmen. They’re actually triplets, Misa, Lisa, and Keisha. Do you know where they might be?” The tall blond shakes his head, popping a pistachio into his mouth.
“Sorry, I have no clue. Although, I might have seen Lisa around. Is she the brunette with that silver streak in her hair?” He describes the girl perfectly. The girls have that one trait which is prominent, even if they dye their hair different colors. Lisa has a natural hair color, different from her sisters since they dyed their hair and she didn’t. Keisha and Misa were easy to pick out because they had silver streaks in their hair too, and Keisha dyed hers blue while Misa dyed hers blond. They were all born with natural brown hair, you remember it from their introductions on the first day after they joined the club. You didn’t realize you’d miss them this much.
“Yes, it’s a trait that runs in her family! You have to come with me, show me where you saw her last.” You pull Namjoon along with you, despite hating his guts. He was a player and for some reason these stupid girls think of him as a heartthrob. Those dimples are attractive, you have to admit, but that doesn’t mean you should crawl into bed with them! You respect your body.
“Wait, I don’t want to find a freshman. I wanna get laid with one of those hot senior girls.” You glare daggers at the boy as he peers down at you. You were a couple inches shorter than him, taller than the average height as well. At least he couldn’t call you short. Being tall did have one downside though: you were flat chested.
“Was it in this hallway? Where the fuck are the stairs?! Ughhh what if we’re too late? I don’t want to have any blood on my hands. She’s gonna regret this…” You look around the room, eyeing every girl carefully before Namjoon turns you around. “What?!” You snap at him, as he puts a hand on your cheek. You didn’t know why but it calmed you down. 
“Take a chill pill, relax. If they’re with one of my boys, they’re safe. Why are you so worked up about them anyways?” You play with the strings of your hoodie as Namjoon stares at you intently. A man’s gaze has never made you feel butterflies. So why were you suddenly all light and floaty standing next to him?
“I’m the leader of the celibacy club. If I don’t protect them from losing their virginity, who else will? They made a vow when they joined but it seems that they’ve decided to do a full 180 and come here of all places for their first time,” You sound like you’re talking about one person when in fact you were talking about three. Namjoon understands your worry. He does the same with his students since he’s a tutor. “So why are you not dressed up like the others?” You ask out of courtesy, not because you’re actually curious.
“I just came from practice. I’m actually part of Yoongi Min’s band, so I have practice outside of office hours.” You wondered how he still managed to take time out of his day to tutor you. If this had been any other situation, you might have developed a crush on him. Now, you aren’t so sure about your feelings since your heart is in your stomach from worrying about the girls.
“It’s good to know that there’s someone here like me,” You share a brief 3 seconds staring at each other before you spot Misa behind the kitchen island. “Misa! Where are your sisters?” Namjoon follows closely behind you as you turn to the triplet with worry.
“They’re getting laid. I just finished a round of beer pong with this guy. Don’t worry about me, I’m not giving my virginity to some sweaty oaf that thinks he can get girls by flashing a smile at them.” You suddenly realize that she’s talking about Namjoon who is grinning widely at her from behind you. You punch him in the gut, leaving him hunched over as you say goodbye to your club member.
“You’re disgusting. Come, you’re gonna help me find the other girls.”
“No,” You whip your head around, seriously pissed at how he’s suddenly acting like this. Why do men always act the opposite of what you want them to act like? (It’s called free will duh) You always have to take it a step further and spell things out for them. Namjoon, however, is a fellow intellectual. He must understand when you tell him “Go,” and “stop.” Why was he suddenly protesting? What reason could he possibly have to—“Why are you trying to stop them from doing something they want to do? It’s not like they’re doing this because they’re pressured to. You said you’re the leader of the celibacy club, right?” He takes a step forward, taking your hand in his before leading you to the basement. You were surprised a house like this actually has a basement, and luckily no one else was here to interrupt you as you spoke. The party was loud and the music was booming loud enough for you to hear it even down in the dark.
He switches on a single naked bulb before plopping down on a vintage brown couch, patting the spot next to him. You sit down, silent as he continues lecturing. “A leader should guide, not rule. You were supposed to guide those girls to make the right decisions for themselves. Even if it seems like the wrong one, in the end I’m sure you taught them well.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, knowing exactly what the answer to your dumb question was. 
“You taught them the benefits of celibacy. I’m sure they took that information, processed it, and decided to proceed with doing what any teenage girl would do. I’m not saying all teens sleep around, but some people are curious. At this age, you can’t stop them from making their own decisions. Maybe this is a good thing, they’ll learn from their mistakes and grow. It’s a human thing.” You purse your lips to keep the tears from falling.
“I know. You’re right, you’re right. I think I should just leave now.”
“Wait! You should stay, please. Just stay with me and drink some Pepsi.” You take the cold drink from his hand as he shuts the mini-fridge door and switches on the t.v.
“I suppose I can stay longer. I finished my homework and I was supposed to have a club meeting but I guess that’s not happening now so…” You notice how Namjoon’s Adams’ Apple bobs up and down as he drinks the dark liquid in one go. He notices you staring, asking you what’s wrong as you quickly pull your eyes away from him, staring at the floor as you sip your drink lightly.
“What’s your position?” 
“Are you a dom or sub?” You didn’t expect your conversation to take this turn but after conversing with all the boys in your high school you knew they would start talking about something dirty the moment they started a conversation with you at some point. This wasn’t dirty, though. It seemed that your tutor/TA actually wanted to know your stance.
“I don’t know. I guess I’ve always just laid down and let the guy do all the work. No foreplay, no kinky stuff, just me, the guy, and a bed.” Namjoon clicks his tongue in disapproval.
“Aw really? That’s too bad. I would’ve taken you as some sort of sex freak but I guess the boys were wrong about that…” Your heart drops.
“What boys?!” It couldn’t have been anyone else, you knew the men from the club seemed too familiar. Had you been sleeping with frat members since you were in high school?
“I’m just messing with you, no one said anything about you but if they did, I would’ve won the bet.” You sigh in relief, feeling more at ease around your TA now. Before, you just thought he was a snobby jerk who sweet-talks women into bed with him.
“Don’t joke around like that again. Plus, you haven’t told me what your position is yet, either. So what are you? Dom or sub?” He scratches the back of his neck.
“Geez, this is embarrassing. Okay, so I like taking charge but I also like being controlled. I guess you can call me a switch?” Now you were interested. You wouldn’t take Namjoon as the type of guy that let a woman do all the work in bed. Of course, there was something exhilarating about that, too. 
You were curious as to how the dom/sub dynamics would work if you were in bed with him. For a moment, you actually imagine yourself in a sensual situation with him. His big hands sliding down your back as your hips snap against his, you riding him as he squeezes your thigh, or fails to since you handcuffed him to the headboard so he can’t move from that one spot as you suck his skin on various parts of his body, hickies bright red and fresh as you—“Y/N? Do you like taking control?” 
“Um, I don’t know? Yes?” You can feel the sweat beading across your forehead. You’re suddenly very hot, despite it being cooler down in the basement. 
“You’re sweating, why don’t you take off your shirt?”
“What?!” You exclaim as he yawns and rubs his neck.
“I said you should take off your sweatshirt.” You smile anxiously at him before pulling your sweatshirt above your head. You were currently feeling very sensitive, and you were sure that if he touched you, you would pounce on him like a lioness. 
You’re sure he can smell your arousal, as he slides an arm behind your shoulder as you lean back on the couch while he changes the channel. You aren’t paying much attention to the t.v before he switches the channel enough times to the point that you’ve reached the adult channels. 
If you weren’t blushing before, you certainly were now. A video of a woman getting on her knees to suck off a man with a ridiculously gigantic cock begins to play, the moist sound of her lips wrapping around his cock resonating around the room as it plays on the speakers.
“What the hell, Namjoon?! Have you no shame?” He laughs as you throw a pillow at him. 
“Wait, Wait, this is my favorite kind of porn, Wait for it,” You turn back to the screen reluctantly as the video fades to another one, this time the same woman is dressed in lingerie from head to toe, as the man is fully naked.
You watch as the blond wrings her hands around his neck, choking the man as he struggles to breathe but he still maintains that expression of obvious arousal. How was he actually into that? You weren’t into pain play and you knew Namjoon couldn’t possibly like being choked out either. “I love being choked. I’m into that kinky shit, handcuffs, blindfolds, you tell me.” 
You didn’t expect those words to come out of his mouth. At least now, you know there is such a world like that. One where women actually possess power over men. 
Your eyes wander down to Namjoon’s pants as he actually starts palming himself, one hand still behind your shoulder as you lean forward on the couch.
“What are you doing?” You finally break the awkward silence as the moans of the man on the screen continue, fogging your mind up with possibilities as the porno continues to play.
“Haven’t you masturbated before? This is the same thing. I’m just trying to get some relief,” At least he was honest.
You watch the porn in silence, with the exception of the moans on screen, and the ridiculous acting displayed by the porn stars. Why do they even bother trying to act? They should just have sex and that’s it.
You eventually find yourself mirroring Namjoon, trailing a finger up and down your jeans before Namjoon comes right out and says it: “You can take off your clothes if you want. I won’t touch you,” You start kicking off your jeans. “You can watch me too...if you want.” You don’t know where this sudden shyness from your TA was coming from. Normally he’s bossy, demanding, and very outgoing. Now, he was suddenly shy? You’re sure this has to do with the dom/sub thing he was speaking of earlier.
Your attention is half on the screen, and half on Namjoon as he pulls his dripping cock out of his boxers, languidly stroking the erection despite having you right in front of him. He wasn’t going to take advantage of you, he decided in his mind. He wanted to see how this played out, if this voyeuristic showcase would lead to something else.
You slip your fingers into your panties, letting out a cross between a moan and a whimper. You are so lost in your own pleasure that you fail to notice your yummy TA undressing you with his dark and mysterious eyes, his lips curling into a small smirk as he watches you toy with your pussy.
“What am I doing here? This is so wrong but it feels so good-ah.” You stare down with a dry mouth as your breath escapes you. You did not just cum. From watching an awful porno. Well, it wasn’t awful but you didn’t want to acknowledge it as a work of art, either. The actress gave you an idea of how to properly dominate a man. You’d never been one for loads of sex but you were willing to indulge in the pleasure for one night only since your club members were probably losing their virginity as you stay seated on the couch of a frat boy that you were pretty sure had some sort of STD.  
“You came already? Awww, dammit, I was so close to finishing.” Namjoon’s voice snaps you back to reality just so you can act on your impulse again.
“Uh-oh, looks like these are ruined. I’ll have to toss them aside. You don’t mind, do ya Joon?” Namjoon’s eyebrow twitches as he tries to figure out what your aim is. He knew you were innocent but it seems he has a case of ‘good girl gone bad’ right in front of him. As you turn your attention back to the t.v, every once in a while stroking your very wet labia, Namjoon’s cock seems to grow a little longer. 
“Okay, I can’t take it anymore. Please let me fuck you!” You’re surprised by how he snapped so quickly. Here you were thinking he didn’t want you anymore. How silly of you.
“Uh-uh. Let’s play a game first. You said you were into dom/sub dynamics, right? So how about you let me dominate you tonight and we can see where it goes from there?” Namjoon’s gaze softens as he decreases the volume, and you’re certainly sure that he can hear your racing heart by now as he manually switches off the television. He then undoes his pants and lets his boxers fall to the floor before turning his attention back to you.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What do you want me to do first?”
“On the floor, baby boy. I’m gonna ride you.” He groans as you slip him inside your throbbing hole, and you let out a sigh of pleasure before bouncing yourself up and down on his cock. His dick felt even better inside of you, since your walls took him in so well. He couldn’t believe you were actually doing this to him, you who supposedly hated him.
“What happened to hating me?” You bite your lip as he places a hand on your bare ass, your panties are lying on the floor next to you as you continue using Namjoon like a grade-A dildo.
“Who says you need to like someone to fuck them? You know what they say about angry sex, it’s supposed release tension. Fuck your problems away, fuck it all.” You both moan in sync as his cock twitches erratically and right before he cums, you pop off with a squelching sound and you quickly get to work with your hands, his cum splattering all over his belly and your fingers. 
He pulls you down for a quick kiss before you instruct him on what to do next.
“Next, I’m gonna put that mouth of yours to good use. Suck my clit, and do it as thoroughly as possible.” He quickly takes to your pussy, cupping your heat before giving small kitten licks to your labia. You were against the couch while he was hunched between your legs, eating you out like a good sub.
“That feels good. Don’t be shy, fuck me like you mean it, smartass,” He winks before pushing his tongue deeper, deep enough for you to feel it rub up against your cervix. Somehow, his tongue felt way better than his cock. “Yes, nnnngg, I’m cumming.” You feel a familiar knot in your core as Joon tongue-fucks you, saliva dripping down your inner thigh but you don’t care. You just feel too good to care.
So what if you were the leader of the celibacy club? It wasn’t like you had sex often. You were also losing your footing. You had become devoid emotion because of how much you were craving sex. Now, splayed out on your back, your TA delicately licking your folds, you felt relieved.
Your cum dribbles down his cheeks, and sweat beads are glistening on his forehead as he looks up to you, as if asking “did I do enough?” As you dab his head with a tissue.
You decide that wasn’t enough, you needed to have him inside you once more. 
“You said you liked being choked, right?” Namjoon nods, biting down on his lips hard enough to make them bleed as you wrap your hands around him and you sink back down on his dick. Now he was the one being choked on the ground while you were hunched over him, kissing his smooth chest and tracing his nipples gently with your nose. He lets out the most delicious moan you’ve heard all night, before whispering hoarsely, “Fuck me harder, mistress.”
You pounce on him, your greedy pussy lips salaciously devouring his erection as he hardens inside you once again. Even Joon was surprised by his own dick. He had never been so quick to bounce back but you were an enigma. You lighted a fire inside of him that he didn’t even know existed.
You lean forward, your breasts warm pressed up against his chest as you continue riding his cock like your life depended on it. You grow tired, panting heavily as Namjoon takes things into his own hands, gripping your ass tightly as your hands snaked down from his neck to his hair. You were curling your fingers into his hair so intimately like you owned him. He’s not your man. Which makes things a hell of a lot more sexy. 
His bleeding lip was dry, as you leaned in to steal a kiss from him, but he simply turned his head, your soft lips making contact with his left cheek instead.
“You don’t wanna get involved with me. I’m a bad guy, remember?” You respond by dragging your legs forward, sitting back as Namjoon stares back at you with darkened eyes, devoid of any emotion. He looks different compared to the playful preppy student you met earlier. You found yourself still crawling back to him, wanting to know more. You’re reaching...reaching...reaching. 
“Lighten up. Your cock is literally inside of me, Joon.” He growls in response, stimulating a carnal instinct within you to fuck. You’ve never felt it before, never felt so good on a cock quite like this one. What’s different about him? 
“Fuck, you take my dick so well. Why didn’t we do this sooner?” He grunts, your sexes squelching against each other as he holds you in place as he fucks his dick up into you. 
“Shit, Namjoon I’m cumming.” He grips your fingers with his big, warm hands. As your fingers intertwine, he kisses your neck. You lean into him, groaning as he continues bucking his hips up. You were truly fucking on the floor like a couple of horny animals.
It feels so good, I can’t help it. You thought. Your pussy squeezes his dick for dear life as he thrusts up into you. You feel the pinch, as your walls continue clamping down on him as he moves inconceivably slow. He slows down only because of your clenching, you know since he does his best in moving as quickly as your walls would allow, tossing you around like his own personal fuck doll. “Baby, cum with me.” You let out a mewl as he groans simultaneously, filling up your hole with his juices. After hours of fucking, you were both content with the end result.
He gives you one last docile kiss before we both get dressed. You throw your clothes back on, feeling fuzzy and sated as Namjoon stares shamelessly at your ass.
“I enjoyed it.” He comments as a wave of emotions hits you. You had forgotten about how much I hated him and his stupid smartass remarks when you couldn’t understand basic calculus. You were confused, the only thing you could do was pray something like this wouldn’t happen again and if it did you wouldn’t mind.
“Do you think you know my position now?” You ask, not really expecting much aftercare since you weren’t in a relationship with him.
“You're a dom. And I am your sub. Maybe, if you think of me differently now, we could go out for a midnight snack at the nearest fast food place?” You liked the way that sounded. Although towards the end Namjoon overpowered you since you were too hazy to think while impaled on his cock, he still was captivated and enraptured by you. You were like a math equation to him, after all he just did you. 
He also couldn’t deny the unrelenting sexual tension between the two of you whenever you hurled insults at him or when he said something about your academic abilities in a goading manner. He loved seeing how huffy you got whenever he said something about your club and how “interesting” it sounded when he heard you took over as the ambassador.
You didn’t know how he felt either, the underlying affection discarded as you focused on your anger for the man. However, you would rather die than admitting you had a tiny crush on him. 
“Sounds good, um...are we good here? Like all jokes aside you know I don’t actually hate you, right?” He nods, rubbing his neck as you wipe your sweaty palms on your clothes.
“I know. And you do know I have a big fat crush on you, right?” You feel heat rushing to your cheeks at that, your body significantly hotter than it was a couple minutes ago.
“No, actually, I didn’t know that.” You had a hunch he did.
“Wow, did it get hot in here or is it just me? Let’s go.” He pulls you towards the party upstairs, claiming you as his for the night as you push past the crowd of drunk teenagers.
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