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stoimen333 · 5 months
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Гледам в момента The Net (1995) @trakt
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Two Tips To Improve Your Hand Speed in Pickleball Overnight
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heavenboy09 · 2 months
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#SandraBullock #DemolitionMan #Speed #WhileYouWereSleeping #TheNet #PracticalMagic #MissCongeniality #TheLakeHouse #TheProposal #TheBlindSide #Gravity #Oceans8 #BirdBox #TheLostCity
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chrise82 · 14 days
A couple new editions to the VHS collection thanks to a friend 🙏
#vhs #vhscollector #startrek #lordoftherings #lotr #matrix #blairwitch #thenet #vintage #retro #collection
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from Maltese surnames and Turkish names, excluding the letter "C"
Abaja Abillin Adiaroglu Adilif Adova Adreni Ahapite Ahirbi Akahra Akmesayfer Aksolalen Alansaman Alliman Alparamon Alpellun Altın Alçuksemin Alçín Amboz Amiforekif Antmellu Aquez Aquiner Aratabin Arayhan Ardilal Arkut Arman Arsero Arzulle Asquatole Astandreda Atafen Atarabra Athir Ayaloglu Aydem Aydırım Ayriye Ayseda Ayshan Aythina Aythık Ayyazi Ayılmaza Ayılmir Azaru...
Barin Bassap Basım Bathemrun Bathir Batongay Bayda Bazzo Beddin Bedefigil Bedin Behilal Bejada Bejarzu Berabara Berdin Beyyin Bigertur Bigiogalen Biran Birikir Biroglupia Boffal Boffer Bonan Bonazmen Bondosmah Boneyino Bontasil Borgüle Bozye Buoglu Burmaz Bustah Bülya Daldın Deber Della Demalem Deman Demanurmo Demazi Dembrutun Demdu Demonzi Demru Demsamir Denktanar Deriha Dersevin Dersla Destasap Desti Desut Dilim Doglu Dovan Duraki Durla Ebeyma Eddin Edikiret Ekinok Eklidemon Eksoy Ellakorbia Eraosman Erayfenrim Eremza Erihakut Erolaz Errin Errobajo Ervenzal Eselianin Esemzihark Eserravah Ettino Evkelefevi Evzand Eydız Eyner Ezzoglu Faban Faoglim Farut Fauran Favattin Favit Fenkth Ferdal Festris Fordin Fsuma Fsumaz Fsunaya Füsen Füstan Gabih Gensuli Gioglu Goyoglun Graglusre Grale Gregürath Grelçuk Gremif Grignoglu Grimoglu Grinaud Griyelid Gumien Gundoglu Gutünangay Gönükser Gülbat Güldale Gülejerri Gülerpier Gülkeroglu Günaoglu Günarsoy Gündoglu Güngia Güngun Güvesuri Halin Hallemit Halpen Halçuk Hamih Hantin Harya Haydalçín Hazím Hoglu Hurkerdil Hyziye Hükrüu Ilian Inmer Inçett Iseyhatta Istat Izzin Izziyal Kadni Kafelia Kafer Kahin Kahran Kamsalli Kanade Kanteven Kanuer Kasalp Kemani Kerman Keryale Kiniap Kioglu Kirak Kopat Kopul Koret Korkele Koylu Kurabar Kuraoglu Lerdim Lergüle Lülenza Maglu Mahrik Makgüravan Malçınali Mandona Mardi Mardian Mazar Mehralat Meilerman Meili Meleil Menvettan Merazzah Merdinme Merrapkin Merri Minay Minoktakın Mirayder Mireba Miriki Miroga Moglu Monarti Mongioglu Murla Musun Mutopali Müban Müregio Mısımhula Nabahmit Narsuda Nehim Neramirb Nermalan Niapat Nilef Nilgen Nisailla Nolan Nurksuk Nusafà Nükren Nülsek Nüzhat Orgit Orhalza Ozafeyfela Ozailger Ozkaza Pamza Papola Parsan Parugaylu Pekli Pelaumeran Perafreyos Perda Poglu Prahren Puzata Rahal Raliz Reman Renter Reyfer Ríthen Rüstekel Saadara Saadro Sabbay Sabenilhan Sadir Sahan Sailerali Salbal Saldín Salli Salpavah Saltabay Sapar Sapis Sappay Saray Sarda Sareliar Sartun Sayda Saydınan Saykameli Sedani Seddia Seddimer Sedroglu Sefik Sehtemsib Seile Selak Selat Seleki Selimonaz Sellan Selloglu Sellomaili Semzihal Serini Serizi Seroli Sersuk Sevdal Sevina Sevkesall Sevza Seçkilan Seçkiro Sghur Sintafkar Siyel Solia Soyal Spoglu Sporman Suatt Sulal Sullet Sunayray Sunaz Sunet Sutheg Sídíza Sürkerre Taferr Tagonalta Taksun Talen Tandre Tekioriye Telli Tempott Terefamat Tezeran Tezzende Tharnuel Thellia Themsin Thenet Theni Therdir Thetherlo Thkur Thmetino Tisal Toffavreli Toglu Tokthe Tokthema Tokurakır Topaleb Topara Topartes Toyut Tradarr Trihsip Trimazis Trolomlu Tufun Tulila Tullet Tunan Tülgin Tültınarr Tünerhaman Türkadiapo Unurkura Urhat Urmonnanus Uyguan Uçakmen Valan Vanza Vanzaillo Vedika Vekiralpen Vengio Verdi Vuramir Xiraogdur Yalisan Yalpalbir Yignoglu Yoglu Yunaba Yılda Yılma Yılmahan Yılmar Yılıç Zarsan Zehmi Zenallo Zerral Zeyda Zihal Ziyelli Ziyetülbay Zizzihtay Zoral Zübarozyr Zübatay Çilan Çobbardatt Öndoglu Özaidelçín Özamo Özdebone Özdell Özethık Özgionan Özgol Özkun Öztufattri Öztun Ülett
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77jose-ricardo77 · 4 months
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San Agustín, el santo y sabio abad benedictino que justamente fue llamado el Apóstol de Inglaterra, reevangelizó la Isla que sufría por la degeneración de las costumbres y por la invasión de los bárbaros. Murió en 604 y su tumba en Canterbury se convirtió inmediatamente en un lugar de peregrinación.  
27 mayo
La penosa situación más allá del mar
El contexto de la Bretaña entre los siglos V y VI no era de los mejores. Al contrario. Anteriormente, los Bretones habían sido cristianizados por los misioneros peninsulares celtas que habían hecho un excelente trabajo pero luego, a la llegada de los Sajones, los Angli y los Juti, pueblos germánicos paganos que comenzaron a invadir este territorio en 596, los misioneros fueron expulsados. En ese ambiente paganizado, los Bretones, que se habían refugiado en las montañas de Gales, habían vuelto a caer en la idolatría. Sin embargo, el rey juto de Kent, Etelbert, que había logrado extender su influencia en Essex, Sussex y East Anglia - todas tierras subyugadas por los sajones - no era tan hostil al cristianismo - pues se casò con Berta, una princesa cristiana hija del rey de París. Incluso accedió a la petición de su esposa de construir una iglesia cristiana en Kent. El Papa San Gregorio Magno adviertió que esos duros tiempos requerían una nueva evangelización de estas tierras. Impresionado por la belleza y la mansedumbre de algunos esclavos anglos traídos a Roma, tanto que los comparó con los ángeles, concibió la idea de crear en Inglaterra una nueva Iglesia dependiente de Roma, como ya lo era la francesa, y de usar a Francia como trampolín.
El viaje comienza: la etapa francesa
Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, el Pontífice decidió dar ese encargo a un grupo de 40 monjes presidido por el benedictino Agustín, que en ese momento era prior del convento en el Celio de Roma. La valentía no era ciertamente su principal característica, sino la humildad y la docilidad: de hecho, inmediatamente dijo que sí. La expedición partió en 597 y se detuvo en Francia, en la isla de Lérins. Aquí el grupo de monjes, acogidos en los monasterios de la zona, escucharon las espantosas historias de todas las vilezas cometidas por la bárbara gente que iban a encontrar. Agustín tuvo mucho miedo y se devolvió inmediatamente a hablar con el Papa para rogarle que cambiara de posición. San Gregorio Magno no se dio por vencido: para animarlo lo nombró Abad y en cuanto volvió a la Galia lo consagró Arzobispo de Arles. Finalmente, el viaje se reanudó y los monjes desembarcaron en Inglaterra, en la isla de Thenet.
La evangelización de la Bretaña
Para acoger a la comunidad de monjes llegaron el Rey de Kent y su consorte cristiana, y los acompañaron hasta Canterbury, una ciudad a medio camino entre Londres y el mar, elegida como punto de partida de la nueva misión: llevar la Palabra de Dios a los Anglos. Al principio la resistencia del pueblo fue grande, así que Agustín eligió un camino más suave de evangelización, dispuesto a acoger algunas de las tradiciones paganas más arraigadas. Su estrategia será un éxito. En un año se bautizaron más de diez mil sajones, prácticamente todo el reino de Kent, incluido el rey (que algún día será un santo) y que apoyará abiertamente a Agustín. El Papa, para agradecer tal éxito, le envió el palio en 601 y lo nombró Metropolita de Inglaterra. Antes de morir, Agustín logró consagrar otros dos obispados además de Canterbury: Londres y Rochester, cuyos presbíteros eran Melito y Justo respectivamente. A su muerte en 604, fue sepultado en Canterbury, en la iglesia que ahora lleva su nombre y es venerada por católicos y anglicanos.
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thenetie3 · 5 months
🚀 Elevate Your Online Presence with Expert WordPress Web Designers! 🎨
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Transforming visions into captivating online realities is our passion at Thenet! 💼 Our seasoned team of WordPress wizards in Ireland specializes in crafting bespoke websites that marry stunning design with seamless functionality. With a meticulous focus on WordPress SEO and security, we ensure your online venture stands out amidst the digital noise. 🛡️💻
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Ready to unlock the full potential of WordPress for your business? Let's collaborate and bring your online vision to life! 
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444namesplus · 7 months
09.56). 09:390: 1 4.11.91 4.10830. 4.104006. 36/10): 193–11.91 193–1193. 202). 202.0; 939 1954): 1956) 2006. 2006M. 2009:39 12620 20022 20104.0; 20197. 104006M. 156830. 200902). 1262006M. 1231512315 "2002 "2006M. "Anta "Antark "Antimew "Ison-prons "Lare "Neut "Neutruced "PhG…36 (10.10). (10/104 (104.104 (156) (193–11956) (2002 (15123, (ani, (Toped. +1 Abory Abound Abounduce Addir. Aders Adroton Aftember Afteredist Agregusicle Agren an Anity Anni, Annoloped Annoved Ant Antacts, Antaires: Anteadects, Anteme, Antenal Anteneut Anter Antere Anti; Antic Anticle Anticlogore Antics Antieve Antin), Antincy Anting antint Antiolia Antion Antion, Antions Antiparks Antipron Antiquargy Antival, Antive Antiver Antso Apare Applies Aprel Archas Archavembet Archil Artintiona Artion Atibutron Ation Atmon Atmosics Atmosphysic Atmospinge Atteregork Augusity Avion Beadron Bearyon?" Becannit Becton Bernal Bertion. Berts Berve Betions Betron Beved Bever Bibark Bibcode Bibconste, Bibcovers Bibutrilas Bouperms Boutron Bruce Bruclopple Butrotons". Butruceres Catiolicle Catipede Catron Caysithivel Chantion Chavion Chists Clare Code:20090, Codembergy Codembet Codes Coduce Coducerms" Coducleam Complinks. Compols Con Conal Cons" Consithive Constention Contiprou Cooluders Corgy Coric, Could Coverti; Crearyon Creasice Creass Crect Cred Cregista Crelargy Crens Cretiquivae Datiquived Dectiquived Dev.10). Dev.11.91 Deview Devintionte Diage Diagnew. DiaWikimat DiaWin Differk, Diredity Discil Discily Dision Disith Ditrinal Ditude: Dity. Doi:10. Doi:104 Doi:104.119 Doi:104006. Eatter Ediew Edifferts, Eding, Edisitere Edits Elecay, Elemen Elence Eleopediree Ence; Eneutrics Equar Equark Equarke Equarticle EquarXive Equivatte Exte; Extectra Familly Famys fer Fiscilark Foress Fountinal Fountion Fourear Fouse Foutral Fread Fronly Frouree G..11. Giund Giunt Giunticle Glearyon Gron, Hantion Hartion Herectron Heres Higni, Hiscov Homationew Hopedific, Hotore. Howinew Imens Imenzele Imposion Incle Infuse Inte; Inticle Ints, Ision. Isome Isteater Jounduce; Joutron Kamen Kamysic Labound Lambou Latoryon, Lawre Licay Lics Lisiste Lordi Loreatter Lork, Lowity Magn. Magneutro, Magnihis Magnizater Magread, Massilly Maticlest Mation Matipaream Matiquark Mentinal Mention Ments Mobil Mobse Mobser Mobses Mobsete Modece Modeme, Mon Nazionse Netectron Neuton Neutrics Neutries Neutrin Neutron?" Neutrons" Neutrot Neutroto Neutrotore Neutruce Noton. Notork Nover Nuarge Nucens Nuctroto Numbe Obilly Oreartin), Oregoram Oscile Oscillatis Oscode Oscov Oscoved Oserk Osign. Osithillas Ospin Ospinares Pagrences: Parchil Parchilark Pargy". Parke Pary, Paryound Pate, Peons" Peorgy Phenal Phent Pheory PhG…36 Phopervae Phowerve PhRv..11. Physion Physion: Physite Physitude PhysRet Picleorms Picloposcil Poscillic, Poscily. Poscoval Pred. Priclue: Priew Prineutrond Prode: Producleca Prome Prome, Promento Pron, Pronal Pronly. Quartions Quary Recal Refer Rev..10). Reved Review Sambecal Samber Samensiolic Samysionty. Septs Sermily Shkove Shkovereat Sillas Sition). Solinc., Sollass Sollattron Sologoryon. Spineut Spink) Spino Spinos Spintion Spity sta Staborms Stang Sumbetionly Summagrede Summation Symbe Symber Tents, Texply Textertion Texterve Thenete; Theneut Theop Theories Theorms Theorms". Therallatic Therens Theress Thermion Thista Ton Tonal, TonNuctron Tooki Tookiper Toolling, Tored Trad, Tramen Tricence Unbols Unbould Unbounduced Usere Userecton Useree Vievae Viticy Vitroder Wassity Wead, Weaddia® Wenc., Werke Whive Wikiew Wikimary Wikipatrot Wikipron Witinoscle Woloped Wormilatino Yeak, Yeamen Yeares Yould Yound Zelens Zeles
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swaqcenix · 9 months
Aww thenets stay in bed and cuddle, you deserve some loving 🙃😌
Ohhh you do i didnt realise 🤪
i definitely did nOt just wake up at bloody 2pm.. i need help atp-
shh yes they're amazing :')
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theNET | Insights for the digital enterprise | Cloudflare
Monthly content across topics in security innovation, threat landscape, and future Internet with executive perspectives on what’s happening in the world and bringing guidance and innovation to solving challenges with technology. Source: theNET | Insights for the digital enterprise | Cloudflare
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#Happybirthday @VaughnArmstrong #VaughnArmstrong #actor #almiralforrest #borg #vidiian #romulan #cardassian #StarTrek #thenextgeneration #ds9 #voyager #Enterprise #thephiladelphiaexperiment #thenet #clearandpresentdanger #quantumleap #Unbelievable #trekkies2 #ds930 #startrek56
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beauclesca · 1 year
•M’ te gwo fán #theNets, men aprè moun Brooklyn vin pran ekip la, yo chanje non an, m’ vin devni yon fán #theKnicks wouj devan letènèl, ke m’ te toujou ye depi lontan, pou m’ di laverite, men se te aprè #NewJerseyNets.
•Aswè a, #theKnicks paka fè lòt bagay ke genyen match la kont #theHeat ke yo jwe avèk #Butler ou pa. #seekGodskingdomfirst
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buyiptv01 · 2 years
How to install NET IPTV on SMART TV - BUY IPTV
On our homepage, theNet IPTV APP with each step is shown.
Net IPTV can be manually installed on all devices (excluding: Apple devices and LG TVs).
Additionally, the APK file can be found in the steps section of the download area.
Download Only the homepage allows you to pay with us. Additionally, you can pay with a debit card, credit card, or bank account.
Payment No, the Net IPTV application does not include any channels and does not provide any information about where to obtain channel packages or individual channels. Additionally, the content that is uploaded to Net IPTV is not the responsibility of the application developers.
Each television has two MAC addresses — one for WiFi and one for Ethernet — and a second MAC is automatically activated whenever you restart Net IPTV and switch connections. The MAC address is unique to each television and cannot be manually altered.
Since version 3.0.0, there is no access to the MAC address on LG webOS TVs, so the app only has access to the APP-ID. However, if you have already activated your TV, it will be activated automatically after Net IPTV launches.
Try the Net IPTVsample test list first:
After that, check to see if your television supports the codecs and if everything functions properly.
Different stream formats may be supported by different TV models and manufacturers.
The Net IPTV application does not include any channels and does not provide any information about where you can obtain channels or channel packages. It is also essential that you provide your device with good internet performance.
You might not be able to use the Net IPTV app because of a problem with your internet connection or a problem with your device. If you think there is a problem with the Net IPTV app, please share it in the box below and someone from our community can assist you. In the meantime, you can also try the following solutions.
It is one of the Android operating system’s most common issues. When you open an app, it will typically display a black screen for a few seconds before crashing, either with or without an error message. There are a few solutions to this issue.
1. It might be a temporary loading issue most of the time. Simply press the recent applications menu on your phone, which is typically the first left button. After that, you close the app with the problem. Now, open the app once more. It might operate normally.
2. Reboot your Android device with “Try Hard.” For up to 10 seconds, simultaneously hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons. After that, let go of the buttons and hold down the “Power” button until the screen comes on. You can now try opening the app; it might work.
3. If none of the above works, you can wait until the battery in your phone runs out before turning it off automatically. Put it on charge after that, and then press the power button. After this, it might work.
4. Finally, if nothing else works, you may need to reinstall the app after uninstalling it. After reinstalling the app and logging in, Android typically restores all of your settings. You can test to see if that helps.
5. The reinstall step also fails, even in rare instances. If that is the case, you might want to try installing earlier versions of the app. Have fun!
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- Yes. - Okay. But I saw him again. - https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e3d6fcca-bf9b-464d-9e8c-0fafe75d2ab1#4h7i8I-b
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Happy birthday to Jeremy Northam, one of the most versatile and mysterious actors I have ever known, who is perfect in every long or short scene.
Please, work a little more! :)
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