phantasyreign · 3 years
Hi, I have been working on your Kikyo theme for the last couple of days, and there is a couple of things I still can't quite get right. Is there a way to add more links on the sidebar, without it ending under See More? I noticed on the preview that it had more before the see more, but I can't figure out how to get that done. I was also wondering the four buttons, Dashboard, message, customize and follow is there a way to change them? I love the theme, so I hope you can help :)
Hey! Thanks for reaching out and using my theme! I rarely help with any major customization questions since it requires lengthy customization + explanation but I'll give this an exception :)
To answer your questions:
Changing the Links' Style
As you know by now, the links can be added by using Tumblr's built-in links. I have added it, as a default setting, to make all the links appear beneath the [See More] section except for ask and submit. Technically, it is possible for you to do that (depending on if we have the same concept in mind). So, to do it, you need to do it as follow -
Go to your Customization page. And click [Edit HTML].
Click ctrl/cmd + F, and find {block:HasPages} .
Once your find it, remove <details>, <summary>{lang:See more}</summary>, and </details>. Click [Update Preview] and [Save]. Supposedly, you'll be seeing that none of the links are hidden beneath the [See More] section. This is because we have omitted the code which allows the link to stay hidden inside [See More]. Here's the supposed outcome: 
Tumblr media
However, do take note of the following -
The font size will be the same as the other sidebar headings like Ask/Submit.
Once a user clicks the About, Ask, or Submit button, every link will be going down (idk how to explain this but here's a photo):
Tumblr media
This may or may not look pleasing in your eyes, depending on how you see it.
If you have so many links and it needs to scroll down, unfortunately, your search bar would be like this:
Tumblr media
Here are the solutions to the above issues:
Decrease the size of the font
There are two relevant selectors that are crucial for this solution which are details and .sidebar a. details cover over the ask, submit, and about section while .sidebar a covers over the links like Index and other links added inside using Tumblr's built-in.
Search for the above selectors at the CSS area/ <style>.
Once you found it, search for font-size and edit it to 1rem (recommended) or whatever suits you/your blog.
Not getting the search bar in an awkward position.
Search for .sbp at the CSS area.
Omit the position, bottom, and left and replace it with margin:2rem 0.5rem;
Tumblr media
Tumblr controls
As to your second question, I think you need to explain further, what do you mean by "a way to change them"? This is just general customization:
At the code itself, search for /*TUMBLR CONTROL*/.
You can edit the .tc > a and .tc > a:hover. However, do it at your own risk. I'll not assist you in this matter. If you don't understand any of the properties, you can simply Google it to find the answer.
Hope this helps you out! If you still have any trouble, just reach out again. Don't forget to share with me the name of the blog that you're using (just write @yourusername, no need for a full link). Another thing, can you answer this survey of mine about theme selection?. I would really appreciate it :D
All the best!
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phantasyreign · 3 years
Hiii how can I download Kikyo theme? I’m quite new in tumblr 😅
Hey! You can refer to question 4 in my FAQ on how you can install the theme starting from step 2 - 7. To find the code, you can simply click here. Let me know if you have any problem about the theme :)
Have a nice day Anon!
P/s: If you’re free right now, can you answer this survey? This would help me out a lot in shaping myself as a theme maker. Thanks!
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