#There is currently a stupid hate mob that uses that word and related terms to harass a trans gay artist /who is from a completely different
bijoumikhawal · 2 years
Im gonna need the ds9 Fandom, just like everyone else on Tumblr, to delete the word yaoi from their vocabulary
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fdhfjdafdajfa · 5 years
Yeah could you talk more about what's going on in your country right now? >:0
I get trolled half to fuck every time I open my mouth on India (a lot of Indians on this site are wealthy upper caste Hindu dipshits) but basically.
1. The ruling party is straight up nazis. That’s not “as bad as nazis”, that’s “literally trace their ideological genealogy to the nazis and are emulating their example in an openly acknowledged fashion.”
2. Where the Nazis originated as an occultist group but downplayed this tendency publicly, the Indian ruling party traces its origin to a Hindu reconstructionist movement which started in the late 19th century with the work of Ram Mohan Roy, who started the Brahmo Samaj, a movement which cultivated a “Hindu” religious identity synthesised from various local traditions and old Sanskrit texts recently unearthed by European and American occultists and philologists.
3. The occultist group that turned into the early Nazi party sprang from the Theosophist movement in India, which was one of the aforementioned occultist groups. A major Theosophist figure, Annie Besant, rose to become the president of the Indian National Congress, from which eventually split the RSS, which is referred to sometimes as “India’s KKK.”
4. The history of violent and forceful conversions to Hinduism goes back to the Brahmo Samaj mentioned earlier, but the RSS was and remains an extremely violent hate group.
5. Its ideology was formulated by Sarvarkar, who openly admired the nazis, advocated the rape of Muslim women, and felt that the Holocaust model was one to emulate with India’s religious minorities.The reason I establish all of this is because I assume that you (+ other potential beneficiaries) have a pretty good idea of what a nazi is, so I want to use that as a starting point to understand who these people are and just how closely related it all is. There is a LOT else going on here with all this occultism in terms of its ideology. The main thing I want westerners to take away is that the sort of wiccan-neopagan villification of Christianity is not harmless over here but rather is taken extremely seriously and serves as a rationale for a brewing genocide.
6. The RSS gradually expanded into an incomprehensibly large network of puppet organisations, a great number of which are involved in doing public relations work for Hinduism in the west. Everything the west knows about Hinduism is because of the RSS.
7. Their growth went more or less completely unchecked for 50 years post-independence and culminated in the destruction of the famous Babri Masjid in Uttar Pradesh, in North India, by a mob of religious fanatics who marched to it from all over India intent on building a Ram Mandir over it – a sort of Hindu answer to the Vatican. This happened in 1992. Anti-Muslim pogroms have been a part of India since British times, but there were especially a lot of them in the early 90′s by hate groups emboldened by the demolition.
8. Another major pogrom was the one in Gujarat in 2002. Thousands of Muslims were killed, businesses torched, etc. Its architect was then-Chief Minister of the state, Narendra Modi.
9. The RSSBJP builds up an ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS army of internet trolls. The average westerner was probably affected by this, because they actually became influential in building a lot of early American discourse on race in the mid-2000s and early 2010s. A lot of diaspora angst (mine included, back when I was a moron) was given voice by RSS ideology. Their ideas got big. In that period it was pretty much mandatory on India to spout off RSS bullshit constantly. They also have a lot to do with the current infrastructure of Facebook. If you watch the interview I just linked to, MOST Indian facebook pages are run by them, including seemingly innocuous things like groups for searching for roommates. Since they drive up the hits by joining their groups with their tens and hundreds of fake accounts, it’s a big part of Facebook’s business model. Word is they also share infrastructure with Russia, which I believe. 
10. In 2014, the RSS’s electoral wing, the BJP, wins the elections and appoints Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of all of India. They did this on the slogan of development.
11. Over the course of the 2014-2019 term, the development premise begins to ring exceptionally hollow, because not only do none of these development projects materialise, but they introduce several economic policies that seem to have no purpose whatsoever and are extremely destructive to the economy. One time they just cancelled a bunch of bank notes and made everyone cancel everything they were doing and wait in line to get them replaced and if they couldn’t do that their money just wouldn’t work anymore. Another time they introduced just this incredibly stupid tax scheme. Both moves were extremely unpopular.
12. Come the 2019 election, we learn that it doesn’t matter how batshit insane BJP’s economic policy is. BJP wins the election in a landslide, with a huge majority of the Hindu vote. In some areas this majority is enormous. In Delhi it’s 70%. In Bhopal – where the BJP’s candidate was Pragya Thakur, who was literally on trial for terrorism, that is, killing Muslims with bombs for political reasons in a coordinated manner with other actors – it was 86%.
13. It’s not just because there’s no opposition. It’s because the BJP is “teaching Muslims a lesson.” It’s literally just because Hindus have a visceral seething hatred for Muslims and for no other reason.
I wanna emphasise something here. In places like America, people self-segregate, regardless of race or any other factor, on the grounds of their political affiliation. For the most part, if you see a group of white people in America, they’re all hanging out together, it means they’re at least kind of on the same page politically – it means they all voted for Trump or they all hate him. Hindus do not do this. If you’re in Delhi and you see four Hindus hanging out on the street, 3 of them voted BJP. On tumblr we’re pretty good about understanding why members of minority groups tend to prefer the company of those who are neither in, nor sympathetic to, members of violent hate groups – you can see where this leaves Muslims. 
A German proverb is being revived in India, “if you see nine guys sitting at a table with a nazi, it’s a table with ten nazis”. I know the States have a problem with hyperbolic nazi comparisons but that’s not what’s happening here. These guys are just literal straight up nazis so it isn’t a comparison. In the two years I’ve been here, the Holocaust has gone from being something people pretend not to know about, to becoming a manifestly obvious precedent which is being followed. So trite it’s not worth bringing up. Why? How? 
Last year the state of Assam implemented the NRC, the National Register of Citizens. The point of this was to “identify illegal immigrants” allegedly from Bangladesh (a Muslim majority country). The actual point of this was apparent from the start.
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This was during election season. A campaign promise.
The long and short of the NRC is that Muslims are being given the runaround and stripped of citizenship and thrown into camps. Like for real for real. So far this is only in the state of Assam, but the legal framework is being laid for its implementation in the entire country. It’s passed without much opposition or protest. 
Fear not, though, because:
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tl;dr - India is stripping Muslims of citizenship and throwing them in “detention centres” and openly promising to wipe Muslims and Christians out of India by 2021 and this is passing without any opposition in india and without any attention from international media.
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lover - first song ranking & thoughts
first of all i just need to say i legitimately don’t feel ‘meh’ about a single song on this album. on any other album. i always had one or two songs i was just kind of ‘take it or leave it’ about. but Lover really did that - they’re all amazing and wonderful. but here’s an attempt at an order of how much i love them!
18. it’s nice to have a friend
this really reminds me of you are in love in the way it recounts all the small gestures and steps involved in becoming close to somebody. it’s really cute and at the perfect space on the album, leading to daylight. not a mindblowing song or anything, but the vibe fits onto lover really well. i’m glad that it’s here 
17. you need to calm down
yeah, i cooled down on this one a little bit. it’s fun and the message is important, but me! is the better single tbh. still though, the feeling of empowerment this gives me over my nonexistent online haters is wonderful. and i love the attitude of the song of just looking at the assholes who live their entire lives putting energy into hating people and just being like....why are you like this. it’s pathetic. calm the hell down. so needed in our current debate culture
16. me!
a real grower! taylor and brendon urie have such good chemistry, tbh that’s really the backbone of the song. it’s just a really nice carefree spring/summertime self love song, a perfect soundtrack for when you feel happy and content with yourself. 
15. the man
just dropping the complete truth on us with this one. i’ve wanted taylor to make this song for years (and i know she said she’s been wanting to but just never found the right words!) the bridge really elevates this too. and it’s sad how relatable the entire song is in literally every aspect of professional (and personal) life for women. i don’t think it’s quite as strong as it could have been, but still really solid
14. i think he knows
this is like the fun version of dress. that’s all i got to say. just as explicit, but this time around it’s super cheeky and i love it. also goals of self confidence if i’ve ever seen them
13. paper rings
the joyful energy this has!! just makes you smile and want to dance immediately, a wonderful wholesome happy bop
12. false god
listen.....this is special. i absolutely think this is the most experimental song on the album, both in terms of the music (is that a saxophone in the bg?? it’s almost got a jazzy vibe? completely uncomparable to anything she’s ever done and still so distinctly Taylor), but also with the lyrics, where she goes into the love = religion theme which honestly....as a Florence + the Machine and Hozier fan, i don’t even need to go into how much of a vibe that is. I couldn’t have imagined it working so well for Taylor though, but honestly, this song feels perfectly brooding, summertimey, melancholy, - it’s almost like taking the darker underside of Cruel Summer and exploring it in depth! this is very much a song i need to be in a Specific Mood to really appreciate, but it’s damn well made
11. afterglow
i love the maturity of this. not just the apologizing for picking a fight, but explaining how it came to be - at the end, from a place deep seated anxiety. ‘it’s all me, in my head’ (those high notes are beautiful) you can really feel how sorry she is. at the same time, the song sounds like something bigger, like an anthem - almost like that place high above that she’s trying to elevate them to.
10. i forgot that you existed
SO MUCH FUN i keep repeating that but that’s just the mood of this album tbh, playful and mature at the same time. this song is just like, when you’re over someone but you just can’t help yourself and have to throw shade one last time before moving on. i love the bouncy beat!!
9. lover
this song is literally the feeling of ‘home’ in music. so cozy, comfortable, blissful. dreamy. perfect title track. also completely timeless - i think this is one of those songs that we will look back on in years as a classic in her catalogue, a song you will always want to play again
8. the archer
this was my definite favorite of the pre released songs. anxiety, doubts, the way they all just keep coming back and eating at you, it’s described so perfectly and painfully. and the production really makes it sound like you’re in a separate space from reality, just stuck in your head trying to find a way forward, to soothe yourself. the ‘they see right through me / i see right through me’ transition in the bridge is fantastic and keeps giving me chills. so much personal connection to this one
7. soon you’ll get better
feels weird to even rank this but......just wow. the harmonies with the dixie chicks are so beautiful, and the way the lyrics talk about the feeling between denial and desperate hope, the transition from “because you have to” to “because I have to” - I have to cling to this hope, or i won’t make i - it completely broke my heart. and the fact that Taylor can conjure all these complex emotions with just a guitar and a few words is incredible. i’m so so sorry for them and i wish all the best for Andrea with my entire heart. 
6. london boy
i already see people underappreciating this, what is going on??? there are multiple cute bouncy joyful songs on this album but this is my favorite because it’s just got a fantastic flow and melody, and i love all of the references to places and dialect specific words and it’s just so wholesome?? but what really makes this is (once again) the bridge. stick with ME im your QUEEN like a tennessEE stella mccartNEY, just the energy!! the fun!! excuse me while i listen to this every day for the rest of my life
5. miss americana & the heartbreak prince
okay, taylor’s brain in this one. i made a post talking about how this song has three layers - at first there’s the high school setting, then it references the ‘cancelling’ of Taylor’s public persona, but then it can also be seen as a comment on US politics and the whole climate of society right now. and it’s all tied together perfectly because high school is the perfect metaphor for this!! she’s basically saying we’re all behaving like immature school children, bullying each other for the stupidest reasons, mob mentality, stupid contests, fabricated stories made up to tear people down, and the feeling of loneliness but also fear and horror that comes with all that for the people who are the victims of it.....it’s literally all like high school in the worst way. i just love this concept, and the melody and production give me a little bit of a reputation vibe almost? which is perfect for the song, the dark dramatic vibe shows the feeling of fear most of all and that’s just....too real. 
4. death by a thousand cuts
........listen, i surely didn’t think that Taylor would write one of her best breakup songs in the year of our lord 2019, but here we are. it’s once again, the small moments she recounts. taking the long way home. the uncertainty if it will ever be fine again. and the bridge/second verse / whatever that part is but that entire part. ‘paper cuts from my paper thin plans’, excuse me. the fact that she wrote this about a movie where a couple breaks up after years really shows tbh, because it’s especially that kind of....not being able to find a part of yourself that isn’t influenced by the other person, that’s so horrible and makes moving on so painful. i also love the production which makes this sound so uptempo, contrasting the lyrics! idk the entire song just clicks into place for me
3. daylight
this is like a summary of the entire album (and with the reference to the past and especially red, it’s even connecting her entire discography together). it’s like the clean of this album, except this time around it feels more complex - all the subtle references to past mistakes, ghosts, that might not be so easy to wash away. i’ve already mentioned that i love about the album (and this song especially) how it doesn’t gloss over negative experiences but addresses them directly, like looking them in the eye and then saying ‘you don’t have the power to define me’. that’s what this song feels like - it’s not unabashedly celebratory, it’s actually quite melancholic, but also full of real healing, a feeling of peace and reconciliation. and the ‘i once believed love would be black and white / burning red, but it’s golden’.....excuse me.....how dare she
2. cornelia street
god, what a magical song. the kind of episodic buildup that Taylor excels at. the vibrancy of the production matching the vibrancy of the relationship as it develops, revolving around this one place in its multiple stages, and then the repeated, deep seated fear of losing all that. it’s just. ugh. what can i even say. and so so catchy. the “listen..” killed me. just like delicate, the vibe between fear and being drunk on happiness is so so well done.
1. cruel summer
oh yes. and here we have an absolute perfection of a pop song. incredible catchiness. smart, clever lyrics but also that underlying vibe of sadness and anxiety. seriously, the complexity this has?? and then that soaring bridge, the chaotic but beautiful but painful reality of all of it coming together. ‘i love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?’ idk this song just transcends everything for me friends. it’s like the vibe of out of the woods or maybe even style but the lyrics are even more sharp, they cut a little deeper, literally ‘summer’s a knife’. this is a song she only could’ve written influenced by reputation: there’s happiness but there’s that edge in it too. idk if anything i’m saying makes sense. i love this song so so so much. 
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Happy 32nd Birthday Nobuhiko Okamoto!
Personal Note:
I’ve been preparing for a while because I wanted to make this with a lot more thought. Sorry for the length of this post. I spent quite a bit of time on it, but I didn’t realize it would get so long! He is one of my top favourite voice actors (both English and Japanese) ever. To me, he’s a relatable, awesome, and passionate inspiration. He puts his all into every role he does, and he never gives up no matter who tells him to. 
I could probably go on about how much I like many of the roles he’s done, but that would be a whole other essay in itself. I even considered watching Corpse Party (the scaredy cat I am) because I heard he was in it. Yeah, I’m one of those people who gets drawn to anime when I figure out certain studios and voice actors are attached to it. I have watched a few episodes of some really bad anime because I heard he was in it. No regrets! Okay, maybe I have a few... I still haven’t watched them all though! I plan on watching a ton more, and that includes a few bad apples here and there.
Despite all the hurdles and adversity he faces, he overcomes it! He has had so many amazing roles, he sings, he’s good at shogi, and he’s just a good person. I respect him a lot. Honestly, I can’t word stuff too well, but I sincerely hope he continues working, maybe gets married and has kids (since he said he wanted to), and experiences all the happiness he deserves.
Table of Contents:
Top Roles (+ clips)
Trailblazer arrangement
Facts + Q&As
Music Recommendations
Additional Sources + other cool posts
Top Roles:
I watched to include even the ones that I didn’t watch entirely, so I put together a whole list. It’s generally not too strict in order, but I went from his good to his best. If I wanted to put a few words, I just included them in square brackets. In those, there will also be recommended clips if I feel the need to add any in.
* = ones that I haven’t watched completely (or up to its current point)
Rui Tatsumi* - Starmyu
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Ivan Karelin* - Tiger and Bunny
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Shin-ah - Akatsuki no Yona
[This character didn’t talk much, so he actually got to play a MOB character as well. I found this character kind of charming though.]
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Mitsuo - Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
[He’s the one who dropped the hot dog. Rest in Pieces. This anime made me laugh, and even though this character barely appeared, he made me laugh every time he did. Recommended clip: “Glasses”]
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Gladion* - Pokemon Sun & Moon
[He’s actually the perfect choice to play this edgy boi.]
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Yumeji Fujiwara* - Yumekui Merry
[RIP the can]
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Makoto Kashino* - Yume-iro Pâtissière
[I just started this one]
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Mizuki* - Kamisama Hajimemashite
[I watched six episodes of this one.]
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Rei Ogami - Code:Breaker
[This wasn’t a very good anime, it’s a mediocre manga, but I still enjoyed it.]
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Nikaidou Harunobu* - 3-Gatsu no Lion
[I watched around 6-8 episodes of this one. This character is a pure round boi, and I like the way Nobu portrayed this character. Recommended Clip.]
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Io Otonashi* - Acchi Kocchi
[I watched around 5 episodes of this one. His bishounen game is very strong.]
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Takeru Fujiwara* - Prince of Stride
[These anime characters run like how I run from my life responsibilities and problems. His bishounen game is also very strong. The strong and silent type is always popular. Sadly, I’m the quiet and extremely frail and weak type.]
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Shouta Kisa* - Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
[According to Tumblr, he has never done an R-rated (18+) BLCD, but he has been in some shounen-ai anime.]
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Issac Foster - Satsuriku no Tenshi
[My reaction to this anime. Don’t worry, I’m following this to the end.]
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Ryousuke Kominato - Diamond no Ace
Ryou Kurokiba* - Shokugeki no Souma
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Age - Sakasama no Patema
[Yeah, that’s his actual name. If you name your child something that stupid, I would personally like to have a word with you. This movie was really nice though.]
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Accelerator* - Toaru Majutsu no Index
[I had to include his laugh to this]
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Jurai Andou - Inobato (Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de)
[And jail is just a building you live in! I can’t remember the context of this line.]
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Kiyoharu Hyoudou - Welcome to the Ballroom
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Yoichi Saotome* - Owari no Seraph
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Eiji Niizuma* - Bakuman
[Recommended Clip]
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Obi - Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
[When he looks into the mirror and realizes he’s missing his eyebrows.]
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Takumi Usui* - Kaichou wa Maid-sama
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Yuu Nishinoya* - Haikyuu
[Recommended Clip: ROLLING THUNDER!]
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Rin Okumura - Ao no Exorcist
[He’s such a likeable protagonist. Recommended clip: Rin x Shiemi because they’re adorable]
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Mikoto Mikoshiba - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
[This character made me laugh so much. He and Seo are my favourites. I haven’t seen another amazing anime with both Miyuki Sawashiro and Nobu. They’re my two favourites. I hope to see them acting together eventually (even if Mikorin and Seo never really communicated). Thanks to Nobu, we have a voice to this madly embarassed bishounen. Recommended Clips: Mikorin Clips, Mixer Clip]
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Katsuki “Kacchan” Bakugou - Boku no Hero Academia
[Bakugou might not always be my cup of tea as a character, but his voice made me like him somewhat anyway whether he’s an asshole or not. There are a few scenes in season three that hit me with mad feels,, but even during season one and two, Nobu aced this role. This role is what shot him up to one of my favourite voice actors. Recommended Clips: Rage moments, Kacchan vs Deku audio segment (scroll down a little for this Tumblr post), Salty Bakugou S1]
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Karma Akabane - Assassination Classroom
[While Bakugou is one type of crazy, Karma is another. Honestly, he’s such a sly, cunning, and mischievous character, but that’s what we all like about him, right?]
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Trailblazer Arrangement:
This is my first time transcribing a song and arranging it! I improvised and made up some stuff (mostly guitar solos that just didn’t fit as well logically on piano). I usually don’t like (actually, I kinda hate) transcribing because it’s basically like trying to copy down a book that someone reads aloud (and you can’t look at the text). But it was worth doing this! He’s definitely not my favourite singer, but I’d still listen to him.
I didn't want to go with an original score for this one because I felt like I wanted to improve a lot more as a composer and artist (as if I'm qualified enough to be called those terms). When I make one for him, I want to go all out.
I found some other interesting facts online. There are quite a few different sources. I’ll try to list them below all the facts (but I might link them to the actual facts as well. There are a lot, so there’s that.
All [Nat Notes] will be put between square brackets “[these]”.
These are all from THIS POST:
After graduating from secondary school, he entered some voice acting training courses associated with his agency (Pro-Fit) to pursue his dream as a seiyuu.
To be able to pay for his training, he worked at a 7-Eleven and a post office.
His family is very strict and conservative.
He was into video games when he was younger, but his parents were against letting him play video games and ended up limiting him to a one-hour per day time limit [THIS POOR BOI]
[Regarding his gaming] his parents told him, “If you want to play games, you can play shogi.” This ended up being the reason he started playing shogi.
He is a practicing Catholic [ironic since one of his most iconic roles is playing the son of Satan]
He’s a 3rd dan ranked shogi player, and he once aimed to be a professional shogi player.
He has a huge love for sweets. I follow his blog, and a lot of his posts involve sweets.
“His favourite [candy bar] would be Black Thunder chocolate bars (same as Kamiya Hiroshi and Ono Daisuke), and at one point, he always ends up buying Black Thunder by the box, stocking up on it, and eating up to 10 bars in one day, that his agency decided to restrict him into eating just one bar a day.” [let the poor guy eat his chocolate]
He is easily bullied by other seiyuu [check out the original post which has gifs of his mishaps]
“[While recording] …he ran away from the mic, forgetting that he was wearing headphones connected to the mic and ended up messing up the recording room, and the staff had to rearrange everything.”
He’s a big fan of Pokemon [He now plays Gladion in Pokemon Sun & Moon]
These are from “More Nobu Facts”
“As a student, he used to fall asleep on the train and miss his destinations sometimes. He thinks that it’s really comfortable to take a nap there.” [Yeah, you say that until you somehow end up in the middle of nowhere and wonder where you are and why you even exist.]
“He suffers from hay fever in the spring. Said that the symptoms kill him.” [You and me both except mine are year-round and gradually getting worse.]
“He played with Lego bricks when he was a kid.” [If he’s the type of person who left out the bricks and made people experience pain because of it, I will personally leave Lego bricks outside his door. Those things hurt when they’re unexpected.]
“He loves the indoor life.” [don’t we all…]
“He read the Harry Potter series.” [I did too! Not that I remember any of it.]
“His cute, foreign Furby only speaks English. Noburin stated, “English is very hard.”” [HOW DO PEOPLE SLEEP KNOWING THEY OWN ONE OF THOSE? I WOULD BURN IT IF I GOT ONE.]
“In elementary school, the girl he liked gave him chocolate on Valentine’s Day. He said he felt like crying from the shock.” [I haven’t experienced that. Was he happy because it was that girl who gave him chocolate or because he got free chocolate?]
“He was hospitalized before when he was a child due to a bad cold (or maybe the flu).” [Well, that diet sure doesn’t help, and I doubt screaming all the time is good for you. Weirdly, I can’t say anything more than that because I do both too except I scream internally while he does it as his profession.]
He tends to get sick within the first two weeks of October, right before his birthday. [I wish you luck!]
He likes to watch lightning and thinks that it’s cool. [I’M SO SCARED OF THUNDER]
During the summer as a kid, he liked to catch cicadas and dragonflies, and play with water guns. [SAME DUDE]
He was in the badminton club during secondary school.
These are all from his Q&A! [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3], [Part 4]:
I’m not going to include quotation marks for this one for the most part. I changed some awkward phrasing. I left out some questions from the original posts as well. Check the sources out!
Nickname: Pikorin
Favourite animal: Dog [Same. I love my dog, Penny. She’s my little sister. I have no shame.]
What are you fond of?: Squirrels [why?]
Description of your personality: Moody [Same.]
Favourite Colour: Black
Health and Beauty Routine: I drink two cups of milk in the morning and do squats two times a day. 
First thing you do in the morning?: Rinse your mouth
First thing you wash in the bath: Face
Amount of sleep you get: 4 hours on the weekdays, 10 hours on the weekend  [I wouldn’t live with that kind of schedule.]
Rain or sunshine: Rain!
What did you play as a child?: I slid down the slide and got many scratches. [I ran up slides a lot in elementary school]
Something you’re proud of: “I have a shiny legendary Pokemon.” [I ALMOST NEVER GET SHINIES. LET ALONE LEGENDARY ONES. THAT’S AN ACCOMPLISHMENT RIGHT THERE. The chances of getting one kinda vary, but it’s less than 0.1% I think.]
Favourite school subject: Math [Can’t relate. I’m dumb.]
Least favourite school subject: Civics
Best school memory?: I won a badminton tournament. [Can’t relate. I’m a blob.]
Previous part-time jobs: [...]post office, fast food, convenience store and then accounting, I’ve done different jobs.
If you could be reborn, would you be a man or woman? A woman!
Who was your first love?: We were in elementary school, in the same class. [Related post]
Any gesture of women unnerving to you?: My heart skips a beat when ousted or “shooed” by hand.  [He gets shooed like a bug XD]
Where would you go for a date?: Tokyo Disney Sea.  [You know you’re at the height of luxury when you can afford to take someone there. I want someone to take me to Disneyland or Disney World, or a Disney Cruise.]
Morning person or night person?: Morning person.  [Can’t relate.]
If you could drive to any time period, what would it be?: Jurassic Period! [If it just so happens you do, *pats* it was nice knowing you (even though he doesn’t know me). He’ll get eaten by a dinosaur.]
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you want there with you?: My Nintendo DS or PSP.   [Good luck without a charger or electricity. What games would he bring though?]
Favourite music genre: Anime songs [Me too fam.]
Do you play any instruments? No, playing the F chord on the guitar is my limit. [I like playing and creating music. I’m just not any good at it. XD He should try learning though!]
Favourite sports: swimming and badminton [I’m not good at swimming. I’m not good at badminton. I’m not good at sports.]
Sweets you usually eat: Macarons and chocolate-related sweets [AYE, that’s pretty much my taste too, so we pretty much have similar taste.]
Something you’re self-conscious about: The thickness of my eyebrows. [If his eyebrows were ugly, I would’ve commented on that already. XD (I usually say something along the lines of, “Is that a caterpillar on your face? It’s so thick and bushy! It looks like you took hair from your head and put it on your eyebrow! Maybe you can’t grow facial hair because all of it goes to those eyebrows.”)]
What will you do when and if only you became an invisible man one day?: Secretly observe Sugita Tomokazu-san. [Well, alright then. Fangirls have some competition? More importantly, Nakamura has competition!]
What’s the scariest thing to you?: In a sense, the most intimidating people. [All people are intimidating for me O^O’]
What is the title of the first game you’ve ever played in your life?: “Super Mario World”. [For me, it was Pokemon Pearl]
What would you be if you went into the fantasy world?: A witch. [Nobu, defying gender barriers. He’ll be a fabulous witch. I would similarly want to be a mage.]
What if I want to use a weapon to fight monsters?: Bow, crossbow. [I would want to use magic or a sword!]
Favourite season?: Spring. [I like winter because plants are dead (I have extremely bad allergies), snow, Christmas, my birthday, and New Year’s!]
At what spot do you like to linger around?: Starbucks. [Again, the height of luxury is when you’re able to afford Starbucks regularly.]
How’s your tolerance to alcohol?: I can’t drink much. [I don’t drink]
What good books do you usually read?: Original works that are adapted into anime. [I don’t read a lot. I’m an illiterate fool.]
What do you buy at convenience stores?: Fresh premium caramel roll cake. [I wish they had those in Canada…]
Favourite place in the country?: Okinawa. [I gotta go there someday!]
What countries do you want to go abroad?: Italy. [He recently said he wants to go to Italy for gelato and to be honest, I relate. Europe has good chocolate and cheese from what I hear.]
What are the challenges to your trip destinations like?: Pickpockets like to snatch! [He better watch out for those vans that say “Free Candy!” They might be meant for kids, but he might just stumble in.]
Are you nervous in public?: Recently it’s been okay; still nervous during events. [I’m always nervous in public. I would like to attend an event by the end of my life though.]
What would you tell your past-self (10 years ago)?: “Don’t give up and eat your dinner properly!” [I tell that to myself now XD If I were to send a message to myself, it would be something along the lines of, “What you feel, what you think, and what you believe is important. Listen to yourself. At the end of the day, you will figure out what to do. Don’t be afraid of being alone, and don’t be afraid to wander. Loosen up.”]
What would you message to your future-self (10 years from now)?: “The you in his twenties is having lots of fun. Are you having fun?” [Message for me ten years from now: PLEASE TELL ME YOU AREN’T AS DEEP INTO VOICE ACTORS AND ANIMATION. I BEG YOU, GET A LIFE.]
If the world was going to perish in 24 hours, what would you do? Gather all my friends and family, and have a BBQ party. [I would just write something in case it resurfaces. I would want to write my thoughts, opinions, and experiences along with the people around me.]  
Where do you want to work?: A place where I could grow. [Same!]
What are your thoughts when you look back at 2010? I issued a sex appeal to play [Usui], and worked hard to reach the targets! [From the amount of screaming fangirls, I think you did just fine.]
What is your current aim?: To be more playful and get more out of acting.
Finally, a message to the world: I’ll work hard from now on to make a voice that everyone will not have a hard time to listen to. Thank you for your support! [Thank you Nobu! You inspire a lot of people (including me) everyday!]
He likes watching horror movies (especially with his friends Ryouhei Kimura, Kouki Uchiyama, and Yoshimasa Hosoya. Kouki is a scaredy-cat.) When watching a horror movie, he experienced scary unknown noises and used salt to ward away ghosts.
His birthdate is October 24, 1986
He is 168cm tall
He is affiliated with the agency Pro-Fit
He won: - Best New Actor Award at the Third Seiyu Awards for his roles as  Shin Kanzato in Persona: Trinity Soul, Ryuji Kuhoin in Kurenai, and Accelerator in Toaru Majutsu no Index (along with Yuuki Kaji!) - Best Supporting Actor Award at the Fifth Seiyu Awards for his roles as  Takumi Usui in Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Eiji Niizuma in Bakuman, and Accelerator in Toaru Majutsu no Index II
He loves sweets... a lot: - He’s a qualified patisserie - Where his love of sweets came from [I can also say that is a good portion of his blog]
He tried to be rebellious as a kid but got “clobbered” by his mom.
He would purposefully wear long-sleeves while in the hot recording room for “My Hero Academia” so that he would be agitated enough to play Kacchan!
He adds chocolate to his curry sometimes
He gave Ayane Sakura the nickname “Ayaneru”
He often celebrates fictional characters’ birthdays on his blog for series that he’s involved with!
He was once told to give up on being a voice actor!
Thank you for not giving up Nobu!
月刊少女野崎君-俺の手でSPARKING!! 御子柴實琴(CV:岡本信彦) - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Mikorin Character Song
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Mizuki Character Song
Welcome to the Ballroom: Kiyoharu Hyoudou Character Song
『 サクラメント』By Okamoto Nobuhiko Ending for Vatican Miracle Examiner
Promise - Kaichou wa Maid-sama: Takumi Usui Character Song
Restoration to 0 - Code:Breaker: Rei Ogami Character Song
Tiger and Bunny: Character Song
スタミュ Starmyu S2 Shadow & Lights 「沈黙のディアローグ」Ver. Tatsumi Rui
Blue Flame - Prince of Stride: Takeru Fujiwara Character Song
99.9% Noisy - To Aru Majutsu no Index: Accelerator character song
Oikaze ni Tsugu - Diamond no Ace: Kominato Ryosuke
Trailblazer - Ao no Exorcist
Kimi wa Hitori Janai
List of Links (Sources and other cool stuff!):
Some of the links were included in the actual facts themselves! If a source and other stuff is missing, they’re included above!
Voice Compilations:
25 Anime Characters That Share The Same Voice Actor as Boku no Hero Academia's Bakugou Katsuki
Voice Compilation [ 1 ], [ 2 ] 
Nobuhiko Okamoto
3rd Seiyuu Awards
5th Seiyuu Awards
Haikyuu Stuff:
Haikyuu Awards Basically, they got the fans to nominate for awards like “Who’s the best dressed?” Then the cast got to comment (and maybe get praised by the two female cast members)
“Imagination Game” - Seiyuu Event Long story short: to win a pair of Karasuno boxers, the voice actors must answer all the same character when asked something like, “Out of the Karasuno team, who’s the most likely to [blank]”
Cast Pictures
Drama CD: Why Noya isn’t popular with women (This one is because I fricking relate because I’m too short for this tall world)
“Who’s Best Girl?” - Cast Comments + Nobuhiko’s comments [video with cc]
Nobuhiko Okamoto & Yuuki Kaji being bros [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [That time they challenged a Guinness World record], [Nobuhiko’s message for Yuuki Kaji’s 30th birthday]
Nobuhiko’s athletic ability
Kouki Uchiyama, Daiki Yamashita, Nobuhiko Okamoto: [Comic] BNHA Cast Comments
Daiki lending Nobuhiko his jacket (this can potentially fuel Bakudeku fanfics. I can feel it.)
Nishinoya and Bakugou at Jump Festa
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hithelleth · 7 years
The 100 4 x 11-13
Finally caught up, so putting down some notes for myself so I don’t forget everything over the hiatus.
4 x 11 “The Other Side” was the worst, I get what they were trying to do, but I’ve been fed up with this sort of BS mentality since S fucking 1, so.
And, yeah, apparently I can hate Jaha still more (though I hated him a little less in 4x13 later but hardly through any of Jaha’s own merit.) Clarke, Jaha is not a good role model for you.
Bellamy was breaking my heart by trying to get to open the door and hurting himself. I loved that Abby helped him – at least she seems to have learnt from the past. And I especially loved what he told her, repeating Marcus’s words that they need to earn back deserving to survive by doing better each day than the day before.
The being worthy of survival is the running question of the show, but I’d like people to finally learn a lesson from it instead of just repeating the same mistakes and questionable choices over and over. Although, of course, Clarke was right in 4 x 12 that there were no good choices – but so was Bellamy when he said that the current choice wasn’t comparable to the Dropship/Mt. Weather/ALIE situation.
Also fed up with the Arkadians superiority complex.
Jasper’s clique’s mass suicide was also a terrible story arc. Again, I get what they wanted to explore, but the execution was less than adequate and basically over the line (see, this actually was the romantisation antis like to scream about) – and while on one hand I could relate with Jasper’s mentality (giving up, going out the easy way, being tired of fighting and pain), I cannot approve with the superficial treatment of it as well as the outcome. Maybe it was realistic or edgy or whatever, but it was hella depressing. Not cool, show, not cool.
Raven’s part of the episode was the best, with alternating Becca and Sinclair hallucinations and reason and will to live winning, thanks goodness.
The science was of course BS, but on the other hand their ability to bluff their way through it is kinda admirable, lol.
I loved that Echo decided to trusting Bellamy’s will to open the door was the best option.
Anyway, with Abby’s help Bellamy got the door bunker open since Clarke was unable to shoot him and in
4 x 12 “The Chosen”
we were back to Octavia’s plan to share the bunker with everyone and Arkadians having to choose a 100 among them. (And boy do I love the poetic ‘justice’ of it.)
Fucking Jaha was, of course, inciting rebellion and some guy went on and on about how Skaikru deserved more spots because of their knowledge yada, yada.
Loved Octavia standing up to Jaha and throwing it back into his face how she is supposedly one of them. Loved Octavia feeling undeserving of being looked to by the grounders for leadership as the champion and at least mentioning Roan’s help. (I’m not over you-know-what.)
I also understood why she threw Echo out.
Also, continuing loving Indra’s mentorship and support and Octavia actually turning and listening to her.
At least stupid Jaha did the right thing at the end, although only thanks to Marcus’s quick thinking and convincing talk, so they gassed the mob and then used Clarke's list to pick who stayed + all the kids (although I assume the kids were already on Clarke’s list) while the Grounders took everyone else out of the bunker.  
How does Jaha get to stay in the bunker, though? I thought they need young fertile people and experts and Jaha is neither young not an expert in anything but being able to manipulate people (okay, he’s a man, so still fertile, but yuck, I don’t even want to go there).
By the rules, Jaha should’ve been out, except that of course the actor has a contract (and look, shitty person or not, I don’t wish anyone to lose a job) and so we’ll have another season of Jaha’s BS. (It won’t surprise me if he does more backstabbing, manipulating, and shitty deals with the prisoners next season.)
Abby renounced her spot in the bunker out of guilt, but then Marcus followed the list and had her stay – but unlike Jaha, even if I didn’t like her (but I do), Abby is actually necessary as the senior doctor.
I liked Marcus’s ‘that’s how we save our people’ – because yes, that’s the way to do it both physically and in terms of humanity. Though his frantic repeating of it was also heartbreaking.
Meanwhile, Bellamy, Clarke, Murphy, and Emori went to get Raven (since they would need her), but were jumped by some grounders who wanted their suits, but fortunately Echo saved them, but the attack damaged the truck and Emori’s suit in the process. (BTW, loved Murphy and Emori and ‘your home is with me’.)
Clarke gave Emori her suit, since she had nightblood that seemed to be working, but thee was no time to made more and immunise everyone (not to mention needing to convince the grounders to let extra people stay – and they couldn’t open the bunker anyway to let them out after a few days because that would let the radiation in.)
Monty and Harper detoured from their way to Polis and pick them up, but they ran out of time to return to the bunker.
So the new plan was to go to the ring left behind by the Ark, with leftover water filtration system and an algae farm and they would take an oxygenator from the island with them. 4 x 13 “Praimfaya” Bellamy said goodbye to Octavia. I loved comparing her to Prometheus (and she obviously knowing what he’s talking about) giving people hope.
Then radio died and Clarke couldn’t say goodbye to Abby, so we got Bellarke huggles. ;)
Apparently it’s 210 miles from Polis to the island. They forgot to count shitty roads instead of highways, so if you neglect that, it even kinda works out (5-hour drive in one direction.)
Then it was a rush to get everything together to launch before the radiation wave. Murhy helped Monty get the oxygenator and even managed to endear himself to Monty a little by choosing the equipment over him, lol. (Loved the ‘I don’t hate you anymore’ and Bellamy’s ‘give it time’. And hugs!)
Echo was about to kill herself, but Bellamy stopped her and I loved that and her remembering she betrayed them.
Communications failed, so someone had to go restore them and since everyone was busy with other things, Clarke did it, but the tech failed some more and she had to go align the satellite dish manually to make it possible for the power on the Ring turn on and so she ran out of time to return and the others launched without her, thinking she died. Ouch.
I loved the teamwork and sharing the oxygen and all, though.
In the end we saw a time jump of six years and seven days with Clarke trying to radio the Ring and telling Bellamy the bunker was buried under the rubble and silent, as well. She apparently lived in the truck with a young nightblood girl.
Cue a large fucking spaceship marked as ‘prison transport’ landing and Clarke telling Maddie to load all her guns. So, overall:
Despite me being fed up with the fucking endless fighting, it was kinda good season (at least until 4x10 – and a stubborn part of me still wants to believe Roan is not dead, grrr. That’s why AUs are for.)
It doesn’t look like they’ll change the show’s MO any time soon, so we’ll get more fighting for survival in S5. Can we at least hope that in 6+ years in the bunker Wankru got their shit together enough to stick together and work together? I know it’s too much to hope that these new arrivals would be more rational and prone to talk and negotiate rather than fight, but maybe? Pretty please? And Wankru learning from the umpteenth past mistakes and being able to do the same? Come on! (Yeah, I know, not gonna happen.)
I wonder how many of the new arrivals are there? The space ship looked hella big so I think maybe at least a 1000, or maybe even a couple thousand plus (an even more important factor) all the heavy machinery.) But in roughly 150+ years at least they managed to stick to English, so there’s that.
The show also managed to bluff its way through science plausibly enough that I can handwave it and let it be if I don’t think too much about it, so that was better than I expected before the season started, too.
I have mixed feelings about the ending. On one hand I love that Octavia found her place and that maybe Wankru can finally learn to live with each other in peace and I like how they spun the Clarke’s nightblood story to enable her survival and her helipng others to survive (also, it was the expectedly heroic story for the lead.) On the other hand, of course, it was white-saviourism galore. But, oh, well.
I will probably return for S5 because of characters, though I am so not looking forward to the potential of more of the same stories about fighting and such. But who knows, maybe the writers decide to do something new and surprise me in a more pleasant way.
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casualeclectica · 8 years
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Why?… (in response to a good friend asking, post-Trump inauguration)
First off, I respect you greatly for calling for clarification.
I do not just heedlessly jump on the liberal train or follow my friends to “keep the peace” or “avoid drama”.
I am not one to unquestioningly follow.
Even in the Army, after basic…I was sent to Hawaii…spent 2 weeks in reception where the SGT there tried to hammer into us, “Keep your head down…keep those uniforms tight…salute and just do what you’re told!” Guess what…my first week in my actual unit, I was promoted and reported straight to my battery officer each day and helped arrange training schedules and duty rosters, why? Because when I went in to speak to the Sergeant Major that first day, I was the only one of the incoming group who did NOT parrot the same reasons for joining the military…”To be the best SM!…To become a Sgt Major, Sgt Major!…To kick ass SGT Major…To serve our country sgt major!…blah blah blah butt kiss Sgt Major!” My answer was simple…”To experience the world as a soldier and see how I can make a difference in this way…SGT Major…”. The next day, my platoon sergeant called me out of formation and told me to report to our Commander…
I was raised by a very strong, independent woman (I was adopted when I was 2) who not only raised me and my brother but also over a dozen foster children, one other who was adopted as my sister. My mother ran the Northwoods Humane Society for many years when I was a child so I was exposed to caretaking of wildlife, environmental conservation efforts, heck I don’t remember it, but she says that when I was a toddler, she marched in a GreenPeace protest with me in a stroller! When I was ten we moved to Eau Claire, WI where I completed grade school. During this time, my mother worked on many community projects, started an after-school kids club, and was on the City Council for 12 years I believe. I, along with school, choir, and other activities, very much enjoyed being involved, even as a kid. I did camera work for the local Public Access TV station for several years learning basic filmography as well as video editing and tv station operation, even aired a fun little craft show episode with an older lady making bead animal key chains. I was involved in set-up and operation of several local festivities, school events, recorded local government sessions.
Now, my mom is a die-hard text-book far-left, liberal, ride or die democrat…and yes, many of my views may be influenced by that…but besides that, I have retained my individual versions of the same views. I do not believe that either side is wholly right or wrong…I do not believe that the system is set up out of concern for you, me, or any individual citizen. The cops, congress, judges, none of them are there to serve US…they are there to maintain and enforce a system (which ideally Should server US)…an outdated and very riddled system, built on old ways, hard-headedness, silly rules and laws put in place because setting an unnecessary law with unreasonable punishment is easier than a judge actually making a common-sense ruling. I am also heavily influenced by the law, morality, and ethics courses which I have attended over the years…as these have instilled in me, what I perceive to be a rather neutrally controlled aspect of right and wrong.
To actually answer your questions as much as I can at this time…
I cannot say that your feelings of support for Trump are unfounded or wrong (this leads to many arguments that I have even with other liberals and activists, many do not look at the other side of the situation with the proper question of “why do THEY think they are right?” as you yourself have asked me)…
I do not wholly know your situation, your upbringing, or your true feelings toward other people or situations…
More than being against Trump, the entity, himself….I am wholly and forever against what has been coined as a small population of Americans who now, influenced by Trump’s campaign and current statements, believe that it is okay to be racist, hateful, un-humanitarian, generally everything, EVERYTHING, I was taught was bad in the world…and now there are people, who because of Trump’s messages and implications, openly express this hate and such that have been termed by nations worldwide to be inappropriate, un-civil, and in a word, bad…
I will not sit here and say Trump is stupid…he’s obviously not! It takes some intelligence to lose several businesses to bankruptcy and still remain one of the most esteemed and valuable people on the planet… one of us misses a mortgage payment and life is hell til we’re paid up!
Borders is a fragile issue for any country…
First, I believe we are coming to an age where borders should be starting fade…with communication, trade, nearly no war as far as national, and relations, til now, pretty good…are countries truly an idea that is relevant now? This administration seems hell bent on rolling the clock backward on this and many other things. My concern is that it seems we are taking a several hundred year step backward with the intentions of the Trump administration.
Besides that, no, I do not believe “uncontrolled” borders are a good idea and I support heavily enforced immigration…but I do support immigration.
Diversity, immigration itself, hospitality are all things that made America a beacon of hope and a symbol of freedom to the world. Closing our doors, cutting ties, halting aid efforts and denying asylum…these are the marks of a selfish, nationalist, country…North Korea does exactly this…to the extreme, but yes this.
The immigration process in place right now, even refugee transference, is actually a very long and arduous process!
My feelings on terrorism being a reason to restrict immigration further? Well, if someone is hell-bent on making a terrorist statement…they will! Any system we put in place will have some kind of hole, sleeper cells from the cold war could very well still be awaiting orders possibly even passed to offspring…nothing but “NO IMMIGRATION” POLICY will prevent such deep convicted action…but as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, can we righteously shut off immigration and continue to be the nation we see ourselves as?
I am for true freedom, true unity, true equality and the fight and/or progress to those ends…anything besides those, I am against!
This is what I believe is right.
Trump has never lived on the same plane of existence as any of us! I really don’t understand how it can be believed that a man with his name on Towers around the world, who gold-encrusts the rooms of his apartments and homes (all plural), has been depicted as a comic-book “rich a-hole” character since we were all kids, who is having his wife and son stay in their NY home, at tax payer expense, to “ease the transition” for his son and wife because it is absolutely a STEP DOWN FOR THEM TO MOVE TO THE WHITE HOUSE (thus any impeachment or such wouldn’t exactly be a punishment for him since he can just go back to his palaces and money)!!!
How?…How does this in ANY way relate to the common citizen? To the average worker? To those who did or were expected to vote for him (of course it was the very system HE claimed to be “rigged” that elected him…NOT The People, We did not elect him as the popular vote shows…)?
If I am allowed only one statement as to why I did not vote for him, it would be that, sorry, I can’t relate to him in really any way besides, yes, the system needs to change. Yes, I hope, HOPE, he doesn’t fuck things up! I hope he actually flips again (the amount of and the things he has turned on should be alarming to everyone!), and shows true concern for the citizens and well being of the nation…
I watched the inauguration…many said to boycott, but I need to keep an eye on this!
I watched, and I saw a new Soviet Union being announced…I saw North Korea being introduced….I saw a dictator, with his generals lined up behind him, just saying “we are tearing the system apart!” No plans, no assurances, it was a religion weaved, call to arms, war on everyone, Nationalist-Fascist (at least the Nazis had the Socialist facade at first), utter horror show of a national address, I hoped to never witness in my or my descendents existences!
I agree, we need change, we need to truly “drain the swamp”…but filling it with crocodiles and snakes does not seem right…Wall Street bankers…CEO’s…people known to have ties to HATE GROUPS…these are what run the country now…and you don’t understand my problem?!
One of the signs I saw in pictures of the Women’s Marches that really touched me was one held by a little old woman in a wheel chaire, it read, “90 yrs old, and I STILL have to fight for Equal Rights?”
The pussy hats…the burning crap…the insults…those are all people venting…people need to express themselves and what is wrong is that things are SO BAD THAT THESE ARE THE ONLY WAYS MANY PEOPLE FEEL THEY CAN BE HEARD!
Comments of “move on”, “accept”, “he’s your president now, get over it” all show very precisely the problem we are calling out!
Do our voices not matter? Do our opinions have no weight?
Are we a nation that should just cow-tow to whoever is in charge because “that’s just how it is?” (because conservatives sure didn’t during the entire Obama administration…just google “anti-obama signs”).
I post, share, and participate in these things because I will always do what I believe is the truly right thing.
I don’t believe in mob decisions, I don’t believe in trend followings, I don’t even just curb my tongue because “Grandma may have a problem”, I believe what I believe and stand behind what I do and say no matter who I am around or who may hear it. People liike to say “I say what I want!” and “I’m the most straight-forward person you’ll ever meet!” when all they actually mean is, I’ll act exactly as comfortable as I feel like acting and I don’t care about manners…except in certain situations and around certain people. This is not so for me, I have and show a base level of respect at all times, I swear on occasion but not out of “outspokenness”, out of admitted bad habit, and I apologize. I say that I stand for something, and if a real opportunity to support it arises, I do it!
This is how I have always been.
You know, I spent some time in Texas as an adult, I was born there but hadn’t been back since a baby, and while I rode bulls, traveled to beaches, experienced a lot!
The one thing I remember most, was when me and a buddy (who I stayed with a while) were doing a day labor job, just for something to do and some extra beer money. We were on a construction clean-up assignment.
Me, my buddy (who was like poster boy texas white frat bro type) and several men of apparent hispanic influence got to the site. My buddy and the others called the supervisor “boss” or “hoss” while I called him “Sir”…I don’t know if it was a northern attitude difference or what but I couldn’t say “Boss”. I asked what the orders were and was told just to grab whatever wasn’t attached to something else and get it in a dumpster. I said I was on it.
I worked all morning…the others trolled about picking up odds and ends, taking smoke breaks, sitting on phones, working but not working…my buddy spent all morning chatting with the “boss”.
I cleaned out 3 floors of the gutted building myself that morning…the others got 1, and after lunch my buddy pulled me aside and said “you’re workin too hard man, don’t worry about the afternoon, we’re listening to the game on the “boss”s radio, let “them” finish up”…now I looked at him and all I could say was “What? Why?”
…now, you do remember I am not white right? I am of mixed background and have black hair, brown eyes, and light tan complexion…
Well this guy leans in and says…”cuz we’re white dude!…let the mexicans do it…we’re gettin paid no matter what…”
I looked at him and said, “You just lost my respect man…I am not white! I may not be mexican, and I may speak proper english…but I am not going to work or be hanging with you!”
I walked off the work site…grabbed my stuff from his place, and went on my way…THAT is who I am…even though the other men were not even working how I was…I was not about to even think I was better than them, deserved anything different, or thought of the job differently. I was there to do a job and not judge others…that’s what I see life as…
At a very basic level…why is it okay and protected, that acknowledged Hate groups like the KKK (extreme white supremacy) or even the Black Panthers (extreme black takeover from their actions, not the ACLU and not sanctioned by other peaceful groups) have been free to march openly for their causes and beliefs of hate and racism through our nation’s capitol…but it is not okay, and made fun of, for me to walk with a sign showing MY opinion.
What I am against are double standards…mistruths…and things that we can all agree are bad things.
I have walked right by Trump supporters rallying in my town…been yelled at to “Go Home!”…my girlfriend was at one, taking pictures for her photography class, she was spit on because they thought she was “with the media” and would “portray them badly”…which they seemed to do well enough themselves…
No, not all conservatives are bad…not all republicans are bad…but they are being represented by those who ARE bad in their actions and messages and influence! Oh, and yes, supporting them, either actively or passively, will bring you to question in many people’s minds.
We live in a socialist republic with layers of democracy entwined…good business is good…good people are good…really, I believe that if the question needs asked as to whether something is good or not…it’s generally not.
I would be all for Real compromise, Real unity, Real negotiation, Real government…heck I would be happy for our nation to just simply decide whether or not it IS a racist nation…a religious nation…which religion…a war-like or peaceful nation…a productive nation…a cooperative nation…but it’s like everything that could describe a nation, America is in flux over!
Land of the free…except the millions incarcerated for minor offenses and the utter dependency on the credit industry and wall street…
Home of the brave…except many who would be brave are cowed into submission, even our heroes, soldiers, many come “home” to not be able to afford a “home” or even the care they may need to be healthy…
Land of opportunity…really only if your cards fall right, hard work actually gets few people much further than a dead end job, maybe with health insurance and some fragile attempt at retirement benefits which are always changing and the hope of maybe a 1 week vacation out of state once a year…
Land of diversity…We are, but it seems like many don’t want to be, stereotypes are exploited and often encouraged, descrimination is rampant, we spent too much effort learning the word Tolerate, and not enough time learning mutual acceptance and respect…
No, even church go-ers, those who preach tolerance, love, acceptance on a podium, dress up nice on Sundays and Holidays and kneel to a higher power, how are these some of the most judgmental, in a land of the free, practicing a religion of love, peace, and non-violence…?
What IS America? Are we just going to be a maybe-improved-version of old Russia? Are we going to start the American Empire, maybe we are jealous that other societies have such a further history than us and we must play catch-up by making every mistake they did over thousands of years, in a mere few hundred? I don’t know what it is…but I will not stand for it.
I can’t be okay with constants of “Now I’m not racist, but [something racist here]” or “I’m the last to judge, being a Christian, but [judgment of someone else here]”…you are OR you’re not!
America is like the rebel teenager of the world, with the never gonna die attitude and the definatley-not-ready for the big leagues brain…and now with direct permission to “just be an asshole, let it all out, do drugs, be nasty, jump off a cliff” kind of parenting from a leader who has nothing to lose and really doesn’t care about any of us, because in his gold-encrusted Towers, he is not one of us…and never will be. He has never lived by the same laws or the same expectations as a normal citizen, and now he is the figurehead of the nation, the main spokesman yelling to the rest of the planet “I AM AMERICA, I SPEAK FOR AMERICANS, AND I SAY SCREW YOU,WE DO WHAT WE WANT!”
I can’t, I won’t.
I may be ridiculed by many…I may one day, even be arrested…but I can promise you, as myself and how I believe.
I will not harm anyone if it is not necessary.
I will not show unwarranted disrespect.
I will not break any just laws.
My children, and their children will not be able to say our family stood by and did nothing.
I do and will make a difference.
Why should it be a peaceful transition to a nation of discrimination and hate?
Should I just accept that because of our skin color, my son and I will probably have to show our ID if we travel within US borders while others do not?
Should I just accept that statements have been made that those who even peacefully protest or voice opinion may be prosecuted?
While these may not come to reality, they have been stated by current administration, and I cannot respect or follow those who would believe these things to be good.
Take from this what you will…you have your views.
I have to say, share, do, and influence what I believe to be right…
I hope this at least gives you a glimpse as to my stand on the matter.
~D.A. Stanley 1/23/2017
originally posted to https://medium.com/@dastanley/why-in-response-to-a-good-friend-asking-post-trump-inauguration-f6f532bdcf8a#.x5jdotosn
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