#They all came out surprisingly ooc for me? Which is quite odd but then again it's probably an issue with me
kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
you being a fellow chuuaku enthusiast is everything to me bc they are so underrated :(
They honestly are!! They're so good it's just. the inherent being flawed and imperfect and ultimate distinctive humanity of the ship!!! It's how they're far from being a perfect match like ss/kk or s/kk and that's exactly what makes them so realistic and relatable. I love them!!!!!
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yuueee · 3 years
𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 fire lord! zuko x fire lady! reader
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authors note: Firstly I just want to apologize for the hiatus, I want to be more active from now on! I’m starting finals next week so I’ll thankfully be done with this semester soon and will also have more time to write. Anyways I hope you enjoy!! I also want to apologize if Zuko is ooc here.
First of all, your tumblr looks sooooo cool! I’m looking forward to reading all of your future work! Imagine this: Zuko is annoyed by people constantly asking him about a future heir, but when one day his friends also start to ask, and even his uncle and his own mother join the baby fever train, it’s too much for him so he complains about it to his wife who only reassures him with her lovely self and her understanding smiles, not telling him yet that she is in fact pregnant. What do you think ?
Can you write an imagine with zuko who is clearly, utterly and soooo obviously in love with the reader (outgoing, courageous, loving) and maybe with the prompt “So you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?” Thank you a lot! ^^
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As the current Fire Lord and Lady, it wasn’t uncommon for the citizens of the Fire Nation to be deeply invested in your relationship - it was to be expected especially due to the uncommon nature of your union. What you weren’t expecting were Zuko’s close friends and relatives being wrapped up in your business as well. Being outside of team avatar, you were naturally more welcoming to his friend's constant questioning, but Zuko on the other hand was not. He couldn’t understand why they cared so much all of the sudden. They hadn’t been as interested when he was in a relationship with Mai - so why did they care so much now?
It wasn’t as if you weren’t getting along with his friends or family - you got along with them quite well and were very loved by them in fact. Outside of them though, you weren’t always as welcomed, unfortunately, the Fire Nation was still coming to terms with having the daughter of an Earth Kingdom General as their Fire Lady. The arranged marriage was put in place to solve several different ‘problems’. After Zuko broke up with Mai several years ago, he hadn’t begun dating anyone else due to being so busy but he’d eventually be expected to have an heir in the next coming years.
Although they had gotten better, tensions among the Earth Kingdom Colonies were still high and both sides were having difficulty keeping them under control. Eventually, an agreement was made for the daughter of a high-ranking Earth Kingdom General to marry Zuko - that daughter being yourself. Arranged marriages certainly weren’t unheard of in either nation - but a union of this sort was definitely unique.
Though he certainly wasn’t thrilled about it, Zuko understood that it was for the good of the people - and it wasn’t like there was anything he could do about it anyway. Even with his position as the recently crowned Fire Lord there still wasn’t much he could do.
On the other hand, you understandably had some issues coming to terms with your new situation at first. Despite being known by those around you as friendly and just a joy, in general, to be around - the woman Zuko had first met was quite the opposite. He could recall it like it was yesterday. Though it was awkward and stressful at the time, he now considered it to be the best day of his life.
“She’s in there.” A female servant whispered to the young man quietly, as if she didn’t want to speak loud enough for you to hear from your place at the balcony.
“Thanks,” he replied with a soft smile, bidding the elderly woman goodbye as she shuffled down the hallway. Turning towards you he was faced with a warm tropical breeze. His advisors had arranged for the two of you to meet a couple of weeks before that dreaded day, and for some reason, they thought Ember Island was the appropriate place. A combination of anxiety and general distaste for being on the island was causing him to be quite stressed - which led him to be more awkward than usual.
“Um, hello?” he spoke up faintly, as if not to startle you. He was sure you heard him come in, but you hadn’t turned around since he entered the small room. You stood several feet away with your hands placed on the railing, your [hair-texture] locks sifting gently with each gust of wind along with your predominantly red clothing. It was against what you had wanted to wear that day but it didn’t seem as if you had much a say in anything going on in your life recently.
You understood that doing this would be for the greater good of the Earth Kingdom and that your situation could technically be worse. You could have been married off to some old creep - but if you were being honest with yourself being married to the Fire Lord sounded just as bad. As you turned around though, you were surprised at the face you were met with.
He had a much younger face than you had expected, but the slight hollowness of his cheeks and the worry lines on his forehead told you that he had experienced things beyond his years. He also happened to be quite handsome - not that you wanted to admit it though. You had been bent on hating him ever since your father told you who you’d be wedding.
He was the leader of the Fire Nation, of course, you would hate him! The country that has had a century-long reign of terror on the world - and now you found yourself engaged to their leader. What had you done so wrong in your life to deserve this?
As much as you wanted to plan on running away the first chance you got, you knew deep inside that it would only cause tensions to increase and more issues to arise. You wanted the best for the residents of the Earth Kingdom, so you agreed to go through with it, but did so resentfully - which you had every right to feel that way.
But as you glared up at the young male next to you and tried to keep your attention off of the scar over his left eye - you couldn’t help but wonder what if this was the man who joined the avatar in defeating the Fire Lord? He wasn’t what you expected at all. Standing in full armor with his hair holding the fire nation insignia in a top knot - he looked awkward and out of place. You almost felt bad for him - keyword is almost.
“What do you need Fire Lord?” you questioned him, turning your gaze back to the rushing waters of the ocean.
“Um,” he faltered slightly, probably not anticipating your response. “I just wanted to introduce myself-“
“I know who you are.” you brushed him off, turning around and walking towards him - grabbing his collar and pulling him to your height. “We might be getting married but if you think for a second I will ever be nice to you, you are sadly mistaken.” you hissed at him before letting him go and walking out of the door.
Zuko couldn’t recall how long he stood there watching your form leave, all he remembered was standing there like an idiot with a red face. He hadn’t expected you to like him of course but he surely wasn’t expecting that.
As he reminisced on memories long ago while sipping his Uncle’s tea, he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his features. As stated earlier, It may have been an unpleasant memory back then but now he considered the day he met you to be the best day of his life. Though your relationship had surely faired through many complications for a while in the beginning - surprisingly, you became fond of Zuko over the years.
It was certainly a long time coming but that strange friendship you two shared eventually evolved into love against all odds. That didn’t mean you weren’t constantly giving him an ear full (as you should tbh) your first months together. But as time progressed and you learned that he may not have been the evil prince that you had heard so much about, at least not anymore.
He wasn’t that same angsty teenager he had been years ago looking for the avatar, he was now a young adult growing quite well into the position of the Fire Lord - which was no easy feat. Taking another sip of tea, he watched his Uncle and Mother come to take a seat with him.
“How is it, Nephew?” His Uncle asked with a mischievous grin and a raise of two bushy eyebrows - albeit already knowing the answer.
“It’s great as always Uncle,” Zuko responded with a small smile, his Uncle's expression making him just a bit concerned, causing his Mother to chuckle. Though she had gained a few wrinkles over the past couple of years, she was still as radiant as she had been in her youth. She was also much happier being able to live with the family she had been apart from for many years without fearing Ozai’s intervention. It came with a price though - it seemed as if her relationship with her estranged daughter who was now on the run would never be resolved. She never lost hope though.
“Zuko,” his mother began speaking, catching the young Fire Lord’s attention with a raise of his eyebrows. “When are you going to give me a grandchild?” She asked teasingly, eager to see his reaction. In turn, her son had barely kept himself from spitting out the mouthful of tea.
“Why do you ask that?” He choked out in between a series of coughs with Iroh patting his back gently.
“You haven’t?” She asked in between chuckles, noticing how her son got bewildered at the mention of having children of his own. “You know you’ll eventually have to have an heir at some point right?”
“It’s not that I haven’t thought about it... but Y/N and I are just really busy.” He thought aloud, wishing he could run a hand through his hair - but was unable to since it was pinned in a top knot.
“Zuko, you never know when you’ll get this time of peace again. What better time to raise a child?” Iroh reassured, wiggling his eyebrows. Letting out a groan, the young Fire Lord attempted to mentally prepare himself to go through this same conversation every time he visited his family.
Over the next couple of weeks, the constant badgering he received from his friends and close relatives started to frustrate him further, so who could he turn to? You of course.
Being married for several years now, you were more than used to Zuko’s rants, so you simply just reclined on the bed with an eyebrow raised as he paced back and forth.
“I don’t get it! Why is everyone so concerned about when we’re going to have a child or not?” He questioned seemingly no one as you attempted to keep your face from contorting into a smile. It wasn’t as if you didn’t understand his frustrations, it was just funny to watch, especially since you were already pregnant.
You were surprised that he hadn’t noticed honestly, with you staying in for the past few days due to feeling sick. Who could blame him though? It wasn’t as if he wasn’t attentive and loving as a husband, he was extremely busy as of recent-and also just dense at times. After noticing his silence for a few moments as he looked over the balcony, you decided that maybe this could be the perfect time to tell him.
Getting up and sneaking behind him, you snaked your arms around his waist and turned so you could see his face. He let out an audible sigh of what sounded like relief before returning your smile and your hug.
“You want a head massage?” You questioned pulling away, wiggling your fingers playfully.
For the past couple of years, Zuko had been letting his hair grow out so now it rested around his shoulders.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” You started tentatively, but as usual, he was too caught up in the sensation of your fingers raking across his scalp to entirely understand what you were saying, so he just nodded in response. “I’m pregnant.” You stated plainly, ceasing your scratching. Not getting a response for a few moments, you turned to face him with a worried expression.
Much to your surprise he was grinning up at you and placed a warm hand on your cheek. “Really?”
“Yes. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell y-“ you were abruptly cut off by him pulling you into another hug and placing a kiss on the crown of your head. “So you’re happy about it?”
“Couldn’t be happier.” He responded sincerely, leaning into your shoulder so you couldn’t see the redness on his cheeks.
Maybe your family and friends would finally leave the two of you alone now?
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taglist: @practicallylivesonline @chewymoustachio
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
all’s fair in fake love and gore
CHAPTER 1: (un)predictability
Summary: Roman and Patton have been dating for a while, and it’s fine. Remus doesn’t care. Unfortunately, it’s another excuse for his family to put Roman on a pedestal. Except that, through a turn of events nobody expected, Remus ends up pretending to be madly in love with his close friend Logan for his family’s holiday trip. Both parties are convinced nothing will happen between them. Roman and Patton, however, are terrible meddlers who believe in the power of love.
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Lightly tense family dynamics, Remus being Remus, OCs for family members (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: Listen-I hate the holidays but I live for this trope. I’ll try my hardest to do it justice and make it work. Name was suggested to me by the lovely @grayskiesrainyskies, thank you ma’am!!
Pairings: Intrulogical, Royality, Creativitwins
Two hours. It’s just two more hours. He’s reasoning with himself against all odds, but the urge to slam his head against the dining table is palpable and he’s barely holding it together. Remus had always hated family dinners, he hadn’t even bothered going up until recently. Adulthood was messy. Family was messier. More accurately, Remus was the mess of the family. Roman and him had long since mended their relationship, they even hung around in the same circle! That only made it worse when Roman and their mutual friend Patton started dating. It’s not that he wasn’t happy for them, he was. Their fluffy, happy, fairy-tale romance was something out of some god damned Disney movie, and Remus was so happy someone put up with Roman’s hopeless romanticism. Except now, because the family loves Patton.
He’s spent the entire night being as family friendly as he possibly could. It was a tiring effort to be dressed up like a “normal person”, without any makeup or accessories, and placating the old fleabags that he happened to be related to. Even then, he got the typical onslaught of negative attention. He didn’t even care. He didn’t, he really really didn’t. What made the dinner so wildly unbearable was Patton’s existence. He got along with everyone in the family, helped out with cooking, set the table, watched the kids, and was entirely sweet and rated-G. The family doted on him. Remus and Roman’s parents told Roman that Patton was “the one”. Both pairs of grandparents called him a “sweet young man” who was “the perfect homemaker for Roman”. Ugh. Perfect Roman, perfect Patton, and their perfect romance. 
Dinner came, and now the family can’t seem to stop asking them happy little questions. The kids table even came over with the occasional curiosity about Patton and Roman. Remus could tell Roman’s calm and polite demeanor was shattering around question thirty. Even Patton was tired at question fifty. Then Aunt Patty had to open her stupid mouth.
“Well Patton,” She says with a wide smile, “You really are such a great young man! It’s quite the blessing that you’re with Roman.”
There it is. That’s what Remus has been waiting for all night. 
“Aunt Patty, please,” Roman mutters, putting his head in his hands.
“Uhm, I’m not really sure what you mean!” Patton laughs nervously, genuinely confused about what she means. 
The table laughs, and Aunt Patty continues, “Oh, well, I just mean that you chose the right twin!”
Roman succumbs to the urge and lets his head slide onto the table, his hands are behind his head and squeezing at his neck. Patton stares at Aunt Patty like she’s gone mad. Remus slips his butter knife off the table and stabs the back of his hand with it. It hurts, but skin doesn’t break. Most of the table laughs. His parents, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his adult cousins. They all laugh at the prospect of someone so nice dating someone like Remus. He stabs his hand again, harder this time.
His mother pipes up next, and Patton looks as if he’s going to lose his mind, “It’s a blessing really! If Remus brought someone home they’d probably be crazier than he is!”
“We really are lucky he doesn’t keep partners around for long!” Says his grandfather, and the table laughs again. Remus stabs his hand again.
He can see the gears of Patton's brain working as Roman sits up, “Guys,”
There’s something dangerous behind Patton’s eyes, “Can we please,”
Patton smiles in a way that makes Remus panicky, “Just leave Remus alone?”
He’s got a devious plan, and Remus can tell by the way he places a soft hand on Roman’s shoulder.
He brightly says, “See, Remus, this is why I told you you should have brought him!”, while making the most innocently intense eye-contact Remus has ever had. 
Patton has been spending way too much time with Janus. 
Everyone goes silent. Even the kids, which is a miracle. Remus stabs himself in the hand for the fourth time, the skin breaks. His blood gets onto the sleeve of the white button-up Roman lent him. 
“Remus,” His father speaks very softly, “Do you have a partner?”
Patton smiles at him again, he thinks it over once or twice, “Yeah, what about it?”
“Why didn’t you bring them?” His mother asks with excitement clear in her voice.
Remus scowls, and everyone knows why, “You literally just fu-freaking laughed about his mere existence.”
One of his uncles clears his throat and breaks the silence, “H-How long have you been with them?” 
“Six months.” Remus lies, he hopes the three of them can act well enough to pull it off.
That amount of time is five months longer than any of his previous flings, and his parents erupt into dramatic cries, “You haven’t told us after half a year!”
“I told Roman and Patton!” He yells back, turning back to his food and shoving some in his mouth to angrily chew.
“Roman! Patton! Who is it? Do we know him? Is it serious?” His father has stood up and has leaned over the table to interrogate the pair. 
“Do-” Roman starts, and Remus knows he’s doomed, “Do you remember my friend, Logan?” 
Remus kicks Roman under the table. As hard as he possibly can. His father stops moving, his mother drops her fork. 
“You’re lying.”
“He’s not!” Patton chirps, “None of us expected it either but they’re very cute together!”
“Is Logan that stuck-up boy from their high school graduation who kept talking about following the proper protocol?” His grandma asks with a surprisingly shocked expression.
“That’s the one!” Roman points as he speaks, then the entire family has their eyes on Remus again. 
“What? Are you looking for some explanation or something? He’s smart and he’s hot and he respects my choices,” Remus scoffs out, getting out of his chair and taking his plate to the kitchen, “I’m not talking about this anymore.” 
Patton and Roman follow him into the kitchen with their plates. As he scrapes his plate into the trash, he gives Patton the most intense glare. 
“Remus, I’m so sorry-” Patton pauses, and snatches him by the hand, “Did you stab yourself!?”
The next two hours, nobody brings anything up. It’s a breath of fresh air to have them shocked into respecting his damn privacy. Family leave or head to bed. The only people left awake when the trio are leaving are the twins' parents.
“What do you want, dad?” Remus asks when his father approaches.
His father gives a smile that he assumes was supposed to be warm, and opens his mouth to speak.
“Dad, Remus and I should really be going,” Roman cuts in, probably to try and save Remus from a potentially foreboding conversation.
Roman is pushing Patton and Remus towards the door, their dad chuckles. They must look fairly comedic with Roman angrily pushing against their backs as they stand without budge.
“Remus, you know the family’s winter trip is coming up,” 
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” He rolls his eyes, and Patton smacks him upside the head.
“Your mother and I would like to extend the invitation to Logan, to get to know him.”
The room is so silent, you can almost hear Aunt Patty snoring in the guest room. Despite everything, Remus can’t bring himself to just say “no” to this offer. The family Cabin is huge, beautiful, quiet, and has a very nice library. Y’know, rich people shit. It really does seem like something Logan would love under different different circumstances. 
He agreed to ask, but he was sure Logan would say no.
Called it. Remus knew that even if himself, Roman, and Patton groveled and begged, Logan was not going to budge.
“Logan! It’s only two weeks!” Roman pleads.
“You need a break anyway! What’s more relaxing than being my little boytoy!” Remus grumbles, he’s only partially joking. Logan does need a break, he can tell.
“Okay but have you seen their cabin?” Patton asks in the innocently excited way he tends to do.
That piqued Logan’s interest. He looks at Patton and inquisitively moves his eyebrow vaguely upwards. Roman opens up a folder on his phone of photos from the cabin. There are nearly two hundred, but each photo is whittling down Logan’s resolve. He thinks again about their neat little family library. The fairly large room goes almost entirely unused, only with two exceptions. Remus, and long past on Gran-Gran. Remus remembers sitting on his great-grandmother’s lap while she read to him countless stories. She didn’t mind his weirdness. Logan didn’t mind much either. He’d be alone with hundreds of books for three weeks, what more could he want? He’d just have to let Remus sit in. 
“You know,” Remus leans in, whispering into Logan’s ear very gently, “We’ve got a big library.”
That’s what breaks Logan, who lets out the longest sigh Remus has ever heard in his life.
He agrees to go on two conditions. He will have physical contact with Remus but he will not kiss him, and he gets the make up the story of how the pair met. Remus couldn’t be more ecstatic. His family could suck it! He had a sexy ass fake boyfriend, who's probably gonna make up some dumb and adorable story about meeting in at a Library Book Club Meeting. Logan’s hot, he’s hot. It will work out. No strings attached. None. 
Roman jokes to Remus everyday before the trip that we all know how the trip will end. Remus thinks he’s more unpredictable than that. He hopes he is. 
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rudistroebel-blog · 4 years
◊ ♫ ◊— look what the cat dragged in! that’s RUDOLF ‘RUDI’ STROEBEL and HE/HIM are an around 24-year-old CASUAL VISITOR to the store, but they’ve been in the neighborhood for A YEAR AND A HALF. I think they are an APP DEVELOPER and I overheard them listening to DON’T WANNA FIGHT by ALABAMA SHAKES, and, I dunno man, it seemed pretty fitting. Like, call me shallow but I look at them and think of BEN ROSENFIELD and MESSY CURLS, FREQUENT PHONE CALLS HOME, AN EASY GOING SMILE THAT NEVER FADES. (ooc info: bean, she/her, EST, 24)
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Name: Rudolf Stroebel
Nicknames: Rudi
DOB: Feb 22, a Pisces.
Age: 24
Gender/Pronouns: Cismale and he/his.
Occupation: App Developer at an unnamed startup, side hustles include working on his own app and odd jobs here and there
Hometown: Milton, Delaware
Jakob and Clara Stroebel (Americanized from the original Ströbel) settled in Delaware in their twenties, leaving behind their birthplace of Hamburg Germany, determined to make their own fortunes. They struggled with the language, the culture, and fought for years to gain respect from the locals in the suburb they chose to inhabit. Jakob built up a reputation as a naturopathic doctor, and Clara taught German after school, and they both strived to raise their young son into someone that mirrored them both internally as well as externally.
While they may have preached the value of hard work, it’s a lesson that Rudi only half heard. He excels in little beyond disappointment. His grades were always lacking, he wasn’t gifted athletically, he had no interest in his father’s work and even though it’s the language spoken at home, his German is clumsy and imperfect. He managed to get through his teen years by sliding by, relying on a quick quip and some natural charisma to ensure he could at least graduate high school on time. People tend to like Rudi, which only enables him further.
He did a year at a local community college before dropping out— he taught himself coding through YouTube videos and computer science classes taught on Windows95 felt like a massive waste of time. The truth is, he told his mother he dropped out by choice, bad attendance and incomplete assignments had him flunking out shortly after the first semester.
Rudi’s success came as a surprise, an idea he’d jokingly come up with while drinking with some friends at a bar was thrown around, and like many things, he never expected anyone to take it seriously at all. As he passed out comfortably in his bed, tucked under the hand made quilt his mother lovingly crafted, he never could’ve seen what the next week would bring.
He put the app together based on the simple idea on a Monday, and was launching the beta by the Saturday, churning it out into an overnight success. The whole thing turned out to be profitable, with thousands of downloads lining their pockets with cash. Within the next few months, he’d accidentally become a whiz kid entropnenur with enough money to move out of his family home and avoid seeking a real career for the foreseeable future.
Flush with cash, the next reasonable move was to move to the big city. He sold the app to a tech giant and got himself an apartment in Manhattan. For the first few months, everything was gravy. He had an interview with Google lined up that he assumed he’d ace, and from there he’d be living the good life until the end of time! Unfortunately, the interview didn’t pan out the way he’d hoped and now without a Plan B and without the skills to live like an adult, Rudi blew through the cash within 6 months of his initial move.
He’s too embarrassed to go back home— his parents have finally started to believe in him and disappointing them again would be killer. Priced out of Manhattan he made several moves over the last year deeper and deeper into Brooklyn. Now he shares a basement apartment with a guy named Jonathon who air dries his socks on the radiator.
Rudi’s making changes! He got a job with a startup, so the pay isn’t great but most of his work can be done at home, leaving him with tons of time to occupy coffee shops and take long walks through the city he loves. He’s also working on actually getting a college degree. He’s secretly studying to retake the SAT so he can get into a decent school. Steve Jobbing it through life apparently works best if you’re actually Steve Jobs.
Used to an easy life, Rudi’s incapable of looking after himself properly, and his new found independence is being treated like an endless kegger. He likes a good time with great friends, and he doesn’t see anything wrong with that. He’s sweet, with his heart in the right place, but with his new found fortune he’s just been granted another faucet to allow him to live a Peter Pan existence. It’s this sort of youthful optimism that keeps him charming. Perhaps it’s not untrue that children become funny when they have nothing else to market themselves as, as his wry words and surprisingly observational comments often remind people around that there is more to Rudi than just being a party animal, even if he himself doesn’t see it.
In general, he’s a good kid. He’s a good friend and helpful— kinda has a Mid-West attitude without being from the Mid-West. Easily taken advantage of and oblivious to a lot of what’s going on around him, but he’s! Good!
H E A D  C A N O N S
I. His vision has never been anywhere close to stellar. From his very early days, Rudi’s been the kid with glasses– something that swapped over to contacts as soon as he was old enough to be trusted putting plastic in his eye. He refuses to wear glasses, though towards the end of long nights he’s almost always seen cranky and irritated in smoky and crowded spaces, rubbing his slowly reddening eyes.
II. He’s been blessed with a wild mess of thick curly hair, of which no one is quite sure whom he got it from, or what to do with. His parents were flaxen haired beauties without a follicle out of place and every family picture features their son with enough wax on his head to look like a shoe shine commercial. These days he’s found it just easier to slap a beanie over his head than to try to tame his wild locks, considering it his signature look.
III. He’s been the victim of several pyramid schemes, some that he still doesn’t know about.
IV. Rudi suffers from what he refers to as ‘the tricky A’s.’ Asthma, allergies, anxiety and a touch of anemia.
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Newsies’ Little Sister
Chapter 9 - Queen of New York
TW: Beaning up, Swearing, It’s a bit ooc
Word Count: 2.2k oof sorry babes
Genre: mostly angst
Emmeline's POV
"Welcome to the Newsie family Emmeline! But first, you need a Newsie name..." The boy in front of me was wearing a deep blue shirt, like the water under the Brooklyn Bridge. He was quite good looking, but he looked like he'd been through some pretty bad stuff, I could see it in his eyes...
"Got any ideas about what yer nickname's gonna be?" He asked.
"Ummm no...sorry." I replied, shaking my head. It was all a bit overwhelming to be honest, which I wasn't most of the time... I turned to Elmer and my brother.
"You guys got any ideas?" They thought for a bit, but before they could get a word in edgeways, I heard a noise coming from outside the door.
Loud footsteps marching up the front steps. I was curious to see who it was, so I pushed through the crowd of boys and went to the door. I was just about to open it, when it suddenly burst open and three men came in. 
I backed up fast to get out of their way, and I heard shouts from behind me. They were mostly 'get outta here!', and 'hey get away from them!'. That last one stood out to me, but I froze when I saw the man in the middle of the group. I knew that I had seen him before, but I couldn't figure out where from. He started to move towards me.
"Hello..." He smiled meanly. "You'd better stay right here girl...You cost me a lot of money!" When he said that, I felt everyone collectively stare at me. I tried to ignore them, but it was hard, seeming as I was already the odd one out, being the only girl
"Oh shit!" I somehow managed to move again, I started to get away from them, when the big man in the middle grabbed my arm. Then I realised where I had seen him before. I fought against him, and all of a sudden, I felt more hands on my other arm pulling me away. 
The man let go and I fell to the floor. I scrambled to my feet quickly and tried to run to the back of the room. I glanced back at the door and heard more yells. I saw the men were shoving the newsies away to the side. They were trying to get to me! 
Then a figure stepped in between me and the men. But he was shoved away easily. He ended up on the floor and I saw who it was. 
"I'm so sorry Nick!"
"It's fine Em! Just get away!" He winced in pain from the fall and he held his ankle in a strange way. I nodded to him and pushed my way through even more. I was used to running away from people. It was usually the bulls I was running from, but I didn't know who these men worked for.
"Hey you! Stop girl! Wait till I get my hands on you kid!"
I raced down the corridors, turning down different ones ever so often, until I saw a door at the end of the hall. I had nothing to lose at that point, so I sped up and burst out of the door. I turned back to see if they were following me. They weren't. I'd lost them, thank god! The boys must've stalled them. Or they had given up.
I stopped to catch my breath and sat down on the floor of the dark alleyway, with my back against the wall. I sat and waited there for a while, breathing surprisingly hard. Then I heard the door slam. I span my head around to see if there was anyone there. There wasn't; but the door was closed.
I jumped up and rushed to the door, I tugged on the handle but it wouldn't open. I banged on the door a bit, but then gave up on that and went out into the street. I walked around the building and towards the front steps again. I glanced into the front window and began to climb the steps.
I put my foot on the first step, then before I could go any further, the three men came out of the alleyway on the other side of the building. They came out of the shadows and grabbed my arms. 
"Get offa me!" I shouted, I threw my head back and heard a crack and the man's grip on my arms weakened. I shrug him off and span around. I draw my clenched fist back and swing as hard as I can. I catch the side of his head, even though he is a lot taller than me. He takes a few steps back from the punch, and holds his face. He then nodded to one of the other two men.
I felt a punch the side of my head, then a blow to my stomach. I was dazed and staggered off to the side, holding my stomach. Then I felt another fist punch my stomach and I fell to the floor, winded. Then a kick to my face. I realised I needed to get out of there. 
So, using all of my remaining strength, I pushed myself off the floor and ran away as fast as I could.
I ran past the lodging house, and on my way past, I saw a few faces in the window. But Mush and Elmer weren't there. Maybe they didn't see me getting soaked; or if they did, maybe they just didn't care...The boys in the windows didn't try to help me, so I guessed I'd have to do it on my own. As per fricking usual.
I hurriedly pushed those thoughts out of my mind when I heard shouts of the men coming from behind me. I pushed on down the street and quickly ducked into an alleyway. I stopped to catch my breath, sitting down in the shadows about half way down the alley. I looked around a bit and saw that there were a few empty green bottles and a few wooden crates here and there. Nothing important, but be careful. If I knocked into any of them, it would tell the men where I was. And I sure as hell didn't want that!
I heard their footsteps running up to the alleyway and I got up and ducked behind some of the crates. I peeked through the gaps in the planks of wood and saw them run past. But I only counted two...
The third one, the youngest out of all of them, came into the alleyway. He looked out of breath, so he sat down and looked around, just like I did. I realised that he might be able to see me. It is quite hard to hide bright red hair...Anyways, I ducked down even further behind the crates; and I think it was that sudden movement that caught his attention. He got up and walked towards my hiding place. 
I knew he was going to find me, and I knew that he would beat me up when he did. I couldn't stay there either, so I jumped up and punched him in the face. I started to run towards the street ahead of me, but then I found out that he wasn't as easily dazed as the old man. He grabbed onto my hair and gave it a sharp tug backwards. I fell to my knees and grazed them on the hard surface. He was still holding onto my hair, and he kicked my face, then stomach. 
It was too familiar. He was familiar...He reminded me of my father. And the day he...he tried to...no. It couldn't be. But he still reminded me of my father and the things he used to do to me. I had sudden flashes of unwanted and horribly vivid memories. Memories of the basement. Memories of the beatings. And the blood. And the pain...And of Nick. And what they did to him as well...
I closed my eyes, and then with as much force as I could, I drew back my fist and punched him in the place between his legs. His grip loosened as he doubled over in pain. I managed to free myself, and as I got up I punched him again.
"SHE'S HERE! MORRIS!" He yelled. I ran towards the mouth of the alley, but froze as I saw the other two men coming out from the shadows. The younger one went to grab me but I ducked and landed a punch to his stomach. The older man looked much stronger and I knew that if I tried to fight him, I'd lose. It just wasn't worth it. So I scrambled away from him and further down into the alley. I ran past the youngest and looked down at him, he was still of the floor, and I kicked him on the way. 
I looked back up again and saw a tall brick wall blocked the end of the alley. I started to panic when I heard more voices shouting in the street. Those voices sounded familiar and friendly, but I didn't really trust anyone. I built up a toughness that comes from being on the streets and having to steal to survive. But deep down, I wanted to trust people, I just couldn't...Not after I'd been sold out and put in the Brooklyn Refuge so many times.
I panicked even more when the three men advanced towards me slowly. Then one of them, the middle one, lashed out and caught the side of my face. I backed up against the wall, I had been in this situation before, but it didn't make it any less scary. But I tried not to show them my fear, because I knew that they would use that to their advantage.
I had a split second to work out what I was going to do. I shoved the youngest and the old man back as hard as I could, jumped, and caught the top of the wall with both hands. My feet scrabbled on the cold brick, trying to find and dent to push myself up. I found it and pulled myself up. But when I was almost at the top, I felt the man that I hadn't pushed away, grab my foot hard. I used the other one to kick him hard in the face, and he let go.
I pulled myself up the rest of the way and stood up on top of the wall. I looked out into the street and saw that there were a few newsies running around in the street. I couldn't quite tell what they were doing. I didn't know whether they were playing or looking for me. Probably the first one. I didn't think any one would want to look for me. I'm just a street kid that no one likes or loves.
I saw one of them look my way and point up towards me. Then he pointed to the men at the bottom of the wall. They were trying to build some sort of ladder to get up to me, but I kicked one of them in the face again and he fell through the crates. 
I laughed. For the first time in ages, I laughed. And it felt good. It was like a warm glow in my stomach had spread throughout my entire body. But I didn't have time for that, so I made my way across the wall, balancing like the tightrope walkers I used to see in Central Park.
I made it to the end and leaped across towards the other alleyway, but I didn't jump down. I jumped to get to the fire escape that was attached to the other building. I grabbed it and pulled myself over the railing and jumped up the stairs two at a time. A few heads popped out of windows to see what the noise was. And a few people yelled at me, because it was getting dark and they wanted to sleep. But I didn't care. 
I reached the top and looked out over the rooftops. I wiped as much blood off my face as I could and I let out a long sigh of relief. That then was the first time I had felt truly free. Up there on the rooftops where no one could get to me. 
I wandered across a few of them, then sat down with my feet hanging over the edge of a building. I stared out over the city. I saw the smoke rising through the air, and the sun was setting. Casting the warm glow and near-last light as it went. I could see small patches of green, then larger patches of grey buildings to break the green up.
The wind started to blow and it started to get cold up there, so I wrapped my shirt around me tighter and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I felt slightly warmer like that. And I felt like a queen, looking out over her kingdom.
Yea...I felt like the Queen of New York.
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maria-zolts · 6 years
An Alliance pt 1
OOC: Posting here for organizational purposes.
Kugane was the same as it ever was even after a few cycles. The same dirt paths graced Jocea's way as she ventured toward her destination. Dark, wary eyes glanced over her from shadows and shadowed expressions, familiar gazes even if the faces they belonged to were different now. No one would have recognized her out of uniform, and even if they had, she doubted anyone would have cared. It wasn't as if she had been anyone high ranking, or had stirred up any pots. Still, there was something about returning to a land that had been somewhat of an old stomping ground. An sense of nostalgia even though she had been more than pleased to have been transferred to Eorzea for her new mission. Hugging her coat closer to her chest she breathed into her gloved hands, seeking some bit of warmth. Winters here were still as rough as ever, even for being a port town.
Her business here was strictly that, this time. Jocea had heard rumors of a small trading company - foreigners that had grown in size and were planning to expand back to Eorzea. Some of the names in the company were familiar to her from other sources, and Jocea did love making connections where she could. Instead of having someone else handle any potential negotiations, however, she had decided to show up herself to speak to one of the owners. She was currently being led to the establishment by a dark haired raen woman who called herself Yenyo. Judging by the brisk way she walked and carried herself, Jocea got the impression she was dealing with someone who could handle herself well in a fight.
The Sunset in Stone company building wasn't that far from the main market. As she was guided in Jocea found herself quite surprised by how well decorated the place was on the inside considering how unassuming it was on the outside. Warmly lit, carpeted floors, a service desk with a receptionist smiling and ready to greet them. There were hints of Hingan, Western, and even a little xaelan influence peppered in a such a way that she could not quite hide her disbelief from her expression. To come so far so quickly was not wholly unexpected for a trading company, but for...well.
And there also stood one of the owners, a xaela woman with long dark brown hair and even darker skin to match. Dressed in loose, but fashionable clothing, the young woman (much younger than Jocea would have thought) stepped forward and flashed her a polite but very small smile.
"Sun's blessings. Welcome, and be at ease, Jocea Bove." she said and gave a polite bow. "I am Maral Qayagahara. This is Sunset in Stone's Kugane branch." she gestured. Jocea noticed how the smile didn't quite falter, and looked not quite forced, but well practiced. "Can I offer you some refreshments before we begin our meeting? I would be remiss not to offer at least some basic hospitality while you are within our walls."
Jocea honestly wasn't sure what to make of the woman. It wasn't that she came off as fake, but something felt odd for someone who looked that young. At a guess, Maral was in her early twenties, and Jocea couldn't imagine anyone so well...mannered? Controlled? She decided to shake off her unease for now. It wasn't important. "Some tea would be lovely, my lady. And some snacks."
With a slow nod the young woman looked over to Yenyo who turned her head and began speaking towards her horn. Maral then turned back to Jocea and signaled for her to follow as she headed toward the halls. "This way, we shall discuss business in the office."
Jocea was not led far. The office was just as nicely decorated as the other rooms, a small section with a kotatsu for guests and the main area that held a desk for more official discussions. Reds and browns give the room a warm but surprisingly unintense feel. Maral lead Jocea to the kotatsu and had her sit on one side while she sat opposite. The warmth underneath is soothing to her legs after the chill winter air from outside.
"From your letter it would seem you wish to network with our company." Maral began the conversation, cutting straight to business. A little caught off guard, Jocea blinked at her a few times and attempted to gather her bearings.
"Uh...yes." she cleared her throat. "We've heard quite a bit about you and your husband's accomplishments in such a short period of time! Two foreigners to this land building yourselves up from nearly scratch and now you're already expanding to Eorzea. We found it quite remarkable. I also hear you've quite the crew. For a couple so young to be so fortunate so quickly is quite commendable, and -"
Maral abruptly raised her hand right as her office door slid open. Another xaela woman stepped in, a heavy limp to her steps as she carried a tray holding a teapot and a plate full of what looked like dumplings. Maral speaks again when the door closes behind the other woman.
"Jocea Bove, since leaving my clan and living in Eorzea I have come to understand that flattery is a somewhat necessary custom among certain cultures." This time the smile she flashed was somewhat of a sardonic one, and Jocea becomes under the impression that it was one she picked up, not a natural smile of her own. "But I have found that the only flattery, endearments, or other bits of colorful prose I can tolerate are when they are coming from the lips of my husband in the privacy of our home. You need not waste your breath on such things, please stick with your main points and let us not waste our time today. I am sure we have other things we need be doing."
A few...colorful words came to mind right then, but none of them were positive. Jocea found her opinion of the woman plummeting. What was her problem?
"I...see." she cleared her throat again and straightened up on the cushion, which was becoming uncomfortable from having to sit on her legs. "Very well. The Ajna Collective is a research facility and we are in need of individuals who can assist us in collecting artifacts. We also know you have researchers, medics, and relic hunters on your team. If they are not indisposed, we would like to hire them for our own research projects."
Reaching out, Maral poured them both a cup of tea. She remained silent, showing no expression one way or another when Jocea did not move to take her cup, although she takes a sip before responding. "You wish to take advantage of the mercenary forces that we offer and you desire to recruit our aetherial and medical department. On what terms?"
"Our missions do pose a risk, of course, so they would be duly compensated which would include hazard pay. You have blacksmiths so I'd assume you'd be able to provide them with sufficient gear and armor." Maral's brow rose at that but provided no comment. "As for your researchers and relic hunters, we would be more than happy to provide them with a contract to our company that would give them access to our facilities, including our vault and library to conduct their research."
A small sigh left Maral's lips, about the only degree of real expression Jocea had seen from the woman outside of that sardonic smile. "So an agreement to use our mercenary forces, but a contract of employment for our researchers. Forgive me if I find this suspicious. Are you saying you expect people from my departments to work for two different companies at the same time?"
The question left Jocea confused. "I believe it would be difficult to work for two companies at the same time, but that would be their choice. Signing a contract with us doesn't mean we're binding them to only work with us for all eternity. Of course, many of our projects are sensitive and may be classified, so they would be unable to discuss them outside of our establishment."
"I see. So out of this arrangement, you will get manpower, our greatest minds, and we will get...compensated monetarily for our efforts?"
She knew it would be a hard sell, but she had come prepared. "You, your husband, and your sister will have exclusive access to our vault and library. We have a wealth of knowledge on just about anything you can imagine from all over the world. We know you've been looking into enchanting secrets for your weapons and armor, we may have information on that. In addition, I have connections everywhere due to my field and my own business I've been building up over these last few cycles. You need to build your network, I can help you. Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, Radz-at-Han, I even have connections with the empire and I'm building connections with Doma and Ala Mhigo. If I can't get it for you I know someone who can and that's valuable in the trading business. And any resources that we come across that are of more value to you than us, precious ores gems, things that have no historical or real magical value, we'll trade to you first before we go to our competitors. If you don't want it, we'll send it their way."
She could see that last part got the xaela's interest. It had been Jocea's last card, and she hadn't wanted to play it, but nothing else had even gotten a twitch out of Maral. Jocea wanted to see this witch play poker sometime and place bets on her.
"Your tea has become cold." Maral states after another moment of silence, and Jocea nearly snapped at her. She could not be serious right now. As if to say 'Yes, I am', Maral poured herself another cup of tea, taking a spare cup and gesturing toward her, as if in offering. When it's declined, Maral simply nods, as if this was the way of things, and sets the pot down. "Jocea Bove," she had not chosen to call her by either first or last name and for some reason Jocea had yet to tell her she could just call her Jocea. "I will speak with my mate about your proposition. Let us meet again and discuss this issue more."
Not a yes, not a no. Maral swiftly moveed to stand and there was something about the movement that was so fluid Jocea got the distinct impression that there was much more to this slender-looking woman than met the eye. A martial-artist, maybe?
"Yes, of course. Thank you for meeting with me today, Mrs. Qayagahara." she gives Maral a polite bow, which was returned.  The raen woman suddenly materializes out of the shadows, nearly driving Jocea out of her skin, to guide her out.
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progeny-of-the-fury · 6 years
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The Waltz Legacy | Part II
Log date: 4/4/18
OOC Note: The text in these logs are strictly for the reader’s enjoyment. Anyone using the knowledge displayed within this text without the participant’s knowledge risks the potential of blacklisting from future communication and roleplay. Please do not meta-game!
The moons following our initial trip to learning more on Killian’s mother offered us a folder in the mail. Within it, contained not only more information on the woman, but also a photograph of her. We also learned more of where she ended up going to work, and who she worked under: House Garnier. With this new information in our grasp, we made way for the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena for more clues.
Hestia De'bayle leads the two through the Shroud and the snow, eventually approaching the entrance to the small village. "Here we are..."
Killian De'bayle: "It's House Garnier, right? Do you think they still have people here?"
Hestia De'bayle: "House Garnier..." Hestia rose the paper to her face to squint at. "We will have to see, let us move forward."
Killian De'bayle takes Hestia's arm to allow her to take the lead. "Do you think we should try the observatory first?"
Hestia De'bayle: "I would think so, yes," she tugs him forward. Entering into the tall building, Hestia circled up the stairs, keeping Killian close to her side as they made their way into the Astrologian lair. "Ahh... I think this is it... excuse me?" She calls out.
An elderly man across the table pauses in his conversation to give Hestia and Killian a disdainful look. "Are you speaking to me?"
Hestia De'bayle: "Ah. Yes?" She clears her throat. "I am Baroness Hestia de Bayle of House de Bayle, vassal under Fortemps. I am here looking for information on a woman named Áine Waltz. She was last seen here some twenty-odd winters ago?"
"A baroness," the man says dubiously, his eyes falling to Hestia's ears with obvious disapproval. "We study the stars here, not people. Especially not twenty turns ago. The name isn't familiar. Was she a passerby, or a member here?"
Hestia De'bayle narrows her eyes toward the man, regaining some fierce composure. "She was sent here to work as request of House Durendaire."
"To work under whom? I know of no Waltz family here."
"Do we have the specifics, Killian?" Hestia murmurs, looking through the papers in her hands again.
Killian De'bayle: "Uh, House Garnier. Right? Lord Durendaire said...she was sent by someone to work here for House Garnier..."
Hestia De'bayle: "Ah, yes. Right. Might there be one under said House here?"
At this, the Elezen's face lights with some recognition. "Ah, Garnier. Yes, I recognize the name. A few members of the house still live with the Observatorium. North of here. If she worked under them, they would have your answers better than I."
Hestia De'bayle: "North of here. How far north? Out of the town I presume?"
The man looks somewhat annoyed by the question. "No, still within the town walls. Where else would they be if they still lived with the Observatorium? All the way out in Camp Dragonhead? No, no. They are here. Not far north at all."
Hestia De'bayle frowns, "they could have moved to Dragonhead, or even Monument Tower, though that is not north. Thank you for your time," she huffs, turning on her heel to drag Killian along yet again."
Killian De'bayle is tugged along with Hestia, the Elezen man scoffing softly before returning to the man to which he was speaking. "Now, where were we..."
Hestia De'bayle opens the door wide, the cold air practically bursting in, "is there a Garnier in here I might speak to?"
Killian De'bayle looks much more timid as Hestia does this, completely oblivious to the sudden, screeching halt of all discourse in the room. Heads turn over in their direction, one of the cooks scurrying to close the doors behind them.
Hestia De'bayle: "Well?" She calls out, stepping in further. "I am a Baroness under Fortemps, I am in need of a Garnier to speak to regarding a now deceased woman."
A tall Elezen woman, refined in her age of perhaps forty but no more than fifty, with long blonde hair braided back in an elegant pattern, rises to her feet. She regards the pair with a cool expression. "I am Lady Olivie Garnier, under House Durendaire. May I ask as to who is so brazen to barge in unannounced so late in the evening, demanding an audience with mine house?"
Hestia De'bayle: "Baroness Hestia de Bayle. I come to speak to you about a woman by the name of Áine Waltz. She once served under your family but has not since perished. Might you know of her?"
he woman's chilly eyes settle on Killian for a brief moment. "And your companion?" she asks, gaze flicking to the wyvern shortly thereafter. "Or companions, I should say."
Killian De'bayle sort of shuffles in place, looking a little embarrassed.
Hestia De'bayle: "My husband and..." she leers over toward Nogelle. "Mmn," she makes no other remark. "Killian de Bayle, my husband, was previously Waltz. One of her children."
Olivie shifts her attention back to Killian, but not before lingering on Nogelle for some moments. She approaches with grace in her step, burdened only with a heavy gown rather than a cold-weather coat thanks to the interior warmth. Stepping past Hestia, she reaches out to take Killian rather surprisingly by the chin, turning his head this way and that as if to examine him - much to his confusion. "Curious," she hums out cryptically.
Killian De'bayle: "Ah--uhh...?" Killian steps back a little, his chin caught in the Elezen's grip.
Hestia De'bayle offers the woman a fierce sort of gaze. Piercing. "Curious does not answer my inquiry," she turns. "I will take your response, however, as indication that you do know of her. To be frank, there is little more we need to know on her as a person, but rather what became of her. We search of a man she may have... gotten with, while here."
"No one here," Olivie replies, releasing Killian after her cursory examination. "I was unaware she had a child. You do look a bit like her..." she muses. One arm crosses over her front to take her opposite elbow, and her other hand lifts up to tug thoughtfully at her chin. "She must have found someone after she left. Curious woman, very particular about her friendships. She never allowed herself to become close to anyone; I never suspected she might find someone to bear a child for."
Killian De'bayle frowns faintly, rubbing his own chin. "That doesn't sound anything like what we heard about her in Ishgard..."
Hestia De'bayle: "He is not her first child," Hestia adds, "but. I will leave that alone. Where did she leave to?"
Olivie lofts her brows up in some surprise. "Well, regardless of what you may have heard or what came to pass prior to her arrival, such is how it was during her stay under mine house. She had interests elsewhere, however, and only stayed...hmm, perhaps five turns. Somewhere between five and ten. It was quite some time ago. There was grave movement in the stars near that time, you see. She left with a small expedition to Mor Dhona to study the lake there, where the stars foretold the movement of dragons."
Killian De'bayle: "Mor Dhona..." Killian murmurs with some distaste.
Hestia De'bayle: "Mor Dhona?" Hestia asked with some surprise. "I see. Then, we might find more answers there?"
Olivie purses her lips. "It is possible, but...not very likely. No one from that expedition was heard from after the battle. Not here, at least. Perhaps you might find someone there who would recognize her. She was rather recognizable."
Hestia De'bayle: "So I have seen..." Hestia reached within her coat to fetch the photo of the woman, showing it out toward the Elezen.
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The woman steps forward again, leaning some to examine the picture. A gentle smile softens her sharp features. "Ahh, that is her. With the Durendaire bell at her throat. She always wore that necklace."
Hestia De'bayle noted the woman's expression, her own softening some as well. "I see. Perhaps then, that can help. I am sure having this photo will assist. Thank you, we are one step closer to potentially finding Killian's father."
"I wish you luck. The man certainly must have been special, to win her affections. Tell me, though. Lord de Bayle. Were you born there, in Mor Dhona? I thought she and the rest perished in the battle, yet you survive."
Hestia De'bayle: "Wait... in the battle? What... what battle?" Hestia asks in some curiosity.
Killian De'bayle: "Um...no, I was...I was born in Gridania. I guess she..." Killian trails off when Hestia speaks.
Olivie turns a questioning glance to Hestia. "Not familiar with Eorzean history? I suppose it would have been before your time. No matter. The Battle of Silvertear Skies, they call it. When Garlemald invaded Mor Dhona and was met with Midgardsormr, the progenitor of dragons, in resistance. The battle that defaced much of the area when Midgardsormr perished. Indeed, if you have ever visited, many of the crystalline formations are a result of the sudden burst and disruption of aether. Lake Silvertear was...something of an aetherial nexus, you see."
Hestia De'bayle: "Ah... r-right. The battle against Midgardsormr. I recall now... not by my own recollection of course, but readings... forgive me. I was off the mainland for nearly fifteen turns of my life," she clears her throat. "We went there on our pilgrimage. To Mor Dhona... the air is thick with aether," Hestia sighs, "I suppose we will need make our way there again."
"Yes...it was devastated as a result of the battle, and only further destroyed by the Calamity. It is barely hospitable - I will never understand how anyone ekes out a living there now. Two such chaotic events...well, I do wish you luck in finding someone who remembers her, but if such a person exists, they must be one of the most resilient people to ever live."
Olivie lowers her head with a soft frown. "I will see to it that some of our own are sent to investigate. When we heard no word back from the expedition, we assumed they had died. If Áine survived to journey to the Twelveswood, then perhaps others survived, as well."
Hestia De'bayle: "Mm. She... died travelling through the aetheryte apparently. That was when Killian was born."
Killian De'bayle lowers his head some. "She was very ill when she arrived in Gridania. She was too weak to carry to term, so I was taken in hopes that at least one of us might survive, as I understand it."
Hestia De'bayle raises a hand to rest to Killian's back.
Olivie's expression turns mildly sympathetic. "Not without complications, I see. Well, regardless of the circumstances, I cannot sleep well knowing that there is a chance and I have done nothing to take advantage of it. So I will send a team out to search for information, and let you know if I find something."
Hestia De'bayle: "That would be most appreciated my Lady. Thank you for your help. We are under Fortemps, so if you need find our address to mail, you will find it there."
"Certainly. Perhaps next time you decide to visit, you might send some warning first, and perhaps not risk snuffing out our fires with the winter cold in the meantime," Olivie says wryly.
Hestia De'bayle: "Forgive my eagerness," Hestia murmurs, "we... I am quite desperate to learn of his family's line. Specifically for... medical reasons. I will reign myself in the future. Remember my manners."
"I am certain that will allow you the opportunity to get much further with those less amicable than I," Olivie muses with a polite smile. "If there is nothing else...?"
Hestia De'bayle: "That should be all. Thank you again. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening." Hestia turns to leave, making sure to open the door /just/ slightly.
Killian De'bayle offers a grateful smile to the woman before turning to follow Hestia out.
Hestia De'bayle: "We are another step closer to the answers we seek Killian. Do you wish to venture to Mor Dhona tonight? Or wait another sun?"
Killian De'bayle: "Um...I think I should wait until I've slept before going to Mor Dhona..."
Hestia De'bayle: "Mm. Alright, then we shall return south?"
Killian De'bayle: "Okay," Killian agrees. "Back home?"
Hestia De'bayle: "Back home," she smiles, reaching to take Killian's hand.
Killian De'bayle squeezes Hestia's hand, allowing her to guide him.
Hestia De'bayle turns, leading Killian back where they came.
And so our search took us to Mor Dhona.
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Nymph Hugs
Authors Note:
Heyo! It's Yuni! Been a bit since I last updated or posted anything on the site. (Sorry those of you who read Greedy Souls, I haven't gotten back to it… I feel like if I continue I would write myself into a corner and ruin the fic. Hehe.)
I decided to write about Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. I decided to write about Swaine. I like Swaine. I felt bad for him when I ran into him in game. I played blindly so his introduction in the game came quite surprisingly.
I wondered what he did in the days he "wondered off" after the events involving Vileheart. Oh yes, there are slight spoilers. Forgot to mention.
This is actually inspired by Wherever Girl's "Like a Brother" fic.
Leave feedback. If you don't like something, be sure to leave constructive criticism. I apologize in advance for any OOC-ness- especially anything to do with Swaine as he's the hardest to nail down, characterwise. People who use this as an excuse to insult and harass will be reported.
Anywho. Here's the fic.
Disclaimer: I only own a copy of the disk for the PS3.
He couldn't describe the despair he felt. He couldn't explain why he felt it either. It reminded him of when the three had gone to the past- the scene he had not experienced as a child. The scene that completely blindsided him and sent him into an abyss of grief for the next week after. Difference was, he knew deep down that there was at least a chance his friend could come back.
It wasn't much to go on…
In the boy's current comatose state, he might as well be dead. And if he didn't wake up soon…
The thief slammed his palm into the nearby hill, bracing himself against it as this grim realization hit him. Normally, there would be some sort of remedy to wake him… The rugged man opened his tired eyes, a hint of a smile of that small hopeful thought.
But they had tried everything. Reminding himself of this, his smile sank again, right along with his heart. It's not like the boy was "broken-hearted"… But then again, what would happen if more than one piece was missing? Who would repair him? How would they know what part to fix in his condition? The man clenched his fist, his gunslinging hand grabbing a fist full of grass, pulling a couple of blades out of the mountainside.
Maybe my brother…? Could he help him? The thief thought, his hands beginning to tremble from the sheer stress of it all. Damn it all… Outside the fairy, I'm responsible for those two. I should be able to do something! Anything! Anything to help… He pushed himself away from the hill, but not far. He looked out to the valley that gave Autumnia its name.
He had come out here to think. In times of major stress such as this, he found it better to be alone. The thief was sure Esther had already called him out on his disappearance to the loudmouth fairy. She probably thought he didn't care- an all too wrong assumption. The ex-prince cared more than he let on. The truth is, being around the young wizard in his current state did nothing but remind him of his failure, which only stressed him more. That's why he was away from the inn. Swaine knew if he stuck around, tension would build, and his emotions would get the best of him. He tended to get rather stubborn and irrational in that state, which didn't help anyone.
There were many times where the thief was the last one standing. There wasn't enough time during those types of fights to revive the other two. When the time came, the least heroic of the group was the one that pulled them through. He let a small chuckle escape him, thinking on it. The scrappy Dumbelemur turned Aye-Aye Sir, Vemahl, put up a good fight most of the time. To Swaine's chagrin, Oliver wanted to try something different with his team of familiars, putting Gunther into the retreat for safe keeping. Thinking more about it, he realized part of the reason he lasted so long in battle may have partially been because of Gemini, the Greater Naiad, and her well-timed evasion.
This was a different case altogether, though. This wasn't a fight against wild creatures. This wasn't the case of fighting on behalf of his friends. The pure-hearted one was in a state where even the distilled tears of a phoenix could wake him. The thief thought of asking his brother, but he had a feeling that he couldn't help and leaving to ask him would mean leaving alone, the Al Mamoon girl and Drippy looking after Oliver.
He knew that wasn't a good idea. He had a gut feeling that his younger brother wouldn't be able to help- having lived on the run as a common criminal helped develop a strong trust in his instincts.
He couldn't do anything, he realized. He couldn't return the favor when the time came. He couldn't help the boy that had saved him from a perilous life. He felt his strength leave him, his helplessness in the situation weighing him down. Feeling defeated, he sat down, leaning his back against the offended hill. He looked to the sky, a hand on one knee the other on the ground beside him.
A tear ran down the left side of his face- an action that shocked him. He hadn't cried since that night in Hamelin. He wiped the tear from his face, with the hand that was on the ground and stared at it. He closed his eyes, his body trembling. He felt alone.
There was a tug on his jacket sleeve. He opened his eyes and looked down to see the Greater Naiad in his regime of familiars. She didn't have her usual smile on her face, in fact, she looked rather concerned.
He sniffled. "Wh- What do you want," he whispered, his voice shaking. He didn't remember calling her to action nor did he feel her come out. He must have been pretty distracted.
She let the casting gem she held disappear into her and moved closer to him. The little sea nymph gripped his shirt in an attempt at a hug. Gemini's fluffy bauble gently rubbed his chin as she nuzzled his chest. Her cape and tendrils spread to compensate for her small size.
Swaine opened his mouth in shock, looking down at her attempt in comforting him. Nymphea wasn't a particular favorite genus of his, he recalled, but he also remembered using this particular nymph often in battle. He had unintentionally built a strong bond with her.
It reminded him of his brother, almost. There were times when they were kids that Marcassin would comfort him when he was troubled. Kind of like this, actually, the ex-thief thought.
He felt his shirt dampen suddenly, causing him to look down. Gemini was crying for him, attempting to use a healing ability she had long since abandoned. Despite how odd it felt, he felt some of his frustration leave him. He didn't know if it was because of the ability- it shouldn't have worked considering that he wasn't wounded- or because he had something comforting in a such a trying time.
"You're right…," he muttered, petting the familiar. "There's nothing I can do." He was still frustrated and confused, but less of a mess. He stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes and took a second to look back out at the valley. His spirits were low still, but the worst of the emotional turmoil was over. Going back there won't snap him out of it… He looked back at the still concerned Greater Naiad. But crying over something I can't help? Ha! What good will that do?
He threw a sad smirk Gemini's way and her smile quickly returned, her gem reappearing in her small stubby arms. "Thank you. Needed some relief, I did." He knelt down, stroking the feathery bauble on the nymph's cap. The nymph nodded and returned to his heart, a warm feeling washing over him briefly.
He sighed and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head. He still felt useless, he still felt frustrated. He still felt despair. But he had regained the strength of heart he had recently lost. "Familiars are still creatures with separate feelings from our own. Why do I forget that so easily?"
A/N: Before most of your familiars become your familiars, they are considered beasts. They have feelings, personalities, and histories before they join your team, much like the human members of your party. There's a cave outside of Nazcaa that proves this because there's a bunch of "friendly" beasts that you can go on unofficial quests for, including one of my favorite species line: the naiads. When you consider the way they act in the creature cage, even as familiars, they're still partially separate when it comes to personality and mindset.
Yeah. I switched out Swaine's main one with the lemur. I was experimenting with his set up. He really likes using the nymph, though. It's weird since Gem's not in his "favorite" genus group… I tend to ignore the whole favorite type thing in the game sometimes, though I probably shouldn't. Greater Naiad's are evasive healer types with light magic attacks. I noticed that when I removed Gemini from his team, he seemed to faint more, so it makes me wonder if the ally AI selects the most strategically sound familiar at the time. (In the winter islands, Esther busted out Soliton, the Grandsun, because he had fire affinity.) Most of the time evading and healing is pretty sound strategy and it would explain why sometimes he's the last up to bat.
Outside game mechanics, considering how much he uses Gemini in my version of the game, I always wondered if there's some sort of familiarity between him and the jellyfish. Maybe it reminds him of his brother.
And yes… I do assign genders to my familiars. And now that I really think about it, outside of the undetermined gender of a few, most of my mains are male. I don't know how that happened.
This is a long author's note… Might write another fanfic inspired by a movie I watched recently. Considering how the thief closes himself off, it makes me wonder if there are talents he neglected to mention outright. *Hint, hint*
Anyway. I'm done writing half a page for one lousy author's note. No doubt you've clicked on another story by now. (Might make this a drabble fic named after the first chapter… Watch out.) You're probably bored of me talking. Bye.
0 notes