#They are fun but also two white gays which is funnily like one of the very few non-interracial pairings lol
itsanidiom · 1 year
(^ u ^;) 
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Some thoughts on Nocturne
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Okay, we finally have a trailer and some actual information on the show, I think it is kinda fun to speculate, right? And just have some thoughts. No, scratch that: Actually I got a lot of thoughts. Even though barely anything is confirmed.
Firstly: Yeah, let's face it, it does not look like there is a ton of plot tonna survive from the two games inspiring it. Which undoubtedly will once again leave the game fans angry. But even though I enjoyed the heck out of Symphony of the Night (still gotta play Rondo full), I still think it is kinda a good thing. Because most Castlevania games are fairly light on story. Which - I said this before - is okay. It is totally okay for a videogame to be like: "Slay big monster." But if you want to translate it into a more narrative focused medium, you gotta change stuff.
I was originally kinda sceptical about the entire French Revolution thing for two reasons. 1) Well, technically I doubt that the French Revolution is still gonna happen after how the first series ended. But that might just be me. 2) Western Media, but American Media especially sucks when it comes to portrayels of the French Revolution as it usually goes back to the "There were good people on both sides!" kinda outlook, that does not really get the revolution and everything that was going on.
Funnily enough the thing that made me a bit more optimistic on this point is just them making Annette Black and from what I gather from that preview article released two days someone who has escaped slavery. I mean, game!Annette is just the usual passive kinda woman for the most part. And this is... definitely more interesting than that.
Especially given there is also another detail that nobody seems to acknowledge: Outside of showrunner Clive Bradley, all the episode writers (Temi Oh, Testament and Zodwa Nyoni) are Black. Which kinda seems like a very conscious choice. And given that the French Revolution does not get the credit it deserves as an abolition movement and something that definitely also helped to lead to the Haitain Revolution, I start to get my hopes up that they are gonna actually work with that aspect of the (hi)story.
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One thing that is also interesting to me - though also kinda iffy - is the thing with Orlox and Richter's mother.
Iffy because it makes Richter join the ranks of Castlevania protagonists at least partly inspired by the death of a woman. What is it with this franchise and that fucking refrigirating warehouse filled with women?! I mean, Jesus, you people are aware that man can actually be inspired to do stuff for other reasons than a woman dying, right?!
But... We also know that Orlox does not seem to be the main antagonist, but apparently is someone who ends up making uneasy allies with Richter and Co., which kinda makes me hope that there is actually gonna be a bit more nuance to this than it appears at first glance.
Orlox says in the trailer that Richter's mom killed someone very dear to him (honestly, if this is gonna be another refrigerated woman, I am gonna flip a fucking table, though I guess I also do not want buried gays) and a part of me kinda hopes that it might go into the direction I brought up concerning my Belmont family headcanon with this discussing the idea of "killing all vampires is kinda bad, too".
Another thing about Orlox is, too, that he is not white. I read him as Black originally, but given that he is voiced by Zahn McClarnon, who is indigenous, I am gonna assume Orlox here is of Indigenous heritage. Which is gonna make for an interesting storybeat, given that in the series so far we had non-white vampires, yes, but... none of them had much in terms of story, let alone even voicelines.
Especially given another thing...
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Given from what we see in the trailer, there definitely is gonna be a theme of "nobility = vampires" going on here. We can only guess about how much of it being like actual: "Oh, yeah, all nobles are vampires!" But there are definitely gonna be some vampires nobles opposed to the revolution. That seems to be pretty clear.
Aaaaaand... that makes me wonder, whether or not there is actually gonna be some commentary about the different ranks within vampire society.
Let me explain: All vampires with voicelines (or, heck, NAMES) within the original Castlevania series were nobles of some sort. It was what in other franchises would be called Vampire Lords. Well, with the exception of Ratko, that is, who explicitly is a soldier. Most of the vampire soldiers are just faceless characters with the same four designs repeating over and over. They are just the canon fodder who dies, when the heroes need their action scenes. But... That always made me wonder what vampire society actually looked like for these people.
And given the time this is now set in... and that Orlox is apparently indigenous... I kinda doubt that he is a vampire lord, given the times. If we have the vampire nobility being actual nobility... They gotta be racist, right?
Maybe I am just conjecturing too much here. But... That would actually make for an interesting idea.
Also, also... In the original show there is not a single Black or Arabian vampire. Which is also... interesting. Just saying.
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We also know that the main antagonist seems to be Erzsebet Báthory (rather than Shaft or Dracula, though obviously this could also be the trailer trying to mislead us).
Fun Fact: Did you know that there is two vampires in the Castlevania games based on historical serial killers, who these days are both presumed to have been innocent? (Bathory and de Rais.)
This is something where I am super interested to see, where they are going to go with the character. Because there definitely is this historical assumption these days that she might have been innocent - and man would that make for a more interesting character than her being actually just a child murderer.
We so far see too little of her to really speculate much. But I definitely find it interesting that they have chosen her as the antagonist.
Also... There is this whole thing of Vampire Messiah and all of that going on and blocking out the sun and what not. And I kinda do wonder if anyone is gonna go like: "Uhm, yeah, without a sun we cannot grow shit and everyone is gonna starve, including vampires!"
Other more short form thoughts:
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We see this night creature apparently saving Annette from a vampire or other night creature. What's up with that? Or is it even a night creature? We definitely see night creatures in that big eclipse scene, but there issomething else that might be going on here. Because...
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Admittedly, the one vampire I have trouble placing in my theory is this one. She does seem to be on the side of Bathory in this based on everything we see in the trailer. From all I can find, she does not have a name as far as I could find. But she does fight Annette and all of that. And she definitely is Black, making me wonder what her story is.
BUUUUUT... If you look at her full design in the scene where she is fighting Annette, she looks remarkably like the night creature saving Annette in the above screenshot. So...
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We see those masked figures in the trailer, with the clear implication that they are vampires. And last night (well, European night that is) someone on one of the servers was like: "Hey, is the blond masked guy Alucard with short hair?" And I originally brushed it off. But... I also think now they might be right, because he has normal ears and not poity vampire ears. And that is only something we saw in Alucard so far (not that we see a ton of his ears - which made me to always assume for my fics he has pointy ears, but I crossreferenced the models and yeah, no, Alucard has normal ears). So, either this is Alucard... or some other dhampir. Probably not a full-blooded vampire though.
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In this one shot of what seems to be Annette using her magic, we see that she has a Fleur-de-lis either painted, tattooed or branded on her right hand. And I gotta wonder what is up with that. Given that she is a freed/runaway slave, I do wonder whether she has some ties to the royal family in one way or another?
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We do see Maria summon what clearly looks like Byakku. And I am wondering how they are gonna go about Maria's powerset. Because it is another thing were the games do not have a ton of story happening. She summons beasts that are strictly linked to East Asian mythology, even though she is not from East Asia because of... reasons. I certainly hope she is gotta get more of a reason to do so here. (Especially given her entire Ninja-thing in Symphony, that made about as much sense lol Please note: I love game!Maria. It is just kinda a hilarious "Japanese games will do this" thing to me.)
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We do not see a ton of Tera using magic in the trailer. Buuuuut in this scene she uses ice magic and definitely uses the same hand sign for it Sypha uses. She also vaguely has the same color scheme (blue and black) as the speakers do. And the same blue eyes like Sypha. Is she related to the speakers somehow? (And given the role that the Romani people also kinda had in terms of the revolution: Will we just stick with the speakers taking over the roles of Sinti and Roma?)
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What is going on in this scene?
I mean, we definitely see Richter using magic in the trailer (which still makes a ton of sense to me, given he is gonna be as much of a descendent of Sypha as he is of Trevor). But this... does kinda seem as if he might have something more than just normal magic going on there.
Also: I just adore that half of the trailer Richter is crying. Someone hug this poor boy.
Finally: I sure hope it will keep up the gay levels of the series so far xD
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mercymermaid · 10 months
next stop theatre rtc production rant
@ihavenoideamanokay you're being sacrificed
- jane didn't actually sing during her first verse of karnak's dream of life, she just flung her doll around which was iconic
- karnak unfortunately spoke very quickly and didn't have the comedic timing of 2016 :(
- virgil was this tiny little rat who moved up and down it was so silly
- karnak had little blinds in his booth and the front one got stuck and at first we thought it was a bit until he opened the side one and said "oh that one works-" (and then during the entirety of uranium suite he was trying to fix it 😭)
- ocean and constance both had the same outfit, jane had the same outfit as them but with white socks (instead of black), noel had a whole ass blazer over his dress shirt, mischa was. mischa. and ricky had a normal sweater vest over his dress shirt and a beanie
- during uranium suite constance kept managing to channel Main Character Energy (/pos) and then ocean just went. nope <3 and constance actively looked hurt
- once karnak started speaking and they were all standing there ricky was rubbing his throat like "oh my god-"
- noel was a lot less vocally expressive but damn his facial expressions were on POINT
- constance was just having this huge ass panic attack throughout the entirety of everyone's catchphrases and it's hilarious
- speaking of, during everyone's introductions, they hovered by karnak's booth just in like a video game idle animation
- noel, instead of being disgusted, just kinda shrugged like "okay, me, pop off"
- ricky did a handstand and slayed
- jane sounds a lot more like an actual teenager, which was great
- she also had a ragdoll which slayed and it's head was constantly falling off
- noel looked like he was struggling very VERY greatly to keep it together while ocean talked
- mischa and noel were so nice to jane 😭 - noel was talking to her about nails during ocean's intro and waving ajd shir, and they both like ushered her around and shit oh my godddd 😭 they'd make hand gestures and jane would imitate and they looked so proud oml 😭 
- mischa sounds german 😭 
- ocean started her songs by aggressively blowing a whistle which spurred everyone into choreography
- jane was really out of it and didn't actually know what she was doing until towards the end of what the world needs 
- ocean somehow managed to hurt everyone at the end - noel was hit in the nose, constance was knocked down, ricky was as well, mischa got kicked away, and ocean used jane as a little stepping thing at the end
- they all very much enjoyed that, and as karnak announced the 'unanimous vote' thing, ricky and noel both were trying not to laugh
- noel started dramatically clapping and it was great
- "not all gay people are fun to be around" he stared ocean right down, stuck his middle finger in his mouth and then cornered her into the middle while aggressively flipping her off (as he should)
- noel yelled a LOT more than "sweet jesus christ on a stick" when he was fed up "I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUYS-"
- his idle animation was some really weird sexually invigorating writhing (funnily enough mischa was sitting behind him 😭)
- instead of the gay pose for the "his mother found out two things", this mf all but twerked and showed off his ass to the audience 
- this man. /pos
- during the "i hear it gives you an erection" ocean looked on the verge of tears and smiled and nodded aggressively when constance suggested just moving on
- noel was fruiTEA he was not holding back at ALL 
- the taco bell pic was on thr back of a karnak poster and noel all but sprinted and screamed to stand in front of it and trying to play it cool (he failed miserably)
- oh the flirting with mischa was WILD
- at one point he made some innuendo ("never wrote a novel.. or had sex.." points at mischa with a wink) and mischa immediately started texting talia
- instead of a full-blown kiss scene it was a bit more of a little peck and then mischa going "😍"
- and then right after that he got his wig lmao
- he was laughing like a MANIAC he was FERAL
- he was about to do a split and then after constance refused to pay he gave up
- his "tell the lord im dying like him" moment was less dramatic and more peppy
- he just say up and excitedly started rattling off what he would say
- he walked down a pathway of chairs and boxes to The Box and then did his lovely singing while everyone else was also on chairs and shit lmao 
- ricky's accordion was rapidly falling apart 💀
- karnak danced to every song except wtwn and ballad
- again. more fucking flirting with mischa. this man was WILD-
- everyone was sitting on the sidelines during ocean's lesson rant
- jane was sitting with constance, trying to show her her doll, which constance accidentally threw onto the stage
- jane went to get it and mischa went "no-"
- also when karnak said "not every story has a lesson" constance was motioning for him to stop like "please do not-"
- tsia was dope. he had a fur coat and EVERYTHING. he was slaying hard
- everyone was being extremely sexual which was fuckinf hilarious to watch 💀 
- noel was getting INTO IT
- ricky had a silly little robot head thing
- "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" he offered his rapper dollar sign necklace 😭 ily sm my guy
- someone said "aw" and he focused on them for the rest of the song lmao
- talia was beautiful. the big projection fabric was brought in as a veil by jane, and then they used it to shadow project jane and (i think) noel dancing behind it it was so cooollllll 
- instead of the dance circle they all just started dancing crazily it was great lmao
- mischa fucking THREW himself at ricky and noel that mf was sobbing
- no sped up speech from ocean (thankfully /j)
- however at the virginity bit noel immediately walked over like "fucking SPILL"
- they all collectively nudged ricky forward it was so sweet like "you should go"
- it was. wild.
- as he was explaining his religion, noel was nodding along like "yeah this seems sick dude"
- instead of having ocean, jane, and constance at the beginning, he had jane, constance, and noel (bisexual king) 
- he had a cape for a bit but took it off before the "it gets weird now"
- speaking of there was no backstage or costume change he just played guitar aggressively smh
- everyone had a cat helmet and fluffy cat tail and they all has different color and they all had visors and mischa's was constantly falling off 💀 
- mischa: "dude you are so cool now" ricky: "nobody-" *gives the biggest fattest nastiest side eye to ocean* "-ever listened to me"
- jane gave her doll to karnak 😭 dadnakdadnakdadnakdadnak-
- her voice was so powerful holy SHIT
- the choreography was everyone moving around with masks on their hands like heads before the first chorus, and then after that it was just hands constantly grabbing at her
- she was terrified kf the hands and heads
- oh and there was uv lihting which made everything very very ckntrasty holy shiat
- her voice was torn between fear pain and anger and it was so fucking gorgeous DUDEEEE
- THOSE HIGH NOTES 🤩 best jane ive seen since emily rohm (i say, this being the only other version i've seen-)
- at the end she just kinda stood there, nobody else was on stage, she kicked the floor like a lil pouty child (my sweetheart) but then when the others started singing happy birthday her eyes widened like "what the fuckkkk"
- mischa beat boxed the first half of the og birthday song
- the new birthday song was super awkward but then ocean figured out the beat and it got really fast really randomly for some reason- felt a bit rushed
- they all blew it out together so once she reached for the cupcake it was already put out
- she didn't wander off to eat the cupcake shr went straight to Ricky
- at first he kinda dismissed her but... oh my goD
- her voice was so confident "savannah, with the greenest eyes..!"
- once the focus shifted off of them ricky unwrapped the cupcake and then he took a bite to show her how to eat it then they took turns until she just shoved the entire thing in her mouth-
- mischa was all alone and then he pointed the bottle at noel who came over
- he offered a sip and noel was such a lightweight hetook one gulp and his knees buckles 😭 
- they had their deep convo and then just took turns drinking until they ended up finishing the entire bottle
- the constance ocean situation. goddamn. it escalated to yelling and then constance punched he really hard and ocean sat down and sulked for the entirety of jawbreaker
- mischa was the guy and he had the tattoo and once he was Free the look of disgust on his face as he tried to dust himself off
- everyone was kinda smiling somberly as constance talked
- they all kinda did their own jigs yk
- dadnak had them walk past his booth and grab various sparkly accessories from a bucket for them to dance with it was so cute
- no recorder solo sadly but she did do some wicked scatting
- it was utterly amAZING
- as ocean being the final vote is announced, the choir turns to look at her rhythmically, and then just look at that exact spot for the rest of her monologue
- it is. long. obviously
- as she's turning around to pick the final vote, everyone makes varying faces of some sort of hope, and as she chooses jane, they relax
- jane's life is revealed by a waterfall of photographs coming from the ceiling and everyone crowds around her to point out all the stuff in them as ocean starts its not a game
- eventually she has all the photos and she's shuffling through them quickly on the verge of tears
- she leaves without much fanfare, constance WAVES and jane runs off behind the wings
- karnak gets his ass killed and just leans out the window, very dead (his death scene was.. interesting)
- as they start it's just a ride oh my god 😭 it's so happy because they're just kinda running around and dancing together and everything AUGH MY HEART
- this one chair to the side was used as the breakdown chair because constance had like thirty anxiety attacks on it and noel was barely keeping himself together from tearing ocean to shreds 
- can't remember in which interaction specifically but ocean pisses mischa off and he stomps off to sulk backwards on a chair by ricky
- either at the beginning of lament or tsia jane fucking. chucks. her doll somewhere behind karnak's booth
- at one point jane and ocean are sitting next to each other and jane keeps trying to initiate contact and ocean is leaning away like 'fuck no babes'
- mischa beat boxing was a good bit and he did it twice-
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anyway that's all-
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tuttocenere · 2 months
So in an ongoing attempt to work my way through the western BL canon, I finally watched Red White and Royal Blue. It was honestly exactly what I expected, but I liked it more than I thought. Solidly OK film.
Some thoughts:
Extremely sub-porn level acting and dialogue in some scenes, especially on the main American dude who also looked way older than the role... But as an opera watcher I can deal with all that.
I liked how this story didn't hate women at all, in fact basically every important character except the two leads was a woman with various characteristics and flaws, which was nice.
Finally I understand where the Tumblr meme about characters self-labelling comes from, because dang, the main character sure does say "I am bisexual" seventeen times, including once after being presented with a list of other options.
Funnily enough the story would actually have been way MORE interesting if it WASN'T gay, because the whole "can't get involved with the (working class, mixed race, Texan, politically active) child of the American president" plot just gets dropped completely in favor of having the characters say "being gay is actually fine :)" and then the movie ends.
I did like the very mild implication that Henry's grandfather the king is also gay and just not public about it. One subtle moment in this whole tacky film...
The romance didn't really grab me but I'm kinda used to that, and at least they actually put some effort into establishing the relationship instead of just having them meet and instantly fall in love (it later turns out they actually both had a crush for a while before that, but idk, it was presented in a fun way, it was fine).
The whole setup had some pretty strong YA vibes but they still gave a fairly realistic image of what role these 20 year olds would be playing in their world, with most of the actual decision maker characters being much older, which was nice compared to SOME franchises.
I also liked how they kinda fetishised the English dude with all his little ties and jumpers, but also the American dude looked extremely American with his jeans and quilt pattern jackets. Don't really know how that looks to an Anglo audience but it was fun -- to me -- and that's what matters.
Verdict: it was 🆗
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steveyockey · 4 years
Regarding how Supernatural sees and literally portrays its own fans: there are the cringy loser man (who also turn out to be gay which is of course even worse), the straight fetishizing women and the delusional queer fangirls. What I don't understand: where are the fans that Supernatural actually wants? The 'real' fans, the actual target group, so I suppose cool straight dude bros? They're never shown as fans of the show! Because how Supernatural portrays is, it's actually cringe to like Supernatural at all which is funnily just the show shitting on itself (and also true). Or what do you think?
I mean I think you hit the nail on the head, it’s cringe to like supernatural! specifically it’s cringe to like supernatural with a passion, which is funny because like, kripke’s original pitch mentions buffy, the x-files, star wars, properties with active fan communities who rooted for pairings and continue to write fic. it feels like those fans come with the territory! it’s genre fiction! but of course supernatural also came up at the perfect time for its writers to have a better awareness of their fan communities than most of the stuff that came before them, and, what’s more is they chose to do that. becky, demian, and barnes are all names of forum mods from back in the day. they’re mean-spirited caricatures, but they are also currency! in-text acknowledgment! that’s a powerful drug. how mad can you be that you’re getting made fun of for having no life outside a silly tv show that thinks you’re a loser when you’re now a character in that tv show!
it’s difficult to source who supernatural was technically supposed to be for, there’s no actual quote of kripke naming teenage white boys as his target audience, but I did dig up this bad boy from 2009 that suggests dawn ostroff (the cw’s president at the time) was not happy the property pitched as being for males ages 13-25 was instead attracting women 14-45. I mean, we know the first two seasons of supernatural were “the DVDs most requested by armed forces personnel in iraq and afghanistan,” so clearly on some level the “intended audience” was being reached, but it seems at least the perception on the inside was those poor boys were getting massively outflanked by women. there’s a couple levels to this. first of all, the show premiered on the wb. it’s not to say the network couldn’t attempt to attract new viewers (and this was probably part of the intent of the show), but teen soaps were in its dna. they had no way to STOP the women already tuning in for gilmore girls from keeping the tv on another hour. second, though the show is purportedly “about” topics that read as exclusive to men (cars, rock, violence), there’s an obvious appeal to people attracted to men in its casting choices and the way its shot. like jensen didn’t do that fucking titantic necklace ad because he’s the epitome of masculinity, he did it because he was an androgynous dicaprio-type cutie! sure, his look may have been aspirational to teenage boys wanting that same type of attention, but again, there’s no way to prevent women from getting it directly from the source! and for all the show claims to tell us about the single man tear stoicism of it all, dean cries like a little bitch. because he’s not the action hero, not at first! he’s a scared kid who was forced to grow up. and sam’s fucking dean from gilmore girls! he’s got the bangs and the goofy smile! these aren’t the guys the women watching wanted protecting them, they were guys they wanted to provide comfort. and the camera plays into it! as our good friend sheila o’malley puts it, jensen and jared “are objectified in a way usually reserved for female stars.” you can discuss this in terms of a male objectification fantasy, there’s a wonderful post out there equating the compromising positions sam and dean find themselves in on hunts to a sort of bodice-ripper erotic thrill in being taken control of, but that only provides more space for the comfort fantasy. and this is nothing to say of just being interested in the genre! that the attention of female fans is devalued and assumed to have less complexity than the relationship men have to their beloved works. which is CRAZY because lgbt fans and women in fandom are the entire reason supernatural even made it this far! yes, there are swaths of “regular” people at home who watched supernatural in a non-obsessive way, but they weren’t the reason the show saw a 27 percent increase in its audience over the ninth season. that’s passionate fans, and fan communities encouraging passionate fans of other things to join them. supernatural might not have explicitly wanted these fans, but they are the reason for its success at almost any stage of the show’s airing and, while they may have been creating fanwork outside the bounds of the text, their reasons for coming to the show were not invented. what gets me riled up about “fan fiction” is I enjoy 99% of it, the one thing I can’t stand being the suggestion that what the fans are doing is based on a reading of the show the text itself doesn’t support. the text supports it because YOU put it there! just like you put everything else there that already made the show appeal to people outside the “target” audience! all of which is to say. I don’t know who the fuck supernatural was meant for. I don’t really care except in the moments it illuminates something within the text for me or when this idea is wielded effectively in the “ring ring! eric!” type jabs on here. because the show had the audience it had! it didn’t have any other! it took all that fucking con money and continues to do so, I don’t think there’s any better metric than cold hard cash.
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acheronidae · 2 years
TO KEEP THE TRAIN GOING: what are your ones on pk or the white lady?
I love talking about HK for long periods of time, so how about I do both?
The Pale King:
Sexuality Headcanon: Pan, anybody can get it. There isn't a seperate section for it but he's polyamorous as well.
Gender Headcanon: Demiboy, same as Grimm, only he has even less of a grasp on what being male is supposed to mean.
OTP: Pale Nightmare of course, which actually started out as a notp funnily enough, but then I accidentally read a fic for it and ended up falling in love with this ship. They have a fun and intetesting dynamic with each other, and it can make sense in the canon story(explaining why it does will probably need an entire post all on it's own because I have a lot to say). Secondary ships include Wyrmroot and Palewatcher.
BroTP: Monomon, the two of them are sleep deprived science dorks and will fuel each other's dumb ideas. He has a similar thing with Hegemol only to a lesser degree.
NOTP: Aside from the obvious ones, the Radiance. Enemies to lovers shit can work, but it's difficult to pull off even with characters who have a potentially interesting dynamic with each other, these two don't have that going for them. When one of the Radiance's main motivations is her hatred and thirst for revenge focused primarily at PK, I can't see her changing her ways and I especially can't see her falling for him. The closest I can see these two is very begrudging allies and even that might be a stretch.
Random Headcanon: He can play the Piano really fucking well, or at least he used to be able to, he slowly lost his skill as the void ate away at his hands.
General Opinion: Every insult I could possibly throw at him, but with "(affectionate)" right after it. He is a dumbass, he did a lot of horrible shit, but I can appreciate his sorry ass more than I like to admit.
Song: I physically cannot pick just one song for him, because my taste in music is just his whole aesthetic. I'll get the main ones out of the way first, "Touch Tone Telephone" by Lemon Demon, "Little Dark Age" by MGMT are both songs that I feel are generally associated with him anyway(I know TTT is, not as sure about LDA). And for a couple others I have "Choice" by Jack Stauber and "Toes" by Glass Animals.
The White Lady:
Sexuality Headcanon: She's a Bisexual that leans towards Lesbian, and like her husband, she is also polyamorous.
Gender Headcanon: I want to say Demigirl, but I feel like that's mostly my own confusion regarding gender projecting itself(agender here), so instead I'm going to say Androgynous(aka the midpoint between male and female). Pronouns and presentation do not equal gender, she comes across as very feminine but I feel like nature gods should be representitive of all nature has to offer, including through their gender.
OTP: Wyrmroot is canon and absolutely adorable. I love that the two of them are so devoted to each other yet that doesn't bind them to monogamy, they allow and even encourage each other to find potential partners outside of their marriage. WL/Dryya is also kinda cute but I don't feel super passionately anout it as some others do. I also kinda want to mention WL/Unn as a potential pair, I haven't seen much if any content for them and I feel like it coukd make sense.
BroTP: Grimm as I've said before, and oddly enough I imagine she'd be good friends with Herrah. I have read fanfic interactions between the two and that's probably where that's coming from, I don't really know how to explain why I think they'd get along, they just would.
NOTP: Barring the obvious once again, I'm going to have to say Grimm. I don't know, the two would be good friends, but it wouldn't go any further than that I feel, not just because I headcanon Grimm to be gay. Both of them pair extremely well with PK, just not with each other in my opinion.
Random Headcanon: This only applies to my Gijinka AU because hair obviously isn't a factor in canon, but she loves to braid PKs hair(which he keeps long to accommodate, and because he thinks long hair makes him look more regal), delicately weaving flowers into it and everything. It doubles as a sneaky way to get him to take care of himself better because he'd make a genuine effort to keep his hair as healthy as he can so she can easily work with it.
General Opinion: Big wife, plant mom, very pretty woman, I love her.
Song: Almost everything by Amarante gives me the whimsical nature-loving vibes that I associate with her, but "Mountains" and "The Other Side" if I had to limit myself.
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jo2uke-himboshikata · 3 years
Five of the worst movies I've seen
5. Ratatoing
Ratatoing is a well-known one but it really deserves a place in this list. People think of it as a so-bad-it's-good thing but it's really not. There's no story. It looks like a shitty ps2 game, at best. There's a gearing-up montage sequence, but they're in an empty white void and they're all t-posing. It's the laziest thing I've ever seen and it is so so so boring and annoying.
4. The Thinning (and sequel)
The Thinning starring Logan Paul featuring very special guest Stacey Dash. I got the youtube red free trial to watch this. I wasn't aware of this at first, but turns out that the analogy being made is anti-abortion. Overall it is very very fascist. There is actually a sequel called 'the thinning: new world order" which moves away from the pro life thing a bit, and towards making some vague hamfisted statement about political campaigns and corruption. It was insulting to watch.
3. In-app-propriate comedy
Ben mentioned this one to me recently as I had forgotten about it. Truly a spectacle to behold. A comedy sketch anthology created by Vince Offer, the shamwow guy, after he got arrested for beating up an escort. He wrote and directed along with his friend Ari Schaffir, who plays his character "the amazing racist" who does "on the street" bits where he does incredibly racist shit, offering black people "boat trips back to africa" as they walk by, accosting jewish people in the supermarket asking them to sign a petition to apologize for killing jesus, stuff like that. He almost got his ass beat for the boat trips thing. The crazy thing is that Vince Offer is israeli american and Ari Schaffir's dad is a holocaust survivor. But they're both Joe Rogan orbiters. Also, oscar winning actor adrian brodey is in it. Funnily enough, the movie he won best actor for, the pianist, was also about a holocaust survivor. Life works in mysterious ways huh.
2. Adam Sandler (non-specific)
I'm trying really hard to pick an adam sandler movie for this list because I've seen a lot of them, but they aren't really all as bad as you'd expect. Some are funny-bad and some are boring, lazy, shameless, and pathetic bad. The latter are what we're talking about here. Some have actual plots and redeeming qualities, and some are just totally soulless. Jack and Jill, Blended, and Grown Ups spring to mind. Grown ups is probably the worst of those for me because it's just him and the frat pack on vacation with their families with some KFC product placement. There is NOTHING going on in that movie, just some fat shaming, racist asian stereotypes (there's a lot of that specifically in sandler movies, dunno why)
Conversely, I now pronounce you chuck and larry was pretty bad but in a much more fun way. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. In between the horrible racist and homophobic shit, the whole movie I was thinking "if they just make them kiss at the end this would be a pretty good movie actually" but of course they can't force themselves to kiss their bro on the lips so their cover gets blown, but then for some reason everyone loves them anyway because they had become media darlings for pretending to be openly gay firefighters, and they did so much to stand up for gay rights. Absolutely insulting, but if you pretend they're actually closet bi and slowly falling in love and using the tax break thing as an excuse to sleep together then it's pretty entertaining so I'd have to say that grown ups is worse because the whole time I was watching grown ups I was just wishing I was dead.
1. Last ounce of freedom
This is the angriest I've ever been watching anything. It is by far the most fascist piece of film masquerading as simple family values that I've ever seen. It's about an old retired army general whose son gets killed in duty and he's fraught with conflict because he always encouraged his son to join the army and now his son is dead. He's also a total dick to everyone in his family. To deal with the conflict, he fights against the war on Christmas. Oh yeah he's also the mayor of the town they live in, that's important. He decides he isn't going to let the libs oppress him anymore so he puts up a cross or whatever on city hall and doesn't CARE if everyone attacks him for it. The villain is the ACLU lawyer who comes in and threatens legal action because christmas has to be secular now and good honest christians aren't allowed to speak out. But it isn't like he's just a lowly hardware store owner or something, he's literally THE MAYOR. He's the person in the position of power in the movie and he's whining the whole time about how christians are oppressed. I forget how it ends but I know it made me real angry so I assume he came to terms with getting his son killed and accepted that dying for your country is good actually and his son was brave to do it. And obviously he puts the christ back in Christmas because that was never actually in jeopardy in the first place. This was too real to be funny to me. Makes me think about all the shitheads who watch this and love it and how the things they do and the way they live their lives brings so much harm to those around them and this movie just affirms all of that. It disgusts me. I can't think of anything I'd rather watch less than this movie short of two hours of footage of actual violence.
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glumvillain · 4 years
GlumReviews #7
As we continue to explore bands that have pioneered sounds we find ourselves on the 4th studio album from Faith No More.  A peculiar but unique band.  While the New Wave was waving, Faith No More blazed their own path of funk rock and blended it with metal to come out as one of the more interesting bands of the 90′s.
The 90′s is cursed with a playing-field of post-punk bands just doing their own thing and getting swept up in the Grunge era madness.  Faith No More I think is one of those bands that refused to be part of that wave and incorporated heavier metal with their funk and was looking to standout rather than be swept away by the wave.
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1. Land of Sunshine
The album opens with a metal-esque satire about the parental state of the United States at this point in time.  Told in a theatrical spitfire of infomercial messages.  You get a real sense of alienated youth and rebelliousness, a band that really wanted to come out swinging.  To build upon--and sort of leave behind their old sound to go a new direction for a new era.
2. Caffeine
A chugging metal tune, that is no worse for wear than the previous track, we keep the momentum moving along.  I really get a sense of the Alice Cooper theatrical movements and big sounds all around.  It’s a loud album meant to be played loud, you try to digest it like a metal album but it perhaps is too interesting and weird to be taken at face value.  So far the album has my curiosity in its hostility and lyricism. 
3. Midlife Crisis
This is probably my favorite song off of the album, it stays in this very sterile space of not being metal, kind’ve poppy but also a little bit of that funk groove lays dormant in alot of their songs.  This song probably being one of the more cohesive and structured songs, also has this kind’ve strange “Pretty Hate Machine” bridge portion that I really dig.  You reach this point of the album wondering if this is a metal record or just an alt rock band flexing their styles for fun.
4. RV
I really don’t know where to approach this song from.  They dip their toes into this Primus style of storytelling and twangy bass, which I don���t necessarily hate.  I really think this song is just making fun of white trash ignorant racists and after 2020 I’m pretty comfortable making that judgement, especially if you check out the lyrics.  Humorous and fun, definitely different and not the direction you expected the album to take. “Toss me inside a Hefty and put me in the ground”  that line just really resonated with me for some reason.  
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5.  Smaller and Smaller
Mike Patton is a powerhouse vocalist as far as I’m concerned, able to hit these beautiful clean almost operatic vibratos, ALSO while being able to nail the metal hardcore screams when needed.  You got this Anthraxy main riff, sprinkled with a Pantera-y guitar lick and can you really complain.  Maybe Patton’s vocal style is a bit different but the music on display in this album is pretty different from the saturated grunge playing field.
6. Everything’s Ruined
The lead guitarist, after touring this album quit the band.  Citing the direction of the band declining, calling it “gay disco”.  Admittedly this is my first Faith No More album so I don’t have much to compare it to.  Perhaps a 1985 single of theirs that sounds like a “Midlife Crisis” b-side.  Perhaps coming from funk metal, and ending up on this song may not seem like the coolest choice but it’s not bad music, the guitarwork is awesome and if at anytime you feel a lull in the energy you can expect Patton to delivery some awesome vocals.
7.  Malpractice
I don’t know how anyone could feel their band going the way of the dogs whenever they have such a random array of genres to lean into.  I initially wanted to remark on how much this chorus kinda sounds like an Alice In Chains type of song but stylistically it just makes too many twists and turns for you to really nail them down to a comparable band in their class.
8.  Kindergarten
One area you lose me is the rap/rock hybrid. And this song straddles that fence of Run DMC and Aerosmith if that makes sense.  White dudes trying to evoke the coolness of rap and mix it with basic metal noise is usually a way to get skipped in my playthroughs but again, the musical direction this album takes makes this it pretty easy to listen to because it is just different enough to remain interesting. One of the better songs off the album.
9.  Be Agressive
This is that funk metal you keep hearing about.  Like a badass Red Hot Chili Peppers.  Just another face smasher of a song, but again we get treated to these very theatrical.. heavy metal Phantom of the Opera moments.  This is one song I’d definitely wanna see live as it just has that big opener energy.
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10.  A Small Victory
This sounds like a song written completely on synths and a drum machine and Faith No More just said “fuck it, transcribe it”.  Undeniably lighter than the album preceding, an underdogs anthem.  Gets a little repetitive and doesn’t come off as a highlight of the album for me.  Let’s call it filler.
11.  Crack Hitler
Did I tell you about that funk metal? And I mentioned how they kinda dip their toes in that strange strange Primus water?  Here’s the masterpiece of that.  Sweet funkitude.  This just has everything going for it with that badass bass slap, wah wah pedal is just working overtime to bring you the jam.  Maybe the previous song needed to fall short so this one could hit that much harder for me.
12.  Jizzlobber
This is where I unearth a Nu-Metal artifact.  I mean--name the band, this is that sound and Patton abandons his clean vocals for heavy distorted screamed.  Half rapped, half screamo, this is a pretty decent song and oddly stands out as the black sheep of the album.  What the hell are you doing in THIS album? This is their most normal song to me, oddly enough. I was gonna make a joke about JNCO jeans but it flared out.
13.  Midnight Cowboy (Theme From)
This is a pretty chill (mostly instrumental) jam.  Theatrical rock music if I had to give it an official genre that I made up.  I’d say more filler but I know there are a few people who enjoy a nice instrumental soundscape and this could be one of em for you.  It reins in the heavy and gives you a nice listening experience.
14.  Easy
Funnily enough, their one cover song that was only included on later reprints of the album--is the one that earned them most of the acclaim.  A cover of Lionel Richie’s laidback sunday morning jam.  Is it better? mmmm arguably.  But I’d say they’re in a tie for being good.  Faith No More doesn’t change it in anyway that makes it unique into itself but comes off as a pretty decent tribute to the entire energy of the song.  Carefree and fun, all this after an album full of chaotic guitar and operatic rock singing, and a beautiful way to end an album full of twists and turns.
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As stated before, this was my first Faith No More album and I really didn’t know what I was getting into, even for being knowledgeable about their singles that really doesn’t set you up for what their album contains and that's largely an overlying mission of this review series.  Discovering bands past their singles, their one hit wonders, and perhaps there’s something to be learned in that journey alone.
this journey was a
The good moments of this album really shine, I don’t see it as something I can play through without skipping a few tracks though.  I enjoyed the heavy metal elements blended with funk and I think Mike Patton is one of the funner vocalists of our time.  Worth a one time listen at the most and I think you could very well come out liking a song or two.
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soap-brain · 7 years
look i know nobody asked, but here, have the extensive character ask meme for chril :)
i’m putting this under a cut because it’s 50 questions but ... guys. seriously. chril is a good ship.
What does their bedroom look like?
They live on a pretty high up floor, with a view of the sea from the kitchen and balcony; the bedroom is practically on the other side, with a view of the city. They turn the glass opaque at night so only shapes and muted lights shimmer through. their bed is right in the middle, massively king sized, seemingly built into the wall that has little cubic ornaments and cubicles that are perfect for storing lube, a book, a PADD or two, and a couple pictures of them. They usually have plain white sheets, some have gray patterns, and the stuffing is down. They also have quite the number of pillows, plus an extra blanket that's incredibly thick, in case Phil gets cold. Phil sleeps on the door-side (mostly), so that's where there's a little bedside table with a lamp, while Chris sleeps on the window side. opposite the bed is the wardrobe, which spans the entire wall and reaches up to the ceiling (even though they only use the uppermost levels for things they very rarely need, because neither are tall enough to get there without a stool). It's got two full-size mirrors, which you can luckily turn opaque as well; otherwise they would freak Phil out. There's a door to the bathroom on the headboard-wall on Phil's side, and between Phil's side and the door there's also a thick, fluffy white carpet, so he doesn't get cold feet. The headboard-wall is panelled with warm chocolate brown wood; the wall with the door to the living area is simply colored white, the door itself white as well. The door to the bathroom is made from the same wood as the wall panelling, and would merge seamlessly, so they have to leave it open a bit so they find it at night.
Do they have any daily rituals? Chris gets up first to go for a run at an ungodly hour, while Phil forces himself to crawl out of their blanket cocoon and make breakfast. The run wakes Chris up, and not having to exist with another person for the first forty-five minutes of being awake in the morning makes Phil marginally less grumpy. (And Chris not making breakfast keeps the entire block standing.) At night, Chris usually finishes up work while Phil goes through his daily yoga routine; if Chris finishes earlier, he’ll watch Phil. Phil showers while Chris locks up, they brush their teeth together and crawl into bed together. If one of them has to stay up for work (more often than not it’s Chris, but if Phil’s preparing for a convention or a lecture, it’s him), they remind the other to go to bed sometime or coax them into going to bed now. Chris says goodnight, Phil says I love you, there’s a goodnight kiss every night.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often? Chris has the most rigorous exercise regimen this side of the galaxy. He hits the gym almost every day - Mondays and Wednesdays he does legs, Tuesdays and Thursdays arms, Fridays a little bit of everything, Saturdays swimming and Sundays yoga with Phil, and he goes running every day before breakfast (except on Sundays, where they go running together in the late afternoon). If the weather is good he’ll happily swap the gym for his longboard and take to the waves. Phil does yoga on most evenings, unless he’s too tired. It helps with his back and releasing stress from his work. He goes running two to three times a week, depending on his schedule.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy? Well, Chris isn’t allowed in the kitchen. It’s a matter of international security, so Phil is the one who cooks. They also order takeout every now and then, and Fridays or Saturdays often see them going out to one of their favorite restaurants.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.) Chris has taken to not always showering right after working out, simply because Phil is very, very appreciative of him all sweaty, but most of the time they don’t have time to fool around, so he usually takes a water shower in the morning and a sonic in the evening, if he feels like it. He’ll also often let his hair grow out a bit, get some stubble, and if a shirt is a bit dirty - well, c’est la vie and all that. Regarding his workspace - it looks tidy, especially the one at home, but that’s because Phil makes him keep it tidy. Chris’ idea of tidiness is “shove it all into a closet and hope nothing falls out”. He claims to always know where everything is, though. Phil is a tad obsessed with personal hygiene. Maybe it’s leftover trauma from his childhood, maybe it’s him being a doctor, but he’ll shower at least three times a day - a sonic in the morning, a sonic when he comes home from work and a real water shower before he goes to bed. When he operates, he’ll have a sonic before and after, and he’ll never wear a shirt more than three days. Chris also still teases him for having a schedule for taking care of his nails, for having very strict preferences for hygiene products (and for cleaning products too), but considering how Chris uses his shampoo and body wash most of the time, Phil thinks Chris shouldn’t be allowed to say anything. Also, there is no such thing as unshaven Phil (unless Chris begs a whole lot). Phil is probably the most organized person on the planet. He says it’s because he actually keeps a planner, Chris thinks it’s witchcraft. Phil is rather OCD about especially his office at work. Funnily enough, it’s Chris who insists on cleaning their apartment so it adheres to some rigorous standards that he made up.
Eating habits and sample daily menu The great tragedy in their love is that Phil is a vegetarian. Chris is very decidedly not, but the only meat Phil will make on a regular basis is bacon for breakfast. Chris has toast for breakfast, usually with egg, bacon and/or ham and cheese, Phil swears by yoghurt with cereal and fruits. Lunch is either at their workplace’s cafeteria or at one of the little cafés they love. For dinner they sometimes get takeout (there’s that one place that does a mixture between Andorian and Thai and both of them would kill for that), but most of the time Phil cooks. He’s a fantastic cook, no doubt, but Chris had a hard time adjusting to a practically meat-less diet.  On Fridays or Saturdays, they often go out for dinner; their preferred restaurant are a sushi one, a little Italian place, a steakhouse (which Phil loves too, because they make a fantastic steamed greens/potato plate), or the maritime restaurant that’s directly at the beach.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time Cuddling. Just being snuggled into each other, dozing the day away, occasionally trading kisses. It’s fantastic. Neither of them are big time-wasters, but cuddling is the huge exception. If there weren’t things to be done, they’d cuddle for days on end.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging One of Phil’s favorite indulgences is buying high quality things, whether it’s food or clothes or paraphernalia; Chris loves a great steak. They also absolutely get off on spoiling each other, seeing the happiness in their partner’s eyes. Phil’s least favorite indulgence is sweets. He absolutely loves them, and he will eat far, far too many, generally managing to make himself sick. They also both love good alcohol and, if Phil manages to get his hands on some, medical grade weed.
Makeup? Phil is even more of a biter than Chris, so they’ve both become pretty adept at covering up bruises. Other than that, it’s not much something for them.
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such? Phil is a bit of an anxious little bean, but he doesn’t think it’s really a neurosis. His boatload of trauma from his childhood is a different story entirely. Also, he sometimes still wakes up with overwhelming feelings of body dysphoria before realizing he now has the body that matches him. He’s definitely aware of those two things though. Chris has had a number of trauma-inducing events during his captaincy, and then there was the Narada-incident and ... well, that kind of stuff doesn’t go away. He hates it, but he visits his therapist when it gets worse and usually manages to push through.
Intellectual pursuits? They both keep pretty up to date with research in their favored fields, and Phil especially loves reading academia, often quoting “knowledge is power” at Chris.
Favorite book genre? Phil reads academia for fun. If that’s not available (or he wants to give his mind a rest), he’ll go for cheap ridiculous romance novels (often period dramas, really), often reading funny parts to Chris. Chris loves himself a good thriller, the creepier the better.
Sexual orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general? Phil is gay and trans (even though he often jokes he’d have changed his name regardless of his gender, because being born Brigitte Bernice Boyce was more than anyone could handle). Chris is bi, though he’s leaning more towards women. Both of them think that you should love who you want to love and have sex with whoever you want to have sex (or don’t if you don’t want to), though Phil has seen some things in the ER that make him wish that not all interspecies attractions should be legal and normal to have.
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.) Phil’s got a massive scar on his left scapula due to an ... incident. He’s also missing his left middle toe’s toenail after an accident involving a shelf and inopportune gravity when he was moving. Chris amassed a number of pretty light scars over his time as captain. Also his many childhood accidents are barely visible on his body anymore - the only thing that still troubles him is his fucked up ligaments in his leg. They don’t do anything except completely prohibiting from skiing. The Narada-incident left him with massive issues with his spine and entire left leg. They don’t usually flare up, but when they do he either needs his cane (when he’s lucky) or is unable to get out of bed from the sheer pain. It’s rare, but it happens, and he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like the scars that came with it, either.
Biggest and smallest short term goal? (not gonna answer this one bc it’s only relevant if there were a story i was answering these for)
Biggest and smallest long term goal? Chris would love commanding a starship again, but only with Phil as his CMO. Since that is very, very unlikely, he’s set his actual long term goal at living a long, happy life with Phil at his side and preferably dying together. Same goes for Phil, pretty much.
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress They both like dressing nicely, even though Chris thinks that wearing more than underwear at home counts as being overdressed, so he’s often at least shirtless. Phil can’t find it in himself to complain. Generally they’re very casual at home and more fancy when going out. Chris wears a suit to work, and Phil sticks with simple, but fancy things for his work. They both certainly like to help each other dress - button up shirts, tie ties, smooth out jackets for each other. They also most certainly like undressing each other. Also, they’re both very generous with compliments. But the biggest and maybe weirdest thing they do is how much they share clothes. Chris’ clothes are always a little loose and comfy on Phil while Phil’s end up rather tight on Chris. They generally buy clothes they’ll both like to wear.
Favorite beverage? Normally they stick to water, but alcohol-wise they both like a couple of really great wines. Chris likes whiskey, Phil loves appletinis, and neither of them will say no to a beer.
What do they think about before falling asleep at night? There are generally some thoughts towards the other, but most of the time it’s things they shouldn’t forget tomorrow, their general schedule; sometimes it’s happy memories.
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them? In a bad mood, Phil will absolutely call himself being born in the wrong body an illness. Had his parents known about that or his sexual orientation, they surely would’ve treated it as such. Luckily both of them have always had pretty good health. In Chris’ case you should rather talk about the childhood accidents.
Turn-ons? Turn-offs? Phil has a muscle kink. There’s nothing else to say about it. Watching Chris work out, seeing his muscles bulge and sweat trickle down his skin will do him in every time. He also totally gets off on Chris’ casual exhibitionism, his voice, the way he easily submits himself to Phil. And tying Chris up. God, he likes that a lot. What he hates is any and every kind of painplay - spanking, flogging, paddling etc are a huge no. He also doesn’t like being tied up, or to have one of his senses obstructed. He needs to be in control in order to be able to enjoy sex, or trust his partner deeply. Chris has a medical kink the size of the moon. Phil in a doctor’s coat in a not strictly working environment makes him squirm, and he’s got a Pavlovian reaction to the snap of latex gloves which is directly tied to his hand kink. He’s also very happy to let himself get bossed around a bit, maybe tied to the headboard, and be overstimulated until he cries. He’s also got world’s most obvious exhibitionism kink, but since he knows Phil wouldn’t enjoy it they don’t indulge it. Chris has a huge problem with sex when his partner doesn’t enjoy it. Post-Narada it takes him a long time to be able to look past his scars, and that definitely impacts his sex life as well. Also everything surrounding degradation or humiliation is an immediate turn-off. Other than that, he’s pretty much down to try everything once.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil and nothing to do, what would happen? Chris will draw spaceships. Phil will probably do origami (or doodle lots of hearts with ‘Chris’ or ‘C+P’ inside them).
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life? Chris is a mess, but he knows where most of his things are. He likes to keep clutter around. A lot of clutter. Decidedly too much clutter. Phil is an organizational genius, hence why Starfleet Medical is so amazingly run and hence why he always knows exactly where his things are. Unless Chris messed with them. Phil also loves color-coding things (and yes, their sex toys are organized after color. Chris thinks it’s cute.)
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all? Philip Boyce, MD, Surgeon General, would say of himself that he’s a pretty decent doctor, but that’s the lack of self-esteem talking. In school, he was pretty good in all subjects but he took to chemistry the most; in med school, he kept excelling, and he was especially good at really obscure medical knowledge and incredibly up-to-date knowledge; in Starfleet Academy it was xenochemistry again. Chris’ best subject in school was physics and musical education as well as PE. In the Academy, he excelled at Manual Piloting and wasn’t too shabby at Engineering either.  Now, Phil keeps absolutely up-to-date with medical knowledge of any kind while Chris continues to make heart-eyes at any kind of engine.
How do they see themselves 5 years from today? Older and even more in love, probably. Maybe retired, but they both love their work so much. Maybe with a dog.
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t work out? When they retire, they’ll get a dog and a house in the suburbs with a large property attached to it so they can grow vegetables and fruits and go for long walks. It has to be somewhere close to the beach, and they might just get a sailboat.
What is their biggest regret?
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy? Can’t answer this one yet because i’m uhh working on something and still fleshing the characters for it out. Generally Chris and Phil are each other’s best friends, but they both have another best friend, plus a joint best friend.
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?) They’re both professional problem solvers in their own way, so they’ll stay very calm. Loss of material possessions isn’t such a huge deal to them either (unless it’s a prized possession) because Starfleet pays damn well.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies) Phil couldn’t care less about his family (except for his sister), but a personal disaster will make him cry horribly. Chris isn’t much of a crier. He rather goes incredibly quiet and tight-lipped, often upping his exercise regimen to cope.
Most prized possession? Chris has got two paper pictures he carries absolutely everywhere, both given to him by Phil’s sister. One is Phil laughing for the first time after coming out of his gender affirming surgery, looking so radiantly happy that it warms Chris’ heart by just thinking about it, the other one is one of the two of them together, smiling at each other. Phil’s got a set of dog tags with his name and the day he woke up from his surgery, given to him by his sister. He added Chris’ comm badge to it after they got assigned dirtside, and he never takes the necklace off. There’s also an armband made out of rope that he wears on most days.
Thoughts on material possessions in general? Phil is pretty attached to a lot of little items they amassed over the years, and, growing up poor, he has a hard time throwing things away even though he can now afford a whole lot more than he ever could as a kid. Chris doesn’t really get attached to things.
Concept of home and family? For Chris and Phil, home is wherever their partner is. Family for Phil is his sister, her family and Chris’ mother; for Chris it’s his parents and siblings as well as his aunt who lives in Switzerland.
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to TMI?) Chris + private goes approximately as well as Chris + quiet during sex. He’s learned to respect Phil’s boundaries, because Phil only very rarely appreciates it when Chris is being very TMI, but he still slips up. Phil would in most cases rather rip his tongue out than talk about the more intimate details of their relationship in public. He had to learn to open himself up to Chris, too. The more drunk he gets, the more his control slips though, which climaxed in him introducing himself as “Boy Gayce, MD, the D is for Chris” at a party once. Chris laughed for a solid six months and will never let him live it down.
What activities do they enjoy, but consider a waste of time?
What makes them feel guilty? Accidentally neglecting each other due to stress or their own issues, especially if it turns out that their partner has been feeling down. Also overstepping each other’s boundaries, however rare it gets the longer they’re together; Phil also often feels guilty when they have to stop sex because he wasn’t feeling it anymore.
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making? They both make a very distinct difference between their work personas and their private personas. Work-wise, they’re both analytical, even though in Phil’s work he often has to consider morals and emotions as well; in private, they’re very emotional.
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality? Neither, really. They both have traits from both personalities.
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained? A weekend away often helps a lot, but they can’t always have that, so a lazy night in, some slow and sensual lovemaking, a backrub and lots and lots of cuddling help. They’re both workaholics, and it’s pretty difficult to drag them away from their work. Especially Phil is prone to worrying he won’t be done in time and is harder to convince to just relax for an evening. Sometimes, all they have the time for is a hot shower, working out for Chris and yoga for Phil.
Would you say that they have a superiority complex? Inferiority complex? Neither? Chris has a hint of a superiority complex. He knows it, but arguably he’s usually right about being right or good at something. Phil tends to underestimate himself greatly.
How misanthropic are they? Oh, they both definitely have phases that are like that, but usually they quite love people. Phil is far more reserved though and gets socially exhausted after a while.
Hobbies? For Phil it’s sailing, yoga, running and cooking. He’s stopped considering reading a hobby, it’s more of a way of life for him. Chris absolutely loves surfing and working out as well as playing the guitar and singing. He’d car-race if Phil weren’t so decidedly against it.
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self education? Both of them completed Starfleet Academy with commendations, Phil also graduated med school with commendations. They agree that after completing however far you get in formal education (finishing high school being the least you should do), you have to keep self-educating. They probably also think so because without constantly learning new things, they’d be bored.
Religion? Phil was raised Catholic but doesn’t practise, Chris has set foot inside churches a handful of times and doesn’t understand the influence religion can have on people.
Superstitious or views on the occult? Phil doesn’t exactly believe in ghosts or demons or superstitions ... but better safe than sorry, right? Chris thinks it’s cute, but he himself has absolutely no superstitions.
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds? Phil needs verbal talks like he needs air. He loves little gestures and all, but he needs to talk to know where he’s at. Chris is far more physical and learning to have the kinds of talks Phil needs was difficult for him.
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal? Chris was never really looking for a lasting relationship, and Phil only ever wanted a lover who’d like him and who he could trust. Neither of them thought they’d ever fall in love the way they’re in love now, but hey, guess what?
How do they express love? Phil tells Chris that he loves him all the time. Chris says the same with hugs and kisses. They also often get each other little knickknacks or send cutesy text messages; but they also bring each other coffee and go out of their way to make the other one smile. Also, sex.
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like? Phil, if he really has to fight, is a decidedly defensive fighter and more likely to run. Chris is the opposite, but not many people would want to get in a fight with 200 pounds of combat-trained Starfleet Admiral.
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not? They’re both afraid of their partner dying, that’s for sure, but as long as they get to go together or in quick succession, it’s going to be alright.
look @gracieminabox :D
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hogwartselementumrp · 7 years
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Congratulations Brie on your acceptance as your OC  Elfi Greengrass! I want to thank you for the dedication you have already shown in reading all the links on the main, asking questions, taking direction, and not only being willing to discuss and adapt ideas but doing multiple rewrites even on details I told you that you didn’t have to. It’s clear that you are already invested, and it makes me even happier to welcome you as the newest member of our little rp family. With all that said and nothing really said about Elfi yet, let me just tell you that you have crafted a character that I can’t wait to interact with and develop connections with even aside from the obvious built in and I can’t wait to see how she weaves in with everyone else’s characters as well. She has a lot of potential to go in almost any direction as war looms more seriously and I can’t wait to see what you do with her. So, send in your account, I’ll make you a link to join the OOC blog, and let’s get her on the dash! 
Name/Alias: Brie
Preferred Pronoun: She/her Age: 26 Timezone: PST but I sleep like I am GMT Activity Level: I am about a 7. I am a freelance writer and sleep during the day. So, I am usually on late into the morn around 7-8 am. I also have a two-year-old so being a mom has its restrictions, yet I am very honest when it comes to not being able to be on and for what reasons.
How did you find the RP (new members): searched next-gen-hprp
Original Character Information:
Desired Character: Elfi Greengrass
Face Claim: Adelaide Kane
Now, please check our dorm page! To see which house is needing a character and in which year!
School Functions (check Quidditch availability’s): (blank until added later after plotting?)
Character’s Sexuality: Pansexual
Why do you believe this will be a good character in this specific roleplay? I feel Elfi would bring a new life to the Healer Program given as she is not the norm of a character especially to the Bloodline she was born into. Given as she is a link to Scorpius Malfoy’s past, some character drama might be fun to engage in. It also helps to note, she is a ton of fun!
Elfi Greengrass is twenty years old, in her 2nd year of Uni and is in the house of Ravenclaw.
                                             ❝Some people are like clouds. When they disappear it is a beautiful day.
Elfi is well-versed in most magical areas of wizardry, secretly, she enjoys learning as much as she can even into her older years. She is best practiced in Potions, Dueling, healing magic, and Transfigurations. She studious and tries as much as she possibly can in order to have control of Dream Manipulation but to this day she still has much work on controlling it, given as it is still hard for her to understand. She is best with the element of Air.  
Elfi was born in Paris, France to Daphne Greengrass and a Pureblooded Frenchman in a one-nightstand. Her mother never recalled the man, only saying that he was of pureblood and beautiful. Though to her mother’s dismay, she looks just like him. Her blonde hair lost among the girls pitch black hair and green eyes. Her mother’s family was not happy to know that she had let herself have a child out of wedlock, but given as it was with a pureblood man all was forgiven.
Now her mother and her stepfather live in Paris, France though Elfi was instructed to go to Hogwarts like her mother and her ancestors before her. She went to Hogwarts and was the first of the family to be placed in Ravenclaw. She valued intelligence over ambition. Throughout Hogwarts, she was known as the Ravenclaw who knew how to party. She was friends with most people no matter what her name was she did not care what stigma was held against it. She was friendly, yet flirty which got her into much trouble most times.
Given her history with her cousin and her aunt, she tried to steer clear of him. She did not understand why her Aunt had left. She saw her every now and then but cared not to ask how she was. It was not right of her to leave. As time passed Elfi had many boyfriends and girlfriends but still to this day has not settled keeping more to her own company in fear that who she will get with will leave her just like her father and her aunt left their own families.
Magically speaking, she is okay with the other elements having spent much of her time outside of sleeping, partying she was studying. She still has many issues with the Earth element given to her personality does not allow her much freedom of feeling grounded. She knew that her given house was a disappointment to most of the Greengrass and Malfoy family, hoping to make them happy, she had taken it upon herself with the ambition to graduate Hogwarts University with top marks and a job waiting for her out of Uni.
When she found her element, it scared her. She was afraid that if people found out that she would be shunned. Granted, it should not have been a surprise given to the fact she would be a spirit elemental given that most of her family made up of the element. Though, she had no idea what her father might have been.
Hogwarts went by in a party hazed blur with late nights studying in the library and spirit rooms and multiple parties of all kinds she graduated with all EE’s as she eased her way into Hogwarts University. Currently, she is in her second leg of University classes for the Healer program. She hopes to one day have her own practice and participate as a Mediwizard in games. She takes her work very seriously, but she still knows how to have fun. Her classes include the Healer Program and Extensive Quidditch. She is an unregistered Spirit Elemental and professes Air as her element.
Since the destruction of Hogsmeade here usually safe havens are no longer standing. When she is at University, she can be found studying, but since the destruction and take over of Club Penguin her job has moved to a shady bar in Knockturn Alley called, White Wyvern. Though it is not as safe as the Hogs Head, funnily enough, it makes for good stories. Currently, with their Weekend hangout locations no longer available she is left to roam the rubble in search of a place she may once feel save again, in her own skin and element. Maybe, some point over time she will find it.
She loves spending time with people of all kinds hoping soon the gap will be bridged between all the elementals like it had of blood. But, of course, such things take time with blood needing to be spilt before things of action actually come to pass. She just hopes in her time at the university she will be able to aid whenever that actually comes to happen.
» {+ positives} intelligent, ambitious, spontaneous
» {- negatives} selfish, manipulative, flirt
» blood status: pureblood
» elemental power: Spirit
» affinity level: high affinity + relatively studious
» date of birth: October 3rd
» wand: 8 inches, Red Oak, Unicorn Hair, Supple
» faceclaim: Adelaide Kane
Remnants from the night before played over and over in her head. Had she really gotten blazed at work? Course not, it had to be a dream. But as she sat up, her silk sheets sliding off her, the throb in her head said otherwise. So many shots. She just had to try to keep up with those guys. It was a love/hate relationship her competitive nature. She should have been smarter. Bartenders are not suppose to drink the merchandise. That was the owner’s one rule and she had blew it. Maybe, if she was lucky, she could charm her way maybe even with her maxi-push-up bra, that was if the girls were into that sorta thing and if not maybe she could bring a guy. If Scorpius did not hate her still it would have been nice to use his looks. But, given the fact she was talking about manipulating him…it probably would not work anyways.
Elfi groaned loudly. Her roommate lay sound asleep snoring in her bed. She would need a hangover drought and quickly. She threw the covers back as the cool of the dorm air sent chills leaving goosebumps in their wake. She tip-toed across the wooden floor yet a creak still seemed to evade her light footing.
           “Elfi…quiet…bitksh” Her roommate grumbled turning over in her bed with a half attempt at cursing her. Elfi snorted to herself with a quiet giggle. Even in her sleep she was bossy. Elfi rolled her eyes as she came out of their housing door towards the bathroom. She had no idea what time it was nor did she really care, unless it was not a weekend day. Then, she was jolly well fucked. Elfi yawned walking into the co-ed bathrooms. The showers steaming the bathroom mirrors as she grabbed a towel from the public rack cursing to herself at her foggy brain for forgetting the shower caddy. Her wand lay in its holder just resting around her shin within its leg strap. With the flick of her wrist, her caddy came flying to her hand. She loved magic.
Since times were becoming more evasive she decided to invest in the hidden wand holder. It was especially nice for late night hook ups and home intruders, or well the guys her roommate brought home. They were not the most trusting. Not some you’d find at an American Ivy League Fraternity, or were they?
“Hey sugurbums want some company?”
“Hey Elfi. If you want, wouldn’t mind the company.” Her best friend smiled back at her his hair underneath the head of the shower soap running down his face.
“Another late night?” She asked, undressing and making her way in the shower beside his. Maybe it was weird to other people that they were so open with themselves and each other. But, never saw anything weird about showering alongside the other. They had been friends since Hogwarts and before. He was gay. She thought him attractive, but never cared it did not matter. So, I what was there to be weird about? He was the only one to ever know her for who and how she truly was.
“Yeah. And dirty one.”
“Eww. Ha. No sex talk until after we are both dressed. That I draw the line at the idea of you getting happy in the next stall.” Elfi shook her head laughing.
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narwhalhowell-blog · 7 years
skam spin-off
to keep with the theme of positiveness for this blog, i wanted to talk a lil about the US version of skam ! admittedly hopes for the show aren’t the greatest, but rn there’s heaps of love in the tags for some really promising outcomes for the series and where it could be set. and it got me thinking, what if in some alternate universe we could have an english spin-off of skam that wasn’t set in america ?? i, as an australian, think skam would translate perfectly into a quaint little show set in australia, and below i wanna list why !
Most of what I’m going to say below is applicable to southern Australia (Melbourne and surrounds) so if you’re a fellow aussie and this doesn’t make sense, this is the geographical context !
also this is kinda long (....2440 words....) bc i got super passionate about this so if you wanna chuck me a like (even if you didn’t read it) it will make me feel better for wasting the past hour of my life AHAHAH
Australia is an incredibly diverse country, both in the people that live there and the terrain. Where I live, you could drive for thirty minutes in any direction and could find yourself in a) a bustling city b) a small suburbia c) rural areas/farms d) dense bushlands, and e) a beach. i’m not being dramatic either, i could legit do this right now. 
but i think the allure of skam and love of it is not because of the characters and the appeal of a new culture (although character reliability helps, especially with the personalised touch with real-time clips and texts) but the authenticity of the experiences in the show transcend geographic barriers, and although australia has so many customs that may not translate well (but may in some places in the uk or in nz), we would still get the same feelings behind it if the show was treated well. below i have a small template about what the show would be like if it was set in australia, following the themes our beloved characters have left behind in the original series. 
also keep in mind this is an abstract reimagining of the themes, the events i’m hypothetically discussing (and secretly wishing someone would hire me to write lmao) are about a show like skam, not an actual remake. this is basically an Australian!OC au of skam.
season one; eva (and noora) equivalent
for this to make sense, if set in australia, it would probably set in a small suburb near melbourne. the main character would have moved from a small town (probably rural) and settled into a new high school. i want a storyline about a girl dealing with the societal expectations behind vanity, appearance, and how we present ourselves. i want a character that’s not a size 0, and a story following her. especially in australia, with a massively sports dominated culture (seriously, it’s all we care about), and her love of sport often being disregarded because of her weight and the fact that she’s a woman. fun fact, AFL (an australian sport that’s the most popular sport in southern states and has been around for DECADES, only just created a national league for women this year). alongside AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE that would be displayed throughout the season about embracing self-love, health doesn’t equate appearance, and we all have the right to pursue what we love, the main would befriend other girls in the school (and the local sports club, where i’m assuming a lot of time will be spent since that’s a fairly small town aussie thing) that don’t particularly ‘fit in’ and would become close, much like our girl squad. also along the lines of eva/jonas in s1, i want the romance for the season to follow the main and a boy, who she doesn’t like but feels obligated to like because she feels no one else will. this is something so many young people deal with, and i’ve never once seen it adapted to screen. it would be amazing to share the message that you have the freedom to love whoever you want, and you never have an obligation to like anyone back, even if you feel like there won’t be ‘anyone else’ (and hint: there will always be someone else). the season would end with the main having a beautiful group of friends, loving herself, allowing herself to play a sport she loves, and not feel the pressure to love someone because they like her.
season two ; sana equivalent
unlike skam, it would be awesome if season 2 (and arguably the show’s main premise) to follow the sana equivalent as opposed to a noora. this main season’s character would be another girl from the first season’s new friendship group, who happens to be an indigenous australian. for those of you who don’t know about australia’s institutionalised racism, indigenous australians (or aboriginals) were the nation of people who lived in australia before the british colonised coastlines in 1788. basically the british ignored them and still claimed australia despite the land being rightfully theirs, and the settlers built our nation on segregation and racism. from 1905-1969 (and in some places, even still in the 70s) the australian government actually seized mixed-race aboriginal children from their families in what is now known as the ‘stolen generation’ because the white men running the country believed that every single aboriginal was unfit to take care of their own children. many aboriginals still live in poverty, some retaining their old customs and others trying to 'join in’ westernised culture (with much reluctance, because like i said, so many people are still racist as shit). even in australia we hardly talk about this racism, let alone the rest of the world. so i think it would be so incredible to have an entire season (and really, a show) centered around a young aboriginal girl who’s grown up in the suburbs like everyone else (due to the tireless efforts of her parents who battled adversity) to try and ‘fit in’ despite no one accepting her. unlike sana’s season, this hypothetical season 2 would primarily focus on the season’s main, her insecurity about her heritage and thus distancing from her family and perhaps engaging in behaviour she wouldn’t otherwise. it’s so important for this character to have a personality in the sense that she’s more than a stereotype, and i see her as being a bright but quirky girl who isn’t very athletic but she’s so kind and optimistic but has a lot of self esteem issues and tends to distance herself from people due to her feeling inferior. the season’s romance would probably orientate around one of the more popular guys in her school (but nothing like william) - he’s very extroverted and funny and charismatic, hence why he’s popular, but the main feels like she never has a chance because he’s not indigenous so why would he acknowledge her??? i want them to develop an unlikely friendship (the viewers knowing that the main has a massive crush but unbeknownst to the actual main herself) and idk the exact details but the season will revolve around some sort of event that will end with the main embracing her heritage and proudly sharing her origin story and being extremely proud of her aboriginal ancestors, as she rightfully should be! also, she eventually gets the boy despite resistance (both on her end and her family’s) and we’d have a really sweet interracial relationship to grace us. :)
season three ; isak equivalent
This is still such a big issue in Australia, all things lbgtqia+ related, because as you may know, Australia still hasn’t legalised our marriage equality bill (although our government technically legalised it in 2013, albeit not properly so it was nullified after a month). But surprisingly, especially in sports clubs and smaller towns, Australia is still so conservative in the way it views gender roles. Everything is still so static. School uniforms at school are still so strict and gender orientated (people can get sent home for not doing up their shoes, legit. And this was at a public school). And the sports clubs we have here are typically an AFL/Netball club, in which the boys play Australian Football, and the girls netball, and it’s sort of just assumed you date the opposite gender depending??? (Much less allow boys to play netball and girls to play football, until recently at least). This season would follow a boy, who probably befriended the season one main at the football club and helped her out during that time, who is gay. Now it’s important to note that yes, there’s still a major deficiency of good wlw relationships and trans, intersex and asexual characters, well, everywhere, but funnily enough australia seems far more accepting of wlw as opposed to mlm, in terms of sports clubs, which is why i think this is still an important story to tell. often homophobic language is still tossed around and some people don’t even know there’s an underlying context to it. it’s just so ingrained in the culture that it’s hard to think of alternatives (if you’re wondering, i live in a family of football players, grew up at one of these clubs as a netballer and have many footballer friends, so i know all of this from experience). This season would follow the main, as all of his mates are getting girlfriends and boasting about it as they tend to do, all hyped up for the end of season presentations after the football finals, which people usually showcase their girlfriends at .The main is obviously terrified, thinking there’s something wrong with him, that their entire team/family will discard him if he comes out. The sideplot of this season would follow season one’s main, who contrasts to this season’s main as their both the other’s main support (I also want the season one main to be bi or pan, not only to demonstrate to the s3 main than there are such sexual orientations outside heterosexuality, but damn i want some cute and healthy wlw relationships okay). Let’s say this season’s main is either the captain of the team or the coach’s son, and he feels so much pressure to excel that he’s lost a piece of himself and has such receded into himself and his battling his own demons (cue my lame ass excuse to play troye sivan constantly). NOW THIS IS AN ACTUAL THING THAT HAPPENS, some clubs in smaller towns develop rivalries with the closest club and it’s actually a tangible thing??? Like my dad still speaks badly of his rival club even tho it was such a childish thing based on nothing omg. So I picture insecure season main training up, and meets a guy from the other club (either as a player, or maybe a rare male netballer bc that is a thing, or even just a worker in the canteen but still tied up with the other club) and it’s basically about overcoming the prejudice of class (which is why the clubs are rivals) as well as homophobia and how supportive a group of these ‘manly men’ (die gender roles, really) and it being just the sweetest and most important thing ever. as well as a romance that, even though sort of forbidden bc of club rivalry, it all works out in the end and the main ends up taking the boy to that end of season presentation despite all the conservatives bc he’s proud and happy and so are all his friends. ALSO I NEED A MAJESTIC BEST FRIEND that supports the main so much, a Jonas!equivalent. I think it would be really special if it could be the romantic interest from s2, purely to see more of that healthy interracial relationship, but bc he’s also popular and to destigmatise status and see the only reason you have for not understanding other people is bc you’re an asshole. stop making popular kids in school inhuman or completely removed from ‘normal’ people.
season four ; even equivalent. 
so this final season would obviously deviate from skam as well, and i mean even equivalent in the sense of his character, not as the s3 romantic interest. i feel mental illness (and disability) are things that skam could have explored much more, and a season dedicated to mental health would be so incredible. i feel like this character would be a female character in the original girl group, and the main drama of the season is the end of year exams in the final year of high school. as for which specific mental illnesses or disabilities this character could have, i haven’t done enough research on this to give a proper and educated answer, but i’m sure ao many of you can name some that are so relevant in today’s society but aren’t discussed in the media at all (and should be). back to the season, unlike norway we don’t have any ‘big’ graduation things, besides muck up day (a day where everyone really goes crazy with pranks and dress ups), schoolies (which is where you go on holiday for like a week and be drunk the whole time) and val (formal dinner/dance/graduation thing). but unlike a lot of countries, australia’s education system is kinda stupid bc if you wanna go to university (in victoria, australia anyway) your exams for your final year are the only thing that can get you in. in australia, you are literally only assessed on the final year (every other year of high school is irrelevant) and universities don’t see any extracurriculars or anything about you. we also don’t do entrance exams or essays. literally all universities get is a number (out of 100) that ranks you with the rest of the state by how you went in your exams. that’s literally it (i honestly almost died in that year, it was the worst thing). so i want a season to sort of talk about the school stress, and anxiety of planning out your future, and mental health because although everyone relates to the stress of school, there’s not much media about why it’s so stressful (and hence, why no governments will ever try to change it). it’s also so important to talk about mental health issues, and i think this would be a wonderful way to end the series because it will be good to devote this season to other characters as well (so it’s not as heavy) but can end on a really uplifting note and talk about health and how the bad things, no matter how bad, are never permanent, and even though friendships aren’t permanent either, there are such things as soulmates (platonically or not), and i want to emphasise the platonically part in the friendship of these girls and how they survived these years together and overcame adversity in different ways.and that the experiences we all feel as teenagers and young people are not only relevant but are valid, and no one can demean you or your thoughts for your age. because we lack in wisdom doesn’t mean we lack knowledge, and our generation has plenty of love in our hearts to hopefully share and ensure we can overcome adversity together. 
... so yeah. That was a rant and a half about what an australian skam could look like! This is basically a fanfiction, really. But the whole point of writing this was just to say that yeah a non-US based skam adaption would be great (I would also love to see a Canadian or New Zealand skam, purely because they are countries that are also rarely acknowledged in terms of english-speaking countries in the media). Also this wasn’t a dig at Julie or her incredible show, as regardless of what happens I’m so glad I’ve been part of the skamily. But all I’m saying is that Julie has definitely inspired me, and hopefully others, to start telling more stories that are authentic and real, and not just what people want to hear. 
Alt er love. <3
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chocolatemeg · 7 years
Do all of them for that ask game :). Ps. I love your blog it's always really entertaining on my dash 😘
Someone actually did this wow I'm so happy no one ever does these ask games with me anymore, thanks anon! I would put these below a cut but I'm on mobile so I can't, so I am sorry that you have to read all of this. 1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? -Okay well the last person I texted is my boyfriend, who I haven't seen in a month because he is currently in a different province, so it would probably just be me saying how much I missed him and probably crying2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?-Well we are currently in a long distance relationship which fucking sucks, but we're getting through it, and it'll be over soon (well as soon as school starts again)3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?-um depends on which drug, but yeah it would probably bother me a little, especially if it was a really serious drug habit4. Is your last name longer than six letters?-It is5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?- I was sober (I was also crying but oh well. Was still sober)6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?-Oh all the time. Especially in high school when it came to people I was crushing on. It's okay though, I figured it out7. What does your last received text say?-"That's all I've got for you"8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?-More than I can count and nowhere close to enough 9. Where was your last kiss at?-in the parking lot of the residence I was living in at university 10. When is the last time you saw your sister?-don't have one11. What do you drink in the morning?-Water if I wake up thirsty, or just like orange juice or something 12. Where did you sleep last night?-In my own bed (sadly)13. Do you think relationships are hard?-I think that they can be. I think it depends a lot upon who you and your SO are as people, and how much work you're willing to put into your relationship14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?-Maybe15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?-None whatsoever. I would be ecstatic 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?-Rainy. I burn very easily, and I love the rain. Although if I had to be going outside somewhere then I suppose I would rather it be sunny. However in a perfect world in which I got to stay home all day: definitely rainy17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?-Not that I know of?18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?-I am currently lying in bed in my pjs 19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?-I hope so, but who knows what'll happen20. Does anyone like you?-i sure as hell hope so, otherwise me and my bf need to have a talk 😝21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?-funnily enough, the only people I've ever kissed have both had S names (their initials have actually both been SB lmao)22. Is the last person you kissed gay?-hope not23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?-so many. 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?-I have, and I actually did get one last month. It's a rose, and it's very pretty and I love it25. In the past week have you cried?-literally almost every night this month. I'm having a really hard time with long distance and being back at home, so it's just been a lot to deal with26. What breed was the last dog you saw? -Um I think it was a Doberman but idk27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?-out of the shower 28. Have you ever kissed a football player?-No but I have kissed someone who used to play rugby (which is basically the same thing)29. Do you think you’re old?-not particularly? 30. Do you like text messaging?-I do. I tend to stutter and mix up words when I'm speaking, so texting makes my life easier 31. What type of day are you having?-pretty shit but that seems to be my new norm 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?-I've considered it, but idk. I feel like I'm too likely to pull it out somehow to really feel safe doing it33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?-cold. I like bundling up in lots of layers, and being too hot makes me really grumpy 34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?-yes there is35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?-a relationship definitely. I like commitment, I don't do casual very well36. Are you a simple or complicated person?-I have no idea. Probably complicated37. What song are you listening to?-Breakeven by The Script38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?-depends on the context and who I'm talking to 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?-Umm probably my best friend. She definitely knows more than most40. What made you start liking the person you like now?-well we lived down the hall from each other last year, and got to be really close friends, and idk, things eventually started to develop more, and I realized that I had a crush on them (which was a problem because I was currently in a relationship but it all worked out (also I feel like I should clarify, at no point did I ever cheat on my partner at the time, it was just a lot of confusing emotions which I sorted through and ended the relationship after realizing that it wasn't fair to us because I wanted to be with someone else and what I was doing wasn't fair to him ))41. When did you last receive a text message?-Around 9pm while I was at work42. What is wrong with you right now?-so much. Way too much to get into right now but hey if you want the full story than ask in a separate ask and y'all can have all of my drama43. How well do you know the last female you texted?-pretty well, given that it's my mother44. Does anyone disgust you?-lots of people45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?-nope. I am in a happy committed relationship and I intend to stay in it for as long as possible 46. Are you in a good mood right now?-I'm too distracted to be in a bad mood, so I suppose so47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?-My mom48. What color shirt are you wearing?-it's this purpleish pink colour 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?-not recently50. Anyone you’re giving up on?-just myself a little bit 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?-well I'm currently dating and in love with them, so imma have to go with no52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?-all the time53. Do you like rain?-I love it54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?-Not in the slightest. I drink, and it's fun to get drunk with other people 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?-oh all the time56. Do you like to cuddle?-I love to cuddle. I'm a very physically affectionate person57. Are you shy?-sometimes58. Do you get along with girls?-it depends on the girl, but usually not 59. Have you dated the person you texted last?-I am currently dating them60. What do you carry with you at all times?-my phone61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?-it depends, if I had someone with me, I would but if I was alone then I don't think I could62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?-I can, and I have63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?-For parts of it I was 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?-oh very65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?-honestly just whatever my cats do. I find everything they do cute66. How old are the last three people you kissed?-okay well I've only ever kissed two people, and they've both been About the same age as me67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? -do them myself, because I always destroy them so fast it doesn't seem worth it to pay to get them done68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? -leopard print69. Do you have any stickers on your car? -don't have a car70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? -I don't know who either of those people are 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? -iPhone 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? -the day my boyfriend broke up with me (it's okay we got back together. It was a very complicated messy situation dw everything is fine now)73. Do you like diet soda? -not really. 74. What color are the walls in your room? -white and light green75. Are you 16 or older? -I am. I'm 1876. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? -I used to, but I stopped watching last year. I'm still sort of caught up though77. Do you have a job? -I do as of Saturday 78. What are your initials? -MSM79. Did you ever have braces? -I did. Got them off in 10th grade80. Are you from the south? -no? I'm from Canada, I don't even know if we have anything that qualifies as 'the south'81. What does your last status on facebook say? -I've never made a Facebook status82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? -we snapchat semi regularly. It's still slightly awkward after the breakup but oh well83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? -definitely my dad 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? -nope. I am the least flexible person ever. (My boyfriend used to be a gymnast though, which is cool. He backflips way too much though 😝)85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? -WONDER WOMAN!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD86. Do you smoke? -Nope, and I never will87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? -depends on where I'm going 88. Is your phone touch screen? -it is. 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? -straight usually90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? -never91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? -pool probably 92. Have you ever made out in a car? -sadly no93. …Had sex in a car? -sadly also no. It's on the bucket list tho 94. Are you single or in a relationship? -relationship 95. What were you doing last night at midnight? -Having a minor stress induced breakdown 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? -last year on Canada day probably 97. Do you like the camera on your phone? -yeah it's pretty good98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? -I have! For 3 weeks actually (until it turned into an actual relationship)99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? -nope, but I have vomited my guts out from drinking100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? -oh absolutely 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? -I had one this week actually lmao (props to my IUD for fucking with my period)102. Name your favorite Kesha song: -your love is my drug103. Do you have any tan lines right now? -jokes on you I don't tan because I'm a ghost104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? -I absolutely would, I love my cowboy boots
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meganews77-blog · 7 years
Lost Films They Really Better Find Soon
10. The Unlicensed Batman Movie, Where he Fights Dracula: Batman Fights Dracula Over the years, hundreds of unlicensed of Batman products have been made without the permission of DC. Including, if you’re so inclined, the worst porno movie ever made, which is also, funnily enough, a lost film.
9. The First Ever Voiced Anime: Chikara to Onna no Yo no Naka Anime is a lot like vaping, in that it’s incredibly popular among a diverse group of people, but diehard fans who take it too seriously insist that it’s a niche interest. Even if you’re not a big fan of anime, something cool from your childhood – whether it’s the Power Rangers or Tekken 2 – owes some part of its existence to this genre of media.
8. The Japanese Period Drama Starring King Kong: King Kong Appears in Edo Godzilla is considered a seminal work of Japanese cinema and is credited with being the genesis of the kaiju (giant monster) genre. Think the kind of movies Pacific Rim was an homage to. Weirdly though, there was a Japanese film starring a giant monster released nearly two decades before Godzilla starring the other OG of the giant monster world, King Kong, that has since been lost.
7. One of the Best Spy Dramas Ever Made: Squadron Leader X Recently there’s been a backlash of sorts against the glut of CGI-filled movies dominating the box office every summer. There has been a renewed appreciation for good old fashioned practical effects. Few people realize, though, just how old fashioned practical effects are. For example, consider the film Squadron Leader X, a 1943 spy thriller that features actual stunts and aerial dog-fights performed by actual members of the British Air Force during war time. Meaning the planes featured in this movie were real Allied planes, that had taken part in actual dog fights with the Axis, that the director somehow convinced to take part in pretend dog fights, for fun.
6. The Gay Porno Starring Jesus: HIM Okay so we kind of lied about wanting to keep things PG. But this one is too weird to not mention. Weird because the film was deemed so offensively unerotic that people genuinely don’t believe it ever existed. What little we know about the plot says that it focuses on a young man who becomes sexually fixated with Jesus. Which is, well…really weird. But hey, who are we to judge the kind of things people find sexy?
5. Another Film About a Man in a Gorilla Costume Terrorizing Japan: Wasei Kingu Kongu We know what you’re thinking: we already did this entry, right? Well as it turns out, Japan was way more into King Kong than we ever realized. Released in 1933 (the same year as King Kong), Wasei Kingu Kongu (that’s the actual title) follows the adventures of a young man called Santa (that’s his actual name) who, inspired by the film King Kong, dons a gorilla costume and takes part in a stage show to earn money to impress a girl he likes.
4. The Disney Movie, Before Disney: Le avventure di Pinocchio It says a lot about Disney as a company that they’re so powerful, folk stories that have existed for centuries – and in some cases, millennia – belong to them, because nobody would be willing to face down their legal department to make a Snow White or Pinocchio movie. Curiously, Disney as we know it today may never have existed if not for one Italian company abandoning – ironically – a Pinocchio movie.
3. The Bruce Lee Movie Where He Straight Up Murders People: The Big Boss, Original Mandarin Cut It’s no secret that we love us some Bruce Lee here at TopTenz. Which is why we’re all kinds of annoyed that there is a film starring our main man that we’ll never get to see. The Big Boss was the film that first catapulted Bruce Lee to fame, but as we’ve mentioned before, there’s a bunch of stuff cut from that movie including scenes of Bruce Lee killing people with gardening implements, and having sex with prostitutes.
2. The Colorized Version of the Best Movie Ever Made: Citizen Kane We’re not going to waste valuable digital ink fawning over Citizen Kane, because there are like 8,000 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes already doing that. The film is rightfully considered a cinematic masterpiece, though at the time it was crapped on because the guy it was parodying threw a big temper tantrum. Figures.
1. The Original (Better) Copy of One of the Worst Films Ever: Foodfight! The title of “worst film ever made” is paradoxically one that is more contested than the title of best, with dozens of films vying for the place beneath the scum at the bottom of the barrel. If Foodfight! isn’t the worst film ever made, it is certainly a worthy contender.
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