#They live happily ever after
barawrah · 1 month
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800 year old martial god causes problems on purpose by kidnapping the heir of a great sect . or something
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lrrrkan · 6 days
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the people of all time
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i was gonna draw some different shoes on lisa but guyssss i cant draw shoes *fighting demons*
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xivdl · 3 months
harry and adam
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casieyfran · 6 months
In anidala/vaderdala fics i enjoy all tropes, it can be fluff or toxic, it can be dark that'll makes you question "wtf am i reading?" or sweet that will give u diabetes and puke rainbows. I enjoy angst and shts that will make me cry. But yall never catch me reading with a trope that includes "tragedy" like what do you mean they didn't sort it all out and live happily ever after with their babies?
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Yes yes finally you r the first person I see who brought up the fact Wheatley and chell has a child after blue sky !! We need more dad wheat
Hi Anon! I think this is the very first ask I've ever received! Thank you so much!
I totally agree! We definitely need to see more post-Blue Sky content. I just want them to have the happily ever after they deserve. And Wheaterz would be so cute with their kid! I can just imaging all these scenarios.
Not only would Chell have to Wheatley-proof all the door frames (where he inevitably keeps hitting his head) but she would also have to baby-proof the entire house! Because if their kid inherits anything from its father, or its mother's affinity for deliberate destruction, then they better keep an eye out. The entire town is in danger!
I could also just imagine how careful and hesitant Wheatley would be when holding the baby.
At first, he's afraid that he might hurt it. After all, he's not exactly known for his ability to keep things in one piece for an extended period of time. And the baby looks so tiny. So fragile. As if one wrong move could upset it, or hurt it, or worse; and if he isn't the king of Wrong Moves then he doesn't know who is.
Still... if Chell, so confident in everything she does, and so much better than him at so many things, thinks he can do it... If she trusts him... Maybe it will be okay after all?
I may or may not have a few fic ideas in that vein, for those of you who might be interested... ;)
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airu27-rkgk · 2 years
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♠ ♦ ♣ ♥
the suffering of fools by @angelicsentinel
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sw33t3rthanh0ney · 8 months
T0mmy whos obsessed with true cr1me and ser1@l k1ll3rs and w1lbvr who is a ser1@ll k1ll3r. T0mmy listens to podcasts of w1lbvrs mvrd3rs he’s committed and looks into everything they know abt “The siren” to the point where he’s obsessed and seeks him out. eventually he (although on accident) stumbles upon the k1ll3r mid b0dy dump. W1lbvr knows he has fans but he didn’t think someone would be crazy enough of a fan to seek him out. T0mmy not even the slightest bit phased that w1l is threatening him while trying to hide a b0dy as he questions w1l about “why he does it” and what lead him to this, if any k1ll3rs inspired him & what not. W1l eventually answers some of them but not before asking t0m questions about himself. Eventually he finds himself interested in the blond. After a bit w1l walks t0m home promising he’ll find the boy again and let him ask whatever else he wants and he’ll answer at the price of a date.
A few months later and t0mmy finds himself dating the k1ll3r he obsessed over.
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that-one-enby-ranger · 8 months
Modern AU Halt and Crowley Headcanons
Halt loves Disney and Musicals. Everyone was surprised to find that out. His favourite musical is Grease and one of his favourite Disney movies is Alice in Wonderland
Halt liked music from the 70s and 80s the most, especially classic rock. His favourite band is Queen. He also likes MCR (obviously). He doesn’t like mediaeval folk music because it reminds him of Hibernia which and it all sounds the same to him which is why in the books it says he doesn’t like music, but modern day stuff has a wider range and more interesting stuff he does actually like.
Halt loves Tim Burton and Johnny Depp movies. Some of his favourite movies are Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd and the Tim Burton remakes of Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Halt loves MARVEL movies, his favourite character is Tony.
Crowley also loves Disney and musicals. His favourite Disney movie is Brave, his favourite musical is The Greatest Showman.
Crowley wears flannel shirts.
Crowley hates dolls and mannequins.
Crowley likes ABBA, Dua Lipa and Beyonce the most
Crowley’s favourite TV show is F.R.I.E.N.D.S and his favourite movie is The Greatest Showman.
Crowley's favourite song is 'We Fell in Love in October" by girl in red.
Queer marriage is legal and they get married and live happily ever after.
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itsplutotime · 1 year
Tell me why I’m using art heist baby as a way to cope with crimson rivers …oh I’m fucked…
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blooming-cecilia · 10 months
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guys omg bard is leaked to be a new playable 5* for v5.0 😳😳??!?!?!???
bonus doodle sheet of bards i drew instead of sleeping
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uselessmossball · 1 month
The twins/The hillbilly... I love them...
At the first time the twins arrived at entity-world, they wandered lots of realms(autohaven, red forest...etc...)but didn't find any place to live
not that killers ignored them or harassed them but you know? they just did their job and rest alone. They had no time to care another person(sadly)
Then Charlotte found coldwind farm, vast cornfield and Thompson house, she thought there was no one here now and rested a bit in the house. like goldilocks
and billy came home after trial...found the beautiful girl sitting on living room sofa
They instantly knew they were same. Abused by people because they were looked different, hiding themselves&locked up somewhere in shadows... and they met eyes to eyes
Billy is not a soft person, he is the opposite of kind and soft. He only knew violence in his whole life so he don't know how to express soft feelings, but he left charlotte not showing violence. That was his ways to accept Charlotte to live in this house, and charlotte understand him too
So...they live together eventually!
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pinkfayes-ramblings · 2 years
purposely skipping Robin’s kidnapping is self-care🥰
Just remembering how happy he was seeing Finn alive and well is everything to me
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ficsforeren · 2 years
taylor swift's champagne problem for Armin x Y/N in TLS?
wait isn't this song about a girl who turns down her lover's proposal due to her mental health struggles? damn that's sad :'(((((((
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canisalbus · 4 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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fireflyescaped · 10 months
Man asking permission to propose: may I have your daughters hand?
Creator of woman android handing him her detached hand: weird ask but ok
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thelvadams · 6 months
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Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way.
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