#They're little guys! Evil little guys <3 I think it's great :D
sysig · 5 months
What makes a villain a villain for you? Idk very broad question no wrong answers to it
I tend to conflate "villain" and "antagonist" - or at least antagonistic, if they're a main character like Charm is haha - someone who impedes others, who seeks to do harm, who is in some way uncontrollable and therefore dangerous. I also tend to like villains that have someone or something to rage against, very Megamind haha - "If there's bad, good will rise up against it."
Villains can be as complex or simplistic as you like, which is very fun! Some villains like to be evil for funsies! Some are tortured! Some don't realize that what they're doing is harmful! Yves is great example of a BBEG who has only good intentions imo (and coincidentally, is also modeled after my own ADHD lol, I have something of a soft spot for dysregulated villains haha)
One of my favourite aspects of the True Villainy AU, and kind of Just Desserts S2 as a whole, is how different types of villains look and move in that world - Charm was seduced by thoughts of revenge that stemmed from loneliness and bitterness, where Kaiein is a manipulative asshole who gets his kicks from causing chaos from the sidelines. Their motivations are very different, but they both do harm, and are both stopped! Villains ✨
#Villains have a lot of wiggle room for what makes them villains I think :)#And there's certainly more shades of grey to explore than the fairly black-and-white villains that I tend to like lol#Charm is pretty black and white - she's a villain until she isn't#It's still hard for her because she ''learned'' all these maladjusted behaviours to get through her life but she keeps trying!#Kaiein is very black and white - literally lol - he's a villain for funsies and has to be defeated rather than recovered#And Yves is quite black and white as well! He doesn't really consider the harm that he does until it's too late! And he still doesn't stop!#I think just about any antagonist Can be a villain depending on the framing - including those trying to stop my villains here#The JD Residents are villains for causing Charm mental anguish - that's why she seeks revenge in the first place!#And again they're the villains for taking away Kaiein's fun toy - you can tell I have little sympathy for him lol#The AGE crew are villains for trying to stop Yves from resurrecting his God and recreating the spiritual Cambrian explosion!#I think what makes a villain a villain is the harm they're willing to cause on the way to their goal#Anyone properly motivated can be twisted into the shape of a villain - what lengths are they willing to go to? Who are they willing to hurt#It's about finding the Hubristic Downfall and digging from there#Villains Are their characters flaws <3#I feel like I've mentioned it somewhere but I view Charm specifically as being endearingly flawed like a cat lol#Cats can have so many characters flaws that we would find unacceptable in humans but are charming - haha - in a cat#Charm is my self-love by way of cat-ifying my own character flaws <3 It's why I like villainsonas so much!!#They're little guys! Evil little guys <3 I think it's great :D#Just Desserts#Villainsona#AGE#Yves
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iceheap · 10 months
@panicataphmausinsanity okay so Zane HC's LETS GOOOOOOOO
Before we start trigger warning for like, child abuse and torture and shit. Seriously this gets dark. Zane redemption must come at a price >:D
So. Something interesting to me in regards to Zane is how in MCD, He's like, this evil, terrible human being, but in Mystreet, he's like, a semi functional human being who can be a NOT bad person and NOT do bad things. And so I got to thinking.
I don't think Zane was born a bad person.
Personally, I kind of hate the way Jess wrote Zane. Like, yes, evil for the sake of evil is great and all, but like. In season one and two, Zane was this overarching antagonist who was always one step ahead of the cast and plotting and having a good time being a paice of shit.
And then season 3 comes around and now he's a shadow knight, on the run, has PTSD...
Look, I'm not knocking the guy for having PTSD. I'm just saying that the way it's portrayed kind of makes him seem like a whimpery coward. AGAIN, NOT KNOCKING PTSD!!
I think the position that Zane found himself in season 3 was a PERFECT set up for a redemption arc and it makes me SO MAD that it didn't happen.
So I guess I have to do it myself apparently -_-
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I've been thinking a lot about Zane. I don't want him to stop being evil. Not right away. So we keep what happened in the first two seasons the same. He's a cackling maniac that has killed a shit ton of people and is on his father's payroll.
And then he dies.
(skill issue lol)
Anyway, Zane is dead. But he's also Zane, so of course he weasels his way out of being dead. And then he gets tortured and is subjected to the same suffering he condemned so many others to yada yada yada PTSD bleh.
Everything seems to be the same so far.
But then he breaks out if the nether. Still, we're on track, right?
He gets captured, he gets expedited to Phoenix Drop, he gets interrogated, it's all the same.
But here we find a canon divergence. Instead of being absolute dumbasses, they don't bring him into the nether. Let's scrap that plot point entirely.
Instead, we're going to let Zane bake in prison for a while!
Here are the main issues that make Zane irredeemable.
1. He's killed like, a shit ton of people, for funsies ig
2. He killed Vylad.
3. He destroyed Aaron's village.
Let's keep those things in mind.
So he's in prison. While in prison, Garroth starts to visit him (along with Travis but shhhh we'll get to him another day) and just. You know. Be angry.
Garroth has seen Zane as a spoiled brat his entire life. He's always been their father's favorite. He's always had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He's always been willing to do whatever it takes for power. He's greedy. He's psychotic. Garroth hates him.
But Zane is Garroth's brother. And Garroth is the type of golden retriever, gold hearted, kind type of character to still love his brother even if he hates him.
That doesn't mean he goes in and is like, nice to him though. Nope. Garroth goes to visit him and nine times out of ten it devolves into a screaming match where Zane antagonizes him the entire time and Garroth yells at him for being a shitty human being.
And then one day Phoenix Drop is attacked and Zane escapes.
They track him down eventually. When they find him, they strike a deal with him. Due to Irene related shenanigans they need his expertise as a scholar of Irene to figure out some more stuff for Aphmau. In exchange, they'll protect him from the Shadow Lord (who he pissed off by stealing one of his soul fragments lol Zane behavior).
Eventually they're able to establish a rapore with Zane. Garroth still gets a migraine whenever they have a conversation. Vylad still refuses to speak to him (oh btw he's visiting from his nether revolution vacation just so u know) and Aphmau still wants to tear out his guts for killing the love of her life or whatever, but he becomes manageable. They can like, stand him. A little bit. Slightly.
And then Zianna gets kidnapped or whatever. So they go rescue her. But when they get back to Phoenix Drop they forget to mention the fact that Zane is like. There and in the wild and not currently killing entire villages worth of people.
So Zianna rolls up to Phoenix Drop and gets jumpscared by her youngest son and also, notably, Zane is NOT happy to see her. He shuts the front door in her face. It's hilarious even though Garroth doesn't think of it that way.
So, now we have our key players all in one place. Garroth, Vylad, Zane, and Zianna.
Let's say they have to all go find an artifact toghether or something and they need Zianna there because it's related to something she knows and they need Zane there because of Irene lore reasons. they go on this mission. One day, they sit and set up for the night, set up bedrolls, whatever. They're lounging around the fire and talking when Vylad eventually mentions his time as a shadow knight in the nether and something about torture.
Zane blinks, and, having not been included in the conversation initially, buts it to say,
"Oh, please. Don't tell me getting tortured by those amatures was DISTRESSING for you. I would have thought father's methods would have given you thicker skin."
The others bristle and start scolding him, of course, because Zane is like, the reason Vylad became a shadow knight in the first place. But Vylad himself, who is very observant and hard to antagonize, latches into something Zane said.
"Methods? What methods?" He says. He says it sharply, too.
Of course, Zane doesn't pick up on this. He just rolls his eyes.
"Don't tell me you forgot. Father had a whole floor dedicated to torture and loved collecting new methods from around the region. I think he even had a historian employed who would research for him..."
"What?" Garroth says, stunned out of his anger.
Zianna has gone silent. So has everyone else, and now they're watching with baited breaths.
"So what? What would that have to do with me?"
And for the first time that they've ever seen, Zane looks... Puzzled.
"What, did he go easy on you? Didn't you talk back to him all the time? Once, after just asking him a question, he had two of my nails pulled. Shadow Knight torture was child's play in comparison," he shrugs, then takes a bite out of his stale price of bread.
There's silence.
Zane looks back at all of them, confused and now kind of pissed off. He looks like he usually does when he feels like he's about to be scolded for saying something crass. Except, that's not what happens. Instead, Vylad looks him in the eye for the first time since Zane killed him, and with the most emotion they've ever heard from him, says,
Zane hums.
"Come on. Don't play dumb. He hated you. Im sure he must have sent you to the "torture basement" at least once. You got on his nerves constantly,"
Garroth makes an aborted movement, like he's going to stand up and rush him, but Vylad stops him with a flick of his hand. And then Vylad starts doing what he does best. Interrogating him.
So remember that list, right? Let's reframe a few things.
Zane was not the favorite child. Garroth was.
Garte was a paice of shit. Garte hated Vylad. But he also hates Zane. Why wouldn't he? Vylad was his wife's affair child, sure, but Zane, Zane was Zianna's spitting image.
When Zane was little, he used to take snails and out them in the grass after it rained. He uses to clamor for his mother's pastries just like his brothers. He was a normal child, and he was NOT born a psychopath.
But Garte had a thought, one day.
Wouldn't it be funny... If he made his wife think he WAS one?
Wouldn't it be funny to punish her that way? Wouldn't it be funny to turn Zane into a terrible person, and have her think it was for no reason? Make her think that she birthed a psychopath? How much would it hurt her? How much would she weep?
Garte used to punish Zane for Vylad's joy. One of Vylad's laughs would equal one slap to the face. One side remark in defence of their mother would equal one hour locked in his father's study closet in his office.
Garte turns Zane against himself brothers. And the best part in his mind?
He makes Zane believe that they know about all of it.
He tells Zane that his mother knows about it. That his brothers don't care that he's beaten. That Vylad does things so he gets punished on purpose.
Zane grows up thinking that his brothers probably go through this too. He grows up thinking that his mother just doesn't love him. And so he doesn't say a thing.
Garte starts having him tortured instead of superficially physically abused? He says nothing.
Garte makes him become a priest of Okasis even though the consequence of failing the academy is death? He says nothing.
Garte would encourage Zane to blugeon animals to death and bring them to Zianna and laugh at her horrified face from afar. Garte encourages Zane to say psychotic things while they're eating dinner, and watches as his family becomes more and more convinced Zane is a monster.
Until Zane is one.
But this reframes a few things.
The people Zane killed? It was under orders. He eventually became his father's right hand man. Most of his overarching goals have been in service of his father.
For Aaron's village, we'll stick a pin in that one, but long story short, Aaron's village had been planning a coup that night under his wife's orders. Zane had them killed under his father's orders so they could eliminate them as political neighbors. He let Aaron live out of pity.
And Vylad.
Basically, remember when I said that Garte used to punish Zane according to Vylad's actions?
One day, Vylad gets into an explosive argument with Garte defending Zianna. And Garte, again, without the other's knowing, has Zane tortured. Except this time it's for a WEEK STRAIGHT.
So when Zane gets out. He's. Very unstable.
And then he comes across Vylad in a semi secluded area.
And Vylad is acting like he did nothing, and all he's ever done is make Zane suffer, and Zane hates him hates him HATES HIM--
And so he snaps. And he kills him.
Keep in mind, though, Zane thinks this is all normal. He doesn't realize that killing his own brother has traumatized him. He doesn't realize that he's a victim of abuse. He doesn't realize that what his dad did is not okay because he THINKS HIS FAMILY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED, and if they didn't contradict his abuse, then this must be normal. He thinks that Vylad has probably been tortured too. He thinks Garroth is their father's favorite because in his mind he's determined that Garroth not receiving any attention from their father is a GOOD thing because ATTENTION EQUALS TORTURE to him.
And this reframes a few things. His constant bid for power? It's not greed, it's DESPERATION. Power makes him feel safe. Hurting others makes him feel powerful because that's how his father had power over him.
His highly volatile and violent personality? It's l he's ever known. Do you have ANY idea what torture could do to a child? He has severe PTSD. Like, severe and repressed and his outburst are more common when he's uncomfortable or anxious or experiencing any negative emotion, which is often.
Garte took Zane's empathy from him. Turned him against his family. Made him into a monster. With these types of characters, I imagine it would probably be very difficult for them to redevelop their emotions and empathy because if they do that, they would have to face their whole mountain of trauma and the guilt of all the lives they've ruined.
I think eventually, after a lot of work, Zane does eventually regain his empathy. It probably finally sinks in during a small gathering. His mother makes her famous cake. Zane has long gotten used to being excluded during these sorts of things, but then...
His mother slides a plate of cake right in front of him.
His favorite.
And she smiles at him.
This is probably after they found out about Garte being a peice of shit. Maybe a few months.
All Zane has ever wanted is to be loved. Maybe he didn't know it, but when he takes a bite of his mother's strawberry cake for the first time in decades and the nostalgic taste registers in his brain, something snaps.
And he becomes human again.
And he realizes:
I'm a person.
I'm a murderer.
I'm a monster.
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wolves0nmars · 1 year
american healthcare by penelope scott but make it leon s. kennedy.
verse 1, "when i was seven years old i saw a dead man in the road..." could relate to the early loss of his parents and leon's first experience with a police officer. plenty of children are exposed to violence at an early age, and leon is no exception. this experience desensitized him to violence and to cope with it he focused on the positive experience he had with that cop, and decided he wanted to be an officer in order to help people.
he helped claire, sherry, ashley, etc. there's actually kind of a pattern of him "saving" female characters and kind of affirming his own masculinity by doing so. this makes his interactions with ada and luis very interesting, the former of course being a woman that doesnt need his saving and the latter being a man that desperately needs his saving. but thats a conversation for another time.
and in the chorus of the song, "you corporate fucking prick, i did not become a doctor just to suck the devil's dick" relates to him a lot. because leon s kennedy sucks a lot of d---he has a lot of experiences with "corporate overlords", like simmons. but also this doesn't just apply to specific individuals. leon is in law enforcement because he wants to protect people. he was a police officer because he wanted to protect people, he is an agent because he wants to protect as many people around the world in the long run optimally in the most efficient way. but he consistently runs into the problem that his job as a police officer is not to protect people. its to protect private property. his job as an agent is not to protect people. its to protect corporate interests. he's in the wrong job.
i really hope we see leon be a firefighter or an emt some day. like, obviously hes a little old and definitely traumatized enough, but those are occupations where your job literally is just to help people, not keep corporate interests in mind.
and in verse 2 "I asked the right questions, i never even really got bored" relates to him really well too. leon quite easily slipped into his role as "right hand man", never wondering or asking just what exactly left hand was up to. because truthfully, he didn't want to know. he preferred the comfort that came with not knowing.
or in verse 3, "it trickled into both my ears, it got louder over the years, until all that i could hear were fuckin' flies" probably relates to leon the most out of any line from this song. it perfectly represents how incredibly corrupted leon has become. it's also worth mentioning how resident evil viruses do sometimes take the form of insects. you could kind of look at it like a direct parallel between government corruption and the viruses he's fighting. they're both equally parasitic, infectious, and harmful. i imagine sometimes leon just wishes he'd be infected finally, because it's better than this torturous process of corruption. in the pre chorus, she says "sometimes it's like they'd rather die" and i think sometimes it's like he'd rather die.
it's such a great song about american capitalism and how easily it can corrupt people's naive hopes and dreams of helping people. because leon s kennedy... has been corrupted. time and time again throughout the RE franchise we see commanding officers from private corporations, governments, law enforcement, etcetera being revealed as evil and every time... the main characters just kill the guy and get back to work. they never stop and consider... maybe it's not about just one guy. maybe its not about just this one individual that happened to be evil. maybe something made him evil... maybe something allowed him to be evil... and maybe its the exact same thing that i work for... or something like that idk lolllllll.
i really hope we see leon kind of "break the cycle" and have the kinds of realizations that are in this song because like... BITCH... that stupid little boy is lucky hes so pretty!!!
also im really sorry for derailing a song about a womans experience in academia and social services under capitalism and stuff to be about this white boy in the CIA... i hope this little analysis doesnt detract from the actual song. cause like... its a great song and we dont need to make it about leon stupid little bitch kennedy for it to be good.
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I watched Ghosts Season 3 Episode 2 earlier today!! Some quick thoughts :D
Poor Jay 😭😭💔 he really didn't deserve what he was going through this episode :(( but I'm glad Sass and him are actually gonna be dream friends, it's gonna be great :')). It'll be soo nice for him to actually be able to connect with them a little more :'D. Also it's wild to me to actually realize that he knows what Sass actually looks like now lol. Like I said, wild xD. Anyway, I'm glad everything worked out in the end :'))
SASS'S GHOST POWER IS SO COOL!!?!??! Bro casually hid the coolest ghost power ever for his entire afterlife xD no biggie. Lol, it was really cool to see though! And I'm glad he's hopefully no longer using it for evil lol (most of the time)
Sam was being wild for using Sass's ghost power against Jay xd. I'm glad it was a smaller thing though, and that she learned her lesson. Also Isaac just vibing and following her around all Wednesday was great xD
Speaking of poor Jay, poor Thor 😭. Man was being seduced from all sides and half of them just wanted to be sucked off xdd. It was hilarious though lol xD. And poor Trevor 😭. Man was also going through it. And LOL Alberta not even being phazed by them still being together xD. Barely shocked lol. I am surprised Trevor revealed it so easily though! Anyway, hopefully they're okay xdd. Hetty was on one this episode lol (as she often is though, like they all are, so yk xD). Anyway, I'm glad in the end they did just listen to Thor :'). Poor guy is going through it and I'm glad they're there for him <33.
Also, once again with the poor xD, poor Pete just trying his best to be morally upstanding this episode lol. My guy was doing his darndest, and if it wasn't admirable xd. Good job, Pete, lol, even amongst all the drama xD.
Loved this episode!! I thought it was great, and it was a really fun watch :D. Sasappis's ghost power is SO COOL and I hope we get to see it more in the future :D - for less selfish/manipulative reasons, obviously lol. I also think the way it was done was really cool! Also, it took me a while to realize that it worked because Jay wouldn't/didn't recognize Sasappis lol xD. I think before he said that but I'm not sure lol. Anyway, really enjoyed the episode!!
See you next time for Season 3 Episode 3: He Sees Dead People!!
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squishykotetsu · 1 month
The Great "Squishy went to a Festival" Post
I wrote a thing for some friends but they said to put it online, so here comes:
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a little guide to the bands I watched at this years PartySan, written for people that don't know anything about metal, because more people should listen to metal :3
This is a list of all of the bands I watched, with a quick blurb about what they sound like, how the concert was, and a link to a song for checking them out!
Rope Sect BIG recommend, very chill groovy dark goth-y rock with nice gritty dirty production, I love their first EP to bits! The concert was wonderful and the guys are lovely. Give them a listen, even if you're not into metal at all! Track recommendation: Tarantist https://open.spotify.com/track/6lxekwquW2tnlvBNeIwGg0?si=c455db23e99a48ac
Mephorash very cool black metal (meaning there is screams n shid) - epic, kind of unconventional, makes you feel like there's some satanic fuckery afoot :D The concert was in the same vein, very ritualistic and mystical - good stuff Track recommendation: Sanguinem https://open.spotify.com/track/2JQQhdTBOhRV8knLclnF83?si=377bf940b41a441f
Left to Die they're a coverband, so I'll just talk about Death, the band that they're playing, cuz they nailed the sound (granted they do, I think, have some of the original members). Death were a huuuuugely influential band for the genre of, you guessed it, death metal absolute killer riffs - fast, catchy, groovy, technically and musically interesting and progressive, keeps you on your toes the concert had me honestly wondering what we've been doing these past like 40 years that we still can't top them Track recommendation: Left to Die https://open.spotify.com/track/0BO5g7FXNhZgQuC8xIORDm?si=5cf7cd9dea2e4da9
Ritual Death More "advanced", probably harder to get into if you don't already like black metal - they're still pretty new, but the black metal scene is keeping a close eye on them cuz they're interesting and weird. Musically very cool, more on the experimental side, but not too crazy. Just giving their own take on things. The concert was great, the frontman (guitar & vocals) was wearing this cool, tall mask/hood thing that hid his face completely, which made for an interesting experience in watching him sing - no visible mic, no visible face, only gestures and motions, very eery in a way that's hard to describe Track recommendation: Ancient Devil Worship https://open.spotify.com/track/0iVLWVXyoc1WABbtwpVfVh?si=b8984ed8165147a1
Darkend Nocturn Slaughtercult just really fuckin solid black metal - fast, evil, great riffs, lofi production, screeching vocals, blastbeats galore. Bonus: Female vocalist, always cool to see in this sausage fest of a scene (on te bands' side, the audience was fairly mixed) I sadly didn't enjoy their concert all that much cuz the sound was shite - the drums were drowning out the guitars completely. They do have an awesome stage presence though! Gonna try to catch them again somewhere else Track recommendation: A Sweven Most Devout https://open.spotify.com/track/4pkA0avPTHSA5QZz7dI3Op?si=50ab46fa9ffb412a
Schammasch I'd say it's post-black metal, so focussing on atmosphere and deeper lyrics rather than violence and just plain evil satan business - I really recommend checking out this song cuz it has exclusively clean vocals, might be a cool way to check out the other elements of black metal if you're usually put off by the screaming lol The concert was meditative, atmospheric and very moving - I nearly cried during one song :D Track recommendation: Metanoia https://open.spotify.com/track/3bj4gLDzAT8gTC8YdpOMRs?si=5eaeff94f32f4c96
Afsky really good example of a different common variant of black metal that isn't evil aggression: atmospheric melancholy. Wonderfully touching sad songs that use the harsh elements to bring voice to the darker parts of life, I love this kind of stuff The band impressively made these songs work under the 2pm sun, quite the feat Track recommendation: Altid Veltilfreds https://open.spotify.com/track/3dKyLNbYun1timBlPx3Wlp?si=dcce815edb2f456f
Batushka Do you have catholic trauma? This is the band to work it out to. It's black metal from Russia with orthodox male choir elements - epic, dark, mighty, really cool unique shit. Their theatrical, church-y performance was perfect to bring this sound to a live setting Track recommendation: Песнь 1 https://open.spotify.com/track/34FWlbZHTtjslQ9u07ghTY?si=643bec22ba684bbf
Non Est Deus again, just absolutely solid black metal. Good production, kinda lacking in creativity with the lyrics (church bad hurr durr), the guy's other project is much more impressive (they're called Kanonenfieber and they write about WW1) - still really good (epic, fast, dark), just not all that unique imo cuz I think they're too close to Mgła, who are just the best at this particular style of black metal. Bangin show though, you can tell these guys have been on a stage before :D Track recommendation: Thousand Years of Sand https://open.spotify.com/track/7CXCoEqwKrYnHnzAkpmt2Y?si=fb8029a4bd8e4122
Solstafir Kind of chill, kind of psychedelic, progressive blend of influences from within and without the spectrum of metal music - no two songs are really alike, so I'll just recommend a chill one that's easy on the metal bits and should be quite enjoyable for everyone. I used their concert for a bit of a sit-down to relax my back, have a beer and just float around in their soundscapes, so I can't say too much about the front and center before the stage experience. Sound was fantastic tho Track recommendation: Ótta https://open.spotify.com/track/2LJZE1yXy9SdglruufEDHG?si=f239271b14df4838
Konvent This is the heavy shit. The genre is called "doom metal" for a reason. Slow, hard-hitting, dark and unrelenting. A beatdown of a listening experience, but in the best way possible - these ladies don't fuck around. Probably the concert that I had the most physical experience with, I felt like I got run over by a steamroller (affectionate) Track recommendation: Puritan Masochism https://open.spotify.com/track/770HRSwohWkdbOOk6ByEeT?si=6e13a384cb8c451d
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber "watch humanity fall", fantastic french black metal - more on the dark and atmospheric than the enraged and evil side of things, but they keep it interesting, it's never formulaic - howling lamenting vocals, fast and straightforward but effective drums, nicely layered guitar harmonies that drive the mood of the tracks, is gud shit Very energetic live show, they really went all out Track recommendation: A New Order https://open.spotify.com/track/6eL3uPBHe6H23O9AcbhKJB?si=b9a4f709dc274b83
Unto Others Continuation of the 80s with modern technology. It's more rock than metal, but you can hear the influences. Absolute gods of the v i b e Catchy, groovy, but also melancholic and introspective at times, biiig recommend, again something that should be wayyy easier to get into than all that screaming insanity lol Track Recommendation: It doesn't really matter (that is both the song name and also just actual advice, all their stuff slaps lol) https://open.spotify.com/track/5uMml4h2o7eGfkqmXo2n7a?si=0310fa3faa924963
Sulphur Aeon My beloved, the band I was looking forward to the most - cosmic horrors made audible. Sometimes chaotic and fast, sometimes epic and majestic, sometimes slow and brooding, they're definitely conjuring something. Mostly harsh vocals with the occasional clean part. All-around highly competent musicians and songwriters They played a good selection of tracks and I had a blast! Shoutout to the guy from Bogota I stood next to who knew all the lyrics, you made an already awesome concert even better brother! Track recommendation: Usurper of the Earth and Sea https://open.spotify.com/track/0ZOCudJOOzIfV5P5JF0Cns?si=10c258aa203e4d00
Hellripper We're drunk, let's party! This is a crossover between black- and thrash metal, a very successful combination. Fast, virtuous, heavy, just a blast to listen to and to watch live - they bring the heat! It's the dirty sound of black metal without the depression, and the speed and ferocity of thrash without the shitty vocals lol (he scream tho). This is peak moshpit music and the concert was, accordingly, just pure insanity Track recommendation: All Hail the Goat https://open.spotify.com/track/79PE0a8VfZKSxhLVeUq3rd?si=f89cb77d2a8848be
Anaal Nathrak Death metal of the more modern variety. Very hard, very fast, but it's not just mindless brutality - they actually have very clever and effective songwriting - try to make it through the first minute so you can get to the chorus of this one, it's worth it! I didn't see much of the concert, it was another exhausted sit-down one, but they audibly enjoyed themselves and the vocalist was pretty funny in his between-song quips and stories about his own time at this festival as a fan some years back Track recommendation: Endarkenment https://open.spotify.com/track/2IUO6hWyrG7FYDkJZrFpQP?si=1240e071f87840bd
Paradise Lost this band has a huuuge discography, covering a plethora of metal subgenres, but they're probably most famous for their more gothic-leaning work. "Sway in the wind at a graveyard" type music - dark, melancholic, epic, atmospheric, clean but hard vocals. Excellent song- and lyrics writing, a bit more refined you could say. Not too out there tho, I find their music very approachable so it's another recommend to definitely check out if you wanna ease into the genre. The concert was phenomenal, you could tell the years and years of experience and mastery from everyone involved, including sound and light. Fun fact: you know the meme about how you can find the people with depression at a party by how loud they sing "I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all" when Bohemian Rhapsody plays? I found the goth version of this at this concert, when this song played and we screamed "VANQUISH THE PAIN" in unison :D Track recommendation: Faith Devides Us - Death Unites Us https://open.spotify.com/track/5gOjvocmJZQ05QBSE9xIkR?si=9800cb39b7364b37
Sodom absolute titans of the genre, they practically invented German thrash metal. Simple, fast, hard, there's a reason that they're still so successful even though they're getting old. One of the most solid live bands you can see, they know how to light a fire in the crowd Track recommendation: Agent Orange https://open.spotify.com/track/3Ks3K2RmCxSUcXS6cOvd43?si=91c3c9df2afb43ee
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Three Houses Pre-Timeskip Thoughts!
Just for context, I chose Blue Lions and Male Byleth.
-I understand why everyone is so crazy over Ashe now. He's an absolute bean. The game (and Hopes, too) really like to trash his feelings, though. :')
-Ingrid is cooler than I realized. She and Ashe have such wholesome little interactions. <3
-Edelgard is mean
-Hubert is way more chill and polite than I expected
-Linhardt is the worst, guy won't join my house despite all my hard work to lure him!
-I didn't like Catherine until she told my dude that he was good looking and now I want to marry her
-I also want to marry Hilda though so who knows if it will go anywhere
-I am really bad at tea time. So far, Petra, Claude, and Dorothea are the only people I've gotten perfect tea time with. AND I CAN'T EVEN RECRUIT CLAUDE. D':
-Rhea is twisted and evil and makes me want to play Crimson Flower so I can GET her
-Hapi and Yuri are my favorite Wolves by virtue of not being totally obnoxious
-Mercedes started out as a terrible unit and then rapidly became an absolute monster
-I was expecting Gilbert to be one of those characters where the general fanbase thinks they're bad therefore I like them, but my first impression of him was pretty bad. Go talk to your daughter, you big lug!
-Lorenz is great. Never change, my boy. If I were Female Byleth you would not be safe from my affections.
-Hanneman is great. It's a bummer I'm not sure I can recruit him this route.
-Manuela is terrifying. Help.
-If I ever do Crimson Flower I am gonna S SUPPORT YOU SO BAD MISTER JERITZA (If I don't get completely distracted by Hubert)
-I am the fishing champion. I love the music.
-Another song I really like is "Gazing at Sirius." It's one I hadn't encountered before playing the game, unlike some of the other songs I like, and it caught me by surprise! It's not a pleasant song, exactly, it's unsettling and mysterious, good for ancient ruins and Rhea schemes... 0_0 Ehehehe, it's so good! (Also it was stuck in my head while I was thinking about lots of broody Rufus stories while in the shower XD)
-I made Lorenz my dancer like the good Lord intended
-Sothis leaving is sad. :'( What do you mean you're going to become so much a part of me we will never talk or see each other again. Dory voice: "COME BaaaAAAAAaaaack!!!"
-The Goddess Tower event is actually pretty creepy. "WhAt if we KISSED professoR?" Byleth: "It's a mark of how awful this school is that this is not the most messed up thing to happen to me." (majorly side eyes Rhea)
-Have I mentioned Rhea is really weird and creepy? Well she is. Also I find her so infuriating that I was dying for a "side with Edelgard to kick Rhea's shiny heiny" button even though this is Azure Moon
-Tea time is probably the most stressful part of the entire game XD "If you don't know the exact time to nod or sigh you will ruin your student's birthday party"
-The academy phase is very very long when you're trying to recruit absolutely everybody possible. Maybe subsequent play-throughs would be less thorough and hence faster, but I don't know, man, I feel like not having an option to split off later in the game damages the game's replay value. ...And I think replaying is half of the game's point, so that's not super great. Anyways. Little actual review there.
-Speaking of recruiting, Ferdinand put me through PURGATORY trying to recruit him, I sacrificed an entire field's worth of flowers to him and he still didn't come over. RIP. (I didn't end up getting Caspar, either :'])
-As of right now, I'm probably gonna end up marrying Hilda, because her hair looks like candy floss and I find that very pretty
-I was aware of the existence of most of the chapter battles, but I didn't know there was an actual playable battle before the attack on Garreg Mach cutscene! It was very intense, and the music matched! :0 Dimitri died. (And have I mentioned that Robbie Daymond is a good voice actor? Well he is. His low soft sad retreating tones got to my Hubert loving heart)
Anyways, I'm in timeskip, now, and it's AWESOME!! Hehehe hoohoo. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. <3
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plantcrazy · 5 months
Lost Children Progress Update 17/4/24
It's been a little while since I did one of these. I've been giving small updates here and there, but a big one once in a while is nice, and I enjoy sharing my progress. It's sort of motivating. You know? To look and see, 'Oh wow, I did a lot' or 'wow, I didn't accomplish a lot, but I'm proud of what I did do!' (Some chapters take their time to come together, other the ideas just flow on to the paper).
ANYWAY! You don't care about this. You want to know how long till the next chapter comes out, right????
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So, will start with the elephant in the room: Ch.19. It's only 8 pages, which is why, despite the first 3 technically done (anything at 90% is just to digitalise & add text), I haven't uploaded anything.
It's about done. I'm just stuck on page 5 (and two panels of page 4). They're a flashback. A god-damned nightmare of a flashback to draw and... I don't want to do it TT , but for effect and impact, the story needs it >>
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(That should be 20/22 chapters done :P )
Part 1 is coming together swimmingly! With the recent addition of 2 new chapters and, I think, this is as big as part 1 will be getting. I'm finishing off tidying up how I want Part 1 to end at the minute, and then we'll have a small time skip to part 2.
(And maaaaaaybe I'll go back to the start and add an intro chapter to give more info on what the heck happened in the Triple Threat Ending to make Henry think screwing up the timelines and making a new one was a great idea. IDK. Still on the hedge about where to put this info)
Also! The poll I'm running looks like everything in one fic will win, for how it gets uploaded on A03. In two days time once the poll is finished I'll work on implementing those changes (, unless the poll swings back the other way again :P ).
Part 2:
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The order of the first 9 chapters, take with a grain of salt. I'm still finalizing the order.
For the most part it's just detailed ideas of what I want to happen in each part + 4 chapters finished, 2 being edited.
'Standing on the Ledge' came out FANTASTIC. I cannot wait to upload that one. Personal favourite of the part so far. 2nd place going to 'Stuck With You'.
And what is that at the bottom? A familiar chapter name! Yes! We're getting back to the Wall. Slowly but surly our characters will be reunited with their frozen prisons, well-
Those who I haven't/ don't kill off~
*eViL lAuGhInG! >:D*
Or am I?
Part 3:
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Part 3 is mostly a butt-ton of editing. It looks like most of the new chapters will land in part 2 (asides from 4), so part 3 will be similar to the original version, but not, given all the minor changes you're about to witness snowball into avalanche sized consequences!
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Anyway, I've edited 4 so far dated them since it's going to be a while till we get to Part 3. That being said, given it's 85%ish editing, it should hopefully just be rapid fire chapter uploading when we do get there :)
I think that's about all I've got to say?
Er... you guys should be aware by now of the 'I'm in uni, chapters are as I have time/wrist able' disclaimer. So...
OH! Also, this is all going up on A03 (once the poll is done), so I can keep the readers over there who don't follow this Tumblr up-to-date with what's going on. So when you see a new chapter update in your inbox, don't get too excited ^^;
And finally, for you.
My dear read.
Who has read through my long waffle and sporadic episodes of evil laughter and fun!
I have an... 'opportunity'
*Snots* I sound like a Mafia boss with Liam Neelson's voice reading this allowed.
I left my colour coding in Part 2 (as I couldn't be bothered to remove it ^^; ), so... will have some fun with this.
Whoever can figure out who's POV are colours blue or green will get a free half or full body drawing of one character (SFW), of their choice (mine, oc, stickmin or another fandom (at my discretion)).
And we'll say... 2 guesses a person (either two on one colour, or one guess for each colour) to make it fair. (It shouldn't be too hard, there's only 12 POV's, and you've met them all but one coming in at Part 3.
And there will be three winners in total.
Good luck :)
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(btw, I'm going to bed now, so first people with the right answers are the winners in case you all rush in here with your answers over the next... 10 ish hours...
Unless... you're the only person to read this far >> )
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beefslipper · 3 months
More headcanons!!
My second post got a lot of interaction, so I'm making another post. This time I'm just gonna be focusing on HSR characters. Just a heads up that some things won't be canon and can be seen as mischaracterizing or something. I just like headcanoning my faves in a way that makes them more like me :D
Warnings: age regression, mentions of scars and sh, pacifiers, diapers, self-inserting? I guess.
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First off, I'm doing bladie-boo <3
A pattern you'll see with me is that I HC my faves as regressors and/or caregivers.
I HC Blade as a super duper young regressor because I'm sure all the crap he's dealing with overwhelms him and can feel impossible to manage.
Aside from that, I HC that he has multiple SH wounds from the past, but he's slowly recovering because I said so and I love him <3 I'm sure he'd always feel upset about his scars, but one of his caregivers (Dan Heng, Kafka, Trailblazer, whoever you think fits him most) would give him kisses and one of his little emotional support stuffed animals to make him feel better.
Returning to the regressor HC thing because my teeny tiny pea-sized brain came up with stuff; I think he'd be a nonverbal regressor. Words are hard, man. When he's regressing, he's definitely a teether or thumb-sucker. Pacifiers and those cute little chewing ring things are a must, otherwise, EVERYTHING will have little teeth marks. Don't even get me started on the poor guy's sleeves.
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Back at it again with HCing my fave as an age regressor (I cannot be stopped, insert evil cackle while rubbing hands together.)
I feel like he'd beg and beg and BEG for Ratio to be a caregiver of his or something, and Ratio would only accept by saying "Only so your stupidity doesn't get you killed" but bro would go protective mama bear for him.
Sunday might be one of his caregivers, but I feel like he would be uneasy around Sunday while regressed. (Sunday would say some "be not afraid, child" BS like a biblically accurate angel and scare him LMAO)
Aventurine probably has a wide range on ages when regressing, but I think that when he regresses from stress, he's real young. When he's just being a silly goose, he's probably 5-8 years old.
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*insert deep breath* INFANT REGRESSOR DAN HENG
Bro's definitely nonverbal when regressing. I don't doubt that he'd need diapers from all the nightmares he'd have that might lead to accidents. Papa Welt and Mama Himeko 100% take care of him 24/7, even when he's not regressed.
March is definitely like a sisterly figure to him, sometimes a younger sister, sometimes an older sister. She lets him stay in her room instead of his room to play in or something since the room he normally sleeps in is super dull, doesn't even have a real bed and has some dangerous things in it.
Besides him being a regressor, I think he's also a caregiver. So a flip? IIRC that's what they're called. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think he'd be a caregiver for a wide variety of people, mostly Trailblazer, March, and Blade.
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I'm done yapping.. FOR NOW! I'll try to post more regularly, but it's hard without requests. Start yapping at me for stuff to write about! I do free requests y'all!
I can write character headcanons, little stories on situations, I can even do more meme-y things if you want. I'm open to pretty much anything!
P.S. When I figure out what thing I'm using for this website, I might download Tumblr on my phone to make more professional-looking posts. So no more jumbled paragraphs and ghits and siggles.
Anyways, have a great day, evening, and or night. Stay hydrated and remember to try to eat at least one thing today, no matter what it is!
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Ive been bored out of my mind 😩 any movie or book recomendations?
You opened up the can. Do you want the worms? XD
YES!! I DO HAVE RECCOMENDATIONS!! XD And I'm so glad you asked ^^ Obviously you're not required to take any of these, but if you do- let me know what you think! ^^
If you're here, I assume you like fun, sinister and exciting villains. So I'll give you a little info on the villains in each source 😅😆
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First of all- a n y m o v i e (or episode in a TV show) with Robert Englund playing the bad guy. You can't go wrong. Even if the rest of the source is... not-so-great... the man never misses.
(In particular: The Last Showing, Inkubus, and Good Day For It are really good! Especially the first 2.
The Last Showing (free on Plex): Villain is a weaselly, geeky loser with a with dreams of sinister grandeur.
Inkubus (free on Tubi): Villain is a sexy, sinister, cunning, smug old demon.
Good Day For It (free on YouTube): just... just have a peak at what I've been posting non-stop the whole weekend 😅🫠🫠🫠)
The Rescuers and the Rescuers Down Under. If you haven't seen these and you like Disney Villains, you must!! You get both!; a nasty woman with scary eyes and no code of ethics, and a big, sinister, crooked-grin bush man.
The Lake Placid Series. I KNOW, I KNOW- you probably read that and think 'ughh why' but LOOK- TRUST ME- The Bickerman's are a riot. A hoot, even XD From a sweet old lady who swears and feeds whole cows to the crocodiles played by Betty White to her son who's a greedy old poacher who is equal parts creepy and loony tune- they're so much fun XD The only movie in which they aren't antagonists is 3, but then you get Reba who is a grumpy, bad ass milf and is that really a miss? No, I don't think so.
Going back to kids animation- Happily N'Ever After (free on Vimeo) You got a myriad of villainous suitors to choose from in this one XD You got the Big Bad Wolves (💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️), witches, Rumplestilstkin, and Cinderella's Evil Stepmother who is- just- so hot XD A wicked lady with a slit in her dress.
... are you into creepy nasty old men? Because I think Judge Turpin played by Alan Rickman in Sweeney Todd; The Demon Barber of Fleet Street takes the cake in that department.
Little Shop of Horrors. Yes- Audrey II is plant, but he's smooth motherfucker, and some of us are into that 😆😅 And maybe so are you. And if you aren't into Audrey II, there's always Orin; a leather jacket wearing, motorbike riding, sadistic jackass.
Oh!! The Funhouse Massacre!!! Another fun one with a myriad of scary boyfriends XD (and one scary girlfriend XD). It's a cheesy gore fest but of you like that or can get past it- your villains here include a Wrestler Murder-Clown, a Psychotic, Silent Harlequinn, a Sinister and Charismatic Cult Leader, a Sexy Sadistic Dentist, a Cute Cannibalitic Chef, and a Creepy Old Taxidermist.
Disney's Once Upon A Halloween (free in parts on YouTube). It's all your favourite Disney Villains (before Dr Facilier I think) in one place- what else could you want? XD
If you like hot demons and you have a teacher kink-- then The Evil Librarian Trilogy (Michelle Knudsen) are definitely for you XD You got the evil librarian (Mr Gabriel), who is basically evil incarnate with a sexy goatee. Then you also Principal Kingston who is an older dilf wearing cargo pants and is slightly silly (my favourite, and also the reason i named my kangaroo oc kingston)-- and then Ms Kralovna; the language teacher and an absolute Queen.
Dorothy Must Die (Danielle Paige) pretty much makes Dorothy (years later) a wicked slutty dictator, the scarecrow a creepy mad scientist, the tinman a besotted obsessed guardsman, and the cowardly lion a monster. Plus there's the Nome King in the last 2 books who is describes as the 'most sinister senior citizen' which is the perfect descriptor for him XD
If you like Slasher movies, you will d e f I n e t l y love The Final Girls Support Group (Grady Hendrix). It's just so cool and interesting how Hendrix puts the actual Slashers into the book without saying their names.
Hellhole (Gina Damico). Okay this is another demon XD Except this one works in... the greasy food office in hell XD (I think XD ) Don't get me wrong, he's bad; he's powerful, and he'll kill your whole family, and he has unreasonable demands if you refuse. But he's mostly happy to sit in your basement with no pants eating tostitos and whole sticks of butter while watching project runway and playing cod for now XD And his name is Burg (as in Burgundy Cluttermuck)- isn't that cute? XD
Karen M. McManus books. Any of them. (Though, I do recommend The Cousins and Two Can Keep a Secret in particular. I cant tell you much cuz they're mysteries but they are definitely my kinda bastards. If you like the characters I write for you'll probably like them too XD The only misfortune is that, since they are mysteries, they aren't acting all villainous until the end. )
Alice and Red Queen (Christina Henry). If you have a strong stomach and you like gory, sometimes unpleasant horror- these are for you! The characters of Alice in Wonderland are n e v e r going to be the same 😅😅😅 Especially the Rabbit, who is... I think, a trafficker? Meanwhile the Walrus, um- nope, i'm not going there. Moving on!
DANCING JAX DANCING JAX DANCING JAX. These are my f a v o u r i t e books. Ever. They will always be my favourite books. And let me tell you why!!- They are o v e r f l o w i n g with vastly different, interesting, flawed characters who totally stick with you forever XD And a good lot of them are bad guys. You got:
- Austerly Fellows; a creepy charismatic cult leader type who may not actually be Austerly Fellows?? Their could be a swapped at birth/changeling sorta thing going on here?? (The 'original' Austerly had a mark on his foot and the one that his mother got back from the baby farm didn't).
- The Jockey; the kind of bad guy who ain't loyal to anyone. Not even the other bad guys. He must play everyone one way or another (its the way he was written, and he follows through), at some point. He's tricky, and weaselly, and gross. I love him.
- Jangler; Austerly's right hand man. He's a stern, crotchety and nasty old codger. His heart is as cold as ice, he's calculated, and he definitely takes joy in some of the terrible things its his job to do.
- etc. There's more but I cant give more away 😅
Thats what i can think of right now! ^^ I'd be so so jazzed if you took any of these recc's but don't worry about feeling obligated too! ^^ It was fun to talk about them XD
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psikind · 2 years
🖊 your middle ages pkmn story, cymric, aisling, curse, candle, tomorrow
side eyeing you for curse and candle but *slaps on scientist googles* ok let's roll
middle ages pokemon story: I REALLY need to come up with a proper name for this one but it's the classic rpg plot - chosen one (usually a cringefail loser) gets told they're the chosen one and are destined to save the land from a great evil, so they set out on a quest along with 2-3 buddies they meet along the way who are Surprisingly good at a particular thing and usually things related to that thing - of course with some extra flavor thrown in of queerness and shit I picked up from dnd and the fact that everyone's a magic animal :D I was actually thinking of making these guys, the designs, more anthro so I can give them neat fantasy clothes but I'm still debating it
cymric: nyanbinary monster friend my 💖💖💖💖💖💖 they're always so cheerful and wild and sweet but there's also this more tragic side to them w them realizing slowly that they're going to outlive most of their friends and loved ones by hundreds of years, possibly even some of their monsties, and they're having a quiet early-life panic about it (that they're trying to hide. not well but they're trying, I'm sure at least cheval and bits would have caught on)
aisling: there's sooooooo much in my head about how her story would go now if I ever write it/make a blog about it again and I genuinely think it's in the best iteration I've ever had it - dnd's partially to thank for that because some of the concepts and relationship dynamics she has now come from or were inspired by her role in alkupera and now it's more cohesive instead of being all over the place like it used to be! like her past for instance, I have the entire team she used to be apart of developed and they're going to be /o/ a Problem
curse: staring at you with my autistic eyes. she got her nickname from being an absolute fucking menace to the towns people - not in a dangerous or even harmful way, she was just annoying as fuck setting up traps and pranks at every turn. you could tell how much she liked you based on how specific the prank was, like if you got a bucket of water on your head after exiting the library/church she lived at you could assume she was just being an asshole but if you got a personally written letter that led you to a beautiful hill with a picnic of all your favorite foods set up on it at sunset and then you sit down and THEN you get a bucket of water on your head that was basically a love confession (this has happened to candle at least twice. don't ask him why he fell for it the second time)
candle: similarly, candle got his nickname for his kindness - he'd do whatever he could to help out people from doing chores for the elderly to being a wingman (a common job for him, being a priest of the mistress) to keeping watch over little ones, there was nothing he wouldn't do to see the people smile and so he became a beacon for the village, a light to lead the way to happiness should something bring them down. curse would often worry about him overworking himself and make him take breaks which like thank the gods the boy would have much more white fur by now if not for that probably
tomorrow: she has symptoms 💖 (/hj) she and wednesday grew up together kind of because of their parents being business partners and they've always had this weird ride or die relationship- nevermind they have a kismesis I just realized. don't look at me
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
other misc fair things that have stayed in my mind:
-i checked my phone while a man was taking the money for the pickle my sister was buying and it was 4:20 and by sheer second nature i said "4:20 blaze it" and the guy started slowly shaking his head and sighed as he turned to make change
-very nice middle aged lady at one of the stalls helping my sister find the best set of "butterfly wings" for her height and outfit being really nice and supportive (even if it was just a sales pitch, she was doing a great job at making us feel confident in the purchase without being pushy or pressuring my sister, and we both walked away happy with the results)
-the belly dancers during their segment in the Pleasure Feast's accompaniment show included mostly plus sized girls who were all working it so right, in the same exact garments as the thin girls, and one of the thin girls was in fact a rather old lady (grey hair, saggy arm skin, the works) who was also working it so right that it made me smile like a doofus just out of sheer "hell yeah grandma u show em theres no age limit on belly dancing!" energy
-the fucking cheeseball personality of one of the knights representing our side of the crowd at the joust. hamming it tf up, trotting his horse by slowly and like flexing and smiling and waving as girls literally screamed and I LOVE U!!!!!'d like they were seeing a literal celeb or something
-the two little girls sitting to my left during the joust (i'd place ages ~5 and 7 ish) who got really into cheering and booing along with me and then started getting worried when the joust broke down into a brawl as the other side's main knight started being a huge dick and sore loser and started harassing the coordinating judge and then full on, off horse attacked the others with sword in hand, everyone swordfighting and then like 3 characters dying with cheesy squirts of fake blood. littler girl turns and looks up at me and says, "theyre just pretending, right?" and i was like yep, it's just a show, they're playing pretend, and then her trying to reassure her older sister(?) over and over "theyre not really dead! theyre just pretending!" and the other girl like fidgeting and being like no! theyre dead! and the littler girl just like, looking back up at me for reassurance every once in a while and confirming that theyre not really fighting, nobody is dead, they're gonna stand back up, it's just pretend (to which i made sure to just keep calmly smiling at and saying Yep! You're right! It's just pretend! to, bc i think if i was their age it would super just worry me more if an adult showed any doubt or hesitation in that answer)
--on that note, I don't know why but random little girls have a tendency to like, inherently like and trust me? maybe i give off serious Big Sister vibes or something, idk. on THAT note, the man they came with who was very old and kinda seemed zoned out so im guessing is maybe grandpa rather than dad, didnt even give a glance to the ADULT STRANGER the children he was attending had started talking to. im totally safe, yes, but a lot of people aren't, so you should at least, idk, pay a little attention???
-my sister quietly asking me what "quandary" means after a character employee visited us in line at the entrance and recruited me and then she into his evil minions program and gave us the minion codenames "stink-eye" (me) and "quandary" (her)
-relatedly just seeing how like, paralyzed with uncertainty and shyness my poor cute little sister was when someone in character tried talking to her, lmfao. she's 19 and i 100% guarantee you at her age i would have been reacting the same. but as fortune has it, age and/or anxiety meds have really opened my nerves up to just fucking rolling with it and saying that ive always been more of an evil overlord type than a minion myself
-not exactly fair related but talking to my sister as we walked around about how we both hate the idea of therapy, incidentally for the exact same reason, in that we had both gone to therapists who treated us like we were Just Being Teenagers and told us our mom/parents loved us and/or that we had great relationships with them that we were too hormonal to appreciate; when in fact we both grew up badly verbally and emotionally abused on the reg. like. bitches, do you not understand your parents dont have to be hitting you or locking you in basements to be abusive, right? when we say mom frequently screams at and threatens us we dont mean "she scolded me for a legitimate reason and told me i would be grounded if it happened again". its not emo teen purple prose. take our words and tears fucking seriously. AUGH. i'm so sorry for any abused teens out there rn in therapy with people like that, i really am. it truly sucks they wont listen to you.
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5/5 A Nearby Trump Card
Unable to find any new cast members, the Love Laboratory crew can't see a way forward. Sinister forces are focused on Rozalin!
Sweet Flash of Inspiration
Sweet Omega: Ulitimately, I guess he didn't put on new elements, and didn't join the male cast either.
Tria: I should have brought in Fenrich and Valvatorez...
Merome Romero: Mr. Mid-Boss.
Rozalin: Darn. If only I had a plan.
Tria: Master, you shouldn't fret over it. We had no business asking you in the first place.
Sweet Omega: Yeah. Tria is right. What could you do, Master... Master? That's right! Master!
Rozalin: Hmm? What about me?
Sweet Omega: Tria, Merome! Listen up! Garble garble garble garble, garble garble garble garble.
Tria: Huh?! Now that you mention it...
Merome Romero: You're right! The key is Master!
Stage 1 - The Master Is the Key!
A Lethal Weapon for Attracting Customers
Rozalin: I'm the key, you say?
Merome Romero: Yes, Master!
Tria: Regardless of the main story or event, Master Rozalin is a super popular heroine with a top-class appearance rate!
Merome Romero: If we rope Master into the Laboratory, our chances to appear will necessarily shoot up!
Sweet Omega: We'll be able to wear new costumes, and the Love Laboratory will be a great success with lines of people. This is it! The last resort to get visitors!
Rozalin: Wh-what?!
Tria: Hihihi! Who would have thought that a lethal weapon would be so close to us!
Merome Romero: How careless of me! So, Master? Will you join us in livening up the Laboratory?
Sweet Omega: Of course, [Player] will help us too, right?
The three members of the Love Laboratory are intent on including us, and they're looking this way! I don't think we can say no!
Rozalin: H-Hey! You guys wait! Don't look at me like that! Hmm, what should I do...
Adell: Are you alright, Rozalin?!
Stage 2 - A Nearby Last Resort 1 Stage 3 - A Nearby Last Resort 2
Overwhelming Heroine
Adell: Are you alright, Rozalin?!
Rozalin: A-Adell?! What are you doing here?
Adell: I heard you and [Player] got involved with the Love Laboratory people. I thought you would be safe as long as [Player] is here, but I was still worried...
Rozalin: Adell... So you came to help!
Sweet Omega: Wow, a hero coming to help at just the right time?!
Tria: Of course, the Evil God of Love! It's overwhelming heroine element!
Merome Romero: I can't give up! I will absolutely get Rozalin to join the Love Laboratory!
Adell: Join the Love Laboratory?! What is that about, Rozalin? Are you too going to do a love event?
Rozalin: D-don't misunderstand, Adell! I have no intention of joining the Laboratory. The only love event I'm doing is just for you, Adell.
Sweet Omega: We want to fix that! We're fine with just being with you, Master and living our lives normally! Just a short while! Ok?! Just until the Love Laboratory gets off the ground! A limited time only!
Tria: That's right! Please help us out!
Merome Romero: Please! Even a Netherworld new comedy theater would be ok!
Rozalin: You people are too desperate, don't you think?
Adell: You seem to really have your backs against a wall, but I think you should calm down a little. Please, [Player]... Help me stop them!
Stage 4 - Vs. Love Laboratory
Advertising Wasn't Built in a Day
Adell: Unbelievable... Once you've had your fill of this, don't run wild, ok?
Sweet Omega: S-Sorry... I promise I won't anymore!
Tria: Ah, Adell... You always like to battle.
Merome Romero: I'm sorry, everyone. I just want to protect the Laboratory...
Rozalin: It's ok, the three of you. I was surprised, but I'm not angry. I'm quite impressed with you, actually.
Sweet Omega: Master...
Rozalin: Ultimately you didn't come up with a plan, but you sought out a path on your own, and worked hard to protect the Laboratory. You go about the love events sincerely, and continue to polish them single-handedly. That is your weapon. If you each work to improve in the area you are good at, and steadily continue your activities, the result will appear on its own.
Sweet Omega: Master... I think you might be right.
Tria: We should develop our strong suits. That might be the quickest shortcut.
Merome Romero: Understood, Master! We will continue to work so that we too can attain heroine power like you!
Sweet Omega: If that's the case, we've bolstered our situation! WE'll aim for great success and polish our skills.
Adell: I don't know what happened, but it looks like the issue is settled. I'm glad.
Rozalin: Oh yeah, Adell. The scenario I saw with Sweet Omega and the others... I wanted you too to do it...
Adell: Scenario? Well of coutse, since you're the one that's asking... But I'm not that good?
Rozalin: Don't worry! I've thought of the perfect scenario that you too can do, Adell! First! There are two roles. One is a student transferring into a school who was originally my steward and who followed me when I left home and the other role is a teacher...
Adell: That's impossible?! What's going on?! Hey, [Player]! Explain to me what happened!
Stage 5 - Laboratory Training Continues
Boss - Rozalin: I've thought of the perfect scenario!
Stage 6 - Extra+ (HL) Stage 7 - Extra+ (EXP) Stage 8 - Extra+ (1⋆)
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seelestia · 2 years
hii Liaa :''D
idk why I'm writing an ask but after getting knocked over the head with piles and piles of performance tasks, I think I just wanted to seek u out to bring some kind of joy in my now research-blinded cave :'''D
sorry to suddenly dump all of that on u btw I know ur pretty busy urself :'))
but yeah, just wanted to come on here to see an answer from my dearest author :''D
so here's just a bunch of things I want your opinion on (its giving 20 questions realness lmao)
If you were in a situation where you had to pick between having to constantly reincarnate, or be immortal, which one would you pick?
if you were to name a shade of color a different name, what shade of color would you pick, and what/why you'd give it that name?
If you were to ever receive an item (any item) that you wish for BUT it's single use only- what would your item be and why?
What's your opinion on biblically accurate angels (have u ever seen one?) and if you have seen it in the internet, are you creeped out or are you just as fascinated as I am lmao (this is the crack question lol)
But yeahhh- I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with a less than normally-happy aura of me :''D - Every so sincerely yours, 👹✨ Jae (also- my boi hating on paimon)
aww, jae, no worries! you don't have to be at your best all the time, we all have our downtimes, ;( those performance tasks must be super draining for you, i hope you'll get thru them soon 😭 and frankly, i actually really like these kinds of questions and if it also helps you feel better — then even better, i'm all for it! >:)
If you were in a situation where you had to pick between having to constantly reincarnate, or be immortal, which one would you pick?
i think i'd choose immortality. it is the loneliest option out of the two but there is just smth abt experiencing the evolution of time before my very eyes... having to move around to avoid suspicion for my questionable age might be a bit of a hassle tho. wait, why am i thinking waaaay ahead rn LOLLL but yeah! ;D
if you were to name a shade of color a different name, what shade of color would you pick, and what/why you'd give it that name?
not my smartest answer, but i'd rename light blue (#ADD8E6) to cotton blue! not sure why but i just feel like that name is fitting. like the color is somewhat fading into a light/white shade but still retains the blue. and when i think of white, i think of cotton, hehe <3
If you were to ever receive an item (any item) that you wish for BUT it's single use only- what would your item be and why?
hmmm, hmmm. i haven't wished for anything material for a long time (like even during my birthday last month, all i asked for was a family dinner and i got it), so idk what i should pick 😭 but let's see, i think i'll just pick smth that goes along with the 'single use' concept which is... a 'infinite' amusement park ticket that allows me to go on every single ride without having to pay for each. (this is such a basic answer HELP)
What's your opinion on biblically accurate angels (have u ever seen one?) and if you have seen it in the internet, are you creeped out or are you just as fascinated as I am lmao (this is the crack question lol)
yep, i've seen them before! literally heard holy music playing in the back of my mind when i saw them hdjejkse. to me, they're equally creepy and fascinating, tbh! they also remind me of bill from gravity falls for some reason (it's the shape) like y'all must be related but then, i remember that the evil doritos chip is a devil 😭 (/j)
LOLLL I PLAYED THRU THAT SCENE AND I SNORTED SO HARD. this one too. he'd bite me for this, but why he is such a funky little guy. (/lh)
psst, also, idk if you know but there's this creator on tiktok that i just recently followed and they do great genshin lore videos with pleasing formats! literally thought of you when i followed them, hehe.
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Toku anon:
(insert one of those memes of a burning hybe building with, I dunno, Beomgyu eagerly watching in the foreground)
Okay, so the circumstances were very different, since the... infrastructure??... of the toku fandom is a little different. Basically, very few of these toku shows actually have English subs or dubs. The ones that got dubbed were only on TV in a few countries and a lot of them are lost media. The official subtitles, if they exist, are often terribly translated. And if it's available on YouTube, it's often region-locked
Enter the fan-subbers. They're fans who translate the shows as accurately as possible, add them to the show, and then post it on the web for the rest of the fandom. And not just the episodes either: some also translate movies, bonus features, show ads, book/manga spin-offs and (in the case of that show with the bench) audio drama spin-offs too.
Here's the thing: a lot of the biggest toku shows (in terms of fandom) are made by this one company called Toei. For an idea of how big they are: nearly every Toku show I told you about ever was made by this company. They've been making these since at least the early 70s. And a few years back, some fans noticed that one of their leading staff had an official Twitter.
One thing led to another and, uh, the guy found out about the fansubs.
Toei wasn't happy.
And that's the story of why and how a bunch of translated archives were totally wiped off the internet, and totally not archived on a bunch of torrent archives for anyone in the world to totally be able to access if they know where to look.
(whispers) by the way this is sarcasm. They are archived and— uh oh (gets captured by Toei's assassins)
Here's the additional funny thing: the actors don't seem to mind that much? One time, the guy who played Main Card-Themed Protag From Evil Bench Show went to a con in the States, and didn't even think ''hey wait how do english-speakers know about us'' until he was on his flight back home. This other time another toku actor (who wasn't technically in a Toei Toku but still) learned that they stopped releasing DVDs of the toku he starred in, and straight-up endorsed piracy that day. It was wild.
Anywho, to bring this back around, we also have a similar meme for these situations where we're upset at a big company. We call it ''destroying Toei Studios would be even faster! :D'' (insert image of some toku protags cheering in the corner as the Toei building breaks). Ironically that meme is also just a screencap from one of their shows, the words and all.
Beomgyu SHOULD <333
Omg fuck Toei ... like the way they found out they had a bigger audience than they assumed and instead of engaging with y'all they cut u off ... I literally don't understand these companies fr.
Fandom subtitlers and translators are the best people ever and I don't say that lightly like fr they do so much !! They are incredible !!!
I love when actors are chill about that stuff it's so great fjdj they are just happy to have worked on what they did and have fans engage in any way they can. Ugh what a legend promoting piracy we do love<3
The topic of piracy is so interesting because artists are often so split on it. There was a period of time kinda like early 2000s where there was this music sharing site where bascially someone could upload a recording of a tape/cd they had and share the mp3 online to other people who could then download and listen to it for free! So it was pirating music but on a Massive scale because anyone with any computer skills all got their music there. And artists spoke out about it and lots were against it because they don't get paid what they would be due from physical copies bought by all those people. But then some artists who had an anti-capitalist mindset supported it and encouraged it even tho it directly effected their income! It is just really interesting to see
Ahh we love a good burning a company down meme<3 Beomgyu deserves to burn hybe down he rly does
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Oop yep she said the name
Oh gosh that promo looks CRAZY
xDD Like good but CRAZY
Gosh xdd
That's the end of my last thoughts!!! Woah, that was wild xDD. Now onto the. . .
Wow. That was. . . Wild xDD. Just- straight up crazy lol
Some quick last thoughts, since I said a lot for what I was thinking the liveblog!! Plus some condensing if what I said
Buck, Eddie, and Chim just vibing and seeing if Hen keeps it together is iconic xDd But also Buck's barely keeping it together lol, trying to find peace and all and that situation. Poor guy :((.
Also Evan sir you are gay <3 Just accept it and move on
Nah fr xDD I headcanon him as bi but eh anyway lol
And UGHHH Hen this episode!!! Poor Hen 😭😭😭😭. She does not DESERVEEE THISSSS!!!
I saw something recently that was like I love Henren and I love angst and all but can they have one storyline that isn't super serious or sad, and like xDD Yeah lol
I love the angst but y'all 😭😭😭 You're killing me here lol xD
I like how they're a very realistic couple though and still have emotions even when the other one does yaknow? Like Karen is justified in being upset about Hen forgetting to pick Denny up but also she understands and is still there for Hen <333 Iconic, truly.
Love them :DDDD
Still heartbreaking though xdd. Just watching her go through something like that, something I kind after myself. . . ugh. Torture xdd. I loved it, it was great, but ow xd. ❤️❤️❤️😭😭❤️❤️🥰
And honestly poor Athena :((. And her mom! Beatrice, that's her name. It's so rough when a family member is sick, especially in the hospital, let alone in a coma. I can't even imagine the pain and the stress <33
I hope everything works out with them, besides the uh, yaknow (segue lol)
More just the fact that there even WAS a body, not who it was lol
Although since that was a prevalent (or at least, more so than any other information about this town) storyline in the past, it does make sense that it would come back up. Still, though xdd. CRAZY.
Also, just. Bathena <333 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Crying because they're adorable lol <333 :DD.
Okay I just watched the first 10 minutes and UHH. XDD DANG lol. I kinda figured it was something like that but still xdd. Also a tunnel is a little extra. It was funny and interesting tough lol
And ahhh it was a medically induced coma, okay, I see. Still, it sucks :((. And there's the start (that we see) of her denial too. Poor lady :((. Poor all of them, honestly. Just, oof xdd.
Also, it sucks that he choked a bit (I don't know if I'd call it crashing and burning lol - also I find it funny how with "burning" they had a chance to have the fighters actually fight like. A fire xDD but I get that they're ent more with the crash theme lol - oh wait, back from putting the title at the end, I just remembered it's learn XDD Nevermind then, lol), but I'm sure whatever his face was, 9-1-1 dispatcher boy, will do great :)). He just has to get a little more experience first :D. I think he'll do great <3. Hopefully he's not evil lol.
Overall, I loved the episode. The calls were fun, though a bit sad at times Hen's storyline was amazing, as was Athena's side. Ayy, our besties have an episode :D. Kind of together, but also super far apart lol. Also, poor Buck, honestly. Man is struggling lol. But yeah, I really connected with Hen here so I just feel extra bad for her <3. Anyway, it was a great episode. This season's shaping up to be really good :).
So, that's about it! It was an amazing episode, and I am looking forward to the next one. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 2: Crash and Learn
It was awesome! I am so excited for what comes next. It seems like it'll be great! See you next week for. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 3: The Devil You Know
See you guys then!
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mayeetjim · 3 years
Marv explains empires smp
Scott Smajor
Elf mountain man, he's gay with Jimmy but they're going through stuff. Worships a deer, and is the champion of said deer. Funky brother demon other realm stuff. He has the lore. This man has all the magic lore and we love him for that. Named three bees Archibald
Yoooo my copper king boy. He's so much fun because he keeps track of all the deaths, but is definitely the one that will be slowly not putting out as much content related to empires. Still good pov, my starter pov. He has fantastic builds, and lives on copper and honey
Last time I wrote this I hadn't watched fWhip, and now I'm caught up with him. He's cool, has good corruption that gave him wings. He's the local blacksmith, and is the most advanced empire technologically speaking. He has his salmon helpers, which not many people like. He has blimps and makes matching weapons for him and his canonical sibling Gem. Farmer fWhip my beloved
The Grimmlands
Oooh I have actually watched her now. She's just as chaotic as fWhip and Sausage but less confident in this, as seen in her recent episode. We could have had evil Gem, but no 😔. Anyways, I was right about magic and amythyst, and she's currently taking care of the dragon and building an academy.
The Crystal Cliffs
Yeah Joey Graceffa, easy entrence for those not involved with mcyt yet. Jungle empire with cat people but not catboys like tabaxi cat people. He has a little rivalry with both Lizzie and Shrub from what I've seen, but he's cool. He joined a bit late, but deals with literal life as in totems of undying, and his elytra are textured to be parrot wings. There's gonna be elemental temples :D
Oh yeah, demon fucker
The Lost Empire
Yet again I just love her textures??? She is the protector of the Overgrown, and has a terrifying flower spring thjng that terrified me to think about the inblore logistics of. Bee army my beloved, and she has the tower of trust. She collects heads and I believe is canonically a fairy, I have to watch it with my sister so I'm not caught up yet
The Overgrown/House Blossom
Ocean Queen. Her iron golem texture skin is absolutely terrifying. She is Jimmy's seabling, and she's just great. Easy to watch her pov to catch up, as episodes are only about 10-20 minutes, and there's only about 20 or so. She can sing which is so good and she's so old it's terrifying.
The Ocean Empire
Swampy boi. Main export is slime, and you can tell. He's a cod boy, hates salmon, and always wears his cod head. This head makes him the Codfather, and he's been kissed by like 3 different men. He is the resident good guy, and has so many allies.
The Cod Empire
Oh he's fun, but he has a lot of episodes. He is the epitome of "looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you" he got possessed for a bit, had an evil arc but he's fine. Dark oak forest and learning magic from Gem. He has an army, and is medival inspired.
Still don't know too much about her, but she is a milf. She is so good at PvP it scares me, but she has a giant farm. Supplier of paper on the server, and makes people do fun challenges with elytra for it.
Gilded Helianthia
Goes by Shrub, and she's a gnome from another world. May have accidentally brought back Scott's not brother, but they're good. Mushroom icon, I live their builds. Ngl, idk if Shrub is non-binary or not, but they have the energy. I'm halfway caught up with them, and it's so much fun
The Undergrove
This bitch can build. Like his mega base is so large it's scary. Him and Lizzie are canonically married, and he is this a fishfucker. He has clones I believe, and once made everyone wear his head. He has a giant death count, all to get his own head for clones. He ignored the entire demon that took over
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