#Things to do in Santiago
sunshineandlyrics · 19 days
Benjamin Walker said that he was asked for his setlist when he was announced as Louis' support act for Santiago. One fan had also requested he sing Perfect Now, so thank you to that Louie.
Also I read that this was the President of Chile congratulating Benjamin on his IG post:
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FITFWT Santiago, 26 May 2024 x x x
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snowysoong · 1 month
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ART FOR OOMF @puduchiquito santiago and helena friendship forever
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booasaur · 1 year
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Harlem (2021) - Season 2 Trailer - Quinn and Tye as two queer main characters
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plumdale · 1 year
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santiago hates school but it’s made a liiiittle bearable by pretty girls such as morgan, who’s happy to ditch with him
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nie-narzekam · 28 days
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‘But honestly, I can’t imagine you in any role that takes you out of the limelight.’
‘You want me to be the face of it?’
‘The face, the brains, the talent, ‘cause you’re all of that.’
‘I’m no glorified hostess.’
‘No, no, no. That’s not what I meant. Of course you’re not. I’ve seen what you can do. You can convince people of anything. I mean, you’re– it’s amazing.’
(Nadia & Jorge in The Cleaning Lady 3x10)
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fairdale · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons about raphael and lily? They are my fav side characters.
ahh i love them too!! (i'm still crying because of raphael, so... let's not go there).
i was gonna go all sentimental, but i don't want to cry so i'll say another one (it was actually about raphael picking up flowers with his mom).
imagine these two arguing about which rock band is better. like, they actually go to gigs and stuff and they always end up bickering (but they keep going together).
and then lily has to go alone. and fuck if it sucks. but then one day she sees this band. the front man seems familiar. and then she finds herself arguing with a sarcastic, but charming (and funny, but don't tell him she said that) blond shadowhunter (the front man of said band).
they sometimes go buy vinyls (because of course she prefers them).
oh, that kid is kit by the way.
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
unpopular opinion but I think they should've let Gwen cheat out of her own free will
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distant-velleity · 4 months
Easy Surrender
Summary: Yu faints. Jamil takes care of the problem. Word count: ~900 A/N: This was supposed to be wholesome. Guess what it ended up being? Not entirely that, but hey, it's better than outright angst. Only so much you can do about writing Jamil during Book 4, I guess, and only so far you can go with a pre-friendship/pre-relationship fic set during that time. Oh, well~ Enjoy! <3
[ You’ve scared SANTIAGO out of his wits. +10 concern points, +1 fear point. ]
[ You’ve startled JAMIL considerably. +5 concern points, +1 regret point. Character’s satisfaction has increased, reasons unavailable. ]
[ CURRENT DEBUFFS: Dehydrated — USER may experience lightheadedness and other adverse symptoms until he has taken in enough liquid and rested sufficiently. ]
Consciousness and coherence return to Yu at the speed of a tortoise—which is to say, not very quickly. When his eyes flutter open and his parched throat tries to take in air through his mouth, he finds himself underneath an extravagant ceiling. Beneath him is the wonderfully soft mattress he’s enjoyed since he got here, just barely firm enough to support his back.
How did he end up here; is the question that comes to mind. Last he remembers, he was being accompanied to his room by Santiago and—
“You’re finally awake.”
—Jamil, who is standing by his bedside and watching over him with his arms crossed, like some kind of well-meaning guardian-aide. 
“Ja…mil?” Yu asks, although it comes out as something more of a weak rasp. He could really go for some water right about now. “What happened—?”
The vice housewarden sighs, which is just as sympathy-inducing as it elicits shame. “You fainted about a minute ago; from dehydration, I’d reckon. Santiago’s getting you some water bottles as we speak.”
Oh, right—
(Following behind an eager Santiago and an exasperated Jamil, Yu was about to step into his room before feeling a sudden spell of dizziness. Instead of stepping carefully, he staggered forward, and then all of a sudden he saw the floor coming up to meet his face—)
If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, Yu feels himself almost wilt with humiliation under Jamil’s sharp gaze. Regardless of any concern that might be found in those onyx-like eyes. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, observing the well-made sheets under him to avoid eye contact. “I shouldn’t have gotten distracted at the oasis—I’ll be more careful next time and hydrate…”
At the same time, he thinks despairingly, With my luck, this’ll somehow screw me over later in the Main Mission.
“It can’t be helped now,” Jamil says neutrally, clothes rustling and hair ornaments chiming as he kneels. “You’re technically a guest, not a Scarabia student. If I can catch Kalim in a good mood, I’ll tell him to keep you out of the training. Worst comes to worst, I’ll have you ride up with him if there’s another march.”
“What?” Yu sits up so fast his head starts to pound, and he’s left reeling for a moment, unsure if he’s swaying or not. Judging by the alarmed little ‘hey!’ he hears and the hand Jamil puts on his back to support him, he probably is. “But everyone else… That… It won’t be necessary…”
There’s a note of exasperation to Jamil’s voice as he dryly remarks, “Please don’t be reckless. You are my responsibility as long as you’re here, so I need to be mindful of your wellbeing.”
Yu hesitates, still not daring to meet Jamil’s eyes. “Right. But it still feels unfair to everyone else…”
The firm tone has Yu tensing up and, out of instinct-based compulsion, glancing back over at Jamil to make sure the expression on his face isn’t anger. It isn’t, and yet… 
One accidental flick upwards of Yu’s gaze, and sharp dark-brown eyes lock onto golden ones for a moment—but a moment is enough for him to experience an odd sinking feeling, like he’s falling without any ledges to grab onto and stop his descent. Or is that just the lightheadedness he feels from having fainted?
“Just rest for now,” Jamil insists in a deliberate tone. “You’re obviously not cut out for the physical exertion Kalim is putting us through, so don’t push yourself. Especially after your fainting spell.”
And just like that, much of Yu’s willpower to fight, to resist, to be contrary—it crumbles away like sand dunes in the wind. 
“Okay,” he replies, nodding curtly to punctuate his words.
Jamil hums almost approvingly, and with a faint hint of relief. “Glad to see you can listen to reason. Now, where is Santiago—”
As if on cue, there’s a sound not unlike a feather-filled pillow bursting that comes from beyond the closed door—followed immediately by someone cursing under their breath. Jamil mutters, “Speak of the devil,” just as the door opens and Santiago—clutching several water bottles to his chest—stumbles in.
“Sorry it took so long,” the beastman pants, looking less like his usual smug self and more like the frantically genuine teen he should be allowed to be. “I really was trying to go as fast as I could, but—”
“It’s fine, I don’t need excuses,” Jamil says, tiredly, and takes a bottle while turning to Yu. “Here. You’d better start replenishing the fluids in your body.”
“And quickly!” adds Santiago.
Yu smiles a little, quickly forgetting about that weird weightlessness he’d felt earlier (it felt so familiar, like he was losing control of his body, but when had he experienced it before, again…?) as he takes the water bottle and takes a long drink. “...Thanks, you guys,” he says sincerely, catching his breath after finishing.
The way Santiago almost preens with pride is enough to overshadow how Jamil says, “It’s no problem… no problem at all.”
If Yu just looked and listened a little more closely, he would have noticed the ominously self-satisfied glint to Jamil’s eyes.
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fumiko-matsubara · 10 months
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"I think Puey deserves to experience this kind of normal again, at the very least."
Chiba wore a bittersweet smile when he saw Puey freely laughing at whatever Okajima did, completely different to the Puey from days ago who was too cautious to even react to most things.
"He's still a kid, after all."
- Normalcy (Puey stays AU)
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biopsssihozz · 8 months
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ace week art - raphael santiago
lack of ace representation makes me very sad, BUT RAPHAEL MY BBY YOU SAVE MY SAD ACE LIFE WITH YOUR EXISTENCE <333333
reference - official art
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
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AMM Lighting Intro
I have to admit, I never got the hang of Cyberlit. When AMM introduced customizable spotlights and area lights, I was excited to try out the alternative. When I mentioned writing a tutorial on the Lizzie's server, several people expressed interest so I decided to share it with the larger community.
Currently this guide only covers spotlights but I will be adding area lights as well, as I find them just as useful—more so even, since I relied on them for months before figuring out how to effectively use spotlights. 😂
If you have questions or feedback, please let me know!
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pinazee · 2 years
Robin to Steve and Dustin: Okay, I get it. He's smart and lovable; you're scrappy and lovable; together you're just lovable and lovable.
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moldybits · 4 months
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“grumpy boy” as the tech called him got the diagnosis from the vet of “weird but not a crime”. they all loved him and said he is very handsome
we were told though he is an absolutely perfect health 🧡
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wingsofhcpe · 4 months
WHERE IS RIOS ALREADY, I am literally only doing this for him (and likely still gonna regret it)
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bumblebeebichette · 1 year
Toronto Blue Jays Instagram Story - January 13, 2023
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foxilayde · 2 years
Okay but like can we talk about 1 million again for a moment?
Cause like, yeah, I can spray it on my pillow and pretend I’m falling asleep in Santi’s bed, but ALSO?? That perfume has unironically gotten me so much pussy, it’s not even funny (it’s a little funny).
1 million is an actual sex potion
No one is immune
Wield the power for good.
Or wield it for evil if you want
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