#This ep is probably in my top 3 favourites
bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
(Previously, on the HPI rewatch...)
Cet épisode m'a détruite la première fois que je l'ai vu et toutes les suivantes. Accessoirement c'est aussi un des épisodes qui m'a causé le plus de fous rires. Allez comprendre, et surtout priez pour moi 😭
Céline qui dort en T-shirt Che Guevara ça restera à jamais l’un des plus grandes énigmes de ce show. I have SO MANY questions.
Deux mois.
Attendez, je la refais pour que tout le monde se représente bien ce que ça fait. DEUX MOIS. Morgane a cessé de venir pendant deux mois, sans que Adam (ni personne en fait ?) ne prenne de ses nouvelles ? 😱 Je veux bien que Céline leur ait fait des updates réguliers, mais genre, personne ne lui a envoyé un petit texto, on n’a pris la peine de venir la voir en sortant du boulot ? Personne s’est dit “tiens, on devrait lui organiser une soirée tous ensemble, ça lui changerait les idées”, non ? Personne 😭 Aled
On notera que Morgane bade sur le canapé de Céline, mais avec des faux-cils. Tout espoir n'est donc pas perdu 🤗
"Bonjour Morgane, content de vous voir." Mec, c'est CA que tu trouves à lui dire ??? Encore une fois, ça fait DEUX MOIS qu'elle est pas venue au boulot, et c'est tout ? Mais au secours... 😩
Deux mois putain...
Par contre Céline est juste trop mignonne a essayer de remotiver Morgane, je l'aime 🥰
"Elle aurait préféré mourir plutôt que renoncer à son intégrité" "Oui bah du coup c'est un peu ce qui s'est passé" 😅 Cet enchaînement me fait toujours autant mourir de rire
Sandra Weber my beloved!!!!! 🥰
La façon dont Morgane revendique un droit de regard sur la vie sexuelle d'Adam me fume complètement, elle est déjà teeeeeellement possessive c'est dingue 🥹 Parce que "Vous comptiez me le dire quand, que vous vous tapiez Miss IGPN ?", Morgane ma chérie, en vrai il était même pas obligé de t'en parler, hein, ça le regarde, SAUF ! QUE ! Adam lui-même ne remet pas cette affirmation en question et confirme implicitement qu'il doit des explications à Morgane, Mr. "La vie perso ça reste perso" de l'épisode d'avant est tout penaud "bah, heu, oui, je comptais vous en parler à votre retour..." mais putain il s'écrase c'est comme s'il se sentait coupable, ça me détruit 😱
Parce que oui il se sent coupable au fond
Coupable d'avoir renoncé à Morgane
.....................Je crois que je fais un AVC
Et puis oh bordel "A quel moment elle vous a séduit exactement ? Quand elle a essayé de vous virer, ou quand elle a demandé ma tête ?", la violence du truc, là on rentre dans le dur, mais que j’aime cette franchise de Morgane, PLUS de quatre vérités comme ça pour la saison 3 siouplait 🤩
Et puis pardon de revenir là-dessus, mais je rappelle à tout hasard que Morgane a appris pour Roxane il y a DEUX MOIS. Oui parce que nous on voit ça entre la fin d'un épisode et le début d'un autre, mais la meuf ça fait DEUX MOIS qu'elle rumine que Adam sort avec Roxane quand elle lui demande des comptes. Girl, your obsession is showing! 🫠
Pardon, mais si la mère de la victime et la juge recevaient des menaces depuis des semaines, c'était pas un truc à mentionner pendant le procès ? Fin je sais pas, hein, mais là comme ça, je me dis que ça aurait pu jouer dans le verdict, non ? Qui reçoit des menaces pendant un procès sans le dire à personne ? C'est complètement con.
"Moi en maternelle je faisais beaucoup d'asthme" Gilles je t'aime, ne change rien 😂❤️
Morgane vs. le philodendron c'est un des grands moments de cette saison. Je pourrais disserter pendant des heures de la symbolique de cette plante à la place de Morgane, de savoir si c'était une manœuvre volontaire de la part de Roxane ou pas, du philodendron comme victime expiatoire de la jalousie de Morgane, de... Nan mais je vais pas le faire, sinon on y est encore la semaine prochaine 🥺 
Vous remarquerez qu’entre le philodendron et le ficus, on a quand-même une obsession botanique dans cette série 🪴
C'est marrant parce que TOUT dans le personnage de Roxane crie not girly, et pourtant la meuf a redécoré le bureau avec des petits cœurs roses quand-même... #characterizationwho?
Je suis désolée mais je dois souligner une nouvelle fois l'absurdité du shipname Karaxane, genre même sa meuf l'appelle par son nom de famille ? Alors que Roxadam était RIGHT HERE ??? 🤦
Vous réalisez que c'est littéralement la première fois que quelqu'un se rappelle que Karadec a un prénom (au bout de 13 épisodes il était temps). Et que c'est dit par Roxane ? tuez-moi
LA. JALOUSIE. DE. MORGANE. DANS. CET. ÉPISODE. 🙊🙊🙊 Elle est tellement jalouse et elle s'en rend même pas compte, oh bordel
Au passage c'est aussi l'épisode où Morgane est alcoolique 🙃
Le fait que Morgane a utilisé un des post-it en forme de petit cœur rose de Roxane pour dessiner une teub dessus et le mettre sur la photo du mec à poil, ça restera à jamais l'un de ses plus grands petty moves 🤣
Et puis rien que pour la scène où Morgane crie "LE SEXE !" aux oreilles de Karadec, ça valait le coup
Si quelqu'un sait ce que Adam articule silencieusement à Morgane au moment où il quitte le bureau avec Roxane, venez me le dire, je vous en supplie. Ça fait un an que j'essaye de savoir 😱
"Prends ça dans ta gueule, toi" aka mon fou rire numéro 1 de l'épisode 🤣
Eliott qui passe tout l'épisode à lire un bouquin de criminologie tout en conspuant sa mère, mhhh, something something Freud reviens 🤔😅
N’empêche, c'est trop mignon que même bourrée, Morgane respecte à la lettre les consignes de Karadec sur le fait de pas parler de l'enquête à Sandra 🥹💕
"Morgane, c'est Karadec" putain mais le mec lui-même a oublié qu'il avait un prénom, en fait....
"Le mec écrivait ses messages de la main gauche parce que sa main droite était occupée à autre chose..." aka mon deuxième fou rire 😅
Alors là je voudrais quand-même qu'on m'explique, parce que chez la juge on a des cartons de pizza et des cornets de frites sur la table, et on nous dit qu'en plus Morgane a cuit un kilo de coquillettes ? Je veux bien que ça mange, les enfants, mais là ça fait un peu beaucoup, non ?
Le gros plan sur le visage d'Adam et son petit sourire amer genre j’aurais dû m’en douter quand il comprend que c'est Morgane qui a squatté chez la juge... 🥹
Les couches
Les coquillettes
Que quelqu’un donne une récompense à Bruno Sanches, n’importe laquelle, parce qu’il est juste extraordinaire 😍
Cette scène c'est mon plus gros fou rire de TOUTE la série, la première fois que je l'ai vue j'ai littéralement hurlé de rire pendant dix minutes sans pouvoir m'arrêter
"J'ai pas fini de vous engueuler !" c'est un peu l'histoire de sa vie, à Karadec, ça... 😏
"Une touche de violence policière rendrait encore cette histoire plus croustillante" je laisse ceux qui savent™ apprécier...
L'article de Sandra, si ça vous intéresse (si, si, en zoomant un peu on arrive à lire) :
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Karadec qui se marre quand Morgane se fait défoncer par l'équipe au sujet de l'article, c'est drôle, et en même temps, en sachant que la prochaine fois qu'il la revoit c'est en train de chialer à 4 grammes, ça me fend un peu le cœur... 😰
Et là on arrive à LA scène qui mérite un Emmy à elle tout seule
Parce que phewww, déjà qu'elle est tragique en soi, mais en plus en SACHANT que Romain est un connard ? Et que Morgane ? Picole toute seule devant sa tombe ? Gnnnnnnnn, laissez-moi sortir...
J'ai tellement à dire sur cette scène, je pourrais disserter sur chaque réplique, mais vraiment juste wow, on peut dire ce qu’on veut sur HPI mais l’écriture de cette scène = perfection
"TU PENSES QUE T'AURAIS FINI PAR TE BARRER TOI AUSSI ?" .................................Appelez le SAMU
Le jeu d'Audrey putain, le jeu d'Audrey me met les larmes aux yeux à chaque fois, la justesse !! La retenue !! La façon dont l'émotion monte subtilement sans en faire des caisses, je -- les personnes qui ont écrit, joué, et dirigé cette scène savent ce que c'est que le deuil, c'est tout ce que j'ai à dire
Évidemment que NON c'est pas tout ce que j'ai à dire !! Vous y avez cru ?
"Avec toi c'était simple" vs. "Avec Kristin, c'est simple", uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, laissez-moi CREVER 😭😭😭
"Mais là j'y arrive plus" 😰 
Elle est TELLEMENT en dépression ça me tabasse... que quelqu'un donne de l'amour à Morgane, là, c'est urgent ! 💔
On est d'accord que vu ce qu'elle picolait trois scènes plus tôt, c'est pas avec une bouteille de crémant qu'elle va tomber dans les pommes, hein ? Hein. Voilà, je voulais juste établir ce point.
Bon alors question importante : qu'est-ce qu'elle fout dans son lit ? Non parce qu'on sait grâce à l'épisode d'après qu'il y a un canapé chez Karadec (et même si Sofiane s'est fait aspirer dans un trou du scénario, en théorie il a aussi une chambre). Vous le voyez, vous, le Karadec de deux heures du matin, déjà bien saoulé d'être allé chercher Morgane et d’avoir dû nettoyer son vomi, lui prêter son lit en plus ? Non, hein, faudrait pas déconner. Donc, je repose la question, qu'est qu'elle fout dans son lit ? 👀
(et à quel moment elle a changé de boucles d'oreilles aussi)
Morgane : *tombe sur Karadec à poil* Morgane : *darde sa langue* (si si, je vous assure, c'est dans le dernier plan de l'épisode. Je dois aller me javelliser les yeux, j’en a trop vu je crois, tu m’étonnes qu’elle fasse une fixette sur les brosses à dents, après, ce show fait clairement une fixation orale)
(encore une fois Freud reviens)
Nan mais vraiment un jour j’écrirai un analyse sur tous les trucs que Morgane fait avec sa langue dans la série et ça sera pas du tout PG13, je vous préviens
Bon allez je vous laisse je dois aller me préparer psychologiquement pour revoir une certaine scène de brossage de langue, justement...
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tony-andonuts · 1 month
Early Family Guy goes hard imo
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seeminglyranch87 · 8 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
October 2023 - part 1
October 1 - Travis is seen leaving Taylor's NYC apartment around 11am. Travis heads back to his hotel where the team is staying before his Chiefs vs Jets Game at MetLife Stadium
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Taylor attends the Chiefs vs Jets game at MetLife Stadium, NJ, with Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Shawn Levy, Donna Kelce, Sophie Turner, Sabrina Carpenter, Brittany Mahomes, Melanie Nyema, Austin Swift & girlfriend Sydney Ness, Ashley Avignone, Robyn Lively, and more. The camera cut to Taylor approx. 17 times during the game and the Eras Tour film trailer played twice during ad breaks. Taylor was seen hugging Donna, saying "you're amazing, I don't know how you do it" when the score was 20-20. Taylor was also seen mimicking Travis. The NFL change their tiktok and twitter pages again to reference Taylor's attendance. Various media outlets post footage of Taylor at the game, Travis likes a post of Taylor's reaction to a Chiefs touchdown. The Chiefs won 23-20.
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After the game, Taylor was pictured leaving Zero Bond in the early hours of October 2. (x)
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October 3 - Taylor is at Electric Lady Studios, walking in with Keleigh Teller. Taylor's shirt is referencing the song 'Any Man of Mine' by Shania Twain, the first lyrics of which are (x)
"This is what a woman wants Any man of mine better be proud of me"
Her hat says "Still Here", possibly referencing her Karma lyric
"Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here"
October 3 is also National Boyfriend Day.
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US Weekly releases an article with quotes from 6 sources on "Why Taylor isn't hiding her romance with Travis Kelce" (x)
"Taylor has decided she's not going to hide anymore"
"She's going to be her authentic self and enjoy life"
The two "talk every day"
"Taylor's really enjoying getting to know Travis, they're taking it day by day, but she has high hopes. She likes that he's a normal nice guy. He's down-to-earth and isn't affected by fame. She also thinks he's hot"
"Travis is completely smitten"
"Taylor is at a point in her life where she's no longer willing to hold back. If something feels right - like it does with Travis - she's jumping in with both feet. She's very happy and loving life right now"
October 4 - Ep 57 of New Heights airs, part of the title is "The NFL Needs to Calm Down" (x)
"Is the NFL overdoing it? What is your honest opinion on how the NFL is treating celebrities at games?" asks Jason
"I think it's fun when they show who is at the game, I think it brings a little bit more to the atmosphere, brings a little bit more to what you're watching but at the same time I think they're overdoing it a little bit for sure, especially my situation. I think they're just trying to have fun with it... [the celebrities] are not there to get thrown on TV" responds Travis
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October 5 - It's Travis' birthday today! He turns 34.
Donna Kelce makes an appearance on the 'Got it From My Momma' podcast. When asked what her favourite Taylor Swift song is, she responds (x)
"I think probably 'Shake It Off' -- we're getting a lot of that lately, about haters," Donna said with a laugh. 
When asked if she's surprised about the infatuation surrounding Taylor and Travis' relationship
"I feel like I'm in an alternate universe because it's something that I've never been involved with ever before," Donna said. 
The NFL release a statement in response to the New Heights podcast episode discussing the NFL "overdoing" coverage of Taylor at the Chiefs games, saying (x)
"The Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce news has been a pop cultural moment we've leaned into in real time, as it's an intersection of sport and entertainment, and we've seen an incredible amount of positivity around the sport."
October 6 - Travis speaks at a press conference. When asked about how he is adjusting to public interest in his relationship with Taylor, he says (x)
"As all the attention comes, it feels like I was on top of the world after the Super Bowl and right now, even more on top of the world. So it's fun,"
“We’re learning with the paparazzi just taking photos from all over the place. But at the same time, it comes with it,” he continued. “You got a lot of people that care about Taylor for good reason. You just got to keep living and learning and enjoying the moments. At the end of the day, I’ve always been pretty good at compartmentalising and being able to stay focused in this building.”
“I always check myself and my ego at the door and make sure that I come in with a clear mind,” he said, before being asked his thoughts on Swift’s world. “It’s worldwide, it’s worldwide, man. It’s been magnified for sure, though.”
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A report comes out stating that the NFL asked its networks to promote the Taylor Swift Eras Tour Film at the Chiefs vs Jets game, likely in a bid to get Taylor to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. (x)
October 6 - Taylor reportedly flew to Kansas City "to see Travis" for his birthday to have a "chill night" (x). A sneaky little visit for Trav's birthday.
October 7 - Taylor leaves Kansas City.
Travis flies into Minnesota for the Chiefs vs Vikings game
October 8 - Travis plays in the Chiefs vs Vikings game in Minnesota. Travis injures his ankle during the game but after an x-ray he returns to the field and scores a touchdown. The Chiefs win 27-20 (x) (x) (x)
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Travis would later post pictures of this walk-in fit with the caption (x)
"keep it chill like Sauvignon Blanc"
These are lyrics from the song "Lil Boo Thang" by Paul Russell, which contains other lyrics such as
"I'll be shootin' that shot like 2K, girl"
"But I'm tryna get to know you at least Don't take my talkin' to you wrong I can keep it chill like a sauvignon blanc I'ma keep it real when your man long gone If you're lookin' for a friend, then you got the wrong song"
"You a ten, baby girl, but I'm the one"
October 9 - The Messenger puts out an article in which a source states (x x)
"[Travis] jokes [Taylor] is his good luck charm.
“Taylor is having the time of her life at these football games cheering on Travis. [Taylor] and her friends are fully embracing this era and are having a lot of fun being there. Taylor has worked very hard this last year and It’s fun for her to bring all of her friends along, let loose and show support.”
October 11 - Taylor is in LA for her Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Film premiere. She shuts down The Grove, LA to host a red carpet and early screening event with selected fans, wearing a very 1989-coded blue Oscar de la Renta dress.
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Travis, take note, she loved us first <3
TMZ releases an article saying that Taylor intends to attend Travis' next game. The question is, will Travis play with his injured ankle? (x)
"Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Taylor plans to travel to Missouri to watch Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Denver Broncos"
October 12 - Taylor attends Arrowhead Stadium to support Travis as the Kansas Chiefs take on Denver Broncos. Taylor is seen cheering on the team alongside Donna Kelce and Ed Kelce. Chiefs defeat Broncos 19 - 8 (x)
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The Eras Tour concert film is released today (a day early) due to high demand in the USA and Canada (x)
October 13 - I go to see the Eras Tour concert film! just an FYI :)
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October 14 - Taylor, Travis and friends fly to NYC
Taylor and Travis photographed holding hands as they arrive at Nobu, NYC, publicly confirming that they are a couple (x)
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Taylor and Travis make guest appearances on SNL - Travis makes a cameo at the end of a sketch parodying the NFL frenzy over their romance. Taylor introduces Ice Spice as the musical guest. (full skit x) SNL IG (x x)
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Taylor & Travis attend the SNL afterparty at Catch Steak NYC (x)
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October 15 - Travis attends Eagles vs Jets game to support his brother Jason Kelce at MetLife Stadium, NJ. He is seen leaving Taylor's NYC apartment. Travis is given a friendship bracelet with beads spelling out "on the map" referencing a tiktok trend. He smiles and holds it to his heart. (x) (x)
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Taylor & Travis are pictured leaving The Waverly Inn, NYC (x).
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A nosey diner shares her observations of Taylor & Travis getting cosy (x)
Annie Williamson told The Messenger. "It looked super romantic and was super intimate."
"I cannot emphasize enough how close they were sitting, like so close and snuggled up."
Ms Williamson also shared a video of the couple leaving the restaurant (x). Thank you for your service Annie 🫡
Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson remind their listeners of the Calm Down with Erin and Charissa podcast recorded on August 3 where they implore Taylor to date their friend Travis (x)
“please try our friend Travis. He is fantastic” 
to which Travis commented on IG
“😂😂 You two are something else!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I owe you big time!!”
Go to previous update -> September 2023 Part 2
Go to next update -> October 2023 Part 2
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inrainprose · 5 months
Top BL of 2023
2023 is over and I felt like doing my top picks for this year again! Looking back there were a lot of good ones that I enjoyed a lot this year, and so I did not restrict myself to 5. As my sister judging me from across the couch said, "there's no rule do what you want". Fair enough.
This is from the BLs that ended in 2023, though some started in 2022.
8. Kiseki dear to me
I didn't care all that much for the main couple in the end, but Ai Di and Chen Yi? Worthy of obsession. @leofiat-bunny made a cut, for your consideration.
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7. Why r u? Korea
I'm an absolute fan of the original against my better judgment and I was looking forward to this one. It doesn't have much to do with the Thai version in the end but I still enjoyed it a lot, both stories.
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6. My school president
This was just lovely from start to finish. I really appreciated how they portrayed teenage turmoil and how soft and gentle this was.
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5. My Personal Weatherman/Taikan Yoho
Needed a Japanese title on that list and this one was the best of the year by far. Unhinged and horny from start to finish.
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4. Wedding plan
This one probably wins the top spot for best surprise of the year. I watched it late after it was completed because I didn't hear much about it but it was lovely. Wrote a fic for them.
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3. Be my favourite
Time travel is my weakness and those two were great together.
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2. Bed friend
And this one gets the price for most rewatched. So hot, very angst, obsessed with them both. Wrote not one but two pieces for this fandom, one from Uea's POV and one from King's.
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1. Moonlight chicken
Left me on the floor. That first ep when they walk around town lives rent free in my head. All the relationships got to me but none more than Jim and Li Ming's. And thus, another fic.
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Honorable mention cause I couldn't list them all
The Wrap Effect, The Eighth Sense, Love in Translation, Laws of Attraction, Bokura no Shokutaku/Our Dining Table, Hidden Agenda
Ask away for top BL things. I like lists.
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mo-ok · 1 month
Top 5 WORST sentais you’ve watched. or simply least favorite bc I know you’re more of a lover than a hater
OK SO these are simply the ones i think about the least since finishing them (i've enjoyed every season i've seen so far, but some just have less staying power in my brain than others)
OR the ones with the most "little annoyances"/characters i cared the least about/etc etc
So this is less of a "worst" list and simply more of a "i liked other things more" list 😂😂😭
5. Liveman - worst ending in the whole franchise. Absolute downer of a show. Two completely wasted rangers who really didnt need to be there/could have easily been made so much better. I would not recommend this show to someone unless i knew them very well and knew they'd get it. 10/10 i fucking love liveman but oh my god OH MY GOD.
4. Dairanger - very enjoyable episode to episode but really fumbled the bag in the second half imo. I love lots of aspects of this season, i love the characters (probably one of the only people in the whole world who doesnt hate Koh lmao), the suits and intro theme are some of my favourites in the whole franchise. But like... what actually happened in dairanger??? Daigo got a bird gf for a minute? Kemp hurt comfort episode???? We played baseball??????
3. King Ohger - i think i would have enjoyed kingoh a whole lot more if i was able to watch it at a faster pace. The general lack of longer fight scenes and robot fights started to weigh on me lmao, i didnt quite realise how important the robots were to me until kingoh took them away 😂😂 again, i enjoyed the show, but i havent thought about it much since it ended
2. Gaoranger - it was great fun and full on and i enjoyed it a lot, but boy howdy did it make me feel TIRED lmao. I watched this directly after watching Gingaman and was still very much in the Hyuuga trenches, which i dont think helped with Gao not sticking around in my mind. Also, didnt like the ending song (the theme song goes hard though, and Gaku remains a special boy in my special boy jar)
1. Kyoryuger - I remember really enjoying it and its characters, the bad guys were fun and the music goes hard. But there are a few factors that work together to sadly have it end up at the bottom of my sentai pile
- i find myself not really thinking about it AT ALL unless its right in front of me lmao.
- I have a lot of love and nostalgia tied to PR Dino Charge which kinda clouds most of my kyoryu memories
- tyler/shelby >>>>>> king/amy
- fav thing about kyoryu is Utchy and he wasnt even in the kingoh crossover eps wtf
- i think i have simply watched too much since watching Kyoryuger. I definitly am glad i watched it early on, cause i genuinly feel like i'd probably enjoy it less if i watched it now (i did however recently rewatch the Souji parents episode for the dynaman brain rot 10/10 junichi haruta my beloved)
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yohangaontdj · 11 months
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep3 (Part 3)
Continuation of Part 1, which can be found here. And Part 2, here.
Gaon's Change in Clothing
How loose and ill-fitting they were at the beginning. And obviously rummaged from Yohan's wardrobe.
Then becoming more exactly to Gaon's size. And without Gaon able to leave the Kang mansion, Yohan must have ordered it for him. And he seemed to like having Gaon in white. Maybe because of how see-through the colour could be.
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And now, moving on to other stuff I love about Ep 3.
Cute cute Isaac!
Look at him coming to share his treats with baby Yohan, and how happy his smile was.
And I can't help but wonder if because Isaac is lonely too. His mother gone and his dad lost in his grief for his wife. Probably didn't even have the energy to deal with him. And maybe that is why Isaac had latched onto baby Yohan.
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First look at Adult Isaac and Young Elijah
Now we truly get to see how much the resemblance is there between Gaon and Isaac.
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No wonder Gaon was so shocked.
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The Filming of TDJ
I love TDJ for the cinematography also. The way they frame the shots that, for me, are like artworks on their own. And which also had a lot of significance also. Not framed just to have a pretty shot.
The Top-Down Zoom-In Shot
TDJ uses this a lot. And what struck me in this re-watch and which I have to make a comparison.
It is how subtle, the difference between our first time seeing the round table where the President and the rest that Yohan wanted to take down in his revenge. The edges as the camera zoomed in, it sort of resemble the shot when Yohan was looking through the rifle to shoot at the bus driver.
And maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I just feel like this lot of rich people that was at the church fire, they are now in the line of sight - targets that Yohan had been aiming to gun down.
Cause these two are so different from when the camera had zoomed into the live court show in Ep1. The edges are round and the camera had went through what looked like a ring of fire before stopping above the courtroom. And fire is such a significant part of TDJ.
And look at Yohan and Gaon and Jinjoo making a triangle which is a shape that often means stability.
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The Shift in Light to Show Passage of Time
Another often used shot in TDJ. The change in the length of light shining in to show time awas passing.
Used twice in just this episode, and will appear again later on. Just love love the beauty of it.
Gaon sleeping the morning away due to the pills he had taken.
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The passage of time until Yohan showed up in his hoodie and white sneakers to beat the hell out of the guy who had planted the bomb.
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That's about it for Ep3 which is my favourite always.
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rmd-writes · 2 months
cannot believe I've never asked you this but:
1. favourite ep of SC
2. favourite ep of LS
3. favourite scene from RWRB (book or movie you pick)
why do you hate me 😭😭 this is so hard!! after much deliberation, using your numbering for ease of reference:
1. I have spent YEARS thinking about this and generally speaking, I end up with a top 5. But, if you’re really making me choose one (1) favourite episode (as opposed to a favourite scene or plot), it’s Moira Rosè. It has everything: excellent cold open, maybe the best closing scene of the entire series, fondly exasperated Patrick, drunk David and Moira, David trying to kiss Patrick but accidentally eating his face, awkwardly tender Johnny and Alexis girl bossing her way into a cult.
2. It’s the obvious answer, but Push my beloved. Other scenes are right up there, but not necessarily the entirety of those episodes. As far as entire episodes as a whole go though (not the the Tarlos aspect), Red vs Blue is probably up there too.
3. I feel like you’re making me choose a favourite child. The Kensington scene probably, which is maybe a surprising choice because of the angst? But it’s just - Alex finally realising that he’s good enough and fighting for what he wants, something that’s his and not something that benefits someone else or furthers some other agenda. It’s Alex seeing right through Henry’s facade and pushing Henry to finally realise that he’s worthy of love too, to choose love for himself. The bravery it took for Alex to stand there and demand that Henry tell him to leave, I will never be over it 😭
PS. I wanted to find gifs for this to make it more visually pleasing but I don’t have the capacity to fuck around with tumblr gif search today 💀
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chenfordspiral · 4 months
What are your favourite episodes? One per season!
Oh, I had this coming and now I regret sending you that ask because this was bloody difficult. *sigh*
Let's give this a try (I'm sorry for the rambling that is to follow). Full disclosure, though, if you hadn't limited me to one episode per season, this list would look very different 😂 (and would definitely have broken my brain even more than this already has)
season 1 - Plain Clothes Day Good grief, we're off to a brilliant start (why did I do this?!?!) Honestly, I think I love specific scenes more than an entire episode. If I had to choose, though, I might go with 1x11. Or 1x14? 1x20? You see my problem? I cannot make a decision for the life of me. Ugh. I'm gonna go with 1x14 and live with it. Simply because, well, Tim in plain clothes? Yum. Tim refusing to let Lucy wash out and then even complimenting her?! Yum. Lucy being a badass even after she'd initially doubted herself? Yum, love to see it. And let's not forget Lucy's sass at the very end when she hands him her evaluation of him. God, I love them.
season 2 - Day of Death I think it's obvious that I'm going to go with 2x11 here. I adore everything about this episode. Acting, directing, cinematography, music (or lack thereof), all of it. It's simply spectacular, and even though it's a hard episode to watch, I could rewatch it all day. It's absolutely captivating, especially that whole sequence of them searching for Lucy, Tim finding the ring and digging her out of the fucking ground with his bare hands, to the almost absolute silence as we all wait for Lucy to come back. I mean, hands down one of my all time favorite episodes of the show. It can hardly be topped.
season 3 - Man of Honor Overall favorite episode this season is probably.. mh, 3x10. We get Lucy and Jackson riding together and saving that little girl (and then Jackson gives her that necklace?! Kill me, it's so damn sweet). We get some awesome Tim and Angela bestie content. There's just so much to love about this episode and I haven't rewatched it nearly enough.
season 4 - Life and Death You know, season 4 is hard (duh, all seasons are). I have my issues with it, even though I obviously love the Chenford content we got, but it also came with certain love interests that I'd like to give a firm kick in the butt and send to the moon. But I digress. I'm going to have to say 4x01. Aside from the Chenford hug (still not over it) and how Tim so willingly just invited Lucy to stay with him, it's the team spirit of the episode that I love. And I think we all do.
season 5 - Death Notice / Under Siege Season 5 is bloody difficult, okay? This is legitimately breaking my brain. I go back and forth between 5x12 and 5x22 at the moment, which I both love for different reasons. 5x12 because there's so much Chenford goodness, 5x22 because it's just an overall awesome episode that just screams "team" where everyone comes together. I think those kind of episodes will always be my favorite. But honestly, the answer to "what's your fave s5 ep" would probably change every other day. I mean, we all saw the season, right? I could list all 22 episodes with an exception here or there (hi 5x04, I'm looking at you; also not particularly fond of 5x20 - sorry).
And, look. Here's the thing: even when I like an episode for the Chenford content, there's often something that bugs me about it (*cough* Nolan *cough*), so it can't be my favorite episode overall. Like 4x22, for example. It would make my list for favorite Chenford episodes, but not the one for favorite episodes in general. Which is why making this list was so damn difficult.
Anyway. Why am I still rambling?
Anyone feel free to send more questions! My inbox is always open :)
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bizlybebo · 4 months
you have to tell me your favorite song(s) too. or elsies :3
using this ask as an excuse to ramble because cshr does NOT leave my fucking brain.
(twin fantasy album is so ghostknife + fnc coded. you agree)
ive been rotating the how to leave town album around in my brain for like a month now,, but i think my favorite song from it is "the ending of dramamine",, although a CLOSEEEEEEEE second is "beast monster thing (love isnt love enough". im also fucking OBSESSED with "kimochi warui (when? when? when? when?)",, "you're in love with me",, "america (never been)", and of course "i want you to know im awake/i hope youre asleep".
my favorite from it is definitely "broken birds (rest in pieces)" but let me tell you i am SOOO ethrjtk4wtheytrker over "boxing day" and "knife in the coffee". then there's also the parallel to broken birds, "crows (rest in pieces remix)" and AUGAUHGAUHG. holy fucking shit this entire album is. so yummy
and MONOMANIAAAA HAS SOME OF MY FAVORITE SONGS TOO. "overexposed (enjoy" was the very first cshr song i listened to and the one that got me fucking obsessed with these guys so the entire monomania album is very very very very very dear to my heart because of that. but i also LOOVEEEE "misheard lyrics" and "souls" SOOO much. i transposed "maud gone" by ear on piano :3
with cshr's newer music, from the making a door less open album, i specifically ADORE "there must be more than blood",, "deadlines (thoughtful)",, "life worth missing",, and "famous". oughjerwtkjrg. man.
honorable mention to "reuse the cels" and "devil moon" from the living while starving EP. i put those songs in my mouth several times a week. reuse the cels was my top song last year rhgujetrgkjerg
and of course,, twin fantasy album,, both versions,, is fucking beautiful. my favorite from it is probably beach life in death tbh,, i actually recorded a cover of it on piano but i doubt ill ever post it anywhere
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
what are your favourite lion guard episodes and why? :3
Big Bad Kenge
Kenge’s awesome. The song about him freaking slaps AND he proved to be a good match for the guard. It was honestly really fun to see the guard being intimidated by a villain for once. Plus, it was really fun to watch Bunga provoke him. I just wish he would’ve appeared more
The Zebra Mastermind
Probably the funniest ep in my opinion. Seeing Thurston unintentionally trick the dumb henchmen never gets old. They needed to work together more often they make the best team
The Savannah Summit
This episode had the best character development in the series. I loved seeing Makuu try to turn over a new leaf for once. Although I don’t blame Kion or anyone else being skeptical of him cuz of everything he did in the past. Like he took Nala hostage and you expect everyone to trust him? What the hell Simba?
It does send a nice message of not automatically assuming things, though :)
The Scorpion’s Sting
I love the “race against time” concept this episode has. I think this was one of Scar’s best plans, honestly. Getting a deadly assassin to sting Simba and then try to stall the Lion Guard is actually genius. They should have used Sumu more, my guy was a serious threat and he had only two lines.
The Little Guy
I don’t care if the plot could be considered cringy, anything with the crocs is an A in my book. It was ADORABLE. They made Hodari such a likeable character AND he had a catchy song. I can’t tell you how many times I was gushing over everyone. Plus, it has a sweet message.
Hodari getting accepted was the cherry on top we love to see it.
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mackmp3 · 1 year
Aotearoa Music Month
It's almost the end of NZ Music Month, here are my personal favourite Aotearoa artists and a few song recommendations :)
(If you listen to one song from the list make it Old Peel)
Aldous Harding. Words cannot explain the sheer bonkersness of Aldous Harding. One of her earliest songs shares the name but seemingly little else with Titus Groan, the gothic-fantasy novel by Mervyn Peake, and the music video for 'Lawn' features her in a prosthetic lizard tail. Performing live, she often stares straight ahead as though she is not quite sure why you're all looking at her. Her songs, sometimes joyous (The Barrel, Fever, Lawn), and sometimes yearning (Pilot, Party) sometimes just bored (Ennui), are all unmistakably her. Her last few albums have been produced by PJ Harvey collaborator John Parish, and her band includes multi-instrumentalist H. Hawkline (Cate Le Bon collaborator). 2022's Warm Chris was my favourite album of the year, I listened to it almost everyday for two months, the standout line (from 'Fever' being 'the weather/opened up like a birthday card' which is just beautiful. Her best song, though, I think is 'Old Peel', a 2021 single in which the percussion is Harding banging on a coffee mug with a stick. And she does this live as well.
2. The Beths. The Beths are one of those wonderful indie bands whose music all sounds so cheerful but the songs are all about the crushing weight of your insecurities. They've released 3 studios albums and an EP, but I reckon their debut, Future Me Hates Me, is their best one - standout tracks are the title track, 'Happy Unhappy' and 'Uptown Girl'. Their sounds is a mix of contemporary indie pop (lots of chirpy backup vocals) and classic indie rock dirt, especially on 'Future Me Hates Me', though their new stuff is pretty heavy live. They also use a lot of the old NZ made amps and gear that was made here in the 60s and 70s when it was too expensive to import stuff( ask any adult who was in a band here when they were younger and they'll probably have one). 'I Want to Listen' from last years' 'Expert In A Dying Field' is really lovely, if you aren't in the mood for songs about not knowing if you're lovable cos they've got a fair few of those.
3. Voom. Voom are probably on the lesser known side, but their 2006 album 'Hello, Are You There' is right up there with Grandaddy and Built to Spill. It's one of those albums with like 17 songs but some of them are less than a minute long. Beautiful indie rock, full of classic stuff like 'Jimmy's Got A Boner' 'My Friend Satan' and 'I'm Leaving Forever'. The best song on the album is 'B Your Boy', which I could listen to for a very long time, and we're going to cover it in my band and I'm so excited. It's just a perfect song.
Those are my top three (at the moment) honourable mentions are -
Reb Fountain - I saw her live. It was scary. I loved it.
Marlon Williams - last year he invented a genre, Māori disco pop, wrote the most danceable song of the year (My Boy), and played bongos on 'Come To Me' (Björk cover) live.
Vera Ellen - Some nice pissed off indie rock. 'I Want 2 B Boy' is very cool.
Pickle Darling - very vibey bedroom pop, lots of delightful little tunes. Also they work at a record store in my hometown and is always really friendly when I'm in there :)
Tiny Ruins - I'm not the most familiar with their stuff but one of my friends tells me to listen to them all the time so they must be good. Indie folk.
The Clean - Dunedin sound band, not super familiar with them but they have a song called 'Point That Thing Somewhere Else' which sounds like Sonic Youth but somehow even cooler.
Dimmer - 'I Believe You Are A Star' sort of like Portishead, by ex-Straightjacket Fits musician Shanye Carter. loudest show I've ever been to.
This one song called 'Gaskrankinstation' by the Headless Chickens, it's hella dark but pretty damn cool. post-punk.
Special Mention to Flying Nun Records, the actual coolest record label.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
GMMTV 2024 part 1
My thoughts on the trailers (from what I can remember and from some dms I shouted to @grapejuicegay two nights ago...and which I also did last year as well - that was interesting to read again!) and in order of preference/excitement about its potential:
Pluto has to be top of my list because not only WOMEN but WOMEN KISSING OTHER WOMEN. I'm a little confused on the story (like most people it seems) but I'm here for a little mystery. I just hope we don't get a repeat of 'one twin being awoken from a coma by the other twin having sex'...or maybe I do.
Of course Ploy's Yearbook is second because, again, WOMEN. But also JIMMY! And Joong and Mond! I don't even mind the 'adopted siblings' thing, because in my mind the adoption is a recent thing and they haven't grown up together (watch me be wrong). Anyway, here for the ladies not for the story.
How could I not put My Precious the Series in third spot with Nanon (and Film)?! Not only are these two adorable together but HOW has Nanon managed to look SO YOUNG here? (At 22 I know he's still young but he looks even younger). I guess the plot is a simple teenage friend group lovestory but I don't care, I'd watch Nanon in just about anything. (Ooo, and Fon [10 Yrs Ticket] is co-directing!)
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Whether Peaceful Property is a bl or not I am signed the f up. This trailer was the best to be honest. It was like a refreshing slap in the face and I would have set it top if it hadn't been for The Women and Nanon. Spooky hijinks? Absolutely. Found family? I'm eating that shit up. Jan being kooky? More more! New in a more domineering role than Tay? Yes please. This was basically me:
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I'm sort of 80% believing/trusting that Kidnap is a BL, not that that's the only reason I'll be seated for it. No, I'm here for Ohm. Now, I did say that about him last year in Double Savage and then I couldn't get past ep 3 (even though I had said I couldn't wait to see him in something heavy and dramatic...the intergenerational trauma was just too much for me) but I have high hopes for this one. And I'm intrigued as to why they've put such a newbie (Leng) opposite such an experienced actor (and someone SO experienced with bl series), so I'm thinking they will either use that difference in the plot, OR they know Leng is just That Good, OR he's a 'placeholder' for another actor who will be recast in the role. We'll see if I'm right. (Also, it's directed by Noom [Midnight Museum]...)
What's not to love about The Trainee? (apart from the fact that we haven't even had Cooking Crush yet so how am I supposed to get excited over another Gun/Off show?!?). We get Off and Gun again, and then there's Sea...and a possible GL side couple??? And it's not set in a school/uni!! Let's see how different it will be to ABAAB...
At first I was a little disappointed to see that GMMTV was doing a My Love Mix-Up! remake, even with Fourth and Gemini (whom I love) and Au directing (MSP and BBS), because I would have preferred to see them in something new, maybe something meatier (having seen what they could do in Moonlight Chicken), but I guess I don't mind. It will be interesting to see how Thailand approaches this story and if they can do the nuance of the exploration of sexuality as well as the original.
I'm excited for Wandee Goodday mainly to see Great again but Inn also looks good. This is an interesting pairing, and I love some of the side characters. The main reason it's not higher up the list is because I'm not a fan of boxing, but I'm definitely here for the friends-with-benefits to fake-dating shenanigans. Oh and for Golf (The Eclipse) directing.
What can I say about My Golden Blood that hasn't already been said?! Gawin in another BL! And with Joss! And Mond again! And it's about VAMPIRES! Signed and sealed. Give it to me. (Also, it's the same director as Shadow: Ark).
We Are looks cute, and it's nice to see all the couples again but the trailer didn't wow me. Having said that, it'll probably end up being my favourite or something knowing me 😂
The main thing I'm looking forward to with Only Boo! is to see Louis and Aun (and maybe the other two but I don't know them) killing it with the dancing (unfortunately there'll probably also be singing). I mean, look at this. Show me what you've got Louis!
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I'm not really feeling Summer Night at all to be honest. And they used the ost for UMG at the end which threw me as well. I'll see what the real trailer looks like and decide whether to watch it then...but my hunch is I won't.
High School Frenemy had FAR too much fighting in it and I'm not sure if I'll watch this one. It seems like it should be a bl but I don't think it will be (I am fighting the urge to read up on the Korean original). BUT I might show up for these three...as well as View, Est, Mark, Mark, Prom, and AJ AND JJ (my beloveds). I'm warning the show, though, it had BETTER have a DAMN GOOD REASON why Shin won't forgive Saint. (I've just seen it's directed by Fon, so that's giving me more hope).
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I'm really really hesitant about Ossan's Love Thailand and it's not because I know the original (because I don't) but mainly because I've never felt inclined to see the original because of one of the age gaps. I'm usually fine with age gaps but this one just feels icky. I wonder what they'll do with the Thai version...but it's directed by Au, so I'll probably watch it (and because it's Earth/Mix - duh), but I might not do the whole comparison with the original thing.
And lastly The Interest (Movie Trailer #2) and Enigma 2 which I doubt I will watch. The former is a movie, so I don't know if it'll get an international release, and the latter is a sequel and I haven't seen the first series...and probably won't unless someone gives me good reason to otherwise.
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frogsmulder · 1 month
Here to bother you? Top five TXF: episodes, moments, lines? Bother me too please! :)
Thank you for bothering me! But oh god how do encompass a whole show into five moments,,, help. Imma just do the first five things that come to mind and when I think of what I love about the show.
1. The whole of Detour and maybe this is just because I watched it last night, but it really has everything. In particular, I'll name the moment in the car at the start, you know when mulder leans in and whispers "kill me now" to Scully? Top tier quips banter and the thing I noticed for the first time yesterday... Scully starts to smile at Mulder's joke about hemorrhoids before he even mentions hemorrhoids. How often has he made that joke? How often has she had to keep a straightface while knowing what's coming? Or is this the first time he's said it but she's just so in tune with him she knows something is up as soon as he opens his mouth?
2. Same ep but deserves its own mention, and it should probably rank higher than the hemorrhoids joke, but. The conversation on the log, Scully talks about trying to make sense of her cancer and if life and death and what it means to her through that experience. THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD CALL BACK WHY COULDN'T WE HAVE MORE OF THEM? yeah I really appreciated actually getting to explore what the characters thought and how they processed their experiences. Is it only the episode directly after her cure? Yes. Does it ever come up again.... No. But alas.
This might get more controversial from here on out because I'm a sucker for iwtb and the revival. So.
3. Aside the whole plot and everything of the revival, revival!Mulder might be my favourite, he's just so open now about his emotions in a way that he was before (my one in five billion my touchstone etc.) but more so. He's just so appreciative if Scully and tells her so at every opportunity. Like "You're never just anything to me" the whole thing in the church where he says he might not belive in god but he believes in her!!!
4. I genuinely think this might be my favourite all time moment... Please don't hate me... It's the end of iwtb, and I'm a child of divorce. To me, this movie was never about the weird psychic priest thing. This is about Mulder and Scully learning to live and live with each other after All they have been through. And it's tough. And it doesn't work soemtines. But they. still. try. So when it comes to "I don't think that's how it works. I think the darkness finds you... And me. But let it try." It is imprinted on my skull. The way Mulder chokes around those last words. Ugh.
5. Okay I'll think of a happy moment to end on... Early seasons particularly before Scully's abduction. When she used to smile more. In particular in particular that moment from Deep Throat: "Tell me I'm crazy." "Mulder, you're crazy." but it's not just that it's the way she tries to hide her smile but can't because it's so big. It's the way she is completely enamoured by him. It's the way she's having the time of her life but won't admit how invested she is into her work after just one case. It's the way that she tells him he's crazy put go to the end of the world for him. There's that spark that is in the beginnings of a strong life long friendship.
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stanfordsweater · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday! what's your favorite wincest ep for each season?
a big ask!! thank you for this one, i am going to have a very hard time deciding but it'll be fun to sort through them all--
s1: so, so many. i’m going to have to go with something wicked, for all the lovely understanding sam comes to about dean in that episode-- it’s fantastic watching him be so soft towards dean when dean tells him what happened, and it’s an ep where we see the seeds john sowed to shape the boys around each other. fabulously written and so fucked up. runner-up goes to faith for showing the way sam desperately works to save dean, and for “he was probably gonna die anyway.”
s2: WAAAY too many to choose from, so runner up goes to every single episode-- i’m going with born under a bad sign for this one, because i am weak like soggy paper when a character is unable to stop the one they love even when they probably really should. dean walked in on this:
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and imagining what jo’s thinking in that moment, when she’s narrowly escaped sexual violence and death, and dean can’t help her because it’s sammy? 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
s3: time is on my side, for that scene where sam is talking about maggots while dean’s eating just to tease him, and he’s so delighted about it. also for the immortal corpse-brothers we almost got. doc benton is a fantastic villain who i wish they could have done more with, and i loved the way he tried to make them an offer they can’t refuse. so much excellence and “how are you gonna stop me?” UUUUGH 🐳
s4: fucking every episode, are you kidding me? this season is dripping in fucked-up dark romance between these two. dysfunction and desire galore, sam fucking a corpse because she reminds him of dean and he can’t function with his guilt and his need for his brother, dean’s betrayal and slowly growing resentment without being able to let him go-- if anything will convince people that sam and dean are erotically obsessed with each other, it has to be this season. predictably, i’m going for sex and violence. need i explain?
s5: season five is my least favourite season to rewatch 😬 going off my spotty memory from two years ago, i’m choosing the end for the conversation sam and dean have before the credits roll. <3
s6: you can’t handle the truth, for how desperately dean wants to believe that there’s nothing wrong with sam. truthfully, there’s a ton of great shit with soulless sam, but the scene where he lies to dean and then turns away and his expression just drops is in my top scenes of the entire show, with how dean is crying right in front of him so torn up over the last ep and so grateful that sam didn’t allow him to get turned-- and then the blow up at the end of the episode? delicious.
s7: another one that’s a little difficult for me, but i’m going with party on garth exclusively for the scene where sam and dean get drunk and silly together because i love it <3
s8: there’s a ton of fantastic wincesty moments in this season, but they’re usually in episodes where there’s a lot of other stuff going on. sacrifice is obvious, so obvious it’s cheating, so i’m going with goodbye stranger for so many reasons-- how delighted dean is when sam teases him about his porn addiction, and then his worry when he sees sam’s bloody tissue-- brotherly banter!! most importantly, this is the episode where dean says this:
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there’s also that scene in taxi driver where we see how hard it is for dean to kill benny, but how he does it anyway just because he needs sam.
s9: i am everybody’s favourite season nine stan 🙏 i will forever be obsessed with this season for it’s heartbreak and all the wild punches it throws. i’m choosing blade runners for this, which is a super underrated episode. sam is pissed the hell off at dean, and he’s murderous with crowley, but he doesn’t let that stop him from saving his brother. the hints we get that sam isn’t giving up on their relationship in this episode set up the rest of the season as well as his unstoppable drive in season ten. the finale is my TRUE fave from this season, but blade runners tells the story in a fabulously subtle way.
s10: my, my, my. mark of cain my dearly beloved. SO much good shit. my rewatch is stalled about halfway through, so while i’d choose a later episode, at the top of my mind is the things we left behind for this:
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HELLO???? there are so many choice moments in season ten for sam just being The Most, but the face cradling and the way sam goes right for dean and begs him to say he had to do it... kisses for all the writers.
s11: everything :D season 11 fed us SO good. going off of my season ten choice, though, i’m choosing safe house for sam bodily cradling dean at the end, with his huge sigh of relief when he has him in his arms, and for being the person dean sees. i mean, look at this romance:
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gifs from here, go reblog it
s12: regarding dean because i’m on a huge protective sam kick in this post, apparently. sam is so worried ;~;
s13: a most holy man, for the super cute brotherly banter in that episode, and both of them looking sexy as hell. they for sure banged after that ep.
s14: nihilism, for the way that sam appearing immediately begins to break the fantasy dean’s trapped in, the way cas pleading with dean changes nothing, and the fact that one of dean’s happiest memories in his mindscape is from sex and violence??? proof that sam and dean fucked that episode #real
s15: controversial of course but carry on is all i can say because most of this season is bonkers.
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dreamedofyou · 9 months
OF Favourites Rankings (Halfway Point)
Got tagged by @thatgirl4815 and thought it'd be fun to do but as usual I'm a bit late, as this was supposed to be done before ep 7 aired. 😅 Ah well, I'm still going to rank the characters only up to the halfway point of the series (aka the end of ep 6) so bear in mind that this was my list before ep 7 (and it did slightly change since).
Ok, let's get into the rankings, from last to first place:
7. Boston
Said this before and I'll say it again: I enjoy having Boston on my screen because he always makes things interesting and entertaining. He's just a character I absolutely love to hate. As a person, though, he is just so rancid that he takes my last spot in the ranking and I base most of that on the way he treats his friends tbh. If this is the shit he does to people he's supposed to be close with and care about, then I dread to think how he treats those that mean absolutely nothing to him. The thing is I'm usually a huge fan of characters who do bad/toxic stuff (as you will see later on in my ranking) but they need to have reasons other than their ego for it and at the halfway point I don't see that in Boston. This might change by the end of the show, of course.
6. Cheum
I have two main reasons why she's so low on this list, the first of which being that she simply doesn't have enough screentime/storylines for me to form a strong attachment to her character, and the other being that she sometimes annoys me with her remarks. I enjoyed the conflict we got between her and April but it was so brief, I wish the female characters got the same treatment as the male ones instead of feeling like an afterthought. This is actually my one major criticism of the show but unfortunately it's a problem most BL shows suffer from.
5. Nick
I sympathise with Nick but at the same time I'm also like "you kind of brought this on yourself, my guy." The way he's either blinded by Boston's sweet-talk or just doesn't mind Boston's assholery frustrates me so much sometimes, which is why he's only nr. 5 for me. That and the fact that we don't know that much about him (yet) either. I need more to fully connect.
4. Top
I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I think Top gets too much shit from the fandom. Yes, the reason he started pursuing Mew was shitty, but along the way he did genuinely develop feelings for Mew and imo him wanting to change and settle down is sincere. I'm a big believer in second chances if people are genuinely willing to change and better themselves, which I do think Top wants. Obviously, him sleeping with Boston (and lying to Mew) was shitty and it's one of the reasons why the nr. 4 spot is probably as high as he can go for me but I'm way more lenient there than most people because he was heavily manipulated into it by Boston and then regretted it and felt guilty about it. This isn't an excuse on my part, btw, I'm not absolving him of blame, but context makes a difference for me personally. I also think his character has the potential to grow a lot and I'm a hoe for character development (as you'll also see later).
3. Mew
Same as with Top, I feel like my opinion on Mew is somewhat unpopular, especially when it comes to his relationship with Ray. Basically, I don't think he's a bad friend at all and I believe he genuinely wants to help Ray but sometimes goes about it the wrong way (possibly due to previous experience). I think his heart is in the right place when it comes to most things and he's just like... a pretty normal dude, which I appreciate. That doesn't mean he has no flaws and can't be petty or nasty if he wants to be, however. I guess my one problem with him is I sometimes struggle to see why he fell so hard for Top specifically (what was so special about Top) because we weren't really given much of a reason. Unless it's just one of those situations where you fall for someone's looks/vibes and like that they're nice/sweet to you, and it isn't much deeper than that (because that happens to people, but Mew doesn't seem like the type to fall for those reasons). Basically, I like Mew much more when he isn't with/around Top.
2. Sand
I don't even have much to say here because I literally love everything about Sand, flaws and all. The only thing that slightly irritates me sometimes is the fact that he (unintentionally) self-sabotages by not wanting to talk about his feelings, probably because he wants to appear as if he's fine all the time even when he's clearly not. Sand is also the character I relate to most. Honestly, if it wasn't for my tendency to obsess over "broken" characters who do destructive things but are otherwise not bad people (and have a huge character development potential) then Sand would be my nr. 1. But, alas...
1. Ray
Ah, yes, we've arrived to the aforementioned "broken" character. This man has more issues than all the other characters combined and it's exactly what makes him my favourite character, oops. Unlike Boston's shitty behaviour, which is driven by ego, Ray's is driven by loneliness, abandonment issues, a lack of love, the list goes on. I genuinely think he's not a bad person, but he's self-destructive (which ends up endangering others as well) and obsessive/unable to let go (particularly when it comes to Mew), which is a recipe for disaster. He wants to be loved so badly but he wants it from the wrong person (Mew) in the wrong manner (romantic). As I said before, I'm a hoe for character development and Ray's potential on that front is off the charts. I want to see him deal with his numerous issues and grow from it as a person. What can I say, I'm just a sucker for those types of characters.
I want to conclude this by saying that there are two wolves inside me: one is a Sand Protector and the other is a Ray Apologist. They are at constant war with each other. Whichever one wins a battle at any given moment determines which of the two characters is currently my nr. 1 and which my nr. 2. That is all. 🙃
Since I'm late with this, I won't be tagging anyone but if you see this post and want to do your own ranking, feel free to consider yourself tagged.
I wonder if my list will change after the series finale.
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I was rewarded for my faith. Forget being disappointed, I LOVED every single second of today's episode. And I'm gonna take you for a swim to the deep end today, so get ready.
Ep. 1 1/4
From the very beginning, it's clear that there is a role reversal. (Loved the cute little doll in Gun's room.)
The selection of the school president is a satire, as explained in this post. I think it's also a representation of those schools where the teachers choose the council (i speak from personal experience), but I don't know if that is practised in any Thai school. I liked it nonetheless.
What really got me was that they actually created an Alternate Universe and didn't simply make a reflection of the original world just with roles reversed.
Ep. 1 2/4
That's twice I've heard "I'm not like the mothers in those drama series" in a BL drama series, and I enjoyed the context both times. [tell me in the tags if you know what's the other series I'm talking about ;)]
Jokes aside, this is also a reality check. Gun's mother in the original universe is not only forgiving but helps them escape as well. Unfortunately, not everyone is that lucky. Most mothers would scold the hell out of their children (ehm.. also from personal experience; just different contexts)
In this universe, the conflict is similar but not the same. While that universe focused more on the long term conflict of not being able to win (or even participate) in Hot Wave, here it focuses on the more immediate problem of their club closing down. Which makes sense considering the original had more time to cover and now they only have two episodes.
Also noticed the subtle reference to The Gifted series (most probably cause I'm watching it).
Poor Gun whining about his well-laid plans to get laid (read that as cuddle I just wanted to make a pun) with Tinn going down the drain in one surprising swoop.
To no one's surprise, the Umbrella™ (whether held by Tiw or Por) is well-loved in any universe.
I also liked the small little additions to their first meeting :D
And I'm sure I wasn't the only person with a mile wide yim (smile) during Imagi-Tinn and Gun's conversations with Gun's mom.
If I thought Tinn's reaction was funny, well, Gun just secured the permanent place on the top of my list :D
Nong Chinzhilla. Need I say more?
Nice to see Por's lack of filter and exquisite fashion sense exists in every universe. "Don't mind us, we're just nosy..." <- this is a reference to the original universe; this scene:
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And don't think I missed that little smile when Gun said to submit a love request when they were fighting for that pamphlet.
Ep. 1 3/4
"I didn't mean to kiss you." I was laughing so hard I had to pause the video, and mom looked at me weird like, 'she's finally lost that last little thread. It was about time.'
"I can ride this since I was born." And can't even wear the helmet.
Gun is flirty in every universe and Tinn is weak for it in every universe too.
Tinn's smile when Gun helps him with the helmet... you can not tell me he doesn't already like Gun at least a little bit.
[Unmute :D Do NOT repost; I'll do more than find you]
Winnie the Pooh being in love with Sound already; Tiw and Por flirting to the moon and back... what's new.
"I saw that." with that expression is by far one of my favourite SoundWin moments. Also one of the funniest.
SoundWin caught in the act of PDA: nah, we're just the best of frenemies :)
Gun when Tinn was hugging him: *dreamy look* all my dreams are coming true.
Ep. 1 4/4
Gun getting the perfect moment to confess and trying to do it:
Tinn: *snore*
I liked that dance played quite an important role in this. Also liked the reference To TiwPor in Prom Night: Live On Stage.
Tinn and Gun with matching hairbands >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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[Do NOT repost; I'll do more than find you]
What really got to me though, is that by doing this, they are validating every single fanfiction and headcanon out there, which is very surprising and nice of them.
The characters are not entirely different, they are just placed in different environments which affects their personalities.
Both Gun and Tinn still have that edge of boldness, but it's more prominent in Tinn while laced with trepidation in Gun.
Tiw still has that soft witty humour, Por still lacks a filter and has great taste and they're still disgustingly cheesy.
Win and Sound still fight, but they still help and love each other.
I also want to say that Fourth and Gemini are amazing actors and have played Gun and Tinn in both universes flawlessly.
What I also liked is that they're both whipped in any universe lol.
All in all, I'm enjoying my ride through the Multiverse of Cuteness to the fullest :D
Gods, i just wrote almost 1000 words of review 😭
My fingers are numb and due to all the other restrictions, ya'll will only get two videos and two pics tonight. If you want more, put in a request ;)
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