#This is about toni kroos
justisco · 18 days
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tchouamenii · 6 months
toni kroos almost injuring himself while trying to catch a rat what
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motleyistheonlywear · 5 months
Crowd: booing
Toni: 😎👋
RM: 😆
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leonsliga · 5 months
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Not Antonio having a midlife crisis at 34 💀
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rubyroses222 · 8 days
midfield maestro ⚽️🤍
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nadalffc · 1 year
no cause someone commented on madrid post that toni's trophy collection is complete and someone replied "euro?" lmaoool
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dumbseee · 3 months
when jude is dating his celebrity crush and he can’t stop bragging about it.
jude bellingham x famous!reader.
"nah but look at her, isn’t she so beautiful?" he rhetorically asked vini, who was sitting next to him. the brazilian looked at him, stunned, before looking at aurelien who was laughing his ass off with camavinga at his side. "is this guy for real?" vini was so tired of his friend shoving his phone down his nose to show him your latest achievement. jude looked up from his phone, pouting. "what? am i not allowed to brag about my amazing girlfriend?" he sank deeper into his seat and smiled softly when he saw your notification, you had just posted a new story.
"the thing is, you always do this. 'guys! look at y/n’s new post, look at her new commercial, look at her new movie poster.'" camavinga mimicked jude, resulting in the british to throw a pillow at him. "i don’t speak like that!" he said, frowning. "let the boy be in love, guys." tony kroos entered the hotel room the four friends were staying in. "if y/n l/n was my girlfriend i’d act the same way." he added, smiling at jude. "right? she’s so perfect." he mumbled to himself, still smiling at his phone like a fool. "i think we should get him checked into a hospital asap." vini told aurelien.
and it was true, jude was your biggest fan out of them all. he was already a fan before even meeting you, to him you were always amazing and so talented. the story of how you met was actually funny but embarrassing if you asked jude. during one of his drunken nights with his boys, jude, who was absolutely wasted, was scrolling through your instagram feed, feeling sad that he couldn’t be by your side and be your boyfriend. he was convinced you’d never be attracted to him. so he dmed you, completely drunk but he didn’t care, the message itself said: 'why are you so beautifl? pls be my gf'. when he woke up in the morning, a headache killing him, he almost had a stroke when he saw that he received a dm from you. well, he dmed you first and you answered but jude didn’t know it yet. imagine the horror on his face when he read his message and when he read yours.
'then let’s fix that, pretty boy ;)'
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1st to many
Summary:where Jude wins his first Champions league trophy
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The atmosphere in the stadium was electric. The roar of the crowd was almost deafening, but all I could focus on was the man in the white home kit moving effortlessly across the pitch. Jude. My husband. The love of my life. Our son, Louis, was bouncing excitedly beside me, his little hands clutching the edges of his seat as he watched his father in awe. As nerve-wracking as he was the day before, I could see his determination and focus now.
"Mommy, look at Daddy! He's so fast!" Louis exclaimed, his eyes wide with admiration.
I smiled down at him, ruffling his curly hair. "Yes, sweetheart. Daddy's amazing, isn't he?"
The match was intense, a true nail-biter. Real Madrid were fighting for every inch of the field, and it seemed like the entire stadium held its breath each time the ball neared the goal. My heart pounded with every pass, every tackle, and every shot. Then, in the 67th minute, it happened. A corner kick delivered by Toni Kroos in the air headed the ball and sent the it  sailing into the net. The stadium erupted into cheers, and I found myself screaming along with them, tears of joy streaming down my face at the end of the game it was 0-2 and Madrid had won
"They did it, Louis! They won!" I shouted, scooping him into my arms and spinning him around.
Louis giggled, his excitement matching mine. "Daddy's the best!"
As the final whistle blew, confirming their victory, the players collapsed onto the field, exhausted but triumphant. The commentator's voice echoed through the stadium, announcing the team's first Champions League win in 2 years. The player's names were chanted by thousands of fans, but Jude's  eyes searched the stands until they found us. He gave a little wave, and I blew him a kiss, mouthing the words, "I'm so proud of you."
After a few minutes of celebration on the pitch, Jude was called for a short post-match interview. He stood there, still catching his breath, as the interviewer began.
"Jude, congratulations on your incredible win! How are you feeling right now?"
"Thank you so much. Honestly, it's hard to put into words. This victory means the world to me. The adrenaline is still pumping, and I'm just overwhelmed with joy and gratitude."
"You've mentioned before that your family's support means everything to you. Can you tell us more about that?"
"Absolutely. My wife and our son, Louis, they're my rock. They've been with me every step of the way, cheering me on through the highs and lows. I couldn't have achieved this without them."
"And how does it feel to have them here with you tonight?"
"It's everything. Knowing they're in the stands, supporting me, it gives me that extra boost of motivation. Louis's face lights up when he sees me on the pitch, and my wife, she's my anchor. I'm just so grateful to have them by my side."
"You've certainly made a lot of people proud tonight. Any final words?"
"I just want to thank everyone who's supported me along this journey, especially my family. This win is as much theirs as it is mine. And to Y/n , I love you more than words can express. Thank you for being my rock, my everything."
"Any plans for the rest of the evening?"
"Just soaking it all in, really. I'm just happy. Now, I have to go and find my wife and son. They're waiting for me, and I can't wait to celebrate with them."
With that, Jude's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he bid the interviewer farewell before quickly making his way to the stands, where Louis and I were eagerly waiting for him.
"You did it, Daddy!" Louis squealed, wrapping his arms around Jude's neck.
Jude laughed, pulling him close. "We did it, little man. We did it."
Then he turned to me, his eyes glistening with tears of joy. He reached out and pulled me into a tight embrace. "I couldn't have done it without you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
I stroked his back, feeling his body tremble with relief and happiness. "I'm so proud of you, Jude. You've worked so hard for this."
He hugged me tighter, burying his face in my shoulder. "Don't let go," he murmured. "I just want to take this moment in."
We stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, as the world celebrated around us. As he pulled back slightly, I noticed the goosebumps on his arms. "Aren't you cold?" I asked, concerned. "You can take my jacket."
He shook his head, a wide smile on his face. "No, it's fine. The adrenaline is keeping me warm. I'm okay."
We laughed, and I kissed him softly, feeling the warmth of his lips. He took my hand, and together we walked onto the field, Louis perched happily on Jude's shoulders. The stadium was a whirlwind of celebration, with fans cheering, confetti falling, and cameras flashing. We joined Jude's teammates and their families, sharing hugs and congratulations. Louis quickly found some of the other children and started playing, their laughter ringing out across the field.
"Can you believe this?" Jude asked, his voice filled with wonder as he watched Louis and the other kids running around, pretending to be their football heroes.
I smiled, squeezing his hand. "It's surreal. I'm so happy for you, Jude. You've achieved your dream."
He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "And I couldn't have done it without you. Your support, your love—it means everything to me."
We continued our tour, mingling with the other players and their wives. When Toni came over with his wife, and their three children.
"Congratulations, Jude!" Toni said, clapping Jude on the back. "You were incredible out there."
"Thanks, mate," Jude replied, smiling broadly. "We all were. It was a team effort, just sad to see you go man.
"I know, but my time has come it's time for me to make room for the next Generation, I need to make room for people like you"
Jude smiled at Toni and they embraced eachother when all of a sudden
Toni's  hugged me, her eyes shining. "How are you holding up? That was an intense match!"
I laughed, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through me. "I'm just so relieved it's over and that they won! It's like a dream come true."
Our conversation was interrupted by Louis running over, his cheeks flushed with excitement. "Mommy, Daddy, look! I'm playing with the big kids!"
Jude laughed, lifting him up. "You're doing great, buddy. One day, you might be out here playing for real."
Louis's eyes sparkled. "Really, Daddy? You think I can?"
"Of course, I do," Jude said, ruffling his hair. "With hard work and determination, you can do anything."
As we walked around the pitch, we took photos and videos to capture every precious moment. Jude and I posed with the trophy, Louis standing proudly between us, his tiny hands resting on the gleaming cup.
"This is for the memories," Jude said, his voice soft and full of emotion as he snapped a selfie of us.
"For the memories," I echoed, my heart swelling with love and pride.
Later, we joined the other families in a group photo, everyone beaming with joy. The children were all gathered in front, their smiles bright and infectious. It was a beautiful scene, one that embodied the spirit of teamwork, dedication, and love.
As the celebrations slowly wound down, we found a quiet moment to sit together on the grass, watching Louis play nearby with the other kids.
"Can you believe this?" Jude asked, his voice filled with wonder. "We did it."
I leaned my head on his shoulder, feeling his warmth and strength. "Yes, we did. And I couldn't be happier."
Jude wrapped his arm around me, holding me close. "This is just the beginning," he said. "With you and Louis by my side, I feel like I can achieve anything."
I smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "We'll always be here for you, Jude. No matter what."
As we sat there, surrounded by the remnants of celebration and the echoes of cheers, I knew that this moment would be etched in our hearts forever. It was the culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering support. And it was a testament to the power of love and family.
Jude glanced down at his phone, which had been buzzing with messages of congratulations. He smiled and took a quick selfie of us, capturing our joy and love in that perfect moment. "For the memories," he said, showing me the photo.
I nodded, my heart swelling with love. "For the memories," I echoed.
As the night drew to a close, we gathered our things and made our way off the pitch. Louis was half-asleep in Jude's arms, worn out from all the excitement. We walked hand-in-hand, leaving the stadium behind but carrying the night's magic with us.
In the car, Jude looked back at the stadium one last time, a look of fulfillment and determination on his face. "This is just the beginning," he repeated, more to himself than to me.
I squeezed his hand, feeling the strength of our bond and the promise of our future. "And we'll be with you every step of the way."
As we drove home, the city lights shining brightly around us, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together. Jude had achieved his dream, and in doing so, he had shown us all the true power of perseverance, love, and family.
When we arrived home, Louis was sound asleep in Jude's arms. Jude carried him upstairs and gently placed him in his bed, tucking him in with a kiss on his forehead. I stood in the doorway, watching this tender moment, my heart swelling with love.
"You really are an amazing father," I whispered as Jude joined me, closing Louis's door softly.
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. "And you're an amazing mother and wife. I couldn't have done any of this without you."
We walked to our bedroom, the excitement of the day slowly giving way to a peaceful calm. As we got ready for bed, Jude turned to me, his eyes filled with a deep, abiding love.
Jude and I lie in bed, still buzzing from the excitement of the day's events. I open my phone and scroll through social media, reading the countless messages of congratulations and admiration for Jude and our family. People are buzzing about how Jude celebrated his first Champions League victory with his family, highlighting his heartfelt words about us in the interview.
I read some of the headlines aloud to Jude:
“Jude Bellingham’s Heartwarming Tribute to His Family After Champions League Win”
“Jude Bellingham Celebrates Victory with Wife and Son – Fans Are Melting!”
“Champions League Hero: Jude Bellingham’s Emotional Speech on Family and Success”
“Jude Bellingham’s Adorable Celebration with His Wife and Son Captivates Fans”
“Jude Bellingham Dedicates Champions League Win to His Loving Family”
Switching to Instagram, I see a flood of comments under the photos and videos we posted:
jobebellingham: You guys are such an amazing family! So happy for you! 🥰
toby: What a beautiful moment! You and Jude are an inspiration. ❤️
noah: This is what football is all about. Much love to you and your family! 💪🏽👏🏽
vinijr: Seeing the love between you guys is incredible. Congrats! 🙌🏽✨
camavinga: Your support for Jude is everything. Proud of you all! 💖🙌🏽
lukamodric10: Family goals right here. Enjoy this moment! 🏆💫
toni.kr8s: Such a beautiful family. Well deserved win! 😊🙌🏽
rodrygogoes: So much love in these photos. Congratulations! ❤️🔥
toniruediger: Amazing to see you guys so happy. Well done! 👏🏽👏🏽
dani.carvajal2: What a night! Beautiful family moments. Congrats! 🎉💪🏽
ferland_mendy: So happy for you guys! Enjoy the victory! ⚽❤️
nachofi1990: Family and football, the perfect combination. Congrats! 👏🏽😊
alaba_david: Beautiful to see you all so happy. Big congrats! 🌟🙌🏽
davidluiz_4: This is what dreams are made of! Congrats to you all! 🌟❤️
sergioramos: Family first, always. Proud of you, brother! 💪🏼👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
karimbenzema: Seeing you celebrate with your family warms my heart. Congrats, Jude! 🙌🏽💯
raphaelvarane: Beautiful family moments. Congratulations on the win, Jude! 🎉🏆
edenhazard: You're an inspiration, Jude. Congratulations to you and your lovely family! 🌟💖
thibautcourtois: Enjoy these special moments with your loved ones, Jude. You deserve it! 🥂👏🏼
nachofernandez: Family is everything. Congrats on the win, mate! 🙌🏼👨‍👩‍👦
scoalarcon: Seeing you celebrate with your family is priceless. Well done, Jude! 🎉👨‍👩‍👦
federicovalverde: Family time is the best time. Congrats, Jude! 🥳👨‍👩‍👦
eder_militao: Cherish these moments forever, Jude. Congrats 🏆💖
vasquez91: You guys are the definition of #FamilyGoals. Congrats, Jude! 🎉💑
I turn to Jude, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Can you believe this?" I say, my voice filled with wonder.
Jude wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. "I can't believe any of this," he says, his voice soft with awe. "But I know one thing for sure—I couldn't have asked for a better team to share it with."
I snuggle closer to him, feeling his warmth enveloping me and he kisses my forehead. In this moment, surrounded by love and joy, I know that no matter what the future holds, we'll always have each other.
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justisco · 1 year
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i looked up obsessed in the dictionary and the name lucas vazquez appeared
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rammingthestein · 7 months
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"The pieces have started to come together for a great documentary. Today, we spent time at Rammstein drummer Christoph Schneider’s place. He was chatting to our protagonist Stefan Kretzschmar about growing up in the DDR and how a whole new world of opportunities arose as the Berlin Wall came down.
With this film, we are hoping to reach audiences far beyond the handball community, and with Toni Kroos, Dirk Nowitzki, and Christoph Schneider now in the can, things are looking promising. Stay tuned for the premiere in January."| From the producer Nicklas Vinde Mathiassen's Facebook page.
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realmadridfamily · 18 days
Madrid is our home and I'm not just talking about the club. We are happy here and we are staying here.
Toni Kroos :)
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motleyistheonlywear · 9 months
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leonsliga · 4 months
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lucasvazquez91: 💪Líderes💪 | 💪Leaders💪
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thommi-tomate · 7 days
Interview with Aleks
By: Sky
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Aleksandar, you celebrated your national team debut for Germany in the 0-0 draw against Ukraine. How did it feel to wear the DFB jersey?
Outstanding! Also for my family, who were in the stadium with me. The moment I was substituted was really nice. I've always dreamed of it - and now it's finally happened
You could have celebrated your DFB debut back in March, but had to cancel due to tonsillitis. How bitter was that for you?
That was very bitter. I might have to have my tonsils out because I've had tonsillitis two or three times now and it sets me back physically every time. I always have to take antibiotics, rest and then rebuild again - that's really annoying.
When would be the best time for an operation? After the European Championship is before the new season with FC Bayern.
I will probably have to sacrifice my vacation for it. That's more important now. I don't want to get sick again and miss two or three weeks. I'm concentrating on the European Championships for now. I hope to be in the final squad.
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Who is your most important contact here in Herzogenaurach?
Thomas Müller. A legend and a super cool guy who always has an open ear for me, coaches me and gives me tips. It's really nice for me that he's there too and coaches me a bit
We've heard that Thomas Müller is particularly good at Mario Kart. Is he really unbeatable there?
I don't play Mario Kart myself, but let's put it this way: he's good at it. (laughs)
What is striking about the pictures from the DFB training camp is that Müller can always be seen with his drink (RDY). Even in the photo with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, he has placed it in a clearly visible position. Have you ever tried it?
Yes, it's good advertising! The drink is probably very healthy, has lots of vitamins and proteins. That's not bad at all. It also has a lot of pox in it here in Herzogenaurach, which has to be stored in the fridge. But I think it's good. (laughs)
Like Müller, you are a Bayern native. Many fans would like you to have the same kind of career with the record champions. Can you imagine that?
Yes, definitely. I'm a big Bayern fan.
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How important is Thomas Tuchel to you?
I am very grateful for everything he and his coaching team have done for me. They gave me the chance to show myself. I won't forget that.
Has Tuchel's successor Vincent Kompany called you yet?
Not yet. But I'm looking forward to what's to come. We have to win titles again, that's for sure. We can't have another title-less season.
Did the Leverkusen DFB colleagues give you and the other Bayern stars a few cheeky title slogans?
No, not at all so far. They're all really good guys and you get on well with them. We want to attack again next season and work well as a team. That's the most important thing.
Which youth coach at Bayern are you particularly grateful to?
Danny Galm, my old U19 coach. He relied on me from the very first moment and supported me. I'm very grateful to him for that. I'm still in regular contact with him today.
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Is it true that you were on the verge of leaving the Bayern campus several times as a teenager?
No. I never wanted to switch, even though I had difficult times, especially in the U15s. Back then, I was the smallest member of the team - a top football player, but physically weak. I often sat on the bench. But I always wanted to make it at Bayern and not go anywhere else. My motto: give everything, fight, work hard and then everything will turn out the way it has to
Have you always wanted to play in midfield?
I played as a striker on the small pitch. I always scored a lot of goals, I was a goal scorer (laughs). After switching to the big pitch, I was then in midfield and didn't want to leave that position. That's where I feel best.
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What role models did you have?
Definitely Toni Kroos. I love the way he plays. But also Bastian Schweinsteiger. In terms of his mentality, but also the way he plays.
How crazy does it feel for you to now be playing with one of your idols in the national team?
That's really amazing. Also that I can now be here with the national team, play with the FC Bayern professionals and gain experience like I did in the Champions League semi-final against Real at the Bernabeu. I'm living my dream and I'm very grateful for everything.
In November 2023, you were still playing for the Bayern amateurs in the Regionalliga Bayern. Do you sometimes still pinch yourself at how quickly it all happened?
I enjoy it and don't mind if it continues in the same way (laughs).
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How do you prepare for a game?
I don't have a specific ritual. I always listen to music before the game. But it's also different. I listen to everything. I generally try to relax and just enjoy myself. Being nervous or scared - that doesn't help at all.
If you look at your development so far: Where do you still need to improve?
I definitely want to become more athletic, build up a few more muscles - and improve my play against the ball!
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rubyroses222 · 23 days
“My children are a bit 50/50 about this. Leon wants me to keep playing, he’s a true Madridista and doesn’t want me to go. Amy however can’t wait to see me riding a horse this summer. I’ve always said to her ‘this is to dangerous, what if I injure myself then I can’t do the preseason.’”
“With Fynn however, I think I managed to retire just in time, so he won’t beat me up about it. This season he was old enough to really understand football and has gone after Leon - true Madridistas both of them. I genuinely think if I would’ve retired next year, Fynn would beat me up.”
“This season went the way I imagined it to be. I stayed healthy without injuries the whole time, let’s hope this continues until after the euros.” (he laughs)
“I’ve had a lot of fun during the games this season, I relished in the atmosphere of the stadium and enjoyed every single moment. I managed to keep my level; we as a team managed to be successful. That’s always the big goal when you think about retirement: you always want to retire successfully.”
“I think that I can say – even before the Champions League final – that we played a successful season as a team, amazing evenings, amazing games.”
“I always want to retire on a successful level. I never wanted to feel like people from the club or fans had to tell me “time to go now”. A future of spending time on the bench or not playing, always felt like a dent to my career.”
“I’m proud that I can say I’ve made that decision by myself with my family - that’s a beautiful feeling. This decision wasn’t taken for me or without me but BY ME.”
“Everyone I’ve talked to however says: ‘why now? you could retire next year just as successfully, you still have it in you.’”
“But I don’t want to challenge it. Yes, it could be true that next year is gonna be as great as this one. Plus I’ve already considered retiring last year and I have built a lot of projects next to playing. Now I can actually imagine a life without football - not that I won’t miss football. But a life without all the travelling, without the constant stays in hotels; a life with more time for my family sounds nice.”
“I enjoy the prospect of having time for myself and my family.”
“With Real Madrid I never in all those years had the feeling that you have to deliver on the pitch first in order to be loved. They loved and accepted me at 24 with open arms, which gave me the confidence to play like I do on the pitch. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.” 🤍
- Toni Kroos, Einfach mal Luppen
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diemannschaftblr · 16 days
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@/iMiaSanMia: Thomas Müller on training in front of 15,000 fans yesterday: We trained in front of a full house. Some teams don't even get that in league games. That was a successful start to the training camp.
- Müller on whether he has a 'score to settle' at the Euros having not scored at the tournament so far in his career: I don't have any scores to settle with any tournament. I would love to score a goal at a European Championship. But in the end, it's the result that matters. You have to contribute to the team's success with your performance in all facets. That includes me as well.
- on whether he's considering retirement like Toni Kroos: With the national team? I'm not thinking about retirement yet. I'm only thinking about the task at hand. We'll see about everything else later. On Bayern: I have one year left on my contract. I can't let my employer down. They're relying on me - in a certain way.
- Müller says he doesn't see himself as an 'entertainer' in the team: People know how I act as a person and how I go through life. I get positive feedback for that. It's not artificial. I want to have fun for myself and also remind the team that it's about success, being relaxed and having fun playing. Because you only go the extra mile if you feel it yourself. That's what I try to set an example for. I don't do anything different. My job is not to entertain anyone. Because entertainment doesn't get you far.
- on the possibility of having success with the national team despite the disappointing season with Bayern: It's not about the Bayern block here, but about having players in the squad who arrive with the confidence to win games. The automatisms that are working well at Stuttgart, Leverkusen, Real Madrid or Borussia Dortmund will then be brought to the national team by these players.
- on the importance of the Euros opener against Scotland: The opening game is the initial spark for the team and then you already have three points. You work towards this one game the whole time. If it works out, it loosens the mental shackles and gives you a boost.
- on Brajan Gruda and Rocco Reitz: They are both talented players with special qualities. They can run and suffer. When you watch Brajan, you can see that he's a good football player. In the end, it's all about consistency for him. That's why I got his shirt after our game against him. They're both doing very well for us. I didn't expect anything else.
- on the injured/sick Bayern players: Manu is joining us soon. We don't have to worry about him. Jamal and Leroy are suffering. If you're always in pain, I can imagine it's not easy. But they've always fought hard. They're doing everything they can to get fit quickly and put in an extra shift or two.
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