#This is an opening for RP by the way!
mblay-and-company · 2 years
The rest of my day trip to Monte d'Or after helping Henry with his... Predicament went mostly uneventful, aside from a couple of incidents that were certainly a little more than coincidence.
Little tiny whirlpool on the side of the road that swallowed up my medication when I tripped, I'm onto you and I hope a large leaf clogs your drain.
It wasn't until after I had returned home that the true wrath of the Spiral would make itself known... When I awoke to an intense feeling of vertigo. The slightest movement of my head caused my sense of balance to spin violently. Something must be in my inner ear.
Were it not for recent events, I would have just assumed that something got knocked loose inside my ear again. That happened a couple of times before.
But this was way too suspicious to be coincidental...
"Shit..." Was all I could mutter
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murkshade · 4 months
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shes normal i swear!! haha!! **kicks her crimes under the couch**
Softstar is for @dividedskiesrp!
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spicyboelives · 1 month
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PoV: You're in an Avengers Tower Fanfic and ur slow-burn relationship has just begun.
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hoothootloveforever · 1 month
Mystery Gift!!!
Mystery Gift is an alternate system to Pelipper Mail, which can be used in place of or alongside it! Here's how it works!
First, to opt in to Mystery Gift, mention somewhere in your bio or pinned post that Mystery Gift is enabled! Then there's three different ways to give and receive items with it!
Method one! Direct mail! This one is closest to how Pelipper Mail works! The giver sends an item to the inbox of the receiver! Then the receiver can pick it up directly or get it delivered to a Pokémon Center, Poké Mart, or department store! Items only though, Mystery Gift can't send people or abstract things!
Method two! MYSTERY gifts! Two people with Mystery Gift enabled connect, and each of them gets a small surprise! I wonder who decides what the surprise is...
Method three! Distributions! One person shares the Mystery Gift as a post, and then anyone with Mystery Gift enabled can take a copy!
That's it! Have fun with Mystery Gift!
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dyketubbo · 9 months
ik some people dont like considering the fact that minecraft is a game into their interpretation of lore but tbh i really like lore that acknowledges that their lives adhere to video game mechanics and thats a part of why i like that tubbo doesnt shy away from including his knowledge of game mechanics in his roleplay. it adds to his character and story and tubbos knowledge of how the game works directly translates to his character being extremely intelligent and skilled
and i think a big part of why people dont like acknowledging that tubbo isnt fail rping by using the game mechanics to his advantage is because they dont like admitting that hes intelligent. they dont like him being more than just the dumb bee boy. they dont like him being able to get a one up on their faves even though their faves are using game mechanics to their advantage too, hell because their faves are doing it too.
using game mechanics to his advantage isnt fail rp. being intelligent and skilled in his own way isnt fail rp. the admins keep him in line when they need to and when they dont they let him do his thing because no matter how many people get upset about it, tubbos knowledge of how the game works is fun and its cool to see.
a good roleplayer knows how to use the medium to their advantage. tubbo isnt failing rp or breaking the no metagaming rules in any way that actually ruins anyone elses enjoyment. hes just using the medium to his advantage. minecraft is a video game and there are literally plot points that depend on acknowledging that. tubbo is intelligent and on top of that he is a good roleplayer and its fine that he roleplays in a different way than some other ccs do because that makes him interesting. if you dont like it then theres a very easy solution: dont watch him
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rodeoblitz · 3 months
"People get together to fool around and then leave, why am I the fucking bad guy for that? Just because I didn't feel anything for them? Sure, I left in a shitty way sometimes...but when you aren't into someone like that, isn't it best to fucking leave?"
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bananasfosterparent · 2 months
I find it funny sometimes when people suggest lamenting on your consort Tav being depressed and mopey over what and who they could have been if only they hadn't done that darned ritual *shakes fist*
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But like... Efenity was... broke. Penniless. Homeless. Living on the streets in an abandoned house just outside the city that she shared with another criminal. She'd break into someone's house just to use the bathtub every other day. Agreeing to situationships with shady men who really only liked her for the dommy mommy vibes. Convincing herself that opening up and getting "official" with anyone was a mistake. That only leads to more grief, more pain, more loss.
Pre-game events, Efenity was working on a plan for stealing/skimming millions in gold over time from a charity organization run by a rich family. While she had high hopes to reach her goal of living in a mansion and living lavish (and alone) with her own criminal ring to support her... in reality she would have just gotten caught and arrested. Probably would just stew in her rage, angering the wrong people and winding up dead.. or defeated so much that she wishes she was.
Getting kidnapped and having a worm shoved in her eye was the single greatest thing that could have ever happened to her and there isn't a single thing in her journey that she regrets--except manipulating Shadowheart. But that's literally it.
If she's lamenting while sitting on a chaise with hand done embroidered demask designs and gold filigree backing, wearing her fluffy feathery robe while her Lord lays his head on her lap and she strokes his hair and ears about what "could have been" it ain't gonna be about something better.
While I totally understand the angst angle and would actually be comfortable checking out other people's versions of it, if I didn't associate it with such horrible negativity and discourse there's such a great power fantasy and positive dark romance here that gets ignored and poopooed by so many, without even the slightest consideration that maybe... just maybe... it's actually pretty darn valid and cathartic too, once you take off your Bias Goggles.
I wish more people were once again willing to let themselves explore their creativity in fiction enough to not care about the opinions of others not in your head, not developing your Tav, and not writing your story. YOUR Tav has their own unique story and it's ENTIRELY in your hands.
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pete-spankoffski · 6 months
[ Pete changes into comfy clothes, immediately getting in bed. He doesnt bother turning the constellations lamp on. He doesn’t bother closing his door, starting to weep silently. ]
[ God, was he stressed. ]
[ No matter how much he tried, no matter how much people said everything would get better, have they? Has anything changed in the slightest? His partner was in the hospital. ]
[ Cal was in the hospital, said to have gotten a concussion. He can’t tell whether he wants to keep it together or curl up in a ball and break down. He unwillingly gets up, shutting the door before sliding down it. Back pressing against the hard wood. ]
[ He buries his head into his legs. ]
[ The sting from his right eye, urging him to bandage it up. He doesn’t make an effort to do so. A whimper escape his throat, his shaking becoming violent. Sweat flowing from his forehead, his breathing coming out in short and fast bursts. ]
[ His chest hurts, everything hurts, but he can’t tell whether it’s just his chest telling him to take his binder off. Pete can feel his heartbeat pacing fast. ]
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rockgodklav · 1 month
Klavier is it true that you and Apollo were caught during recess banging on the prosecution bench?
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“Ja, I was showing him how to properly hit the desk when objecting. (Though.. He continued to bang it with his fists after the recess.)”
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thetravelingymleader · 8 months
Funny ways on how I remember certain type match-ups!
Psychic > Fighting: Mind over Matter!
Bug > Psychic: OOH SCARY BUGS (cringe)
Rock > Flying: Get two birds with one stone
Fighting > Dark: idk jocks beating up on emo kids?? (also cringe)
Flying > Fighting: This meme in particular-
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Feel free to add your own!
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blcssom · 2 months
open to: f/m/nb ft. jagger conolly (he/him) plot: enemies w/ benefits but jagger has been obsessed w/ your muse from the get and has never r e a l l y considered them an enemy he just likes playing along bc they're cute when they're being mean to him :' )
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he watched with a toothy grin stretched across his features as they stormed through the apartment looking for their discarded clothing, expletives murmured beneath their breath. "you alright over there? i thought you said you'd be gone, like, an hour ago?" that had been before they fell back into bed together, of course: his favorite stalling tactic. "if you wanna hang out, you just have to ask nicely, y'know."
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elpida · 2 months
plot: gwyn has a manipulative boyfriend that doesn't work, so on the weekends when she isn't working he has her go out and sleep with rich men, to steal their wallets and valuables and disappear the next morning, to sustain the fact he doesn't work but your muse was too nice and there's something about them, so gwyn for once, cracks and warns your muse. it could go many ways! open to m, 21+, i'd be very down for age gaps too.
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"don't invite me back to your hotel room." gwyn spoke the moment she'd stepping out of the bar that she'd spent the whole night sat happily flirting, only.. it stopped being silly flirting after an hour. it ended up where she spoke because she wanted to, talked because this person made her feel listened to for the first time in months. it was nice to feel heard, to feel wanted in some way at all but... for once, she'd rather face her boyfriends rage than steal from someone that actually made her feel valued and not some easy fling, even though that's what it'd end up, always did. they weren't cruel or pushy like most. "don't invite me back. i'd steal your wallet, i'd take your watch, i'd max the cards within an hour or two and not because i want to, because i don't... have a lot of choice anymore so, don't ask me to come with you." she swallowed thickly, hell they could call her every name under the sun and scream at her but she stood there, timid as ever, the cold breeze making her hold her arms around herself. "i'm sorry if.. if you feel like i wasted your time."
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vampiricsheep · 9 months
Dragon Discards Getaway [NA]
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Date: Saturday, 30 December 2023 Time: 6:30-9:30pm EST (30 minutes before reset) Find us in the rp LFG or type /sqjoin Eevee.9107
Were you manipulated by a dragon, only to be tossed aside to find your own fate when they kicked the bucket? Tired of being a spectacle or cautionary tale? Want to spend time with people who won’t ask the same annoying questions?
Join me in Southsun for a Dragon Discards Getaway. Refreshments provided. BYOS (bring your own seating).
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Getting There:
I recommend sailing west from Lion Point Waypoint, but if this is your first trip to the island, you can also navigate along the southern and western coast from Camp Karka Waypoint. Be advised that this route is longer and more dangerous.
 The event is held on a very tall ledge. I will use a shadow portal to transport anyone lacking a skyscale from the cliff base to the event site.
Event Rules:
Keep it civil. If you want to fight, take it somewhere out of sight, out of earshot, and outside the event space. [This rule applies to both IC and OOC. Some events allow for mild IC confrontation, but this one does not.]
This is an exclusive event. If you do not meet the criteria, you cannot attend. We are not spectacles for your entertainment. [note - that's only an IC restriction, so there's nothing stopping your character from lying to get in. Additionally, OOC lurking is fine and does not break this rule – but indicate this with a balloon novelty or by staying off-group, please!]
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whomuses · 3 months
open rp: Caedes
"Morality is more an idea than it can ever be a reality."
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glacierheart · 2 months
❄ * ―― open to mutuals / & non mutuals. ❄ * ―― available to all verses & fandomless.
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❝ here, for you. ❞ the pretty white rose the taller has extended out to the other, features adorned with all charming smiles. not daring to expose a hint of mischievousness – besides maybe subtly glowing in his icy blues but that simply could be mistaken for kindness.
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despairs-memorial · 11 months
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"Hm...I wonder if for Halloween I should hack into the school's computers a little...nothing too scary, but a little shocking..."
Seems the little programmer is lost in their own little world as they try to figure out what would be a good idea for a Halloween prank.
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