#This is just a tri color turf war match
sunny-unclear · 4 months
anyone else not like tri color battles? i concede, i am bad at them (worse than i am at normal turf war battles) but like i just don’t find them fun :/
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reserved-system · 4 months
Boatboys Splatoon AU
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[REPOST] Moved this from another blog to the main. If you saw the original, no you didn't! /silly
Boat boys am I right chat? Our Splatoon 3 hyperfixation is back :P
Rambles under cut. ^^
The brainrot is so real, where do I even begin? Okay okay for starters, Etho is a sanitized Octoling, not he wasn't always sanitized. He was one of the Octoling's that went through the Octo Expansion levels to try to reach the Promise Land but ultimately he failed and was converted. Cut to after the events of the Octo Expansion and all the Octolings are freed and returned back to the surface.
Etho... Didn't quite adjust to living back on the surface and let's just say, being brainwashed for so long left a lasting impact. It took him YEARS before he even thought about touching turf war again because of the trauma he's been through.
Joel on the other hand is your run of the mill Inkling. He holds down a steady job at a pottery studio, participates in turf wars whenever he gets the chance, maintains his S+ rank and is always the first to invite his friends out to join him in a match.
Eventually after Etho came to terms with his trauma he started competing in turf wars and after becoming comfortable with his surrounding, started competing in ranked matches as well. That's how Joel met him.
Joel was confused at first, seeing an Octoling on the other team with blue-green skin and the way his ink maintained a green tinge around the edges despite the enemy team color being purple. That didn't stop Etho from completely mopping the floor with him during Splat Zones though. After the match was over with, Joel tried his best to meet up with the mysterious Octoling but by the time both teams were packing up to leave the site, Etho was no where to be found. Joel asked he's team mates about him but they didn't have much to say about him, said he was quiet and didn't talk much outside of greetings and light conversation but Joel continued the hunt.
A few weeks would go by before their paths would cross again, in the form of a Tower Control match. This time the two were paired up on the same team. Joel tried to make conversation with Etho but he only gave quick or simple answers, sometimes responding with a shrug or two. During the match Etho shredded the opposing team from afar with his Z+F Splat Charger while Joel made quick work of them, rushing in with his Custom Splattershot JR.
After the match was finished, Joel expected Etho to disappear as soon as it was over with but was surprised to see the Octoling had stuck around to congratulate him on how well was doing on the Tower. They talked some more before finally having to part ways, with Etho stating he had to catch a train. They said their final goodbyes and before officially parting ways, Joel slipped Etho a piece of paper.
Etho didn't open the slip of paper until he settled in on his train, inside was Joel's shell-phone number hurried written out in his own ink. Thus, sparking a beautiful friendship.
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golby-moon · 2 months
okay in my defense I've never tried to do this weird camera angle before and made Dean too big and oh no why is more stuff being made for this au anyway ghfhdhf
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but yeah here's Team Free Will, ready to go annihilate some children in a turf war. AND they have matching shirts (which are green because that's the ink color they use when they're doing paintball things since Dean's more or less the leader of the team and his ink is green) that totally weren't made in a basement so that means they're unstoppable
and yes as predicted my regular style immediately made a comeback after just one drawing in an attempted Splatoon style. oops. also on a side note is Charlie's ink color too similar to Sam's? idk I want to distinguish them but still want to use the super bright neon colors of the game so that means limited choices oh no. still up for feedback for the designs though, especially if it's at all unclear who's who
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saltynsassy31 · 5 months
As the splatfest has come to an end, I wanna see how we doing with mirrors
Also, when I say occasionally got mirrors, it's just the odd one or two matches every couple of rounds and constant can mean "I got more mirrors than actual matches" (which was my case, I'm team bunny)
Also, feel free to share your experience in the tags if the poll doesn't fit your experience (like, if you got more mirror in tri color than turf war and vice verse, or if you got more mirrors yesterday or today, since I have a limit of answers I can put and can't add everything)
Please, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could reblog! I got a really small sample size before, I wanna get a bigger one with this one, please!
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lostryu · 1 year
you don’t get it. Shiver has won EVERY splatfest. IM SO TIRED OF HER!!!
Starting off with saying that i do not have a dog in this fight because I could literally care less about who wins. I am getting sea snails at the end of the day regardless.
This is a child's game. Shiver is a literal video-game character who offers no influence in the game itself other than to act as an MC during a special round of Turf war.
The only reason Shiver has been 'winning' is because Nintendo has given her the more relatable/likable options for splatfest. Yes, I agree that there is a balancing problem because of that, but once again, Shiver is not real. She is a video game character. The problem is not the people playing the game who happen to be on her team, it is Nintendo's. They chose the splatfest options and which character represents them. Take it up with them.
And you know what? It is wild to me is that in an effort to 'protest Shiver' certain people on team Frye and Big Man are 'banding together' to spawn camp on Tri-color matches and forgetting that there are real people on the other side of the screen. And they're probably children. You are bullying children because you think that you have been slighted in some way. You are toxic as fuck.
It's even stupider when you realize that even with the spawn-camp, as long as Team Shiver was on an attacking team, it still counts as a win should the attackers win. You are making yourselves and other people miserable for no fucking reason. It gets funny when you realize that your behavior counts as griefing and is a reportable offense.
So like, sure. Go ahead and do your campaign. I just cannot wait for all those matches to be marked as invalid and for you to be banned from the game lmao.
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psudopod · 7 months
What, um.... What do you want instead of mirror matches?
Would you rather sit on the bench and do nothing? Have 5+ minute queue times? Maybe they could force you to play a round of table turf?
I really don't mind mirror matches. I play turf war all the time, I don't need to be earning clout to have fun. When I'm focused on the battle I forget I'm wearing the mirror match colors and feel just as happy if I win.
If you had a big tri-school chess tournament with two tiny schools and a big city school, how do you think they'd have to match the kids up? Every kid from the tiny schools can face an opponent from another school, but with percentages like we had this fest, there will always be a pile of kids who simply do not have opponents and who's only options are to either sit on the beach not playing, or pick up for-fun games with their classmates. Just have fun with your for-fun games. Your other classmates are out there doing as many matches as they have opponents.
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highly-important · 1 year
Splatoon and Commercial Countercultures
When Splatoon came out it actually reminded me a lot of Jet Set Radio.
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Not necessarily game-play, but the imagery and themes in both games. Both are about music, urban life, fashion, and turf wars fought between rival gangs through graffiti. The color palettes of both games are a mix of urban greys and beige and vivid bright colors. Even the “hosts” or “narrators” of both games being musician media personalities. I’m not the only one who sees this. There is a lot of “Jet Squid Radio” fanart mashing up the two games, even this song.
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But I think major difference is summed up by the fact that in Jet Set Radio, the bad guys are the cops.
In Jet Set Radio, you are in an actual gang fighting other gangs, the DJ is running an licensed pirate radio station, the fascist police force have no problem shooting someone who is merely defacing public property, and the big bad is a corporation trying to swallow the entire city.
And in Splatoon, the “turf war” battles are a commercially-organized team sport, re-enacting a war that took place 100 years ago in which the opposing Octolings were banished to underground bunkers. In Splat 1 and 2 the solo missions are to fight the Octolings. The game even takes time to mention that the ink you paint vanishes after the match is over, so you are not actually defacing public property. (To be clear, all of these things are much more conservative and much less subversive)
One thing want to make  clear is although I am highlighting the contrasts between these two games because of their relative similarities, Splatoon was never obligated to be Jet Set Radio, and I am not trying to criticize the game for being something it was never intending to be. Jet Set Radio was made by a smaller studio, with less restrictions, and at the time SEGA was taking bigger risks on trying to court its target audience.
But that being said, no matter how much I love Splatoon, I feel like it doesn’t have anything to say at all. These aren’t anti-authority, anti-capital games, or games that ask tough questions at all. They’re games about supporting a status quo. I think Octo Expansion and parts of Splatoon 3 explore some interesting topics, but never in a way I think is all that challenging.
And obviously, Nintendo is never going to say anything radical in the same way that Disney isn’t going to either. And a game marketed to an older audience can have a edgier message than a game marketed to all ages. But I think its an example of how counter cultures get hijacked by corporations, which then have the power to change and control the messaging of these cultures.
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Brands need authenticity, they need cultural relevance. Culture is just extremely important in marketing. Corporations are always going to be the loudest voice with the furthest reach, so when a corporation takes over a culture or movement, the corporation has more power to control the messages, values, even practices and beliefs of the culture than the people who belong to that culture. And that means that if a culture’s beliefs run contradictory to the needs of a corporation, the corporation can co-opt that culture and redirect its messaging and values.
A kind of goofy but very recent example was the “De-influencer” movement on Tiktok. It started as a reaction to trends like #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt, where consumers just showed off products they purchased after seeing them on TikTok. A slew of TikTok users tried leveraging their influence to tell people to stop buying products because it isn’t worth it. De-influencing sprang from a place of authenticity. But in a matter of days, Influencers hijacked the movement and changed its message. Instead of “don’t buy things you don’t need,” they quickly used the hashtag to pan certain products and tell viewers to buy alternatives instead. Just completely reversing the intent of the message and intent of the original movement.
In the fifteen years between Jet Set Radio and Splatoon 1, street art and graffiti culture has gone mainstream. Businesses are decorating their walls with street art. My office took our team to a “street art class” to learn graffiti. So, the reason why Nintendo could make a game about street art is because by that point street art had gone mainstream. We are also seeing an industry that is maturing, getting more refined and relying less on riskier strategies.
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If I had  to interpret the intent behind Splatoon, I’d say they were trying to create a fun, colorful space where self-expression is encouraged, and the teen characters are unburdened by authority figures. These things are all very “safe” for a mainstream audience. And I think that is why the games accidentally attracted a huge queer audience. To a queer audience, those things (fun, colorful, self-expressive, no authority) are all still radical ideas.
Maybe it was a perfect storm of different little things that add up to a product the LGBTQ community cares about. The shooter genre is bleak and often pretty toxic, and Splatoon created a space for a niche audience that rejects those things. The characters themselves are androgynous and fluid, and you’re free to dress and style yourself however you’d like. There is a lot of unopposed freedom that its going to be attractive to certain communities. Splatoon accidentally made the type of sandbox that a queer gamer audience wanted to inhabit.
And while Splatoon’s queer following might not have a major influence on how future Splatoon games are made, it doesn’t discount the fact that the LGBTQ community has a strong presence in online Splatoon spaces. Corporations can try and control the message, but they can’t control how we think or suppress counter cultures. 
And I guess I am also considering some of my own thoughts about the two games as well. I know this is all over the place, sorry. Jet Set Radio was made for people of my generation, which is why it resonates with me more. Different generations need different messages and that’s fine. But either way, corporations still have the power of what messages go out there. I doubt SEGA would publish a game like this now if it was brand-new, but they wouldn’t have published it in 2000 either if the message was too contradictory with SEGA’s goals. Capital is not going to release anything with a message that is a threat to its bottom line.
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teeful-corner · 2 years
"Serving: Side Order"
CHATPER 2 | " Bay "
[O.Sci.L] " The others had been nothing short but failures, we need a new body. Find me a fresh one, a healthy one this time; make sure they can withstand the trails that will come ahead of them and don't fail me this time. "
[O.Sci.3] " Yes, sir. "
[O.Sci.L] " You don't know how much time we have. We need to prefect this. "
[O.Sci.3] " Understood. We'll acquire all the materials that you need. "
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2 YEARS PRIOR, there was no need to consume yourself in harrow or alarm; with a vibrant city, colorful personalities, and joyous vibrations that echoed throughout everyone, there was no room sorrow. The sound of laughter rang in the air like a melody, chatter scattered throughout the streets, and friends played as though there would be no tomorrow. Competitions sprung in light-hearted manners as the jellyfish manning at the Deca Tower had no room for a lunch break with the constant rotation of Inklings and, the new, Octolings. Everything was right where it needed to be, it needed to change or forceful "fixing".
" They're heading in to the base, left field. "  Spoke an Octoling in a low voice, motioning towards left of the turf field, being stationed with a E-Liter at a eagle-eye advantage point. In a matter of seconds, the target had been disposed of by a teammate of theirs; who showed no remorse by beaming from pointed ear to the next, loving the feeling he gets from being in the middle of a turf war. After a while of uptight battles and competitions, he's finally been able to learn to let loose and enjoy battling a lot more. Though the team, as a whole, has not learned such a motive; being more so true with their leader—who has gotten better, yet still held a more than competitive nature. 
With a cackle, said Leader slid out of the opposing team's firing range allowing their younger Brother to jump out of the ink behind the team, landing the final blows to their back; effectively getting a "Wipe Out" on the opposing team. A silent cheer was shared between the Turf Team as they reclaimed as much land as possible; their feet never touching the enemy ink as all that was purple was covered with yellow. They paid no mind to the respawning team, who tried to rush forward yet had been quickly stopped by the blow of a whistle, dictating that the match was over and the score will be tallied to announce the winners.
Though every Octoling and Inkling standing on that field already knew who had won.
" Sorry, not sorry. " Sniggered the Leader, piercing the opponent's team leader with a glare. It was one of mockery, one that simply had disrespect written all over it. The Leader rolled their neck, cracking a few bones as they stretched up, " But this match is ours. Don't worry though, you and your 'teammates' were good enough practice for us! " The Octoling weaponized with an E-Liter walked over from their spot, just in time to hear the rambling of their Leader to the opposing team.
They couldn't help but glance to the side, shaking their head slightly; This is how it always seemed to go after a turf war match, epically ones that their team has clearly won. " Alright, that's enough.. " Noticing the rage stirring in the opponents, flaring up and spilling out as though flood gates were about to crack open against the pressure of an overflowing river. The Leader turned to one of their most trusted teammates, wrinkling their nose a little as their hands where placed on their hips. With a cock of an eyebrow up from the Octoling, the Leader scoffed a little.
They waved off the Octoling and the other team, dismissively, " Alright, alright! Just saying, this defeat is going to be more than crushing for them! " And with that, the Leader began to walk back towards their base; the Inkling using a Clashblaster, and their little Brother following in tow so the match could end. The Octoling glanced back over at opposing team, giving them a small wave before following after the rest of their team; yet the Octoling could tell that their attempt of pleasantries was not going to accepted in the way they had hoped—thanks to the Leader.
Judd and lil' Judd were quick to announce the winners of the turf war, the resulting being pulled up for both teams to see as soon as they got back to the Deca Tower. To no one's suprise, the opposing team had lost the Turf War match: 94.3% to 5.7%. It was blowing defeat to the other team's self-esteem while the winners celebrate their win rather loudly; the Leader crossed their arms and beamed, as their little Brother and the Clashblaster user started talking about a victory feast for their 27th win in a row against randoms in Turf War.
" I think we can go to that new café that just opened next to the Deca Tower! " Beamed the little Brother, causing the Clashblaster to shake his head; not agreeing with the more downscaled dining option for their feast. The Leader listened as the Clastblaster exclaimed how they should instead go to the Crust Bucker instead! This cause a scrunch of the nose by the younger Brother, yet before he could protest the Octoling stepped forward.
They were swift in doing so, " Hey, I'm going to sit this one out. I have to catch the next train to Splatsville; I need to help a friend move into their apartment. " The Octoling pointed their thumb towards the exist of the Deca Tower, hoping their team didn't mind their last-minute ditch of plans; after all, it's not like they purposefully made these plans to ditch any dinner plans with their team.
The younger Brother nodded, giving the Octoling a softer smile, remembering that the they had shared their plans with the team earlier in the day. " Have safe trip, Bay! We'll save you some of your favorites for when you get back! " The Clashblaster nodded, giving Bay a thumbs up and a toothy grin.
" Don't hurt yourself! " The Leader stated as their arms fell to their side and a joking glint was catch in their eyes. " The torment is only a few weeks away, we can't have our main-man not on the field with us. " Bay shook their head in response to their teammates responses, yet offered them a small smile. They waved the team off as they began to leave Deca Tower, knowing that the younger Brother and Clashblaster user were going to go back to their small tussle; slowly driving the Leader insane to the point where they make the final decision of going to the Crust Bucket. This always seemed to happen, though Bay always tries to make it up to the younger Brother by eating breakfast with him before matches.
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" Hey, has anyone heard from Bay? " The younger Brother spoke up, walking over to the rest of the team with a drink in hand; he had been able to get his usual smoothie from the small café near the Deca Tower per usual, though had the strangest feeling about Bay that morning while waiting in the line. Maybe it was just him missing the E-Liter main, as they were always like an older sibling to him; yet for some reason, his brain was rather quick to dismiss that option of reason.
The Leader and Clashblaster main both turned to the younger Brother, a slight confusion shared between them as a single thought was shared. " I thought Bay was keeping communications with you. " The Leader quizzed, pointing at the younger Brother with a cock of his eyebrow. Though his questioning look was met with a simple shake from the younger Brother, as he had not heard a word from bay since the day they had left.
" I thought they were keeping in touch with you. " Gesturing towards the Leader, the Younger Brother frowned their eyebrows as concern began to dawn into their face. The Leader promptly shook their head in return, denying their younger Brother's assumption. They haven't heard anything from Bay either. 
The Clashblaster glanced between the two, " Well Bay defiantly wouldn't have contacted me!… I don't even know if they have my number. " He smiled a little, trying to bring some humor back into the group. Yet the Leader nor the younger Brother seemed to be amused with his comment; a comment in which usually would have gained the chuckle of the younger Brother or Bay. So he hushed for a moment, allowing the leader and younger Brother their moment to think about what Bay could be up to, and why they haven't contacted the group at all. 
They weren't leaving, the two knew that one for sure; They would have just outright told the rest of the group that instead of ghosting them. They were a direct person when it came to important matters, especially those that would have a grave impact on the stability of the team. This allowed any personal issues between a teammate and Bay or Bay quitting to be crossed out of the reason pool. The leader kept their eyes on their younger Brother, who was glancing off to the side with an anxious look as he knew this was not like Bay; leaving without a notice and disappearing off the face of the planet. 
" Maybe they got arrested!- " Started the Clashblaster again, but he was quickly hushed by an Off-The-Hook announcement; their original broadcasting had been playing in the background of the team's chatter for quite some time now, yet the team had ignored it up till this moment.
" A few days ago, an Inkopolis Square residence going by the name of 'Bay' has gone missing. " Marina, the second idol of Off-The-Hook, announced; a look of horror slowly swallowing her face as Pearl, who was sat in a beanbag chair next to Marina, stared at Marina with wide eyes; not expecting that their 'extra news segment' would be about reporting a missing Octoling. " Bay is a young Octoling, around the age of 18. She was hearing a white, rain-coat like coat paired with black leggings and white sneakers when she went missing. Bay's family claims that Bay was taking a train to Splatsville the day they disappeared; Camera footage from the Inkopolis Square Train Station shows footage of Bay boarding their train, yet eye witness states that they never saw them enter the train or get off at their supposed stop. If you have any information about Bay or their whereabouts, please report all information to the police at your convivence. Bay's family and friends hope to have them return back home safe and sound. "
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I'm a little sad that almost a year in Splatoon 3 still feels like a lesser game than 2. A lot of this is Octo Expansion raising the bar for atmosphere, storytelling, and character development such that 3's story mode going back to being 1 and 2 was always going to be a letdown. I'm troubled that we know basically nothing about Deep Cut except bandits, big Marie fans, and that Frye has some kind of ADHD going on after watching Pearl and Marina get developed into compelling characters on their own, but maybe that just needs time.
BUT. 3's other problem is splatfests. Some of this is coding/matchmaking, in that you can get mirror matches for a majority of a fest and, it turns out, be on a minority team. Money recently won the popular vote, but I tracked my matches and half of all my open/pro matches were love/love mirrors and fully 2/3rds of all tricolors I was in were love/love/love, so it should be no wonder that people are claiming a rigged result. I don't think it's rigging, I think Nintendo has bad netcode and trying to leverage it for a three-way fest model is producing a lot of negative results. It's always more reasonable to assume incompetence over malfeasance.
Tri-Color itself is also a problem. The Zelda fest was the best so far, in my opinion, because the devs made substantial changes to the map for it instead of shoehorning a 2-sided map for a three-way match. This makes tricolors sometimes very frustrating and, honestly, FAR inferior to the old Shifty Stations, which both kept things fresh and interesting during a fest that could otherwise become boring AND were built around the gimmick. The late-2 shifties were amazing. The ones that progressively locked you out of parts of the map solved Turf War's biggest weakness, in that it made the whole match count and not the last 30 seconds.
So, where do we go from here? Hopes/suggestions:
- Side Order needs to be more like Octo Expansion in terms of storytelling, atmosphere, character development. The trailer certainly seems to suggest that, but it needs to be said.
- Tricolor should be made part of the regular fest rotation when three teams are available, otherwise you get a non-mirrored 1v1 match. This would a) Make Tricolor special and b) Make Fests feel less like meaningless effort.
- Either:
Tricolor maps need to become more different from their base maps. Right now Tricolor always feels like a worse version of the base game.
Bring back Shifty Stations. They really made the 2 Fests worth playing as much of as you could, a supposed to today where I grind to Ruler, make sure I got enough catalog levels to finish before the season ends, and tap out so as not to do more mirror matches.
- More frequent updates. I know that the season model is what other big games do but honestly I miss the occasional random new weapon/item cropping up. Right now there's no reason to go to the shops anymore.
- More character content. We know you have the power to do this, Nintendo. You've got a team that loves to do little bits of lore and world building wherever they can. Add more dialogue for your idols! Tell us more about splat bands! Why is Paruko working retail???
-Final, wishlist item: more song variety during Fests. It would be amazing if there were, like, an actual setlist on rotation in splatsville.
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happi-squirrel · 1 year
I think i might be legitimately done with splatfests (and splatoon 3 as a whole). Call me a whiner all you want but I think that splatfests are just completely insufferable at this point.
Aside from the squidbagging and spawn camping(which I’ve grown numb to since it’s a big part of the regular turf war mode), the themes are always so one sided, the maps in general are just poorly designed (tri-color especially), and the fact that mirror matches are a constant (unless your on the less popular team) and mean nothing is completely absurd.
Weather your a fan of Shiver, Frye, or Big Man, I think we can all agree that splatfests as a whole are just not fun anymore.
I’ll probs drop back in when the DLC drops but after that i think I’m done…
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dalxewanabee · 1 year
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Hello everyone this is the octo blog repping all of splat net! The sun has come up on anther splatastic week! The splatfest has ended so lets see who won!
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Team alie- wait nessie?? Well that was a shocker, to me at least. Since we are on the topic of Splatfests I would like to bring you Splatfest law!
Article 1. Normal splatfest
When a fest is announced via a predetermined theme voted on by Jellyfish or made by producers or from the fax machine one team will battle to see who is legally the best.(Or whatever conditions are applied to a fest)
Section 1. B Scoring
At the end of the fest all the points will be collected. The point consists of Conch shells collected, Votes, Open, Pro, and Tri Color. Whom ever wins the most of each sections wins and is legally declared the best. (Or whatever conditions are applied to a fest)
Section 1. C Conch shells
Conch shells can be obtained through leveling up your catalog. They can be used in any Gen 3 lobby mostly seen in the splatlands. If one cannot use Conch Shells they can be refunded for points towards their team.
Section 1. D Votes
When a fest is announced a player can vote manually and or electronically. When vote is casted a player will be given a tee with a bracelet number on it.
Section 1. E Game modes
Open, Pro, and Tri color are all modes you can play during a fest. The new Anarchy idols Deep Cut have 3 members so now there are 3 teams. Open and Pro are only A team vs B team, but in Tri color its A team vs B team vs C team. Tri color is a 2 vs 2 vs 3 mode.
Article 2. City Participation
When a city hosts a fest it must set up voting systems and a stage for performances. The city also must set up screens for splatfest messages.
Section 2. B Building laws
When a city hosts a splatfest any technology they need will and shall be provided. The city does not need to be inside standard building laws or regulations. Nothing needs to go past a board or other forces just presented. Any and all litter will be cleaned up in the hours between the end of the fest and winner is placed.
Section 2. C What determines a city of code
A city will be evaluated before an construction begins. If the city has an water leaks or extreme rain. Its criminal rate will also be evaluated. If it is not approved it will be assigned N/A. After the finalfest of a city it will be determined retired.
Article 3. Idol Participation
The current Anarchy splatcast idols must have a debut song to play during turfwar and in the city while on the stage.
Section 3. B Picking a team
The idols mangers and or bosses will determine what team they are on. The idols will be provided with outfits matching their teams color and will be provided top of the line ink dye.
Section 3. C Idols from retired cites
Idols from retired cites also hosting a fest will be provided the same luxuries and will be able to pick a team on their own. Cites with 2 idols will have to change the color of the lobby tower to the 3rd team.
Section 4. Final fest
Article 1. B Timing
After about 2 years of planning a Final fest will be announced. The Final fest will have custom gear made for the teams designed by the head of each team.
Section 3. C Out come of fest
When the winner is announced the leader of that team is able to activate any of the following sections.
Section 4. D Winners World
If the Leader choses to invoke this they get to pick a new city for the turf war industry to move too. The city the fest premiered in will be abandoned and will be list as N/A.
Section 4. E Forgive and Forget
If the leader choses to invoke this the final fest will be forgotten and nothing will happen.
Section 4. F War against War
If the leader invokes this both teams fight against each other until the other one wins.
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Congrats Team nessie!! It was a wonderful fest I hope to see you next time.
Octo blog signing off!👋
Note the splatfest rules are made up by me and are in no way cannon to the source material. You are welcome to add or create your own
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tiptopmushroom · 1 year
I understand that tri colour was now built around letting people play the game mode (which is the opposite of how it was before) but winning a mirror match and getting zero clout just makes it feel.. uggh.
I know there is a lot of aliens and nessies fighting themselves, why couldn't tri colour be split into those two groups if no big foot team was found (i.e. aliens on attack nessie on defense) because at the moment it feels like I either have to contribute to my team by forcing myself into turf wars or feel like I'm wasting my time by playing tri color..
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telekitnetic-art · 1 year
What weapons and victory poses would the spiderband have in splatoon 3? (i am bored at work and wanted to make this concept
I've seen some people imagine him using various types of dualies, which I think works for him! I've also seen one piece of art where he was using an S-BLAST '92, which I think matches his color scheme pretty good! I would also though like to suggest the clash blaster neo, or maybe even the painbrush!! I think he would like brushes a lot! Otherwise, I think the sloshers would work for him too! Maybe the Slosher Deco or the regular slosher.
For victory poses, I can imagine him using the Flip Out animation, especially for the blaster and brush! I think the Reppin' Inkopolis one (especially for the brush and blaster again) would look rlly cute with him!
Overall, I think he'd be a relatively chill splatoon player, probably hanging out in random turf wars and occasionally doing challenges or maybe ranked. He'd probably like Tableturf if only so he could collect cool-looking cards. He'd probably be a fan of Splatfest too!
She's another one that fits with dualies, I think. The dapple dualies nouveau would probably be right up her alley! I think the custom dualie squelchers would be good too. If not dualies, I can imagine her using a tri-stringer or maybe even a brush. I bet a painbrush woud work for her too!
For victory poses, Roundhouse Ballerina is the most obvious choice (lmao). If not that, then I think Victory Twist would suit her as well!
Gwen strikes me as the kind of player who'd enjoy playing turf war and challenges on her own, but then gets distracted by life and stuff for a couple weeks before going "Oh right I've almost gotten the freshness on my weapon to five stars!" and jumping back in again. She also probably enjoys playing turf war against randos with her friends.
Pav seems like the kind of guy who does stuff like turf war and challenge mode just for the fun of it but is also really good at it. He's good with his weapons too, and I imagine that he'd use rollers a lot given that he's probably plenty strong enough to wield them efficiently. Maybe not the dynamo roller, but I can see him using other lighter rollers like the Flingza roller or the Big Swig. If not a roller, then I think he'd probably use a Splatling like the Ballpoint or Nautilus.
For emotes, I think Flip Out and Repping Inkopolis really works for him, but I can also see him doing the Stuntin' and Your Move emote. I think maybe he'd do Later Undulator too.
Overall, he'd probably be a very team-oriented player. Almost every mode he does, he'd probably drag a friend into it too so they can play together (and because levelling matchups are bonkers annoying). He probably gets really excited during Splatfest because it means he has the chance to win a 100X battle and get a picture on the raft! He doesn't always win it, but he still does his best during splatfest. He's probably the sort of squid who puts some real thought into which team he wants to go for.
Hobie definitely uses the dynamo roller. He's probably one of those players who's 2 months away from building his own Gold Dynamo roller because WHEN is it gonna come out??? Other then that, I think he'd probably go for efficient weapons that are a little on the heavier/stronger scale, like the Heavy Splatling or regular e-liter. I bet he would be efficient as hell with an explosher. Maybe he would have a Tenta Sorella Brella or a Splatana Stamper on standby too.
Emote-wise, I can see him using No Chill or Who's Next a lot, Lowdown as well. Maybe even Card Shark, and maybe even You're Welcome when he's feeling a bit mean.
Overall, he's probably one of the players that a casual opponent would see and just go "nope." Although, he's probably pretty chill and a good teacher to new players though, and while I can imagine him being the kind of person who'll charge the enemy with his team, I think he also knows when to stop and save that tactic for ranked battles; he doesn't wanna bully up and coming players in turf war. Also he is probably in the X rank levels, he probably hits S rank/X rank on the regular. But I also imagine he doesn't really enjoy or partipate in any of the big events that much (challenges, splatfest, eggstra work) or doing things like Salmon Run shifts. But I can see him sneaking around Grizzco HQ or even doing a couple shifts during a grizzco weapon roster to see what kind of tech Grizzco has in the closet. He has 100% figured out replicating a Grizzco weapon for casual use and wants to sneak it into a turf or ranked battle just for fun sometime.
Also for note: Everyone except maybe Hobie uses the Nailed It emote too.
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The Bebop Crew, a Splatoon fanfic or something...
So I've had this idea and these characters kicking around since Splatoon 2, and i finally did something with them. YAY!
Just a little slice-of-life joint about a squad of Octolings. I don't know how much of this I will write but I have a chapter or so worth and I wanted to share it with my Sploon friends and anyone else who wants to read it.
Session One: Jupiter Jazz
The Bluefin Depot looked as stunning as ever today. The sight of the place almost brought a tear to Jazzmine's eyes. It had been closed for conservation efforts for ages, as the Bluefin Bay had been so littered and trashed for so long. The folks over the Bay had finally deemed it clean enough to reopen, enacting strict rules to keep it from falling into disrepair again.
Jazzmine Spiegel stood at the back of the spawn pool. She had never played with these three Inklings before, but that was the way of the Turf War. Your best friend could be your sworn enemy three minutes from now, and strangers could be fierce comrades in arms. Jazz spun her Neo Sploosh-o-Matic around one finger, waiting for the whistle to begin the match.
The whistle finally came, and the four players split from the spawn. Jazzmine made her way up the left side, covering the turf with fuchsia ink. Jazz found the fuchsia and lime palette boring. She preferred purple and orange. Other than super special Splatfest colors, those two were her favorite.
She hopped down to Shthe second layer of the stage. The spawn points rested at the top layer, outside the opposing team's reach. Once she came to the small pool of water at the center of the stage, she scoped out the surrounding area. There were splotches of lime ink around but most of the other team had missed the area.
The stage received an update during the Bay's cleanup initiative. Inkable walls appeared at the farthest edge of the stage where Jazz remembered grates. She could slip up that wall and be well into enemy territory, instead of trying and failing to throw a Squid Beakon across the water. She laughed as the memories rushed to her mind, spraying ink on the wall and dipping into swimming form.
It was harder to see while swimming, as her eyes rested on her back. Inklings and Octolings changed to their Cephalo form when swimming through their ink, returning to their common 'Kid' form to run. There was also a Ghost form taken after being splatted. Jazz had theories about it, but nobody was truly certain. Some things about Turf War weren't meant to be understood... such as spawn camping with Chargers STILL being legal.
Jazz spotted an enemy and put her Charger thoughts away. Her Special meter was full so she fired her Tenta Missiles. After briefly locking on several enemy targets, she fired her projectiles. The Special Power Up chunks in her shirt powered her missiles up. She'd spotted three targets on her map, making about twelve shots. The octoling she'd spotted swam into her missile by mistake, instantly getting splatted. Jazz cackled as she watched the girl's 'ghost' fly toward the enemy spawn.
The other two came out of hiding to avoid the ink missiles and regrouped on the right corner of the Depot. Jazz gave chase, meeting a teammate on the way. She and the squid with the Tenta Camo Brella covered the foe's lime ink with fuchsia. Sqiud laid down Ink Mines periodically along the way. The octoling, whom Jazz had splatted, fired her Clash Blaster at them, but Squid Girl spread her Brella to shield. The enemy's blaster ran out of ink, giving Jazz time to splat her.
She moved to fire on her enemy's approaching teammate, but the front of her weapon fell off at her feet! She panicked and continued firing, splatting her foe at the last second. She grabbed the missing piece of her Sploosh and tried to reattach it, being splatted by a stray Tenta Missile. The whistle blew as she flew back to the spawn in her Ghost form.
Jazz's team won by a sizeable margin. Jazz didn't stick around for a photo with her team. She scooped up the pieces of her busted weapon and ran for the train. She tapped at her phone the whole ride home, trying to contact Eddie and ask them to fix her Sploosh before Splatfest that weekend.
Eddie Ein stared intently at their computer screen, waiting for Chess's next move. Playing board games over Splatnet was their favorite pastime; chess and Shogi were their favorite games. This game had lasted for days, as Eddie's games usually did. Chess the sea snail was Edd's only equal. They pondered what Chess would do next, thinking through the knocks at the door that grew louder over time.
"One-one, I know you can hear me!" Called a voice that sounded like Jazz. Edd ignored the girl at their door and typed a message into their Splatnet chat. "ONE-ONE PLEASE!"
"Edward is very busy right now. Please hang up, and call back later!" The small octoling with the bright orange tentacles finally replied. Chess still hadn't moved, so whatever Jazzmine needed would have to wait.
"Eddie, I know your game is important, but I need you to fix my Sweetheart before Splatfest this weekend!" Jazz pleaded.
"Leave your Sploosh at the door and it will be repaired in due time..." Eddie told their teammate through the door. A small flap in the door swung open, and Jazz deposited her weapon into Edd's apartment.
"How's the new song coming, by the way?" Jazz asked when she poked her head through the door, taking care not to get her spiky tentacles stuck. Eddie sighed loudly from their computer screen.
"It's been at a standstill because it's missing something... The track is open on my music software, laughing in my face. YES! CHESS HAS FINALLY MADE A MOVE!" They eagerly clicked back to their chess game, swiftly analyzing and plotting their next move. After taking it, they looked at Jazz. "Would you listen to my song and perhaps play guitar for me?" They asked, their bright orange eyes meeting Jazz's soft purples. The taller octoling grinned with intrigue.
"I don't see why not. Wouldn't Jet or Vivi play better than me?" Jazz could feel Edd rolling their eyes at that.
"Jet is grinding his life away in preparation for Splatfest, and I do not wish to deal with the attitude of Vivian Valentine. Let alone his floppy fretwork, which has no place in my music. It must be you, my wonderful Jupiter Jazz." Jazz chuckled and blushed at their friend's words. Edd was eccentric and sometimes tough to understand, but they were always honest.
"Could I come to listen now, or would you prefer later?"
"The lab is in shambles due to this chess game. Your weapon repairs should be finished by tonight, so could you come by tomorrow? Ooh, and bring Crusty Seanwiches, please!" Edd's face brightened at the thought of their favorite sloppy sandwich. Jazz nodded and grinned, twirling her bright pink tentacles.
"I'll be there! You're the best, One-One!" Jazz cheered as the door flap closed.
"This is true..." Edd bragged. Chess's next move trapped Edd's king, much to their chagrin. They typed 'GG' into the chat and closed the Splatnet window. They grabbed the pieces of Jazz's Neo Sploosh-o-Matic and got to work. They couldn't wait for Jazz to hear their amazing new song.
The Piranha Pit was drenched in dark blue ink, which was how Jet always left it. He'd played several matches today, but the Pit was closing soon. He fist-bumped his teammates one final time as he looked down at his stage map. He took a screenshot for his records. Now he would Super Jump to the nearest eats.
"Midnight Black! You're still kicking around in Turf War?" Jet heard from behind him, spoken by a voice he'd sooner not hear. He turned around to see his squad mate's brother Vivian. How could Vio be remotely related to someone so insufferable? Oh well, it wasn't her fault her brother was a traitor.
"Vicious!" Jet hissed at the boy with the long white tentacles. The ocotling sneered at Jet. Jet loved pushing this terrible boy's buttons, especially when Vivi tried so hard to push Jet's.
"I'm not a part of your silly squad anymore. Call me Vivi like everyone else." Vivi rolled his eyes as he replied. It was all Jet could do not to laugh in his face. Jet pulled his tentacles out of their tight braids, letting them take their usual afro shape.
"Well, Vivi, I am still part of the Bebop Crew. So call me Jet or don't bother calling me." Jet fired back, his hands gripping his Dualies tightly. Crow and Raven had seen him through many matches. He loved the Dark Tetras with all his heart.
"Well, Jet, I'd say it was nice to see you, but I wouldn't want to lie to your face." Vivi cackled as he turned to leave.
"Wait. I want to hear it from the seahorse's mouth. Did you really give up Turf War? Or did you leave the Bebop Crew to chase some squid girl?" That stopped Vivi in his tracks. Jet thought his face would get stuck in that sneer. His eyes narrowed as he looked back at Jet.
"Who told you about her? My nosy kid sister, I'm sure!" Vivi spat. A smirk came across Jet's face at the other boy's anger.
"Wow, you really are a totally different person. Vicious would never miss an opportunity to brag about his new squeeze!" Jet laughed. Vivi rolled his eyes so hard Jet thought they might fall off.
"I don't see how that's any of your business. Does the Bebop Crew truly miss me that much?" Vivi spat back. Jet could feel the venom in his former cohort's words, but it only made him laugh harder. He turned away from Vivi, leaving him to seethe.
"I'd say it was good to see you, Vi, but I wouldn't want to lie to your face." Jet grinned at his parting shot, knowing it would eat Vivi up. Vivi twirled one of his long white tentacles.
"See you around, Jet Black. The displeasure is all mine." Vivian shot back before turning to run over to his friends.
"I assure you, Vivian Valentine, it is not." Jet popped off as Vivi joined his posse of inklings. Sure enough, Orange Range was among them. Jet would recognize that braid anywhere. He dismissed all thoughts of Vicious and his new squad, checking his phone to see where the Tidal Tacos truck was parked today. Ooh, nice and close! He dipped into a puddle of ink and shot off in a glorious Super Jump. Time for tacos!
Jazz had an hour or so of free time before band practice so she would watch a match. Her sister's shift at the Arowana Mall's food court should be over by the time she arrived. She caught up with Saturn and the two bought food from a different spot in the mall. They could see the stage area of the mall decently from their table, and the business had a screen to watch on in case they couldn't see.
This match was Orange vs. Purple. Jazz felt a hint of jealousy seeing her favorite palette. She looked closer at the players on the screen and realized her best friend Vincent was on the Orange team. "Rings, lookit! Volaju is playing!" She told Saturn, who nodded in between bites of her burger. Seaside Snackages made the best burgers in Inkopolis, according to Rings and Jazz.
Jet sometimes protested, but he didn't like burgers that much anyhow. His heart was with Tidal Tacos forever and always. They did make banging tacos, but Jazz could never find the truck during business hours.
The whistle blew to start the match. Jazz paid close attention to the Orange team for the first part of the match, but a player on Purple's team distracted her before long. This pompadour player was using a Stringer weapon. Jazz had heard of these but had never seen one in action. This beast fired three rounds of ink at a time. Jazz saw a shot fall short of hitting Vinny, but he got splatted moments after as the rounds exploded!
Jazz knew immediately that she had to meet this bow slinger! She watched as they threw a Toxic Mist bomb at another foe, trapping them in a purple cloud so their Special could splat them. The pompadour octoling unleashed the Killer Wail 5.1, a set of smaller but more concentrated sound attacks than the old-school Wail Jazzmine remembered. This octoling must be from the Splatlands since the hot new weapons usually arrived there first.
The match ended soon, and the purple team devastated the orange team. Poor Volaju and his cohorts never stood a chance. Jazz and Rings caught up with him for a moment as the teams shook hands after the match. Jazz saw the pompadour again and yelled out to them. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name on the screen. I hope it isn't rude, but I absolutely need to see that main weapon you're using."
"Not at all. She's pretty, isn't she?" Pompadour cheered. Jazz tried not to blush at the word 'pretty' since this octoling and their weapon both fit that description. "This here's a Tri-Stringer! Stringers are all the rage in the Splatlands!"
"So the exploding rounds are a charged shot? Incredible! One-One would flip out over this thing!" Jazz fawned over the weapon. Pompadour's ears perked up at that.
"You know One-One? I use the Splash Cannon they invented sometimes too!" The purple octoling replied with a quizzical look. Jazz nodded.
"We're in the same squad. They usually test their prototype weapons on all of us..." Jazz twisted one of her tentacles as the awful memory of the first Cannon test rushed to her mind. The Pompadour in front of her twitched and raised an eyebrow suddenly. "Something wrong?"
"You're with the Bebop Crew? They're, like, my favorite squad ever!" Seemed it was their turn to fawn. Jazz chuckled loudly, as she usually did when she met a fan. It always surprised her that anyone knew her squad without facing them in a match.
"Yeah! I founded the squad. Well, Jet and I." She mentioned. Pomp gasped again.
"YOU'RE JUPITER JAZZ? Can I have your autograph?!" They squeaked excitedly and felt around in their pockets. "Oof, I don't have anything you can sign..."
"And I don't have a pen. You know, the Crew has been short a member since Vivi left. I think you'd make a great fit! What was your name by the way?" Jazz asked. The purple one tripped over their words nervously for a moment. "Wow, I didn't think the Crew was famous..."
"You guys are all anyone talks about in the Splatlands! You're as famous as the Fabulous Killjoys are in Inkopolis Plaza!"
"I don't know about all that..." Jazz blushed ten shades of pink. Her face matched her tentacles. Her sister Rings laughed at her. "
But yeah, my name is Mulberri Stardust, and I would love to join the Bebop Crew!” Purple finally answered, a huge grin across their face. Jazz blushed even harder at their pretty smile. She pushed Rings toward Volaju, sensing she was about to make a comment that might embarrass Jazz.
“You’d have to meet the rest of the squad, and One-One might want to test your skills, but I’ll put in a good word for you!” Jazz cheered. A squid girl approached Mulberri and hugged and kissed them as Mulberri told them about Jazz’s offer. Whoa, their girlfriend was cute, too! Jazz tried not to blush any more than she already had.
“Neat! I’m Scatta! If they join your squad, you’ll see me a lot!” The squid girl mentioned. Jazz smiled as they parted ways. Jazz and Rings caught the same train, but Jazz got off sooner to make it to band practice.
Band practice had gone quite well, as per usual. For a band with eight members, practice meetups were surprisingly frequent. Sometimes they were missing a horn or some keys, but only because half of them had other music projects or jobs. Jazz played bass in the band, be it a bass guitar or a double bass. Her lobster girlfriend Sandy Claws played the drums. Krillin Clubs the shrimp played keyboards.
Krillin had brought half the band with him after his last band fell out. Dizzy Diamonds the smooth sax inkling had joined with him, as did Spiny Spades the urchin on trombone, and Hammar Hearts the singing shark.
Mars Volta was their new guitarist, a fiercely talented starfish girl. She had wiped the floor with Vivi when he challenged her to a music battle and joined the band when he decided to leave. She brought Farrah Legator with her, an alligator who played a killer trumpet. The eight of them formed Asteroid Bluefin and played jazz that was anything but smooth, inspired by the soundtrack to Jazz’s favorite show.
Singing about space and bounty hunters always made for a fun practice and a wonderful concert. Jazz couldn’t wait until their next gig, though they didn’t know when that might be. They’d almost gotten onto the lineup for Splatfest this weekend, but something fell through and another band got the spot. Jazz was still bummed out about it, but there was always next Splatfest.
Sandy reached her claws around Jazz’s waist and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the shoulder. “Babe, you’re the best band leader I’ve ever had...” The lobster girl complimented. Jazz blushed bright pink at that. She had heard plenty of horror stories about the last band Sandy was in, though they weren’t much of a band. More like a singer with enough ego for a whole orchestra and the only musicians who would put up with him.
“You’re an amazing drummer, my love. It’s not your fault your old band’s singer only wanted to hear his own voice and didn’t let you play the way you like. His loss.” Jazz replied, stealing herself a kiss on Sandy’s lips. Sandy hid her face for a second as she blushed a dark blue.
“So there might be a new member in the Bebop soon? I hope they’re as cute as you said they are.” Sandy laughed. It was Jazz’s turn to blush again. “Just don’t go kissing them without me.”
“They have a girlfriend so I’m sure there won’t be any kissing unless they both want to kiss me. And I would never kiss them without you!” Jazz chuckled back. The two girls laughed and blushed for a moment more.
“I wouldn’t kiss anyone without you either, love... except Marina. I would keep her all to myself.” Sandy giggled. Jazz pouted at the idea, but she understood. Sandy had loved Marina for ages before she’d met Jazz.
“That’s fair. But hey, maybe Mulberri and Scatta will kiss both of us...” Jazz joked. Sandy laughed again at the silly idea.
“What a life that would be!” Sandy cheered as she kissed Jazz again. The two of them snuggled up together to watch a movie, but they didn’t pay much attention since they were cuddling.
Mulberri stood in the center of the local training room. Edd had rented the place out to test Berri’s skills with the Splash Cannon, the weapon Edd had designed themself. The cannon was a modified Rapid Blaster with maxed-out stats. It took 300 points to charge the special since its range, damage, and fire rate were so high. It could fire three or four rounds before needing to refill ink, but a skilled blaster could cover plenty of turf with that.
One-One had created quite an obstacle course for them today. The level design was their strong suit, and they were even in the process of designing an official stage. Maybe this test would be a prototype of that. Berri was ready for anything.
The whistle that began the test finally came, and Berri came out swinging. Some Squid Balloons came at them, and they took all three of the dummies down with a well-placed blast. They climbed up a wall in Cephalo form and looked around. They blasted another dummy before dipping down into their purple ink to refill. They swam down off the wall and ran across an Ink Mine, performing a Squid Jump to evade the explosion.
More dummies popped up in front of them, and Berri splatted them with cannon fire. Their special was ready to activate, so they charged up their Booyah Bomb and threw it into the mob of dummies across the stage, splatting all of them as the whistle blew a second time.
The entire practice area was covered in purple ink, and Mulberri wore a huge grin across their face. Suddenly Jet’s face appeared on a screen. He had his tentacles in tight braids instead of the usual afro. He wore a black tuxedo. Jazz rolled her eyes at his theatrics.
“So, Jazz has recommended you, and One-One has tested you. Since you have passed, the last thing is a little questionnaire. Question One: what is your favorite stage?”
“Well, I love the Piranha Pit and Crableg Capitol, but my absolute fave is Humpback Pump Track. I detest Shellendorf Institute with all of its ceiling snipers, but it can be a fun stage sometimes.” Berri answered honestly. They hated camping chargers as much as anyone else did, and the Institute seemed to be designed for them.
“Interesting. Next question: Have you ever heard of the one called Vivian Valentine?” Jazz chuckled at Jet’s question.
“Now, Jet, that wasn’t on the last test!�� She joked. Jet shot her a look through the screen.
“Mind your business, ma'am. Now, Mulberri?” Jet snapped back, turning back to Berri.
“I have had the misfortune of being in the same room with him, thanks to Orange Range. It was not an experience I would plan on reliving.” Berri answered again, trying not to roll their eyes at the thought of Vivi. They were happy Scatta wasn't friends with Range anymore.
“Third question: What handle would you use with the Crew?”
“Mercury Stardust. Anything but ‘Kuwabara the Ma’am’ since I chose that name in what feels like another life.” They sighed but put those thoughts away to focus on the questions.
“Final question: What is your favorite thing about Turf War?” Jet asked. Berri had to think for a moment.
“Honestly, what is there not to love? For three minutes all the worries of life fade away. It’s you and your three teammates against the world, and then a flash of pretty colors and it’s onto the next match. It’s pure adrenaline and it’s my favorite thing to do!” Berri answered the final question. They could see Jet thinking. He seemed to be dragging out the silence for dramatic effect, but they weren’t certain. The skill test was one thing, but Berri was never great at talking so they weren’t sure about this questionnaire.
“Well, Mercury Stardust, pack your grip and join my ship, the Bebop!” Jet finally answered. The rest of the crew cheered for Mercury as they realized they had passed all the tests. They all went to Tidal Tacos to eat after Berri’s tests. “They have the best eats in town, undisputedly!” Jet bragged about his favorite taco truck. Berri was ecstatic to be a member of the Bebop Crew.
\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/
So yeah, that's what I have so far, as well as a couple scenes for later parts. Or other parts, since I'm not really sure if this will have much of a direction. I know like two things I want to happen by the end, but who knows?
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neon-moon-beam · 2 years
Just going to say this about Splatoon (mostly Splatoon 3)
If your goal in Turf War is to make it so that the other team cannot even leave their base and effectively keep them from being able to play the game for 3 minutes, you’re a bully, you’re not fun to play with, and you really need to examine why you think it’s OK to go online and treat other people badly--after all, Turf War is an online mode, and there are seven other actual people playing with you.
There’s a difference between “the other team wasn’t that good and we ended up inking everything” and “we camped their spawn, went for splats more than the actual objective of inking as much turf as possible, and chased anyone, including multiple people chasing one person, any time they got out of the base around the entire map until we splatted them”. The first one just happens sometimes, the second is being a bully.
There’s also a difference between splatting someone who’s coming at you, or inking inside your base, or removing a charger or splatling from their position to allow your team to advance vs running around and splatting every person you see regardless of where they are and what they’re doing. In the second case, you aren’t even pushing the objective (inking as much turf as possible) because you’re focusing on taking out as many people as possible. I’ve seen teams lose or even been on teams that lost, because people focused on splatting and didn’t ink enough.
People playing like this is absolutely unfriendly to new or casual players, who are still learning how to play or just want to go in with a team and cover a map with ink.
Of my friends that play Splatoon, many of them don’t play often, or have put the game down for the time being because of this kind of behavior in Turf War, which apparently, was once the more “chill” mode, as Ranked (or Anarchy in Splatoon 3) is where splatting opponents is supposed to happen to push the objective.
People should not be putting a game down because other players have made it impossible for them to play.
There are plenty of other games out there for people who want to be over-aggressive and attack other players nonstop. Splatoon was not supposed to be one of them--it’s aimed at kids, after all.
And for anyone saying “Well just play with your friends!”, it’s not that easy for everyone. If you want a match where everyone is on board with completing the actual objective, you need to have seven other friends who all play Splatoon and will all be online at the same time (and not have the random disconnect issues that are still happening), or else you’ll go into matches with some randos who may be the kind who will bully everyone for three minutes. It’s not a solution for everyone.
It bothers me that the devs don’t do anything about this trend either--in both Splatoon 2 and 3 they’ve had the idols call out not inking/going for splats only, but that’s not enough. What would be nice would be a mode specifically for people who want to splat to either curtail it in Turf War, or a mode where splatting is disabled or penalized for people who would like to focus on inking. It’s also a pain that in order to earn money and level up (so you can do enjoyable things like buy clothes and decorate your locker), you have to play either Turf or Ranked/Anarchy--which in the case of new and casual players, means going through strings of losses no matter what they do, and that gets discouraging fast. If Salmon Run and Table Turf counted towards experience, that would be very helpful. To be honest, I feel like they’re kind of just letting Splatoon 3 go for a while--the connection problems are still there, there’s only a handful of music that plays during battles which gets old fast, the Tri-Color Battles have not worked out well so far, and they’re letting the community be unfriendly or downright toxic with no solutions offered by them.
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gaylight-prairie · 2 years
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Squid violence
Splatfest edition
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