#This was very sweet ahah thank you Op
kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Hey! I recently read your post on, ahem, 'Female Characters in BSD And Their Portrayals' (to paraphrase)
I thought it was really interesting actually!! Thank you for writing that!
Another point is how Yosano's quirk had gotten sexualized in the anime, whilst in the manga, it's much more eery? That was weird.
I had a question: How Is Dazai Sexist?
Not in a 'pRoVE iT to ME!!' manner, but a, 'i can genuinely see that and I'm curious about your perspective' manner!
I read No Longer Human about, two months ago? And Dazai Osamu, the author, had a niche perspective on women, I suppose. He humanized them, but also dismissed them, but also heavily related to them? Of course, with historical context it's probably the average view of the time.
But I'm genuinely curious!!
My “Female Characters in BSD And Their Portrayals”
Thank you for giving the post a read! I was low-key nervous when I posted it, I don't really like being the killjoy, so I found people's positive responses to it very reassuring (╥﹏╥)
About Yosano's ability being sexualized in the anime. I know right,,,, it's part of the bigger picture issue, it's nearly impossible to find anime without fanservice. The difference in female portrayal between the bsd manga and anime is actually something very interesting to ponder on, because they're actually quite different: the manga is sexist, but it never visually sexualizes its female character (the Gaiden manga being an exception). The anime is more low-key in the blatant sexism, but there's female fanservice that the manga lacks that... Idk feels almost a given at this point, like animation studios just CAN'T not do it (I don't even know what to say? Something something *through gritted tits* 57th prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe). On a different note, this ask came as some sort of epiphany for me because it made me realize that the reason there's so many people missing on the sexism in bsd which leaves me so often baffled is because people probably reason fanservice = sexism → lack of fanservice = lack of sexism, but it really doesn't have to work that way? Of course fanservice is for the vast majority sexist because more often than not it comes with the objectification of female body, but I wouldn't say there's a direct correlation between the two things: I hope I was exhaustive enough on why bsd is sexist although it never sexualizes its female characters, and I think same can be said for the other way round? Kill la Kill is my favorite anime of them all and the most female empowering anime (and overall media??? Idk I love klk with everything I've got) I've ever seen, but it'd definitely be a wide stretch to say it lacks fanservice.
On why I said Dazai is sexist: for one, I trust Chuuya's word
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This is a joke, but funny enough, that's exactly the panel I was thinking about when writing the post– I was negatively surprised by how a main character could reportedly be called womanizer, and that is just kind of there, like being sexist was just another weird little characteristic of bandage man, nothing strange there. You see the problem here?
I remember when I watched the bsd anime for the first time, I used to think Dazai was sexist a lot– but in retrospect, I don't have that much a strong opinion on the matter anymore. When I watched it, it would bother me how Dazai would objectify women a lot, using them as mindless pawns even more of how he already does with every character he encounters; it would bother me how he's so fixated on committing a double suicide with a beautiful woman, like... You do realize that is wishing for another person, and that person needing to be a woman specifically, to die, right? Not to mention the “beautiful” part only adds to the objectification if you ask me. But all taken into account, I don't feel for it as strongly as I used to– don't get me wrong, it's still disturbing, but I don't think it's an issue of Dazai specifically as much of the work in its entirety having a fucked up view of women. It hit me today rewatching the bit at the end of episode 5, Dazai explaining Ranpo's deductions to Atsushi: “she wasn't dressed for work, she had no make-up on”. Now, if you say anything like this to me irl, I WILL punch you in the face. But can you sense how it doesn't really come from Dazai in particular and is more expression of an overall worldview of women that necessary transpires through the characters, an underlying pattern I couldn't really perceive on my first time watching the anime? So, I feel like it's less of a case of “Dazai being sexist” than it is of “Dazai is a character with a lot of lines in a fundamentally sexist franchise”. The point isn't about Dazai's being sexist, because ALL the characters are in a way or the other, but about the author writing them as such; that's what I meant by saying “Dazai is openly sexist and it’s just kind of there never to be addressed”– he's reportedly sexist IN CANON, the thing is it's never portrayed as something strange or worth to be addressed.
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ceilidho · 1 year
Now I cant stop thinking about when Ghost eventually brings Soap over for dinner:
Gf all dolled up, looking at him all pretty, greeting him with the sweetest smile and he can’t stop his mind from wandering to the filthy pictures he has seen of you.
She cooked up something really good (babbling something about keeping her boys strong and healthy, she likes them well fed), it's A5 Wagyu steak (the best cut the butcher had to offer) obviously payed with Ghost's money. He rarely splurges on himself but when it comes to his gf and Soap he doesn’t hold back.
The dinner can go two ways:
1.Lovie seated next to Soap, across from him Ghost. Halfway through his steak he notices a slight touch to his knee, but he brushes it off not acknowledging it further. When that touch gets firmer and starts to wander up his thigh he definitely notices. His body shudders and he almost chokes on the food in his mouth (much to Ghost's enjoyment), his eyes fall on you shooting him a lazy smile and oh my god are your eyes seductive like in the pics.
2.You sitting next to Ghost with Soap across from him. Both men engaged in a conversation about their last Op. When you play the oldest trick written in the books: oops I dropped my fork let me get it from under the table. It helps that Soap is still not fully used to Ghost's unmasked face, so he doesn’t notice you diving under the table. What he does notice is something heavy on his thigh and two hands ghosting over his belt buckle. He visibly jumps a little, his gaze falling into his lap, where you look up at him all doe-eyed, head resting on his right leg, waiting for permission.
In either scenario, a gruff voice brings Soap to snap his eyes back up holding eye-contact with his Lieutenant(who’s completely ignoring your antics):
"Enjoying yourself, Sergeant?"
Anyway it ends with cream pie for dessert <3
(Please tell me off, if i ever cross your boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable it’s the last thing i want to do when sending in nasty thoughts)
you're very sweet to check in about my boundaries!!! don't worry though - as long as the comments aren't aimed towards me (which maybe would be a bit off putting) and they're just related to stuff I'm writing ahah, I don't really care. I probably should think about and then clarify if I have any boundaries on my pinned post, but rn you're totally good!
(nsfw below)
Oh my god that last option has my brain melting out of my ears. Especially if Soap's still half-unsure if they're fucking with him or not, or if this is a one time thing that they're including him on. He obviously doesn't want to blow his only shot if this is the only time he'll ever get to fuck you.
Also there's something so surreal to him about you being on your knees in front of him after he's been literally jerked off in the middle of the desert by the man sitting across the table from him. To photos of you. In any other circumstance, if Soap had met you first and this was just a dinner between the two of you, he wouldn't be half as nervous; he'd be so comfortable and needy while you fit his length down your throat, palming the back of your head and maybe trying to fit more than you can manage before backing off and apologizing 😔
With Ghost sitting there though, just staring at him (and Soap has a fairly good understanding of Ghost as a person, but even he has trouble really getting a read on the guy), he's not sure if he should just sit there motionlessly as you undo his jeans and pull his dick out or if he should touch you. He can't stop looking from your face pressed up against the bulge in his briefs back to Ghost's (no mask now that they're at home away from everyone, but his real face is so much more intimidating somehow in this context).
Ghost at one point going, "Not gonna thank her for all her hard work?" and Soap can only whine and pat the back of your head shakily after coming down your throat, your lips still a bit wet with him when you pull away.
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mihidecet · 4 years
Sbi&Co. D&D AU: Hbomb94 (Character Creation)
In honour of reaching 200 followers, I’m filling out prompts from the lovely people that have chosen to support me!
Today, I’m going to give an analysis on my personal headcanon for Hbomb in the d&d au, as requested by the amazing @octopus-defence-squad <3
Thank you so much for requesting this, it’s been super cool to write AND there’s a fic coming for his POV! I hope you’ll like it!
I had a lot of fun thinking about Hbomb’s character, especially because d&d character creation is a super entertaining experience ahah
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, so I do hope you won’t mind the infodump ahah
SO, I didn’t know Hbomb before seeing him in MCC, but seeing him so cheerful and supportive of everyone had me like “oh this one I like, this one I really like”. 
Therefore, in the beginning H was a bard in my heart: high charisma, throwing inspiration dice around, being everyone’s first and best supporter. 
I always imagined him to still be very combat-oriented, so maybe a college of Valor bard. I can see H with medium armor and a longbow. Also at 6th level he’d get a second attack so that would make his dodgebolt clutches reality ahah
But bard is mainly a support class, and he is a pretty good fighter overall. 
And since I love the versatility of the fighter, for a while I was in love with the idea of a Fighter H. 
With either an Eldritch Knight subclass (this subclass’ spells are SO GOOD it’s insane, and an archer eldritch knight is still 80% better than an arcane archer I’m sorry that’s just the facts :( ), or the Samurai subclass (giving himself advantage on attack rolls is hella op).
In the end, I have to say my mind has settled on the Ranger. 
While the Ranger is generally considered to be a weak class, it’s still an overall well balanced class. 
The ranger subclass that would fit him the best is, I think, the Hunter, because on top of being extremely strong overall, it gives huge bonuses to your dodging capabilities. 
BUT if I may be selfish, I would personally choose Horizon Walker, just so that he can plane hop and teleport around the battlefield. Simply because I love him and he deserves to have spells and cool ass abilities.
As for his race, and since I have a bad habit of creating variant humans, I think either an elf or a half-elf would suit him. Maybe the half-elf would be best, since they’re usually very charming ahahah 
For his background I’d choose “Far Traveler”, in honour of both his extremely long career as a cc on youtube and how he’s been in many different SMPs.
So, as a summary. 
Hbomb is born an half-elf in a small village at the edge of a forest. His father, the sweetest man to ever live, does his best to teach him how to fend for himself in a world that tries and tries and tries to bring him down, as relationships between elves and humans are not always seen in a good light, especially in small communities. 
He’s extremely glad that his parent, an elf of the royal guard, manages to visit from time to time, appearing in the night to teach him how to fight like a true elf would. 
Once he reaches adulthood, he decides to start travelling: the life of his village is too small for him, he dreams of a place where he can be of help and share his days with a group of companions. 
He spends his days travelling, picking up odd jobs where his skills with the bow are needed, and despite his best efforts he does also accept some less conventional and more violent jobs. He never truly becomes a hitman, but he does make a name for himself. 
During his years, he gets assigned to many different teams, small groups of adventurers that he is paired with to complete occasional tasks, and he makes friends, but everyone’s jobs make them drift apart. 
Then one night, he wakes up in a field of purple grass under a light orange sky. He’s welcomed by a strange figure with multiple horns and as many eyes as a spider, who tells him he’s been chosen to protect the planes since his actions in his plane of existence have been deemed worthy. 
As someone who’s always been threading on the thin edge between being an elf and being a human, being a standard adventurer and a bounty hunter, H is quick to learn how to jump from one plane to the other. His skills are suddenly an advantage that brings him further up in respect to the rest of the adventurers he meets, but he never once lets it go to his head - memories of his past, of the sweetness of his father and the gentle teaching of his parent, guides him away from pride. 
H is never lonely, not once in his many years of adventuring, but he does wish for some stability, a group of people that he can trust for more than a handful of months. 
Maybe his travels will bring him to the right ones?
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costellos · 4 years
tell me who you’d take on a date and where you would go! — CLOSED
@thisbloghasnoaesthetic​ asked: Id love to take Jotaro on a date. Just something chill. Like getting some good food. Or just sitting together doing nothing. I'd love to just read a book with my head on his shoulder. Just enjoying eachothers quiet comfort :)
omg that sounds like a great date for Jotaro! he definitely seems like the type to want a chill date. he’d probably opt for something that offers takeout if you’re referencing Part 3!Joot, somewhere a little nicer but just as casual if you’re referencing Part 4!Joot. and while you’re reading, you might just catch a teeny, tiny smile on his lips. but don’t say anything or you’ll ruin the moment 🤭💕
anonymous asked: i would wanna take kakyoin out to an indoor roller rink so we could rollerskate together 🥺 it’s one of the things i like to do most and i’d wanna skate around w him while holding hands! also cause he’s tall, i feel like it’d be hard for him to keep balance and prevent himself from falling lolll. but we could go out to an ice cream place nearby afterwards and watch the sun set (if the time is right) 💗
how cute!! sharing something you love with the one you love most... I dig it. Kakyoin would be soooo embarrassed, though! he just wants to impress you but his center of gravity is absolutely awful. rip. at the end of the day, however, he’d be so appreciative that you shared something so personal with him. ❤️ let him pay for the ice cream, it’s the least he can do!! and maybe hold your hand while you watch the sunset 🌅
@lavaicerinkk​ asked: I would ask mista, probably to like a concert or something like that. We'd probably go as homies, then when we get home id be like "what if we kissed haha" and hed be like 😳😳 ok, and then we live happily ever after
LMAAAAOOOOO. I feel like this is v in character for Mista.... he’d be caught so off guard by it! esp since he probably would’ve accepted that you were just friends. not that he’d say no, tho 👀 he’d just be like, “wait, for real?” and waste no time kissing you after you gave him permission. what a happy ending. 💕
@murcx04​ asked: Take someone on a date huh hmmmmm- Josuke is my bet HAHA Hed be so refreshing to be with óuò. And we'd go shopping kfbfjfn And that where- he'll just show his pleading eyes and want you to buy the shoes he wants oh boy-
I agree, he would be a very refreshing plus one! I think a shopping date would be v traditional with him. I’m imagining you both at the mall, where he cackles at all the weird sex stuff at Spencer’s and shares his food court soft pretzel with you. 🥨 he probably wouldn’t explicitly say that he wants new shoes, but he’d nudge you and be like, “hey. if you wanna know what to get me for my birthday...” and point to the Air Force 1′s on display. so subtle. 🙄
anonymous asked: tbh i think i'd like to take kira out to dinner and go on a walk. i know its a simple date but i think he's really neat and i don't really like big or flashy events and i don't think he would either kjfnksnjks. its just sumn that would suit both of us nice
ooo interesting choice, nonnie! I 100% agree with you on this one. Kira would probably take you to one of those restaurants that have private rooms. I think some ritzier places are like that? anyway, he’d want to focus this date all on you. no mindless chatter from other patrons, no screaming children — the more noise he can minimize, the better. and during your walk, I can see him allowing you to take the reins on the conversation. he just finds everything you say so fascinating! 🌷💗
@catnymous​ asked: I'd take Fugo first to just a simple lil cafe then to the park :3
Cat!! I missed you!! you should come into the askbox more often, I always enjoy your replies. in the meantime, Fugo probably overthinks a lot so this date would be casual enough for him to relax. he would probably opt for some coffee and a slice of cake that he can share with you 🍰❤️ and a stroll through the park would be the perfect way to walk off the calories! (plus when you get to a fountain he’ll probably make some corny wish about getting to spend more days with you like this a;sdfkjl)
anonymous asked: Idk if you’re familiar with part 7... but I would bring Johnny to the planetarium; it’s a place that I love, and bringing him to a place special to me would mean a lot, I think. I’d tell him all of my favorite things about space. And, it’s a little mushy, but I’d remind him that just because you can’t always see the stars doesn’t mean they’re not there; every one is special and the same is for people. And of course, it would be a fun day out to appreciate the beautiful things in the world
unfortunately, I’m not familiar with Part 7... :( but thank you so much for sharing nonetheless! this is such a heart-warming confession 💕 I wish there was more I could say; I love that you’d share all your favorite things about space, and how everything and everyone is special. 💫 such a beautiful confession. 
@serenityblaze44​ asked: I would take Bruno and/or Abbacchio to a conservatory or garden, maybe bring a picnic. Nothing too exciting, just time to relax and spend time together. Then go home for cuddles.
por que no los dos? ahaha nah I’m joking... unless 👀 no but for real, this sounds ideal for both of them! ❤️ they would both appreciate the time to unwind. I could see Abbacchio prepping all the food, while Bucciarati handles everything else (packing the blanket, utensils, alcohol, etc.). they’d probably opt for somewhere outside of Naples since it’s far too crowded in the city. afterwards, be prepared for a gr8 nap between two warm, loving boys!!
anonymous asked: I'd take Kakyoin on a date! I think it would be really fun to go somewhere like an amusement park or arcade so we could just kinda be stupid together and forget our problems. Id go on the Ferris wheel and try to kiss him at the top but he'd probably shake the cart the whole time to freak me out 😂😂 After everything he's gone through, he deserves to have a lot of fun and id love to see him smile 🥰😍
aw friend, this is such a sweet scenario! hopefully the Ferris wheel doesn’t give him too many bad memories of Death Thirteen though ope,, anyway, what a lovely way to forget about all the stuff he’s endured! he’d playfully challenge you to some arcade games (and I’m using “playfully” lightly here) and then destroy you. 🙄 but it’s okay, any tickets he gets will immediately go to a cute stuffed animal just for you 🧸
@hadesaedes​ asked: OOOH I’d have to go with either Yukako or Koichi (even tho i have like TWO hands either is fine). Yukako is a very passionate and strong lover which I LOVE cause im shy with affection so being bold with it is MWUAH. While Koichi is also passionate I like to think he enjoys more simple and low key dates which is my type of thing. Having to just bask in each other’s company without having to fill the silence is GREAT. THEY ARE BOTH GREAT!!! In this essay I will-
AHHH A+ CHOICES, FRIEND. Yukako and Koichi would spoil you so much!! they’d handle any date expenses (movie tickets, food, etc.) and would adore having any opportunity to hold your hand 😊 Yukako would probably be more physically affectionate; she’ll either have her hand on top of yours or her feet wrapped between yours when sitting. Koichi would opt for compliments, praising you on how cool and smart you are! wow, what a supportive pair 🤝
anonymous asked: It's very hard to choose, but I'd go on a date with Bruno. Idk I'm just very gay for him. He knows a lot of nice and fancy places in Naples, but since that's not really my world, I'd take him to a small coffee shop or something. Nothing fancy or expensive but still very enjoyable. Maybe some ice cream. Walking through the city and going to a restaurant in the evening. Maybe something fancy this time, or just a simple pizza
how lovely!! Bucciarati would honestly be open to try anything, but I think a small coffee shop would be v enjoyable for him. there’s so much you can learn about someone over a cup of joe. ☕ since he’s been living in / around Naples his whole life, he’d probably share some neat facts about the city while on your stroll! “the Amalfi Coast is best known for its limoncello liqueur. I know a great place to try it if you’re interested.” 🍋
@moloko-tyan​ asked: Hello, little bird💫sending you rays of love and positive energy! This new event is so much fun. Several hours I wondered with who I wanted to go out, ahah. And I think it would be Erina. She deserves to have fun especially after all those awful events in her life. We would go to atelier. We could go through fabrics to choose which fits the best. We would look at lovely laces, buttons, jewels and we would argue about models of dresses and evening gowns. I want her to feel safe🌻 thank u so much!
friend! I always get so excited when you pop into my askbox!! ty for participating 💕 Erina is such a great choice imo. and this is such a creative date! she’d have so much fun running her fingers over all the interesting fabrics. Erina would take the most beautiful dresses and hold them up against you, saying how lovely the color suits you. 👗 although she’d be too shy to try those dresses on herself, she would have so much fun spending the day with you!!
anonymous asked: I hope it's okay to send this (I honestly don't want you to get overwhelmed)! But if it's okay: I would love to take Fugo on a date! I love this boy with all my heart and I would love to travel with him to my country to a town next to the sea and give him a tour of its history (and visit the local art and history museums there)! And later grab some ice cream and walk along the seafront in the evening where there are less people and just enjoy the walk together as the sun sets. -Turtle Anon🐢
oooohh, Turtle Anon!! thank you for your concern. you’re all good, don’t worry! anywho, that’s a wonderful date for Fugo. he would have an absolute blast reading about all the art and history your country has to offer 🏛️ you might have to push him along though, he’s the type to absorb everything n really slow down when reading... but at the end of the day, as you’re walking along the beach, he’d thank you for sharing a part of yourself with him. he’d be so honored! ☀️
anonymous asked: tbh i'd love to take narancia on a super spontaneous date... only the date and time are set, the entire day is just going around town and doing whatever stupid fun random things,, eating street food and going into shops to try on random fits and running around laughing, mayhaps go to an arcade, or do some karaoke. and then wind down at like a mcdonalds late at night, tired but happy and satisfied.. hhh nara is v fun i just wanna hang out w him honestly 🤕😔🤕😔
yeeeess this is the perfect date for Narancia!! he loves spontaneous stuff like this. he’d have so much fun gorging himself on street food and playing around with weird fits. he’d probably put on the stupidest things he can find, like this. and if you go to karaoke, be ready to screech some absolute bangers. he will not take anything less than confident (yet bad), loud (yet joyous) singing. 🎤 n while he might be falling nodding off at the McDonald’s, he’d sleepily tell you how amazing the day was and how he wants to do this again 💕
@tomomi012​ asked: I'm going to share another ideal date idea, but with Kakyoin. I'd like us to go to one of those cat cafes in Japan. I mean, cats, coffee and a cute Japanese boy, is this heaven? and I would tell him: "Nori, today I am in heaven"
ofc, share all you want! omg... I love this idea..... Kakyoin would be so soft anytime a cat approaches him. he’d do a little “pspsps” and hold out his finger for them to smell. and once a cat actually nudges him, he’d just melt! he wouldn’t show it outwardly, but you can see it in how bright his eyes get. I think Kakyoin would be the type to either attract a ton of cats or cats hate him, there’s no in between. 😭❤️ both make for some gr8 scenarios, though! 
@pommmejuice​​ asked: for your post about taking a character on a date :,) i think i’d like to take abba to art museums/cultural centers ,, i’d love to talk to him about my culture and what life is like (if he’d be interested;; lol) n maybe afterwards while we get italian food he can talk to me about what italian culture is like, the parts that aren’t shown in the media 🥺 so uh a date where we’re both learning new things about each other hehe
n maybeeeee take fugo to a café where we can study together n talk about our favorite things in our lives/culture.... n maybe hold hands on the table and maybe stare into his eyes tenderly ... you know because he’s my BFF (Best Friend Forever) .. you know how best friends do.. 😳
ooo Ireeene I figured you’d say Abbacchio :3c but that’s such a cute date for him! ofc he’d be interested in learning more about you!! you wouldn’t see it, but every time you share something you that you love about your culture, Abbacchio’s gaze on you would be so loving... 💖 he adores that you’re sharing so personal with him (of all people!!). and he’d get a kick out of telling you misconceptions about Italy. don’t get him started on how much he hates the Mario Bros.
as for Fugo, he would react similarly. I could see him ask more questions about your culture, while Abbacchio lets you go on and on. he’s so interested in everything about you!! and the moment you hold his hand... wow... get ready to see some intense blushing... he wouldn’t pull away, but his attention would turn to something else and his stutter would be apparent. pull yourself together, Fugo! 😤
anonymous asked: I'd take Rohan on a date, I'm a lil gay for that trash man. Tbh, it would either be an amazing date or a total disaster. I think we'd plan something fun and relaxing, like going to an art gallery or seeing a movie, but we'd end up in an adventure because that's what keeps happening to Rohan for some reason. At the end of the day we'd go to a restaurant to put a normal ending to that strange day
HAHAHA omggg friend this is a pretty accurate description of Rohan’s life. I think he’d be really annoyed that the day ended up this way, but he’s glad that he got to spend it with someone he tolerates. 💕 Rohan would try to push past those feelings once you go to the restaurant. this date is still salvageable!! he might complain a lil, but ultimately, he’d try to focus on you and what you enjoyed 🥰
@xxbluejayxx​ asked: For the Jojo date thing, I'd take Abbacchio. Well not really picky about the kind of date, I feel a nice quiet one at home would be best. It could be a homemade dinner, a movie night, or both. When it comes down to it, for me anytime spent with someone I love is time well spent, and that is something I will willingly admit
this is such a peaceful date for Abbacchio! I agree, a quiet date at home would be best. 😊❤️ as I mentioned in other scenarios, he’d likely take over kitchen duties. no need to worry about anything, just tell him what you want and he’d whip it up for you! and when it comes time to watch the movie, he’d tell you to sit a lil closer to him... he’s not very good with verbalizing affection, but he loves when he can feel your skin against his.
anonymous asked: I reeally wanna take Polnareff on a date. He deserves it sooo much. He's such a handsome sweetie. Id turn on the charm for him for once, like he always does. I have a beautiful image in my head of an outdoor patio restaurant with hundreds of strings of lights. We both dress up and have a lovely meal under the stars and magical lights, and then our favorite song plays and we have a dance beneath the lights. I think it would be goofy and romantic, stepping on toes as we attempt to dance around 😍
ahhh Polnareff would be so flattered to have you flirt with him! he’d probably get a lil flustered since this is nicer than what he’s used to, but seeing you dressed to the nines would make make him go 🥵 likewise, he’d push himself through the situation by just focusing on you. and when you start dancing... wow!! he’d lose himself laughing and being absolutely miserable at showing his moves. but it doesn’t matter, because he’s here with you and everything is okay ⭐
@rat-makes-stuff asked: Ok so I would take Giorno back to my home state of Michigan. Mafia boss has got to be tired as hell, so what's better than walking through the woods and collecting rocks at Lake Huron (I'm biased that's my favorite lake no CAP). We would watch the sun set and then look at the stars when they come out. Wildflower picking, trying to see how many deer we can find, and picnics by the lake? Yes pleaseee
before I start, Tumblr wasn’t letting me tag you in this!! so I hope you still see my response :( anyway, this is such a relaxing date! Don Giorno would love to unwind in nature. he’d probably take some stones he found near Lake Huron and turn them into a bouquet of flowers for you! 💐and since he’s probably never seen the sky without light pollution, he’d be astonished at how beautiful the sky is. he wouldn’t be able to say anything, just pull you close to him and thank you for taking him out here 🌠
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bonatosca · 5 years
J-Hope X Reader
Word count: 2,9k
Warnings: Unprotected sex - curse words
“Flight to South-Korea is in 10 minutes dear, you can already go to the gate it won’t be a long walk” the woman at the counter says to you. You nod and thanked her, grabbed your backpack and started walking towards your gate. It wasn’t crowded today so you could pass the security in no time and was within 5 minutes at your gate. You are studying in the Netherlands for a few years, but every vacation time you have time to visit your family back in Korea. Your family always wants you to fly as private as possible, well they actually did, since it kinda is a private jet you are flying today. You knew you would be flying with maybe one or two other people and that’s it. It’s nice to have a private fly, but it is way to expensive, but yeah it was already too late to swap your tickets, your family literally wanted the best for you, even if it means they won't have money left. Knowing that you always buy a bag of snacks, cookie’s or whatever they don’t have in korea that is Dutch. You see another person coming towards your gate, followed by a companion. He is looking overly happy. Thinking you might have seen him somewhere someday, but you just can’t remember it at all. Maybe he is just a famous guy or something. “Hey are you also on this flight? I heard that I wasn’t the only one taking this one, well except my bodyguard then” He smiles. Gosh he looks gorgeous you think by yourself. You collect yourself from staring at the handsome guy. “Ah yes, I am going to visit my family. Name’s Y/N, and yours?” You bowed and smiled at him to be polite. 
He puts his hand out and you grab his to greet “Name is J-Hope, but you can also call me Hoseok!” he smiles happily “I kind of hope you don’t know me” he mumbled trying to speak as soft as possible so you won’t hear it. You laugh, you did hear him saying that. “Yeah sorry I don’t know you so we are good, but I kinda think I have seen you from somewhere, but I just can’t remember where from” 
“Ah well then that’s fine for me, I have way to many fangirls around me lately so I just hoped I would have had a quiet flight, so I am kinda happy this time that you don’t know me” He smiles. It kinda sounds sad you know, having fangirls screaming and walking and stalking everywhere you go, it sounds horrible. Yes he is a good looking guy and you can’t deny that. But following someone? Come on that’s like stalking!
“I think we need to get our flight Mister Hoseok” his bodyguard says. He nodded and followed him, he turned around “Hey are you coming to or are you trying to forget this flight?” he said in a funny manner. 
“Yeah I am coming, sorry I was distracted for some reason, fangirls you say huh, must be horrible being followed everyday?” He just nodded at your question and smiled at you. It kind of looks like he is trying to smile, but isn’t in his power to do so. 
It’s sad how hard idols have it, they always have to make every fan happy, but that is almost impossible.
You walked towards a seat that isn’t taken by Hoseok. His bodyguard walked towards the cockpit. A stewardess walked towards us explaining safety rules and the other normal stuff that needs to be done or said. 
Not even five minutes later you start to deport from the airport. Clicking in your belt, and ready to watch out of the plane. You loved flying, it’s thrilling and always beautiful above the land. 
Just within a few minutes you could lose your belt, the stewardess asks something to drink or eat. You order a sprite and some chicken noodles, “Oh give me one to please!” Hoseok says. 
“Coming right up sir” She says and boils more water for us. 
“So you like Sprite to huh?” Hoseok says with a smile while he stands up and walked towards you.  You nodded “Yeah it’s my favourite drink to go” 
“CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP AND A SODA TO THE SIDE” his phone blares out. “Shit shit, sorry, did it scare you? It’s my ringtone, my friend tried to call me just now” You just laugh at him, he kinda is a goofy happy kid tho. 
“Ahah it’s ok” You smile, while getting your noodles and drinks. You are hungry as heck, so yeah your noodles were in your belly within minutes. You look to your side, Hoseok already done eating and looking out the window. Kind of looks like he has a dark shadow around him.
“Hey, is everything ok? You seem tired, while you kind of look like a bubbly person” Shit shouldn’t have said it. He looked at you questionable “Ah shit sorry, shouldn’t ask you something so personal while I just met you” You slammed your hand against your head “Stupid stupid” you mumble.
“Ah no it’s ok, it’s just, it’s tiring being an idol, you can’t even do things you want you know. I can’t go to a theme park without getting recognized, but it’s something you give op when you can make way more people happy” he smiles a bit. He does sound like he needs a cheering.
“Ah well but you can’t give happiness unless you are happy right? But it’s sweet that you want all the people you love, to be happy. But you don’t even get to get a girlfriend? Because yeah it’s human to get into a relationship” 
He just shrugs “I want to you know, but I am afraid they will take advantage of me, I have money and I am kind of known, so yeah there would probably be a lot of girls that to it to have all that” You nod, knowing there would be indeed a lot, your ex-boyfriend was kind of like that.
“I had the same situation, well not fully tho, but he took advantage of me for only my money, he ran away with 5 thousand euros that was for my education here in the Netherlands, but I got it covered and got all the money back so I am good” You smiled, knowing you had won that against your ex. 
“Wow that’s.. harsh yeah, some people are just plain stupid” He looked at you with a pout. DAMN he is not only handsome but also cute as heck!
“Miss, Sir, you can grab a drink from the bar if needed. If you need me, I will be in my own cabin part. If you want any Alcohol, you firstly come to me, since it’s locked, I will come again within a few hours for more food if needed” You nodded and thanked her before you where all alone in the plane with Hoseok. You stand up and walk towards the small bar and sit on the bar crutch. You look around, not seeing any cameras in here, which you thought they would have. 
“I asked a plane that won’t have cameras in. I am followed enough so I just wanted some peace” Hoseok sits beside you with his elbow resting on the bar and his had in his hand looking at you. “You are pretty cute you know?” He blurs out of nothing. You almost choke on your drink.
“Oh shit, ah sorry and euh thank you” you stand up, feeling you need to go to the bathroom. “I uh gotta get to the bathroom, sorry” He nods, and you walk towards the bathroom, open the door and “HOLY SHIT” you scream. Hoseok comes running up to you “Something's wrong?” He asks in concern, you had a shock face on, and faced Hoseok, almost head bumping on how close he was against you. “Ah, no nothing it’s just.. it’s so big” you said not knowing it kind of turned the guy in front of you on. 
“That’s not the only thing that’s big” he smirks, pushes you in the bathroom, and locked the door behind him. You were kind of shocked but you all let it happen, you let him lead you. “Is it ok if we just do it? I kind of need it, and you kind of turned me on in some way so yeah” You looked at his pants, seeing a huge bulge. You just blinked, not answering. Felling lips on yours, hands roaming on your back, you kiss him back.
You let him be yours for now, and he deepens the kiss, intensifying it more. Hands that were roaming on your back, lowered towards your butt, you let out a moan at the sudden touch. Breaking the kiss he whispers in your ear “Thank god you have a skirt on, it will me much easier to do so” he begins kissing your neck. Your hands now tucking on his hair lightly, you loved having your hands in someone else's hair. 
You wanted more as you pushed yourself towards Hoseok. “Ah Hoseok please more!” he reacts immediately and lifts up your skirt, making one hand it’s way towards your clothed folds, while the other one goes to one of your boobs. “Ah.. Hmmm.. shit!” You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter very fast.
“Shit you are soaked for me, you want me already that much? I haven’t even touched you a bit!” he faces you and gives you a peck before putting your pantie’s all the way down to your ankles. “You ready to get eaten out yet?” he said while placing you on the toilet. “Shit. just.. JUST GET TO IT” You immediately spread your legs. “Well someone is ready” he says licking his lips.
Getting on his knees he grabs your legs and puts them over his shoulders and starts kissing your inner legs, slowly towards your private part. You tug your hands once again in his hair, trying to get what you want, him eating you out. “Not so fast honey” he says and grabs your hand. “Touch yourself first” you do as he says, and you put one finger in your pussy, moaning at your own touch, wanting him even more. It’s such a turn on when someone watches you doing something to yourself.
Hoseok stands up taking of his trousers and pantie’s together, showing of his huge dick in front of you. You just looked at him in shock. Shit will he fit in me? He smirks almost knowing what you were thinking “It will fit honey, it will, I will promise, move your finger aside” he puts his tip against your entrance, looking at you for permission as you nod he puts his length in one slam fully inside of you. You grab the sides of the toileT “AAHH SHITT” you scraeam out, and immediately cover your mouth not wanting to let anyone hear you both.
“Told you it would fit” He laughs and starts to pump in and out of you, “Fuck, you are so tight, shit I love it” he half moans, pushing his head against yours while you fuck away. “Just a quicky please” he says.
You grab the sides of his face, “Go ahead, I don’t mind, shit” You feel yourself almost coming, his pace is so fast so hard, yet it’s still good, well not good but amazing at the same damn time, like how, it never is amazing when you have a quicky with someone, it mostly feels boring and way to fast to do so. 
You put your hands on his back, nails scratching as you feel yourself coming closer and closer.
“A fuck, w-w-where can I come?” he says, knowing he is about to come as well. “In me please… Ah fack! In me! I .. aagg hmm.. taking pills so don’t .. mm… worry” almost out of breath you struggle to say something to him but it still works. “Shit, come together with me please” he begs, feeling closer as before. You start to shudder underneath him, being very close as he spreads his seed inside you, you also come with him. 
He stays on top of you for a few seconds, then stands up, grabs a few tissues to clean you up and after that himself. He holds out his hand for you, you grab his to stand, still wobbly you almost fall over, he grabs you sturdy. “Hey don’t fall over, sorry if I was rough with you” he says, being a bit concerned with puppy looks in his eyes. “I will go outside for now so you can collect yourself for a bit, don't be hasty ok? Scream for my name if you need anything, wait do you need some water? I will pour some for you when you get back ok?” You laugh at him on how adorable he is. 
“It’s ok, I will be there in a minute, thanks Hoseok” You stand on your tippy toes to kiss his nose. He just jumps in the air from happiness and runs out of the bathroom. “He kinda is a fun goofball” you laugh at yourself, grabbing your phone and looking at your SNS for some distraction for a minute or so to collect yourself. First thing you see “J-Hope from BTS is coming back to Korea, departing from Amsterdam, The Netherlands on a private jet” There was even a video underneath it of his so called BTS group, you take a slight listen to the song ‘Boy With Luv FT. Halsey’ 
“Oh shit they are good, wait, that is the same Hoseok that is in here with me” You stand up, feeling fine already, while still watching the video you step out of the bathroom, slowly walking towards the bar.
“So this is your group then huh, you guys are pretty good” You said while looking at him. He nods while he hands you a glass of water “Yep that’s us!”
“Now I know where I have seen you from before, you are in BTS, aah well then that explains all the crazy fans, sorry about them” You say.
“It’s ok, you cheered me up and distracted me from the horrible things that could happen. You know I love our fans, but some are way to much” You nod at him, exactly thinking you could kind of understand him. “You should take a nap, we have a few more hours to go before we arrive in Seoul” he says, while leading you towards your chair, putting you in it, grabbing a blanket and putting it around you, tucking you in.
“Thank you Hoseok, you are a real nice gentleman” you say as you try to hold in a yawn. 
“No, thank you actually, wait give me your phone” he says, you gave him your phone. “Here you have my number now, and I have yours. You sound like a nice girl to talk to, but remember: Important Business when we arrive ok? That’s what I say overseas, not wanting to get attention or be around other fans or whatever, it’s just for your safety” He smiles. He walks towards his own chair, you look at him getting comfortable as your eyes went shut. Almost in Korea you were woken up by the stewardess handing you a small croissant saying you got it from Hoseok who was already eating his dinner “Miss you have to eat something before we arrive, we will arrive in ten minutes” You slowly rise your chair to sit straight up. Thanked her and ate your croissant. “Thank you, and good morning Hoseok” He looks at you, with a huge smile on your face “No problem! It’s my treat anyways!” 
Having eaten your croissant, you buckle your belt before landing. The plane is coming down softly to the ground. “Finally home” You say soft, “Yes indeed, finally home indeed” Hoseok smiles. 
When the plane is on it’s place you stand up, Hoseok almost running towards you and grabbing you in a hug. “It was a good flight my flight mate! I liked it for the very first time being alone, I will see you again someday, and don’t forget to text me ok! Byee!” He waves as he almost runs out of the plane, you wave at him as he looks back and waves back. You walk slowly out of the plane by yourself, getting out of your gates walking towards the exit, seeing lots of fans waiting for Hoseok, or well J-Hope from BTS, they all scream at him. You smile knowing he feels better now than yesterday when you departed from Amsterdam. 
You look for your family in the huge crowd, and funny to think you actually found them “Y/N I AM HERE, SIS I AM HERE HERE HERE HERE” You hear your little sister Yeri screaming your name as loud as she can. Gosh she is such an annoying brat. 
You walk towards your little sister and your mom, hugging them both. “How was your flight honey? Did you enjoy it?” You nodded. “It was great, thanks Mom, I brought a lot of snacks for you!” You said happily, your sister hugs you even tighter “CAN I TASTE THEM NOW?!” 
“Yeri! Shut your rude mouth! Not now, when we are home, come on dear, we need to get going” your mother grabs you by your arm softly as you walked away, before getting into the car you see hoseok waving at you in the distance, you wave back and grabbed your phone.
“So when is the next flight to the Netherlands for you? I really liked the bathroom flight ;)” You texted him and put your phone away, smiling your way down towards home.
_______________________________________________ So well yes I got my friend way to much into BTS. First it was GOT7, then TxT and now she is overly obsessed with BTS.  And she was kind of sad that there weren’t much smut fanfictions of her BTS bias Hobi.  Well I kinda was thinking of his song Airplane and imediatly got this idea. Hope you like it! <3 Part 2: Airplane part 2.
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nullians · 4 years
OP ily. And thank you for doing a fucking awesome job in simply existing in this beautiful world. You make it more prettier. And lastly, i can't say i understand but i empathize with you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Ahah, this is so unexpectedly sweet 🤧💜 ✨ Thank you very much!!
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riskeith · 4 years
manifesting xiao for you!!!!! it surely will be worth it after all that wait and all those rolls shsjdhsj <3 you’ll probably upgrade him and his weapons and talents and all that right away too, huh? spilling all your recourses on one stotic lil boy 👅 (can’t say i blame ya he deserves it) FUNNY YOU MENTION THAT when i did the guiding light seal puzzle before the stormterror battle i accidentally forgot to change kaeya’s weapon to the ones i’ve upgraded so he was stuck with the dull sword and i was like why the FUCK doesn’t he do any damage and then it hit me . yikes 😬 Lmao has that ever happened to you?
oh really? reading all of that makes it seem like we’re in the bad end of the stick dhdhdjdjfh but you made me curious to try it out tbh... now where could i get a hold on a pc..... hm
yeah omg you’ve gotten so far now i can’t imagine how bizarre it would be to revert back to giving like 10 dmg and facing level 3 villains lmao still sometimes even i find myself missing the early days things weren’t as stressful then ): do you?
school did start which is why haikyuu is perfect!! it’s been keeping me very warm and happy tbh... 🥺 you know something i noticed this time watching is that kagehina are Always around each other. i honestly don’t remember them doing that but watching now it’s like at almost every scene they are either standing next to each other or showing up to the other’s scene and it’s like??? damn???? y’all live like this? idk if that changes in future eps but right now it’s Constant. i love it.
dude i’m such a nostalgia person i’m always up for a trip to the good ol’ days bc sometimes you just gotta go back to things for your own sake. but fun Fact i started watching voltron after it ended so i missed so much of the hype while it was ongoing.. literally came into it while it was a goddamn mess. i knew that klance wouldn’t be canon but watching i couldn’t help but hope... how was it stanning while it was ongoing?
(you saying that reminds me of the what if we kissed meme..... what if we kissed in the genshin co-op mode 😳 anyway you’re at such a high level idk how much i could help you... i suppose we could just run around but yeah i do play in europe... 😭)
RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!! RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the purple light were mega gay like hello????? especially since lance is bi and it was Him that said the line and hfjdhdhsjdjdhdj fuck ! i’m so sad now ever since we started talking about them i’ve just been missing them sooooo much it’s crazy... KEITH DESERVES THE UNIVERSE he’s so sweet and caring in his own way and he grew so much like compare s8 keith with s1 keith and see!!!! he matured so much and god . at least he’s helping the galaxy with his lesbians now
dude i wanted to say that but i was scared it was an unpopular opinion.... hunk and pidge could be so mean to him sometimes for no reason or just shoo him aside and no??? don’t do that to your friend????? it irked me sometimes bc you could see that he got upset about it but he felt like he had no one to turn to 😭😭😭😭😭 kms but keith. keith is good.
THE I LOVE YOU SCENE did it also take you sooo much by surprise like i remember watching and just going AAAAAA??????!!!??!!?? and the art???? mister anime keith kogane?????? it was so beautiful and so perfect and so sad ughhhhhhh funny how keith has 2 out of the three i love you scenes on voltron even tho he’s the stotic type .
i’m thinking but honestly all i want is some fluffy angst... a punch in the gut with some final kissing . i love fics that rewrite the sunset scene always chefs kiss... or you know how in season 7 for some reason they always called out for each other first? like when lance has his crashing scene keith yells out lance come in twice??? or when they are stuck in the galra prison and they yell out each other’s names???? idk something about that would be amazing to read???? ok i rambled idk rewritten canon klance is just Mwah... OH IM SO EXCITED TO READ THOSE SNIPPETS EEEEEEE :DDDDDD TY FOR SENDING THAT
i’m soooo glad you liked the fanart when i saw it i HAD to send it your way... it’s the little bois in their animal hats 😭😭🥺 i love them so much it’s soooooo cute 😭😭 i’ve been stalking the original tweet and there’s some other version and they’re super adorable too 😭😭😭😭😭😭
hope you had a wonderful day today + yesterday... take care <333
hey heyyyy~
actually i don’t think i have many resources to give him bc im focusing on levelling up my team for the ascension rn FJKHDSKFHSDKJFHSDK but for sure i will do it... anything for him 😩 AHAHAH nooooo but yes ! during the chalk prince dragon event i used festering desire in dragonspine but my higher levelled sword everywhere else, but sometiems i forgot to switch back and was stuck with shit damage 💀
yeah actually i see a lot of poeple complain about not being able to do missions on mobile either (or having a really hard time with it) fskjhfksj but there are for sure people who would think mobile is better so 🤷‍♀️ to each their own! ahah does anyone in your family have a windows laptop/pc? steal borrow it 🤪
i definitely miss the easier days!! it’s fun going to an area with lower level enemies bc i defeat them so easily.. but then again their drops also aren’t as good so you trade one thing for another i guess lol
ikr?!?!?? like we get it you’re inseparable omg.. it’s so cute when they go seek out asahi as well and hinata hides behind kageyama and then points and at him like he’s showing him off.. lives in my mind rent free 😌
oh i see!!! that’s so brave of you omg you knew all that and still decided to give it a shot? fshfkdsjf. it was. insane. like talking about the positives only, it was just everyone going crazy every time there was a single hint of klance is canon king and just ugh. it was all so exciting and hype and like the energy you know?? especially when there were conventions where they were revealing trailers or new info wow tumblr was buzzing.. (reminds me of when klance was top ship.......) i miss that kinda environment tbh! but also now that i’m in uni i don’t think i’d have the energy to keep up fhskfjds
(WHAT IF WE KISSED!! IN GENSHIN CO-OP!! HAHA JK... UNLESS?! that’s so funny fskdj but i wish 😔😩 makes a second reroll account just for this? HAHAAH. and noooo even if we didn’t do anything i feel like it’d be so fun just running around hfkdsjs. and maybe i could carry you w your quests it’s always been my dream to help someone out like my brother can just come into my world and one-shot enemies 😩 but maybe some day!! cross-server will happen)
:((((((((((( S1 KEITH AND S8 KEITH THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 😭😭😭😭 keith went from being a lone wolf expelled from the garrison to finding his MOTHER!! AND THE BESTEST SPACE WOLF DOGGO!! AND LEADING A FKN ITNERGALACTIC ORGANISATION!~!!!eASKJDHSAFHEHFSDIUHSAZODUQWEQWYRHIASKJDNCSOUADHB. marmora!keith............. both a blessing and a curse.... but that uniform tho 🥵
i cried!!! so much watching that scene lmao!!! can’t remember how i felt at the time but i was probably also surpirsed.. and ikr? that’s poetry in its own tbh we love that keith said the most ‘expressive’ and ‘emotional’ lines the most
sunset scene... sunset scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg yeah them just calling out for each other’s names first like??? explain please?? omg also remember when keith chose lance in the quiz.. AND LANCE CALLED KEITH THE FUTURE? FUCKING EXPLAIN???????? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! there is no heterosexual explanation. okay but now that you’ve put sunset scene in my head... either rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space and he wanted to get it out or.. in the future where klance are together and lance has a dream about it and suddenly realises wait. did keith already like me back then. and then they talk about it ... hmmmmm . AND WOOOO NO PROBLEM!! HOPE YOU ENJOY <33
i def have to look at the other versions!!! honestly this meme is kinda the best thing out there rn so many cute baby renditions of charas.. blessed!! i love them all sm...
thank you!! hope yours have been great too, and school is treating you well :**
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fluffi · 3 years
so should i reply in tiny font or just regular font?
hybe should do better in spreading out the comebacks of the groups under them :/ they're already at a huge advantage, might as well use it strategically. AHA streaming mvs is so convenient for a multi. the filler vids i could use in between could be mvs from the other groups that i stan. also you know what, i still haven't watched a single final performance bc im waiting for a friend to watch with me :D
i have a chinese movie recommendation in case you want something to cry over. i still love its ost and it's been months since i watched it. i'm not sure if you watched it already but more than blue. i've never cried over a movie as much as i cried for that one. the angst *chef's kiss*. i'd do anything to wipe my memory of it and watch it again for the first time.
also sungchan is mc-ing in inkigayo every sunday! and honestly, what the hell is nct hollywood :D but a part of me thinks it's just going to be a bunch of asians living in america like johnny that'll be a part of it. just a hunch tho. imagine having all 4 units coming back in a year with like 1 unit per quarter of the year. i'm not sure if sm even has the money to do this, especially when they filed bankruptcy recently.
and i've seen a lot of twitter memes saying taro's ghosted stans T_T alexa play ghosting by txt T_T sm come on give him smth to do, you're wasting talent.
the mall didn't burn down entirely (like from the outside it looked fine). the ventilation system caught fire so it was more internal—ceilings and all that. covered things with soot(?) and ashes so the entire mall was closed for nearly 2 years. and hey, i've experienced a school fire too back when i was younger. i, too, thought it was nothing but a fire drill until i saw the charred remains of the buildings behind our school : D thankfully, no one died.
the new nct track is for a samsung commercial AHAHA it's funny because nearly everyone uses apple TT_TT and the mv screams neo culture tech tho (well as it should lmao). yes, i was talking about that part in hot sauce but yes, it grew on me too.
ateez really know how to do a performance. they put the standard so high for me when it came to performing. their facial expressions and overall stage presence just impresses me. it's been a while since i've seen idols draw me to them by those standards.
ah, the long stan list! good luck in getting through it and i hope you do have fun as you go :] (also you can check out aurora by ateez and whiplash by tbz. the songs popped up in my head as i was typing this reply, you might like them)
ohhhh, what was the pd48 scandal? i don't watch survival shows so i don't know any of the stuff going on. would you care to elaborate? about their disbandment :(( i hope you're okay now tho! are the other girls still debuting in new groups? anyone eyeing an acting career instead of being an idol?
YES, A PATTERN IN THE BIASES (if you count an analysis of two ppl as a pattern, that is.) because it's the same pattern i have for my biaswreckers :D jake & seungmin, not only do they have the same animal to represent them, they have the same 'golden retriever' type of personality that just makes you go all soft. ygwim ;n; i wish i could elaborate but both boys just devastate me in the same level and my friends pointed out that they were quite similar in some aspects.
jaemin used to send really long bbl messages :< like if there was anything he loved most it was nctzens and it was obv in his messages. speaking of dream, album repackage news today! idk what to feel bc my hot sauce albums haven't even arrived yet :D + i'm dead br0ke.
how do you even manage to read 30k TT__TT i cant handle long fics bc of my attention span :D also, yes, i found the user now, i'll check if i'll like their works soon. <33
YES YOU SHOULDVE BEEN THERE T_T what a day that was. i think seungmin is still sweet and active in bbl. not a single cent goes to waste with him. also i think i'll post the drabble some time this month.
and oml seungmin vs jake :o let's see how that goes O.O XDD
clickity-clackity AHAH do you have a mechanical keyboard? :c i wanted one too but i haven't got around to saving up for one. but yes indeed, typing asmr v relaxing \m/
sunny hyuck day, fullsun sunday, fullsunday T_T feels were very strong that day. i kept seeing edits on my twt tl and i would just s o b : D i've only stanned nct for a year but i've seen him grow so much i just wanted to crie i love him sm :') yk my mom didn't cook spaghetti for my birthday, but she cooked for hyuck's? : D
and i checked ur recs blog and indeed, full of nct T_T
also have i mentioned that your desktop thing amuses me so much HAHAH i got confused for a sec if i had twt opened or tumblr. plus, i've been wanting to mention that i noticed that our mobile themes are opposites. black and red, white and blue. it's cute XDD <3
help, people have been telling me that our asks are long but i highkey love it. i added a ‘keep reading’ for the mobile users though, sorry in advance hh.
honestly, both works. tiny font saves space but regular font does more justice for my poor eyes haha. its your call!
hybe comebacks :( yeah enhypen got lucky because they came back right before cb season so they got three wins (yay)! on the bright side, txt just got their first win and bts has six wins, so it all works out i guess. omg yes, the streaming thing is perfect. i stan like 20 groups so i have a never-ending cycle of filler mvs and its always so helpful. ooh for the final performances - you wont regret watching any of them! literally wild, kingdom's budget and talent are wild.
ooh, I don't watch any cdramas lmao. i want to but i can barely finish kdramas. if its a movie ill watch it! ive never heard of more than blue but ill check it out <3 where can i watch it?
yes yes i have just realized that sungchan is yujin's co-mc! i watched their special stage (which is literally adorable) and was today years old when i realized that the dude is sungchan pls. nct hollywood was so unexpected and i still have mixed feelings about it now. LMAO JUST ASIANS LIVING IN AMERICA...help. that would be interesting (?) but the concept reminds me of those horrendous awesomeness tv shows. lets hope sm pulls this off well and proves me wrong. lmao all 4 units coming back would probably happen, but i hope none of them get overworked :( i constantly feel like mork lee has four clones :'( also...sm filed bankcruptcy??? dang, what happened?
ugh omg yeah shotaros talent is seriously being wasted in the basement right now. as for fires, scary T-T i wasnt that fazed by them until the australia wildfires happened, and i learned about the consequences of fire and got really scared. its good that the entire mall didnt burn down though! although its weird that no one is opening it :( schools really need to tell us the difference between drills though, it might be dangerous for those rebellious kids.
yeah i just realized that the nct track is an endorsement which partly explains why i cant listen to it. the mv's visuals are stunning!! the set and people are so gorgeous aa i cant
oh yeah im not an atiny but i have acknowledged since 2020 that they have one of the best, if not the best stage presence and expressions on stage for 4th gen. i think their only worthy competitor would be stray kids actually. theyre truly one of a kind and all of them are cute especially that yeosang guy. i will definitely check out your song recommendations though!
oof the pd48 scandal is extremely complicated. to condense it in a few statements: all of the girls' rankings have been rigged since the very beginning and it was rumored that they already had their end group before the show even started. it was like this for pf48 and pdx101 (group x1) which was why x1 disbanded within a month of debuting, and izone were on hiatus for like 4 months. im not the best at explaining stuff like this haha, but i think you get it. you can check out yt or search up 'pd48 scandal', a ton of articles and videos. as for new groups, nothing has been made clear yet. theyve only made instagram handles for now and appeared on variety shows haha. as for acting career, hyewon was supposed to do acting but was forced to join pd48 so maybe she'll continue acting afterwards? nothing is confirmed yet!
lmao two similarities, its okay it counts. ah, true, i can see their similarities now that youve mentioned it, as well as how jeno is kind of like that. however, i am currently attached to jaemin so we'll see what happens from there hehe. i swerve easily.
jaemin on bubble grr, that would be a whole experience. from the bare minimum of vidoes ive seen for him wbk jaemin is so whipped for czennies. ah yes repackage! i saw the post on instagram and went to the comments to see everything screaming ‘iM bROke!’ and it was lowkey hilarious lmao. kpop is really trying to suck our money T-T.
ope the longest fic ive read is like...40k words i think? and it was by jeonginks. ill read anything eiko produces lmao, theres always so much substance in her work. ooh, tell me what you think of luvdsc’s stuff, i just finished binging their entire masterlist lmao.
seungmin vs jake yeah, i havent been catching up on skz enha content because im still obsessing over the dreamies but when that saga is over then im going to focus on my ults lmao (which might include dream soon, hehe).
yes yes i have a mechanical bluetooth keyboard that i use to connect to my computer! it literally sounds amazing lmao, its only 10am here but i feel like im going to doze off from the clickity clackitys already. i cant wait for you to get one! tell me when you do, we can match hehe.
hyuck is an aodrable brat please. hes like the best comedian of nct at this point, so hilarious and filled with variety i love him. he rose up my bias list pretty fast too. LMAO YOUR MOM IS SO COOL I LOVE HER ALREADY. if only my mom would cook for my ults’ borndays.
yes my rec blog is a mess right now, ill organize it soon haha.
omg thank you and yes my website theme is one-of-a-kind. even i get confused when i open it or edit it, and i constantly get comments about it. also i just realized our opposing theme colors and i love it! its adorable.
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