#Thor Love And Thunder Box Office Collection
scrawnydutchman · 1 year
"Hooked on a Feeling”: A Retrospective on James’ Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy
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-Guardians of the Galaxy 1-3
-Avengers, Infinity War
-Avengers: Endgame
Thor: Love and Thunder
-The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special
The Guardians of the Galaxy films . . . . .  I struggle to find the words as to how much they mean to me, which is saying a lot because I’m probably the wordiest motherfucker I know. In a franchise like the MCU that has become so oversaturated and so bland with every release that it has made the term “Superhero fatigue” prominent, the Guardians manage to stand out with their immense heart and exceptional film making. Guardians 3 is no exception. While it is a *slight* departure from the norm established by the prior films as it’s much darker and more mature, it still manages to be so incredibly fun and uplifting. In my opinion, given what James Gunn had to work with after Infinity War and Endgame (we will get to those in a minute) it truly was the perfect conclusion for all of these characters.
In celebration and tribute to these films that I love so much, I thought rather than doing a long film review of 3 like I usually do, I’d take a look back at the Guardians film franchise as a whole and see what it has meant for the evolution of these characters as well as the general impact on the Marvel cinematic universe. In this retrospective we will be covering Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, and finally, closing it off with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
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When this film was coming out, it seemingly had everything going against it. It had to establish 5 of the most obscure characters in Marvel’s catalogue all in one film. It had to sell the guy from Parks and Recreation as the leading superhero. It had to compete with the first Avengers, which many called the best superhero movie of all time when it premiered. It had to take a gamble on whether or not the audience could buy the idea of a talking Raccoon being in a superhero movie. If this franchise was to survive, it had to be GOOD.
And boy was it.
It was so good that became a box office hit. Suddenly, these obscure marvel characters of which only the most dedicated of fans would be aware of skyrocketed into household name territory. Baby Groot merch started flying off the shelves. Everyone was talking about how funny and heartfelt the film was, because it is! All the characters were so lovable and hilarious. It was colorful, dramatic, fun, inventive. Chris Pratt was SO charismatic as the leading man. The soundtrack was iconic: a meticulously and appropriately picked set of 70s classics. It just goes to show that when your product is quality enough, anything is possible.
The success of the Avengers may have paved the way for all the crossover potential of the MCU, but the Guardians had set the tone not just for themselves but have captured a charm that the rest of the MCU has been attempting to capture ever since . . . for better or worse. Yeah, unfortunately the lesson the MCU and many other films’ took from the Guardians success is that the audience will eat it up as long as it has a soundtrack of all hits and a buttload of quips, but there’s more to it than that. The soundtrack can’t just be a collection of randomly selected pop hits: it has to be tonally appropriate for the scene and thematic to the plot. And the character’s can’t always just be quipping for the hell of it: it has to be driven by character. So yeah, this film inadvertently set a bit of an unfortunate precedent going forward, but that doesn’t change the fact that it kicks ass. Quality will ALWAYS have its bargain bin imitators.
The film’s biggest strength is how it sells such a big cast of new characters through their chemistry with each other. Backstory, character arc and personality traits aren’t enough in a vacuum: they are at their best when put in contrast with opposing characters. Even though these guys don’t spend *that* much time with each other initially, you get a very quick sense that they were arguably meant to band together. It makes the climax of this film where they join together to share the energy of the power stone all the more satisfying.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017)
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So while I do certainly love the first film, I would probably say it was also the most flawed. It had a decent theme about the value of friendship and the importance of coming together, especially when you have no one, it was definitely lacking in some places. The biggest example I can think of is its villain. Ronin is lame, there’s no getting around it. He didn’t tie in to the arc of the main characters by any stretch. He wasn’t important in the grand scheme of things. He doesn’t have any particularly memorable lines (other than giving the group their team name). He was merely an obstacle for the heroes to dispose of. On top of that, while Nebula and Yondu were both present in the film, they weren’t given a whole lot of characterization just yet. They were either more mere obstacles or plot devices to further things along, with any further depth merely hinted at.
Vol 2 manages to radically improve where the first one fell short. Ego is the main villain this time around and HE. IS. AWESOME. Cunningly manipulative. Disgustingly charming. Even more disgustingly evil. The dude was a breath of fresh air at a time when many marvel villains were just so forgettable. In my opinion, Ego is still the best villain in the trilogy (we will get to the High Evolutionary later). His intimate ties with Peter’s arc about moving forward and finding new family (not to mention the definition of family) was simply fabulous. Plus Rocket’s side story where he bonds with Yondu was particularly entertaining too. Also, Nebula and Gamora’s relationship was a great source of entertainment. This is the other way Vol 2 improves upon its predecessor: Yondu and Nebula are becoming fully realized. Yondu provides a noble sacrifice that redeems him of his abusive ways while also confirming that he always loved Peter, whereas Nebula gets to shine as, in my opinion, the best female character in the MCU. She’s tragic, she’s ruthless, she’s badass . .  but she’s also very, very funny. Other MCU writers could take notes from this because she has adjectives to her personality besides synonyms for “strong” or “capable”. Not to mention we get Mantis in this movie. She was fantastic chemistry with Drax from here on out and only brings more to the group’s already stellar dynamic. This movie is great and is an improvement on the first one in every way.
The film also establishes Adam Warlock in its after credits scene. Given the timeline of the MCU and my knowledge of who Adam Warlock is in the comics, I was expecting him to be prepared in time for an appearance in Infinity War and Endgame considering he’s basically a primary adversary for Thanos. But, among many things, Infinity War and Endgame did not really capitalize on what the Guardians established as well as it should have. Which brings us to . . .
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019)
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Sigh . . . . . so this is around where the quality of the Guardians’ involvement in the MCU goes down. Don’t get me wrong, I like Infinity War and Endgame. I became a 10 year old boy in my seat when Cap lifted Mjolnir too.
But MAN did these movies rob the Guardians.
This is the movie where Thanos makes his move as the big baddie of the infinity saga. The Guardians, indisputably, have more history with Thanos than any other characters in the MCU. Thanos was introduced officially (not as an after credits scene or easter egg) in Guardians 1. Drax’s whole arc for a while was about wanting revenge on Thanos for the death of his family. TWO OF THE GUARDIANS ARE THANOS’ DAUGHTERS. And yet . . . . not only is almost the entirety of the team blipped away for 5 years with the only survivors being Rocket and Nebula, but when they all come back NONE of them get their own chance for licks against Thanos. Drax never gets his long awaited revenge. Neither Gamora nor Nebula have a chance to tag team Thanos the way Cap and Bucky tag teamed Iron Man. Quill never gets a chance to make up for his error that got half the universe killed. SCARLET WITCH GETS HER OWN CHANCE AT REVENGE AGAINST THANOS BUT NOT THE GUARDIANS??? ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!
Also, in my opinion, they reduce Peter Quill to a complete dullard punching bag in these movies. I know Peter is supposed to be a manchild and is somewhat dumb, but it’s like the Russo brothers have a hate boner for him or something.
The line “I’m not from earth, I’m from Missouri” makes literally no goddamn sense. Peter was 8 when he was abducted by the Ravagers. He would have to be Patrick star levels of dumb to not know that Missouri is on earth. Not to mention all the other Guardians treat him with absolutely no respect. They have SO much more respect for him than that. And then in Endgame all he gets is being a punching bag as quick jokes and then immediately going back to being belittled by Thor.
Speaking of Thor, they tease at the end of Endgame that Thor becomes a temporary Guardian . . . and then he leaves the group basically immediately in Thor: Love and Thunder (which is its own trashfire that’s for sure). That movie has weird characterization of Quill too as it essentially shows him at the end of the journey that Thor is supposed to take . . . but then in the Guardians films Gunn still has him struggling with missing Gamora. Yeah, I can’t help but feel like the rest of the MCU really messed with Gunn’s plans for these characters. He now has to make lemonade out of the fact that most of them have been gone for five years, Gamora and Quill’s relationship has hit the reset button, Thanos is now dead which means Drax effectively has no direction and Adam Warlock wasn’t brought out when he should have been. To bring it back, Gunn would have to make some serious lemonade.
Luckily he succeeded.
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022)
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So this was a funny and sweet little movie to tide us over while we wait for Guardians 3. Not entirely necessary, but damn if it isn’t fun. Drax and Mantis are saddened that Quill is still struggling with how much he misses Gamora. On top of that, they learn that they’ve entered the time where Terrans celebrate this little holiday known as “Christmas”. So they have the idea of cheering Quill up by throwing him a big Christmas party and getting him the greatest gift of all . . .abducting and brainwashing his hero, Kevin Bacon. That premise alone is worth checking it out at least once because the Hijinks that ensues is pretty damn funny. But the movie also surprisingly establishes from rather important elements. For one, it introduced Cosmo the telekinetic spacedog as a major character rather than a quick cameo, who will be important for Guardians 3. For another, it reveals that Mantis is Quill’s half sibling as she too was a child of Ego. Sadly this doesn’t shake up the dynamic of the group THAT much, but it IS mentioned in Guardians 3 in a way that furthers the plot along nicely.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (2023)
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So here we are at the conclusion for this team of Guardians. After almost a decade of entertaining us with their antics, Star-Lord, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, Groot, Mantis and Rocket are going on one last ride before their stories come to an end. I was simultaneously so excited and so scared coming into this movie. It’s basically the only thing in the MCU I give a shit about at this point and I got so attached to these characters that I simply couldn’t take the idea of any of them dying. Gunn knew how attached we all are and played a mean trick on us. All the marketing made it seem like they were going to straight up die at the end. My heart couldn’t take that. 
Fortunately nobody *actually* dies. Most of the team just does into retirement, which is also sad but much preferable. Peter goes back to earth to get back in touch with his grandfather. Mantis sets out on her own to discover what she’s all about. Drax and Nebula become an adopted dad and mom to a whole race of kids (which is hilarious, I want to see that dynamic in action). This version of Gamora finds a new home as a Ravager. And Rocket, who is the star this time around, becomes the captain of a new generation of Guardians alongside Groot as a returning member.
This film is quite a radical departure from how Guardians usually does things. While the first two had a soundtrack comprised entirely of 70s hits in reference to Quill’s relationship with his mom, this film starts integrating 90s hits, and I like to think of this as Quill’s evolution as he starts moving forward rather than living in the past. This film is also MUCH darker and sadder. AND more violent. Like . . . holy shit the drama is cranked up to 11 and the film comes out literally swinging in the first 10 minutes. But don’t worry: it still manages to have a lot of classic Guardians fun, especially with it having the best action of any Guardians film BY FAR.
By far the biggest change is that Rocket and Quill switch roles, in more literal ways than one. In the first two films, Quill was the center focus whereas Rocket was something of a deuteragonist (secondary protagonist). But here, Rocket takes center stage and Quill’s storyline serves to further the themes of Rocket’s in a different way. Considering the mess that Gunn was left with after Infinity War, Endgame and Love and Thunder, I gotta say: He made some sweet ass lemonade. Peter and Gamora’s reset relationship resolved in a way that was thematically appropriate for the film (I.E. accepting things as they are instead of trying to bend it to fit your way). Drax was given direction back as a father rather than a destroyer, which is what motivated his revenge arc to begin with, resolving the fact that after Thanos died he didn’t have much to do. Mantis was given a lot of time to shine. Even Adam Warlock had a role in this film that wasn’t completely pointless. He got the ball rolling with his attack on Rocket, he tied in to the theme of self acceptance and discovery over being told what you ought to be, and he saved Peter at the end, solidifying his place as a next gen Guardian. He was definitely childlike, but he was literally born yesterday so that tracks, and again, only further serves the theme of self discovery and actualization.
Also, one of my more minor complaints of past Guardians films is that action has been rather lackluster. The first Guardians film suffers from sporadic editing and uninspired cinematography while the second film pushed comedic value over cathartic action (except for the Yondu arrow scene, that was sick). Guardians 3 goes SOOOO HARD with its action and it’s fucking amazing. All the Guardians got significant upgrades in their abilities on screen. Drax very much earns his reputation as “the Destroyer” in this one, which is a relief because ever since Vol 2 he’s sort of been reduced to just a walking punchline. Mantis proved how scary she can be with her empath powers. Nebula showed off how unstoppable of a force she can become. The hallway scene is the best action scene in the whole MCU, no contest. The Guardians dogpiling on the High Evolutionary was so fucking satisfying.
Also, High Evolutionary was a great villain. A bit hammy for my taste in select places and ultimately I think Ego is a stronger villain overall, but it was cool to see a villain that is 1000% scumbag and it makes him getting his comeuppance all the more satisfying.
This film will leave you crying like a baby over the drama of a little Raccoon. It’s fantastic.
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So yeah. The MCU all in all has been quite the spectrum of quality, with some films being much, much, MUCH better than others, especially in recent years. But the Guardians have been consistently amazing quality from beginning to end . . . as long as Gunn is in charge, that is. This team of Guardians is where Gunn says goodbye to the MCU and the new team (plus Star-Lord’s new adventures) will likely be handled by a different director going forward. I’ll keep an open mind about how well that goes, but regardless, all I can say is thank you James Gunn for these incredible films that introduced us to such lovable characters. 
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Image: Punch Drunk Critics
The Rami Malek movie The Amateur from 20th Century Studios takes the old date of Deadpool 3, that being November 8, 2024. The pic, directed by James Hawes, follows a CIA cryptographer who, after his wife is killed in a London terrorist attack, demands his bosses go after them. When it becomes clear they won’t act due to conflicting internal priorities, he blackmails the agency into training him and letting him go after them himself.
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From left: The new 'Captain America' movie, 'Avatar 3', new 'Alien' film and new 'Blade' movie among the major release date changes for Disney /Everett Collection
‘Thunderbolts’, ‘Blade’, ‘Avengers: Kang Dynasty’, ‘Secret Wars’ Among Disney Release Date Changes Due To WGA Strike
It feels like Covid all over again, but it’s not. Disney has just made a slew of release-date changes, many due to the impact of the WGA strike and screenplays not being ready and productions paused.
We already know that Thunderbolts and Blade are waiting the strike out before rolling cameras. Scripts aren’t fully ready in regards to the new Avengers movies. Avengers: Kang Dynasty goes from May 2, 2025, to May 1, 2026. Avengers: Secret Wars is also pushed another year from May 1, 2026, to May 7, 2027.
We told you that 2023 largely was safe in regards to staying intact (knock on wood), but the ramifications of the writers strike and productions paused will be felt throughout 2024 and beyond. Commence the great release-date shuffle by the motion picture studios.
Also the other delay here with the MCU titles is that Disney wants to make sure they’re better — better than what they’ve been doing from script stage to VFX in the wake of fan pans and lower post-pandemic box office results for such films as Eternals, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love & Thunder and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
First major change is that the untitled Deadpool movie will fire off next summer, May 3, while Captain America: Brave New World, gets pushed to July 26, 2024. Thunderbolts stays in 2024, moving off July 26 to December 20. Deadpool 3, in a vote of confidence moves up from Nov. 8, 2024.
Blade goes from September 6, 2024, to Feb. 14, 2025 — that Valentine’s Day/near Presidents Day frame which has been a sweet spot for MCU.
Fantastic Four shifts deeper into 2025, from February 14 to May 2.
Avatar 3 officially is delayed a year from December 20, 2024, to December 19, 2025. Which thus pushes other sequels from James Cameron as Avatar 4 shifts from December 18, 2026, to December 21, 2029, and Avatar 5 goes from December 22, 2028, to December 19, 2031. While these scripts already are locked, the shift of movies due to the WGA strike is pushing the Avatar sequels around. Producer Jon Landau said the following today about the moves:
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The Star Wars movies, which still are being baked, are getting kicked down the road like cans: One of them goes from December 19, 2025, to May 22, 2026. A another untitled one gets added on December 18, 2026.
The new live-action Moana movie with Dwayne Johnson has staked out the summer date of June 27, 2025, about a week earlier from its previous July 2 date.
The new Alien movie, which is shooting overseas, takes the Disney RSVP date of August 16, 2024.
The Rami Malek movie The Amateur from 20th Century Studios takes the old date of Deadpool 3, that being November 8, 2024. The pic, directed by James Hawes, follows a CIA cryptographer who, after his wife is killed in a London terrorist attack, demands his bosses go after them. When it becomes clear they won’t act due to conflicting internal priorities, he blackmails the agency into training him and letting him go after them himself.
Disney also has RSVP’d the following dates for untitled films: September 6, 2024; March 21, 2025 (instead of April 11, 2025); a Marvel movie for July 25, 2025; August 8, 2025 (instead of August 15 that year); and an MCU title on November 7, 2025. A Disney movie that was set for May 22, 2026, has been removed from the schedule.
Remember when we learned when The Amateur would be released?
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
How The Snyderverse Could Have Been The Perfect Counterpoint To The MCU
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Now that The Flash has released, as probably the last Snyderverse movie, with the exception of Aquaman, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about how the Snyderverse could have been exactly what audiences needed right now. Especially given all the recent criticisms surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe, of MCU fatigue, as it was. All the issues that many had with the Zack Snyder-led DC Extended Universe, almost feel like the perfect relief for the Marvel Studios’ complaints right now. Now, I’m not advocating that one is better than the other, as this is not a Snyderverse vs MCU conversation. I’m more referring to the actual vision and plan that Snyder had going into the DCEU, and how it could have also existed with the MCU. And how audiences could have benefited from both co-existing with one another. Please note that the following may contain spoilers for all the DCEU films, from Man Of Steel to The Flash, along with many MCU spoilers as well. A Brief Recap Of The Snyderverse vs MCU As It Were Marvel Studios did the unthinkable in 2008 with Iron Man, and the first ever MCU post-credit scene that saw Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) mention the word ‘Avengers Initiative’ in an attempt to recruit Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) Solo movies of individual characters then culminated in a team-up movie in The Avengers in 2012. After that, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was born, changing the game for Hollywood in general. Always playing catch up, Warner Bros. then decided to start their own shared universe of DC Comics characters and hired Zack Snyder to do so. Starting with Man Of Steel in 2013, we now know that Snyder has planned out an entire saga of DC Comics movies, that the fans dubbed as the DCEU. However, immediately after Man Of Steel, the studio, WB, began interfering. They wanted to emulate Marvel Studios’ formula and rush to a team-up movie right away. Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Then shoe-horned an existing Batman without an origin story, but also messily showcased cameos by various other flagship DC characters. This movie then led to 2017’s Justice League, which is really where things fell apart. What Happened During Justice League? Justice League, which Snyder originally meant as a massive 3-part saga featuring Darkseid, become one of Hollywood's highly controversial film sets. Due to the poor critical and less-than-anticipated box office collections of Batman V. Superman, Justice League went from a trilogy to a 2-parter to a standalone movie, due to WB’s interference. Not to mention the studio reportedly losing confidence in Snyder.  WB brought in Joss Whedon, the man behind Marvel Studios’ The Avengers to finish and re-work Justice League after Snyder departed due to a personal tragedy. Under Whedon’s stewardship, the Justice League movie underwent multiple reshoots, the script and story changed, and the set became a toxic and messy place. Cyborg actor Ray Fisher has gone on to document all the toxicity, sexism, racism and culture of abuse on the set, calling out the WB leadership on his social media. While none of the other major stars of Justice League spoke out as explicitly, all support Fisher’s claims in one way or another. Following this crusade, even Whedon’s own past history of abusive behaviour surfaced as part of the #MeToo movement, seemingly confirming and supporting many other claims along with Fisher’s from years prior. Justice League failed to live up to any commercial or box office expectations. Comparisons To & Trying To Emulate The MCU Is What Killed The DCEU Looking back on all of this now, it’s a shame what happened to the DCEU. While we are on the cusp of a new DC Universe, the Snyderverse could have been exactly what we needed. Recent criticism of the MCU mentions how the 20+ movie cinematic shared universe feels more of the same. From the underperformance of movies like Thor: Love And Thunder and Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantummania, critics and audiences are clamouring for ‘different’. It’s not exactly MCU fatigue, but fans are tiring of the same formula of bright and colourful tones with generic jokes and underdeveloped villains, coupled with seemingly no stakes. Through the inception of the MCU, talented filmmakers have left projects due to being forced to work in a box. Others have had their unique styles become homogenized in the Marvel machine. But in hindsight, it’s the opposite criticism that ultimately killed the DCEU. Snyder’s dark and weary tone was either beloved or hated. There was no in-between. Audiences didn’t like how Man Of Steel ended, or that Batman and Wonder Woman now seemingly killed people. The lack of jokes or a light-hearted tone was one of the bigger complaints. Snyder’s hyper-stylized slow-mo action sequences became the thing of memes. Superhero movies didn’t need to be this dark or dreary or joyless, they said. WB either spent a lot of time trying to replicate Marvel’s success or interfered with Snyder’s vision based on these comparisons to the MCU. But maybe if this type of superhero movie was still being made today, it would’ve provided the perfect counter-programming for the MCU movies. How the Snyderverse Vs MCU Debate Should Never Have Existed If audiences could choose between the dark and dreary adult-themed DC superhero movie, versus the light and fun Marvel ones, both could have found a market to survive. Each could have provided a break from the other, finding audiences within their own niche with something to appeal to everyone. That’s kind of the problem with a monopoly or having no competition. There’s no reason to push to change things or do things differently. Zack Snyder’s DCEU was different. It went against the grain of the typical superhero movie, both in tone and approach. Fans initially complained that Snyder skipped Batman’s origin story in Batman V. Superman. But the exact same is happening now with Matt Reeves’ The Batman exploring the character’s younger days, while James Gunn’s DCU Batman will debut years into his career as a superhero with a son in tow. And while this seems like an exercise in futility, rehashing the death of the DCEU, I firmly believe if Zack Snyder got to tell his version of the DC Comics stories, in his own way without the studio’s interference, we could have had both the DCEU and MCU thriving today. Not despite, but because of each others’ existence. The Flash is now in theatres. What do you think? Let me know if you agree, disagree, or whatever else thoughts you want to share in the comments below. Or reach out to yell at me on Twitter at @theshahshahid. Read the full article
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shivagdm · 2 years
Thor: Love and Thunder Collects Impressive $302 Million Globally During Opening Weekend
Thor: Love and Thunder Collects Impressive $302 Million Globally During Opening Weekend
Thor: Love and Thunder has collected $302 million (about Rs. 2,398 crore) at the global box office in the three days since it released in cinemas worldwide on July 8. This means it has delivered the third-highest opening weekend for a Hollywood film, after the Tom Holland-led Spider-Man: No Way Home and the Sam Raimi-directed Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, since the start of the…
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thegeekx · 2 years
Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever Day 5 Box Office Collection India & Worldwide
Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever Day 5 Box Office Collection India & Worldwide
Marvel’s Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever box office collection day 5 is off to a good start in India opening as 3rd highest  hollywood opening of 2022 after Doctor Strange 2 and Thor Love and Thunder. Black Panther 2 has grossed  $342 million worldwide so far Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever India Box Office Collection Day 5 4.5 Crore nett Trade Figure Black Panther 2 Total till Now  India Box…
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paperdrita · 2 years
You netflix fox news
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Opinion Why sports management in India needs to include former players.Sports No music in dressing room for India's T20 game at Hove as England mourns Queen's passing away.Sports Pakistan's small-town cricket revolution springs from greater democratisation.Trending #BhramastraOfCyberSafety: UP Police uses Brahmastra reference to spread awareness about cyber safety.Trending ‘Amazing too good’: South Koreans dance to ‘Ram-Leela’ songs during their Thanksgiving festival, leave netizens impressed.Entertainment Thor Love and Thunder: Is Christian Bale's Gorr the God Butcher a millennial icon?.Entertainment Brahmastra box office collection Day 1: Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt film breaks Bollywood's curse, becomes the biggest non-holiday release.Named new Bihar in-charge, Vinod Tawde’s patience pays off.In historic ceremony, Charles III is proclaimed the King.There is no way this isn’t satire please tell me it’s satire Like a brilliant, unintentional comedy routine. I saw this three times in a row and it is amazing. Taffy Brodesser-Akner November 16, 2021 It’s more like it was an innocent stumble on the phone and they said, “Let’s do a gag!” Part of me – having watched this four times now and LOL-ed each time – feels like he’s pranking Ingraham, I mean, he waits 53 seconds to say, “There’s a show called ‘You’ on Netflix,” but then again, even after he says that, she says, “A show called Laura Ingraham?” This is the absolute greatest thing I’ve seen in some time. Satire and parody have no room in this America, reality has murdered them. People, on purpose, turn on Fox News for information. But for many, it reminded them of the iconic scene from Abbott and Costello where they keep having a similar conversation about ‘Who is on first!’ or another scene from Rush Hour 3.
While star Penn Badgley quipped: “It’s gotta be a bit,” without sharing or mentioning the video, the official handle of the series posted a hilarious GIF as a comment. While most said it’s hard to believe it’s not a satire or scripted, others couldn’t stop themselves from cracking jokes using the name of the host’s show. From the show’s actor to Netflix along with netizens all joined in the conversation.
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dailyupdate-24 · 2 years
Thor: Love and Thunder Box Office Speeds Past $500 Million Worldwide
Thor: Love and Thunder Box Office Speeds Past $500 Million Worldwide
Thor: Love and Thunder has collected an impressive $500 million (about Rs. 3,994 crore) at the worldwide box office, since its release on July 8. Despite the dinged reviews, the Chris Hemsworth-led film is holding strong, with the third-highest opening for a Hollywood film since Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Meanwhile, Minions: Rise of Gru stands at $533 million (about…
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timekeeper0 · 2 years
Thor Love and Thunder Worldwide box office collection
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Thor Love And Thunder: दूसरे दिन गिर गया 'थॉर- लव एंड थंडर' का कलेक्शन, जानें कुल कमाई
Thor Love And Thunder: दूसरे दिन गिर गया ‘थॉर- लव एंड थंडर’ का कलेक्शन, जानें कुल कमाई
Thor- Love And Thunder box office collection Day 2: 7 जुलाई को मार्वल की मोस्ट अवेटिड फिल्मों में शुमार ‘थॉर लव एंड थंडर’ (Thor Love And Thunder) रिलीज हुई। फिल्म में एक बार फिर क्रिस हेम्सवर्थ (Chris Hemsworth) धमाकेदार अंदाज में नजर आ रहे हैं और क्रिस के साथ ही नताली पोर्टमैन (Natalie Portman) एक बार फिर फिल्म में जलवा बिखेरती नजर आ रही हैं। फिल्म ने पहले दिन 18.60 करोड़ रुपये का कलेक्शन किया…
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reviewtv4net · 2 years
Thor Love And Thunder India Box Office Collection Day 8 and Worldwide
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Chris' film witnesses drop on Monday
Chris’ film witnesses drop on Monday
The most-awaited superhero film Thor: Love And Thunder recently hit the theatres and fans are on cloud nine as they could witness Chris Hemsworth reprise his role as God of Thunder.  The film marked the fourth instalment in the Thor series and also saw many actors reprise their roles. As the movie is running successfully in theatres, let’s take a look at how it is performing at the box office on…
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drsilverfish · 5 years
Nine Minutes to Midnight
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5x21 Two Minutes to Midnight
Nine episodes to beat God, and fifteen years since Kripke pitched his original On The Road fan-fiction meets folk horror. 
I’ve had a lot of fun in this little corner of Tumblr SPN fandom, over the eight years I’ve been here. I arrived as a newbie in 2012, and people already here were kind to me. I’ve seen people come and go, get disillusioned with SPN and move onto new fandoms, or arrive latterly into this one, brimming with excitement. 
This is a weird social media platform, and I doubt it will be around forever, as one of its joys is how singularly bad it has been at integrating advertising.   
Some of my favourite things here have been;
Comments in the tags, often funny, thinky, joyful - love this element of Tumblr.
Coda fic - this short-form story-style, which leaps into the fan-fiction gaps, loud silences and lacunae of the text - what a joy.
All the different roles people take on in fandom, as labours of love - gif makers, fic and meta writers, artists, vidders, archivists, signal-boosters, enthusiastic readers and beta-readers, art-lovers, networkers, collaborators, question-askers and answerers, and participants of all kinds (introvert and extrovert).
Completely unrelated to SPN, posts which are full of puns and hilarity, from “lik the bred” to Brits vs Americans on the subject of drinking tea. I still love Tumblr’s collective sense of humour; it’s witty and charming. 
The language of gifs; those delightful comtemporary hieroglyphics of emotive expression.
The diversity - English is the shared language, but gradually it’s apparent that despite US dominance of the site, there are people from all over the world here, whose native tongues range from Russian to Italian to Brazilian Portuguese.
The collective meta experience - sharing “live” textual analysis has been huge fun. Viewing a text in a hive mind this way always shows you something you’d have missed on your own. It’s like holding up a crystal to a thousand lights and watching all the different refractions happening at once.
Again, not SPN specific, but experts in various subjects, from Egyptology to Medieval History suddenly emerging from the depths to provide a passionate and erudite exposition on their topic. Often prefaced with, “My time has come...”   
Fandom has a dark side. It can be a coping mechansim, for many, in a healthy or less healthy way. There are unfortunately, always the formation of various “in-groups” and “out-groups”, ship wars, harrassment (of other fans, cast and crew), entitlement, and wild unpleasantness. And, that scourge of the internet in general; performative outrage (otherwise known as the outrage economy) which turns up the dial on provocative statements and negative emotion because that acts as catnip for engagement. A lot of people act out their shadow-selves online, projecting their own internal stuff onto others, from behind the screen.    
Almost no media texts get to run as long as SPN (fifteen years) but my first fandom was (and is) Doctor Who and that has been going for over 50. It has some absolutely horrendously toxic spaces and places online, and many of pure joy. My advice is - find the joy.  
Stories, by inviting us into the shoes of others, teach us at their (and our) best, the invaluable gift of empathy.
Take care of yourselves. Endings are hard, no doubt.
Special shout-out to fellow LGBTQ+ fans - hold onto your hearts. 
It can be complicated loving a story telling its queer (romantic/ erotic) love story implicitly (i.e. in subtext). 
Don’t forget (as I always say in my tags) subtext is part of narrative - meaning, the totality of a text contains its explicit and implicit elements; its text and its subtext, just like Metatron (aka Robbie T) told us in 9x18 Metafiction. 
I wasn’t in the fandom myself, here on Tumblr, but I saw some of the fall-out from BBC Sherlock S4, and it was particularly distressing to see so many young LGBTQ+ fans feeling deeply hurt and even suicidal, because they’d read all the (extensively crafted) queer subtext in that show as a promise which would, inevitably, lead to an unequivocal queer “coming out” for John and Sherlock.
Those queer fans weren’t “self-queerbaiting” - they were just reading the totality of the text. And after all, why not read the subtext that way, as a promise? Being of a generation who’d already gotten to see many explicitly out queer characters on-screen; why not dare to imagine the subtext was a slow-burn romance with an inevitable “out” climax? Especially because Mark Gatiss (one of the writers) is out and queer himself, young queer fans were even more certain that his Sherlock would be the first “out” queer Sherlock on-screen (The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 1970, which Gatiss is on record as being a fan of, had previously queer-coded Holmes, as indeed does Downey’s version, in Sherlock, 2009, and Sherlock 2: A Game of Shadows, 2011.)
Of course, the corporate and production politics were no doubt complex behind the scenes at the BBC, and Gatiss himself (apparently) saw things differently saying (in an interview in Oct 2010):
“No, I don’t think I’d make a kind of gay programme. It’s much more interesting when it’s not about a single issue. And equally, I find flirting with the homoeroticism in Sherlock much more interesting.” (Buzz Magazine Oct 2010: p10).
All of which, is why I’ve been adding a disclaimer to my readings of SPN’s queer subtext for a while now - namely, that reading the subtext doesn’t promise a rainbow of obviousness at the end. 
As I said, take care of your hearts, lovelies.   
Perhaps we shouldn’t need the narrative closet any longer. 
But, we are walking between worlds, an old one and a new, both of them currently existing simultaneously, especially in a globalised world. 
Queer audience fractions are, generally, more attuned to queer subtext, because it often uses codes derived from queer culture (although reading cinematic/ television subtext of all kinds is a learned skill, and no one is born with text-reading gaydar). So, whilst queer subtext may appear “loud” to some audience fractions, it remains invisible to others. That is, historically, by design, because, whilst “out” queer characters have gradually emerged on-screen since the 1950s [and the end of the Hays Code in Hollywood] queerness was, and still is (depending on where one is in the world) subject to legal penalty, state censorship or corporate production censorship.
A contemporary kind of state censorship is e.g. in China, where overt LGBTQ+ themes and characters cannot be depicted on-screen (hence, the queer subtext in The Untamed). A contemporary commodity kind of censorship might be e.g. notes from the Network, or TPTB at Marvel Studios with an eye on box-office. Queer subtext has the ability to slip past the censors, or be tolerated by them; because, now you see it/ now you don’t. A character with a straight “surface” reading and a queer subtextual one may (depending on the film/ TV product and its market etc,) be seen to pose less risk as a commercial product, whilst being able to appeal to different audience fractions simultaneously. For example, Captain Marvel  (2019) and, as above, BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
And yes, it’s complicated, because in the midst of that still extant censorship, which queer writers and other creatives on set may indeed be trying to work around by using queer subtext, we can see another world is possible. More out queer stories are being told. And, although we may love to see implicit queerness rather than no queerness at all, and indeed although implicit queerness may (arguably) have the freedom (still) to tell less boundaried or stereotyped stories than explicit queerness (with powerful effects on the audience fractions, both queer and straight, who do “see” it) we can’t deny that it does suit corporate entities, in some cases, to be able to appeal to a dual audience without the perceived “risk” of “outness”.  A form of “queer-sploitation” which leads to the charge of “queer-baiting”.
The issue is, perhaps, particularly one surrounding male hero characters in Hollywood (and here in the UK) a) because “queer stories” are (still) often, not seen as likely to have universal appeal for broader audiences, whereas “straight stories” are not framed as “straight stories” but as universal ones, and b) because of the persistence of the prejudiced belief in particular that “queerness” undermines masculinity, especially “heroic” masculinity (here we have diverged markedly from the ancient Greeks). It’s somewhat different for female characters, but that’s another post. Fantasy, in the on-screen medium (if less so in fiction or comics) appears to be a more regressive genre than, say, comedy, in terms of the depiction of “out” queer central (rather than side) characters, with the exception of the Wachowskis’ Sense8 (2015-18) in which pretty much everyone is queer. I know there’s Ruby’ Rose’s Batwoman (2019- ) which I haven’t had a chance to check out yet, and we’ve got some queer Marvel (side) heroes upcoming, apparently; Valkyrie in Thor: Love and Thunder and Phastos in The Eternals - let’s see how that goes.
Moreover, queer subtext doesn’t have an exact analogy i.e. a “straight subtext” equivalent. Yes, many films and TV shows imply romantic/ sexual tension and interest between M/ F (pre)couples before it is “confirmed” they’re into each other in the text. However, because straight is the default assumption, audiences may muse and disagree about the potential for a M/ F romance at the implicit stage (as they have done in SPN fandom re Sam/ Rowena) but they don’t ask - “Does this mean they might be straight ????” It is assumed. Queerness, on the other hand, in order to be widely recognised (rather than solely by the subtext-reading audience fraction) must “come out” in some manner, explicitly, in the text (I don’t mean graphically, but “beyond reasonable doubt”).  In other words, as painful as it is, we are not starting on a level playing field. It’s not fair, but it is the deal. 
That doesn’t mean we can’t love contemporary queer subtextual stories, just that it’s important to acknowledge it can be painful, for some, to do so, and just as it’s important to acknowlege it’s OK to find them too painful to love, also (historical texts obviously operated under different circumstances). 
Queer audiences are not homogenous. We can, and do, see things differently from one another, perhaps particularly across generations. 
It is the case however, I think, that the structuring of a story by the narrative closet, as SPN has been structured by the narrative closet (up to this point, mid S15) (by which I mean its queerness is transparent to some, invisible to others, by design) cannot help but remind many queer audience members of our own struggles with the real world closet. Indeed that may make the story attractive, or unattractive, to different folk. 
Incidentally, which is why I avoid it, I think the “it’s canon”/ “it’s subtext” debate is a false dichotomy and a bit confusing, as there are two, perfectly legitimate (within their own terms) definitions of “canon”. In the fandom sense, where “canon” means a romantic/ erotic pairing explicitly confirmed in the text, Destiel (meaning romantic/ erotic orientation between Dean and Cas) is not “canon” (as at 15x11). It is implied. Of course, it is explicit text that they care deeply for one another - “You’re my family. I love you, I love all of you” (12x12 Stuck in the Middle with You), “You’re my best friend” (15x09 The Trap). The exact nature of that relationship remains, however, deliberately, ambiguous. 
In the literary sense, in which “canon” means “the official body of work”, SPN’s official body of work contains a metric tonne of implicit romantic/ erotic Dean/ Cas, so, it is part of the SPN “canon” in that sense - “subtextual canon” if you like. Although, of course, because implied, therefore open to interpretation.... deliberately transparent to some and invisible to others.
Despite all this complexity, and, indeed despite other elements of the SPN narrative which I have struggled with personally (the early seasons’ misogyny is off the charts sometimes, the brutally insensitive manner of Charlie’s death) I have loved this story, Supernatural, truly, madly, deeply, in large part because of its (implicit) queerness. And for may other reasons additionally, from its folkloric beginnings and dark initial cinematographic palette, to its melodrama, to its, eventual, Ourboros structure, and its Jungian alchemical journey marrying the cosmic to the earthly. 
Reading the show without the queer subtext remains possible, but oh boy is that analogous to only considering the above sea-level portion of an iceberg.  
I would prefer a rainbow of obviousness at The EndTM, but I don’t expect one. What I expect is continued, deliberate, ambiguity. Something I am sure we will be debating the ethics of, long after. 
I could be wrong :-). But I am taking my own advice, and taking care of my heart.      
For now, it’s nine minutes to midnight; let’s see how the story ends.
And afterwards, however the chips may fall, the characters will (as this most meta-narrative of seasons has been busy telling us) be set free of “Chuck’s” control. They will belong to us, in a thousand thousand fan-works, for as long as we care to keep on loving them.             
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