#Tim is super needy and Kon loves it
awhitehead17 · 3 years
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 45: “What do you want to watch?”
Enjoy! :D
“Where are you? You said you’d be here twenty minutes ago.”
Kon rolls his eyes as the breathless huff comes through the phone’s speaker. “I didn’t say that. I said, I’ll be leaving mine in twenty minutes, not that I would get to yours in twenty minutes.”
“Still doesn’t explain why you’re not here yet.” Tim comments sounding petulant. Kon would be willing to bet that he’s currently pouting as well.
“I’m on my way now,” Kon reassures his boyfriend smiling to himself, “I won’t be long.”
There’s another huff on the other side and before Kon could say anything else, Tim hangs up on him. Both surprised and not by the action, Kon rolls his eyes again and pockets his phone, deciding to let it go this time. Tim’s in one of his impatient and needy moods and not getting what he wants is leaving him a little temperamental.
It happens occasionally and it’s something Kon finds both exasperating yet adorable only because the mood occurs when Tim is sick. His boyfriend has recently come down with a nasty head cold, most likely a result of getting drenched on a stake out at the end of the previous week. Before succumbing to it, Tim had tried to brush it off as nothing and continue as normal, it was only after he got himself into a situation he couldn’t get himself out of that he finally gave in and went on bed rest to let it run its course.
He’s been pretty needy since then and Kon honestly doesn’t mind. He’s rather liking how much Tim wants him around, even if it’s just to cuddle or to use him as a pillow and personal heater. Also it’s not often Tim lets himself be needy, his own personality of needing to be independent and self-sufficient stops himself from seeking that basic comfort, so seeing Tim so open about it makes a change.
Kon’s currently in a shop picking up some bits that might cheer Tim up a little as well as to help him get over the illness. He wasn’t lying when he said he wouldn’t be long, the Tower is only ten minutes or so away from this store.
Once he’s paid for the items he heads straight for the Tower afterwards. Within those couple minutes of being on the phone with Tim and leaving the store his boyfriend had messaged him five times, each one telling him to hurry up or simply sending him a frowning emoji.
Without any more delays Kon goes straight to Tim’s room once he arrives at the Tower. He lets himself in and is immediately greeted with the sight of a miserable looking Tim all bundled in blankets on his bed sat in the dark with his TV on.
As soon as he enters Tim's head snaps in his direction and Kon sees a weak smile appear on his face. He doesn’t know if it’s the darkness of the room, but Tim is looking worse than the last time he saw him. His skin appears to be paler, he has dark circles under his eyes, he’s slumped on the mattress like it’s eating him whole and overall just looks exhausted.
Kon shuts the door and approaches the bed, he bends forwards to press a kiss on Tim’s warm forehead and starts emptying the items he’s brought onto the mattress.
“I brought some stuff which I thought may help you recover a little quicker, as well as something which I thought may cheer you up.” Kon explains as Tim tiredly examines the contents. “Have you taken any medication or have had some water recently?”
When Tim shakes his head, Kon sighs softly having already guessed his answer. Digging through what he brought he brings out some medication for Tim to take along with a bottle of water.
“The medication will take a little bit to kick in. Are you hungry, I’ve brought some dry snacks you could have?”
Tim shakes his head again and sends Kon a miserable look. “I’ve been feeling nauseous for hours now. I retched earlier but nothing came up. This may be more than a head cold.”
Kon winces, feeling bad for Tim having to deal with it all. He may have a point about it being more than a head cold, a bad one at that, but then again Tim doesn’t have a spleen, his immune system is already weakened so this may have just escalated from that originally.
“We’ll keep an eye on it, if you’re not feeling any better tomorrow we’ll get you looked at just in case. Though you will have to try and eat something at some point, you’ll need the energy and the nutrients.”
Tim mumbles something incoherently and Kon could see how Tim is now fighting to stay awake. Knowing it won’t be long before he drops off to sleep, Kon clears the bed of the items and climbs inside the barricade of blankets Tim has made.
Together they get comfy underneath the blankets and stretch out on the bed. Tim is practically lying on him with his head just turned enough so that he could see the TV screen. Kon has an arm wrapped around his back in support and uses the other to brush a hand through Tim’s hair but not before picking up the remote and flicking through Tim’s Netflix account.
“What do you want to watch? Choose whatever you want, I don’t mind.”
Tim mumbles against his chest which has Kon rolling his eyes. Figuring that Tim won’t be contributing his decision anytime soon, Kon flicks over to the ‘watch again’ list on the screen.
“What about Star Trek?”
For a third time Tim makes an unintelligible sound but this time it was accompanied with a nod of the head. Taking that as enough of a confirmation Kon selects the programme and settles against the bed again, wrapping his arm back around Tim comfortably.
As predicted it wasn’t long before Tim fell asleep, his body going completely limp against Kon, his heart beating steadily against his chest and his breath hitting Kon’s neck in regular intervals. Kon smiles to himself, adoration for his boyfriend flooding inside of him. He’ll let Tim sleep this medication off and once he’s awake Kon will get some food inside of him and then make a decision on how serious his condition is. Until then he’s going to enjoy Tim sleeping on him and some Star Trek at the same time.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: can i request a wally and batsis!reader trying to make out in peace but keep getting interrupted by her brothers?
Warning: fluff, kissing, implied smut
A/N: I love Wally West with my whole heart okay. He deserves better and I hope he comes back in season four of YJ 😩
Word count: 2.2k
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It was great that your boyfriend and your brothers got a long. Wally and Dick were best friends long before you even met him. Jason liked the speedster too - you were sure it was because he reminded him of Roy a little bit. Even Tim liked Wally - mostly because Bart was one of his best friends.
Least to say, they were all happy that it was Wally that you were dating, not some asshole. You were glad that you didn't have to go through that awkward stage of your brothers intimidatingly asking your boyfriend what he wanted with you. Wally already knew them all, they knew exactly what kind of person he was.
Dick the most. Their time together on the Young Justice team proved a friendship that would never end. Having him basically be part of the family with dating you was even better.
You and Wally started dating after his endless flirting with you. At first, it had just been a joke to piss Dick off, before he realized that he genuinely had feelings for you. He was trying to spend as much time with you as he could get - and as a speedster it seemed that he had all the time in the world.
It took you a long time to cave to his pleads of asking you on a date. The second you did, it was like your whole world changed. Your brothers got closer to you, Wally was more loving than ever, you were happier. Dating Wally made you a better sister, and a better person.
The downside of them all being friends, was that you were often interrupted by them. Dick was always stopping by your apartment to hang out with Wally or you. It was nice to see him, but there were times that you wanted to get into a classic sibling throw-down with him as well.
Today, was one of those days.
For the first time in a long time, you and Wally both were free of university classes and missions. You got the chance to laze around in your apartment and just enjoy the presence of one another. Wally always complained about how slowly the days passed, but you knew that these were his guilty pleasure days.
The smell of fresh cookies filled your apartment, upon Wally's request. Rain pattered against the window, filling the empty noise. Wally sat in the arm chair in your small living room with you on his lap. His hand grasped your thigh as he met your lips. His favourite part about days like these? Getting to kiss you as much as he wanted.
Wally dragged out his kisses for as long as he possible could. It was one of the few times he despised speed. You smiled into the kiss, wishing that you could spend every day like this. Hands tugging through Wally's messy hair, the heat of his body radiating to yours. Nothing could ruin this moment.
Except for Dick Grayson.
You regretted giving your brother a key to your apartment. Especially right now, when he barged in without knocking. You nearly jumped off of Wally's lap, startled from his sudden entrance. Your fear turned to disappointment very quickly, and it seemed like Wally's did too.
"Cookies," Dick grinned, grabbing one off the plate and shoving nearly the entire thing into his mouth. He finally noticed that you and Wally were sitting on the chair, and awkwardly smiled at your angered look. "Bad timing?" It didn't take being a detective to realize what you were previously doing.
"When do you ever have good timing?" You glared. Wally tapped your leg, gesturing for you to get off of his lap, to which you complied to. Your arms were crossed over your chest as the two friends dabbed it up. In all your time together, it seemed like Wally was never mad at Dick for something like this, always you.
"What're you doing here, Rob?" Wally asked, using Dick's old nickname. His mouth was full of a half eaten cookie and you were sure the plate was going to be gone within the hour. As much as you loved Wally, he was a lot to cook for.
"Was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by," Dick shrugged. He swung his arm over your shoulder and when you didn't return his hug, he tightened his grip and completely messed up your hair. Of course, both boys thought it was hilarious to see you so frustrated about a simple fix.
Your peaceful day had come to an end as Wally and Dick settled on the couch and chatted about everything and anything. Their friendship had come first for longer than you were dating Wally and longer than you were siblings with Dick. It was often times hard to compete with that and over the years, you had just accepted it.
It was hours that Dick had stayed over, him and Wally laughing and having fun like the good old days. You loved seeing them happy like this, but you also just wanted your alone time with Wally again. Finally, Dick had decided that he used up his time and that it was time to head back to his own home.
The second that Dick left, Wally sped over to you and latched onto your waist. His lips crashed onto yours, missing your taste just as much as you had missed his. At that moment, your bed - even the couch - seemed too far away. Wally settled with setting you up on the kitchen counter, standing between your legs.
You trapped him in his place, legs wrapped around his waist. Wally's hands rested below your shirt, gently rubbing the pads of his fingers on your skin. He pulled his lips away, just long enough to utter, "I love you."
"As much as you love my brother?" You teased. Wally playfully glared at you, you always teased him about how close he and Dick were. He grabbed the bottom of your thighs, carrying you to your bedroom. You laughed the whole way there, even more so as he literally threw you on the bed.
Wally didn't hesitate to join you. He hovered over you, legs entangled as he kissed you again. His hair tickled the underside of your chin as he trailed down your neck. Hands grasping at your shirt, but not wanting to pull away long enough to tug it off of you. Finally, he pulled away the material.
"Babe, I don't think I'll ever stop admiring you," Wally grinned. He took every chance he got to flirt with you, and you had to admit that you loved it. This time, you rolled your eyes at him, and pulled him back down to meet your lips. He didn't seem to complain about that either.
A sudden, familiar gush of wind made you freeze. You were well accustomed to Wally speeding in and out of a room, along with the mess of loose items that followed. However, with Wally hovering over you, there was only one other person that would be speeding in and out of your room at that speed.
"Please don't tell me..." You trailed off, already knowing the answer. Wally sighed, handing you back your shirt that he had just removed. The two of you straightened up your clothes before leaving your room and back into the kitchen.
Bart was raiding your fridge, food already shoved in his mouth while none other than Tim was sitting in your favourite chair.
"You look great in red (Y/N)!" Bart complimented while still chewing. You could feel Wally's glare, and before he could do anything to his relative, you grasped his hand. You hoped that he hadn't noticed you shirtless, but of course being a speedster he easily noticed everything in a room before you could blink.
"What do you want, Tim?" You asked, looking over at your younger brother. "Bart if you take that last slice of pizza I'll personally send you back to your timeline myself," you snapped. Bart wearily looked between the pizza in his hand and you before setting it back in the fridge and closing the door.
"Haven't seen Kon in a while, thought he might have come here," Tim explained. It wouldn't have been the first time one of your super friends came and crashed at your apartment for a couple nights. Tim looked up at Wally's ruffled hair and your shirt that was on inside-out. "Sorry for the bad timing." Just like Dick. 
"Kon isn't here," Wally answered the obvious.
"A simple text would have sufficed instead of showing up," You snapped. It seemed like everyone was making the effort to ruin your day with Wally. However, family was family and as much as you hated them you couldn't be annoyed for long. They all meant their best, even if it wasn't valuing you in the moment.
"Am I not allowed to come visit?" Tim asked. Of course he was. Just like Dick, you did enjoy Tim's visits to your home as well. Also like Dick, you weren't in the mood for anyone else to come by your home. The hours of the day were ticking down and you knew that by the next day, you weren't going to get the option of peace again for a while.
"Hi, Tim. Thanks for stopping by, great catching up. You too, Bart. Really great visit, missed you both, bye!" You sarcastically vote as you ushered both the men towards your front door. They tried to complain as you did so, but you had slammed the door right in their faces, followed by an obvious click of your lock.
"Really, babe?" Wally chuckled at you. "Just can't get enough of me today, huh?"
"Do you want me to invite them back in? Stay for dinner? Less time that you get to see me nak-"
"Nope!" Wally changed his attitude very quickly. He sped over to you, hoisting you up in his arms and raced back into your bedroom, this time closing and locking the door in case you had any more visitors. The tension between the two of you escalated dramatically throughout the day and it was killing you not to break it.
Wally's finger's danced along your skin. They roamed up your thighs, under your shirt, anywhere that he could reach. All day he had been waiting for his and all day he had been denied. It wasn't just you who was craving his kisses, he was craving yours as well. He needed this moment with you, otherwise he was sure he was going to explode.
Your kisses were no longer slow and tender, they were rushed, needy. Both of you were petrified that someone else was going to come along and ruin your moment. The perfect day that you had envisioned was no more, the last few hours of the night were fading just as you had dreaded.
You were right to fear as well. Wally barely had his belt undone when yet another knock came from your front door. His eyes filled with dread at the sound. "Think we can ignore them?" Wally asked, still kissing along your jaw. You didn't answer, just tilted his chin so you could kiss his lips.
However, the knock didn't stop. It got louder, and louder until you couldn't bare the sound of it anymore. Whoever it was, they had no patience in the slightest. "Fuck," You muttered. You grabbed the closest shirt on the floor and shoved it over your half naked body. Wally flopped against the bed, rubbing his eyes in frustration.
You whipped open your front door, fire in your eyes at getting interrupted once more. Just as you had dreaded - and expected - it was Jason at your door. His arms were crossed and he had a duffel bag over his shoulder, one that held his Red Hood suit.
"Patrol?" Jason asked. There were several times that he came to you asking if you wanted to scour the city with him. Most times, you wanted to. This time, you barely gave him notice.
"No," you deadpanned. The door was maybe a little too harshly slammed in his face. There was no way that you were going to waste the last bit of time with Wally to go out in this city to fight criminals. You wanted this night to yourself and you had even gone out of your way to tell Jason that you were taking the night off. He must have forgotten.
"Babe, I know I've said it before but you look so good in my clothes," Wally complimented as you walked back into your room. You hadn't noticed that it was his shirt that you picked up rather than your own. "Another one of your brothers?"
"Jason," you scowled.
"I thought I had a big family," Wally joked. He pulled you back into your bed so your legs straddled his thighs. Both hands were intertwined as he stared up at you. "How many more interruptions can we expect? My body can only handle so much more."
"Well, if you include Bruce, there's still a chance of five more," You shuddered at the thought. "I don't care what's happening out there. I'm not leaving this bed again. Even if it's Beyonce that comes at my door."
"Babe, I like the way you think."
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pricetagofficial · 4 years
Beautiful -KK
Summary: You find out you’re pregnant with Kon’s child. 
Pairing: Kon Kent x Reader
Word Count: 3496
Warnings: Language, FLUFF, birth, pregnancy related things, light-ish hints of the smut
Tag List: @kishony-the-geek @idkmanicantenglish @catxsnow
A/N: So this was a total bribe for Sara to do her work, and I did not expect it to get this long. I hope you all like it!
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You stared at the tests that were laid out in front of you, all three of them had the same results. Positive. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You and Kon had always been safe when it came to sex, it was something the two of you had talked about months ago. You racked your brain, trying to think up a way that it was possible when it struck you. You and Kon were safe, except…
That day replayed in your mind in slow motion, it was just a normal day for the two of you. Both of you were home for the day, you didn’t have work and there was no crisis going on that needed his attention so you spent it together doing whatever you wanted.
Kon had woken up early and made breakfast, even going as far as bringing it to you in bed as he bent to wake you with sweet, soft kisses as you held in your giggles. Sitting up in the bed, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
He stood there with a tray in his hands and the goofiest smile on his face, “Morning Sunshine.”
You leaned up and pressed your lips to his once more, cupping his jaw with your hand while running your thumb over his skin. “Good morning handsome.” You replied, slowly pulling away from the kiss and glancing at the food in his hands.
“What’s all this for?” you asked, crossing your legs and looking up at him.
“It’s for the most beautiful person in the world.”
“If that’s for you, then why did you bring it here?” you grinned.
It was as if Kon mentally exploded at your words, his jaw dropped slightly and grinned as he set it aside. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” he asked, leaning over you as he took your chin and made you look up at him.
“As a matter of fact, I think I’m hilarious.”
Kon took your waist and pulled you closer towards him so your legs hung off the edge of the bed. “Why don’t I remind you how beautiful you are.” He grinned leaning down to capture your lips in a chaste kiss that left you wanting for more.
His hands gripped your bare thighs as his lips left yours way too quick for your liking and placed soft kisses down your jaw and throat, making you whimper under his touch. Your hand went to his hair, gripping it tightly between your fingers as you felt his hands move higher up your legs, bunching up the large shirt you wore in the process.
He could hear your heartbeat seeding up as his hands went higher up and it made him grin, knowing that he had that effect of you. You tightened the grip on his hair when you felt him drag his teeth against the skin on your neck, letting out a needy moan.
“Kon... fuck.” You muttered, leaning into him more wanting to feel him against you.
You felt him chuckle against the skin of your neck. “Don’t worry Sunshine, we will.”
It had been just a month and a half since that day and you were feeling weird for only the last week or so. You thought that you were sick at first but then you started to notice other things and took it upon yourself to grab tests and figure this out. Kon was currently out on a mission and wasn’t supposed to be back until the end of the week, and that gave you plenty of time to figure out how to tell him. Picking up the tests, you threw them into the trash and washed your hands.
The first thing you needed to do was make sure that you were actually pregnant and weren’t getting false positives, it happened way too often and you wanted to be sure of it.
By the end of the next day, you had your results and you were for sure pregnant with Kon’s child and it was nearly impossible to hide your excitement. The first thing you did was go to a store and buy various items and a gift bag. Kon was supposed to be back the next night and you were going to have it all planned out, down to the tee.
The gift bag rested on the table with curled ribbon tied onto it, while you sat there waiting for Kon to walk in the door. It was needless to say that you were nervous, the topic of kids had come up and you both wanted one but in the future. Seemed like life had other plans for you.
Hearing the doorknob turn, your head shot up and you rose to your feet as you fixed the bright blue dress you wore unable to keep the wide smile off your face. The door opened and in he walked, the look on his face was exhausted but quickly brightened up at the sight of you with dinner on the table and a gift bag set in the middle.
Dropping his back, he ran over and picked you up in his arms and swung you around making you squeal in delight. The second he set you down, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. A week and a half away from you was way too long for him, Kon hated being away from you. You were his literal ray of sunshine that never ceased to brighten his day.
Your hands gripped the edges of his leather jacket, pulling him closer to you as you smiled against his lips. “I missed you.” You mumbled.
“I can tell Sunshine, but not as much as I missed you.” He grinned, and kept you close to him. “Dinner smells great. But what’s with the bag?”
You pulled out of his hold and held it out to him, “It’s a surprise. You can open it now or later whichever you want.”
Kon gave you a side glance as he took the bag and pulled the ribbon and tissue paper out of the bag, dropping it to the floor. Reaching in, he pulled out a small piece of cloth. It was blue, the same shade as your dress and his suit. Unfolding it, he saw that it was a onesie with the iconic ‘s’ on the front. He peeked over at you with a confused look on his face.
“Uh, Sunshine this looks to be a little too small for me.” He said.
“Conner Kent, just look at the rest of the stuff.” You scolded with a smile; you would have thought he picked up on it immediately but apparently not.
Setting the onesie aside, he pulled out an envelope that had his name on it. Setting the bag down, he opened the envelope and pulled out the card inside it. The front had the word ‘Surprise!’ on it, and when he opened it and saw what was inside his heart nearly stopped.
There, taped under your beautiful handwriting was a sonogram with a circle around what was going to be your future child.
You watched as Kon froze in his spot, looking at the onesie then back to the picture over and over as his brain tried to process it. “You’re pregnant?” he asked, looking at you finally.
Giving him a nod, the biggest smile grew on his face as he pulled you into a tight hug as he laughed. “I’m going to be a dad!” he cried and swung you around again before quickly putting you down.
“Shit, I didn’t hurt him doing that right?” he asked looking down at your still flat stomach then your eyes.
You giggled. “No, and how do you know it’s a him?”
“I just know, I have that sense.” He grinned and kissed you once more.
A couple weeks passed and you were starting to show, and it was getting hard to hide the fact that you were pregnant. You were almost into your second trimester and that was the time you and Kon had decided to tell his family along with yours and your friends.
The great thing about Kon’s family is that Clark, Lois and the others all accepted you with open arms the second they met you and were more than ecstatic to hear the news that you were expecting. Your parents however, they were not Kon’s biggest fans. It was the leather jacket and the haircut; they were worried that he would hurt you somewhere down the line.
You were their little girl, of course it was hard for them to swallow the fact that you were pregnant but they were happy none the less and even offered to help you with anything you might need financial wise.
Telling your friends was an adventure in itself, because Kon was part of the Titans you were friends with a lot of the members. When you told them, Cassie screamed in delight and ran over to hug you making the others laugh. Bart and Tim smiled and gave you both their congratulations, patting Kon on the back with a laugh.
But not everything went to plan, half way through your second trimester you were put on bed rest. Growing a super baby inside you was taking its toll on your body so you needed all the rest you could get. Of course, Kon never left your side doing anything you needed in a heartbeat. Even if it was to get up and go pee for the eighth time that night, he was up and carrying you there and back to make sure you were under the least amount of stress.
Rolling onto your side, you felt him wrap his arms around you and rested them on your now visible bump. He rubbed it softly with his thumb, as it lulled you to sleep. Peeking over Kon saw that you were out cold and smile.
He then leaned over and pressed a kiss to your bump. “I can’t wait to meet you Conner Junior, just know that mommy and daddy love you very much.” He smiled and held you close to him once more as fell asleep holding his world in his arms.
You were sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating a bowl of your favorite ice cream covered in hot sauce, tapping softly on your stomach one day when you felt it. You thought you were crazy, but you looked down and there it was. What seemed to be a little foot was pressing against your swollen belly and almost slid the bowl off of you.
“Kon! Quick get in here!” you called.
At the speed of light, he was at your side with a worried look on his face. “What is it Sunshine? Are you hurt?” he asked quickly as he knelt next to you.
You shook your head, instead you pointed down to your stomach. “Watch.” You grinned.
Kon sat there and watched as you started to tap the spot again softly, when he too saw it. The same little foot pressed against your belly and he grinned widely. “That’s so cool, but creepy as fuck.” He chuckled.
“Language Conner Kent, he can hear you.” You scolded.
“I know, I can kind of hear him too.” He smiled, placing a hand on your stomach and feeling the foot under his large hand. “I’ve been able to hear his heartbeat the whole time, it’s the coolest thing ever.” He explained.
You jolted forward as you felt a hard kick to your stomach with a laugh. “I think he likes the sound of your voice.” You smiled. Kon lit up and kissed your belly, resting his head on it carefully as he listened to the heartbeat of your unborn child.
“He’s going to be so spoiled.”
“We haven’t even picked out names.” You commented.
“I was thinking we could name him CJ, Connor Junior.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes. “We are not naming our baby Connor Junior.” You laughed, running your fingers through his hair. Oddly enough though, the name had stuck and you both were calling your baby CJ even though you never found out the gender. Your baby had a habit of hiding themselves from the ultrasound so you could never get a clear picture to know for sure so you and Kon decided that you would just wait until the baby was born.
When your baby shower rolled around, Kon was kicked out of the house by Lois, your mother and even Cassie and Steph. All four of them promised to take care of you and told him to go out and have fun with Bart and Tim before the baby came. The party had gone off without a hitch, everything went smoothly and you sat down the entire time so you wouldn’t strain yourself or the baby.
The entire time, everyone was dying to try and feel your stomach to see if they could feel him move but it seemed that the only person little CJ moved for was Kon, and no one else.
You were now in your third trimester and you could not be more miserable. You were fat, bloated and had to pee every ten minutes. Deep down, you knew that Kon was probably as irritated as you were but he never showed it.
Truth be told, you both were scared to be parents. It was only weeks away by this point and the reality that you were going to have a baby was hitting you hard. Nothing was going to be the same after you gave birth, but you were still excited. But no one was more excited than Kon.
Every ten minutes, he asked you if you felt like the baby was coming. You knew this was how he was handling his nerves, but it was still kind of cute. He had been so supportive of you, making sure you stayed relaxed as he rubbed your shoulders, your back and even bathed with you just so you would relax with him. Seeing you so big and carrying his child no less, it was the coolest thing in the world to him. Whenever he talked to Tim, all he mentioned was you and the baby. You never would have thought that your boyfriend would get baby fever like this, but it was adorable.
When the day came, you were not ready. At all.
You had just gotten comfortable on the bed finally when you felt a little odd. You didn’t have to pee, yet you felt like you had just gone in your pants. Slowly you sat up and saw that you were sat in a puddle of fluid, and you went into shock.
The one day Kon went to the store, to find you those chili covered mango pops, was when your water broke. You took a deep breath and grabbed your phone dialing the first number on your list.
“Hey Sunshine, I just found those mango pops of yours. Is everything okay?”
“Uh, Kon I think my water just broke.” You muttered.
There was silence on the other end, it seemed that Kon was in shock but you had no idea. “Kon? Conner?” you asked.
There was a scuffle before you heard him speak again. “I am on my way, don’t move. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
You nodded and winced as you felt the first contraction, it hurt but there was nothing you could do about it. Sitting on the bed, you tried to reach for your shoes but they were just out of your reach. With a huff, you carefully slid down to the ground and grabbed them before pulling them onto your feet.
Kon ran in to see you struggling to get your shoes on, and ran over to help you. He picked you up with ease and carried you out to the car where the overnight bag was already waiting for you and he sped to the hospital.
You gripped his hand tightly as he drove, the contractions getting more and more painful. The good news was that you didn’t live far from the hospital, and was there in no time. Once he parked, Kon picked you up and carried you in.
The doctors saw you coming and had a chair ready to take you back to prep you for labor, and Kon never left your side and never let go of your hand. You were lying in the bed, holding his hand tightly, as another contraction passed. It was a good thing he was indestructible, or you would have broken his hand by this point.
When it came time to push, Kon held you in his arms muttering how good you were doing.
“Why don’t you push a mini you out of your fucking uterus as I sit there and tell you that you’re doing a good job.” You snapped, making him chuckle.
“You can get me back for this later, just keep pushing.”
“I’ll push you out a window Conner Kent!” you screamed, “I am never having sex with you again!”
He rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss to your temple as you gave one final push and heard the small cries of your baby fill the room after 9 hours of labor.
Exhausted and covered in sweat, you leaned back against the bed as Kon pressed a kiss to your lips. “You did so good Sunshine, you did it.” He said softly, cupping your cheek.
You raised your hand and flipped him off with a grin. “Fuck you Kent.” You chuckled as the both of you looked to see a nurse stand and hand you your baby.
“Congrats, it’s a girl.” The nurse smiled as you took your child in your arms.
She had the slightest tufts of black hair, that stuck off the top of her head as she curled into your embrace. It was then the tears left your eyes as you held your baby girl for the first time. Gently, you ran a thumb over her cheek and kissed the top of her tiny head before you looked at Kon.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Well, she is half you.” He smiled, looking down at the little baby.
“She is half you as well Kon, don’t forget.” You smiled.
“We still need a name for her, Connor Junior won’t exactly work.” He chuckled, running his fingers over the black hairs on the top of her head.
“What about Ella?” you asked.
Kon smiled and watched as your little girl cried softly. He took her from your arms and held her close to his chest, the baby quieting down as she heard his voice speak softly to her. “What do you think sweetheart, do you like Ella too?” he asked, bouncing her softly.
The baby let out small coos, as if she was agreeing with him. You could see from that moment, Kon would be wrapped around her tiny little finger ready to do anything for her. You watched as the nurse took little Ella and cleaned her up before placing a pink bow on her head and wrapping her tightly in a blanket.
You had gotten cleaned up as well and was watching Kon as he walked around holding your little girl tightly in his arms, to keep her safe from the world around you. He bounced her softly, as he talked to her muttering under his breath things that you didn’t hear.
A few days later, you and Kon were able to take your little girl home and it turned out she had the biggest blue eyes to match his. Kon just about melted when he saw them for the first time, gazing up at him with curiosity.
You had made dinner that night and went to go tell Kon that it was ready when you found him asleep on the couch with Ella on his chest out cold. Your heart melted at the sight, and took a picture before sending it to Clark and Lois.
Carefully, you walked over and kissed his cheek waking him from his slumber. He looked around and smiled as he saw your face looking down at him. “Well if it isn’t the light of my life.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes and carefully picked up the little baby and set her in the travel crib. “Food is done, come eat.” You smiled, helping him off the couch. Once he was on his feet, Kon pulled you towards him and kissed you deeply.
“I love you (Y/N),” he smiled softly, looking down at you with the same eyes your daughter had.
You smiled back and leaned into him. “I love you too Connor.”
“Did you mean what you said when you told me you’re never sleeping with me again?” he asked, only to get punched in the arm.
“Keep it up and I will.” You grinned.
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