#sick tim
yaderyngoch · 11 months
Tim: I'm not sick
Jason: I can literally Hear the Pneumonia in your lungs.
Tim: Why.... is your head on my chest?
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Day 28 - It’s just the tip of the iceberg
Prompt: Headache 
Summary: When Tim gets a bad headache that makes him bedridden, Kon is there being an attentive boyfriend and makes sure he has everything he needs.
Enjoy! :D
Cautiously opening the bedroom door Kon pokes his head into the room and peers inside. His eyes immediately settle on his boyfriend who is sprawled out on the bed with a blanket covering his body and a flannel covering his forehead. Despite his best efforts Kon must have made a noise because Tim soon looks in his direction, a hand comes up to secure the flannel on his head as he turns to look at him.
Now knowing Tim is awake Kon enters the room fully and comes to stand at the edge of the bed next to Tim’s side, he kneels down so he’s eye level with his boyfriend.
“Hey,” he greets quietly, “how are you feeling?”
Tim sends him a miserable look before closing his eyes. “Not much better.” His hand reaches out and Kon takes it without thinking, he presses a kiss to his knuckles and holds it gently. “It’s still there, definitely not as bad as before but it’s not gone.”
Kon hums thoughtfully. “When did you last take some painkillers?”
He glances at the bedside table to find Tim’s water bottle almost empty and sees that there are no tablets left in the packet. He hears Tim take a deep breath and watches as he slowly shifts on the bed into a new position on his side rather than on his back as he had been.
Tim still hasn’t opened his eyes again and when he speaks its quiet and controlled, like he’s doing everything he could to not rattle his head. “What time is it?” When Kon tells him its four in the afternoon Tim pulls a face. “Uh, about four hours ago then. I took them around mid-day.”
Running his thumb along the skin of the back of Tim’s hands Kon hums, “then you’re due for some.” He lets go of Tim's hand and reaches for the flannel on his forehead to find it’s warm. “Let me grab you some more tablets and I’ll freshen this up for you and fill your bottle. Is there anything else you need while I’m here?”
Opening his eyes Tim blinks owlishly at him and shakes his head just slightly, the movement almost isn’t there but because he’s looking for it Kon sees it. Standing up Kon sends him a small smile and bends down to press a kiss to Tim’s forehead. Before Tim could react Kon is already leaving the room with the items in hand.
As he fills the water bottle and runs the flannel underneath cold water, he wonders what more he could do to try and help ease Tim’s headache. He hadn’t been in when Tim returned home after only being gone for a couple hours. When he came home and found Tim curled up in bed underneath a blanket in an endarked room Kon knew immediately what was going on. It happens occasionally, Tim would be struck with a bad headache, borderline migraine, and will have to go and lie down for the rest of the day to recover. That usually involves being in a quiet room and sleeping it off after taking some painkillers.
Kon does what he can to help ease Tim of the symptoms because unfortunately he can’t just get rid of it, all he can do is try and make Tim as comfortable as possible so he can quickly sleep it off and wake up feeling better.
Once he’s done his tasks he makes his way back into the bedroom and finds Tim in the same position as before, when he enters Tim is blinking at him watching him as he approaches and Kon smiles. Staying silent until he’s placed the items down on the bedside table, Kon reaches for Tim and gently coaxes him up a little so he can take the tablets easily, once that’s done and after he’s had a few more sips of water Kon helps him settle back down. Without thinking about it Kon starts fussing with the blanket and pillows in making sure his boyfriend is comfortable and covered completely.
Now sitting on the edge of the mattress next to Tim’s hip Kon watches Tim for a moment as he takes a breath and finally settles down, Kon sees his body relax but there’s still a little grimace on his face when he moves, it’s the only sign that the headache is still there and how Tim is waiting for painkillers to kick in. Reaching over to the bedside table Kon grabs the damp flannel and eases it onto Tim’s forehead, not letting go of it until he knows it won’t slip off.
Knowing there’s nothing left for him to do Kon starts getting off the mattress, speaking in a low voice so he doesn’t disturb Tim’s peace. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
Before he could leave he receives a quiet response. “Thank you, Kon. For everything. When I’m better I’ll make it up to you.”
“There's nothing to make up for Tim.” Kon tells him with a shake of his head in amusement. “Just focus on getting some sleep.”
As he makes his way to the door Tim mumbles something else and while he couldn’t make it out he knew what his boyfriend had said. Getting to the door, he steps out of the room and shuts it gently, just before it closes he’s sure to whisper “I love you too” into the room.
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deeg9 · 2 years
Could you do a what if Lucy visits Tim in the hospital from his allergic reaction to the vaccine 💙
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“Dr. Sawyer is going to tan my hide if we don’t get your oxygen levels back above 95%,” Nurse Betty chastised Tim. “Keep that oxygen mask on until I come back to check on you.” 
She was an older woman, Lucy noted from the doorway when Betty winked at her. Definitely in her sixties or later. She had a porcelain complexion and rosy cheeks. She reminded Lucy of Mrs. Claus, but that was probably due to the red scrubs. 
“Betty, I feel fine,” Tim protested. 
Betty’s head whipped around, her gray curls bouncing in the air. Her hazel eyes narrowed into slits.
“Are you really going to make me repeat myself?” She asked with her hands on her hips.
“Uh,” Tim cleared his throat. “No ma’am.” 
He placed the mask back over his face and rubbed a spot on his hand where the IV was inserted. 
“That’s what I thought,” she said smugly. “And stop fiddling with your IV!”  
Tim dropped his hand and sank his head back against his pillow with a heavy sigh.
Nurse Betty sashayed out of the room with the sass of a much younger woman and Lucy bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.
“Not a word,” Tim said, his voice muffled behind the mask. 
Lucy pursed her lips and plopped down in the chair next to his bed. She pulled out her flashcards from her bag. 
“What are you doing?” Tim grumbled. 
“Studying,” Lucy replied, flipping through her cards to ensure they were all facing the correct way. She had the penal code on the front and the definition on the back.
273g, she read. She closed her eyes and scanned her memory.
Intoxicated in the presence of a minor? She thought. 
She flipped the card over and saw that she got it right. 
Tim pulled out his work phone and started to scroll. She took it as a good sign when he didn’t ask her to leave. 
She needed this.
Today had terrified her. She thought for sure she was going to lose him. Even now while he sat up in bed, the sight of him hooked up to IVs, monitors, and oxygen did little to quell her anxiety. 
He was her TO, so of course she was worried about his well-being. At least, that’s what she told herself in the light of day. Every now and then under the cover of the night, she let herself travel to the corner of her mind that she kept behind a wall. It was the place where she was willing to admit that Tim was more to her than a colleague, a mentor, and a training officer.
But how much more? She wasn’t sure.
All she knew was that he was important to her. 
Tim slammed his phone by his side and grimaced, snapping Lucy back to reality. 
“What’s wrong?” Lucy leaned forward, ready to press the call button. “Do you need the doctor?” 
Keep reading on AO3 (Rated T)
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theredcuyo · 2 months
Bruce tries to figure out why his kids tend to fall asleep when they're under his cape, because it's been happening since Dick was Robin and twice with Jason could be a coincidence, but it's still happening by the time Damian arrives, so there has to be something there
It's the weight? They do like they weighted blankets, but that doesn't seem to be it
He's doing experiments, anything but asking, really-
And it's not like they'd actually tell him that the real reason it's not the cape itself, but the fact that to be covered by it they're being carried by him
They're being hold by their dad, and can hide into the little darkness that it makes, making a little warm, safe, comfortable place because of the man who's wearing the cape
Most of the kids cried upon realizing this, they hadn't felt like that in a long time, or ever before
But since then, it was always a nice thing for them, no matter how big they got
Dick had tried to forget about it when he fought with Bruce, but the first time he had to be carried around after patrol together again, it was still there
Jason had almost actually forgotten when he came back, and by the time he was in good terms with B, he definitely was too big for it, right? Wrong, when they got attacked with fear gas and he was the last to be able to get out of it, he found himself in that same old warm place
Tim felt wrong about it at first, not his place, like everything, he remainded himself, but as time went on, he found himself craving for it sometimes, to an embarassing point where Bruce will just start opening his cape to him every. Night. Not that Tim will say no to it. Bruce does that to him, it's almost a routine by now
Cass and Damian have always liked to hide in there for "surprise factor" but if they stay in for longer, and Bruce knows they'll doze off, it's not a problem either
It gets a bit hard when it happens at the same time though
It was one of the first things they all did when Bruce was back from the time stream, a nice way to process the idea that he was back with them-
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ditzybat · 2 months
i love the headcannon that both tim and cass look scarily alike, to the point they could be twins.
like they both share the same general lithe build, they’re the same short height, cass has a short bob while tim has his baby mullet, their training is similar due to their backgrounds with lady shiva and the loa, and (depending on your headcanon) both waisan- so i can definitely see instances where they’re confused for each other or where they mess with everyone around them.
cass on patrol in red robin gear so tim can go on a date with bernard:
random thugs seconds away from being one hit k.o’d: yo since when did red robin start melting into the shadows like an eldritch horror?
jason: hey tim -
cass: wrong.
jason: no, im pretty sure you’re tim, i gave you that scar right there in your neck
cass: nu-uh, this is from cain
jason: well this got awkward…
steph hugging tim from behind: hey babe
tim: wrong wayne
steph: ew, i should’ve known, your ass isnt nearly as —
tim walking away with his fingers in his ears: lalalalala im not listening to you
damian: i think you’re the only one in this family i respect
tim who has been silently hanging out with him for the past 3 hours: aw thanks damian, i’ve come to love you like a brother too
damian: drake? i thought you were cassandra, my apologies, i retract my previous statement
tim: don’t care, you love me, don’t try to deny it
lady shiva hugging both tim and cass: my beautiful twins, such well trained weapons, unfortunate that you both ended up with cain
bruce pulling his children back: tim isnt yours…
shiva: well that cant be right, he’s s the spitting image of my sister carolyn, and that birth was far too painful to only produce one small child
tim: woah full circle, my drag-sona is called caroline, maybe you are my mom, i wouldn’t put it past janet drake to adopt
bruce: tim no, you’re not even the same type of asian
cass: too late, we’re blood
shiva: see!
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mjschryver · 10 months
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quirinah · 8 months
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she dun on my geon till i meshi
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timothvy · 4 months
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based on a picture i saw on twitter
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kiwichils · 27 days
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pots n picks week day 4: snacks
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on-the-clear-blue · 4 days
Dead Man's Diner drabbles since I need to get back into writing it.
Robber, bursting through the door, gun already pulled out and shouting: EVERYBODY PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP AND OPEN UP YOUR WALLETS
The whole God damn Batfam just looking up from their respective places in the diner:..
Danny, behind the counter, tired as hell from basically taking over feeding them all: Take the fucking shot.
Nightwing, laying dramatically over the breakfast bar as Danny walks in, a rose between his teeth: Hi~ I need to place an order
Danny, woke up 15 minutes ago: It is to early for this (it's 7 pm)
Nightwing, watching as Dany just turns around and leaves the diner: Wait no.
Bart/Wally/Berry, finally done helping their respective Bat with Gotham Things ™️, stumbling upon the Diner:Sweet, no need to run back home on empty!
Danny, seeing the one that he has seen Clockwork scream about walk into his diner: shit I gotta make a call.
(15 Minutes later)
Bart/Wally/Berry crying into a massive plie of pancakes as Clockwork reads them yo filth.
Wes, grumbling as he is kicked out of the diner for the fifth time this week: God damn it Fenton! Stopping hiding your ghostly existence! The people demand the truth!
Bernard, there because Tim recommended it, trying and failing to hit taking him there for a date, head snapping over to Wes like a horror movie: I sense a conspiracy theory.
Cass, squating on a bar stool: *pouting face*
Danny, squinting at her: No.
Cass, looking up at him with the most hurt expression: *kicked puppy look*
Danny, feeling terrible:Okay! Okay I will get Cujo to come over! A-and I will throw in Ellie!
Cass, breaking unto a smile: and hot coco?
Danny, fully broken by her: Sure, why the hell not.
Tucker and Sam, finally coming into the diner: honestly? Not as bad as I thought it would be.
(A Bat getting chucked through the door, and Rouge following after)
Tucker:Holy...is he okay?
Sam: I take back what I said.
Danny, looking at the property damage:Nope...nope this is normal, Red Hood your tab just doubled.
Jason, fully concussed: Sure thing...babe...
Based on an idea I have for later on, Jason and Danny are in the middle stage between friends and Dating and Jason finally gets to meet the other two of the everlasting trio...
Sam, has a baseball bat in hand that is starting to sprout out branches: You hurt Danny and you'll end up dead again, and this time you won't have the hands to dig your way out.
Tucker, with sparks flashing in his eyes and a grin on his face, his PDA blinks with info that no civilian should have: Jason Peter Todd-Wayne, I know all about you, mess things up with Danny and your Pride and Prejudice Self insert fanfiction gets shared with your family, as well as your Wattpad and Tumblr accounts will be sent directly to the Justice Leauge.
Jason, crying a little bit:Danny your friends are terrifying.
Danny, walking out in a pink apron:Oh shit...ugh, Sam! Tucker! I told you dont do that!.
Vlad, being a creep to Danny: Oh little badger...truly looking forward to seeing you begging for your life once more
Jason, equidded with Fenton works guns: Anyway I started Blasting.
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ky-landfill · 2 months
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yyshcul · 6 months
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marisolparisol · 3 months
Tma au where the Institute has a tiktok account mostly run by tim and he forces jon to do tiktok trends
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killapunchaw · 4 months
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A couple days late, but it's here.
So, Tims that reflex my current mental state, or I'm watching to much anime? Also can´t decide what hairstyle it's the best, I was just experimenting kfdhf.
My sister wanted to include the last picture so idk
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ditzybat · 6 months
tim with nothing but a mild cold acting like a dying victorian child because his immune system is basically that of one: if i die, wear a superbat t-shirt with a suit and bowtie, tell no one what it means
kon: alright, let's get you back to bed hun
tim: also dump me in an incinerator i don't wanna steal jason's schtick because i don't think the authors will let me die
kon: okay you're just hallucinating now
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sugarbear2001 · 6 months
Artsy boyfriends 🥺
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