#Time-saving techniques
Excel Name Splitting Made Simple: Using Text to Columns and Flash Fill or Ctrl+E
Excel Name Splitting Made Simple: Using Text to Columns and Flash Fill or Ctrl+E
If you have a list of names in Excel that are combined into one cell, it can be frustrating and time-consuming to manually split them into first and last names. Fortunately, Excel offers two built-in tools that make this process quick and easy: Text to Columns and Flash Fill or Ctrl+E. In this tutorial video, we’ll show you step-by-step how to use Text to Columns to split names based on a…
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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At the start of this project all I wanted was to 'learn how to draw' using comics as a medium and the MDZS audio drama as inspiration.
I've come *very* far from making simple, 3 panel black and white comics, and I truly do intend to go even further. Thank you to everyone who cheered me on throughout 2023, it has been an incredible year in so many ways I never could have imagined. I look forwards to drawing throughout 2024 B*)
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mokuba · 6 months
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asha-mage · 5 months
Assorted Thoughts From Forcing My Friends to Watch all of WoT as a birthday gift, Season 2 Edition-
When taken as a whole unit, the show actually completely conveys what's happening with Lan's bond from the jump, it's just that several characters are incorrect or working with incorrect information- as was often the case in the books. Lan thinks he's just been blocked out, but in reality Moiraine has released his bond entirely (as she floated she might do to Alanna back in season 1) and you can see the moment he realizes this in episode 2, when saddling the horses- he realizes that he didn't sense the Fade and what that means, and then Moiriane realizes he has realized.
The show in general is a lot more subtle, and a lot more willing to delve into the idea that often characters are just...wrong, or uninformed, or lying, without holding the audience's hand to explain that fact then I think people give it credit for- which is very in line with Jordan's ethos. For example, Ishamael's telling of Perrin 'the more wolf you become the more you are mine' is a blatant manipulation attempt to scare him into being afraid of his Wolfbrother powers and Perrin, who is going through hell, just buys it- and that makes sense he's already wrestling his own anger issues and fear. He doesn't question why Ishamael would tell him this, or what the effect would be (i.e not trusting the wolves, and thus maybe making himself more vulnerable to the Shadow) he just accepts it because it plays into his existing fears and biases about himself.
Anvare also raises this point really well when she gives her 'ask yourself- is it true?' speech to Moiraine. Moiraine is operating at that point under a lot of assumptions that aren't true- not just that Lanfear is going to hurt or capture Rand, but also that she really was stilled, that she can't trust Lan with her fears and doubts, that her presence is a threat to Barthanes and Anvare (when really Barthanes's presence is a threat to her)- and this moment, is meant to cast doubt not just on that, but on a lot of the assumptions the audience has likely been making too, which characters their taking at face value and which characters their thinking off through the lens of their own biases.
Continuing the trend of Moiraine displaying many of the bad coping mechanisms that will later dog Rand/Rand will internalize from her- @ofthebrownajah pointed out recently Rand's consistent issues with food and eating, which made it stick out to me how frequently in the show Moiraine has a similar problem. People repeatedly try to reach out to Moiraine via food/encouraging her to take care of herself, and she repeatedly rejects them. Lan's attempt to get her to come down for dinner, then to bring dinner to her in her rooms, Barthanes's sandwich, tea with Anvare- Moiraine has her walls raised so high she rejects this basic form of self-care and attempt to reach out hand in hand. This is especially notably because their is a repeated emphasis on food this season. Every major character gets at least one scene eating or drinking this season (Egwene and Elayne doing bootleg, Rand grabbing flatbread on his way to work, Mat with Liandrin's honey cakes, Nynaeve preparing dinner in the arches world, Lan sharing dinner with Alanna's family at her farm) but even Moiraine's eventual forced tea with Anvare goes deliberately unshown.
On rewatch I think that, while I really really love the moment where Renna and Seta are left to the mercy of their own culture by Nynaeve and Egwene in the books, the moment of Egwene killing Renna just makes the most narrative sense for the show- and I think will be a change that they are going to walk out through it's consequences.
The point of that sequence in the book is that Nynaeve understands that Egwene's bloodlust and anger are valid- but that the fact of killing will not help her in the long run. "It's okay to hate them. They deserve it. It's not okay to let them make you like them." I suspect, especially given how thoughtful the show has been about violence and death (and how clearly hollow the experience of actually killing Renna is for Egwene) that the show will take the plank of 'she deserved to die- but killing her did not undo everything you went through or heal you'. Which, again makes sense both Egwene's oncoming Aiel arc, and the fact that the books do spend a lot of time focusing on Egwene working through the trauma of her captivity.
The arches are another thing I've come around on after initial trepidation about their changes. I think each manages to still cut at the heart of Nynaeve's character arc and her struggles. The last one was my biggest concern, the shift from Nynaeve deliberately rejecting a perfect life with Lan for the sake of going back for the other Emond's Fielders to Nynaeve going back after realizing that such a life lived with Lan, as much as it might give her joy for a time, would still be hollow in the end. She can't turn her back on the struggles of the world and her friends without consequence- she can't just go back to life in the Two Rivers. She has to keep fighting for what she loves.
I think the choice itself also works when put in the context of the steady removal of Nynaeve's charges one by one. She thinks Rand is dead (and is probably blaming herself for his death as pops up in her interaction with Tam), Mat ran off, and Perrin is safe with the Shinearans. Her main charge left is Egwene- and hering that she's not helping Egwene but hurting her, overshadowing her- removes the final reason she really had for being at the White Tower, staying on the adventure. If the people she left home to save don't need her- then why is she there?
I continue to really think people are over hyping how bad the show supposedly makes Siuan look- my friends despite being largely uninitiated in the book series immediately groked that Siuan and Moiraine where just doing what they felt was right, in a complicated situation. They both are trying to save the world, and they love each other- but the world is more important.
Moiraine also brings a lot of the trouble on herself by not telling Siuan she was stilled and damaging the trust between them- leaving that detail out is the first crack in Siuan's ability to trust Moiraine still be honest with her, her partner in all this, and then her seeming to have either lied or regained that power, right at the moment she's allied with Lanfear, is the final blow any hope they where still standing together.
Despite stopping frequently to talk at even minor moments, we ran through almost the entire finale without pausing and then collectively all just sat there speechless. Man is the battle of Falme and everything around it so good.
Quote one of my friends re: Moghiden "Oh she's a little freak."
Also shout out to Lanfear for making one of my MLM friends doubt his sexuality with her 'short hair pirate t shirt look'.
That entire scene in the dream world bedroom cased a collective meltdown and one of my other friends to say 'oh I see why you where insane about this'
The effects continue to be killer throughout the season and god I can't wait to see season 3.
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solarmorrigan · 5 days
So I'm trying to grow my hair out from Very Short and it has reached the impossible stage where it's still too short to do anything with but is long enough to look bad if I don't do something with it
And it's got kind of a wave to it that I've been trying to work with, but often it either ends up falling flat or going too far in the opposite direction and getting frizzy as fuck. Then recently, through a series of "fuck it, let's try it this way" accidents, I realized that if I use hairspray on it after it's dried just a little bit from the shower--when it's damp, but not wet--it holds just the right amount of volume
And I was sitting there, thinking about it today, like "hairspray when it's damp, but not wet. That sounds super familiar." Which is when I realized
I trial-and-error'd my way into something that is very much already a styling technique and is, in fact, so much already a styling technique that they put it into a television show, which I have definitely watched, where it is given as advice by my favorite character
So anyway, I guess I should have listened to Steve Harrington sooner
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more Ruju doodles because I lost control of my hands, oops
this time, featuring a later snapshot from Ruju's Commander timeline: set around the time of Secrets of the Obscure and Janthir Wilds, he's now even farther off model than he already was!!
and now some obligatory (non-spoiler) ratmander lore-dumping under the cut:
characterization notes as The Commander™
slowly comes into his own over the years, with his softer side finally showing itself mainly when Aurene chooses him
this rat was the softest little guy wherever she was concerned
no seriously he was almost as clingy with her as she was
Caithe was the serious parent he was the fun uncle/big bro
he used to race her up the jumping puzzle in the egg room
largely wanted her to get to have the childhood he never did
he still play-wrestled with her even once she was 1000x his size
his bond to Aurene helps stabilize his magic significantly
there is an inverted bell-curve of 'respect for the Commander' based on how much experience one has with him
step 1: celebrity hero. step 2: violently insane. step 3: ok yes he's insane but also thank every divinity he's on OUR side
actually did NOT get along with Gorrik at first. he is a grade A projector and also distrusts anyone Inquest immediately
Gorrik being enamored by the murderous beetles did not help.
(that entomologist almost wound up in the sea. oops)
after multiple interventions and a few sincere heart-to-hearts though he's become EXTREMELY protective of the guy
similarly protective of Taimi, though he teases her back too
genuinely struggles to keep track of things. he writes out the canon story journal in a small notebook to help with that
miscellaneous other details you didn't ask for
consistently chooses ferocity-aligned dialogue options even and especially when he has absolutely no good reason to do so
do not pick him up. do not pick him up. do not pick him up.
if he allows you to carry him either he really really likes you or he's pretty sure he'd serve a prison sentence for biting you
acts very big and tough but is a total softie deep down
no seriously if you hug him he might actually cry
(he'll claim it's just something in his eye though)
had some crushes in college and fumbled every single one
50/50 shot of whether the rats he picked on were just easy targets or if he liked them and was trying really hard to cover it up
(if he ever met them again he might actually burst into flames)
incapable of sleeping in normal positions. also snores LOUDLY
puts bloodstone dust on ALL his food. Oxbone would be proud
also makes his own food EXTREMELY spicy when he can
dw he won't put that on yours though. he's not THAT mean
originally got into cooking as a method of training his fire magic
LOVES to put on a big show with it if he has guests, too, complete with all sorts of fancy knife tricks. you get The Works
his ADHD hyperfixation is knives/cutlery. he has told no one this
constant motion/fidgeting, can't keep still. foot tapping, scratching, claw biting, pacing, etc are all very common
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ratwithhands · 1 month
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Since I finished the manga a few days back, I wanted to revisit my two demon slayer OCs I made last year. Here's Yoshi and Syougo ^^
Syougo and Yoshiaki are childhood friends who both ended joining the Demon Slayer corps after being separated earlier in life. Yoshi spent his years training under his retired slayer father before passing the final examination, while Syougo ended up having to figure his own methods out after his first teacher made it so he couldn't use a true breathing technique again.
As an overview of the techniques they use:
Field Breathing is a technique Yoshi's father came up with over his career in the corps. When he retired, he continued to polish the forms and taught them to Yoshi. Both the name and the forms it utilizes are based on the flora around the rice fields he was raised and later retired to. The technique emphasizes speed, flexibility, and applying pressure to the opponent as much as possible. It's fluidity and aggressiveness leads Yoshi to be quick in handling threats since he pushes opponents around
Spirit Breathing (or if you're using archaic kanji, Vengeful Spirit Breathing) is a breathing technique Syougo made as a way to regulate his body and state of mind after losing the lung capacity to use Total Concentration or other methods. It's based around his base breathing rate so he doesn't overexert himself, which means to an extent he is always using it. In combat it's intended to psych out opponents and help highlight their weak points. Since it's mostly a distraction/intimidation technique, Syougo uses a secondary weapon to get the jump on opponents when they're not focused.
For some bonus design notes, here's some details for how they dress:
Yoshiaki's samue is based on what he'd wear when working at the rice fields with his family. The light green colour comes from being dyed with wisteria leaves, a precaution his mother took hoping it would protect him
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Having nostalgia from weaving baskets with his mom when he was younger, Yoshi tends to use dry reeds for securing things. He ties his hair with it, decorates his equipment with it, and though his legs aren't visible, he ties reeds in a crossed pattern over his kyahan
The brown cotton sageo and tsuba he uses are handed down from his father. The scar on his cheek is also there for the same reason, his father had one and Yoshi decided to cut his cheek to look cool and match 💀
Syougo's haori has kogin-zashi embroidery across the sleeves and shoulders. He sewed it himself in between his training as a way to decompress and slow down. His kyahan have a matching stripe across the front
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Syougo's tsuba was gifted to him by his current mentor who thought he would enjoy the oblique patterning to match his outerwear. His current mentor also requested a nichirin style tanto for him to use for his secondary fighting technique
The ragged look of Syougo's hair comes from him prioritizing training over all else, even appearance. The only instance where he will fully comb and dress his hair is for important meetings and ceremonies. He does maintain the part of his hair though, modelled after his mentor's (much shorter) hair. This is one doodle with clean hair
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I'd write more about their character but this is getting long as it is 💀
I have a piece with Syougo that I'm going to put up soon, and at my sister's request I'll try doing a matching one for Yoshi
Hope you guys like these fellas ^^ I'll see you later
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dontron-9000 · 2 years
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What are they watching??
An Art Trade with @fowlaroundtown​!! They requested Donnie and Shelldon hanging out.
Please go check out their half of the trade!!! It's awesome!! Love me some big bro protecc content!!
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briarrolfe · 4 months
I hate video as a format, so TikTok was never going to be for me anyway. But the reason it will EXTRA never be for me is that I have zero patience for the tone of voice Americans put on when they’re explaining something in a video. You know, like,
“So. YOU thought? It was like This. But actually? It was like: Otherthing. That’s because? THIS is How. It. Works. So? Cut. That. Out.”
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punkeropercyjackson · 10 days
Miles,Hobie and Gwen are SO Nico,Percy and Hazel i love them so bad and they make me insaneeeee
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imwritesometimes · 5 months
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😺🧁 Kitty Cupcakes 🧁😺
- Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla whipped cream frosting and kitty decor -
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cerealmonster15 · 4 months
Lemme tell u lads…. Covid Sucks Ass
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aurosoulart · 1 year
hello! i wanted to say i absolutely ADORE your art style, and in regards to your 'the world has been changed' piece - if it's okay to ask - i'm so curious about how you did those small rainbow lights at the bottom! is there a method or any advice/tricks you could spare? it's a small detail but i'm absolutely captivated by it
thank you so much!! 💖💖😭 it's a Clip Studio brush called Real Prism! I think I also used Prism Pens as well
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for non Clip Studio users, similar light prism effects could probably be found in other brush packs or in stock texture images. brush effects and textures are your friends! just make sure to check usage rights when using any outside assets. 👍
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
Been slowly getting my freezers re-organized by labeling everything that I’m working on and putting them in better storage bags. Also really excited to get some new equipment set up in the studio! I should be able to automate most of the tanning process now to save my hands from getting too strained. 
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digirainebow · 1 year
there is something so underlyingly awful about riley going into the portal to me. not letting rex grow up into the man he likes being. making him stay a child forever, because seeing him develop different ideals and distancing himself from riley is too painful for her. the opposite of if you love something set it free
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adore-gregor · 6 months
study smart not hard (altough both is best actually) this saying is so true
#my advice#but this saying is sooo true#i know some people at uni who study for exam so long and hard but then fail or just barely make it :(#like what are you doing? i don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't have to be this difficult#i don't understand how some people can study for an exam for 2 weeks or even a month and still fail and i don't think they're stupid#or i don't see myself as particulary smart#but i guess they just waste their time a lot and i realized studying effective is so important#now everyone is a bit different and has to find what works best for them but there are certain techniques which are proven to work well#there is so much information on the internet on this look it up seriously#it made my life sm easier i never struggled in uni like i did in school and i get good grades#and if i ever struggled a bit it was because i started so late it was almost impossible to pass 😂#which is why to do both is still best 😂#but i actually always made it and i never failed an exam at uni (which i studied for)#(two i was fooled into to just try without studying bc it's easy lol)#i mean i shouldn't speak too soon but i already made it through some of the most difficult of my studies#ofc it depends on what you study how well this works but i'm speaking for myself#i once passed an exam with a B studying only 2 days as one of the best students while others studied 2 weeks#and got worse grades or failed#still studying only 2 days is stupidity don't do it 😅#so the techniques i find very helpful are ofc exam questions probably the best one#if there are none make your own#then blurting for which there are different ways but i like to just go over a topic and then write down everything i remember#then fill the gaps#quizlet is also great it's an app which allows you to create cards and then tests you in creative ways#videos can be helpful as well for summaries and using summaries in general is normally enough it saves you sm time#normally you don't actually need to know everything but you should be careful it's not a bad summary leaving out too much 😅#and i also like mindmaps bc i'm a very visual person#but all those tipps are mostly for remembering information so it doesn't work so well for other fields of study#well i hope this is somewhat helpful idk 🙈#oh and reading texts over and over again is the most useless in my opinion i don't remember much at all and it takes sm time
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