#Tissue snz
sneezarify · 1 year
fumbling for a tissue, frantically… whilst your eyes are tight shut trying your best to hold back that desperate sneeze.
Only JUST catching the desperate sneeze in it (or not).
basically, I’m dead.
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bsneezes · 1 month
I can’t stop sneezing….
No allergy meds today, wanted to see what my hay fever would be like without them… the answer is a wreck, these were fun but I just couldn’t stop sneezing.
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hockeynoses · 10 months
"hih…ha'iggSHH’IUE!” The wet sneeze is followed by a muffled, congested groan into a soaked tissue. "Ugh, I dodn't feel good."
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hannahsnz · 3 months
and now I’m sneezier
finally home now and idk if it’s the drier air but I am so freaking sneezy. I had a fit (so rare for me) and then it’s just been double after double 🤧 I thought I was done so the fit is in two parts and then just the doubles and a lovely single from my shower.
…definitely in need of tissues. I’m just carrying around the toilet paper roll at this point.
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choofeyrac · 8 months
A is trying to say I’m gonna need more tissues, but they’re sneezing so rapidly they can’t get the words out. They manage to say “I’m gonna—“ and their partner, B, goes something like “You’re gonna sneeze again? I can see that babe.”
So A tries again, but this time only manages “need—“ before the sneezes overcome them. And again B misunderstands. “You still need to sneeze?”
Maybe this repeats a few times. Maybe A just evolves into sneezes. Either way, when they can finally get words out again, they give B a plaintive look. “I was trying to say I needed more tissues.”
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sneezysickboys · 7 months
Something that is so hot is the biggest pre-sneeze gasp and nose flare just to give the tiniest little 'hetchiew!'
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allergicold · 10 days
This cold just won't let up... snff! Come keep mbe company as I helplessly sneeze and sniffle and cough while it rains outside. I'll just stay under this blanket.. oh, don't mind the tissues everywhere, I'll throw them out later. Snrff! Ngh.. I'mb really ndot f.. fee- hh... feeehh.. ehh'ISHHhew! ... I'b ndot feeli'g very well... snrff!
(I did genuinely fall asleep while recording this and decided to leave a bit of it at the end. If you listen closely you can hear my stuffy little snores😅)
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nametakensff · 1 month
Not normally something I thought I would be into but I kind of want someone to sneeze repeatedly on my face whilst I'm wearing my glasses until it's literally impossible to see through all the spray on the lenses
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itchy-nostrils · 3 months
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Meet my emotional support roll 🤧 who now travels with me from room to room because I cannot stop rubbing or blowing a congested runny nose 😮‍💨
I give up.
The number of people on work calls today telling me how awful I sound and giving me sympathy was 🫠🫠🫠 though.
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bsneezes · 4 months
breathless sneezing fit
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hockeynoses · 9 months
"Ugh, I cadn't mbiss the party todnight... huh... ha...heh'AESSHH'iue!" The thick-sounding sneeze is barely muffled into a tissue in time.
"Cadn you get mbe sombe decodgestants? A-and...ah... ha'RRIISHH'oo! Sombe more tissues?" Their request is followed by a squelching blow into a tissue that's now filled to the brim. Their bleary eyes blink as they let out a miserable groan.
"I ha-have to get mby dnose under c-condtrol... hih! ...Gsh’HTCCHHuh! Ugh, god."
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hannahsnz · 4 months
Anyone down for a picnic with a nice butch lesbian with mild to moderate grass pollen allergies? 😉 who will protest against the fact that she has allergies the entire time…😅
just a thought that ran through my head…
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natinbrackets · 4 months
There's just something about tissues.
Clean tissues, used tissues, scented or unscented tissues.
People blowing their noses into tissues. Catching sneezes in tissues. Rubbing red, irritated nostrils with tissues.
A clean tissue being filled up with snot.
A used tissue crumpled up and set to the side to be discarded later.
Tissues when they're still warm from being used. 🤤
I just really like tissues.
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alrunaaa · 10 months
a sneezing fit I let out in my car from last holiday after I spent most of the day at my cousin’s house in which they have a dog and two cats. Which I am allergic to both! I can’t help it if they look at me all cute and I pet them. They for sure left my nose stuffy and sensitive all day tho 🤧
I also ended up going to another friend’s house after this where there were Also! two dogs there can you imagine how that went…..
cw: sneezing, talking, some coughing, nose blowing, and you hear my foot tapping (…did I get impatient with myself? idk LMAO)
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nametakensff · 4 months
I think my brain has made an irreversible, permanent link between sneeze spray/mess and ejaculation. lol
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snzai · 4 months
I want to make an important message. These works do not want to offend anyone, and even more so they are not debauchery. These are just "drawings" in which teenagers simply sneeze because of allergies or blow their nose into handkerchiefs because of a cold. These works do not force anyone to take any action, it's just creativity. If you don't like this content. Then just don't watch it. No one prevents you from taking the same neural network and creating something of your own.
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Thanks for understanding
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