#Titanium Mens laser
Mens laser hair removal
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We are proud to be one of the clinics in Leicester to use the brand-new Soprano Titanium Mens laser hair removal technology.
If you are one of the many millions of people who suffer from unwanted hair and want a long-lasting solution. However, we can offer you a safe, effective and painless way to remove unwanted hair through the state-of-the-art Soprano Titanium laser.
With faster than ever treatment times, you can now treat half of your body during your lunch hour, painlessly and effortlessly at our Leicester clinic.
Women's Laser Hair Removal
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We are proud to be one of the clinics in Leicester to use the brand new Soprano Titanium Laser Hair Removal technology.
If you are one of the many millions of people who suffer from unwanted hair and want a long-lasting solution, we can offer you a safe, effective and painless way to remove unwanted hair through the state-of-the-art Soprano Titanium laser.
With faster than ever treatment times, you can now treat half of your body during your lunch hour, painlessly and effortlessly at our Leicester clinic.
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*there is Wubbzy and widget too and there is Cosmo and Wanda and the story is about these forgotten/knowned characters are kidnapped in an cabin like escape room and they try to escape the torture*
Jenny’s powers;
Superhuman Strength: According to the opening, Jenny has the strength of one million and seventy men, but the exact magnitude is unknown. This is because her strength, like most of her powers, has fluctuated over the series. She has thrown an entire alien spaceship into orbit around the Sun, which puts her lifting strength beyond 300 gigatons of force.
Superhuman Running Speed: She can run faster than even the finest human athletes.
Superhuman Reflexes: She has superhuman reaction speed.
Superhuman Agility: Jenny's agility is far beyond that of even an olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
Superhuman Durability: Her outer shell is made from an extremely durable titanium alloy, built to withstand heavy impacts and damage, (though this ability can be inconsistent, as she has been blown up by dynamite and torn up before). However, her internal mechanisms are generally less durable and are much easier to damage.
Superhuman Stamina: As a robot, she can exert herself for hours, sometimes days before she runs out of energy.
​Superhuman Hearing: Jenny shows that she has super hearing from the first episode by burning a hole into a frisbee that was about to hit her in the back of her head.
Telescopic Vision: She can see further than any human being.
Electromagnetic Vision: She has the ability to see different kinds of EM spectrum, some of them real, some others fictional:
Digital Vision: Makes everything looks like an 8-bit video game
Ultraviolet Vision: The ability to see ultraviolet light.
Infrared Vision: The ability to see heat radiation.
X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through solid objects.
Rainbow Vision: Makes everything look multicolor, with a psychedelic 1960's style.
"Heat" Vision: Makes everything look "hot" (i.e. Dr. Wakeman wearing a bathing suit while everything else is melting).
Sausage Vision: Makes everything look like sausages.
Flight: Jenny has rocket boosters to fly located in her feet, sprouted wings and her "hair". She can travel to the Moon in about 5 seconds, meaning she can travel at 1/4 the speed of light. She also flew to the opposite side of a hurtling Sun in 6 seconds, making her maximum potential for speed 83 times the speed of light.
Various Weaponry: Jenny's signature fighting style, consisting of unfolding a nearly unlimited number of weapons from inside her own mechanized body, although seeming random, are always chosen to fit the situation, even when looking absurd.
Shiva Swords: She sprouts 4 additional arms, and then forms swords out of all 6 of her arms.
Buzzsaw Arms
Heat Gun: Can reach temperatures of up to 1,700 °F.
Fire and Ice Blasters: Instantly melted and then froze asphalt respectively.
Fists of Fury: Giant Spiky Fists.
Drill Hair & Feet
Mighty Mallets: Giant Hand Hammers.
Electro Claw
Thunder Fist: Giant Flail.
Stun Grenade Gun: No explosive to be seen, but can reportedly fire at up to 125 rounds per second.
Tesla Cannon
Hair Razor-Rang: Razor Boomerang.
Energy Beam: She can fire energy blasts from her hands, feet, chest, eyes and "hair". She also has a wide array of weapons to do so, most notable being her "Laser Limb".
Stretchy Arms and Extendo-Fingers: She can stretch out her arms and fingers for miles. In Raggedy Android (2002) she used this ability to stop a runaway Ferris wheel, wrapping at least 7 times around it.
Shapeshifting: She can shapeshift into several (robotic) forms, such as a giant spider. Victim of Fashion (2004) shows that she can adapt new forms simply by scanning the imagery.
Repairs: She can remotely re-wire herself if she's damaged or destroyed, as well as simply replace limbs, such as her legs and her head.
Multilingualism: Jenny has integrated CDs containing data for every single language in the world, allowing her to speak every language known to mankind.
Corrosive Reflex: She can defend herself by using The Acid Reflex Lamination, made by triple polycarbonate lamination. This protects her against corrosive substances.
Holy shit that is a lot
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 9 months
Chapter 16
Battle Nexus R Us
(Don't watch video til you see the bold words)
Dear Diary,
Ah, Another day here in New York. It's a quiet peaceful day, the sun is shining, freshly cooked pizza wafts in the air, and pigeons feed hungrily on bread that old ladies and men feed them. Yep so relaxing City...
"Guys, guys, get a photo of me dropping a Hibernator on Big Spikey and Big Blinky and Jolly Green Torch guy" Raph sat excitedly while posing in front of each building/monument.
Ugh, which is what I would be saying if I wasn't on top of the Empire State Building observation deck.
I close my diary quickly after Raph's body slams a trash can and gets trash juices all over my hoodie.
"Ew gross...April why are we up here anyway?" I say slightly annoyed.
"This family needs to learn more about its hometown, which is why I entered us in a citywide photo scavenger hunt. And we're gonna WIN!" April says sure of herself.
We head into the elevator and take a look at the scavenger hunt list.
"So what do we win? When we win?" Asks Mikey
"Street Cred. The only currency that matters in this city" Splints answers
"And we'll do it with our special brand of teamwork-- where my brothers do all the work but we share equal credit," Leo says
I roll my eyes and punch him in the shoulders playfully.
"Not gonna happen this time buddy," I say while folding my arms
I feel eyes on me and I look back to see Donnie looking at me. When our eyes lock he pulls his hood down to cover his eyes. The past couple of weeks have been a bit awkward between us. Donnie isn't big on talking about his feelings not even Doctor Feelings could get him to cough it up.
⚠️Trigger warning mentions of violence, guns, and blood⚠️
(Re-read chapter 13 if you need a refresher)
"Let's get to work," Donnie says after pulling down his mystic goggles
"Give me all you got Don Tron" I smirk
"Oh I plan to, my sweet Aqua" He chuckles
We go into a deep part of the lair where Donnie tests his more or less lethal experiments. A huge soundproof room, titanium encased, several stories high, with several stairs, ramps, poles, entrances, and tunnels.
"Ready when you are," I say while getting into a fighting stance.
He pulls out his tech bo and presses a button, it turns into a rubber bullet gun and he starts shooting. Before I could react my body took over and my body became elastic catapulting the bullets back at Donnie. He easily dodges them and the ones he misses he walks away with his tech bo.
"Interesting, indeed." He ponders
"Let's kick it up a notch, let's pretend I'm an evil alien race that wants to enslave Earth and all the planets in the galaxy and beyond" Evil laughs.
"Well you asked for it," Donnie says while pushing another button and starting to shoot lasers at me.
I dodge the lasers and what I don't dodge my body can absorb and shoot back at Jim 10 times more powerful. It was fun to see how much my body could take. I end up tripping and tumbling into Donnie, knocking him over and falling on top of him. Our faces are close together, and we both blush darkly as we realize the position we are in I take notice of his hands on my hips to catch me as I fall. His large hands were cold but not the freezing kind and they felt nice on my hips.
Author-chan POV
Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him. Oh um *clears throat* continue.
Aqua POV
I hurriedly get off him, pull him up, then push him over as I jump away.
"Catch me if you can" I shout as I hop away
"Oh here comes Donnie" He shouts close behind me chuckling.
We go for hours and hours testing all of Donnie's inventions til we are both covered in sweat and breathing heavily.
Collapsing onto the ground trying to catch my breath, Donnie falls to the ground not that far from me.
"Looks...like...I'm...indestructible...." I say between each breath
"It...would...seem...so..." Donnie says equally out of breath
"Well, I need a shower, and so do you I can smell you from here," I say while waving my hand in front of my nose jokingly swishing away the non-existent stench I smell from Donnie.
"Hardy, har har" His metal arms emerge from his battle shell to help him up.
I slowly stand up, I concentrate on what my human form looks like, and my body starts to shift into my familiar form.
"Ah, it's good to be back..." I say while hugging myself
"Race you to the showers!" I shout while running toward to exit
"What happened to being tired?" Donnie asks as he starts to chase after me but something catches his eye. He reaches down and grabs a folded white piece of paper. Curiosity consumes him, so he checks to make sure the coast is clear and opens it. Seeing the drawing he smiles at how cute and well-drawn it is but something sticks out.
Donnie POV
The drawings are of my brothers, myself, April, Aqua, and Cass. Who is that? But the drawings depict a much older gang with a little turtle tot added to the mix. His mind starts to rave with many questions and theories.
"Did Aqua draw this? No that doesn't make sense if she did she wouldn't be carrying this around with her. Something about this is special and she keeps it close to her. But why? To study it? It is a bit worn out on a very specific part of the page which means she's been looking at it often. I should return this. But how?"
Something else catches his eye a small curl of hair is stuck where the little tot's drawn feet are. He makes his way to the lab making sure I'm not around, quickly entering he grabs a test tube, with a pair of sterile tweezers plucks the hair, and places it into the test tube sealing it with a cork and labs it "unknown DNA specimen".
"Thinking back on the science fair Aqua has been acting off. More off than usual I couldn't get anything out of her after she ran out of the gym. She seemed she was looking for something but what?"
"Not only that, but the incredible armor she created was Ah breathtaking. Little on that later once I figure out what's going on. She has also been wearing that mysterious comb, probably a gift from that infuriating..." sighing and pinched the bridge between my eyebrows.
"This girl is going to be the death of me"
But before analyzing the DNA components even crossed my mind I could hear my dumb dumb twin brothers' voices through the security camera which isn't out of the ordinary. But what ground my gears was him trying to "flirt" with Aqua. I use quotations because his flirting has never worked and it's very....ew.
Looking at the security cameras, seeing Leo say something while Aqua is grabbing a glass of milk. After she takes a sip, Leo whispers something in her ear and she proceeds to have milk shoot out of her mouth and nose which causes her to start coughing. It then makes my brother laugh, and run away, and Aqua chases after him.
"Flirtation attempt failed, Aqua well infinite and Leo 0"
"Get your your shell back here, you...you....oooooo"
"Catch me if you can"
*Sigh* "I should go help him but, he deserves it so I'm going to get a better look"
Putting the test tube in a secure specimen lock, inputs a code, and walks out of the lab to see the chaos just in time to see the duo run past. I smirked and had the brilliant idea to stick my foot out to trip him, chuckling and folding my arms quite amused.
"You son of a- oh boy..." Leo trips and does some cartwheel rolls and looks up to see Aqua gracefully jump into the air stick her elbow out and dish out the people's elbow into Leo's exposed plastron which causes him to splutter and his eyes almost bulge out of his sockets.
"Ah yes, the sweet sweet smell of revenge," I say while making my way to my unconscious brother and anger-fueled friend.
"I swear to the gods above if you utter a single word to anyone...ESPECIALLY HIM! I will turn you into turtle soup!
"Yeesh, she means business"
"If you wanted to take me out to dinner why didn't you just say so?" As soon as those words came out of my brother's mouth all I could say was
"WHAT?" I shout but also hear Aqua's voice shout at the same time as me
We ended up looking at each other and I could feel my cheeks start to burn.
"Aha ha ha *clears throat* I'll um just dispose of him my lady and I shall return"
Extending my mechanical arms from my battle shell I drag Nardo to his room.
"Why did I say that? Ugh, she probably didn't hear the last bit, I mean I called her that multiple times before but...but...*sigh* you're overthinking Donnie just get rid of your brother and go back to her and act normal."
I tossed my brother into his room and left a very tasteful sticky note that read "I'm with stupid" with an arrow pointing at him
"I'm so good and for the final touch, as soon as he tries to leave his room water balloons full of paint will get thrown at him...EVIL LAUGH!"
Turning back to the direction of Aqua when I returned to her current location I saw that April had joined her and they were speaking in hushed tones.
*Back to the present*
Did you see that our grades have been posted?" April says while looking at her phone
"So let's see what we have here," Donnie says while looking over my shoulder as I look up my grades
"Hey, no peeking you, dork." I giggle and then go quiet
"Uh, Aqua? Are you ok?" Raph asks me concerned
Leo snatches my phone from my hand and rolls his eyes
"These are perfect grades, Aqua!" Leo says
"Woohoo, that's my girl!" April high-fives me
"Oh wait, what's this? I see here," Leo smirks
I feel a sweat droplet start to slide down my forehead, and I make this face (😳)[ I don't know how to describe it...] Donnie takes the phone out of his twin hand and gasps.
"A B- in theater!" He shouts
"What? Why?" Mikey takes a look as well
"Let's open up the grades and see the breakdown..." Donnie opens up the assignment tab and sees the B- is from my musical performance.
Soon, everyone surrounds my phone, and they all gasp and start talking at once
"You sounded like an alto angel," Mikey says
"It brought tears to my eyes, I would have hired you to be a star in one of my movies," Splints says while whipping a tear away.
"I can hack into the school grading portal and change it for you," Donnie says while tapping away on his wrist gauntlet.
"No, no, it's ok," I say sadly
"Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps," Raph says excitedly
*Flashback to a couple of weeks ago*
SIX (The Musical)
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(Imagine this is the outfit you're wearing, also art by me)
I peel from behind the curtains, and I start to panic as I move my wig bangs out of my face.
"Oh God, it's a full house, I hope they found seats," I say quietly as I scan the crowd for my friends it's finally my turn for my solo. Everything has gone well so far, but this is my big moment.
"Don't screw this up, Y/N!" I say exile, slapping my cheek, which stings pretty bad and brings a small tear to my eye.
A backstage crew member walks over to me, attaches my mic to me, and makeup does one last check to make sure everything is in order.
"This is so exciting," a castmate whispers
The house lights darken, and I scoop up the skirt of my dress and rush to my spot on my throne. Fixing my dress and hair, taking deep calming breaths, and getting into character. The curtain starts to open slowly
"Showtime," I say quietly to myself as the music starts to play and I start to sing.
*Before the Performance*
Donnie POV
"Alright, everyone has their tickets?" I look around as they show me that they indeed have their tickets.
"Excellent! Now, being the genius that I am, we should have arrived early enough to ohhhhh, " Donnie says confidently until he sees the line into the theater
"Well, Donald looks like your plan didn't work out," Mikey says
"No matter, Aqua gave us VIP tickets so we can still get good seats," Donnie says as he fixes his jacket.
All of us were in our disguises but fancier as it was a semi-formal event, and April was wearing a very tasteful signature green dress. Papa cleaned up pretty well. We finally made our way into the theater and looked for available seats.
"Oh, oh, guys over there," April says while pointing at reserved seats.
"Are you sure this is for us?" Raph asks
"Oh yeah, one of the drama kids owed me one, so I was able to snag the best seats in the house!" April says while giving a thumbs-up.
I took a seat and admitted to myself that April had indeed got the best seats in the house. Lowering my mystic goggles, pressing a button, and changing to theater binoculars.
"Really Dee? Binoculars?" Leo annoyingly says
"You gotta look and act the part, dear brother," I say while looking through them
"Gimmie, those"
"No, next time, get your own Nardo."
"Boys! Have some class, " Papa interjected
"Yes, we must be on our best behavior," April says while fanning herself with her green fan.
"Ugh, fine," Nardo says, defeated
I open up the program to see the order of events and see that Aqua has a solo. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about her singing. I've only heard her sing when she thinks no one is listening and dare I say she's really good.
The lights start to dim, and the show begins. There is a slight intermission. We decide to stretch our legs and grab a quick snack at the snack bar.
"Well, I think that King Henry guy has a serious problem with commitment," Mikey says while taking a bit of a cookie.
"It's more to it than that Mikey, it's also history. King Henry VIII married each of the women to produce a male heir to the throne but none of them produced one and the character that Aqua is playing which is Anna of Celves, the King didn't find her pleasing to the eye so he annulled their marriage."
"Well, I think that King Henry DOES like Anna," Mikey says
Everyone gives a knowing look and nods their head in agreement.
*sigh* "Were you guys not -" (notices that everyone started walking back to their seats)
"H-hey guys, wait up." Rushing back to catch up with the gang and wondering what's up with them.
No matter. I know Nardo will probably spill the beans later.
The house lights darken once more, and the musical begins.
Aqua POV
I start singing my heart out and acting like a boss-ass bitch. In the middle of my singing, I lock eyes with Donnie. I was blushing slightly and continued singing. The rest of the musical went on without a hitch. Once we were finished, we took a bow, and Josh, the guy who played King Henry VII, held my hand while bowed. When we are backstage, the castmates and I congratulate each other's amazing performances. The gang comes in, I wave at them smiling, and it looks like Donnie wants to say something but Josh steps in front of me to hand me a bouquet of roses.
"For you my queen!" Josh says while bowing them and handing them to me
"Oh uhhh thank....you...Josh....they're lovely?" I say as I awkwardly accept them
I see Donnie's expression harden slightly.
"How curious," I say to myself
"So if you don't have a date already, would you like to go to prom with me?" Josh asks me
"I...uh..." I stutter a bit as I'm taken aback by the ask.
"Of course, you don't have to answer now, here's my number shoot me a text," He says while handing me a piece of paper.
Taking the piece of paper, I look from the paper to the gang, their mouths are agape and they slowly look at Donnie. His fists were clenched behind his back but he put on a brave face, walked over to me, grabbed me by the waist, picked me up, and spun me.
"An excellent performance my dear, I say I think we'll make a star out of you. You should audition on Broadway, although you'll have some tough competition." He says while he puts me back down
"Oh and who is this competition?" I ask sarcastically
"But me of course" He smirks and folds his arms.
"Oh, Dee don't you have something to give our rising star?" Mikey says
"Something for me?" I question
"Uh yes, well I made you this" He pulls a single purple rose
I take it and I don't know if it's possible but my smile got bigger.
"No way is this made from the same metal as-" I start to say
"My tech-Bo but of course" Donnie finishes proudly
"It's beautiful thank you" I study the handy work, it must have taken him a long time to expertly and beautifully create this for me. Looking up at him from under my eyelashes I can tell he's kind of embarrassed.
Well let me get changed out of these ridiculous clothes and we can go celebrate!" I say excitedly as I hand the flowers to April and rush to the changing room.
Once I was out of earshot the gang bombards Donnie.
"Alright game plan you need to ask Y/N to prom" April states
"what why?" Donnue asks.
"Uh because if you don't I will," Leo says
Everyone glares at Leo.
"Ugh fine because if you don't that nobody is gonna swoop in and steal your girl!" Leo says
"She isn't my girl and she's free to go with who she pleases," Donnie says while shrugging
"Aw come on bro you know you wanna go with her" Raph points out
I finish changing into comfy clothes I step out of the changing room gear them talking and decide to eavesdrop. Donnie's back is to me but everyone else is facing me.
"Besides dances aren't my scene and I doubt someone like her would want that....can we just drop this" Donnie says
April notices me eavesdropping and stealthy elbows Mikey and he also looks in my direction, I quickly whip the tear I didn't realize that ran down my cheek, smike, and skip over to the gang.
"Come on guys pizza waits for no man!" I shout while grabbing my flowers and running out of the room.
*2 weeks after the performance*
"Oooo what are we looking at?" Mikey seemingly coming out of nowhere
"Oh just prom dresses," I say nonchalantly
"You still haven't picked one yet?" Mikey asks
"There are just too many to choose from," I say slightly defeated.
"Well guess we have to go dress shopping!" Mikey and April say.
"Wait wait wait, how about you take the boys' tux shopping and home girl and eye check some dresses!" April sings
"Let's do it!" I shout happily as I giggle
"Alright, bros let's go topside" Mikey shouts and grabs Donnie as he runs to grab the rest of the boys.
(Watch the video above the title now)
While the boys have their montage. We girls tried dress after dress after dress all hope was lost as we walked around the mall. As a last-ditch effort, we went into one last store. Looking around I couldn't find anything I liked.
"Ah, young lady can I help you with something?" The shopkeeper asks
"No, I'm just looking," I say while looking at the racks of dresses
"I just may have the dress you're looking for," she says
I look at her intrigued and smile a bit hopeful. She scuttled away to find the dress and quickly returned. April appears at my side with heart eyes.
"Girl you have to try this one!" She says giddy
I go to the changing room, put the dress on, and zip it up. There was no mirror in the room so I stepped out of the room and all eyes were on me. April's mouth is agape and she slowly raises her phone and takes a picture.
"I look ridiculous don't I?" I say shyly
"Are you kidding me, you're gorgeous!"
"I have the perfect shoes and earrings for this dress," the shopkeeper says.
Trying on the shoes and earrings I smile at myself in the mirror.
"So have you decided if you're going to prom with Josh?" April asks
I think about Donnie, then about what he said shaking my head and smiling.
"I guess I could go with Josh as friends, but it doesn't hurt that he's mildly attractive," I say while texting him saying that ilk go with him.
I pay for the dress and accessories. Looking at the shopkeeper she looked very familiar, but besides I could fully recognize her April pulled me out of the store to the direction of the food court.
*Present time*
We are still in the elevator, it finally dings and we are on the ground level. Looking at Donnie again I start to say something as we step out onto the New York street it's eerily quiet. The sky is red and there is a huge black hole in the sky.
"Donnie, what did you do?" We all ask
Then we hear some cackling
"Big mama?" We all say
"Ladies and gentlemen it's the moment you've all been waiting for my long-promised, fantastic, whiz-bang 'Battle Nexus: New York'!"
"I'm sorry, 'whiz-bang New York' what what what?" Donnie asks
"Wait where is everybody?" I asks looking around
"Oh looks like we have a new contestant!" Big Mama says
"A who now?" I say looking up at the hologram Big Mama is projected on.
"Looks like it has decided that you should stay and participate my little darling. Defeat my champions and you win your city back. Fail and you lose it all." She says while evilly rubbing the glowy orb
"What?" We all shout
"I have only one question for you. How dare you?" Donnie says
I face palm myself and sigh loudly
"Well here we go!"
Author Note
Merry Christmas guys!! I hope you enjoy this two-chapter present! Sorry it took so long life got a bit crazy with the holidays and such. Thank you for being so patient. I have a few treats coming soon hope you guys can wait a bit longer.
Love you guys 💜
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numberth1rte3n · 1 year
The Atlas Project
“It’s dead.”
Dreg looked at the mound of circuits and metal plates in front of him with a mournful expression. He sighed, exasperated. Tonight’s run hadn’t been great to start with, just a couple dozen pounds of loose chromium scraps and barely salvageable wires. He and Juke had snuck into the slums of the Commerce Sector as a last-ditch effort. Scrappers were barred from stepping foot in the Commerce Sector without authorization from a Class B or above citizen, but Dreg and Juke were desperate. The things that the upper citizenry threw away haphazardly were too big a haul to pass up. Potentially. If they didn’t bring in enough scrap tonight, they would starve to death without their meal vouchers.
Dreg thought he had found a fully functional ServBot in the slums, near the canals that separated the dilapidated town from the neat, well-manicured lawns and spires of those that were fortunate enough to live and work in the Commerce Sector. The ServBot was half-submerged in brownish water and would have been unrecognizable from any other third-rate android were it not for the emblem on its chest plate that distinguished it as a now-outdated model in the Service lineup of Atlas Co.’s arm. f robotic assistants: a silhouette of a person holding a globe on their shoulders, with a golden “S” laser-cut on the globe. The waters of the canals smelled of freshly flushed feces and death. Dreg looked past the ServBot, into a sewer grate on the wall in front of him. He saw several human appendages poking out from the bars, blinking in and out of existence with the flickering neon purple lights coming from the street signs lining the street above him. Dreg held back a gag and focused his attention back onto the robot. He and Juke couldn’t afford to go any hungrier, and a dead Bot was leagues better than no Bot.
“Let’s pull it out.” Dreg said to Juke, crouching down to get a good hold on the machine.
“What?” Replied Juke, grabbing onto Dreg’s arm. “Are you insane? do you know what the Specs would do to us if they found us down here?”
Dreg paused, suddenly unsure.
Juke pointed at the grate in front of him, his expression morphing into one of fear and nervous anxiety.
Dreg knew that if the Sector Peace Corps caught him and Juke, there would be little else they could do except run, and they would likely not get very far. The specs had their hover cruisers and all Dreg and Juke had were emaciated legs and some cheap cybernetic augmentations that barely did anything anyway. He thought about it briefly, almost considering taking what little loot they had gathered up until that point back to the Yard. Then Dreg’s stomach growled and twisted, and that steeled him.
“We don’t really have a choice,” Dreg said, “if the Specs finds us, they blast us to Hell. If we go back to the Yard without more scrap, we don’t eat and then we die anyway. Now, help me pull this damn thing out.”
Juke looked at him, and Dreg wondered if he would leave him there in favor of returning to the Yard with his share of the haul. But Juke clicked his tongue in annoyance and bent down to assist Dreg in hauling up the Bot.
It was heavy, and very much stuck. Dreg and Juke had to shift positions, find new handholds, and pause for breath several times in the twenty or so minutes that it took to pull the Robot out. Dreg cut his thumb on a sharp piece of rusted metal that was poking out from the robot’s armpit. He thought about the possibility of infection, but his stomach growled again, and he pushed the thought away. Dreg wiped the blood from his thumb on his shit-water-soaked shirt. After a final tug that sent both men sprawling onto the pavement, the ServBot was lying in front of the two Scrappers, and Dreg was able to see the entire machine.
It was a standard model. Humanoid, about six feet tall. The synthetic muscle fibers that normally would have been covered by protective titanium plating were exposed. Some of the fibers were torn or eaten away at from being submerged in the water. What little plating was left had oxidized and rusted over, but Dreg could tell that the ServBot had originally been a grayish white. It was also missing a foot and a few fingers. The head was the least ravaged component, and Dreg thought it would probably fetch the highest price back at the Yard. After a thorough examination, he was about to try to rip the head off when he noticed something.
A couple of years ago, before Dreg lost his citizenship, he did maintenance on Atlas Co. tech for the upper-class citizenry. He was good at it too, so he knew when a Bot was truly dead or when there was severe user error. Very rarely was it the former. Dreg couldn’t see it when the bot was in the water, but now that it was in front of him, it was unmistakable.
“Juke, look at this.” Ignoring the pain in his thumb and the moans coming from his bowels, Dreg hurriedly pulled off the chest plate of the ServBot, his heart smashing against his ribcage. When the plating was finally off, he pointed at a device at the center of the newly exposed wiring. It was small, about the size of an old-world baseball, and icosahedral. It was sitting awkwardly inside a compartment at the very center of the robot’s chest. Dreg could tell by the look of confusion on Juke’s face that he didn’t know how much their lives had just changed.
“I swear, Dreg,” Juke looked upset. “I’m going to call the Specs myself if you don’t hurry up.”
Suddenly smiling, Dreg didn’t feel as hungry as he did a moment ago while he was covered in wet shit and bleeding from the thumb. Carefully, Dreg picked up the polygonal object from the open chest cavity of the robot. He turned it around in his hands, examining it more closely. The faces of the fusion core were surprisingly clean; It had somehow been spared the unholy wrath of the Commerce Sector’s sewage system. It shimmered in the low light, and it was slightly warm to the touch. One of the faces of the core had a small opening, and when Dreg looked inside, he almost yelped with excitement as he saw the faintest of glows.
“It’s still active!”
At that moment, Dreg heard the shrill sirens of Sector Peace Corps in the distance. He turned to look at Juke, but he was already hiding behind some wreckage in the shadows of the sewers. Juke stuffed the fusion core into his pants pocket. It barely fit and looked distended, making it difficult to sprint to where juke was hiding. He took cover next to his friend and waited as the sound grew louder. The sound of the sirens continued to intensify, until it was almost too loud to hear his own blood pumping in his ears.
In an instant, the canals exploded with flashing neon lights as a veritable army of Specs blasted over the canal, heading south, toward the other end of the Commerce Sector. The neon lights glistened off the polished windows of the skyscrapers and the waxed chassis of the many HyperDrivers parked in the streets. After what seemed like an eternity and a half, the lights and the sounds finally faded from and the Scrappers were again left alone with a broken robot and shit-water. Juke pushed Dreg out from behind the wreckage they were hiding behind.
“What the hell, Dreg?! If we had waited an extra second messing around with your damn Bot, we would have been a pile of ash right now!”
Dreg was barely listening. He was already on his feet, the ringing of the sirens already gone from his ear. The fusion core was already out of his pocket as Dreg sprinted back to the ServBot. He felt almost childlike in his excitement, like he was opening a gift or turning on a new piece of tech for the first time. Which, technically, was what he was about to do.
Dreg placed the open face of the fusion core back down into the now empty compartment. It didn’t fit quite well, but after some slight adjustments, the core snapped into place.
Dreg waited. Juke looked expectantly at both his fellow Scrapper and the still-very-much-dead ServBot, his eyes flitting back and forth between them. There was a palpable nervous energy in the air. The only sound came from the water rushing past the sewer grate into the puddle behind them.
Dreg’s heart was thumping incredibly quickly, his entire body pulsing with a hopeful pang. He began to worry that he was mistaken, that the Bot was unserviceable, and that he had just wasted valuable time and could be halfway out of the commerce sector by now. His hands shook with anticipation and his eyes lips were chapped.
Then the ArcLED faceplate on the ServBot’s head lit up. Dreg let out a barely suppressed whoop, triggering a panicked shush from Juke.
The faceplate of the robot began humming a low frequency, barely audible, as diagnostic code began to appear on where the robot’s fake face would be. Dreg recognized this very well, he had run several of these codes for regular maintenance protocols when he was a citizen. The lights continued to dance as more and more boxes checked green, though there some that checked red. Among the red boxes were functions such as “Locomotion: Right Foot” and “Dexterity: Full Phalangeal Function”. The missing foot and fingers, of course. “Speech” and “AI Processing” were tinted yellow, signaling that some maintenance was required, but they were functional.
The faceplate went dark again. Dreg and Juke were crouched shoulder to shoulder, a foot away from the robot’s head, waiting for anything else to happen.
The ServBot suddenly jolted into a seated position, smacking into the two Scrapper’s foreheads, and sending them reeling onto their backs, clutching their heads in pain.
“D-d-d-di4g-diagN0stics C0mPle-Complete.” Said the ServBot, in a masculine-sounding voice. Dreg was still rubbing his forehead and blinking away the tears in his eyes, but he could understand why the “Speech” function was yellowed out. The Bot’s head moved around slowly, searching for a human to interface with. When the head had turned almost all the way around, it spotted Juke first, who was still groaning from the blunt force trauma the android had inflicted on him.
“Greetings, mister B-ba-ba-ba-“ this went on for about twelve seconds. “ba- baz-Bazrian!”
Juke moaned in pain and pointed at Dreg.
“Talk … to him…” he said in between moans of pain.
The robot swirled around, torso and all, and repeated the greeting, this time much more succinctly.
“Greetings, mister Bazrian.”
The voice was friendly and warm, much as they were designed to be. The ArcLED faceplate now displayed a very old-world pixelated smiley face, the default setting. Dreg had always liked the retro feel of the default setting, even though ArcLED technology was so advanced that it could perfectly mimic a human face in three dimensions.
As for the greeting, Dreg didn’t know what to say. Partly because of his new concussion, and partly because the ServBot had just said the name of the most powerful man on the planet.
“Mister…Bazrian…?” Said Dreg, tentatively, and with palpable fear in his voice.
“Yes! That is, you, mister Bazrian. How ma-ma-may I be of ServBot to y-y-y-y-you?”
Dreg began to understand the severity of his actions. He had just revived an old ServBot of the head of Atlas Co., Jayce Bazrian. The world’s single wealthiest, most influential person to ever exist, and Dreg had just been mistaken for that person. An ex-citizen Scrapper, starving, bleeding, and covered in shit, was just called the name of the person that owns the world.
Dread began to fill his heart and spread throughout his body. Stealing property from a S-class citizen, the highest level of citizenship, was already an extra capital offense. Not only would dreg be executed, but all people that were connected to dreg through his Cybernetic Communication Profile would be as well, for fear that he may have spread classified information to non-citizens. That means Dreg, Juke, and basically everyone at the Yard would be summarily put to death.
Juke had started to recover from the ServBot’s assault and realized what had happened.
“Did that thing just say ‘Bazrian’? As in, ‘Jayce Bazrian’?”
The android whipped its head around again, facing Juke.
“Yes! You are Jayce Bazrian!” The robot then began to stand up, and promptly fell over into a pile of metal, causing an awful clanging sound to echo off the walls and down the alleyways of the Commerce Sector.
“Ouch!” said the ServBot, even though it was incapable of feeling pain.
Juke looked at Dreg, with a frantic expression.
“Man, I really don’t care how you do it, but every Spec in this whole sector heard that noise. Get this thing moving, now!”
Dreg stood and walked to the bot, who was already halfway up again. He helped it stand upright and supported some of its weight on his shoulders.
“Um, ServBot?”
Its head whipped around. “Yes, mister Bazrian?”
“We, um, have to get moving. If you’ll please plot a course for the Yard?”
At the mention of the Yard, the ArcLED faceplate changed shape into a glowing red “X”.
“Mister Bazrian, the Yard (formerly known as Fort Vegas during the Third World War) is an authorized ex-citizen ha-bi-b-b-b-bitation. Population: three thousand, four hundred and sixty-six-”
Juke perked up slightly. “Sixty-six?”
“Anthea must’ve had her baby.” replied Dreg.
“Oh, cool.”
“-according to latest opinion polls, your favorability amongst ex-ci-t-t-t-t-izens is zero-point-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-eight-three percent.”
“Wow,” said Dreg, already walking with the robot down the edge of the canal, “that’s low.”
“By some metrics! Your favorability amongst citizens still remains at eighty-nine-point-three-six p-p-p-p-percent.”
“Of course it does.”
“I would also like to remind you that you have-“ There was a moment of silence as the ServBot opened its logs, “four thousand three hundred and seventy-two missed meetings.”
Juke chimed in, looking over his shoulder worriedly, “Please, shut up.”
“At once!” And the ServBot shut up.
Juke looked at his friend and shook his head. Dreg could see the panic in his eyes, and he knew that Juke was aware of the consequences of being caught with this ServBot as well.
“This stunt better be worth it” he said. Dreg let the words bounce around his head.
Naturally, Dreg had his reservations. He and his Scrapper friend had just committed one of the most heinous crimes a person could commit, and to a passing observer they would have looked no different than any other disheveled, forgotten, or otherwise downtrodden individual in the entire world.
He was also confused. Jayce Bazrian was the head of Atlas Co., the world’s leading cybernetic and robotics manufacturer. His visage was plastered on almost every branded product, so much so that his fake smile was looming over the citizens of the several Sectors pretty much everywhere they went. Every elected official had received some method of payment from him, either directly or through some manner of corruption. Someone that influential couldn’t have simply lost their own personal ServBot?
Dreg let his mind wander for some time as he, Juke, and the Bot limply made their way to the end of the canal, where the water drained into a pipe that led to more pipes that eventually drained into the Gulf of Mexico. There was a makeshift bridge here, hidden from view by the shadows of the surrounding buildings. It was created by teams of Scrappers over several years under cover of darkness, just in case some unfortunate, desperate, or downright foolish Scrappers wanted to try their luck at whatever the elite may have been throwing out of their windows.
Dreg and Juke crossed the bridge, the Bot still very quiet and hanging onto Dreg’s shoulder for support. The Bot was rickety and in desperate need of repairs, but after some careful maneuvering, the Scrappers and their new companion had crossed to the other side, into the much more homely and very much run-down Labor Sector. Only a few steps up in terms of comfort from the Yard, the Labor Sector is where those still fortunate enough to still have a job not yet taken from a Bot lived their daily lives. Dreg used to live here too. He paused for a moment to look at the peeling paint on some of the residential buildings, and almost felt nostalgic. Even though he and Juke had a long way to walk from here, Dreg breathed a sigh of relief. Specs didn’t patrol too far from the Commerce Sector, and Scrappers were allowed in the Labor Sector with no issue. He looked at the Bot on his shoulder, the pixelated smiley face still bright and cheerful.
“ServBot?” Dreg asked, hoping to learn some more about why exactly they had found such a delicate piece of tech in sewage.
“Y-y-y-y-y-es, Mister Bazrian?” The Bot replied, whipping its head around to look at Dreg.
“What exactly is the last thing that you can recall before your reboot?”
The Bot’s faceplate switched to another display, one of a confused face, frowning. A digital tear rolled down the Bot’s nonexistent cheek.
“I’m sorry, Mister Bazrian. Many of my memory files appear to have been corrupted. It a-a-a-ppears that it had been some time since my l-l-l-l-ast maintenance. Would you like me to schedule an ap-p-p-ointment with a licensed Atlas Co. ServBot Technician?” The Bot’s faceplate projected a holo-screen in front of Dreg and Juke, which made them jump slightly. The screen displayed some highly rated Japanese restaurants within a ten-mile radius. Even though this was clearly not what the Bot wanted to display, Dreg and Juke stopped to admire some of their menus for a moment, almost drooling over the sight of food that wasn’t purchased through meal vouchers or comprised in some form of dead rat meat.
When they had finally managed to wave the screen away, the Scrappers found that they were now surrounded by a group of people. Distracted by the holo-screen, they weren’t able to see them crawl out of the alleyways of the Labor Sector and slowly skulk around their little group. Only slightly obscured by shadows, their glowing neon tattoos in the shapes of various beasts and monsters from old-world mythology unmistakably marked them as members of the Fantasy Boys gang. Dreg and Juke had run into them before on their runs. They usually didn’t do much except throw insults, but any Scrapper worth their salt knows that a Bot was worth killing for. Dreg lifted his hands into the air, followed by Juke. The Bot’s arms were still hanging loosely around Dreg’s shoulders.
“Easy now, boys,” said Dreg, “we’re just trying to get back to the Yard.” A figure at the front of the group stepped closer to Dreg, into the light of an overhead streetlamp. He was tall and had arms like tree trunks. He wore a ripped leather jacket and some faded black jeans with black work boots. Bald and bearded, he approached Dreg with all the confidence of someone that knew they had just struck gold. Much like how Dreg felt when he had fixed the ServBot.
The man lifted one of his arms, which Dreg now noticed was completely replaced from the elbow down with a gnarly blasting rifle implant. He pointed to barrel at Dreg’s chest and let out a hearty chuckle.
“I don’t think the Yard is where ya’ll are headed.” He looked at the Bot, whose face again displayed the default pixelated smiley face. He pointed the blaster-arm at the Bot. “What’s so funny, eh? Got something to smile about don’t you?”
The man with the gun for a hand suddenly pointed it to the sky and fired a round, which pierced through both the sky and Dreg’s eardrums. The sound bounced down the dark alleys and the flash of light that came from the gun’s muzzle illuminated the street so briefly it seemed as if the Fantasy Boy’s tattoos had blinked in and out of existence.
Dreg was still reeling from the shock when two of the gang members swept up from behind Juke and pushed him to the ground, holding him there, squirming, while they checked him for any good loot. Finding nothing, they keep him pinned down as he struggles. Dreg was picked up from the shirt collar by the gun-arm-man and brought to eye-level with him. With no one to support its weight, the Bot fell backward into the street, smiley face still on.
“I want you to ask your circuit-freak here what he thinks is so funny.” He pointed with his gun hand to the ServBot. “If you don’t give me an answer,” he switched targets to Juke, “then I’m gonna paint the street pink with your friend’s brains. Then, I’m gonna – “
The man with the gun for a hand had his sentence cut short, because there was now a gaping hole in his head.
Dreg watched as he was let go, almost falling to the ground were it not for the ServBot there to catch him. Dreg noticed that the Bot’s right hand smoked and sizzled with residual energy. A faint green glow faded from a now visible hole in the palm of the Bot. It had blasted the Fantasy Boy to Hell.
“Do not worry, Mister Bazrian,” it said, cheerful as ever, “threat n-n-n-n-neutralized. The Sector Peace Corps are on their way!”
“The fucking who now?”
Just as the now-dead gun-arm man hit the street with a reverberating thud, A small patrol of Specs veered the corner at the far end of the street on hover cruisers, their sirens and lights on full alert. Near the canal, another group of specs was closing in, sandwiching the Scrappers and the Fantasy Boys together with no hope of escape.
This voice came from the Spec in the lead of the first group. Right after he had finished the order, he began shooting at the Fantasy Boys.
The two men holding Juke down adjusted their positions to take cover and shoot back at the Specs, as did the rest of the Fantasy Boys. In the span of three seconds the street had become a warzone, with Dreg, Juke, and the Bot caught in the middle.
“Bot, what the hell? Why did you call the Specs?” asked Dreg, taking cover from the hail of plasma-fire raining down on them. Juke replied before the Bot could.
“Stupid thing probably knew what we were the whole time and just wanted to get back to his oligarch master!” he spit at the Bot’s faceplate, which now showed an array of combat diagrams and targeting reticles. Dreg had seen this kind of software on a bot before, but only when they were military issue. The kind of Bots that were sent out to fight proxy wars in New Africa, never a personal assistance Bot like the one he and Juke had found.
“Mister Bazrian,” The Bot placed a hand on Juke’s shoulder, “it is my duty to protect you from any and all manner of danger that may come your way. When I sensed your heightened anxiety levels and increased adrenaline count, I assumed you were in danger and summoned the Sector Peace Corps to assist in eliminating the threat.” The Bot did not slur its speech.
It all made sense then, at least to Dreg. Of course, any personal assistance robot to the supreme oligarch of Earth would be packing many manners of heat.
“Well, it almost got us fucking killed!” Juke shouted.
Above them, a Spec was shot off his hover cruiser and landed near the edge of the canal. The cruiser continued to float for a moment before its auto-parking protocol slowly lowered it to the street, some distance away from the fighting. Dreg had an idea.
“Yes, Mister Bazrian?”
“I need you to defend this position for a moment. Can you do that?
A Fantasy Boy came tumbling next to them, riddled with plasma-holes.
“Of course, sir!”
Dreg looked at Juke. “Stay down, buddy.”
He sprinted from their position to the hover cruiser. Plasmafire chased him as he was caught in the sights of a passing Fantasy Boy perched on a rooftop, but he was quickly dispatched by the Bot, who flashed Dreg a thumb’s-up.
Finally, Dreg reached the cruiser and hopped on. The keycard was still in the ID slot, so Dreg started the vehicle with little trouble. He drove the distance back to his companions.
“Get on, both of you!”
There was little argument from Juke and even less from the Bot as they climbed onto the cruiser. “ServBot, don’t let anyone follow us, Spec or not!”
The Bot replied by enthusiastically shooting at any potential target, with extreme prejudice. Specs began falling out of the sky like flies and the Fantasy Boys were no different. Dreg raised the cruiser as high as it would go, higher than some of the residential buildings of the Labor Sector, and punched it North, towards the Yard.
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kharington466 · 1 day
Silky Smooth Skin: Laser Hair Removal in Leicester UK
In a world where self-care and grooming have taken center stage, the quest for silky smooth skin is more relevant than ever. Many individuals grapple with the challenges of traditional hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, and threading, which can often lead to skin irritation, ingrown hairs, and temporary results. Fortunately laser hair removal in Leicester UK offers a state-of-the-art solution to these age-old problems. This article delves into the intricacies of laser hair removal, its benefits, the technology behind it, and why Este Medical Group stands out as a leading provider in the Leicester area.
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Understanding Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive procedure that employs concentrated beams of light to target hair follicles. The process begins when a certified technician uses a laser device specifically designed for hair removal. The laser emits a wavelength of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. This absorption generates heat, effectively damaging the hair follicle and inhibiting future hair growth without harming the surrounding skin.
At Este Medical Group, we utilize advanced technologies such as the Soprano Ice, Platinum, and Titanium systems. These devices are renowned for their efficacy and comfort, as they allow for fast and pain-free treatments suitable for all skin types and tones. The precision of lasers means that treatments can be tailored to focus on specific areas of the body, making it an excellent option for both men and women seeking to eliminate unwanted hair.
Benefits of Choosing Laser Hair Removal
1. Long-Lasting Results
One of the most compelling reasons to opt for laser hair removal is its long-lasting efficacy. Unlike traditional methods that require constant upkeep, laser hair removal targets the hair at the root, leading to a significant reduction in hair growth over time. Most clients notice a dramatic decrease in hair density after just a few sessions. With regular maintenance visits, many enjoy hair-free skin for extended periods, making it a time-efficient grooming solution.
2. Safe and Minimal Downtime
Safety is paramount in any cosmetic procedure. Laser hair removal is an FDA-approved treatment that boasts a high safety profile when performed by qualified professionals. At Este Medical Group, we prioritize patient safety and comfort, ensuring that all procedures are conducted in a controlled environment. One of the most attractive aspects of this treatment is the minimal downtime associated with it. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after a session, making it a convenient choice for those with busy lifestyles.
3. Reduced Ingrown Hairs and Skin Irritation
For many, traditional hair removal methods often lead to problematic skin issues, such as ingrown hairs and irritation. Laser hair removal directly addresses these concerns. By targeting the hair follicle, the procedure prevents hair from becoming trapped beneath the skin's surface, significantly reducing the likelihood of ingrown hairs. Additionally, the lack of physical scraping or pulling on the skin minimizes irritation and discomfort, allowing for a smoother grooming experience.
4. Cost-Effectiveness Over Time
While the initial cost of laser hair removal may be higher than that of traditional methods, it is essential to consider the long-term savings. The cumulative expenses of waxing, razors, and other hair removal products can add up significantly over the years. With laser hair removal, many clients find that the investment pays off in the long run, as they spend less on recurring treatments and products.
The Laser Hair Removal Process
Initial Consultation
The journey to silky smooth skin begins with an initial consultation at Este Medical Group. During this appointment, our expert technicians will assess your skin type, hair color, and specific areas of concern. This personalized approach ensures that the treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs. You will also receive detailed information about the procedure, potential side effects, and aftercare instructions, allowing you to make an informed decision.
The Treatment Sessions
On the day of your treatment, you will be asked to arrive with clean, shaven skin. The session typically lasts between 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. Before starting, a cooling gel may be applied to help soothe the skin and enhance comfort. As the laser is activated, you may feel a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin, but any discomfort is generally minimal.
Most clients require a series of sessions—usually 6 to 8—to achieve optimal results. These treatments are spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart, allowing the hair to enter its growth phase, making it susceptible to the laser's effects.
Aftercare Guidelines
Post-treatment care is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. After your session, you may experience slight redness or swelling, similar to a mild sunburn. However, these effects typically subside within a few hours. It is advisable to avoid sun exposure, strenuous exercise, and hot baths for the first 24 hours to ensure proper healing. Regular application of a high SPF sunscreen on the treated areas is also recommended.
Why Choose Este Medical Group for Laser Hair Removal in Leicester, UK?
Expertise and Experience
At Este Medical Group, we pride ourselves on our team of highly trained professionals who specialize in laser hair removal. With extensive experience in the field, our technicians are adept at using the latest technologies to deliver safe and effective treatments. Our commitment to ongoing training ensures that we stay at the forefront of industry advancements.
Client-Centric Approach
We believe that every client deserves individualized care and attention. Our client-centric approach means that we take the time to understand your specific needs and preferences. Whether you are seeking facial hair removal or treatment for larger areas of the body, we tailor our services to achieve the best possible results for you.
Positive Client Experiences
The true measure of any medical group lies in the satisfaction of its clients. Este Medical Group has garnered numerous positive reviews and testimonials from individuals who have experienced the transformative effects of laser hair removal. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the results we consistently deliver, making us a trusted choice for those seeking hair removal solutions in Leicester.
Conclusion: Embrace Silky Smooth Skin Today!
In conclusion, laser hair removal in Leicester, UK, represents a revolutionary advancement in hair removal technology, offering individuals the chance to embrace silky smooth skin without the hassles of traditional methods. With its numerous benefits, including long-lasting results, safety, and reduced skin irritation, it is no wonder that more people are turning to this effective solution.
At Este Medical Group, we are dedicated to providing personalized care and outstanding results. If you are ready to eliminate the inconvenience of shaving and waxing, we invite you to book a consultation and discover how our laser hair removal services can transform your grooming routine. Experience the confidence that comes with smooth, hair-free skin—schedule your appointment today!
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bizonmark · 6 months
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  Occasion: Anniversary Compatibility: All Compatible Pendant Size: 35mm*38mm Shapepattern: Round Model Number: HLSS458 Material: Metal Chain Type: Link Chain Style: Classic Necklace Type: Pendant Necklaces Gender: Men Metals Type: STAINLESS STEEL Brand Name: ZHHBEIFY Origin: Mainland  CN: Zhejiang Fine or Fashion: fashion Item Type: NECKLACES chain length: 24 inches Necklace weight: 21 g The…
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southshorediamond · 6 months
Tough & Stylish Titanium Wedding Bands for Active Men
For grooms who are searching for men’s wedding bands in Pembroke that are classic, durable and stylish titanium bands are the ideal choice for you. Titanium is frequently used by cutting-edge professionals who have a working knowledge of this metal along with the equipment used to cut it. Unlike most other metals, titanium has a high melting point and needs to be worked on as a single piece or with lasers.
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larsonjewelers · 1 year
5 Wedding Rings That Go Beyond the Classic Precious Metals
The gifting of wedding bands forged from precious metals to loved ones as a promise of eternal love and fidelity dates to ancient Egypt. Sometimes, however, updating traditions is the best way to honor them. For instance, choosing womens and mens wedding bands that go beyond the traditional precious metals makes for interesting choices. They can also be ideal for partners on a budget.
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Titanium and Tungsten Rings Titanium and tungsten are two of the toughest metals on the planet. In addition to that toughness, they are hypoallergenic and make for fascinating conversation pieces. They’re both quite versatile, too; each is available in both vibrant white and striking black. This means you can find a variety of distinctive womens and mens tungsten rings, including customizable ones. Wooden Rings and Spinning Wedding Bands Fun examples of the diversity of tungsten and titanium rings, among other available material options, are spinning rings and those with attractive, exotic inlaid wood. Spinning rings are attention grabbers and the perfect choice for anyone who appreciates having something to fidget with. Wooden rings are a bold but classy blend of rich and rare wood inlay and the framing of sharp white or black metal. Ceramic Rings with Gorgeous Inlays Some ring options don’t just go beyond precious metals, they transcend metal altogether. Ceramic rings are a prime example of non-metallic wedding band options well worth considering. Ceramic is light, hypoallergenic, and it won’t set off metal detectors. It’s also as scratch resistant as tungsten. Ceramic wedding rings can be an eye-catching black that is beautifully set off by gorgeous, colorful inlays. Look for ceramic rings featuring blue turquoise, a variety of vibrant opal shades, or lustrous shell inlays. Carved and Laser-Engraved Cobalt Rings Cobalt wedding bands are among the most impressive but least well-known of the alternatives to precious metals. Like several of the other alternative materials, cobalt is hypoallergenic. It’s also as brilliantly white as white gold or even platinum but available for a fraction of the cost. Plus, cobalt rings rank among the hardest and most scratch-resistant available, behind only ceramic and tungsten. Despite their hardness, cobalt chrome rings can be found in bright white or arresting black and carved or laser-engraved with beautiful designs. Tungsten and Ceramic Rings with Dinosaur Bone Inlays As far back as the tradition of wedding rings has its origins, there are wedding bands with elements a whole lot more ancient than that. Specifically, a variety of tungsten and ceramic rings sporting inlays of real polished dinosaur bone fossil. It’s hard to imagine a cooler ring for a fossil hunter, history or science buff, or anyone who appreciates dinosaurs and cool things in general. Plus, since dinosaur fossils are all distinctive, every ring is a truly unique piece of amazing ancient history. About Larson Jewelers Eleven years ago, Larson Jewelers was founded with a singular vision—providing men and women a unique place to explore the most impressive selection of stunning, innovative, and creative wedding bands that exist. Check out their brilliant platinum and palladium wedding bands, cutting-edge tungsten wedding bands, wooden rings, and a whole lot more. Looking for something unique and fascinating? Browse for cobalt and titanium rings, even rings featuring a dinosaur bone inlay. Larson Jewelers is dedicated to both ethical sourcing and a ring-shopping process that’s as simple as it can be. You can also determine the perfect size with their convenient conversion chart or reach out to their experienced wedding band consultants with any questions. Choose the most incredible and affordable ring and wedding band designs with Larson Jewelers. Find the ring that’s perfect for you at https://www.larsonjewelers.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/42kzyEw
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
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Learn how to cook steel cut oats four different ways: microwave, stovetop, overnight, and slow cooking. Choose method based on convenience and batch size.
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Double Layered Sparkling Pendant Necklace - Rose Gold
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Japan Lunch Box,Bento Box Accessory,Cute Bento Box,Bento Box,Kitchen Accessory,Bento Box For Kid,,Lunch Container,Stainless Steel Bento Box
About The Lunch Box: Material:plastic/stainless steel Size:26*19*6cm Product features: This lunch box is simple and cute in shape, can be used to hold delicious food, is very convenient and easy to use, food is safe, and easy to clean. Feedback: Your satisfaction is our first priority so please feel free to contact us if you have any question or advice. Thank you for your love & support. Enjoy!
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Learn how to cook steel cut oats in four different ways: microwave, stovetop, overnight, and slow cooking. Choose your preferred method based on convenience and batch size. This nutritious carbohydrate is a healthy and affordable meal to start the day!One of the healthiest grains you can eatNearly every household has a canister or box of oats stashed in their pantry, or at least they should. This shelf-stable cereal grain is packed with several health benefits in each spoonful. There are various types of oats to choose from at the store that it can be a little overwhelming. So I’m going to walk you through one of the most popular varieties called steel cut oats or Irish style oats.These little bits have a delicious nutty flavor and slightly chewy texture that gets creamy as it cooks. Because they are one of the least processed varieties, they can take a longer time to cook. But not to worry! I have four easy methods you can try that vary in cooking time, hands-on activity, and yield. Choose the one that best suits your needs, and you’ll be an oatmeal pro in no time.How to cook steel cut oatsMicrowaving is the quickest method. Works well for single-serving portions only. Stovetop is the most traditional method, giving you control of the cooking process. Best for those not in a rush, and want to feed more people. Overnight combines soaking the evening before and quickly heating on the stovetop in the morning to thicken the oats. For those in a hurry but have a few minutes to spare. Slow cooking is a great way to make a big batch with very little need for stirring. Just set it and let the machine do all of the work! Pressure cooking makes oatmeal in about half the time compared to the stovetop. If you have this device, check out my separate Instant Pot steel cut oats recipe. MicrowaveThe most important thing to remember for this method is to use a large microwave-safe bowl that can hold up to eight cups of water. Even though you only add two cups of liquid, when the electromagnetic waves heat the liquid it starts to rapidly bubble and expands. If the bowl isn’t large enough, it will flow over causing a mess.Cooking time is about 10 minutes, stirring once in between. If you’re just a personal-sized serving this is a good option. Compared to cooking rolled oats in the microwave, steel cut oats need more water and time.StovetopThis is the classic method that brings water to a boil, stirring in the oats, then reducing heat to a gentle simmer. It takes about 30 minutes for the oats to absorb the water, and become creamy. This is the most involved technique, requiring frequent stirring to ensure even cooking and heat distribution. You can easily scale the recipe up or down, just change the size of your saucepot.OvernightPour hot water over the oats and allow them to hydrate and soften the tough surface overnight. Make sure the water completely cools to room temperature before placing it in the refrigerator.In the morning, simmer the oat mixture on the stovetop for 5 minutes with an additional cup of water or milk, until the oats thicken. Let the oats sit for a few minutes before serving to create a porridge consistency.Unlike soaking old fashioned rolled oats or instant oats in cold liquid to make overnight oatmeal, steel-cut oats need one more quick-cooking step. I tested just soaking, but the grains were still too hard and chewy to truly enjoy.Slow cookerFor those that want a completely hands-off method, the slow cooker is your go-to equipment. The temperature in the vessel typically doesn’t rise above 215ºF (102ºC), so it will not boil, and make the oats mushy. I use a 6-quart Crock-Pot for this recipe, and it creates a very large batch that’s perfect for feeding a family or meal prepping for the week.Combine oats, salt, water and milk (or dairy-free like almond milk) in the vessel and place the lid on. Let it cook for several hours on high setting if enjoying the same day. The beauty of this method is you can prep everything the night before and use the low setting for 7 to 8 hours so when you can wake up, breakfast is served.If your device automatically switches to the warm setting, you may have to add a little bit of liquid to thin out the consistency before serving.Storing and reheatingIf making a large batch of oatmeal, store in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days. Smaller portions can be frozen for up to 1 month then defrosted before reheating. The oatmeal can be reheated on the stovetop over medium heat, stirring and adding in more liquid to thin out the consistency as needed.Small portions can be reheated in the microwave. Cook on high power in 30-second intervals, stirring and cooking until warmed through. You can add more liquid if needed after microwaving for the first 1-minute of reheating to make it easier to incorporate.How much oatmeal will raw oats make?One cup of steel cut oats yields about three cups of cooked oatmeal. A typical serving size is ⅓ to ½ cup dried oats, or about 1 to 1 ½ cups cooked. The reason for its substantial expansion is that oats contain about 40 to 60% starch (amylose and amylopectin). As the starches are heated and absorb water, the granules swell and thicken due to gelatinization.Pin this recipe to save for laterPin ThisMicrowaved Steel Cut Oats▢ ½ cup steel cut oats ▢ 2 cups water Stovetop Steel Cut Oats▢ 1 cup steel cut oats ▢ 4 cups water, or milk ▢ ¼ teaspoon kosher salt Overnight Steel Cut Oats▢ 1 cup steel cut oats ▢ 4 cups water, divided ▢ ¼ teaspoon kosher salt Slow Cooker Steel Cut Oats▢ 2 cups steel cut oats ▢ 6 cups water ▢ 2 cups milk ▢ ½ teaspoon kosher salt Microwaved Steel Cut Oats Add oats and water to a large microwave-safe bowl. The bowl should be large enough to hold 8 cups of water, this is important! The oats will rapidly bubble, so if the bowl is not large enough it will flow over. Tightly cover the bowl with plastic wrap and cook for 5 minutes on high power in the microwave. Carefully uncover, stir, and cook for another 5 minutes or until tender and thickened. Stovetop Steel Cut Oats In a medium saucepan bring water and salt to a boil. Stir in the steel cut oats then reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer uncovered, stirring every 5 minutes until the liquid is absorbed and oats are tender, about 25 to 30 minutes. Overnight Steel Cut Oats Add oats and salt to a medium bowl. Add 3 cups of hot water, stir, cover with foil, and allow to come to room temperature. Store the oats in the refrigerator overnight. Add the oat mixture plus 1 cup water (or milk) to a large saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce to a simmer over medium heat. Stir and cook until the oats have thickened and still have a slight chew, about 5 to 7 minutes. Allow the oats to sit for about 5 minutes to absorb the rest of the water, then serve. Slow Cooker Steel Cut Oats Add steel cut oats, water, milk, and salt to a 6-quart slow cooker. Stir to combine. Cover and cook until the oats are soft and thickened, 3 to 4 hours on the high setting, or 7 to 8 hours on the low setting. Turn off the slow cooker and allow oatmeal to sit for 10 minutes before serving to absorb all of the water. The oatmeal will thicken more as it cools down. 2-3 qt. Saucepan Slow Cooker Storing: Oatmeal can be portioned into smaller servings, cooled at room temperature, then covered and refrigerated for up to 4 to 5 days. Freezing: Portion oatmeal out in single servings into quart sized bags. These can be stored for up to 1 month. Defrost the night before in the refrigerator or place bag in a warm bowl of water until no longer frozen. Reheating: Reheat oatmeal in a microwave in high power in 30-second intervals until warm. On the stovetop cook over medium heat until warm. Add more milk or water as needed to adjust the consistency for both methods. Yield: microwave (1 ½ cups), stovetop (3 cups), overnight (3 cups), slow cooker (6 cups). Serving size: 1 cup cooked oats Nutrition FactsHow to Cook Steel Cut Oats (4 Ways!)Amount Per ServingCalories 206 Calories from Fat 36% Daily Value*Fat 4g6%Saturated Fat 1g5%Sodium 17mg1%Carbohydrates 35g12%Fiber 6g24%Protein 9g18%Calcium 37mg4%Iron 2mg11%* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.Tried this recipe?Tag me on Instagram. I'd love to see how it turns out!Tag @jessica_gavin
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
It seems like years of this idiot s*** and it has been and our son and daughter pointed out did they submerge and start riding everyone and they ruin things again and they're doing it in a cycle. I want to break that cycle in the process Mac will lose even though he thinks he's going to win and he's interested in doing it too we've heard enough from everybody we need to enact our plan and stop harassing our son and daughter by harassing the idiots who just need to leave we're going to ruin their day and night and we're going to take care of the problem and we're going to go over it right now on how to do it and it's working for the most part and we're going to go push the light cycle facility stuff and if they don't get there we're just going to take everything and start taking all the cocaine too and then I'll probably drive them there if not we'll have the stuff I'm tired of having to do this halfway through because they're screwing up something that they want to do it's so damn annoying
Thor Freya
It is ridiculous what I'm saying they're going to be a huge pain in the ass if you cut them off everyone will have to kill them and kind of really need to they suck so damn bad but wow that's a lot of them dying in the polls and those four holes it is a lot without that today we would be in a lot of trouble if we tried to take them on I see how many are left and it's millions of octoons but they're going you're saying too it's far too many but they have to try and take it over from one of their own assholes they fail they're going to die and it sort of get it but they're going because they have to and they're speeding there now
He doesn't want to give it out but we can we're saying that there are ships there and then a loaded they're 10 to 20 miles long and they're cruise ships and yeah they're going back and forth and they're picking up assholes. We have a couple junkie 20 mile one we're doing the same thing there's a few more we can use if they get destroyed where we build them they'll need to be rebuilt soon anyways but we're trying to make it so they get there huge numbers too huge. The reasoning of sound 400 million empire ships is nothing it seems upon septillions of ships has been down there building and taking stuff and taking all these ships and processing them and some of them are very big and a lot of steel and a lot of titanium and spaceships too well he's probably at the core they're fighting over it but he might be at it and if not is that other iron or deposites that are deep we know he's building stuff and he said he was and we have estimates and you don't want to hear them he says we should put it out there rough numbers if we get it approved and I went and got it approved
300 million class A Star Trek 10 to 20 mi ships
400 million class A Star wars interceptors and imperial warships 5 to 10 miles
700 million class A destiny 2 5 to 10 MI
800 million class A Warcraft Stone chips fuse limestone cured using the method we described already and they figured out themselves the Halls are about 400 ft thick they're hard enough to deflect everything you have you have to hit the same spot for 500 times unless you have the lasers in the spheres these trips are 10 to 20 miles
700 million of the class A Stone ships which are Warhammer than the men for bomber and bombing and there are about that many of the 5 to 10 Mile class same with the stone
300 million class A tanks 20 mi or less is about 1/3 of them or 20 mi and there's cloud with limestone which is hardened
200 million class A fighter jets titanium alloy super fast 25,000 mph Plus in the atmosphere
Ordinance of the wazoo and Vons they're more bombs then Trump had stashed in his areas
700 million Jager 1 mi to 5 mi 800 million Jager half mile two billion Jager quarter mile 300 billion Jager 8th of a mile 700 billion Yeager 800 ft 10 trillion Jager 20 ft $700 Yeagers 15 ft
More later
Thor Freya
650 million lasers 10 miles long 850 million lasers 5 mi long 3/4 of those have spheres in their makeup they're extremely powerful 200 million lasers 20 miles long the place is Jambo stuff down there
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acredo-rings · 2 years
Classic Titanium Wedding Bands That Every Groom Will Love
If you’re looking for wedding bands in Denver for your groom that will not only resonate with his style and personality preferences but also showcase the love and commitment towards the relationship then titanium bands are the ideal choice.
 These bands are ideal for people that are active, outgoing, and lead high-impact lifestyles. Since titanium is durable and tough along with having a very high melting point, only jewelers that are trained and skilled can work on it. They need to either work on this metal as a single piece or with lasers.
 Reasons to love titanium bands
One of the main reasons why a lot of men prefer titanium custom jewelry in Denver is that this metal is much more affordable than gold or platinum and perfectly suits their active lifestyle.
 Titanium is also resistant to scratches, daily wear and tear, tarnishing, and corrosion along with being light in weight, easy to care for and maintain, and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for men with jewelry allergies.
 Just keep in mind that, unlike platinum, silver, or gold, this metal isn’t precious and so will not have the same value. Also, once made, your jewelry store in Denver will not be able to resize or alter the band owing to its hardness. So, you need to get the size right the first time around.
 Make sure that your band has a nice consistent shade and luster to it and look for any flaws or imperfections in the band before investing in it.
 The Bottom Line
Caring for your band is very simple. You can either take it to a professional once a year for cleaning and maintenance or clean it regularly at home between professional cleanings. Avoid exposing your band to household chemicals or abrasives as they can degrade it over time.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 4 years
MCOC Wishlist Poll Snapshot: Entire Rankings
001 Mystique 002 Quicksilver 003 Beta Ray Bill 004 Sandman 005 Adam Warlock 006 Kitty Pryde 007 Lizard 008 Morbius the Living Vampire 009 Kraven the Hunter 010 Cloak & Dagger 011 Spider-Man 2099 012 Black Cat 013 Bullseye 014 Jessica Jones 015 Ares 016 Shang-Chi 017 Gladiator (Kallark) 018 Baron Zemo 019 Lady Deathstrike 020 Enchantress 021 Valkyrie MCU 022 Knull 023 Morgan le Fay 024 Scorpion 025 Captain Britain 026 Galactus 027 Dazzler 028 Silver Samurai 029 Black Knight 030 Dracula 031 Hobgoblin 032 Pyro 033 Fantomex 034 Spider-Woman 035 Jean Grey 90s 036 Silk 037 Polaris 038 Silver Sable 039 Sif 040 Anti-Venom 041 Mister Negative 042 Crystal 043 Legion 044 Shocker 045 Malekith the Accursed 046 Destroyer Armor 047 M'baku the Man-Ape 048 The Mandarin 049 Emplate 050 Multiple-Man 051 Shuri 052 Banshee 053 Onslaught 054 Warpath 055 Sunfire 056 Cannonball 057 Dark Phoenix 058 Blue Marvel 059 Prowler (Aaron Davis) 060 Okoye 061 Mockingbird 062 Spiral 063 Madame Hydra / Viper 064 Hydro-Man 065 Red She-Hulk 066 Agent Anti-Venom 067 Blackheart 068 Gorr the God-Butcher 069 Songbird 070 Quasar 071 Absorbing Man 072 Whiplash 073 Armor 074 Daimon Hellstrom 075 Wendigo 076 Nimrod 077 Graviton 078 Gwenom 079 Deathlok 080 Firestar 081 Vulcan 082 Wonder Man 083 Selene 084 Blob 085 Klaw 086 Rachel Summers 087 Thor (MCU Stormbreaker) 088 Shadow King 089 White Tiger 090 Tombstone 091 Jack O'Lantern 092 Valkyrie Classic 093 Toad 094 Moonstone 095 Weapon H 096 Jocasta 097 Dani Moonstar 098 Monica Rambeau 099 Wolfsbane 100 Franklin Richards 101 Ancient One 102 Arnim Zola 103 Exodus 104 Forge 105 Supergiant 106 Madelyne Pryor 107 Hank Pym 108 Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 109 Negasonic Teenage Warhead 110 Spider-Man Noir 111 Phantom Rider 112 Blink 113 Sebastian Shaw 114 Clea 115 Black Tom Cassidy 116 Kurse 117 Danger 118 Daken 119 Omega Sentinel 120 Grim Reaper 121 Radioactive Man 122 Shatterstar 123 Darkstar 124 Werewolf by Night 125 Hope Summers 126 The Magus 127 Union Jack 128 Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) 129 Crimson Dynamo 130 Pixie 131 Conan 132 Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) 133 Azazel 134 Jigsaw 135 Boom-Boom 136 Swarm 137 Xorn 138 Machine Man 139 Black Widow (Yelena Belova) 140 Madame Masque 141 Misty Knight 142 Chamber 143 Mistress Death 144 Skaar 145 Morlun 146 Thanos (Endgame) 147 Leader 148 Sleepwalker 149 Deacon Frost 150 Black Swan 151 Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) 152 Fin Fang Foom 153 Ka-Zar 154 Arcade 155 Iron Spider 156 Dust 157 Gorgon 158 Lash 159 Namora 160 A-Bomb (Rick Jones) 161 Ikaris 162 Nick Fury (Classic) 163 Rescue 164 Nico Minoru 165 Volstagg 166 Weapon Hex 167 Stingray 168 Maximus the Mad 169 Cyttorak 170 Skurge the Executioner 171 Doc Samson 172 Maverick / Agent Zero 173 Sauron 174 Baron Blood 175 Captain America Falcon 176 Wong 177 Mantis 178 Whirlwind 179 Firelord 180 Magma 181 Molecule Man 182 White Fox 183 Nova (Sam Alexander) 184 Satana 185 Dum Dum Dugan (LMD) 186 Holocaust 187 Shiklah 188 Valkyrie Moonstar 189 High Evolutionary 190 Bloodaxe 191 Magus (Technarch) 192 Nighthawk 193 Punisher: War Machine 194 Goliath (Bill Foster) 195 Nova (Frankie Raye) 196 Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch) 197 Dr. Cecilia Reyes 198 Sentinel X (Shogo Lee) 199 Thena 200 Hellcat 201 Cosmic Spider-Man 202 Attuma 203 Shroud 204 Doctor Nemesis 205 Siryn 206 Nate Grey 207 Iron Monger 208 Black Mamba 209 Agent Carter 210 Kluh 211 Tiger Shark 212 Purple Man 213 Snowbird 214 Ice-Thing 215 Lilandra 216 Superior Spider-Man 217 Thane 218 Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 219 Jackal 220 Jean Grey (X-Men Red) 221 Punisher: Frankencastle 222 Puck 223 Rockslide 224 Red Ghost and his Super-Apes 225 Deathbird 226 Hydra Supreme 227 Strong Guy 228 Zarda the Power Princess 229 Sage 230 Quentin Quire (aka Kid Omega) 231 Prowler (Hobie Brown) 232 Slapstick 233 Stardust (Lambda Zero) 234 Titanium Man 235 D'spayre 236 Colleen Wing 237 Thunderbird (John Proudstar) 238 Iron Maiden 239 Gorilla-Man (Kenneth Hale) 240 Jack of Hearts 241 Titania 242 Avalanche 243 Toxic Doxie 244 Death’s Head 245 Impossible Man 246 Worthy Captain America (Mjölnir/Endgame) 247 Outlaw (Higgins) 248 Scarlet Spider II (Kaine Parker) 249 Beetle 250 Typhoid Mary 251 Bloodscream 252 Serpent (Cul Borson) 253 Ms. America Chavez 254 Ghost Rider (Reyes) 255 Hummingbird 256 Mercury 257 M (Monet St. Croix) 258 Black Tarantula 259 Spitfire 260 Wizard 261 Superior Octopus 262 Maria Hill 263 Minotaur (Dario Agger) 264 Echo 265 Morph 266 Karolina Dean 267 Zarathos 268 Thundra 269 Smasher (Kane) 270 Hyperstorm 271 Boomerang 272 Stature (Cassie Lang, AKA Stinger) 273 Meggan 274 Caliban 275 Hollow 276 Abyss (Styger) 277 Silverclaw 278 Red King 279 Doctor Druid 280 U.S. Agent 281 Sersi 282 Molten Man 283 Zzzax 284 Singularity 285 Agatha Harkness 286 Blastaar 287 Korvac 288 Citizen V 289 Carter Slade the Satan-Stomper 290 Post 291 Shuma-Gorath 292 Sin 293 Triton 294 Quasar (Kincaid) 295 Martinex 296 Iron Man (Mark I) 297 Wiccan 298 Speedball 299 Paladin 300 Amanda Sefton 301 Overmind 302 Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) 303 Feral 304 Charlie-27 305 Rom: Spaceknight 306 Juggerduck 307 The Uranian 308 Blazing Skull 309 Starfox 310 Living Laser 311 Hiro-Kala 312 Namorita 313 Jack Flag 314 Stormborn 315 Doctor Bong 316 Crescent & Io 317 Gamora mcu 318 Wave 319 Ironheart 320 Venom Rocket 321 Doctor Spectrum 322 Davos the Steel Serpent 323 Lady Hellbender 324 Falcon classic 325 Bloodstorm 326 Tempus (Eva Bell) 327 Voyager 328 No-Name the Brood 329 Demon Bear 330 Moondragon 331 Arachne 332 Aero 333 Andromeda 334 Speed Demon 335 Phyla-Vell 336 Xemnu the Living Hulk 337 Aleta 338 Araña 339 Human Torch (Jim Hammond) 340 Constrictor 341 Iso 342 Arkon 343 Genis-Vell 344 Shanna the She-Devil 345 Volcana 346 Batroc the Leaper 347 Arclight 348 Scientist Supreme 349 Yukio 350 N'kantu the Living Mummy 351 Gentle 352 Caiera the Oldstrong 353 Beetle (Janice Lincoln) 354 Penance (Baldwin) 355 Super-Adaptoid 356 Ajak 357 Future Colossus 358 Moses Magnum 359 Vampire by Night 360 Superia 361 Puppet Master 362 Chimera 363 Count Nefaria 364 Stick 365 Hellion 366 Agent May 367 Mister Hyde 368 Spot 369 Cobra 370 Doop 371 Lyja 372 Wrecker 373 Stargod/Man-Wolf 374 Stilt-Man 375 Machinesmith 376 Spider-Bitch 377 Madame Web 378 Corsair & Sikorsky 379 Thor (Groot) 380 Balder 381 Random 382 Power Man (Alvarez) 383 Starhawk 384 Sun-Girl (Selah Burke) 385 Arcanna 386 Scream 387 Kree Sentry 388 Agent Phil Coulson 389 Thunderstrike (Kevin) 390 Talos 391 Carmilla Black 392 Uatu 393 Jennifer Kale 394 Warwolf 395 Enigma (Aikku Jokinen, AKA Pod) 396 Belasco 397 Swordsman 398 Trevor Fitzroy 399 Dazzler Thor 400 Hepzibah 401 Atlas 402 Ogun 403 Yellowjacket (DeMara) 404 Hala the Accuser 405 Entropy 406 War Machine (Infinity War) 407 Animax 408 Captain Universe 409 Whizzer 410 Hogun the Grim 411 Cottonmouth (Clemens) 412 Blizzard 413 Storm (Queen of Wakanda) 414 Silhouette 415 Immortus 416 Beast (Hex-Men) 417 Solo 418 White Rabbit 419 Aurora 420 Equinox 421 Hellcow 422 Owl 423 Arsenic & Old Lace 424 Beetle mk iii 425 Valeria (Age of Conan) 426 Trapster 427 Throg 428 Mimic 429 Hulkling 430 Iron Lad 431 Angel (Black Vortex) 432 Marionette 433 Phastos 434 Hobgoblin 2099 435 Razor Fist 436 Asp 437 Baymax 438 Captain America (Peggy Carter) 439 Sp//dr 440 Tarantula (Kaine) 441 Silver Scorpion (Barstow) 442 Midnight Angels of Wakanda 443 Demolition Man 444 White Wolf (Hunter) 445 Synapse 446 Kingo 447 Grey Gargoyle 448 Gilgamesh the Forgotten One 449 Justice 450 Atlas Bear 451 Iron Fist (Orson Randall) 452 Victorious 453 Lincoln Campbell 454 Luna Snow 455 Zadkiel 456 Crystar 457 Husk 458 Gravity 459 Kaecilius 460 Marrina 461 Ghost Rider (Circle of Four) 462 Nighthawk Supremeverse 463 Fixer 464 Cardiac 465 Capwolf 466 Kull the Conqueror of Atlantis 467 Noh-Varr 468 Korath the Pursuer 469 Miss America (Joyce) 470 Blackjack O'Hare 471 Bi-Beast 472 Vance Astro 473 Bushmaster (Quincy) 474 Krugarr 475 Poundcakes 476 Yo-Yo 477 American Son 478 Mister M 479 Cottonmouth (Stokes) 480 Manphibian 481 Infamous Iron Man 482 Paibok the Power-Skrull 483 Shatter 484 Daredevil Shadowland 485 Nakia 486 Garrison Kane 487 Makkari 488 Elloe 489 Northstar 490 Spiderling 491 She-Hulk (Lyra) 492 Proteus 493 Grey Hulk 494 Doorman 495 Toro 496 Nuke 497 Acroyear 498 Blonde Phantom 499 Drax MCU 500 Orrgo 501 Marvel Girl NPC 502 Fandral the Dashing 503 Spider-Girl 504 Ms. Thing 505 Captain America 2099 506 Veranke 507 Haechi 508 Mulholland Black 509 Mighty Destroyer 510 Eclipse 511 Powell McTeague 512 Druig 513 Copycat 514 Terror 515 Ahab 516 God-Emperor Doom 517 Doombot (V Series) 518 Sword Master 519 Cyclone 520 Black Mariah 521 Zenzi 522 Thor: Herald of Thunder 523 3-D Man 524 Hulk Endgame 525 Tetu 526 Doctor Octopus (Liv Octavius) 527 Margali 528 Molly Hayes 529 Sinara 530 Aldrich Killian 531 Goldballs 532 Mindless Ones 533 Nikki Gold 534 Foolkiller 535 Darkwing Duck 536 Thunderstrike (Eric) 537 She-Thing (Ventura) 538 Killmonger (Emperor Symbiote) 539 Iron Duck 540 Ms. Marvel II (Ventura) 541 Spymaster 542 Scalphunter 543 Spider-Man (Miles Morales Movie) 544 Karn 545 Gun-R 546 Terminus 547 Achebe 548 Llyra 549 Bushmaster (John) 550 Sugar Man 551 Great Lakes Avengers 552 Xarggu 553 Human Fly (Deacon) 554 Shogun 555 Plantman 556 Brawn 557 Elixir 558 Litterbug 559 Smasher (Rokk) 560 Bug 561 Mammomax 562 Synch 563 Anaconda 564 Wolvie 565 Dirk Anger 566 Captain [****] 567 Ezekiel 568 Diamondback (Stryker) 569 Unworthy Thor 570 Master Mold 571 Masked Marauder 572 M.O.D.A.M. 573 Hellsgaard 574 Hulkbuster 2.0 575 Forgetmenot 576 Ghaur 577 Arcturus Rann 578 Ultimate Green Goblin (Movie) 579 Dragoness 580 Porcupine 581 M-11 582 Taskmaster MCU 583 Dansen Macabre 584 Lady Bullseye 585 Harpoon 586 Unicorn 587 Bushwacker 588 Loki variant 589 Night Nurse 590 Psyklop 591 Mack 592 Eel 593 Water Snake 594 Chaos King 595 Red Hulk (Maverick) 596 Kaluu 597 The Russian 598 Geena Drake 599 Jimmy Hudson 600 Slayback 601 Mentallo 602 Skull the Slayer 603 Karkas 604 Dominic Fortune 605 The Buzz 606 Doctor Crocodile 607 Ox 608 Dorrek VII 609 Needle 610 Krang 611 Dino-Thor 612 Stegron 613 Zeitgeist 614 [VACANT] 615 [VACANT] 616 [VACANT]
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josephheysen34 · 4 years
3 Smart Skincare Techniques For Clear Glowing Skin
By using quality makeup, it will protect your skin, not damage in which. Invest in high quality makeup products just when invest in high quality food. Look into the fact that part within the makeup is absorbed because of your body from the pores. You will not harmful substances to penetrate in the system and attack it any kind of way, an individual? And the most important thing of all: NEVER sleep with your makeup relating to. It will make your skin look older computer system really is and will clog your pores, thus contributing towards the rapid evolution of acne or other similar biomechanical problems.
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You got to love modern technology. Today, there are many innovative and modern wrinkle treatment methods offered in clinics such Laser Facial procedures, the wrinkle filler remedy and far more. Laser Facial stimulates collagen growth in your skin. To your other hand, a wrinkle filler is usually injected in the skin's top later reduce wrinkle formation in encounter and neck. When washing your face to get rid of acne, use your hands. Fabrics or exfoliators can damage your skin even further, so the hands are the gentlest tool you can use. Paired with a mild soapy warm water you'll be able to clean confront and get rid of acne bank! Having your sunglasses along with you are all times is crucial for avoiding eye seams. The sun is equally powerful within winter additionaly the reflection over snow communicates the rays even more annoying and White Tulip Cream Review penetrating. Noticing surely squeeze your eyes and obtain the horrible lines unless an individual your sunglasses on as soon as going from a sunny day. When you choose to go out into the beach in order to go shopping, you should use some sun movie screen. After putting some sun screen, components . to stay focused with home for approximately 30 minutes and White Tulip Anti Aging Cream Tulip Cream Reviews then, you can go out. This is DIY Skincare because the sun screen can protect your skin after a time period of time. Protect Yourself Against Direct Sun Exposure: White Tulip Cream Even if you believe you are careful about avoiding the sun's rays, put on the sunblock when outdoors features an SPF of 30 and offers a broad spectrum protection. Cover your skin up if possible when out in the sun for lengthy. The sun will cause serious injury to your skin--damage you might not exactly even notice until years down the line. Use a men's sunblock with titanium dioxide shield against direct sunlight. Check out "Protect The skin from Sun Damage" for additional information. The reason behind sensitive skin is complex, while contacting or ingesting something irritant seems to become one of the most general ones. Households get how to due to sort of genetic factors, which causes them to be more likely to get an allergic reaction than others and always be tend for worse while older. Subject what is the reason on earth, there indeed exist some applicable Skincare Tips that will help ease principal symptom and enable you to be feel better. Also, avoid spending very much time in the solar. Too much sun can age your skin far outside your years. Buying sunscreen could be helpful while we are avoiding sun traumas. Cold weather can have likewise a negative effect around the skin by drying about it. There are many forms of anti aging skincare lotions that can be helpful for dry skin. Be more alert and aware among the ingredients in your anti aging skincare gear. Avoid synthetic chemicals, fragrances and some irritating chemicals. Always choose the natural skincare health supplements. Spend sometimes to read the label and ask question if you aren't sure towards the ingredients which will go extended way.
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southshorediamond · 6 months
Tough & Stylish Titanium Wedding Bands for Active Men
For grooms who are searching for men’s wedding bands in Pembroke that are classic, durable and stylish titanium bands are the ideal choice for you. Titanium is frequently used by cutting-edge professionals who have a working knowledge of this metal along with the equipment used to cut it.
Unlike most other metals, titanium has a high melting point and needs to be worked on as a single piece or with lasers.
Reasons to love titanium bands
One of the main reasons why a lot of grooms tend to prefer titanium men’s wedding rings in Pembroke is that it’s much more affordable than gold or platinum bands. Titanium is tough, easy to care for and maintain, and resistant to corrosion and daily wear and tear.
These bands are also hypoallergenic which makes it ideal for men prone to jewelry allergies and rashes. Just keep in mind that titanium is not a precious metal so it doesn’t have the same value as gold or platinum. If you plan to resize or sell your band in the future you will not get the same value for it.
Titanium once made cannot be altered or resized so you need to make sure the size is right the first time around. When buying a titanium band, you need to examine it to make sure that there are no visual pits. Ensure that the band has a nice consistent shade with no discoloration.
Your jewelry store in Pembroke will advise you to always look for a hallmark sign on the band which can signify that it’s made of genuine titanium. These bands require very little care and upkeep compared to other metals.
You can simply take your band to a professional jeweler once a year to clean, repair, and maintain, or clean it at home regularly with a simple soapy water solution. Make sure to dry your band properly before you put it back on.
These bands are ideal for grooms who are active, outgoing, or work a lot with their hands.
Wrapping Up
Your titanium band will stay in good condition throughout its life. Unlike other metals, titanium doesn’t need to be polished or re-plated and is a lot tougher, making it easier to take on daily wear and tear.
Some grooms inlay their titanium band with cobalt or tungsten for a piece that is virtually indestructible.
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the-master-cylinder · 4 years
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Empire Pictures/Tycin Films (1986-1987) “At the time everyone was talking high concept so I said let’s do RAPISTS FROM OUTERSPACE.” Charles Band bought the film released as Breeders as well as Mutant Hunt, which Kincaid shot back-to-back. Director Tim Kincaid was rewarded with a long term, ten picture deal with Empire in which some of the films will be made under his Tycin Films banner and others under Millennium Pictures. The latter will include some bigger budget items. Make them for under $1 million each on 10-day shooting schedules, back to back. Kincaid explained that most of the Tycin features will be produced for direct-to video sales probably through Empire’s own Wizard Video. The remaining films will see a theatrical release.
Although filmed after Mutant Hunt, Breeders (1986) was the first to land on video store shelves aided by a stylish pulp-influenced poster. Though no censors could get at his script Kincaid did have a domestic overseer. “My wife is very much into making sure that women aren’t being ripped-off in these films,” he said. “We had a lot of nudity but we weren’t brutalizing women on screen. Everything is implied. Variety speculated that BREEDERS went out on video because of problems with the rating board, but we had always planned to make it an R-rated film. Nothing has been cut for the video release.”
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The climactic scenes of BREEDERS take place in the monster’s underground lair, where it has created a nest for its victims. Kincaid filmed in a series of catacombs under the Brooklyn Bridge, used by workers who built the structure. There are vast rooms with brick and stone archways, the largest of which is a prayer room used by the men before they went into the depths to work. Kincaid learned of the location from BREEDER’s makeup effects man Ed French.
The monster’s victims were to be seen immersed in a pit of translucent slime actually gelatin. But with the actresses disrobed and immersed, the jello failed to gel. Kincaid was wary of adding the chemicals necessary for fear of harming the girls.
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“The art director jumped in a van and headed for the nearest supermarket,” said Kincaid. “He brought back ten pounds of flour and we poured it into the pit. It worked, but unfortunately it turned it white and gave the scene these sexual undertones that we never meant for it to have. The girls ended up working in the stuff for four or five hours-until 4 a.m.”
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Necropolis (1986) Reincarnated “Satanic Witch” from New Amsterdam, circa 1600’s comes back to revive her cult members by sucking the life force out of people.
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Robot Holocaust (1986) Just outside New Terra (whats left of New York City), Neo, a drifter from the atomic-blasted wastelands, and his klutzy robot sidekick arrive at a factory where slaves labor to fuel the Dark One’s Power Station. He meets Deeja, a woman (Nadine Hart) who convinces him to help rescue her father. The father is a scientist (Michael Dowend) who has invented a device that can break the Dark One’s control over the factory slaves. Gathering a motley crew of allies on the way, Neo goes to the Power Station to confront the Dark One’s evil servants.
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Mutant Hunt (1987), which Kincaid calls an adventure film with a science fiction background” finds Manhattan in a state of terror as Z, a mad industrialist, alters a squad of cyborgs with a drug known as Euphoron, turning them into crazed killers. The cyborg’s original creator is imprisoned by Z, but his sister escapes and seeks the help of Matt Riker, a private operative.
Kincaid directed MUTANT HUNT in 15 days, stretching the budget to give it more value and making up the difference by cutting corners on BREEDERS, putting that film in the can in only eight days. Empire is easily the most prolific distributor of genre films and their tactic of using both theatrical and video markets to release their product should enable them to keep a constant supply of films flowing to the fans. This is fine with Tim Kincaid, who seems to get a genuine joy out of making films, even on restricted budgets.
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The location is a large industrial type complex, eight stories high and several blocks long. The Army abandoned the terminal more than a decade ago. Today, it is the home of a noisy spice factory, hundreds of dilapidated city buses, and a small, but eager film crew. “There’s nothing like a set that doesn’t move,” says Rick Gianasi. The beefcake actor plays the film’s macho hero, Matt Riker. “This place is fabulous,” he observes.
The same location, with its scores of broken windows and rusty train tracks, conjures up a nice post apocalypse scenario on this windy and cloudy morning. Despite the atmosphere, Kincaid explains that his movie is not set in the next century. “Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt is not Road Warrior or Star Wars,” he notes, but it is in the future, only about six years from now.”
Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt certainly has its share of Fango moments, so don’t get the idea that this flick is simply another science-fiction yarn. The movie’s mutants are actually diseased cyborgs, exploited by an evil genius called Z, who eventually run amuck throughout the Big Apple. Kincaid, while looking around the set and mapping out the morning’s schedule, adds that his film will not take itself too seriously, either.
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“It’s sort of-I don’t want to say tongue-in-cheek because that term’s overused-a contemporary adventure,” he explains. “There’s not much hardware, just some lasers and effects. It isn’t knockdown, fall about-funny, but Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt has a sense of humor. The heroes are a happy-go-lucky trio of mercenaries, adventurers for hire who share a kidding camaraderie with each other. It’s a comic strip.”
The first shot of the day, which Kincaid is now planning, will take place on a concrete walkway inside a spectacular atrium that bisects the terminal. Grey buttresses jut out from both sides of the enormous hangar-like structure. Sunshine streams in from a huge skylight above, reducing the need for artificial lighting. To the left of the walkway, New York-based special effects man Matt Vogel peers over the charred remnants of Z’s dummy corpse, the victim of a Vogel pyrotechnic effect from the previous night’s lensing.
Vogel, who honed his incendiary skills on the pyromaniac horror flick Don’t Go in the House, is also contributing cyborg sparks, various fireballs and assorted gunshots. And included in his makeshift FX lab–actually his very own spot on the floor are boxes of ornaments, Christmas balls. Christmas balls?
“We have this chemical called titanium tetrochloride, ” Vogel elaborates. “When you open it up, slivers of smoke come out. It was once used for skywriting. The smoke is nice, but you can’t contain it. If I put it in a Christmas ball and seal it up, I have a titanium tetrochloride bomb. With a small explosive charge, the ball breaks and tendrils of smoke emerge. The hardest part of my job is finding Christmas balls in September!”
A few feet from Vogel’s effects “shop” is makeup man Ed French’s cluttered work area where he and his assistants John Bisson and James Chai leisurely paint some cyborg appendages. Later, French will supply an immobile six-foot cyborg “stretcho” arm, plus the diseased facial features for a cyborg duo. French took on a multiple challenge on these dual productions. Not only is he providing the special makeup effects, but Kincaid is letting him direct most of the FX sequences as well. “In terms of directing the special effects,” French reveals, “much of it is up to me. I don’t have any designs on becoming a director, but it is something I’ll have a lot to do with on these films. My storyboards are followed very closely by the editor. They’re very practical in terms of our shooting time. We can’t compete with An American Werewolf in London, but if it’s planned intelligently, we can have a lot of fun.”
French is particularly excited about a mechanical cyborg puppet that both he and Tom Lauten built for Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt. Its enticing features include a blown-away face with missing jaw, but French resists displaying this trophy, explaining that it is so fragile that he prefers to bring it out only when the cameras are rolling. Instead, visitors to the set get to see his chicken-wire-and-foam dummy, an unfortunate body that many crew members delight in kicking.
“This is our generic, all-purpose cyborg-dummy,”French announces, pointing to the abused double. “We took him apart yesterday, and pulled his arm off and had sparking as it came out of the joint. We divide him in half for an operating table scene. He also does some falling. This is body part city. We have an action scene where a cyborg knocks another’s head off, a combination dummy-puppet. We even have industrial strength cyborg blood squirting all over. It looks like anti-freeze.”
Nearby, two of the actor-cyborgs sit patiently while their bizarre crew cut hairstyles are neatly trimmed by the set’s conventional makeup artist Laurie Aiello. With their threatening height and muscular builds, these guys seem perfect for the cloneesque cyborgs, but their haircuts make them look like demented sailor boys. “We knew what we were getting into when we were offered the roles,” jokes Beta Cyborg Mark Legan, one of this production’s chiefly unknown cast. Alpha Cyborg Warren Ulaner doesn’t mind his appearance. “I was in the East Village the other night and my haircut was, more or less, conservative.” Adds French, “The makeups and designs are very stylized and give them a punk-heavy metal look.”
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“I was looking forward to playing this kind of role,” says Legan, “because these guys are as villainous as you can get. Warren does a number of nasty things to people and gets a lamp stuck in his eye. Yesterday, I got to tear somebody’s arm off. That’s more fun than saving the girl. For me, the film’s highlight will be when I attack a couple in an alley, tear the girl’s head off and roll it down the street.”
For a production that is supposed to wrap in only 10 days, things are going very slowly on this Wednesday morning. Most of the crew point to the reason: they’re recovering from late night shooting of some extra action stuff to impress Charles Band. Band flew in earlier this morning to get an advance peek at the dailies and, according to French, liked what he saw. Today’s first shot involves a short dialogue scene with the intense Z (Bill Peterson) holding a fellow scientist (Marc Umile) at laser point. Kincaid is an atypical, laidback director who stresses the “please” when he calls, “Quiet, please” as things finally get moving.
“Maybe the pace will pick up suddenly, and it will be rat-a-tat-tat, scene after scene,” predicts the hopeful Ron (New York Ninja) Reynaldi. He plays Johnny Felix, a martial arts master and electronics expert to Riker. He also doubles as Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt’s comic relief and stunt coordinator.
Following the short dialogue scenes, Kincaid readies the next few shots in which the heroine (Mary Fahey, sister of Jeff Fahey), is chased down a dark tunnel. The crew pauses for the sun to hide behind some clouds (day for night). Despite the brief delay, the director remains confident that Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt will come in on schedule.
“I plan my films like any other feature,” he notes during a lunch break. “It’s like a jigsaw puzzle. What you have to realize is that a Magnum P.I. even though it’s 52 minutes long and they have a bigger crew and bigger budget-goes out in seven days. Everything is carefully planned out in advance and really set up so that we know where we are going. We know how long it’s going to take to shoot each thing and how much time to allow for it. That’s why we’re shooting so radically out of sequence.”
After Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt wrapped principal photography a week later-inserts will be shot soon and Band’s California-based technicians are doing the post-production opticals. Kincaid and company immediately began Breeders, a tale of lustful aliens invading Fun City with sex, sex, sex on their otherworldly minds. Some new crew members have joined this film, along with another batch of unknown performers, including makeup man Ed French. Breeders is shooting in the same underground tunnels.
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“I think Breeders is going faster, but I don’t know why,” observes French, while preparing a shot with a grotesque half-alien/half-human baby. “Maybe it’s the script. Breeders is more elementary and straightforward. The style, which is very ’50s sci-fi monsters on the loose, almost dictates what you should do. On Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt, the script kept getting rewritten and getting bigger and more complicated. It’s an action movie with a lot of special effects. We knew Matt Riker would go over schedule a bit since it’s so ambitious.”
French steps aside to talk with his assistant, James Chai, who is lying on the dusty concrete floor for his part in bringing the monstrous puppet to life. The baby alien is appropriately disgusting, with an immense, gaping mouth running vertically down its face. A big, bulging bug eye blinks blindly. French applies some gooey methyl cellulose to its row of razor sharp teeth. Meanwhile, gun toting actor Lance Lewman and stake-wielding Teresa Farley wait for French to call action so that they can battle the crippled beastie. As on Matt Riker, Kincaid lets French direct his own special FX sequences.
Acting is another experience French is enjoying on Breeders. The occasional actor plays a doctor possessed by the aliens. Eventually, he even turns into one. “It’s really kind of exciting,” French laughs. “There was an eerie moment yesterday. I’m supposed to be hiding this little creature and then let him loose on these people. I was in the shot, so I just couldn’t step out of the scene and check out the creature. I had to stay in character and let my assistant take care of it.”
In a connecting tunnel next door, a couple of production assistants place the finishing touches on the aliens’ “nest,” a squat six-foot-square box made of foam, goo, plastic and some broken glass. The “Gigeresque” nest is where the captive women are taken. Attractive actress Francis Raines, last featured as the first victim of The Mutilator, does not mind wallowing naked in the nest for her upcoming scene as alien breeding stock.
“This stuff is like food preservative,” explains Raines referring to the buckets of methyl cellulose ooze. “It’s not like they hired 40 Ukrainian elephants to spit in there. I go through the pit and transform to become another Breeder. I can’t wait! At least, I keep away from the dirt.
“My biggest scene is where it does its transformation and chases me around this photography studio while I’m modeling swimsuits. He gets me, attacks me, and uses me. The biggest effect occurs when this stomach cord shoots out and grabs me. Its tentacles drag me away.’
French insists that Breeders is not as lewd as it sounds, while Kincaid obviously believes that sex and violence sell flicks. “I’ve always liked the lurid exploitation movies of the ’50s when I was growing up,” Kincaid remarks. “I think the time is right for them to come back, since we’re coming to the end of the wholesome-family-type science fiction that appeals to a wide range audience. Now, we have a big video market for these low-budget pictures. There hasn’t been an audience for these movies in the last 10 to 15 years… until now.”
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In addition to “tactfully” filming the alien rapes, Kincaid and French wanted an abstract look for the invaders. French based his designs on a book of insect microphotography. Most of the black-painted Breeders suit lies in sections around his ad-libbed workshop. A separate Breeders insert head is used for close-ups, and includes waving antennae. An alien hand snaps out a line like a frog’s tongue as well.
“The most challenging bit about the whole thing, and what I’m learning the most about, is integrating the monster suits into the film so that it doesn’t look like a monster suit,” explains French during a 4 p.m. lunch break. “I hate monster suits. Everytime you see this thing, we show a little more of it, like in The Elephant Man. First, you see its hand, then its shadow, a partial transformation, etc. It’s all judiciously shot and generally nightmarish. You’re not going to see a guy running around in a rubber suit.”
Monster suits or not, everyone at Entertainment Concepts is banking that Breeders and Matt Riker: Mutant Hunt serve as the first of a succession of independent New York productions all to be released by Empire… if all goes right.
“Empire has approached us about working with them as an East Coast off-shoot of their production suppliers,” Tim Kincaid reveals. “Their films are shot all over the world, Spain, Rome, California, but they don’t have a group of people to supply them from the East Coast. They like the feel and scenic look of what they’ve seen. We’re hoping it’s the beginning of a series.”
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Waldo Warren Private Dick Without Brain (1988) (The Occultist, MAXIMUM THRUST) A cyborg private eye is hired to protect a Caribbean president visiting New York City. Unknown to him, the president’s daughter is in league with his country’s rebels who are trying to assassinate him.
The History of Empire Films Part Four Empire Pictures/Tycin Films (1986-1987) “At the time everyone was talking high concept so I said let's do RAPISTS FROM OUTERSPACE." Charles Band bought the film released as Breeders as well as Mutant Hunt, which Kincaid shot back-to-back.
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
145 - The Veterans
Fake it till you make it. Mike it till you like it. Book it till you look it. Welcome to Night Vale.
More soldiers of the Blood Space War have returned home to Night Vale. Another craft landed in the corn field of John Peters – you know, the farmer. Beings of astonishing structure emerged alongside four human figures in space suits. The astronauts removed their helmets to reveal they are Night Vale residents James Peters – you know, the brother of Johns Peters – you know, the farmer; twins Drew and Dan Christiansen, and Junior Blay. These veterans of the interstellar conflict were welcomed by the citizens of Night Vale with hugs, a brass band, and delicious unsold baked goods left over from last month’s PTA bake sale to support the Blood Space War.
The returning soldiers thanked the gathering, but warned Night Vale of the Polonian armies of star system Lakaia 9352, who are encroaching at this moment upon our own galaxy. Admiral Junior Blay of the 63rd mountain cavalry said the Polonians are ruthless killers. They are three times the size of humans, with hundreds of sharp teeth up and down their many boneless limbs. They have only one eye, which really messes up their depth perception, (Blay) said, but that eye can also shoot out lasers, so it’s sort of a six of one way, half dozen the other
The crowd did not hear most of what the veterans had to say, as they were mesmerized by the beings of astonishing structure standing atop the landing ramp of their disc-shaped craft. “Oh those?” Sergeant Dan Christiansen said. “They are allies. They’re from the Battlestation Wolfgang. They have no home planet, as it was destroyed millennia ago by the Polonians.” The crowd pointed and shouted “interlopers of astonishing structure” at the beings, but Lieutenant Drew Christiansen said: “Oh, they have no oral or written language. They cannot understand your noises.” Drew then did a kind of b-boy pop and lock dance move and the beings of astonishing structure replied with a balletic prance before entering their ship and departing. They said: “Thanks, but this place is weird.” Drew Christiansen interpreted for the crowd.
Dan and Drew Christiansen were born in Night Vale in 1912. They became tax accountants. They had wives and children. They donated to the old Night Vale Opera House and were avid sports fans. They even started the first ever semi pro sand hockey league. Dan passed away in 1994 of liver cancer, and Drew passed away weeks later of a heart attack. They were survived by their wives, children, and grandchildren. But upon returning to Night Vale this week, these 107-year-old men looked to be in their late 20’s. The Christiansen twins have attempted to reunite with their families, but they were unrecognizable to their grandchildren who are now middle aged. And when Dan and Drew tried to apply for jobs, they were declined on account of an antiquated law that makes it illegal to hire the dead.
Junior Blay, a 50-year-old man, said he was born in 2022 to Oliver and Linda Blay of Old Town Night Vale. The Blay family was contacted about this and said they had not planned to ever have children, so Junior will likely have been an accident or a dramatic change of heart. Blay was wounded in his combat assignment and returned home for treatment. He suffered third degree burns across his abdomen and arms and needs a skin craft, but the Night Vale VA has to wait for approval from the Red Mesa VA to clear his procedure, which could take weeks.
Jim Peters was honorably discharged from service and was heavily decorated with chevrons and medals. But his face sagged with exhaustion and history. His brother John was the first to greet him, but Jim could not match his brother’s tearful enthusiasm. Jim had seen too much, experienced too much, to ever feel normal again.
In light of the physical, financial, and spiritual crush on these men, the City Council announced that it would paint a giant American flag atop City Hall and play John Philip Souza’s famous patriotic march, “Bodak Yellow”, at all hours of the day over a loudspeaker. And the whole town cheered proudly, for they were truly taking care of our vets.
Let’s have a look at sports. The Night Vale High School wheel chair basketball team, captained by junior point guard Janice Palmer, won their semi-final game last night against Cactus Park High School 72-58. Forward Quinn Booman led the team with 20 points and also had 8 rebounds and 10 assists. The Scorpions fell behind by 16 points in the first half, but really found their inspiration at halftime. Coach Jacobite McPhee told his team not to get down on themselves because it’s impossible to make every single shot, you just have to have fun. McPhee then took out an acoustic guitar and sang the following original song.
[Joseph Fink sings] Physics is a science of made up numbers and rules So we can only make joy and pass the ball like fools. To win it leaves our hands of free will it’s true Cause you never ever know what that ball is gonna do. Physics is a science of made up numbers and rules So we can only make joy and pass the ball like fools. Yes we can only make joy and pass the ball like fools.
The team relinquished their illusion of control and dominated the second half offensively. The Scorpions face Pine Cliff this Saturday afternoon in the district tournament final, so let’s all get out there and support our team, really root for the ball to go into the… the hmm hmm, the the, you know the thing that the ball is supposed to go into. And this has been sports.
Senior strategic advisor Jameson Archibald at the Intergalactic Military Headquarters, speaking from an inflatable raft atop an infinity pool filled with Remy Martin Black Pearl Cognac, said he and his top strategists in the Intergalactic Military Headquarters still have no idea what the Blood Space War is about. But they’re glad to learn that the Polonian armies are approaching. “We’ve got all this money piling up for the war and we’re getting bored with hosting Lamborghini demolition derbies,” Archibald said. “The government keeps sending us cash and we’re like OK y’all, but like what are we supposed to do with iiit? And the feds are like, I don’t care start a war or something.” But unfortunately the government allotment for an interstellar war was wiped out on a failed investment in a tech startup that was pitched to them as “the Uber of Netflix of Facebook” by a 7-year-old wearing a suit. So, the Intergalactic Military Headquarters was forced to ask for contributions. Hence, the PTA bake sales. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Secret Police were able to provide several armored combat vehicles, two tons of enriched uranium, and a satellite activated missile launching system, all of which had been donated to the Secret Police by the US army.
Sheriff Sam said they had wanted to keep all that high-tech battle gear, but using a nuclear submarine to stop Night Vale citizens who were fishing without a license, created to what Sheriff Sam referred to as “less than satisfactory optics”. Archibald said he was appreciative of the Secret Police’s charity, but he’d just received word that the Polonian ships are already within the outer limits of our solar system. So not sure there’s much left to do, really. He then took out a roll of 100-dollar bills from his shirt pocket and ate it like a Snickers bar.
An update on the high school basketball tournament. The City Council announced that there will be a parade for the team, win or lose, next Tuesday evening. The parade will feature giant floats in the shapes of famous basketball players, such as Oscar Robertson, Larry Bird, and Little Bow Wow. There will also be a celebrity appearance by Lee Marvin, who will be celebrating his 30th birthday on Tuesday. Aww. Happy birthday, Mr. Marvin!
The City Council expressed civic pride in this talented team of young athletes, and enjoined all of Night Vale to come out in celebration of sportsmanship, regardless of the outcome of the championship game. “Of course,” the single-bodied entity of the City Council said with uncharacteristic mirth, “we think our team will win.” The City Council’s many faces then winked in unison. “Also,” the City Council added, “If you look up in the sky, you’ll see that a large chunk of the moon just exploded and the Earth is surrounded by enemy space crafts, but there’s not much we can do about that, so let’s just cheer on our basketball team.” The City Council then held up their many fists and squealed: “Yay team!” as pieces of the moon began to thunder down around us.
Let’s go now to today’s Weather.
[No Good Day” by Windows to the Sky https://windowstosky.com]
I’ve just received an email from Harrison Kip, archeology professor at Night Vale Community College. Kip told me that while on a dig in 1993, he and his team of researchers found remnants of several spacecraft buried deep in central Nevada. Kip was studying fossilized remains to determine eating habits of early North American habitants, but what he found were several triangular titanium vessels, each roughly the size and shape of a Burger King. He tried to check his notes from that excursion, but those pages had been torn out of his journal. Despite this, he’s positive the ships he can see above our Earth are identical to the ones he found crashed in the desert 25 years ago. Inside those ships were creatures the size of hippos, with long dangling limbs covered in sharp teeth. Kip remembers calling the college to ask for more funding for this research, but before he could do anything, a black van drove up to the dig site and several men wearing business suits that were patterned in desert camouflage got out, they arrested Kip and his assistants, and had them reprogrammed.
Kip said the reprogramming was successful until today, when he heard my news reports about the Polonians, and his memories suddenly returned to him, and now he believes he knows exactly what has happened in the Blood Space War and how we will end it. He’s going to type up his notes while they’re still fresh in his mind, and get them over to me asap. Oh, this is so very exciting! Science saves the day. Once again. Uh huh, here’s a follow up email from Harrison. It says: “Hey Cecil, disregard whatever I said earlier, I don’t even remember what it was. Some guys I didn’t know showed up and put a metal helmet on me, there were a bunch of wires and knobs and lights coming out of it and it felt so peaceful and comfortable, like when you’re eating Belgian waffles with ice cream or binge-watching Terrace House, anyway I don’t remember what I sent you earlier since (--) have been deleted, so whatever it was it couldn’t have been [angrily] that important? Sincerely, Harrison?” No! No, this is terrible. OK, I’m going to forward Harrison’s first email back to him to see if it rejogs his memory. We’ve gotta learn exactly what- Hello? Hello there? Listeners, there are some men entering my studio. They’re wearing business suits made from a desert camouflage patterned fabric! Oh, Gucci, I love it! They’re, they’re putting this crazy hat on me and it has a bunch of lights and wires, hang on Night Vale, listen to this interview I recorded earlier today with John Peters – you know, the farmer. These boys are here trying to get me ready for fashion week, I-I-I think?
John Peters: Jim came home this week and I was real happy, happier than a pig starring in its own TV show about pig detectives solving pig murders. My brother taught me to play football when we was boys. He’d throw the ball and say: “Johnny, move your hands together like salad tongs when the ball gets near you, that’s called ‘catch’.” I tried so hard to catch that ball, but I never could. [chuckles] We had fun. Jim taught me so much and he took care of me, running off the bullies at school, buying me soda pops and candy canes from this man who lived in a trunk of a broken down ’56 Chevy in the alley behind the post office. I’m almost 60 years old and my brother left for the war back when I was 15. And to see him again, boy to see his face after so long, he ain’t changed one bit. He literally is the same age as when he left, 22 years old. But he’s not the same Jim. He don’t wanna throw the football or go looking for discount sodas and candy in weird alleys. No, Jim looks sad. His body’s strong but his mind seems so weak. I saw him crying the other day and told him what our papa always said to us: “Jim, boys don’t cry. Not without talking through their feelings with someone else.” So I put my arm around young Jim. I must have looked like a granddad - me so old, him so young - but our memories of each other were the same age. Jim cried into my shirt and said, “Johnny, I’ve been in that war darn near a hundred years. That’s a lot of space travel, not a lot of fightin’ but when there is fightin’ it’s gruesome.” Jim said he didn’t wanna see no more war, but he said that in his last battle he risked his life to disarm a bomb that would have killed ten of his fellow soldiers, and one of them was the General. “The General has a plan for ceasefire,” Jim said, “the General has a plan for peace. But I think the General needs me, Johnny.” I said, “Jimbo, I need you.” But I knew that I’d been without him for 40 years, while this General was with him for nearly 100. I knew I was lyin’ to Jim and myself. Jim hugged my neck and kissed my cheek. He donned his space suit and walked out into the corn field and disappeared. I think my brother is gonna save us all. Anyway, it’s a sad story, but it’s also happy. Like a goat playing a piano, stories carry lots of different emotions all at once.
Cecil: [sounding high] Alright, listeners, I’m back. I don’t remember what I was talking about, nor where I got this really cool hat. But City Council announced that the space ships that were surrounding our planet are gone. But they were deeply unnerved by the fact that the ships did not retreat, they simply disappeared. The City Council then added that the moon is still broken but honestly, they see this as a crisatunity to buy a new one.
Oh, don’t forget to come to the basketball championship parade on Tuesday.
Stay tuned next for simultaneous panic and relief, As you realize all of your emails are gone.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Develop your chi. Really work that chi hard. Get sixpack chi. Totally swole with chi. Roll up those sleeves and welcome people to the chi show.
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