#To give up on his toxic way
selemina · 2 years
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“We can... work together, we can figure out....”
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rexscanonwife · 23 days
I love that at this point I'm such a nerd about ppg that I can see a reaction image used on a random post that someone refers to as 'angry blossom' and be like 'that's not blossom, that's a defective knockoff version of blossom that was made in a factory and intentionally low-quality/defective to save on costs by Utonium's rival/ex boyfriend' but that's just me
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Shinichiro is so unwell from what he'd had to live through during Original Timeline that I'm convinced that if it hadn't been Baji, he'd have gone into killing-mode again on August 13th
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gideonisms · 4 months
one thing about the tma & tmp writers is I know they understand having a job where the social vibes are incredibly strange. I appreciate their commitment to depicting work environments that are so unnecessarily stressful where everyone is trying to backstab everyone and form alliances but meanwhile it's just filing items on a computer. The petty drama feels very true to life
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the-unconquered-queen · 4 months
Because I'm seeing cakegate on my dash again, let's stir up some old drama
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
I was the sadistic po3 ask and you are so right. I honestly hadn't thought about it for very long its the vibe he gives off initially but the more I think on it the more I realize hes the type to fall little by little and then all at once. The type to call you an idiot and give you advice in the same statement, to notice immediately when you change your hair style or a new shirt. The moment he realizes hes the type to do the oh. oh. oh no. Like thats his vibe. hes a dick but a loving one.
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Okay FIRST OF ALL anon that post is almost two years old at this point so. Welcome back. I'm sorry I was so harsh to your Sadistic Yandere P03 concept.
SECOND P03 acts of service Tsundere type is so funny I love that for him. He will deny he did that for you, or if he accepts it he expects gratitude of the highest caliber.
This doesn't feel very Yandere to me though this is very base P03 affection to me. But that's because to me P03 is the least Yandere out of the Scrybes.. and I think that's why the polycule broke up before you arrived??
He was the object of their obsessions, and it was smothering and toxic and terrifying. He hated it, he was scared, he was cadged, he could never do anything on his own or go anywhere without checking in on someone. He never had his own space, never had control...
Yandere P03 would then push that cycle of abuse onto you, take control from you, not forcefully, but just a little bit at a time. Manipulate your space slowly so you have fewer and fewer options on where to go, like shortening a leash on a dog. It takes time. It takes routine.
This though, the acts of service and catering to your comfort, is Post Recovery P03. A P03 who's had time, a LOT of time, to himself, to his space, and found loneliness. He wants you to want to come back, because deep down he needs you, but doesn't want to admit that, because to him it's wrong to need someone. It hits too close to home, make him feel too much like the other scrybes.
He'll give you reasons to want to come back, and it'll remind him of how Grimora would always lend him things so he'd have reason to return. How she'd gift him everything he'd wanted so he'd come back, how she'd loose several matches in a row, and only win the one he'd said was his last game, so he'd stay and challenge her to a rematch
He'll follow on your heel as you wander around his factory because it's dangerous and maze like, and it'll remind him of the feeling of being followed, of being watched, by Magnificus everywhere he went. The suffocating feeling of never being anywhere alone, of eyes that saw his every possible future always on him. He'll deny his affections to you and remind himself of Magnificus doing the same when he'd stumbled into a room covered wall to wall in paintings of himself, in situations he knew Magnificus was not with him
He'll spend time tailoring his game to your play style, making sure cards you like are more plentiful, making sure the puzzles are engaging and challenging, and he'll remind himself of Leshy, the worst of them all, and that cabin full of intrigue. Of story and hard fights and difficult puzzles and nights of "Just one more round" turned three and four. When he floats just above you to feel superior he'll be reminded of the wall that use to be a door that he'd pressed himself against Leshy towered above him, a man who'd say one thing and feel another, who'd played the hero over and over in their games, and revealed himself the villain when P03 attempted to leave
He doesn't want to need you in the same way the other Scrybes had needed him
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tennessoui · 2 years
where’s my toxic dark academia au where the Jedi Order is a prestigious private university for rich kids who are all a different flavor of beautiful and fucked up, and Anakin is the kid they let in on scholarship once every a few years and he comes in scrappy and defensive and in love with the daughter of the family who is sponsoring him (and maybe half-adopted him when he was 10 so it’s a bit fucked up all around)
and he meets this pretentious dickbag of a student on his hall who is so cold and aloof that anakin can’t stand him, this guy obi-wan who’s so beautiful and untouchable and who sees right through him
I imagine they fuck in the most explosive way where they’re in the middle of a very loud fight in some bathroom in some rich kid’s house and neither is sober, and obi-wan says some awful shit about anakin being in love with Padmé and if his adoptive parents knew they probably would wish they hadn’t adopted him and anakin says some awful shit about how obi-wan’s been sent to boarding schools all his life cause his father never wanted him, and it starts as a fight but they’re just punching each other with their mouths and probably crying too
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winslowat3am · 2 years
You prob won’t see this but hi! I follow you and your beautiful wife bc of your love for black women and life tips! I wanna share a story that happened yesterday where I was harassed in a gas station by an aggressive black male security guard and get nonblack poc feedback bc I no longer feel safe around black men and just curious to what advice or thoughts you have.
Last night I walked inside a pilot gas station to use the restroom where I wore a yellow camo track suit with the hood up bc I was cold. The security told me to take my hood down even tho there was no policy where I could see and followed me to the restroom door and called me out my name (I heard him thru the door), after I finished in the restroom I went to confront him at the register he was hiding behind where we got into a heated verbal exchange , I cussed him out amd I hurt his ego evidently bc he felt the need to follow me outside to escalate it but I outtalked him and got in my car. I never took my hood down. I went back in the gas station with a girlfriend for water after informing her of what happened where he then tried to make me remove my hood again and tried to encourage the women at the registers to refuse me service bc I wouldn’t remove my hood, we got into it again. He was aggressive, approached me slamming his hand on the counter, got loud, and sensitive bc I got the best of him twice verbally and in the end I still got the water and never took my hood down; the nice white lady at the register took my money from my friend who paid for it, the black woman at the register was a m@mmy. He nitpicked my outfit and physical appearance but ppl passing thru wore hoods and had pants hanging off their asses, tummy shirts, brought dogs in the store, but was never harassed like I was. I don’t have a problem following a policy but I won’t follow a policy when it’s enforced on me but no one else. So I called the police and they told me to file a complaint with corporate and see what I can do about it so I will be calling them in the morning. Did I mention the security tried to get me banned for trespassing just bc i didn’t back down and verbally whooped him?? LOLL!!! I’ll be carrying a switchblade from now on and learning to shoot a gun real soon!
Read my tags. I'm assuming you're a bw? It doesn't take all the hoodrat buffoonery Glocktavious displayed to ask someone to remove their hood. Talk to a lawyer, they'll help you go about prosecuting Dustavious the right way. So unprofessional. I hope this isn't a late response, I don't really check Tumblr lately or read every ask but yours grabbed my attention. You did the right thing! Always stand up for yourself. You're a savage for checking his ass. Never be afraid of a man, & keep a weapon on you. 👏👏👏👏Insecure, pussy "men" pick fights with women, they think being aggressive & loud intimidates you & they never prepare for a strong retort that shuts their shit down. My completely honest & straightforward unfiltered pov: We need to address the fact that the bullying of bw is a problematic behavior that is perpetuated by bm primarily (not all, but atp it's so common it might as well be). You'd be better off opening up your dating options to men outside of your race, tbh. (Be very selective & careful when itrl dating). Non-bm build their communities & protect their women. [Redacted] That's why I don't understand why some ww leave wm, who have privilege & power, for bm, who 9/10 don't have anything to offer except dick, kids & struggle love. Even when bm manage to have success it doesn't change their crusty ass mentality. I recently learned that a bw is killed by a bm every six hours. [Redacted] Bm are the only race of men who publicly bash, degrade & bully their race of women while praising, fetishizing & worshipping non-bw. But you can't expect men who hate themselves to love or value you. I see the bs bw have to deal with daily & it saddens me. I feel like they target bw cause they think it'll make them men & acceptable in the eyes of wm, it's embarrassing. [Redacted] I can't imagine treating my baby like that. [Redacted] I'll never post or reblog a "this is a safe space for everyone" post. It's not. I don't post for them. I don't want racists/colorists in my space where bw & woc tell me that they feel safe, seen & protected. I gatekeep my blog so that you're safe expressing your feelings here. I thought it was obvious since I never acknowledge bm but it needs to be said. I 100% agree with the bw advising bw to choose higher quality men. You should watch Cynthia G & Paris Milan on YouTube & other black women who cover domestic & racial topics, it's very educational & insightful, they offer a lot of perspective & I agree with so many points they make. [Redacted] The best advice I can give you is to run & never look back. Good luck. ❤️
#you can sue him personally for discrimination & verbal harassment & file a complaint with corporate#If you're banned from the store then you can have the cops get his information & press charges#once corporate finds out about the incident he'll more than likely lose his job#Make sure to stress that he intentionally embarrassed you by making a scene followed you to the bathroom & outside of the store in attempt#to escalate the situation he was highly aggressive & approached you & that you felt scared for your safety which caused emotional distress#those are super important details & ultimately where he fucked up#& if you're able to write down the date/time this occurred & have the camera footage obtained by police & your friends as witnesses#it'll help your case#The moment someone loses their cool & lowers themself even lower than they already are you already won#As you go through life the more jackasses you'll encounter & you'll become so immune that shit won't even anger you the way it used to#Speaking from experience#I don't see him living long cause losers who fuck with people & think being loud & ghetto gives them an upper hand never live a long life#toxic masculinity is a fear of strong women masked by a fraudulent superiority complex#he's corny asf if the only thing he could think to call you was ugly like what guy doesn't automatically run to that as an insult?#They even use it when they get rejected it's always that or 'bitch' cause they're sooo original#they're tiring#long post#ask
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devilishdelights · 19 days
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not gonna actualllyy give him a bunch of expressions....just bein silly making references. (look how organized my files look btw. dont look in them though) obv going with number 1... love when hes his true self- a grumpy old ass man
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baby boy :)
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butterflieswhisper · 1 month
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hhelp wait this is so funny. didnt you follow me forever ago after a scott themed october song analysis . sorry if you dont remember that and this ask doesnt make sense but this is still funny to me
hi!!!! yeah. it was the cherri crane lives art i think and also where you made your flower husbands tag! I have never really interacted with fh outside of you (and like, seeing pretty fanart) but i am nonetheless deeply invested in your interpretation specifically!!! I honestly haven't watched jimmy outside of rats and the beginning of empires2 either i genuinely have no clue what they get up to you just seem to have a lot of fun with it
#asks#<-omg i can make that a tag now#i also am a year behind on the life series. i think the most recent one i've seen is double#like from any pov. i am a year behind. however that goes for everything on youtube#my poor watch later playlist hit the 5000 video limit forever ago and so did the second one i made to replace it. i am on my third#but seriously i don't know what goes on in fh canon but i like their blue/yellow thing they have going on. idk if that's like? intentional?#but like scott blue and canary yellow are really pretty colors together#and they are also SO close to being complimentary colors and yet. they aren't. just a little bit off#they don't quite fit quite how they should. i made that up on the spot i mostly think yellow and blue are nice colors#i think my biggest exposure to scott before you was literally the deal with destiny song in empires1#and i don't even think i acknowledged him as like a real guy ykwim.#like oh yeah. scott smajor. he's like. in that song lizzie made or something. he can sing alright i guess (plays it on loop)(plays it on lo#whisp whispers#seeing u post about Discourse(tm) is always really funny to me because i didn't realize for a while that u did not have like#the 'normal' interpretation? like i didn't realize you had a different view than other people#i was like oh yeah the relationship held in the death games is toxic. that makes sense yeah and is not surprising#and then suddenly there would be a post where you mention discourse and i went. Ohhhhh wait they're supposed to be HAPPY!!!#but i feel like this is infinitely more enjoyable i love Flawed Characters#and especially now after watching his rats. i get it. i get it i get it i see what you are saying#he doesn't interact much with jimmy hes mostly with owen and. i mean#'i've never heard someone apologize so much while putting the blame on the other person'???? i see exactly what you mean#r!scott accidentally hurting r!owen and then apologizing profusely while insisting it's because owen stood in his way. and then immediately#isolating himself in a room for like 20 minutes and refusing to interact with anyone feels like. idk#it reminds me of ur rambles and i understand them more now i think. kind of#to be clear by 'with' i mean like. in proximity of. those rats are AROMANTIC!!!!! (to me)#i'm so sorry these tags are a mess. but alas#i also think it's really funny to follow Flower Husbands guy and know nothing abt them. invested by proxy. whenever i hear abt scott giving#jimmy a flower i get excited not because like i know what's going on but because omg! that's like that thing bree talks about sometimes!!#i hope that like. any of this makes sense shdbfjk
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lobeliamaximoff · 1 year
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aq2003 · 5 months
Love the current 12 tier list, especially the old man slay category. If you feel like talking about it, I was wondering what your thoughts were on Mummy on the Orient Express were, bc there is just SO much going on in that episode with twelve and Clara’s characterizations to me. Both individually and in relation to each other.
i think this is one of those episodes where i'll have to rewatch it to catch everything (i was so caught up in the premise and the mystery it's really good) but comparing clara's space time travel life and by extension her relationship to twelve as an addiction is CRAZY. that's so crazy lmao me and the bestie!! i am basically his one tether to earth and i have to keep him in line bc i'm pretty sure he'd go fucking bonkers without someone like me around (i love this life i cannot give it up and i think i can do it better than anyone else). my bestie who has kind of lost his ability to be kind to people so i have to pick up the caring-about-others thing for him. maybe i can make him better. maybe i can make him worse. maybe i can make for a better doctor than him. wouldn't that be so funny
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
I know it's bad to talk like this about a probably cishet guy because labels and stuff but I cannot stress enough how fucking LGBT he looks.
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im trying to be more at peace with people misunderstanding me. my whole life i have been put under scrutiny for every little thing i do. mannerisms, thoughts, things i can't change.
im trying to be more at peace with saving my breath, leaving bridges, keeping words unsaid because saying them never really served anyone to say them.
i do not owe anyone my story. i do not owe anyone an explanation. i do not need everyone to understand why i make the choices i make. i am allowed to keep things to myself, and process things away from public eye. i especially dont need to be forth coming with it; wear a reason on my sleeve.
people who will choose to misunderstand me regardless of what i am doing are not going to be swayed by my explainations. there is no point in expending effort that will be unappreciated and disregarded. i don't owe anyone the opportunity to know me, that is my choice and my choice alone.
i am trying to be more at peace with the fact i belong to myself, and my time, my vulnerability, my trust is a thing to be earned. my boundaries are not to be crossed. if choosing to hold onto my self respect is taken as an attack, i am not responsible for that projection.
i am trying to be more at peace with walking away. i hold onto everything so tightly, and i wish to be at peace at all. i have accepted long ago i cannot control anyone else, so i am trying to find peace with my own means.
i am trying to find peace in letting dogs rest where they lie. the truth is no one knows what happens behind closed doors, silver tongues, and shut eyelids. i dont pretend to.
i am trying to be at peace with the ownership of my identity. no matter how i am interpretted no one can take that away from me. this is my life. i do not have to please anyone with my existence.
i am trying to find peace in knowing i am allowed to keep things between me and myself. i am mine, my one and only, and i find peace in my privacy. no one is entitled to take that away from me.
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scrawnytreedemon · 7 months
Writing for this ZelZant fic I've been working on-and-off since mid-June. God these two are so fun to bounce off each other-- Not even romantically at this point, just gritting pleasantries through their teeth while simultaneously having moments of curiosity.
[I'm gonna continue rambling under the cut in case this gets very long, lol <3]
To grab some stuff directly from Discord chats:
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It's just. They're so soooo. Twilight Princess' whole baseline is power, who gets it, what they do with it, and what that entails, and I find these two in particular to be especially fun in this regard, since they're both trying to project an aura of legitimacy moreso than the other main characters(Link is an Ordon goatherd who has to take up power but is not to use it beyond this liberatory purpose, Midna hides her true nature as Twilight Princess and doubts herself even as her status is crucial, Ganondorf wants to throw everything out because he recognises the whole institution as corrupt even as this version of him gestures to divine mandate as proof of his own competency, ect.).
Zelda is the would-be monarch of Hyrule, a bloody institution that, even if not responsible for the banishment of the Twili themselves, are heavily implied to have enacted genocide on the Gerudo, whom I consider Zant(and Midna!) diaspora of. At the same time, Zant himself is undeniably a cruel, oppressive figure not only robbing Zelda of her birthright, but all of Hyrule of its freedoms. He's a strongman dictator, hyped up on religious fervour and tight-lipped egomania.
This is by no means a super deep or particularly "great" exploration of the topic, but for me, in this little context, this weird topsy-turvy dynamic is fascinating. Historically, Zelda's ancestors were the ones doing the oppressing, but in the here and now Zant is trying to enact it upon her, while also leveraging this paternalistic, politely-misogynistic affect. It's everything he should, in theory, stand-against, but Zant for all his talk is nothing but an opportunist.
(He has no morals, he has no values-- He really is a Tory! My god 😭)
But like, despite all that, I do think the ways in which they are similar lend themselves to a degree of chemistry nevertheless. I think even without the backdrop of war and conquest, it'd remain stilted, and they'd still have issues with each other... But, oh!
They're fascinating. They remind me of those late-19th century early-20th not-quite-aristocratic couples forreal. Fucked up. Love that for them <3
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anarkhebringer · 2 months
Saw some art of Zenos punching the fuck out of someone (assuming the WoL) til his fist is bloodied and grinning while he yells "SAY IT! SAY 'I LOVE YOU' BACK!" and am so fucking abnormal as I imagine Arkhe doing that to someone too....... Even more abnormal imagining him doing it to Zenos himself............
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