#Tokugawa Clan
samuraifacts · 2 years
Retirement to Sunpu
  At the end of his life the first Tokugawa Shogun, Ieyasu, controlled nearly all of Japan. As Shogun he could spend his final days virtually anywhere he wanted. Interestingly he didn’t choose his homeland of Mikawa, nor the vast and fortified Edo Castle, nor the flatland castle in Kyoto.    In his final years he retired to Sunpu Castle. Sunpu was the castle Ieyasu had been held at as a child by the famous daimyo Imagawa Yoshimoto. Though no one is completely sure why. Was it because an old man was nostalgic? Was it because Sunpu was located between Edo and Kyoto and close enough to Edo that he could still be contacted but was letting the new Shogun bloom? Was it simply that Sunpu was a castle who’s architecture he enjoyed? We may never know.
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sanflawoah · 2 months
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Something-something samurai!Anakin to shogun!vader.
Sketches I dug from old draft of history brainrots, not sure what to do so I'll just post.
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yeonban · 1 year
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Do you ever think about how only 5 samurai clans continue to exist to this day... and two of them are the Date and the Tokugawa...
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kinnoth · 2 years
ok like this, obviously, right
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interior ministry --> minister of the right, tokugawa iyeasu
but who wants to explain why the ashina seven spears wear the toyotomi clan crest on their backs?
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tanuki-kimono · 6 months
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Samurai's ranks and dress code in Late Edo period
AMAZING reference chart put together by Nadeshico Rin, showing the different attires worn by the men of the buke class in and about Edo Castle. OP stresses the chart is by no means exhaustive - but it helps picturing things SO MUCH!
For easier reading, I have adapted the chart with english translation. Rin has also created illustrations detailing each attire, I'll translate those in coming days under the tag "samurai kimono".
You'll find the transliteration below cut:
The court ranks - Mibun 身分 or Ikai (位階)
Find more about the exact titles here.
一位 Ichii (First court rank)
三位 Sanmi (Third court rank) and 四位 Shii (Fourth court rank)
Goi 五位 (Fifth court rank​)
Omemie ijô 御目見 以上, the "upper" vassals allowed to request audience with the shogun
Omemie ika 御目見 以下, the "lesser" vassals (not allowed to request audience with the shogun)
Rin does not mention the second court rank (二位 Nii) so I am not sure where this one is supposed to go ^^;
The clan/families - Kamei 家名
徳川将軍家 Tokugawa shôgunke (Tokugawa Shogun clan)
尾張徳川家 Owari Tokugawake (Owari Tokugawa clan), 紀伊徳川家 Kii Tokugawake (Kii Tokugawa clan), 水戸徳川家 Mito Tokugawake (Mito Tokugawa clan), 徳川御三卿 Tokugawa gosankyo (Secondary Tokugawa branch clans: Tayasu, Shimizu, and Hitotsubashi)
三奉行 Sanbugyô, & 下三奉行 Shimosan bugyô (magistrates, governors)
旗本 Hatamoto (general term for upper-rank vassals of the Tokugawa)
御家人 Gokenin (general term for lower-rank vassals of the Tokugawa)
Outfits TPO (Time, Place, Occasion)
第一礼服 (大礼 など) Daiichi raifuku (tairei nado) - Most formal outfit worn during State/important ceremonies, etc.
礼服 (正月など) Raifuku (Shogatsu nado) - Formal outfit, worn for events like New Year, etc.
通常礼服 (節句など) Tsûjô raifuku (sekku nado) - Regular formal outfit, worn during seasonal festivals, etc.
平服 Heifuku - Everyday outfit
Type of outfits
Rin has released separated charts detailing the different costumes. You'll find them translated here in coming days.
束帯 Sokutai - old ceremonial court dress, first worn by Heian nobility. Attire includes the 笏 shaku (flat ritual sceptre), and 冠 kanmuri hat.
衣冠 Ikan - old ceremonial court dress, much more simpler than sokutai
布衣 Hoi - "plain" 狩衣 kariginu (which were informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period and onwards)
素襖 Suô - ceremonial dress of the lower-ranked samurai
直垂 Hitatare - ceremonial court robe​
狩衣 Kariginu - patterned kariginu (informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period and onwards)
大紋 Daimon - 直垂 hitatare with large family crests
直衣 Nôshi - everyday robes which were first worn by males of the imperial family during Heian era, and then spread among nobility, etc.
長上下 Naga Kamishimo - outfit pairing a sleeveless ceremonial robe called 肩衣 kataginu, with trailing pants called 長袴 nagabakama
半上下 Han Kamishimo - outfit pairing a sleeveless ceremonial robe called 肩衣 kataginu, with ankle lenght pants called 半袴 hanbakama
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cerastes · 9 months
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Yooooo is it really you, my ex colleage and ex.co-worker Komatsuhime, childhood names Onei and Inahime, adopted daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu, birth daughter of Honda Tadakatsu, married to Sanada Nobuyuki after witnessing the Sanada clan’s fierce tactics and vaunted martial prowess in the Battle of Ueda Castle? It’s been so long, I’m so happy to see you!
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redsamuraiii · 5 months
Saw some posts of people being upset with Shogun because Lord Toranaga does nothing so far but make use of others. As they were expecting him to fight as they're used to seeing Hiroyuki Sanada being a fearless warrior plunging himself into chaos.
But that's what make this show unique as it's different. He's not a Ronin or a Samurai with nothing to lose anymore, he's a leader. One wrong move means the demise of his entire clan like what happened to Mariko's family clan, that's why Toranaga is very cautious.
He's playing the long game that no one understands but him. That's what makes him difficult to defeat as no one knows what he's really thinking and planning, not even his own followers. You can't survive the warring period by being an open book.
Toranga knew that he's outnumbered as more clans flocked to Ishido's banners by the day. As time goes by, a frontal assault would be impossible and suicidal. Especially now when he's branded a "rebel" against the Council of Regents and the Taiko's heir.
Mariko is the endgame as she finally exposed Ishido's true intentions in holding all the retainer's families hostage and wanting power for himself that even Ochiba, the Taiko's consort is powerless. Now it is likely the other clans will abandon Ishido and flock to Toranaga.
This time, Ishido would be the rebel and Toranaga's war against him would be justified as the clans would recognize him now as the rightful Shogun. Yabu will likely be executed for his treachery, so his province will be under Toranaga's control. He's gaining power.
Now he can make his power move to eliminate Ishido once and for all, and claim the title, Shogun. After all, he's based on the real Tokugawa Ieyasu, who is known for his great patience and cunningness in playing politics, that he's able to unify Japan.
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firelightmuse · 3 months
Character Profile 🔥🌸
Yume Aino
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Since it is VERY long, it is under a cut. If you do read all of this, thank you so much for taking the time out to do so!!! Enjoy! 🥰
Updated as of Dawntrail Patch 7.0, 08/19/2024
Name: Yume Aino
Name Pronounciation: Yoo-may Eye-know
Name Meaning: Yume = “Dream”, Aino = “Of Love”, both of Japanese origin. In her lore, "Aino" is the name of the now dormant volcanic mountain that Aino Castle is built upon, and the clan itself took its name from the volcano. Theoretically, Yume was named as such because she was to be the "Dream of the Aino Clan".
Nicknames: “Little Bird”, is a nickname from her childhood but is adopted by Zenos as a pet name for her; “My Fire”, “My Light”, and “Mea Amata”, are all other pet names Zenos has for Yume (“mea amata” is Latin for the feminine form of “my beloved”, and is a reference to the Garlean native language).
Unsundered Name: Currently Unknown
Titles: Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, Hydaelyn’s Chosen, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Champion of Eorzea, Eikon Slayer, Savior of Ishgard, Liberator of Doma and Ala Mhigo, Wandering Flame, Ronin of Eorzea, Former Heir of Lord Masanori Aino
Age: 24 in ARR, 31 as of Post-6.0
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 13th)
Gender: Female
Race: Au Ra
Tribe: Raen
Nationality: Hingan
Languages: Modern Hingan, Most Far Eastern Dialects, Old Auri Tongue, and Eorzean Common Tongue
Profession: Former samurai and heir apparent of the Aino Clan; Currently a ronin, adventurer, and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Education Level: Home schooled by private tutors in Hingashi, and is particularly knowledgeable in history, cultures, and languages.
Father: Lord Masanori Aino (48 in ARR)
Mother: Lady Michiko Aino (45 in ARR)
Siblings: 2 younger brothers, Daichi and Kentaro (Ages 8 and 6 in ARR); Numerous half-siblings born of her father and his concubines
Extended Family: Large extended family, but her best friend is her first cousin Rei Tokugawa (25 in ARR)
In-Laws: All in-laws deceased
Children: None, and cannot have any biological children due to her injuries from attempted Seppuku
Pet: An amaro named Nightmare who also serves as Yume’s mount; the amaro was named after Yume’s black horse, also named Nightmare, that Yume was forced to leave behind after she was banished by her father.
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Significant Other: Zenos Galvus, in a long-term monogamous relationship as of Post-6.0; Will marry at some time in the future
Past Relationship: Briefly dated G’raha Tia during the events of the investigation of the Crystal Tower
Place of Birth: Born in Aino Castle, in Lord Masanori Aino's territory, located not too far outside of Kugane, Hingashi
Current Residence: Small house in Shirogane (Located in game at Rafflesia, Shirogane, Ward 17, Plot 33.)
Canon Battle Job: Samurai (canonically referred to as a Ronin; some of Yume’s abilities are unique and distinctive from the in game job) and Viper
Canon Land/Hand Jobs: None
Abilities: Kenjutsu, Martial Arts, Marksmanship, Writing Poetry, Dancing, and Polyglot
Bad At: Singing, All forms of magic, Household chores, Public Speaking, Confiding in others when stressed, and Controlling her anger.
Hair: Naturally jet black in color with straight bangs and pulled back into a high ponytail most of the time, and medium-long length.
Eyes: Large, wide set eyes; Royal Blue in color with lighter blue limbal rings surrounding the iris.
Face: Heart-shaped, with ivory colored scales on cheeks and bridge of her long, thin nose.
Lips: Full, plump lips
Complexion: Fair, can mildly tan with extended sun exposure
Blemishes: None
Scars: Though she has many small scars accumulated over the years, the most prominent one is a large, very deep scar from the right side of her abdomen to her belly button that she is quite ashamed of for many years; she only shows the scar when necessary unless she is alone with Zenos.
Tattoos: One large tattoo of a Phoenix spreading its wings that covers her entire back in all red ink.
Height: 5 fulms 2 ilms (Tallest Height for female Au Ra)
Weight: 120 ponze
Build: Petite and athletic but curvy with a large chest.
Features (Au Ra): Horns are slightly curled and sloping backwards away from her face; tail is long and smooth with a few small spikes near the base. Scales adorn her body and face with a small speckling of scales above the bridge of her nose.
Usual Hairstyles: Usually pulled up into a high ponytail with straight bangs for battle, but she tends to also pull up her hair into a side ponytail with braids while not fighting, and recently she has worn her hair down with a white headband.
Usual Face Look: Usually wears reddish-pink eyeshadow, black eyeshadow and eyeliner, and mauve colored lipstick.
Usual Clothing: Black leather, black colored robes, black or dark colored kimonos, black dresses, and some dark red and dark purple accessories. Basically, Yume asks, “Does this come in black?”
Face and Voice Claim: Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing for both face and voice claim.
Introverted / Extroverted / Ambiverted (bold what applies)
Positive Traits: Friendly, polite, respectful, reserved, courageous, brave, kind, compassionate, empathetic, open minded, pragmatic, intuitive, loyal, faithful.
Most Positive Trait: Honorable to a fault. Yume follows the Honor Code of the Samurai and will not fight an unarmed opponent, tries her best to not bring harm to the innocent, and she is extremely loyal to those she has sworn to serve. Will give her life in an heartbeat if she deems it to be an honorable death and a worthy sacrifice for a good cause.
Negative Traits: Temperamental, prideful, aggressive, cynical, jealous, possessive, distant, insecure, reckless.
Most Negative Trait: Besides falling in love with Zenos? Yume has a problem with anger management. When she doesn’t keep her anger in check, she gets violent, and will kill an enemy with no hesitation. She has killed many people this way in her past in Hingashi, including killing those that she felt had dishonored her in some way.
Fears: Living a life without making her own choices, having regrets, and the death of her loved ones, though not afraid of dying herself.
Aspirations: To live a life that she has chosen for herself and not forced upon her by someone else, to help others and use her powers for good, and to see the entire world for herself.
Traumas: For past traumas before ARR, you can read Yume’s history below. Most of the events of ShB and EW were really traumatic for her, especially almost dying after the battle with Zenos at the end of 6.0.
Hobbies: Writing poetry, travelling, learning about other cultures, learning history, reading, and shopping.
Vices: Eating too much junk food, bottling up emotions until she explodes, shutting out others when feeling depressed, feeling insecure about herself outside of being a Warrior of Light.
Faith: Believes in the concept of Karma and that everything happens for a reason, but does not believe in the Kami or any other kind of god, at least ones that aren't primals anyway.
Turn Ons: Loyalty, Confidence, Bravery, Integrity, Intelligence, unique eyes, beautiful smile, muscular physique, and a large chest.
Turn Offs: Cowardice, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Deceitfulness, Superficiality, Greed
Temperament: Phlegmatic/Choleric
Soul Type: The Warrior
Tropes: The Chosen Many, Lady of War, Aloof Dark-haired Girl, Dark and Troubled Past, Samurai, Ronin, Warrior Poet, Honor Before Reason, Seppuku
Songs: “Paint It Black” by The Rolling Stones (This one is also her OC tag), “Weight of the World” from Nier Automata, “Sayuri’s Theme” from Memoirs of a Geisha, and “Wandering Flame” from FFX
Character Inspirations: Chiyo/Sayuri from Memoirs of a Geisha, Mariko from James Clavell’s Shogun, Auron from FFX, Tifa Lockhart from FFVII, Rei Hino/Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon, Trinity from The Matrix, Daenerys Targaryen from A Song of Ice and Fire, and Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin
Book: Chūshingura, translated as The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, commonly known as The 47 Ronin.
Deity: Nald’thal the Traders
Holidays: Heavensturn and Moonfire Faire
Month: 3rd Astral Moon (May)
Weather: A warm, sunny day with a light breeze and fair to clear skies.
Time of Day: Dawn
Places: Kugane, Eastern Thanalan, Costa del Sol, The Royal Menagerie in the palace in Ala Mhigo, Rak’tika Greatwood, Thavnair, and Ultima Thule
Sounds: The wind, chimes, Taiko drumming, birds chirping, and crackling wood of a campfire
Scents: Cherry blossoms, tea brewing, incense, and candles burning
Tastes: Anything spicy, strawberries and cream, sushi, curry, ramen, matcha green tea, coffee, chocolate.
Feels: Leather, flower petals, Hingan silk, and a warm fireplace or campfire.
Number: 2
Colors: Jet Black, Dalamud Red, Wine Red, and Gloom Purple
Elements: Fire and Light
Gemstones: Amber and Sunstone
Animal: Birds of all kind
Mythological Creature: Phoenixes
Flowers: Cherry blossoms and sunflowers
Season: Late Spring to Early Summer
Land, Sea, or Sky: Sky
Astronomical Object: The Sun
History (Pre-ARR): ((Content/Trigger Warnings Ahead!! Ritualistic Suicide/Seppuku, Attempted Suicide, Mental and Emotional Abuse, Slight Depictions of Self-Harm, and Discussion of Potential Incestual Marriage; Feel free to skip over this section to avoid!))
Yume was born the eldest daughter of a Daimyo (a feudal lord who ruled over a territory in Hingashi), Lord Masanori Aino, and she was his heir apparent. Yume was raised from birth to become the ideal samurai, who would be able to beat any opponent in battle, and to one day succeed her father as daimyo. She excelled in all her studies and was driven to be the best on the battlefield, yet she always felt like something was missing from her life.
As she got older, she travelled often to Kugane, the famed port city where merchants from all walks of life congregated. Yume was exposed to people with vastly different cultures and traditions from the ones she knew. She was fascinated with the travelers from distant lands that she had never seen before, especially the Eorzeans. Yet she would always do her duty and aspired to live up to her father’s expectations.
When she came of age, Lord Aino began the search for his beloved daughter’s suitor, and he had narrowed down his criteria to a very short but nigh impossible list: 1) Must be a son of a prominent noble family, 2) Must be able to sire children, and 3) He must be Yume’s equal in battle, as determined by a 1v1 duel with Yume herself. The first two criteria were the easy part. Many clans were interested in marrying their son to the daughter of Lord Aino, but Lord Aino looked for perfection, and no man around her age was good enough for his daughter. This is because every would be suitor who dueled Yume for a chance to win her hand in marriage was defeated. There were none that proved worthy of her.
Yume pleaded with her father to allow her to decide for herself who she wants to marry in her own time, but her father forbade her from ever speaking of it again, for she would shame him and bring dishonor to the family name. Soon after Yume’s 18th nameday, her father announced her betrothal to Lord Nobu Aino, her own uncle. Nobu had lost his wife due to illness, and he never fathered children with her. To ensure that Nobu will have children of his own, he wished to wed a young woman with many years ahead of her so that she can give him many children. Yume was appalled; it was commonplace centuries ago for uncles and nieces to marry in Hingashi, but it is a dying tradition that only a few remaining noble families participate in, as most of Hingashi frowns upon it in modern times.
Yume soon felt trapped in the station in life that she was born into. Her family never sought her approval of her uncle as her suitor, nor was there any room for her to decline the betrothal. Though she wished for nothing more than to become a samurai, she did not want to be forced into a marriage with her own uncle, nor to be bound to a fate that she never decided for herself. This led to the biggest decision she ever made: she confronted her father and outright refused to marry Nobu no matter what.
Her father answered her by saying that she has dishonored him and the family, but Yume responded that he has shamed her and she cannot live like this anymore. Lord Aino ended the confrontation by telling her that if she cannot live with the shame, then she must commit Seppuku, or ritualistic suicide.
The next day, the ceremony has commenced, and Yume is fully prepared to take her own life. But just as she began to slit her belly open, her father stops her and tells her that she does not have to die but must live in shame. Lord Aino’s change of heart allows Yume to survive the attempted seppuku, but the damage to her organs was so extensive that her reproductive organs had to be removed, so Yume can never have biological children. Soon after she recovers from her wounds, the family disowns her, she is stripped of all her power and titles, and she must leave her father’s lands, never to return. Yume agrees to this, and she never sees her family again.
After she has fully recovered and left her father’s lands behind, Yume is now known as a disgraced ronin, a samurai without a master. To survive, she makes a name for herself as a mercenary and assassin in Kugane for five years, and was known as the “Wandering Flame”, which derives from her clan living on a dormant volcano, the “flame” part, and “wandering” for her being a ronin.
One fateful day, after hearing the voice of Hydaelyn calling to her day after day to go to Eorzea, Yume decides that since there really is nothing left for her in Hingashi, she leaves her homeland behind for Eorzea, a land that she has always dreamed of seeing, and soon becomes a Scion of the Seventh Dawn and is known as a “Warrior of Light”.
Smokes: Never
Drugs: Never
Drinks: Only drinks wine and certain kinds of cocktails, and she is overall very responsible with her alcohol consumption. She will never drink on the eve of battle, nor ever indulge at times when she needs her mind to be clear and focused.
Mount Issuance: Yume was never given a chocobo, as she flat out refuses one. She does not like the chocobos because of their smell, and still usually calls them “horse birds” out of habit from growing up in Hingashi. She rode a motorcycle built by Cid for a few years (from ARR until ShB) until she is gifted an amaro named Nightmare by the Crystal Exarch.
Been Arrested: Was technically going to be arrested for Regicide during the events of the Bloody Banquet, but Yume escapes Ul’dah along with her fellow Warriors of Light.
Unsundered: ??? (Not Azem)
Source: Yume Aino, Warrior of Light, 8 times rejoined
First: Renda-Rae, rejoined during ShB 5.0
Second: ???, rejoined in 3rd Calamity (Fire)
Third: ???, rejoined in 4th Calamity (Earth)
Fourth: ???, status unknown
Fifth: ???, rejoined in 1st Calamity (Wind)
Sixth: ???, rejoined in 5th Calamity (Ice)
Seventh: Tifa Lockhart, rejoined in 7th Calamity (Bahamut)
Eighth: ???, status unknown
Ninth: ???, status unknown
Tenth: Auron, rejoined in 6th Calamity (Water)
Eleventh: ???, status unknown
Twelfth: ???, rejoined in 2nd Calamity (Lightning)
Thirteenth: Rubicante, deceased as of patch 6.3
As of patch 7.0, Yume will begin by wandering Tural with Zenos as they hunt down Tural Vidraal, since Yume is now a newly trained Viper. Yume and Zenos did not assist in the Rite of Succession for any candidate. However, they helped in the defense of Tuliyollal both times that the city is attacked, and they fought in the final battle alongside Hali and the other WoLs. Following the final battle, Yume and Zenos remain in Tural for a while before they head back to their home in Shirogane.
NOTE: Yume's story follows all of the major events of the MSQ as she is a Warrior of Light. The only major canon diversion is that in her canonverse, there are multiple Warriors of Light (notably my main OC Hali Aloke @starrysnowdrop and my friends’ OCs) and Yume’s ancient self is NOT Azem. Yume won’t always be the main focus of certain MSQ events either, as my main WoL is Hali. Feel free to ask me for any specifics in this regard.
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itsmarjudgelove · 1 month
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Nabeshima Katsushige's armour, used at the time of the Battle of Sekigahara. Sent by his father to assist the Tokugawa cause and help defend Fushimi Castle, Katsushige (December 4, 1580 – May 7, 1657) arrived after the siege began, and instead of helping the Tokugawa allies within the castle as ordered, he joined the attackers in laying siege to Fushimi. Later, he joined the attack on Tsu Castle, thus missing being on the main arena at Sekigahara. Following the battle he very quickly contacted and submitted to the Tokugawa. The armour is kept in the Nabeshima clan archives in Saga Prefecture
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lynn-w3st · 3 months
MK1: Sneak Peek (Thantophobia)
(Noun), The fear of losing someone you deeply love and cherish very much.
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Pairing: Dark Bi Han x Reader
Warning ⚠️: Mention of Blood and Gore
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You were humming along with the radio on while folding some clothes in your bedroom when your father burst in as the sound of cries and screams can be heard outside. The once sunny day was now filled with dark grey skies and an intense raging blizzard snowstorm.
“Father! What’s going on!? Why is everyone screaming!!” You said worriedly as your father was holding an injured Jun who laid him on your bed. Jun began to cough uncontrollably as blood began to flow from his mouth as he had a very nasty and large cut slash on his right eye.
“We are under attack (Y,N)! You have to escape. The Lin Kuei are attacking!” He stated as he wrapped a towel around the child’s wound. You were confused as the last you heard the Lin Kuei were at war with the Shirai Ryu and the Tokugawa clan. “They are killing anyone who are supporting the Shirai Ryu and Tokugawa.”
“What?! That doesn’t make sense!! Why would they attack if they are….” You were caught off by a man being thrown into your bedroom with two large ice spikes implanted on his back.
“By the elder gods! We must go now. It won’t be long until HE arrives to get you. You and your father aren’t save here!!” Uncle Jun said holding his bloody right eye as your father place a cloak over you to hide your face. The three of you had made a quick swift escape from the back door.
The sound of cries and screams were loud as people were running and knocking each other down. Some people in blue and black assassin garments were killing the villagers left and right as crimson blood splatter the walls and ground.
Beautiful lifeless angels were scatter across the village as you were following behind your father and uncle who shoved people out of the way. You felt someone grab your shoulder which made you jump in fear but the man was met by an ice spike piercing through his head and fell.
You let out a scream as his blood was splattered all over your face. Your uncle Jun brought you back to reality as he held your arm and took you away. The sound of your screams was heard by the Grandmaster Bi Han or in this case another version of himself but a much darker one. He couldn’t believe it. You were alive here.
His beautiful wife that he thought he had once lost was here right in front of him, only a few feet away from him. Bi Han’s rage intensified as your uncle was taking you away from him. He command his horse to take chase as two other Lin Kuei rode behind him as they follow close.
Bi Han felt his heart race in anticipation and excitement as just a few more feet and he can come in and carry you in his arms like a good husband he use to be. In the midst of the chaos and running you were then hit an ice dagger and let out a painful scream before falling to the ground. “(Y,N)!!” Your father yelled as he was running towards you but an ice dagger pierce through his chest and fell to the ground a feet away from where you were sitting with a wound.
“No!! Father!!” You cried in desperation as with the little strength you had, you crawled towards your father’s lifeless body and brought him into your arms. “Please!! Papa wake up!! Please we have to go. Don’t leave me here!” You cried as his blood was staining your dirty pink kimono.
Your body was shaking from the adrenaline and pain. The heat of your skin was sweating rapidly as the blood was flowing through your shoulder. Your uncle ran towards you but he too meet his fate as he got his head cut off by an ice dagger.
His crimson blood stained your face as his head rolled towards you with his eyes still wide open. You scream and held your father’s head close.
The sound of footsteps caught your attention as you look up to see a man wearing ninja armored clothes with white eyes standing in front of you. Bi Han had finally found you. Oh how he would never hurt you, darling. Never.
The blizzard stops down to a small snowfall as he approaches you, slowly lifting his hand to his face and removing his armored mask, revealing his starstruck face. The adrenaline in your body ceased away as you fatigue from the cold.
Without warning Bi Han caught you in his arms as you fainted. He gently rubbed your cheek with his gauntlet hand before carrying you in a bridal style position. One of his men brought his horse as he got in with you secured in his arms.
My darling,
You will never be unloved by me
You are too well tangled in my cold soul
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Note: Sorry for the lack of updates on this story. I never thought you guys would still be interested. I’ve been dealing with a personal issue recently and attending work training.
Also, I’m very rusty as it’s been a while since I posted anything for this story. I’m most likely going to stop at chapter four simply because I want to do other fandom and take a break from MK1 and focus on other things in the future.
Sorry for the inconvenience, hope you guys enjoy this sneak peek. Please message me if you guys have any questions and concerns.
Tag: @mkcrush, @khaotic-kris, @multiverse-fandoms-2001, @mamkdirb273, @can-i-be-your-blue, @coolpizzazonkplaid, @hauntedsignal, @yandere-transformers-rock
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lovedrunkheadcanons · 2 months
Chapter Contents
(Arranged Marriage Fic) Read on AO3
RATED M: WARNINGS: smut, blowjob, wife giving, husband receiving, arranged marriage, yada, yada, yada...
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Before the Warring States and Tokugawa shogunate, archeologists estimated there were once 30,000 palaces and fortresses scattered throughout Japan. When Tokugawa Ieyasu’s power waned and the Meiji era rose to prominence, that figure dwindled to a gapping 200. And by the dawn of the 20th century, combined with the wake of World War II, and the quick, sudden death of the Japanese aristocracy, the loss of palatial infrastructure was so great that some palaces were either voluntarily dismantled or left for scrap.
The Cultural Property Preservation Law, thus upending the Kokuhō Hozon-hō of 1929, currently recognized 62 castle gates and 61 turrets across 27 estates as being Jūyō Bunkazai (重要文化財) or “Important Cultural Properties.” Of those 27 estates, seven “original” palaces held the designation, with five additional palaces bestowed the higher designation of “National Treasure.”
Like her seven proud sisters, Hirosaki Castle was one of the palaces designated an Important Cultural Property, and the most well-preserved castle in northern Japan. In the 400 years since her construction under the Tsugaru clan, she’d housed many a samurai and seen much of war. The beating heart of Hirosaki City, her plastered white walls, curved tiled roofs, and earthen ramparts had survived a devastating fire in 1627 from the likes of a lightning bolt striking the central tower, and was reduced from having a five level Tenshu to three come 1810. Her domain spanned across 124 acres and included a bailey containing five original yaguramon (tower gates), three towers, and a guardhouse, each with their own name and classification, which was now accessible to the public as a national park and museum. And, as with all major palaces, a large lake garden (originally moats) circumfretted the estate in Japanese maple and ginkgo and other local fauna.
None was this garden’s beauty more appreciated than in autumn, when late October favored the occasion for Hirosaki Castle’s Annual Chrysanthemum and Autumn Foliage Festival.
Hannah was ecstatic.
Their weekend trip to Hirosaki Castle would mark her very first festival. Satoru planned to take her during Obon - as its festivals were quite popular - but work got in the way and he’d been forced to depart on a last-minute mission, to his great reluctance. He figured it was time for a change in scenery, and the suffusion of chrysanthemums and flower decor was sure to suit Hannah’s fancy.
To his pure delight, she’d been buzzing in her seat the entire train ride. The journey from Tokyo to Hirosaki City took almost five hours by train, but granted onlookers the opportunity to capture Japan’s natural beauty. As a small gift, Satoru had bought Hannah a brand new Nikon camera, which she quickly put to use. Every few minutes or so, he’d sneak her snapping a picture of the passing autumnal mountainscape, tongue sticking out as she focused the lens, her hazel eyes wide and innocently transfixed. “Pretty,” he’d hear her whisper. The sight made his chest ease and his tummy flutter. This was what love felt like. Ugh, adorable.
The cute pink puffer jacket she wore and pom-pom hat shaped like a polar bear made her all the more adorable. The weather was forecasted to be quite cold. He had stuffed her mittens inside his coat pockets in case she needed them.
“Say cheese,” she sang, facing the camera towards him.
Satoru was in the middle of slurping a hot cocoa, he hadn’t had time to wipe his face before the Nikon went “click.”
Hannah couldn’t contain her giggle as she sat back down and showed him the result, gushing. Satoru leaned over her shoulder.
Yup, she got him good. The photo caught the Six Eyes wielder completely off guard, a blinking look of surprise marring his face, strewn with a mustache of whipped cream atop his upper lip. His oval sunglasses were sliding off his nose.
“Gotcha,” she gloated.
Satoru scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. “You just got lucky,” and hurriedly swiped the cream off his lips.
Hannah beamed him a winning smile and giggled again, her freckled cheeks rosy as could be. She was really pretty when she smiled. It gave Satoru an idea.
“Hey, I got a better one for ya.” He dished out his phone and waved his finger. “C’mere.”
Hannah tilted her head, curious at what he was planning, but scooted on closer. Satoru took off his sunglasses and folded them in his lap. Protectively, she felt his arm drape over her shoulders, embracing her to him. Comfortable with their position, he then angled the phone in front of them and switched the camera to “selfie mode.” He sweetly rested his chin atop her head, smelling the lavender in her shampoo.
Realizing now what he was up to, Hannah cuddled into him and smiled up at the camera.
His thumb tapped the button.
Wedded bliss frozen in time. The selfie had been their first taken as husband and wife. Their very first picture, on their way to Hannah’s very first autumn festival. Memories they’d look back on when they were old and grey, when life would become tough and the world a mess. But this. This was theirs to keep forever. A happiness no tragedy or disaster could upend. A marriage. A family.
“Not bad,” Satoru hummed.
“Yeah,” agreed Hannah, marveling at the Six Eyes, so nacreous and blue. Couldn’t replicate that color even if you tried. “We should have it framed when we get home. It can go on your nightstand.”
“Yeah.” This received her a loving peck on the cheek. “I’d like that. Good thinking. And Hannah?”
“Mmm?” she peered up at him.
He winked, showing her his camera screen again, this time with a picture of him having just kissed her cheek.
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One of the five go-sekku, Chrysanthemums festivals were first introduced to Japan via China, who venerated the autumn flower for its timeless beauty and medicinal properties. It was believed steeping the petals in a hot tea could elongate one's life and cure aches and pains. For that reason, it was popular for palaces and Buddhist shrines to plant mums in gardens. The Imperial Seal of Japan, stamped on every passport and royal document, also bore the bloom as its emblem, and many poets and artists used the herbaceous flora for inspiration. Some restaurants even utilized the petals as a garnish when serving sashimi.
Hannah knew mums belonged to the Asteraceae family, placing them in the same grouping as daisies, dahlias, and zinnias. In fact, a lesser known name for a chrysanthemum was a “florist’s daisy.” They came in a variety of cultivars and colours; mostly reds, yellows, and purples, some with long, spider-like petals that stretched outwards like sea anemones, others more compact with tightly-round layers reminiscent of doll faces. Cheerey as could be.
The Hirosaki Castle gardens were rife with them, exhibiting a magnanimous array of species and shapes. Atsumono. Kudamono. Ichimonji. Every variant one could think of. Hannah took her time admiring the flower beds, zooming her camera to capture the perfect photo.
They departed for Hirosaki Castle immediately after checking into their inn. Satoru didn’t want a place too far and optioned for a location within walking distance; a ryokan owned by a kind elderly couple 15 mins from the castle. They took their key, dropped their bags, and arrived at the castle by early afternoon, more than enough time to enjoy the festival and eat lunch.
“A lot of people here today,” Hannah commented when they crossed the palace gates. She was right. There were a lot of people, but Satoru said it only elevated the experience. The more the merrier.
At least, that’s what he told her. In truth, this was no time to slack off. Hannah has to stay with you at all times, rang Nanami’s voice. The Six Eyes wielder scanned the area for any potential adversaries. It already bothered him that a pair of perverted young men, who were clearly from the countryside and had never seen a foreigner before, were taking random snapshots of his wife without her knowledge. He’d issued them the most menacing glare. Get lost. The tourists would catch the flash of his eyes and immediately hightail it in the other direction. That’s right, dweebs, keep your dicks in your pants. She’s mine.
They toured the rows of chrysanthemum gardens. Horticulturists had weaved storytelling into that year’s displays. Lifesize dolls, covered head to toe in real flowers, brought to life many of the folktales passed down by tradition, including historic figures like Lord Tsuguru walking amongst the flowers, he too partaking in the festivities like his subjects, katana strapped to his waist.
The most striking red maples Satoru had ever seen cloaked the surrounding forest in fire, made more intense by the brightness of the autumn sun. At night, spotlights would illuminate the maples, so only the scarlet leaves were visible amongst the shadows, making the viewing more memorable for garden enthusiasts. They’d be sure to return come sunset to see for themselves.
For a low admission fee, Hirosaki Castle could be seen up close and toured on the inside. Except, upon arriving, the size of the castle bore little semblance to what they imagined.
“It’s so tiny,” Hannah squealed, pretending to squish the castle between her fingers. “How cute.”
“Kind of a let down,” Satoru muttered. He had yet to see the castle in person until now.
Hannah took his hand. “I wanna go in, c’mon.”
This was easier said than done. Standing 6’3 had its drawbacks. The door leading inside the castle was so squat and narrow, Satoru had to bow half-way to fit through, while his wife sauntered in like it was made for her. The castle’s interior was nothing special (in his opinion), just a gift shop and a video detailing the current renovations plans. However, there was an alarmingly steep flight of stairs with a red warning sign nailed to the wall. Satoru was close to having a mini heart attack, watching his wife hobble up the creaking wooden boards. He kept a ready hand on her bum, following close behind. The way down was more perilous, him holding onto her hand afraid she’d slip and roll an ankle. By the time they’d finished roaming the small castle, Satoru felt he had a permanent crick in his back.
The boat ride was much more relaxing. He and Hannah boarded a little isobune, oarred by a retired fisherman, who glided them around the moat. The cascade of falling orange and gold leaves landing atop the water was breathtaking as they passed under a red bridge, and the unshaded sun felt good on their faces, despite the chilly weather. Hannah rested her head along Satoru’s arm and closed her eyes, listening to the water churn against the oar and a lark singing in the distance. The world at peace.
They ate rice balls and fish sticks and caramelized apples from a vendor parked along the garden path. Then finished their day with scouting the nursery where visitors could buy bushels of chrysanthemums and ornate bonsai. Hannah was tempted, but thought the chrysanthemums they had back home were better.
At last, the sun dipped behind the northern mountains. The Gojo couple stuck around to take pictures of the illuminated maple trees. The pathway had become so dark. It was difficult to see anything other than the red and gold leaves. The rest was pitch black.
“Oh, Satoru. Look at these.” Hannah raced towards a group of maples she’d spotted.
There was a rustling noise. Unsettling laughter.
“You could do it, Satoru…The impossible.”
Satoru hurriedly whipped around.
“Even that has meaning…”
But saw nothing. No one was there. The wind. Perhaps it was the wind. Yes, it was only the wind.
“Satoru?” Hannah called concernedly from ahead.
Deep breaths, Satoru. He was hearing things. It was all in his head. The Six Eyes would’ve seen him.
“Yeah, coming, sweetheart.”
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That night they laid together in bed, skin to skin. It was smart of them to eat when they did. Most restaurants were closed by the time they arrived back at their ryokan. Hannah was busy massaging his hands, running her little fingers over the minuscule scars and toughened calluses, relieving the tension in his joints. Felt good.
“Have you always liked being a giant?” she mused, halting her massage to splay her palm over his, not even half its size.
He grinned at her hyperbole, giving off a meager shrug. “There’s advantages, I guess. Makes me faster, stronger, but it also attracts unwanted attention. I can’t hide for shit.”
“True,” Hannah stipulated. “You do tend to stand out in a crowd.”
“Mmhm.” He absentmindedly began twisting the gold wedding band on her finger. Part of him contemplated whether buying her a diamond ring to go with it. Like they do in the movies.
“But I’d say you wear it rather well.”
He stopped twisting and huffed tiredly. “Not much choice in that regard. For me, it’s either fear the spotlight or embrace it. There's really no third option.”
Hannah planted a reassuring kiss on his chest near his heart.
“What about you?” he countered. “How have you liked being a mouse?”
She took slight umbridge at that. “I’m not a mouse.”
“Fine, a very cute mouse.”
She swatted him lightly before returning her head to his chest. “I suppose it has its upsides.” Her voice held a somber note as she traced his pectorals.”I can fade into the background whenever I want. No one cares if I’m here or there…”
He sensed she hadn’t finished. “But?”
“But that’s just it. No one cares what happens to a nobody.”
He brought the dainty hand tracing his muscles to his lips, kissing its knuckles.
“Try convincing me of that.”
Hannah smiled, thinking he was too good to be true and any moment she’d wake up from this dream. After so many years living a barely-there existence, this sense of belonging, of being wanted, was more than her prayers could answer. What a blessing to have this man in her life, despite the political circumstances surrounding their union. He deserved everything for making her this happy. She would gladly give what little she had, be it words or her body.
A titillating warmth pooled inside her stomach, spreading between her thighs, desirous and hungry, not quite satiated by their earlier round of sex. Propping herself on her elbows, her lips sought the company of his own. He welcomed them greedily, tongue slipping inside her mouth to lean in deeper for a taste. A languid moan hovered on the edge of her throat as she rolled her body on top of him, begging to be nearer, closer.
Satoru’s hands cupped her ass, kneading the soft flesh like mounds of dough. He too stifled a groan as her lips broke away and began trailing hot, steamy kisses down his neck, sucking and licking his collarbone. The hands cupping her bare ass squeezed harder as she worked her way towards his nipple, giving it a few teasing flicks. She lowered her hands, letting them run over the contour of his abs, down, down, down. He felt the jolt of electricity percolate through his spine to the very tip of his penis, pulsing incessantly.
Damn, she was learning fast, he thought, having recently confessed his secret like for nippie action. He reckoned he was rock solid now.
“Saaa~tor~uuuu,” she sang.
Holy fuck, and that voice. She could trick him into committing mass murder with that angel-sweet voice. The sway it had over him. Seemed like only yesterday she was standing in her wedding kimono, stuttering, too nervous to make eye contact till he forcibly grabbed her chin. Her confidence had since skyrocketed. For lack of a better analogy, she was playing him like a finely-tuned fiddle and he was powerless to fight her.
“Hannah,” he moaned, once her hand reached under to cup his balls. He surrendered a sharp gasp. She weighed them in her palm, gyrating them slowly just as he instructed her, careful not to hurt him.
“Yes, darling?” Her other hand reached over to grip the hard length of his cock, pressing loving circles into the base with her thumb. Then, gentle as a lamb, pulling it downwards, unfurling the delicate foreskin to reveal the slick head underneath.
For fuck’s sake.
“Is this alright, love?” she purred amorously. “Do you want me to stop?”
Only then did he realize he was short of breath.
“No,” he panted. “Never.”
Hannah held a serene, sated look on her face, not the kind born of selfish lust or sheer dominance, but of total adoration. “Okay then.” She pecked him on the lips for good luck and joined her thumb and index together just as he taught her, hovering them inches above his erection. “Ready?”
He gulped once and gave a swift nod. The hand came down.
His moans were immutable by that point, though, frankly, he didn’t give a shit. Because each second of his wife’s goddess-like touch, her magic fingers stroking his cock up and down, brought him closer to heaven.
“I know you’ve been stressed lately,” she soothed between strokes. “Just tell me when, darling.”
Boy, wasn’t that the truth. The threat of Suguru’s reemergence placed everyone on alert. The higher-ups were relentless in their tyranny, working Satoru to the bone. He’d been dispatched on three high-level missions last week spanning across the country, when all he wanted to do was sleep, eat mochi ice cream, and make hot love to his wife. On the surface he made it look easy, but on the inside he longed for a break.
That’s what he loved most about Hannah. She always knew. He didn’t have to lie and don the mask.
Her strokes grew faster.
For a brief moment, Satoru thought his soul tore in two. He was barely conscious of his surroundings. Planet Earth? Where’s that? All that remained was his wife’s melodic voice and the orgasm preparing to take over and exit his body. He felt the tension surmount in his groin, jizz funneling up his balls, waiting for its queue to shoot. His breathing quickened, jaw clenched, nostrils flaring.
Knowing he was close, Hannah sat up criss-cross on the bed and scooted herself in, wrapping his long legs around her waist to hold him steady, giving him perfect view of her breasts. Finding the position more comfortable, she continued stroking his cock in her lap like a clay potter, hands working and wringing him in. He couldn’t speak, or think straight. Soon his hips started to buck on their own accord.
“That's it, Satoru. Easy now.”
She didn’t have to do anything except keep her hands still. Nature would take care of the rest, the receptors in his brain telling his spine to “giddy up.”
His thrusts began to readily excelerate, going faster in conjunction with the volition of his climax, the back-and-forth friction causing Hannah’s hand to grow shockingly hot. She caught the sheen of sweat on his skin, the darkness of his cock. He grunted hard with each snap of his pelvis.
At once, his thrusts slowed, and then on the count of three, his hips jilted upwards for a grand finish.
He bellowed out her name as the orgasm tore through him, streams of thick jissom gushing over his stomach in quick bursts. Hannah continued pumping, squeezing out as much as she could, relishing the triumph of his release soiling her bare hands, keeping him going until he’d run on empty.
Considering how much they’d been making love, she was surprised he lasted as long as he did.
Hannah’s pumping lessened as his breathing gradually returned to normal, his senses coming to.
“Stay put,” she hushed, granting him a celebratory kiss. “I’ll go fetch you a towel.”
“Uh huh,” he groused, every muscle in his legs and groin feeling tingky and loose, brain lost in a fog. His tongue was like lead. He could barely form a sentence.
Brushing a stray lock of white hair from his face, Hannah left to go find him a clean towel.
Weakly, Satoru managed to glance down at the mess he had made on his thighs and stomach. He released a winded sigh as his head hit the pillow, then broke into a rich, hearty laugh. And to think this was now his new normal.
“Yare, yare.”
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The couple decided to explore more of the city the next day. Satoru knew all the best spots in town, having frequented Hirosaki on countless missions. The city was small, a population of 180,000 or less, but held rich history regarding samurai and the Fujita family, making it notorious for curse incidents. Satoru couldn’t begin to recall how many strangers would come across a random cursed object; a sword, or an arrow head, stupidly get the idea to touch it, then wind up dead on the road somewhere for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Always sucked when the victims were children.
Anyway, no need to relive those memories. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...
Hannah wanted to visit another garden - cause of course she did - and peruse the local shops. Great.
But first, breakfast.
Satoru discovered Cafe Buruman three summers ago while on the hunt for some shaved ice. He didn’t find the ice (sadly), but did sample a delicious raspberry tartlet and a frappuccino. And it was located right next to their ryokan, which may have not been accidental.
The cafe had a traditional charm to it, evident by its cypress furnishings and a rare selection of Okura Pottery bowls shelved behind the bar counter. Stored inside glass cabinets were other fine china pieces, some of which were available for purchase. Classical music played elegantly in the background. Hannah was smitten the moment they entered the door.
They placed their orders; Hannah, a fruit parfait and peach tea; Satoru, a chocolate tartlet and white mocha latte, and picked a table over by the window.
“I received an invitation the other day,” Hannah said once they were seated and their food arrived.
Satoru picked up his spoon. “Oh? From who?”
“Lady Kamo Hatsumomo.”
The spoonful of tartlet, having just reached his mouth, nearly rolled off his tongue in disgust.
Hannah took it as a bad sign. “I’m guessing you don’t like her?”
“Like her?” he said, chewing his tartlet. “The woman’s a psycho. I know her as the eldest sister of Lord Kamo. She thinks the jujutsu world’s main purpose in life is to uphold its most antediluvian precepts.”
“Antediluvian.” Hannah brightened. “There’s your word of the day.”
Satoru smirked. “I have my moments. The point is, she despises anyone who doesn’t conform to her narrow set of beliefs.”
“And me being a foreigner probably doesn’t help,” Hannah suspected.
Her husband frowned. “I doubt it.”
“Why would she invite me to her house then?”
Satoru too wondered this. On the one hand, it made perfect sense to invite Hannah as she was his wife and therefore carried great influence, but even so. Hatsumomo was no friend to non-sorcerers, especially when it came to foreigners. He remembered Ichiro’s banishment from the family for marrying Kumari.
But unable to find a satisfactory answer as to why, he reached across the table. “Remember, you don’t have to accept," and took Hannah’s hand. “It’s your call.”
Hannah sighed and stared down at their hands. “We’ll see."
That was good enough for Satoru. The Six Eyes wielder went back to sipping his latte then looked over, staring out through the glass window. His best friend stood on the sidewalk, waving candidly at him, same long jet-black hair, black shirt, black sweatpants...
Wait, what now?
Satoru squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, opening them back up to see an empty street.
Just his mind playing dirty tricks again.
“Everything alright?” Hannah’s eyes were slightly tainted with worry.
“I’m fine,” Satoru replied, offering her a curt smile, running his thumb over her knuckles.
It was all in his head. Nothing more.
Yup, he was perfectly fine.
Chapter Contents
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Ibaraki
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
茨 いばら、かや、くさぶき、シ、ジ briar, thorn
城 しろ、き、ジョウ castle
県 ケン prefecture
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Mito (水戸市)
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Amidst sprawling fields of beautiful flowers, Ibaraki also hosts Tsukuba Science City, Japan's premier research center and the home of Japan's space agency and numerous museums. Ibaraki is known historically for being the home of the Mito branch of the Tokugawa clan during the Edo Period and has long been associated with notable events in Japanese history. The first Nuclear Energy Research Institute was founded here in 1956. You can see space exhibits, actual space craft, and simulations at Tsukuba Space Center.
Outside of the major cities there are many natural areas to explore in the Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-national Park. Hitachi Seaside Park is famous in the spring for its carpets of blooming blue nemophila. Kairaku-en is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan. Mt. Tsukuba is a famous night view spot with a view of the Kanto Plain, including Tokyo Tower and the Tokyo Sky Tree, with a ropeway for convenient access. Ibaraki is also a major producer of natto.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット
Fukuroda Falls (Fukuroda no Taki) - 袋田の滝
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Photo by Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
One of the three most beautiful waterfalls in Japan, Fukuroda Falls is a 120-meter tall cascading waterfall in northwestern Ibaraki Prefecture in the remote hills of the town of Daigo. It is also on the registered list of the Top 100 Waterfalls of Japan (determined by the Ministry of Environment). These falls are also called the Yodo Falls (Yodo no Taki) because the water stream falls on four large rock faces. It is also said that the renowned monk Saigyo Hoshi greatly praised the falls by saying that you should view the different beauty of the falls in all four (yo) seasons.
They are particularly attractive in early November with the peak autumn foliage as well as peak water flow. There are several different views of the waterfall, and you cannot view it in its entirety all at the same time. Within the Fukuroda Waterfall complex there are neon tunnels and elevators to take you to different levels and viewing platforms. It is said that you will be successful in love if you find a heart in the waterfall. There are also numerous hot springs nearby.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理
Monkfish Hot Pot - あんこう鍋
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Photo by yosshi / CC BY-SA 2.0
The monkfish (also referred to as angler fish, goosefish, depending on the source I found) is a prized delicacy of Ibaraki and is best eaten fresh. Because these fish are too soft and slimy to cut up on a chopping board, they are prepared using the traditional tsurushi-giri technique, which involves cutting up the fish while suspended from a hook. In Japan, almost all parts of the monkfish are eaten, including fins, skin, gills, liver, stomach, ovaries and flesh—referred to as the “seven tools of the monkfish” in Japanese. The steamed liver is called ankimo and is considered a delicacy that may be eaten alone, or added to the hotpot soup for extra flavor. Anko nabe (monkfish hot pot) is a seasonal favorite consisting of monkfish, vegetables, and flavored broth.
Ibaraki Dialect・Ibaraki-ben・茨城弁
りんごあっけ? ringo akke?
Standard Japanese: りんごありますか? (ringo arimasu ka?) English: Do you have any apples?
あしにあおなじみできちった ashi ni aonajimi dekichitta
Standard Japanese: 足に青あざができちゃった (ashi ni aoaza ga dekichatta) English: I have a bruise on my leg
ごじゃっぺなやつだ (gojyappe na yatsu da)
Standard Japanese: いい加減な人; やくにっ立たない人 (iikagen na hito; yaku ni tatanai hito) English: He's a good-for-nothing person
「行ってもいがっぺ?」 (itte mo igappe?) 「来たらいがっぺ」 (kitara igappe)
Standard Japanese: 「行ってもいいですか?」 「来てもいいですよ」 ("itte mo ii desu ka?" "kite mo ii desu yo") English: "Is it alright if I come?" "Yes please come"
あれは犬だっぺ (are wa inu dappe)
Standard Japanese: あれは犬です (are wa inu desu) English: That is a dog
いがい車だな (igai kuruma da na)
Standard Japanese: 大きい車ですね (ookii kuruma desu ne) English: That's a big car, isn't it
杖がおっちょれる (tsue ga occhoreru)
Standard Japanese: 杖が折れた (tsue ga oreta) English: The cane broke in half
カラスををおっとばす (hato o ottobasu)
Standard Japanese: カラスを追い払う (hato o oiharau) English: Drive away the crows
その日、大事? (sono hi, daiji?)
Standard Japanese: その日、大丈夫? (sono hi, daijyoubu?) English: Is that day ok for you?
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yeonban · 1 year
Soma's bushido summed up:
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#muse: date soma.#That's one of Soma's canon quotes from 15 years ago btw... it's an embedded belief by present day#Naotora in his speech patterns: (flexible) want to. should [do x bc he feels it's a good idea].#Soma in his speech patterns: (rigid) have to. can't [do x bc it isn't smth that's allowed].#Not to say he doesn't /want/ to see a better world. He does. but the more idealistic version of him died over a decade ago#He wouldn't be pushed to keep going by just thinking that he 'wants' to do something or 'wants' to see something happen#what is 'want' in a society that represses individuality and calls for everyone to live for their nation/clan rather than themselves#'must' and 'have to' are firmer concepts that he can hold on to. it means there are /important/ things at stake if he doesn't follow thru#Ask Naotora what he wants and he's going to list off a hundred things as easily as he breathes#Ask Soma what he wants and he's going to stare at you like you've grown a second head bc wdym what he /wants/#Naotora is what he wants to be first and foremost. Soma is what he needs to be first and foremost.#It's why I'm so :') at his interactions w/ Seiroku bc he doesn't /have/ to be anything around him and that's a VERY novel feeling#Soma w/ his people: I'm their captain -> I must never show them weaknesses. I have to be an unshakeable stronghold#Soma w/ the grand generals: We're friends but also rivals -> I have to remain on my guard about their propositions & not show any weakness#Tsubasa's kind of an exception but EVEN W/ HER... Soma doesn't /fully/ let his guard down; altho it's mainly out of force of habit#He does trust her; and he does a lot of things she wants him to bc he has a soft spot for her & knows she doesn't mean him harm#but at the end of the day... ALL of the grand generals are competing against each other#there are only so many resources they can use (esp in this arc) and their duty; which comes first; is to ensure their own band's survival#so despite trusting Tsubasa; at the back of his mind he's prepared for the eventuality of her choosing the Tokugawa over their friendship#He cherishes his childhood friends but man is there a LOT of baggage and a very specific detachedness in his interactions w/ them#That for the better or for the worse aren't there (at least rn) in his interactions w/ Seiroku which allows Soma to Be Himself
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konjaku · 5 months
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双葉葵[Futabaaoi] Asarum caulescens
双葉[Futaba] : Two leaves
葵[Aoi] : Wild ginger, hollyhock, mallow
It grows in dimly lit areas of forests. It is so named because one stem divides in the middle and produces two leaves. It has small flowers like mushroom caps around this time of year, but I could not confirm it this time. As mentioned above, there are several plants with the name Aoi, but this one is wild ginger, or one of the genus Asarum.
葵祭[Aoi matsuri](Aoi festival, or Kamo festival) in Kyoto is so called because the 双葉葵紋, the crest of 賀茂神社[Kamo jinja], is displayed in various places. Another name of Futabaaoi is Kamoaoi. 紋[Mon] means crest, 神社 means shrine. And, it is also the design motif of the crest of Tokugawa clan, the 三つ葉葵紋. 三つ葉[Mitsuba] means three leaves. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Japanese_Crest_Futaba_Aoi.svg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aoi_Matsuri https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokugawa_clan
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Kotaro / コタロウ, Mokushu / フウマ, Kohga / コウガ, and Igasato / 忍びの里
Kotaro (JP: コタロウ; rōmaji: kotarou) is the daimyo of the nation of Mokushu who allies with Nohr in Fire Emblem Fates. Like Saizo, Kotaro is named after a legendary Sengoku era figure that may or may not have existed. Fūma Kotarō (JP: 風魔小太郎) was the alleged fifth head of the Fūma clan. This clan, practiced in Fūma-ryū ninjutsu, served under the powerful Hōjō clan until they were dismantled by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Stories of Kotarō and the Fūma clan describe them as a dreaded band of thieves causing trouble. Some say that he led two hundred men known as rappa (JP:乱波), meaning 'thief' or 'spy'. The most infamous tale of them is that they swarmed a Takeda clan camp during the Battle of Omosu, sowing chaos and spiking the death toll.
After the collapse of the Hōjō clan, it is said that the Fūma clan, though dwindled in numbers, remained active. By the rise of the Tokugawa Shogunate, what remained of them were little more than roaming bandits. The more time passed, the more outlandish the stories of Kotarō grew. The most tame say that he managed to murder his mortal enemy, the historical samurai and leader of the Iga-ryū ninja—Hattori Hanzō. Others lean into the 魔 (rōmaji: ma) "demon" in Fūma, claiming that he was a colossal man and part oni. Never mind that the rivalry between Kotarō and Hanzō only came about in fictitious accounts, and that the earliest form of the name Fūma is rendered as 風間 rather than 風魔.
The Hoshidan nation of Mokushu bears a very peculiar name. In Japanese, another reading for the word for trees or wood, 木 (rōmaji: ki) is moku. Then shu likely comes from the Japanese counter for trees, 株 (rōmaji: shu). It may also be intended to invoke 衆 (rōmaji: shū), a sonkeigo (respectful language used when speaking to a superior or customer) word meaning "people; group". Thus, the name Mokushu can be interpreted as "Trees" or "Tree People," relating to the dense forests of the land.
At least, that's the localization of the country's name. In Japanese, Mokushu is instead called フウマ (rōmaji: fūma). That's right: the original name is a direct reference to the Fūma-ryū ninjas. It seems this was considered too on-the-nose by the localizers. Unfortunately, this change broke the chain of locations named after ninja schools.
Kohga (JP: コウガ; rōmaji: kōga) was a nation destroyed by Kotaro and the Mokushujin. The name is derived from Kōga-ryū—called 甲賀流 (rōmaji: kōka ryū) in the native language—one of the major schools of ninjutsu during the Sengoku period. Originating from the city of Kōka, the ninja and samurai of this school served the Rokkaku clan opposing the mighty Oda clan. Though the clan persisted beyond the sixteenth century, the last head of the school refused to teach anyone, leaving Kōga-ryū to die in the 1900s. This may be the basis of Kohga's end.
Additionally, there may be a tie to one of the earliest published works that influenced depictions of Fūma Kotarō. In 1661, 古老軍物語 (rōmaji: korōgun monogatari) or "Old Army Tales," there is a rappa ninja called 風間の三郎太郎 (rōmaji: kazama no saburō tarō). Note that Kazama (風間), a name he received for his ability to slip through tightly guarded locations as easy as the wind, is written the same as the original form of Fūma. Kazama was said in the text to originate from Kōka. Some have also linked this Kazama figure to the legendary hero Kōga Saburō (JP: 甲賀三郎), described in the Shintōshū to be the human form of the Suwa god Suwa Myōjin. That may just be coincidence, however, as there is no overt relation to the nation of Kohga or its only known inhabitant.
Lastly, Igasato is the ninja village Saizo and Kaze call home. The name combines the Japanese word 里 (rōmaji: sato), meaning 'village' or 'countryside' and Iga-ryū, another major ninja school. This practice started in the Iga Province, hence the name. The prevalence of ninja activity in both this province and the close proximity to the city of Kōka has caused many to believe this to be where ninjutsu began. Despite modern depictions of the two schools displaying a nasty rivalry between them, the Iga-ryū and Kōga-ryū were very close and frequently cooperated. Both supported the Rokkaku clan, and after the rise of the Tokugawa Shogunate, both clans would be hired by Tokugawa Ieyasu, in part to his relation with the Iga ninja Hattori Hanzō. This may have inspired how Saizo and Kaze act as retainers to the Hoshidan royal family. Similarly, the aforementioned feud between Hanzō and Kotarō likely served as the basis for the conflict between Fire Emblem's Saizo and Kotaro, after the previous Saizo was killed.
At least, I would say that if Igasato wasn't a localization change. While the team behind Fates' western release removed the direct reference to the Fūma clan, they simultaneously added a new name relating to another ninja school. In Japanese, all mentions of Igasato by Saizo instead have him say 忍びの里 (rōmaji: shinobi no sato): literally "ninja village". Given how there are likely many "ninja villages" across Hoshido, giving the "Christmas Ninjas" a proper name to their home was a wise decision.
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cerastes · 10 months
The standing of clans in the Tokugawa Shogunate greatly depended on one particular factor: Time in which they showed support for Ieyasu, thus, clans that supported the Tokugawa before the Battle of Sekigahara had a significantly better lot in life than those that voiced support after the battle. It wasn’t the last battle, but it was the last decisive battle.
Likewise, in the My Blog Shogunate, there are two kinds of mutuals:
The mutuals that reblogged my post from me, imbued with honor, grace, integrity, allies that will carry my wounded form on horseback in my time of need. Providence resides in their hearts, justice guides their blade, and love gives it strength.
The mutuals that like the post, but only reblog it later from someone else after it already gets a bit of traction, crooks, snakes, weathervanes, conniving dagger-gripping miscreants with plastic smiles and idle hands, split-tongued ruffians that can’t wait for my downfall.
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